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FRI., JAN. 28, 1994 3:31 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 165

FRI., JANUARY 28, 1994

Dharma, I write this to you but for ALL for you ARE all, you know--we, within the ONE are the ALL.

As the pain of confusion and assault come upon you over and over again, I watch you search elsewhere for that which might lift your own spirits in a detached (from me) way so that you can find the balance of which others of your enemy say you are unbalanced.

It is fine to seek and attain solace and reassurance in the hand­work of another that you can more objectively see and relate that which overflows your own senses--but you need it not for your hands write the Truth of GOD and in the senses of a human expression--YOU need no other.

Precious child, the work which shall be your greatest is not yet written in this experience. It will not be tales of explosions and physical relationships which shall be the greatest stories ever told--it will be the Truth of the spiritual passages within the Cre­ation of which we are each destined to express our individual manifestations and service.

I see you look upon the faces in the paintings of great artists who efforted to catch the soul of the Son of Man, as a for instance, and you see great compassion, humor, and above all you see the sadness of a soul in pain for that which HE sees about HIM in his vision of greatness. I watch you now look into the mirror and beyond the seeming reflection you are beginning to recognize the deep, deep sadness of your soul as you confront a task of awakening, not just the brothers--but self in realization of Truth.
I watched you weep at the printed photograph of Lit­tle Crow as he embraced a person at one of his gatherings and the recognition of the sadness reflected in his eyes was so painful to your own soul as to bring tears. This, child, is "compassion", "recognition" and the reaching out in inability of self to carry the burden of that other for whom you care so much. This can be friend, enemy or blood relations--it is all the same as each must bear his own and you must bear yours--while ever searching for ability to SHARE that which can support but never take from that "other". This very expression IS THE BEAUTY AND GIFT OF GOD--THAT YOU MIGHT EX­PRESS THAT SOUL OF SELF MAY KNOW.

For man of Earth in a time of crisis, as with your world today, and even unto the things which happen--it must be that man be given confirmations and that which others have presented so that he can find something recognized upon which to base "belief". When we come to soul, spiritual being--we must share, but only share. We can be a light, a guide if accepted, and we can re­flect the Truth--but each will come into recognition according to his own time and journey. We can only "be" that which is GODLY (not pious and affronting in great authority of per­ceived expertism) in example. This will not always (perhaps rarely) match the picture drawn by the ungodly religions built by man. Man has efforted to draw away from the Truth of God to his best ability to do so. However, it is through THESE perceptions and opinions that ones must question themselves--not according to the LAWS and KNOWING within God. Why? Because it will cause you to see that the rules and foolishness of man rarely match the TRUTH OF GOD.

Do I, Hatonn, go about with sad expressions upon my countenance? NO! The reflections you witness are the expression of soul THROUGH THE PERCEPTIONS OF THE HUMAN PHYSICAL wherein there is effort to express that which is non-expressible. Further, you are seeing that aspect of a given en­tity expressing in the shackles of human consciousness wherein the total evil is an unconceivable affront to righteousness of soul in knowing. Complicated? Perhaps to those who do not have understanding but totally reasonable and understood to those who seek and struggle and cannot come to total peace in the journey.

Ones look for a "Heaven" upon Earth--WHY? If "heaven" were upon earth--what have you? You have no earth--only HEAVEN! This is the same as darkness. When you light the darkness you no longer have "darkness". There are places wherein you have the presence of God at varying levels of understanding and presence. These are the fragments for which you must seek and ever diligently effort to attain. In the tasks, passage and expressions you CAN become one with that entity in progression--but you shall not become THE ENTITY for "that" is of another experience and expression. This does not mean that elements of perfection cannot be accomplished while upon a third dimensional placement such as "Earth". It means that man will ruin his own expression by always seeking that which "was", or may be--rarely REALLY seeing that which IS. If you choose a path that allows yourself to express SEPARATE AND APART FROM SELF AND THAT WHICH IS GOING ON ABOUT YOU--you err! You err because unless YOU ARE PRESENT in the moment--you are but an observer and that is of no more value to "action" in changing than is a nighttime dream in which you DO NOTHING.

Am "I", Hatonn of Command, perfection? No, but getting pretty close but not so much that you cannot relate to our ongo­ing expressing relationship that our work may be accomplished. In my status as Aton--YES INDEED I AM AT A LEVEL OF PERFECTION BY WHICH ALL OTHER PERFECTION IS MEASURED. WOULD YOU DESIRE LESS FROM YOUR TEACHER AND GUIDE? When I ask that you "trust" me I do not ask it frivolously nor do I allow you to just say, "To heck with it; I'm tired of sorting...." I expect you to designate, qualify and identify EVERY time. Your "trust" shall be based on solid evidence--not wishful fantasy. This is hard to achieve for the dream is reality and the fantasy which was once "escape" becomes a lost unreality of the "child". KNOWING is that which brings the deep abiding sadness to the eyes of the soul--for in KNOWING, there is no escape into fantasy land--only the recognized reality of that which IS.

By the same tokens of truth that which may well be considered "ugly" in a physical observation--becomes beauty so great as to shock the senses for beyond the facade of the physical lies the bare beauty or ugliness of the soul in its progression. An "ugly" person is but a reflection of the evil reflected upon the physical expression--just as is the darkly sick aura about a person versus the Lighted energy formed about the Lighted soul. I need not make example for even in the perception of the "darkly evil" being--HE KNOWS IT HIMSELF AND HATES HIMSELF!

Why is it, then, that in your own passage you cannot always be "in love" with that which is self? Because you understand not differences. "In" love and "within" love are two different states of being. You can "love" self and still wish to improve or balance that which is YOU. Let us take physical persona as exam­ple. If you are truly overweight and you look in the mirror--you do not have to "hate" self to change self. You can observe, make a choice and then accept that choice. If you wish to be thin --GET THIN but you MUST accept and love self, fat or thin. The physical expression of "YOU" is only vaguely reflected in the body you wear. When you come to realize as much you will cease to be attentive to anything so unimportant--within balance. If you are a hundred pounds overweight--you are working to hide from living and committing a form of sui­cide. This is true of any addiction or misplaced unbalance. Can you see the difference? It is important that you see and KNOW the difference. God has no objection to your changing your house and always urges you to clean up your soul. What we speak of here is the absolute focus on a body or consciousness out of unbalanced DESIRES. You should NEVER change FOR ANOTHER--only for self. If you choose to "improve" this or that--so be it but be ever sure your "reasons" are orderly and correct. The man with no feet certainly has no interest in the color of your new shoes! Think about it. Does this mean that you should not wear shoes upon your feet because that man has no feet? Folly from onset of such thought--for if you neglect your feet they too may be lost to frost or fire. When choosing the protection for your feet with which you remain blessed--why would you not also cover them in something beautiful if your earnings allow for same. To go without shoes in honor of the man with no feet is indeed STUPID. If, however, the man you observe has feet but is in sorry plight of no cause of his own (perhaps an earthquake took everything) and you are going to get new expensive shoes for your own feet for ego gratification--could you not get two less expensive pairs of shoes and BOTH have protection? You must learn the TRUTH of charity and love of brother. It is not enough to go dish out spoonfuls of soup if you be a celebrity--if you are able, you should PRO­VIDE the soup as well.

I can give you other example. When you stop taking your life-recovering supplements with an announcement that "they don't help anyway"--whose fault is it that they do not work? Further, it PROVES that you are enjoying infirmity MORE than wellness for whatever reason you conjure. When "I" provide you with that which will make you whole and you refuse to accept the gift--WHY SHOULD I THEN DO MORE? I WON'T; I WILL SIMPLY LET YOU DETERIORATE IN YOUR OWN FREE­WILL MARCH TO SUICIDE--"DEATH" IS ALWAYS "SUICIDE" AND ONES LOVE THEIR INFIRMITIES BE­YOND REASONABLE EXPLANATION. THEREFORE, IF YOU ENJOY YOUR INFIRMITIES SO MUCH, WHY SHOULD "I" RUIN YOUR DAY BY "HEALING" YOU? WHAT IS SAD, INDEED, IS THE ANNOUNCEMENT SOMEHOW THAT THAT WHICH I OFFER IS OF NO VALUE. FUNNY THING--IT IS PROVING TO BE OF IN­CREDIBLE VALUE TO OTHERS--SO, WHY NOT TO YOU? Ah, is it possibly "YOU" and not, after all--ME?

Is this attitude "wrong"? No, there is no "right" or "wrong" in such matters. It simply IS. What becomes WRONG is your expressing of your non-expert opinions upon others who prefer to believe you--THAN TRUTH. It is time to TAKE RESPON­SIBILITY. Well, it is long past time you ones take responsibil­ity for selves. However, you are running out of opportunities in the experiencing of which you are expressing.

How many of you readers, right now, have read Will Loy's Special Report: Surviving The Terrible New World Order. ? What do YOU mean by "who is Will Loy?" or "I never heard of it" or "...why didn't YOU offer it to us?" and on an on ad nauseam. Well, good friends, it is riddled with TRUTH; it is avail­able for even "I" have spoken of the truth coming from that re­source. Oh, you haven't had time to even read the CONTACT, so what of all that other stuff? So be it--you have no "right" to impose your objections and lack of interest upon another in OPINION if you don't go wherein there IS TRUTH. You will not get truth from Larry King Live without really knowing what to look for, and then, in KNOWING--you can get pails and tubs filled with absolute fact of what is taking place and coming down.

You want "Me" to be some kind of fortune teller and if a thing does not come to pass
--you can cast me off as invalid. Nope, no such luck. For instance, it is so blatantly obvious what has hap­pened, why it happened and where it is going to happen next--as to even the earthquake of recent days in Los Angeles. Don't you REALIZE that more devastating quakes have and will hap­pen, along the Mississippi River? Why don't you KNOW? There is a far more incredibly destructive quake planned for Los Angeles on an almost unrecognized "loop" of faults under the city, than will ever be caused to the same area by a 10 point San Andreas break. WHY DON'T YOU KNOW? Why haven't I told you about it? I HAVE and, moreover, we no longer have the time to preach to the winds over and over again because you "don't have time to read all that stuff".

I noted an interesting thing this very week. A friend, whom I adore, brought "back" some JOURNALS of the old printing and turned them "back" for "others to enjoy". This is a close and personal friend and yet this means that there could have only been five at most in her possession--unread. That further means that some 83 are not even known about, much the less read and studied and understood. This person would have my opinions and guidance in business matters and such--but why should I turn to deliverance into goodness when that one will not partake of my banquet? Do not misunderstand me, beloved ones, I think no less of this dear one--it is choices, always choices for GOD FORCES NO MAN TO DO OR BE ANYTHING. I want to tell you something else, however, NO MAN WHO UNDER­STANDS THE VALUE OF THE TRUTHS WE PRESENT UNTO YOU--WOULD TURN THEM BACK FOR ANY PRICE. THE WORD OF GOD IS BEYOND PRICE!

As we bring this to a close I hear such as, "Well, where is the Will Loy stuff"? Sorry, readers, I am not going to print it for you and some of you will be annoyed and put-off by it anyway--but for you who wish, you can get it from Burchette Brothers, P.O. Box 363, Lakeside, CA 92040-0363. You are welcome to please tell him Hatonn sent you --however, he probably won't recognize the label. Tell him, therefore, that GOD SENT YOU THAT YOU MIGHT FIND TRUTH and you will get the doc­ument for, you see, labels have no importance and the sooner you bring this into realization the sooner you will come into KNOWING. You don't have to worry over titles for in "titles" you must always be wary--just go with GOD AND ALL ELSE IS OF NO CONSEQUENCE. So be it and blessings be unto my children who serve without demand to "have" for in their time shall they have abundant reward. Hold to me, chelas, and to you, Dharma, who is weary and frustrated in this journey, we KNOW the way and ye ones shall be given into that which is needed for I AM AND I AM WITH YOU FOREVER.
JANUARY 25, 1994 CONTACT VOL. 4, #5.

We are combining the varied writings that are in the CONTACT with the JOURNALS so as to keep a more permanently bound and sequential one source record of what we publish for your convenience and your libraries, and for the libraries of the future.

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This year of 1994 has begun with several major, visible as­saults by "the crooks in high places" to bring the people of this once great nation under submission into the New World Order.
For most people, what is happening is simply regarded as random "natural disasters (as in the case of the devastating Los Angeles earthquakes) or just plain "Mother Nature acting up" (as in the case of the unprecedented cold weather crippling the life and economy back East).
However, readers of CONTACT know better than to view these kinds of goings on with such breathtaking naiveté. In fact, more and more of our readers are well past the stages of simply being fooled by the cruel shenanigans of the Elite crooks, or being shocked by realization of THE TRUTH. Many have moved on into the stage of positive action--of bringing the Light of Understanding to other seekers and aiming the spotlight of exposure directly into the dark places where the Elite crooks run to hide.
This week's CONTACT is exceptional in that regard. The uncoverings are happening faster and deeper, and these exposures are being made by ever more daring citizens, come for­ward to share with us that which THEY KNOW ALL TOO WELL.
What we-the-people DO with this information is the great spiritual test that is underway.
Or, as geophysical Commander Soltec reminds us in the mid­dle of a serious earthquake warning, starting on Page 148 "You are in a time of accountability for actions, and it shall be up to EACH and EVERY individual to be accountable for self....You want freedom and liberty, yet you continue to run to the very ones who would have you under control to bail you out of a bad situation. Your nation was built by those who were willing to pull themselves together and take a stand. They were tough enough to get going when times got tough, not stand around and wring hands and cry out for the Government to help them. Fear is the only thing that is standing in your way....Your strengths are your greatest weapons against the bondage".
Of course, behind ACTION is the need for INFORMATION to guide that action with Wisdom and Intelligence. Yes, THE TRUTH ought to set you free--but even more, it first ought to make you mad, as we say in the masthead above.
So, as Commander Hatonn sums it up in a writing, "What we offer is indeed 'shock therapy for awakening citizens' ....The CONTACT and the JOURNALS shall soon become THE information resource for your nation as revelations unfold and the 'great' among you join with us. We have become the big thorn-in-the-side to multitudes of Elite....Just keep on keeping on, friends, and YOU are going to produce your MIRACLES"!

--Dr. Edwin M. Young, Editor-In-Chief Of CONTACT

1/22/94 By RICK MART

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have con­nected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are cre­ated equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Govern­ment becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its pow­ers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security". [Declaration of Independence ‑1776]
"Article 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
"Article 2: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
"Article 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and
particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
"Article 6: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall
enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed... " [Bill of Rights]
We as a nation have been witness in recent months to a very dangerous trend. That trend is tyranny by law enforcement agencies, who now are not bound by the U.S. Constitution but rather are headed by the Treasury Department which falls under the scrutiny and instruction of the United Nations. The individual's rights under the Constitution are being trampled, buried, and outright ignored. We have been witness to a corrupt judi­cial system that is a 'good-ole-boy' network that looks out for its own rather than holding each accountable for the deeds carried out under the banner of The Law.
Compiled herein are a series of articles which, when seen to­gether, contemplated together, should blow the awakening horn of warning across the land... beware. Herein are examples of average people; indeed, it could be you who are next victimized by an illegal search, a false 'tip' against you. Yet even within the corruption and evil that is so very prevalent in our dying so­ciety, the power of the individual remains above even the laws which are on the books. Let me explain what I mean by that statement. "The law itself is on trial quite as much as the cause which is to be decided". [Harlan F. Stone, 12th Chief Justice. U.S. Supreme Court]
"The pages of history shine on instances of the jury's exercise of its prerogative to disregard instructions of the judge... " [U.S. vs. Dougherty, 473 F 2nd 1113, 1139 (1972)]
"As an additional reminder to a generation who has not been taught about our rights under law: 'Life is the immediate gift of God, and a right inherited by nature in every individual. '" [Evans. v. People, N.Y. , 1 Cow. Cr. R. 494, 501]
"Life... includes all personal rights and their enjoyment em­bracing the use and enjoyment of the faculties, acquiring useful knowledge, the right to many, establish a home, and bring up children, freedom of worship, conscience, contract, occupation, speech, assembly and press". [Rosenblum v. Rosenblum, 42, N.Y. S. 2d 626, 630, 181 Misc. 78.]
We include here, for your thoughtful consumption, a series of documents. First, you'll read a summarization of the Treasury Department's official version before Congress on Waco. Following this governmental summary are portions of a letter written to Attorney General Janet Reno by, now dead, Attorney Paul Wilcher. Next are excerpts from current articles concerning the trial of the Branch Davidians [Waco], which, admittedly, has been extremely underplayed or hidden in the media. It is only through the thoughtful efforts of one of our readers that we are able to bring you information about the trial, which we've not received for several days now since national attention is focused on the recent earthquake activity. You will then read about a raid which took place in September, 1993 against a family in Montana, near the Canadian border. And finally, law enforcement legend Gary Wean provides two letters which detail still further the extent of Judicial corruption within our boundaries.
It is, additionally, extremely interesting to note that there is no mention in the [traditional] media of the $20 million dollar [per plaintiff] lawsuit filed by the Cause Foundation [P. 0. Box 1235, Black Mountain, NC 28711 - Kirk David Lyons, Attorney] on behalf of Oliver Gyarfas and Elizabeth Gyarfas, and Startle Summers [Case #W93CA334 filed September 29, 1993 in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Waco Division] against President Clinton and the United States Government, Janet Reno as Attorney General and individually, and a very long list of other involved government officials.
Whenever a Ruby Ridge or Waco can occur while these God-given [unalienable] rights, supported by LAW, are in place, it sends up a red warning flag and should, by all means, give sober cause to ask the question: What is happening to the United States of America?

What follows are portions of testimony from Ronald K Noble, Assistant Secretary of Enforcement for the Department of the Treasury before the U.S. House of Representatives, House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government on October 22, 1993.

"I would like to thank the committee and you, Mr. Chairman, for the support and patience you have extended to the De­partment of the Treasury while we conducted our lengthy and searching review of the events leading up to the assault on the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco, Texas.
"The investigation produced a report that is more than 500 pages long. It reflects the hard work and dedication of many in­dividuals. The day to day direction of the investigation was di­rected by the project director, H. Geoffrey Moulton, Jr., a for­mer federal prosecutor who earlier was a law clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist. With me here today are the two as­sistant project directors. David Douglas, also a former federal prosecutor, is on leave from private practice at Wiley, Rein & Fielding here in Washington. Special Agent Lewis C. Merletti, the other assistant project director, is presently a deputy assistant director with the Secret Service. He has been with the Secret Service for over 19 years. Special agent Merletti coordinated the activities of the 16 experienced treasury investigators as­signed to the review from all of our law enforcement bureaus except, of course, ATF.
"To assure the American people that the report would be an uncompromising examination of the events leading up to the tragedy on February 28, we reached beyond the Treasury Department. We consulted 6 non-Treasury experts in tactical operations.
"To examine the issues arising from Koresh's stockpile of weapons, we also called upon two experts in firearms and ammunition.
"Finally, to review the implications of shipping invoices doc­umenting the receipt of explosives materials and components we utilized the services of two experts in explosives and the manu­facture of improvised explosives devices.
"The investigation and report were guided by three indepen­dent reviewers of national prominence and unquestioned in­tegrity.
"Each of the independent reviewers has provided to Secretary Bentsen a letter assuring the secretary that the review was thor­ough, fair and impartial. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, at the conclusion of my remarks I would like to make those let­ters part of the record of these proceedings.
"In addition, Mr. Chairman, the office of the inspector gen­eral for the Department of the Treasury monitored the investi­gation to ensure that a reasonable investigative plan was formu­lated, that it was properly implemented, that all reasonable leads were pursued and that the final report adequately addressed the material issues. With your permission, I would also like to make that opinion part of the record.
"I would be remiss in not mentioning one final group without whom we could not have carried out the mandate of President Clinton to conduct a 'vigorous and thorough' review of the events in Waco--the ATF agents. We received unqualified cooperation from the hundreds of line agents we interviewed. They wanted the truth to be told. And to ensure that it was, they not only subjected themselves willingly to protracted and no doubt painful scrutiny--they welcomed it. Without their support of our efforts and their professional commitment to effective law enforcement, a difficult task may have been rendered impossi­ble. In sum, Mr. Chairman, while the events outside Waco led to a tragedy unequalled in Treasury law enforcement, I believe the effort undertaken to learn from these events demonstrated the exceptional professionalism of Treasury's law enforcement bureaus. The men and women involved in the Waco inquiry and report should make all of us proud.
"The review found that there was ample justification for in­vestigating David Koresh and his followers and that the investi­gation was properly and professionally conducted. Make no mistake: David Koresh had committed numerous felony violations of federal firearms and explosives laws and he presented a danger to the community. Before the raid, the investigation re­vealed that David Koresh had received explosives, assault rifles and ammunition. He also had the means and material to convert those assault rifles to illegal automatic weapons--weapons that were used against ATF agents on February 28.
"Koresh was investigated based on the evidence that he was violating federal firearms and explosives laws. He was not in­vestigated for his religious beliefs. Those religious beliefs how­ever should not have been--and were not--allowed to shield him from complying with federal law.
"As you all now know, we found that the tactical plan devel­oped to serve the warrants was seriously flawed in several re­spects. However, four of our tactical experts concluded that the plan could have succeeded had the intelligence on which it was based been accurate. But all six experts identified serious deficiencies in the plan and ultimately challenged the wisdom of conducting a raid under the circumstances presented. Although we cannot prejudge all future situations, we must be open to the possibility that a dynamic entry as ATF confronted exposing agents, innocent persons and children to gunfire, may simply not be an acceptable law enforcement option.
"The report details the actions taken and statements made by some ATF field supervisors and national managers after the raid. The report concludes that statements were made to the public and the review team which were less than accurate. Indeed, it is difficult to characterize them as anything other than lies.
"As important as finding out what happened in Waco and why, is ensuring as best we can that similar tragedies do not occur again.
"Law enforcement will always be dangerous and at times deadly. Nonetheless, we owe it to those who risk their lives, as well as those whose lives may be put at risk, to ensure that each operation is thoroughly planned and executed with the utmost regard for safety.
"Mr. Chairman, in closing, I would like to thank the hundreds of people who assisted us in our review including this committee and your staff. We must learn from the past and our mistakes if we are to improve the future. I hope that our efforts at Treasury since that fateful Sunday in February will contribute to greater safety for our officers and better law enforcement".

What follows are excerpts of a [101page] letter written by Paul D. Wilcher, Attorney, now deceased [suicided, approximately June 20, 1993; see pages 19 & 44 of the 7/6/93 CONTACT and page 23 of the 7/13/93 CONTACT], to Janet Reno on Friday, May 21, 1993 concerning WACO.
"The meaning and significance of this new information--particularly with respect to the Justice Department's ongoing Waco investigation, and future indictments and prosecutions-­i.e., you are headed in the wrong direction--because Bush Administration holdovers in the Justice Department, along with others tied to the CIA, are preventing you from ever learning the truth about what actually happened in Waco.
"[I bring to your attention] the extreme sensitivity of this in­formation, and my specific proposal as to how you should han­dle it. The lives of key participants, other witnesses, and even myself are now in grave danger as a result of my passing this information on to you. If you let this information fall into the hands of the wrong persons, some or all of those who know the truth about Waco and are now prepared to come forward and testify could well be "silenced" (i.e., murdered) in the very near future.
"...and the extreme importance of this information to the overall quality of justice under the Clinton Administration, to your own place in history as Attorney General, and to President Clinton's very life and personal safety. This information, if handled in the manner I have spelled out in detail below, pre­sents you and President Clinton with a once-in-a-lifetime op­portunity to expose, confront, and hopefully root out much of the system-wide corruption which has been at the core of the federal government for at least the past 30 years.
"The purpose of this letter, and of my meeting with you (whenever that occurs), is for me to deliver to you extremely sensitive information about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19, 1993, and the truth about how it all happened.
"On the principles that the Justice Department must be ad­ministered with honesty and integrity, that no man or woman is above the law, and that the government itself must never be al­lowed to become the chief law breaker (rather than the chief law enforcer), you stated in your April 6th address: 'As we deal with the issues of violence and crime [such as the Waco incident and other matters which are the subjects of this letter], we must never forget the awesome power of the federal government. And we must harness that power to make sure that innocent people are not charged, or even tainted, by our actions, and that the guilty are convicted--according to principles of strict due process and fair play, and with adherence to our Constitution'.
"But the action I am undertaking here--blowing the whistle on the truth of what really happened in Waco on April 19th, putting that ugly truth into its broader context, and presenting to you a detailed, comprehensive plan as to how that underlying system-­wide corruption can finally be exposed and rooted out--this is something far more serious than I have ever done in the past. For in presenting all this to you, I am, quite literally, laying my life on the line.
"However, let me hasten to add that at the conclusion of this presentation, I have set forth in specific detail a procedure under which some 16 or so men, each with extensive 'intelligence' and covert black operations backgrounds, over the past 30 years or so, many of whom do have direct, first-hand knowledge of what occurred in Waco on April 19, will come forward--if given full immunity and federal protection for themselves and their fami­lies--and will testify, under oath, at length and in specific detail, concerning not only all of these events surrounding this tragedy near Waco, but also concerning numerous other highly illegal and criminal black operations.
"In other words, David Koresh may have been what most people would consider a thoroughly disgusting, and mentally disturbed, megalomaniac. But he was the CIA's megalomaniac--or at least someone there was all too happy to use [him] for their devious right-wing purposes if and when the opportunity ever presented itself.
"Indeed, David Koresh and these six (6) other men in his in­ner circle had apparently been preprogrammed by the CIA to become, on cue, Manchurian Candidate-type robot assassins.
"This is one of the most crucially important pieces of infor­mation concerning this entire scenario. Koresh and his six (6) fellow sleepers were apparently preprogrammed by the CIA to become 'wind up. use once. then throw away' robot-type assas­sins
"The CIA has apparently been able to produce Manchurian Candidate-type robot assassins ever since the late 1940s, using methods reminiscent of the 'brain washing' we have all heard about in Soviet (and American) prisoner-of-war camps and pris­ons...
"One of the most important features of this kind of mind control programming or 'brain washing' is the fact that critical segments of the subject's memory--including most or all of the programming experience itself--are erased (or at least suppressed and deeply buried), with new false 'memories' implanted into the subject's unconscious mind in their place. Indeed, all of this mind, behavior, and memory alteration is done at the subconscious or unconscious level.
"Indeed, once the CIA's programming has been completed, memory blocks are installed into the subject's subconscious mind to make it next-to-impossible for him ever to recover these critical mind-and-behavior-altering experiences from his internal memory bank.
"Therefore, since he is unable to remember what was done to him--or when, where, how, or under what circumstances it hap­pened--he is also virtually helpless to confront and overcome what his CIA programmers have done to him. He is thus at their mercy from then on--though, of couse, they have no mercy.
"Wet Ops: Such 'dirty work' is generally referred to, among 'black' operatives within the Agency, as wet operations--operations where one or more persons are to be killed, where human blood is to be spilled.
"Debriefings After CIA WET Operations--The normal procedure is that after each black or wet operation, all persons participating in or connected with the operation are totally debriefed by a special debriefing team sent from Agency headquarters--including a psychiatrist skilled in the various mind control and memory block techniques we have been discussing.
"In this debriefing, each member of the wet team is required to recite to the debriefing team exactly what happened during the operation, in a precise, step-by-step, detailed manner. Each member's recitation is generally repeated several times--once normally, once under hypnosis, once with a polygraph, and once under scopolamine--and only when the debriefers are fully satisfied that they have gotten all the details and that there are no glaring inconsistencies between these different recitations, is the debriefing brought to a close.
"Part of the reason for this debriefing process is to provide detailed records and feedback to the Agency concerning all of these top-level black or wet operations--i.e., precisely what was done? Was the operation a success? Did it go off as planned? What mistakes, if any, were made?
"Then, at the conclusion of the debriefing, once the debriefers are confident they have gotten all of the factual details, each operative is put under deep hypnosis, and the psychiatrist in the team implants memory blocks into his subconscious mem­ory, to block many of the gory details as to precisely how each of the persons targeted for elimination was 'taken out'.
"The importance of this point cannot be overstated. For, this means that deep within the bowels of the Central Intelligence Agency--if you only know where to look
--you can find the de­tailed debriefing records of all of the black and wet operations carried out by the CIA over the past 30 years or so.
"You should subpoena these records immediately, Attorney General Reno.
And once you get them--if you ever get them--you should put them under the tightest security imaginable to protect them from being tampered with or destroyed.
"Second, to alleviate the guilt which would otherwise be as­sociated with these memories...
"Comments on wet operations: When such wet operations are used instead to take-out citizens of this country who do not pose a legitimate threat to the society at large--like David Koresh and the other 85 men, women, and children at the Branch Davidian compound--and whose only real threat is that if they were given a legitimate trial before an honest judge and jury, they might expose some of the CIA's dirty business concerning its top se­cret mind control operations and the murderous purposes for which they are used--i.e., where these wet operations are used merely for the purpose of covering up and burying the truth, along with the innocent victims, in order to protect the guilty--then such wet operations have clearly gone way out of bounds, and absolutely must be exposed, so that those responsible can be held accountable...
"Returning to David Koresh and his 6 fellow 'sleepers' in Waco: The point to be made here is that David Koresh and his 6 fellow sleepers were low-level Manchurian Candidate-type pro­grammed robot assassins--who were scheduled to be used at some point in the future, but who had not yet been used for their preordained secret missions.
"Whereas the wet team that went in to take them out were some of the CIA's top professional killers, the term sleeper in this context connotes:
"(a) that the mind control programming which had been done on Koresh and his inner circle had probably been done a number of years earlier;
"(b) that the secret instructions implanted deep into their sub­conscious memories had lain dormant over the intervening years;
"(c) that the CIA now had to arouse Koresh and the other 6 from their 'sleep'--i.e., to reactivate the secret conditioned responses implanted into their subconscious memories--in order to get them to perform their secret missions on cue, whenever the CIA deemed it appropriate;
"(d) that the CIA could also activate the secret self-destruct signal, to cause the robotic suicides of Koresh and his inner cir­cle, once they had performed their secret mission, or at any other time the CIA decided they were no longer of any use to the Agency.
"The primary purpose of this enormous arsenal was to allow Koresh and his 6 fellow sleepers to carry out whatever secret as­signments they were to be given by their CIA 'handlers', if and when those handlers felt the time was right to activate the CIA's prior secret mind control programming of these 7 robotic assas­sins.
"Apparently, one of the factors which strongly influenced the CIA to initiate the original BATF raid on February 28, in the first place, was that Koresh and his 6 fellow sleepers were said to be resisting the attempts by their handlers to prepare them for that secret mission.
"Therefore, one of the principal reasons for the initial Febru­ary 28 raid was to chasten Koresh and his fellow sleepers--to frighten them, and to whip them into shape.
"The truth is that these incessant loud and obnoxious noises--the acid rock music, Tibetan chants, Christmas songs, etc.--were merely the cover or mask for what was really bombarding the compound and its occupants--20 gigahertz microwave transmissions, designed to be as stressful and destructive to the human physiology, inner ear, psyche, and mental stability as possible.
"In short, the CIA has perfected the use of such high-inten­sity microwave transmissions on human subjects to such an ex­tent they are absolutely certain that over time, such transmis­sions are beyond the ability of most human beings to endure, and that sooner or later, they will drive any normal person crazy--literally--or provoke him or her to suicide or murder.
"The members of The Delta Force were to bring everyone out alive--except for David Koresh and his six fellow CIA sleep­ers. Those 7 men were to be killed--no questions asked--period.
"For under no circumstances were these 7 ever to be allowed to testify in a Court of law or otherwise to reveal to the public what they knew about the CIA's secret mind control program­ming or its Manchurian Candidate-type robot assassins.
"In other words, this Delta Force plan, had it been allowed to proceed, would have been a CIA wet operation--carried out by some of the CIA's top professional killers, fittingly dressed in all black garb, to 'take out' these 7 CIA sleepers once and for all, so that their potentially explosive testimony concerning the CIA's secret mind control program would be silenced forever.
"What was actually propelled into the compound was a nerve reagent--a neuro toxin--nerve gas--a virulent poisonous substance, like curare--which instantly paralyzed and rendered totally helpless and defenseless all of the 95 men, women, and children inside the compound--except for those 9, later rescued, like David Thibideaux, who were on the 2nd or 3rd floor with their windows wide open on both sides, and who were thus spared the deadly effects of this tear gas/nerve gas combination.
"For all the others, they could no longer coordinate their muscles in the effort required even just to get up...
"This is an extremely serious matter, Attorney General Reno. For it means that here the U.S. military, the FBI, and the Justice Department--all directed by the CIA--used nerve gas on innocent men, women, and children in our civilian population--and then proceeded to murder them in cold blood.
"The remaining task for this wet team--after the multiple murders had been carried out--while they were still inside, was to place 3 or 4 canisters of Willie Peter (white phosphorus) in strategic locations throughout the compound in order to start the fires.
"These canisters were all equipped with delayed timing de­vices, all set to go off simultaneously".

* * * * * * * *

The following information was faxed on 1/9/93 to the CONTACT office by the American Patriot Fax Network. It has been retyped for inclusion here.

U.S. District Judge: Walter B. Smith Jr., of Waco, Texas who has been presiding over the case since the "gun-fight" of 2/28/93. He moved the trial to San Antonio "because of extensive Media coverage in Waco".

Prosecuting Attorneys:
W. Ray Jahn Bill Johnston
LeRoy Jahn John Lancaster

Defense Attorneys:
Douglas Tinker, Corpus Christi
E.G. Morris, Austin
Richard Ferguson, Waco
Tim Evans, Fort Worth
Steven R. Rosen, Houston
Stanley Rentz, Waco
Dan Cogdell, Houston
John F. Carroll, San Antonio
Jeff Kearney, Fort Worth
Joseph A. Turner, Austin
Chadwick R. Richardson, Fort Worth
Terrence W. Kirk, Austin
Mike DeGuerin, Houston

The 11 Defendants:
Brad Branch: age 34, left Branch Davidian compound 3/19/93. Visited compound off and on for several years; lived in San Antonio in early 1980s.
Kevin Whitecliff: age 32, Hawaii. Left with Brad Branch. Says, "It's God's government versus...our government".
Jaime Castillo: age 25, survived last-day fire, was forcibly dragged to safety.
Clive Doyle: age 52, badly burned in fire that destroyed Branch Davidians' home and ended the siege 4/19/93.
Livingston Fagan: age 34, British. Left compound March 23. Wife and mother died in the fire.
Paul Fatta: age 35, California, He was not home Feb. 28. Accused of being a main procurer of firearms for sect.
Norman Washington Allison: age 29, Jamaican. Arrested in fields near the compound after skirmish with federal agents late Feb. 28.
Woodrow Kendrick: age 63. Was with Allison, arrested later. Resident mechanic, joined original sect in 1940s.
Leonard Craddock: age 32, Australian. Survived fire with minor injuries.
Renos Avraam: age 29, British. Survived fire. Was with
Koresh one year. Testified before grand jury day after fire. Ruth Ottman Riddle: age 30. Survived fire. Mother left
compound during early days of siege.
(Keep these names handy for reference as the trial unfolds.)

The eleven defendants are charged with conspiring to murder federal agents, (which carries a penalty of up to life in prison); and in aiding and abetting the murder of federal agents (which has a penalty of up to 20 years). The charges stem from a 2/28/93 shootout between Branch Davidians and ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm) agents. Defendants are also charged with various weapons violations.
Kenneth Vardon, of the American Patriot Fax Network ad­vises that a Dr. Gregg Sali, notified APFN on 1/8/94 that a MEDIA BLACKOUT for the Davidian trial is planned.

* * * * * * * *
In an article by Jeff Brailey, "SAN ANTONIO--January 10, 1993--Around three dozen demonstrators greeted the panel of prospective Branch Davidian Trial jurors as they arrived at the U.S. Courthouse in San Antonio this morning. The 84 men and women from 14 counties in South Texas arrived on three buses. As each bus deposited its passengers near a courthouse entrance, the demonstrators, standing about forty feet away, shouted for them to vote their consciences.

The activists, who began picketing at around 7:30am, came from as far away as California. They were mostly made up of members of the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) and Libertarians. Four Branch Davidians also were present. They were Catherine Mattson, Edna Doyle, Myrtle Riddle, and Janet Kindricks. David Koresh's grandmother, Jean Holub, arrived later in the morning.
Nearly 200 media representatives were accredited by the U.S. Marshal Service and most were present for this first day of jury selection. The Times and The Sun of London were present as well as media representatives from Australia and all major news networks, services, and agencies from the United States.
Ken Fawcett of Dallas, reporting for Radio Free America, was selected to be part of the five-person media pool that was allowed into the courtroom to view the proceedings. The only others who were present were the defendants, attorneys from both sides, and a few visitors. None of the family members were seated in the courtroom and the Branch Davidians and Mrs. Holub also were refused entry.
During the jury selection, journalists not allowed in the court­room listened to the proceedings from a press room in the building next door. The sound system was very faulty in the morning, but improved during the afternoon session.
Larry Dodge of the FIJA presented a motion to the court asking that it reconsider its decision to keep the jury wheel secret. He said that Judge Walter C. Smith made the jury anony­mous not because of any threat to the jurors, but because his group was planning to distribute leaflets to potential jurors.
Jack DeVault, local activist, stated that the judge's action constitutes "Prior Restraint" and is illegal.
When the judge briefed prospective jurors, he listed three reasons why he ordered them to be anonymous. First, he said he wanted them to make sure their decisions were based on the evidence and not outside pressure. Second, he didn't want the jurors concerned about anyone contacting friends and neighbors. Third, he didn't want the jurors in the Branch Davidian Trial to be confused with another anonymous jury being selected in the same courthouse this week in a "Mexican Mafia" Drug Trial.
Interestingly, at least ten of the 29 jurors questioned today admitted in their pre-selection questionnaire that they didn't believe people should be allowed to own firearms. Upon further inquiry by Judge Smith, each one said they specifically oppose handgun ownership by non-law enforcement officers.
A large percentage of the jurors questioned today stated they either were affiliated with law enforcement or had close relatives or friends who were. Several were either in the National Guard or Reserves.
After the judge recessed for the day, several defense attorneys were questioned by journalists. To a man, they all agreed the judge had performed in a fair manner. To reporters listen­ing to the proceedings, including Ken Fawcett, the judge also seemed to be trying to be as equitable as possible.
Jury selection continues at 9:00 am tomorrow.

* * * * * * * *
In an article from the Jan. 9 edition of the MODESTO BEE, written by Chip Brown, SAN ANTONIO--"The confrontation that ended last spring in hellish fire and the deaths of religious leader David Koresh and more than 80 Branch Davidian devo­tees moves Monday into a federal courtroom.
"Eleven surviving followers are left to defend themselves against murder charges stemming from the botched raid on the Waco compound by agents of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms last Feb. 28. Gunfire killed four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians.
"A 12th follower charged with the others last August in a 10-count indictment pleaded guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for her testimony in the murder trial.
"Prosecutors will try to prove the defendants murdered the agents as part of a conspiracy to fulfill Koresh's doomsday vi­sion that the world would end after a cataclysmic clash with the government.
"Defense attorneys intend to show the government was to blame for the gun battle by going ahead with a poorly planned raid even after losing the element of surprise. The defense plans to call U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, former ATF Director Stephen Higgins and former FBI Director William Sessions as witnesses.
"Inevitably, lawyers say, freedom of religion and the right to bear arms will be central themes in the trial which is expected to last two months".

* * * * * * * *
In an article taken from the Jan. 9 edition of THE ORLANDO (FLORIDA) SENTINEL, "Because the defendants remain com­mitted to Koresh's beliefs, some of their lawyers have indicated they will try to avoid blaming Koresh in court.
"The Branch Davidians were devoted to God, the Bible and each other,' said Mike DeGuerin, a Houston lawyer who represented Koresh during the 51-day standoff that followed the ATF raid and ended April 19 in an inferno as the FBI tried to force a surrender with tanks and tear gas.
"'They believed sincerely that the world was going to end, and end in catastrophe', DeGuerin said. 'They believed that they were going to be attacked and they were right. Unless the religious issues are given a full and fair airing in the court, then it's not going to be a trial, it's going to be a sentencing'.
"According to court motions and interviews before [Judge] Smith's order [not to discuss the case with media], defense lawyers intend to fight the murder charges by showing the Branch Davidians:
*Were merely defending themselves against excessive force used by 100 ATF agents seeking to arrest Koresh on weapons charges.
*Were educated people simply studying their religion and
minding their own business out in the country.
*Had the right to bear arms as provided by state and federal law".

* * * * * * * *
In an article from the Jan. 11 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, "Prosecutors said Monday they plan to call more than 140 witnesses as jury selection began in the trial of 11 Branch Davidians...
"More than 80 prospective jurors were called for considera­tion by U.S. District Judge Walter Smith, who has ordered that jurors' identities be kept secret".

* * * * * * * *

In an article from the Jan. 12 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, "A jury was selected Tuesday in the murder and conspiracy trial of 11 members of the Branch Davidian sect, with opening arguments set to begin today.
"In a trial expected to last at least two months, the defendants face potential life imprisonment if convicted in connection with the deaths of four federal agents in the government's Feb. 28 raid on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco.
"The selection of the jury, which includes two alternates, lasted two days, with 43 potential jurors questioned about their views on guns and tolerance of religious ideas different from their own.
"Citing the bloody raid, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Rifle Association joined forces Monday to ac­cuse federal agents of using deadly force without cause and con­ducting illegal or ill-advised searches".

* * * * * * * *
In an article from the Jan. 13 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, "The government Wednesday opened its case against 11 Branch Davidians by telling jurors that David Koresh expected disciples 'to kill for God'. The defense blamed a fal­tering agency that 'declared war on its citizens'.
"Members of the Texas Rangers were the first witnesses
"He [Assistant U.S. Attorney Jahn] said the cult had prepared
for a giant fire so they would be 'sucked up to heaven'.
"Ten defense lawyers took turns telling the jury and a packed courtroom that their clients were forced to retaliate as victims of an ill-conceived raid designed to pump life into a faltering government agency.
"These people, if they killed anyone, it was in self-defense,' said Douglas Tinker, lawyer for Brad Branch.

"'We will show that the ATF declared war on its citizens', said Steven R. "Rocket" Rosen, who is representing Kevin Whitecliff and Livingston Fagan".

* * * * * * * *

In an article from the Jan. 14 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, "Prosecutors added two .50-caliber rifles Thursday to dozens of charred weapons presented as evidence that 11 fol­lowers of David Koresh stockpiled firearms while plotting to murder federal agents.
"The rifles fire bullets that can pierce tank armor but can be purchased legally, Texas Ranger George Turner testified. He said there is no limit on the number of legally purchased civilian guns someone may own.
"The government's evidence includes at least 100 guns and gun pieces, mostly civilian makes. The evidence also includes ammunition, silencers, military-style helmets and clothing, fuel cans and a homemade bayonet-type weapon.
"Prosecutors want to prove that Koresh and his disciples had prepared for holy war against the government".

* * * * * * * *
In an article from the Jan. 15 edition of THE ORLANDO SENTINEL, "Testimony Friday in the murder and conspiracy trail of 11 members of the Branch Davidian sect focused on something that's missing: the front door to the sect's compound near Waco, Texas.
"Prosecutors introduced as evidence one-half of a set of dou­ble metal doors they said were at the entrance of the compound when it was raided by federal agents on Feb. 28, 1993.
"But the Texas Rangers state law officers testified that they were unable to find the other half of the set of doors, which could be crucial in determining which side shot first in the shootout that followed the raid.
"Prosecutors say the heavily armed cult members shot first, while surviving Branch Davidians argue that members of the sect acted in self-defense after federal agents opened fire on them.
"Among the biggest issues in the case is who shot first, de­fense attorney Tim Evans said during a trial break".

* * * * * * * *
In an article from the Jan. 22 edition of THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIAN, "A defense attorney grilled a federal agent Friday on the decision to go ahead with a raid on religious leader David Koresh despite a plan to abort the raid if the element of surprise was lost".

Latest update on WACO news is later on in this JOURNAL.

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Sanders County, Montana

1775 - Another Settler is Raided - 1993
At 12:15 p.m. September 23rd, 1993 Andy Peroni got on his motorcycle to get his mail. He travels down his driveway, across Trout Creek up a private road at least a mile where it connects to the local county gravel road. As he approaches the intersection he sees a late model red Ford pickup carrying a white camper. The two men in the cab wave as he passes. As he approaches his mail box an older model white Ford pickup carrying a white camper approaches him from the opposite di­rection.
Suddenly men come at him from all directions, all in various civilian clothing, none displaying a badge or identifying them­selves. As he stood in utter amazement he was slammed face down to the gravel as one of his assailants screamed at him, "get down on the ground mother f ", while shaking his gun at him. He was cuffed very tightly and thrown into the rear of the white on white camper then hauled somewhere just a few miles away and kept there for hours, still not knowing who his assailants were or what their motives were. His assumptions were that this was a hit and he would soon be dead.
Eventually he was taken 20 miles down Hwy 200 to the county jail where he was put in leg irons and belly band with cuffs. The local jailer asked Andy, "who are these men"? Andy replied, "I don't know". Andy then informed the agents that his wife was pregnant and that they would be held responsible if anything happened to her or the children. Andy was then es­corted to the local airport by town police (#T-2) and county deputy (#35-5) where he was placed in the custody of three un­known men, placed aboard a dark colored helicopter and flown directly to Missoula, Montana. Upon arrival he and his escorts were driven to a holding cell by a woman named Jackie using a Forest Service vehicle.
Meanwhile at home his wife and children are holding lunch awaiting dad's return. Everyone was expecting grandma to show up at any time but no one knew what she would be arriv­ing in. So at 2:45p.m. when a light green pickup carrying a white camper was noticed coming up their driveway, they did not feel overly concerned even though Andy was way overdue.
As the pickup approached their home, Judy Peroni went out on the porch and could see two men in the cab with a woman seated in the middle, none of whom she recognized. As the three got out and came towards the house the woman had her hands in her pockets, just as Judy asked "who are you and what do you want"?, the rear of the camper burst open and at least seven men rushed towards her and the children. Most of them rushed right past her into the house, all with their guns drawn; finally one of them shoved papers at her. As she watched in total shock, up to fifteen more vehicles came roaring up their driveway. At least five were light green Forest Service vehi­cles, some with patrol lights on top. As the agents stormed through their home, with the family still at gun point, a large dark green helicopter landed in the pasture in front of their house; six men, one woman and two dogs exited the helicopter. They proceeded to place the family dogs into a penned area, then started combing the grounds with the two dogs. The search continued on both inside and out.
That evening the helicopter left without its cargo. After in­tense questioning, the children were relocated to a neighbor's home by county deputy (#35-4). Even though Judy was suffer­ing great pain with her pregnancy, she refused to leave her home unattended and totally at their mercy. However, by the next morning she was forced to seek medical attention because of the pain and bleeding. On the way she lost the baby.
The search and seizure continued all through the next day, as observed by a neighbor on a nearby mountain top through his hi-powered telescope. When Judy arrived back home later that afternoon, she was forced to stand outside in the cold for ques­tioning for one-and-a-half hours in spite of her condition, as witnessed by a retired lawman and her mother-in-law.
The raid was orchestrated out of the Kalispell, Montana For­est Service office by agent Lorney Jay Deist. The warrant was signed on or about September 20th, 1993 by the Honorable Leif B. Erickson, Federal Magistrate Judge, Missoula Division, P.O. Box 7219 Missoula, Montana 59807-7209. (For correspon­dence, Andy's case # is MCR-9358).

In addition to the Forest Service, the F.B.I., B.A.T.F. and U.S. Marshals, D.E.A., Fish and Game as well as the local Sheriff's Department participated in the raid. There were an estimated minimum of 75 agents involved. However the Sheriff himself was not. Both Andy and Judy's names appear on the warrant to be seized, yet only Andy was seized. Items to be seized were: (1) marijuana: both growing plants and processed marijuana ready for distribution. (2) All equipment used in the cultivation and distribution of marijuana, including but not lim­ited to grow lights, timers, fans, watering systems, fertilizers, potting soil, scales, plastic bags and associated containers. (3) All written and printed materials dealing with the cultivation of marijuana and all written materials generated regarding status and growth cycles of cultivated marijuana. (4) All articles of personal property tending to establish the identity of the person or persons having possession of or dominion and control over the previously described property including but not limited to rent receipts, utility company receipts cancelled mail envelopes, keys. (5) U.S. currency, precious metals, jewelry and financial instruments including but not limited to stocks, bonds, which are evidence of proceeds of drug trafficking. (6) A brown horse with a white stocking on the left hind hock. (7) An orange or light red nylon horse halter. (8) A bridle with thin leather head-stall and a straight or curved bit. (9) A light colored canvas or cloth bag with a drawstring top. (10) A chocolate brown western styled hat. (11) A green camouflage coat. (12) Boots with an air bob type tread, round air bobs on the sole and square air bobs on the heel. (13) Motorcycle with a heavy lugged v-pattern tire tread.

Dear reader, think about it, how much of the above list is in the average righteous home in America? Please be patient and study the above with the foregoing list so you may learn before it's your turn.
On 9-23-93 (day of the raid) only one receipt of items was issued and that from the B.A.T.F. for ten rifles, handguns and shotguns plus small quantities of various ammunition. None of these items were listed on the warrant yet B.A.T.F. agent Brad Farnsworth saw fit to steal them.
Andy served 2 1/2 years for blowing up a swimming pool in a bar and receiving stolen goods. It all happened 23 years ago in California. I am told that in Montana after four years you get your Second Amendment rights back. I am also told that if California does not notify their former felons of a felon's op­portunity to regain their Second Amendment rights, such posses­sion charges can not apply.
On 9-24-93 in the absence of anyone from the Peroni family, the agents produced three more lists of items, the B.A.T.F. list had only five lines and signed by agent Brad Farnsworth. The Forest Service lists were signed by agent Billy Stewart and read as follows: One green plastic bucket containing soil (boy am I in trouble), one black duster coat oil skin 3/4 length outback (fits child), one list of firearms written in blue ink (B.A.T.F.. list), one hand painted note on rapid-gro plant food can (on kitchen counter almost empty, used for flowers in the house). Assorted bank statements, deposit slips and checks (he is a rancher, what do you expect?), assorted papers including savings deposit slip, owner's manual for a Marlin rifle and a list of gun numbers, one brown felt cowboy hat with light colored band, one black base­ball cap: Miller racing team, (purchased by mom for son J.R. to wear to school). Assorted cartridges, shotgun shells, shotgun shell primers and primers and magazine, five tablets: 3 1/2 xanax 2 (for Judys heart condition), one address book, one ad­dress book from Mrs. Peroni's purse, (what's in your address book?), one pair of combat style boots taken from Mr. Peroni at his arrest, one six point elk rack with 1992 Montana hunting tags (Andy has purchased a hunting license from Montana for at least the last 13 years), brown cowboy hat suede (the custom of this area), owl feet (two from his pet that died), address of seed exchange (most of us grow our own gardens), two maps: one of Kootenai, one of 97299Montana (most country folk around here have maps of their backyards), five canvas panniers (bags for pack horses), one bit and bridle (won't fit the horse they took), 1988 atc 250es 200 Honda 3 wheeler????(warrant said motor cycle children's toy), 32oz. plant fertilizer (given to Judy by neighbor Brock and Linda for house plants), two black plastic pots, planters (selected out of several shapes and sizes and col­ors from plants that perished from birthday and anniversary gifts, etc.), blue address book, one horse black gelding/black appy, (the warrant differs, this horse has two white socks and is black). So where was the marijuana and all the support equip­ment as alleged and why were the agents going between Andy's property and the neighbor's with Andy's ladder during the raid?
This writer believes the Peroni family is being set up to make room for big business; after all he is former Special Forces and look at how many of them are dead, missing or in prison, The local Forest Service Marshal (Jerry Robbins) of Trout Creek, Montana has been quoted as saying, "there is ore up their val­ley." This writer has discovered that this whole region is one of the richest uranium finds in the world. Many strange things have happened here including the Weaver murders which is located only 1 1/2 hours from here and is also rich in uranium ore.
Andy has been battling the Forest Service for years in the courts over the use of the local citizens' private road for big business, i.e., logging and mining. He believes that erosion caused by the above will force them from their land.
In mid July, 1993, a man named Brian Kahn (whom Andy has had problems with involving Andy's cattle) was arrested farther up Andy's narrow valley and charged with a felony pos­session of dangerous drugs with intent to sell. Acting Sheriff Perry Mock (#35-5) and Deputy Jesse Gascon (#35-4) handled the entire situation all by themselves. Just two men, not 75 plus! Game Warden Mark Soderling and Forest Service Jerry Robbins were on Forest Service property.
According to the local paper, The Ledger dated Thursday, July 22, 1993, "Robbins transported the bulk of the marijuana plants back". Back to where? Everyone around here knows it's open range, meaning if you don't want the neighbors' cattle in your backyard, you must fence them out, not the other way around. So, for Andy to take care of his cattle he had to ride right through the trap that Robbins and his co-conspirators had set up with cameras, etc., knowing that it was just a matter of time before the Peroni family would be out of the way.
On August 28th, for son J.R.'s birthday the entire Peroni family went on a horseback ride to celebrate the occasion. Much to their surprise, they came across marijuana plants on adjacent property. According to Judy, pale green, sickly look­ing plants were hanging on to the edge of the creek and other strange rocky locations. Video tapes have been taken by private parties, also certified surveying to prove entrapment by certain agents. Andy has been brought before the Honorable Leif B. Erickson twice so far. The Forest Service has been caught lying on the stand. Private citizens are ready to testify as to the agents' lies. In the meantime Andy is looking at 180 years behind bars.
In all the years this writer has known Andy and his family I have never smelled, seen or heard of marijuana while in their company. Please keep them in your prayers.

Respectfully Submitted
John Trochmann
Noxon, Montana 59853

* * * * * * * *

December 24, 1993
Letter [all exhibits mentioned herein are on file in the CON­TACT office] from Gary L. Wean To:

Det. Andrew T. Standley
Major Crime Detail
Santa Barbara Sheriff's Dept.
4434 Calle Real
Santa Barbara, Calif. 93110

Det. Standley;

Per our telephone conversation Friday, December 10. 1993, approximately
5:15 p.m.:
You asked me if I was in Ventura or Santa Barbara County three weeks prior to 12-10-93, and if I had an old rusty mo­torhome.
The answer to both questions was no. You also stated you had been looking for me as a possible witness, not as a suspect and the reason you were questioning me was regarding threats or some sort of action that had taken place against alleged Judges Slater and Adams of Santa Barbara County.
However you would not advise me of what had happened other than to state that a very serious crime of major proportions had been committed and that an official, formal crime report containing accusations had been made by the judges and filed with the Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Department.
But I subsequently learned that a force of four detectives from the Santa Barbara Sheriffs Department had gone to a spe­cific neighborhood in Ventura where a relative resided (but I had never lived) and knocked on people's doors on the street asking questions about me.
The demeanor of the four detectives had left the residents of that neighborhood with the definite impression that I was a desperate, dangerous, wanted person rather than simply a witness who might have information regarding an incident.
Also the fact that you stated all my lawsuits involving the alleged judges Slater and Adams were being closely examined for evidence and proof of something I had done.
Regarding my whereabouts three weeks prior to our conversation on Friday Dec. 10. 1993:
In late October. 1993, I appeared in Ventura Superior Court and at that time was in California two or two-and-a-half days.
My records, gasoline and other credit cards, telephone calls, bank deposits, documented meetings with Josephine County, Oregon, and Oregon State employees, etc., document that I never left Oregon between the last of October 1993 and the
10th of December 1993, at which time I first learned that you were looking for me and I immediately called and cooperated with you, and gave you my telephone number and address.
However, there are far more evil, sinister reasons for the al­leged judges, Slater and Adams to make their phony accusations and false crime report (which is a Penal Code Felony).
This is a vicious criminal conspiratorial set-up, the same as in 1989 when Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas ordered judges in Ventura and Santa Barbara County to 'lie in wait' and severely beat-up my process server, Michael A. Thomas in the public hallway of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, (supposedly for trespassing).
On December 17, 1993. 1:30 p.m. my wife was scheduled to appear in Department 48, Ventura County Superior Court for a jury trial in Civil case No. 126048.
At 12:45p.m., Friday. December 17. 1993. I went to Department 48, forty five minutes early, the hallway was empty and the doors were locked. Adjacent to the courtroom doors a board was attached to the wall on which a two page calendar schedule for the day was pinned.
I was reading the schedule when a man appeared beside me.
He said, "Hi Gary; listen, I want to tell you something, you should get out of here as fast as you can, they are going to arrest you and throw you in jail on trumped-up charges, supposedly for threatening judges. With you in solitary confinement they'll force your wife to give them the documents they want. They won't let you out of jail until they get them".
The man left hurriedly--I seemed to recognize him from sometime in the past as being in law enforcement.
The two page schedule had fallen from the wall onto the floor. Picking them up I read the front page, on the top it had the words, 'Judge' but no name. EXHIBIT 'A'.
The second page at the top stated, 'Ventura County Munici­pal Court'.
I realized that the man who had warned me was telling the truth because at the top of page two it said, "Ventura County Municipal Court Calendar, Commissioner John H. Pattie." EX­HIBIT 'B' .
They had switched to another phony judge because Malcolm Lucas, State Supreme Court Justice knew he did not have John J. Hunter handle the case any further because he had never, from the very beginning been a legitimate, authorized judge with jurisdiction to act in an American Court of law.
John H. Pattie is a 'low-life' petty shyster associated with Randolph Joyce and John Brown, two more shysters who are involved deeply in the use, supply and sale of cocaine with Slater and Adams and other Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo County shyster lawyers and judges.
Realizing that the 1:30 p.m. court scheduling which was supposed to be a jury trial of Superior Court Civil Case No. 126048 was only an evil sham and a trap to falsely arrest and put me and my wife in jail, I left the Ventura County Center property.
At 1:30 p.m. John H. Pattie conducted a phony judicial hearing which he called a "trial without a jury" and ruled and made decisions and a judgement against my wife and myself.
Based on this judgement which is claimed to be a trial in an American court without the presence of the plaintiffs who, frightened and terrorized for their lives and welfare and prop­erty were afraid to even set foot in Ventura, Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo Counties.
At this time it is not even known if it is safe for my wife and I to even be in another state. There is a terrible fear across the land among God fearing, law-abiding loyal American citizens, not of street gangs, drive-by shootings, etc., but of being put in jail and their families destroyed and everything they have worked for all their lives taken away from them with no legal, due process of law by cocaine-ridden shysters running around in black robes posing as American judges and making life-de­stroying decisions and judgements. EXHIBIT 'C'.

EXHIBIT 'C' consists of:

1. A threatening letter dated December 20. 1993, from a shyster lawyer, Charles J. Conway, Jr. This letter from Con­way threatens that shyster Pattie's non-jury Judicial Decree on December 17. 1993, 1:30 p.m. is an "affirmative court order, ordering that Dorothy J. Wean hand over (surrender) her property (documents) to Conway or else it can ultimately result in her being jailed".
2. A Notice of Entry of Judgement, dated December 17.
1993, 1:30 p.m., Courtroom 48. Signed Charles J. Conway, Jr.
3. A Judgement on Complaint, dated December 17. 1993, 1:30 p.m. Courtroom 48, signed by "The Honorable John H. Pattie, presiding, without a jury, and was actually tried on that date".
This trial without a jury, which we were entitled to, was held 45 minutes after I had been warned that if I was in the courtroom at 1:30 p.m. I would be shackled and jailed in a frame-up supposedly for threatening alleged Judges Slater and Adams in
Santa Barbara County which I did not do and of which acts (if they indeed did happen) I had no knowledge of whatsoever. The court, John H. Pattie, a Commissioner, a shyster that the other judges picked off the street and gave a black robe Decreed
that, "he reserved Jurisdiction to make further order", whatever they would be no one knows, but weighs heavily on us with their threats of now jailing us for contempt of court, another terrible entangling escalation of their insanity.
This document has been sent to the Sheriff's Departments of Santa Barbara, Ventura and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Copies have been sent to newspapers, talk-show hosts, TV media, etc. Copies of Municipal Court Case No. 114526, and Superior Court case No. 126048 as conducted and adjudged by John J. Hunter have been reviewed by numerous lawyers from 2
states other than California. These lawyers have expressed profound astonishment, and grave concern, scarcely believing their eyes at the outright judicial corruption in California.
Amazed, they ask as one, how can this actually be happening in a United States Court of law?
It is with information and the firm belief of the below signed parties that these shyster lawyers in California will contact Ore­gon authorities and fill them with lies, orchestrating false stories that Gary L. Wean has engaged in some sort of threats or actions against judges and convince them to make a Swat Team type of raid on him and with the chance that he would be killed in the process.
Senator Robert Packwood, Oregon, is enmeshed in this same judicial conspiracy of destruction by the secret machinations of the same person as I [am harassed by]. This person, a member of a criminal organization, has planned and schemed and conspired for many years to ultimately become President of the United States.
It is a complicated, evil scheme, for this person, being a high-ranking Democrat, must also arrange to dispose of Clinton which they are in the process of now.
It has to do with Senator Packwood's Diary and what they fear in it. They must gain control of it.
These events involving Senator Packwood began in Novem­ber 1987, when I along with another person flew to Washington, D.C. and hand delivered to all 100 U.S. Senators a 773 page, name indexed report, my book, (There's A Fish In The Court­house) along with a Petition from the people asking and pleading with the United States Senate to investigate Judicial Corruption (murder and theft of the people's property) in California and the U.S. Ninth Circuit.
In my 773 page report it detailed how William P. Clark, President Reagan's National Security Director was involved in 1959 in a burglary of the Oxnard National Guard Armory in which many machine guns were stolen, one of these 50-cal. ma­chine guns was mounted in Clark's house and he made remarks that, "when the Revolution comes I'll kill every Mexican and nigger that comes near". This revealed that Clark knew of and was involved in a conspiracy of up-coming riots and revolution.
At this time William P. Clark was up for confirmation for the cabinet position of Secretary of the Interior before the U.S. Sen­ate Judiciary Committee.
Senator Strom Thurmond had been advised by me previously of William P. Clark's criminal violations and had stated in let­ters to me that he would investigate this matter involving Clark.
However, Thurmond, Joseph Biden and the other Senators on the Judiciary Committee met in conspiratorial secret meetings and discussions and agreed to cover-up these criminal acts of William P. Clark and confirm him as Secretary of Interior.
Senator Packwood having been present at some of these secret meetings it is believed and feared by others that these meetings and acts of concealment of gangsterism were recorded by him in his diary.
Several months after serving a second petition from the people on the 100 Senators and having no response, I, along with Michael A. Thomas personally served a Federal lawsuit on each of the 100 Senators charging RICO and Civil Rights violations against them.
Before serving each of the Senators in their offices it was necessary to make arrangements with Michael Davidson, the Senate Legal Officer. Davidson pressured both myself and Michael Thomas to make an illegal 'deal' with him and he would make it much easier for us to sue the remaining Sena­tors. Michael Davidson did everything in his power to get us to remove Jewish Senators who belonged to the ADL from the suit, which we refused to do. This was witnessed by a Capitol Police plainclothes officer who was assigned by the Senate Sgt. at Arms to assist us in serving the senators.
Michael Davidson is still Senate Legal Officer and is presently savagely attacking Senator Packwood. Davidson is an ADL member and close associate involved with the high ranking California Democrat who conspires to be the next U.S. President. This high-powered person is also a ranking ADL member who while an elected government official conspired to spy on and sabotage the San Francisco Police Department and harm and destroy innocent loyal American citizens.
When Andrea Ordin was the U.S. Attorney General for the Los Angeles District I handed her documented evidence and facts of judicial corruption and crimes which she suppressed and destroyed because the judges involved belonged to the ADL. Ordin is married to Robert Ordin, a Federal Judge who is also a high level ADL agent.
This evidence was also sent to the Justice Department in Washington, where it was destroyed by David Margolies, a top level Atty. Gen. lawyer and ADL member. Margolies is the Justice Department agent who, while in Vince Foster's office, slipped in the phony suicide note.
If Senator Packwood and the other Senators had done their duty to protect the country and its citizens in 1987 instead of covering it up, many lives and billions of dollars of property would have been saved.
If the conspiracy of riot and revolution had been exposed, the Rodney King affair and the resulting riots and death would surely not have happened.
And the Waco holocaust with heavy cost of life would not have occurred had the past crime history of narcotics and gun­running by the international criminal Davidian family been investigated.
Former Senator John Tower, who had given my partner and me (Los Angeles District Attorney Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Intelligence Section) vital documents at a meeting in Ruidoso, New Mexico, shortly after President JFK was mur­dered, would still be alive and able to testify to secrets that would reveal who actually committed the assassination. At this meeting with John Tower, two other persons were also present, Dallas, Texas, Sheriff Bill Decker and Audie Murphy [WWII hero/movie star]. John Tower was killed in a mysterious plane crash almost identical to Audie Murphy.
Untold thousands of honest, loyal Americans would not have suffered horrifying indignities, incarcerations, destruction of their families and loss of everything they had worked for all their lives if the 100 Senators had done their bounden duty and listened to the 'petition' of the people.
What Vice Pres. Gore pushes as the 'Highway of Informa­tion' (fiber-optic cable). Under the conspiracy of Pacific Telesis Group (controlled by William P. Clark) they will control Paramount Entertainment, the entertainment world. They will control gambling, Indian Reservation gambling, State Lotteries, world banking connections involving Bank of America and its satellites, this will be accomplished through converted computer programs originally stolen from Inslaw-Promis.
The same people, Carl E. Ward, Jr., an associate of William P. Clark is involved in the Cabazon Indian Reservation gam­bling and murders, Portland gambling, and JFK assassination. All of this was revealed in the report and petition given to the 100 U.S. Senators in 1987 but covered-up by them. Carl Ward's brother Robert Ward, at the dedication of Pres. Ronald Reagan's Library, a short distance from the Rodney King trial, was arrested in a conspiracy to assassinate Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter, all former Presidents and their wives in what was to be a lazer weapon attack.
Now Senator Robert Packwood himself faces the same terror that the people in 1987 begged him to save them from--judicial corruption and murder, total destruction of his entire career and inevitable conviction and incarceration in a Federal Penitentiary for harassing women and altering congressional documents and will be replaced by a handpicked person by the powerful Demo­crat in California who fully intends to be the next U.S. Presi­dent. This person will then control, not only California but also Oregon.
In the future no other Senator in the U.S. will dare stand up to this dominating power in the face of the destruction of Pack­wood knowing how it was done and that the very same can hap­pen to him.
But it can be turned around; Packwood can come out for the people, and if he showed that he was sincere the people would rally behind him. With the people behind him he could expose the terrifying Judicial corruption--instead of becoming a miserable low-life convicted felon spending the rest of his life in ab­ject humiliation, constantly held up to scrutiny and recorded in history as nothing more than a crooked bum.
From the last paragraph of my book, There's A Fish In The Courthouse, a copy of this in 1987 was handed to each of the 100 Senators, I quote, "Only the U.S. Senate led by the Consti­tution is powerful enough to save America. Of the one hundred Senators, 'the treasonous, corrupt and cowardly will desert the people'. The small group remaining will have to stand fast....".
Now Senator Packwood, facing the same terror the people face, can prove that he is a bonafide, brave, courageous leader and come to the front--expose and destroy this insidious judicial corruption--many of the silent, timid but knowledgeable Senators will eagerly respect and follow an American leader, destined to be a hero of the same magnitude as the great American battlefield hero, Audie Murphy, who gave everything.
Do not fear the ADL's vicious weapon where they scream Anti-Semitic to high heaven right in your face--not only can this be blunted, its evil can be totally destroyed--just look them right in the eye and demand, 'Are you an American first and a Jew second'?
The effectiveness and result of this demand for them to de­clare themselves is demonstrated by a Jewish Beverly Hills lawyer, G.B. Fleischman, who was representing Andrija Ar­tukovic, an 85 year old Croation accused by the Jews of alleged World War II crimes. Powerful political Jews attempted to get Fleischman, a Jew, to sell out Artukovic.
Refusing to do such a vile act, Fleischman gave them an amazing answer (direct quote), "I am an American lawyer first and a Jewish lawyer second, if these people cannot understand that then there is not much I can really do about it". Refer to chapter 41 of my book There's A Fish In The Courthouse that was delivered along with the peoples petition pleading with the 100 U.S. Senators to safe-guard them from murderous, corrupt gangster lawyers who have seized and usurped the American Judicial System.

November 26, 1993

Chronicle Staff Writers
William Carlsen
Harriet Chiang
San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 - 2988

Your Special Report on the 'Decline' of the Court is excel­lent, very interesting, but;
Malcolm Lucas is much deeper into Insurance Industry and Judicial Corruption than appears on the surface. His top crimi­nal accomplices are George Deukmejian, William P. Clark and Pete Wilson, etc., and their connections and involvement go back over twenty years.
It is a far more encompassing, vicious conspiracy than Watergate and a greater opportunity for Pulitzer Prize investigative reporting than Bob Woodward or the Washington Post ever dreamed of. Lucas, Wilson, Deukmejian and William P. Clark's criminal acts are destructing California and its financial
The Modus Operandi is to use Malcolm Lucas' power to set­up and appoint phony judges to control Municipal and Superior Court cases and terminate them in the Insurance Companies' fa­vor before they ever reach the Supreme Court level where Lucas would appear to be involved.
Most of the Judges and Lawyers involved were insurance claims adjusters while going to law school, they learned all the corrupt tricks of fraud, intimidating and siphoning claims and expense money and had made all their political connections long before they passed the bar and became lawyers.
I am sending you two exhibits of how Lucas appoints phony judges to make the corrupt decisions that these crooks want made.

Anatomy Of A Phony Judge
No. 1. John J. Hunter was a Municipal Court Judge whose term was running out. He wanted to become a Superior Court Judge; he ran for office but all the law enforcement and honor­able citizens of Ventura County knew John J. Hunter was a crook, a thief and incompetent, so, the American people through the election process turned him out of office. He retired at close to $100,000 a year plus all the assets he had plundered from the people while he was on the bench.
Outside of Malcolm Lucas' involvement in Insurance Company fraud his biggest scam at the present involving billions (almost to the trillion mark and getting people murdered) is the Pacific Telesis Group which is controlled by William P. Clark (former Superior Court, Appeal Court and State Supreme Court Judge, National Security Advisor and Secretary of Interior) who is involved with the Taft Electric Co., and its subsidiary, Taft Telecommunications Inc. of Ventura. They are tied in[to] the PacTel Mobile Access which acts as that company's agent for Mobilinx cellular telephone service in Ventura. This is an ex­tension of the powerful multi-billion dollar system operating in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. PacTel Mobile Access is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Telesis Group and is the parent company of Pacific Bell.
Pete Wilson's assigned task at the present is seeing to it that fiber-optic cables and any and all interference with Pacific Tele­sis Group's conspiracy to take over all cable communications are not hindered in any manner.
The writer of this communication was and is involved in exposing Judicial corruption involving Malcolm Lucas, Pete Wilson, George Deukmejian and William P. Clark, etc.
Back to the Anatomy of a Malcolm Lucas phony judge and how they get their 'Black-Robes.'
No. 1. John J. Hunter had been removed from the bench by the honest citizens and voters of Ventura County via the elec­toral process to prevent Hunter from harming them further. Or so they thought, because;
William P. Clark, Governor Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian needed John J. Hunter to sit on the bench to make illegal, criminal decisions to financially destroy this writer and render him incapable of further exposing them and their cover-up of their criminal acts.
In order to accomplish their cover-up, Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas assigned "The Honorable John J. Hunter, Retired Judge of the Municipal Court to sit as a judge of the Municipal Court of Ventura County, from July 1. 1993 to December 31. 1993, and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to this assignment".
Dated June 2. 1993, and signed Malcolm M. Lucas, Chief Justice of California and Chairperson of the Judicial Council.

Exhibit A.
In other words John J. Hunter receiving approximately $100,000 a year retirement benefits is now making another $120,000.00 of taxpayers money to sit as a Municipal court judge on a special assignment to destroy me with a phony Mu­nicipal Court lawsuit, Case No. MC 114526.
After Judge John J. Hunter had destroyed me and my wife in Municipal Court with his criminal rulings and decisions they then filed lawsuits against us in Superior Court, Case No. 126048.
At the first Superior Court hearing I walked into court and who was sitting on the bench but John J. Hunter, who immedi­ately recommenced his criminal rulings and decisions against us on the Superior Court level. One of his first rulings was to re­peat his Municipal Court order that I could not represent myself or my wife in court under penalty of contempt of Court and be­ing jailed if I tried to do so.
Again in order to accomplish their 'cover-up' of their judicial crimes Chief Justice Malcolm Lucas had now assigned John J. Hunter to the Superior Court bench.
Now, retired Municipal Court Judge John J. Hunter (who had been removed from the bench by the voters) receiving approximately $100,000,00 retirement and making $120,000.00 as a Municipal Court Judge is making $140,000.00 as a phony Superior Court Judge.
I was able to obtain another of the 'confidential orders' of Chief Justice Malcolm M. Lucas to Ventura County Court Clerk Sheila Gonzales, it was another 'Special Assignment' for John J. Hunter.
"The Hororable John J. Hunter, Retired Judge of Ventura County Municipal Court is hereby assigned to sit as a judge of the Ventura County Superior Court, from July 1, 1993 to De­cember 31, 1993 and until completion and disposition of all causes and matters heard pursuant to this assignment".

Exhibit B.
From the date of the first Superior Court hearing Hunter has refused to allow us to defend ourselves in court, sometimes ordering as many as four uniformed, armed deputy Sheriffs into the courtroom to insure that we are not allowed to say anything.
The Judges Pension Fund is a multi-billion dollar entity, a very mysterious operation. It is impossible to determine from where judges receive their paychecks. When asked they will say they are paid by the county wherein they are assigned. When pinned down they then claim they are paid by the state. It is even more impossible to determine how much money the tax­payers are forced to contribute to this mysterious fund and who is in control and administers this vast, huge pile of money which is being used to finance phony judges to make criminal judicial decisions and rulings to cover-up the corrupt California Judicial System.
To bring the California judicial corruption into focus at the dollar level of how much the taxpayers are being bilked, multi­ply the John J. Hunter, phony judge Anatomy by at least five hundred throughout the fifty two counties of the state.
And this does not take into consideration the trillion dollar amount these merciless gangsters steal from the people with their illegal, unauthorized decisions and rulings.
This particular reign of Judicial System usurpation was set-up approximately twenty years ago when State Senators Pete Wil­son, Robert Lagomarsino and State Attorney General George Deukmejian and State Supreme Court Justice William P. Clark, etc., etc., under the guise of an amendment to 'de-genderize' the State Constitution surreptitiously slipped an un-Constitutional 'one liner' into the Constitution.
This 'one-liner' was to the effect that the Governor could, "appoint a lawyer to the Municipal or Superior Court and at the first election this appointee must file to run for that position of Judge, but if no other lawyer files to run against him the ap­pointee does not have to appear on the ballot. This means that John J. Hunter can remain a judge for twenty years and never once be on a ballot or elected by the people. But he is under the domination, the complete control and must make any and all de­cisions and rulings he is ordered to make by the Chief Justice of California and Chairperson of the Judicial Council, Malcolm M. Lucas.
This was the real purpose and reason behind the removal of Rose Bird because she could not be controlled by the herein, above named conspirators.
Not only is this 'one-liner' and the related statute they in­serted into the Election Code unconstitutional it is in direct vio­lation of the United States Supreme Court decision of Chisum v Rohmer wherein it states, "Judges are representatives of the people the same as a District Attorney, Secretary of State and other elected officials and as such they must be elected".
If a candidate for the position of judge does not appear on a ballot it is totally impossible for him to get even one vote much less become a winner to the office.
Lawyers who are running around in Black Robes will go to any lengths to protect Malcolm M. Lucas' corruption and to perpetuate their fantastic salary and retirement thefts and all the assets they loot from their victims who are forced to appear in court before them.
For example read the drivel appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle in the guise of a Letter to the Editor on December 1, 1993. Written by E. Mac Amos Jr. President, California Judges association, San Francisco, and Patrick J. Morris, Immediate Past President.

Exhibit C.
Ingest one particular paragraph in this letter, Exhibit C, wherein these famous, noted jurists Amos and Morris claim that Malcolm M. Lucas, "Encouraged the coordination and consoli­dation of our Municipal and Superior Courts into a (single-level) trial court through Judicial (cross-assignments) and unified trial Court management".
Attempt to unravel this drivel in the context of an Anatomy of a Malcolm
M. Lucas, Specially Assigned Judge, John J. Hunter.
An exhaustive criminal investigation by the California State Attorney General and the U.S. Federal Justice Department and Attorney General must immediately be commenced and indict­ment of these gangsters handed down under the U.S. Civil Rights and RICO statutes, etc.
All illegal judges, both acting and retired must be stripped of all salaries and pensions obtained illegally. The Judges Pension Fund must be investigated and analyzed as there are enough billions involved in this fantastic conspiratorial judicial scam to cancel out California's total debt.

Gary L. Wean