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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 84
    MON., NOV. 22, 1993 8:24 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 098
    MON., NOVEMBER 22, 1993

    In the "So What Else is New?" column up front today I should take a bit of time to share some recent presentations on currency, printing, money exchanges and precious metals. I don't want to linger on these subjects because we have but to wait for things to unfold--you have been given it all. I realize, however that you are caught in a world where these expressions of "property" are thrust upon you--and therefore, it does matter. Also, handling affairs WISELY allows you to live to serve another day--if you will but see and hear "possibilities".

    E.J. has dozens of other things to do today but I have been asked over and over again to ask him to write, and publish in the paper, EXACTLY how the program in the Institute "works"? There has been so much confusion and lies from opposition and within the legal halls that even the happy campers forget. So, I impose upon you, E.J., to give us a brief rundown of this non-investment, secured by collateral program in constant discussions these days--and WHY one such as Green can even bring charges. (See end of chapter.) WELL, READERS, NUMBER ONE IS HE CAN'T. THE COURT HAS NOW THROWN HIM OUT OF COURT ON THAT SUBJECT TWICE ON THE GROUNDS THAT HE HAS NO GROUNDS AND CANNOT BRING SUCH "ALL INCLUSIVE" CHARGES FOR THIS OR ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE. His attorney, Mr. Horton was told by the court that "his court" is in a "notice pleading state", not a "stream of consciousness" pleading state. However, not to be discouraged by reason and logic, or this court, Mr. Green and Mr. Horton are considering pressing from another viewpoint and through a different jurisdiction. My, my--those turkeys must really want the gold, the legal fees, the ongoing destruction of a court system, et al.

    So be it, friends, all this can only prove the security of the Institute and the safety precautions pulled into play. The Adversary has not served his "good buddies" well, for the insipid actions continue to creep into the fiber of their very beings while the Institute "business" is shored up and placed in the safety zone. These lessons are the BEST learning experience for our people--they STUDY THEIR HOMEWORK and FIND the ways offered for such security and, regardless of the harassment, legal abuse and annoyance--the foundation WORKS.

    No one here is or ever has been in the "metals" business. Just "managing" this program is a real drain on personal time and effort but if there are ways to serve YOU, then our team is eager and willing to serve you. You see, some of you may get weary of this kind of personal talk--but I remind you that my first call to writings is to offer those people who are waiting for the "call" and want for security and participation--the information. If you are not interested--don't read that which is intended for "interested" persons. And YOU cannot speak for another in his stead to tell ME what another doesn't want. I know what is poured forth on my plate, constantly--YOU DO NOT!

    Again, since I am asked over and over again about Gold, Currency, et al., I am facing that my input is still quite uncomfortable for your acceptance. This is fine, readers, I am just a "foreign correspondent/commentator" on a diversity of subjects. However, if you were able to scan all of the newsletters from economists and "predictors" who claim "authority" you would be informed--but terribly confused--for you would be sucked into the whirlpool of deciding WHICH ONES are valid. I can do that for you and, with time available from other things, am happy to share with you.

    I choose at this point to share with you--from a worthy observer--the consensus of opinion of those who are not selling you propaganda but the best observations they can make on the subjects we choose to give focus.

    Of course there are several points not well focused upon in this writing--like the payoff for the drug dealers (international) as we have previously, this week, written when discussing the drug trade. However, the point for you who have participated in the Institute--or would like to do so--the minimum expected increase in gold prices by the end of this decade--is $2000 per ounce. Will it happen? How can you predict anything with accuracy and, furthermore, the PLAN 2000 is also to be in operation in year 2000 so who knows? You have been told that the only two things certain in your experience is "death" and "taxes". Well, that is humorous--but NEITHER of those is accurate either.

    Holding these things in mind now, let us share as written an article from Ron Paul's Survival Report, mid-Nov. 1993, 18333 Egret Bay Blvd., Suite 265, Houston, Texas 77058, 713-333-4888, 1-800-766-7285, $99 a year:

    GOLD IN 2000
    A subscriber recently wrote to ask me my estimate on the price of gold in the year 2000. There's obviously no formula to determine such a price. Economic laws tell us that if governments debase a paper currency, the price of gold in terms of that currency will go up. But exactly when and to what extent is not predictable. The variables include monetary policy, the confidence the people have in the government, deficit pressures on the Fed to monetize, political stability, economic sentiments worldwide, the strength of other currencies, and short-term attractions of financial markets, i.e., stocks, bonds, and derivatives.

    But we can be certain that if the money supply steadily increases, which it inevitably does with a fiat system, since that's precisely its purpose, we can indeed expect higher gold prices.

    Free-market economists predicted for years that the artificial $35 an ounce would not hold under the delusions of the Bretton Woods agreement. And although the price did stay at $35 an ounce for a while, the mechanism broke down in the early 1970s. Since then, the price of gold soared 20 fold and settled at 10 times higher.

    A similar response in the 1990s would put gold as high as $7,000 [H: I see that it is very likely to do exactly that. In fact, for three years I have said it may well go to $8,000 depending on manipulations. Remember, too, readers--if massive depression hits, the "price" is not important as you must consider relative "value". If it costs $8,000 to buy a suit [of clothes] and an ounce of gold will purchase it and then the price of gold drops to $35 ounce but also the same suit drops to $35--you have the SAME relative VALUE. In the "deflationary" depression you are in now, you simply have to pay attention and find out what is NOT TOLD TO YOU BY MEDIA AND PRESS AND SEE BEYOND THE LIES!], while settling at $3,500. That's not likely, although it's possible under the worst of [Billy-us] Clintonian circumstances. The big jump in the 1970s occurred after decades of price fixing gold at $35 an ounce. The government continues to manipulate the price of gold, but its control is greatly reduced and a market does exist for gold unlike in the 1960s. To some degree, the Fed held gold down in the 1980s, but there is clear evidence now for gold breaking out on its own.

    If it does only 50% of what it did in the 1970s, gold would go as high as $3,500 and settle at $1,750. Even that seems too high, despite the tripling of the monetary base between 1980 and 1993. This increase in the monetary base has not been enough to stir up price inflation as it did in the late 1970s, but has created tremendous speculation in stocks, bonds, and derivatives. Stocks are up nearly 400%, bonds have skyrocketed, and derivatives have jumped 700%. My projection for a gold price would be to expect a tripling of its price in this decade, putting gold over $1,000 with bursts at times to a much higher price.

    But remember: gold does not really go up in "price". It's PAPER that DEPRECIATES! There's really no joy in seeing gold jump in price. Yes, we can be satisfied if our wealth is protected, but when the big jump occurs in the price of gold, it means economic suffering and political danger for innocent people. The guilty politicians and bankers who orchestrate the inflationary destruction of our money rarely suffer. It's middle class America and our liberties that are the biggest casualties.


    * * *
    I wish I had time and space to reprint all of each of these letters but, of course, we can't and still continue on with the basic information spread. But here is one you should enjoy AND find interesting from the same journal:

    "Senator Phil Gramm is bringing Mikhail Gorbachev to the Republican Inner Circle, an organization of big contributors that Gramm chairs. The inner Circle raises money to elect more Republicans to the U.S. Senate, and its meetings are funded by those same donors. The communist Gorb, who can't even speak English [H: Another very dangerous assumption--the man speaks exceptionally good English and will do very well as one of YOUR state officials--possibly President of the former United States of America!], will get an honorarium of $70.000. Just why this Insider and unrepentant Marxist-Leninist, who murdered many in the climb to the top of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, should be feted and enriched by Republican donors the Senator doesn't say."

    Rather than change the subject from the focus on "money" let us consider some other input, this time from the highly credible Lyke Report (a financial digest), Nov. 1993: (Lyke Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 290, Glenview, IL. 60025-0290. (six months-$52)

    No one in the Clinton Administration is admitting it yet, but a national security crisis exists. Massive amounts of "near perfect" counterfeit U.S. $100 Federal Reserve Notes are being printed in the Middle East They are being used to purchase nuclear weapons and materials from the former Soviet Union. London's Evening Standard newspaper has reported that their British Intelligence is meeting with our Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Secret Service and the Pentagon to investigate the counterfeiting crisis.

    The October 18th issue of Coin World magazine reports that Iran is printing our money (for purchasing nuclear weapons technology) on a printing press WE GAVE THEM WHILE THE SHAH OF IRAN WAS STILL IN POWER (pre-1978). [H: THIS IS TRUE! The Japanese ALSO have presses that came with the ending of WW-II from the submarines which carried Hitler to the Antarctic.] The "fake" notes are so incredibly sophisticated that the Federal Reserve's electronic counterfeit detection equipment cannot detect them as counterfeit! [H: All the B.S. about being unable to counterfeit the "new" currency is pure hogwash.]

    The magnitude of the problem is spreading throughout the world. Banks in various countries are now refusing to accept $100 U.S. Federal Reserve Notes. They do not want to be stuck with counterfeit U.S. $100 bills.

    NBC Nightly News' Sept. 29th broadcast claimed Syria was one source of counterfeit notes. All reports agree: billions of dollars of counterfeit currency are involved. [H: You have to be careful here, readers, because you can see that the article is being slanted toward "enemies" of Israel, while ISRAEL produces THE MOST COUNTERFEIT CURRENCY IN THE WORLD TODAY--AS MUCH, ACTUALLY, AS IS PRINTED IN THE U.S.]

    We placed a telephone call to the U.S. Secret Service and they refused to confirm any international details. They did admit that domestically, our local crooks are about to set a new counterfeit record. More than $16 million of counterfeit notes got into circulation (through July of ‘93).

    We believe this new wave of massive counterfeiting by foreign countries will accelerate our conversion from the old (pre-1990) style notes, to exclusive use of the 1990 series notes with the microprinting and plastic strip in the paper. The secret magnetic ink bar code we exposed in previous issues of this newsletter is now needed even more for security. A recall or demonetization of the old $100 notes is more likely to happen now that the Clinton Administration has a "real excuse" to use. Beware: A totally new design might even be "in the works". [H: Do you see what is happening? There is a new thrust "at" counterfeiting but it is not of actual "value"--it is to get you more and more geared for the "everything" card of the New World Order. No currency--no counterfeiting--except for the Elite--just "you-the-people" won't have any spendable cash to stash in your pockets!]

    The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing has not printed a $5 Federal Reserve Note since May! They typically print between 30 and 100+ million notes of each denomination every month. The last B.E.P. report issued for the month of September confirms the fact that they have not printed a five dollar bill for 4 months. Are these machines and people sitting idle?

    We first assumed that the Fort Worth, Texas facility was changing their tooling over to print the new Series 1990 $5 notes, with the new anti-counterfeiting features...including the magnetic ink bar code, as has been done to the higher denominations. NOW we suspect a more radical plan is brewing. We have a difficult time confirming anything from Texas, because it is a very secret operation, closed to the public. We have heard rumors of "different colored money" being printed there, from B.E.P. employees.

    The B.E.P. could be printing a totally new set of Federal Reserve Notes! When Congress reacts to the emergency... when President Clinton announces the need for a change in the money's design... the Treasury could have the new bills ready to circulate. Will you and I have enough time to exchange our old notes? Will our old notes be worth the same value? John Lyke

    [H:I think it appropriate to continue with Mr. Lyke's observations about the new Identification Card as well:]

    In his campaign book, Bill Clinton suggested a government ID card for every American. These cards would be so "smart", he said, that they could include your entire medical record as preparation for socialized medicine. And they could be eventually used as well for the "cashless society", where the government knows about, and controls, every dime you spend, save, or invest.

    The threat should have been enough to defeat him, but the statist Bush didn't criticize him for it. Yet it turns out that this is one campaign pledge Clinton wants to keep. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, he criticized those who say the card "smacks of Big Brotherism". Hillary Clinton is said to be working on the idea as part of her medical "reform".

    Unfortunately, the Social Security card effectively functions as an ID already. So what's the real purpose? The Clinton card would have much more than a number on it. It would also contain a computer chip capable of storing 50 to 60 pages of data. That's enough for your entire federal dossier, including tax, employment, medical, legal, and other records. Ira Magaziner, the meddlesome aide who has Hillary Clinton's ear, wants to issue every American one of these cards at birth. This would allow the feds to keep careful track of us throughout our lives.

    For the government, knowledge is power, and the more it knows about us, the easier it can control us. Socialist governments found that a central data base can inspire more public fear than tanks on the streets. FinCEN, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Treasury Department, is the most ambitious data collection enterprise ever attempted by a Western government. And it will serve as the biggest gun the government has.

    The American people have a history of demanding a certain degree of privacy and independence, as Alexis de Tocqueville pointed out in the 19th century. The Declaration of Independence complained of swarms of British bureaucrats harassing us; imagine what Jefferson would have thought about government "smart cards".

    In the last few decades much of our privacy has been lost. And it's not only computers that deserve the blame. They have only been useful magnifiers of what the prying eyes of big brother have wanted to see all along. Clinton represents the species of liberal who says the government has no right to spy in your bedroom, but does have the right to spy on your bank account and other financial records. (Of course, with Clinton, even this distinction is breaking down. Who can doubt that he would like to make us use condoms, and to promote deviant sex? It's already happening in our schools.)

    Washington is full of Big-Brotherites, so it's no surprise that people in the Republican Party also support the idea, albeit on different grounds. Senator Alan Simpson is using the growing problem of illegal immigration to promote a national ID. He says it would help employers and government officials distinguish citizens from aliens.

    The concern about immigration is a real one in this welfare state. Federal laws make it difficult, and in many cases illegal, for state and local governments to discriminate between citizens and foreigners in the distribution of welfare. With millions of illegals on welfare (costing $42.6 BILLION in 1992, according to Professor Donald Huddle of Rice University), the government now faces a political timebomb. (I'd drop non-citizens from the dole, and then start in on the citizens!)

    As troublesome as immigration is, however, a national ID card is no way to deal with it. The theory says that employers could use the card to verify citizenship. In real life, under‑ground markets are flourishing all over the country. In Florida, Texas, California, and New York, underground employers already rely heavily on illegal labor.

    The immigration problem can be addressed in other ways. For example, the federal government can allow states and localities to deny benefits to aliens, as Gov. Pete Wilson of California is demanding. As he points out, two-thirds of the tax-subsidized births in Los Angeles County are from illegals who swarm across the border for free medical care.....STOP QUOTING

    I won't continue on that subject further because it now is dealing with other things than the "smart card". This is all just a sign of that which is ALREADY done, readers. Your only hope of "survival" within this system is to WISELY work within it until such time as you can change it. Remember, you cannot "change" that which is already finished! You can only work "with it" until such time as opportunities arise for "fixing" it.

    You must hold ever uppermost in your mind the confiscation of gold as emergency powers become the rule of the day. Gold was confiscated right out of drawers and safe-deposit boxes in 1933. The New World Order plans to HAVE EVERYTHING--ESPECIALLY ALL THE GOLD. So what does that leave you? Seriously in a big dilemma of perplexity! If you effort to create security with abundant gold stores--you will lose them--IT IS IN THE PLAN 2000. If you have currency which is recalled, you will, like Russians, be limited and issued worthless paper. Property as in "Real Estate" is going to be confiscated as well--and as a fact, as depression and joblessness hits everyone--foreclosures will skyrocket in numbers as people lose their homes back to the Banksters. Further, you are going to be left in the insecurity of ability to have abundant survival stashes and/or housing--remember those incarceration camps? There are also plans for utilizing those and closed military bases for "refugee" (YOU) camps. You will not be allowed to store on your shelves more than a half- to one-year's supply of food, without reporting it and putting it on the public block for use of the government for supplying the people (so they will tell you).

    I believe I have repeated the "suggestions" over so often that our regular readers are going to resign--but I will, again, point out some options and observations.

    In a minute I will offer some of Dr. Robinson's "Fighting Chance" observations but for now we will repeat what we have to offer regarding assets and acquiring some sort of security WITHIN the system--all legal, all tidy and very workable if you have some assets you can exchange or have assets you wish to handle with possibility of immediate use as well as offering some security.

    The last thing that the Elite will do is confiscate FROM THE ELITE! It is simply NOT WISE to hoard a LOT of gold. Some--yes, lots? No. If, however, you can find a plan wherein you can buy gold, have the gold stashed in vaults as COLLATERAL and then "borrow" against the value of the gold--you can have a bit of cake and also eat some.

    Where do you go for this kind of an arrangement? I don't know of any other place than here where we have structured it for you and built the reputation to "continue" services. How long will this work? Who knows! But I repeat, the LAST thing the Elite will do is CONFISCATE COLLATERAL "FROM THE ELITE".

    I can't ask my people to go through the misery of setting up these exchanges for the heck of it. However, if you want to share with God's work in addition, we WILL do so. I repeat, no one here is in the "metals business"--we are not even in the "loan or borrow" business--but we know how and we know how to make it WORK.

    It means you need to incorporate (in Nevada, for privacy) and make a loan to the Phoenix Institute which will purchase gold through a MAJOR metals broker. This then is placed in a nice big Elite Bankster Bank and "borrowed against". Your corporation is then given a note for the loan. Now, if you need funds you can work out a regular "interest payment" arrangement. Postponing receipt of "interest" will give you a larger percentage of the profit FROM THE EXPECTED RISE IN GOLD PRICES! It is calculated that gold must simply "double" to get full input back AND pay the bank notes. Any rise beyond purchase price is PROFIT. Of course if you put your money in today and take it out tomorrow--you lose something due to transaction costs. If you put it in at $400/oz and demand sale at $200 (if it drops tomorrow) you lose half, at least of your investment. But, chelas, we are--again--not in the metals business. If you want some security in possible rising of prices and PARTICIPATE in our projects which are going to revolve around "comfortable survival" projects--then welcome aboard. If you just want to make a bunch of money with no effort--forget it and please do not take E.J.'s time for he is in the "project" business--not your financial planning. Mr. Christie will be happy to explain, further, the corporation utilization.

    I am continually badgered about giving you gloom and doom and no action opportunity. Well, here it is--AGAIN--and I wonder if anyone is really listening?

    Well, can't Ron Paul with his gold business do this? NO! Not this way and not without building a "reputation" with these major corporations and banks.

    I would guess that you might work out some arrangement if you need a percentage of your money back immediately. Say you put in something like $100,000 and gold is bought as collateral and $50,000 is borrowed against that collateral for projects. I would see no reason the projects couldn't use, say, a percentage of the loan ($25,000 for instance) and you take back $25,000 for your use while making arrangements for payment of your portion of the fees, etc. This is very "loose"--use $1,000--whatever. But, readers, YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO START DOING SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT IS AVAILABLE IN THE "ADVERTISEMENTS" FOR THE ADVERTISERS ARE THE ONES WORKING TO SUCK YOU DRY IN EVERY WAY.

    Dharma, let us leave this writing and I would hope that the Layout people will put this up close to the front of the paper for this subject is piled upon my desk for response by the dozens of inquiries daily. Add E.J.'s explanation for the "workings"; I can do no more. (See end of chapter.)

    Then, I would like to write from Dr. Robinson's letter on "The Uncertain Future". I honor this man so greatly for just hanging in and hanging in in spite of everything flung against him--TO ALLOW YOU TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION ON SURVIVAL CHANCES AND SELF-RELIANCE THROUGH INTELLIGENT PREPARATION.

    I salute all of you, both writers and readers, who are efforting to prepare and attend the real probability of making it "through" tough times by careful thought and wise attendance to possibilities. YOU CAN! BUT NOT EASILY IF YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION AND ACT NOW BEFORE THE CURTAIN FALLS AND THE DEEDS ARE ACCOMPLISHED AGAINST YOU. Salu until "next week".

    * * *

    By E. J. EKKER
    The PHOENIX INSTITUTE for RESEARCH & EDUCATION, LTD. is a corporation set up for the purpose of providing a commercial mechanism to furnish "seed" funds for the publishing of the JOURNALS and, later, the EXPRESS, LIBERATOR and CONTACT as well as for as many of the "survival projects" as the funds could be stretched to cover.

    It was and is anticipated that only corporations and trusts would participate by lending funds to the Institute so that the arrangement would remain completely exempt from any "securities" registration. As an accommodation funds have been accepted from a few individuals pending their completing making corporate arrangements.

    When funds are received by the Institute a DEMAND PROMISSORY NOTE and a SIDE AGREEMENT are written, signed by an officer of the Institute and mailed to the Lender. An officer (or Trustee) of the Lender countersigns the SIDE AGREEMENT and returns it to the Institute.

    The NOTE states the amount of the loan and an interest rate of 10% per annum. The SIDE AGREEMENT modifies and clarifies the NOTE; the following text is taken from the SIDE AGREEMENT:

    The INSTITUTE and the LENDER mutually agree that in lieu of interest the "principal amount" will be adjusted by the published price of gold metal less the expense of sale, insurance and transportation. This adjustment shall equal 100% of the appreciation in the price of gold between the price at purchase (including expenses) and sale if the LENDER elects not to receive monthly interest. This adjustment shall equal 50% of the appreciation if monthly interest (at the rate of 10%) is elected. Expenses usually average 10% of sale price so an early withdrawal can result in loss, especially if gold has gone down in price. Such a loss is the responsibility of the Lender since the Lender controls the time of withdrawal.

    Most of the above is self-explanatory but some clarification might be useful. At the bottom of the SIDE AGREEMENT is shown the number of ounces of gold the loaned funds would have purchased at the closing price of gold (plus brokerage expenses) on the day the funds were received by the Institute. This is also the number of ounces that the Institute will earmark as security for this loan. If the lender elects not to receive "interest" monthly the effect is much the same as if the funds had been used to purchase gold directly in that, upon sale, 100% of the value (less sales expenses) of the gold belongs to the Lender. If the Lender has chosen to receive monthly "interest" and the gold is sold at a profit the principal amount of the NOTE is paid to the Lender along with 50% of the profit, the other 50% going to the Institute as an offset to not having the use of as much of the funds due to the need to hold reserves from which to pay out the "interest". If the Lender chooses to sell the gold at a loss then it must bear all of the loss, including the selling expenses.

    For example (ignoring expenses), suppose a loan of $100,000 when gold is selling for $400.00 per ounce. Say gold rises to $1,000.00 per ounce and is sold for $250,000. The first Lender receives $250,000; the second (who chose monthly interest payments) receives $175,000 (its principal of $100,000 plus 50% of the $150,000 profit) plus all of the "interest" already received, not a bad deal if the loan is 4-5 years old whereby the Institute would have paid out $40,000-$50,000 to the Lender.

    On the other side of the transaction, the Institute purchases gold with the loaned funds and deposits same with a major bank as collateral for a line-of-credit. As the funds are needed for publishing or projects they are drawn from the line-of-credit.

    The benefits to the Lender include additional privacy: the gold is held in the name of the Institute; less likelihood of confiscation: the gold is security for a loan (line-of-credit); less risk in the event of economic collapse and bank failures: secured commercial loans are passed on to succeeding banks; no FDIC-type size limits or FDIC failure risk: not considered a "deposit" so not subject to FDIC regulations; less impact in case of currency recall or re/devaluation (and a great potential for profit should currency be devalued).

    In summary: It is quite possible that a loan to the Institute could serve as a rather elegant bridge across the chasm of economic chaos and asset confiscation being readied for less-informed and sleeping citizens. Having corporate assets available "in the system" beyond that chasm could be quite useful. In the meantime those assets are working on the side of our Lighted God's Host while any funds left with the banks, in stocks and bonds, mutual funds, etc., are serving the adversary.

    PJ 84
    MON., NOV. 22, 1993 11:17 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 098
    MON., NOVEMBER 22, 1993
    Just as we sat to write we received a warm and loving call from Gunther. He has been released from the hospital and "back to jail". As ludicrous as it sounds, it IS good news. He is not sure "how good" it is because, of course, he is in misery, sore and hurts from one end to the other--having a quintuple bypass is an ordeal as there is need to cut through the ribs to open the chest, etc. In addition, the procedure requires the use of a vessel so he has had one stripped from a leg for implantation, which in itself is painful in recovery.

    He asks that we express his heartfelt gratitude to you readers for the loving kindness and prayers which he is confident is the ONLY thing that spared his life for the intent was not that he survive! The prosecutor is so angry over these events that ALL "DEALS" HE WOULD HAVE MADE--ARE NOW "OFF". We shall see, readers, as you have touched the Governor--do not remove the pressure--PLEASE! In addition now, however, you may wish to drop Gunther a note or card that he might remember his obligations and commitments made with YOU and GOD. Let us remember to count each blessing, each event, even when it appears to be a negative happening--God does NOT deal in negativity. Let us always be searching beyond the obvious for the facts and truth that your alternative choices be made in wisdom.

    As stated in the last writing we will take up a portion of Fighting Chance. Dr. Arthur B. Robinson, P.O. Box 1279, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523. ($60.00 for 12 issues). Do these persons want to sue me for using their "information"? Come now, readers--if they failed to believe me, Dharma, or nerdy tadpole--to offer you, out of the myriads of piles of writings--THEIR information as VALID--what do you think? The ones making a stated effort to change the mess you are in and offer you help--need the information to reach you any way possible. It is ONLY through the scattering of INFORMATION in TRUTH of circumstances that you can unify enough to make an impact through knowing what to do and how to do it. Those who would keep you ignorant in their own ego gain--are NOT YOUR FRIENDS--THEY SERVE YOUR ENEMY!


    Some "survivalists" of the 1970s found themselves in an unexpected predicament. Certain that the immediate future held only disaster for the United States, they headed for the hills with their "gold, guns, and groceries" and awaited war, economic collapse, civil chaos, epidemic, or all of the these combined. Since they were certain that disaster was imminent, they made no plans for productive lives if disaster did not come. When disaster did not arrive, they found themselves ill-prepared for the prosperity of the 1980s. Some appeared almost disappointed that chaos had been avoided.

    These people were not wrong to prepare for the survival of their families under severe civil defense emergencies. Is it imprudent to buy life insurance to provide for your family if you should die? Year-by-year term life insurance is a sensible expense. Are you disappointed that your life insurance was not used in 1992?

    They were also not wrong in their evaluation of national and world risks.

    * With 45,000 nuclear weapons in Soviet hands and primarily targeted on the United States, anyone who took no action to protect his family from this danger was irresponsible indeed. These weapons and the continuing technology to produce them are still with us and are proliferating throughout the world.

    * With American national prospects in the hands of people in Washington who have accumulated an unthinkable and unpayable debt and are still spending and taxing without the least regard for honesty, the probability of economic collapse grows daily.

    * With a welfare system that pays millions of people simply to exist, America has built a huge reservoir of people from whom domestic upheaval and terrorism can be expected. Increasing lawlessness in the welfare ghettos is indicative.

    * With national policies that have murdered over 20 million American children and are beginning to advocate the murder of older Americans as well--and that are increasingly hostile to Christians while they glorify perversions of all kinds, can we expect or do we deserve the miracles that would be necessary to avoid the consequences of our nation's many irresponsible actions?

    We live in a very dangerous world. These dangers are growing rapidly. Our national politicians not only seem incapable of prudent actions to protect our nation from these risks, they work overtime producing additional and unnecessary dangers.

    While it is possible to see the general trend in these events and to foresee the substantial dangers in them, it is very difficult to make accurate predictions concerning timing. Even with trends that are almost certain, such as the trend of the purchasing power of the dollar toward zero value, the rate and timing are unpredictable. The ultimate fate of our currency may already have been decided, but I would not want to plan to be without it in the near future.

    With a wisdom that grew from the experiences of depression and war, my mother used to say that we should "prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and accept what comes."

    If we prepare only for the worst that our enemies may do to us and neglect to plan productive lives in case they fail, then they will have defeated us by means of fear alone.

    It is for this reason that work at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine is emphasizing both civil defense against disasters and optimistic work on nutrition and clinical medicine and school curricula. Sometimes we are even able to combine the two in a single project such as in carbon dioxide research. [H: There are simple solutions to these perceived, but conjured problems, but we have to have more ability to work within your circles. Until then you are going to have to have ones willing to pour their ALL into such projects. YOU CAN NEVER GAIN TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE--FOR WHEN THE "GIFTS" ARE GIVEN THEY ARE GOING TO COME THROUGH THESE SAME DEDICATED PARTIES.

    [H: If Art Robinson has a book on survival skills that he recommends beyond his own Fighting Chance--GET IT!]

    Dr. Robinson comments:

    Two volunteer efforts are increasing the usefulness of the information in the book Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny. These are especially important, since the Clinton regime has dropped all remaining efforts for American civil defense except for the annual $400 MILLION appropriation for "continuity of government" [H: Doomsday programs!] schemes to protect politicians and bureaucrats.

    Given their policies, it is no wonder that they still feel a need for personal protection. They are at increasing risk from within the United States itself. As far as protection of American citizens is concerned, however, even the words "civil defense" have now been entirely purged from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (although they continue to exist in the minds and hearts of a few dedicated Americans who still work within that agency).

    In a joint effort with Fighting Chance, Arnold Jagt is voluntarily preparing Nuclear War Survival Skills for entry onto the Internet computer network. Internet and related networks link together approximately 20 million computers world wide in a vast communications net and data base. Within a few months, Nuclear War Survival Skills will be available from any one of those 20 million computers. Computer network users will be able to scan the book for specific information, print diagrams or photos of particular interest, or even print the entire text for personal use or public dissemination in an emergency.

    Mr. Jagt suggested this project some time ago, but only recently did we obtain the necessary computer hardware to scan the text. The book was scanned onto computer disks here and then sent to Mr. Jagt. Since Nuclear War Survival Skills contains many intricate figures and photographs and a detailed text in several formats, several months of part time effort are required to make it suitable for the computer network. In case of a nuclear emergency in the future, many people may have reason to be grateful to Arnold Jagt for giving his time and skills to this project.

    In another development, Steve Jones has developed a Kearny Fallout Meter kit based upon the instructions in Nuclear War Survival Skills. This kit comes with instructions and materials all packed in a can that serves as the body of the meter. With only the materials in this kit, one can build a very useful and lifesaving radiation fallout meter.

    These kits are available from Steve Jones, 1402 South 1000 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 at a cost of $6 each postage paid [H: And please tell him CONTACT referred you via Dr. Robinson.] A couple of these kits or their equivalent should be among the civil defense supplies of every American.

    [H: As a final offering before we send this off to the paper I would give one last message from Dr. Robinson.]

    Recently a friend of ours and supporter of Fighting Chance decided that he did not want to continue to leave his family without civil defense insurance. With nearby neighbors and other impediments to building a large conventional shelter, he decided to install a small shelter similar to the one described in the October 1990 Fighting Chance Newsletter.

    Having visited that shelter in the displays here at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, he decided he wanted a somewhat larger (still small) shelter. He chose a size 68% larger by volume--54 inches in diameter and 14 feet long with two entryways allowing installation with three feet of earth over the top in the level ground of his back yard.

    His shelter has simple blast doors, ventilation by means of the hand fanning technique shown in Nuclear War Survival Skills, and no room to stand up. It is rated at a radiation protection factor of over 1000 and a blast protection of about 50 psi. It has enough room for water, food, simple emergency supplies, and the six members of his family--who would find it very uncomfortable and primitive. Sanitation will be by bucket and a plastic bag occasionally tossed out the door. Nuclear War Survival Skills is the instruction manual.

    Sound unappealing? It sure beats watching his family die--probably slowly from a fatal dose of radiation!

    In order to avoid spending the time finding and educating a steel fabricating shop near his home, he decided to have the shelter built by Oak Street Tank and Steel, the company that built the Fighting Chance mobile shelter displays and numerous other shelters, here in Oregon. Oak Street Tank and Steel is located at 340 Oak Street in Ashland, Oregon. Their telephone is (503) 482-1536. Ashland is 500 miles from our friend's home.

    He picked up his shelter in Ashland this past Monday morning with a small rented U-Haul trailer and drove home 500 miles. Tuesday night, less than 48 hours later, the shelter had been completely buried in his back yard. Installation was so quick that curious neighbors barely had time to notice.

    His costs were $1,675 for the shelter and corrosion protective anode, $75 for trailer rental, $100 for gasoline and $150 for installation by a small backhoe and backhoe operator. He spent $2,000 for the whole project and three days, primarily driving. Had he settled for the smaller version in our shelter displays, his cost would have been $1,500.

    No doubt he could have built a more elaborate shelter or perhaps found a way to build a less expensive one, but he had thought about these possibilities for quite a while. Now his family is protected. They can forget the whole thing and go on about the positive projects of their lives.

    $1,500 to $2,000 and a day or two of inconvenience is very inexpensive insurance for a family in the nuclear age.


    * * *
    Dharma, you have preparations for court tomorrow, you vicious trespassing old grandma, so let us end this for today.

    Thank you,

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 84
    WED., NOV. 24, 1993 10:27 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 100
    WED., NOVEMBER 24, 1993

    To you readers: There is no way that I shall allow my scribe to go unanswered and she, like you, must get answers the same way as do you. What happened yesterday is inexcusable and we shall TELL THE WORLD!

    Dharma and E.J. had a scheduled court appearance yesterday in the local court where they are CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL TRESPASS "having been ‘seen' on the adjacent vacant lot to the south of the dwelling in which they reside--three times since January, 1993.

    Now, the Ekkers have an EASEMENT ON THAT LOT IN POINT so even if they WERE ON THE LOT--IT IS THEIR PROPERTY now being shifted to the parties in Arizona who purchased the litigated property from the Resolution Trust Corporation.

    The RTC required the parties in Arizona sign a release for "any upcoming possibilities or impact from any disputes regarding the property". This was done and, in exchange for being allowed to live in the property--no longer theirs--Ekkers agreed to help in any situations which might come up regarding the property priorly theirs. The owner is a "church" in Arizona which is going to establish a branch in Tehachapi. The dwelling was not going to be utilized until such time as building on the sanctuary could be begun. The agreement allowed for Ekkers to attend management and caretaking of the property and generally be prepared to move out when appropriate.

    The "easement" in dispute takes in footage for fire dept. access to the back of the property which is a ranch with no dwellings and access to this area is mandatory. The dispute, however, is that some items on the property housing the dwelling "may" (every survey has been different) be (1) either too close to the property line or (2) possibly overlapping the line. The parties involved WANT the property which is the vacant lot. Its value is not much because it does not fit building code regulations.

    The owner of the lot issued an unlawful detainer against the Ekkers and then placed the lot on the market. The lot was to be listed at no greater than $19,500 but could be purchased at around $15-$16,500. There had been a "right of first refusal" purchase agreement understood with this party since 1987. There is no intent here to do-in or abuse anyone.

    When, however, our Honorable Jason Brent got involved, through George Green, and when it became known that Ekkers were involved the price went, overnight, from $19,500 to $35,000 cash. The church then offered $30,000 and 120 day escrow. The response was $30,000 cash in 30 days. Now all this is just business haggling EXCEPT FOR THE FACT that Brent and Green claimed the "church" is simply an alter-ego of the Ekkers.

    We know, further, that in the middle of the dispute a separate out-of-town Realtor made a bid on the same lot at around $20,000 which was instantly ACCEPTED. When the legal easement of the Ekkers showed up on the title search the second party dropped efforts. Still with me? Now, next, the person in point (owner of the disputed lot) STILL HAS A BUYER IN THE CHURCH AT REASONABLE PURCHASE PRICE. There are HUNDREDS of lots and over 400 houses vacant in this LITTLE TINY town so what gives here? IT CAN ONLY BE COLLUSION.

    So we find through informers (because Green AND Brent have very big ego mouths) that to cut any COSTS to the landowner it would be established that all the problems would be handled in conjunction with the District Attorney (at no cost--except to you goodly taxpayers). Ex-Judge Brent said (we are told from ones who seem to know) that he could see to "getting the Ekkers". So, during one of our meetings they were ARRESTED on CRIMINAL CHARGES and it has been an interesting nightmare ever since.

    They CANNOT back off because the other parties in point have to have their legal easement to continue to confront the problem from onset.

    Now it comes out that the same law enforcement persons through the court system have denied any attempt to confront Green on the theft of $350,000 cash in gold coins AFTER BEING ASKED TO DO SO FROM NEVADA (now, of course, the criminal Green is in Montana). BUT, these same sheriffs and law officials serving "we-the-people" served CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AND ARREST PAPERS ON THE EKKERS FOR "BEING SEEN" WALKING OR DRIVING ON THE ADJACENT LOT--AND REFUSE TO ALLOW CONVERSION OF THE CASE TO CIVIL INSTEAD OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION FOR SETTLEMENT. That, of course, would mean the property-owner in point would have her own legal fees, etc. Does this smack of set-up?

    Next, it comes forth that charges are being brought against the conspirators who were illegally shifting land, failing to sell homes up for auction, etc. Now that the RTC sold the Ekkers' property while still in litigation, doesn't look good but it seems even more "ugly" to now try to prevent Ekkers from ANY FURTHER efforts at recovery of anything. Why? Because the parties involved in the scheme in the first place, such as lawyers, judges, etc., will be named and their actions made public.

    Well, gentlemen involved, what Brent via Green is doing is to pull the RTC back into a CLOSED case for them--for "fraud" and "criminal actions" are not limited by statutes or side agreements. YOU nice little people who think you are saving your own assets are setting up the RTC for massive problems for two reasons: selling the property still in litigation and if YOU are right, working out a DEAL which represents total manipulation to PREVENT, DELIBERATELY, EKKERS FROM ALL ABILITY TO HAVE THEIR PROPERTY. THERE IS SO MUCH COVER-UP HERE THAT IT STINKS TO THE DOORS OF THE WHITE HOUSE!


    An effort has been made to simply get the case into its proper jurisdiction as a trespass--into civil court. Many hearings, right through the Superior Court have now been "had". It then got set for trial back in the local court. The really interesting thing is that YESTERDAY (23rd) WAS SCHEDULED THE "TRIAL". So Mr. Dixon and the Ekkers went to court as someone had to appear to get an extension of trial time due to all the intervening court negotiations and judicial changes. It all seemed quite amicable and perfunctory--only you have to STAY ALERT!

    They got to the court only to find they were not so much as listed on the trial calendar--FOR ANYTHING. Rather, however, than assuming the date had been abandoned by the District Attorney, they went to inquire. Guess what they FOUND!

    They were not on the calendar because "somehow" there had been a court appearance (that nobody knows from whence came) set for an "unheard of" date of the 15th of Nov. No notification to anyone--just somehow "slipped in there". When Ekkers did not appear on the 15th a BENCH WARRANT FOR THEIR ARREST AND INCARCERATION was issued, held and the hold would expire this afternoon late--so that the Ekkers would be arrested and spend the next four days in jail for nothing is legally done on holidays and weekends. So the crimes get thicker and deeper without seemingly any way to STOP it.

    Worse yet, readers, this happens every day all over your nation! What is your recourse? Stay alert--for it is OVER, citizens--the wall is coming down. You will just have to see through these things to the best of your ability and STAY IN THE LIGHTED SHIELD OF GOD. ASK GOD FOR DIRECTIONS AND INPUT CONSTANTLY AND THEN LISTEN. Had Ekkers called the court as assumed by the enemy that they would do before appearing--they would have found nothing on the calendar and would have been sitting ducks this afternoon when the arresting officers would arrive at the door. Serious? Oh, precious lambs, you have no idea in your wildest imaginings.

    Please be patient when you feel we are not answering your inquiries or needs from this place for human ability is limiting as to ALL of the work--but our people are continually under these pressures EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES.


    I can only warn you small-town, small-time (no matter how important YOU think YOU are) tools--that this is unacceptable to the BIG BOYS in the NEW WORLD ORDER--BECAUSE THEY HAVE AGREEMENTS WITH COMMAND AND YOU ARE BECOMING A REAL ANNOYANCE TO THEM.

    The Adversary's troops in the New World Order want this information we present, OUT-THERE, worse than we do. Our intent and reasons are in total opposition but the enforcers want the public to realize how powerful and in control "they" are. At some point "they" are going to start their own purge of those who interfere with their plans for their own silly games and purposes. I suggest you look carefully into this situation and begin to consider some "settlements" and a bit of cooperation with and for ones you were sworn to protect. Nobody is interested in you small-fry going for elections for municipal this or that--or ones who just want to hold thieved goods for self. You are going to find yourselves crosswise with the very ones you THINK you serve! In that event, good people, I suggest you take a long and hard look at what is taking place and reconsider some of the nerd-nik garbage you are pulling. If Mr. Kissinger has backed off the attack I think you might well be reconsidering your approach to your activities. I am astounded that local officers would in any way participate with you for many of them have actually trained with Russians in Russia as well as with colleagues here and MUST have some idea of what is actually taking place. I think the "right" hand may not know what the "left" hand is doing nor the extent of Command's presence. We are no "threat" to New World Order except in the total ending times--but our agreements WILL be honored.

    While on that subject, I suggest that some of you "watchers" see to it that Gunther Russbacher is released and allowed to peacefully move out of this country. We still have some of your craft in tow and soon the entire world will know all about it as well as the ongoing military mass operations involving your own presentation of "craft". It doesn't matter who YOU think "I" am for I am exactly who I say I am and I wield a VERY LARGE STICK even if I seem to speak gently.

    You Earth people can devour yourselves, tear up your world or whatever you CHOOSE to do--but MY people are going to move right through this mission--protected THROUGH INTERNATIONAL and INTERGALACTIC AGREEMENTS. Now I suggest you start finding out what you are about and stop this garbage.


    Are these chips as sophisticated and advanced as you are told? NO--MORE SO! BUT YOU ARE ALREADY IN THE SYSTEM! Perhaps it is time you STOP allowing preachers and newly-found Born-Again(s) to tell you what GOD MEANS. GOD WILL TELL YOU WHAT HE MEANS AND IF YOU DON'T STOP FOLLOWING EVERY TOM, DICK AND GEORGE WHO TELLS YOU SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT IS WITH YOU AND GOD--YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN DEEP, DEEP YOGURT! Green doesn't know, Gritz is misleading, Saunders is misleading, etc., etc., etc. Fundamentalist Evangelists are as dangerous as anyone on the Committee of 300 to your soul well-being! They very well may fully believe what they are telling you--THEY ARE WRONG!

    I am going to offer you some confirmations to my latest writings regarding gold and values of increase. I find it most interesting but not of much value to us as "focus". However, you ones seem to need constant input and confirmation. I wonder how many will ever make that journey to God unhampered by the need to acquire power and ego satisfaction through gold and other THINGS of seeming value--which actually have NO VALUE. Or, almost as negative in perspective, how many will dive off into the system of having "nothing" in order to make a false presentation to God. Everything on your planet and in your "space" has a purpose and HOW you use it and your attitudes and intents regarding same is the TESTING.

    To understand the manipulation and flow of gold would take too long at this writing for we have "had enough" and I am going to allow Dharma (since she almost spent Thanksgiving in prison) to have a part of a day to at least eat with family--somewhere unannounced. But this does mean that she is going to have a while to prepare today for her own contribution for we have given her no holidays, no family anything for five full years. Yesterday's "fixed" court offenses and the realization of an enemy that NEVER rests--even to the tiny personal things--hit hard and brought much stress and pain in recognition of how close THIS one came. She, like most of you, are then caused to wonder HOW MANY SIMILAR THINGS ARE PLANNED AND DO NOT COME TO PASS AND YOU NEVER KNOW. IT HELPS TO KNOW OCCASIONALLY SO THAT YOU HAVE ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND OUR ATTENTION TO YOUR NEEDS. THE POINT MUST BE: IT WAS NOT ALLOWED TO BEAR FRUIT IN SPITE OF THE INTENSE PLANNING BY YOUR ENEMIES.

    I would, however, offer you a few very well written short-notices as we fill this writing today.


    "....On Oct. 7, the Commodity Exchange in New York (COMEX) reported that 208,000 ounces of gold worth about $74 million were withdrawn from the Chase Manhattan Bank by (what of this) UNNAMED DEPOSITORS...." The gold stocks fell to 2.2 million ounces from 2.4 million ounces on Monday.

    "Who withdrew the gold?" This is a question which everyone would like to know, and remains unanswered, however, Chase officials declined to comment on the report. The COMEX certifies gold held at Chase and five other banks in New York as deliverable against its contracts. The absence of gold would raise questions about the ability of the COMEX to meet its delivery requirements. Chase Bank is, of course, a major player in the conspiracy, along with Goldman Sachs and other banks.

    Another factor in the gold market is the seasonal fluctuations in the demand based upon jewelry producers who purchase additional gold for the Christmas buying season, which is being helped by lower interest rates in Europe. All in all, the tone of the gold market remains very good with demand exceeding supply, and we are looking for higher prices as the winter season approaches....

    * * *
    So, why would I bother to point this out to you nice readers? Well, (1)--YOU cannot monitor the gold which you may well have purchased as is being held. (2) To show you how valid our own "way to go" through using gold as collateral can secure you temporarily. If you were simply holding gold somewhere in a bank--you have NO CONTROL. Probably there is no control for anyone--BUT if you have borrowed against that gold so you can have interim use of "money" (whatever the exchange) the NOTE is secure because the banks involved are responsible for that collateral and they will NOT rip-off their own "gang" this soon in the game. Yes I CAN tell you who transferred that gold, why and to where--but why would I place Dharma in more jeopardy just to satisfy curiosity? In the overall scheme of amounts of gold running around getting exchanged it is piddling in amount--the usual amounts referred to major exchanges these days is in multi-billions and trillions of dollar value. $74 million is hardly mentionable but IT IS a clue!

    Financial advisors who advise you to take gold, have offshore accounts and so forth--are NOT your good friends. They may well have arrangements which SEEM like a good deal and sophisticated "insiders" may well be able to function for a long time "offshore". But, you had better think about this VERY CAREFULLY. International money-switchers are NOT transferring money as once seen. There is still a massive market in "money on money" programs and it is within these circles that fortunes are made or broken. A lot of the assets may well come from metals but mostly it is transferred computer money in trading programs and other international bank shiftings. There WILL COME A DAY BEFORE LONG WHEN YOUR TRAVELS WILL BE LIMITED OR STOPPED AND ALL FUNDS COMING ACROSS NATIONAL BORDERS WILL BE STOPPED. This means simply that anyone with offshore funds in Banks will simply have the money confiscated as you will have no way to get at it. The same thing applies to "foreign" currency. You can hold some foreign metal (gold/silver coins) and they will be representative of the going price of the metal--but investment into commodities of foreign currency to be managed by "someone" is going to end you up, soon, without ability to touch it. It is going to be hard enough to have interstate transactions but by the time those restrictions come we will be aware because corporation laws in change will affect too many Elitists. But I repeat, if you don't want to share with God's work--don't take our people's time.

    To change the subject a bit--let us look at coalitions in activities occurring RIGHT NOW between China and the Soviet Union (by any name you choose).

    Again, from Criminal Politics:

    ....Shocking evidence has come to our attention of the existence of a deep-cover, three-country cooperation and political alliance. The alliance includes Israel, Russia and China. [H: Wow, someone should tell these people about CONTACT because there is not anything shocking or new about this information but well worth the value of confirmation to you regular readers.]

    Criminal Politics Magazine has explained in past issues how the Bolshevik Revolution was Zionist in origin, and that the U.S.S.R. was a client state of international Zionism. Now we have discovered a shocking alliance between China and Russia--to the detriment of America. Here are the disturbing facts:

    Our readers know that Chinese illegals have been flowing into the United States in ever increasing numbers. They come through Mexico, Haiti, Vietnam and China by boat to the West Coast.

    However, shocking new evidence has come to light that these are not part of a small-time racketeering operation--but of a multi-country Communist conspiracy against the United States. Testimony is in hand (and has been published in the NYT of Aug. 25, 1993) that China sends its illegals to Moscow for training--prior to transfer to the United States!

    Such multi-national cooperation clearly eliminates any claim that the smuggling of Chinese illegals into the United States is part of a small-time racketeering operation run by local criminals. According to Merle Linda Wolin's article of August 25, at least 100,000 Chinese have been routed through Moscow before being shipped to the United States.

    Merle Wolin has produced several features on Chinese alien smuggling for Fox Television. She interviewed an Immigration and Naturalization expert on Chinese smuggling: Jeanette Chu. Ms. Chu explained that Moscow has become an integral part of the scheme, because Russia is a country in great flux, with few controls, and it is a convenient transportation hub for flights to Europe.

    Ms. Chu claims that as many as 50,000 Chinese illegals are now waiting in Moscow for transit to the United States. If this is true, this offers conclusive evidence on the complicity of the Yeltsin Administration of violation of U.S. immigration law. You cannot hide 50,000 Chinese in Moscow! The evidence against China and Russia gets worse.

    Fox Television [H: Well already, however, you have to look carefully at this information: i.e., Fox Television. Come on, we know of the media FIX so how is it that unwanted to come forth information is coming forth as if it is valid? Measure everything you hear and see by what you KNOW--if you don't know anything--then GET INFORMED AND NO, I GUESS I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING I CAN RECOMMEND EXCEPT AS CONFIRMATION TO THAT WHICH WE OFFER YOU IN THE JOURNALS AND CONTACT.] traveled to Moscow and conducted interviews with Chinese smugglers using a Russian interpreter. Also cooperating with the Fox Television Network was Kommersant, a Russian financial newspaper. The interviews for Fox gave rare insight into how the operation works.

    Companies are set up in Moscow to create fake documents to get Chinese into the Soviet Union. With proper papers in hand, the Chinese immigrants travel overland from Fujian Province, on China's coast, to Beijing, where they pay $200 for a one-way rail trip to Moscow.

    They arrive at least twice a week at Moscow's main railway station, and are met by officials of the Yeltsin gov't. They are housed in hotels and are not officially registered with Russian authorities. Some live in high rise buildings located in poor parts of Moscow.

    The Fox team said Russian guards patrol the hallways of these high rise apartment buildings to protect the Chinese from scrutiny. They obtain Russian passports in Moscow, and travel to Spain (!!!). There the team members meet the arrivals and trade the Russian passports for a fake passport manufactured in Thailand.

    The Chinese stay in Moscow for two months to undergo special training. They learn simple English, as well as how to turn themselves in to the Immigration Service. They are told to plead the June 4, Tiananmen Square Movement. They are told to say, "We have been persecuted by the Chinese government."


    KNOW that this is "nothing" compared to that which goes on. You are fully infiltrated with Cambodians and other groups from that area of Southeast Asia. They are FULLY TRAINED in every sort of demolition activities from dams to local transportation vehicles. There is a standing army just across your borders with Mexico and they are fully equipped with SOVIET weapons and vehicles.

    This new "Trade Agreement" has a lot more to do with almost EVERYTHING ELSE than trade. You already have lost a MAJOR portion of your industry to EVERYWHERE ELSE. I can give you a very brief and somewhat humorous story about that foreign labor market right here.

    The Franklin Mint just sent (unordered and by accident) to Dharma, a wonderfully detailed sculptured American Eagle. It is about 10 inches tall--and elegant. It is perched atop a simulated granite cliff. It holds golden arrows in one claw-foot and under the other is an exquisite "American" shield. On the wooden base is the artist's name and reference guarantees as this is not a dime-store figurine but, rather, an expensive collector's item. However, on the statue itself is no reference to the artist or AMERICA. There is a stamp on the underside which reads "Franklin Mint" and a sticky-on tiny label which reads: "Crafted in Malaysia". Does this make the "quality" of the sculpture less? No--the story it tells, however, should not be lost on you blind citizens. The only error in this instance was not JUST in shipping an item through error--but that the label was not removed and the item PREPARED for your deception.


    Dharma, go do your tasks and if there is time we will write again or not as the day unfolds. We will be short of writings for the next edition of the paper if we don't work a bit overtime on the weekend. We may have to allow E.J. to take care of visitors while we work--don't distress over it. We have so much to run in the paper that we shall never catch up. Thank you.

    Let us ALL give thanks unto God to be here for another Thanksgiving Day for in each day you are given--so too it comes that it may be THE DAY in which change can be brought in goodness. Salu.

    PJ 84
    FRI., NOV. 26, 1993 1:58 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 102
    FRI., NOVEMBER 26, 1993
    I had promised Dharma a day off from duties that she might finally enjoy a few uninterrupted hours with family. I am sorry, chela, it just doesn't work out, does it. Then, readers, come several more letters from patriots pleading for help--both financially and politically. I have to tell you right up front, readers, that the rope finally sees an "end"--and my scribe is dangling there at it. Why does E.J. not bear as large a burden? Because he comes to Dharma expecting her to have all the answers via me. It is HER NECK AND HER INCARCERATION AT STAKE but it seems she bears it ALONE most of the time. "They" are after E.J. as well; it just doesn't "show" as much. Dharma just cannot see a way to help EVERYONE who comes along, some with limits on what they will "share" but always with petition for resources these ones can simply no longer produce--the well is nearly dry and my people somehow feel that is their problem and failure. No, man will do what man will do and those who will act shall always be asked for MORE and MORE. To each incarcerated person suffering--he can only see himself. This is true of Renick, Russbacher, Webb, Michael R., etc., etc., etc. They see themselves and THEIRS. Well, if we are going to keep a scribe--the pressure has got to be released and we must first practice some of this "charity" at home.

    Well, if you read the last writing when we told you that there was an arrest warrant out for the Ekkers, you will have a pretty good idea what happened here. The Judge in hearing did recall that Bench Warrant--but HE WAS NOT THE ONE WHO FILED IT.

    When Mr. Tips (attorney) tried to find out about it--ALL he could find out was that it had been recalled. HOWEVER--NOW PAY ATTENTION, READERS! HERE GOES YOU!!

    We wrote long, long ago that the enforcement teams had almost open allowability to do ANYTHING they want to you. They do not have to tell you about such warrants, serve those warrants or even tell you who and how come you got such a thing done unto you. Remember, any "Ex-Judge" is still acting frequently as a "relief" justice or a Commissioner Magistrate, etc. It is important to keep this in mind for this reading.

    Mr. Tips when trying to find out "anything" called the court and the local sheriff's offices (both). He then called the County official headquarters in Bakersfield--NO ONE WOULD GIVE HIM A SHRED OF INFORMATION. HE THEN WAS TOLD HE HAD TO CALL THE "WARRANTS DIVISION". He did so and did actually find that a warrant had been recalled. The person speaking refused to give further information and stated that "that" information should not have been given. Mr. Tips stated that he was the attorney for these people and needed information. The party still refused. He asked when and WHO signed and ordered the warrant. Here you have it: THE INFORMATION WAS REFUSED. Obviously the scenario was structured so that the Ekkers would believe they had been removed from calendar (because they were) and would not appear in court. That would release the warrant so they could remain IN JAIL until Monday next.

    The officer speaking with Mr. Tips said that NO INFORMATION was to be given regarding the matter--AND ANY INFORMATION EVER GIVEN FORTH WOULD HAVE TO BE THROUGH "DISCOVERY" BY COURT ORDER.

    Well, as the shysters always do, they tell on themselves. "They" had finally schemed a scheme which would "trap the Ekkers". The mouths waggle and things slip out which I'm sure "some" are going to wish would not. The "word" around the grapevine circuit of the political thugs and enforcement officers is that good old Jason Brent "probably" has his name on the warrant order or, at the least, the judicial authority at the request of Brent.

    Now, who is this Brent? Well, he is the problem from onset but has spread word from the Bakersfield racetrack buddies to the whole of the "elite" of the township--that he is going to "get the Ekkers". He is, according to his tales, constantly in touch with George Green who "gives him the information". George, on the other hand, tells "everybody" (his words) that "...even the Judge, Brent, knows all about those Ekkers and their criminal activities and that they are totally ‘anti-Semitic' and must be squashed."


    But, wouldn't it just be the writings which would suffer her absence? No, these people have kept everything going with the help of a handful of supporters and a bunch of devoted friends and workers. If we cannot keep my own scribe out of jail and find some measure of justice--I SHALL STOP EVERYTHING ELSE--FROM GAIANDRIANA TO BREAD--FOR MY PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BE EATEN ALIVE BY THESE BEASTS WHEREON YOU MUST SEARCH FOR THE "MARK".

    I recently ran some up-front copy from a manuscript sent us by Richard Sauder, P.O. Box 81543, Albuquerque, NM 87198. This is extremely interesting information as well as being well done. However, we have written on underground bases and facilities in great depth right to pinpointing bunches on maps and in descriptions.

    Mr. Sauder thanks us for our mentioning his work in the paper but requests that no more "serialized" material be offered as such in that format. He gives full permission to give a review. I have no time to do reviews--especially regarding material we have so thoroughly covered already. However, if Mr. Sauder would like to give us a brief review of the work, we shall be most pleased to run it in the paper.

    He thanks all of you readers for ordering his book and I remind you that the cost is $25.00 should you wish to acquire the volume. He has done a lot of research and each of you would, I'm sure, find it interesting if you desire more description of those facilities than we have offered prior to this.

    I think it a bit superfluous to spend much time or assets in details about "their" facilities--except for one thing. "They" realize that the assault will be as damaging from particle rays which pass through almost all substance as will there be from radiation of typical nuclear warfare. You can read till doomsday about "Doomsday" equipment and schemes--and fry alive for your waiting.

    I will tell all you readers, and authors, that when you ask ME to recommend material--then I would ask you to consider my own position. If I cannot tell the people in your words what the material is about--then I cannot recommend it. Further, if you are unwilling to offer in trust and sharing unto God and Hosts, how be it ye ask for full protection as many writers do? What does God get in return, chelas? He gets to protect you while you protect your copyrights? So be it.

    If I seem harsh it is because our people have had just about all the harassment they intend to take when all they offer is that which they "think" you are requesting--there is NOT a lot of fun here while they take all the load and others take none and demand more. If you want your information offered--then send it. If not, DON'T. There is always confusion regarding ones who come along thinking their input is original and the first. No, we wrote about these bases, for instance, over two years ago and NAMED THEM. The material is excellent confirmation and offers good detail. May God bless your work, son, because the intent is good but the perceptions are very narrow. If the bits are not allowed integration within the "whole", it is purposeless for you are not allowed to know anything about millions of pieces of input. It is much with underground facilities and bases as it is with actual "alien UFO's". The argument, debates, pictures and thus and so can run ad nauseam--and make not one iota of DIFFERENCE. Can you see this? It is that which surrounds these things that have impact for they didn't "just happen" yesterday, today or somewhere out there. Don't miss the focus for the distractors.

    I am appreciative to see that the staff has opted to rerun information on brainwashing and major programs structured by your government(s) to control you. But I wonder how many of you will only look to those "programs" and overlook the most dastardly thing going on in mind-alteration to hit your populations. You are having hundreds of thousands of hapless people coming forward and claiming "abuse" and "molestation" from ones as great as Archbishops to Grandparents. Are all of these REAL? NO! Almost all are NOT.

    Here comes a good one for you readers to witness. U.S. News and World Report (an Elite Committee of 300 publication) has on its front cover for this week, Nov. 29, 1993 the following headlines: UNLOCKING HIDDEN MEMORIES; Can "forgotten" childhood abuse come back to haunt you years later?

    Readers, as any salt-worthy hypnotist can tell you--IT IS EASIER TO PLACE "MEMORIES" IN A MIND WHICH DID NOT EXPERIENCE SUCH HAPPENINGS THAN TO GET TO THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER OF ACTUAL MEMORIES. This is simply ANOTHER of the manipulation devices to divide and conquer and rip your families asunder. Do these things happen? YES, but NOT nearly as often as offered to your senses. Further, most of the notorious events are used to cause you to think it is the normal activity within families--this coincides with the garbage you are shown on your idiot-maker zombie boxes.

    For instance, I ask you who enjoy a good porno movie: Why do you enjoy it? Does it give you feelings of pleasure or what? Does watching such cause you to HAVE FEELINGS? What about? Then WHY, in the name of GOD, do you think things shown on television to young minds DO NOT HAVE INFLUENCE OF A MAJOR MAGNITUDE ON CHILDREN? Every child crime can now be traced back to teaching or visualization on television or elsewhere where violence is applauded. As the twig is bent so grows the tree. When the parents are also victims of the criminal input--then what expect ye of the child? Remember--three generations and the society is warped according to PLAN.

    So you One Worlders have started with NAFTA, Gun Control, etc. How nice to be home and free for the Holidays with nothing to look forward to in the new year but abundant trade, jobs rushing back to you, nail those kids holding guns, etc. Well, I'll tell you, freedom seekers, those gangs who hold the "illegal" guns are going to be brought within the enforcement teams to confiscate your weapons--door to door. I hope you have not forgotten as much. Now, we see that there is demand for ability of the non-cable networks to show more and more "adult" material during prime time--"because the cables are allowed to do so". And then there is MTV--but surely, you don't let your children witness MTV?? What about the British version of your rather mild, compared to, MTV? Where did "THEY" say the little children who killed the 2-year old in England GOT THE IDEA? You had better get those minds open for soon it will not be enough to open thine eyes.

    Well, let it be recognized that all is not quite fairy-godmother and tooth fairies. The Japanese stock market has collapsed to an all-time LOW in the past two days. Nobody seems to pay attention but the interesting thing is that there is a decision to NOT ALLOW SHORING UP OR HOLDING IT IF IT FURTHER COLLAPSES! Just thought you might like to know that, today--who knows WHOSE market it may be tomorrow? I would guess, however, that you will be fed a lot more imitation "good news" about how wise you were in making sure all these new world orders are going to be for you and how your government will take care of you--no matter what comes down that turnpike. Good luck, because you surely will need some. Remember the old saying: "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die!" Funeral arrangements made??


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