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    Default PJ#080, TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" - Zionist Occupation Government

    PJ 80
    "ZOG BOG"
    ZOG--Zionist Occupation Government
    If you know not the players in the game-team which opposes that which you find to be "right" and "truth"-- you cannot consider the winning of the match. It is unpleasant to realize self has been duped and made the fool--it takes MEN (generic term) OF GREATNESS to confront that which IS for what it IS and rise-up in strength to overcome and reclaim rightful ownership of property--be it physical or SPIRITUAL. How many MEN (generic term) OF GREATNESS MIGHT THERE BE?




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    ISBN 1-56935-025-6

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    November 1993

    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ............................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ........................
    SAT. OCTOBER 23, 1993..............................................................................................
    THE ZOG BOG................................................................................................. ...............
    FRIENDSHIP From Marie..............................................................................................
    THOUGHTS ON FREEDOM..........................................................................................
    CRIMINAL POLITICS OR PUBLIC APATHY.............................................................
    THE UNKNOWN SPEAKER?--SAINT GERMAIN....................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .......................
    SUN., OCTOBER 10, 1993.............................................................................................
    SHADOWS AND SUNLIGHT........................................................................................
    DISTASTEFUL BUT NECESSARY..............................................................................
    FROM: CLINT D. JEDIDIAH SHALOM KNIX YHVH..............................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .......................
    MON., OCTOBER 11, 1993...........................................................................................
    SHARPEN UP, READERS............................................................................................. .
    MRS. KIDD'S MOVEMENT...........................................................................................
    PROGRAM TO RECOVER VIA DARE SHOUT, ET AL............................................
    LET US SPEAK OF ZOO................................................................................................
    LAND OF THE ZOG................................................................................................. ......
    WHAT IS ZOG?................................................................................................ ...............
    ZOG: MYTH OR REALITY?.........................................................................................
    ZOG-RULED PALESTINE (ISRAEL)...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .......................
    MON., OCTOBER 11, 1993...........................................................................................
    DISARMAMENT--SOVIET STYLE..............................................................................
    ECONOMIC OCCUPATION..........................................................................................
    DEMOGRAPHIC MANIPULATION.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .......................
    TUE., OCTOBER 12, 1993.............................................................................................
    ZOG................................................................................................. ..................................
    TROUBLESOME WHITE COMMUNITY....................................................................
    JUSTICE SYSTEM.............................................................................................. ............
    CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .......................
    WED., OCTOBER 13, 1993 ..........................................................................................
    ENTERTAINMENT VALUES........................................................................................
    RELIGIOUS VALUES.............................................................................................. .......
    EDUCATIONAL VALUES.............................................................................................
    WARNING SIGNS OF POLITICAL CONTROL..........................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .......................
    THU., OCTOBER 14, 1993............................................................................................
    KEEPING ON TRACK or TRUCKIN' ON....................................................................
    CONTINUATION: THE LAND OF THE ZOG.............................................................
    THE JEWS................................................................................................ ........................
    PARASITES?.......................................................................................... ..........................
    ZOG's POWER IN THE MEDIA....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .......................
    THU., OCTOBER 14, 1993............................................................................................
    THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH...........................................................................
    ZOG's ECONOMIC POWER..........................................................................................
    ZOG RACE MANIPULATORS......................................................................................
    ZOG INFESTING THE AMERICAN JUDICIAL PROCESS.......................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .......................
    SUN., OCTOBER 17, 1993.............................................................................................
    ZOO................................................................................................. ..................................
    TODAY IN LONDON.............................................................................................. .......
    IN AMERICA TODAY............................................................................................... .....
    POSTURE OF LEADERSHIP.........................................................................................
    RELIGION............................................................................................ ............................
    EDUCATION........................................................................................... .........................
    ZOG IN FORMAL POLITICS.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ......................
    SUN., OCTOBER 17, 1993.............................................................................................
    INTERNATIONAL POLITICS..................................................................................
    ZOG IS FOUND!.............................................................................................. ................
    HOAX HOLOCAUST?.......................................................................................... ..........
    THE WHITE HOLOCAUST...........................................................................................
    INSERT Booklist For Patriots (3 pages) .......................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... ....................
    MON., OCTOBER 18, 1993...........................................................................................
    POLITICAL ZIONISM............................................................................................. ........
    POLITICAL ZIONISM............................................................................................. ........
    WEEKLY CONFERENCE WITH MILITARY.............................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ......................
    TUE., OCTOBER 19, 1993.............................................................................................
    ABSURDITIES OF THE DAY!......................................................................................
    RE: US&P--TWILIGHT CLUB......................................................................................
    RUSSIAN DEMOCRACY SUBVERTED.....................................................................
    CRITICS PRESSURED........................................................................................... .........
    AUDIT OF WORLD BANK EXPOSES DECEPTION ................................................
    POUR BILLIONS DOWN THE RAT HOLE.................................................................
    DEVASTATING SWINDLE...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ......................
    THU., OCTOBER 21, 1993............................................................................................
    WEATHERWAR, ZOG AND OTHER INCREDIBLES ..............................................
    AMERICAN STEEL MILL IS BEING SHIPPED TO CHINA.....................................
    IN FACT -‑ RUSSIA'S DOOMSDAY MACHINE........................................................
    DEAD HAND ON THE NUCLEAR TRIGGER............................................................
    WEATHERWAR DELUGE OVER AMERICA............................................................
    AND UNUSUAL CHARACTERISTICS..................................................................
    ARE TYPICAL WOODPECKER E.L.F. EFFECTS................................................
    GWEN TOWERS AND THE GREAT FLOOD OF 1993............................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ......................
    THU., OCTOBER 21, 1993............................................................................................
    SLAVERY, AMERICAN STYLE...................................................................................
    SLAVERY. A Historical Perspective......................................................................
    THE HIDDEN TYRANNY............................................................................................. .
    (Interview with HAROLD WALLACE ROSENTHAL)........................................
    WHAT DOES THIS SAY TO US?.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ......................
    THU., OCTOBER 21, 1993............................................................................................
    HAROLD WALLACE ROSENTHAL:.....................................................................
    WATERGATE AND CORRUPTION.............................................................................
    THE LIGHT DAWNS............................................................................................... .......
    IS GOD FINISHED WITH THE JEWS?........................................................................
    WARNING............................................................................................. ...........................
    To the one who has been most "tested" in penning of this vol­ume--from onset to this point, I take in loving protection for the terror of knowing the enemy is great in the disclosing. Even the prior brother and publisher of these writings has joined with and instructs her local enemy to bind her hand and foot--literally--­through the unjust system you call "law", where criminals can "pay off" the unjust bearers of power. I denounce the coalition of ones, George Green and Jason Brent, who have formed a league to block justice, commit and hide crime and bring total injustice against the citizens and our own people and the people of Lighted God. This is not a "local" confrontation--it is the pattern for your world in chaos and loss. Woe be unto ye who act so foolishly in the service of Evil.

    May the justice of that spiraling sword come to rest upon the tongues and beings of you who act in dark and evil intent and action. Your actions are seen and confirmed and those you thought to be YOUR FRIENDS are not and have told of your coalition!

    I thank you scribe, but that which SEEMS so desperate has equal reflection in Truth and radiance. I walk with thee, child, and with those who likewise walk with US.

    Thank you, Dharma and thank you Oberli. The path may not be seemingly easy--but it shall be fruitful as promised by our Cre­ator in that which is JUST. I salute you for you ones are my hands that we might bring THE WORD.


    SAT., OCT. 23, 1993 9:27 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 068

    SAT., OCTOBER 23, 1993

    What you will find in this JOURNAL will undoubtedly be con­troversial (as you ones like to say). I can only ask that you READ IT ALL--CAREFULLY--so that you do not miss the confirmations of the Truth within.

    We sit with letters of love, appreciation, complaint and ideas for "restructuring" things to be more suitable to you, the readers. We accept them all in great appreciation. Please, however, re­member that we cannot please all of the people all of the time nor some of the people ANY of the time nor all of the people even some of the time.

    We get complaints of the "length" of the paper--only to have suggestions from the same writer which would double the "largest" sized paper if we integrated the suggestions. How­ever, many suggestions are already under introduction--please bear with the crew. The Chief Editor, Dr. Young, is moving into intensive SCIENTIFIC research and that means that already overburdened journalists and editors have to take up new bur­dens. We get complaints about "blown up" letters which take too much space and waste time and space. We have no facilities to work around such inserted material and since a letter will cause forfeiture of a page it seems better to "blow it up" so you can more easily read it. We don't always have time nor help to type and retype everything.

    We also get complaints about the "monotonous monologues" of Hatonn and Soltec. Sorry, readers, this is NOT a paper for the masses as such and we shall continue to offer what seems ap­propriate to your needs--according to OUR mission.

    We get complaints that we offer too much negative without re­course or instructions to the "positive" and do not offer contacts with ones "doing something". Well, if we know of ones doing something worthy we will always print it. I find very little go­ing on which is positive to FREEDOM. My mission is to in­form you of WHAT, WHO, WHY, WHEN, WHERE, etc. I am urged to give times and places of patriot marches and play­ers doing something. I find that most of the "marches" and "doings" are distractions from TRUTH and actual value.

    I am reprimanded for not giving a detailed write-up and taking "space" in the paper to cover the Devvie Kidd "march on Washington like Spotlight did." OK, let us look at the "march" in point. There were to be at least 10,000 marchers--there were less than a thousand. There were to be support groups for the "marchers"--yet Spotlight had a distraction group present which further lessened the impact--planned or not, it matters little. There was NO coverage on a national level--not even MEN­TIONED except on some isolated patriot interviews. Why? Well, if I must stop telling you "why" to please all of the people some of the time--you won't find out, will you--and, if you don't find out--you CANNOT FIX IT.

    We are threatened with subscription cancellations "IF" we don't shape up and do a better job of giving the people "what they want" and stop the drivel. So be it--obviously our paper does not please these people--although they suggest they will stop "supporting" us and "get the information from others who get the CONTACT". Thank you.

    We also are told that the paper is too long to get read and "go back to the small format" --HOW? Is it not possible since the cost is the same for you who do not wish it "all" to simply not read it all? You act as if, as with television, you are bound, gagged and tied up until you read everything. It is offered for your information--if you do not wish truthful information--cast it aside. If you cannot see supporting us, then we have no way of countering that decision for if we all "just quit" and become a voice for the misinformation teams--we are worse than being "out of business"--GOD HAS FEW ENOUGH TROOPS AS IS. Do you actually think our people ENJOY being on the front line of attack every minute of their life? And you who write for SELF and SELF INTEREST and DISAGREEMENT--is it not possible that others OUT THERE are not as advanced as YOU and desire this information? Can we not GIVE A BIT to a brother ALSO seeking direction? Can we not come together in FRIENDSHIP to consider a task which IS worth the doing:

    From Marie:

    It is not a matter of giving or receiving
    It is earned
    Mutual likes, dislikes
    A moral fiber
    Mutual respect and trust
    And by that
    It becomes a natural process
    To give and regive
    To support
    To share
    To love
    To be - - -
    And with the watchful eye of GOD
    And HIS gentle hand
    As so the oak grows-‑
    So shall true
    Thank you.

    There is no way to enter into the tangled webs of that which is LIE in tiny cells--for if you look not about you--you will miss the enemy for that is the enemy's intent. ALL have no intention of desiring the path of Light, readers, for they are steeped in the game of physical gain and regain for self. All we can do is of­fer that which IS and you shall accept or discard that which you choose. You will not always recognize enemy--nor friend, as you are more controlled and taught to move toward mental, physical and spiritual disaster at the hands of the Adversary of goodness. WE ARE NOT A PATRIOT GROUP--WE ARE NOT A "GROUP" OF ANY KIND. WE ARE EFFORTING TO DO A JOB (A MISSION) WITHIN THE ASSIGNMENT OF HOSTS INTO A CHANGING ERA OF EXPRESSION--THE TRANSITION INTO THIS RADIANCE WILL "GET" MOST OF YOU AND OURS IS TO LEAVE A HISTORI­CAL DOCUMENTATION OF "WHAT HAPPENED". We will always do the best we can to fill your needs and desires as to offerings--but we compromise NO ITEM OF TRUTH TO PLEASE ANY MAN. This is hard for our workers in the focus on THE LIES. I can only ask that you go to the end of this JOURNAL and read what one, Rosenthal had to say about you, the masses and "them", the Elite. GOD WAITS--BUT NOT MUCH LONGER!

    I will share a few FACTS with you. It comes from a FAX and it has no information save a tiny reference to something called ExPOSE and a name, Robert D. Newcomer (216-264-2318). It is well done, succinct and worthy of your noting. Confirma­tions are pouring in for those things we have written over the past years and months for we have only been writing for 4+ years--but it is mostly there for you--in print, inexpensive except in my people's blood and yes, SHOCKING. However, if you can function in the world as it is--you are either SHOCKED or DEAD or have become a total Zombie.


    The moral, financial, and constitutional structure of America is being rapidly altered in a manner that may result in many new catastrophic and depraved realities for all citizens. [H: You as a species are in total SPIRITUAL catastrophe.]

    FACT: Special interest groups are diligently attempting to ma­nipulate the re-writing of the United States Constitution. Thirty two states have approved the Constitutional Convention and only thirty four are required.

    FACT: The tax increase endorsed by Congress in August was mis-represented to the public as it will have zero impact on re­ducing the National Debt which will continue to grow out of control because the interest alone is now one billion dollars daily. Phone calls to Washington were 90 to 1 against this largest tax increase in history.

    FACT: Hillary Clinton's proposed health care program repre­sents the largest spending increase ever thus insuring the need for ever increasing taxes and will mandate that everyone will pay for abortions regardless of their Christian beliefs. Our President's agenda, when analyzed, directly opposes most Christian values.

    FACT: Our currency (especially larger bills) is now marked with a magnetic strip about one inch from one end across the entire bill. A plane flying overhead or a car equipped with a proper device can count the money in your home or safety deposit box.

    FACT: Military bases are being closed (leaving America ex­posed) to allegedly cut four billion dollars of spending which is equal to only four days interest on the national debt. How can we conceivably justify this exposure? Our Government is plan­ning to place the military under United Nations control and our sons and daughters may die defending a foreign country while under foreign leadership.

    FACT: The U.S. House of Representatives just approved HR 1804 "Goals 2000-Educate America Act". The Bill represents government CONTROL of the schools comparable to 1920s Russia under Joseph Stalin.

    FACT: Second Amendment rights to bear arms is under attack at Federal and State levels and the media is preparing American citizens to accept confiscation of their guns leaving citizens de­fenseless against a tyrannical government. Hitler and Metzen­baum both agree that gun control really does work. [H: Note also that WITHIN the Bill for "The Health Plan" ARE ALSO GUN CONTROL MEASURES WHICH WILL PASS WITHOUT EVEN BEING PUBLICLY NOTED! Success of PLAN 2000 IS BASED on disarming the innocent citizens. It is all but finished!]

    FACT: Senate Bill 8 (Crime Control Act of 1993) proposes fifty new reasons for which an American citizen can be put to DEATH. This bill would nullify the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

    FACT: Within three years the interest on the national debt will grow to the point to where 100 percent of federal taxes collected will just cover the interest which is profit in the pockets of those private bankers who make the loans to our government. The interest on the debt is unconstitutional and is the KEY to our problem.

    FACT: NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) un­dercuts American sovereignty and translates into lower Ameri­can living standards and lost jobs.

    FACT: Martial law has been in effect in Puerto Rico now for several months with house to house searches and police state tactics in place. Could this be a test run?

    If all citizens are not aware and involved in this pending legislation being promoted by our leadership, is it because of CRIMINAL POLITICS where legislators have turned their backs on representative government or is it PUBLIC APATHY whereas the public is too busy trying to make ends meet under increased tax burdens to do their homework? I believe it is both and, if allowed to continue, our grandchil­dren may never know the American dream!!!


    And WHO have you allowed to do this to you? READ ON, THIS JOURNAL WILL POINT IT OUT QUITE CLEARLY, I BELIEVE.

    The next complaint we always get (We as in "Messengers") is: "Where have you been? It is easy to come NOW and 'smart off'--but where were you with your alarm clock while all this came down on us unsuspecting innocents?"

    My Compatriot, Saint Germain, (of PLEIADES CONNEC­TION infamous writings) made a rather nifty speech at the old State House in Philadelphia on JULY 4, 1776:


    This is an account of a speech which has been verified and con­firmed over and over again:

    ...A group of men gathered in the old State House in Philadel­phia on July 4, 1776, preparatory to signing the Declaration. Among them were Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and John Adams. It was late in the afternoon and they had not signed the Declaration. These men realized that they were faced with the death penalty for high treason if the Revo­lutionary War failed. They talked of death by scaffolds, axes and the gibbet. Naturally, they were reluctant to sign the docu­ment, and their courage seemed to wane.

    Suddenly a strong voice sounded from the balcony. A man was speaking to the group of men.

    "They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land, they may turn every rock into a scaffold, every tree into a gal­lows, every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die! They may pour blood on a thousand scaffolds, and yet from every drop of blood that dyes the axe, a new champion of Freedom will spring into birth! You cannot blot out the words of God written on that parchment there. The works of God may perish, HIS words, never!

    "The words of the Declaration will live in the world long after our bones are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop they will speak hope, to the slave in the mines, Freedom, but to the coward kings, these words will speak tones of warning they cannot choose but hear.

    "Sign that parchment! Sign! If in the next moment the gib­bet's rope is about your neck! Sign! By all your hopes in life or death, as men, as husbands, as fathers, brothers!--or be ac­cursed forever. Sign! Not only for yourselves but for all ages, for that parchment will be the textbook of FREEDOM, the Bible of the rights of men FOREVER.

    "Nay, do not start and whisper with surprise. It is true--your own hearts witness it! God proclaims it. Look at this strange band of exiles and outcasts, suddenly transformed into a peo­ple, a handful of men, weak in arms but Mighty in GOD-like faith. Look at your recent achievements--your Bunker Hill, your Lexington, and then tell me, if you can, that God has not given America to be free!

    "I beg you to sign that parchment for the sake of these millions whose very breath is now hushed in intense expectations as they look up to you for the awful words. YOU ARE FREE!

    "Were my soul trembling on the verge of eternity, were this hand freezing to death, were this voice choking in the last struggle, I would still, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember this Truth--GOD HAS GIVEN AMERICA TO BE FREE!"

    The unknown speaker sank exhausted in his chair. The men, fortified with his enthusiasm, rushed forward. John Hancock was the first to snatch up the quill and pen his name. He had hardly finished before the quill was grasped by another, and then another, and yet another. Finally, it was done.

    They turned to thank the man for his inspiring words, but he was not there, and unfortunately no one knew who he was or where to find him.


    Salu, may you allow GOD to guide your hands, your feet and YOUR HEARTS! IN THE KNOWING OF TRUTH--BRINGS FREEDOM!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
    October 23, 1993

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