PJ 80

THU., OCT. 14, 1993 9:31 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 059

THU., OCTOBER 14. 1993
Dharma, I know that the current events and inquiries are piled up at a foot a day--however, "I" must be the one to consider ur­gency of information input. We will devote some writings to nothing else save news events as we finish this document and before we dive back into "Iron Curtain..." and "300". The in­tegration is flowing rapidly now as to players and as you watch Yeltsin take a swing through Japan and changes in approaches to Somalia and Haiti--the background is urgently needed for our readers' understanding. We are NOT in the newspaper business "as such"--THAT will come. We are still in the "education by mail" business until graduation. Then, the "newspaper" can be shared with capable Earth-human minds and hands and "I" will be a guest columnist. We COULD do that now and have a fine paper--but I still have input which MUST be shared.

As ones claim from near and far that "THAT Hatonn of Dharma's is not the same one who spoke to me or so and so...," perhaps they are correct for I loathe the thought that I would be so narrow and mush-mouthed in all my experience among you. What has happened is that THOSE ones refused to grow into re­sponsibility for these subjects HAD TO BE SHARED--spiritual thumb-twiddling is NOT going to "cut the mustard". I would guess that "those" receivers need to hook up with equally valid debilitators as George Green, et al. We are IN THE TRUTH IN INFORMATION business--ones such as "Green" are in the disinformation business and ones working with him will find it out the "hard" way every time.

What is forthcoming from the ones who denounce me and mine--is that you might sit back and blindly go into this change in comfort and the transition won't hurt nearly as much. No, the RESPONSIBILITY of "man" is to KNOW TRUTH--not make some comfortable transition into higher REWARD without be­coming worthy of higher reward. I thank God every moment for the discounting, by my prior friends, of myself and my work--for I know that the very ones who discount and dis­credit DO NOT EVEN READ OUR MATERIAL--THEY CLOSE EYES AND EARS AND THEN SPEAK AGAINST US. THIS IS THE BEST RECOMMENDATION I CAN POSSIBLY RECEIVE--TO NOT BE CONSIDERED WITH THOSE GROUPIES. So be it.

So, back to the nasty subjects so that we might be informed enough to recognize the radiance of the transition and glory of the wondrous LIGHT.

[H: As we write here, you will perhaps wonder WHY the term "Jew" is set into notations. THIS is because there is no SUITABLE alternative for the word "Jew" and yet the WORD "JEW" was not used or in use prior to the latter 1700s (18th century). Therefore, to get the point across as to "subject" people, we have to utilize terms which are cur­rently recognized by you-the-people. This in itself is part of the proof of your deceptions by these Khazarian Zionists.]
"There is hardly any place on the whole of the Earth which is not dominated by the 'Jews' ." Stated in Geographica, by Strabo (63-21 B.C.), Greek geographer in the time of Christ.

Tiberius expelled the 'Jews' from Rome's capital in 19 A.D.

Claudius, Roman Emperor, as recorded in Epistolae: "'Jews' were fomenting a general plague on the whole world."

"'Jews' ate the English nation to its bones." John Speed, 17th Century British historian, in Historie of Great Britaine.

Edward I, 13th Century King of England, expelled all "Jews" from his realm in 1290; France booted them out in 1306.

Isabel and Ferdinand, 15th Century Spanish monarchs, ex­pelled 'Jews' from Spain the same year Columbus discovered the New World. One reason was 'Jewish' collaboration with the dark skinned Moors in attacks on Christian Whites (as reported in Elnino-onocente de la Guardia, by Lope de Vega y Carpio).

Florence expelled the 'Jews' in 1495, Portugal in 1496. Ferdinand I, 16th Century Holy Roman emperor, expelled 'Jews' from Austria in 1541 as "dangerous" and "evil" people who had committed espionage for invading Turk armies.

Czar Peter the Great: ["The 'Jews'] are crooks and swindlers."

Maria Theresa, 18th Century Empress of Austria-Hungary, expelled 'Jews' from Prague in 1745 because of usury and "activities that honorable men shun".

Thomas Jefferson, President, as quoted by Daniel Boorstin in The Americans: "Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one nation, foreign to the land they live in."

Napoleon Bonaparte: "The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age;" also: "They are the carrion birds of humanity... [The Jews] are a state within a state. They are certainly not real citizens... The evils of Jews do not stem from individuals but from the fundamental nature of these people." Stated in Re­flections and speeches before the council of State on April 30 and May 7, 1806.

Nikolas I, Tsar of Russia from 1825 to 1855 wrote in his di­aries: "The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ["kikes']. They are full-fledged leeches sucking up these un­fortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion." [H: For you "sensitive" readers who consider "kike" a miserably insulting slang term--it is the actual label used at the time--NOT SLANG. This was a "Jewish" name for themselves.]

His advisor, K. Pobedonostev: "The Jews... are at the root of regicide, they own the periodical press, they have in their hands the financial markets, the people as a whole fall into financial slavery to them... (The Siege, p. 38)

Voltaire, in God and His Men: "The Jews are the most hate­ful and the most shameful of the small nations."

General Ulysses S. Grant: "The Jews, as a class, violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Depart­ment... are hereby expelled from the [military zone controlled by Grant's armies]." General Order II. 12/17/1862

"The Jew continues to monopolize money, and he loosens or strangles the throat of the state with the loosening or strength­ening of his purse strings... He has empowered himself with the engines of the press, which he uses to batter at the foundations of society. He is at the bottom of... every enterprise that will demolish first of all thrones, afterwards the alter, afterwards civil law." Hungarian composer Franz Liszt (1811-1886) in Die Israeliten.

"Three hundred men, all acquainted with each other, control the economic destiny of the Continent." Walter Rathenau (Jew), Neue Freie Presse (Dec. 1909). He also stated in the German newspaper Die Zukunft (3/6/1897): "Jews are not a living limb of the people, but an alien organism in its body."

Bertrand Russell: "Bolshevism is... composed of American­ized Jews." (Letter to Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1920)

Of the 25 leading Bolshevik officials in Russia's Revolution, 24 were Jewish. This includes Trotsky, whose name was Bron­stein when he lived in New York City. (Name changing is common among Jews. Witness Hollywood Jews like Kirk Dou­glas and Tony Curtis.) The 25th, Lenin himself, was part-Jewish and married a Jewess. (3/6/20 Documentation Catholique, France)

Winston Churchill: "In violent opposition...rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confed­eracy are working for the overthrow of civilization and the re­constitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality. It played... a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revo­lution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive move­ment in the Nineteenth Century. (Illustrated Sunday Herald, 2/8/20)

George Bernard Shaw, 12/3/25 London Morning Post: "This is the real enemy, the invader from the East... the oriental para­site; in a word the Jew."

In his book Gulag Archipelago Alexander Solzhenitsyn re­vealed that Stalin preferred Jewish thugs for running his se­curity forces and concentration camps. The Soviet NKVD was a killing machine that consumed twenty million Soviet Christians. It was first headed by Henry Yagoda--Jew. He was liquidated in 1937, after which Yezhov (Jew) took over. After him came Beria, who was also Jewish. Referring to the millions of Christians killed in Soviet concentration camps run by Jews, Solzhenitsyn asked: "Who will count these millions? They died unknown, casting only in their immediate vicinity a light like a candle." He also revealed that a Turkish-born JEW--Naftaly Frankel--was in charge of building the Balomar Canal, which cost 180,000 Christian lives. [H: Who mourns THIS holocaust???]

Charles Lindbergh: "The 'Jews' greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government." (Speech at Des Moines, Iowa, 9/11/41)

James Forrestal, former Secretary of Defense (a modern air­craft carrier is named after him) drew on long experience in government and Wall Street to prove that Jews caused WWII. For his patriotism he was vilified by the press and driven to sui­cide. [H: No--he was murdered!] This is another form of regicide.

"Root of regicide, master robbers, sinister, carrion birds of humanity, hateful, oriental slavers, puppeteers, plague, revolu­tionaries, subversives..." harsh words, especially since these are references to a whole "race", not isolated individuals. Jew­ish reaction to such accusations was expressed by former Israeli prime minister (and terrorist leader) Begin. "We don't care what the goyim think!"

Either Jews are victims of the world's longest smear cam­paign, or somewhere in those comments may be an explanation for recurring anti-Semitism century after century, country after country. Other labels were: "Alien invaders, leeches, para­sites..." Whoah!

A harsh word indeed--but such a racial trait would explain the fervent repugnance individuals and whole nations have felt for the self-described "Chosen People". It's one thing to com­pete in the production of wealth; it's something else entirely to live off a producer's efforts, giving nothing in return and even biting a benefactor's helping hand--or throat. If a society can be compared to a living organism, then a parasite with the organ­ism would not be contributing to its lifeblood--they would be si­phoning it away!

Even genuine Jewish contributions to any victimized society need to be viewed in a new light, for who can say how many non-Jews were side-tracked or killed when they otherwise might have made grand contributions to civilization? How many White "equivalents" to Jonas Salk (polio vaccine) or Einstein were suppressed by Jewish manipulation before their genius could flower, or the world see it? [H: How many Pulitzer or Peace prizes do you think Dharma will receive for her work? How important is her work relative to that of which receives international prizes? Not only will she NOT receive prizes but the thrust is to suck every drop of blood and life from her being and our work to continue the fraud upon mankind! Do you think WE will be given credit for the "gift of life" in the form of cellular restructuring and restoration? Perish the thought for we simply get our work BANNED and impounded! Do the "Elite" of this bankster group have compassion on ALL "Jews"? Certainly not--they set up death-causing diseases, etc., and train their own as well as others that all sorts of immoral behavior is "the way to go", spread such diseases as AIDS--then whine and raise money for something or another which has no meaning whatsoever. These "slaves" serve their masters magnificently--they serve and die never knowing they were dispensable in exchange for their services--LOOK AT YOUR ENTERTAINERS WHO DIE OF AIDS! BIG SHOW, BUT THE ONES WHO KNOW HOW TO "CURE" THIS DISEASE--KEEP THE CURE FROM THE MASSES AND UNTO THEMSELVES, THIS WILL BE THE FIRST SEGMENT SLAIN. WATCH AND SEE!] How many White men of action and honor were lost in WW I and II--wars White America strongly opposed--leaving our surviving population over-represented by "Jody" types of Soap, and Corporal Klingers of MASH?

Parasitism exists in many forms, but the ultimate analogy is a vampire drawing blood from its mesmerized victim. That's easily pictured thanks to horror movies like those starring Bela Lugosi (a Jew, incidentally, who wore a prominent Star of David in his most famous film--Dracula). Of course we all know vampires are imaginary, which brings us back to that wild claim of ZOG here in the United States.

"Wild" claim? Theodore Herzl, founder of modern Zionism, said: "The world forgets, in its ignorance and nar­rowness of heart, that when we sink, we become a revolu­tionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolu­tionary party; when we rise, there rises also the terrible power of the purse." (The Jewish State, New York, 1917)

Yes, "The world forgets," especially when information--cur­rent and historical--is filtered and controlled. How many White Americans know, for instance, that 75% of Jews openly admit THEIR DEVOTION TO ISRAEL SUPERSEDES THEIR ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES? (AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE poll, 1982)

So perhaps America does suffer from a Zionist presence forcing its will on the rest of us (OCCUPATION), but is it actu­ally powerful enough to qualify as a Government?

Lawrence Tisch controls CBS, Inc., and William Paley is its president. (1988-1989 reference period) Martin Rubinstein now heads PBS. President of National Public Radio is Frank Mankiewicz. Barry Dillar presently heads Fox, Inc. Jews are thick as thieves in Ted Turner's network. Leonard Goldenson heads ABC, his right hand man is Paul Friedman. Brandon Tartikoff is head of NBC Entertainment, president of NBC News is Lawrence Grossman. Past network news department heads were Julian Goodman, Richard Wald, and Reuben Frank (NBC), Richard Salant (CBS), Avram Westin (ABC). Other TV VIPs were Fred Silverman, Howard Grossman, Herbert Schlosser, Fred Friendly, David Sarnoff and son Robert.

The statistical chance of Jews (approximately 3% of Amer­ica's population) controlling all four major networks (including PBS), Public Radio and Fox Network in this land of equal op­portunity is 1 in 50,000,000,000.

Past and present Jewish "news" casters: Martin Agronsky, Herbert Kaplow, Carl Stern, Daniel Schorr, Edwin Newman, Marvin and Bernard Kalb, Irving R. Levine, Walter Winchell, Barbara Walters, Ann Rubenstein, Morley Safer, Mike Wallace, Louis Rukeyser, Dan Dorfman, Myron Kandell. Connie Chung is married to Maury Povich (Jew). His sister is senior editor at Newsweek, owned by Katherine Graham (Jew). Even Geraldo Rivera is half-Jewish. [H: Do you think it an accident that a loudmouth know-nothing like R. Limbaugh makes it to top star category? Come, come--this is to give you a perception (wrong of course) that there is "opposition" allowed. Look at Phil Donohue and all the other talk hosts. Don't be silly, they are just as "placed for a purpose" as any other of the PLAN 2000.]

Roger Rosenblatt is a special case. He writes for TIME, but also occasionally gets a national forum on the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour (produced by Lester Crystal, Jew) to expound on matters dear to Zionists hearts, like a Final Solution for South Africa's Whites.

Rick Kaplan (Jew) produces Nightline, starring Ted Koppel (Jew). Kaplan admits Israel is over-represented on the program. He also says, "We don't want to do too many shows with the PLO."

Remember: PLO guys are loathsome "terrorists"; African National Congress gorillas are merely "guerillas"; and Begin, Shamir, and Sharon are swell fellows. John Kluge heads MetroMedia, and may be America's second richest man.

CBS publishes Woman's Day. TV Guide is owned by Walter Annenberg, who also owns Seventeen. Leonard Stern owns the Village Voice, (and 75% of the U.S. pet food business). Leon Bostein is CEO of Harpers; Gloria Steinem started Ms. Maga­zine. In 1976, David Goodstein owned Advocate, which mostly advocated homosexuality. Goodstein feels, "Gays, blacks, and Jews are the most interesting people in the world." Al Goldstein heads Screw, a sex sewerage periodical. All are Jews.

Commentary editor Norman Podhoretz (Jew): "Much of what you have read about the war in Lebanon--and even more of what you have seen and heard on television--is simply not true." (Is the same thing remotely possible about media reporting in gen­eral?) He also felt that anyone in the media who criticized Is­rael's action in the Lebanon War was betraying "the interests of the United States and indeed... the values of Western civilization as a whole." ZOG's campaign against Nicaragua is explained by New Republic's associate editor Jefferson Morley: "A friend of my enemy is my enemy." (Mother Jones, 2/87) Nicaragua sympathizes with the PLO.

Mortimer Zuckerman (Jew) owns Atlantic Monthly. "He would hate for the magazine to be hostile to Israel," says editor William Whitsworth. Zuckerman also owns U.S. News and World Report. His Jewish reporter Nick Daniloff was briefly held by the Soviets until ZOG sprung a real Soviet spy for Daniloff and a wailing Russian Jew (aka "refusnik").

Daniloff claims he was framed by the KGB. That's the same outfit whose evidence OSI uses unhesitatingly to convict Ameri­cans of alleged WW II crimes against Jews.

U.S. News executive editor was Marvin Stone (now David Gergen). TIME's managing editor is Henry Grunwald. Katherine Graham owns Newsweek and the Washington Post [H: And is a biggie in the Trilateral Commission among other "clubs of the Elite".]--all Jews.

IN 1976 The (Jew) Newhouse Media chain owned 6 TV and 4 radio stations, 20 cable TV systems, 22 daily newspapers in­cluding Cleveland New Dealer, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Portland Oregonian, Vogue, House and Garden, Mademoiselle. [H: I think someone should check into the wondrous "Christian" network called TBN with Paul Crouch, et al. You may find some REAL surprises behind the fundamental Pentecostal "Christian" hoopla!--Sorry, Al. YOU ALL SURELY KNOW, DON'T YOU, ABOUT PAT ROBERT­SON?--ALL SELF-PROCLAIMED ZIONISTS!]
1986: The Sulzberger family owns the New York Times. Max Frankel, Arthur Celb, Jack Rosenthal, and Leslie Celb are the top editors. All Jews. Strangely enough, the ACLU is not suing that paper for employment discrimination against non-Jews. wald, David Broder, Ben Wattenberg, Herb Caen, and Susan Sontag--who considers Whites "the cancer of history".

Warren Phillips is chairman of Dow Jones & Co., which owns the Wall Street Journal. He was born a Jew, as was Bill Kovach, top editor of the Atlanta Constitutional-Journal.
Jewish columnists: Georgie Ann Geyer, Joseph Kraft, Midge Decter, Irving Kristol, William Safire, Dear Abby, Art Buchwald, David Broder, Ben Wattenberg, Herb Caen, and Susan Sontag--who considers Whites "the cancer of history".

Certainly a surprisingly-harsh analogy for a Jew to choose considering her own race's track record as chronicled in these pages, and a strange one considering Jewish hostility to apartheid--an easy cure for racial "cancer". (A cancer cannot survive apart from its host organism.) [H: Hmmnnn--I begin to wonder about the WHO (World Health Organization) in­troduction of AIDS into the African population and the Gay community which would infect in a major way, the en­tertainment industry of Jewish people--could it be that YOU DON'T KNOW ONE ENEMY FROM ANOTHER?? IN OTHER WORDS--WILL THE "REAL" ENEMY STAND UP? IT DEPENDS, SURELY, ON WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU THINK--DOES IT NOT? But can you be safe from either enemy of each other? No--YOU will get killed in the middle of the cross-fire if you don't watch out very, very closely!]

* * *
We need a break before moving on into the next topic. Do you know YOUR enemy? Well, readers--I KNOW MINE! So be it.
PJ 80

THU., OCT. 14, 1993 2:00 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 059

THU., OCTOBER 14 1993

Oh, you thought that was Ringling Brothers or "Moses" or something? No, readers, the greatest show-and-tell on Earth is exactly THIS--the taking of a planet. I respect my enemy and so too should you. When 3% of anything can take and totally control the other 97%--own it hook, line, and sinker--you have a hellova show! This is not accidental nor is it unexpected--except for you who are "victims" of the lie and the show. God's peo­ple lose all grasp or focus on our (their) mission and goal--the Khazarian Zionist anti-Christ HAS NEVER FOR ONE SINGLE BLINK OF AN EYE--BECOME DISTRACTED FROM THEIR GOAL. NOT FOR ONE MOMENT--GO BACK AND READ THE PROTOCOLS and PLAN 2000!

Do I despise the Jews? I don't even understand the question. I respect the Jew and have unlimited compassion for the Hebrew. Do I honor that which the "Jew" has come to represent? No--I have no honor to offer unto the controllers/puppetmasters. I re­peat: I have RESPECT FOR MY ENEMY! The person of He­brew lineage is my BROTHER--literally. The Khazarian Zion­ist of no race, no creed and no brotherhood--IS MY ENEMY. Do I declare WAR on him (them)? Of course not, I have no interchange with them at all under any of MY circumstances--they are of physical plane only and herein lies the battle of per­ception of God vs. Satan, etc. Soul is at auction--assumedly by the Satan in point. No, God is creator of "Soul" so there actu­ally is NO BATTLE--only in the human perception! Therefore the conscious perception is the battlefield--TRUTH OR LIE IS THE CHOICE. Show me a happy, at peace and joyous "Jew" and I will show you one who is NOT A KHAZARIAN ZIONIST! There are millions and they WILL join ranks with God's own when they understand the way of it. The "Jewish" organi­zations who speak out against this tide of deceitful beings are squashed ever so much more severely and quickly than are the proclaimed enemy's clubs.

Do you hear what is now being said about the illness in returned Gulf-War veterans who are now in the progressive movement of DEATH by what they will now tell you is from Chemi­cal/Biological weapons OF IRAQ. Come now, your own mili­tary leaders did that to your OWN SOLDIERS. Why do you think they hushed it up--if they REALLY wanted to get nasty old mad-Saddam--they would PLAY THE BLAME GAME TO THE HILT! THERE IS SIMPLY NOTHING THIS EVIL AD­VERSARY WILL NOT PERPETRATE UPON YOU TO WIN THIS BATTLE--THE WAR GOES ON. READERS--THE WAR GOES ON!

Back to the "ridiculous":

Edgar Bronfman is "quite possibly the richest Jew in the world!" (1/25/81, Jerusalem Post). He owns Joseph E. Seagrams Distillers which made mind-boggling fortunes by shipping beer and spirits into the U.S. from Canada during Prohibition. The Bronfmans also own 20% of Du Pont. Ed is President of the World Jewish Congress.

Barry Dillar is possibly America's richest Jew (if John Kluge isn't), he controlled Paramount Pictures, Simon and Shuster (the largest U.S. book publisher), a huge chain of movie theaters, Sega Video Games, and Madison Square Garden. The World Boxing Conference is headed by Joe Sulaiman. Top Rank, Inc., is headed by Bob Arum. Both are Jews. Many of their fight programs take place in Jewish-owned Caesar's Palace.

Retail mega-stores grossing billions by importing foreign products include Fred Meyers, Sprous-Reitz, and Sears. All are Jewish names. On the other side of the counter, consumer agi­tators Ralph Nader, Jerry Rifkind, and Jerry Rubin are Jews.

Gerald Greenwald (Jew) is president of Chrysler Corp. John Richman controls Kraft Foods, Parkay Margerine, Tupperware, and Duracell. Estee Lauder owns a cosmetics company of the same name, Ron Perlman owns Revlon. Marvin Davis is for­mer owner of Twentieth Century Fox. James Goldsmith (English Jew) owns Crown Zellerbach Diamond Paper Com­pany. Alfred Taubman owns A & W, plus whole shopping malls nation-wide. Chairman of Occidental Oil--Armand Ham­mer (A Friend of Russia). All Jews. Phillip Morris Tobacco Company is completely controlled by Jews. R.J. Reynolds controls tobacco interests, Del Monte Foods, and Aminoil Oil. In 1982 its chairman was J. Paul Sticht (Jew). The Crown fam­ily (Jews) owns over 20% of General Dynamics. The com­pany's president is David Lewis (Jew).

Grain merchants: Five companies control the Free World's grain. Of these the Fribourgs own Continental Grain, the Louis Dreyfus family owns a second, and the Hersch family controls a third (Bunge Company). All three families are Jewish, or of Jewish ancestry. In the Great Grain Robbery of 1971-72 HENRY KISSINGER (Jew) was at the heart of secret dealings that gave Russia U.S. grain at bargain prices and from which American farmers received very little profit. (Merchants of Grain, by Dan Morgan, pp. 31, 39, 157)

All high-quality diamonds entering the U.S. pass through a diamond center in New York City. It is totally controlled by Jews. South Africa's Oppenheimer family (Jews) control De-Beer's, the world's largest diamond company, and Anglo-American, the world's largest gold mining company.

Five men meet in London twice daily and decide the world price of gold. They represent Mocatta & Goldsmid, Sharps, Pi­zley Ltd., Samuel Montagu Ltd., Mase Wespac Ltd. and M. Rothschild & Sons. (12/29/86, L.A. Times and Wash. Post)

The Raiders of Wall Street, by Eric Allison names America's master robbers whose greed is costing us all. Included are Sir James Goldsmith, Irwin Jacobs, Carl Icahn, Victor Posner, Asher Edelman, and Saul Steinberg. Not named were Ivan Boesky, Marvin Davis, Ron Perlman, the Pritzker brothers and Belzberg brothers, Fred Wasserman (health care), Kohlberg and Kravis, Samuel Heyman, and the Haft family (Dart Group). All Jews.

The 1986-87 insider trading scandal was an almost Jew-only affair. Besides Boesky and Dennis Levine, Carl Icahn was pos­sibly involved (owns TWA), plus Davis Brown, Daniel Sil­verman, Robert Wilkis, Michael David, Morton Shapiro, Martin Siegel, Robert Salsbury, Andrew Soloman, and Michael Milken (junk bond "genius") [H: Let's not leave out the able-bodied help in the above manipulations of the entire Judicial sys­tem, Bar Association, groups like Shea & Gould and politi­cal figures supported by these groups.]

Investment Banks deal in stocks, bonds, international cur­rency, and raising funds for corporate raiders. The biggest are Kuhn, Loeb and Co., First Boston, Rothschild Bank, Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Goldman, Sachs & Co., and Salomon Brothers. All are family controlled by Jews. Drexel Burnham Investment Bank is headed by Jack Kugler, its East coast opera­tions by Fred Joseph, West coast by Milken. All Jews. [H: So, Dharma recognizes most of the names on the list as having been involved in the seizing of HER HOME. Do you see, readers, how you MUST work within this sordid world of corruption if you are to hold anything, even your life--but you DO NOT HAVE TO JOIN THE RANKS IN CORRUP­TION. I BELIEVE YOU CAN, HOWEVER, SEE WHY THERE WAS AND IS NO REAL "WINNING" IN A COURT OF LAW--ALL THE SYSTEM IS ON "THEIR" SIDE AND THE JUDGES WILL SMILE WHILE THEY STRIP YOU OF EVERY LAST THING YOU HAVE--IN­CLUDING--AND ESPECIALLY, DIGNITY! IT IS PURELY AN "INSIDER" GAME AND IF YOU THINK YOU CAN MARCH IN WITH "COMMON LAW" REA­SON, I CAN ONLY PITY YOUR LACK OF CLARITY AND PERCEPTION. "BUT" YOU SAY, "IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS WAY!" RIGHT! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?? STOP ASKING ME WHAT I AM GO­ING TO DO ABOUT IT--BECAUSE THEY KNOW AND I REMIND YOU--I AM NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Dharma and E.J. are not even in the "fight them" business any longer--they would be happy to "settle" and let the wheelers and dealers go their greedy pathway. The same with Green, actually, but NOT AT THE EX­PENSE OF INNOCENT FRIENDS AND WORKERS HOODWINKED BY THE TAKERS. WE ARE NO THREAT TO THESE KHAZARS AND YOU CAN BET WE'LL LEAVE THEM COMPLETELY ALONE ONCE CLEAR OF THEM--EVEN MR. GREEN(BERG??). HOWEVER, THEY WILL MEET THEIR OWN ENEMY (NOT ME) SOON ENOUGH FOR THE BLADE IS COM­ING DOWN QUICKLY NOW. IT WOULD BEHOOVE THEM TO ALLOW MY PEOPLE TO WIN A LITTLE BIT--SO THEY CAN TURN THEIR ATTENTION TO THEIR REAL ENEMY--THE RUSSIANS AND MONGOLS DO NOT LIKE THE KHAZARS!!! What do "we" want? Not much--just enough to get our remnant through and the big-wheels would not even miss that amount under any circum­stances--and, that which is rightfully ours as earned and en­trusted to us and ripped off by would-be "friends".
I chuckle at the story G. Green tells ones these days: "Boy those Ekkers have millions in gold and money--and they are in really serious trouble!" I can only imagine what trouble that poor child is in that his lies are of such incredible mag­nitude and so easily checked out! Are you dealing with a to­tally insane man--OR A TOTALLY DESPERATE MAN?

By the way, readers, what "I" am and do--is NOT BY ANY REMOTE TRANSMISSION WHAT ARE E.J. AND DORIS EKKER! Since the battle lines, however, are drawn against "them" it indicates the total lack of discernment of those poor misguided personages--do they think people are so stupid as to not be able to check out these stories?--or are they such a part and parcel of the brainwashing technique that they KNOW most of you won't give a damn and will believe anything you are told?! I have news for you ones, Ekkers can think of nothing more comfortable than to be out of ALL OF IT and get on with their lives as best they can! Perhaps if the nerds in power would get off their backs, I just might let them do that for a while. We shall see--for there is much unfolding at this moment. Remem­ber, insight into Truth is as difficult for these ones here as for any person reading any of this. This information, fur­ther, IS NOT NEW--every word has been published over and over again--how can we be of such importance? We only wish to reach our people and yet, they too, are free to choose any direction they wish.]
International banks barely acknowledge national boundaries. The Rockefellers of Chase-Manhattan are reportedly descended from Marrano Jews--Portuguese Jews who professed conversion to Catholicism to escape the Inquisition. Abraham Feinberg (Jew) was chairman of American Bank and Trust Company, and was lobbyist-consultant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. In the mid-'70s many international banks had huge loans to Panama, which was on the verge of financial collapse. Sol Linowitz of Marine-Midland Bank negotiated the Panama Canal giveaway, thereby freeing Canal revenues for Panama to pay its bank debts. (The Truth About the Panama Canal, by Denison Kitchel.)

Even the largest American banks ultimately depend on the Federal Reserve Bank for their credit and bailouts. Paul War­burg engineered establishment of "our" Federal Reserve Bank. He was sent over by Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to set it up, just in time to raise the enormous funds needed for WW I. Arthur Burns headed the Fed for many years. In 1987 Alan Greenspan was chosen to head it. All of the above names are Jewish.

FDIC Chairman (1987) was L. William Seidman (Jew). His predecessor was William Issac (Jew).

Ernst Stern (Jew) is second-in-command of the World Bank. Of six crucial areas explored in our search for the Land of the ZOG, Media (information) and Economics (income) are most important. The remaining four depend heavily on who has power over the Press and Purse. Nevertheless, to maximize its own security and parasitic "government" would apply pressure at all choke points of its host society.

The Versailles Conference concluding World War I's White bloodbath, which America entered through Zionist manipula­tions, was known as the "Kosher Conference" because of the amazing preponderance and awesome influence of its Jewish participants. This kosher crowd also hatched the League of Na­tions, predecessor to the United Nations, predecessor to a One World Government.

During WW II's White bloodbath, Franklin Roosevelt dele­gated authority to Harry Dexter White, Benjamin Cohen, Sol Bloom, Emmanual Celler, Isador Lumnin, Anna Rosenberg, Henry Morganthau, etc. The Morganthau Plan proposed shut­ting down German industry forever ("pastoralization"). Roo­sevelt was also closely advised by Felix Frankfurter. All were Jews. [H: How many of you readers realize that Franklin D. Roosevelt WAS RELATED TO A DOZEN OF YOUR PRES­IDENTS? Would this not be considered extensive incest if you are honest about it? You have laughed at the antics of your politicians too long, readers. While you laughed at the sacred clowns--your world was stolen right in front of you!]

Three of the NAACP's four original organizers were Jews. (They Dare to Speak Out, by Paul Findley.) Kevie Kaplan (Jew) was long-time president of the NAACP. He was the third Jew in succession to head that Black organization which has been so instrumental in the destruction of White society. [H: Believe me, readers, the Jew does not consider himself a Black! So, how is it that Jews began and head the organiza­tions of the Blacks?] Such positions mean control of Black masses and also control of confiscated White financial resources (aka, tax funds) flowing into it.

1987: "Our" (???) State Department agreed to accept 26,000 refugees annually from Cuba, and 36,500 from Southeast Asia. This is demographic manipulation by fiat. How many White Americans would vote for "Open Borders" in an open referen­dum? Then why don't we have one, and prove it once and for all?

Former House Speaker Tip O'Neill (puppet) stubbornly de­layed legislation that would have limited immigration reform. Aliens in the tens of millions made use of the time and opportu­nities he provided them, with a cost to Whites beyond measure. One example: AIDS. The people most heavily infected with AIDS are immigrant Blacks (Haitians and Africans). Jimmy Carter's open arms to Cubans in the Mariel Boatlift brought us another treasure trove of AIDS carriers. Many of these crea­tures were prisoners, homosexuals, or veterans of Cuba's mili­tary escapades in Africa where AIDS was already rampant but unreported. From these immigrant communities the virus spread among dope addicts, queers, prostitutes, then to main­stream America. Coming to your neighborhood soon.

The ACLU vigorously defends the rights of infected queers and criminals of all sorts in its efforts to bring justice (???) to this land: ZOG justice!

[H: Please, Dharma, just write and don't allow emotional involvement here. I need your hands, not your input.]

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was formed in 1920 primarily to defend Communists and troublesome aliens (i.e., wailing Jews). Source: The ACLU on Trial, by William McIlhany II (p.124). It specializes in court action to defy the Majority's will and therefore effectuate Minority Rule. Strong Zionists links should be suspected because the ACLU is a con­federation of parasites (lawyers). [H: We will also note that after "studying" the Ekker circumstances--the ACLU felt it unwise to handle their case for they "work with only large groups in which impact is possible. Also, a shortage of lawyers...." Funny thing is that the ACLU got into causing this local cemetery in Tehachapi to do away with a "cross" flowerbed as being racist. The community even offered to have other religious symbols added to the grounds--NO--the upper cross member had to be totally removed. There is now a silly "T" bed in the cemetery. How many of you have your town's initial IN THE LOCAL CEMETERY??] Suspi­cions should be heightened by the fact that Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter was one of its founders. He de­fended Communists in the 1920's Red Scare, assisted arch-Zionist Louis Brandeis, and provided free legal counsel to the NAACP. Suspicions of Zionist links are confirmed by the pre­ponderance of Jewish names appearing in ACLU cases, and in its leadership positions: Ira Glasser is president, Norman Dorsen executive director and Jerry Berman Chief Counsel. All are Jews.

Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941) was "Leader of American Zionists", according to C.C. O'Brien in The Siege. Brandeis said: "Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station or his shade of belief, is necessarily a member." (Letter to Eastern Council of the Central Conference of Reform Rabbis, 6/8/15)

He originated the novelty of allowing new evidence to be in­troduced at the Supreme Court level (Brandeis briefs).

In Shelly v. Kraemer (1948) the Supreme Court ruled racial housing convenants unconstitutional. Lawyers involved in this landmark case were Alan Brown and Ben Safir of the American Jewish Congress, Ernest Goodman of the National Lawyer's Guild, Julius Goldstein of the Anti-Nazi League, Mozart Ratner, Lee Pressman, David Rein, Victor Rabinovitz, John Abt, Leonard Boudin, Isadore Katz, Sam Rothbard, M.H. Goldstein, Dave Scribner, Matt Silverman, Iry Panzer, Harry Weinstock, Ralph Helistein, Dick Soloman... and many, many, many more.

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954) the Supreme Court ruled school segregation illegal: Among many Jews aiding the plaintiff were Philip Elman and Justice Felix Frankfurter.

With blatant disregard for judicial neutrality, Frankfurter dis­cussed strategy and progress with Elman, and told him how other justices felt. (AP, 3/23/87)

Stanley Levison (Jew) was "the most important unknown ad­visor Martin King and Andrew Young ever had", said Young in a September, 1985 obituary. Some SOLC members resented his vast influence in Black affairs, and the FBI (under Hoover) tagged Levison as a Communist. Now Jews vilify Hoover.

Jack Greenberg was longtime head of the NAACP Legal De­fense Fund. Greenberg was neither Black nor White: He was a Jew.

In 1987, four Senators were designated to carefully review all Reagan appointees to federal judgeships. They included one Jew (Metzenbaum) and three Zionist puppets (Kennedy, Biden, Simon). 3% of America's population will have 100 percent control of the selection process.

The two principle Senate-appointed lawyers investigating the 1987 Iran-Contra Affair were Art Lyman and Mark Belnik (Jews), probably because Israel's involvement and profits had to be covered up regarding both guns and drugs.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a Jewish organization [H: Created by British Intelligence for the Committee of 300.] that uses quasi-legal measures to promote Zionist interests and suppress resistance to ZOG. This strategy includes court actions like the ACLU, plus mass pressure tactics such as boy­cotts and organized call-ins, plus individual pressure tactics such as brain-washing (otherwise known as "sensitivity training"), political pressure, disinformation, lies, etc. ADL official Hy­man Hays said on 2/1/50: "You can call these tactics anything you want to. You can even say smear. We prefer to say 'education' . "

Or more accurately: "Kosher education". The Anti-Defama­tion League was so alarmed about a book warning of the sub­mergence of Whites in the American Melting Pot (Conquest of a Continent, M. Grant, 1933) that it urged newspapers and peri­odicals not to review or otherwise publicize the book because--as Richard E. Gutstadt (Jew) said: "We are interested in stifling the sale of this book." Photocopies verifying this blatant act of intellectual suppression still exist. [H: Still wonder why the PHOENIX JOURNALS are hard to find, hard to get and are often totally BANNED?]

Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (Jew) introduced a bill that estab­lished the Office of Special Investigation (OSI). When anti-Semitism becomes a capital crime as it was in Russia, this little-known agency will balloon and supplant the FBI as ZOG's ma­jor tool for eliminating patriots. Neal Sher (Jew) heads this American equivalent of Stalin's infamous NKVD. Its staff is rife with Jews (as was the NKVD's). [H: Well, friends, let us face squarely the fact that this Phoenix Institute, the Ekkers and all activities have BEEN INVESTIGATED BY EVERY ONE OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS AND MR. GREEN INSISTS THERE ARE 'MORE'--I WOULD SAY HE LIES AS THERE CAN'T BE MANY MORE! WE SIMPLY DO NOTHING FOR WHICH TO BE "TAKEN-OUT" WITH­OUT MASSIVE ATTENTION. FOR YOU PARTICI­PANTS--IS IT NOT NICE TO KNOW THAT SO MUCH ATTENTION HAS BEEN GIVEN THIS INSTITUTION ONLY TO FIND IT CLEAN AND WELL-RUN? THIS MUST BE THE "SHOCK" OF THE CENTURY TO GREEN'S BUDDIES. HE IS NOW WORKING WITH ONE OF THE MAJOR RING-LEADERS OF THESE JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS--CONNECTED TO THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTE, YET. I WILL "LAY-OFF" WHEN THEY REMOVE THE HOUNDS OF HELL FROM MY PEOPLE--NOT UNTIL!]
The Jewish Defense League (JDL) and Jewish Defense Or­ganization (JDO) are street justice counterparts to the ADL. JDL founder Meir Kahane proudly proclaimed after one act of terrorism: "There are two types of justice--criminal justice and Jewish justice." Jews administer both types, just to cover all the bases and cases. What else are they administering?


Dharma, we can't finish this today, so let's take a break, turn this over and continue if there is remaining time. Thank you.