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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#086, MISSING THE LIFEBOAT??

    PJ 86
    As you read the pages, especially the "Introduction", you are urged to ponder carefully the circumstances of your world and your SELF. More garbage is being flung against the teachers from God and the bringers forth of the words of instruction and guidance. You are moving rapidly into a time of chaos just as all your prophecies of all time have presented. The enemy is at your door even as your "lifeboat" awaits. How many of you will choose to WAIT for decisions until there are no more "saviors"? Each will choose for there will be no "snatch-up" of evil into glory--no paid-for "trips " to anywhere of God and, as in the places of physical --YOU WILL DO IT! No one, not MAN nor GOD, will do it for you.



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-033-7

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    March 1994

    Printed in the United States of America

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................................
    SECTION 1................................................................................................... ................................
    WRITINGS BY YEORGOS CERES HATONN................................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............................
    THU., FEB. 3, 1994................................................................................................ .............
    THANKS AND APPRECIATION......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    SAT., DECEMBER 25, 1993.............................................................................................
    CHRISTMAS DAY................................................................................................. .............
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., DECEMBER 29, 1993............................................................................................
    LEGAL: IMPORTANT........................................................................................... ............
    VERIFIED COMPLAINT........................................................................................... .........
    COUNT I................................................................................................... ............................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., DECEMBER 30, 1993.............................................................................................
    SEGMENT #2, ILLINOIS SUIT AGAINST FEMA, ET AL:...........................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., DECEMBER 30, 1993.............................................................................................
    "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE": JAMES BOND' ..........................................................
    SUPER NOVA................................................................................................ .....................
    RUSSIANS FEELING THEIR OATS.................................................................................
    SEGMENT NO. 3:.................................................................................................. .............
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    MON., JANUARY 3, 1994................................................................................................ .
    LOOK AROUND THIS MORNING..................................................................................
    THEN WHY THE ATTENTION TO LITTLE THINGS?.................................................
    ILLINOIS SUIT IN PROGRESS.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    SUN., JANUARY 16, 1994................................................................................................
    PATIENCE VS. INACTION............................................................................................ ...
    BIGOT?.............................................................................................. ...................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    FRI., JANUARY 28, 1994................................................................................................ ..
    SEARCHING IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES...............................................................
    SECTION 2................................................................................................... ................................
    JANUARY 25, 1994 CONTACT VOL. 4, #5.........................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    YOU MUST DECIDE AS A NATION DO WE LIVE OR DIE?.....................................
    1/22/94 By Rick Martin............................................................................................
    TREASURY TESTIMONY ON WACO............................................................................
    KEY FIGURES IN BRANCH DAVIDIAN TRIAL...........................................................
    WEAVER REVISITED?.......................................................................................... ...........
    WEAN DYNAMITE............................................................................................ ................
    WEAN ON JUDICIAL CORRUPTION.............................................................................
    INSERT: WEAN COURT DOCUMENT......................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    FROM THE NEWS DESK................................................................................................ ..
    1/22/94 RICK MARTIN.............................................................................................. .......
    NUCLEAR AGREEMENT........................................................................................... ......
    GLEANERS............................................................................................ ..............................
    EARTH'S LIMITS.............................................................................................. ..................
    POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER.......................................................................
    SADDAM HUSSEIN............................................................................................. ..............
    THE ABORIGINE TREATY (Australia, 1993)...............................................................
    CHURCH DONATIONS........................................................................................... ..........
    ALCOHOLIC GENES............................................................................................... ..........
    TOMATO VIRUS............................................................................................... .................
    WORLD BIRTH CONTROL............................................................................................. .
    INSERT: RADIATION SOURCES................................................................................
    HATE COMICS.............................................................................................. .....................
    PAIN RELIEF.............................................................................................. .........................
    MINOR INFORMANT........................................................................................... .............
    VIDEO GAMES............................................................................................... ....................
    SUPERCONDUCTIVITY................................................................................... ................
    INSERT: THERMONUCLEAR REACTOR................................................................
    CRIME MAGAZINES........................................................................................... ..............
    MEXICAN CUSTOMS............................................................................................. ..........
    PNEUMONIA........................................................................................... ...........................
    JUDICIARY........................................................................................... ..............................
    IRAQ SANCTIONS........................................................................................... ..................
    INSERT: SUPREME COURT RULINGS.....................................................................
    INSERT: NATO................................................................................................ .................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    TIME TO FACE FACTS............................................................................................... ......
    SERIOUS EARTHQUAKES AHEAD!..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............................
    NEWS FROM SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.................................................................
    Gladys Ottman--Menace To Society Protected
    by the Government and The Salvation Army........................................................
    IS JUDGE SMITH GUILTY OF JURY TAMPERING ....................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. .............................
    NWO TARGETS CALIF............................................................................................... ......
    INSERTS: (NWO Court Documents)............................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. .............................
    INSERT: Rep. Rarick photo...........................................................................................
    INSERT: Peter Beter photo............................................................................................

    THU., FEB. 3, 1994 10:03 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 171

    THU., FEB. 3, 1994

    As the "front" heats up in confusion and time for "takeover" of the New World Order
    I wish to offer thanks and appreciation to those who work diligently and unendingly to PROVE MY PRESENCE. I specifically wish to take note and offer appreci­ation to ones, Col. James "Bo" Gritz, George Green, Gary An­derson (known under so many names as to be unable to list ap­propriate or current label), and all those participating in their nest of co-workers.

    Mr. Green, for instance, gains ability to lie and have the courts back him up by his unending stream of "connections" (such as: "Ask Bo Gritz," and, "I'm just an 'agent' smoking out these cult operators...." etc.). Gary Anderson goes forth with their costly and DANGEROUS plan for sucking you nice people into "trusts" which will be confiscated and a full-out effort to see to it that you "patriots" do all the right things TO GET YOU DEADED IN THE UPCOMING CLOSE-DOWN OF YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. Mr. Green took over $350,000 plus at least an additional $200,000 in GOLD COINS sent to the Phoenix Institute for use in purchasing collateral gold to cover all debts and loans made to that entity, the funds of which were KNOWINGLY set forth for publication of the paper, informa­tion and legitimate and ongoing projects for food growing, stor­age facility industry and safety, fabricated housing utilizing safety materials against natural hazards AND, should it happen, blasts and atomic accidents and fallout. To retain the gold which resided buried in his back-yard in Nevada and now in the "court" he has fabricated other great and wondrous tales.

    Green's most recent (last week) is that Capt. Russbacher agreed and is in pay-off position from the Feds, in exchange for his release, to "pull down the most notorious and dangerous cult leaders in America--THE EKKERS"! He goes on to tell "everyone" (his favorite term) all about it as well as to "...uncover other massive subversive activities of these two dangerous criminals...." (The Ekkers). Well, I have to repeat, if these "criminals" and this "cult" are in point it is the most unsuccessful operation in the history of MAN. It is amusing to find EVERYTHING coming under the most intense investigations available to conjure by Green and buddies--passing and nothing amiss
    --especially the fundamental operations of the Institute--in spite of being set up BY GREEN as a rip-off deal, apparently. He set up the program--EKKER JUST MADE SURE IT WAS RUN WITH INTEGRITY AND ABSOLUTELY ACCORDING TO BOTH THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE LAWS OF THE LAND--which Green, by the way, has been efforting to break down ever since. As to cult? This is also the smallest "cult" in the history of man--two elderly people who have tried to simply retire after having lost every physical item of value to such as Green and the "system".

    With these kinds of "enemies", my good friends, why worry about the elements of Constitution destruction or the rioters, looters, thieves and gunfighters??

    Do not think for one minute that I am "against" these goodly teachers for they serve the most impressive jobs on the globe--that of disinformation, deceit and legal manipulation--which ex­presses the very epitome of that which has GONE WRONG in your nation and world--AND PERSONAL VALUES.

    Bo Gritz comes forth with his "bible" and tells you he is "born again" and "trusts only and wholly on Jesus Christ". There is NOTHING in his behavior which reflects the slightest LIGHT of JESUS CHRIST! These gentlemen in point are in the busi­ness for the money and to set-up the unsuspecting audience for their gain and your loss. The survival programs teach you that you can do things WHICH, IN FACT, WILL GET YOU KILLED OR INCARCERATED! They overcharge on "supplies" and "offerings" and could not serve better, the adver­sary of your free nation, than if they sold handguns which fire atomic warheads--they just get you killed in a more dastardly manner while insuring the loss of everything you hold dear and precious in TRUTH and freedom.

    I, Hatonn, am exactly who I say I am. I am in charge of the HOSTS OF GOD come in preparation for the return of your Brother, the Christ--and YOU will not limit this being by labels of YOUR making. IS IT NOT SAID THAT THOSE WHO WOULD CLAIM RIGHTEOUSNESS WOULD MAKE ALL EFFORTS TO DISCREDIT AND DECEIVE THE MASSES TO PREVENT THE TRUTH FROM FLOW? Do you not see it happening right before you?

    Why would "I" be an enemy to ones efforting to help your na­tion and people?? I am NOT running around professing to BE ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHICH I AM and I am NOT running around ANYWHERE on your place and have never stated any other. Now, WHY would I be such an annoyance to ones such as Col. Gritz?? You had better think about this care­fully. I advocate only the most simple Laws of God in both heart and action--and insist that WISDOM and KNOWING are the important tools through which you will reclaim ALL of that which is Godly and Right. So, WHY does my presence cause such objection from these others who bother to make ridicule and focus on a couple of harmless old people? Well, I think you-the-people are far more valid and intelligent than to bite on such absolute drivel as is now being presented by Sir Gritz on his radio-waves.

    It has been reported and now, checked out, that he is indeed saying that this woman, Doris, IS Hatonn and by signing up and paying in the hundreds you can get an interview AND by paying in the thousands (dollars) you can get a ride on "his" spaceship, etc., etc., and for further information on the subject call Gritz's 800 number and get the information. (800 476-0685)

    What could we be doing or telling that terrifies the thieves and deceivers so greatly?? What are we telling of GOD which shows them to be that which they are--at the least, ignorant and deceitful. You see, it PROVES that I represent no small-time "little ‘gray'" or a small hitch in their get-along come to argue over the orthodox offerings of misspoken instructions from the "good book". No indeed, my friends, they simply PROVE my Truth BY THEIR foolishness. You can be sure with all that is going on around my activities, musings, offerings and my peo­ple, that I AM EXACTLY WHO I CLAIM TO BE for other­wise two little elderly people who have nothing, go nowhere and simply "write" as would any ministers in any subject material or authorship, would NOT get a first glance from such important "experts", much less radio time to consider the point. If I am NOTHING save a big buffoon--who would bother with me--i.e., WHO WOULD GO ABOUT KICKING A DEAD DOG? Worse, for their purposes of cleaning their hands of the blood, they go for destruction of two elderly people who simply continue to defend the integrity and stability of the business in point and reclaim the stolen property--not even for the Institute but FOR THE PERSON ORIGINALLY MAKING THE ERROR OF ROUTING THE GOLD THROUGH GREEN!

    How do I know they are all working together, these ones above? They claim to be
    --they advertise products as offered by the other AND they even feature the expert authority one for the other.

    These presentings, such as Gritz made last evening and sug­gesting his 800 number calls, are obvious, are they not? They play upon the ignorance of the receiving public and effort to plant the "IDEA" OF SOME CULT OR OTHER ACTIVITIES TAKING PLACE HERE. Sorry, there is NOTHING--not even a tiny group AND THEY KNOW IT. It is only you who do not know it. I suggest that if any one of you read five articles or JOURNALS BY ME that you would "rotten egg" them off the podiums for their stupidity. When TRUTH is put forth--the adversary, when he cannot pull it down from other attacks, always resorts to setting LIES into play for deceit and trickery--just as do your less obvious media orchestrators and other totally con­trolled outlets. In other words, tell the lie often enough and the "simple" people are suckered.

    Well, friends, there is nothing to hide here and it must make you all wonder WHY there is such effort to discredit on a personal basis--ME? I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT?

    Why would they use one Bo Gritz? Because I endorsed him early on and you will never know whether I did so to pull him out of his baseboard or if he indeed had or has potential to SERVE GOD. I did not say "Hatonn"--I SAID GOD. This is the task of the Hosts--to prepare and sort and ready a place for the return of the Godly being.

    We have NOTHING to do with RELIGION or POLITICS. We serve ONE MASTER
    --GOD OF LIGHT and no other--although all OTHERS will be left to their own salvation or loss thereof. I have a job and we are do­ing it--what YOU do with the information and offered guidance in this arena is purely and strictly up to you.

    I'm sorry, I shall repeat for the thousandth time: YOU CAN­NOT PURCHASE YOUR WAY TO INTERVIEWS, TRIPS OR SILLY GARBAGE TOURS. I DO NOT GIVE INTERVIEWS--AND DORIS EKKER HAS NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GIVEN ANYTHING EVEN RE­MOTELY CONNECTED WITH "INTERVIEWS". DORIS EKKER CLAIMS TO BE NOTHING and perhaps that is why these ones are so bastardly about it--they claim great expert au­thority and Doris CLAIMS NOTHING, asks no focus and I have a statement to make--anyone who sits with us in any so-called gathering--does so openly without offerings, donations, may participate and cannot help but see that there is nothing of church, group or any other operations going on. Bo Gritz has sat with us, Gary Anderson has sat with us and of course, Green set up what he could to make this a focus as a UFO sort-of nut-group. I will say that Gary Anderson owes the Institute a KNOWN $90,000, Bo Gritz at the least, personally, $19,000 plus, and Green, of course, over half a million dollars. Now, do you still think there is no PURPOSE in siding together and working a sham-scam attack on Doris Ekker and Hatonn??

    They are welcome to continue these interesting statements, but as with other lies, they shall be caught up in their own tricks. If Doris Ekker would be all that she is accused of--she would have been running the entire world by now, don't you see? If SHE has all the human power and capability as offered by these "mouthing experts" why don't you run HER for President--she obviously would be as good at filling the role as is Clinton Bil­laries.



    Again, I urge you to call Mr. Gritz and inquire about this terri­ble Doris Ekker and how you might get a ride beyond. The RIDE you will experience is the idiocy of such characteriza­tions. At the first calls this morning to the 800 number the caller received great humor and laughter from the answering party, a lady--I doubt the humor will be so appreciated as the days wear on and YOU DO YOUR OWN INQUIRING. So be it.


    I will let you readers in on a private recognition from Doris (Dharma). This type of assault gives confirmation to her for the TRUTH she writes--for as the "dead dog" in suggestion--why would her worst enemies go to such lengths to discredit her--she has nothing to get or discredit. It is a bit like assaulting Mother Teresa--what are you going to discredit and claim, her place in the street for a bed or her load burden of work among the sick and wounded? The OBVIOUS becomes recognized--THE POINT IS TO DISCREDIT HER SPEAKERS OF TRUTH--AND IN THAT SHE GETS HER OWN CONFIRMATION THAT SHE SERVES IN TRUTH AND LIGHT. This is usu­ally hard to handle in the human confrontation--but not on the spiritual level--it proves the truth of the mission.

    I once called Bo "son" and, as a pained father, I must sit while the integrations of lies absorb him. I am no different from any of you who perceive selves to be parents as the children go about tricks in evil gaming--we are all hurt and disappointed by the loss of the most tiny being. So be it.

    Indeed, do you miss the lifeboat God sends while waiting for a rapture, a whisk-off, or a bloodbath either by Jesus or a planet at war? You had best check WITHIN--because you CANNOT PURCHASE A SINGLE THING FROM GOD!
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:31.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#086, MISSING THE LIFEBOAT??

    PJ 86


    SAT., DEC. 25, 1993 11:34 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 131

    SAT., DECEMBER 25, 1993

    In love without ending I am in thine presence, child--in this cel­ebration of beginning, never ending, expression of infinity mani­fest.

    Who might I be? I AM that which can be you, a song on the breeze, a captain at the helm--a swallow in flight--I AM.

    I am Esu Immanuel, the one they called Jesus as my days were faded from your expression. They say, "This is His Day", this Holy Day which, even in its "darkness" of forgetfulness and commercial wrappings, fills the hearts of MY PEOPLE with loving thoughts of that which you might be in the oneness with our Father Creator. Take not other with you in the lost truth of celebration or you will miss the goal of the journey in which you experience.

    I care not of celebration for some useless body lying somewhere decayed and lifeless for I, like you, need it not when passage is made unto the presence of "reality" as you cast off shackles and finally say, "I too have done well that my Father may be well-pleased". This day, my brothers of this Lighted Truth, God our Father is well-pleased for we tarry not and neither do we turn from HIS guidance in this, our mission.

    I see the loving message in your candles lit in memory of me--a reminder on the night hours of faith and life and caring for the brother either close or distant.

    Why do I not come more often into the writings of you, my own, in cherishing and recognition? Because you would pay dearly for the presence and YOU NEED IT NOT! NO MAN SHALL TRULY COME UNTO ME AND OUR FATHER THROUGH THE MAGIC OF SO-CALLED PRESENTA­TIONS OR MIRACLES--you will only RECOGNIZE the "miracle" BECAUSE YOU ARE ALREADY WITH ME.

    Dharma welcomes me as a "youngster" in our Father's tribe--and sometimes as an "oldtimer" lost in infinity by the many faces of our coming and going, our remembering.

    I come not this time, my friends, to either whisk you away from your responsibilities of growth and learning or to teach the lengthy messages of God in this "contact". The cycle change is GREAT in this sequence of manifestation and the Messengers must prepare the way for the evolvement, the sorting and the teachings which must be set to "right". I am, as you wish to say, "Captain" of this ship of passage. Not, however, am I come by any translated "name" or label to suit some finite being of YOUR perception. Neither am I a figment of mental acro­batics--I AM THAT WHICH IS "REAL" IN THE TIME OF RETURN UNTO GOD IN THE SPACES OF HIS HOLY PRESENCE.

    Blessed friends and family, I am neither a pious donkey nor a figment of some illusion--elusive to touch and vision. I am "real" and I am awaiting my instructions just as are you. By the authority of our Creator Father am I returned--not to some who CALL themselves "Christian" but to my brethren in brotherhood of Light and Truth.

    I am the spirit within the babe--NOT THE BABE! I have experienced in many ways, just as you, and I have matured in KNOWING--just as shall you--each in the fulfillment of that which is your tradition and message. You must not turn unto any ONE focus of man or even nature--for ALL is THE ONE and if you do not see the WHOLE you cannot find THE ONE.

    There is nothing "greater" about myself. Am I special? No more than are you--only older and wiser, having been tutored in my lessons by the Great Spirit and groomed by the Eagles of my dimension that I might show you the way IN TRUTH. My lessons of physical manifestation I had to learn exactly as have you--the "hard" way--through experience which leaves the heart faint and the soul terrorized--wanting to believe ENOUGH and fearful that somehow you are not of enough strength to endure--always longing for that which seems the easy way but is NOT. It was hard for me, too, to allow the unfolding in properness--for I wanted ALL to see and hear and my heart would break and bleed with the denials and refusals for I could see that which would come upon the species in their blindness.

    I had to LEARN that only unto MYSELF could I be true and ultimately realize, students, that it was enough--for even in the ability to do all the things of a spirit --I could not cause the hu­man expression to see TRUTH--I could only offer and BE Truth. Do you not see? You cannot do that which is the soul expression of LIFE itself individual, to be other than IT IS with its myriads of lessons and unique theorems.
    So, what was Bethlehem all about? It was the recognition of new life which COULD represent the change of soul unto that which could bring Light and passage into eternal joy and bal­ance. The world itself was no better nor worse 2000 years ago--or a hundred million years ago. Man comes into physical expe­rience to learn, grow, sort, and BECOME. A child represents "HOPE" in that God trusted you enough to perhaps change your pathways and allow the child to become his ultimate perfection--EVEN THROUGH THE HARD LESSONS. Few make it in fullness, brothers, FEW indeed. Will YOU? Only YOU know--but until YOU DO SO, NEITHER CAN I REACH THE UL­TIMATE PERFECTION! I come again and again and show you Truth--but you will make the journey and, yet, there is ONLY "ONE" so, too, must I teach, guide and lead in such a way that you come with me--for I may not force ANYTHING upon you. YOU MUST RISE ABOVE AND BEYOND THAT WHICH ABOUNDS ABOUT YOU--ONLY THEN CAN YOU SEE THAT YOU ALREADY "ARE" THAT WHICH YOU SEEK TO BE BUT HAVE NOT YET ACCEPTED IN RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility? Yes. You may well select a "job" and do it well--but you must grow to accept the responsi­bility to CREATE THE WAY!

    Well, you ask, can't Little Crow or Dharma draw us a map? Yes, but they can only walk the roads for themselves--just as I must only draw the map, show the way and "be there" when you demand your KNOWING. Will I, or messenger Hosts, whisk you to security or safety? No, you will BECOME that which makes the journey and the simplicity of "being" will open unto you like the morning sun on a cloudless day.

    The "clouds" and "ships" are not for us who have been sent back and come willingly as messengers and truthbearers. We need not ships nor physical "stuff'. These things are tools with which we can CREATE that which will allow perceptions to find possibilities out of a darkened recognition. The human mind must be able to physically, consciously, relate to that which it perceives POSSIBLE.

    Is it important to us as higher brothers and guides that YOU as a remnant make this journey? Yes, but not for the reasons you perceive. We know that YOU MUST SERVE AND GROW--MAKING IT POSSIBLE FOR THE REALITY OF GOD TO BECOME MANIFEST WITHIN HUMANITY. YOU can't, nor should you, be smug enough to assume YOU CAN SAVE ANYTHING. It is not your prerogative to even assume such status. You can only SAVE SELF. However, in the opening of the "way" you allow others to also find TRUTH and in that finding, comes wisdom and KNOWING if the entity be willing to follow the WORD, which is GOD. If GOD will not snatch up and SAVE all of His own--what right do YOU have to as­sume such status? Have you right to take a child from kinder­garten and graduate him from college without any lessons in between?

    Why can you not stop tending God's business and attend your own? You ones have grossly overstated your perceptions that YOU somehow know more about everyone else's business than you apparently know about your own. If YOU become perfec­tion--the rest will follow--for the "perfection" is in accepting that which others do. If you see a "better way" then mention it--but do not assume yourselves to be perfection enough to pass orders for ALL. If you WERE and ARE THAT PERFEC­TION--you would have harmony, love and joy in your physical experience RIGHT NOW.

    It is also the "time" of coming into recognition of your bless­ings--for you ARE blessed indeed. Chosen? I'm not sure what YOU mean by such a term--ONLY YOU CAN CHOOSE. WE can only ACCEPT. These are simply plays on words which can be construed, misconstrued and mal-defined. Do NOT depend on words--for GOD DOES NOT. HE KNOWS FROM THAT INTENT WITHIN--AND KNOW THAT MOST OFTEN, YOU PRECIOUS LAMBS--THAT YOUR INTENT IS EVER SO MUCH BETTER AND PURE THAN YOUR EXPRESSION IN WORDS. YOU have need of words--WE DO NOT! If we only depended on Dharma's "words", she would have resigned be­fore she got started--so please, cherished extensions of our­selves, do not despair when the mind plays its conscious tricks on you--HOLD THE COURSE IN THE SOUL AND YOU SHALL BE FINE.

    How can Dharma and E.J. spend a day "working" and miss the family and trappings of a "Christmas Day", etc? Because that is what the rest of experience IS--the "trappings"--not the reality. You can "miss" the presence or traditions without being LONELY. You can be ALONE but, within GOD, there is no ALONE! Dharma is LESS ALONE at this keyboard than in any moment of her experience other than when she is in our pres­ence in reality of manifestation--all others about you AND the illusion of all around you--is but for your "creating" material. If YOU ARE LONELY--it is only to yourself you owe "blame". If you feel alone this moment on this "gathering" day--it is your singular problem for self--there are others you could be sharing with in places less than yours--or more than yours--and not be alone. Aloneness is a choice, just as separation from God is a CHOICE. Often the loneliness is "guilt" for not being or doing that which is HIDDEN by the facade of great "occasion" and "hoopla" which deadens the senses and leaves emptiness as not quite filling the holes in the heartplace.

    My son, Gunther, and child, Rael, are finally in a moment's precious "aloneness". You have provided them with the ability to have a room with a kitchen and Rael has already burned their first breakfast--I think that is progress--for food is only the sus­tenance of physical "making it". The joy of unity is the ultimate expression of being ALIVE. I do not speak of physical unity as such--but "just being" there without bars betwixt--for a brief moment in time of simply BEING.

    I must tell Rael and remind both these children--that much is go­ing on and Gunther will have to spend some time with US--OVER HERE. It is frightening and even terrifying to the one who must watch and fears separation. Let the heart guide ac­tions--but KNOW that this MUST BE. If you will keep in the PRESENCE and within the shield, you can recognize your EN­EMIES and still remain in their presence--utilizing that which is provided for your opportunities. Bless the gifts brought by thine enemy--for those will be the tools to your FREEDOM. Do not try to outmanipulate them nor effort to SAVE them from them­selves for only through example and growth can that be accom­plished. Watch the children that they may witness the whole and can SEE without the tales, etc. The enemy CANNOT touch you if you remain shielded BY GOD. He can hurt you and pound upon you--but he cannot pull you away--if you cement the linkage. And, until these children can provide for themselves, I must ask that you ones of our flock, help them--this is true brotherhood and I promise that an "investment", in this pair, shall reap rewards beyond that which any of you know or guess. Do not, however, think you can "do this" for show-and-tell--for the testing is of YOUR heart and direction--NOT THEIRS!

    The Beast is beginning to nibble away at its ownself. He will writhe and scream in his agony of dismemberment and he will blast flame and destruction everywhere he can--BUT HE CAN­NOT HURT THE TEAMS OF GOD. He CAN and WILL massively destroy the misled followers of doctrine instead of TRUTH--so be it. You can offer TRUTH, it is the choice of each fragment to discern, judge and choose.

    The Beast will eventually totally consume self to prevent "giving" even unto parts of itself. It will take out the unwitting "followers" of the lies and misperceptions deliberately--BUT GOD'S TEAM WILL BE LEFT MOSTLY ALONE--FOR THE BEAST DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ONES WHO NEVER BEND FROM GOD--NOR BRING FORCE OR DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION UPON HIM. The adversary knows that within God is protection and when he takes on God's body--he takes on God. The point is: ARE YOU STRONG ENOUGH TO STAND FOR GOD? I did not say, "fight or war for God with arms and armies"--I said "stand", which means that you can "take a stand" and no one save self need ever know--just YOU and GOD. It means that you cause not undue focus on self or brethren, abide by the LAWS and the laws and keep on going....

    You of our team are scattered all about the places of your globe--in waiting readiness. We do not miss the messages, precious family--not a one.

    Dharma and E.J. are overwhelmed at the loving messages which have come and most from "old" friends who have stood the badgering of Greens and other things and ones who would test the metal of the steel. Still our team stands strong--and yes, WE GET THE MESSAGES AND PETITIONS. Yes, indeed, you can send a "thing" which touches the heart--but you have sent into my keeping your very hearts in Love and offering--and I and our messengers will hold them gently--but steadfastly in our keeping. Let the world laugh at you but within thine hearts KNOW that we are here and we accept your challenge and trust. Please, however, KNOW also, that God WILL choose the "better way" for most of you have now learned HOW TO PRAY and you are asking for strength in service, growing, and wisdom while petitioning that God use you and show you the way as HE DEEMS BEST. In this release from expectation of that which may not ever be "best", you can bless each thing, each happening, as prelude to THE BEST. When I say unto our Father, "THY WILL", I must mean it exactly in that petition--not "MY WILL" and this becomes the hardest task of all. Remember, when the student is ready the teacher will come. So too, when the preparations are laid, the Master will come and when the groundwork is prepared the crop can be planted and the seeds will come. This means, further, that when the moment is right the substance necessary shall also come. Patience while acting in wisdom is ever thine guideline--it MUST be, for if you do not "wait upon the Lord" you may well destroy the opportunity at your door. You may not, however, sit upon your backsides WAITING--and the contradictions are great.

    I am often amused at ones who recite the old adages and use them so incorrectly.
    I example the one that says that there is no greater gift than to lay down your life for a friend. No, that is incorrect--there is no greater love than to be WILLING to lay down your life--but more important: WILL YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE FOR SAME? AND WHO IS YOUR FRIEND? IF YOU ARE WORKING ON PERFECTION--YOUR FRIEND WILL BE PROBABLY WORTHY OF YOUR EFFORT. IF, IN GROWING, THE SEPARATION OF FRIEND FROM FRIEND BEARS WITNESS--WHY AND WHO BRINGS SEPARATION TO A "FRIENDSHIP"? It is necessary to re­define "friend". It is no "friend" who denies your sharing--in preference to his own opinion. He can cling to his opinion but a "FRIEND" will hear yours with open mind and heart that he might learn or at the least reach "appreciation". Also, just be­cause you are "family" in NO WAY means that you are neces­sarily FRIENDS! You can remain congenial acquaintances and relatives but "friendship unlimited" is an emotional state of be­ing in loyalty and honor--EVEN IN DISAGREEMENT. It is imperative that in marriage, for instance, there must be respect but FIRST OF ALL, there MUST BE FRIENDSHIP!

    I give my LOVE unstintingly and infinitely--I GIVE MY FRIENDSHIP MOST CAREFULLY for there is no greater love than to call a being, "My Friend". And, friendship must be a two-way circuit. You can admire, love and cherish a person--but "friendship" is a two-way hookup and BOTH must be giving and equal--or you simply have an unbalanced USE-ING of another. The worst pain of all, in all instances, is betrayal by one who claimed to be "friend"--we have each and all walked that path. Have you betrayed a friend? Fix it if you can--for that guilt on the soul is unlimited in its "adhesive" capability.

    Dharma, I thank you for allowing me to share a bit of your time in this way on this Christmas Day--for we are bringing many things into finalizing and beginning upstart of new perceptions of growth in very visible ways.

    I shall come more often as the "teaching" comes more oppor­tune for in the outcome it is only that soul KNOWING which is important--but we have to walk through this phase of experience in the meanwhile and cannot focus solely on the soul journey--for in this instance the physical must "get there" too.

    May GOD wrap us ever in his PATIENCE as we stumble through the way into LIGHT--for I, too, am sharing--again--that recognition of your expression and WE must accomplish these things if we are to reclaim our Father's estate and come back into HIS oral truths of expression.

    Take my hand for I am not some "stranger in paradise"--but I know the way.

    In love greater than you can perceive except by being one within it--I AM!
    PJ 86


    WED., DEC. 29, 1993 9:53 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 135

    WED., DECEMBER 29, 1993

    We have had so much urgent personal and local material to at­tend that we are terribly behind with "public" writing. Forgive us but please be patient as we have to attend most carefully things such as moulds on culture dishes as well as our other tasks and it is time consuming.

    Since we are in the cutting-down of material run in the paper and turning the full contents into JOURNALS for your use, we are up against a hard one today. We have something so impor­tant as to need every word shared and UNDERSTOOD by you readers--but it is a couple of hundred pages in content without attachments. I ask that Dharma just plug along and allow us to retype it so that she experiences the content and allow us to get it set on discs for future workability. I then ask that someone, perhaps Nora, take the typing and give us some highlights of each writing to place in the paper as we move along.

    This information, contained in this lawsuit filed in 1991 in Illi­nois, bears the most comprehensive information on the largest number of participants in the downfall of your nation that we have come across. It needs to be integrated fully into the other offerings we continue to bring, i.e., "300", etc. We have to leave it to you to do this for we are simply buried in paperwork and other tasks which continually interrupt our work-flow.

    This comes anonymously to us in copy form but is public do­main as to information for it is a copy of a lawsuit filed in Jan­uary (16th), 1991 in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division.

    It is case number: 91C 314. The "demand" is for a Jury per re­strictions as set forth below.

    Plaintiffs: MARK SATO, FRANCIS L. HARRIGAN, RAY­MOND F. NOWAK, DONALD P. THIBODEAUX, and all others similarly situated.


    THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, as used as a RICO enterprise; JULIUS W. BECTON, JR, indi­vidually, in his capacity as FEMA Director, and his predeces­sors and successors, if any; and all other FEMA/NSC opera­tives, whether known or unknown; the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, as used as a RICO enterprise; etc., etc., etc. There are three pages of Defendants and I will not take space herein to present them all. I do request that the full listing be placed in the JOURNAL because it includes such as the Federal Reserve Bank and other related parties. The remainder of the document will be presented exactly as written to the best of our ability in the JOURNAL with excerpts extracted for information in CON­TACT. For purposes of space conservation we will use single-space type instead of legal double-spacing. It is very important to get your "players" lined up and a reference point so I ask that the first few pages be included in both publications. Then, please hold on to the first segments for reference.

    This will be recognized as Segment I:

    COMES NOW Mark Sato ("Sato"), Francis L. Harrigan ("Harrigan"), Raymond F. Nowak ("Nowak") , and Donald P. Thibodeaux ("Thibodeaux"), Plaintiffs pro se, pursuant to Rules 23 and 60(b) (6), F.R.C.P., and any counterpart in equity, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, com­plaining against Defendants Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), as used as a RICO enterprise; Julius W. Becton, Jr., and all other FEMA/NSC operatives, whether known or unknown; Internal Revenue Service ("IRS"), as used as a RICO enterprise; Fred T. Goldberg ("Goldberg"), Com­missioner of Internal Revenue ("CIR"), his predecessors and his successors, if any; Richard S. Wintrode ("Wintrode"), IRS Dis­trict Director ("DD"), his predecessors and his successors, if any; the Office of the United States Attorney ("USA-ND"), Northern District of Illinois, as used as a RICO enterprise; Fred Foreman, individually, in his capacity as a RICO enterprise; James B. Moran, individually, in his capacity as RICO co-con­spirator, and as a FEMA operative, but not in his capacity of U.S. Attorney, and his predecessors and successors, if any; the United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois ("ND"), as used as RICO
    co-conspirator, and as a FEMA oper­ative, but not in his capacity as judge, and his predecessors and successors, if any; the United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit (7th Circuit"), as used as a RICO enterprise; William J. Bauer, individually, in his capacity as RICO co-conspirator, and as a FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge, and his predecessors and successors, if any; the United States Bankruptcy Court, ("USBC-ND"); Jack Schmetterer, individu­ally, in his capacity as RICO
    co-conspirator, and as a FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge, and his predecessors and successors, if any; the United States Tax Court ("TC"); Arthur L. Nims III, individually, in his capacity as RICO co­conspirator, and as a FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge, and his predecessors and successors, if any; Ilana Dia­mond Rovner ("Rovner") and Dr. Richard N. Rovner ("Dr. Rovner"), individually and jointly, in their capacities as Federal Reserve System RICO
    co-conspirators, and in their capacity as RICO co-conspirator/successor operative for the Mossad, but not in her capacity as a judge; Paul E. Plunkett ("Plunkett"), individually, in his capacity as Federal Reserve System RICO co-­conspirator, and in his capacity as Northern District bagman, but not in his capacity as judge; Walter J. Cummings, Jr. ("Cummings"), individually, in his capacity as Federal Reserve System RICO co-conspirator, and in his capacity as 7th Circuit bagman, but not in his capacity as judge; Eugene R. Wedoff ("Wedoff"), individually in his capacity as a Mossad operative, but not in his capacity as judge; Erwin I. Katz ("Katz"), indi­vidually in his capacity as a Mossad operative, but not in his ca­pacity as a judge; Laurence Whalen ("Whalen"), individually in his capacity as FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge; Joel Gerber ("Gerber"), individually in his capacity as FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge; George Marovich ("Marovich"), individually in his capacity as FEMA operative, but not in his capacity as judge; Mayer, Brown & Platt ("MBP"), a law firm partnership; Stanton A. Kessler ("Kessler"), a senior partner of MBP; Jenner & Block ("J&B"), a law firm partnership; Jerrold Solovy ("Solovy"), a senior partner of J&B; the Federal Reserve Bank ("FRB"), a private, foreign-controlled corporation; Silas Keehn, president of the FRB of Chicago; William J. Benson ("Benson"); Lowell "Larry" Becraft ("Becraft"); Norma Davenport ("Davenport"); Jeffrey A. Dickstein ("Dickstein"); Andrew B. Spiegel ("Spiegel"); Robert G. Stift ("Stift"); Sheldon Waxman ("Waxman"); David Brown ("Brown"); James Babowice ("Babowice"); Robert J. Lepri ("Lepri"); Harry Zaidenberg ("Zaidenberg"); Citicorp Savings ("Citicorp"); the First Na­tional Bank of Lincolnwood ("FNBL") & all of their agents, of­ficers, representatives, attorneys, employees, and servants, whether known or unknown; & all other unnamed co-conspira­tors similarly situated, past, present and future, including, but not limited to, John Does #1-10000 and Jane Roes #1-10000, and each of them, demanding the cessation of the below de­scribed acts and doings, and further demanding to have the wrongs incurred in such acts and doings rectified immediately, declaring such acts and doings treasonous and wholly in viola­tion of the U.S. Constitution and the underlying Social Com­pacts, and further demanding damages, liquidated, punitive and exemplary, as follows:


    1. This Court has only limited ministerial jurisdiction of this controversy because of the invocation of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, U.S. Constitution, and of the Social Compacts under-girding the Constitution, including, but not limited to, the Magna Charta, i.e., pursuant to such invocation this Court has no power to enforce any provisions litigated herein unless and until specifically granted by Plaintiffs.

    2. Plaintiffs have a right to file this action in federal courts without fear of waiving their right to an impartial tribunal, which they cannot obtain in this District from any judge cor­ruptly supervised by the "judges" of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ("7th Circuit"), or of the 7th Circuit.

    3. The Defendants have engaged in an enormous conspiracy to commit treason against the People, including, but not limited to, the Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated; thus, this ac­tion is a class action, modeled after Rule 23, F.R.C.P.

    4. The United States was founded upon a Compact, the leading principle of which is that individuals can never be trusted with governmental power without tight restraints upon the exercise of that power, i.e., that power corrupts individuals wielding such power and every presumption must be against the innocence of the individual wielding delegated governmental power; the Constitution is evidence only of the provision for governmental service with appropriate restraints, and does not represent the entire Compact, nor all the instruments of re­straint.

    5. The Bible and the ancient nation of Israel were used as a model for English royalty, as well as a basis for English com­mon law; the Compact is Christian in nature and has, as its documentary foundation, the Magna Charta and the Bible.

    6. The Sovereignty of the People is both explicit and implicit in the Compact.

    7. The required oath of office from all governmental ser­vants, federal, State and local, is a pledge of allegiance binding all such servants to a contractual relationship wherein they must serve and protect the People and their rights, individually and collectively, under the Compact, and, as such is a waiver of ba­sic citizenship rights in favor of such service to each of the Sovereign People; anyone who does not so waive his/her citizen rights cannot serve the People.

    8. The assertion of immunity by any governmental servant is an attempt to assert a Title of NOBILITY, a grievous and trea­sonous violation of the oath given to the People.

    8. The People, as Sovereign, are not required to take an oath or give a pledge of allegiance to the servants, to the Constitution or to the Compact and, thus, retain all their rights, privileges and immunities without reservation.

    9. The Compact is binding on the parties, both the People and their governmental servants, unless abrogated by the ser­vants, at which point the People may invoke supra-Constitu­tional powers to restore the Compact.

    10. ONLY the People may invoke supra-Constitutional rights which were intended to ensure that the People retain and reserve all powers not specifically delegated and those rights may not be denied by the servants, otherwise the servants are guilty of treason by criminal usurpation of powers.

    11. The perversion of "The king can do no wrong" maxim led to the modern legal theory of sovereign and judicial immu­nity.

    12. The main instrument which is currently being used by the Defendants and each of them, individually, severally, jointly and in concert, to commit the grievous and massive treason against the People, is the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA").

    13. Defendant FEMA and all of its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, attorneys, operatives, affili­ates, confederates and co-conspirators have committed treason and genocide against Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated by usurpation of powers not granted or delegated.

    14. In complete and total violation of the Compact, Defen­dant FEMA and its secret team of clandestine operatives and co-­conspirators, under sham and pretense of federal authority and various unlawfully and treasonously declared "national emergency type situations" but without actual authority, treasonously have been planning to impose, and have imposed, martial law, or "martial rule", upon this Nation and its People and have staged a seditious, silent coup on behalf of enemies of the People of the United States.

    15. The IRS, under the control of the FRS and FEMA, has evolved into an organization which has only three major func­tions, namely:

    a. to insure the collection of interest, disguised as tax collection, on the national debt of the United States;

    b. to act as the overseer of the Federal Reserve money laundry;

    c. to act as a provocateur agency, entrapping all FEMA "undesirables" into violations of secret IRS "laws".

    16. the Defendants, individually, jointly, severally and in concert with each other and with other confederates, have know­ingly and intentionally violated the Compact to the detriment and damage of the named Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated, thereby committing treason against the named Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated.

    17. Intelligence-gathering federal agencies engage in illegal and treasonous counterintelligence activities; under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, such counter­intelligence activities, as they pertain to certain of the named Plaintiffs, have been implemented against Plaintiffs and all oth­ers similarly situated.

    18. The IRS, through its various divisions, such as IRS Intel­ligence, has become the primary federal intelligence agency.

    19. The ultimate use to which IRS Intelligence puts its infor­mation-gathering apparatus against individuals and groups is the implementation of FEMA program testing, i.e., the enforcement of alleged "tax laws" in this country is "criminal" and trea­sonous.

    20. The Plaintiffs, and all others similarly situated, have been damaged by a joint IRS-Intelligence/Mossad covert opera­tion, treasonously perpetrated in concert with other federal, State and local officials.

    COMES NOW Sato, Harrigan, Nowak, and Thibodeaux, Plaintiffs pro se, individually and on behalf of all others simi­larly situated, complaining against Defendants FEMA, Becton, all other FEMA/NSC operatives whether known or unknown; IRS; Goldberg, CER, his predecessors and his successors, if any; the ND; Moran; the 7th Circuit; Bauer; the USBC-ND; Schmetterer; the USTC; Nims; Rovner and Dr. Rovner; Plun­kett; Cummings; Wedoff; Katz; Whalen; Gerber; Marovich; MBP; Kessler; J&B; Solovy; the FRB; Keehn; Rockefeller; Benson; Becraft; Davenport; Dickstein; Spiegel; Stift; Waxman; Brown; Babowice; Lepri; Saidenberg; Citicorp; FNBL & all of their agents, officers, representatives, attorneys, employees, informants, servants, contractors and sub-contractors, whether known or unknown, whether predecessors or successors, if any; and all other unnamed co-conspirators similarly situated, past, present and future, including, but not limited to, John Roes
    #1-­10000 and Jane Does #1-10000, and each of them, demanding the cessation of the below described acts and doings, and further declaring such acts and doings to be both treasonous and uncon­stitutional, as follows:

    A.Jurisdictional Statement

    1. The matter in controversy exceeds the jurisdictional mini­mum exclusive of interest and costs.

    2. This Court (as hereinafter always distinguished from the FEMA operatives disguised as judges of this Court) has limited ministerial jurisdiction of this controversy under:

    a. the Ninth Amendment, U.S. Constitution;
    b. the Tenth Amendment, U.S. Constitution;
    c. the Social Compact ("Compact") existing between the successors in interest, including, but not limited to, Plaintiffs herein and all governmental servants, including, but not lim­ited to, all officers, employees, representatives, attorneys, etc., of the United States and of each of the States, such Compact being evidenced by the contractual principles contained in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitutions of the colonial States, the U.S. Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, and other seminal federal documents, includ­ing, but not limited to, the Magna Charta;
    d. the invocation by Plaintiffs of all other ancillary and pen­dent rights pertinent to this case.

    3. The Ninth Amendment prohibits any judge from entering the premises of this case with any discretionary power to either deny or disparage the non-enumerated rights invoked herein.

    4. Under the Tenth Amendment, the Plaintiffs reserve all non-enumerated rights invoked herein for themselves, for all others similarly situated and do not intend to waive any such rights by filing this Complaint.

    5. This Court has limited jurisdiction of this controversy, as limited by the provisions of the preceding sections 2., 4., under:

    a. Article I, Sec. 9, clause 8, U.S. Constitution [prohibition against granting Titles of Nobility];

    b. Article III, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution [pertaining to treason];

    c. the First Amendment, clause 1 [prohibition against in­fringement of freedom of religion], clause 2 [prohibition against infringement of freedom of speech and press], and clause 3 [prohibition against infringement of right to peace­able assembly and for redress of grievances], U.S. Con­stitution;

    d. the Fourth Amendment, clause 1 [prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures], and clause 2 [requirement of issuance of warrants only upon probable cause], U.S. Constitution;

    e. the Fifth Amendment, clause 3 [prohibition against forced self-accusation], clause 4 [deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process of law], U.S. Constitution;

    f. the Eighth Amendment, clause 2 [prohibition against excessive fines], clause 3 [prohibition against cruel and un­usual punishment], U.S. Constitution;

    g. the Thirteenth Amendment, Section 1 [prohibition against involuntary servitude], U.S. Constitution;

    h. the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, clause 3 [prohibition against any State depriving any person of due process], and clause 4 [prohibition against any State de­priving any person of equal protection of the laws], U.S. Constitution.

    For illustrative purposes only, this Court has limited juris­diction of this controversy, as limited by the provisions of the preceding sections 2.-5., under:

    a. the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, 18 U.S.C. 1961
    et seq. ("RICO");

    b. 28 U.S.C. 1331 [federal question];

    c. 28 U.S.C. 1340 as it pertains to 26 U.S.C. 7214, for­merly known as Section 4047, 1939 Internal Revenue Code;

    d. case law precedents arising under Bivins v. Six Un­known Federal Agents,
    403 U.S. 388 (1971;

    e. 28 U.S.C. 1343(3) & (4) [abuse by IRS in proceeding under sham and pretense of State statutes providing for seizure of property];

    f. 28 U.S.C. 1346(1) [pertaining to allegations for the re­covery of wrongfully collected internal revenue taxes]; i.e., this Court has no power to enforce such provisions unless and until specifically granted by Plaintiffs.

    B. Venue

    1. Plaintiffs have a right to file this action, a case of first impression, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ("ND"), but do not intend for this action to be heard, adjudicated or administered by any current, past or future dis­trict judges of the ND or of any other district court which are corruptly supervised by the "judges" of the U.S. Court of Ap­peals for the Seventh Circuit ("7th Circuit"), or of the 7th Cir­cuit, for the reasons set forth in the attached Motion Pursuant to the 28 U.S.C. 291 & 292, the substance of which is in­corporated herein by reference, and summarized herein as fol­lows:

    a. Plaintiff Mark Sato has filed Petitions for Writs of Mandamus and/or Prohibition in the 7th Circuit along with similar Motions Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 291 & 292 which made allegations of the corruption of every judge who sits either in a District Court of the 7th Circuit, especially of the ND, or in the 7th Circuit itself;

    b. Such allegations of corruption directed at judges them­selves and not to the Court as an institution nor to the United States, went unanswered for between
    10 to 15 months even though such charges were made directly at the judges involved;

    c. Therefore, Plaintiffs have a right to take those charges as admitted as to each and every judge of the 7th Circuit, such charges involving:

    i. the taking of bribes from officials, such as Gov. James R. Thompson, in concert with the past U.S. Attor­neys for the ND, including, but not limited to, Anton R. Valukas, Dan K. Webb, Samuel Skinner and Thompson;

    ii. the taking of bribes in offshore accounts set up for 7th Circuit judges in which deposits are made by certain influential law firms, such as MBP and others;

    iii. other corrupting influences upon or by 7th Circuit judges, including, but not limited to:

    (a) past and current Mafia corruption of certain judges, such as Chief Judge William J. Bauer, District Judge Ilana D. Rovner; and of various U.S. Attorneys, such as James R. Thompson, Anton R. Valukas, Dan K. Webb; and other judges, prosecutors and govern­mental officials;

    (b) corruption of the clerk's offices by, e.g., the concealment and/or alteration of files and/or docu­ments, at the behest of entities such as Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith ("ML");

    (c) blackmail of 7th Circuit judges by certain of the Defendants and/or their agents, officers, representa­tives, attorneys, employees, operatives, assets, con­tractors and servants, for all the corrupt circumstances set forth herein in which such judges and prosecutors have been involved;

    (d) the cooperation by the Defendants via numerous predicate acts in the criminal RICO enterprises de­scribed below.

    d. Furthermore, for the reasons stated below, Plaintiffs have a right to consider those Defendants who claim official status to be absolutely stripped of any claim of immunity.

    e. Under the common law, 28 U.S.C. 455, the Judicial Code of Ethics and Sec. 33-3(c), Ill. Criminal Code, no man may be a judge in his own case; in this case, any ND judge, any 7th Circuit judge or any other judge under the influence of or controlled by such judges would be judge in his/her own case if they were to attempt to preside over this case.

    f. In any event, any individual purporting to preside as a judge over the proceedings in this action can only act in the most limited fashion pursuant to the Ninth Amendment claims made under the Magna Charts below.

    g. For the purpose of unearthing the massive fraud, cor­ruption and treason of which the Defendants, each of them, individually, severally, jointly and in concert, with their co­conspirators, are guilty, Plaintiffs intend to either name as defendants or unnamed co-conspirators, or to call as witnesses or demand documents from each and every individual claiming to have been or masquerading as, a judge, past (living) or present, of the ND or of the 7th Circuit.

    2. This Complaint is not submitted for hearing either in se­cret, ex parte, or in camera, by any corrupt individual posing as a judge presiding over the proceedings, nor by any committee of corrupt individuals posing as judges inserting itself into the premises; insofar as any corrupt individual posing as a judge or corrupt individuals posing as a committee of judges would seek to adjudicate this controversy in secret,
    ex parte, or in camera, Plaintiffs hereby give notice that they will withdraw this Complaint from their jurisdiction and declare such a judge or com­mittee of judges to be a knowing usurper in the premises, by reason of a violation of the Compact which prohibits such secret, ex parte or in camera hearings in the nature of Star Cham­ber proceedings.


    * * *
    I do not wish the segments to get longer than this, Dharma. We will take up with No. C. The Plaintiffs, when we turn to this document again. Thank you.

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