PJ 82


WED., NOV. 17, 1993 1:54 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 093

WED., NOVEMBER 17, 1993

The propagation of Marxism and other alien ideas is accom­plished not only by persons in those businesses which control public opinion but also by the actual infiltration of aliens, or their captives among Americans of old stock, into the periodical-selecting and book-selecting staffs of a wide variety of institu­tions. The penetration is especially notable in the book-selecting personnel of bookstores, libraries, schools, and colleges.

The National Council for American Education (1 Maiden Lane, New York 38, N.Y. (approx: 1951) is effectively show­ing the grip which persons tolerant of Communism and hostile to the American Government have upon U.S. universities, and is also exposing Communist-inclined textbooks used in schools and colleges. Needless to say, such great facts of history as those outlined in Chapters I and II, above, have not been found in school history texts examined by the author. The menace is recognized by our own United States Congress, which offers a pertinent booklet entitled 100 Things You Should Know About Communism and Education (Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.) The question of Communist workers in the ranks of American clergy is not to be taken up here. Suffice it to say that many well-meaning but gullible members of the clergy have been lured into various "American" and "National" and other well sounding conferences, councils, and committees, many (but not all) of which are subversive.

In this connection, persons favorable to Western Christian civilization should be warned about carelessly joining an organi­zation, even though it has an innocent-sounding or actually a seemingly praiseworthy name. The following organizations by their names suggest nothing subversive, yet each of them is listed by the Senate of the United States (Hearings before the Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Com­mittee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 81st Congress, Part 3, pp. A8 and A9) as being not merely subversive but Communist:

Abraham Lincoln School, Chicago, Ill.
American League Against War and Fascism
American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
American Peace Mobilization
American Russian Institute (of San Francisco)
American Slav Congress
American Youth for Democracy
Civil Rights Congress and its affiliates
Congress of American Women
Council for Pan-American Democracy
Jefferson School of Social Science, New York City
Jewish Peoples Committee
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee
League of American Writers
Nature Friends of America (since 1935)
Ohio School of Social Sciences
People's Educational Association
Philadelphia School of Social Science and Art
Photo League (New York City)
School of Jewish Studies, New York City
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Walt Whitman School of Social Science, Newark, N.J.
Washington Bookshop Association
Wisconsin Conference on Social Legislation
Workers Alliance

[and on and on....]

Each of the above-named organizations is also listed, along with many others, in the valuable book, Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications (May 14, 1951), issued by the House Committee on Un-American Activities (82nd Congress). As one example of the menace that may lurk behind an innocent name, read the Committee's "Report on the Congress of Ameri­can Women" (October 23, 1949, Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.). [H: As you go through these writings, Nora, don't overlook "possibilities", please.]

The patriotic American should not be deceived by the fact that there is no pressure-group censorship on the open expres­sion of pro-Communist views (witness the continued publication of the official Communist Party organ, The Daily Worker, New York) or on gross indecency, pseudo-Freudian or other (witness some titles on your drugstore rack of 25-cent books.) [H: Boy--this pricing does indicate a long time ago! Some of them re­fer to ten cents. Note you don't even have an available cent sign on your keyboards any longer.] The obvious lack of cen­sorship in these fields merely helps conceal it elsewhere. "Corrupt and conquer" is an ancient adage. Thus, according to the columnist, Constantine Brown (The Evening Star, Washington, D.C., December 27, 1948),
"The Kremlin men rely on subversion and immorality. The only reason they have not plunged the world into another blood bath is that they hope moral disintegration will soon spread over the western world".

The Kremlin masters are right. Men cannot live by bread, by science, by education, or by economic might. As Washington knew, when he was found on his knees in prayer at Valley Forge, they can live only by a body of ideals and faith in which they believe. These things our unofficial censors would deny us.

To all "censorships", governmental and other, there is an ob­vious corollary. As long as information received by the public--including those who poll public opinion--is, in vital aspects, in­complete and is often distorted for propaganda purposes, the most well-intentioned polls intended to reflect public opinion on foreign affairs or domestic affairs unavoidable "leading ques­tion" tendency in certain types of opinion polls has rarely been illustrated better than in an article "What the GOP Needs to Win in 1952" by George Gallup in the September 25, 1951, issue of LOOK. Legitimately laying aside for the purposes of the article the commonly mentioned Republican presidential possibilities, Eisenhower, Dewey, Taft, Stassen, and Warren, "the American Institute of Public Opinion...chose nine Americans who might be dark horses in the GOP race". The poll people have, of course, a perfect right to choose such questions as they wish and to select names of individuals about whom to ask questions. The nine chosen in the poll under discussion were Paul G. Hoffman, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Charles E. Wilson (of Gen­eral Electric), James Bryant Conant, Robert Patterson, James H. Duff, Margaret Chase Smith, Alfred E. Driscoll, and John J. McCloy. Five of these are or have been functionaries under the New Deal and scarcely one of them is a Republican in the his­torical sense of the term. Moreover, in dealing with the possi­bility of appealing to the independent voters, why was no men­tion made of Senators Mundt, Brewster, Bridges, Martin, Bricker, Jenner, Capehart, Dirksen, Ecton, Millikin, Nixon, and Knowland, all of whom have drawn praise outside the Re­publican Party? As to "independent" voters of leftist leanings, they may storm into precinct conventions or vote in Republican primaries to force the choice of a candidate to their liking, but how many will vote for the Republican nominee, and, espe­cially, how many will vote for non-leftist candidates for the Senate and the House in the general election?

Several of the instances of censorship mentioned in this Chapter call attention
to the deplorable fact that many persons in the United States who have fought Communism aggressively with facts have been branded as anti-Semitic. Under this form of censorship, it is permissible to rail vaguely against Commu­nism in the abstract, particularly if unnamed Communists are denounced along with "Fascists", "Nazis", and "American Firsters"; but a speaker who calls by name the foreign-born or­ganizers of Communistic atomic espionage in Canada (1946), or mentions the common alien background of the first group of Americans convicted of atomic espionage (1950-51) is, in the experience of the author, subject to a vicious heckling from the floor and to other forms of attempted intimidation on the charge of anti-Semitism. For information on Communist tactics, every American should read "Menace of Communism ", a statement of J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, before the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives, March 26, 1947. Mr. Hoover said in part:

Anyone who opposes the American Communist is at once branded as a
"disrupter", a "Fascist", a "Red baiter", or a "Hitlerite", and becomes the object of a systematic campaign of character assassination. This is easily under­stood because the basic tactics of the Communist Party are deceit and trickery.

See also, "Our New Privileged Class", by Eugene Lyons (The American Legion Magazine, September, 1951).

The label of anti-Semitic is tossed not only on those who mention Jewish Communists by name; it is tossed also on the opponents of government ventures which are Jewish-sponsored or Jewish-endorsed. For an official Jewish attitude toward an opponent of American involvement in the program of political Zionism and an opponent of the Morgenthau Plan, see Arnold Forster's A Message of Freedom
(pp. 62 to 86). In this connec­tion, it is interesting to recall that in the 1940 campaign the third term presidential candidate made much sport of "Martin, Bar­ton, and Fish". At a conference of Democrats at Denver, Col­orado, launching the 1952 "off-key quartet" of "Taft and Mar­tin, McCarthy and Cain". Would an opposing candidate dare crack back with humorous jibes at "Frankfurter, Morgenthau, and Lehman"? Your answer will reveal to you something you should know as to who wields POWER in the United States.

A zealous approach to securing the co-operation of Gentiles is shown in an article, "Glamorous Purim Formula: Exterminate Anti-Semitic Termites... ", by Rabbi Leon Spitz (The American Hebrew, March 1, 1946): "American Jews....must come to grips with our contemporary anti-Semites. We must fill our jails with anti-Semitic gangsters. We must fill our insane asy­lums with anti-Semitic lunatics...." [H: How far do you think you would get as a major speaker and leader if you stated the above message and instead of "anti" spoke "pro"? The answer to this question will ALSO TELL YOU A BUNCH!]


Charges of "anti-Semitism" are usually made by persons of Khazar stock, but sometimes they are parroted by shallow peo­ple, or people who bend to pressure in Protestant churches, in educational institutions, and elsewhere. Seeking the bubble reputation in the form of publicity, or lured by thirty pieces of sil­ver, many "big-time" preachers have shifted the focus of their "thinking" from the "everlasting life" of St. John III, 16, to the "no man spake openly of him" of St. John VII, 13. In their ef­fort to avoid giving offense to non-Christians, or for other rea­sons, many preachers have also placed their own brand of "social-mindedness over individual character", their own conception of "human welfare over human excellence", and, in summary, "pale sociology over Almighty God" (quotes from THIS MORNING by John Temple Graves, Charleston, S.C., News and Courier, February 10, 1951).

Similar forces inimical to Western Christian civilization are at work in England. In that unhappy land, worn out by wars and ridden almost to death by Attlee's socialist government (1945-1951), the Spring 1950 Electoral Register form dropped the traditional term "Christian Name" for the new "forename" presumably inoffensive to British Jews, Communists, atheists, and other non-Christians. In America, of course, "Christian name" and "Family name" have long since yielded to "first", "middle" and "last". These instances are trivial, if you like, but though mere straws, they show the way the wind is blowing.

Realizing the vast penetration of anti-Christian power--com­munist, atheist, and what not--into almost every thought-influ­encing activity in America, a commendable organization known as The Christophers (18 East 48th St., New York, 17, New York) has suggested a Christian counter-penetration into vital spots for shaping the future of our children and our land. Here in their own words, with emphasis supplied by their own italics, is a statement of the purpose of the Christophers:

Less than 1% of humanity have caused most of the world's recent major troubles. This handful, which hates the basic truth on which this nation is founded, usually strives to get into fields that touch the lives of ALL people: (1) education, (2) government, (3) the writing end of newspapers, magazines, books, radio, motion pictures and television, (4) trade unions, (5) social service, and (6) li­brary work.

If another 1% go (or encourage others to go) as Christophers or Christ- bearers into these same 6 fields and work as hard to restore the fundamental truth which the other 1% are working furiously to eliminate, we will soon be on the high road to lasting peace.

Each Christopher works as an individual. He takes out NO membership, attends NO meetings, pays NO dues. Tens of thousands have already gone as Christ-bearers into the marketplace. Our aim is to find a MILLION. Positive, constructive action is needed. "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness".

The Christophers publish "News Notes". By these notes (circulation 700,000) and by several books including Careers that Change Your World and Government Is Your Business, their effort has already made substantial progress. Their movement is worthy of support and imitation. Be it noted that the Christo­phers are not "anti-" anything. Their program is positive--they are FOR Christian civilization.

This chapter may well be closed by a reference to the most far-reaching plan for thought-control, or censorship of men's minds, ever attempted in the United States. Mrs. Anna Rosenberg's triumphal entry into the Pentagon in late 1950 was not her first. With the administration's blessing, she appeared there once before to present a plan for giving each World War II sol­dier an ideological disinfecting before releasing him from ser­vice, she to be in charge, presumably, of the ideas to be re­moved and those to be inculcated. Fortunately (or unfortu­nately, according to viewpoint) all general officers in the Pen­tagon were summoned to hear Mrs. Rosenberg, and their unconcealed disgust, along with the humorous and devastating at­tack of the Washington Times-Herald, killed the proposal. A recent account of Mrs. Rosenberg's "scheme to establish reori­entation camps for American soldiers at the close of the World War II, on the theory they would be unfit to resume their normal lives at home" appeared in the Washington Times-Herald for Nov. 13, 1950. [H: This is certainly wishful thinking on the part of this fine author. This program was FULLY brought into the plans and acted upon.]
The public was entitled to know what facts have been blacked out and what ideological doctrines have been inculcated in propaganda fed to our soldiers by the foreign-born Mrs. Rosenberg while in the manpower saddle in the wider field of our unified Department of Defense. In a song by William Blake used in their successful campaign in 1945, British Socialists pledged that they would not abstain from "mental fight" until they had made "Jerusalem" of England (TIME, Nov. 5, 1951). According to Who's Who in America (Vol.25), Mrs. Rosenberg's interests include "Mental Hygiene". Can it be that her strong effort for lowering the draft age to eighteen was due to the known fact that boys of that age are more susceptible than older boys to propa­ganda? Who is it that has enjoyed the highest military position held by woman since Joan of Arc led the French armies against the English in the fifteenth century? For a partial answer see the article on Mrs. Rosenberg in the Reader's Digest of February, 1951. For a portrait of another modern woman who has wielded power over armed men, see the similar article on Anna Rabinsohn Pauker in the same magazine, April, 1949.

The issue--so alive in American hearts--of using the draft, or universal military training, for sinister political propaganda was bluntly stated by Major General William B. Ruggles, Editor-in­-Chief of the Dallas Morning News, on March 3, 1951: "If the nation is to draft or even to enlist its manpower in national de­fense, the nation owes some sort of guarantee to the cannon fodder that it will not be sacrificed to forward devious methods of foreign policy or of war policy that somebody in high office is unwilling to lay on the line. They [U.S. soldiers] face the hazards of death with sublime courage. But they have a right to demand that their own leaders must not stack the cards or load the dice against them".

In 1952, however, the "thought-controllers" grew bolder. "The Pentagon received a jolt in the past week when it scanned a proposal from the State Department that the Army should in­stall 'political officers', one to each unit down to the regimental level". (Human Events, April 9, 1952). Comparing the startling proposal with the Soviet use of "political commissars", Human Events states further that "the current daring at­tempt....to gain control over the minds of youths in uniform" is "embodied in the bill for Universal Military Training, which was shaped and supported by Assistant Secretary of Defense, Anna Rosenberg."

Surely censorship is at its peak in America today. We must pass quickly into a thought-dictatorship which out-Stalins Stalin--or begin now to struggle as best we can for our ancient liberties of political freedom and freedom of thought.

In the temple in ancient Jerusalem, Christ said: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free", (St John, VIII, 32). This is true not only for religion but for national safety. J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, wrote recently: "Communism can be defeated ONLY by the truth",
(The Educational Forum, May, 1950).

To become free then we must demand the truth from a gov­ernment which spends monthly a king's ransom in propaganda to cover its mistakes and sugar-coat its policies. We must achieve, also, a relaxation of that unofficial censorship which perverts our school books, distorts our histories and our classics, and denies us vital facts about world affairs.


* * *
This closes the chapter offered on "Censorship" and thusly is a good place for interruption. The following subject in the book is on the Truman Administration
--incredibly illuminating--but a change of subject which I prefer to not move into at this writing.

What I urge, above all, in your studies is to be very discerning. The most clever manipulation of all is to allow you to be intro­duced to one who APPEARS to be a whistle-blower--an un­coverer of "inside" dirty politics and intelligence. These suck you in as iron shavings to a magnet--BEWARE. Always use that information which sets of "truth" AFTER you have con­firmed it--especially within--for Evil is required by universal law to bear a sign! IT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE IF YOU ARE INFORMED ENOUGH TO SEE IT! "YOU CANNOT READ ONE SENTENCE AND JUDGE A BOOK"! If you do this--YOU ARE A FOOL. If you allow another to thrust same upon you--BOTH OF YOU ARE FOOLS!

Thank you, Dharma, for another long day.

Dharma, as we leave this writing, I see your concern over that which happened earlier this day--when I called one to service and he refused to participate. That is NOT your business. However, it is time that ones in this immediate crew consider the heavy burden of responsibility thrust upon my speaker and scribe--WHEN I ASK FOR SOMETHING-DIRECTLY--AND AM REFUSED ON WHATEVER GROUNDS WITHOUT SO MUCH AS CHECKING--IT IS DIFFICULT. In this instance, one who is not interested enough in the scientific offerings of Mr. Tesla in full-blown example--is not interested ENOUGH in the program to, most certainly, be in charge thereof. This was NOT a "suggestion" for participation--this was a direct "request" and, as always, those requests come with ability to be denied. Therefore, you who are simply couriers--are not to concern selves, please. Thank you again, for service.
