PJ 83

1/6/91 #3 HATONN


The psychopolitician may well find himself under attack as an individual or a member of a group. He may be attacked as a Communist, through some leak in the organization, he may be attacked for malpractice. He may be attacked by the families of people whom he has injured. In all cases his conduct of the situation should be calm and aloof. He should have behind him the authority of many years of training, and he should have participated fully in the building of defenses in the field of insanity which give him the only statement as to the conditions of the mind.

If he has not done his work well, hostile feeling groups may expose an individual psychopolitician. These may call into question the efficacy of psychiatric treatment such as shock, drugs, and brain surgery. Therefore, the psychopolitical operative must have to hand innumerable documents which assert enormously encouraging figures on the subject of recovery by reason of shock, brain surgery, drugs, and general treatment. Not one of these cases cited need be real, but they should be documented and printed in such a fashion as to form excellent court evidence.

More importantly, he should rule into scorn, by reason of his authority, the sanity of the person attacking him, and if the psychopolitical archives of the country are adequate many defamatory data can be unearthed and presented as rebuttal.

Should anyone attempt to expose psychotherapy as a psychopolitical activity, the best defense is calling into question the sanity of the attacker. The next best defense is authority. The next best defense a validation of psychiatric practices in terms of long and impressive figures. The next best defense is the actual removal of the attacker by giving him, or them, treatment suffi­cient to bring about a period of insanity for the duration of the trial. This, more than anything else, would discredit them, but it is dangerous to practice this, in the extreme.

Psychopolitics should avoid murder and violence, unless it is done in the safety of the institution, on persons who have been proven to be insane. Where institution deaths appear to be un­necessary, or to rise in "unreasonable number", political capital might be made of this by city officials or legislatures. If the psychopolitical operative has, himself, or if his group has done a thorough job, defamatory data concerning the person, or con­nections, of the would-be attacker should be on file, should be documented, and should be used in such a way as to discourage the inquiry.

After a period of indoctrination, a country will expect insan­ity to be met by psychopolitical violence. Psychopolitical activ­ities should become the only recognized treatment for insanity. Indeed, this can be extended to such a length that it could be made illegal for electric shock and brain surgery to be omitted in the treatment of a patient.

In order to defend psychopolitical activities, a great com­plexity should be made of psychiatric, psychoanalytical, and psychological technology. Any hearing should be burdened by terminology too difficult to be transcribed easily. A great deal should be made out of such terms as schizophrenia, paranoia, and other relatively undefinable states.

Psychopolitical tests need not necessarily be in agreement, one to another, where they are available to the public. Various types of insanity should be characterized by difficult terms. The actual state should be made obscure, but by this verbiage it can be built into the court or investigating mind that a scientific ap­proach exists and that it is too complex for him to understand. It is not to be imagined that a judge or a committee of investiga­tion should inquire too deeply into the subject of insanity, since they, themselves, part of the indoctrinated masses, are already intimidated if the psychopolitical activity has caused itself to be well-documented in terms of horror in magazines.

In case of a hearing or trial, the terribleness of insanity itself, its threat to society, should be exaggerated until the court of committee believes that the psychopolitical operative is vitally necessary in his post and should not be harassed for the activi­ties of persons who are irrational.

An immediate attack upon the sanity of the attacker before any possible hearing can take place is the very best defense. It should become well-known that "only the insane attack psychia­trists". The by-word should be built into the society that para­noia is a condition "in which the individual believes he is being attacked by Communists". It will be found that this defense if effective.

Part of the effective defenses should include the entire lack in the society of any real psychotherapy. This must be systemati­cally stamped out, since a real psychotherapy might possibly un­cover the results of psychopolitical activities.

Jurisprudence, in a Capitalistic nation, is of such clumsiness that cases are invariably tried in their newspapers. We have handled these things much better in Russia, and have uniformly brought people to trial with full confessions already arrived at (being implanted) before the trial took place.

Should any whisper, or pamphlet, against psychopolitical ac­tivities be published, it should be laughed into scorn, branded an immediate hoax, and its perpetrator or publisher should be, at the first opportunity, branded as insane, and by the use of drugs the insanity should be confirmed.

Reactionary nations are of such a composition that they attack a word without understanding of it. As the conquest of a nation by Communism depends upon imbuing its population with com­munistic tenets, it is NOT NECESSARY THAT THE TERM "COMMUNISM" BE APPLIED AT FIRST to the educative measures employed.

As an example, in the United States we have been able to al­ter the works of William James, and others, into a more accept­able pattern, and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic materialism into the text­books of psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness of Communism.

As every chair of psychology in the United States is occupied by persons in our connection, or who can be influenced by per­sons in our connection, the consistent employment of such texts is guaranteed. They are given the authoritative ring, and they are carefully taught.

Constant pressure in the legislatures of the United States can bring about legislation to the effect that every student attending a high school or university must have classes in psychology.

Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively easy, and when the choice is given them whether to continue in a Capitalistic or a Communistic condition, they will see, suddenly, in Commu­nism, much more reasonability than in Capitalism, which will now be of our own definition.

The psychopolitical dupe is a well-trained individual who serves in complete obedience the psychopolitical operative.

In that nearly all persons in training are expected to undergo a certain amount of treatment in any field of the mind, it is not too difficult to persuade persons in the field of mental healing to subject themselves to mild or minor drugs or shock. If this can be done, a psychological dupe on the basis of pain-drug hyp­nosis can immediately result.

Recruitment into the ranks of "mental healing" can best be done by carefully bringing to it only those healing students who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or who have been "treated" by psychopolitical operatives.

Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental healing very attractive, financially, and sexually.

The amount of promiscuity which can be induced in mental patients can work definitely to the advantage of the psychopoliti­cal recruiting agent. The dupe can thus be induced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, properly witnessed, can there­after be used as blackmail material to assist any failure of pain-drug hypnosis in causing him to execute orders.

The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless pa­tients, the promise of complete lawlessness without detection, can thus attract to "mental healing" many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psychopolitical activities.

In that the psychopolitician has under his control the insane of the nation, most of them have criminal tendencies, and as he can, as his movement goes forward, recruit for his ranks the criminals themselves, he has unlimited number of human beings to employ on whatever project he may see fit. In that the insane will execute destructive projects without question, if given the proper amount of punishment and implantation, the degradation of the country's youth, the defamation of its leaders, the sub­orning of its courts becomes childishly easy.

The psychopolitician has the advantage of naming as a delu­sory symptom any attempt on the part of a patient to expose commands.

The psychopolitician should carefully adhere to institutions and should eschew private practice whenever possible, since this gives him the greatest number of human beings to control to the use of Communism. When he does act in private practice, it should be only in contact with the families of the wealthy and the officials of the country.

You must know that until recent times the complete subject of mental derangement, whether so light as simple worry or so heavy as insanity, was the sphere of activity of the church and only the church.

Traditionally in civilized nations and barbaric ones the priest­hood alone had in complete charge the mental condition of the citizen. As a matter of great concern to the psychopolitician this tendency still exists in every public in the Western World and scientific inroads into this sphere have occurred only in official and never in public quarters.

The magnificent tool welded for us by Wundt would be a nothing if it were not for official insistence in civilized countries that "scientific practices" be applied to the problem of the mind. Without this official insistence or even if it relapsed for a mo­ment, the masses would grasp stupidly for the priest, the min­ister, the clergy when mental condition came in question. To­day in Europe and America "scientific practices" in the field of the mind would not last moments if not enforced entirely by officialdom.

It must be carefully hidden that the incidence of insanity has increased only since these "scientific practices" were applied. Great remarks must be made of the "the pace of modern living" (Hatonn: Please keep in mind that in this textbook "modern times" is referring to some fifty years past. Can you picture that which has been accomplished from the compounding of these projections "as if" and in accepted teachings for another four and a half decades? You are in it up to your eyes and the head is already underwater--where it counts the most, i.e., the ability to stay alive. I suspect there should be swimming lessons given along here somewhere and we have already done so and, therefore, perhaps you can utilize the life-rings already given to you in the JOURNALS, etc.) and other myths as the cause of the in­creased neurosis in the world. It is nothing to us what causes it if anything does. It is everything to us that no evidence of any kind shall be tolerated afoot to permit the public tendency to­ward the church its way. If given their heads, if left to them­selves to decide, independent of officialdom, where they would place their deranged loved ones the public would choose reli­gious sanitariums and would avoid as if plagued places where "scientific practices" prevail.

Given any slightest encouragement, public support would swing on an instant all mental healing into the hands of the churches. And there are Churches waiting to receive it, clever churches. That terrible monster the Roman Catholic Church still dominates mental healing heavily throughout the Christian world and their well schooled priests are always at work to turn the public their way. Among Fundamentalist and Pentecostal groups healing campaigns are conducted, which, because of their results, win many to the cult of Christianity. In the field of pure healing the Church of Christ Science of Boston, Mas­sachusetts excels in commanding the public favor and operates many sanitariums. All these must be swept aside. They must be ridiculed and defamed and every cure they advertise must be asserted as a hoax. A full fifth of a psychopolitician's time should be devoted to smashing these threats. Just as in Russia we had to destroy, after many, many years of the most arduous work, the Church, so we must destroy all faiths in nations marked for conquest.

Insanity must be made to hound the footsteps of every priest and practitioner. His best results must be turned to gibbering insanities no matter what means we have to use.

You need not care what effect you have upon the public. The effect you care about is the one upon officials. You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of religion. You must suborn district attorneys and judges into an intense belief as fervent as an ancient faith in God that Christian practice which might devote itself to mental healing is vicious, bad, insanity-causing, publicly hated and in­tolerable.

You must suborn and recruit any medical healing organiza­tion into collusion in this campaign. You must appeal to their avarice and even their humanity to invite their cooperation in smashing all religious healing and thus, to our end, care of the insane. You must see that such societies have only qualified Communist-indoctrinees as their advisors in this matter. For you can use such societies. They are stupid and stampede eas­ily. Their cloak and degrees can be used quite well to mask any operation we care to have masked. We must make them part­ners in our endeavor so that they will never be able to crawl from beneath our thumb and discredit us.

We have battled in America since the century's turn to bring to nothing any and all Christian influences and we are succeed­ing. While we today seem to be kind to the Christian remember we have yet to influence the "Christian world" to our ends. When that is done we shall have an end of them everywhere. You may see them here in Russia as trained apes. They do not know their tether is long only until the apes in other lands have become unwary.

You must work until "religion" is synonymous with "insanity". You must work until the officials of city, county and state governments will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies. [Ed.: Perhaps using "cults" for starters.]

Remember, all lands are governed by the few and only pre­tend to consult with the many. It is no different in America. The petty official, the maker of laws alike can be made to be­lieve the worst. It is not necessary to convince the masses. It is only necessary to work incessantly upon the official, using per­sonal defamations, wild lies, false evidence and constant propa­ganda to make him fight for you against the church or against any practitioner.

Like the official the bona-fide medical healer also believes the worst if it can be shown to him as dangerous competition. And like the Christian, should he seek to take from us any right we have gained, we shall finish him as well.

We must be like the vine upon the tree. We use the tree to climb and then, strangling it, grow into power on the nourish­ment of the flesh.

We must strike from our path any opposition. We must use for our tools any authority that comes to hand. And then at last, the decades sped, we can dispense with all authority save our own and triumph in the greater glory of the Party.

If the Communistic connections of an psychopolitician should become disclosed, it should be attributed to his own careless­ness, and he should, himself, be immediately branded as eccen­tric within his own profession.

Authors of literature which seek to demonstrate the picture of a society under complete mental control and duress should be helped toward infamy or suicide to discredit their works.

Any legislation liberalizing any healing practice should be immediately fought and defeated. All healing practices should gravitate entirely to authoritative levels, and no other opinions should be admitted, as these might lead to exposure.

Movements to improve youth should be invaded and cor­rupted, as this might interrupt campaigns to produce in youth delinquency, addiction, drunkenness, and sexual promiscuity.

Communist workers in the field of newspapers and radio should be protected wherever possible by striking out of action, through Psychopolitics, any persons consistently attacking them. These, in their turn, should be persuaded to give every possible publicity to the benefits of psychopolitical activities under the heading of "science".

No healing group devoted to the mind must be allowed to exist within the borders of Russia or its satellites. Only well­-vouched-for psychopolitical operatives can be continued in their practice, and this only for the benefit of the government or against enemy prisoners.

Any effort to exclude psychiatrists or psychologists from the armed services must be fought.

Any inquest into the "suicide" or sudden mental derangement of any political leader in a nation must be conducted only by psychopolitical operatives or their dupes, whether Psychopolitics is responsible or not.

Death and violence against persons attacking Communism in a nation should be eschewed as forbidden. Violent activity against such persons might bring about their martyrdom. Defamation, and the accusation of insanity, alone should be em­ployed if at all possible, and they should be brought at last under the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives, such as psychia­trists and controlled psychologists.

(Editorial Note from Gordon "Jack" Mohr, Lt. Col. U.S. Army, Ret. dated January 1976: "--The only revision is in the summary, which was added after the atom bomb had been dropped in Japan at the end of World War II.--")

In this time of unlimited weapons, and in national antagonisms where atomic war with Capitalistic powers is possible, Psychopolitics must act efficiently as never before.

Any and all programs of Psychopolitics must be increased to aid and abet the activities of other Communist agents throughout the nation in question.

The failure of Psychopolitics might well bring about the atomic bombing of the Motherland. (Russia).

If Psychopolitics succeeds in its mission throughout the Cap­italistic nations of the world, there will never be an atomic war, for Russia will have subjugated all of her enemies (GO BACK AND READ THE LAST SENTENCE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.)

Communism has already spread across one-sixth of the in­habited world. Marxist Doctrines have already penetrated the remainder. An extension of the Communist social order is everywhere victorious. The spread of Communism has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of the mind. In Psy­chopolitics we have refined this conquest to its last degree.

The psychopolitical operative must succeed, for his success means a world of Peace. His failure might well mean the de­struction of the civilized portions of Earth by atomic power in the hands of Capitalistic madmen.

The end thoroughly justifies the means. The degradation of populaces is less inhuman than their destruction by atomic fis­sion, for to an animal who lives only once, any life is sweeter than death.

The end of war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destruction of war. A wor­thy goal.

The psychopolitician has his reward in the nearly unlimited control of populaces, in the uninhibited exercise of passion, and the glory of Communist conquest over the stupidity of the en­emies of the People.



Let us close this document. Please, I plead with you to very carefully study the contents several times. The approach has been incredibly successful for you have become PEOPLE OF THE LIE and fight unto your death for the right to continue in your own demise. I simply ask that you look at your plight with an open mind for blindness is swept away in the wash of truth.

In service, I come as a brother, that I and my companions might help you find the way back into light and truth. May God have mercy and gift ye ones with light. Saalome'

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.


To clear, please. Good evening.