PJ 80
MON., OCT. 11, 1993 12:56 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 056

MON., OCTOBER 11. 1993

These "Choke Points" are:

1. Media--Unpopular crusades and devious tactics using filtered news (information).

2. Economics--Oppression under the power of the purse (income).

3. Demographics--Resistance to manipulation of ethnic compo­sition and numbers.

4. Justice--Onerous laws and litigious maneuvers.

5. Culture--Ruination of entertainment, religious, and educa­tional values.

6. Politics--Seizure of formal governmental powers.

If problems and conflicts at these six choke points can be found on a scale having national impact, the claim that Zionists have become an occupational force in our country might have to be taken seriously after all.

Evidence indicating America's Media has been "Occupied"
Mathathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia: "The Western press is not free, as they have to bow to Zionist inter­ests. It is clear the foreign press is under greater domination be­cause of the Zionist influence than the Malaysian press, which is under control of the government."

In his Wartime Journals Charles A. Lindbergh warned: "We are disturbed about the effect of the Jewish influence on our press, radio, and motion pictures. It may become very serious. (Fulton) Lewis told us of one instance where the Jewish adver­tising firms threatened to remove all their advertising from the Mutual System if a certain feature was permitted to go on the air. The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed." (5/1/41)

General George Brown was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1974. President Ford publicly reprimanded him for statements regarding excessive Jewish influence in the media, banks and Congress.

Manachem Shalev, member of the Israeli Consulate: "Journalists, editors, and politicians for that matter, are going to think twice about criticizing Israel if they know they are going to get thousands of angry calls in a matter of hours. The Jewish lobby is good at orchestrating pressure... Israel's presence in America is all-pervasive... You don't want to seem like you are blatantly trying to influence whom they [the media] invite. You have to persuade them that you have the show's best interests at heart... After the hullabaloo over Lebanon [cluster bombing civilians, etc.], the press doesn't do anything without calling us for comment."

Newscaster Tom Brokaw's reply to Jewish concerns about whose side the American media was on: "You have nothing to worry about." (Feb/1987, Mother Jones)

David Lamb, reporter for L.A. Times: "If there is anything in the paper that smacks of criticism of Israel my editor's phone starts ringing off the hook in the morning."

Hype: Jews constitute about 3% of America's population. Compare that percentage to the time and space reserved in "our" media for subjects hyping Jewish achievements, wailing, per­sonalities, more wailing, demands, still more wailing, the Holo­caust, etc...

Verbal Flatulence; New York News Service (1986): In her ar­ticle deriding claims of a ZOG in the U.S., Flora Lewis (Jew) called it "a symptom of a murderous bigot's disease". She rec­ommended that "bigots should look to Lebanon".

Apparently Flora is bigoted against looking at Israel and its treatment of Palestinians as an example of bigotry (and apartheid).

Smear Campaigns: Throughout 1986-87 Kurt Waldheim was vilified by unhappy Jews and the media for alleged war crimes. Yet the following headline appeared in the Jewish Post, 11/24/86: "No Evidence on Waldheim". In 1988 a panel of six historians, including 3 Jews, found Waldheim guilty only of knowing about "war crimes".

Meanwhile, "our" media steadfastly declines to hound Israeli leaders for war crimes against Palestinians.

Gestapo tactics: In referring to what Israel felt was unkind media coverage of its war in Lebanon, a spokesman for the Is­raeli Embassy wailed: "If we'd like to launch a war against the Washington Post for revealing a 'rating' system Israel uses to evaluate American newspapers: The whole story is off the record, including our conversations. If I know you are going to quote me, we will take measures against you." (Mother Jones, Feb., 1987, p. 52)

Our (???) government was silent about this trampling on American press freedoms by a foreign government.

A logical question is: If Zionists control the American media, why does Israel get so unhappy with it at times? Answer: "We Jews are an unusual people. We fight over anything." So says Philip Klutznick, past president of B'nai B'rith as quoted in They Dare to Speak Out, p. 276. They also want to stifle even mild criticism early-on because "a stitch in time saves nine." Otherwise ZOG's (alleged) web of conspiracies can unravel, as in the Pollard spy case; or ZOG's true nature may be exposed, such as breaking bones of (Palestinian) patriots, THEN BURY­ING THEM ALIVE.

Censorship: In 1988 our (???) government moved to shut the PLO information center in New York--but let's quit persecuting Israel. Referring to television's coverage of the 1968 Commu­nist Tet Offensive, Linda Ellerbe said on ABC's Our World (2/4/87): "The young were seeing history being made before it was censored by their elders." (She actually said that with a straight face.) As always the Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of Hue's police chief shooting a captured Viet Cong was featured. Ellerbe didn't mention that Communists had just butchered the entire family of THAT police chief's brother.
Transforming perception into reality. Wally Cronkite said shortly after Tet: "You know, I think that maybe its time some­body goes out there and says what it looks like to a reasonably informed and astute person." Wally selected himself, and after looking around said: "I didn't think we were winning in Viet­nam."

So said America's most trusted journalist, and America be­lieved him but in fact the Communists lost more than 40,000 men in that campaign, and the Viet Cong infra-structure was totally shattered. It was the biggest single Allied victory of the entire war!

Unfortunately these revelations only came to light months later. Network reaction was typified by NBC News when it re­jected a proposed special in late 1968 to correct the miscon­ception. Said one producer: "Tet was already-established in the public's mind as a defeat, and therefore it was an American defeat." (Between Fact and Fiction, Edward Epstein, p. 225)

So who was responsible for that catastrophically-false per­ception of an Allied defeat? "Vietnam and Watergate were vic­tories of the press." Statement by William Schneider, American Enterprise Institute on PBS's MacNeil Lehrer Report, 2/11/87.

"What we focus on--expands:" For two days in 1985, the lead news story on all three national networks was the burning down of Winnie Mandela's home (thank God she was away at the time). By concentrating on this "story", attention was di­verted from other stories like mega-billion gifts to Israel, the takeover of Mex-America, the Genocide Treaty, etc.

Distorting the picture: From 1/1/87 to 10/11/87, 9% of the victims in AIDS stories on nightly TV news programs were identified homosexuals, whereas they actually constitute 73%. 9% of those seen were black or Hispanic, vs. an actual 39%. (Source: Center for Media and Public Affairs, Wash., D.C.)

Pre-emptive Journalism: To counter "Amerika" (a mildly anti-Soviet miniseries), Ted Turner authorized programs on WTBS favorable to the Soviet image (1/31/87, TV Guide). No images of Afghan child-victims of Russian toy bombs were shown.

Several businesses, including Maybelline, threatened to boy­cott Ted Turner's CNN if it continued running an ad about for­mer Representative Paul Findley's book They Dare to Speak Out. In it Findley said Israel "...is able to stifle free speech, control our Congress, and even dictate our foreign policy." Wailing Jews demanded and got free equal time because Find­ley's ad was allegedly a political message.

This is not only a sample of Media control, but also Eco­nomic control--in this particular case control of advertising rev­enues which are the media's lifeblood.

[H: So where does "Hatonn" fit into this scheme and why not do what was done at Waco--to this place, etc.? Well "they" would like to find something to precipitate such a move--but there is no group, no focus, no original lecturing as such, no nothing--except a few individuals who follow God and are willing to serve, in a treacherous time, the Law of THAT God. I didn't say a bunch of pious doctrines or "man-writ­ten" rules and regulations of religion or nonsense. There is no following blindly of some "MAN" from "any time"--our full focus is on an energy-form of spiritual energy focus called "christ"ness. Believe me--the ADVERSARY DOES NOT WANT TO BRING THE ANGER AND WRATH OF LIGHTED GOD DOWN ON HIS PHYSICAL HEAD! THE ZOG can go against ones claiming faith and salvation in a man called by some name or another--even if they "claim" it to be a "Christ"--they are up for destruction to teach all you other "Christians" that you will be killed, buried and burned. We claim no relationship to any such following and to take on the Hosts of God is NOT EXACTLY WHAT ZOG HAS IN MIND! REMEMBER: THEY LOSE THAT BAT­TLE! THE ZOG AND THE ADVERSARY HIMSELF--KNOW WE HAVE NO INTENTION IN THE LEAST TO PHYSICALLY FORCE HIM (THEM) TO DO OR STOP ANYTHING--OUR ONLY PURPOSE IS TO "INFORM". SINCE EVERYTHING IN THE INFORMATION CIRCLES IS "CONTROLLED" THEY DO NOT CONSIDER OUR MESSAGES TO BE A MAJOR "THREAT" TO THEIR "CAUSE" BECAUSE "HARDLY ANYONE WILL BE­LIEVE IN OUR PRESENCE UNDER ANY CIRCUM­STANCES" AND WE DO NOT URGE TAKING UP ARMS, FLAUNTING YOUR OPPOSITION OR ANYTHING ELSE "OF FORCEFUL REBELLION". THE ADVERSARY AND ZOG KNOW THAT WE CAN VAPORIZE OUR ENEMY IN A BLINK OF AN EYE--IF THEY HARM OUR VALID CREW. THIS IS RESPECTED AND HONORED BY THE HEAD-SHED EVEN IF NOT BY THE UNDERLING EFFORTING TO MAKE A SHOW-AND-TELL. "ACCI­DENTS" HAPPEN BY THE HANDS OF STUPID ELITISTS IN IGNORANCE--BUT TO PUSH THE RIVER UPON MY PEOPLE--IS A GRAVE ERROR, INDEED. "YOU" AS INDIVIDUALS DON'T SEEM TO YET UNDERSTAND "HOW IT IS"! DO I APPROVE OF EVIL ACTIONS? NO‑-BUT IT IS NOT MY PREROGATIVE TO INTERFERE WHEN YOU OBVIOUSLY DO! IT IS YOUR WORLD OF EXPRESSION--NOT MINE--SO WHY WOULD I PRESUME TO INTERFERE WITH YOURS? YOU HAVE A LOT WRONG ABOUT GOD AND THE KINGDOM OF COSMIC UNIVERSAL CREATION.]
Signals of Economic Occupation
"Jew storekeepers have already learned the advantage to be gained from this [unlimited credit]; they lead on the farmer into irretrievable indebtedness, and keep him ever after as their bondslave hopelessly grinding in the mill" Across the Plains, by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894).

Prince Otto von Bismarck: "The division of the United States into two federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the High Financial Power of Europe. These [Jewish] bankers were afraid that the United States, if they re­mained in one block and as one nation, would obtain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world... Therefore they started their emis­saries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic." (Interview by Conrad Seim, in La Veille France, March, 1921.)

The highest of the High Financial Powers was Lord Nathan Rothschild (Jew), reportedly the single most powerful man of the 19th Century Europe. He said: "I care not who governs a country, give me its purse strings and I will be in control."

The U.S. Federal Reserve System is a "central bank" and Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln among others fought fervently against the idea of a central bank. Nev­ertheless, a Rothschilds' operative--Paul Warburg--engineered formation of the Fed just in time to supply the massive credit necessary for the Allied effort in World War I. Despite its name, the Federal Reserve--like Federal Express--is privately owned. Thomas Jefferson said: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their prop­erty until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Obviously he was an alarmist, although we do hear a lot about homeless people these days, and a 1987 Archer Daniels Midland advertisement did state that 76,000 farmers would go bankrupt that year. Hundreds of thousands more were in risky financial shape. A Georgia State economist said banks are telling these people: "You can't pay off the old loan, so we're not going to loan you more." (9/19/86, USA Today)

Farmers get loans in the form of Federal Reserve "notes". To be negotiable, a "note" must promise to pay something. Federal Reserve "notes" promise to pay absolutely nothing, yet to secure loans of these "notes" farmers must offer collateral in the form of real things like land and crops. Who says you can't get something for nothing?

The FHA made $5.4 million available in loans--loans--to drought-stricken farmers, but they had to show evidence that they could repay. Said one official: "I hope it is not the case that we cannot help the farmers because they are unable to qualify for these loans [because of high debt loads already]..." (The Oregonian, 10/26/86)

Compare this financial treatment to that given Mexico, Rus­sia, and especially Israel.

While American farmers are being systematically destroyed, Israel continues to get billions in grants and forgiven loans every year from U.S. taxpayers--including farmers! Israel is allowed to repay unforgiven U.S. loans over 30 years, while other countries must repay in 12. Also, Israel pays only interest for the first ten years, expecting that in time the principal will be forgiven, and/or ZOG-engineered U.S. inflation will ease the strain of repayments. (In 1987 Israel's interest payments were "forgiven" by at least $200,000,000.)

This transfer process is eerily similar to bloodsuckers and other parasites draining their victim's blood.

U.S. banks with loans to Mexico want the World Bank to guarantee a new $12 Billion loan to Mexico (9/25/86 Wall Street Journal) The World Bank gets its "money" from the Federal Reserve which can inflate or deflate the dollar whenever its pri­vate owners so decide. An artificially-high dollar severely crip­ples America's exports. [H: Ouch! Looks like this paper is at least as old as around the mid to late 1980's, does it not? Watch the clues! If that be so, you have had almost a decade to be further devoured by the ZOG!]

Like agriculture, White America's mammoth manufacturing base would also have to be sabotaged. ZOG would need help throwing millions of such "whites" out of work, thereby lower­ing their living standard and eroding their economic power. How are they doing so far? 60% of new American jobs in the past decade pay less than $7000/year. Real average weekly earnings of factory workers has dropped 10% since 1979. (Reported 1/29/87)

It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it. Who has ZOG allied itself with to accomplish this?

(12/25/86, SF Chronicle: Fujitsu wants to buy Fairchild Semiconductor. According to one analyst, "It is buying a U.S. nameplate to put on Japanese semi-conductors. A U.S. com­pany can't dump into the U.S. market." A Jewish analyst saw it differently. Eli Sayegh (Jew), stated: "...you can see it as posi­tive steps toward globalization of the industry."

1986: Even as Japanese goods flooded U.S. markets, Japan acted to stop the importation of 20 tons of rice a year (20 tons total!!) by sailors returning from California. Japanese rice is six times more costly.

Carl T. Rowan of the Washington Post detects racism in Prime Minister Nakasone's remarks suggesting American achievements are being held back by lower intellectual abilities of the Blacks and Hispanics. He feels that assertion may lead to protectionist sentiments here. (9/28/86)

Rowan was hinting that Japan's permit to destroy all of White America's economic power will be revoked unless Nakasone ends such racist talk. Racism is bad, bad, bad! Everyone "knows" that, just as everyone "knows" the Holocaust was hu­manity's "worst-ever calamity". Racism is so bad, in fact, that all efforts to solve the problem are justified [H: by the ZOG].

Unwelcome Demographic Manipulation

France gave the Statue of Liberty to America as a symbol of Republican Enlightenment, not open borders. The poem plead­ing "Give me your tired, your poor, etc..." was written in­dependently of sanctioned statute proceedings by Emma Lazarus, a Jew. It was not officially associated with the statue for another 35 years. (C.C. O'Brien, The Siege). [H: You will note TODAY, 9/11/93, there is a movement afoot in the Jewish community of New York to remove those words from the statue, entirely. This is due to the influx of so many Italians and basically "anti-Jewish" emigrants. This state­ment was on CNN news this very morning!]
Overt invasion of targeted host countries: At the start of the Twentieth Century Jews flooded America like an invading army, much like they flooded Palestine in the 1940s.

Mass sacrifice of White lives to gain Zionist ends: Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president in late 1916 on his promise to "keep us out of the war," and maintain strict "Neutrality". On January 23, 1917 he told Congress he earnestly wanted to re­main at peace with Germany, but on April 2, 1917 America en­tered a war that was to cost it 117,000 White lives. Why? Britain desperately needed help, so Zionists offered U.S. wealth and manpower in exchange for Britain's promise to give Pales­tine to the Jews. This promise was engineered by Lord Bal­four, and thus called the Balfour Declaration.

"World War I was our supreme revenge on the Christian World." Count Mensdorf (A Jew, Post WWI Austrian Ambas­sador to Britain).

Charles Lindbergh (Wartime Journals, 5/1/41): "The pres­sure for war is mounting again. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war."

Roosevelt said during his 1940 campaign: "I promise you again and again that I will not send your sons to fight and die on foreign soil." After re-election, he helped keep us out of that war by ordering the U.S. Navy to escort British ships and sink German subs. Germany refused to retaliate, so he then goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor as a way of getting America into WW II (Tragic Deception, by Hamilton Fish, a high-ranking Republican Congressman of the era.)

Why was Roosevelt so intent on war? "Whenever an Ameri­can fell at Bataan or Corregidor, the real reason that boy went to his death was because Hitler's anti-Semitic movement succeeded in Germany." Proudly revealed on CBS radio by Samuel Unte­meyer, President of the World Jewish Federation.


Dharma, thank you for another long day. Salu.
PJ 80

TUE., OCT. 12, 1993 10:20 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 057

TUE., OCTOBER 12, 1993

As we closed yesterday, of necessity for attending other duties, we stopped in the midst of a discussion regarding unwelcome demographic changes.

Since there was other message material this morning, I ask that we move right into the subject in progress. I want, also, to reprint the more comprehensive writing regarding the "input" from Russian "visitors" which has run in the paper in its first notation form--but I want you readers TO REALLY PAY AT­TENTION--IT IS URGENTLY IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEE WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHAT OTHERS KNOW ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE AND THE PLAN(S) 2000. (Please see chapter 5.)

CONTINUATION: LAND OF THE ZOG. Nowhere in this document can we discern WHO wrote it. We do have informa­tion regarding the source of this material in hand. We, further, will not press to know WHO did the actual writing for obviously if that author wanted his "cover" blown--he would have had an ego trip and written his logo all over it.

We are using a paper sent to us, also from an anonymous donor, so we will give you information regarding the paper in point and you must do your own sleuthing if you fail to agree with the material in point. It is a Special Edition of a paper called: The CDL REPORT, P.O. Box 426, Metairie, LA 70004. The Editor is listed as James K Warner. This Special Edition is numbered, Issue 137. Thank you.

Taking up with the subject in serial progress:
Nazis--and to a great extent Germans in general--are still vili­fied almost daily. Come to think of it, why did Nazi Germany detest the Jews? (We shall get to that subject.)

Murder of White patriots: William Joyce's last words just be­fore Britain executed him for anti-war activism in WW II:

"In death, as in life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war, and I defy the powers of darkness which they represent. I am proud to die for my ideals and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why."

Question: On 12/12/85 248 U.S. soldiers and 8 civilians died in a plane crash from duty in the Sinai Desert guarding the truce line separating Israel and Egypt. What government and whose cause did those troops die for without knowing why?

Hint: the same answers apply to the Marines who died in the Beirut barracks bombing.

Character assassination of potential White heroes: A 1987 "docudrama" smeared the memory of Henry Ford (an anti-Zionist). J. Edgar Hoover met the same fate because of his strong anti-communist career and exposure of Martin Luther King's Communist links. In 1983 three Israeli tanks tried to barge past U.S. Marine positions in Lebanon. White Marine Captain Charles B. Johnson stopped them with only his bravery and a Colt pistol. The U.S. media dutifully reported Zionist-supplied rumors that alcohol was smelled on Johnson's breath.

Character-enhancement of White anti-heroes, including out­right traitors: Instead of Captain Johnson being held up as a role model for White boys, they get Jamie Farr--MASH's pacifist soldier in drag. A real-life example is Jane Fonda. In a well covered trip to North Vietnam, Hanoi Jane actually sang with North Vietnamese soldiers, but "our" media did not howl for her arrest for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. After all, North Vietnam was not an enemy of Israel.

Character assassination is used in countless situations where a White has accomplished something that might elevate him to hero status. This is a modern version of "regicide", a tactic that helps destabilize a society and thereby profits any organized force waiting to rush in and fill the resulting leadership vacuum.

Terrorizing White patriots: Joseph Schacter, chief of the lo­cal Jewish Defense League chapter, put a bomb on the doorstep of a Canadian White activist. The terrorist's lawyer observed that his client could have left a far bigger bomb, but wanted to keep it "small and symbolic". (1978, Canada)

Besieging White communities: Blacks and Jews marched through the Howard Beach area of New York City to protest the killing of a Black by White youths. Now the area is targeted for its "racial identity" and "territoriality" problems.

Destruction of White communities: In Shelly vs. Kraemer (1948), racial housing covenants were ruled unconstitutional. The result has been catastrophic losses in property value, mas­sive White Flight, and the dissolution of White cohesion.

The 1949 Genocide Convention, recently signed into law, will allow the World Court to extradite and punish ANY White American who criticizes Israel or the Jewish race. An interna­tional treaty supersedes our Constitution.

An Especially Troublesome White Community

It's crucial to remember that by definition ZOG (assuming it exists, of course) has mind-boggling power that transcends na­tional boundaries. All White societies are targeted, no matter how tolerant they are of destructive Jews in its midst or how far Whites bend over backwards to satisfy endless Jewish wailing and intrigues.

One stubborn White society remains a painful thorn in ZOG's side. Although ostracized and vilified for decades, 5 million Whites in South Africa continue to dominate 25 million Blacks. This is embarrassing to those who insist all races are equal, be­cause no equivalent situation exists now (or ever has) where any nation's Black minority dominated another race. Worst of all, apartheid might give dangerous ideas to Whites in other coun­tries who detest the Melting Pot they're stewing in, but are afraid to speak out.

While in office President Reagan strongly resisted sanctions against South Africa, reflecting America's majority attitude. A 1986 NBC-TV news poll found only 26% of the people sup­ported sanctions, yet Senator Joseph Biden stated: "It is time for the world to understand that President Reagan does not speak for the American people on this issue." Actually in Congress that is resisting popular sentiment. Georgia's Rep. Newt Gin­grich voted for sanctions although 80% of his home district was opposed.

A Gallup Poll revealed only 8% of U.S. Whites supported sanctions despite an intense, unrelenting media propaganda campaign. For instance, Oliver Tambo of the terrorist African National Congress refers to bombings and other violence against "soft targets" (civilians) as armed propaganda. For his efforts he was named "Person of the Week" on ABC News, 1/30/87. Peter Jennings gushed: "Oliver Tambo is the brightest symbol of resistance to White domination." [H: Does THIS mean that the "Jews" consider themselves to be of another race or COLOR? Goodness gracious no! They consider themselves to be "white" and beyond! What appears to be "love" of the colored races, i.e. "Black", is nothing but facade to USE those races for their own plans of domination and destruc­tion of those "inferior" races. You must understand that the Khazarian Jew feels himself superior TO ALL RACES-­ANYWHERE--ANYTIME! The "recognized" white Cau­casian "race" is his primary enemy because of the "Christian" connections. The Jew can infiltrate within the very workings of a society in which he is not isolated as to appearance. It is now that so many are representative of so few that you-the-people forget the ratios in point. If all you see are Jewish entertainers, newscasters, politicians, etc., YOU assume ALL to be as you (they). It is simple in its methodology--you ARE what you believe!]

(U.S.A. TODAY, 1/29/87) A theoretical interview with Thomas Paine was based on remarks he made 200 years ago. Naturally the discussion touched on South Africa. Paine is against apartheid (but no doubt supports Israel's right to exist).

Miscegenation: Consider those loving glances between Blacks and Whites in music videos, implying that race-mixing is good. In reality the progeny of such unions will have an average IQ less than the White parent. Blacks have scored lower in practi­cally every IQ and SAT test ever given, no matter how high their economic level (from a Newsweek article, 1/14/80).

The average weight of a White brain is 1380 grams, a Black 1249 grams. Cubic capacity--White 1481, Black 1316. In both cases this is a difference of about 10%. The sutures of a Black infant's skull unite at an earlier age than a White's, thus retard­ing development. (The Story of Man, 1962, by Carleton Coon, past president of the American Association of Anthropologists.) [H: I want you to pause here a minute and reconsider your response to this segment and information. This is objective and not "by opinion" and the facts go further--the "average" Jewish person is smaller than either of the above recognized "races"--but has a higher IQ, larger and heavier brain. This is simply FACTUAL information--no more and no less and makes no reference to status or bias.]

Disarming Whites: Wife of Zionist spy Pollard (both Jews) worked as a secretary for the National Rifle Association. Any ZOG would naturally want its host people disarmed as its poli­cies and strategies bear ever more bitter fruit.

(Witness the Palestinians, with only rocks to fight their ZOG and its well armed Jewish troops.)

Hounding Whites from their communities: In 1987 a Cana­dian member of the Aryan Nations Church offered his ranch as asylum for U.S. Whites fleeing ZOG persecution. He wants Canada to accept American Whites as political refugees!

This White patriot's actions are appreciated--but hopeless. Canada has a ZOG too.

"Our (???) capitol is 70% Black, but of the three non-White armies being used by ZOG (if it exists, of course), only His­panics are mounting a full-scale physical invasion of this coun­try. This is not to slight other non-Whites crossing our border each year, but their numbers are small compared to millions of illegal aliens from Latin America--including Puerto Rico, which has mysteriously become a State in everything but name. ZOG's intent is to supplement rapidly-breeding Blacks, and to have a counter-force ready in case Blacks get uppity, as Jesse Jackson has done. (Remember "Hymietown?")

IN 1986 1.6 million Hispanic invaders were caught by the INS. For each invader captured, up to ten get through. One INS agent stated: "What nobody understands is that this isn't a migration; this is an invasion. We fought in Vietnam and we fought in Korea to keep out the Communists. Now we're giving away our southern border." (The Oregonian, 2/8/87) White patriots maintain ZOG in giving it away.

(7/11/86) Hispanics are outraged at White patriots volun­teering to guard America's southern border and make citizen's arrests of invaders, many of whom are "mules" (drug carriers). Hispanics consider this domestic terrorism, and will start their own border patrols to stop White interdiction.

The Pentagon wants $300,000,000,000 for fiscal 1988 to protect this country from invasion, but practically no military personnel or bases are used to protect our southern border from invasion.

Outgoing New Mexico Governor Toney Anaya declared the whole State of New Mexico a sanctuary for Central American political refugees. (11/28/86 USA TODAY)

(11/15/86) Attorneys are outraged because some illegal aliens might have been deported without knowing they were eligible to stay here pending new immigration rules. Lawyers want U.S. taxpayers to pay for sending people into Mexico to look for His­panic invaders already given the boot.

Senator Dan Inouye's $8 million allotment to educate North African Jews may be used instead to help refugees (1/26/88). Meanwhile, no funds will be allotted to White American taxpay­ers such as Donna Arneson of Portland, Oregon, facing death because she cannot pay for a liver transplant (1/29/88).

California's residents favor one official language--so far. Shelly Spiegel-Coleman (Jew) is outraged, but thinks the bilin­gual program will be extended because its been grafted onto a bill that includes politically-popular programs such as aid to the elderly. (12/16/87)

8/22/86) Mexicans are outraged about American drug agents in Mexico. Apparently they feel Mexico's sovereignty is threat­ened if Americans cross their border without permission.

Jorge Castenaga of the National University of Mexico is out­raged about America's racist and xenophobic reaction to Mexi­cans flooding across her border. He feels Mexico's problems are up to the United States to solve, but White Americans vol­unteering to guard their own border bothers him severely. He worries that Reagan has reawakened an American sense of na­tionalism, so bigotry and racism can't be far behind. (The Ore­gonian, 8/ 19/86)

This implies that a lack of nationalism is best for White America, which is exactly the attitude ZOG (if it exists) would want: mainstream America bereft of self-pride, weapons, cohe­sion, leaders, financial resources, and chained to an unjust Jus­tice System.
Occupation of America's "Justice" System

Jews want to be considered Caucasian in every respect, or they wail even louder than usual. They also want--are now get­ting--protection under civil rights laws originally passed to pro­tect non-white Caucasians. (Abstracted from a Newhouse News Service dispatch, 5/19/87.) By using race discrimination laws, Jews not only have things their way--they have it both ways.

1984: "Our" (???) FBI declined to include the Institute of Historical Review firebombing in its annual report on terrorist incidents and has not found the vermin responsible. Compare this ho-hum attitude to FBI actions against White patriots. [H: WOW--if you look at the fire-storm in WACO and the planned firestorm in Idaho!]

"Our" FBI reported 7 terrorist incidents in 1985, with 2 dead and 10 injured. Of those, Jewish extremists accounted for 4 in­cidents, 2 murders, and 9 injured. (7/5/86, Washington Post) Not one Jew has yet been prosecuted in connection with any of these incidents.

Such bombings are samples of "Kosher Justice". Jewish De­fense Organization founder Mordechai Levy "approved a bombing 100%" (New York Post, 8/16/86). He added: "Whoever did it did a righteous act." Also: "obviously we can't claim credit...[but] there are Jews who will administer Jewish justice." (North New Jersey Herald News). Why was the victim killed? For allegations of WW II war crimes that HAVE SINCE BEEN DISPROVEN (AS THEY USUALLY ARE).

More Kosher Justice: Statements of New York City Jewish Defense League Commander Victor Vancier to the Village Voice in April, 1986 include "...the [Jewish] underground will strike targets that will make Americans gasp." He went on to say that a prominent Palestinian-American professor had been marked for "liquidation". Less than a month later Temple Uni­versity professor Ismail Farugi and his wife were murdered.

(Gee, "our" FBI can't find those terrorists, either.)

Zionists break any law that doesn't suit them. Amy Carter was arrested in anti-CIA demonstration on the U. of Mas­sachusetts. For a key witness she wants Daniel Ellsberg (a Jew who illegally leaked classified documents). She was arrested along with her close friend Abbie Hoffman, a Jew agitator who hid 6 years to evade drug-dealing charges. (Jan. 1987)

Bernadine Christian aka Dohrn (Jew) was once a leader of the violently-revolutionary Weather Underground. She went into hiding in 1969, surfaced in 1980, fined $1500 and granted probation. In 1982 she refused to reveal what she knew of a Brinks robbery in which 3 White men were killed. She was given 7 months in jail.

Compare this slap on the wrist with 150-year sentences meted out to White patriots.

Government-regulated censorship: PM, New York's pro-Marxist daily in 1946, carried the complaints of an Anti­-Defamation League spokesman who demanded that the FCC in­vestigate a radio station for being anti-Semitic. He called it "a transmission belt for nationalistic propaganda". (8/21/46 PM) (Apparently "nationalism = anti-Semitism to the ADL.)

Court-ordered censorship: Zionist puppet Theodore Sorensen threatened court action to force ABC to drop the mini-series Amerika. (1/31/17 (19??), TV Guide)

He has no problem with trampling on freedom of speech in this matter, which is sort of what Amerika was supposed to be about.

The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) is a federal agency whose job is to root out Americans who once served with Axis forces. As evidence for deportation OSI uses hearsay testimony of alleged Holocaust survivors, and Soviet KGB evidence. Robert Gillette had this to say in the Los Angeles Times (April 28 and 29, 1986): "The Soviets have refused to give prosecutors or defense attorneys access to wartime archives to search for other evidence that might bear on the defendant's guilt or inno­cence..." A dissenting judge in the Kowalchuk case said Soviet restrictions had "denied Kowalchuk the opportunity to conduct even a primitive preparation of a defense...the most basic of due process rights."

1987: The U.S. "Justice" Department deported Karl Linnas, an American citizen, to certain death, thanks to data supplied by Jews and Soviets to OSI. The U.S. District Judge presiding was Jacob Mishler (Jew). 74 more Americans have been targeted by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and OSI is dutifully investigating them.

The Civil Rights Movement

America's greatest and most visible source of discrimination is the civil rights movement. Teddy Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and other puppets have high profiles in this mammoth campaign against Whites, but who is the real power of Minority Rule?

"The Jewish community has long been the financial backbone of civil rights movement." (9/19/66, New York Times)

U.S. Congressional Record (6/7/57) of remarks by Israel Cohen (Jew), spokesman for the Communist Party in England in 1912: "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension... In America, we will aim for a subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Ne­groes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk in life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige the Negro will be able to in­termarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Their slave history automatically inspires a debilitating guilt in Whites that's matched only by our bottomless Holocaust guilt.

Malcolm X, leader of the Black Muslims: "All I had held against the Jews was that so many Jews actually were hypocrites in their claim to be friends of the American black man... At the same time I knew that Jews played these roles for a very careful strategic reason: the more prejudice in America that could be focused upon the Negro, then the more the white Gentile's prej­udice would keep...off the Jew." (2/4/85 New York magazine)

In other words, as White society is mesmerized by the the­atrics of enraged Blacks, Zionists slip a few hundred thousand more Orientals and Hispanics in, slip a few billion dollars more to Israel, etc.

1948: In Shelly v. Kraemer the Supreme Court decided racial housing covenants were unconstitutional. The plaintiffs lawyers were practically all wailing Jews.

1954: In Brown v. Board of Education the Supreme Court decided segregated schools were unconstitutional. The federal legal brigade aiding Brown and NAACP was heavily Jewish.

The result has been unending racial tension, mind-boggling costs for bussing students and remedial programs for Blacks, and trillions of hours lost in the education of white children.

1983: In Clayton County, Ga. U.S. District Court Judge Marvin Shoob (Jew) ordered the release of 1500 Haitian boat people from Atlanta Federal penitentiary. Later he suggested the Second Baptist Church settle with JoAnne and Edwin Nar­towicz (wailing Jews represented by the ACLU) concerning signs on school property that announced Christian activities.

1986: Morris Dees (Jew) is waging an effective campaign to destroy the Ku Klux Klan. John Carroll recently resigned as di­rector of Dees' law center.

He said Dees plans to destroy the Klan "by keeping them in court all the time." Dees was once ordered off a case for trying to persuade a witness to commit perjury. He was not disbarred. Update (2/13/87): "The United Klans of America and six specific Klansmen were hit by a $7 million damage assessment for the 1981 slaying of a Black. Dees was an attorney for the Black's family."

The Sheriff of Jefferson Parish in Louisiana was forced by the ACLU to rescind his order that Blacks cruising White areas be searched. 79% of robberies there are committed by Blacks, but 73% of the victims are White. (L.A. Times; Wash. Post, 12/4/86)

1987: When Blacks staged a small parade in Forsyth County, Georgia, to protest its exclusively-White demographics, they were run off by angry White residents. Blacks came back 20,000 strong guarded by 2500 soldiers and police, plus a pack of Justice Department attorneys. Protesting Whites could not get legal permission to stage a counter march in their own city! Many Whites--including children--were beaten with nightsticks.

At about the same time, enraged Blacks demanded "justice" for the racial hazing of a Black at Citadel College. The NAACP will "deal with the whole picture". Affirmative action will be accelerated, civil rights concessions will be forced via the courts, and the institution is being sued for $800,000.

In effect White society is being hit by financial nukes launched through the courts. How else do our alien Occupiers wage war on America as we know it?


This is a topic break spot so let us close this chapter. I suggest you all give careful consideration to this material. Do not, how­ever, think that misbehavior against any other being is ever jus­tified or sanctioned. These writings are to bring the facts before you--for it is impossible to see that the Blacks are the most dev­astated group of all--and it is not from the "Whites" as such--it is organized chaos with intent to bring down BOTH. You have "masters" of cunning in charge of the assaulting troops of the PLAN 2000. I have no intention to counter-assault. My mis­sion is to lay the Truth before you. I sanction NO VIOLENCE--our mission is not to SAVE THE WORLD--nor you in it. I will bring the WORD, get a remnant through and you ones can continue to play this insipid game as long as you choose, OR CAN. Our intent is to bring no force against anyone or any "group". America could have been salvaged as late as the last election but you ones chose up sides and egos disallowed a full-strength changeover while there was yet power to accomplish it.

I do not urge you to do ANYTHING. Here is Truth as best we can present it and we fully realize that it will be misused, abused and misprojected in some instances. This is the message of "call" to "alert" to those who would hear--not a banner-waving call to ARMS! I RESPECT MY ENEMY AND IT WOULD BEHOOVE YOU TO DO LIKEWISE.
