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    PJ 86


    THU., DEC. 30, 1993 12:43 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 136

    THU., DECEMBER 30, 1993
    FEMA. ET AL:
    C. The Plaintiffs

    1. All Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated are not aliens and consider themselves residents and citizens of the State of Illinois, a State of the United States, or of other States; how­ever, the Defendants consider Plaintiffs to be United States citizens, thus, subject to their jurisdiction which contention the Plaintiffs vigorously deny.

    2. Because of the nature of the allegation as explained in the background allegations made below, this Complaint is appropri­ate for designation as Multi-District Litigation, or MDL, to be administered in the ND with out-of-7th-Circuit judges, in order that other Plaintiffs similarly situated from other areas of the United States may join as members of the class and participate in the claims for relief from damage.

    D. The Defendants

    1. By and through Defendant CIR [Commissioner of Internal Revenue] (and his predecessors in each of their respective regimes) and others, Defendants FEMA, Becton, and all other FEMA operatives, whether known or unknown, have su­pervised, directed, controlled or substantially influenced, the actions of all other Defendants, named or unnamed, who are, or have been, agents, officers, representatives, attorneys, employ­ees, operatives, assets, contractors and servants, of the IRS, in­cluding, but not limited to, Intelligence Division agents, officers, and undercover or special operatives, contract agents provocateurs, contract informants, and "moles" (see below), all over the country, or who are or have been acting in concert with said Defendant in any manner, all for the purpose of a fraudu­lent and treasonous takeover of the federal administrative appa­ratus, widely called the "federal government".

    2. By and through Defendant DD (and his predecessors in each of their respective regimes), Defendants FEMA, and other unknown FEMA operatives, have supervised, directed, con­trolled or substantially influenced the actions of the Defendants, named or unnamed, who are or have been agents, officers, rep­resentatives, attorneys, employees, operatives, assets, contrac­tors and servants, of the IRS in this IRS District within the juris­diction of this Court, including, but not limited to, Intelligence Division agents, officers, and undercover or special operatives, contract agents provocateurs, contract informants, and "moles" (see below), working in this District, or who are or have been acting in concert with said Defendant in any manner, all for the purpose of a fraudulent and treasonous takeover of the federal administrative apparatus, widely called the "federal govern­ment".

    3. The federal agency Defendants and each of them have acted severally, individually, jointly and in concert with said FEMA Defendants, acting by and through the IRS Defendants, in damaging Plaintiffs, each of them and all others similarly situated, and have used their offices under color of authority for corrupt purposes, all for the purpose of a fraudulent and trea­sonous takeover of the federal administrative apparatus, widely called the "federal government".

    4. The private Defendants and each of them have acted severally, individually, jointly and in concert with said FEMA Defendants, acting by and through the IRS Defendants, in dam­aging Plaintiffs, each of them and all others similarly situated, all for the purpose of a fraudulent and treasonous takeover of the federal administrative apparatus, widely called the "federal government".

    5. The class of Defendants and various unnamed confeder­ates, such as Manuel Noriega, Khun Sa, George Bush and vari­ous Bush family members, the Herrera family, the CIA, the FBI, and confederates, operate nationwide and internationally, further necessitating MDL designation, centered and adminis­tered in the ND with
    out-of-7th-Circuit judges.

    E. The Necessity for Class Action Certification

    1. This pleading is a class action, modeled after Rule 23, F.R.C.P. for reference purposes only and not as a waiver, brought by Plaintiffs, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated who are affected and have been affected by the acts and doings of the Defendants and their co-conspirators and all others similarly situated, because:

    a. The class of parties damaged by the acts described be­low is too numerous for practical joinder;

    b. The issues of law and fact, as described below, are typical of the claims of the class;

    d. The defenses of Defendants, null and void ab initio, pursuant to the assertion of the Magna Charta, as explained below, will, of necessity, be typical of the defenses of all unnamed Defendants and those of their class;

    e. Plaintiffs Mark Sato and Thibodeaux are self-educated in law and can adequately represent the class even though said Plaintiffs are not members of the bar; said Plaintiffs are, in fact, better qualified than members of the bar for the pur­poses of the Complaint because of the Ninth Amendment claims made under the Magna Charta and because they can­not be threatened with loss of a license as would be a cer­tainty because of the need in this Complaint to assert the ab­solute, utter corruption of the individuals claiming to be and/or masquerading as federal judges sitting in the ND, in all other districts under the influence of the judges of the 7th Circuit, and in the 7th Circuit itself.

    f. The class of persons affected by the acts and doings from which Plaintiffs seek relief have been summarily and arbitrarily, without hearing or due process, labeled, by the IRS Defendants, "illegal tax protesters" ("ITP" per IRS documents) and/or "tax protesters" and, thereupon, subjected to unequal treatment by the Defendants, each of them, individually, jointly, severally and in concert, with cooperation of their various agents, officers, representatives, attorneys, employees, operatives, assets, contractors, subcontractors, informants, and servants, under color of the statutes of the United States and of the individual States ("ITP" is here­inafter used for convenience to generally describe the class with the understanding that Plaintiffs do not agree with the unconstitutional application of said term).

    g. IRS Intelligence operatives under the guidance and di­rection of the Defendant FEMA, et al., acting by and through IRS officials and others:

    i. have engaged in an ongoing program to destroy the antitax movement and individuals espousing such political philosophies, by (i) employing undercover operatives to infiltrate ITP groups, and (ii) using such operatives to take over leadership positions in such groups, all for the purpose of leading members of such groups to their individual and joint destruction, either through civil or criminal at­tacks or both launched with the aid of said operatives;

    ii. have engaged in such programs in concert with Mossad operatives seeking to destroy alleged anti-Jewish groups or individuals.

    2. MDL classification under the circumstances set forth above, as shown by the facts set forth in the Complaint below and in the attached Appendices, is a further contributing factor to the necessity for action being brought as a Class Action.

    F. Summary Background Necessary to Understanding the Jurisdictional Foundation, the Nature and Significance of the Complaint.

    1. Despite the propensity of judges and lawyers to willful blindness when the basis and motives for their crimes are publicized, the named Defendants and those of their class are gener­ally not ignorant of the background and background allegations set forth below in summary form.

    2. The United States was founded upon a Compact which has as its basis the principle that individuals can never be trusted with governmental power without tight restraints upon the exer­cise of that power; i.e., that power corrupts individuals wielding such power and every presumption must be against the inno­cence of the individual wielding delegated governmental power.

    3. The Declaration of Independence pronounced the abroga­tion of the effect of the existing compact between the American colonists and King George, nullifying allegiance to the Crown.

    4. The U.S. Constitution ("constitution") is evidence only of the provision for governmental service with appropriate re­straints, and does not represent the entire Compact, nor all the instruments of restraint.

    a. The 9th Amendment is a Constitutional admission that all rights are not set forth in the Constitution; some of the other rights "retained by the people" are set forth in a wide variety of documents, including, but not limited to:

    i. The Declaration of Independence;
    ii. The journals of the Constitutional Convention;
    iii. The seminal English law document, the Magna Charta;
    iv. The Bible

    b. The Ninth and Tenth Amendments eliminate the need to prohibit each and every conceivable abusive or criminal act which governmental servants might commit against the People; otherwise, the Constitution would have been an endlessly long document.

    c. Judges may not "construe" any non-enumerated rights and are, thus, without any power or jurisdiction to interpret such rights and cause them to be of no effect; therefore, when non-enumerated rights are invoked by the People, individually, severally, jointly or in concert, the judge's duties to enforce those rights as propounded by the People, e.g., Plaintiffs herein, is ministerial, not discretionary.

    5. The Bible and the ancient nation of Israel were used as a model for English royalty, as well as a basis for English com­mon law.

    a. The maxim "The King can do no wrong" is Biblically-based and means that the King, that is God, cannot abide wrong and, therefore, his servants in administering govern­ment are not permitted to do wrong and must be cast out of office for violation of governmental responsibilities; Leviticus 10:1-2, I Samuel 15:23.

    b. After the Israelites elected to have an earthly king, they were made responsible for impeachment; I Samuel 8:18, II Samuel 7:14.

    c. In olde England, consistent with the Biblical view, the maxim "The king can do no wrong" meant that the king was not privileged to commit illegal acts; see Ehrlich, Proceed­ings Against the Crown (6 Oxford Studies in Legislative and Social History 1921, at 127.)

    d. Thus, the English king was amenable to suit for dam­ages; in Oliver Cromwell's view, the king was amenable to much more.

    e. The Magna Charta provided an extraordinary remedy which allowed the people to deal immediately with renegade rulers and their judges, i.e., whenever the governmental administrator or the judges fail "in any circumstance" to protect the rights of "any person", or violate those rights and either the administrators or the judges, upon being duly noti­fied of the offense via petition for redress of the grievance, fail to redress the grievance within forty days of said notifi­cation, the citizens "shall distrain and distress [the adminis­trators and the judges] in all possible ways, by seizing [their] castles, lands, possessions, and in any other manner [the citi­zens] can, till the grievance is redressed according to [the citizens'] pleasure" and without hindrance from the adminis­trators and the judges;

    f. Under the foregoing provisions, Oliver Cromwell caused King Charles to be beheaded and the Star Chamber judges routed.

    g. Similarly, following the War for Independence, Ameri­cans distrained the property of the Crown under Magna Charta principles.

    6. The founding of the Compact in this country is Christian in nature and has, as its basis, the Magna Charta and the Bible.

    a. The Sovereignty of the People is explicit in the Com­pact.

    i. Declaration of Independence, Par. 1--"[I]t is the right of the People ... to institute new Government ..."

    ii. Preamble to the U.S. Constitution--"We the People of the United States ... do ordain and establish this Con­stitution for the United States of America".

    iii. Gettysburg Address--"Government of the People, by the People and for the People"; cf. Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967), at 257.

    b. The Sovereignty of the People is implicit in the Com­pact.

    i. A Christian people are "kings and priests unto God" (Revelation 1:5-6), who shall "reign on earth" (Revelation 5:10).

    ii. As governmental officials are servants, the People are unavoidably the Masters, Sovereign in relation to said servants.

    c. "The King can do no wrong" principles, as Biblically asserted herein, are fully applicable to governmental servants under the Compact, as partially set forth in the Constitution.

    i. Art. I, Sec. 2, clause 6, and Sec. 3, clauses 6 & 7, U.S. Constitution, describe the impeachment process which carries the implication of criminal wrongdoing.

    ii. Art. II, Sec. 4, makes provision for removal of all Article II civil officers "on Impeachment for, and Convic­tion of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Mis­demeanors", the latter being the threshold of misbehavior, but does not provide for the impeachment of Article III civil officers, that is, for judges.

    iii. Art. III, Sec. 1, sets forth the threshold level of be­havior for which federal judges may be allowed to hold of­fice, i.e., "good Behaviour".

    iv. 28 U.S.C. 372 is null and void in that it attempts to evade Constitutional provisions for impeachment and is indicative of the de facto abdication of the impeachment duties of the U.S. Senate, servants of the People, which, therefore, cedes the impeachment authority back to the People, the masters of the governmental servants.

    d. The Ninth Amendment preserves all other rights related to the removal of governmental servants.

    i. Under the Magna Charta, Ch. 61, those who are governmental servants are presumed guilty, i.e., govern­mental servants, when accused under an invocation of the Magna Charta, are not innocent until proven guilty, and are not even guilty until proven innocent, i.e., they are not entitled to Constitutional rights (see Par. 7, below). [H: I suggest all of you go back and read number i.]

    ii. No governmental servant may prohibit the People, individually or jointly, from invoking Magna Charta relief against them; to do so, amounts to treason.

    iii. Art. III, Sec. 1, makes no specific provision for the removal of judges, a right which is retained by the people and cannot be denied or unknowingly waived per the Ninth Amendment.

    7. Article VI of the Constitution requires an oath of office from all governmental servants, federal, State and local, who hold office in this country.

    a. The oath is a pledge of allegiance binding all govern­mental servants giving such an oath to a contractual relation­ship wherein they must serve and protect the People and their rights, individually and collectively, under the Compact.

    b. The oath is a waiver of basic citizenship rights in favor of service to each of the Sovereign People to whom the oath is given and, because of Article VI, anyone who does not so waive his/her citizen rights cannot serve the People.

    c. If a governmental servant fails to do his or her con­tractual duties or does not do them according to contractual specification, he or she is presumptively in violation of the Constitution, and, when more serious violations are involved, such failures are in violation of the Compact itself, i.e.:

    i. when the Magna Charta and the Compact are in­voked, the offending official, having waived his ordinary citizenship position through the giving of an oath of office, is presumed guilty and subject to the penalties thereunder;

    ii. the offending official, as the representative of Gov­ernment (which cannot do wrong) is presumed guilty, since such a representative cannot have been acting as a governmental official when he committed the wrong doing and is, therefore, amenable to recovery for damages and immediate distraint without further legal procedure.

    d. Assertion of sovereign or judicial immunity by any governmental servant is a violation of Art. I, Sec. 9, cl. 8, U.S. Constitution, which prohibits the grant of a Title of No­bility, since it represents a grievous and treasonous violation of the oath given to the People, i.e.:

    i. The assertion of sovereign or judicial immunity against litigation brought by the People upon violations of duty by governmental servants is greater than any protec­tion actually granted by the People to themselves.

    ii. Governmental servants cannot assert a greater shield than that granted by the People; since governmental servants as oath-givers have waived their ordinary citizenship protections, they cannot possibly enjoy greater or even the same immunities as each of the People enjoy.

    iii. Thus, to claim sovereign or judicial immunity is an attempt to vault a governmental servant over the People, a treasonous usurpation of power.

    iv. Judges, as well as the other officials, only hold their delegated trusts pursuant to the Compact and cannot annul the authority delegating it, such an attempt being a usurpation and treason against the People, the final authority under the Compact.

    8. The People, as Sovereign, are not required to take an oath or give a pledge of allegiance to the servants, to the Constitution or to the Compact and, thus, retain all their rights, privileges and immunities without reservation, in­cluding, but not limited to, "the ultimate right of the parties of the Constitutional Compact, to judge whether the Com­pact has been dangerously violated must extend to violations by one delegated authority as well as by another; by the ju­diciary as well as by the executive, or the legislature"-- JAMES MADISON.

    9. However, the Compact is binding on the parties, both the People and their governmental servants, as follows:

    a. Where the governmental servants faithfully, honestly, diligently and strictly carry out their duties under the Com­pact, taking great care not to abuse the delegated powers, nor to usurp powers not delegated, per their oath, the People are bound to acquiesce in that exercise.

    b. Where governmental servants become unfaithful, dis­honest, lazy and/or disobedient to their masters, at any time, the contract has been broken and the People may invoke any non-enumerated rights through the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to restore the Compact as they see fit:

    Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void and of no force; that to the contract (the Constitution) each State acceded as a State and is an integral party; its co-states forming as to itself, the other party; that government created by this Contract was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself, since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers. But, that as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for it­self as well of infraction as of the mode and measure of re­dress.--Resolution of the Kentucky Legislature, November 19, 1799

    10. Only the People may invoke supra-Constitutional rights, as shown by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which were in­tended to ensure that the People retain and reserve all powers not specifically delegated and those rights may not be denied by the servants, otherwise the servants are guilty of treason by criminal usurpation of powers. The people retain all their rights, privileges and immunities without reservation, including, but not limited to, "the ultimate right of the parties of the Constitutional Compact, to judge whether the Compact has been dangerously violated must extend to violations by one delegated authority as well as by another: by the judiciary as well as by the executive, or the legislature"--TAMES MADISON.

    a. The Ninth Amendment was intended to preserve all rights of the People which existed prior to the establishment of the Compact, including, but not limited to, the following:

    i. The principles embodied in the Magna Charta, Ch. 61, which provide for swift punishment meted out by the People themselves.

    ii. Biblical Law, both Old and New Testaments, upon which is founded valid English legal principles.

    iii. Such common law remedies available pursuant to the Magna Charta, not specifically repealed by validly legislated State or federal statue, i.e., all attempts to dilute the non-enumerated rights are treasonous and, therefore, void, e.g., Ch. 1, Sec. 801, Ill. Rev. Stats.

    b. The Tenth Amendment was intended to preserve a strict boundary against encroachment by federal servants on the rights of the People, by the following means:

    i. Careful restriction of the delegation of any govern­mental powers--Declaration of Independence and Tenth Amendment.

    ii. Careful restriction of the exercise of delegated governmental power by anyone taking office--Articles I through VII.

    iii. Strict prohibitions against the exercise, in deroga­tion of God-given rights, of any governmental power--First through Eighth Amendments, Bill of Rights.

    iv. Strict prohibitions against the usurpation of any power not delegated--Tenth Amendment, Bill of Rights.

    v. Strict prohibition against the violation or denial of rights not otherwise specifically set forth in the rest of the Constitution--Ninth Amendment, Bill of Rights.

    vi. Avoidance of the pitfalls of the English monarchy--Declaration of Independence, Pars. 3-30, including, but not limited to:

    (a) lack of an apparatus to force governmental administrators to obey the Law, i.e., a system of account­ability which is a right retained by the People under the Ninth Amendment;

    (b) lack of an apparatus, both convenient and accountable to the People, to obtain necessary legislation;

    (c) the concentration of governmental power, i.e., a system of checks and balances, both horizontally (legislative, executive, judicial) and vertically (the Peo­ple, the States, the federal administration);

    (d) the potential for the obstruction of justice by perversion of judicial power;

    (e) the potential for a bloated bureaucracy;

    (f) the potential for a military dictatorship usurping all power;

    (g) the vulnerability of national sovereignty to at­tacks from foreign powers;

    (h) the supposed monarchical prerogative to under­mine all law;

    (i) the supposed monarchical prerogative to appro­priate property and lives;

    (j) the lack of an effective system of petitioning for redress of grievances.

    c. Where such violations of governmental servants are de­nied by the perpetrators, the act of resisting the assertion of Magna Charta solutions is, in and of itself, an act of treason, e.g., King Charles' resistance to Cromwell.

    11. The perversion of "The king can do no wrong" maxim led to the modern legal theory of sovereign and judicial immu­nity.

    a. Bradley v. Fisher, 13 Wall. 335 (1871), is a case of ju­dicial fraud upon the court.

    i. Bradley was a collusive effort to frustrate the Congressional intent to make judges liable for civil damages under the Civil Rights Act of 1871.

    ii. The judicial immunity theory advanced in Bradley is not constitutional nor statutory in origin, i.e., the assertion of judicial immunity is a usurpation of power.

    iii. The effect of Bradley was the treasonous impor­tation of the Star Chamber into the United States, fraudu­lently and unconstitutionally attempting to grant titles of nobility to judges in complete violation of the Compact.

    b. The alleged justification for claims of sovereign immu­nity for governmental officials, that of the alleged need for an independent and fearless mind, is also antagonistic to the intent of the Compact, i.e., governmental servants are supposed to be afraid of their masters and those servants who serve well are supposed to be amply rewarded and protected by their masters and cannot presume that they won't be, necessitating an artificial protection called "immunity".

    c. The assertion of immunity is also in violation of seminal Magna Charta principles:

    i. The early practice under the Magna Charta voided official capacity whenever a wrong was committed by a governmental officer; see Ehrlich, supra, at 111.

    ii. Such justice was only possible where the judges acted independently without the corruption of the trea­sonous principle of official immunity.

    d. Thus, where the judiciary is corrupted, Magna Charta principles cannot and will not be asserted by judges, but must be asserted by the People acting on their own behalf under First Amendment principles, as in this case.

    i. According to early English cases, the higher law, the moral law, the law of nature, where "written by the finger of God in the heart of man, [specifically] the people of God"; see 2 Bacon (Montague, 1825) at 166, 176.

    ii. The sole redress against widespread tyranny, as shown below, is reliance upon divine vengeance, which operates, in this age, through human agency, e.g., the People; see Bracton, De Legisbus et Consuetudinibus An­gliae, at 369; I Samuel 8:18, II Samuel 7:14.

    iii. The success and survival of the Compact rests on the assertion of the rights of individuals by individuals; see Fortescue, De Laudibus Legum Angliae, at 41.

    iv. The independence of the individual was an out­growth of Martin Luther's doctrines of the priesthood of the individual, e.g., an individual who is a believer may rightly assert the dominion of God, based upon Revelation 1:5-6 and 5:10:
    [Jesus] hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father.

    v. The assertion of the dominion of God is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God; see Matthew 24:14:

    And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come. [H: I SUGGEST YOU, EVERY ONE, TAKE A GOOD, LONG AND HARD LOOK AT THIS STATE­MENT!]

    (a) The Kingdom of God, synonymous with King­dom of Heaven, is the only "gospel" ever preached by Jesus.

    (b) The concept of the Kingdom of God, as preached by Jesus, is based upon the understanding of the func­tion of Israel, namely, to rule with God as a nation of priests. [H: Now, here again, don't jump to erro­neous conclusions. This is, again, where "Israel" has pulled the hood over your heads. "Israel" MEANS: body of Christ (God). It doesn't even mean body of "Jesus"! This is NOT some self-styled, self-claimed group of people somewhere, somehow acclaiming themselves into such position or labeling themselves with false labels to deceive the People.]

    (c) The assertion of the Gospel of the Kingdom ne­cessitates an assertion within political realms, i.e., "in all the world" refers to worldly political realms in which the Gospel of the Kingdom must be asserted "for a witness unto all nations", that is, as testimony to ev­ery political entity of the complete, utter failure of each to conform to Kingdom standards.

    12. The main instrument which is currently being used by the Defendants and each of them, individually, severally, jointly and in concert, to commit the grievous and massive treason against the People, is the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA").

    a. As shown below, the creation of the FEMA was an a: tra vires act absolutely forbidden by the Compact, wholly in violation of the Compact, wholly in violation of the restraints built into the Compact forbidding absolute governmental power from being concentrated in the hands of a few individ­uals.

    b. Furthermore, because the Defendants, each of them, individually, jointly, severally and in concert, have imple­mented FEMA programs during a time in which no national emergency existed, they have committed treason.


    * * *
    This is quite long enough. We need to have you be able to break these into segments and really study the contents. This is one of the more important documents you will ever have brought to your attention--please don't flunk the course.

    May you read with constant attention to attaining wisdom.

    PJ 86


    THU., DEC. 30, 1993 3:04 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 136

    THU., DECEMBER 30, 1993

    Dharma, we'll have to interrupt history to speak on some things that are taking place. We are deluged with inquiries about the incidents taking place in Russia with elections, Vladimir Zhiri­novsky and thus and so.

    This is truly a "super-star", readers, and no amount of wheeling and dealing can take it away from what IS. You will only hear things in "passing" from your network media, controlled press and the government and administration of the United States NOW IN CHAOS. It may not show, my friends--BUT BIG THINGS ARE COMING DOWN EVEN AS WE WRITE. Yes indeed, we are running around in the middle of it and we will keep you posted as is suitable for security.

    Let me just offer you what the SPOTLIGHT is printing. It is close enough and safe enough for us to present without calling undue attention to possible non-confirmed resources. The attack against my crew is so heavy right now that we must be very careful to assure only "news" already circulating. I may well comment but I will NOT put Dharma in further jeopardy, much less our recently released Gunther, et al. He will get some credit for some things which do not involve him and he will get blamed for a bunch of things which do involve him and some­where in between the truth and the total lie will rest the work­ings of the "Truth".

    There are some very tedious things going on with our friend so we will have to refrain from speaking on the subject. He is, however, in touch with ME; his people and arrangements are working as quickly as possible. He was, right up to release, un­der attempts to kill him--WE DIDN'T ALLOW IT AL­THOUGH HE MADE SEVERAL "JOURNEYS" OVER TO THIS SIDE OF THE SCREEN FOR RETROFITTING, ETC. I BELIEVE QUITE A FEW "POINTS" HAVE BEEN MADE AND THAT SHALL HAVE TO SUFFICE FOR THIS IN­TERIM PERIOD OF TIME.


    Is Gunther important? Yes, and especially so since the death of Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff. Aren't all of you wishing you had had better access to truthful history? Well, be patient--it will all be revealed in its proper time.

    THE SPOTLIGHT, December 27, 1993, By Martin Mann:

    A new political superstar has taken front stage in Russia with an appeal to populism and nationalism. His win in the recent elec­tions has the internationalists reeling.
    [H: Gosh, and I bet you thought the troubles of Clinton revolved around his cast-off underwear!]

    NEW YORK--The surprise victory of Russian nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky
    --the first populist candidate to sweep the national elections of a major power since World War II--has sent the White House into a "tailspin" and the Establishment media into a "deluge of misinformation", Russian delegates at the UN headquarters here assured the Spotlight's diplomatic correspondent.

    Zhirinovsky, whose one-man campaign rolled over President Boris Yeltsin's well-oiled political machine when voters went to the polls across Russia's 11 time zones on December 12, is nei­ther an "extremist" nor a "warmonger", said the delegates.
    [H: You see, they are not as "advanced" as are you nice com­puter-driven people. The polls reflected the election because of lack of "fixed" equipment. You could do this too, Ameri­cans, if you demanded back your paper vote and kicked out the tinkerers and computers which have the election results fixed long, long before election day.]
    "Most of what Americans are told about this historic event is wrong or intentionally misleading," asserted Yevgeni Torogin, a veteran political reporter from Moscow who now covers the world forum. "Zhirinovsky is not a demagogue. You can call him a 'radical' only in the sense that he makes us confront the root causes of our troubles".

    The nationalist candidate's willingness to address the reality of the lives led by ordinary Russians--beset by poverty, social disintegration, run-away inflation, rampant corruption and systemic gangsterism aided and abetted by ruthless exploitation by Western banks--has won him at least 25 percent of the popular vote, well ahead of the Yeltsin bloc, according to early ballot counts still in progress as this issue of the Spotlight went to press. Interestingly, the army units that backed Yeltsin during the recent parliamentary crisis voted overwhelmingly for Zhirinovsky.

    The U.S. media's denunciations of Zhirinovsky as "anti­democratic" or "neo-fascist" sound laughable to most Russians, Torogin said.

    "We already live under a president [Yeltsin] who has sent tanks into the streets, burned parliament, censored the press and seized dictatorial powers--and did it all with U.S. support", he explained. "I don't see how you can be more anti-democratic than that".

    Zhirinovsky was reportedly ignored or dismissed as a mav­erick by the Western megabankers, corporate lobbyists and cur­rency speculators who provided lavish campaign financing for Yeltsin's supporters.

    Their favorite newsmagazine, the weekly Economist, did not even mention Zhirinovsky among the 10 leading candidates in its pre-election issue.

    Zhirinovsky is a critic of Israel, and he favors imposing "limitations" on the growing power of the ministate's lobbyists and promoters in Russia. "That was enough to make him a 'non-person' in the U.S. media", says British newsman Andrew Rowe, an old Moscow hand.

    On December 16, Vice President Albert Gore denounced Zhirinovsky's views as "outrageous, reprehensible and offen­sive" [H: Boy, that's enough right there to get me on Mr. Zhirinovsky's side!] while on a quick damage-control trip to Moscow. "Well, that should help explain why ordinary Rus­sians prefer Zhirinovsky over Yeltsin", Rowe commented wryly....

    * * *
    The dominoes are about to start their fall, readers. There is much going on and changes are soon to begin taking place. Some things will appear awful while they are NOT--others will be awful as the "Kings" effort to devour and destroy each other's KINGDOMS and YOU will be caught somewhere in the middle to within the whirlpool as the house of cards fall. I sug­gest you stay alert--FOR IT IS INTENDED THAT THE ECONOMY BE COLLAPSED!! THAT, FURTHER, IS NOT IN THE TOO DISTANT FUTURE, DEPENDING ON WHO GETS CONTROL OF WHAT. THE ADMINISTRATION IS BEING SET UP (IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED) TO TAKE A DIVE! SOME OF THE FOXES ARE ALREADY TAKING LEAVE OF THE CHICKEN COOP THAT THEY HAVE BEEN INHABITING WHILE DIRECTING THE EXECU­TION OF THE CHICKENS. You might want to be checking on the locations of some of the key players up to now, like Kissinger, Scowcroft, et al.

    I don't think I want to talk about more "current events" here. You can read up on those things--between the lines. We need to move right on with the Illinois suit vs. FEMA et al.

    SEGMENT NO. 3:
    G. Summary of Background Allegations, Made upon Informa­tion and Belief, Necessary to Understanding Allegations of Indi­vidual Members of the Class Against Defendants.

    1. Defendant FEMA and all of its officers, employees, agents, representatives, contractors, attorneys, operatives, affili­ates, confederates and co-conspirators have committed treason and genocide against Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated by usurpation of powers not granted or delegated.

    a. Terms, such as "national emergency", "national secu­rity", and "the public good" among others, have been used by traitors, such as the named Defendants and their unnamed co-conspirators and confederates, to:

    i. Usurp powers not delegated to them;

    ii. enforce "laws" not legislated or, in some cases, even announced to the People;

    iii. commit genocide against the People of this nation and the people of other nations, e.g., by knowingly setting in motion disasters which kill thousands and threaten mil­lions (see Appendices O, Q & R; other appendices to fol­low);

    iv. deal in the "allocation, distribution and ... the replenishment of Government stockpiles of narcotics drugs" (see par. G.2.a.iii.(e)(2), below) for their own benefit and in conspiracy with enemies of the People of the United States (see Appendices N & O);

    v. steal billions of dollars of property from the People (see Complaint, below, and Appendices);

    vi. carry out a silent coup against the People via:

    (a) "the threat or use of violence for political pur­poses by individuals or groups, whether acting for, or in opposition to established government authority, when such actions are intended to shock or intimidate a large group wider than the immediate victims" (definition of the CIA), e.g., "against persons or property to intimi­date or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (definition of the FBI);

    (b) cooperation with and/or employment of interna­tional terrorists, such as Muammar Qaddafi and the Ayatollah Khomeini (see Appendix O); organized criminals, such as the Mafia and the IRS (see Appen­dices
    N & O); and drug dealers and gun-runners (ibid).

    b. "[O]ne who is called upon to enforce the orders of the President would look to the Constitution and be guided by it. Otherwise, he would suffer the penalties of Nuremburg"; e.g., those who usurp power, even under color of authority or "under the color of constitutionality", violate universal prohibitions against genocide--quoting retired Associate U.S. Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark.

    2. In complete and total violation of the Compact, Defendant FEMA and its secret team of clandestine operatives and co-conspirators, under sham and pretense of federal authority and vari­ous unlawfully and treasonously declared "national emergency-type situations" but without actual authority, treasonously have been planning to impose, and have imposed, martial law, or "martial rule", upon this Nation and its People and have staged a seditious, silent coup on behalf of Defendant FRB and its for­eign owners and controllers.

    a. FEMA is the successor to the various cover agencies for bogus "national emergency" activity perpetrated since 1933, e.g., the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Of­fice of Defense Mobilization, the Office of Emergency Planning, the Economic Stabilization Agency and the Civil De­fense Administration, all of which have been made to appear powerless and underfunded as part of a deceptive cover story; however, in complete and absolute violation of the Compact, FEMA's major functions were, unconstitutionally and in violation of the Compact, delegated under the sham and pretense of a series of so-called Executive Orders but without actual authority, including, but not limited to, the following, all of which have been implemented, under the sham and pretense of "national emergency" authority but without actual authority:

    i. Executive Order Number ("EON") 10480, entered August 18, 1953, 18 F.R. 4939, and amended several times since then, which provides, in a wholly unconstitu­tional and treasonous manner:

    (a) The Director of the Federal Emergency Man­agement Agency shall, on behalf of the President, co­ordinate all mobilization activities of the executive branch of the Government, including all such activities relating to production, procurement, manpower, stabi­lization and transport. Every officer and agency of the Government having functions under the Defense Pro­duction Act of 1950, as amended, delegated, re-dele­gated, or otherwise assigned thereto by or under the authority of the President after the date of this order (whether heretofore or hereafter acquired, or acquired by this order) shall perform the said functions subject to the direction and control of the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency". Par. 101.(a); 50 USC App 2062, 2071.

    (b) FEMA will be able to alter any existing contract; cf. par. G.2.a.iii.(a), below;

    (c) the FRS will provide financing in times of such alleged emergencies and each regional FRB will be­come "fiscal agent to the United States", with virtual dictatorial power over the economy of this Nation, with the FRS Board of Governors acting as the ultimate economic dictator in conjunction with the Director of FEMA; see, e.g., references to Continental Illinois National Bank, Appendix N, par. 6. et seq, & refer­ences to Chase Manhattan Bank, Appendix 0, par. 5., et seq.;

    (d) The Treasury and the Export-Import Bank will be authorized to make loans under the direction of FEMA and the FRS;

    (e) I.e., during a time of "national emergency", the President, an elected official, would be stripped of his presidential functions (see references to Iran-contra, Appendix 0, par. 27., et seq.;

    ii. EON 11179, entered September 22, 1964, 29 F.R. 13239, and amended several times since then, which provides, in a wholly unconstitutional and treasonous manner:

    (a) "There shall be in the Executive Branch of the Government a National Defense Executive Reserve ["NDER"] composed of persons selected from various segments of the civilian economy and from government for training for employment in executive positions in the Federal Government in the event of the occurrence of an emergency that requires such employment" (see, Iran-contra, supra); such NDER personnel are culti­vated by FEMA "with the appropriate non-govern­mental sectors", i.e., NDER required funding of "non­governmental" personnel, e.g., from the S&L scams, from drug profits, etc. (see Appendices N & O);

    (b) "The President is further authorized to provide for the establishment and training of a nucleus executive reserve ('NER') for employment in executive posi­tions in Government during periods of emergency," 50 USC, App. 2160(e), e.g., 1300 State and 4800 local planners and 1000 military reserve officers on standby, CD39 also requiring funding of "non-governmental" personnel;

    (c) Such reservists have also been treasonously ex­empted from certain provisions of the federal criminal code and may be employed "without compensation", e.g., shanghaied or blackmailed into service, if deemed necessary.

    (d) The rules, regulations and orders pertaining to the EONs and related provisions of Title 50, Appendix, discussed here had a tentative termination date of September 30, 1989, which was extended to August 10, 1990, i.e., the deadline for completion of the NDER and of the NER has passed and the NDER and NER are either fully staffed and operative or nearly so;

    (e) i.e., there is an alternate and unelected adminis­tration, recruited, organized and trained since the is­suance of this EO, which has already taken over for the elected Presidential administration because, as it was well known to the author of this EO, this nation has been under various declarations, public and clandestine, of alleged "national emergency" and/or "national emergency-type situations" continuously since 1933.

    (f) although the reservists discussed here are not technically considered federal employees or officers until "mobilization" has been declared by a President, they are already in position in most instances.

    iii. EON 11490, entered October 28, 1969, 34 F.R. 17567, and amended several times since then, which pro­vides, in a wholly unconstitutional and treasonous manner:

    (a) in conjunction with EONs 10995, 10997 & 11005, for seizure and/or control of every major na­tional asset, public and private with the exception of such intelligence functions as the CIA, under the trea­sonous declaration of alleged, and undefineable, "national emergency type situations";

    (b) by virtue of the hysteria enveloping the Nixon administration, a plan to provide for national security by attempting to "assure continuity of government, at every level, in any national emergency type situation that might conceivably confront the nation"; i.e., "national emergency type situation" is not only NOT defined, it can't be defined by virtue of its vagueness;

    (c) for consolidation of "the assignment of emer­gency preparedness functions to various departments and agencies", i.e., every single major federal depart­ment and agency, under the Director of FEMA;

    (d) "the heads of the departments and agencies ... shall: (1) prepare national emergency plans, develop preparedness programs, and attain an appropriate state of readiness with respect to the functions assigned to them in this order for all conditions of national emergency; (2) give appropriate consideration to emergency preparedness factors in the conduct of the regular func­tions of their agencies. Particularly those functions considered essential in time of emergency, and (3) be prepared to implement, in the event of emergency, all appropriate plans developed under this order".

    (e) that the Department of Justice shall:

    (1) "[d]evelop emergency plans and procedures for the administration of laws governing the import, manufacture, and distribution of narcotics," i.e., do anything it wants relative to narcotics since the term "emergency" purports to eliminate all "law";

    (2) "[c]onsult with and render all possible aid and assistance to Director, FEMA, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the General Ser­vices Administration in the allocation, distribution and, if necessary, the replenishment of Government stockpiles of narcotic drugs," i.e., take over orga­nized crime's drug rackets and manage those rack­ets; par. 501(8).

    (f) "The purpose and legal effect of the assignments contained in this order do not constitute authority to implement the emergency plans prepared pursuant to this order. Plans so developed may be effectuated only in the event that authority for such effectuation is pro­vided by a law enacted by the Congress or by an order or directive issued by the President pursuant to statutes or the Constitution of the United States"; see Sec. 105;

    (g) i.e., because of the allegedly ongoing, continuing "national emergency" condition since 1933, FEMA has, under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, been given an imaginary power to de­clare martial law at any time, and has done so secretly, clandestinely and treasonously on several occasions;

    (h) parts 2-29 provide for the takeover, by FEMA, of virtually every department of the federal administra­tion, placing all seized functions under FEMA control.


    * * *
    Dharma, I hesitate to abruptly interrupt in an awkward place in the document but I need you elsewhere, now. Readers will sim­ply have to pay a bit of attention and perhaps go back to the prior segment for the proper sequential numbering. It is fine. Thank you.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#086, MISSING THE LIFEBOAT??

    PJ 86


    MON., JAN. 3, 1994 9:47 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 140

    MON., JANUARY 3, 1994

    You CAN get a good overview of the "state of the globe" by simply watching. For instance, an airline crash in Russia might be assumed to be only an airliner crash--but is it? Of course not--and you have to generalize! This morning's crash was OBVIOUSLY no accident and, in addition, had many "international" travelers aboard. You can tell by the way the engines caught fire that it was intentional and the plane was full of fuel which would ensure incredible fire and attention. This is the second crash of an Aeroflot plane in a week--so KNOW that some big interference is taking place in Russia--and I mean BIG!

    If, as so many inquire, there are so many things going on and it looks hopeless--WHY GO ON WITH SUCH MUNDANE THINGS AS CATCHING THE CROOKS IN OFFICE AND ATTENDING SUITS, ETC? Because you can't do anything about the plane crashes but your input CAN change the course of information output, media control and lawsuits! YOU MUST FUNCTION WHERE YOU CAN FUNCTION!

    If YOUR INPUT can help uncover the George Greens, Jason Brents and US&Ps of the game--then YOU have accomplished your task--CAN YOU SEE? The journey requires the first step and the next and next--while, indeed, the FIRST one may be the most difficult or ACTUALLY, the easiest, but most committing to the trip. You cannot "fix" the "whole" by simply stopping the lying of one George Green--but when you get ONE you be­gin to see that you can, one by one, GET THEM ALL! Why? Because as you move into the upper levels you have a situation of more power, control and ego involvement--demanding re­liance on one another as fools and brotherhood of deceit
    --but, as one falls and the "big boy" seems to remain untouched, this sets off a whole new ballgame of "why should I take the heat when I am but a bit-player?" This is WHY truth in actions is so im­portant--THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO "UNCOVER". THIS IS ALSO WHY I CONTINUE TO REINFORCE THE FACT THAT YOU MUST HAVE GOALS AND NEVER DIVERT ATTENTION FOR EVEN AN INSTANT--THEN MAKE SURE ALL ACTIONS AND INTENT ARE TOWARD THAT GOAL THROUGH INTEGRITY--AND THE WAY AND MEANS OF PROVING WILL BE MADE EVIDENT!

    Why, for instance, would Leon Fort's ATTORNEY demand a confidential settlement (which his own team, through George Green, broke?)??? Because he wanted to take the funds to great extent and depend on Leon never finding out as much. It is a simple game played every day. At some point, don't you see, the courts get into the subterfuge too deeply to continue to play in the deceit and have to rule with the goodly to keep selves from FALLING! BUT IT MEANS: YOU HAVE TO KEEP UP AND KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON! THE ADVERSARY IS NOT GOING TO ROLL-OVER, CONGRATULATE YOU FOR A GOOD JOB OF GOODNESS AND GO AWAY! You who expect GOD to step in and do miracles for you are not go­ing to witness any
    --because the adversarial brats are praying far harder to GOD than are you--FOR MIRACLES! The difference is, they will continue to WORK in every devious way possible to hold their evilly acquired assets--from their rear-end to their gold pieces of treason and betrayal acquired.

    But why continue to struggle with these adversaries? Because it becomes important that YOU ONES QUIT LETTING THE EVIL BEARERS WIN! THEY HAVE ALL BUT DE­STROYED THE ENTIRE PLANET WHILE YOU LET THEM DO SO AND SLEPT YOUR DREAM OF REST­LESS LUST. So, why would I ask Dharma and E.J. to continue on and on when it becomes easier to let it all go, having lost all assets anyway? Because the actions and manipula­tions are WRONG and the wrongs must be brought into the LIGHT OF DAY if goodness is to be again brought forth. IF A 'THING' IS DONE IN SECRET--LOOK CLOSELY AT "WHY"! And, furthermore, do not come to me and say, "but you did this or that in secret!" Indeed, THAT is called "privacy" because you mouth-rattlers will destroy anyone ef­forting to do a job--through your indiscretions. Indeed, my little teams may well get even smaller--I am sorry, it is not of my doing. I will, however, protect my brother--NOT MY ENEMY! I am about ready to start blasting my enemies right out of existence. There are many ways to destroy an enemy without violence! You ones had better get straightened around within the LAWS of GOD and start paying attention. You who felt you needed no lessons, no readings, no education of what is GOD--are going to be waving goodbye in most instances. Hard? Possibly, but TRUTH is not EASY--it simply IS!
    On this note, Dharma, allow us to take up Segment 4 of the Illi­nois Suit vs. FEMA, et al. Start directly where we left off--readers will pick up the tale or not, as they wish, for we will not take time longer in "catch-up" of new or missing readers.

    Our immediate discussion is that regarding the Executive Orders taking command of your society:

    * * *
    (1) Part 7 provides for the takeover of all potable water by the Dept. of the Interior;

    (2) Part 8 provides for the takeover of all food pro­duction by the Dept. of Agriculture;

    (3) Part 10 provides for the takeover of all labor re­sources by means of lists already prepared by the Dept. of Labor, i.e.:

    [a] "specialized personnel" ...
    "possessing specialized competence or aptitude in acquiring such competence";

    [b] "essential civilian activities".

    (4) part 13 provides for the takeover of all forms of transportation by the Dept. of Transportation, assisted by the Civil Aeronautics Board, Part 15;

    (5) Part 14A provides for the takeover of all nuclear facilities by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission;

    iv. EON 12148, entered July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43239 (in conjunction with Carter's Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1978 and EON 12127), and amended several times since then, which provides, in a wholly unconstitutional and treasonous manner:

    (a) for the transferrence by President Carter of author­ity over emergency functions, such as the functions vested in the President over the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, Department of Defense; the Federal Disaster As­sistance Administration, Department of Housing and Ur­ban Development; the Federal Preparedness Agency, Gen­eral Services Administration; and in the Earthquake Haz­ards Reduction Act, to FEMA.

    (b) THE DIRECTOR OF FEMA "shall be responsible for ... the coordination of preparedness and planning to reduce the consequences of major terrorist incidents";

    (c) i.e., FEMA, under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, has been given a motive to instigate "major terrorist incidents" or to define acts pro­tected under the Compact as "major terrorist incidents" in order to trigger the related provisions of the Executive Orders described above, making it possible, under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, for FEMA to coercively and/or clandestinely regiment the People in preparation for the FRS silent coup.

    b. Since 1933, the People of the United States have continu­ously been subjected, unconstitutionally and in complete viola­tion of the Compact, to a treasonous application of Executive Orders under alleged "national emergencies" and/or "national emergency type situations"; under the pretense of provisions of EONs 11490 and 12148, FEMA has been using the automatic triggering contained in said EONs by having FEMA operatives create and/or provoke "major terrorist incidents" in order to justify the implementation of an FRB silent coup under the sham and pretense of Executive Order authority but without actual authority.

    i. In 1942, EON 9066 was used to perpetuate a silent coup exercise (see references to REX-84 Bravo, Appendix 0, par. 27.j.ii.(b), et seq.) by suspending the Constitution, in com­plete and utter violation of the Compact.

    (a) The ruse employed in EON 9066 was the declara­tion of certain areas to be military reserves and, thereby, under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, cause American citizens to be removed from their homes and imprisoned without trial under the pre­tense of racial differences, but for the actual purpose of implementing a precedent for a treasonous program of "national emergencies";
    (b) Similarly, such outrageous behavior has been un­constitutionally and treasonously codified in 18 U.S.C. 1383, which provides that any military commander (NDER/NER) can specify, under color of a "national emergency", any area he desires as a military reserve and can designate anyone living in such a military reserve to be a criminal; in that clandestine "national emergencies" are being treasonously declared with regularity by the various Defendants, upon the creation of "terrorist inci­dents" by said Defendants and their co-conspirators, such FEMA operatives have usurped power to divest anyone, anywhere and anytime of their liberty and of any real es­tate completely without due process, constituting a gross violation of the Compact.

    ii. Since that time, FEMA and the Pentagon have divided the country into 11 regions, generally corresponding to the federal judicial circuits, to be controlled, if necessary, from fallout-resistant, nuclear-blast resistant bunkers modeled after Mount Weather near Berryville, Virginia, the "special facil­ity" designed to be a nuclear war command post, i.e., a Dr. Strangelove underground hideaway for federal officials.

    (a) By and through "federal regional councils", located in the eleven regional "capitals"--Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Kansas City, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle, New Orleans--oper­ating under the sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, FEMA has treasonously implemented the FRB's silent coup by superseding State and local adminis­trations via FEMA operatives masquerading as judicial of­ficers, prosecutors and other court officers (see, e.g., Ap­pendix N, pars. 3.a., c., et seq., & 7.f.); [H: I need to make a statement here at this point. If you consider ONLY that this is a BAD DEAL, then you are not thinking correctly. What you have here "appears" to be so against you in separating you into groups that you will not THINK beyond that one point. No, read­ers, IT IS EASIER TO REGAIN BIT BY BIT BY BIT, THE WHOLE THAN TO GO AGAINST A GOV­ERNMENT LOCALIZED AND POWER STRUC­TURED TO MANIPULATE THE LAST ONE OF YOU. You must take that which IS and utilize it.]

    (b) Under the sham and pretense of the authority of FEMA and the EONs described above but without actual authority, various committees for Economic Development develop "public policy" for the NDER/NER, e.g., the abolishing of local elective offices in favor of pseudo-judi­cial administrative dictatorship.

    (c) The major region for such treasonous activity is Chicago, headquarters for the regional "government" scheme of Defendant Laurance Rockefeller.

    (1) The area allegedly under the jurisdiction of the ND is without an emergency plan;

    (2) The Defendants and their co-conspirators have illegally, unconstitutionally and in complete and utter violation of the Compact, attempted to implement their own emergency plan to the great detriment and damage of the Plaintiffs and all others similarly situated, via:

    [a] the FEMA operations of Defendant Rocke­feller, located at 1313 East 60th St., Chicago;

    [b] ND and 7th Circuit FEMA operatives, under sham and pretense of authority but without actual authority, who claim to be and masquerade as fed­eral and State officials and judges, federal prosecutors and defense attorneys, to oversee and implement various FEMA functions.

    c. With the end of the so-called Cold War, FRB, by and through FEMA, has already ordered the implementation of FEMA programs clandestinely, or to provoke a national emer­gency for their rapid implementation, e.g., according to Arthur Liman, lawyer for major oil interests and the Senate committee counsel who investigated Oliver North, the Iran-contra affair re­vealed "the whole secret government-within-a-government, op­erated [from the Executive Office Building] by a lieutenant colonel, with its own army, air force, diplomatic agents, intelligence operatives and appropriations capacity" (see refer­ences to Liman, Appendix 0, pars. 4.j.iii. & 27.j.ii.(b). (NOTE: this paragraph was written prior to the sham Iraqi "crisis", the fulfillment of the implementation of a precursor to Armageddon). [H: Now I ask you "thinking" parties: would it not be easier to RECLAIM using that which "they" have set in place than to effort to build and support such a countering movement? Use your brains--that is what God gave them to you for!]

    d. Never, in the history of the modern world, has absolute power, such as that detailed herein which FEMA operatives be­lieve that they hold, ever been used in a benign and beneficial fashion by those to whom such power could be seized, as De­fendants, each of them, individually, severally, jointly and in concert, with all of their co-conspirators, etc.

    i. FEMA's plan to effect the FRS silent coup provides that the Constitution be suspended and that all "undesirables" be imprisoned, incapacitated or assassinated; [H: I don't have any problem with incarcerating the BASTARD TEAM members into their own facilities--DO YOU? P.S.: Those foundationless rascals will "change" to your side so quickly your eyes will cross.]

    ii. FEMA's various treasonous operations include, but are not limited to, the following:

    (a) The Iran-contra affair (see references to Iran-con­tra, Appendix 0, supra);

    (1) The purpose and intent of the Iran-contra affair was not the transfer of arms or hostages, such nonsense only being a cover story for the vast majority of Ameri­cans;

    (2) The actual purpose and intent was the disabling of President Ronald Reagan, ostensibly to test out FEMA programs for such an eventuality in a time of alleged national emergency, but actually to aid in the rapid installation of NDER/NER officials in furtherance of the FRS silent coup; President Reagan was disabled, as intended, to the extent that he was mentally and emotionally unable to perform his Presidential functions, as reliably reported elsewhere.

    (3) The disabling of Reagan enabled others within the administration and in the NDER/NER to clandes­tinely proclaim a "national emergency";

    (4) One benefactor of said "national emergency" was then Vice-President George Bush (see references to Bush, Appendix 0, par. 26., et seq.);

    (b) The S&L/junk-bond scandal (see references to the S&L/junk-bond scandal, Appendix N, pars. 4.a., et seq., & 5., etseg.):

    (1) The actual purpose of the S&L/junk-bond scan­dal involved the embezzlement by FEMA/CIA opera­tives of hundreds of billions of dollars from the S&L industry, using CIA/Mossad operative Michael Milken's junk bond scheme as its main weapon, in or­der to effect FEMA programs for consolidation of con­trol over major financial institutions and to aid in fi­nancing the NDER and NER;

    (2) FEMA officials determined that the S&L indus­try, not otherwise specifically mentioned in EON 11490, must be placed under the control of the FRS through the FDIC;

    (3) FEMA/CIA plans involved the placing of billions of dollars of junk bonds in S&L portfolios, using vari­ous schemes involving those junk bonds to siphon S&L funds out of the S&Ls, thereby causing a "national emergency type situation" requiring a radical solution, namely, the creation of the Resolution Trust Corpora­tion, under the control of FDIC Chairman L. William Seidman, a flunkie of the FRS;

    (4) Thus, the FEMA plan for financial institution control consolidation was accomplished insofar as it related to the S&L industry.

    (5) One benefactor of said "national emergency type situation" was George Bush's son, Neil (see references to Neil Bush, Appendix N., par. 4.a.i., et seq.).

    (c) The commodity-trading scandal (see references to the commodity-trading scandal, Appendix N, par. 4.k., a se :

    (1) the actual purpose of the commodity-trading scandal involves the entrapment of mostly Jewish com­modity traders by Interpol (a haven for former Nazis) acting as FEMA/FBI operatives, in order to effect FEMA programs for consolidation of control over ma­jor financial institutions and to aid in financing the NDER and NER;

    (2) FEMA officials determined that the commodities industry, as controlled by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"), not otherwise specifi­cally mentioned in EON 11490, must be placed under the control of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC");

    (3) FEMA/CIA plans involved the October 1987 stock market plunge, for which blame, instigated by FEMA/CIA operatives, was placed on the stock market index futures, and from which billions of dollars in profit were made by FEMA/CIA operatives, thereby causing a "national emergency type situation" requiring a radical solution, namely, the instigation of the en­trapment schemes directed against Jewish commodity traders;

    (4) Thus, the FEMA plan for financial institution control consolidation is being accomplished, insofar as it relates to the futures industry, under the auspices of the pseudo-judicial officers of FEMA in the ND and 7th Circuit.

    (d) The Iranian hostage crisis (see references to the Ira­nian hostage crisis, Appendix 0, pars. 11., et seq., 19, g & 20., gieg.):

    (1) the Iranian hostage crisis was instigated by the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger in order to imple­ment the treasonous provisions of EON 12148, issued in July 1979, by triggering a "major terrorist incident", which was then used as justification to implement vari­ous other FEMA plots;

    (2) In order to ensure that the Iranian hostage crisis would last long enough to provide for the election of Reagan, FEMA/CIA plans involved the payment of a bribe, consisting of $40 million cash plus $5 billion in weapons and spare parts and facilitated by the Saudis, from George Bush and William Casey to the Ayatollah Khomeini and the CIA/SAVAK operatives controlling him (see references to said bribe, Appendix 0, par. 23.b.vi., et seq.);

    (3) Said bribe was transported through Chicago con­duits, via Defendant BCCI.

    (e) The invasion of Panama (see references to the inva­sion of Panama, Appendix N., Par. 7.g.):

    (1) The invasion of Panama was necessitated by threats made by various members of CIA, not aligned with Bush, to expose Bush's role in drug-running through Noriega and his role in the Iranian hostage cri­sis;

    (2) The invasion was merely the latest in a series of attempts by Bush and FEMA to cover up their criminal acts, such other attempts having included, among other acts, the airplane crash over Gander, Newfoundland, in 1985, and the crash over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988;

    (3) The drug-money-laundering activities of Bush have two main pipeline termination points:

    [a] Panamanian banks;

    [b] Chicago banks, under the protection of FEMA's pseudo judicial officers in the ND and 7th Circuit.

    * * *
    This is a good place to break segments for we will move into AIDS next. We don't wish these segments to get too unwieldy for the ones trying to shorten into summary for the paper. Thank you.
    PJ 86


    SUN., JAN. 16, 1994 9:57 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 153

    SUN., JANUARY 16, 1994

    As we run through the entanglements of each day there is al­ways a tendency to question definitions of terms. In this mode of experiencing you often find yourself stopping "action" in your distorted perception that somehow "patience" is "inaction". Further, you express everything in your realm of control by your "having". If you expect no more than that which you have--you will NEVER HAVE MORE. Every phase of lifestream has expectations toward which you must work and plan--AND, also there will be the ever ongoing need to be and utilize to the best of stewardship
    --that which you have "as if" there would never be more. He who finds a way to achieve goals by the decisions and plans FOR MORE--will surely have it. This does NOT MEAN "by the means of another's toils".

    As decisions and harangues are thrust upon Dharma and E.J. in these recent days--BEFORE THERE IS ANYTHING TO DI­VIDE OR MULTIPLY, I find an interesting response from Dharma of, "Leave me out of it, Father, and take it all away from me for I can labor, I cannot bear the greed and duplicity of my brothers". Well, it is the time of sorting and before the good shall always come the demands and choices of those who feel that simply by their "knowing you" there is somehow right of passage and, at the least, right of control and riches. "MY" abundance is something which shall not be handled lightly or by ones who do not serve God as I serve God--without reservation. For those who would serve in this manner and WORK in posi­tive action while being PATIENT, so shall come the JUST rewards of such service and patience. Responsibility required NO FUNDING!

    I have noted ones now planning and sharing up that which is not yet even present. Some of you who have talked too much and promised too much will find me an angry steward when the toys are passed out on receiving day. I have ones who actually think they will garner great positions and places of wealth and power by simply showing up or supporting ones who work in my ser­vice. Nope, each one of whom I speak at this writing has had opportunity to attend every meeting, every lesson and have ev­ery bit of instruction--choosing not to partake except in the abundance. NOTHING HAS CHANGED FROM DAY ONE--WE HAVE A MISSION, A GREAT MISSION BUT LIMITED TO NEEDS, AND I HEAD THAT MISSION. ONES WHO PRODUCE AND DO NOT FOLLOW ME OR THE TRUTH I BRING SHALL GARNER ONLY THAT WHICH IS RE­WARD FOR DIRECT SERVICE. HE WHO SHALL TAKE AND GO FORTH WITH GREAT EGO CHEST-POUNDING AT A NEWLY FOUND POSITION WILL BE SORELY DIS­APPOINTED. Everything in my mission will be handled ac­cording to the highest and best purposes and totally in silence as to "greatness" or status beyond that of a "barely making it" sur­vivor. If you cannot stand the heat of THIS kitchen and the recipes required--get out of MY kitchen

    You all expect to SEE MIRACLES and expect this one or that one to present you with those miracles. You await wondrous things from one Gunther Russbacher--WHY? Gunther was im­prisoned and reduced to pure poverty by the ones he served. You have gotten him freedom--if we are able to maintain it, but some spread the word that somehow he is the resource for great riches, etc. No, what in the world is the matter with you--we seek no focus or attention and you ones bring great speculation upon us. Some of you who "chat" too much are from services wherein "chattering" will get you, and your brother, deaded. If we cannot handle "business" as business in responsible confi­dence--then we shall not be given of the Father's chattel and there will cease to be business.

    This message is for the "few" and not the many who serve every day in shortage of everything save abundant joy and sharing but there are some who expect to "gain greatly" during refusal to accept the TRUTH of presence. How can we bring persons necessary into a nest of "takers" and "thieves"? I do not like game-players in high places of any control whatsoever--for they earn nothing except disrespect. I can work with ones who "doubt" and are willing to be shown--I have no interest or ex­pectations for those who simply have on-going games for good advantage. There is no group here in which to have hierarchy of importance.

    I am asked as to "why" we then do not at least have some spiri­tual gatherings such as a church? Why? Can you not find spir­itual Truth without another's opinions? Why can you not gather into social groups of friends and LIVE YOUR TRUTH OF GOD?

    Do I become a legendary "bigot" of sorts in my projections of that which I say are God's LAWS? YES, if that is what you wish to describe my stance as being. I make every allowance for soul presence and even ignorant opinions to a point wherein I find refusal to consider possibilities. I KNOW THAT OF WHICH I SPEAK--and I respect your "opinions"--that does not mean I "have to" consider your approach, your opinions as to actions taken, or your "druthers" in anything that I do--save be­ing in total service to God Creator.

    The battle of my people in this place has been one of great pain and assault--from ignorance of ones perhaps, intentionally from others. At times I present petition to the Council to place our mission elsewhere because of the continuing harassment and demands. We shall wait patiently until such time as directions are better seen and presented to my mission. I do state one thing for Dharma and E.J.--I shall begin to lessen your load in the constancy of such as the JOURNALS and the paper for my needs are great in the human realm for other needs--and you have served incredibly under the worst of times, my friends. I do not relinquish my Command nor YOUR COMMISSION. There is yet to confront the many dangling assaults of legal at­tacks and security of operations.

    Do you think that the adversary would not attack the hand-per­sons of God? Why do you somehow think that "YOU" are free of concern and that somehow "you" are not able to be "had"? It is THAT very attitude which INSURES THAT YOU SHALL BE "HAD". We can have great sport and fun over such as calling me a "nine-and-a-half-foot reptile"--but is it really "funny" in actuality? That is totally insulting to YOU OF GOD! It is amusing; it is not "funny" and I have great compassion for the ones who play in that game for it is a game of loss at all lev­els of possibilities. YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE ONE LIGHT OF CREATOR--HOLY IN YOUR PERFECTION AND REFLECTION EVEN IF YOU NOTE THE FALLING SHORT OF HUMAN PERFECTION. GOD IS NOT A REP­TILE SO IN ACCUSING ME OF BEING A REPTILE--IS TO CALL GOD A REPTILE AND THUSLY, YOU.

    These ones who make great public humor of this approach are the VERY ONES WHO OFFER THEIR AUDIENCES LIES OF SURVIVAL. These are the very ones who work with, closely with, ones who offer BAD business advice and inter­sperse themselves with common thieves and criminals. It will all be there for you to see and know, my friends, for some of them are the very ones who have efforted to bring destruction upon you as my small team members. For instance, our egotis­tical Gritz is now being openly ADVERTISED as working with (by) one Gary Anderson et al. in "trusts" and other financial protection ploys as outlaid by him and his buddies. Well, a lie from a liar is but food of fools. I could not conjure better lessons by example than that which these ones are giving unto you. Anyone who would steal from a partner as did Mr. Ander­son FROM ALL OF YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, is that which has brought disgrace and destruction on the places and "man" created. These ones who take from a brother to bring gain unto selves are worse than the reptilian vipers--for in the snake is no deceit--he is what he is and nothing more. A man in that stature is less than anything presented in develop­ment of environment and physical consciousness. To do these things under the deceit of claiming "Jesus Christ" IS MORE DESPICABLE THAN ALL OTHER CHARADES.

    Do we go do battle with these darkness dwellers? Certainly not--we simply place the LIGHT OF TRUTH and discovery before them and upon them at every turn of their slithering pathway, respond as required and MOVE ON in positive service unto GOD
    --judging not, discerning all and acting in constant pres­ence of LIGHT and open truth. Evil will not move into the rev­elation of LIGHT--for it must be fed and nurtured by deceit and hidden agendas--ever fearing discovery by ye who dwell within the circles of Light.

    E.J. has pointed out that you ones who believe to move in this valley somewhere "out from the others", deceive selves. You are sitting ducks for attack and capture--right to destruction and loss of position within the realms of our service. If you do not remain close to one another while the assaults are afoot (which will ever be henceforth) then there is no way to protect you--for you have chosen to relinquish the protection whether or not you are in realization of same. If you choose to do these things in spite of my warnings--you PROVE that you do not serve me nor believe me--and I will tell YOU--you will NOT BE PRO­TECTED. It is time you each make your decisions and choices of service OR physical human "druthers". You become in­volved with persons and things and lose your ability to remain within the circle of protection and unless your "example" is one of truth according to perception of God's Laws and Truth--you are NOT OF GOD--you are only a broken reflection of how you "want it to be". Hard? No, just required. I do not simply ask or demand that you live as I "say"--I REQUIRE THAT IF YOU SERVE WITH ME--YOU LIVE AS I LIVE--TO THE VERY BEST OF YOUR CAPABILITY--YOUR CAPABILITY BE­ING FULL PERFECTION SAVE FOR YOUR UNWORTHY THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS. WITH YOU OF MY TEAM--THOSE ACTIONS ARE DELIBERATE IN EVERY IN­STANCE--regardless of that which your lips present for the others to see and hear. If you would take from another that which is not yours--it is against God. If you bed another man's wife, it is against God. You ones can make any "claims" and "bend rules" all you wish--IT DOES NOT MAKE THE EXAMPLE UNTO OTHERS THE ONE TO FOLLOW AND IF YOU CANNOT FOLLOW YOUR OWN EXAMPLE--YOU BRING EVIL INTO THE PERCEPTIONS OF OTHERS WHO WATCH AND EFFORT TO DISCERN.

    What another does is not "your" problem but one who will not live that which he claims to be, is not worthy of anything save censure. YOU KNOW OF THAT WHICH I SPEAK--EACH SEPARATE ONE. IF YOU TAKE NOT THE WHOLE OF THAT WHICH IS OFFERED IN WISDOM--LOOK NOT WITH LONGING AT THAT WHICH IS THE SUPREME GIFT FROM GOD--FOR YOU ARE IN REFUSAL.

    In all this message I have not said--wear a pious face or move­ment--that is LIE! Human is EXPRESSION OF LIFE--and if you cannot express in God's open manifestation without lying and wearing a falsely pious appearance--forget my brotherhood--for you have refused the lessons of God. Look carefully at your own "track record" and that of another with whom you share or would share your very existence--how do you add up in the "wisdom" and "success" departments?? If you are married, how is your relationship? Is it Godly--or convenient for the physical expression? If it be Godly it will be ALL. If you dupe another or be duped by another--you need a lot of learning and expressing before moving into contractual idiocy. If you want more from a mate than from a friend--you have the WRONG NEEDS AND INTENT! THIS KIND OF RELATIONSHIP REQUIRES NO VOWS OF MARRIAGE, NO PHYSICAL CONNECTIONS, NO PAPERS OR DEMANDS--JUST THE ALLIANCE OF TRUTH IN SPIRITUAL MUTUALITY. I FIND THIS NOT AMONG MY OWN SMALL TEAM.

    Would this mean that I would move away from you who might "fall short"? No, it does, however, mean that you who continue to deliberately "fall short" will probably move away from me--some remain in my circle to "show me" right now. It is sad for it does "show me" but I think what is "shown" is not what is in­tended by the sender in the game of "get Hatonn" or Hatonn's agents.

    I am going to ask you something very bluntly: IS DHARMA PERHAPS HATONN?
    Is Gunther Russbacher perhaps actually myself in presentation of acceptable form?
    Is it that I am Eu­stace Mullins or E.J. Ekker? HOW DO YOU KNOW? WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER I BE IN PRESENTATION? SOMEONE YOU KNOW OR DO NOT KNOW? "HOW" DO YOU KNOW? FOR EXAMPLE: HAVE YOU TREATED DHARMA IN EVERY WAY AS IF SHE HOLDS ALL KEYS TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND WOULD WANT TO OFFER THEM UNTO YOU FOR PASSAGE AND RE­WARD? HOW ABOUT ANDY? HOW ABOUT LUKE AND TYLER, ALYSSA AND OUR UNBORN BABES. HOW ABOUT "PEANUT"? DO YOU TREAT HIM WITH THE RESPECT AS IF HE WERE "ME"? Why not? You expect me to treat each of you "as if" and without demand of presentment. Remember, you who might be in a room with me or simply reading a message as typed and presented--my words are for the multitude--NOT THE ONE!
    If you be without error in action and perception--you have nothing over which to be an­noyed in this statement--DO YOU?

    Well, be glad I am not Dharma as such for without me in differentiation, she would simply call a halt to this old game and go home and you ones could go struggle with George Green. I am constantly interested to note that you who hear so graciously from this liar and thief, do not respond to him! Why do you not respond to him! Do you somehow believe his assaults and lies? Do you wish no responsibility? Why should Ekkers longer deal with this dreary thieving cheat?

    I am not bringing this always into the conversations for confrontation to reprimand, demand or otherwise--I WANT YOU TO LOOK WITHIN AND SEE WHY YOU DO NOT PUT A STOP TO THE LIES AND THEFTS! YOU!! This is not for Dharma and E.J.--they are the ones who have provided that which can give you life and abundance. They have asked for and gotten, nothing save headaches and a joy of mission served--in worthiness. You have allowed my very books of Truth to be held in hostage for years--by the adversary who would have all silence on Truth. Why do you not, as a team circle of worthy receivers, GO GET THOSE BOOKS AND ASSETS THAT THIS MAN HAS STOLEN FROM YOU? Dharma and E.J. gave away the assets TO YOU--must they pay and repay and give and regive and then go solve all the riddles and puzzles ALSO? WHY WOULD I MAKE MORE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR USE WHEN YOU DO NOT ATTEND THAT WHICH I HAVE MADE FOR YOUR USE AND PURPOSE? PON­DER IT FOR IN THESE DAYS--THESE SHALL BE THE JUDGMENTS OF ACTION WHICH I AM REQUIRED TO ATTEND IN THE PLACING OF MY TEAM IN RESPONSI­BLE POSITIONS.

    Is it not enough to attend the courts as the assaults continue against the Ekkers? No, it is not, for if you would act in re­sponsibility of information and writings, demands and con­frontation as "CITIZENS", it would never have come to such confrontations in "fixed" courts. But YOU have to do--you have to act and follow through--for what do you wait? This, too, is not for ALL; I have been offered by ones to actually pur­chase the lot which causes the confrontation--but the purchase of the lot IS NOT THE POINT, can you not see? It may come to that to allow our work to get done but IT IS NOT THE PROB­LEM! Until you go after the ones who are the problem and re­veal their evil--you will have no rest in the garden, my friends. Paying infinitely to lawyers will not do it--for therein lies the as­surance of evil's success. But from the "law" can you know your actions which will give success. HOW LONG WILL YOU WAIT? Oh, you think you have no important ideas or power? FORGET THAT OLD DRIVEL--YOU GOT GUN­THER RUSSBACHER OUT OF PRISON AND HE WAS WANTED BY THE ELITE TO REMAIN IN PRISON OR IN DEATH FOREVER! THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD, MY FRIENDS, AND UNTIL YOU ARE WILLING TO PUT YOUR NAME ON A LINE AND TAKE UP THE PEN--YOU SHALL FOREVER BE IMMOBILIZED BY THE THREAT OF THE EMPTY SWORD! YOU WANT GOD TO PUT HIS NAME ON THE LINE FOR YOU--WHEN WILL YOU PLACE YOUR FOOT AND NAME TO THE LINE FOR GOD?

    You claim to want spiritual input and less dreary and terrible focus on worldly blight? Really? Are you sure? If you think I am harsh on matters of evil and earth-ways--just wait until I tell you how it IS in spiritual TRUTH!

    Gritz said that you can "buy a ticket aboard"! Well, if that is the perception of Col. Gritz, get on your knees and thank GOD THAT THERE WAS WISDOM ENOUGH TO TAKE HIM OUT OF THE RUNNING FOR LEADERSHIP! He'll have to use the "cheap seats", he said; well, it's "my" ship and he may well find NO SEAT AT ALL AS HE IS GOING ABOUT HIS WORKINGS. As he lives one example, claims another and thwarts goodness while backing evil actions at the expense of God's people--he presents actual manifestation of the LIE that has destroyed the spiritual TRUTH for mankind. I ask that all of you remember something--man is mortal! I don't care what man to which you refer! Jesus Christ was MORTAL. HE PROVED IT TO YOU! SOUL IS IMMORTAL and I suggest that when a man begins to think that he is immortal in his con­scious adventures--he had best be most careful for that which preserved his life for later use by God--may well have been re­moved. Two things happen in that instance, the physical body is vulnerable to death and destruction--AND the soul essence must pick up activities in "learning" where the body dumped it out! In some instances of further expression of soul it would be more COMFORTABLE if there was actually death of the soul also for it is the failing of soul which brings infinite sorrow or glory--the physical expression is nothing! "Deny me and I shall deny you before my Father", said the Lord God Christos. It is worthy of note.

    Gritz further says to his listening audience that "God is a she---Doris Ekker." Oh? Well, then, all of you better go back to the early paragraphs of this writing, had you not? However, to rest Mr. Gritz's foolish showing of ignorance, I would remind all of you that GOD IS ALL--THAT MEANS "ALL" Whatever Dharma (Doris Ekker) may claim in her work--IT IS NOT THAT SHE IS GOD. From whom do your preachers, and even Mr. Gritz, claim to hear in spirit? Oh, is it that if you hear Jesus or God within that you somehow CLAIM TO BE GOD OR JESUS? How ignorant can a supposedly self-styled authority be?? In fact Col. Gritz AND Mr.Green, Mrs. Green, et al. claim to receive messages and instructions, speakings and sharing from this "Jesus Christ". Do I suppose that Gritz IS Christ? By his own words, then, he MUST consider that HE IS JESUS, IF HE CLAIMS CONNECTIONS. I do not, however, blame Sir Gritz, Green or any of those who toss stones at my messages--WHY DO ONES CONTINUE TO ASK SUCH QUESTIONS OF THEM? If people cannot discern and recog­nize TRUTH--why would the opinions of "ANYONE" make a whit of difference? You cannot judge my being on anything less than the WHOLE and if you have no time to find the truth in that which I bring forth--YOU HAVE NO BASIS UPON WHICH TO JUDGE OR DISCERN ANYTHING--MUCH THE LESS--GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MERIT SUCH JUDGMENT? FROM WHOM? IT IS MOST EVIDENT THAT THOSE WHO SPOUT SUCH AUTHORITY WITNESS ONLY LIES AND IF ANYONE LISTENING AND KNOWETH GOD--SEES AND HEARS THE LIE. FUR­THER, IF ANYONE HAS READ ANY WRITINGS OF MY OWN--THE LIES PRESENTED ARE EVEN MORE EVIDENT AND BLATANT. I AM NOT IN HUMAN FORM--I TRAVEL WITH JESUS THE CHRIST--AND TO SAY I HAVE CLAIMED OTHERWISE IS STUPID INDEED. SOMETIMES THE ELEVENTH HOUR IS TOO LATE!

    Ones such as Col. Gritz have diarrhea of the mouth in authority of God's coming, God's experiences, the end being at hand, and on and on ad nauseam. HOW DO YOU THINK HE THINKS GOD IS COMING? WOULD GOD COME WITHOUT WARNING? AH INDEED? NO, HE WOULD NOT! HE HAS PROMISED THE HOSTS AND ANGELS OF THE WARNING AND "MAN" AND MR. GRITZ HAVE DE­CIDED HOW IT WILL BE--WELL, IT WON'T BE THAT WAY, GOOD BUDDIES. So, will you travel with me who of­fers Goodness as the ONLY pathway to sure survival and pas­sage--OR, will you go with the "authority" of self-styled know it alls, who practice not even that which is presented as the laws of God? These ones do not even live their own toutings but de­ceive their listeners for their own comfort and gain. So be it, citizens of man, for the clock of evolvement is ticking.

    May the remainder of your days of manifestation hold WISDOM and REASON--for therein lies the path within TRUTH.
    So be it--to each his own. I offer my hand in giving--I can do
    no more and I shall not ask more of my people. Salu.

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