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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 83

    You must come to realization of the art of Psychopolitics and total mind control over your populations of civiliza­tion as is now experiencing. This art of manipulation is now perfected to the point of the ability of the Elite Controllers to control mankind through energy pulses and programming. It is not "somebody else", my friends, IT IS YOU! The examples are all around you: in random violence which appears to have no reason; in murders by programmed, then released, prison-trained-fel­ons--sent forth to bring chaos and death where it can be the most advantageous to the would-be KINGS. Indeed--IT IS YOU, NOW--NOT ANOTHER!




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    ISBN 1-56935-030-2

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    January, 1994

    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ............................
    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ............
    MON., DECEMBER 20, 1993........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .......................
    THU., NOVEMBER 18, 1993........................................................................................
    SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit)
    [of Tavistock].................................................................................................... .........
    GRIMALDIS AND PRINCESS GRACE (KELLY)......................................................
    DRUG TRADE............................................................................................... ..................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .......................
    FRI., NOVEMBER 19, 1993...........................................................................................
    SPELT............................................................................................... .................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .......................
    FRI., NOVEMBER 19, 1993...........................................................................................
    SWISS SURPRISES........................................................................................... ..............
    BEIC MONOPOLY ON OPIUM TRADING.................................................................
    THE OPIUM WARS................................................................................................ ........
    BIGGEST PRODUCERS........................................................................................... ......
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .......................
    FRI., NOVEMBER 19, 1993...........................................................................................
    CONFIRMATIONS OF A SICK SORT..........................................................................
    BACK TO "300".................................................................................................... ..........
    BANKS............................................................................................... ...............................
    & INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) ................................................
    COUNTRIES WHO GROW POPPIES AND.................................................................
    COCOA BUSHES.............................................................................................. ..............
    FRENCH CONNECTION PROGRAM BY NIXON.....................................................
    MECHANICS OF THE TRADE.....................................................................................
    MEXICO IN THE DEALING..........................................................................................
    FRENCH PROCESSING.......................................................................................... .......
    INSERT DEFRAUDING AMERICA BOOK DESCRIPTION....................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .......................
    MIND CONTROL--LOOK WHAT'S GOING ON........................................................
    FROM THE NAPA SENTINEL By Harry V. Martin & David Caul..........................
    AUGUST 13, 1991................................................................................................ ..........
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ......................
    WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CENTER?......................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ......................
    WHAT THESE TORTUROUS DRUGS DO..................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ......................
    OCTOBER 15, 1991................................................................................................ ........
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ......................
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1991...................................................................................
    MIND CONTROL: A NAVY SCHOOL FOR ASSASSINS.........................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ......................
    NOVEMBER 5, 1991................................................................................................ ......
    SOVIETS, U.S. BOTH USING MIND CONTROL METHODS..................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ......................
    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1991.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ......................
    TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1991 ..............................................................................
    MIND CONTROL ORIGINS FOUND IN NAZI GERMANY.....................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ......................
    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1991...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ......................
    WED., JANUARY 30, 1991 ..........................................................................................


    ALL RENTS TO PUBLIC USE.................................................................................
    2) A HEAVY PROGRESSIVE OR GRADUATED INCOME TAX...........................
    3) ABOLITION OF ALL RIGHT TO INHERITANCE................................................
    AND AN EXCLUSIVE MONOPOLY.....................................................................
    TRANSPORTATION IN THE HANDS OF THE STATE......................................
    TO A COMMON PLAN.............................................................................................
    INDUSTRIAL ARMIES, ESPECIALLY IN AGRICULTURE................................
    POPULATION OVER THE COUNTRY...................................................................
    PRODUCTION. .................................................................................................... ....
    EXECUTIVE ORDERS (11) NOW IN EFFECT...........................................................
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/4/91 #1 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    ADDRESS BY LAVENTIA BERIA...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/4/91 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    PSYCHOPOLITICS: HISTORY AND DEFINITION....................................................
    MAN AS AN ECONOMIC ORGANISM.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 21.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/4/91 #3 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    STATE GOALS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND MASSES..........................................
    EXAMINATION OF LOYALTIES.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 22.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/4/91 #4 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    CHAPTER 23.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/5/91 #1 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    THE GENERAL SUBJECT OF OBEDIENCE..............................................................
    CHAPTER 24.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/6/91 #2 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    CONTINUED: PSYCHOPOLITICS MIND-CONTROL..............................................
    DEGRADATION, SHOCK AND ENDURANCE.........................................................
    CHAPTER 25.................................................................................................. ......................
    1/6/91 #3 HATONN.............................................................................................. ..........
    CONTINUED: PSYCHOPOLITICS MIND-CONTROL..............................................
    CONDUCT UNDER FIRE...............................................................................................
    THE RECRUITING OF PSYCHOPOLITICAL DUPES ..............................................
    THE SMASHING OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS...............................................................
    PROPOSALS WHICH MUST BE AVOIDED!.............................................................
    SUMMARY............................................................................................. ......................
    This volume is an urgent warning to any and all
    who will open eyes and minds--and KNOW


    MON., DEC. 20, 1993 12:42 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 126

    MON. DECEMBER 20 1993
    This JOURNAL, POLITICAL PSYCHOS, must be totally con­fused with PSYCHOPOLITICS or you will have nothing upon which to base reference.

    We can talk day and night into infinity and it will not mean nearly as much to you as a clear-cut example of what we effort to bring to your attention. I can only urge you to REALIZE FULLY that these things are not happening to "someone else" "somewhere else". It is not "just in Russia" or "just here or there"--IT IS IN YOUR DOORYARD--HAPPENING TO YOU! THIS is mind control utilizing the very physical expres­sion of your physical brain. It is all but too late to change the direction of the world--for with the elder generation moving on there will be nothing to distract you ones of the younger genera­tions from the programming already being set into your recog­nition--all other will be memories lost into oblivion for all his­tory; all truth is being rewritten into that which the adversary will have you believe.

    When is it too late? When the ORAL teachings of the elder brothers of the Ancient Ones no longer hold truth--when too many of the ones you call "natives" have no longer ability to hold to the oral teachings--then it will be gone forever, this abil­ity to redirect in Godness. And, oh my dear ones, there are so few left, NOW. How many youngsters can "a" Little Crow cause to remember? How many Dharmas will there be to write the Truth that you may awaken? So few as to cause you to stumble in despair if I told you. But, the glory is: It only takes ONE! IT ONLY TAKES ONE IN GOD!

    I want to offer you something from the Elder Teacher who brought forth Truth and from this I can only suggest you get AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL, a JOUR­NAL:

    "If man is faint of heart in spirit, so are his laws faint-hearted and are like heresy. If man is presumptuous and disregards the Commandments and Laws of The Creation and of God, he is forced to bring forth his own laws which are full of mistakes and lead him astray. Laws and commandments made according to men produce murder and evil, and evil will spread and gain control, and man no longer has any power over it. Command­ments and laws are valid only if they are derived from wisdom and logic. But logic requires wisdom and perception.

    "Man owes God his creation and God is the ruler over him, so that he has to follow His Commandments and respect Him as the greatest King of Wisdom. He will send forth His Guardian Angels with loud trumpets and will gather His followers from the four winds, from one end of the Earth unto the other end."

    Immanuel spoke of the Commandments and Laws, thusly: "Since the Commandments of The Creation apply and also the Laws of God, thus they shall be followed and respected. Since the Laws of The Creation are the Laws of the Spirit, so are the Laws of God the laws of order and life. God issued the Laws as regulation for that which is right and also as a guideline for life.

    "Thus laws and commandments serve as paths upon which man shall walk in wisdom and intelligence, if he is truthful in his righteousness. In as much as the Laws of The Creation and the Laws of God are followed, there is no need for men to bring forth other laws, of any kind, whatsoever.

    "The Laws of Creation and the Laws of God shall be consid­ered as the true Laws, and they shall have to be followed, for they alone are valid. If man deviates from these commandments and these laws, he brings forth human laws which are based on false logic and, therefore, are faulty.

    "Human commandments and human laws are powerless if not based upon the Laws of The Creation, and God's Laws are also based thereon, as were issued by Him in WISDOM."

    Immanuel said, "The highest Commandment in the Law of The Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.

    "There is a great difference in God and man, however, that in HIS SPIRIT HE is infinitely greater than all people upon the Earth. But he is NOT The Creation, which is infinite and with-out any form or limitations. Thus, God, too, is a creation of the Original Creation which has no beginning and has no ending.

    "Because there will be lack of faith, love will become cold and deadened in many, many people. Hatred will rule over all the world and evil will reign for a long period of time. But he who persists in the Truth will survive."

    We have offered you PROOF which is physical in every respect that this "man" is the same as that which you wish to argue over in ancient debates, say, like is the Shroud of Turin real? Was this Christed being manifest--real? Well, if you still have doubts I suggest you invest in a "card" available ONLY from our re-sources. It is an overlay of a picture of ESU IMMANUEL as photographed on June 1, 1961, in Chichen Itza, Yucatan; a transparency overlay is included which is placed "over" the picture impression on the Shroud of Turin. Hold it to the light and see what you see! Open the card and lay it on your hand. Place your other hand upon the photograph and see what you feel! What does it take, little disbelievers? Esu Immanuel (the one you call Jesus) was born on August 8, 8 B.C. He was crucified April 7, 33 A.D. in Jerusalem, at the order of the Procurator Pontius Pilote.

    When you get the transparency itself--hold it singularly to the light. From the photograph held by our "doubting Thomas" the flecks of "something" which you will see appearing as granulation on the transparency--comes from the energy of the picture itself separating the silver from the processing fluid. Perhaps it is time YOU started giving GOD some PROOF? By the way, NO, the silver is not something on the photograph--it has come forth on only that one reproduction--year before last!

    I suggest you harken back to what your leader, Benjamin Franklin said: "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christ, will change the face of the world." So be it. It is through this KNOWING that the mind cannot be altered by the games men play upon men. It is up to you.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    January 20, 1993

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:30.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#083, POLITICAL PSYCHOS

    PJ 83

    THU., NOV. 18, 1993 3:02 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 094

    THU., NOVEMBER 18, 1993
    Dharma, I need to do a review of some material being presented recently regarding a variety of subjects from currency to "survival". I see that the realizations of today, however, are too much of "overload" for you. I can give you the rest of the day to "think" but I sincerely believe that with the magnitude of the input, already this day--THAT would be detrimental instead of healing. Therefore I will take up more presentation from Con­spirator's Hierarchy....300. It will make better sense to you as to "why" as we move into the writing.

    We have just within the last day or so spoken on one of the "policy" organization which we will take up here, in Iron Cur­tain Over America. YOU ONES HAVE SIMPLY GOT TO SEE THE PLAYERS IN THIS GAME OR YOU CAN NEVER EVEN UNDERSTAND THE NAFTA OPERATION. Current details are interesting and mandatory with which to keep up--but that CAN wait--deeper recognition of players and PLAN are more critical.

    This will be #9 writing from the book on Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 by John Coleman. (Book information: WIR, 2533 N. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89706). Is this where you find Dr. Coleman? No, while he was with us he was a good student of what I offered--the above ad­dress is simply a Corporation office--but he will receive mail through that address.

    A lot of people USED us to gain information and now effort to use it to destroy us. No, it will not happen--because we act in integrity--they in covering up their misdeeds--which will "OUT" AS LIES AND SUBTERFUGE ALWAYS ULTIMATELY DO.
    In our last writing on this book we were speaking about SPRU, LSD, etc. You know what LSD is, of course, but to refresh you about SPRU: Science Policy Research Unit at Tavistock in the University facility known as the "future shocks" center. "Such a group becomes easy to control and will docilely follow orders without rebelling, which is the object of the exercise. 'Future shocks', says SPRU, 'is defined as physical and psychological distress arising from the excess load on the decision-making mechanism of the human mind' That is Tavistock jargon lifted straight from Tavistock manuals " This paragraph is from page 95 of said book, to assist you in taking up immediately where we left off without undue catch-up. So, we will dive right off into the middle of a chapter where we stopped writing and depend on your readers to back-track if needs be.

    CONTINUED: From CONTACT Nov.9, 1993 Vol 3 #7, page 44, Number 9 of an ongoing series or JOURNAL #81 RUSSIAN ROULETTE.

    (Science Policy Research Unit)
    [of Tavistock]
    ....SPRU was run by Leland Bradford, Kenneth Damm and Ronald Lippert, under whose expert guidance a large number of new-science scientists were trained to promote "future shocks", one of the chief being the dramatic increase in the use of drugs by teenagers. SPRU's policy papers, planted in various gov­ernment agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), dictated the course of the disastrous "drug war" al­legedly waged by the Reagan and Bush Administrations.

    This was the forerunner of how the United States is run to­day, by one committee and/or council after another, by an in­ner-government fed on Tavistock papers which they firmly be­lieve are their own opinions. These virtual unknowns are mak­ing decisions that will forever change our form of government and the quality of life here in the United States. Through "crisis adaptation" we have already been changed so much as to barely compare with what we were in the 1950s. Also, our environ­ment has been changed.

    There is much talk about environment these days and, while it mostly refers to green surroundings, pure rivers and fresh air, there is another, equally important environment, namely the drug environment. The environment of our life style has be­come polluted; our thinking has become polluted. Our ability to control our destiny has become polluted. We are confronted by changes that pollute our thinking to the extent that we do not know what to make of it all. The "Environment of Change" is crippling the nation; we appear to have so little control that it has produced anxiety and confusion.

    We now look to group solutions instead of individual solu­tions to our problems. We do not make use of our own re­sources to solve problems. In this the prolific rise in drug usage is playing a leading role. The strategy is a deliberate one, de­vised by the new-science scientists, the social engineers and tin­kerers, aimed at the most vulnerable of all areas, our self-im­age, or how we perceive ourselves, which leads us eventually to become like sheep being led to the slaughter. We have become confused by the many choices we have to make, and we have become apathetic.

    We are manipulated by unscrupulous men without ever being aware of it. This is particularly true of the drug trade and we are now in the transition stage where we can be set up for a change from the present constitutional form of government, which has taken a giant step forward under the Bush administra­tion. While there are those who still persist, in the face of all of the evidence to the contrary, in saying, "It can't happen in America," the fact is: IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. Our will to resist events not to our liking has been steadily eroded and undermined. We will resist, some of us say, but not so many of us will do that, and we will be in the minority.

    The drug trade has insidiously changed our environment. The alleged "war on drugs" is a farce; it does not exist in quali­tative measure to make the slightest difference to the descen­dants of the British East India Company. Combined with com­puterization, we are almost fully brainwashed, robbed of our ability to resist forced changes. Which brings us to another environment, PEOPLE CONTROL, also known as personal in­formation control, without which governments cannot play their numbers game. [H: And--with the advent of Mr. Clinton's ‘smart card' YOU HAVE HAD IT!]

    As matters stand, we the people have absolutely no way of knowing just what government does or does not know about us. Government computer files are not subject to scrutiny by the public at large. Do we foolishly believe that personal informa­tion is sacrosanct? Remember, in every society there are rich and powerful families who control law enforcement agencies. I have proved the existence of such families. Do not think that if these families wanted to find out about us, they could not do so. These are the families who often have a member in the Com­mittee of 300.

    Take Kissinger, for instance, who has his own private dossiers on hundreds of thousands of people, not only in the U.S. but all over the world. Are we on Kissinger's enemy list? Is this far-fetched? Not at all. Take P2 Masonic and Commit­tee Monte Carlo who have such lists which run into tens of thousands of names. Incidentally, Kissinger is one of them. There are other "private" intelligence agencies, such as INTEL, whom we shall meet later.

    One of the ways heroin is moved into Europe is through the Principality of Monaco. The heroin comes from Corsica carried in ferries that ply a busy trade between Corsica and Monte Carlo during the summer. There is no check of what goes on or comes off these ferries. As there is no border between France and Monaco, drugs, and more especially heroin (partly pro­cessed opium), flows through the open border of Monaco into laboratories in France, or else if it has already been processed into heroin, it goes directly to the distributors.

    'The Grimaldi family has been in the drug smuggling business for centuries. Because Prince Ranier got greedy and began skimming heavily and would not desist after three warnings, his wife, Princess Grace, was murdered in a car "accident". Ranier underestimated the power of the Committee of which he is a member. The Rover car in which she was traveling had the brake fluid chambers tampered with in such a way that each time the brakes were depressed, fluid was released in measured amount, until by the time the car reached the most dangerous of several hairpin bends, there was no stopping power, and it sailed over a stone wall, hitting the ground fifty feet below in a sickening smash.

    Everything possible was done by the Committee of 300 operatives to conceal the truth about the murder of Princess Grace. To this day the Rover car remains in the custody of French police, shrouded under a cover on a trailer which no one is allowed to approach, let alone examine. The signal for the execution of Princess Grace was picked up by the British Army listening post in Cyprus and it is believed by well placed sources that the Committee Monte Carlo and P2 gave the order.

    The drug trade, controlled by the Committee of 300, is a crime against humanity, but having been conditioned and softened up by years of incessant bombardment by Tavistock Institute, we have more or less accepted our changed environment, regarding the drug trade as a problem that is "too big" to handle. This is not the case. If we could marshal an entire nation, equip and send millions of American soldiers to fight in a war in Europe in which he had no business intervening, if we could defeat a major power, then we can smash the drug trade, using the same WW II tactics.

    The logistical problems that had to be solved when we entered the Second World War are even today still mind-boggling. Yet we successfully overcame all problems. Why then is it impossible to defeat a well-defined enemy, far smaller and weaker than Germany, given the immensely improved weapons and surveillance equipment we have today? The real reason that the drug problem is not eradicated is because it is being run by the highest families in the entire world as part of a coordinated gigantic money-making machine.

    In 1930, British capital invested in South America greatly exceeded capital investment in British "dominions". Graham, an authority on British investments abroad, stated that British investment in South America "exceeded one trillion pounds". Remember, this was 1930, and one trillion pounds was a staggering sum of money in those days. What was the reason for such heavy investment in South America? In a word--it was drugs.

    The plutocracy controlling British banks held the purse strings and then, as now, put up a most respectable facade to cover their true business. No one ever caught them with dirtied hands. They always had front men, even as they do today, willing to take the blame if things went awry. Then as now the connections with the drug trade were tenuous at best. No one was ever able to lay a finger on the respectable and "noble" banking families of Britain, whose members are on the Committee of 300.

    There is great significance in that only 15 members of parliament were the controllers of that vast empire, of which the most prominent were Sir Charles Barry and the Chamberlain family. These overlords of finance were busy in places like Argentina, Jamaica and Trinidad, which became big money-spinners for them through the drug trade. In these countries, British plutocrats kept "the locals" as they were contemptuously called, at bare subsistence levels, hardly above slavery. The fortunes extracted from the drug trade in the Caribbean were vast.

    The plutocrats hid behind faces like Trinidad Leaseholds Limited, but the REAL MEAT, then as now, was drugs. This is true of today where we find that Jamaica's Gross National Product (GNP) is made up almost entirely of sales of ganja, a very potent form of marijuana. The mechanism for handling the ganja trade was set up by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger under the title "Caribbean Basin Initiative".

    Up until a relatively short time ago, the true history of the China opium trade was quite unknown, having been as well covered up as it is possible to do. Many of my former students, in the days when I was lecturing, would come and ask me why the Chinese were so fond of smoking opium? They were puz­zled, as are many still today, over contradictory accounts of what had actually taken place in China. Most thought it was merely a case of the Chinese workers buying opium on an open market and smoking it, or going to some of the thousands of opium dens and forgetting their terrible existence for a while.

    The truth is that the supply of opium to China was a British monopoly, an OFFICIAL monopoly of the British government and official British policy. The Indo-British opium trade in China was one of the best kept secrets, around which many misleading legends grew up, such as "Clive of India" and the tales of derring-do by the British Army in India for the glory of "the Empire", so well written by Rudyard Kipling, and tales of "Tea Clippers" racing across the oceans with their cargoes of China tea for the high society drawing rooms of Victorian Eng­land. In reality, the history of British occupation of India and Britain's Opium Wars are some of the most dastardly blots on Western civilization. [H: Gosh, what do you now suspect was REALLY tossed overboard at the "Boston Tea Party"?]

    Almost 13% of the income of India under British rule was derived from the sale of good quality Bengal opium to the British-run opium distributors in China. "The Beatles" of the day, the China Inland Mission, had done a great job in prolifer­ating the use of opium among the poor Chinese laborers (coolies, as they were called). These addicts did not suddenly materialize out of thin air, any more than did teenager addicts in the U.S. THE POINT TO REMEMBER IS THAT BOTH WERE CREATED. In China a market for opium was first cre­ated and then filled by opium from Bengal. In the same way, a market for marijuana and LSD was first created in the United States by methods already described, and then filled by British plutocrats and their American cousins with the help of the over­lords of the British banking establishment.

    The lucrative drug trade is one of the worst examples of making money out of human misery; the other being the legal drug trade run by the pharmaceutical drug houses under Rocke­feller ownership, in the U.S. for the most part, but with sub­stantial companies operating in Switzerland, France and Britain and fully backed by the American Medical Association (AMA). The dirty dope transactions and the money it generates flows through the City of London, together with Hong Kong, Dubai and latterly, Lebanon, thanks to the invasion of that country by Israel.

    There will be those who doubt this statement. "Look at the business columns of the Financial Times," they will tell us. "Don't tell me that this is all related to drug money?" OF COURSE IT IS, but don't imagine for one minute that the noble lords and ladies of England are going to advertise the fact. Re­member the British East India Company? Officially, its business was trading in tea.

    PJ 83
    FRI., NOV. 19, 1993 11:36 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 095
    FRI., NOVEMBER 19, 1993

    This is in response to your questions regarding the product, Spelt, which you kindly offered to present to parties in the areas of your travels. We are indebted to you for taking time to look into possibilities for us. We do not wish you to take undue time from your schedule nor make too inconvenient travel plans. The Church here will be gratified to help with expenses in­volving those out-of-the-way contacts if you will present the documentation so that we can present it to the proper authorizing parties.

    I would hope that travel to Europe might be in your planning. I would assume, however, that you would be back in the States prior to such a trip, but we were not thinking far enough in ad­vance to consider it before your departure. If you do consider such a trip please advise as Germany is the other growing center for these products. Not only the best but about the only pro­cessing equipment facilities are located there. We do have some contacts in Austria but that is on "hold" until such time as our representative recovers from open-heart surgery and release is approved for travel. We have found and acquired a grain huller out of Canada at a very reasonable price. It is very difficult to find hullers for this particular grain as the typical wheat proces­sors will not work. It appears that every project has some cogs in the spokes after the wagon gets rolling. We foresee this as an excellent product (hulling equipment) for a small manufacturing facility as well, as the grain comes more into favor.

    The evidence in the Philippines is that, even though the humidity would make an ideal place for this resource as well as giving possibilities of some easily grown environmentally safe crops, it becomes difficult because of the political problems involved. There is a lot of Malaysian territory which could be terraced and this would provide far better product than any grain, including rice.

    It is hard to convince young and aggressive businessmen of the values of returning to the OLD ways but in argument for the product with which you would utilize as "grain" I can offer a very brief summary which might be recognized better than all the technical data you can garner.

    Healing properties: Warming thermal nature; sweet flavor; strengthens the spleen and pancreas; moistens dryness; nurtures the yin fluid and structural aspect of the body; and benefits the frail and deficient person. It is often used for treating diarrhea, constipation (use whole berry), poor digestion, colitis, and vari­ous other intestinal disorders.

    This is a relative of wheat with origins already established in Southeast Asia so we know growing conditions will be superb. Spelt was brought from the Middle East more than 9,000 years ago so we have a tested product. It has since spread over the European Continent. Very recently, spelt has enjoyed renewed popularity in Europe as a result of translations of mystical writ­ings of 12th century healer St. Hildegard of Bingen, who praised spelt as the grain best tolerated by the body. Until the last few years, spelt in America has been fed mostly to race horses and livestock as a replacement for oats.

    Today it is used in the West in much the same way as wheat; the main distinction is that people with allergies to wheat frequently do not react to spelt. Although spelt contains gluten, those with gluten sensitivity--even celiacs--can usually tolerate it. In addi­tion, spelt is appreciated as much for the hearty nut-like flavor as for its healing qualities.

    The grain berry grows an exceptionally thick husk that protects it from pollutants and insects. It is stored with its husk intact, so it remains fresher. Thus, unlike other grains, it is not normally treated with pesticides or other chemicals. The strong, protec­tive husk may also be a metaphorical signature of this grain's capacity to strengthen immunity.

    This property in this particular instance is also noted for being extremely efficient as an insulation in building materials--lightweight and extremely durable with anti-radiation properties.

    I would note, however, that it has a mind of its own so unless you make it clear that rotation of crops is necessary, you will have some major decrease in harvest in about the third year. You need to rotate with legumes and corn in six year segments--or so, it is not mandatory to use this rotation plan but otherwise you will have some failures. Red lentils should, however, also do very well in that climate.

    I realize that your capacity as church contributors and your per­sonal interest in the area is uppermost--but we must always hold in our hearts and minds that investors must have substantial and productive product if they are going to support such a long-dis­tance project--even if it is humanitarian.

    Spelt is richly supplied with nutrients. In general, it is higher in protein, fat and fiber than most varieties of wheat. An impor­tant feature is its highly water-soluble fiber, which dissolves easily and allows for efficient nutrient assimilation by the body. To use spelt in baked goods, cereals, and other dishes calling for wheat or other grains, substitute it one for one. This always comes up in "food preparation" circles. Never mind, however, it is not so simple as that--you will likely always have to add gluten (from wheat) to give satisfactory yeast products. I men­tion this because a grain that does not handle well, in this decade, will not be accepted. Further, there is enough sweet­ness in the flavor that it is so desirable as a fermenting crop that you might run into some debate over the desirability of attaching to the brewing business.

    It would be better to do as you are, and stress the qualities for health and the durability for growing--this grain will take what it needs greatly from the atmosphere [air].

    Please do stress the fact that in the health circles of the U.S. and places like Germany, in Europe, Spelt is becoming widely avail­able in the form of pastas, cereals, breads, flour, and whole-grain berry. When using spelt for healing debilitated conditions, it is often best in a thin porridge or congee. At a major clinic in Konstanz, Germany, spelt has been used as an adjunct in the treatment of many disorders, especially chronic digestive prob­lems of all kinds, chronic infections (herpes, AIDS), nerve and bone disorders (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis), cancer, and antibiotic side effects.

    I do not wish to belabor this subject too greatly as investors and partners might well think us looney. However, it is already agreed that we will joint-venture in several of the projects in or­der to enhance lifestyle, give an exportable product and, yes, survival products. Since some chlorella projects are already well under way I won't discuss them in this FAX.

    We hope this finds you well and receiving enthusiastic response. Time is very short to get established in this new environment in the U.S., having now reduced all borders to nil, the thrust will be to broaden circles of help and productivity.

    Since the Asian-Pacific area will be the third "World" trade area it is never too early to begin to work out the establishment of fundamental resources.

    We will be happy to work with any of the parties involved in consideration of this joint venture. Our thrust is to establish PRODUCT and availability on a local basis in our outreach pro­grams.

    God bless you willing workers in God's vineyards.

    I would have a personal message for Father Cleary. I am grateful that you would take up, again, your Journalistic expertise to serve in this adventure. We eagerly await the Journal articles in the paper as you have time to put them to paper.

    Please do continue to stay in contact and we are happy to give you this brief subject material. We should have realized, prior to now--that it would be too technical a presentation for you, as journalists, to bother to present and certainly too complicated (with the discussion about NutriCarb) to make adequate "sense" to the people you will be meeting. We are so appreciative of your willingness to take this task along with your other sched­ule. After all, however, is not helping people everywhere and especially in the basic needs of life fuel, a blessing of great gifts?

    If there needs to be further discussion about insulation utilization we shall be happy to further you some additional information--it can literally be pumped into walls and ceilings with a Tesla bladeless pump without tearing up the hulls, etc. It is the BEST insulation on your planet and one totally overlooked by builders. Wheat husks, etc. are not as valuable because of many factors--but could be utilized as well--but so much for that at this writ­ing.

    You have inquired as to the availability of this type of pump for grain pumping--indeed there IS such apparatus and a "plant" for manufacture is projected for this area. However, this might well also be a product your contacts might well wish to con­sider--it has unlimited applications.

    You requested updating on the African venture with these agri­cultural products. Our representatives have been in Nigeria but the political situation is so upset through having the Military take control of the government that we are having difficulty making a lot of progress. Some of our people did get out from Nigeria and if the military control leaves open the possibility of inter­change, we feel we can offer some of those tribal groups quite a nice plan for growing foodstuffs. One group is having difficulty getting out of Nigeria--I think probably because the first group seems to have made transfer arrangements in advance. We an­ticipate further updating as communications seem to be fairly easy to accomplish as yet. We cannot yet see how heavy the hand of the military will be on the tribes. It is sad that the world is finding itself in such misery without seeming capability of simply producing humanitarian progress. Well, we shall do that which we can and certainly, according to your request, we will post you on changes as one or two of your teammates are in that area. Let us hope that the value and goodness of their work will keep them in safety.

    We will look forward to hearing from you and feel free to in­quire if there is additional information you would wish. We will indeed forward your message to the paper. You are most wel­come for the service.

    In God's care, we remain in friendship, your Brothers within the Flock of His Holy Presence.

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