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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82


    THU., NOV. 11, 1993 11:51 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 087

    THU., NOVEMBER 11. 1993

    The federal government answered my (researcher, William Pabst) suit in June (1976) by filing an unsworn general denial of everything that I had alleged. I spoke with the assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the case and asked him if he had gone to the trouble to call any of the parties mentioned in the suits--since I had provided not only the addresses, but their telephone num­bers to provide a faster means of investigation. He said he had not. He had not even done a minimal amount of investigation of the case, yet he filed a denial of my allegations.

    I filed a motion in the meanwhile to take the deposition of the person who writes the training programs for the concentration camp guards, Mr. Richard Burraga
    --the 75th Maneuver Air Command at Army Reserve Center at Houston, Texas--stating that in light of all the recent activity of government agents, one of the agencies involved might attempt to murder this key wit­ness, the author of the training camp program. The federal judge denied my motion, stating that I had not quoted enough cases to him justifying my request. However, he was also aware that there were no cases existing on this set of facts, but as you will see as I go along with this report, he chose to ignore

    I then made an agreement with the assistant U.S. Attorney to take the deposition to Mr. Burraga. After I'd made the ar­rangements, the U.S. Attorney refused to voluntarily go along with taking the deposition. It is very difficult to find justice in our system of courts. Law is usually practiced by the "buddy system", hence the court rules are overlooked or not followed.

    On July 20, 1976 a hearing was held at the magistrate of Norman Black, U.S. District Court in Houston. The courtroom was completely filled with spectators. And although the news media had been contacted, no representatives of the press were there. There is a news media blackout on this matter.

    Brief oral arguments were presented. The U.S. Attorney ex­plained that I was not the proper person to bring the suit be­cause, although the free exercise of my constitutional rights were threatened by the concentration camp program alleged,
    it did not constitute any injury. The magistrate was impressed with the information I had thus far collected and stated that he would bring it to the attention of the federal judge. The U.S. Attorney tried to have my investigation of the case halted, but the magistrate would not go along that far with a prearranged decision.

    As an additional indication of what I was up against, the original hearing was scheduled for 10:30 in the morning. How­ever, the U.S. Attorney had secretly had the time changed to 2:30 in the afternoon. The magistrate gave the U.S. Attorney permission to file for motion to dismiss because he felt that the concentration camp program--to be used for persons who exer­cise their freedom of speech--did not present any injury.

    Now, on July 23 I had placed in the Houston Post and in the Houston Chronicle newspapers the following advertisement in the legal section. Quote: "Solicitation for witnesses in Civil Action 78-H-667, Federal District Court of Houston, People extemporal William Pabst vs. Gerald Ford et al. The action titled: Complaint Against the Concentration Camp Program of the Dept. of Defense. Attention: If you have participated in Opera­tion Garden Plot, Operation Cable Splicer, the 300th Military Police Prisoner of War Command, or the Army Reserve Civil Affairs group, you may be involved in a program that needs to be disclosed for this suit. To give your testimony call or write: (and here I place my name, address and telephone number).

    As I previously mentioned, there is a news media blackout on the story . Both newspapers refused to carry the ad. First, at the Houston Post, I had to threaten them with a law-suit to carry out the ad, even though I was paying for it. And then at the Chronicle I had to meet with the president and various vice presidents because a refusal from that paper had come up from their own lawyers. Both newspapers finally carried it, but only after two days of complaining. The initial response of both pa­pers was: "We don't carry stories like that" and: "Don't you think that the people planning the concentration camps have our best interests in mind"? As you will hear for yourselves, the policies definitely do NOT reflect our best interests.

    The next event that occurred was that the U.S. Attorney filed a "Statements of Authority", showing the reasons that he could find why I should not be allowed to take depositions to get more information from the person who was writing the concentration camp guard training program. However, his brief was com­pletely filled with misquotes of the law from many cases. He'd mention the case and then invent whatever the case should say. In my brief to the court at this point, I notified the judge of the violation of the law requiring honesty in such matters. But the notification was ignored by the judge, who apparently sanc­tioned this most dishonest of acts commonly known as "quoting out of context".

    My brief was filed on August 27, 1976. On August 31, for­mal arguments were set. The new courtroom of the magistrate was almost filled again. However, no one from the news media showed up for this hearing either. The few who were con­tacted had been told not to go; they would lose their jobs.

    At the hearing I introduced evidence that heretofore had never been introduced in any court of law in the U.S. The U.S. Attorney had denied, you will remember, everything in my suit without so much as even a tiny investigation. So I introduced him to evidence the following letter from the Dept. of the Army, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of Personnel, signed by: 1B Sergeant, Colonel G.S., Acting Director of Human Resources Development.

    Quoting: "On behalf of President Ford, I am replying to your letter 27 May, 1976, regarding a news article in the Dallas Morning News. As much as he would like to, the president can­not reply personally to every communication he receives. Therefore, he has asked the departments and agencies of the federal government in those instances where they have special knowledge or special authority underlogued.

    "For this reason your communication was forwarded to offi­cials of the Dept. of Defense. Within the Dept. of Defense, the Army is responsible for custody and treatment of enemy prison­ers of war and civilian internees as defined under terms of the Geneva Convention of 1949. Therefore, the Army is prepared to detain prisoners of war and detainees as defined in Article IV of the 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of pris­oners of war and protection of civilian persons.

    "It is U.S. policy that its Armed Forces adhere to the provi­sions of international law to set the example for other countries of the world to follow and respecting the rights and dignity of those who become victim of international conflict. It should be noted that the Army program is designed for implementation during conditions of war between the U.S. and one or more foreign countries. The Army had no plans nor does it maintain detention camps to imprison American citizens during domestic crises".

    The problem with this letter is that it's not true, and that's what I'm going to discuss at this point. First of all, in verifying the authenticity of the claims in the letter, I checked the Geneva text. There is no article in the Geneva Convention entitled as the letter states. There is, however, on each of the classifica­tions: "Protection of War Victims/Civilian Persons" and a separate article on "Prisoners of War". That was the FIRST dis­crepancy.

    The next problem with the letter from President Ford's repre­sentative is that it states that the prisoner of war guard program is set up for the implementation for "conditions of war between the U.S. and one or more (foreign) countries". However, Arti­cle III of the Geneva Convention reads that the treaty applies to (and I am quoting):, In case of an armed conflict, not of an international character, occurring within the territory of one of the high contracting parties". Obviously an armed conflict occur­ring with one's own territory did not mean between one or more of the parties to the treaty, especially if only one is involved. Now, the examples of this type of conflict in the U.S. involving only the U.S. this convention or treaty can go into opera­tion--which includes the procedures for setting up the concentration camps.

    Article LXVIII of the Convention states (and I paraphrase): If you commit an offense that is solely intended to harm the oc­cupying power, not harming the life or limb of members of the occupying power, but merely talking against such a force--such as the Martial Law situation--you can be imprisoned provided that the duration of such imprisonment is proportionate to the of­fense committed. Well, President Dwight Eisenhower didn't feel that provision was strong enough. So he had the follow­ing additions placed in the treaty, which states: "The U.S. re­serves the right to impose the death penalty in accordance with the provisions of Article LXVIII without regard to whether the offenses referred to therein are punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory at the time the occupation begins".


    The next item that I introduced into evidence was a field manual; FM 41-10, "Civil Affairs Operation". You will re­member at the outset that I mentioned Civil Affairs groups. Let me quote to you from that manual what one of the functions of the Civil Affairs activities includes: "Item 4. Assumption of full or partial executive, legislative and judicial authority over a country or area". So let's see what a "country or area" is de­fined as in the same manual. It includes: "small towns and rural areas, municipalities of various population sizes, districts, coun­ties, provinces or states, regions of national government".

    Nowhere in the manual does it exclude this program from being put into effect right here in the United States. As a matter of fact, in Kearny, New Jersey, the Civil Affairs group went into that area and practiced taking over that governmental unit. And yet the Army--in its letter of June 16--states that these pro­grams are not for us. Yet they are practiced here in the United States under conditions that can only occur here at home.

    The study outline of field manual, FM 41-10 on page j-24 under "Penal Institutions 1-B", you see there is a program on concentration camps and labor camps
    --number, location and ca­pacity. It is important to note that a concentration camp and a labor camp ARE ALWAYS LOCATED NEAR EACH OTHER FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.

    Again on page d-4 of the same manual you'll find a sample receipt for seized property; a sample receipt written in English and containing terminology applicable to only U.S. territory.

    On page 8-2 of the same manual, under the heading "Tables of Organization and Equipment", we find that there are 3 other organizations that would be working along with the Civil Affairs operation: the Chemical Service Organization, the Composite Service Organization, and the Psychological Operations Organi­zation, along with the various Civil Affairs organizations.

    In July of that year (1976), the following Civil Affairs groups met with the following airborne groups at a staging area in Fort Chaffee, Arkansas. A staging area is where military units meet before they go into action. They met with the 82nd Airborne and part of the 101st Airborne; the 321st Civil Affairs group of San Antonio, Texas headquarters; the 362nd Civil Affairs brigade from Dallas, Texas; the 431st Civil Affairs company from Little Rock, Arkansas headquarters; the 306th Civil Affairs group, U.S. Army Reserves, Fayetteville, Arkansas com­manded by Lt. Colonel N. McQuire (phonetic spelling) and William Highland. The 486th Civil Affairs company from Tulsa, Oklahoma; the 418th Civil Affairs company from Kansas City, Mo.; the 307th civil Affairs group from St. Louis, Mo.; the 490th Civil Affairs group from Abilene, Tex.; the 413th company from Hanlin, La.; the 12th S.S. group, 2nd Battalion (headquarters unknown).

    They're ready to go into action. The problem is that it ap­pears they were ready to take over the entire government of the United States as their mission sets out. One man who attended this staging area talked to a Civil Affairs sergeant and asked him what his job was. The sergeant explained that the civilians of this country will really be surprised some day when the Civil Affairs groups begin to operate the government.

    Now, the Dept. of the Army still maintains that all this is not for the United States--yet this training continues here for us. The evidence is overwhelming; the plan exists for the impris­onment of millions of U.S. citizens. And even though all this information was presented to the federal magistrate, he still felt that no one was injured by such a plot.

    On the 2nd day of Sept. 1976, the magistrate recommended to the federal judge that the case be dismissed. And the sole ba­sis for this reasoning to dismiss was that we have to actually be physically injured before we can maintain a lawsuit of this type. He did not feel that, although all this active planning, prepara­tion and training was going on, that any U.S. citizen had been injured--even though the citizen may fear exercising his (or her) freedom for fear of being detained and imprisoned in a concen­tration camp at a later date.

    The case of Tatum B. Laird, heard before the Supreme Court in 1974, is a case in point. It involved the Army intelligence collecting apparatus, which was developing a list of names of persons who the Army felt were troublesome. The Supreme Court held that the making of lists of this type did not of and by itself present any injuries. The minority opinion in that case was that the injury in the case with a program such as this made people afraid to use their freedom of speech for fear of being sent to jail for it. But the majority did not buy that argument.

    The difference between that case and this case--although we also have the computer program--is that we have something much further past that point: the concentration camp guard program and the Civil Affairs program for the taking over of all functions of our government. In light of that the federal judge said that this is not an injury. As a matter of fact, the U.S. At­torney alleged that even if people were placed in concentration camps, if they were all treated the same they would still not have the right to go to federal court.

    On the 20th day of September, I filed a memorandum to no­tify the magistrate and the federal judge that I had discovered that the federal government had a program for a number of years TO SUSPEND OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. This information substan­tiated the complaint. Habeas corpus is the name of that legal in­strument utilized to bring someone before a judge when that per­son is being illegally imprisoned or detained so that he (or she) may obtain his (or her) freedom. THE CONSTITUTION STATES THAT THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS SHALL NEVER BE SUSPENDED.

    I found the disturbing information in a report; 94-755, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, April 26th, 1976, entitled "Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans, Book II". On page 17­d, entitled "First Amendment Rights", the report states that more importantly "The government surveillance activities in the aggregate, whether expressly intended to do so, do deter the exercise of First Amendment rights by American citizens who be­come aware of the government's domestic intelligence pro­gram".

    Beginning on page 54 it is stated that, beginning in 1946--four years before the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 was passed--the FBI advised the Attorney General that it had secretly compiled a secret index of potentially dangerous persons. The Justice Dept. then made tentative plans for emergency detention based on suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas cor­pus. Department officials deliberately avoided going to Congress. When the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 was passed, it did not authorize the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. But shortly AFTER PASSAGE of that act, accord­ing to a bureau document, Attorney General J.R. McGraft told the FBI to disregard it and to proceed with the program as previously outlined.

    A few sentences later on page 55 it states, "With the security index, use broader standards to determine potential danger­ousness than those described in the statute". And unlike the act, Dept. plans provided for issuing a master search warrant and a master arrest warrant. This is the center importance; it is the same thing that I am alleging in federal court. And yet the magistrate chose to ignore those facts ALSO.

    We have government officials not only ignoring the will of Congress, but doing the opposite of what the Constitution pro­vides by planning illegally for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. In addition, as mentioned before, the master search warrant and the master arrest warrant are forms fed into the computer, which print the names and addresses on them from the TAPES PREVIOUSLY PREPARED BY THE INTELLIGENCE-GATHERING PROGRAM.

    As you are arrested, your home will be searched and any­thing found there may be confiscated. This program has existed since 1946 up to and including 1973, and without proper access to judicial discovery techniques, it can't be determined whether the same plan now exists under the same name or under another name RIGHT NOW.

    This memorandum was filed on Sept. 28, 1976 to make this court aware of the danger that our rights of freedom of speech and lawful assembly are in. But the court, on Sept. 30-after this notification was received--dismissed the case. However, in keeping with the practice of federal courts in Houston of actively participating in the obstruction of justice, I was not noti­fied of the dismissal until the 6th day of October
    --which gave me just 2 working days to submit any further motion in a 10-day period before time starts running for the appeal.

    What I have just said regarding the federal courts in Houston is not only my opinion; the Houston Chronicle, surprisingly, published an extensive document severely criticizing the federal courts in Houston for making up their own rules as they go along with the proceedings, as well as commenting on the Communist-like Supreme Court attitude of the judges and the court personnel. My experience here has been that the court has returned to me almost every document that I have filed. Then, after a big argument, they accept the document, stating that they just made a mistake. In reality, the power structure doesn't want these types of cases in ANY federal court.

    On the 8th of Oct. I had submitted a request for finding the
    facts in the filing which had been established by the evidence presented:

    1. The 300th Military Police POW Command is located at Livonia, Mich.
    2. The Dept. of the Army has stated that said Command exists per se the Geneva Convention of 1949, a treaty of the U.S., Article IV thereof under the title relative to the treatment of prisoners of war and protection of civilian persons.
    3. However, no such title exists in the Geneva Conventions per se.
    4. Nevertheless, there are separate titles, one of which is: a. Multilateral Protection of War Victims/Prisoners of War; b. Multilateral Protection of War Victims/Civilian Per­sons.
    5. Nevertheless, Article IV of both titles does not provide for the creation of any military programs for concentration camps.
    6. Whether Mr. Fenren of the 300th Military Police POW Command has stated that the purpose of the Command is for the detention of foreign prisoners of war and enemies of the United States.

    7. Further, Article III, concerning civilian persons, makes the treaty applicable to conflicts occurring solely within the territory of the United States that are not of an interna­tional character, which is capable of including any type of conflict in its description whether it be civil war or guer­rilla activity or anything else. The text states: "In case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the high contracting parties, each party to a conflict shall be bound to apply to the minimum of the following provisions".
    8. Dept of the Army field manual FM 41-10, Civil Affairs Op­erations of Civil Affairs Organization, lists as one of its functions the assumption of full or partial executive, legislative and judicial authority over a country or an area and there is no specific exclusion of the United States as such a country or area.
    9. Said manual defines country along certain geographical pop­ulation basis, county, state regions and national govern­ment.
    10. Said organization has in fact conducted practiced takeovers of local and state governments in the continental United States, including but not limited to, the state of New Jer­sey.
    11. Said organization includes in its study outline on page j-24 a section on concentration camps and labor camps.
    12. Said organization includes in it composite service operations and psychological operations organizations.
    13. Said psychological operation is working with the U.S. Pub­lic Health Service, are prepared to operate any and/or all mental health facilities in the United States as tools of repression against outspoken but nonviolent political con­duct of the United States citizens in conjunction with all the above, which is to be used for the same purpose.
    14. Further, the Dept. of Justice, in conjunction with this pro­gram, has had plans for the suspension of writ of habeas corpus since the year of 1946; has planned depriving per­sons being detained under this total program any means for protection against tyrannical political repression.

    The plaintiff requested that the court make findings of fact and draw conclusions of law, consistent therewith as shown by the evidence on record before the court. The effect of this re­quest is that the case must go back to the district judge for fur­ther consideration. I mentioned that it appeared that all this planning for concentration camps was to be directed against anyone regardless of his political persuasion or his ideology who exercised freedom of speech against the established power structure of international bankers and multinational corporations. But with Proposition B-type movements threatening to re­duce taxes throughout our nation, I foresee an activation of emergency programs so that the parasites on the federal take will continue to receive their checks.

    PJ 82

    THU., NOV. 11, 1993 4:19 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 087

    THU., NOVEMBER 11. 1993

    In the same Senate document, on intelligence activities on the rights of Americans referred to on pages 166 and 167, you will find that the federal government has targeted its intelligence ac­tivities against one group of Americans. On page 166 the first classification listed it rightists and anti-communist groups. And the first group on page 167 on Army surveillance lists the John Birch Society as number 1 and the Young Americans for Free­dom as the number 2 target. Therefore, the groups of U.S. American citizens considered to be the highest enemy of the United States by the federal government at this time is the CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT.

    Although this information has been available since April of this year (1979), no one has mentioned this incredible discovery that the federal government considers the patriotic conservative as its greatest enemy. I have received all kinds of information regarding this case from all across the United States.

    I obtained the 1945 report of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services)--the precursor of the CIA--7th Army, William W. Quinn, Colonel GFCAC of the G2, on the liberation of Dachau, a concentration camp during the liberation in Germany. It con­tains many groups of information, but the relevant portion of the report concerns itself with the section on the townspeople. Quoting from this report, on why the people of this little town didn't complain or didn't overthrow oppressors but just contin­ued to go along and get along even though they lost their free­dom in the process. And I quote:

    "These words crop up and up again. They are the rational­ization of a man who admits that he was a member of the Nazi Party. 'I was forced to do so by business reasons,' they state. We were lied to in every respect but they admit they knew the camp existed. But they saw the work detail to the inmates passing through the streets under guard, and in some instances the S.S. behaved brutally even towards the townspeople.

    "When asked if they realized that within the last 3 months be­fore the liberation 13,000 men lost their lives within stone's throw of where the people lived, they claimed they were shocked and surprised.

    "When asked if they never saw transports of dead and dying pass through the streets along the railway, they referred only to the last one. They insist that most of the trains came in at night and that they were sealed cars.

    "Did they never ask what was in the endless procession of cars that came in full and always went out empty? A typical re­ply was, 'We were told it was all army material and booty from France'.

    "It is established that anyone who stated that he saw only one train come in in the daytime was telling a flat lie. There are quite a few such people in Dachau".

    The analysis of the anti-Nazi element of the town: 1) The people knew what was going on in the camp, even ten years prior to liberation; 2) the town did a thriving business from the concentration camp guard; 3) Ninety percent are guilty and have dabbed themselves with the blood of innocent human beings; 4) The people are to blame for their cowardice--they were all too cowardly. They didn't want to risk anything. And that was the way it was in all of Germany.

    The conclusion of this report written on Dachau in 1945 on the liberation of the concentration camp applies today. The conclusion is as follows: If one is to attempt tremendous tasks and accept the terrible responsibility of judging a whole town, assessing it in mass as to collect a guilt of innocence of all its inhabitants for their complicity in committing this most heinous of crimes, one would do well to remember the fearsome shadow that hands over everything in THIS state in which crime has been incorporated and called THE GOVERNMENT.

    So you can see how the whole program is related here. My lawsuit was against one single aspect of the total program: The enforcement arm of the conspiracy. The people who make up the cadre that is going to occupy the concentration camps where enemies of the United States will be placed. Remember Solzhenitsyn's words in the Gulag Archipelago: "Resistance should have began right there but it did not begin. You aren't gagged, you really can--you really ought to cry out that arrests are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such outcries had been heard all over the city arrests would have no longer have been so easy".

    They, the tyrants, can't work in the public eye. Those peo­ple who were so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched. The anarchists, financed by multinational interests, looted and pillaged their country.

    If you think that all (that) is necessary is to pay your house notes, to pay your TV notes, to go vote when there is an elec­tion, and to stand back during the rest of the year and watch as your country and way of life are replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration camp, you--not the conspirators--are guilty because you, by silent acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression.

    And when you have to steal food to eat because our produc­tion is for foreign use because the Dept. of Commerce--through Executive Order 11490 and its predecessors--is responsible for international distribution of our commodities, don't sit in the culvert hiding and eating and wondering what happened because you made it all possible.

    When your family is split up and spread across the United States to do slave labor and you never see your loved ones again, it will be your fault because you did nothing to prevent it. And once we lose our freedom we are never going to regain it. That is why we must stand together to prevent the loss of our freedom as citizens of the United States.

    Thank you very much.

    (Conclusion of the transcript of this taped report).

    Editor's note: At the time of compiling this JOURNAL Russbacher has had his heart surgery but has not been released from the jail in Missouri.
    OK, readers, the first of the wondrous letters are pouring in--PLEASE, continue.

    I want to thank my most special friend, Suzy W. for offering us a copy of a letter to the SHERIFF of St. Charles County Jail. We offer it here so that you have guidelines if you would ap­proach this person. Suzy has researched this situation and you will be in good hands with the information.

    November 5, 1993

    Sheriff Raymond Runyon
    St. Charles County Jail
    301 N. Second Street
    St. Charles, MO 63301

    Dear Sheriff Runyon:

    Naval Captain Gunther Russbacher (Office of Naval Intelligence), ex-POW, has been held on an outrageously high cashonly bail in St. Charles County Jail since being moved there about two weeks after Judge Michael Brown, on August 30, 1993, ordered his sentence vacated and the St. Charles County prosecutor's office did not file an appeal.

    Although I find this almost impossible to believe, I have been told it is fact: In Missouri, the county government is au­tonomous, and county sheriffs are accountable to NO ONE, not the state attorney general, not even the governor, for all activi­ties within the jail. There is no state review board to monitor the administration's treatment of prisoners, what happens among the jail population, or investigate any of their complaints, re­gardless how serious they may be. And you, as Sheriff of St. Charles County, by Missouri state law, are King of the Jail there, so to speak. Of course, this autonomy also applies to the county prosecutor and the presiding commissioner, collectively making a triune-led totalitarian system more usually associated with the oppressive, tyrannical regimes our national government has been battling for 80 years.

    And this is what Gunther Russbacher is now up against. Surely you are aware that Captain Russbacher's real identity has been obscured and lied about, and ALL charges ever lodged against him by the State of Missouri have been totally fabricated to cover the CIA's funding of covert activities not authorized by Congress. But, are you aware that there is PROOF of his real identity and PROOF that the current alleged charges on which he is being held on a cash-only $450,000 bail--"bad checks" to­talling about $8,000--are FALSE charges, Sheriff Runyon, and the proof will be shown in court. If you examine all of the legal proceedings in this case, you will clearly see there are no grounds on which to base his conviction and incarceration; you will see that you have been put in the position of holding Cap­tain Russbacher ILLEGALLY.

    I know the flagrant miscarriage of justice in his case was not initiated by you and I realize that you are not one of the perpe­trators of the vicious web of lies and deceit that has kept him a prisoner of the Missouri State government for over four years. However, what the absolute authoritarian structure of county government does is put you squarely as the ONLY person to be held accountable for Captain Russbacher's life, because you are the only one who can insure that he is given optimum medical care immediately and for as long as he is incarcerated in your jail.

    The current situation demands not only your urgent attention, but ACTION. Just a few days ago Captain Russbacher was given a confirmed diagnosis of infectious hepatitis B and sen­tenced to 60 more days in an isolation cell, where he already had been held for almost two weeks. This is a most suspicious development at this time, don't you think so? Since I speak with Captain Russbacher almost daily, I hear that he does not have the jaundiced complexion and eyes of a hepatitis victim, nor does he have the liver distension and pain associated with the disease. It's especially curious that just a few months ago, dur­ing his imprisonment at MECC and in response to the protests that he was assigned kitchen duty despite his medical conditions, that institution's medical personnel stated that he did NOT have a history of hepatitis (which he does--history, not active ill­ness!).

    The manipulative aspect of this current convenient diagnosis and 60-day isolation is that it would prevent his appearing in court next month to PROVE his identity and his innocence of the false charges. In a concern just as critical to his very life, 60 days without the essential treatment--one doctor prescribed quadruple bypass surgery, another, angioplasty--for his critical heart problems could prove to be fatal.

    If Captain Russbacher does have infectious hepatitis B, which is indeed a serious illness, the standard jail fare and environment are NOT proper diet or rest therapy for this disease. Nor are they anything other than crucially detrimental to his serious heart problems. And having him admitted to the jail's choice of hospital, where recently he was taken and manacled to the bed like a maniacal killer, is NOT an acceptable solution; it is per­petuation of the unconscionable treatment of a man who has been unjustly and illegally kept behind bars for four years in your state.

    Gunther Russbacher's continued confinement in your jail is nothing short of a death sentence--with you, as Absolute Au­thority for his care, his executioner. Those whose lies and cor­rupt, illegal actions led to Captain Russbacher's incarceration in your facility are strategically removed from the scene; and you, as the person ultimately responsible for his proper medical care and treatment--indeed, his very life while a prisoner--are right there on the firing line. And I can assure you: Not only to the Austrian government, but to thousands of individuals and groups committed to protecting and preserving Gunther Russbacher's life and obtaining his freedom, his death in St. Charles County Jail would make him a universal martyr. And what will that make you, Sheriff Runyon? This is not a matter to be taken lightly, is it?

    Yours truly,

    Suzanne Ward

    National POW Strike Force
    American Legion
    Veterans of Foreign Wars
    The Americans Bulletin
    Missouri Committee to Free Gunther Russbacher
    Gunther Russbacher Release Committee
    U..S. Attorney General Janet Reno
    Robert Fleming, Missouri State Public Defender System
    Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon
    St. Charles County Assistant Prosecutor Phil Groenweghe
    Eugene Schwendemann, Presiding Commissioner, County of St. Charles
    John G. Healy, Director, Amnesty International
    Gary Stern, Director, ACLU Center for National Security
    Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan
    Jack McLamb, Police Against the New World Order Dr. Ben White
    Dr. Pierre Cloutier and Associates
    Dr. Stan Montieth
    Dr. Ede Koenig
    Dr. Lorraine Day
    Dr. Paul Kenyon
    * * *
    Citizens, it is up to you how you go from this day forward. It is not EASY but no longer can you allow the serpent to wag the course of freedom--freedom will lose. It takes "little" in actual­ity to make a mammoth difference--here you have opportunity, along with some other instances, to not only make "a differ­ence" but set new standards for soon it will be realized that to act so unlawfully will place the spotlight upon self and the ac­tions will be revealed. You as a nation of individual citizens can make that difference--one by one until the flow is so great that the adversary criminal cannot longer function. For instance, some day if you can buy enough time, you can DEMAND no computerized election booths--no allowance given for "fixed" counters and you can bring back your nation. It is all but too late--IF YOU DO NOT ACT NOW AND HERE IS A PLACE TO BEGIN.
    Before we close I want to also share Suzy's letter to Governor Mel Carnahan because it is difficult to know what to write--here is a good example.


    Governor Carnahan, I cannot understand how anyone with a conscience--a soul!--can continue to ignore the unjust and illegal incarceration of Naval Captain Gunther Russbacher (ONI), cur­rently held on the outrageous cash-only bail of $450,000 on alleged charges of writing "bad checks" whose total is only around $8,000. Furthermore, the PROOF that these are manufactured charges is available in the cancelled checks IN QUESTION and the statements of the bank managers whose records confirm there have NEVER been complainants re­garding these or ANY OTHER CHECKS AGAINST CAP­TAIN RUSSBACHER.

    How can you KNOW of this unconscionable situation--which you DO--and not act to free this man--which you have NOT.
    After having been in isolation for almost two weeks, he has just been diagnosed as definitely having infectious hepatitis B and sentenced to 60 more days in a solitary cell. This is most suspi­cious, as it would preclude his appearing in court in December, when all the evidence proving his identity and his innocence of the current blatantly false charges would be shown. It also will prevent his having the prescribed treatment
    --one physician said quadruple bypass surgery, another said angioplasty--for his critical heart problems.

    WHAT is keeping you from discharging your official responsi­bility to govern honorably, justly, and morally--and FREEING Gunther Russbacher--while he is still alive? If you have no fear of ever being held accountable for permitting such a blatant in­justice as his incarceration to continue, then you are limiting re­tribution to humankind. Governor Carnahan, that would be a mistake of the gravest consequence, as God cannot be fooled or ignored.

    * * * * * *
    November 4, 1993

    TO: U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno
    FAX: (202) 514-4371


    You have been notified about the blatant corruption of Missouri State and local officials, and it is my understanding that a grand jury investigation is underway.

    Something that must be included in such an investigation is the complete autonomy of Missouri counties in their handling of law enforcement, legal and judicial matters. Even in the face of pervasive corruption and criminal activities at county level, there are no higher authorities who can hold the offending county officials accountable for their actions. I am faxing you a letter from Rayelan Russbacher (Rayelan is the wife of Naval Captain (ONI) Gunther Russbacher, incarcerated in St. Charles County Jail; details are in her letter) to Missouri Attorney Gen­eral Jay Nixon and the response from John Morris. Also, Mrs. Russbacher has been told by Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan's private secretary that even the governor has no authority over county officials.

    There is no state medical examining board which can monitor the treatment of prisoners in Missouri's county jails or investi­gate their complaints, regardless of how serious; there is no agency or office in the State that has jurisdiction to hold the pertinent county sheriff accountable.

    What kind of tyranny is this, where valid complaints on legal and medical bases can be stonewalled because there is no higher authority to whom an appeal can be filed? Why can a Missouri county operate as a totalitarian regime; why are there no safe­guard systems such as we have on a national basis, crucial to a just and sound government?

    Surely YOUR office IS a higher authority than the offices of the St. Charles County prosecuting attorney, the presiding commis­sioner and the sheriff, as well as the Attorney General of Mis­souri.

    [H: Suggestion: Remind Ms. Reno that she HAD THE AU­THORITY TO HAVE FINAL ACTION in both the Idaho/Weaver incident AND, not less, the WACO incident in which all law enforcement matters were handled by her office which overrode all local, county and state authority. If it was suitable in a dastardly situation as massive as Waco, is there no way to interject "reason" into a county prison-system in Missouri?]

    In the case of Captain Russbacher, outrageous prosecution-‑which is in actuality, persecution--has marked the entire legal proceedings against him. The treatment he has received in Mis­souri state jail and prison facilities has been unconscionable, in some respects, akin to the treatment he received as a POW in Southeast Asia. The latest development is that just a few days ago, after having spent almost two weeks in isolation, he was diagnosed as definitely having infectious hepatitis B and sen­tenced to 60 more days in isolation.

    That would preclude his appearing at a hearing in December, when his true identity and his innocence of the alleged--and false--charges could be proven. Does this not seem disgustingly suspicious to you? It certainly does to those of us who are working diligently to free him from his unjust and illegal incar­ceration. This manipulative isolation also delays Captain Russbacher's prescribed medical care--either quadruple bypass surgery or angioplasty--to correct his critical heart problems, which, if they continue very long untreated, will be fatal.

    Please give this matter your urgent attention so that Captain Russbacher can be released BEFORE the State of Missouri manages to accomplish what they obviously want, his death in prison. Thank you.

    St. Charles County Sheriff Raymond Runyon
    St. Charles County Assistant Prosecutor Phil Groenweghe
    St. Charles County Presiding Commissioner Eugene Schwen­demann
    Missouri State Attorney General Jay Nixon
    Mel Carnahan, Governor, State of Missouri

    * * * * * * * *
    God bless you, precious people of Truth and justice, for as the Master said: "As ye have done to the least of these--so too have ye done it unto me".


    Editor's note: Russbacher was released from the hospital after quintuple bypass heart surgery on Nov. 22, 1993. He was returned to the jail in Missouri. See Vol. 3, #9, Nov. 23, 1993 and following CONTACTS for further information.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82


    FRI., NOV. 12, 1993 1:17 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 088

    FRI., NOVEMBER 12. 1993


    I had not wanted to change subjects from the Concentration Camps and other citizen control projects but I find a lot of you moving to distractions.

    I AM aware that there is a new book out which deals with Bushes, et al., involvement in arms to Iraq, etc. I also am aware that the man is a "Jew". I am, further, aware that you don't understand how, if this man reveals TRUTH--how could he be on Larry King Live?

    The group involved in political aspirations beyond the visible are doing "damage control". The facts are that Bush is about to be uncovered for a lot of interesting deeds. Is he worse than the present thugs? No indeed, but you will now find the Israelis getting into the act. The fact is that a lot of the arms shipped into Iraq (the enemy of Israel) CAME DIRECTLY FROM IS­RAEL! The facts are, readers, that it is almost impossible to uncover the rats in the woodpile because you have to understand something--it doesn't matter WHO of the Elite would-be-kings is doing what to whom
    --THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME ULTI­MATE GOAL IN MIND. FURTHER, THERE IS NO LOY­ALTY TO ANYONE--EVEN THOUGH THERE WILL BE EFFORTS TO MOVE THE PEOPLE OUT AND PAY THEM OFF IF NECESSARY. But why would such damaging evi­dence be coming out NOW when the information is available in the book called DEFRAUDING AMERICA by Rodney Stich--which is all but banned? Ah, now you are catching on--it is to deceive you into turning your attention to the scapegoats without noting the other books of truth.

    Bush has two sons who are headed for political status offices--Jeb: Governor of Florida, and George (Jr.): Governor of the Great State of Texas.

    Remember that the Khazarian Zionists developed BOTH Com­munism and THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! No matter how much we might have "uncovered" it only touches the tinymost tip of the massive iceberg.

    I can only ask you again to get Defrauding America and read it--it will be the most exciting, most informative, most captivating attention-getter of ANYTHING YOU HAVE READ TO DATE. It is such an important document that in response to my petition (so that this book could be printed) YOU, READERS, of CON­TACT made the printing possible. I have gone long with asking you to get your copies from Rodney directly--however, we have many, many inquiries and yes, we do have the books in stock also. It all ends up in the same place anyway. Please get it from wherever you want--but please get it. I believe the book is about $25.00 plus a couple of dollars for postage. I don't keep up--but I can assure you that it is approximately "three" of the JOURNALS.

    Rodney will, in his second printing, update the new volume. This will be an addition of a hundred or so pages--no other changes. My suggestion is to get the volume in stock and then I will ask Rodney if we may simply run the additional information in the CONTACT and offer a separate appendix of the updated material.

    A lot of the book is about Gunther Russbacher and you MUST KNOW who this man is--and what about him? Whether or not he started out to be a goodly whistleblower he certainly has paid dearly for the efforts to uncover a lot of dirty secrets for which the adversary is attempting to take his life. I simply have not the time nor Dharma the endurance (for we are writing eight to ten hours a day these days) for offering all this information in dated magazine or paper. We can offer you bits--but every page of this book in point is so important and revealing that I would have to dictate every sentence lest you miss information. Please do not expect us to do this for you--I ask again: Please get the book! I ask that the staff run a FULL PAGE notice somewhere in this paper and do so until I ask you to stop.

    We must stop falling to insecurity as Green and his "Legal" league attack in order to STOP information flow to you readers.

    Green and buddies are back at "receivership" and I am appalled at how little you know about your own business.

    George will personally tell you that what "they" want is to have "receivers" who will uncover the dastardly deeds of the Ekkers as to their graft, theft and corruption. Then when asked what that would mean, exactly, vs. bankruptcy--you will get a waltz around Montana to outdo the two-steppers. He says, well, it just means that receivers move in and LIQUIDATE the assets. Does anyone comprehend? He wants to legally cause selling of all gold collateral which means selling at a lower rate for gold than originally purchased, the bank notes would be paid off, the attorneys (his) would be paid off and you who DID have assets will have nothing or mere pennies on the dollar. IF YOU ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, PEOPLE, YOU ARE IN GRAVE ERROR OF UNDERSTANDING. GEORGE IS TRYING TO BREAK THE VEILS OF CORPORATIONS AND ACTU­ALLY DESTROY THE VERY THING NEVADA OPER­ATES--PRIVACY! It is time that any "participant" in the origi­nal program (GEORGE GREEN'S PROGRAM) remember what HE told you. He still preaches the INCREASE potential in gold. This is STILL his thrust along with all his "economy" survival buddies. There is no "Security" involved here. The whole matter is based on loans which allow borrowing against gold purchased with the loans. The agreement has always been--and continues to be--allowance for gold to increase in value and when doubled EVERYTHING would be returned WITH FULL PROFIT, or in cases of regular interest payments, 50% of the PROFITS! This is a sound program. Mr. Green continues to refer to his own program as a Ponzi scam--but it is a fully sound program as it is structured. The point WAS to have funds currently available to produce the paper, the JOURNALS and PROJECTS, such as greenhouses, pre-fab buildings and organic growing facilities, Spelt for sale and survival, etc., etc., etc.

    He claims there is not "income"--well, there are several millions in funding APPROVED for investment in PROJECTS from the proposals already presented and now ready for IMMEDIATE startup. It has been difficult to continue since George tied up all inventory of JOURNALS (income would go solely to the Institute) and thieved the gold which was to have covered a lot of the outgo in expenses.

    Our guarantee to you ones from onset was that we would protect YOUR PRIVACY. We shall do so--BUT YOU HAVE TO HELP US.

    George has told so many stories which are EASILY proven as lies--at least two out of three versions must be incorrect for every time he opens his mouth on the subject his story is DIFFERENT and his nose longer. I do not wish to, nor shall I-‑JUDGE THE MAN. His actions, however, bespeak a liar and a thief.

    Why do I continue to speak of these things in this paper? BECAUSE THE PAPER, REMEMBER, IS FOR THE PURPOSE of communication with OUR TEAM-MEMBERS. Indeed, we welcome all readers--ALL. However, the PURPOSE of the paper is to stay updated and current with you of our people and interested participants. We do not write this for the CIA--although they are our most dedicated readers as is the political administration, Israeli intelligence and groups and places such as US&P. We do not go around hiding secrets although we have "confidential" arrangements with you-the-people which is NONE of anyone's business save YOURS--not even OURS. To turn YOUR information over to these prying beasts is unaccept­able.


    OK, here again it comes to a point you had all best attend well. Dharma has about had all she can take--as they are averaging a court case a week now and she is tired and weary of the ongoing attacks and struggles. Here AGAIN, is opportunity to just "chuck" the WHOLE THING. George and buddies are pushing for receivership and "Forced Bankruptcy" of the Institute. Since there is no wrongdoing--only claims from these thugs--it presents a perfect opportunity, if Dharma and E.J. were not honest and dedicated to Truth and YOU--to simply shrug, turn over EVERYTHING, YOU TAKE THE LOSSES and they sim­ply move away to obscurity and PEACE. If THIS, however, DOES NOT TELL YOU THE CALIBRE OF THESE PEOPLE HOLDING STRONG IN THE FACE OF THIS ASSAULT, THEN NOTHING WILL, CHILDREN, NOTHING WILL. You have not been led astray and desertion or turning over for loss, your property, is NOT acceptable and they will not "fold". I have not led you astray; God stands as your shield--but you must hold that shield. Am "I" annoyed? I AM AMUSED. I'm sorry, readers, if you wish me to be dramatic and somehow abused. These are the best things which can happen to and for you. These are the LESSONS in management and participation which WILL SAVE YOUR LIVES and your assets--BUT WE HAVE TO HAVE YOUR ATTENTION TO YOUR OWN AFFAIRS.


    I believe that we must continue to speak about "censorship" as we had begun offering the segment from IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA by John Beaty.

    Without catching up more than to say that we were in mid-chapter, The Black Hood of Censorship. We had just spoken of Major General Patrick D. Hurley and his relationship to Roo­sevelt and the fact that falsification and censorship not only occurred in high echelons of government and military but in the lower "ranks" as well. As we move on we will note an intensification of this censorship especially among federal offices and personnel.

    With the passing of the years, government censorship has be­come so much more intensive that it was a principal topic of the American Society of Newspaper Editors at its meeting (April 21, 1951) in Washington. Here is an excerpt (The Evening Star, Washington, April 21, 1951) from the report of the Committee on Freedom of Information:

    Most Federal offices are showing exceptional zeal in cre­ating rules, regulations, directives, classifications and policies which serve to hide, color or channel news.... We editors have been assuming that no one would dispute this premise: That when the people rule, they have a right to know all their Government does. This committee finds appalling evidence that the guiding credo in Washington is becoming just the op­posite: That it is dangerous and unwise to let information about Government leak out in any unprocessed form.

    In spite of this protest, President Truman on September 25, 1951, extended government censorship drastically by vesting in other government agencies the authority and obligation to clas­sify information as "Top Secret", "Secret", and "Confidential"--a right and a responsibility previously enjoyed only, or princi­pally,
    by the departments of State and Defense. Again the American Society of Newspaper Editors made a protest (AP, Sept. 25, 1951). The President assured the public that no actual censorship would be the outcome of his executive order. To anyone familiar with the use of "Secret" and "Confidential" not for security but for "laying safe" with a long or not fully under­stood document, or for suppressing information, the new order cannot, however, appear as other than a possible beginning of drastic government-wide censorship.

    The day after the President's executive order, "Some 250 members of the Associated Press Managing Editors Association" voiced their fears and their determination to fight against the "tightening down of news barriers" (AP, Sept. 1, 1951). Kent Cooper, executive director of the Associated Press, and a well-known champion of the freedom of the press, said: "I'm really alarmed by what is being done to cover up mistakes in public of­fice".

    The reaction, after the censorship order was several weeks old, was thus summarized by U.S. News and World Report (October 19, 1951):

    Newspaper men and others deeply fear that this authority may be broadened in application, used to cover up adminis­trative blunders and errors of policy, to conceal scandals now coming to light, or to hide any information unfavorable to the administration, especially as the presidential campaign draws near.

    It is to be hoped that the newspapers of the country will keep the issue alive in the minds of the American people. (It is to be hoped also that they will take concerted action to deal with cen­sorship imposed by some of their advertisers. See pp. 90-93).

    During World War II, the Congress of the United States was the victim of censorship to almost as great a degree as the gen­eral public. By virtue of his official position, the author was sent by his superiors to brief members of the Congress about to go abroad, and he also interviewed them on their return from strategic areas. He was also sometimes invited to a conference by members with whom he had in his official capacity become acquainted. He found them, including some Northern Democrats, restive at the darkness of censorship and indignant at the pressure upon them to vote funds for such projects as the extension of UNRRA without any full knowledge of its signifi­cance. With regard to secret data, the Congress was really in an awkward position. Because several Senators and Representa­tives, including members of the most sensitive committees, were indiscreet talkers and because of the possibility that some, like the Canadian Member of Parliament, Fred Rose (Rosenberg), might be subversive, the Congress could make no demands for full details on secret matters. The alternative was the twilight in which patriotic Senators and Representatives had to work and vote.

    Alarmed by the threat of Communism, however, the Congress has made investigations and published a number of pamphlets and books (Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C.) intended to ac­quaint the American people with the danger to this country from Communists in general as well as from those imbedded in the departments and agencies of the government. It is suggested that you write to your own Congressman or to one of your Sen­ators for an up-to-date list of these publications. One of a series of recent books is actually entitled 100 Things You Should Know About Communism And Government. How pathetic and how appalling that a patriotic Congress, denied precise facts even as the people are denied them, has to resort to such a means to stir the public into a demand for the cleanup of the ex­ecutive branch of our government!

    Censorship, however, has by no means been a monopoly of the administration. Before, during, and since World War II, amid ever-increasing shouts about the freedom of the press, one of the tightest censorships in history has been applied by non-government power to the opinion-controlling media of the United States. A few examples follow under (a) newspapers, (b) motion pictures, and (c) books. These examples are merely samples and in no case are to be considered a coverage of the field. The subject of the chapter is concluded by observations on three other subjects (d, e, f) pertinent to the question of cen­sorship.

    (a) Newspaper censorship of news is applied to some extent in the selection, rejection, and condensation of factual AP, UP, INS, and other dispatches. Such practices cannot be given blan­ket condemnation, for most newspapers receive from the agen­cies far more copy than they can publish; a choice is inevitably hurried; and selection on the basis of personal and institutional preferences is legitimate--provided there is no blackout of important news. The occasional use of condensation to obscure the point of a news story is, however, to be vigorously con­demned.

    Still worse is a deliberate news slanting, which is accom­plished by the "editing" --somewhere between fact and print--of such dispatches as are printed. During World War II the author at one time had under his supervision seven War Department teletype machines and was astounded to learn that dispatches of the news agencies were sometimes re-worded to conform to the policy or the presumed policy of a newspaper, or to the presumed attitude of readers or advertisers, or possibly to the prej­udices of the individual journalist who did the re-wording! Thus, when Field Marshal von Mackensen died, a teletype dis­patch described him as the son of a "tenant farmer". This ex­pression, presumably contrary to the accepted New York doc­trine that Germany was undemocratic, became in one great New York morning paper "son of a minor landholder" and in another it became "son of a wealthy estate agent". It is not here implied that the principal owners of these papers knew of this or similar instances. The changed dispatches, however, show the power of the unofficial censor even when his infiltration is into minor positions.

    The matter of securing a substantially different meaning by changing a word or a phrase was, so far as the author knows, first brought to the attention of the general public late in 1951 when a zealous propagandist substituted "world" for "nation" in Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address". The revamping of Lincoln's great words "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom" would have made him a "one worlder", except for the fact that some Americans knew the Gettysburg Address by heart! Their protests not only revealed the deception in this particular instance, but brought into daylight a new form of fal­sification that is very hard to detect--except, of course, when the falsifiers tamper with something as well known as the Gettys­burg Address! [H: Go back, please, and read this last AGAIN. Note how truly easy it IS to tamper with history, BIBLES,--TRUTH! By changing a mere word or even the spelling of a word and punctuation--can change the entire meaning of a statement --AND CHANGE THE VERY COURSE OF THE WORLD. For instance to you who know of whom I speak and those who can think of similar situa­tions: George Green sends portions of out-of-context (at best) legal documents to "everybody" (his words) to prove that what he says and does is correct and the "Ekkers" and Raton, are liars, abusers and legal misfits. The thing NOT MENTIONED, IS THAT THE DOCUMENTS OFFERED ARE FROM THE ORIGINALS WHICH WERE LIES PLACED IN THE PAPERS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
    BY GEORGE GREEN. In other words, to shift lies off onto an­other is easy if the "other" is not paying attention. As a sec­ond instance, he (GG) will read the terrible statements of Luke Perry to the Associated Press and printed across the nation--as factual proof for backing of his own lies just ut­tered. There is not one shred of truth or fact in the articles--BUT YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED THAT JUST THE PRINTING OF THEM SOMEHOW MAKES THE STATEMENTS SO! IN FACT, THESE ASSAULTS SHALL BECOME COSTLY INDEED--AS ALL CREDIBIL­ITY OF THESE PEOPLE IN POINT IS BEING DE­STROYED BY THESE CUTE ANTICS OF DECEPTION.]

    Occasionally during World War II the abuse of rewriting dis­patches was habitual. One foreign correspondent told the author that the correspondent's paper, a "liberal" sheet which was a darling of our government, virtually threw away his dispatches, and wrote what they wished and signed his name to it. Be it said to this man's credit that he resigned in protest.

    Some times the censorship is effected not by those who han­dle news items, but by the writer. Thus the known or presumed attitude of his paper or its clientele may lead a correspondent to send dispatches designed, irrespective of truth, to please the re­cipients. This practice, with especial emphasis on dispatches from West Germany, was more than once noted by the newslet­ter, Human Events (1710 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., Washing­ton 6, D.C.) during the year 1950. See the issue of December 20, 1950, which contains an analysis of the dim-out in the United States on the German reaction to the naming of General Eisenhower, the first implementer of the Morgenthau Plan, as Supreme Commander of our new venture in Europe. [H: Eisen­hower was Jewish and called by his own troops: "The Little Jew". He had acquired his rank by manipulation, "bootlicking" and favors.]

    In the early summer of 1951, the American public was treated to a nation-wide example of one form of distortion or falsification in certain sections of the press and by certain radio commentators. This was the presentation as fact of the individ­ual columnist's or commentator's thesis that General MacArthur wanted war, or wanted World War III, or something of the sort--a thesis based on the General's request for the use of National­ist Chinese troops as allies and for the removal of the blindfold which prevented his even reconnoitering, much less bombing, the trans-Yalu forces of the enemy armies, vastly more numer­ous than his own, who were killing his men. The presentation of such a thesis is a writer's privilege, which should not be de­nied him, but it should be labeled as a viewpoint and not as a fact.

    One powerful means of effecting censorship in the United States was mentioned as early as 1938 by William Allen White, nationally known owner and editor of the Emporia (Kansas) Gazette, in a speech at the University of Pennsylvania. These are his words:

    The new menace to the freedom of the press, a menace to this
    country vastly more acute than the menace from government, may come through the pressure not of one group of advertisers, but a wide sector of advertisers. Newspaper advertising is now placed somewhat, if not largely, through nationwide advertising agencies.... As advisers the advertising agencies may exercise unbelievably powerful pressure upon newspapers... (quoted from Beaty's Image of Life, Thomas Nelson and Sons, New York, 1940). [H: I remind you readers--THIS IS ONE REASON WHY THERE IS NO PAID ADVERTISING IN THE CONTACT!]

    Details of the pressure of advertisers on newspaper publishers rarely reach the public. An exception came in January, 1946, when the local advertising manager of the Washington Times-Herald wrote in his paper as follows: "Under the guise of speaking of his State Department career in combination with a preview of FM and Television Broadcasting, Mr. Ira A. Hirch­mann today, at a meeting of the Advertising Club of Washington at the Statler Hotel, asked the Jewish merchants to completely boycott the Times-Herald and the New York Daily News. " It is interesting to note that Mrs. Eleanor M. Patterson, the owner of the Times-Herald published the following statement. "I have only this comment to make: This attack actually has nothing to do with racial or religious matters. It is merely a small part of a planned, deliberate Communist attempt to divide and destroy the United States of America". She refused to yield to pressure, and before long those who had withdrawn their advertisements asked that the contracts be renewed. The outcome prompts the question: May the advertiser not need the periodical more than the periodical needs the advertiser?

    Propaganda attitudes and activities in the United States mo­tion picture output cannot be adequately discussed here. The field is vast and the product, the film, cannot, like the files of newspapers or shelves of books, be consulted readily at an in­vestigator's convenience. Some idea of the power of organized unofficial censorship may be gained, however, from the vicissitudes of one film which has engaged the public interest because it is based on a long-recognized classic by the most popular nov­elist of the English-speaking world.

    As originally produced, the J. Arthur Rank motion picture, Oliver Twist, was said to be faithful to the text of the Dickens novel of that name. The picture was shown in Britain without recorded disorder, but when it reached Berlin, "the Jews and police fought with clubs, rocks and fire hoses around the Karbel Theater in Berlin's British sector". The door of the theater was "smashed by Jewish demonstrators who five times broke through the police cordon established around playhouse". These things happened although "not once in the picture... was Fagin called a Jew". Needless to say, the Jews prevailed over the Berlin police and the British authorities, and the exhibitors ceased showing the film (all quotes from the article, "Fagin in Berlin Provokes a Riot." LIFE, March 7, 1949, pp. 38-39).

    The barring of Mr. Rank's Oliver Twist from its announced appearance (1949) in the United States is explained thus by Arnold Forster in his book, A Measure of Freedom (Doubleday and Co., Inc., 1950, p. 10):

    American movie distributors refused to become in­volved in the
    distribution and exhibition of the motion picture after the Anti-Defamation League and others ex­pressed the fear that the film was harmful. The Rank Or­ganization withdrew the picture in the United States.

    Finally it was announced in the spring of 1951 that the British film "after seventy-two eliminations" and with a prologue by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy of the National Conference of Christians and Jews might be "accepted as a filming of Dickens without anti-semitic intentions" (Dallas Morning News). But is there any Charles Dickens left anywhere around? [H: With the "Judeo-" part of Judeo-Christian controlling all the written word of God as in "Christian"--is there anything "Christian" left around? I am asked about the authenticity of the Dead Sea Scrolls? WHO HAS THEM? WHAT DO YOU THINK IS POSSIBLE REGARDING THEM BEING UNTAM­PERED? Nothing else, so far, from the term "Jew" to the "holocaust" has been untampered to suit the needs of the Zionist New World Order! WHY do you think they would leave the very work of God, which COULD defeat them, alone? Tooth fairies and Easter bunnies that lay chicken eggs are fun games--but how many chickens have you seen with long pointy pink ears?]
    On the question of Communism in Hollywood, there is avail­able in pamphlet form a remarkably informative broadcast of a dialog (Facts Forum Radio Program, WFAA, Dallas, January 11, 1952) between Mr. Dan Smoot of Dallas and the motion picture star, Adolphe Menjou. Replying dramatically to a series of questions climactically arranged, Mr. Menjou begins with Lenin's "We must capture the cinema", shows Americans their "incredible ignorance" of Communism, lists Congressional committees which issue helpful documents, and recommends a boycott of "motion pictures which are written by Communists, produced by Communists, or acted in by Communists",--the term Communists including those who support the Communist cause. For a free copy of this valuable broadcast, write to Facts Forum, 718 Mercantile Bank Building, Dallas, Texas. See also Red Treason in Hollywood by Myron C. Fagan (Cinema Educa­tional Guild, P.O. Box 8655, Cole Branch, Hollywood 46, Cali­fornia), and do not miss "Did the Movies Really Clean House?" in the December, 1951, American Legion Magazine.


    * * *

    Too much "stuff"? No, readers, it is that truth has been around so long and YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT--so, this is our re­maining effort to allow you TRUTH. We have no wish to bur­den you, overwhelm you, argue or debate. We present what is and has been available--AND YOU MISSED IT, MOST OF YOU. WE WILL CONTINUE TO STRUGGLE THROUGH THE COURTS IF NECESSARY IN ORDER THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE THIS INFORMATION.

    Understand that in order to be able to do this work, Dharma must glean nothing from our hours of work--except in service. The JOURNALS were to have been available for covering the costs of the newspaper. The Adversary has been steadily at work, readers, but we shall keep right on keeping on for we have no wish to gain monetarily from any other's work--WE DO HOWEVER, HONOR WRITERS WHO HAVE PRE­SENTED THE TRUTH AND IT HAS BEEN SQUASHED OR IGNORED, OVERLOOKED OR HAD TAMPERING, BAN­NING OR CENSORSHIP BY THOSE WHO COME ALONG AND GAIN CONTROL OVER THE DOCUMENTS OF ORIGINAL PRESENTATION AND INTENT. EASY? NO, BUT HOW ELSE SHALL YE HAVE THE LESSONS?

    I honor this author who TRIED, defied the "system" and paid as dearly as any author around. Please get this book if you can. If still in business: THE IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA By John Beaty. OMNI PUBLICATIONS, P.O. Box 900566, Palmdale, CA 93590. We are in great appreciation to you who have shared your copy with Dharma. She, too, needs physical confirmation of that service which she offers me day or night and all hours of same. Every document sent in confirmation or "new news" or "finds" is cherished and appreciated for this is not a "job" for one--it is a JOB for ALL who would be free! Dharma makes no claims to "special" or "more worthy than an­other"--just one doing a "job" as best she can--no more impor­tant--only different for if all do the one job--who shall finish the task? She is willing to risk the arrows and being the target at risk--but she holds no corner on either the work or the WORD. YOU are as responsible as is she--that this WORD GO FORTH.

    On this subject of censorship we shall take up next time with a discussion of "Books". This, of course, is most dear to our hearts under present circumstances.

    Please treat each day as the GIFT it IS. Do not waste it in quarrels or judgments. Discern wisely as to action--and hold God in thine intent. Blessed shall ye be thine reflection--GOD!

    "Every breath has unlimited possibilities of a new life, of new challenges, of new completions, of creation. Every breath you take offers you an opportunity to do things you never thought you could do.
    WHY NOT CHANGE......

    Little Crow, Feb. 3, 1991

    Thank you, friend, for you are the supporting wind beneath the wings of my weary Eagles in this place. And to you who seem to never find an end to your labors and if the "coop" be not to your liking--change it! But be not dismayed nor turn away from commitment for no one EVER said the journey on the Red Road would be more than it IS. Salu.
    PJ 82
    CHAPTER 10


    SAT., NOV. 13, 1993 10:18 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 089

    SAT., NOVEMBER 13, 1993

    Of your year, 1993, the Ancients said that in this year there would have brought to your place, plants and life forms that would give life and sustenance as never before seen. Starvation on the earth and distortion of health COULD be gone...... Could it be? Yes, God has sent it unto you for your use through these times of travail and passage and it is called "swamp wa­ter", "death water" and thus and so. So too have the proteins of life been brought and shown to you, the purification techniques, the grains and that which can sustain you in perfection. Ah in­deed it COULD BE--and for some it WILL BE! Do you JUST need a bit MORE TIME? No--you need to spend that which you have, wisely gaining information as to those things which are presented for your nurturing and passage.

    But say ye farmers and tinkerers, that which you bring cannot live in the semi-darkness which shall be cast upon the world as the heavenly bodies interfere according to Revelation. Accord­ing to Revelation? What of Revelation? It is a bit awkward to deal with that which has been so tampered as to lose meaning. We are fortunate, however, that the visions of John began as ORAL TRADITION of Truth. Written words and interpreta­tions are tampered and lose meaning in Truth. The ANCIENTS taught their WISDOMKEEPER in the ORAL WAY and re­quired that the students represent and represent to the teacher that which was given--in truth and without personal interpreta­tion. The interpretations would be allowed opinion--but NOT THE TRUTH OF THE TEACHINGS.

    What is Wormwood and what can it represent? Almost anything from a "gourd of ashes" as in atomic explosions, volcanic erup­tions which darken the sky, impact from a distant star or planet or portions thereof--or space craft or, or, or.... What difference does it make? IT IS THE EVENT WHICH OCCURS WHICH MUST BE ATTENDED IN PREPARATION. IF YOU ARE PREPARED WITH THAT WHICH CAN SUSTAIN YOU DURING THIS PERIOD OF HAPPENING--YOU SHALL BE FINE--IF--you listen to the messenger from Grandfather Great Spirit! Creator will not leave you without--IF YOU ARE WITHOUT IT IS BECAUSE OF SELF.
    REVELATION 8:10-13:

    And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from
    heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of wa­ters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood (bitterness): and the third part of the waters became wormwood (bitter, poisoned); and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
    And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was
    smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
    And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of
    heaven saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound.!

    We speak of Photon Belts and lighted days of three in length and then we speak of light in only a third its amount indefinitely--what do these things have in common? In both instances the INVISIBLE LIGHT of the high frequency rays of the sun will be present undimmed in BOTH INSTANCES.

    SO WHAT?
    Well, our mission is to tell you the truth of these things and of­fer that which will have capability of life during either of these two instances--since, it appears, you will PROBABLY not change the circumstances of your journey.

    Gaiandriana thrives in either instance. Ingested, it causes the body to change frequencies and be able to accept the increase in the bombardment of the damaging invisible rays. You are moved into the Photon Belt where you are now receiving these energy rays "around your clock". As Gaiandriana can be intro­duced into our greenhouses of algae, we can produce a strain of algae which can thrive on these unseen rays--but you don't know yet how to do that properly--just "throwing" gaiandriana into the water won't do it. Next we offer you SPELTA which has husks which can withstand the damage of the rays on the seed-kernels. We also offer you red lentils which coloring transforms these frequencies into useable energy for the body. We can show you how to integrate substances within the soybean which will trans­form it into food needing no supplementation--and be quite tasty in addition. We offer you Kargosok tea grown within the cel­lular drianas which will allow the membrane cells to produce in almost total "darkness"--just receiving from the luminescent in­visible rays. But it is not a "miracle"--it takes TIME of which you are running out.

    But how can we get this to all the people? That is not your problem! We will get this to those who WANT IT and those who can withstand and counter the attack of the adversarial forces who are constantly at assault to STOP YOU!

    Stop you? Indeed. Every assault on Dharma is a full-blown at­tempt to stop you from having the life-sustaining needs to make this passage. If you are but a player in an illusion, do YOU still need physical things? Yes and no--as you "grow" you will only need the ENERGY that is present in these items. Moreover, you will need (this remnant) to supplement the body physical to sustain both energy form and physical form, else your physical form will be cut short of maturing and you will be left in energy form without completion for THE task at hand.

    Example? George Green goes about his clandestine affairs with his legal criminals. His effort is to close down the Institute and have all participants LOSE assets to render you useless to com­pletion of your projects. If you cannot complete your projects--you are going to be unable to survive that which is coming. Does he know what he does? OF COURSE! He doesn't ACT for these reasons--he acts in greedy ego hate and passion for self--but he is but the TOOL, do you see? AND, YOU WHO CON­TINUE CONTACT WITH HIM IN YOUR "UNCONDITIONAL" LOVE ARE BEING DESTROYED MORE QUICKLY THAN ARE THE INTENDED TARGETS.

    How so? Well, let us look at poor Leon. Leon set about to simply get funds. But he joined forces to FORCE same, with Green. Ah, and now we join forces with lawyers (very power­ful politically, Green says) and others wanting to get funds for self from parents. Leon trusts Green and denounces all others involved--and shares with him and Leon's attorney shares with him--and George betrays them. George Green has sent the most confidential documents available and has offered confidential in­formation in detail, to the scattered parties he is soliciting to put the Institute into Receivership. THIS IS BREAKING THE LAW, ACCORDING TO THE LAW! This negates, LEGALLY, all possibility of continuing the confidential agree­ment and REQUIRES BY THE SAME LAW that that which has already been exchanged be RECOVERED,

    Green also tells "everybody" (his words) that Little Crow has denounced the Ekkers and the place in Tehachapi as a CULT and refuses to longer "have anything to do with them". He con­tinues by saying that he has first hand and direct information from the "horse's mouth" from ones who are in Little Crows group--i.e., LARRY SIMS.

    How can this be? Well, he says that "everybody" tells Patricia and Leon--that "... yes, Patricia and Leon always go see poor old confused John S. all the time--together and then they give me (Green) all the information--DIRECTLY"! He tells "everybody" that Sims belongs to Little Crow's group and talks with him all the time". He also says he "...gets information all the time, every day, from these other guys down there who keep tabs on everything".

    He says, further, that "....these guys had to refuse to sign to help get John S. out of his convalescent placement because they just want to get his money". What money?
    Green also tells "everybody" that "...they got all of John's and Eleanor's money and that's why John is 'in there'. Eleanor had over $600,000 'in there' that they (Ekkers) have stolen and now, John is listed as a pauper". Oh? It is true that Eleanor and Rod, her son, have him signed in as a "pauper" and they get all his pension, retirement, etc., and in addition, full interest on "Eleanor's" in­vestment monthly--"to pay the Alzheimer's Center". Only a couple of problems with this--It indicates that something must be left of "Eleanor's" funds--if nothing more than integrity of the ones holding said funds and JOHN DOES NOT HAVE ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. These family members have taken EVERYTHING of value as to property, put this beloved friend into incarceration and left him to die alone--having by law set it up to prevent anyone from visiting with him. And still these "friends of George" continue to bow and scrape at his lying feet!

    Well, Mr. Green, you may be able to prevent visitors to John, BUT YOU CANNOT PREVENT ME FROM GETTING JOHN HIS FREEDOM! "ME"? YES, ME! How so? Because ones in loving care for this man--will get his freedom into their loving homes and hearts. God our Father has asked US to attend his child who petitions to us every moment of his frightened life--AND WE SHALL SERVE AND WE SHALL WORK DILI­GENTLY UNTIL WE GET THIS TASK DONE AND THE CLUTCHES OF THE GREEDY CONTROLLERS ARE RE­LEASED FROM HIS BEING.

    Oh, by the way, local friends who thought my scribe lying about a emissary in Anne? Leon went white with anger and they all but shredded Dharma and E.J. because SHE MADE THE STATEMENT and I told. We do not have closed-shop here--if you act in deceit and secret--you are going to be confronted with TRUTH if it acted against MY PEOPLE. We don't have any group--so everything attacking ones here--are PERSONAL AT­TACKS ON INDIVIDUALS! NOW, YOU MAY ENJOY THIS IF YOU HAVE BEEN HURT FROM THE DISCOUNT­ING OF THIS AS A LIE--HOWEVER, MR. GREEN IS TELLING "EVERYBODY" (HIS WORDS) THAT HE "...HAS A PERSON, ANNE, RIGHT IN LEON'S BEDROOM AND HOW MUCH CLOSER CAN YOU GET TO KNOWING WHAT'S GOING ON THAN THAT"?

    Ah, but it is even more interesting, friends, he is telling "everybody" that Nora and Mitch and others are just working on the "inside" so they can "get" Ekkers.

    Well, I think perhaps that finally some of the "everybodies" that he tells these things are getting a second, third and fourth set of DIFFERENT story-line and are waking up to see the beast for what it is. The "everybodies" as you might guess are Institute participants whom Green is efforting to get to thrust the Institute into "Forced Bankruptcy". He is NOW calling it receivership--but when queried about it--explains that it is simply "liquidation of assets".
    I think we had better have a talk today about bankruptcy, re­ceivership, investment vs. loans/notes, collateral gold held for increased value and the original plan designed by George Green himself. This same plan he NOW CALLS A PONZI SCHEME!

    I think you might agree with this statement--it makes Worm­wood look inviting on a personal scale of one to ten. I want to point out something to all of you, Dharma;
    I believe you will agree, knows about everything now, which will secure her nicely for far longer than she would like to stick around. Ekkers have invested every last bit of everything into these pro­jects until they are exhausted. However, THEY began well over a decade past--to line-up investors for valid projects. Those investors are going to come through, friends. They will not take their newly awarded funding and run and bury it in a distant place away from you--they fully plan, AND YOU KNOW IT, to attend it carefully among all of you present and some absent--to secure yours and their continuing passage.

    They will continue to struggle against this beast that keeps gnawing away at their very flesh and bones until the time is cor­rect and security for that which WILL be can be achieved and acquired in protection. This is NOT for the snatching for self--this is for the sharing among all who have given and worked and clung to the KNOWING that what you do is the RIGHT THING TO DO.

    I am particularly pained for one, Patricia. She, like all of you, has searched for peace, loving friendship, and just a place in which to serve. We have "spies" among us--so what? How­ever, I require that my immediate staff take care and stay alert. When the above messages come back from Florida and Pennsyl­vania about Green's "inside informers" and ones such as Patri­cia are NAMED and the NAMING BACKED UP BY OTHER INSIDE INFORMERS, it is diligence that causes reactions from those under full-blown physical and legal attack.

    I believe that a perfect solution as it can unfold, for instance, in the attending of John, is to follow through with Patricia who has offered over and over again to serve, to tend as a live-in atten­dant--as soon as John's dwelling can be reclaimed. He will now need furnishings, etc., for Eleanor took everything of value and use. Then, it would seem that for the legal challenge of medical care, Audrey would be the visiting medical person to attend any such needs. I cannot believe that two FULL-TIME attendants would cost as much as is being poured away to keep John incar­cerated. Why not place him permanently in Audrey's care? Because IF HE IS IN HIS HOUSE, HE HAS RIGHT OF POS­SESSION OF HIS OWN PROPERTY! THAT will be very, very important as Eleanor's total control over his physical being is challenged. Eleanor has relinquished all responsibility to her son, Rod. He is now working to legally gain control of all of Eleanor's assets also. He is setting up the case to put her into a placement as being also incompetent!

    Is this your business? Yes--because it impacts greatly on John WHO HAS PETITIONED DESPERATELY FOR YOUR HELP--HE KNOWS HE CAN DO NOTHING FROM WHERE HE IS. As to the rest? There is nothing we CAN do
    --do you see the difference? It is so important that you DO SEE the DIFFERENCE.

    One of our very first projects which will be gotten underway immediately upon funding is a complex of dwellings, specifi­cally originated for care to ones who need care. Apartments and suites wherein ones can live comfortably and still have centralized care as needed. It shall be open housing for ones who simply desire to share closer proximity with others as the years and conditions merit consideration of care and family-style friendships. This will be Audrey's and Eric's gift to you ones. Perhaps our Laurie and family can come and make it a working possibility which brings family into security also. This is NOT NEW--this is that which has been planned for, invested in (literally), due and owing--AND IT SHALL COME TO PASS. There are ones right now, besides John, who would benefit so greatly from such arrangements; Lydia, Cleary--many of you who now have apartments and who could have better facilities, central sharing of "watching out for each other", gardens, flow­ers, whatever, or as little, as you wish. The facilities are going to be wonderful, with pools, gathering rooms, shared activities available--maybe even a little Texas Line-Dancing and a place to have outside FAMILY come to visit with extra rooms, etc. This is not JUST A DREAM--this MUST BE THE REALITY and God bless you children WHO DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR DREAMS BUT SIMPLY DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE THEM COME ALIVE. Do you somehow think Baba­jee or Maharajee or Tunkashilajee and Atonaijee cannot get along somehow? You won't find any DIFFERENCE, little ones--and until you can fly--you need the support of that which brings you to flight. DO NOT CONFUSE THE ENERGY WITH THE MESSENGERS PRESENTED.

    This is what Little Crow efforts to express for your understand­ing, that there is only ONE--and myriads of Truths in expression to get you to THE "ONE". The TEACHERS of LIGHT of SPIRIT--will all teach the same central TRUTH and show you that you MUST MAKE THE DECISIONS AND DISCERNMENTS OF THE ROUTING TO THE "ONE". As YOU affix your goal and eyes unto the light at the end of the Red Road, for instance, you will find yourself less and less on the Black path. It, further means that you are going to find Black Man and Red Man on BOTH PATHWAYS--but the paths lead in opposing di­rections--ah ha, however, as with all life spirals--each is only a part of the other and the journey is infinite. This dimensional expression however is a SPIRAL and NOT A SIMPLE CIRCLE for in the movement of energy to simply go around and around is not such a great idea--you need to effort to spiral ever up­wards toward Lighted knowing and effort to keep from spiraling into negative aspects of experience. You can go either way, my friends, either way--the one choice you DO NOT HAVE is to STOP! You are going to go one way or the other--so only the direction is up for choosing.

    The point of this spot on your spiral is to experience that which is in the choosing. You can pronounce the prophet's messages, effort to figure out what this one or that one might have in meaning--but until you take responsibility for self and journey you will have MISSED the point of value--entirely.

    A quote from Little Crow:

    "You are the messengers of time. You are the prophets of the time. You carry forth the word through you own behavior. If you are into the world of materialism and that is your message, that that is the world you portray.... LC, 11/4/90
    May your journey be always in Light that you can see and KNOW. Salu.

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