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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82

    In the unfolding of the PLANS as now confirmed and docu­mented AS THEY COME INTO CONFRONTATION, you shall yet be shocked and disappointed as to that which has happened as you failed to watch and see. There is no magic in undoing that which is DONE--therefore you had best SEE WHAT HAS BEEN DONE and prepare to move through those Elite Plans in as sane and viable way as is possible. YOU ARE IN THE TIME OF CHAOS (KALI) and it will not go away, my friends. Do not, please, linger longer in fantasy-la-la­-land! Open your eyes and prepare for that which is upon you that your passage might be in safety and security as the play unfolds and the villains devour themselves. So be it.

    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-027-2
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    December 1993
    Printed in the United States of America.

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............................
    TUE., NOVEMBER 30, 1993............................................................................................
    HOLD MY HAND AND I'LL TAKE YOU THERE.........................................................
    THE INTRODUCTION TO THIS BOOK?...................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............................
    MON., NOVEMBER 8, 1993.............................................................................................
    SET MY PEOPLE FREE!............................................................................................... .....
    LESS CONFUSION........................................................................................... ..................
    ROSS PEROT............................................................................................... ........................
    BY THE WAY, GEORGE GREEN SPEAKING OF ORIGINALS.................................
    INSERT DEFRAUDING OF AMERICA book information ...............................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............................
    MON., NOVEMBER 1, 1993.............................................................................................
    EDITORIAL........................................................................................... ..............................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1993...........................................................................................
    ROSS PEROT/AL GORE................................................................................................ ....
    SCHEMES & SCAMS BEING EXPOSED IN MONTANA............................................
    WHAT "REALLY" HAPPENED IN MOSCOW?............................................................
    REBELS ARE LOUD WITH HATE FOR JEWS..............................................................
    THEY HATE AMERICANS........................................................................................... ....
    BLOOD LIBEL RESURRECTED......................................................................................
    OPEN DEFIANCE............................................................................................ ...................
    NEO-NAZIS JOIN IN.................................................................................................. ........
    TONY ALAMO, THANK YOU.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1993...........................................................................................
    CONCENTRATION CAMP PLANS FOR U.S. CITIZENS.............................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ........................
    IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...................................................................
    A NATIONAL EMERGENCY: TOTAL TAKEOVER....................................................
    IMPLEMENTING THE NEW GOVERNMENT..............................................................
    CONTROLLING THE MASSES........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............................
    WED., NOVEMBER 10, 1993...........................................................................................
    FOR U.S. CITIZENS THE PLANNED POLICE STATE.............................................
    FILES ON POTENTIAL PRISONERS...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., NOVEMBER 11, 1993............................................................................................
    AND YOU "THINK"--NO WAR?.....................................................................................
    U.S. TARGETS CRUISE MISSILES AT KOREA............................................................
    SPEAKING OF GUNTHER- -............................................................................................
    CONCENTRATION CAMP PLANS FOR U.S. CITIZENS.............................................
    MENTAL COOPERATION IN TAKEOVER PLANS ....................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., NOVEMBER 11, 1993............................................................................................
    FOR U.S. CITIZENS............................................................................................ ...........
    THE PEOPLE vs. THE CONSPIRATORS........................................................................
    THE GENEVA CONVENTION.........................................................................................
    IGNORING THE CONSTITUTION...................................................................................
    SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE............................................................................................ ..
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............................
    THU., NOVEMBER 11, 1993............................................................................................
    FOR U.S. CITIZENS............................................................................................ ...........
    PRICE OF PATRIOTISM.......................................................................................... ..........
    PRICE OF APATHY.............................................................................................. ..............
    BACK TO RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............................
    FRI., NOVEMBER 12, 1993..............................................................................................
    COVER OR UNCOVER?............................................................................................ .......
    RECEIVERSHIP........................................................................................ .......................... DHARMA AND E.J................................................................................................. .........................................
    TO CONTINUE WITH IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA.........................................
    (d): INTENSIFYING CENSORSHIP.................................................................................
    (e): CONGRESS, VICTIM OF CENSORSHIP..................................................................
    II.................................................................................................. ...........................................
    PRESS CENSORSHIP.......................................................................................... ...............
    (b): MOTION PICTURES: IN SPITE OF..........................................................................
    CHANGE.............................................................................................. ................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. .............................
    SAT., NOVEMBER 13, 1993.............................................................................................
    THE ANCIENTS............................................................................................ ......................
    WORMWOOD............................................................................................ .........................
    WORMWOOD, HERCOLUBUS, ANUNNAKI (??).......................................................
    SO WHAT?............................................................................................... ...........................
    PERSONAL RESPONSE............................................................................................ ........
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............................
    SUN., NOVEMBER 14, 1993 ...........................................................................................
    FIRST SNOWFALL............................................................................................ .................
    OTHER PEOPLE--OTHER PLACES................................................................................
    FEDERAL RAID LEAVES STORES EMPTY..................................................................
    WHEN MIGHT IT BE YOUR TURN?..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. .............................
    MON., NOVEMBER 15, 1993...........................................................................................
    EDITORIAL COMMENT............................................................................................. ......
    WANT PROOF............................................................................................... .....................
    DO "WE" BELONG TO A "CHURCH"? NO--NO, AND NO!.......................................
    CONCENTRATION CAMPS.............................................................................................
    CONCENTRATION CAMPS HERE?...............................................................................
    THE NATIONAL POLICE.............................................................................................. ....
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. .............................
    MON., NOVEMBER 15, 1993...........................................................................................
    INTELLIGENCE FACTOR............................................................................................
    ASSETS.............................................................................................. ..................................
    GOLD................................................................................................ ....................................
    NAFTA: SCHEME OF GLOBALISTS..............................................................................
    VOTE THEIR POCKETS............................................................................................. .......
    SHADOW GOVERNMENT SIEZES CONTROL............................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. .............................
    MON., NOVEMBER 15, 1993...........................................................................................
    McALVANY: CENSORING FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA..........................................
    THE GOVERNMENT'S ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN CONSERVATIVE/CHRISTIAN RADIO AND T.V. PROGRAMMING......................................................................................... ..............
    AN ANALYSIS OF THE "FAIRNESS DOCTRINE"............................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ........................
    REAL EVIDENCE OF EFFORT........................................................................................
    PIRATE BATTLES TO KEEP THE AIRWAVES OPEN.................................................
    LONG OVERDUE............................................................................................. ..................
    LICENSES OUT OF REACH.............................................................................................
    A FINITE RESOURCE............................................................................................ ............
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. .............................
    TUE., NOVEMBER 16, 1993............................................................................................
    CONFIRMATIONS AND SICK HUMOR.........................................................................
    IRS' OWN AUDIT FINDS ITS BOOKS ARE WAY OFF................................................
    LAVISHLY FOR INEFFICIENCY.................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. .............................
    WED., NOVEMBER 17, 1993...........................................................................................
    NAFTA ADVERTISING......................................................................................... ............
    MIND IS ALL................................................................................................. ......................
    CRYSTAL LIFE AND MERKL.........................................................................................
    (c): BOOKS............................................................................................... ...........................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. .............................
    WED., NOVEMBER 17, 1993...........................................................................................
    By John Beaty............................................................................................... ..................
    (d): PROPAGATION OF ALIEN IDEAS..........................................................................
    (e): ANTI-SEMITIC BRANDING......................................................................................
    KHAZAR JEWS................................................................................................ ..................
    (f): MIND CONTROL............................................................................................. ............

    To all ones who are willing to look at Truth, realize the Truth within that viewing, take GOD' s hand and allow HIM to bring you home upon a pathway a bit less strewn with terrors and pitfalls--IT CAN BE DONE IF YE WILL BUT DO IT.


    TUE., NOV. 30, 1993 9:15 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 106

    TUE., NOVEMBER 30, 1993
    In the terrors that befall a pathway, my beloved children, a con­scious being is torn and often immobilized by assaults upon the very soul. You ones who serve so closely to God (not in pious drivel of assumed "the way it is") are the most sought after souls for the adversary's "scalp belt". You can, therefore, choose: you can be immobilized, cease and desist in the "work" and pray the adversary will "go away"--or, you can hold tightly to my hand and I'll bring you through--with soul untarnished and peace in that valley of terrors. Will this cause the attackers to stop? No, but you shall be able to prevail and the prevailing will ALWAYS bring greater insight and ability to gain Mastery.

    Does this mean that there will be no "concentration camps" for our people? No, it means that if there are such you shall be able to walk through it, OR, if too weary to longer serve or if your service is finished on this plane of expression, you shall be able to make transition.

    How? By holding my hand, learning "HOW" and holding the course IN TRUTH and KNOWING. More importantly, you shall, if you cling to Truth and your commitment, you shall be able to create a NEW and better way; for YOU OF GOD can do this--your enemy must work only with that which is already created. REMEMBER: WHEN YOU THINK YOU HAVE EXHAUSTED EVERY ALTERNATIVE, YOU HAVEN'T.

    Just as, at present, almost none of your scientists can detoxify the caffeine in a cup of coffee without removing the substance. I CAN, and we SHALL NOT ONLY DO SO, BUT WILL OF­FER THE SIMPLE SUBSTANCE UNTO YOU. This is true of many of the toxins which plague your body from the "vices" to which you become emotionally (and sometimes physically) ad­dicted. Will it cure addictions? NO--but it will allow a cup of coffee with caffeine to not tear down the frequency harmony of your body and it will allow Gaiandriana to do its perfect work without having to focus on your introduced poisons and toxins in these seemingly harmless ways.

    Can we render alcoholic beverages into positive assumption? Yes we could but we won't. Why? Because a drunken binge does far more than simply damage your system by alcohol toxic assault. We can, however, detox the substance (or bind it within like cellular structure) so that it will not damage the re­pairing cells undergoing Gaiandriana recuperation.

    Can we render refined sugar into detoxified particulate? Yes, but again, why would you continue to destroy your body through INTENT? All things in moderation, my children, is that which you seek and, when in balance--moderation in all things will allow for functioning well-being. To get there, how­ever, indeed--we will offer such assistance.

    How would such a "thing" work? Like sweetening your tea with an artificial sweetener--through a couple of drops of the proper compound into the drink, or as with nicotine, a few drops in a beverage or on your tongue as you set about smoking or using tobacco. The molecule as presented will "bind" in­stantly with the molecule of whatever we are targeting as toxic input. You must understand Gaiandriana or AquaGaia and what these substances (cells) do. They immediately reform the cellu­lar structure of the host to the host's own DNA blueprint. ALL "foreign substance" within cells is then targeted by the drianas for clearance and detoxification. If you take Gaiandriana and then add toxins such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, etc., etc., the driana must expend themselves FIRST on neutralizing the toxin instead of clearing the body of infection or mutated cells.

    How can you do it? By the basic same method as inoculation against anything--such as disease. You "grow" a substance pro­grammed to bind with a given target.

    Could you do this with disease? YES, but you would never be allowed to do so for you would have to have the disease organ­ism and this becomes a totally outrageous project. The point is, therefore, to enhance the immune system sufficiently with that which we offer you--to be able to counter these invaders. THE CONTROLLERS WOULD SHUT-DOWN ANY SUCH PROJECT CLAIMING SUCH "CURES". YOU "CURE" NOTH­ING BY ANYTHING EXCEPT YOURSELF. ANY ADDITIVE IS SIMPLY A TOOL TO HELP YOU BRING BAL­ANCE TO YOUR BODY AND IMMUNE SYSTEM--NOTH­ING CURES--YOU "CURE".

    We have no intent of EVER offering you any kind of medicine, chemical or any other "PRODUCT" which can claim to do anything except allow you to have ability for the body to utilize it as a possible source of well-being enhancement.

    If you expect miracles and provide that which allows for mira­cles--you will get your miracles! No more and no less. If you expect a "thing" to do it for you--forget it. Healing is like any other task undertaken by self--SELF HAS TO DO IT! If you are going to build a house and someone has assembled every­thing you need for that house project--boards, nails, hammer, etc. and you touch it not nor learn how to assemble the "parts"--will you ever have a house by sitting there meditating on the project? I think not, good friends, you will remain homeless.

    "Then why don't you GIVE it to us free?" is the next usual question--if it is from God why do we have to "pay"? Why? Because the "house" is being partially assembled by others--WHO DO HAVE TO PAY FOR THE SUPPLIES AND PROVIDE THE TIME AND WORK AND THEY CANNOT BEAR MORE BURDEN. They DO, HOWEVER, present you with "inexpensive" housing materials and tell you how to use it. If you want it badly enough you will find a way and a plot of land upon which to build your house.

    "But, I have a large family and how do I manage?" Ask for a special discount for "circumstances". Also, remember that a child under the age of ten can use less quantity. I don't like to assume that, and if a child is "sickly" or in disability--it needs even greater for bringing organs and systems into balance. However, use your intelligence--a healthy baby needs very little to remain in balance for it is not damaged YET by assault of its environment or food "kicks" presented by your "health" do-gooders who bring about imbalance and physicians who do not heal but bring more assaults.

    Can "WE" cure all or "any" diseases? Yes--but so can YOU. I'm not in the "cure" business--I am in the bringing of the WORD--in other words, I AM IN THE SOUL BUSINESS!


    Is Dharma willing to serve enough to do these things, assemble the necessary structures, write the instructions and thus and so? Yes, but she has no more input than DO YOU as we begin anything--FOR I DO NOT JEOPARDIZE HER WELL-BEING BY ALLOWING HER TO KNOW IN ADVANCE--ANY­THING OF GREAT MAGNITUDE--IT IS HER SECURITY. Further, she becomes less ABLE to function in those capacities of "construction" when her time is totally absorbed by assaults from every Tom, Dick and George around--certainly she cannot do these things from the middle of the street or gutter wherein the Elite work constantly to place her--MUCH LESS, from a JAIL CELL. It is up TO YOU to keep that from happening.

    Further, she CANNOT handle ALL the myriads of questions which come with each production. It is time more responsibility is taken to take the "compound", or whatever, and someone else orchestrate it. Stop the demands on her time to find proper bot­tles and solve logistics and when we speak with instructions--LISTEN AND DO IT. This, of course, is for the ones who work right here with these products. There will always be problems in meeting regulations, handling "living" product, etc. But it is not difficult. Life forms slow and finally become "still" in refrigeration and so will the products offered here. So, attend that need. Further, after mixing a many-compound "base"--re­frigerate until shipping. There will be no expansion from the life process for at least three days which will expand to propor­tions to be a problem. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!

    If, for instance, you get an appliance which warns you "DO NOT PLUG INTO A
    220-VOLT OUTLET" and you do so--what will happen? It will blow out the entire circuitry, burn the appliance, AND PERHAPS EVEN, ELECTROCUTE YOU. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!

    I have another example for you. Suppose you take a cup-full of cabbage and/or broccoli and chop it up, seal it in a vacuum pouch and refrigerate it or freeze it. Now, you want to ship that pouch somewhere. Well, it is fine until it thaws, then it is stable until the enzymes, etc., go to work on the product. It will stay useable longer if that package remains totally sealed--BUT, by the end of several days in a properly warm environment that sealed package will blow up and possibly even burst due to the gasses formed as the living forms do their jobs, form byproducts (in this instance of cabbage, a degrading processing, in Gaia products, a "living" by-product) and "change" substance into energy forms of gasses and such. It is simply physics, friends, nothing miraculous or mystical--not even mysterious. A "thing" is only a "mystery" until you know about it. Stop living in a fantasized mystical void simply because you are too lazy or fear­ful of LEARNING AND KNOWING.

    Because whatever there is to say about Concentration Camp Retirement Programs is best left to your judgment and discernment of the people who will enforce such a thing. However, if you can find survival in a pleasant community with that which you NEED to insure proper balance and "mind-your-own-busi­ness living"--IS THAT NOT BETTER?

    My thrust is to allow you to do that which you must do for such non-inclusion into the groups which will see those concentration camps and allow you to make it through, physically, this tribu­lation.

    If you do not participate in those things which bring down the hate and misery upon you, then you will be left pretty much alone for the intent is to take guns, weapons of all kinds and let you starve if possible--or blow you away with toxins, radiation, etc.

    Even this WORD of what might appear to be "tattling" and damaging to the Elite--
    IS NOT. They actually relish that we show you the hard truth about the POWER they wield in this physical environment in which they now control almost every facet of your expression. The ONES who will "getcha" are the individuals who have an
    ego-bone to pick for PERSONAL rea­sons of one kind or another. These are not only DANGEROUS--they are DEADLY, so PAY ATTENTION. Note that even the peasants in Russia did as well as any and were allowed to sur­vive in most places IF they followed the rules and attended their tiny plots of potatoes or corn. As long as people "followed the rules" set forth and utilized the laws available, often written for the Elite themselves, the "little people" simply become "lost" within the working system. This is WHY the pen becomes the "answer" for learning Truth and growing towards freedom--for YOU HAVE TO REALIZE AS YOU WATCH THE EVOLUTION OF THE ELITE ONE-WORLDERS THAT THE VARI­OUS FACTIONS OF WOULD-BE ULTIMATE KINGS--WILL DESTROY THEMSELVES AS SURELY AS THEY EXIST! You CANNOT! Yours, in service to God and God's Creation, is to survive to the best of ability--to serve again--in peace, in balance and AS GUIDES.

    You will note that even with Dharma and Oberli--WE DO NOT FIGHT! WE HAVE TO DEFEND THAT WHICH IS BROUGHT AGAINST US TO THE BEST OF OUR ABILITY IN A SYSTEM GONE INTO SUCH CORRUPTION AS TO BE ALL BUT DESTROYED, BUT WE DO NOT "GO TO WAR" WITH OTHER THAN WHICH IS LEFT AVAILABLE TO OUR RESOURCES. Believe me, that if you handle your business affairs absolutely and with intent of following every rule and regulation and bring back-up demands by the PEOPLE in support--you will prevail to the extent of possible relief. Further, the LESSONS learned along the experiencing will be INVALUABLE and allow ones to SEE what has come to be. The very act of defending selves in this manner--uncovers the deceit and players in this game of "gotcha".

    By taking care in that which you do, you do not even have to HIDE--for you can NO LONGER HIDE FROM THE BEAST--but if you are not a particularly tasty morsel for his appetite--he will leave you be and go after more tasty dinner. The ONES against Dharma, for instance, are the ones who are offended or hurt some way in a most "personal" manner--not the Elite play­ers with whom I actually have treaty. But, as usual, you ones will flock to the leaders who set themselves up to incite and rouse you to take action with weapons so that you are not al­lowed REASON and INTELLIGENT WISDOM. You will go forth and ACT IN TOTAL EMOTIONAL CONFUSION OR DIRECTION IN FULL INTENT--when the WAR CAN BE WON quietly and with the pen of TRUTH. Will there be many goodly men left? Yes, ALL OF THEM, for what in the world do you mean by "left"? What do you mean by "goodly" and "LEFT WHERE?" ALL GOODLY BEINGS WILL ALWAYS BE WHERE GOD IS--AND "LEFT" NOWHERE WHERE HE IS NOT!


    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:27.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 82


    MON., NOV. 8, 1993 9:49 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 084

    MON., NOVEMBER 8, 1993

    We realize that as we begin this writing we are also beginning a new JOURNAL. This in turn means that we must give some backup for a "JOURNAL" which was placed in CONTACT but in all likelihood would not be available to those who only take the JOURNALS.

    Our thrust this day, week, month, year--WHATEVER IT TAKES--is to gain the release, even if with restrictions and con­ditions, of Gunther Russbacher. It becomes urgent for his health that the tug-o-war stops.

    The things pertinent to your "knowing" are told by many as of this time--therefore this man is not a major threat to the crimi­nals in power--more than information from any resource running around freely--rid of incarceration.

    I have asked that ones write, copy information, and individually demand of Governor Carnahan of Missouri--to let this man go. Gunther will withdraw from focus and is willing to "give up his country" (USA) which he has served all of his life to return to Austria to never again set foot on American soil if that is what is required to have opportunity to live out his remaining time in peace--with some portions of his family.

    Gunther had to demand release from a hospital wherein he was to have heart catheterization because it became evident that the intent was that he never live to walk out of the place. The man was shackled "spread eagle" onto the bed without ability to cough, spit or breath easily. This, because the Elite criminals wish to keep him silent.

    Governor Carnahan has the power to commute the sentence, which has been served a hundred times over for the piddling of­fense claimed--not committed--just claimed. Bail is set at nearly half a million dollars for a check written by one of Gunther's "sheep-dip" names and cashed by another of his identities (as set up by YOUR government intelligence children).

    What they REALLY don't like is that his wife continues to struggle for his freedom and they really want to hush her. We have her in protection so the silencing has not been easy to achieve. Herein they have solution to both problems--deport Gunther back to Austria and she will go with him. He has served ENOUGH.

    Did he begin by SERVING GOD OF LIGHT? No. He was ex­actly like any of the rest of you--involved in living to the hilt whatever excitement might come along and joining, after being coerced and bribed, special intelligence forces for the United States of America. He is a Captain in the Navy [equivalent to Army colonel] and therefore, high in Naval Intelligence--who has now for the most part betrayed him--for whatever reasons which shall, from me, remain untold at this time. I remind you ones of something often said by me regarding MAN--GOD CARES NOT WHAT A MAN WAS--HE ONLY RECOG­NIZES WHAT A MAN IS!

    What holds this man, however, is that he is recognized as being attached to MY COMMAND. I have four (or so) craft in my tractor tow. I have a craft that sits OVER White Sands Proving Grounds at all times--sometimes "visible" and sometimes not. Am I a trouble maker? Not really, because the games of Earth are your doing, not mine. However, I do have a mission which is NOT to pull down anything--it is to get a remnant of our peo­ple clear and secure and ultimately, off your place. These are God's (of Creator) souled beings of whom I speak. GOD AND CHRISTED BEINGS ARE EXTRATERRESTRIALS, MY FRIENDS--ANY WAY YOU DEFINE IT! Little Grays, serpent people, etc. are conjured, and sometimes manufactured, beings of man-manufacture. You are playing out your experiences on a stage now devoid of LIFE source recovery--as you are headed.

    Those who continue to serve Satanic preferences are certainly free to do so without our intervention--our mission is to attend OUR people and our orders are to BRING THE WORD OF TRUTH back to your attention. Along with that order comes a final offering of that which IS wrong in your perceptions so that you can, if you choose, make informed decisions about your status and perceived "future" status as manifest (physical) humanoids. In either instance the decisions and choices AND ACTIONS will be performed in human consciousness of this manifested presentation. I simply remind all of you: GOD WINS!!

    I am not here today to make explanations or teach you the workings of either our Command or the Universe. I am, how­ever, going to offer insight--again--into the workings of one case in point. Why there is claim against Russbacher and its absur­dity and petition the Elite to let this man go--because each day that passes WE SHALL REVEAL MORE AND MORE IN­SIGHT TO THAT WHICH HAS TAKEN PLACE--STARTING WITH THE HIERARCHY OF MISSOURI.

    In the paper this week we will have run a letter from Rodney Stich, author of Defrauding America (GET IT) (See end of chapter for information.), to Attorney General Criminal Attorney General Reno. We will offer, ongoing, other writings to various entities from this same writer. You seem to get the point more quickly from a human author than from an invisible speaker of whom you have to make "other" decisions.

    We have asked you to appeal to Governor Carnahan because he has the most readily available power to act immediately, or at the least, CAN DO SO. Of course there are HIGHER Elite pulling his strings--but the discomfort of the tightening noose may well annoy him into taking action to remove the focus you-­the-people will now bring to bear on his office and State. The revelations in JUST the prison system in Missouri is worthy of eternal sanctions against your public "servants"--possibly only surpassed by Texas in injustice. That, however, is not our busi­ness. Our business at hand becomes a responsibility of someone to bring justice to this man and give him freedom when it is your own "servants" who have incarcerated him in exchange for hon­orable and long service to your nation. YOU BETRAYED AND ALLOWED THE DEATHS OF YOUR POW/MIAs--IS THERE NO LIMIT TO THAT WHICH YOU-THE-PEOPLE WILL ALLOW? IS A YELLOW RIBBON SYMBOL OF COWARDICE ENOUGH FOR YOUR CONSCIENCE TO COMMIT MURDER? SO BE IT.

    I ask you to keep the cards and letters POURING IN DAILY to these ones in power--the pen must be mightier than is the sword for, with the sword--you cannot win, except for incarceration of selves. Is "one" person worth it? Yes, for if YOU do not act in protection of that "one"--WHO SHALL COME TO ATTEND YOU IN YOUR HOUR OF NEED?

    Those people in "power" must realize that the focus of those of REAL POWER (the citizenry of the nation) is FULLY UPON THEM SO THAT EVERY MOVE THEY MAKE IS SEEN IN LIGHT OF TRUTH!

    Thank you readers who have made sure Ross gets the CON­TACT! He is certainly becoming informed from SOME source and he is showing you what one man CAN DO to cause great consternation among the powers that be. NAFTA is the ONE LARGEST SIGN OF FINAL MOVEMENT INTO THE NEW WORLD ORDER THAT YOU WILL SEE! SUPPORT PEROT! We are not looking for PERFECTION; we are des­perately SEARCHING FOR A LEADER who is willing to change in the direction of the needs of the citizens. Is he "of" the Elite? Yes, but when knowing comes and truth evolves--EVEN THE MOST EVIL CAN CHANGE! Show me WHO
    ELSE have you? One step at a time is the way a journey is made--START and then hold the course and you shall achieve the goal of destination.

    October 21, 1993

    Governor Mel Carnahan
    State Capitol Building
    Jefferson City, MO 65101
    Office 314 751-3222 Fax 314 751-4458
    Mansion 314 751-4141 FAX 314 751-9219
    Being sent by FAX and certified mail (P 888 324 266)

    Dear Governor Carnahan:

    I am bringing the following very serious matters to your at­tention, and demanding that you take prompt corrective action to redress an injustice that you were involved in from the very be­ginning. The Second Revised Edition of Defrauding America will make reference to this letter and your actions, as it has al­ready made reference to your response when I requested a clean copy of the Blunt letter. [H: I ask that a reprinting of the "Blunt" letter be also again offered in the paper (See Vol. 3, #8, Nov. 16, 1993, page 6)]

    Very briefly (since you already have a copy of the first printing of Defrauding America), officials in control of the State of Missouri have engaged in a scheme to imprison a key CIA/ONI operative, and have caused him to be falsely impris­oned. The two documents attached to this letter furnish addi­tional evidence of this criminal conspiracy.

    In 1989, as shown by the attached letter from Missouri Sec­retary of State Roy Blunt (one of your close friends at that time), the Secretary of State entered a conspiracy to falsely charge CIA operative Gunther Russbacher with criminal offenses (through CIA proprietary Southwest Latex Supply which was operated by Russbacher). By denying him bail, and repeat­edly delaying the start of the trial for almost a year, Russbacher was pressured into an Alford Plea, upon the promise that he would be released. He was then placed on probation, terms of which he could not meet because of his CIA activities and which were never objected to, until it was time to again silence him because of what he knew about corrupt White House and other activities.

    In February 1992, a Missouri judge revoked Russbacher's probation, based upon a complaint from the U.S. Department of Justice that Russbacher had impersonated a Naval officer while he and his wife were billeted at Castle Air Force Base on ap­proximately July 30, 1990. This revocation resulted in Russ­bacher starting a 21-year sentence in federal prison. Here are a few of the pertinent facts showing the fraudulent scheme by Missouri officials:

    1. As I wrote in Defrauding America, Russbacher was bil­leted at Castle Air Force Base, as authorized by orders from the Navy's CincPac, based upon his duties with the Office of Naval Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency.

    2. Russbacher was not allowed to present testimony of CIA/ONI personnel, and personnel in the U.S. Department of Justice withheld exculpatory evidence from the hearing. This exculpatory evidence included, inter alia, documents showing Russbacher to be a naval officer. If he was in fact a naval offi­cer, he of course could not be charged with impersonating one (even though he was never seen in a Naval uniform).

    3. The following document dated May 20, 1986, from CIA Director Bill Casey, establishes that Russbacher was (and is) a key person within the Office of Naval Intelligence. That docu­ment, dated May 20, 1986, was from Bill Casey, Director of the CIA, to John Poindexter of NSA (National Security Agency), making reference to a secret operation known as MAGG PIE. The body of the document refers to a flight from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport to Teheran, and named some of the partici­pants, including Robert Hunt (ONI); Bud McFarlane (NSA); George Cave (CIA); and Howard Teicher (CIA). Adjacent to "Subject" are two names, identified as the pilots of the aircraft. One is Segal John Robert (CIA) and the other is Russbacher Karl Gunther ONI.

    4. Another significant aspect of this memorandum, as it re­flects upon the criminality of key officials, including the former Vice-President and President of the United States, is shown by who is stated on the bottom of the secret memorandum to re­ceive a copy: George Bush. Bush has repeatedly stated, and lied to the American people, that he did not know about the arms-for-hostage negotiations until after the November 1986 downing of the C-123 belonging to a CIA proprietary, Southern Air Transport (the infamous Hasenfus flight). But this memorandum shows that Bush was kept advised by the director of the CIA, at least six months earlier. That document has ma­jor national significance, and reflects one facet of the convoluted pattern of criminality involving people in control of federal enti­ties, undermining the United States. (You and other officials in the State of Missouri are shown as aiding and abetting these acts.):

    A. The document establishes that Gunther Russ­bacher was a key member of the Office of Naval Intel­ligence, and impliedly indicates that he was a naval officer. (I have various forms of evidence clearly sup­porting that fact).
    B. The document establishes that a former Vice-President and President of the United States was in­volved in secret and unlawful activities and then lied to the American people about his involvement. Since the Iran-Contra affair involved massive smuggling of drugs into the United States, made possible by the so-called Iran-Contra affair, Bush's lying takes on greater significance for the American people and to the survival of the United States. Further, this aspect of epidemic criminality in government is only one facet of the epi­demic and endemic corruption and its exposure threat­ens to reveal to the American people the massive efforts to destroy the United States financially and morally.

    It is my understanding that personnel in control of the U.S. Department of Justice have caused a detainer to be placed against Mr. Russbacher, seeking to deport him. On the basis of the attached document showing Russbacher to be attached to the Office of Naval Intelligence (and further supported by large amount of evidence I have in my possession), it shows that U.S. Attorney Generals, including the present Janet Reno, and other Justice Department personnel, are seeking to silence Russbacher through criminal misuse of the nation's highest law-enforcement agency. I feel that it would be appropriate for your office to also step in and expose this criminal misuse of the powerful Jus­tice Department, so as to prevent Russbacher's deportation. [H: I take exception to this particular portion of this pro­posal/petition. If THAT is the only way that Russbacher will be released--so let it be. The man plans to return to Austria anyway for he has had quite enough of your U.S. FREE WORLD JUSTICE!]

    Further, Russbacher is on the verge of a heart attack and badly needs open-heart surgery. I request that you order Russ­bacher immediately transferred to a suitable hospital where his needed surgery can be performed. [H: Or, preferably, get him released so he can attend his own medical-health needs which will negate need for surgery.]

    I also remind you that you have failed to respond to my September 21, 1993 letter concerning the "Blunt" letter. I am requesting a clean copy of that Blunt letter.
    I understand your Secretary of State Roy Blunt, misusing Missouri offices and the power of the state to falsely charge Russbacher with criminal of­fenses, which ended with Russbacher pleading an Alford Plea to get released from his one-year-confinement (even though he was not guilty).

    As a final comment, I realize that if you take the action now, that you should have taken a long time ago, it raises the risk of exposing federal officials in the three branches of the federal government that have converted their offices and positions of trust into a racketeering enterprise. That, however, is not a consideration under your responsibilities to Mr. Russbacher, under state and federal law, and as Governor of the State of Missouri.

    The pattern of judicial misconduct by Missouri judges shows that relief must come from another area, and that area can only be the office of the governor.

    Incidentally, I have other documents, various forms of evi­dence, and other documents to arrive, establishing Russbacher as an officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence.

    Please advise as to your intentions.


    Rodney Stich

    May 20, 1986 memorandum from CIA Director Casey to Poindexter
    (significance is that it shows Russbacher as a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence).

    Exhibit of Offutt AFB showing Russbacher as Captain, ONI.

    May 14, 1986 letter from Missouri Secretary of State Roy Blunt (significance
    is that it shows the scheme by Missouri officials filing false charges against Russbacher (through Southwest Latex Supply) and admitting in the letter that they "have no grounds for these charges").

    Book review and excerpts from other reviews (significance be­ing that the
    state and federal corruption described and sup­ported by various forms of evidence in Defrauding America are considered true and very serious).

    * * *
    Rodney Stich: P.O. Box 5, Alamo, CA 94507; phone: 510-944­1930/820-7250; FAX 510-295-1203. Author: DEFRAUDING AMERICA, and UNFRIENDLY SKIES-Saga of Corruption.

    Readers, Rodney has done a massively important and helpful job of writing individually to each person of power directly involved in this act of criminal incarceration of an innocent fellow-citizen now a political prisoner.

    I believe it is now time to begin, readers, to do a LOT of writ­ing and information scattering. It would appear very helpful if you individuals would make sure copies of your letters, copies of these letters and copies of CONTACT be sent directly to Program Producers of such as 60 MINUTES--DEMANDING IN­VESTIGATION AND AIRING!

    Does anyone other than me take note of the newest America West catalog? What happened to the BIG PUSH FOR RUS­SELL'S WORKS? Surely, George, there is not trouble in the pits? Well, we have an INFORMAL hearing in the morning next, regarding the US&P matter. It is time "I" made my pres­ence known because, after all, it is myself and Germain that are under attack--not a little "Old Lady from Pasadena". Perhaps I can "reason" with attorneys and Magistrates. I have no problem being "accepted" as quite genuine if ever given the opportunity to share. There is quite a lot of information I can easily share regarding both George Green AND the ------. Will this change the world? No, but the interested parties may well wish to adjust their expectations regarding large settlements from the Ekkers who have NOTHING and possibly refocus on one such as Green who perpetrated the "Contempt" AND has resources (I guess)--he continues to tell the public that he owns a BANK--and that usually requires ASSETS! He is also STILL introduced as a "millionaire business-man/builder". He tells ones, now, that he "settled" and IS PAYING off $60,000 at $10,000 per MONTH to MM. I WONDER IF ---- KNOWS THAT?

    Another thing very noted about the "Catalog" from Desired is that almost all the books really stressed are works I, MYSELF, BROUGHT INTO THE REALM OF GREEN'S PERCEP­TION. HE MISUSES OTHER AUTHORS AS BADLY IN MANY INSTANCES AS HE HAS OUR OWN WORK. If, however, it brings more Truth to a blind world--I offer my blessings upon the "word" in Truth, not the "work" of the adversary--for there is much that is total lie and misrepresentation within many, many of the offered volumes. If you cannot see the hand of false-guidance in play--then you shall surely come to realize the difference. A distributor of books may offer ANYTHING available--but it usually does not work out too well to set yourself up as an authority on TRUTH if you offer garbage at your table, also, and present it as upon a basis of Truth.

    Does Hatonn give his enemy no quarter? Right! When war is declared by one who says "I'll get those bastards if it is the last thing I do"--realize it will not come to pass although he may be in his final acts (last thing) of expression. But what of ones "around" the key player in opposition? They make THEIR CHOICES, just as Desiree will tell you--and pull you into the net if you allow it. Surely enough--the choices are YOURS. And, the USE of Mary Summer Rain?? (sic sic) ...pretty much tells it all, doesn't it? Well, perhaps the "white eyes" have to have something upon which to "count coup"--such as "token" Indians, but what of the honor of the Native Sister or Brother--indeed that which is sent forth shall spiral back as surely as the Universal Laws shall stand--into infinity!

    I see that they, too, ask for, seminars and lectures so that they can TEACH you how to survive, how to grow spiritually, etc. Is this somewhat like asking the Head of the IRS to come speak to you on saving on your taxes? Are these the SAME persons who only have toiled in the Accounts Receivable and Payable books in adjustments?


    And what of Little Crow who George now proclaims has de­nounced Dharma and her work?

    Well, he is no "token" Indian, good friends. He tells it like it is and most of his "token" brethren dislike him for it above all who have joined with the crowd and voted-in morality of such as coed-sweatlodges, etc. Being TRUE to your tradition and KNOWING is a hard, hard path to tread, my friends--like walking in wet cement in dry cement boots. The "red" road of the Truth-bringers is perhaps "red" because of the blood of the travelers mixed with the tears wretched from the souls moving on the horrendously responsible journey! Ponder it. Ah yes, anyone can "preach" supreme this or that, dream therapy, as­cending procedures--but DREAM you must--for without the vision of the dream--there will be no awakening into reality--only the irresponsible repetition of infinite misperceptions.

    LITTLE CROW: 4/14/91:

    ....Have the bravery and courage to dream your dream in the midst of non-dreamers. Have the courage and conviction to state your principles in the midst of those who have no ears. Have the courage and conviction to draw or to paint and to cre­ate for those who have no eyes. Because unless you are doing what you want to do, you are a captive. " AHO!
    It is all very simple, readers, you search and find--you search and you do not find--but always there is searching in this ex­pression of experiencing. You want your "how to's" and you fail to even consider the possibilities of what is, what from, what to and what for!

    In Little Crow's culture, for instance (CULTURE OF TRUTH), "....there is no hell, which is a plus. There is no damnation, which is a plus, and there is no salvation--only life. You transit and you live it again and you transit and you live it again and you transit and you live it again, until one day you don't have to transit anymore...." So, perhaps you are left to wonder about this hell and damnation trip dumped on you. Well, Hell is the "absence of Light"--the "dark ages of ignorance"--DEVOID OF THE GREAT SPIRIT, GOD. You don't have to "be" some­place to have it--you can have all the darkness and devoidance of God you can handle--just about anywhere! The TRUTH is within and YOU ARE THE "POINT", good friends--YOU ARE THE POINT!

    One day a person asked Little Crow: "So what's the greatest thing you ever did that you think is a self accomplishment?" He answered: "GOT OUT OF MY OWN WAY".... " I DIED. I GOT OUT OF MY WAY SO I COULD GET ON AND DO WHAT I HAD TO DO".

    Some of you have DIED! Ones who came before that death are gone except in vague rememberings for the lessons gained--and EAGLES were fledged at the passing. Teachers were evolved worthy of the mantle of "cohan"--not in "great material awards" but in the graduation graded by the energies gone before. In­deed, EAGLES are born from the ashes of flightless, grounded energies who once knew greatness and have settled for the en­trapment upon the "wheel".


    By Rodney Stich
    Makes The Godfather pale by comparison
    Ordering information: Diablo Western Press, P.O. Box 5, Alamo, CA 94507,
    1-510-820-7250 or Phoenix Source Distributors, Inc., P.O. Box 27353, Las Vegas, NV 89126, 1-805-822-9655. Price $22.00; Shipping/Handling - $2.50, Foreign Shipping
    - $3.50, Calf. & Nevada residents - $1.54 sales tax.

    * One of the most explosive books ever written on how corrupt federal officials in control of the three branches of the federal government are defrauding the American people.
    * Written by an insider, with additional input from many former CIA and DEA deep-cover personnel.
    * Exposes the corruption in the U.S. bureaucracy, the courts, and Congress, making fools of the American people.
    * Explains how Americans are duped by every government check and balance, and taken to the "cleaners".
    * Reveals where some of the billions of dollars stolen from the American public is concealed.
    * Explains how crooked federal judges are bribed, and the source of the money.
    * The heart-rending story of a small group of concerned citizens seeking to expose deeply-ingrained criminal activities by federal officials. The book exposes, for instance:
    * Massive drug trafficking into the United States by the same agencies responsible for preventing it: CEA, DEA, Customs, and Justice Department officials.
    * CIA looting of U.S. financial institutions and where much of the money is hidden.
    CIA operation known as "October Surprise." and the mechanics of its criminal coverup.
    Chapter 11 courts as a criminal enterprise, looting the life's assets of innocent people.
    * Practice of criminal coverup in Congressional "investigations".
    * Criminal complicity by Justice Department person­nel, federal judges, members of Congress.
    * Killings, mysterious deaths, felony persecution of whistleblowers and informants.

    PJ 82

    MON., NOV. 1, 1993 9:54 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 077

    MON., NOVEMBER 1, 1993

    This may well be the most important edition of this paper which you will receive. Why? Because it is going to deal greatly with that which is your "new" Constitution.

    It is the next step in the puzzle wherein you are isolating the ONES in power and then what THEY are using as their blueprints for takeover. Please note that always there will be a merging in with all plans so that YOU WILL NOT NOTICE UN­TIL THE THING IS UP AND FUNCTIONING UNDER CHANGED LAWS YOU CAN BE FORCED TO OBSERVE.

    Once again I will remind you that you cannot restore, fix or redo something which is not visible to you. You can't restore your original Constitution, for instance, if you don't even know what it says and almost none of you know. Certainly you cannot realize that you are USING a new blueprint for government and world order if you don't find out what is happening and what is being enforced and HOW. Much we bring is repeated again and again--but how many of you can recite and really understand the NEW CONSTITUTION of the "NEWSTATES" from the couple of times we have run it before? I thought not--my people right here cannot even remember when it was last presented--OR WHAT IT SAYS. There is NO MAGIC for insight and no magic for ac­complishment of any task. However, hopping onto another task is not going to solve this problem--I don't care who you are or what you perceive is your purpose. YOU MUST KNOW THESE THINGS OR YOU HAVE NO USE FOR SERVING IN AN­OTHER PURPOSE OR ADVANCEMENT--THE RESTRAINTS OF THE HUMAN PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND RESTRICTIONS BY PHYSICAL AND GOVERNMENT WILL CONSUME YOU.

    It is, further, that you have not "right" to impose the load on another assuming that "you" need not know a thing or effort to move along learning because "you are different and your ulti­mate purpose is greater". Greater than what? If you don't get a handle on this government of yours you have no future! Worse, if you don't pay attention--you will NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT THROUGH INTO THAT HOPED FOR FUTURE.

    When YOU settle into narrow perceptions of "self"--you are "hooked", however. You can call it "balance" or whatever you wish--but if you resign from the task at hand--
    I call it "cop-out" of the highest order. It presents that YOU do not feel the mun­dane functioning and workings of a civilization in the immediate unfolding is worthy of your attention or work increase. Every man, woman and child must do that which he is guided to do--I simply suggest in EVERY instance you consider the "guidance", the source of that perceived guidance and the CONSE­QUENCES--in other words, what Will you do when you get 'there'! What will be different "there"? Are there funds to do your great task "there"--from "whom" ?? Check with your own "Command" and carefully consider your input for some will blunder badly and actually MISS THEIR OWN PURPOSE FOR THE "MOMENT". CONSIDER THAT WHICH IS PRESENT IN YOUR INSTANCE--I.E., WHERE YOU ARE--BEFORE LOOKING FOR POSSIBILITIES ELSEWHERE. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS WILL NEVER BE FOUND "ELSEWHERE"--THEY ARE RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE OR THEY ARE STILL ELU­SIVE TO THE TRUTH WITHIN. PONDER IT.

    If there are missing bits of Editorial direction or explanations at the onset of articles, etc., please bear with us because Dr. Young attended those necessary bits of information easing your input. We are short-handed, short-funded but not short-tempered with you, our readers, so please be gentle as we grow one more step forward. We ARE going to GET THERE, team--and you are the team. Thank you.

    As you study the Newstates Constitution--read it CAREFULLY. Also, understand this, your free Constitutional Republic is IM­PROPERLY called a "democracy" by most of those in positions of public trust. Pure "democracy", without the checks and bal­ances of a representative system, is MOB RULE. And as every demagogue knows, MOB RULE IS DICTATORSHIP.

    Your alleged leaders, while waving the banner of "democracy", have brought the United States to the threshold of degeneration into dictatorship under their own control. True representation of the public will have been dangerously undermined, and our rep­resentative system itself is being rapidly replaced with ap­pointive, centralized government. And now, little-known plans exist for adoption of their Secret New Constitution under condi­tions of deliberate political and economic crisis, by national ref­erendum or otherwise.

    We feel that you have a right to know about this Secret New Constitution and its contents--and therefore, we present it AGAIN for your consideration--it is now "old" and in play--it is simply that it is still kept invisible so you don't notice its en­forcement. Your freedoms will be snuffed out brutally and THAT time is at hand.

    This is not "liberal", "conservative", Democrat, Republican, black, white, Jew, or Gentile, Pagan or penny-ante; it is seri­ous, it is in working mechanism right now. It is a question of SURVIVAL OF THE FREE SYSTEM that allows the precious individual differences among you to continue to coexist, as guaranteed to you under your "original" United States Consti­tution and Bill of Rights.

    What you will be reading is TRUE. It has happened. It is not a frivolous or "academic" matter--THIS AFFECTS YOU!

    As background: In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America was begun, in preparation for the interim transition into total World Government Control. This was structured and fronted by a tax-exempt foundation with a most misleading name, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. It is a DIRECT OFFSPRING OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 NEW WORLD ORDER!
    The people involved WERE NOT elected parties or in any other way YOUR representatives. They did, in fact, do this travesty of free sovereignty at YOUR expense--as tax-free, using YOUR funding through taxes. The American people are STILL very much unaware of this document or that it is being utilized in your daily lives RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE. YOU CAN SEE IT IF YOU LOOK AROUND YOU!

    There were over 40 drafts of this document--the one we share here is, I believe, a copy of the fortieth! It is being changed to merge with the United Nations Charter continually so expect more restrictions on freedom and more control from "foreign" enforcement teams. In other words EXPECT DICTATORSHIP--BUT, DO NOT EXPECT IT THROUGH THE PUPPETS SET IN THE ROLES OF FAMILIAR CONSTITUTIONAL ELECTED LEADERS. THE PUPPET-MASTERS ARE SHREWD AND WOULD NOT BE SO FOOLISH AS TO SHOW THEIR TRUMP CARDS AS YOU BEGIN TO WITNESS THE SCHEME PLAYED UPON YOU. The person who presented the guidelines for this new Constitution was Rexford G. Tugwell­-a Zionist member of the Committee of 300, set forth and paid by that group to do this very job.
    May be you be given into understanding insight and realization as you study this most urgently important material--your very survival rests in the balance. God be with you for only in HIS LIGHT can the adversary be slowed and overcome. Only through HIS truth can the lie be exposed and freedom regained. I salute you for your willingness to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

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