PJ 83

1/5/91 #1 HATONN
Please, Dharma, back to the laying forth of the Russian plan and textbook mandates for world dominion through the mind: PSYCHOPOLITICS; MIND-CONTROL. We will begin this portion speaking about "OBEDIENCE":. TOTAL OBEDI­ENCE THROUGH FORCE. You have many examples throughout history and, now, even beauteous America is ruled by police force established unlawfully, unconstitutionally, and through the Elite--by the acts of violence and fear. Harken back to history: Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung--all ruled in this manner. Dear Desiree, I dare say you would not have enjoyed a relationship, of any type at all, with Alexander, per your distractor and deceiver projectors! He was simply not a nice person!

Again note that I will Quote from the document as written. My comments will be in parenthesis, in italics.


Obedience is the result of force.

Everywhere we look in the history of Earth we discover that obedience to new rulers has come about entirely through the demonstration on the part of those rulers of greater force than was to be discovered in the old ruler. A population overridden, conquered by war, is obedient to its conqueror. It is obedient to its conqueror because its conqueror has exhibited more force.

Concurrent with force is brutality, for there are human con­siderations involved which also represent force. The most bar­baric, unrestrained. brutal use of force, if carried far enough, invokes obedience. Savage force, sufficiently long displayed toward any individual, will bring about his concurrence with any principle or order.

Force is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It is so syn­onymous in the human mind with savageness, lawlessness, bru­tality, and barbarism, that it is only necessary to display an inhu­man attitude toward people, to be granted by those people the possession of force.

Any organization which has the spirit and courage to dis­play inhumanity, savageness. brutality, and an uncompro­mising lack of humanity, will be obeyed. Such a use of force is, itself, the essential ingredient of greatness. We have to hand no less an example than our great Communist Leaders, who, in moments of duress and trial, when faced by Czarist rule, con­tinued over the heads of an enslaved populace, yet displayed sufficient courage never to stay their hands in the execution of the conversion of the Russian State to Communist rule.

If you would have obedience you must have no compro­mise with humanity. If you would have obedience you must make it clearly understood that you have no mercy. Man is an animal. He understands, in the final analysis, only those things which a brute understands.

As an example of this, we find an individual refusing to obey and being struck. His refusal to obey is now less vociferous. He is struck again, and his resistance is lessened once more. He is hammered and pounded again and again, until, at length, his only thought is direct and implicit obedience to that person from whom the force has emanated. This is a proven principle. It is proven because it is the main principle Man, the animal, has used since his earliest beginnings. It is the only principle which has been effective, the only principle which has brought about a wide and continued belief. For it is to our benefit that an in­dividual who is struck again, and again, and again from a certain source, will, at length, hypnotically believe anything he is told by the source of the blows.

The stupidity of Western civilizations is best demon­strated by the fact that they believe hypnotism is a thing of the mind, of attention, and a desire for unconsciousness. This is not true. Only when a person has been beaten, punished, and mercilessly hammered, can hypnotism upon him be guaranteed in its effectiveness. (Hatonn: Note that torture of P.O.W.s is NOT for the purpose of gaining information but, rather, for total indoctrination!)

It is stated by Western authorities on hypnosis that only some twenty percent of the people are susceptible to hypnotism. This statement is very UNTRUE. Given enough repetition and/or punishment, ALL of the people in any time and place are sus­ceptible to hypnotism. In other words, by adding force, hypnotism is made uniformly effective. Where unconscious­ness could not be induced by simple concentration upon the hypnotist, unconsciousness CAN BE INDUCED by drugs, by blows, by electric shock, and by other means. And where unconsciousness cannot be induced so as to make an implanta­tion or an hypnotic command effective, it is only necessary to amputate the functioning portions of the animal Man's brain to render him null and void and no longer a menace. Thus we find that hypnotism is entirely effective.

The mechanisms of hypnotism demonstrate clearly that peo­ple can be made to believe in certain conditions, and even in their environment or in politics, by the administration of force. Thus, it is necessary for a psychopolitician to be an expert in the administration of forces. Thus, he can bring about implicit obedience, not only on the part of individual members of the populace, but on the entire populace itself and its government. He need only take unto himself a sufficiently savage role, a suf­ficiently uncompromising inhuman attitude, and he will be obeyed and believed. (Hatonn: For this reason, a good hypnotherapist in working with a client MUST have discipline and often REQUIRE the subconscious mind respond with truth. If the practitioner simply gets more emotional and sympathetic, strokes the hand in agreement, etc., the mind continues to be re­inforced with the negative input already in command. In other words--truth must be confronted in order to change of the behavior structure. It matters not to the subconscious mind what the instructions are, it will function and cause function of the individual to continue with the dominant and structured input available until such time as new instructions are given and ac­cepted which override the prior commands.)

The subject of hypnotism is a subject of belief. What can people be made to believe? They CAN be made to believe anything which is administered to them with sufficient repetition, brutality and force. The obedience of a populace is as good as they will believe.

Despicable religions, such as Christianity, knew this. They knew that if enough faith could be brought into being a populace could be enslaved by the Christian mockeries of humanity and mercy, and thus could be disarmed. But one need not count upon this act of faith to bring about a broad belief. One must only exhibit enough force, enough in­humanity, enough brutality and savageness to create implicit belief and therefore and thereby implicit obedience. As Communism is a matter of belief, its study is a study of force. (Hatonn: Note that as ones are brought into the shelter of the "Church", gradually the Laws of God have been broken in total by a "voting-in" and "modernization" and "allowance" of all the negative and moral values. You can SEE that the actions are both destructive and incorrect and yet the BELIEF IS EN­GENDERED THROUGH THE PRESSURE AND FORCE OF THE TEACHERS, PREACHERS AND COUNCILS WHO CHANGE THE LAWS BY HUMAN CONTROL FACTORS.)

The earliest Russian psychiatrists, pioneering this science of psychiatry, understood thoroughly that hypnosis is induced by acute fear. They discovered it could also be induced by shock of an emotional nature, and also by extreme privation, as well as by blows and drugs.

In order to induce a high state of hypnogogy (hypnosis) in an individual, a group, or a population, an element of terror must always be present on the part of those who would govern. The psychiatrist is aptly suited to this role, for his brutalities are committed in the name of science and are inexplicably complex, and entirely out of view of the human under­standing. A sufficient popular terror of the psychiatrist will, in itself, bring about insanity on the part of many individuals. A psychopolitical operative, then, can, entirely cloaked with au­thority, commence and continue a campaign of propaganda, de­scribing various "treatments" which are administered to the in­sane. A psychopolitical operative, must at all times insist that these treatments are therapeutic and necessary. He can, in all of his literature and his books, list large number of pretended cures by these means. But these "cures" need not actually produce any recovery from a state of disturbance. As long as the psychopolitical operative or his dupes are the only authori­ties as to the difference between sanity and insanity, their word as to the therapeutic value of such treatment will be the final word. No layman would dare adventure to place judgment upon the state of sanity of an individual whom the psychiatrist has already declared insane. The individual, himself, is unable to complain, and his family, as will be covered later, is already discredited by the occurrence of in­sanity in their midst. There must be no other adjudicators of insanity; otherwise it could be disclosed that the brutali­ties practiced in the name of treatment are not therapeutic.
A psyschopolitical operative has no interest in "therapeutic means" or "cures". The greater number of in­sane in the country where he is operating, the larger number of the populace will come under his view, and the greater will become his facilities. Because the problem is apparently mounting into uncontrollable heights, he can more and more operate in an atmosphere of emergency, which again excuses his use of such treatments as electric shock, the pre-frontal lobotomy, trans-orbital leucotomy, and other operations long-since practiced in Russia on political prisoners. (Hatonn: Do you believe the tremendous increase in "insanity" just happened? I suggest you go back and very carefully reread the JOURNALS dealing with the Conspiracy, Global Plan 2000 and all Eustace Mullins' material. In J.E. Hoover's iron law FBI days, forceful incarceration and "mental adaptation" or life­long incarceration in the institution was "the" modus operandi!)

It is to the interest of the psychopolitical operative that the possibility of curing the insane be outlawed and ruled out at all times. For the sake of obedience on the part of the population and their general reaction, a level of brutality must, at all costs, be maintained. Only in this way can the absolute judgment of the psychopolitical operative as to the sanity or insanity of public figures be maintained in complete belief. Using sufficient brutality upon their patients, the public at large will come to believe utterly anything they say about their patients. Furthermore, and much more important, the field of the mind must be sufficiently dominated by the psychopolitical operative, so that wherever tenets of the mind are taught they will be hypnotically believed. The psychopolitical operative, having under his control all psychology classes in an area, can thus bring about a complete reformation of the future leaders of a country in their educational processes, and so prepare them for Communism (Hatonn: and/or "New Age" inaction, thought "beingness" and "allowing").

To be obeyed, one must be believed. If one is sufficiently believed, one will unquestioningly be obeyed. (Hatonn: If you ones do not see this in action right out of "THE LIPS" then I fear for our ever reaching stability again upon this earth. You-the-People are being pushed to the limits of that which you will accept! And, brothers, you go beyond the controllers wildest hopes.)

When he is fortunate enough to obtain into his hands anyone near to a political or important figure, this factor of obedience becomes very important. A certain amount of fear or terror must be engendered in the person under treatment so that this person will then take immediate orders, completely and unquestioningly, from the psychopolitical operative, and so be able to influence the actions of that person who is to be reached.

Bringing about this state of mind on the part of a populace and its leaders--that a psychopolitical operative must, at all times, be believed--could eventually be attended by very good fortune. It is not too much to hope that psychopolitical operatives would then, in a country such as the United States, become the most intimate advisors to political figures, even to the point of advising the entirety of a political party as to its actions in an election.

The long view is the important view. Belief is engendered by a certain amount of fear and terror from an authoritative level, and this will be followed by obedience.

The general propaganda which would best serve Psychopolitics would be continual insistence that certain authoritative levels of healing deemed this or that the correct treatment of insanity. These treatments must always include a certain amount of brutality. Propaganda should continue and stress the rising incidence of insanity in a country. The entire field of human behavior, for the benefit of the country, can, at length, be broadened into abnormal behavior.

Thus, anyone indulging in any eccentricity, particularly the eccentricity of combating psychopolitics, could be silenced by the authoritative opinion on the part of a psychopolitical operative that he was acting in an abnormal fashion. This, with some good fortune, could bring the person into the hands of the psychopolitical operative so as to forever more disable him, or to swerve his loyalties by pain-drug hypnotism.

On the subject of obedience itself, the most optimum obedience is unthinking obedience. The command given must be obeyed without any rationalizing on the part of the subject. The command must, therefore, be implanted below the thinking processes of the subject to be influenced, and must react upon him in such a way as to bring no mental alertness on his part.

It is in the interest of Psychopolitics that a population be told that an hypnotized person will not do anything against his actual will, will not commit immoral acts, and will not act so as to endanger himself. While this may be true of light, parlour hypnotism and general welfare therapy, it certainly is not true of commands implanted with the use of electric shock, drugs, or heavy punishment wherein the entire structure of thought pro-cesses are altered permanently. (Hatonn: An excellent example of this point is G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame and now a recognized speaker, writer and talk-show participant. This man is totally indoctrinated into extremes and mindless actions--without compassion or ability to recognize immorality.)

It is counted upon completely that this will be discredited to the general public by psychopolitical operatives, for if it were to generally be known that individuals would obey commands harmful to themselves, and would commit immoral acts while under the influence of deep hypnotic commands, the actions of many people, working unknowingly in favor of Communism, would be too-well understood. People acting under deep hyp­notic commands should be acting apparently of their own voli­tion and out of their own convictions.

The entire subject of psychopolitical hypnosis, Psychopolitics in general, depends for its defense upon continuous protest from authoritative sources that such things are not possible. And, should anyone unmask a psychopolitical operative, he should at once declare the whole thing a physical impossibility, and use his authoritative position to discount any accusation. Should any writings of Psychopolitics come to view, it is only necessary to brand them a hoax and laugh them out of countenance. Thus, psychopolitical activities are easy to defend.

When psychopolitical activities have reached a certain peak, from there on it is almost impossible to undo them, for the population is already under the duress of obedience to the psychopolitical operatives and their dupes. The ingredi­ent of obedience is important, for the complete belief in the psychopoliticai operative renders his statement cancelling any challenge about psychopolitical operations irrefutable. The optimum circumstances would be to occupy every posi­tion which would be consulted by officials on any question or suspicion arising on the subject of Psychopolitics. Thus, a psychiatric advisor should be placed near to hand in every government operation. As all suspicions would then be re­ferred to him, no action would ever be taken, and the goal of Communism could be realized in that nation.

Psychopolitics depends, from the viewpoint of the lay­man, upon its fantastic aspects. These are its best defense, but above all these defenses is implicit obedience on the part of officials and the general public, because of the character of the psychopolitical operative in the field of healing.

I request that this portion be closed at this point. I would like, further, to respond to the queries regarding the term "Communism". That term was chosen for it connotes that which a moral man would like to achieve--balance, charity, all for all, etc. It is only a label given to this particular movement for global control to further fool the masses of humanity. There is nothing of true communistic intent in any manner and perhaps this is where the public awakening must begin! The PRINCE OF DARKNESS AND DECEIT has pulled it off again and again right before your eyes! You-the-citizens of the world have become mesmerized into dullness and stupefaction and know not that which has come upon you. WAKE UP! I cer­tainly care not whether you believe me real or figment--THE TRUTH LIES IN PHYSICAL/MENTAL DISPLAY BEFORE YOU! IT SHOULD NOT REQUIRE ONE OF GOD'S HOSTS TO POINT IT OUT UNTO YOU, BUT SO BE IT! WHAT­EVER IS REQUIRED WILL BE GIVEN FORTH--IN LOVE AND ALLOWANCE OF CHOICES. I WOULD HOPE THAT THE LIGHTED CHOICES SHALL BE TURNED UNTO TRUTH AND GOD. SALU.

Hatonn to clear, please.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

PJ 83

1/6/91 #2 HATONN
Let us immediately move on to the Russian textbook, PSYCHOPOLITICS (MIND CONTROL): I realize that the flood of objections is flowing back. How could this be true? No, you must have "just written" this material, etc., etc., etc. No, dear friends, it was written first as a portion of the Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom. Remember, that the Zionists--as they are represented today--came out of Russia. They were the Rus­sian Khazars! As the protocols became taught and active within the more modern setting, the mandates became taught under the guise of "Communism". This textbook is still utilized daily and is the operating manual of the Soviet government and KGB. It has been structured appropriately and is the guiding handbook for the Mossad of Israeli origin. It has now been rewritten into the handbook of the collective "intelligence agencies" which ap­pear to be separate but are actually working in coalition: the KGB, CIA, Mossad and your FBI. There are others, i.e., Chi­nese, etc., but we have not the time nor I, the inclination to cover it all for we would be all month on the subject.

Suffice it to say the material is currently utilized EVERY day! This IS the plan of mind-control of the masses!


Man is a stimulus-response animal. His entire reasoning capabilities, even his ethics and morals, depend upon stimulus-response machinery. This has long been demonstrated by such Russians as Pavlov, and the principles have long been used in handling the recalcitrant, in training children, and in bringing about a state of optimum behavior on the part of a population.

Having no independent will of his own, Man is easily handled by stimulus-response mechanisms. It is only neces­sary to install a stimulus into the mental anatomy of Man to have that stimulus reactivate and respond any time an exterior com­mand source calls it into being.

The mechanisms of stimulus response are easily understood. The body takes pictures of every action in the environment around an individual. When the environment includes brutality, terror, shock, and other such activities, the mental image picture gained contains in itself all the ingredients of the environment. If the individual, himself, was injured during that moment, the injury, itself, will re-manifest when called upon to respond by an exterior command source.

As an example of this, if an individual is beaten, and is told during the entirety of the beating that he must obey cer­tain officials, he will, in the future, feel the beginnings of the pain the moment he begins to disobey. The installed pain, itself, reacts as a policeman, for the experience of the indi­vidual demonstrates to him that he cannot combat, and will receive pain from, certain officials.

The mind can become very complex in its stimulus responses. As easily demonstrated in hypnotism, an entire chain of com­mands, having to do with a great many complex actions, can be beaten, shocked, or terrorized into a mind, and will lie there dormant until called into view by some similarity of the cir­cumstances of the environment to the incident of punishment.

The stimulus we call the "incident of punishment" where the response mechanism need only contain some small part of the stimulus to call into view the mental image picture, and cause it to exert against the body, the pain sequence. So long as the in­dividual obeys the picture, or follows the commands of the stim­ulus implantation, he is free from pain.

The behavior of children is regulated in this fashion in every civilized country. The father, finding himself unable to bring about immediate obedience and training on the part of his child, resorts to physical violence, and after administering punishment of a physical nature to the child on several occasions, is gratified to experience complete obedience on the part of the child each time the father speaks. In that parents are wont to be lenient with their children, they seldom administer sufficient punishment to bring about entirely optimum obedience. The ability of the organism to withstand punishment is very great. Complete and implicit response can be gained only by stim­uli sufficiently brutal to actually injure the organism.

The Kossack method of breaking wild horses is a useful ex­ample. The horse will not restrain itself or take any of its rider's commands. The rider, wishing to break it, mounts, and takes a flask of strong Vodka, and smashes it between the horse's ears. The horse, struck to its knees, its eyes filled with alcohol, mistaking the dampness for blood, instantly and there­after gives its attention to the rider and never needs further breaking. Difficulty in breaking horses is only occasioned when light punishments are administered. There is some mawkish sentimentality about "breaking the spirit", but what is desired here is an obedient horse, and sufficient brutality brings about an obedient horse.

The stimulus-response mechanisms of the body are such that the pain and the command subdivide so as to counter each other. The mental image picture of the punishment will not become ef­fective upon the individual unless the command content is dis­obeyed. It is pointed out in many early Russian writings that this is a survival mechanism. It has already been well and thor­oughly used in the survival of Communism.

It is only necessary to deliver into the organism a sufficient stimulus to gain an adequate response.

So long as the organism obeys the stimulus whenever it is re-stimulated in the future, it does not suffer from the pain of the stimulus. But should it disobey the command content of the stimulus, the stimulus reacts to punish the individual. Thus, we have an optimum circumstance, and one of the basic principles of Psychopolitics. A sufficiently installed stimulus will there­after remain as a police mechanism within the individual to cause him to follow the commands and directions given to him. Should he fail to follow these commands and directions, the stimulus mechanism will go into action. As the commands are there with the moment of duress, the commands themselves need never be repeated, and if the individual were to depart thousands of miles away from the psychopolitical operative, he will still obey the psychopolitical operative, or, himself, become extremely ill and in agony. These principles, built from the earliest days of Pavlov, by constant and continuous Russian de­velopment, have, at last, become of enormous use to us in our conquest. For less modern and well-informed countries of Earth, lacking this mechanism, failing to understand it, and coaxed into somnolence by our own psychopolitical operatives, who discount and disclaim it, cannot avoid succumbing to it.

The body is less able to resist a stimulus if it has insufficient food and is weary. Therefore, it is necessary to administer all such stimuli to individuals when their ability to resist has been reduced by privation and exhaustion. Refusal to let them sleep over many days, denying them adequate food, then brings about an optimum state for the receipt of a stimulus. If the person is then given an electrical shock and is told while the shock is in action that he must obey and do certain things, he has no choice but to do them, or to re-experience, because of his mental image picture of it, the electric shock. This highly scientific and in­tensely workable mechanism cannot be over-estimated in the practice of psychopolitics.

Drugging the individual produces an artificial exhaustion, and if he is drugged, or shocked and beaten and given a string of commands, his loyalties, themselves, can be defi­nitely rearranged. This is P.D.H., or Pain-Drug Hypnosis.

(Hatonn: Please note that in 1969, it was stated in an issue of "TODAY'S EDUCATION", the National Education Association predicted complete control of Americans, by educators, by 1980. It should also be noted that the entire educational system is based on the premise of destruction of any "true" education. This has been the focus for many decades and has finally been accomplished and was, surely, an accomplished fact--even if not recognized--by 1980. There is actual chaos in your schools and a wash of misinformation or, actually, false information in every field of study. You might think, "Well, in the grades, etc." No, it began its influential destruction in the universities--beginning in the U.S. with Yale. This is because of the fact that THE ORDER had its most potent thrust at Yale with the Skull and Bones Society, etc. The price of the destruction was made available in funding from the foundations, such as Ford, Rockefeller, etc. Hard to believe? Of course! I shall, however, give you a blow by blow-of-how the Order controls education after we finish the reproducing of this document so that there is a basis of communication regarding the issue.)

Exercises in bringing about insanity seizures at will, simply by demonstrating a signal to persons upon whom pain-drug hypnosis has been used, and exercises in making the seizures come about through talking to certain persons in certain places and times should also be used.

Brain surgery, as developed in Russia, should also be practiced by the psychopolitical operative in training, to give him full confidence in 1) the crudeness with which it can be done, 2) the certainty of erasure of the stimulus-response mechanism itself, 3) the production of imbecility, idiocy, and dis-coordination on the part of the patient, and 4) the small amount of comment which casualties in brain surgery occasion. (Hatonn: This is called pre-frontal lobotomy.)

Exercises in sexual attack on patients should be practiced by the psychopolitical operative to demonstrate the inability of the patient under pain-drug hypnosis to recall the attack, while indoctrinating a lust for further sexual activity on the part of the patient.

Sex in all animals, is a powerful motivator, and is no less so in the animal Man, and the occasioning of sexual liaison between females of a target family and indicated males, under the control of the psychopolitical operative, must be demonstrated to be possible with complete security for the psychopolitical operative, thus giving into his hands an excellent weapon for the breaking down of familial relations and consequent public disgraces for the psychopolitical target.

(Hatonn: This occurs randomly and constantly in your mental institutions and hospitals for the mentally retarded. The staff actually passes out condoms in these facilities--and the occasions of pregnancy are rampant. This actually occurs in the majority of cases of psychiatric encounters. Do you now begin to see the programming which is starting to impact your children even at pre-school? "Safe-sex" in grade school is taught and condoms are provided more and more widespread, free, in your junior and senior high schools. Can not you not see the results of all of the programmings exactly as laid forth in this "how-to" book utilized by the "master destroyers"?)

Just as a dog can be trained, so can a man be trained. Just as a horse can be trained, so can a man be trained. Sexual lust, masochism, and any other desirable perversion can be induced by pain-drug hypnosis and the benefit of Psychopolitics.

The changes of loyalties, allegiances, and sources of command can be occasioned easily by psychopolitical technologies, and these should be practiced and understood by the psychopolitical operative before he begins to tamper with psychopolitical targets of magnitude.

The actual simplicity of the subject of pain-drug hypnosis, the use of electric shock, drugs, insanity-producing injections, and other materials, should be masked entirely by technical nomenclature, the protest of benefit to the patient, by an authoritarian pose and position, and by carefully cultivating governmental positions in the country to be conquered.

Although the psychopolitical operative working in universities where he can direct the curricula of psychology classes is often tempted to teach some of the principles of Psychopolitics to the susceptible students in the psychology classes, he must be thoroughly enjoined to limit his information in psychology classes to the transmittal of the tenets of Communism under the guise of psychology, and must limit his activities in bringing about a state of mind on the part of the students where they will accept Communism tenets as those of their own action and as modern scientific principles. The psycho­logical operative must not, at any time educate students fully in stimulus-response mechanisms, and must not impart to them, save those who will become his fellow-workers, the exact prin­ciples of Psychopolitics. It is not necessary to do so, and is dangerous.

(Hatonn: Reread that last sentence several times. Knowledge is the weapon against this thrust. Stay balanced within the laws and Truth of God and Creation and KNOW THAT THIS IS THE MODE OF ATTACK. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO WITH­STAND THIS PROCESS OF ALTERING THE MINDS OF THE POPULACE.)

Degradation and conquest are companions.

In order to be conquered, a nation must be degraded, ei­ther by acts of war, by being overrun, by being forced into humiliating treaties of peace, or by the treatment of her populace under the armies of the conqueror. However, degradation can be accomplished much more insidiously and-much more effectively by consistent and continual defamation.
Defamation is the best and foremost weapon of Psy­chopolitics on the broad field. Continual and constant degradation of national leaders, national institutions, na­tional practices, and national heroes must be systematically carried out, but this is the chief function of Communist Party Members, in general, not the psychopolitician.

The realm of defamation and degradation, of the psy­chopolitician, is Man himself. By attacking the character and morals of Man himself, and by bringing about, through con­tamination of youth, a general degraded feeling, command of the populace is facilitated to a very marked degree.

There is a curve of degradation which leads downward to a point where the endurance of an individual is almost at end and any sudden action toward him will place him in a state of shock. Similarly, a soldier held prisoner can be abused, denied, de­famed, and degraded until the slightest motion on the part of his captors will cause him to flinch. Similarly, the slight­est word on the part of his captors will cause him to obey, or vary his loyalties and beliefs. (Hatonn: This is what you re­ferred to as simply "brain-washing" during the Korean War, etc. We are now accused of brain-washing you-the-people with these Journals--Oh, how I would wish so! However, I think you might rather call us the Clorox II Clan or the Didi-7; you not only have been washing your brains in the incorrect water but you have now ruined them with the wrong soap and softener and the stains are all but set to the destruction of the minds you wear!!)

Given sufficient degradation, a prisoner can be caused to murder his fellow countrymen in the same stockade. Experi­ments on German prisoners demonstrated that only after seventy days of filthy food, little sleep, and nearly untenable quarters, that the least motion toward the prisoner would bring about a state of shock beyond his endurance threshold, and would cause him to hypnotically receive anything said to him. Thus, it is possible, in an entire stockade of prisoners, to the number of thousands, to bring about a state of complete servile obedience, and without the labor of personally addressing each one, to per­vert their loyalties and implant in them adequate commands to insure their future conduct, even when released to their own people.

By lowering the endurance of a person, a group, or a nation, and by constant degradation and defamation, it is possible to in­duce, thus, a state of shock which will receive adequately any command given.

The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man, himself. Nations which have high ethical tone are dif­ficult to conquer. Their loyalties are hard to shake, their allegiance to their leaders is fanatical, and what they usually call their spiritual integrity cannot be violated by duress. It is not efficient to attack a nation in such a frame of mind. It is the basic purpose of Psychopolitics to reduce that state of mind to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is Man, himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalis­tic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or of his fellows, as capable of "spiritual endurance", or nobility.

The best approach toward degradation in its first stages is the propaganda of "scientific approach" to Man. Man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism without in­dividuality, and it must be brought into the belief that every in­dividual within it who rebels in any way, shape, or form against efforts and activities to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person whose eccentricities are neurotic or in­sane, and who must have at once the treatment of a psychopolitician.

An optimum condition in such a program of degradation would address itself to the military forces of the nation, and bring them rapidly away from any other belief than that the disobedient one must be subjected to "mental treatment". An enslavement of a population can fail ONLY if these rebellious individuals are left to exert their individual influences upon their fellow citizens, sparking them into rebellion, calling into ac­count their nobilities and freedoms. Unless these restless indi­viduals are stamped out and given into the hands of psychopo­litical operatives early in the conquest, there will be nothing but trouble as the conquest continues.

The officials of the government, students, readers, partakers of entertainment, must all be indoctrinated, by whatever means, into the complete belief that the restless, the ambitious, the natural leaders, are suffering from environmental maladjustments, which can only be healed by recourse to psychopo­litical operatives in the guise of mental healers.

By thus degrading the general belief in the status of Man it is relatively simple, with co-operation from the economic salient's being driven into the country, to drive citizens apart, one from another, to bring about a question of the wisdom of their own government, and to cause them to actively beg for enslavement.

The educational programs of Psychopolitics must, at ev­ery hand, seek out the levels of youth who will become the leaders in the country's future, and educate them into the belief of the animalistic nature of Man. This must be made fashionable. They must be taught to frown upon ideas, upon individual endeavor. They must be taught, above all things, that the salvation of Man is to be found only by his adjusting thoroughly to this environment.

This educational program in the field of Psychopolitics can best be followed by bringing about a compulsory training in some subject such as psychology or other mental practice, and ascertaining that each broad program of psychopolitical training be supervised by a psychiatrist who is a trained psychopolitical operative.

As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church, must, one way or another, be dis­credited. Religion must become unfashionable by demon­strating broadly, through psychopolitical indoctrination, that the soul is non-existent, and that Man is an animal. The lying mechanisms of Christianity lead men to foolishly brave deeds. By teaching them that there is a life hereafter, the liabil­ity of courageous acts, while living, is thus lessened. The li­ability of any act must be markedly increased if a populace is to be obedient. Thus, there must be no standing belief in the church, and the power of the church must be denied at every hand.

The psychopolitical operative, in his program of degradation, should at all times bring into question any family which is deeply religious (Hatonn: I believe that surely you can see this being demonstrated in all of the schools now--and further, a deliberate lessening of any allowance of religious practice in the public schools. You are told it is separation of "Church and State"--no, it is a separation of mind from balanced direction by removing all higher resources of esteem and recognition of Higher Source.)and, should any neurosis or insanity be occasioned in that family, to blame and hold responsible their religious connections for the neurotic or psychotic condition. Religion must be made synonymous with neurosis and psychosis. People who are deeply religious would be less and less held responsible for their own sanity, and should more and more be relegated to the ministrations of psychopolitical operatives.

By perverting the institutions of a nation and bringing about a general degradation, by interfering with the economics of a nation to the degree that privation and depression come about, only minor shocks will be necessary to produce, on the populace as a whole, an obedient reaction or an hysteria. Thus, the mere threat of war, the mere threat of aviation bombings, could cause the population to sue instantly for peace. It is a long and arduous road for the psychopolitical operative to achieve this state of mind on the part of a whole nation, but no more than twenty or thirty years should be necessary in the entire program, having at hand, as we do, weapons with which to accomplish the goal. (Hatonn: GO RIGHT BACK AND REREAD THIS LAST SENTENCE!!!)