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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82


    WED., NOV. 10, 1993 11:57 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 086

    WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1993


    I would like you witnesses to make note of things you may have missed if you weren't "tuned" in to the "debate" (absurd term) last evening between Perot and Gore on Larry King Live. It actually appeared Mr. King was efforting to be "fair"--the rest was a debacle to the definition of truth.

    Mr. Gore pushed and pushed Perot on "how much funding has gone into keeping NAFTA from being passed"? He said funds in favor of NAFTA have been made public. Say what? You are talking about YOUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY--
    NOT A POLITICAL ELECTION FOR NIT-WIT POLITICIANS! Then, came the disinformation with incorrect numbers from Mr. Gore piled upon personal attacks against the character of Mr. Perot and family. "This" was a "debate" on the pros and cons of an international trade treaty? Come, come!

    For that reason, national readers don't get news...period...! If we, and other newspapers of such ilk don't bring you FACTS--you have no way to get facts. Do you ever hear about "Red" Beckman in the national papers? How about on TV? Well, we have written about him over the years and he lectures and is a patriot of quite a bit of fame in the circles of "citizens" who pay attention. But "WE" can't follow all the patriots in trouble--there are too many patriots in trouble!

    Let me example the system called "Justice" in a simple update on Ekkers (Dharma/Doris and E.J.). Remember that a couple of months back the Sheriffs came to a gathering wherein Dharma was speaking. She and E.J. WERE ARRESTED in the middle of that meeting--why? The claim from the District At­torney was that they had been seen trespassing on the lot adja­cent to their prior property. Now, the facts ARE, that the Ekkers have legal easement on that property so they in no-wise COULD have been "trespassing". I think, however, that you get the picture.

    Well, this was "heard" as to postponement of "conviction" but now comes up again before a "Judge". Guess what! The "JUDGE" is one, Randall, who personally ruled that their prop­erty be turned over to the RTC. It was and it was sold while litigation was still underway. Worse, the Ekkers had no legal counsel in this matter--so have to stand with "strange" fill-in counsel. Mr. Tips will represent them "out of loyalty", but is unavailable for this upcoming encounter. Does the pressure ever stop from this incredible Adversary? NO!! You must be stronger! GOD IS STRONGER--THEREFORE, YOU MUST WORK WITHIN THAT SHIELD AND CLING TO AND USE YOUR CONSTITUTION--OR YOU WILL LOSE IT EN­TIRELY!

    Why do I continue to use these "examples", realizing you are weary of the personal focus? BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SHOT IN THE FIRING SQUAD LINEUP--IF--YOU KNOW THE GAME AND PAY ATTENTION TO THAT WHICH HAPPENS TO PRIOR VICTIMS.

    "But," so many of you retort, "Doris and E.J. have Hatonn"! Oh? The minute "Hatonn" is mentioned in a courtroom the case is reduced to total laughter and ridicule. These people have NOTHING more than you--except numbers of problems! And, perhaps, the FORCED need to confront them on the Adver­sary's schedule.


    We shall not go into it here but we will offer you a FAXCOM received a couple of days ago.

    From Center For Action/Washington, John R. Prukop. (Puyallup, Washington)

    Saying that "God is so much bigger, they can't do anything to me until they get permission from God", Montana's Fighting Redhead, Martin J. "RED" Beckman is exuberant over the na­tionwide exposure of the government's many underhanded methods of conducting its affairs. "Just look back over the past 3-years and think about how much corruption by the government has been exposed by individuals and groups all over Amer­ica. Truly, Satan's Kingdom is beginning to divide against itself"!
    Amid rumors today that a SWAT team had surrounded the Beckman Ranch to perhaps physically evict the Beckmans from their property, under a fourteen-and-a-half-year-old unlawful IRS "NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN" which resulted in the apparent foreclosure and sale, "RED" assured this reporter that while a SWAT team has been doing training and surveillance nearby, he is not concerned for their safety. "RED" states emphatically, "The Law that Never Was will not be misapplied in our situation", referring of course to his book by the same name that he and Bill Benson completed as a result of traveling to each of the forty-eight contiguous States that allegedly ratified the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, the so-called "income tax amendment". Together they obtained certified documents that prove conclusively that then Secretary of State Philander Knox, in collusion with the Solicitor of the Department of State, falsified the results of the participating Union States' ratification process. The legal research was completed in late 1984, and THE LAW THAT NEVER WAS was first published in April, 1985. From the preface of this book is the following pas­sage:

    "The productivity of this nation is being plundered by tyrants employing a perversion of true law. The material in this volume is the documented evidence of the betrayal of our trust and con­fidence by government officials. Tax-consuming public servants have been administering and enforcing a law which existed only because no one was paying the price of liberty. Our great na­tion has become a victim because we have slept". And from the Introduction: "Be aware that a new page is being written in American history. Since 1913, our nation has been controlled by a few individuals exercising power stolen from we, the peo­ple. Politicians have been violating their campaign promises with impunity.... This book, more than anything else, demands an accounting by those who thought they were not accountable".
    Many people are taking this research work to the authorities at large and informing errant public servants of their duties un­der the United States Criminal Code, Title 18 at Section 4, enti­tled "Misprision of Felony". This law states that whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cogniz­able by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than three years or both. Additionally, Title 18 at Section 3 states that whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.

    Contacted by telephone this morning, "RED" said he is aware that perhaps the County of Yellowstone might try to force the illegal IRS sale of his property, because County Officials are unaware of the law. Beckman has defied the illegal IRS action and has occupied his property since 1979. He intends to file a $5-million dollar claim against Yellowstone County next week for their participation in filing a bogus "NOTICE OF FED­ERAL TAX LIEN" and NOT a LIEN. Should the County of Yellowstone reject the claim, a decision they have 60-days to make, Beckman has the option to file an action in the Montana State District Court in Yellowstone County. But, he says, he hopes that his $5-million dollar claim will result in a meeting with the county commissioners, so they can be informed of the fraud that's been perpetrated by the IRS for many years. "RED" says if they won't listen, he will seek remedy in the court and will at that time subpoena the IRS District Director, District and Regional Counsel as third parties to testify under oath what specific law and the particular type of tax they are ap­plying in the erroneous "NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN" filings. "This will reveal how phoney the IRS Codified Statutes really are, because Section 6321 and 6331 and many others only have enforcement powers under Title 27, which is Alcohol, To­bacco and Firearms", Beckman said. [H: Does this statement about the ATF not bring terror into your consciousness? Why do you think the ATF is involved in so many "seemingly unrelated" matters?]

    Regarding the SWAT team, "RED" says this past weekend there was quite a bit of activity near his property, probably be­cause 15 delegates from The Montana Vigilantes were meeting at his ranch to discuss the on-going crimes being committed by errant elected and appointed public servants. The Sheriff of Yellowstone County, Chuck Maxwell, also attended the meet­ing, arriving in an unmarked vehicle. He was presented with in­formation concerning the validity of the so-called 16th Income Tax Amendment. At the gathering, "RED" says they couldn't name one incident where The Montana Vigilantes had crossed the law, but in those same 13 years since they reorganized at a public meeting held in Helena, they can document case after case, and hundreds of pages of evidence to prove the crimes committed by public servants. "RED" recalled that in Virginia City, Montana in 1864, the county Sheriff was hanged for the crimes he had committed, adding, "We're not backing up for a bunch of criminals and the Sheriff of Yellowstone County knows it. We wouldn't wish the same fate on him". Because of the gathering this past weekend, "RED" says they will form an­other group, "The Montana Vigilance Committee" and will send out a mailer to every registered voter in the state of Montana in order to conduct Town Meetings, county by county, to inform all of the people of the crimes that are being committed and to also inform those who would be selected to sit on a petit or Grand Jury of their absolute right to judge not only the facts in a case, but also the law. "RED" says this will hopefully stop the government from wasting valuable time and tax dollars in the government's attempt to prevent "Constitutionalists" and "Fully informed jurors" who know the law from sitting on the various juries throughout each county in the State.

    Meanwhile, the government bureaucrats are miffed at how the 6'4" Beckman, who does not tiptoe through the tulips in his size 13 cowboy boots, is always one-step ahead of them, know­ing what is really going on inside the court house and county government. He's even had friends and people who work on the "inside" in government and the courts who are aware of things who say, "Red, you're right on target"!

    Citing a new term he's been throwing around lately in bu­reaucratic circles, he says "RAMBOITIS" pretty well sums up the siege mentality of some of those in law enforcement--at least in Yellowstone County. But not to worry, "RED" Beckman and The Montana Vigilantes are keeping careful watch over every­thing their servants do, and exposing the many schemes and scams that have, and are, destroying our Republic. "Red" says: "A Just God knows the Truth, and God is not mocked".
    [H: Hold it in your hearts!]

    Special note: The aspects of the application of IRS Code Sec­tion 6321, 6331 and others are the subject of a detailed refer­ence and research effort by Karl Granse in his work, Right to Property, a three-volume set with two videos. This work together with How to Properly Surrender your Social Security Number and The Right to Travel are available through "We the People" Committee, 11910-C Meridian East, #142, Puyallup, Washington, Postal Zone 98373/TDC. Write or call for a free brochure and details (206) 840-8071 FAX: (206) 840-8074. [No--these people are NOT the same WE THE PEOPLE in­dicted in the "Cosmos" caper!]
    Well, Dharma and E.J. don't have any "vigilantes" to support them--only a cold and hostile bunch of thugs out to "get them". Yes indeed, Dharma gets weak and would like to quit--fortu­nately E.J. doesn't seem to do so--at least not at the same time. It's ok, readers, just knowing your prayers support them in this work--IS ENOUGH. I would share Dharma's last outburst about it---"...it would be ok if you did, in fact, only die once--but facts are, we die over and over and over again--and I'm tired of it"! My suggestion? Create a Godly WORLD in which to experience! Create your play and build your PROOF--and the goal shall be yours.


    It is mandatory that you SEE what is most often offered to you in "reverse" intent. In other words, as you read the following information--see the reverse TRUTH between those lines. LIGHT in all forms is most often invisible to the physical form.

    Howard Witt and James P. Gallagher, Chicago Tribune.
    As run in the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, Monday, October 4, 1993.

    MOSCOW--The angry men who orchestrated the weekend events that led to Monday's fighting in Moscow--and many thousands of their armed supporters who swarmed into the streets behind them--are die-hard Communists who never ac­cepted the demise of the Soviet Union.

    Many of the people who have taken up arms against Presi­dent Boris Yeltsin are nationalists who fight to restore the glory of the "Russian Motherland", some are
    neo-Nazis who wear swastika emblems on their combat uniforms, and still others are disgruntled Russian army officers who dream of re-creating the powerful Soviet army.

    Their ranks also include royalists who want to restore the regime of the czars, Russian Orthodox priests who blessed anti-Yeltsin fighters before they rushed into combat, jack-booted Cossacks with long swords and fur hats, and mercenary soldiers who have fought for pay in the numerous ethnic wars raging on Russia's periphery.

    Although divided by radically different ideologies--it was the Communists, after all, who executed Russia's last czar--they are united by hatred for Yeltsin and his radical plans for Russia. [H: Is everyone picking up the "authority" as if factual, of this writer's thrust? They do not even have their "half"-truths correct much less their information about what really happened. How do these ones presume to know what those Russian citizens "were thinking" and their purpose for wishing freedom for their country? Do you see how pro­paganda, spread about under color of "authority and ex­pert" is accepted even in the TOTAL LIE?]
    If this amalgam of anti-democratic forces were to succeed in seizing power, Russia could be plunged back into totalitarian­ism. [H: Or perhaps, even, FREEDOM!]

    But it seems equally likely that the alliance simply would fracture ideological lines; such marriages of convenience rarely seem to last. [H: Oh barf.]
    Communists, for example, still hate fascists as a residue of World War II, while Cossacks hate the Communists who tried to outlaw them.

    They hate Westerners, and particularly Americans, for the support they have given Yeltsin--and the "decadence" they have brought to the ancient Russian nation.

    They can't stand Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Chechens and any other non-Russian nationalities from the former Soviet Union, who are thought to have built up mafias inside Russia to control business and commerce. [H: This is surely a jest--why would you like someone or ones who bring crime, force and de­struction to your Motherland and fellow-citizens? This seems like a great big PLUS to me.]
    But they reserve their most vicious wrath for Jews, spitting hatred against them with nearly every word they speak. [H: Now we get there, don't we? The "put-upon" shouting more "put-upon" garbage. Who do you think destroyed Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution? Yep, those so-called, self-styled JEWS of the Khazarian Zionist One World Order!]
    Jews destroyed the old Soviet Union, they say, so they could steal its resources and dominate its people. Jews control the Russian economy, they say, and run it for their own benefit; Jews own Russia's mass media, THEY SAY. [H: So the truth hurts?--so "they" say!]

    Jews run the Kremlin, they say, and the White House in Washington.
    [H: RIGHT ON!]

    "Go tell your Jew President Clinton [true] that his Yid pig stooge Yeltsin [true] is finished," screamed one young man, his face twisted with rage, at an American correspondent outside the Ostankino TV center Sunday night.

    These are not isolated, random sentiments. For the last two weeks, since Russia's latest power crisis began, nearly every conversation with supporters of the parliament has veered at some point into anti-Semitism. [H: No--anti-Bolshevik
    so-called JEWISH ZIONISTS.]
    The beliefs are patently absurd--that Yeltsin is Jewish, that his wife Naina is Jewish ("what kind of a name is Naina?" is a commonly heard insinuation), that Yeltsin's entire cabinet is Jewish. [H: So, truth is very hard for the American Zionists to swallow??]
    One army deserter who has been guarding the parliament--an otherwise calm, rational and well-spoken man--suddenly inter­rupted a conversation about politics with the observation that patriarch Alexy, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is actually a Jew. [H: So what else is new? As far back as the Fifteenth Century the Protocols have actively ordered the so-called "Jews" (not so-called, however, in the 15th century) to No. 4: "As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches". I would also share with you a "Jewish" observation regarding accomplishments of the ONE WORLD PLAN expressed in instructions from the Protocols of Zion: "...the 'Churches' are suffering from paralysis. The Jews now have the Christian Churches accepting athe­ism--even within their own Christian Churches. We are rapidly succeeding in bringing the Goim to their knees". Also, back in 1923 it was observed: "Thus come Revolutions in which Christians do all the fighting and of which Jews reap all the profits. Russia is completely destroyed by the Jews. Revolution has broken out in the Empire of Britain. Ireland is almost a Republic, in fact, if not in name, and the Jews are prospering amazingly. Our so-called "British" Cabinet is in point of fact a Bolshevik Cabinet in preliminary stage. Our success is assured". Indeed, readers, the Zionist is all but finished in success and the signs are obvious that the egos of ones such as "Rosenthal" will not much longer be silenced as to that success.]
    But facts have little to do with the unreasoning, deep-seated prejudices that spew from the Yeltsin opponents, [H: Read CAREFULLY--here was a "slip" of the worst kind. Right here was the credence to the statements claimed BEING FACTS, not fantasy.], many of them impoverished, poorly ed­ucated workers and pensioners who have suffered greatly under the sharp economic transformations of the last two years.

    In fact, anti-Semitism is an ancient problem in Russia, the land where the czars dispatched their loyal Cossack troops to wage murderous pogroms against Jewish villages. And in mo­ments of deep crisis, Russian anti-Semitism has always surged.
    [H: Hey, what about the Christian Holocaust done by the Bolshevik "Semitics"? Those "Jews" murdered over 10 MILLION people in their purge across Russia. No so-called "Holocaust" Jew ever seems to remember that little es­capade!]

    Today, anti-Semitic books and newspapers are freely sold in the subways of major Russian cities. [H: Not to be confused with already "taken" nations in which just to speak in ques­tion about the orthodox LIES of these Zionist Khazars (JEWS but not Jews), the speaker is immediately incarcer­ated as perpetrating a "hate-crime". Ah, blind, blind lambs.]

    The Mass-circulation Pravda newspaper last summer brashly published a story that resurrected the ancient canard that Jews kill Christian babies to use their blood to bake matzos. [H: Well, not to make matzos usually, but often the Satanists, who fall into the same category as spoken about here, do use the blood for other things. This, however, is a use by these authors to bring gore and outrageous attention to total BS and have no grain of truth to either statement. This is stinking Journalism at its WORST! FABRICATION OF STORIES WHICH HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS IN FACT OR THOUGHT--JUST FABRICATED FOR EMPHASIS OF THE LIE.] At one session last year, the deputies repeatedly voted down one Yeltsin nominee for a routine gov­ernment post only because he was Jewish. [H: If he was like the two authors of this article--that would seem reason enough!]
    Only after harangues from Speaker Ruslan Khasbulatov, him­self a Chechen and the object of frequent snide remarks from extremist deputies, did the parliament narrowly approve the nomination.

    For more than a year, extremist Communist and nationalist mil­itants have been maneuvering their way into positions of influ­ence inside and around Russia's parliament--aided by Khasbu­latov's active purges of liberal deputies from the leadership of legislative committees.

    [H: Good grief, citizens, how are you supposed to get TRUTH when this is the kind of propaganda paid for by the Elite to feed you blind readers? You think you no longer have a "cold" war with Russia? You don't--it is "HOT AS HELL"! Further, you who denounced my earlier writings as being absurd--regarding Khazars and Jewish influence in Russia, etc., had best take NOTICE. No matter what you THINK about the "Jewish" Zionist "influence" on nations about the world--you had better realize they are infiltrated into the very fiber of every
    so-called "free" nation or power-nation around your globe. And, I repeat, when the Titans clash you may well not know WHO is WHO--but it is going to be forces of incredible massiveness--and I remind you to keep your survival gear handy and a good hole in the ground. The Khazarian Zionists (now calling themselves Jews) ARE THE ANTI-CHRIST SET FORTH TO DE­STROY YOUR PLANET.]
    Some of these people are elected legislators who belong to extreme nationalist, deeply anti-Semitic groups such as the Na­tional Salvation Front, which have openly called for the violent overthrow of the Yeltsin government.

    Others, such as hard-line Communist leader Viktor Anpilov, hold no elected parliamentary position.

    Anpilov, an organizer of the anti-Yeltsin demonstration last May during which protesters wielding rocks and steel rods clashed violently with police [H: They had nothing else to use to struggle against the horrendous treasonists--Russian peo­ple have no allowance for WEAPONS--sleepy Amerikans! There go you in just a tiny bit of time...!], headed the group of protesters who attacked the television center Sunday night. [H: And who could stand with rocks and sticks against M-18 (American assisted) tanks and spotting equipment? Where will you citizens be when you finally realize what has hit you?]

    And some are experienced former military officers.

    The commander of the parliament's paramilitary defense forces, army Gen. Albert Makaahov, had been fired from his job as commander of the Volga military district after backing the abortive August 1991 hard-line coup. He commanded Sunday night's assault on the TV center.

    Vice President Alexander Rutskoi, a pilot, is a former Afghan war hero. He was shot down twice and captured by Mujahedeen rebels fighting the Soviet-backed Afghan regime--once by an American Sparrow ground-to-air missile, a fact that some observers believe has contributed to his anti-Americanism. [H: H-m-m-n-n.]

    [H: Now comes the real balderdash.]

    But there are also far less stable fighters in the anti-Yeltsin ranks.

    Khasbulatov and Rutskoi, while endlessly proclaiming their allegiance to constitutionality and rule of law, actually agreed to allow about 100 goose-stepping neo-Nazis from the Russian Na­tional Unity Party to join the ragtag band of parliamentary guards. They took the lead during Sunday's assault on police lines.

    "These are our temporary allies", explained army Col. Mar­tinov, a guard assigned to protect the parliament's fourth floor.

    "But I can assure you, we will never allow fascism to rise in our country.
    If these National Unity soldiers ever step out of line, we will tell them to leave".


    * * *
    Where do you suppose these "JOURNALISTS??" got their in­formation? Do you actually think they would be up front in con­frontation with ACTUAL GUNS? Don't be silly, readers, these are paid propagandists--the variety of which would never be caught alive in front of guns OR TRUTH.

    How many of you watched the tid-bit by Andy Rooney on 60 MINUTES this last Sunday? His "miff" was about all the well known personages and their autobiographies. He pointed out that almost ALL OF THE BOOKS are written "with" someone. Most of what he pointed out were "with" someone (ghost writer) called something NOLAN. In other words Mr. Nolan has writ­ten all the autobiographies for famous individuals and THAT is why such as Oliver North has an autobiography of his life and times BEFORE he ever picks up a pen or has a thought about what did or did not happen in his experience. People, it is time you PAY ATTENTION because you are being so badly "had" by such as this that you won't ever know what put you into those planned U.S. CONCENTRATION CAMPS.


    Dear Concerned Christian:

    The message in this 21 page brochure is not meant for the soul to become discouraged, but it's meant for you to get down before God in prayer with groanings to Him and pray that God will move away everyone of today's many mountains.

    Today's troubled world has been of old prophesied. Sack­cloth and ashes is today's dress code. We are to obey the law of prayer which is: "Praying always with all prayer and suppli­cation in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all persever­ance and supplication for all saints" (Ephesians 6:18). We are to obey the law of suffering which is: "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me", Jesus said (Luke 9:23).

    It's a Christian's duty to always have their heart prepared for suffering, trials, temptation, for all sharpness and hardness; to be ready to meet and endure through every trial, suffering, and temptation, and to endure any hardship which God may lay out before us in our Christian warfare. But many will not obey the Lord and pray and prepare for today's trials and the fiery trials in the near future, and prepare for all the other things that are incorporated to happen, prophesied about in both the Old and New Testaments.

    Jesus said, with the faith of a grain of a mustard seed "Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith" (Mark 11:23).

    God is still very much on the throne in heaven and He is still intently watching and listening to everything going on and being said here on Earth. Yea, His throne is in heaven but His eye is on the Earth. He isn't dead but He is alive. So give Him your earnest prayer and obedience in all things, and watch the Lord move away the mountains.

    Warmest regards,
    Your Brother in Christ Jesus,

    Tony Alamo
    World Pastor

    * * *
    Dharma, break this here, please for the next series of writings will be very long indeed. Thank you. We will take up immedi­ately at this point.
    PJ 82


    WED., NOV. 10, 1993 1:46 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 086

    WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1993
    This comes undated but was received on 9 Nov. 1993. I am not happy to have to ask Dharma to do the work required to offer this, in full, to you--but I will! The document comes from Tony Alamo via R.H. but is written by William R. Pabst and pre­sented by SPIRAL: Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties.

    This transcript is presented by SPIRAL--Society for the Pro­tection of Individual Rights and Liberties--a growing organiza­tion dedicated to informing the public of activities which could and do restrict our inalienable freedoms, such as those defined in the U.S. Constitution.

    Most of such activities are not likely to be reported about in many of the news media most accessible to the masses for obvi­ous reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to inform the public of these dangers of losing our rights and liberties through reports such as this.

    The report you are about to read covers one man's research and diligent effort in exposing the federal government plans for implementing a dictatorial type of government in this country, including detention of U.S. citizens considered "enemies of the United States" in concentration camps set up throughout the country for this purpose.

    This particular information covers only one small part of the many atrocities being perpetrated against American citizens be­hind the backs of the American public....

    This is William R. Pabst. My address is 1434 West Alabama St., Houston, Texas 77006. My telephone number is: area code 713 521-9896.
    This is my 1979 updated report on the concen­tration camp program of the Dept. of Defense of the United States.

    On April 20, 1976, after a rapid and thorough investigation, I filed suit on behalf of the People of the United States against various personages that had a key part in a conspiratorial pro­gram to do away with the United States as we know it. This is a progress report to you, the plaintiffs, you the People of the United States. The civil action number is 76-H-667. It is enti­tled, "Complaint Against the Concentration Camp Program of the Dept. of Defense". It was filed in the U.S. District Court for the southern district of Texas, Houston Division. The judge responsible for the case was Judge Carl Beau (phonetic spelling). [H: I'm sorry, this bears no "date" but we shall see that it is most timely.]
    You have no doubt heard the story: Once upon a time, under the Nazi regime in Germany, a man worked on an assembly line in a baby carriage factory. His wife was going to have a baby, but the Nazi government would not let anybody buy a baby carriage. The man decided he would secretly collect one part from each department and assemble the carriage himself. When this was done and he and his wife gathered up the pieces and assem­bled it. When they were finished they did not have a baby carriage; they had a machine gun.

    And that is exactly the situation that I am going to present to you at this time. The Center for the Study for Democratic In­stitutions recently completed a proposed constitution for the "Newstates of America". The Center is Rockefeller funded. [H: I told you it was a timely writing!] To give you an indi­cation of the type of constitution proposed, the term "national emergency" is mentioned 134 times. The document did not have a Bill of Rights and the right to own arms was taken away. At the same time, house Concurrent Resolution #28 awaited for calling a constitutional convention on or before July 4, 1976. the presiding officer of such an event would have been Nelson Rockefeller, Vice President and president pro tem of the Sen­ate. This particular resolution awaited in committee. Obviously money would not be spent on these massive programs unless there would be the chance for the actual implementation of such a scheme.

    However, in case the American people do not voluntarily adopt a new constitution; less troublesome to those who desire dictatorship, there is Executive Order #11490, which will in­clude its predecessors when it is sited herein. The Executive Order authorizes the secretaries of the various agencies to pre­pare for any "national emergency" type situation--including, but not limited to, those specified in the Executive Order itself. If you read the Order, there is nothing at all left to the imagina­tion. For any conceivable pretext, a national emergency may be declared based upon this frightening decree, dated October 1969. The Order itself was prefaced in March of 1969 by an­other Executive Order which established the federal regions and their capitals. All the departments of the government were in­volved, including the L.E.A.A. (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration) and H.E.W. (Health, Education and Welfare). Congressman Larry McDonald has revealed to Congress that various guerrilla and terrorist groups were being financed by the federal government. If they (the terrorist groups) actually began in search of activities, Executive Order #11490 would be acti­vated.

    But as mentioned previously, if you will read Executive Or­der #11490, you will see that a "national emergency" may be declared for any conceivable pretext whatsoever. If the Order itself were activated, here is what would happen: The next day you and your family would be standing in front of your local post office with your neighbors; the front doors bursting with block-long lines of people waiting to be registered. After wait­ing in line with your family for hours, you finally get channeled through the doors. Once inside, you overhear the postal clerk with his sidearm on telling a frightened registrant, "Look there is nothing I can do. The truck behind the building will take you to a work camp where you have been assigned. Your wife has been assigned to a factory and there's nothing I can do". Then your son or daughter looks up at you with a quivering voice and asks, "Dad, why are we here"?

    Well, you see there's much more to life in a "free country" than paying your mortgage. You have to be aware of what is going on and act accordingly and participate in government; that is, get involved. Examining the organization chart of Executive Order #11490 to discover how we have all helped finance (through our tax dollars) the mechanics of the overthrow of our Constitution, Executive Order #11490 designates authority to the various departments of the federal government. [H: Why haven't we told you about this? WE HAVE--OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND AGAIN!]
    If the Order were implemented, the Post Office Dept. would be responsible for a national registration. The State Dept. would be responsible for the protection of the United Nations personnel or property and prevention of escape from the United States. The Dept. of Defense would be responsible for its ex­propriation of industry; direction of service and a national pro­duction system; control of censorship; and communication expropriation of non-industrial facilities. The Commerce Dept. would be responsible for expropriation, selection and interna­tional distribution of commodities (which would be the actual looting of the United States), census information and human resources.

    The Treasury Dept. would be responsible for collection of cash and non-cash items and the re-creation of evidence of as­sets and liabilities. The Justice Dept. would have concurrent re­sponsibility with the Dept. of State for prevention of escape from the U.S.; for replenishing the stockpile of narcotics; for a national police force; for correctional and penal institutions; for mass feeding and housing of prisoners and for use of prisoners to augment manpower--which would be slave labor.

    The Federal Bank (which is NOT a Federal bank) would be responsible for regulation and withdrawal of currency. The G.S.A. (General Services Administration) would be responsible for confiscation of private property for government use. H.E.W. would be responsible for nationalization of education (which the Dept. of Education has already done), health ser­vices, hospitals and mental institutions. The Labor Dept. would be responsible for recruiting manpower; selecting man­power; referring manpower; and allocating manpower so each particular person that was registered at the post office in this na­tional registration would be told where he (or she) was going to work. H.U.D. (Housing & Urban Development) would be responsible for transfer of persons to temporary or permanent housing in regional emergency planning and cooperation. The Transportation Dept. is responsible for emergency enforcement and control and movement of passengers and the emergency op­eration of the Alaskan railroad.

    There are two specific agencies here that we need to look at and to keep in mind. They are: H.E.W. and Justice, as those two agencies are related to the Dept. of Defense. The various military departments are part of the Dept. of Defense. Under it, we have the Secretary of Army, Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel and law enforcement, U.S. Army's forces command, and continental Army Reserve & National Guard. And under that we have the four armies dividing up the United States. Under the Fifth Army we have the provost marshal, who is directly connected to the Deputy Chief of Staff for law enforcement personnel. Under the provost marshal for the Fifth Army we have the 300 Military Police Prisoner-of-War (POW) Command at Lebonia, Michigan.

    At this point I quote from retired Admiral Elmo Zumwalt's book, ON WATCH: KISSINGER [H: Good old Hank!] states, "I believe the American people lack the will to do the things necessary to achieve parity and to maintain maritime superiority. I believe we must get the best deal we can in our ne­gotiations before the United States and the Soviets both per­ceive these changes and the balance that occurs. When these perceptions are in agreement, and both sides know the U.S. is inferior, we must have gotten the best deal we can. Americans at that time will not be happy that I have settled for second, but it will be too late".

    [H: R.H. continues to correct "America" into "United States" which is theoretically "correct". However, what Mr. H. is MISSING is that "they" MEAN "American" and with the NAFTA treaty and all it entails that will be one big place in which the U.S. will only be a little portion!]

    Zumwalt said, "Then why not take it to the American people? They will not accept the decision to become second best while we are in a position of Gross National Product twice that of the USSR".

    Kissinger responds, "That's a question of judgement. I judge that we will not get their support, and if we see it and tell that fact as we would have to, we would lose our negotiating leverage with the Soviets".

    Zumwalt stated, "But isn't that the ultimate immorality in a democracy; to make a decision for the people of such impor­tance without consulting them?

    Kissinger stated, "Perhaps, but I doubt that there are 1 million who can even understand the issue".

    Zumwalt responded, "Even if that presumption is correct, those 1 million can influence the opinions of the majority of the people. I believe it is my duty to take the other course".


    So we see what the intention of the State Dept. is regarding the People. Another fact: On Dec. 30, 1975, the California National Guard announced in a press release (which I have) that the state's Military Police battalions were organized and trained to provide immediate response to virtually EVERY civil and man-made disaster, as well as to assist Law enforcement officers in emergency situations; to carry out their law enforcement as well as their military mission. When I asked four of the defen­dants in this case for their mission statement they did not pro­vide it--although they say it is public information.

    The training spoken of for the California National Guard covers such subjects as dealing with individual civilians/civil population, detention procedures, citizen's rights, and similar matters. And you know as well as I do that when there is Mar­tial Law, or Martial Rule, citizens have NO rights--because the Constitution is
    pre-empted. Even the uniforms of the Na­tional Guards who participate in this program are different from the regular uniforms. Army spokesmen will not reveal more about the uniforms. But the Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept. para­military units, who have received this training also, HAVE ARMY FATIGUES DIED BLACK FOR THEIR UNIFORMS.

    A further fact is the disaster preparedness plan for the Marine Corps Supply Center in Barstow, California. Quoting from that document: "Under the Constitution and the laws of the United States, the preservation of law and order is the responsibility of local and state government. And the authority to maintain the peace and enforce the law is invested in the authorities of those governments". There are specific exceptions to the above con­cept. One of these pertains to federal intervention to civil disturbances in certain situations. Military commanders are deemed to have the authority to take any measure reasonably necessary for the protection of life and property in the event of a sudden unexpected public calamity which disrupts the normal process of government and presents an emergency so eminent as to make it dangerous to await instructions from appropriate authorities. This includes law enforcement duties. The manual mentions something called "Garden Plot Forces", which we will discuss at length in a few minutes.

    Don Bell (who writes a weekly report) reported on July 25, 1975 [H: NEARLY 2 DECADES AGO!] that in May of '75 the 303 Civil Affairs group of the U.S. Army Reserves in Kearny, N.J. conducted an exercise to sharpen plans for a mili­tary takeover of the state government of New Jersey. Ac­cording to Colonel Frances Clark, they had conducted similar studies on how to seize municipal and county government over the past few years. But this was the first time they had studied STATE government. Such units were trained during World War II to operate governments in the United States. When local violence or catastrophe struck, the National Guard--under command of the governor--went into action. This is defi­nitely NOT the situation at this time.... [H: Well, you have seen it, public. In every possible remote circumstance, a takeover into "emergency" status--be it fire or flood!]
    On February 16, 1975, in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune it was reported that the L.E.A.A. (funded by the Dept. of Justice) and the Police Foundation (funded by the Ford Foundation) are prime movers toward implementing a national police force. Each, however, contends they support local police agencies. The total program involves military units that have the function of taking over the administration of local and state govern­ments. That program is "Operation Garden Plot"
    (The Martial Law program).
    The method by which the national police concept is being presented to the public has changed. It was first disguised under the cover of protection against civil disturbances. This program was as follows:

    A) Keep the people from gathering in the streets.
    B) Isolate and neutralize the revolution's leadership.
    C) Dispersal of crowds and demonstrators.

    This is followed by successful prosecution in order to: 1) Validate the action of the police; 2) Denying the arrestees pro­paganda materials, and; 3) Denying them the opportunity to re­cover money damages against the police for arresting them.

    Let me quote for you the scenario which was developed for Cable Splicer One, Two and Three to justify the needs for dealing with civil disturbances: "Phase One--an arrest and shooting provoke crowd unrest and threats against public offi­cials and a riot begins to form; Phase Two--police vehicles are ambushed, various attempted assassinations of public officials occur, destruction and raiding of armories occur, and thousands of people begin to gather and local police lose control; Phase Three--increased movement of rioters and the crowds must be dispersed before they become sympathetic with the rioters. The National Guard and the local police lose control".

    This scenario provides for an orderly transition from state to federal control. The Deputy Attorney General of California commented at a Cable Splicer Three conference that anyone who attacks the State--even verbally--becomes a revolution­ary and an enemy by definition. They are the enemy and must be destroyed. This program was taught in all military, reserve military and civilian police. The course name was "Civil Emergency Management Course". The official explana­tion that was to be given if any questions were asked about the program was: This activity is a continuous, joint law enforce­ment-military liaison effort and a continuation of coordination established last year". [H: Well, whatever "year" that was is not material to another point you had better consider very, very carefully. Who of you know what is happening now in your cross-training program WITH the Russians (Soviets?) and your POLICE? Right in the little town of Tehachapi, California (Kern County) LOCAL MEMBERS OF THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT HAVE
    TOP-LEVEL SWAT TEAM MEMBERS WHO HAVE GONE TO MOSCOW TO CROSS-TRAIN! ALSO IT IS WELL KNOWN THAT RUSSIAN POLICE ARE IN YOUR MAJOR POLICE ACADEMIES. IF YOU AREN'T NERVOUS, LITTLE ONES--YOU ARE DEAD! Yes indeed, these are THE SAME sheriffs who arrest Ekkers for trespass. Actually they have gotten to be on rather friendly terms with one an­other--although it does NOT stop the political harassment. Ekkers have always shown total respect and consideration of the Police in any form for they are simply serving that which is training required. This does not make the scheme of the Elite worthy of respect or consideration--except as attend safety and compliance.]

    In 1976, the Oakland Tribune carried the most complete ex­planation of what is planned. It is reported in its entirety in the National Chronicle which added an analysis to the story. (The Oakland Tribune's editor DIED SUDDENLY after the story was published!) And I quote:

    "Last Saturday the California National Guard unveiled a new Law Enforcement Assistance Force--LEAF, a spe­cially trained and outfitted Military Police unit, whose members will serve as shock-troops in the state's war against political protesters and demonstrators.

    "I saw a full-dress exhibition of what the California National Guard has planned for the next American revolu­tion. Helicopters, SWAT teams, civilian military police­men in jack boots and helmets, twelve-gage shotguns, .38 and .45 caliber pistols, radios, walkie talkies, and electri­cally-controlled intelligence centers wired for instant communications with any police force in the state.

    "LEAF is a 1,000-member unit put together this year to handle unique law enforcement problems such as mass civil disobedience, protest demonstrations and riots. In other words, breaking heads and taking names. LEAF has the support of Governor Brown, a quarter-million dollars worth of grants from the federal government, and no pub­lic opposition from civil liberties groups.

    "For all its ineptitude however, LEAF has a fright­ening possibility from a civil liberty standpoint. It is a direct product of the California "Cable Splicer" conferences--a series of high-level SECRET meetings between government officials, law enforcement officers and military planners held during the late '60s and early '70s. The meetings were held as late as 1975, so far as many public records show. These were the con­ferences which Counter-Spy magazine had identified as California's "Garden Plot Sub-plan".

    "Gary Davis--Gov. Brown's right hand man--says LEAF is to assist civil police, not to replace them. Gary says, "Civilians could expect a civilian type law enforcement rather than what is commonly known as Martial Law". Despite this assurance, LEAF's exer­cises look disturbingly like the military coup described in the novel, Seven Days in May.

    LEAF soldiers with nightsticks stood at intersections, stopping cars with suspicious occupants, checking I.D. cards and generally intimidating onlookers with their SWAT style uniforms, their sidearms and helmets. Perhaps more ominously, several participants in the role-playing exercises Saturday admitted that even under sim­ulated pressure there has already been a number of inci­dents where the LEAF troops used excessive force to quell disturbances--even though their orders forbade it". (That ends the quotation.)

    Former L.E.A.A. (Law Enforcement Assistance Administra­tion) administrator, Charles Ross Dovan (phonetic spelling), is on record as having stated that local law enforcement has failed and must be replaced by a national police force. Patrick Murphy, the administrator of the Police Foundation, states, "I have no fear of a national police force. Our 40,000 police de­partments are not sacred". Ex-Attorney General William Saxby warned that if we can go on as we are, crime will invade us and the national police will take over.

    For the policemen who do not cooperate and still want to be policemen, there is the program of Contemporary Research, Inc.--an organization of psychologists, sociologists, education specialists and economic experts--who work toward a solution of many of today's social problems. The same organization devel­ops specialized computer programming for the new world-wide military command and control system, as well as computer based systems for law enforcement agencies at all levels of government.

    The LEAA alone will receive over a billion dollars a year over the next 4 years--even though it has been ineffective against crime. This is because the LEAA is not geared to fight­ing crime; it is geared to developing a system for takeover of the United States with the assistance of the Dept. of Defense.
    * * *
    Thank you, Dharma, I know it has been a very long day, dear, but I would really like to cover another segment before we quit this evening.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82


    WED., NOV. 10, 1993 3:49 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 086

    WED., NOVEMBER 10. 1993

    One of the programs the LEAA works on in its fight against crime is psycho-surgery. If you don't cooperate with their pro­grams, you are merely operated on so that you will be as coop­erative as an adding machine. Or, the LEAA supports drug research for the same purpose--to neutralize neurological sources of violence. Hence, as an example, if a law were passed whereby the ownership of firearms was declared to be illegal, you would be placed in one of these programs if you did not co­operate. The LEAA control exercise (at the state's level) is for the Office of Criminal Justice Planning of the Governor's Of­fice. Here in Texas, Mr. Robert C. Klowers is still the execu­tive director in that office. But all states have that particular de­partment.

    In May, 1975 the LEAA Newsletter describes the function of one of its organizations: the National Institute of Law Enforce­ment & Criminal Justice. This organization funds something called the "United Nations Clearinghouse" in Rome, Italy. The function of that organization is, among other things, the ex­change of Criminal Justice System information with the So­viet Union. And it goes without saying that we have nothing to learn from the Criminal Justice System of the Soviet Union. These incredible projects are being funded with our tax dollars.

    The code name for these projects are: "Garden Plot" and "Cable Splicer". Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.

    An investigation was completed in Nov. 1975 by 4 sources: The conservative publication, American Challenge; the leftist New Times; the foundation financed Fund for Investigative Jour­nalism, and; Don Wood of the trustworthy Ozark Sunbeam. It involves the potential creation of a Police State through the use of the Pentagon and its computerized intelligence dossier (lodged in the Pentagon basement) of thousands of citizens by the National Guard, state and local police departments, the LEAA, plainclothes military forces, SWAT teams, and the Dept. of Justice.

    Brigadier General J.L. Julieni t (phonetic spelling), senior Army officer of the Pentagon National Guard Bureau, has ad­mitted, "I know of no state that did not have some form of these exercises within the last year".

    Today the Cable Splicer handbook is composed of 6 loose-leaf 3-ring binders that are merely an outline for the impending takeover and destruction of our Constitution. The Sixth Army used the term "Cable Splicer" for the name of the operation, but it has not revealed the name of the operation in the other mili­tary areas within the U.S.

    On page 4, paragraph 10 on Public Information, the instruc­tions state: "As a means to prevent adverse publicity or mis­leading psychological effects in regard to coordinating, plan­ning, and conducting this exercise, all military participants involved will perform such duties in civilian clothing when ex­ercise oriented activities are conducted at law enforcement facilities. In the event inquiries are received regarding this exer­cise, the response should be limited to identifying the activity as a continuous, joint law enforcement-military liaison effort and a continuation of coordination established last year". On page 6, security guidance is explained to the effect that if anybody asks any questions, limit the information that is given out on the basis of it being in the interest of "national interest" (security).

    Now, in the festivities celebrating the success of completion of the exercises, Attorney General Stanley R. Larsen, the com­manding general of the Sixth Army stated, "The most serious challenge facing all of us will be the challenge of discarding our legitimate responsibilities. For a significant portion of a society at large is likely to regard us with suspicion and to ques­tion, even challenge our authority on the basic assumption of our profession. Part of this challenge we must be prepared to deal with; a potentially dangerous portion of our society which, in truth, could well become the domestic enemy".

    The manual includes instructions on operations of confine­ment facilities, handling and processing prisoners--including searching, transporting, feeding, housing and handling of the special class of persons called "detainees". The plan also specifically includes a proposition for CONFISCATION OF PRIVATELY-OWNED WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION.

    The Army has over 350 separate record centers containing substantial information on civilian-political activities. Virtually every major Army unit has its own set aside from this. The Fifth Army of San Antonio has over 100,000 files of its own. The overall operation command post is a domestic room at the Pentagon. There are 25 million cards on individuals and 760,000 on organizations held by the Defense Central Index of investigations alone. And this information includes political, so­ciological, economic and psychological profiles. All this type of information on 25 million Americans.
    [H: REMEMBER: TWO DECADES AGO! And, now you know of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League's involvement with listings through your local city's POLICE DEPARTMENTS! YES, IN­DEED, IT IS SERIOUS! May I share just one little portion of November 8th (1993) SPOTLIGHT front-page article: "Another ADL Mole Unearthed: The web of ADL intrigue in the West Coast and across the country grows ever more tangled as new information is uncovered: Veteran revisionists con­nected to the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in California have unearthed another deep-cover agent of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
    "The ADL office in San Francisco is facing several civil suits and may be criminally indicted for its spying activities against American citizens. Roy Bullock has been named as an ADL master spy for many years and kept the ADL informed on "enemies" of Israel...... " This is ADL B'nai­B'rith, my friends.]
    Since 1970 local county and state police forces all over the country have undertaken crash programs to install various kinds of computerized information systems. A large portion of this is being paid for by the LEAA. Beginning in 1970, Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered the destruction of all these data banks, but they were not destroyed. All the outlawed collec­tion is now located at Mt. Weather, Clark County, West Vir­ginia and similar pentagon facilities designed as adjuncts to the president's emergency powers under the Executive Orders.

    The cadre of specialized persons to enforce this plan are found in the U.S. Army Reserves-Military Police POW Com­mand at Lebonia, Michigan. Mr. Fenren (phonetic spelling) of the 300th Military Police POW Command at Lebonia told me, when I called him from the Federal Information Center at Houston, that the camps in the Command were for foreign pris­oners-of-war and for "enemies of the United States".
    I asked him if enemies of the United States included U.S. citizens. He became angry, wouldn't deny it, and referred me to a very sin­ister individual at the Army Reserve facility here at Houston who I talked to; who explained to me that the prisoners were called "inventory" and "internees". He would not deny that the camps were for U.S. citizens.

    I called the Pentagon, spoke with the defendant there, and then with the provost marshal for the Fifth Army, and do you know what? Not one of these persons would deny that the sys­tem was for U.S. citizens. The provost marshal for the Fifth Army
    --when I mentioned the names of all the camp sites--said, "Well, at least you've got that right".

    The names of the detention facilities that I gave him were a list that I had acquired from the Ozark Sunbeam. That list of names was the same list of facilities designated under the old Detention Act of 1950 as "emergency detention centers". But there is only one problem: That act was supposed to have been repealed in 1971. After some research, I found out what the problem was. One Congressman--when the hearings were held for the repeal of the Emergency Detention Act--mentioned there are 17 other bits of law that provided for the SAME THING. So it didn't matter whether they ever repealed the Emergency Detention Act. The public was in fact tricked by the Congress of the United States! [H: And you think NAFTA is a good deal! How do you CAUSE Perot to take this information and act? I don't know, United We Stand--I don't know!]

    Here are the designated sites: [H: Don't get your hopes up that these are ALL, you now have designated sites from ev­ery closed military base in your nation from as far back as there were active military bases, in addition to acquired sites now all over the nation, Canada and Mexico! You see, you are already considered a New World Order single nation!] Tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains of central Pennsyl­vania is a bustling town of approx. 10,000 people. Fifteen to twenty years ago it was a sleepy village of 400. Allenwood, Pa is linked to New York City by Interstate U.S. 80. It takes up approx. 400 acres and is surrounded by a 10-foot barbed-wire fence. It now holds approx. 300 minimum security prisoners to keep it in shape. it could hold 12,000 people from one day to the next.

    Thirty miles from Oklahoma City on U.S. 66 is El Reno, Oklahoma with an approx. population of 12,000. Due west, 6 miles from town, almost in sight of U.S. 66 is a complex of buildings which could pass for a small school. However, the facility is overshadowed by a guard house which appears to be something like an airport control tower--except that it's manned by a vigilant, uniformed guard. This is a federal prison camp or detention center. These camps are all located near super­highways or near railroad tracks or both.

    The federal prison camp at Florence, Arizona could hold 3,500 prisoners. It is presently kept in condition by approx. 400 legally convicted prisoners. Wickenburg, Arizona is famous for its municipal airport, which was once government owned. It is now occupied by a private party. It is rumored to be capable of being taken back by the federal government without notice.

    Now there are a couple of other of these facilities which are probably existing under the same arrangements. This particular rumor of instant take-back without notice has existed for about 9 or 10 years. The only way it can actually be established is by looking at the local contract for the Wickenburg Municipal Air­port itself and the parties that have possession of it.

    As I mentioned previously, these names were ratified by the provost marshal of the Fifth Army who is in charge of the 300th Military Police POW Command. He is the one who verified them. He said, as I mentioned before, "Well at least you've got that right".

    Some of the other locations are: Tulelake in California--now in private hands.
    It can be retaken "without notice". Some of the others: We have Mill Point, West Virginia. I couldn't find a thing on Mill Point but in that area we have all kinds of prisons. Among them are: Alderson, W.V., a woman's federal refor­matory; Lewisburg, W.V., a federal prison; Greenville, S.C. in Greenville County is now occupied by the State Youthful Of­fenders Division. Even that is a mystery to the people of that area.

    At Montgomery, Alabama we have a federal civilian prison camp at Maxwell Air Force Base. Now does THAT sound right? There's one at Tucson, Arizona, Davis-Monthan Air Base. In Alaska we have Elmendorf at Eielson Air Force Base.

    And that brings us to a facility in Florida called Avon Park, Florida. I sent a representative to see what was at Avon Park, Fl. He found the Avon Park Bombing and Gunnery Range, which is also listed as the 56th Combat Support Squadron of the U.S. Air Force; which is also listed as the Avon Park Correctional Institute. No one is permitted entrance and probably there is no overfly permitted because it is a bombing and gunnery range. This was one of the places ratified by the provost mar­shal of the Fifth Army.

    In 1976, as well as on March 20, 1979, I went to the Sher­iff's Dept. in Houston to see if our local Sheriff's Dept. had been infiltrated by these plans. Well, it appears so. I was put in contact with a Lt. Kiljan (phonetic spelling) who is in charge of some secret unit in the department. I asked him if he had par­ticipated in military training or in training with military person­nel here in the Sheriff's dept. He denied it, and when I asked him if he would testify so under oath he became angry and stated, "You are just an ordinary citizen. I don't have to tell you anything". I later discovered that Lt. Kiljan is the ex-di­rector of the Houston branch office of the U.S. Secret Service. Now where does his money come from? The area is administered by the Houston-Galveston Area Council.

    In this regional-government plan, each federal region is di­vided into state clearing houses, and each state clearing house is divided into area clearing houses. And in our area we have the Houston-Galveston Area Council. It serves as a conduit for federal funds in two major areas: LEAA and HEW.

    Almost everybody thinks this organization (the Houston-Galveston Area Council) is for the development of the area--the geographical area here in Houston. But it is not. It is for the development of LEAA and HEW projects. Now this finds its counterpart IN EVERY COMMUNITY ACROSS THE U.S. It provides for these agencies a liaison for intergovernmental communications, interaction and coordination.


    * * *
    May insight and God WISDOM accompany the reading of this information. It is "old", readers, and you are now encircled and the noose is closing. GOD HELP YOU TO SEE AND HEAR.


    PJ 82


    THU., NOV. 11, 1993 8:43 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 087

    THU., NOVEMBER 11. 1993

    I am interrupting the discussion on Concentration Camps in the U.S. to report on "wars and rumors of wars"! Remember something very important: "The U.S. has geared itself for 'two' underway wars at a time with 'one' MAJOR conflict." So--you are having rumors that deadlines are being set in Somalia for bringing your troops 'home'. Note, however, that they will NOT do so until after your "holy" days. This is to further con­dition you to separation and family division.

    You must now "look around" and see where the other points of interference might be established through all the propaganda. You have to leave the Soviet encounters basically alone to keep image development but where else might there be established some serious conflict? Well, there is a need to get something going in the Asian sector to allow for focus change to "protect the world from mad nuclear bombers, etc.", so let us turn to the "fact" mills hidden from you-the-people. We can go right to Canada who is out to get you ANYWAY--because the NAFTA has all but destroyed the nation of Canada.

    From THE SUNDAY TIMES, Nov. 7, 1993

    Washington and Hong Kong: THE UNITED STATES has prepared plans for a cruise missile strike to wipe out North Korea's secret nuclear bomb-making facility as its con­frontation with the world's last Stalinist regime turns into President Bill Clinton's biggest foreign policy challenge.

    Washington fears that President Kim Il Sung, who has massed more than 70% of his 1 million-strong armed forces close to the border with South Korea, will himself order a pre­emptive missile attack or even an invasion of the South in a re­run of the Korean War he launched four decades ago.

    Nearly 2 million soldiers are dug in along the two sides of the 152-mile demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea, 36,000 of them American troops [H: By the way, it has been at least two years now that the LIBERATOR, and now CON­TACT, has been banned to all troops in the U.S. military in that zone!!] who would be in the front line in any war trig­gered by the North's effort to become a renegade nuclear state.

    The crisis threatens to come to a head over American at­tempts to force Kim to open his nuclear sites to the north of Py­ongyang, the capital, to inspection by the international Atomic Energy Agency (AEA).

    Pyongyang insists that the sites are for peaceful purposes only; the CIA believes the North is trying to develop a nuclear bomb. [H: How long will you nice people believe this drivel? The North Koreans HAVE bomb--given to them through the CIA! This, again, is the New World Order in full swing to take over sovereignty of EVERY nation on the globe--any who drag their feet get swacked. The "excuse" will always be something or another to get public opinion swinging in the direction of support for this New World Order beast un­der guise of human rights, etc. How many North Korean generals, etc., would the U.S. and Russia allow roaming through every nuclear site in the U.S. and Russia? More­over, how long would you allow them to aim missiles and have arbitrary unilateral bombing raids on your country be­fore you would fight back? At the rate you are brought into and under total control--you would never strike back--only continue to destroy OTHER nations one by one.]

    American concerns [H: Note the total lumping of ALL "American" nations under the facade of acceptability when the meaning is: United States?] grew last week after satellites gave intelligence on the latest North Korean troop movements. They revealed that Kim now has more than 800,000 troops with tanks and artillery massed in the area between Pyongyang and the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that divides the North from the South. [H: Good grief, wasn't one WRONG and disastrous war with Korea enough? Further, do you see how this fits in with the "world police force" and concentration camps we are now writing about? You disperse your troops around the globe and the real forces (international strangers espe­cially trained to handle U.S. citizens by force) will move in. All dissenters will be confined to incarceration holding camps. You are now watching the fulfillment of the purpose for those camps we are reminding you about.]

    South Korea's defense authorities also reported that the North had been strengthening military airbases and reinforcing its air defense capability around the Yongbyon nuclear plant with SA5 surface-to-air missiles.

    On Friday, North Korea called its central party committee into emergency session, and ordered its 1 million soldiers to a higher state of alert. South Korean forces were also reported on the alert.

    A senior American official--returning from a trip to the re­gion by Les Aspin, the defense secretary--spoke of the danger of a desperate North Korea, suffering from food shortages and economic stagnation, launching a conventional attack across the DMZ. [H: See--always making noise and placing the blame on the other side when there is no such thing remotely planned. Mr. Aspin is simply telling YOU what is planned from "your" side. You plan to blast North Korea off the map if you can do so. Of course, short of full scale nuclear attack from you--you can't accomplish that so you simply do the unconscionable thing and destroy them and your own in bits and pieces--the WORLD SATAN COALITION AT WORK!]

    "These guys are starving and may feel that you can either starve or get killed in a war", said the Pentagon official, adding that the Korean peninsula was "entering a kind of danger zone". Other officials in Washington expressed surprize at his "alarmist" remarks. [H: So you go to Somalia to FORCE FEED those who didn't want you--why do you not just FEED the hungry and wouldn't that work, in all probabil­ity, better than war? NOT FOR YOUR WAR-MONGERS!]

    A sudden strike by the North would be devastating on South Korea's defenses. But so would the retaliation on the North; President Clinton has warned that it "would be the end of their country".

    Over the past few days there have been a series of crisis meetings in the Pentagon and the White House to discuss con­tingency plans for the defense of South Korea, including a lim­ited strike on the North's nuclear facility with cruise missiles.

    Jim Woolsey, the director of the CIA, has described it as the most serious crisis facing the administration, but the president has been receiving conflicting advice from the advisers. The State Department and the National Security Council are less alarmed, arguing that North Korea is engaged in a huge bluff aimed at winning American concessions.

    The State Department has dangled American diplomatic recognition, trade deals and the cancellation of a joint US-South Korean military exercise in front of the North Koreans without results, however, Bob Galucci, the chief State Department ne­gotiator, found that North Korean officials invariably renege on any compromise once they consult with their political masters. [H: How many promises and agreements have your POLITICIANS broken--TO YOU? Would YOU trust them?]
    Clinton is now preparing to ask the UN Security Council to impose sanctions, which both South Korea and Japan fear could trigger an attack from the North.

    The effectiveness of sanctions on a country as isolated as North Korea is questionable. [H: Well, what about Haiti? Are you beginning to see the ploy and how insidious the lies are and the total manipulation of your mindset? WHAT ARE YOU DOING, AMERICANS? I use the term "Americans" intentionally
    --you are considered now, all of you, one nation under the control of the U.S.--actually ALL under control of the Committee of 300 One World Govern­ment! Suppose these "North Koreans" and "China" and the Ukraine, Georgia and other holders of nuclear weapons DECIDE TO COUNTER THE WORLD TAKEOVER? OUCH! KEEP YOUR HOLES READY AND SUPPLIES AT HAND--YOU ARE GOING TO NEED THEM AND FROM THE SOUNDS OF THESE THREATS--PRETTY SOON! How many of you got up this morning (11/11/93) with Korea on your mind in line of importance? I thought not.] The key to success is China from which North Korea buys most of its oil, grain and coal. It is an ally of Pyongyang but it also has developed increasingly close relations with Seoul and, above all, it does not want the North to have nuclear weapons.

    North Korea is the world's most repressive state [H: That is what they have said about EVERY state you have invaded and attacked.]--Amnesty International lists 150,000 political prisoners [H: Gosh, you can best that number--ask Gunther Russbacher, Ray Renick, Bo Gritz.... and soon, you will have concentration camps filled to overflow with YOU.]--as well as its most secretive. Despite the general collapse of Communism in the world and the disintegration of the North Korean economy--the gross national product fell by more than 15% between 1990 and 1992--Kim has rejected any political re­forms. His regime is as hardline as ever.

    Kim, an octogenarian, has handed over day to day control to Kim Jong II, his son, an unpleasant womanizer and drunk who has a question-mark over his sanity.
    [H: Everyone still with us? Unpleasant? Womanizer? Drunk? Question about his sanity? Sounds like the whole of your Congress to me, Supreme Court and average Administrative executive and supervisor!] He was the alleged organizer of North Korea's sinister overseas terrorist operations in the 1980s, which culmi­nated in the bombing of a South Korean airliner in 1987 with the loss of 115 lives. [H: Oh, NOW we get "there"! Sorry, readers, you can lay that little bombing incident right in the lap of SLO Connection's Judge William Clark, a more re­cently recognized acting Secretary of State! FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!]

    For much of the past 40 years since the end of the Korean War an uneasy stalemate has existed on the divided peninsula, punctuated by occasional border incidents. But the North Ko­rean leader pledged last December to reunify the Korean penin­sula by force if necessary by 1995 [H: In other words--we are going to give you unity and happiness IF IT KILLS YOU!] Military training was intensified and more ammunition put aside, according to South Korean sources. The number of air sorties increased, and North Korea also moved multiple rocket launchers closer to the border area.

    Then in March, the North decided to withdraw from the Nu­clear Non-Proliferation Treaty after IAEA inspectors found signs of undeclared nuclear activity at the Yongbyon plant. While American analysts argued over whether the withdrawal was a stratagem to gain time to develop a bomb or a scheme to secure favors from America, the huge North Korean army went on a war-footing.

    A defector from the North told the CIA that the nuclear pro­gramme at Yongbyon was more advanced than was originally thought. "He came armed with a really horrifying tale", said one official. "They lack only a few small pieces to complete a device. It's really scary".

    The stakes in this poker game are considerable. Clinton not only has a treaty obligation to defend the South against the North, if he backs down--as some American critics suspect he will--he could trigger an east Asia nuclear arms race, as Japan has threatened to develop nuclear weapons if North Korea does.

    "If, as now seems likely, the US is perceived as having abdi­cated its decades-long commitment to defend its friends and al­lies in the region, it is predictable that Japan, South Korea and probably Taiwan and perhaps other Asian rim countries will go nuclear", said Frank Gaffney, the head of the Center for Security Policy, a Washington think-tank. [H: Here you HAVE IT! This is one of the MAJOR Tavistock World Order Commit­tee of 300 organizations! Isn't it remarkable to read things when YOU KNOW WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING, rec­ognize the players and CONNECTIONS? DO YOU SEE HOW KNOWING TRUTH COULD AND WOULD SET YOU FREE?]

    Last week pessimism seemed to reign about the prospects of the United States and North Korea reaching a compromise that would head off a showdown. Analysts saw little likelihood of Washington persuading North Korea through diplomacy in the near future to abandon its nuclear programme or to cooperate with the IAEA by opening Yongbyon to international inspection again.

    As the room for dialogue runs out, the possibility of imposing international economic sanctions on North Korea through the UN is increasingly mooted. Asian experts say such a develop­ment is fraught with danger.

    Sanctions could provoke North Korea into reacting violently, they fear, lashing out in a defiant gesture against its perceived enemies. They could also trigger an economic collapse so that the country simply implodes. Either way the ensuing instability that would sweep the Korean peninsula would be a disaster.

    [H: This entire presentation is a blatant "Intelligence" world plot to plant total expectation and acceptance of an attack against Korea. Do YOU understand this? Do you, further, see that with these announcements (ALL LIES) YOU will DEMAND such an attack? It is "get serious" time, readers.]

    NEWS FLASH: And, readers, it is time to put every effort you can muster into attention to this political prisoner. As of yester­day, Gunther was readmitted to hospitalization. He was having severe chest pains with no way to counter them. He is at the Barnes-St. Peters Hospital which is believed to be in St. Peters, Missouri. The physician's name is Dr. Lewen.

    Governor Mel Carnahan
    State Capitol Building
    Jefferson City, MO 65101

    60 Minutes Attn: Story Editor
    555 W. 57th St.
    New York, NY 10019
    Phone (212) 975-2009

    Gunther is still "restrained" but this time with only one leg iron so he has less restriction than before. Here is the "kicker" how­ever: The doctor informed Mrs. Russbacher that there are only three ways that Gunther could possibly have gotten Hepati­tis: 1) BLOOD TRANSFUSION 2) SHARE A NEEDLE (ILLEGAL DRUGS) AND 3) HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY. The doctor is going to check Gunther, now, for HIV because he says: "HIV and Hepatitis almost ALWAYS go hand-in-hand". YOU have to get this man out before they manage to KILL him! None of these things are serious to him IF you can get his release and into a health regime.

    * * *
    Back we go to Concentration Camps:


    I [researcher, William R. Pabst] examined their projects to see what they were doing. This regional-government program dis­tributes federal funds for two major purposes:
    1) Radio hook­ups between every police agency in the state [Texas] for Fort Sam Houston, and; 2) Mental Health programs, including programs for the mentally ill having priority of beds and hospitals.

    Another interesting fact to consider is that in the Pine Bluff, Arkansas Arsenal "3-Z" is stored. It's nerve gas which creates sleepiness, dizziness, stupor, and the incapacity to move about. According to the Associated Press, the agent can be sprayed by aerosol, injected or sprayed over large areas by a bomb. The Military has admitted that
    one potential use of the gas is for CIVILIAN CONTROL. So whatever they have planned they've also planned a way for you to go to your desti­nation in a tranquil state of mind.

    HEW, by law, is operated in conjunction with the United Na­tions through the World Health Organization (WHO). Back in 1948, the International Congress on Mental Health--a U.N. or­ganization--declared in its pamphlet, Mental Health and World Citizenship, that, "prejudice, hostility or excessive nationalism may become deeply imbedded in the developing personality without awareness on part of the individual concerned. In order to be effective, efforts of changing individuals must be appro­priate to the successive stages of the unfolding personality. While in a case of a group of society, change will be strongly resisted unless an attitude of acceptance has first been engendered.

    "Principles of mental health cannot be successfully furthered in any society unless there is progressive acceptance of the concept of world citizenship", the document states. "Programs for social change to be effective require a joint effort of psychia­trists and social scientists; working together in cooperation with statesmen, administrators and others in positions of re­sponsibility". [H: Well, you've got it! Doesn't this make you sleep well at night knowing all these adept persons are working for your "total comfort" and "mindlessness"?]

    The three phases of the development are: 1) Mental hospitals for segregation, care and protection of persons of unsound minds; 2) Community Mental Health Care Centers, so that per­sons may be treated in their own neighborhood; 3) Child Care Centers for dealing with early difficulties of nationalism in a child's life.

    Two years earlier, Major General G.B. Chisholm, Deputy Minister of Health in Canada--who later became director of United Nations World Health Organization--explained, "Self de­fense may involve a neurotic reaction when it means defending one's own excessive material wealth from others who are in great need. This attitude leads to war...." So his solution to the problem is: Let's redistribute the wealth among everyone. [H: Meaning, of course, "everyone" in the Elite Corp of 300 Committee members. This too, MAY, however, cause a "neurotic reaction" which indeed may need incarceration for protection of the deprived individual.]

    Further, the reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the individual's concept of right and wrong--which has been the ba­sis of child training--are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapies. Now if we digress even further, to Beria (phonetic spelling), the director of the Soviet Secret Police in the 1930s, we see he explained the communist political strategy through the use of "mental healings" of psychiatry:

    "PSYCHO-POLITICS is the art science of asserting and of maintaining a dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of indi­viduals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through mental "healing". "You must work," he stated, "until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only communistic doctrine un­der the guise of psychology". [H: So--you have accomplished as much.]

    [H: Editors, you knew it was coming--indeed, we have to begin to rerun as much as we can of the PSYCHO-POLITICS material with follow-on with "brainwashing" information in the U.S. and World. Repeat? YES! You ones are in serious trouble, can't remember what you have been given and some are NEW to the information and NEED IT ALL.] (See our next JOURNAL #83.)

    If you look at the Russian manual of instruction of psycho-political warfare, we see in chapter 9, "Psycho-political opera­tions should at all times be alert to the opportunities to organize for the betterment of the community mental health centers".

    Now, under the new national Mental Health program at this moment [H: Two decades ago.] there are more than 600 of these community mental health centers across the United States. The whole thing was promoted by Dr. Stanley F. Yoles (phonetic spelling), who was the director of the National Institute of Mental Health [H: Tavistock Mind-alteration organiza­tion of the Committee of 300.] in 1969. And he stated back then that the newest trend in treating mental illness is care at lo­cal health care centers where the patient is not isolated from his (or her) family and friends. They have been working on this program for 46 years publicly [H: now nearly 3/4 of a century], and now across the U.S.--through your tax dollars--you have 603 centers, Community Health Centers that are all part of this program. [H:Remember--this was written almost 2 decades ago. Also you will note that families can well be "treated together" in these nice "Centers" and/or in Central Holding Centers--better known as Concentration Camps. In fact, LOTS of people--BUNCHES--can all be "treated" at once.]

    And this is how they are part of the program (It has already happened): In the mid-1950s, there were set into motion an in­teresting chain of events. About 1956 the Alaska Mental Health Bill was proposed and later passed. It granted approximately $12 million and 1 million acres of public land to Alaska so that it could develop its own mental health program. Now this was a little abnormal since Alaska only had
    a little over 400 people who were classified as mentally ill!

    After the bill was passed, Alaska passed its own enabling legislation to get into the mental health business. They started by adopting the essential elements of the Public Health Service Draft Act on the hospitalization of the mentally ill in the old "Interstate Compact on Mental Health"--now called the Uniform Mental Health Act. There were no provisions for a jury trial in it or anything else. You would just be picked up and taken to the Alaskan-Siberian Asylum--incommunicado [H: Sort of like Eleanor and son, Rod, perfected on poor John. Have him admitted, demand and legally require "no visitors", abandon him totally and "it's" finished--"they" get the property, you get the "shaft" and hopefully, for them, you shut up and die alone without having to spend very much on your living ex­penses.]--and the state would also confiscate all of your per­sonal and real property! And they actually tried to do it in 1954 in the case of Ford vs. Milinak (phonetic spellings), which de­clared the act as adopted in another state (Missouri) [H: OUCH!, CAPT. RUSSBACHER!] as unconstitutional. [H: SO WHAT?!? "Constitutional" has nothing to do with your treatment through force, any longer.]

    The act itself still exists--and modified--but essentially in the same form, the Uniform Mental Health Act, to which approxi­mately 6 states subscribe.
    [H: Now almost all.] In passing most State Constitutions--if you will check them from the period of 1935--made a part of their constitution the practice of having a person submit to a 90-day mental examination to determine his (or her) sanity, without any provisions for a trial by jury. This was part of the national program at that time.

    In this act, the governor could have ANYONE picked up and sent to the Mental Health Institution in Alaska or elsewhere. The results as rumors back in the '50s, were that there was in fact a sinister, Frankenstein-type mental health prison in Alaska.

    I wrote to Alaska (the officials, that is) and asked them for a de­scription of the land of 1 million acres that they were eligible to receive, under the Alaska Mental Health Act, and where they are. And I also asked them for a copy of the inventory they ran for their facilities back at that same time. Well, so far no an­swer. Probably I will never receive an answer without a court order. [H: not likely]

    But through the years, there was a spot in Alaska that was continually referred to: Southeast of Fairbanks; southwest of Fairbanks; northwest of Fairbanks--somewhere near Fairbanks. Then I received information that a pilot had flown over the area once and had had his license revoked. And so, for $1.85 each, I ordered the low-level navigation maps from the federal government for Alaska and located the Alaska-Siberian Asylum for the treatment of enemies of the United States. It's right where rumor over the past 20 years had placed it: southeast of Fair­banks. It stands out like a sore thumb! It's the only one of that geometric configuration within the state of Alaska, and you will note a black line running up through Fairbanks. and down over near that area of the map. That is the railroad that the Depart­ment of Transportation would take the emergency operation of, under the Executive Order--if the Executive Order went into ef­fect. And HEW would be responsible for making a determina­tion of whether or not you were mentally disturbed because of your nationalistic tendencies, your love for the United States, or your adherence to any political or religious doctrine.

    But let's look a little further into the type of program that the LEAA is paying for through the Dept. of Justice. The Federal Bureau of Prisons--located in the backwoods of North Carolina, near a tiny village called Butner--is constructing a mammoth 42 acre research complex for prisoners from throughout the East. Who will be sent for experiments to test new behavioral pro­grams and techniques? Target date for COMPLETION OF THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IS, IRONICALLY, 1984.
    [Ref: Orwell "1984"]

    And so, they're using right now, under the LEAA program, something called anectine (phonetic spelling). Punishment for troublesome behavior within the prison is being done by drugs and shock, likely to be the most selected examples of programs that have made use of anectine--a derivative of South American curare... Anectine was originally used as a beginning factor to electro-convulsive shock. Such shocks applied to the head are so strong they can break the great bones under the strain of resulting muscle contractions. Since anectine paralyzed the muscles without dampening consciousness or the ability to feel pain, by first injecting the inmates with it, researchers can turn up the voltage as high as they want without cracking the inmates' skeleton when his body is thrown into convulsions by the jolt. [H: Goodness, all "this" SHOULD correct almost any incorrect thought processes and heal a "disturbed" patient almost instantly.]

    What the anectine does, in short, is to simulate death within 30 to 40 seconds of injection. It brings on paralysis first, with the small rapidly moving muscles in the nose, fingers and eyes, and then in the diaphragm and the cardiovascular system. As a result, the patient cannot move or breathe and yet remains fully conscious, as though drowning and dying. This is taken from the 1974 publication, HUMAN BEHAVIOR.


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