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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 81
    THU., OCT. 28, 1993 11:42 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 073
    THU., OCTOBER 28, 1993
    I have great fun with you of "our" people as you effort from your vantage point to qualify, disqualify and align selves with other things or beings or energy forms--from where you sit. Please, precious ones, it matters NOT. We use identification references to indicate locations and JOB.

    We chuckle a lot at "who is a crow", "who is an eagle" and even "who WAS this or that?" YOU ARE! NO MORE--NO LESS!

    So, why might I share some "reminders" with my scribe, say, and Little Crow, etc.? Because THEY are caught having to receive and translate from Grandfather, myself, etc., etc., and the WAY IS CLUTTERED AND DIFFICULT--they may seem to get a lot of the fun--but they also GET 99% OF ALL THE FLACK AND POISON ARROWS!

    Don't worry about it, students and seekers, be that which you choose and "like". We will continue our mission and identifications according to our needs and the confirmations of necessary contacts and input. For instance, George Green is telling "everyone" or so he says (his term "everyone") that Little Crow has totally denounced Doris Ekker and ALL WORK FROM HATONN. He tells "everyone" that Little Crow tells "everyone" to not get JOURNALS, DO NOT subscribe to CONTACT (only he still calls it LIBERATOR). "...BECAUSE THOSE ARE CULTISTS IN A BLACK CULT." My, that is a heavy load to swallow right after Little Crow tells Dharma that she remains at the top of his "prayer list".

    It does not make a whit of difference what ANYONE down there on your platforms say or do--these two energies are BROTHERS in the most important manifestation around--direct and directed SERVICE TO GOD THE GREAT SPIRIT. All else is of no consequence.

    "I" personally recognize Little Crow as the WHITE EAGLE in service directly to Creator/Creation with the responsibility, ultimately, of providing guidance to you sheep of the "fold". Dharma is recognized as the "golden" eagle but not as you ones perceive the "Golden Eagle". The fact is that BOTH are considered THE Golden Eagles--but in your Earth language and identification it is the IMPERIAL Eagle which is, by us, called the Golden Eagle because it is the rarest of Eagles--akin to the Phoenix itself and often referred to as THE PHOENIX. Also, it has iridescent reflecting feathers which causes it, in the sunlight, to appear to be a metallic golden bird. Little Crow and Dharma will ALWAYS be in range and in immediate attention of at least two (a pair) of these Imperial Eagles. Markings on the juveniles are similar to the Golden Eagle of your identification--and most people will never notice a difference.

    To further consider "Little Crow", let it be known that many recognize the Raven and Crow as being about the same in species actions and color. The Raven is one of the most sacred symbols of your earth--for the story is that the Raven brought the "people" to the planet--so, therefore, you become Raven's child. This may not be important to YOU, but it is important to US. Just as "Aton" is represented as the "Sun" so too was His servant recognized as the "Golden" Eagle (your Imperial eagle). Now, isn't factual "history" fun if you study it carefully?

    In practical application of EVERYTHING which appears "real" to your viewing physical eyes I like the way Little Crow sums up this journey and its evolvement:

    January 5, 1992, Little Crow on "Transition":

    Ain't none of us going to hell, ain't none of us going to heaven. What we are doing is going into the infinity of our being, the infinity of our creation, which is energy--energy and that's it. Energy has always existed, always shall exist and always has existed and will continue to exist whether we have that realization or not.....

    * * *
    So, from the "sublime" back to the things of Earth and the "ridiculous".

    What Southern California is experiencing this week is a Holocaust. I suggest you look it up in the dictionary and you will find it defines the fires of destruction--NOT THE HAPPENINGS IN ANY CONCENTRATION CAMPS--BE THEY GERMAN, RUSSIAN OR JEWISH. I do remind you people that when the great quake hits Southern California it will be a thousand times what was in Laguna Beach this day! GET PREPARED--PLEASE, GET YOURSELVES PREPARED FOR SELF CARE FOR A WHILE BECAUSE YOU WILL NEED IT.

    I suggest YOU LOOK BEYOND THE FIRES, however--NOTE THE STATE OF EMERGENCY declared by both the California Governor and the President!! This means, little ones, that you are under full FEMA regulations and control. Your "old" emergency regulations [from the L.A. riots] were about to "expire" so just in the very nick of time--a nice new disaster to prolong the regulations. Uncle Big Boy is "always thinking of you", dear ones.

    Before we move into commentary on the "Newstates Constitution" I want to honor a man who brought the most revealing and accurate information to the forefront of all people of your century. Most of YOU readers will know of him but, as with Tesla, Russell, etc., the name has been all but banished from public availability. This makes him one of the very MOST IMPORTANT men of your, or any, generation on your planet. I will offer a writing on this person so that you will recognize his important input on any subject.

    Dr. Beter is now deceased (from your place)--murdered by the Would-be-Kings, March 14, 1987. Again, readers, I must tell you that information of truth has been around for a very LONG TIME--you have simply not become aware--for you didn't search--and/or the Elite buried it so deeply you wouldn't know where to look for such "unbelievable" truth.

    Dr. Peter David Beter was famous as "the man who opened Fort Knox" in September 1974, through Congressional testimony and still-unanswered public charges. He was also well known for accuracy in spotlighting major events ahead of time. Years ago, for example, he warned of our present economic woes and coined the now familiar word "stagflation" to describe them. The forced resignations of V.P. Spiro Agnew and Pres. Richard Nixon was forecast many months beforehand in lectures and radio shows by Dr. Beter, who also stated a full year in advance that Nelson Rockefeller was scheduled to become your second non-elected Vice President. Those who have heard his warnings since early 1974 that southern Africa was on a 3-year timetable for conquest find events in that area increasingly ominous.

    This was the track record that gave Dr. Beter's ongoing warnings of planned economic breakdown, dictatorship, and war such significance. Dr. Beter was no perennial "doomsayer" but a professional with an international financial and legal reputation at stake. He simply stated that certain things were being planned--and carried out--by very powerful people, whom he often named. He said that those plans would succeed unless you knew about them. They have and ARE!

    Dr. Beter was counsel for six years (1961-67) with the Export-Import Bank of the United States in Washington, D.C., and before that Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the American Gold Association for three years (1958-61).

    In 1951 he became a member of the District of Columbia Bar--but we won't hold that against him.

    Dr. Beter was a member of The Bankers Club of America, The American Judicature Society, The Royal Commonwealth Society (London), and was listed in "Who's Who in the East" (USA), and "The Blue Book" (London). Do you get a queasy feeling that you have heard this all before? Ah, indeed, there is always an effort to capture these "important" persons into the Elite CLUBS--and it WORKS! They march to that drumbeat like any other mortal man to an "ego" tune. THAT does NOT make the truth they bring--LESS! It DOES MEAN, however, THAT I HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL IN OFFERING YOU THEIR INFORMATION FOR THE REASON THE ELITE SOCIETIES GET CONTROL OF THE "WORK" OF THESE PEOPLE--IS TO SILENCE THE TRUTH AND KEEP IT HIDDEN FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE!

    If I handle information from Dr. Beter more carefully than Germain did Russell's, perhaps we won't get in trouble with the Elite power brokers. E.J., at my request, contacted directly "THE" person through whom Mrs. Beter is reached to offer to help her (Mrs. Beter) with publication possibilities, etc. He was told emphatically that it was being taken care of and they didn't want any help. The last word was that this person would have Mrs. Beter "call". Well, that was a couple or three years ago! This material does not fall into the same qualifications as Russell's work but, frankly, I am weary of dealing with your Elite greedmongers. Therefore, I am going to offer everything except Dr. Beter's underwear size and perhaps the power brokers will accept it as "recognition" and "appreciation".

    Dr. Beter was the author of The Conspiracy Against the Dollar: The Spirit of the New Imperialism, a non-fiction best seller published by George Brazilleer, Inc., One Park Avenue, New York, New York, 10016, and by Doubleday Canada, Ltd., 110pp., (1973).

    Lawyers, how am I doing in "cleaning up my act" in preventing the illusion of plagiarism?? I must manage politics before Truth, it seems, to keep my scribe out of Federal Prison. George Green, as a matter of fact, told a BUNCH of people last week that the Federal Judge was going "to throw Doris into prison" THIS WEEK. Oh my--it doesn't "make Dharma's day" to hear that. But George should KNOW--he is the one who committed the contempt of court contempt and laid it all on her. He also says that Doris told the Judge to "go ahead and put me in jail". HOW WOULD HE KNOW WHAT SHE TOLD THE JUDGE? HE HAS NEVER APPEARED ANYWHERE NEAR THE FEDERAL COURT WHEN THE CASE (AGAINST HIM) IS HEARD OR CONVENED. DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK MY SCRIBE WOULD BE SO STUPID?? What does George say to ones who say "oh no!"? He says "Well, they put Helmsley in prison so they certainly can ‘throw' Doris Ekker in." George must be terrified of my scribe to do such foolish things. Worse pain for Dharma, however--he gets his original input from spies STILL IN OUR MIDST! However, the information offered and used BY HIM comes from CONFIDENTIAL (BY COURT ORDER) DOCUMENTS--WHICH HE HAS SCATTERED LIBERALLY ABOUT THE COUNTRYSIDE FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST COAST! This is very costly to the "spies" in point, my friends! Don't we (she) know her own enemies? Not ALL of them--but the facts are she conducts herself in such a way that the spies can ultimately ONLY HELP US!


    Dr. Beter's critical analysis and comments:

    Certain powerful forces hope to celebrate our nation's Bi-centennial by replacing the freedoms guaranteed in our present Constitution with their own dictatorship--a cleverly disguised dictatorship. It has been made to superficially resemble the government that we have now, so that we will not recognize it for what it is--until too late. They are using every propaganda trick at their command to make us lower our guard, and they are about to put us all in a condition of economic desperation to persuade us to accept their cleverly disguised dictatorship.

    Our U.S. Constitution, according to the Preamble, is intended to provide for justice, domestic tranquility, common defense and general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty not only to ourselves, but to our posterity. These were the goals that shaped our Constitution. And this is the Constitution that enabled America to become a great nation of free people.

    The Newstates of America Constitution has a Preamble, too--but it mentions not one of the objectives of our present Constitution. Instead of "justice and domestic tranquility", the new constitution seeks only "good order" without defining what that means. The very first words are "So that we may join in common endeavors"--and the body of the new constitution makes it clear that this means an end to individual endeavors. This new constitution is expressly stated to be good only for a prescribed period of 25 years: our posterity are left to fend for themselves. No reference is made in the Preamble to our defense or general welfare. Worst of all: the matter of liberty--so central to our present Constitution--is totally ignored in the Preamble of the new one, which seeks only, "an adequate and self-repairing government". The emphasis throughout their new constitution is on the government--not the people. "Adequate" turns out to mean: too powerful to be challenged. And "self-repairing" means that the laws and governmental structures can be continually changed and shifted to permit anything our rulers wish to do.

    Before I explore some of the details of their secret new constitution, let me give you a bird's-eye view: Article I is divided into two parts defining "Rights" and "Responsibilities". It turns out that some of our present rights disappear outright, and practically all of the rest become conditional and fragile, able to be terminated on the whim of the government. The responsibilities, however, which are obligations of the citizen to the government, are absolute and unconditional.

    Article II defines what are called the "Newstates". [H: These "newstates" are already depicted for your children on the backs of some cereal boxes so pay attention.] The 50 states we have now are merged into a few large "Newstates".[H: This is already in functioning use for all the United States is divided into these categories which are now called Federal Districts.] It is no accident that our federal government for the past several years has managed its outlying activities through ten federal regions. These 10 new states will be completely subservient to the federal government and creatures of it.

    Articles III through VIII of their new constitution define the independent branches of government and their powers and duties. Under our present Constitution, the federal government is divided into three co-equal branches--The Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. They were carefully set up according to a system of checks and balances in order to protect our freedoms from arbitrary government. But under their new constitution, there would not be three, but six branches, so structured that our present system of checks and balances are totally destroyed.

    The counterparts of our present three branches will be greatly changed, and would be joined by a Regulatory Branch, to control our everyday affairs: a Planning Branch, to plan our nation's economy: and, an Electoral Branch to oversee, monitor, finance, and regulate all elections throughout the country.

    Article XI provides new procedures for constitutional amendment which are totally different from and more dangerous than those which now exist.

    Finally, Article XII provides for transition from our present representative and republican form of government to the new, cleverly disguised dictatorship under their new constitution.

    Every word of their new constitution has been chosen carefully and for a purpose. Its basic nature and provisions are very revealing.

    First, consider the matter of individual citizens' rights. One right which is under powerful attack right now (1975), and which disappears in the new constitution, is THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. Instead, "The bearing of arms OR THE POSSESSION OF LETHAL WEAPONS SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE POLICE, MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES, AND THOSE LICENSED UNDER LAW." Regardless of what you may think about the ins and outs of the controversial "Gun Control" issue, you should be aware of the historical fact that disarming of the populace is always a part of ANY totalitarian scheme.

    Another right which disappears is that of trial by jury. Instead, as defined in Article VIII on the Judicial Branch, a presiding judge may decide whether a trial is to be of the investigatory or adversary type. An investigatory trial is the type used, for example, in the Soviet Union: you are presumed guilty and must prove your innocence before a panel of judges. If an adversary trial is chosen, the judge is to decide whether there is to be a jury, and how many jurors there shall be. There is no provision to prevent your jury, if any, from being a jury of one, who as easily as not, could be your bitter enemy.

    As for how you might wind up in court in the first place, the section on "Rights" provides that "Searches and seizures shall be made only on judicial warrant." That sounds reassuring, until you discover that nowhere in the new constitution are there any criteria given for the issuance of a judicial warrant. In other words, it could be completely arbitrary.

    The practice of religion is said to be "privileged". That is not the same as freedom of religion, legally. A right is something which cannot be revoked. A privilege, however, is something you hold only at the pleasure of the government, which can revoke it at will.

    Or consider the matter of property rights. Their new constitution states "No property shall be taken without compensation." But it does not say "just" compensation. The omission of that little word "just"--after 40 drafts--cannot be accidental. It would leave the government free to seize your house, give you $1.00, and say, "We gave you compensation."

    The preoccupation with declared emergency is prominent with respect to rights. In Article VI of their new constitution, the reasons and procedures for declaration of emergency are prescribed. Among other things, it states that emergency can be declared for no better reason than "if an extra ordinary advantage be anticipated". It does not say, advantage to whom, but obviously it means advantage to the government.

    With this in mind, observe that Article I of their constitution says that freedom of expression, of communication, of movement, of assembly, and of petition are abridged in declared emergency. Peaceful public gatherings to discuss public issues may also be interrupted or denied. Writs of habeas corpus are also suspended in declared emergency, which means you could be locked up and held indefinitely without the proffering of any charges.

    With respect to the so-called "Responsibilities" defined in their new constitution, the potential dangers tend to be more subtle: "Each citizen SHALL participate in the process of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office." Several points even in this one sentence would merit comment, but simply consider the word "shall". THIS IS A COMMAND. You shall participate, not that you have the discretion to participate. And if you do not do so, you would be violating the most basic law of the land, the new constitution. Compare the constitutions of all communist-led countries.

    The Newstates are simply puppets of the federal government. "If governments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned, and may be required by the Senate on the recommendation of the Watch-keeper, to forfeit revenues from the newstates of America." You have no doubt already heard of various cases in which certain localities have been forced to forfeit their REVENUE SHARING funds because of failure to comply with federal "guidelines", so-called. [H: TODAY there is big flapping going on about mandatory rules and regulations which are to be enforced by the federal government upon the states but NO FUNDING FORTHCOMING FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO COVER COSTS. This is a full-view showing of strength in that this is already accomplished.]

    Turning to [another of] the six new branches of government under the new constitution, which in the constitution is simply called "The Presidency", in Article V. This is entirely appropriate under their constitution: The President is a "strong man", able to call all the shots. He is to serve for a single term of 9 years. You may have noticed the "single term" idea popping up, and even the 9 year length has been suggested by some in print and speech. Their secret new constitution is where the idea came from.

    There are also two Vice Presidents--one designated for "General Affairs", first in line of Presidential succession in case of disability; the other designated for "Internal Affairs", and second in line. [H: You already have this in current play--but simply missing the name. How much more do you hear from MRS. CLINTON than you do about V.P. Al Gore?--think about it--it will never be "announced" without first hooking you into the fabric so you don't realize a "change"--it simply "becomes" the rule AND THEN the law.] There are detailed provisions for Presidential and Vice Presidential disability, with appointment playing a key role as in our present 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Note especially that Section 5 of Article V provides that "Candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidencies shall be natural-born citizens." The key word here is "Candidates". All a foreign-born person need say is, "I am doing nothing to become a candidate"; or, "I said I was not a candidate"; or, "I am not even a candidate, so therefore I cannot remove myself as a candidate for the vice-presidency." Under this section, therefore, a foreign-born person could well become president once he is nominated by a president in the event there is an office vacancy in one or both of the vice-presidencies, followed by succession when a president becomes disabled for any reason. [H: In other words--Henry Kissinger, Maggie Thatcher--anybody can become your President and Vice-Presidents.]

    A provision which exemplifies the power of the president is: "Treaties or agreements with other nations negotiated under the President's authority shall be in effect unless objected to by a majority of the Senate within 90 days." Here is a pattern which permeates the new constitution, wherein all sorts of actions take effect unless objected to by a majority, instead of resulting from positive approval by a majority. This even applies in the matter of constitutional amendment, in which amendments generated by the Judicial Branch take effect unless turned down by the majority of the people. [H: Most of "the people" don't even know when these things are up for discussion much less know about majority voting.]

    Under the Presidency, there is also to be a new official called the "Intendant" whose powers are potentially those of the commander of a nationwide Gestapo. The actual wording, of course, sounds relatively mild to the unwary; the danger lies in what is NOT SAID and the limits that are not imposed. He is to supervise offices for Intelligence and Investigation, as well as an Office of Emergency Organization. His role here reflects a pre-occupation with emergency that crops up again and again throughout the new constitution. The word "emergency" appears 13 times in the new constitution; it does not even appear once in our present Constitution. Constitutional provisions for declaration of emergency, of course, have been used time after time in recent years to terminate freedom in other countries.

    The Intendant is also given the authority to charter tax-exempt foundations or corporations that are "determined by him to be for useful public purposes". There is no check whatsoever on his authority to do this. This only reflects the unbridled authority of the President himself under the new constitution, however. It does not provide for accountability of an unscrupulous President.

    Their constitution gives the President all the tools he needs to establish unchallenged authority during the transition period from our present to the new constitution, as described in Article XII. This open invitation for him to assume any and all powers he deems appropriate speaks for itself.

    Furthermore, with respect to the replacement of present governmental functions by those defined by their constitution, "The President shall determine when replacement is complete." Since only the President is given this power, there is really nothing to prevent him from freezing the process partway through, for example, after abolishing our present Congress and before appointing a new one. It is very possible that these two very short passages are the real crux of their secret new constitution. But just to round out the President's guarantees of invulnerability, their new constitution also affords a remarkable license to lie in Article IX. Of the three exceptions noted therein, "treason" is of no force and effect, since it is nowhere defined in their new constitution.

    Given the power of the President under their new constitution, the rest would really have only whatever status their President allowed it to have. However, the Legislative Branch would consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, as now, but there the similarities end. Senators would no longer be elected at all; instead they would be hand-picked appointees of the President, plus former Presidents and Vice Presidents, and would serve for life. The House of Representatives would have 400 members, but there would only be 100 congressional districts. Each district would elect 3 representatives, who would serve for 3-year terms. These could be expected to compete with one another instead of speaking with one voice, so this device would effectively undermine local representation at the national level. There would also be 100 representatives elected "at large", from the nation as a whole instead of individual districts. The "at-large" members would form the backbone of what little is left to the House: they would serve for 9-year terms, and would be the only ones eligible to become committee chairmen.

    The Judicial Branch would be presided over by a Principal Justice, chosen by the President's hand-picked or rubber-stamp Senate. He would be a judicial "czar", controlling the entire judicial system of the nation with the aid of a Judicial Council and Judiciary Assembly. The Judicial Council would be the originator of all constitutional amendments, and would have the duty to consider amending their constitution to legalize unconstitutional steps taken by the government from time to time.

    The new Regulatory Branch is foreshadowed by many current developments. But, the most notable feature of this Branch, aside from its grip on the nation's enterprises generally, is the blessing given to cartel arrangements called "Authorities". It states, "Member enterprises of an Authority shall be exempt from other regulation." But as for the "little guys", who do come under the government's regulation, it says, "Nonmembers shall be required to maintain the same standards as those prescribed for members." The "Standards" prescribed would be those agreed upon by the cartel members, and nonmembers would not be allowed even to exceed those standards if they wanted to for competitive reasons.

    The Planning Branch is foreshadowed by the increasing clamor for "economic planning"; by the present Domestic Council of the White House; by the national land-use Planning legislation, and so forth. It would consist of a 15-member board appointed by the President. They would prepare 6 and 12-year plans and budgets to reflect the desires of the President, who would submit the budgets to the House of Representatives for their rubber-stamp approval each year.

    Finally, the Electoral Branch is also on its way piecemeal, through public financing of election campaigns, quota systems, and now the newly operational Federal Election Commission, whose regulations do not apply to the present vice presidency office....

    Under their new constitution, there is to be an electoral "Overseer" in charge of the Electoral Branch, chosen by the President's hand-picked Senate, and he is to "supervise the organization of national and district parties, arrange for discussion among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office." All electoral processes are to be paid for out of tax money, and no party can run candidates if it is not "recognized" by the Overseer. There are quota systems for apportionment of public funds that clearly would help drive out small parties and tend ultimately toward a one-party system. Furthermore, the Overseer is to monitor, supervise, and regulate the election process completely. All the power necessary to convert elections into a meaningless exercise is provided the Electoral Branch under their secret new constitution.

    To sum up: I can only observe that their secret new constitution is not new at all. It is actually a prescription for the oldest kind of government of all: ONE MAN RULE. It is the slippage backward into the bad old ways of the past that we have seen increasingly during our lifetime, brought about by increasingly ignoring our own Constitution, which is still the newest idea in government.

    Are we going to celebrate our 200th anniversary as the rebirth of our nation or as the death of our free republic? Our Constitution was the product of distilling the experience of 5000 years of civilization. Less than 200 years old, it is still practically brand new--especially since we have not used it much lately. If God will grant us the option of doing so at this late hour, there is truly a NEW START we can make with full confidence in the results.

    This NEW START is to pick up our present, unique Constitution, and start using it again. It would be the first time in your lifetime or mine that this was really done. And I am convinced we would all be pleasantly astonished at the results.


    * * *
    OK, readers--note above: "If God will grant us the option of doing so at this late hour , there is truly a NEW START we can make with full confidence in the results......."

    This was written almost two decades ago--what have you done? God granted you "longer" and where are you? How much "longer" do you require to show signs of BEGINNING? The only thing we witness is a more progressive shove from the "Controllers"--not a return to Constitutional government! You have a President's wife bringing in Socialized medicine and your government riddled with foreign agents and homosexuals who laugh at your ideals and moral digression.

    I suspect GOD WILL STAY RIGHT ON TRACK as is and allow us only some hope of getting a remnant through this upheaval in HIS NAME. You who are WITH the Adversary shall do whatever comes along at the whims of that Adversary.

    We have complaints enough about our presentations, from those of you who would be do-gooders. You criticize that which we effort to do--when we see naught save further bogging in the mire from you would-be patriots--WHO HAVE NOT THE SLIGHTEST IDEA OF WHAT IT IS YOU ARE DOING OR WHAT YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH. We ask at random, among our own workers, and THEY CANNOT RECITE THE BILL OF RIGHTS--MUCH LESS THE CONSTITUTION! HOW WILL YOU KNOW WHEN THE NEW CONSTITUTION IS YOUR BINDING LAW? IT IS ALREADY YOUR "LAW"--AND YOU DIDN'T NOTICE!

    We shall continue to the best of our ability for those of you who wish to read and KNOW--to offer TRUTH and the hidden agendas of a World Conspiracy. We have no intent whatsoever of doing a single physical thing to stem the tide of downhill flow for ours is not to interfere nor intervene. If intervention is offered it will be at YOUR PETITION--UNTO GOD. Will "I" tend my flocks? YES INDEED--BUT NOT THE FLOCKS OF THE ADVERSARY, MY ENEMY! Man "cannot live by bread alone"--but at the present time it will surely allow him to live a bit longer than planned by the "Kings". I suggest you store that which will give "life" and stop arguing over the shiny particles of metal shavings which shall, at best, be confiscated.

    You continually ask about "life" and its meaning, its journey, its presentation. You also effort to distort Truth by claiming that there is "no experience after this physical one". The facts are, ALL perish from this physical existence--OR DO THEY??????? WHY DO YOU THINK THE PUPPET-MASTERS FEEL SO SECURE IN THEIR LONG-TERM CLAMORING FOR POSITION?


    Now, this may seem pretty good news to you who think you wish to prolong this physical journey--HOWEVER, take note of your ticket books. How many of YOU have a ticket to the underground shelters in Australia? How many of you have had the PRIVILEGE OF EXCHANGE? Have YOU been given the gifts which indicate prolonged anything? As the world goes into disaster after disaster, famine after plagues at the Elite hands of injustice--how much FUN is that experience and expression going to be? How will you enjoy seeing your own seeded offspring slain by the mad-men enforcers of terror? Indeed, my good readers, the choices are YOURS. The choices are also AT HAND. God may well wait and allow until the 12th hour--but it is now a quarter past 11:00 or later. And when the ending arrives--God WILL go! HE WILL GO! You shall effectively be left to endure WITH whatever is left in the PIT for the definition of "HELL" is the "ABSENCE OF LIGHT (GOD)".

    We will take up the new constitution as we can get to it because it cannot be offered often enough--you are all but too late to matter at all, but you may as well become familiar with your NEW LAWS so you can exist a bit longer--alive. May you think upon these things and be given some way to rest in peace--for I hardly think you are headed for the rest of angels and small children. Salu.

    PJ 81
    FRI., OCT. 30, 1993 10:15 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 075
    FRI., OCTOBER 30, 1993
    In whatever radiance can be seen in the midst of a Halloween celebration of evil portent and prophecy, I give caution to you as the celebration anniversaries come more and more often--because more and more celebration days are set awash upon you. I think, however, that in many ways I honor the celebration of "All Satan's Days" more than that which has become of your "Christmas" celebration. Christ has been effectively REMOVED from your Christ-mass. Trinkets, bills, depression and tinsel replace the humble thoughts of celebration of "life birthings"--at least at the Satanic Days there is honesty in the corruption of things wondrous and beautiful.

    Each year, as with the "Holocaust", the myths and tales get more and more outrageous. Did these things happen? Yes, but they were disdained in older times--except at times of great civilization collapses--and certainly NOT told in such a way as to take 2/3rds of news bulletins.

    The theme this very day is one of: "....and they used to dig up bodies and mutilate them in an effort to destroy spirits....." IS THIS WHAT YOU REALLY WANT YOUR CHILDREN TO LEARN? The horror and terror is incredible to the small mind just starting to unfurl his wings and fly into a great and frightening world. It is the time of banning some "bad" costumes from the schools, etc., because they are too "evil". BUT, look what happens in the media--the more horrible ones are shown--as example! Where is the most deadly influence? Ah so, little Jimmy in a vampire costume is not nearly so terrifying as is the real life examples they show on TV which is his teacher and programmer.

    Is it better to have "Tinker Bell" and "Fairy Godmother"? Why?--they teach something for nothing. So--is it terrible to allow the little ones to dress up in silly costumes and PRETEND? No, it is FUN if that is what is enjoyable--BUT IT IS DANGEROUS AND GIVES DISINFORMATION WHICH IS ACCEPTED BY THE CHILD AS TOTALLY CONFUSING. FIRST YOU TELL YOUR CHILD TO ACCEPT NOTHING FROM STRANGERS AND THEN YOU TEACH HIM TO DRESS UP SO NOBODY KNOWS WHO HE IS AND GO TAKE, UNDER THREAT, ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY CANDY, FROM STRANGERS! YOU DEFEAT YOUR OWN LESSONS.

    But, you say, it is only once a year! No, it is almost every hour of every day! Think about it. What has "Christmas" become for your youngsters? I thought so--"What do you want?" "I want.....", "I don't like THIS one." "Susie got one more package than I did." "Gimmy another one...." Does this mean that you should not celebrate the days of holiday and giving, receiving and gathering? No--it means that you must be prepared to undo the damage such things do--it means PARENTS must take responsibility for the games they play for the child will only play the games the parents and society teach him. How many of you dress your children up as angels and take them to the same houses you visited at Halloween, at Christmas--to GIVE and TREAT (the reverse of "trick")??? How about on Halloween?

    Speaking of "Holocaust" of the "survivors" variety--look at this ad placed in The JEWISH PRESS, AUGUST 19, 1993. Does this represent "trick" or "treat" to you? I remind you--there are more Jews collecting this very kind of rip-off blackmail than there were Jews in Germany at the time of the so-called "Holocaust" and the Germans, BY LAW, cannot even voice an opinion about said event.

    Was there a "Holocaust"? Yes, this week in Southern California--intentionally set to bring the power of extension of "emergency regulations". It is not proven--the media and government KNEW the fires were going to be set! Is this sort of like the new FBI findings about the intentional, KNOWN, bombing of the Trade Center in New York? Well--"TRICK or TREAT", Amerika.

    What of other cute little "new discoveries"? I offer this in case you think WE ARE NOT MAKING AN IMPACT ON THE POWERS THAT "WOULD"-BE!

    I remind you that WE are the only ones who have told you the truth of it and HOW the AIDS virus is passed. Today, however, they claim they have "found" that the AIDS "HIV" virus is passed within a living cell PROGRAMMED to enter into the safety of other cells for protection and sets up a barrier against treatment, while mutating to change with every DNA change (of host(s)). KEEP UP YOUR GAIANDRIANA AND STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE "TOO THIS AND TOO THAT" TASTE OF THE GAIALYTE--IT IS NECESSARY TO ALLOW PASSAGE OF THE NEW CELLS TO MOVE THROUGH THE BARRIERS. YOU HAVE THE GIFT OF KNOWING AND OF LIFE--IF YOU ALLOW IT TO BE ACCEPTED.

    You will note, however, that others who are jealous and greedy will cut off the hands of the very ones able to produce the gifts unto you.

    George Green, for instance, just one week ago yesterday told a "reader" that this product "those people out there" have will kill some people. He says that "Gina" who worked for him took some and "nearly died". He said that "..if she had taken one more dose she WOULD have died." The most "interesting" thing that George does not seem to realize is that he has the WRONG PRODUCT BY THE WRONG PERSON--THE "STUFF" THAT GINA "TOOK" WAS DIRECTLY FROM GEORGE MERKL AND COULDN'T HAVE HURT HER IF SHE HAD BEEN ON HER VERY DEATH BED! The "stuff" they sent to George MERKL and to the laboratories, however, was neither Gaiandriana OR Crystal Life. You must understand that what may seem simple in the onset of a thrust--might often rise up to consume you.

    George Green also told George MERKL, and many others, that we have experienced death from many--overseas, from this product. Interesting?!! Dr. MERKL is the one who sells overseas--NOT US!

    I repeat to you beloved readers who wish to share with us as things are offered for your choosing or denying--we are NOT in a mass-marketing thrust, we are not in a MEDICINE chest thrust, we are NOT TRYING TO "SAVE" ANYONE OR ANYTHING. We offer that which may well help you feel better and enhance well-being--NOTHING MORE. If it happens to cross the barriers of the protective structures guarding an HIV virus--so be it. It only allows the body to structure itself properly to create the capability--the bottle of "stuff" doesn't do anything. The contents, if utilized, CAN--there is a big, big difference.

    George MERKL has told it widely that he can program a cell (ovum), etc., to clone--as is being talked about today. Ah, so you see, it is NOT difficult for you do have parts of cellular blueprint carried in CELLS which are holographic in that they ALL carry the blueprint. So, you are SAFE from this place--Dharma doesn't know HOW to do that and I am not going to tell her! So, if you HEAR such silly claims--I suggest you consider the "source" of such stories. The only reproducing we do is Gaiandriana cells--in perfection.

    So much for that--let us look at the Red Chinese Satellite that was supposed to have splashed down in the ocean yesterday. Funny thing, as I told you it would be, the Chinese satellite is still orbiting quite nicely--so WHAT DID COME CRASHING DOWN?? ONE OR TWO OF YOUR "MISSING" ROCKET-LAUNCHED SATELLITES! Chelas, "....there has been no truth in them from the beginning...."

    Get ready for an assault on Claire Prophet's group in Montana. The play is being staged right now as we speak. Any time a "possible" assault is discussed in Soldier of Fortune magazine--the show is ready to "hit the road". Their offense? They have a "church" which the Elite call a "cult" and they took up (VERY LEGAL) arms and they have prepared for nuclear attack and survival. But you must understand--there CAN BE NO "GROUP" OR YOU ARE IMMEDIATELY UNDER ATTACK. It is harder to ATTACK AND DESTROY that which IS NOT! Perhaps one day all of you who would have a "group" here or there or elsewhere with our teachings of Truth--will understand why that WILL NEVER BE! WITHOUT a "group" we cannot keep up with the lawsuits and confrontations--but they are pretty much focused only on my scribe. You must understand that "now"--TRUTH--is classified as a "cult" platform.


    There is another thought I would like to share with you regarding what is happening to your nation and your world. You are moving directly into a dictator-operated socialistic/fascistic existence in enslavement. The subtle ways of bringing down emergency regulations are not even eloquent in expression--they are thrust at you NOW right out in the open under your noses as to thumb said noses at you.

    So, what is so bad about "socialism"? Just about everything in its true practice. You have to remember, however, that NOTHING bears correct definitions any more. "Communism" is fascist-socialism, not communal anything. With one exception--the communal "people" provide all for all while the Elite controllers--control. The Elite leaders call for "sacrifice" and "leadership"--that means "YOU sacrifice" and "WE lead"--"you die, we take it all".

    R.J. Rushdoony: "Socialism has a poor record when it comes to eliminating problems: its answer adds up to eliminating people. In fact, one of socialism's major and chronic problems is simply people. Socialism on the one hand destroys production and, on the other, breeds up the least desirable elements. Its answer is to find the people at fault. SOCIALISM ALWAYS FACES OVERPOPULATION; A FREE ECONOMY DOES NOT.

    I wish that I could spend as much time on "Canada" as I do on the U.S.--but alas, readers, there is so little difference that it would amaze you.

    The MOST IMPORTANT things on your globe face you these days and you can't keep up with players--you can't keep up with yourself, much less your myriad fragments of your ONE enemy. All your grain has been filched away--you see you are, as a nation, in FORECLOSURE and the COLLATERAL is being claimed--among which is ALL of your natural resources, such as FOOD. So, you who have wondered about where Canada and her "leaders" have fit into this New World Order, i.e., Mr. Mulroney, et al. Here is a good one for you to consider. The article comes from the Canadian GAZETTE and is new, October 20, 1993.

    Brian Mulroney is about to accept his first corporate directorship--on the board of U.S. food-processing conglomerate ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND CO.--since stepping down as prime minister.

    ADM spokesman Howard Buffett confirmed yesterday in a telephone interview from company headquarters in Decatur, Ill., that Mulroney should become a director of the food-processing giant that had sales last year of $9.2 BILLION U.S. and has 13,500 employees, including several investments in Canada.

    Francine Collin, Mulroney's secretary at the Montreal law firm Ogilvie Renault, confirmed that the appointment was "in the process", but would not comment further.

    A company document mailed to shareholders says that directorships at ADM pay at least $37,500 U.S. a year, not counting any participation in special committees.

    Encouraged by the Canada-U.S. free-trade agreement, since 1989 ADM has acquired several MAJOR Canadian food processors:

    * Last year, it bought John Labatt Ltd.'s Ogilvie flour-milling business, Canada's largest miller with annual sales of $275 million and 925 employees.

    * ADM earlier acquired the flour-milling business of George Weston Ltd.

    * United Oilseeds Products Inc. in Lloydminster, Alta., a canola-crushing plant.

    * Eleven Canadian feed mills and a chicken hatchery as part of its takeover of International Multifoods of Minneapolis. [H: Oh you know--this is the company which dealed and wheeled and gave all your grain to Gorbachev in his FAMOUS visit! ARCHER-DANIELS-MIDLAND is one of the biggest operations of the Committee of 300--GET YOUR FOOD, TIE UP THE ENERGY--GET THE GOLD AND YOU HAVE THE WORLD!

    I have been brought a document which speaks of the "History of the Reconstruction Applications". This may not make sense to you readers at first glance but it has to do with applications for return of money to the people which was taken unlawfully, etc., etc. Before going on, I remind you that the same forces who took it from you the first time ARE SO MUCH STRONGER NOW AS TO MAKE THOSE OLD DUFFERS LOOK LIKE NUTCRACKERS--IF YOU BASE YOUR THRUST ON SUCH A THING AS "RECOVERY OF MONEY" YOU MISS THE BOAT AND WILL ONLY GET YOURSELVES "DONE IN". DO NOT BE FOOLISH!

    I will share this information, with a minimum of interruptions (I hope) wherein I see glaring errors in presentation. There is much valid and exceptional information contained herein and it offers both an overview and good confirmation--I only ask you to be VERY DISCERNING in WHAT YOU DO! You are being put under the magnifying glass and all opportunities to "nail" you to the cross will be used against you--"lists" are now for the "take-out" purposes of the Elite Controllers.

    I am constantly hounded by barkings that I don't want people to stand up "really" and "fight" for right and good. Right, to REALLY stand up and get your names listed as activists and "fight" with total disorder and violence while armed--WILL GET YOU DEAD! THE TIME HAS PASSED, READERS, FOR "DOING IT YOUR WAY"! You will, however, have to know WHERE YOU ARE NOW, where you have been, what happened and still happens--and then, only then, can you find a way to make it through and live to REBUILD--from the ASHES!

    So, QUOTING, we offer this document for your information. Dharma finds no obvious identification of sender or writer so we will move along and give credits if we find same.

    This information is being supplied in order that you may understand how our financial situation has got in the situation we are in now.

    This will tell you how the lending institutions have duped us of much of our money, a lot of property and a good way of life.

    Much of the fraud and deceit involved was set up by money people to try to keep, we the people, in servitude and have to depend on the government to survive.

    You may, after you read this, decide you want to put in a claim to recover assets you have lost because of fraudulent and illegal practices inflicted on you by our lending institutions and judicial system. If you do, contact the appropriate people for assistance. [H: Hold right here: this is a VERY DANGEROUS ACTION TO TAKE, CITIZENS! WE HAVE OFFERED YOU, AT LEAST TWICE PRIOR TO THIS, the names of ones running this scam operation. The facts are pretty much correct, the "right" is there--the up front $300 per claim is the lie and rip-off for something that is CONTROLLED BY THE ELITE BANKERS--NOW IN POWER--YOU WILL NOT GET ANYTHING--ONLY POORER IN THE POCKETBOOK. THE LEGAL FEES WOULD BURY YOU ALIVE IF NOTHING ELSE TRANSPIRED! YOU WILL END UP WITH THE GOVERNMENT OWING JILLIONS, TRILLIONS AND AT THE LEAST, MILLIONS, OF DOLLARS TO EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD. WHERE IS YOUR BANKRUPT GOVERNMENT GOING TO GET SUCH FUNDING? FROM THE BANKS? SUCKER! THE BANKS AREN'T GOING TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT MORE DEBT, PAIN AND HEADACHE.]

    Background information for reconstruction claims application. The amount of claim is not taxable.

    A class action effort is under way in Denver, Colorado which is in the 10th U.S. District Court in the Baskerville and Foster Case. This case is the foundation on which all the reconstruction claims will be filed. More about this later.

    There's a group of people who banded together to accomplish all that has been done thus far. It is composed of both active and inactive military who have been brought back on active duty, national manufacturers and the medical profession. [H: Do you believe this?]

    The following is a brief history of events that brought us to our present situation. [H: Be prepared for a most ingenious and interesting presentation here because it only somewhat vaguely resembles "history" as it happened:]

    It began in the 11th century in France. The nobles were the ruling class. They were both the kings and the judges. The bailiffs were the tax collectors. The working class were kept poor and in deplorable conditions because that made them easier to rule and control. These conditions finally brought about a revolution. Because there had been so many intermarriages between the ruling families of Europe, those of the ruling families in France escaped to England and were accepted and protected. Those who did not flee France were beheaded. Those that fled to England became Wigs or the lawyers and judges which was the basis of the English Bar. The wealthiest family on the whole European continent was the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds made a deal with the monarchs to supply all of the paper money to subvert the economies if they were paid back in gold. Under our Constitution, our monetary system was established on the basis of gold and silver as the standard.

    In the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Preamble to the Constitution several references are made to "Titles of Nobility". Our forefathers never wanted to have "Titles of Nobility" included in our government. In the period prior to the Civil War the entities described above tried to intervene and get a foothold in our booming economy.

    Just before the Civil War, 16 states ratified the original 13th Amendment prohibiting the granting of "Titles of Nobility" as well as prohibiting anyone who accepted, from retaining their citizenship or holding public office. (The ratification of the 13th Amendment by Virginia, the last state needed to make it an amendment, was suppressed partly by taking advantage of the poor communication of the period.) A fire occurred in Washington, D.C. in which a lot of records were destroyed. The fire was believed to be set as part of the cover-up of the ratification by the 16th state, but the fact that it had been ratified by 16 states was published and printed in the other 15 states as well as in some of the areas that were territories at the time. The "Title of Nobility" amendment was hidden from the public by the group that it would have the greatest effect on, which is lawyers. [H: Yes, but the lawyers and judges now control your governments, your citizenry, your courts and your lives--do you actually think this now fully corrupted board of deceivers is GOING TO "VOTE-IN" YOUR RIGHTS WHEN THEY HAVE WORKED SINCE THE WAR OF 1812 TO ACCOMPLISH THIS VERY HOLD OVER YOU?]

    In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed which was both unlawful and unconstitutional. The Rothschilds came in and subverted our economy. The deal was made that they would put a billion dollars into our economy in exchange for the establishment of the Federal Reserve which they would own. There was included a buy-out clause which will become important and will be discussed later on. This was forced on us. Through this control they manipulated our money and caused the stock market crash of 1929-1933.

    In the Jackson era we were taken off the gold standard several times, but we couldn't stand the inflation.

    In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was forced to sign an executive order to allow the Federal Reserve to take us off the gold standard. [H: FORCED? HOW QUAINT! ALSO B.S.!] The act that FDR used to justify signing that executive order was the War Powers Act, ratified in 1916. This is legislation that was designed during the war to allow decisions to be made rapidly by bypassing Congress, but was used as an emergency act to allow the Federal Reserve to take over the monetary system. [H: This is a bunch of incredibly bad historical scrambled data, readers. Who wrote this? Well I dare schout that it probably was a group project to part you from your own resources and increase theirs.]

    Our nation went bankrupt in 1933. It was mentioned in the Congressional Record in 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1937. One man, Clem Mosphaen, lost his life because he mentioned it. In 1967, we went off the silver standard. [H: Indeed, if you are BANKRUPT as far back as even 1933--does it stand to reason that trillions of dollars are going to be returned to all and each of you waiting citizens? Come now--since when does the government actually GIVE you anything? No, dear ones, welfare is not FREE--it is the most costly of all illusions.]

    In 1982, (Ed: That's what it says.) a new Constitution was invoked on us called the District of Columbia. This needed only two people in each state to ratify it. To take effect, that was done by two congressmen from each state. It was really designed to be only for a 10 mile square area for the seat of our government. It allowed the banks and judicial system to have total control over us.

    In January of 1990, there was a plan that was thwarted to install a new constitution in place of our original constitution. This would have placed everyone who is in office now, in office for 25 years and remove our rights to hold elections to elect new officials. We already had another constitution that was instituted in 1982 called the District of Columbia. [H: Know, readers, THAT (THIS) is the subject we are into right now--and these are not CORRECT facts. It is bad enough without foisting more lies off on you-the-people. This new constitution is what would be in effect for 25 years--not the present people in power. The President, for instance, would have 9 years, and the TWO-Vice Presidents, etc., etc. I think this is quite an unthinkable mispresentation of that which IS and it merits what it gets from the non-lawful courts--laughter. If your own people who claim to be HELPING you get things so badly represented as is this document--you deserve to "be had" AND YOU SHALL BE!]

    In 1916, the Federal Land Bank originally submitted its charter. These papers were returned to them 4 days later for corrections. They were never resubmitted. For 6 years, there were repeated demands to have the papers resubmitted by the Bureau of Records. In 1932, it was investigated as to whether the Federal Land Bank was legal and had filed with the Bureau of Records. It was found that they were not. They have since tried to file, but have been denied because of the original foul-up. They tried to change their name to Farm Credit Services and were denied because their official name and charter was the Federal Land Bank. They then tried as simply Farm Credit. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Federal Land Bank is a misnomer because it never existed legally. The National Banking Act required them to register with either the State or Federal Bureaus. State banks registered with the State and Federal Banks with the Federal Reserve, neither one registered with both. The Federal Reserve is not filed or registered with the Federal Bureau of Registry or with any of the states.

    The Farm Credit Act mentions the District of Columbia jurisdiction. In law week 6-LW-3233. There is a Supreme Court case, Williams vs Federal Land Bank of Jackson, Oct. 6, 1992, 12 USC 2278 (A) - 1 (B). All Federal Agencies have a rate as Federal instrumentalities. Federal judicial power extends to all Federal instrumentalities. All Federal instrumentalities are subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia. When the Federal Agencies and instrumentalities moved against us in foreclosures and other actions, they took us to state district courts which assumed jurisdiction which they did not legally have. They took people into a court that was displaying a flag with a golden fringe on it. The golden fringe on the flag indicated this was a court under military maritime law. In a court displaying this type flag you have no constitutional rights and your civil rights are violated. How can you receive a fair trial when you are in a court where you have no rights. [H: RIGHT! AND HOW MANY OF YOU FIND COURTS WHERE THERE IS A NON-FRINGED FLAG? SO HOW CAN YOU GET JUSTICE OR TRUTH FROM THIS BUNCH OF PURE ANTAGONISTIC HOG-WASH. REMEMBER SOMETHING, READERS, WHATEVER "THEY" DO, WHO ARE IN TOTAL CONTROLLING POWER--IS LEGAL--IT MAY WELL NOT BE LAWFUL BUT IT IS LEGAL--THEY HAVE THE GUN!!]

    The class action case referred to on page 1 was filed by the following:

    William G. Baskerville
    Shirley A. Baskerville
    J.B. Foster, Lorraine Foster, aka LaVanda Foster

    The defendants are as follows:
    Federal Land Bank
    Farm Credit Services
    Credit Bank of Wichita
    Federal Land Bank of Wichita, a Corporation
    First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins
    Ernest L. Wilmer, an individual, Fisher, Brown, Muddleston, Gunn, Sackston, Shibley, Struman and Holts. Hill, Hill and Mangiee
    William F. Dressail, an individual
    Charles E. Mathison, an individual
    Stephen J. Jord
    J. A. Simplot, doing business as Simplot Builders.

    All defendants were fined $50,000 which became $1,800,000. All were ordered to pay. All licenses were suspended and they were not allowed to practice their professions. [H: Ah, but what of the legal eagles on the side of the Plaintiffs? Did they not get "a cut" of this pie? Also, do you not realize that one small case is negligible and to the best advantage of the octopus to forfeit--than a class action suit wherein trillions of dollars are going to be paid? I guarantee that if the case were won--NO MONEY WOULD EVER GO INTO THE COFFERS OF YOU-THE-PEOPLE.]

    When you got a loan you were sold a credit life policy or you were told to get one to get your loan with the lender as beneficiary so in case you died the loan would be paid off. It was a default policy. If they could force you into default so you couldn't pay your note, they were paid off by the policy you bought, plus they got the property back.

    The following institutions and agencies are all fraudulent:

    World Bank
    International Monetary Fund
    Federal Reserve Banks

    Dharma, we must leave this and finish it later as it is time to go to the meeting. Thank you.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 81
    MON., NOV. 1, 1993 9:54 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 077
    MON., NOVEMBER 1, 1993
    This may well be the most important edition of this paper which you will receive [The CONTACT]. Why? Because it is going to deal greatly with that which is your "new" Constitution.

    It is the next step in the puzzle wherein you are isolating the ONES in power and then what THEY are using as their blueprints for takeover. Please note that always there will be a merging in with all plans so that YOU WILL NOT NOTICE UNTIL THE THING IS UP AND FUNCTIONING UNDER CHANGED LAWS YOU CAN BE FORCED TO OBSERVE.

    Once again I will remind you that you cannot restore, fix or redo something which is not visible to you. You can't restore your original Constitution, for instance, if you don't even know what it says and almost none of you know. Certainly you cannot realize that you are USING a new blueprint for government and world order if you don't find out what is happening and what is being enforced and HOW. Much we bring is repeated again and again--but how many of you can recite and really understand the NEW CONSTITUTION of the "NEWSTATES" from the couple of times we have run it before? I thought not--my people right here cannot even remember when it was last presented--OR WHAT IT SAYS. There is NO MAGIC for insight and no magic for accomplishment of any task. However, hopping onto another task is not going to solve this problem--I don't care who you are or what you perceive is your purpose. YOU MUST KNOW THESE THINGS OR YOU HAVE NO USE FOR SERVING IN ANOTHER PURPOSE OR ADVANCEMENT--THE RESTRAINTS OF THE HUMAN PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT AND RESTRICTIONS BY PHYSICAL AND GOVERNMENT WILL CONSUME YOU.

    It is, further, that you have not "right" to impose the load on another assuming that "you" need not know a thing or effort to move along learning because "you are different and your ultimate purpose is greater". Greater than what? If you don't get a handle on this government of yours you have no future! Worse, if you don't pay attention--you will NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT THROUGH INTO THAT HOPED FOR FUTURE.

    When YOU settle into narrow perceptions of "self"--you are "hooked", however. You can call it "balance" or whatever you wish--but if you resign from the task at hand--I call it "cop-out" of the highest order. It presents that YOU do not feel the mundane functioning and workings of a civilization in the immediate unfolding is worthy of your attention or work increase. Every man, woman and child must do that which he is guided to do--I simply suggest in EVERY instance you consider the "guidance", the source of that perceived guidance and the CONSEQUENCES--in other words, what will you do when you get ‘there'! What will be different "there"? Are there funds to do your great task "there"--from "whom"?? Check with your own "Command" and carefully consider your input for some will blunder badly and actually MISS THEIR OWN PURPOSE FOR THE "MOMENT". CONSIDER THAT WHICH IS PRESENT IN YOUR INSTANCE--I.E., WHERE YOU ARE--BEFORE LOOKING FOR POSSIBILITIES ELSEWHERE. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS WILL NEVER BE FOUND "ELSEWHERE"--THEY ARE RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE OR THEY ARE STILL ELUSIVE TO THE TRUTH WITHIN. PONDER IT.

    If there are missing bits of Editorial direction or explanations at the onset of articles, etc., please bear with us because Dr. Young attended those necessary bits of information easing your input. We are short-handed, short-funded but not short-tempered with you, our readers, so please be gentle as we grow one more step forward. We ARE going to GET THERE, team--and you are the team. Thank you.

    As you study the Newstates Constitution--read it CAREFULLY. Also, understand this, your free ConstitutionalRepublic is IMPROPERLY called a "democracy" by most of those in positions of public trust. Pure "democracy", without the checks and balances of a representative system, is MOB RULE. And as every demagogue knows, MOB RULE IS DICTATORSHIP.

    Your alleged leaders, while waving the banner of "democracy", have brought the United States to the threshold of degeneration into dictatorship under their own control. True representation of the public will have been dangerously undermined, and our representative system itself is being rapidly replaced with appointive, centralized government. And now, little-known plans exist for adoption of their Secret New Constitution under conditions of deliberate political and economic crisis, by national referendum or otherwise.
    We feel that you have a right to know about this Secret New Constitution and its contents--and therefore, we present it AGAIN for your consideration--it is now "old" and in play--it is simply that it is still kept invisible so you don't notice its enforcement. Your freedoms will be snuffed out brutally and THAT time is at hand.

    This is not "liberal", "conservative", Democrat, Republican, black, white, Jew, or Gentile, Pagan or penny-ante; it is serious, it is in working mechanism right now. It is a question of SURVIVAL OF THE FREE SYSTEM that allows the precious individual differences among you to continue to coexist, as guaranteed to you under your "original" United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    What you will be reading is TRUE. It has happened. It is not a frivolous or "academic" matter--THIS AFFECTS YOU!

    As background: In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America was begun, in preparation for the interim transition into total World Government Control. This was structured and fronted by a tax-exempt foundation with a most misleading name, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. It is a DIRECT OFFSPRING OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 NEW WORLD ORDER!

    The people involved WERE NOT elected parties or in any other way YOUR representatives. They did, in fact, do this travesty of free sovereignty at YOUR expense--as tax-free, using YOUR funding through taxes. The American people are STILL very much unaware of this document or that it is being utilized in your daily lives RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE. YOU CAN SEE IT IF YOU LOOK AROUND YOU!

    There were over 40 drafts of this document--the one we share here is, I believe, a copy of the fortieth! It is being changed to merge with the United Nations Charter continually so expect more restrictions on freedom and more control from "foreign" enforcement teams. In other words EXPECT DICTATORSHIP--BUT, DO NOT EXPECT IT THROUGH THE PUPPETS SET IN THE ROLES OF FAMILIAR CONSTITUTIONAL ELECTED LEADERS. THE PUPPET-MASTERS ARE SHREWD AND WOULD NOT BE SO FOOLISH AS TO SHOW THEIR TRUMP CARDS AS YOU BEGIN TO WITNESS THE SCHEME PLAYED UPON YOU. The person who presented the guidelines for this new Constitution was Rexford G. Tugwell--a Zionist member of the Committee of 300, set forth and paid by that group to do this very job.

    May be you be given into understanding insight and realization as you study this most urgently important material--your very survival rests in the balance. God be with you for only in HIS LIGHT can the adversary be slowed and overcome. Only through HIS truth can the lie be exposed and freedom regained. I salute you for your willingness to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

    So what has gone wrong in the American heart and within the masses of the inhabitants of the world? Perhaps we should share one more set of verses:

    He was beaten from the start,
    Beaten by his doubting heart,
    And he had a ready ear
    For the busy tongue of fear,
    And he had a timid mind
    Unto fretfulness inclined,
    Filled with many reasons why
    It was vain for him to try.
    Given a task he'd shake his head,
    "Can't do that!" he often said
    "Times are hard and none will stay,
    Listening to the words I say.
    It is futile now to try,
    People simply will not buy!"
    Thus he walked the streets of trade,
    Both discouraged and afraid.
    But another kind of man
    Thought this way: "Perhaps I can!
    If I will supply the pluck,
    Fortune may provide the luck.
    If I have the grit to try,
    There are people who may buy;
    Anyhow, I'll not submit
    To defeat before I'm hit."
    One was beaten from the start,
    Beaten by his doubting heart,
    Beaten when he gave his ear
    To the busy tongue of fear.
    But another with his chance
    Seized the moment to advance,
    And came happy home at night
    Just because he dared to fight!

    * * *
    I would remind you, however, citizens, that once wide coercive powers are given to governmental agencies for particular purposes, such powers cannot be effectively controlled by democratic assemblies.

    Let us now take a look at the Constitution for the NEWSTATES OF AMERICA.

    In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America began, at a tax-exempt foundation with the misleading name, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions.

    The people who took it upon themselves to write this new constitution on your behalf were, of course, not elected representatives, or in any other way your representatives. As a tax-exempt foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes, but you were never asked if you wanted a new constitution written. Indeed, only a very tiny fraction of the people of the United States even know, today, that it exists; it has been made known to practically no one except a select category of influential Elitist people whose views and interest generally coincide with those of the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are absolutely ignorant of its existence. This is deliberate. This is a "secret" constitution--but already in use AGAINST YOU-THE-PEOPLE.

    It took some ten years to write this model constitution. A preliminary version was published in 1970 and some of you patriots who object to it will recognize the title and author: THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell, the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. By the way, during the writing of this "secret" constitution that Center for the Study of Democratic Institution was very lavishly funded with over two and a half MILLION dollars a year.

    To appreciate the document--we will effort to offer you some commentary and review and you will forgive me if I fail to always at every paragraph mention the speakers. Tugwell's book, by the way, was published by Harper & Row and sells for about $20.

    We will write on a section and then append comments and observations.

    So that we may join in common endeavors, welcome the future in good order, and create an adequate and self-repairing government--we, the people, do establish the Newstates of America, herein provided to be ours, and do ordain this Constitution whose supreme law it shall be until the time prescribed for it shall have run.
    COMMENTS: This new constitution would replace the present U.S. Constitution and would dissolve the States as you know them into Newstates, "each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population." This new constitution is, in itself, a vehicle for the transition from your proven, tried and true, divinely-ordained Constitution with its Bill of Rights Amendments, to the New World Order that man, in his own efforts, hopes to impose upon mankind--and basically has already accomplished at this writing.

    The first eight words of the "preamble" clearly spell out all of the above. "so that we may join in common endeavors" assumes that everyone wants to support their endeavors to destroy America's sovereignty, states' rights and the individual's God-given liberty and freedom. Should this be accomplished, the states would be abolished in favor of regions known as "newstates". By their assumption, the initiative is taken and the momentum gained.

    The "common endeavors" in this case is the destruction of your U.S. Constitution so as to replace it with a dictatorship. The new would have the form and appearance of the old but there the similarity ends. The Newstates of America Constitution is merely a form of the old in order to pacify those still remembering the liberty that it guaranteed. The New Constitution is a bridge, a part of the hopefully peaceful transition from a Constitutional Republic to an oligarchic world dictatorship. THE MERE FACT THAT THIS NEW CONSTITUTION IS TO BE IN EFFECT FOR ONLY 25 YEARS AND THAT MANY OPPORTUNITIES ARE PROVIDED TO REVISE AND REWRITE IT IN THOSE YEARS--INDICATES THE ROLE OF TRANSITION.

    Yes, you will find in Article XI, Section 2 it declares: "When this Constitution shall have been in effect for twenty-five years the Overseer shall ask, by referendum, whether a new Constitution shall be prepared." And should those in power be defeated in the case of amending their new constitution, they won't take no for an answer. To quote Article XI, Section I: "If rejected (that which they proposed), it may be restudied and a new proposal submitted." So it is not possible for the people to totally reject that which the appointed Principal Justice and that which the appointed Senate proposes.

    You will note that the word "emergency" will appear frequently in the proposed Constitution but is never mentioned in Your U.S. Constitution. Consequently, an "emergency" is used to impose new dictates--which could only be accomplished at the expense of the U.S. citizen's liberty. Keep your eyes open as we go along.

    Read again the "preamble":
    1. It welcomes the future "in good order". Just what does that actually mean?
    2. "To create an adequate and self-repairing Government." If your present Government needs some minor repairing, why not carefully consider the matter for possible improvement? Why even consider a new form of Government that might be "self-repairing"--by command coming from a DICTATOR? Why change the entire form of a highly successful Government for free people to one controlled by iron-clad Dictatorship?

    Note, "We, the people, do establish the Newstates of America, herein provided to be ours..." What would you have then? What, in contrast to that which you have, now? Today, you have a noble document, even if teetering on the edge of extinction, far, far removed from a "Concensus for Collectivism"--a DANGEROUS PHRASE which you will hear from Internationally-influenced speakers in their efforts to further the aims of the super-rich Corporate Socialists and Bankers! The emphasis in the Preamble, and throughout, is to favor BIG GOVERNMENT and down-grade The People! This is the complete reverse of your own Constitution which you are selling out.
    Rights and Responsibilities
    A. Rights

    SECTION 1. Freedom of expression, of communication, of movement, of assembly, or of petition shall not be abridged except in declared emergency.
    SECTION 2. Access to information possessed by governmental agencies shall not be denied except in interest of national security; but communications among officials necessary to decision making shall be privileged.
    SECTION 3. Public communicators may decline to reveal sources of information, but shall be responsible for hurtful disclosures.
    SECTION 4. The privacy of individuals shall be respected; searches and seizures shall be made only on judicial warrant; persons shall be pursued or questioned only for the prevention of crime or the apprehension of suspected criminals, and only according to rules established under law.
    SECTION 5. There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, origin, or sex. The Court of Rights and Responsibilities may determine whether selection for various occupations had been discriminatory.
    SECTION 6. All persons shall have equal protection of the laws, and in all electoral procedures the vote of every eligible citizen shall count equally with others.
    SECTION 7. It shall be public policy to promote discussion of public issues and to encourage peaceful public gatherings for this purpose. Permission to hold such gatherings shall not be denied, nor shall they be interrupted, except in declared emergency or on a showing of imminent danger to public order and on judicial warrant.
    SECTION 8. The practice of religion shall be privileged; but no religion shall be imposed by some on others, and none shall have public support.
    Section 9. Any citizen may purchase, sell, lease, hold, convey and inherit real and personal property, and shall benefit equally from all laws for security in such transactions.
    SECTION 10. Those who cannot contribute to productivity shall be entitled to a share of the national product; but distribution shall be fair and the total may not exceed the amount for this purpose held in the National Sharing Fund.
    SECTION 11. Education shall be provided at public expense for those who meet appropriate tests of eligibility.
    SECTION 12. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. No property shall be taken without compensation.
    SECTION 13. Legislatures shall define crimes and conditions requiring restraint, but confinement shall not be for punishment; and, when possible, there shall be preparation for return to freedom.
    SECTION 14. No person shall be placed twice in jeopardy for the same offense.
    SECTION 15. Writs of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in declared emergency.
    SECTION 16. Accused persons shall be informed of charges against them, shall have a speedy trial, shall have reasonable bail, shall be allowed to confront witnesses or to call others, and shall not be compelled to testify against themselves; at the time of arrest they shall be informed of their right to be silent and to have counsel, provided, if necessary, at public expense; and courts shall consider the contention that prosecution may be under an invalid or unjust statute.


    SECTION 1. Each freedom of the citizen shall prescribe a corresponding responsibility not to diminish that of others: of speech, communication, assembly, and petition, to grant the same freedom to others; of religion, to respect that of others; of privacy, not to invade that of others; of the holding and disposal of property, the obligation to extend the same privilege to others.
    SECTION 2. Individuals and enterprises holding themselves out to serve the public shall serve all equally and without intention to misrepresent, conforming to such standards as may improve health and welfare.
    SECTION 3. Protection of the law shall be repaid by assistance in its enforcement; this shall include respect for the procedures of justice, apprehension of lawbreakers, and testimony at trial.
    SECTION 4. Each citizen shall participate in the processes of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office.
    SECTION 5. Each shall render such services to the nation as may be uniformly required by law, objection by reason of conscience being adjudicated as hereinafter provided; and none shall expect or may receive special privileges unless they be for a public purpose defined by law.
    SECTION 6. Each shall pay whatever share of governmental costs is consistent with fairness to all.
    SECTION 7. Each shall refuse awards or titles from other nations or their representatives except as they be authorized by law.
    SECTION 8. There shall be a responsibility to avoid violence and to keep the peace; for this reason the bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons will be confined to the police, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law.
    SECTION 9. Each shall assist in preserving the endowments of nature and enlarging the inheritance of future generations.
    SECTION 10. Those granted the use of public lands, the air, or waters shall have a responsibility for using these resources so that, if irreplaceable, they are conserved and, if replaceable, they are put back as they were.
    SECTION 11. Retired officers of the armed forces, of the senior civil service, and of the Senate shall regard their service as a permanent obligation and shall not engage in enterprise seeking profit from the government.
    SECTION 12. The devising or controlling of devices for management or technology shall establish responsibility for resulting costs.
    SECTION 13. All rights and responsibilities defined herein shall extend to such associations of citizens as may be authorized by law.

    * * *
    There is hardly enough time and space to adequately cover the comments applicable to these sections, but briefly:

    [The comments which will be utilized are offered by Col. Curtis B. Dall. He speaks as an aroused layman who will emphasize "key points" for you who are unsuspecting, and, therefore, unalerted,--those who find it hard to believe that a few wealthy, politically-perverted-minded individuals, and their well-kept stooges, would stoop so low as to stick a knife in the back of their fellow-Americans and attempt to destroy the fruits of 200 years of struggle and great achievement! A struggle for the advancement and well-being of Free Men, in your enlightened, Constitutional Republic! I thank both Col. Dall for his observations and E. Stanley Rittenhouse who together offer this document. I would guess from the formatting that the original document can be obtained through Liberty Library without my cluttering rearrangement of sequence, etc. It simply seems to me that you need to attend a few comments AS YOU READ THE DOCUMENT SEGMENTS. We shall then offer their "summary" in full.]

    Article I. "A": Rights.
    S.1. Note the glaring "exception". WHO is to define "the emergency"?
    S.2. Another "exception!" Also note the word, "Privileged!"
    S.3. Very vague, but very carefully phrased.
    S.4. No comment.
    S.5. "The Court of Rights and Responsibilities"? can decide whether or not YOU have been guilty of "discrimination"--THIS IS HARASSMENT IF NOTHING MORE.
    S.6. WHAT determines "eligibility"?
    S.7. No comment.
    S.8. "The practice of religion shall be privileged"--a very dangerous statement! This could totally deny your present Constitutional Right to the "free exercise thereof".
    S.9. No comment.
    S.10. Note "National Sharing Fund"(??) How about that for a good gimmick?
    S.11. WHO is to define the "appropriate tests of eligibility" FOR EDUCATION?
    S.12. In referring to "compensation", the word, "just", is flagrantly omitted. A serious and very ominous omission!
    S.13 & 14: No comment.
    S.15. WHO is to declare the "emergency"?
    S.16. This appears quite "involved" in that it coddles criminals while, I'm sure, restricts innocent parties.

    Article I, "B": Responsibilities

    [C: Some sections will be left out and to save time we ask you to assume no special comment. There is no reason to go through this exercise for the obvious is so glaring that it needs no added attention, I would hope.]
    S.1. "A corresponding responsibility" is vague, and is obviously quite dangerous as it corresponds to "what"?
    S.2. Contains obvious Socialistic overtones.
    S.4. Very vague! Also, note the word, "shall". "Shall" is a command!
    S.6. "Fairness to all"--sounds nice but has no offered foundation upon which to use the term.
    S.8. Citizens shall be deprived of their ARMS. This is the age-old "gag" of all tyrants; their favorite technique, to first deprive all law-abiding citizens of their means of protection for assault. This section is clever, slick and extremely dangerous!!*!*!
    S.11. Aimed to "muzzle" Retired Officers of the Armed Forces! Why would they want to do THAT? Ask any old HONEST retired officer!

    SECTION 1. There shall be Newstates, each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population. Existing states may continue and may have the status of Newstates if the Boundary Commission, hereinafter provided, shall so decide. The Commission shall be guided in its recommendations by the probability of accommodation to the conditions for effective government. States electing by referendum to continue if the Commission recommends otherwise shall nevertheless accept all Newstate obligations.
    SECTION 2. The Newstates shall have constitutions formulated and adopted by processes hereinafter prescribed.
    SECTION 3. They shall have Governors; legislatures, and planning, administrative and judicial systems.
    SECTION 4. Their political procedures shall be organized and supervised by electoral Overseers; but their elections shall not be in years of presidential election.
    SECTION 5. The electoral apparatus of the Newstates of America shall be available to them, and they may be allotted funds under rules agreed to by the national Overseer; but expenditures may not be made by or for any candidate except they be approved by the Overseer; and requirements of residence in a voting district shall be no longer than thirty days.
    SECTION 6. They may charter subsidiary governments, urban or rural, and may delegate to them powers appropriate to their responsibilities.
    SECTION 7. They may lay, or may delegate the laying of, taxes; but these shall conform to the restraints stated hereinafter for the Newstates of America; but the objects appropriate for taxation shall be clearly designated.
    SECTION 8. They may not tax exports, may not tax with intent to prevent imports, and may not impose any tax forbidden by laws of the Newstates of America; but the objects appropriate for taxation shall be clearly designated.
    SECTION 9. Taxes on land may be at higher rates than those on its improvements.
    SECTION 10. They shall be responsible for the administration of public services not reserved to the government of the Newstates of America, such activities being concerted with those of corresponding national agencies, where these exist, under arrangements common to all.
    SECTION 11. The rights and responsibilities prescribed in this Constitution shall be effective in the Newstates and shall be suspended only in emergency when declared by Governors and not disapproved by the Senate of the Newstates of America.
    SECTION 12. Police powers of the Newstates shall extend to all matters not reserved to the Newstates of America; but pre-empted powers shall not be impaired.
    SECTION 13. Newstates may not enter into any treaty, alliance, confederation, or agreement unless approved by the Boundary Commission hereinafter provided.
    They may not coin money, provide for the payment of debts in any but legal tender, or make any charge for inter-Newstate services. They may not enact ex post facto laws or ones impairing the obligation of contracts.
    SECTION 14. Newstates may not impose barriers to imports from other jurisdictions or impose any hindrance to citizens' freedom of movement.
    SECTION 15. If governments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned and may be required by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from the Newstates of America.

    [C: I hear you, readers, you think I'm giving you a "big whammy" JOKE. Oh don't I wish! THIS IS THE "REAL STUFF", CITIZENS! THIS IS ALREADY IN PRACTICAL APPLICATION AS THE SET OF RULES UTILIZED RIGHT NOW (CALLED BY DIFFERENT NAMES TO FOOL YOU). This is THE Constitution to serve as interim management for the transition to the One World Order Dictatorship and integration into the Global Government through the United Nations top Elite. It is about as far from a JOKE as I can possibly imagine this afternoon.]


    Article II. "The Newstates"
    S.1. "There shall be Newstates"--This is very subversive, inflammatory and Communistic! Note "The Boundary Commission" and its extensive proposed powers "to decide". "This is complete Regimentation! Incredible!
    S.2. NO!
    S.3. NO! Too much "planning" (to submerge the individual!)
    S.4. Note "electoral OVERSEER".
    S.8. Dangerous for American Labor; carries a strong political note to boost trade with communist countries, particularly the Soviet Union! Looks like a Corporate Socialist, such as Nelson Rockefeller, had a strong hand in shaping THIS one.
    S.11. So-called "States Rights" are subject to "Emergency" rulings by the Governors, with the approval of the Senate of the Newstates of America, so all States' Rights hang on a very slender thread! Hence, they are down-graded.
    S.12. Dangerous...Suggests a Police State!
    S.13. Again, "The Boundary Commission" appears, with firm control over the "Newstates".
    S.15. Looks very much like a Police State set up! A club over the "Newstates" wielded by the "Watchkeeper".

    [C: If you aren't trembling in your boots--then you ARE NOT ALIVE! I repeat: "This is ALREADY being practiced as Martial law, "districts", IRS, etc. Let us go on through Article III and close this segment, please.]

    The Electoral Branch
    SECTION 1. To arrange for participation by the electorate in the determination of policies and the selection of officials, there shall be an Electoral Branch.
    SECTION 2. An Overseer of electoral procedures shall be chosen by majority of the Senate and may be removed by a two-thirds vote. It shall be the Overseer's duty to supervise the organization of national and district parties, arrange for discussion among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office. While in office the Overseer shall belong to no political organization; and after each presidential election shall offer to resign.
    SECTION 3. A national party shall be one having had at least a 5 percent affiliation in the latest general election; but a new party shall be recognized when valid petitions have been signed by at least 2 percent at a third, or 15 percent at further elections.
    District parties shall be recognized when at least 2 percent of the voters shall have signed petitions of affiliation; but recognition shall be withdrawn upon failure to attract the same percentages as are necessary for the continuance of national parties.
    SECTION 4. Recognition by the Overseer shall bring parties within established regulations and entitle them to common privileges.
    SECTION 5. The Overseer shall promulgate rules for party conduct and shall see that fair practices are maintained, and for this purpose shall appoint deputies in each district and shall supervise the choice, in district and national conventions, of party administrators. Regulations and appointments may be objected to by the Senate.
    SECTION 6. The Overseer, with the administrator and other officials, shall:
    a. Provide the means for discussion, in each party, of public issues, and for this purpose, ensure that members have adequate facilities for participation.
    b. Arrange for discussion, in annual district meetings, of the President's views, of the findings of the Planning Branch, and such other information as may be pertinent for the enlightened political discussion.
    c. Arrange, on the first Saturday in each month, for enrollment, valid for one year, of voters at convenient places.
    SECTION 7. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Assist the parties in nominating candidates for district members of the House of Representatives each three years; and for this purpose designate one hundred districts, each with a similar number of eligible voters, redrawing districts after each election. In these there shall be party conventions having no more than three hundred delegates, so distributed that representation of voters be approximately equal.
    Candidates for delegate may become eligible by presenting petitions signed by two hundred registered voters. They shall be elected by party members on the first Tuesday in March, those having the largest number of votes being chosen until the three hundred be complete. Ten alternates shall also be chosen by the same process.
    District conventions shall be held on the first Tuesday in April. Delegates shall choose three candidates for membership in the House of Representatives, the three having the most votes becoming candidates.
    b. Arrange for the election each three years of three members of the House of Representatives in each district from among the candidates chosen in party conventions, the three having the most votes to be elected.
    SECTION 8. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Arrange for national conventions to meet nine years after previous presidential elections, with an equal number of delegates from each district, the whole number not to exceed one thousand.
    Candidates for delegates shall be eligible when petitions signed by five hundred registered voters have been filed. Those with the most votes, together with two alternates, being those next in number of votes, shall be chosen in each district.
    b. Approve procedures in these conventions for choosing one hundred candidates to be members-at-large of the House of Representatives, whose terms shall be coterminous with that of the President. For this purpose delegates shall file one choice with convention officials. Voting on submissions shall proceed until one hundred achieve 10 percent, but not more than three candidates may be resident in any one district; if any district have more than three, those with the fewest votes shall be eliminated, others being added from the districts having less than three, until equality be reached. Of those added, those having the most votes shall be chosen first.
    c. Arrange procedures for the consideration and approval of party objectives by the convention.
    d. Formulate rules for the nomination in these conventions of candidates for President and Vice Presidents when the offices are to fall vacant, candidates for nomination to be recognized when petitions shall have been presented by one hundred or more delegates, pledged to continue support until candidates can no longer win or until they consent to withdraw. Presidents and Vice Presidents, together with Representatives-at-large, shall submit to referendum after serving for three years, and if they are rejected, new conventions shall be held within one month and candidates shall be chosen as for vacant offices.
    Candidates for President and Vice-Presidents shall be nominated on attaining a majority.
    e. Arrange for the election on the first Tuesday in June, in appropriate years, of new candidates for President and Vice-Presidents, and members-at-large of the House of Representatives, all being presented to the nation's voters as a ticket; if no ticket achieve a majority, the Overseer shall arrange another election, on the third Tuesday in June, between the two persons having the most votes; and if referendum so determine he shall provide similar arrangements for the nomination and election of candidates.
    In this election, the one having the most votes shall prevail.
    SECTION 9. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Arrange for the convening of the national legislative houses on the fourth Tuesday of July.
    b. Arrange for inauguration of the President and Vice-Presidents on the second Tuesday of August.
    SECTION 10. All costs of electoral procedures shall be paid from public funds, and there shall be no private contributions to parties or candidates; no contributions or expenditures for meetings, conventions, or campaigns shall be made; and no candidate for office may make any personal expenditures unless authorized by a uniform rule of the Overseer; and persons or groups making expenditures, directly or indirectly, in support of prospective candidates shall report to the Overseer and shall conform to his regulations.
    SECTION 11. Expenses of the Electoral Branch shall be met by the additions of one percent to the net annual taxable income returns of taxpayers, this sum to be held by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs for disposition by the Overseer.
    Funds shall be distributed to parties in proportion to the respective number of votes cast for the President and Governors at the last election, except that new parties, on being recognized, shall share in proportion to their number. Party administrators shall make allocations to legislative candidates in amounts proportional to the party vote at the last election.
    Expenditures shall be audited by the Watchkeeper; and sums not expended within four years shall be returned to the Treasury.
    It shall be a condition of every communications franchise that reasonable facilities shall be available for allocations by the Overseer.

    * * *
    [C: Is anyone nervous about WHO this "Overseer" might be? How about the "Watchkeeper"--and, how about that "President" but those plural "Vice-Presidents"? Sounds like to me you are moving right into the pit with the viper himself--maybe the Overseer is the "right hand of Satan" and the "Watchkeeper" the "left"?]


    Article III. The Electoral Branch
    S.1. This is something new, for greater control over the people.
    S.2. Here comes the "Overseer"!
    S.4. Note, "Recognitions by the Overseer"!
    S.5. More "Overseer" stuff...not overlooking the "Planning Branch!"
    Sections 7 & 8: MORE OF THE SAME.
    S.11. "Expenses of the Electoral Branch" to be met by an added 1% to the net taxable income of taxpayers...for disposition by the OVERSEER. WHAT IS A POLICE STATE?

    * * *
    Secretary, enough, I see that you are exhausted as we put in these dawn to dark days without letup--but, chela--it is such a critical time for your nation and your freedom as citizens that I cannot bear not to offer that which we can. Hopefully, these past new editions of CONTACT can be presented at the Las Vegas meeting next week-end. We MUST reach the people or there is not hope.

    Hayek: "I do not think the cause of liberty will prevail unless our emotions are aroused. But, though the strong instincts on which the struggle for liberty has always nourished itself are an indispensable support, they are neither a safe guide nor a certain protection against error. The same noble sentiments have been mobilized in the service of greatly perverted aims. Still more important, the arguments that have undermined liberty belong mainly to the intellectual sphere, and we must therefor counter them there.

    * * *
    Ceres to lay down the pen that you might digest these writings as we move along. Good day.

    I ask that you readers follow the prior "comment" notations and read EVERY word with a question mark as we have done.

    (Already in use even though unratified.)
    SECTION 1. There shall be a Planning Branch to formulate and administer plans and to prepare budgets for the uses of expected income in pursuit of policies formulated by the processes provided herein.
    SECTION 2. There shall be a National Planning Board of fifteen members appointed by the President; the first members shall have terms designated by the President of one to fifteen years, thereafter one shall be appointed each year; the President shall appoint a Chairman who shall serve for fifteen years unless removed by him.
    SECTION 3. The Chairman shall appoint, and shall supervise, a planning administrator, together with such deputies as may be agreed to by the Board.
    SECTION 4. The Chairman shall present to the Board six and twelve year development plans prepared by the planning staff. They shall be revised each year after public hearings, and finally in the year before they are to take effect. They shall be submitted to the President on the fourth Tuesday in July for transmission to the Senate on September 1st with his comments.
    If members of the Board fail to approve the budget proposals by the forwarding date, the Chairman shall nevertheless make submission to the President with notations of reservation by such members. The President shall transmit this proposal, with his comments, to the House of Representatives on September 1.
    SECTION 5. It shall be recognized that the six and twelve year development plans represent national intentions tempered by the appraisal of possibilities. The twelve-year plan shall be a general estimate of probable progress, both governmental and private; the six-year plan shall be more specific as to estimated income and expenditure and shall take account of necessary revisions.
    The purpose shall be to advance, through every agency of government, the excellence of national life. It shall be the further purpose to anticipate innovations, to estimate their impact, to assimilate them into existing institutions, and to moderate deleterious effects on the environment and on society.
    The six and twelve year plans shall be disseminated for discussion and the opinions expressed shall be considered in the formulation of plans for each succeeding year with special attention to detail in proposing the budget.
    SECTION 6. For both plans an extension of one year into the future shall be made each year and the estimates for all other years shall be revised accordingly. For nongovernmental activities the estimate of developments shall be calculated to indicate the need for enlargement or restriction.
    SECTION 7. If there be objection by the President or the Senate to the six or twelve year plans, they shall be returned for restudy and resubmission. If there still be differences, and if the President and the Senate agree, they shall prevail. If they do not agree, the Senate shall prevail and the plan shall be revised accordingly.
    SECTION 8. The Newstates, on June 1, shall submit proposals for development to be considered for inclusion in those of the Newstates of America. Researches and administration shall be delegated, when convenient, to planning agencies of the Newstates.
    SECTION 9. There shall be submissions from private individuals or from organized associations affected with a public interest, as defined by the Board. They shall report intentions to expand, or contract, estimates of production and demand, probable uses of resources, numbers expected to be employed, and other essential information.
    SECTION 10. The Planning Branch shall make and have custody of official maps, and these shall be documents of reference for future developments both public and private; on them the location of facilities, with extension indicated, and the intended use of all areas shall be marked out.
    Official maps shall also be maintained by the planning agencies of the Newstates, and in matters not exclusively national the National Planning Board may rely on these.
    Undertakings in violation of official designation shall be at the risk of the venturer, and there shall be no recourse; but losses from designations after acquisition shall be recoverable in actions before the Court of Claims.
    SECTION 11. The Planning Branch shall have available to it funds equal to one-half of one percent of the approved national budget (not including debt services or payments from trust funds). They shall be held by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs and expended according to rules approved by the Board; but funds not expended within six years shall be available for other uses.
    SECTION 12. Allocations may be made for the planning agencies of the Newstates; but only the maps and plans of the National Board, or those approved by them, shall have status at law.
    SECTION 13. In making plans, there shall be due regard to the interests of other nations and such cooperation with their intentions as may be approved by the Board.
    SECTION 14. There may also be cooperation with international agencies and such contributions to their work as are not disapproved by the President.

    SECTION 1. The President of the Newstates of America shall be the head of government, shaper of its commitments, expositor of its policies, and supreme commander of its protective forces; shall have one term of nine years, unless rejected by 60 percent of the electorate after three years; shall take care that the nation's resources are estimated and are apportioned to its more exigent needs; shall recommend such plans, legislation, and action as may be necessary; and shall address the legislators each year on the state of the nation, calling upon them to do their part for the general good.
    SECTION 2. There shall be two Vice-Presidents elected with the President; at the time of taking office the President shall designate one Vice-President to supervise internal affairs; and one to be deputy for general affairs. [C: I cannot pass this one without calling special attention to what you have RIGHT NOW in the form of Hillary and Al Gore. You already HAVE THE TWO!] The deputy for general affairs shall succeed if the presidency be vacated; the Vice-President for internal affairs shall be second in succession. If either Vice-President shall die or be incapacitated, the President, with the consent of the Senate, shall appoint a successor. Vice-Presidents shall serve during an extended term with such assignments as the President may make.
    If the presidency fall vacant through the disability of both Vice-Presidents, the Senate shall elect successors from among its members to serve until the next general election.
    With the Vice-Presidents and other officials the President shall see to it that the laws are faithfully executed and shall pay attention to the findings and recommendations of the Planning Board, the National Regulatory Board, and the Watchkeeper in formulating national policies.
    SECTION 3. Responsible to the Vice-President for General Affairs there shall be Chancellors of External, Financial, Legal, and Military Affairs.
    The Chancellor of External Affairs shall assist in conducting relations with other nations.
    The Chancellor of Financial Affairs shall supervise the nation's financial and monetary systems, regulating its capital markets and credit-issuing institutions as they may be established by law; and this shall include lending institutions for operations in other nations or in cooperation with them, except that treaties may determine their purposes and standards.
    The Chancellor of Legal Affairs shall advise governmental agencies and represent them before the courts.
    The Chancellor of Military Affairs shall act for the presidency in disposing all armed forces except militia commanded by governors; but these shall be available for national service at the President's convenience.
    Except in declared emergency, the deployment of forces in far waters or in other nations without their consent shall be notified in advance to a national security committee of the Senate hereinafter provided.
    SECTION 4. Responsible to the Vice-President for Internal Affairs there shall be chancellors of such departments as the President may find necessary for performing the services of government and are not rejected by a two-thirds vote when the succeeding budget is considered.
    SECTION 5. Candidates for the presidency and the vice-presidencies shall be natural-born citizens. Their suitability may be questioned by the Senate within ten days of their nomination, and if two-thirds of the whole agree, they shall be ineligible and a nominating convention shall be reconvened. At the time of his nomination no candidate shall be a member of the Senate and none shall be on active service in the armed forces or a senior civil servant.
    SECTION 6. The President may take leave because of illness or for an interval of relief, and the Vice-President in charge of General Affairs shall act. The President may resign if the Senate agree; and, if the term shall have more than two years to run, the Overseer shall arrange for a special election for President and Vice-President.
    SECTION 7. The Vice-Presidents may be directed to perform such ministerial duties as the President may find convenient; but their instructions shall be of record, and their actions shall be taken as his deputy.
    SECTION 8. Incapacitation may be established without concurrence of the president by a three-quarters vote of the Senate, whereupon a successor shall become Acting President until the disability be declared, by a similar vote, to be ended or to have become permanent. Similarly the other Vice-President shall succeed if a predecessor die or be disabled. Special elections, in these contingencies, may be required by the Senate.
    Acting Presidents may appoint deputies, unless the Senate object, to assume their duties until the next election.
    SECTION 9. The Vice-Presidents, together with such other officials as the President may designate from time to time, may constitute a cabinet or council; but this shall not include officials of other branches.
    SECTION 10. Treaties or agreements with other nations, negotiated under the President's authority, shall be in effect unless objected to by a majority of the Senate within ninety days. If they are objected to, the President may resubmit and the Senate reconsider. If a majority still object, the Senate shall prevail.
    SECTION 11. All others, except those of other branches, shall be appointed and may be removed by the President. A majority of the Senate may object to appointments within sixty days, and alternative candidates shall be offered until it agrees.
    SECTION 12. The President shall notify the Planning Board and the House of Representatives, on the fourth Tuesday in June, what the maximum allowable expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year shall be.
    The President may determine to make expenditures less than provided in appropriations; but, except in declared emergency, none shall be made in excess of appropriations. Reduction shall be because of changes in requirements and shall not be such as to impair the integrity of budgetary procedures.
    SECTION 13. There shall be a Public Custodian, appointed by the President and removable by him, who shall have charge of properties belonging to the government, but not allocated to specific agencies, who shall administer common public services, shall have charge of building construction and rentals, and shall have such other duties as may be designated by the President or the designated Vice-Presidents.
    SECTION 14. There shall be an Intendant responsible to the President who shall supervise Offices for Intelligence and Investigation; also an Office of Emergency Organization with the duty of providing plans and procedures for such contingencies as can be anticipated.
    The Intendant shall also charter nonprofit corporations (or foundations), unless the President shall object, determined by him to be for useful public purposes. Such corporations shall be exempt from taxation but shall conduct no profitmaking enterprises.
    SECTION 15. The Intendant shall also be a counselor for the coordination of scientific and cultural experiments, and for studies within the government and elsewhere, and for this purpose shall employ such assistance as may be found necessary.
    SECTION 16. Offices for other purposes may be established and may be discontinued by presidential order within the funds allocated in the procedures or appropriation.

    (The Senate and the House of Representatives)
    SECTION 1. There shall be a Senate with membership as follows: If they so desire, former Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Principal Justices, Overseers, Chairmen of the Planning and Regulatory Boards, Governors having had more than seven years service, and unsuccessful candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency who have received at least 30 percent of the vote. To be appointed by the President, three persons who have been Chancellors, two officials from the civil services, two officials from the diplomatic services, two senior military officers, also one person from a panel of three elected in a process approved by the overseer, by each of twelve such groups or associations as the President may recognize from time to time to be nationally representative, but none shall be a political or religious group, no individual selected shall have been paid by any private interest to influence government, and any association objected to by the Senate shall not be recognized. Similarly, to be appointed by the Principal Justice, two persons distinguished in public law and two former members of the High Courts or the Judicial Council. Also, to be elected by the House of Representatives, three members who have served six or more years.
    Vacancies shall be filled as they occur.
    SECTION 2. Membership shall continue for life, except that absences not provided for by rule shall constitute retirement, and that Senators may retire voluntarily.
    SECTION 3. The Senate shall elect as presiding officer a Convener who shall serve for two years, when his further service may be discontinued by a majority vote. Other officers, including a Deputy, shall be appointed by the Convener unless the Senate shall object.
    SECTION 4. The Senate shall meet each year on the second Tuesday in July and shall be in continuous session, but may adjourn to the call of the Convener. A quorum shall be more than three-fifths of the whole membership.
    SECTION 5. The Senate shall consider, and return within thirty days, all measures approved by the House of Representatives (except the annual budget). Approval or disapproval shall be by a majority vote of those present. Objection shall stand unless the House of Representatives shall overcome it by a majority vote plus one; if no return be made, approval by the House of Representatives shall be final.
    For consideration of laws passed by the House of Representatives or for other purposes, the Convener may appoint appropriate committees.
    SECTION 6. The Senate may ask advice from the Principal Justice concerning the constitutionality of measures before it; and if this be done, the time for return to the House of Representatives may extend to ninety days.
    SECTION 7. If requested, the Senate may advise the President on matters of public interest; or, if not requested, by resolution approved by two-thirds of those present. There shall be a special duty to expressions of concern during party conventions and commitments made during campaigns; and if these be neglected, to remind the President and the House of Representatives that these undertakings are to be considered.
    SECTION 8. In time of present or prospective danger caused by cataclysm, by attack, or by insurrection, the Senate may declare a national emergency and may authorize the President to take appropriate action. If the Senate be dispersed, and no quorum available, the President may proclaim the emergency, and may terminate it unless the Senate shall have acted. If the President be not available, and the circumstances extreme, the senior serving member of the presidential succession may act until a quorum assembles.
    SECTION 9. The Senate may also define and declare a limited emergency in time of prospective danger, or of local or regional disaster, or if an extraordinary advantage be anticipated. It shall be considered by the House of Representatives within three days and, unless disapproved, may extend for a designated period and for a limited area before renewal.
    Extraordinary expenditures during emergency may be approved, without regard to usual budget procedures, by the House of Representatives with the concurrence of the President.
    SECTION 10. The Senate, at the beginning of each session, shall select three of its members to constitute a national Security Committee to be consulted by the President in emergencies requiring the deployment of the armed forces abroad. If the Committee dissent from the President's proposal, it shall report to the Senate, whose decision shall be final.
    SECTION 11. The Senate shall elect, or may remove, a national Watchkeeper, and shall oversee, through a standing committee, a Watchkeeping Service conducted according to rules formulated for their approval.
    With the assistance of an appropriate staff the Watchkeeper shall gather and organize information concerning the adequacy, competency, and integrity of governmental agencies and their personnel, as well as their continued usefulness; and shall also suggest the need for new or expanded services, making report concerning any agency of the deleterious effect of its activities on citizens or on the environment.
    The Watchkeeper shall entertain petitions for the redress of grievances and shall advise the appropriate agencies if there be need for action.
    For all these purposes, personnel may be appointed, investigations made, witnesses examined, post audits made, and information required.
    The Convener shall present the Watchkeeper's findings to the Senate, and if it be judged to be in the public interest, they shall be made public or, without being made public, sent to the appropriate agency for its guidance and such action as may be needed. On recommendation of the Watchkeeper the Senate may initiate corrective measures to be voted on by the House of Representatives within thirty days. When approved by a majority and not vetoed by the President, they shall become law.
    For the Watchkeeping Service one-quarter of one percent of individual net taxable incomes shall be held by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs; but amounts not expended in any fiscal year shall be available for general use.

    SECTION 1. The House of Representatives shall be the original lawmaking body of the Newstates of America.
    SECTION 2. It shall convene each year on the second Tuesday in July and shall remain in continuous session except that it may adjourn to the call of a Speaker, elected by a majority vote from among the Representatives-at-large, who shall be its presiding officer.
    SECTION 3. It shall be a duty to implement the provisions of this constitution and, in legislature, to be guided by them.
    SECTION 4. Party leaders and their deputies shall be chosen by caucus at the beginning of each session.
    SECTION 5. Standing and temporary committees shall be selected as follows:
    Committees dealing with the calendaring and management of bills shall have a majority of members nominated to party caucuses by the Speaker; other members shall be nominated by minority leaders. Membership shall correspond to the parties' proportions at the last election. If nominations be not approved by a majority of the caucus, the Speaker of the minority leaders shall nominate others until a majority shall approve.
    Members of other committees shall be chosen by party caucus in proportion to the results of the last election. Chairmen shall be elected annually from among at-large-members.
    Bills referred to committees shall be returned to the House with recommendations within sixty days unless extension be voted by the House.
    In all committee actions names of those voting for and against shall be recorded.
    No committee chairman may serve longer than six years.
    SECTION 6. Approved legislation, not objected to by the Senate within the allotted time, shall be presented to the President for his approval or disapproval. If the President disapprove, and three-quarters of the House membership still approve, it shall become law. The names of those voting for and against shall be recorded. Bills not returned within eleven days shall become law.
    SECTION 7. The President may have thirty days to consider measures approved by the House unless they shall have been submitted twelve days previous to adjournment.
    SECTION 8. The House shall consider promptly the annual budget; if there still be objection by a two-thirds majority, the House shall prevail. Objection must be by whole title; titles not objected to when voted on shall constitute appropriation.
    The budget for the fiscal year shall be in effect on January 1. Titles not yet acted on shall be as in the former budget until action be completed.
    SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of the House to make laws concerning taxes.
    1. For their laying and collection:
    a. They shall be uniform, and shall not be retroactive.
    b. Except such as may be authorized by law to be laid by Authorities, or by the Newstates, all collections shall be made by a national revenue agency. This shall include collections for trust funds hereinafter authorized.
    c. Except for corporate levies to be held in the national Sharing Fund, hereinafter authorized, taxes may be collected only from individuals and only from incomes; but there may be withholding from current incomes.
    d. To assist in the maintenance of economic stability, the President may be authorized to alter rates by executive order.
    e. They shall be imposed on profitmaking enterprises owned or conducted by religious establishments or other nonprofit organizations.
    f. There shall be none on food, medicines, residential rentals, or commodities or services designated by law as necessities; and there shall be no double taxation.
    g. None shall be levied for registering ownership or transfer of property.
    2. For expenditure from revenues:
    a. For the purposes detailed in the annual budget unless objection be made by the procedure prescribed herein.
    b. For such other purposes as the House may indicate and require the Planning Board to include in revision of the budget; but, except in declared emergency, the total may not exceed the President's estimate of available funds.
    3. For fixing the percentage of net corporate taxable incomes to be paid into a National Sharing Fund to be held in the custody of the Chancellor of Financial Affairs and made available for such welfare and environmental purposes as are authorized by law.
    4. To provide for the regulation of commerce with other nations and among the Newstates, Possessions, Territories; or, as shall be mutually agreed, with other organized governments; but exports shall not be taxed; and imports shall not be taxed except on recommendation of the President at rates whose allowable variations shall have been fixed by law. There shall be no quotas, and no nations favored by special rates, unless by special acts requiring two-thirds majorities.
    5. To establish, or provide for the establishment of, institutions for the safekeeping of savings, for the gathering and distribution of capital, for the issuance of credit, for regulating the coinage of money, for controlling the media of exchange, and for stabilizing prices; but such institutions, when not public or semipublic, shall be regarded as affected with the public interest and shall be supervised by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs.
    6. To establish institutions for insurance against risks and liabilities for communication, transportation, and others commonly used and necessary for public convenience.
    7. To assist in the maintenance of world order, and, for this purpose, when the President shall recommend, to vest jurisdiction in international legislative, judicial, or administrative agencies.
    8. To develop with other peoples, and for the benefit of all, the resources of space, of other bodies in the universe, and of the seas beyond twelve miles from low-water shores unless treaties shall provide other limits.
    9. To assist other peoples who have not attained satisfactory levels of well-being; to delegate the administration of funds for assistance, whenever possible, to international agencies; and to invest in or contribute to the furthering of development in other parts of the world.
    10. To assure, or to assist in assuring, adequate and equal facilities for education; for training in occupations citizens may be fitted to pursue; and to reeducate or retrain those whose occupations may become obsolete.
    11. To establish or to assist institutions devoted to higher education, to research, or to technical training.
    12. To establish and maintain, or assist in maintaining, libraries, archives, monuments, and other places of historic interest.
    13. To assist in the advancement of sciences and technologies; and to encourage cultural activities.
    14. To conserve natural resources by purchase, by withdrawal from use, or by regulation; to provide, or to assist in providing, facilities for recreation; to establish and maintain parks, forests, wilderness areas, wetlands, and prairies; to improve streams and other waters; to ensure the purity of air and water; to control the erosion of soils; and to provide for all else necessary for the protection and common use of the national heritage.
    15. To acquire property and improvements for public use at costs to be fixed, if necessary, by the Court of Claims.
    16. To prevent the stoppage or hindrance of governmental procedures, or other activities affected with a public interest as defined by law, by reason of disputes between employers and employees, or for other reasons, and for this purpose to provide for conclusive arbitration if adequate provision for collective bargaining fail. From such findings there may be appeal to the Court of Arbitration Review; but such proceedings may not stay the acceptance of findings.
    17. To support an adequate civil service for the performance of such duties as may be designated by administrators; and for this purpose to refrain from interference with the processes of appointment or placement, asking advice or testimony before committees only with the consent of appropriate superiors.
    18. To provide for the maintenance of armed forces.
    19. To enact such measures as will assist families in making adjustment to future conditions, using estimates concerning population and resources made by the Planning Board.
    20. to vote within ninety days on such measures as the President may designate as urgent.

    * * *

    SUN., APRIL 11, 1993 1:52 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 238
    SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 1993
    SECTION 1. There shall be a Regulatory Branch, and there shall be a national Regulator chosen by majority vote of the Senate and removable by a two-thirds vote of that body. His term shall be seven years, and he shall make and administer rules for the conduct of all economic enterprises.
    The Regulatory Branch shall have such agencies as the Board may find necessary and are not disapproved by law.
    SECTION 2. The Regulatory Board shall consist of seventeen members recommended to the Senate by the Regulator. Unless rejected by majority vote they shall act with the Regulator as a lawmaking body for industry.
    They shall initially have terms of one to seventeen years, one being replaced each year and serving for seventeen years. They shall be compensated and shall have no other occupation.
    SECTION 3. Under procedures approved by the Board, the Regulator shall charter all corporations or enterprises except those exempted because of size or other characteristics, or those supervised by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs, or by the Intendant, or those whose activities are confined to one Newstate.
    Charters shall describe proposed activities, and departure from these shall require amendment on penalty of revocation. For this purpose there shall be investigation and enforcement services under the direction of the Regulator.
    SECTION 4. Chartered enterprises in similar industries or occupations may organize joint Authorities. These may formulate among themselves codes to ensure fair competition, meet external costs, set standards for quality and service, expand trade, increase production, eliminate waste, and assist in standardization. Authorities may maintain for common use services for research and communication; but membership shall be open to all eligible enterprises. Non-members shall be required to maintain the same standards as those prescribed for members.
    SECTION 5. Authorities shall have governing committees of five, two being appointed by the Regulator to represent the public. They shall serve as he may determine; they shall be compensated; and he shall take care that there be no conflicts of interest. The Board may approve or prescribe rules for the distribution of profits to stockholders, allowable amounts of working capital, and reserves. Costing and all other practices affecting the public interest shall be monitored.
    All codes shall be subject to review by the Regulator with his board.
    SECTION 6. Member enterprises of an Authority shall be exempt from other regulation.
    SECTION 7. The Regulator, with his Board, shall fix standards and procedures for mergers of enterprises or the acquisition of some by others; and these shall be in effect unless rejected by the Court of Administrative Settlements. The purpose shall be to encourage adaptation to change and to further approved intentions for the nation.
    SECTION 8. The charters of enterprises may be revoked and Authorities may be dissolved by the Regulator, with the concurrence of the Board, if they restrict the production of goods and services, or controls of their prices; also if external costs are not assessed to their originators or if the ecological impacts of their operations are deleterious.
    SECTION 9. Operations extending abroad shall conform to policies notified to the Regulator by the President; and he shall restrict or control such activities as appear to injure the national interest.
    SECTION 10. The Regulator shall make rules for and shall supervise marketplaces for goods and services; but this shall not include security exchanges regulated by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs.
    SECTION 11. Designation of enterprises affected with a public interest, rules for conduct of enterprises and of their Authorities, and other actions of the Regulator or of the Boards may be appealed to the Court of Administrative Settlements, whose judgments shall be informed by the intention to establish fairness to consumers and competitors and stability in economic affairs.
    SECTION 12. Responsible also to the Regulator, there shall be an Operations Commission appointed by the Regulator, unless the Senate object, for the supervision of enterprises owned in whole or in part by government. The commission shall choose its chairman, and he shall be the executive head of a supervisory staff. He may require reports, conduct investigations, and make rules and recommendations concerning surpluses or deficits, the absorption of external costs, standards of service, and rates or prices charged for services or goods.
    Each enterprise shall have a director, chosen by and removable by the Commission; and he shall conduct its affairs in accordance with standards fixed by the Commission.

    SECTION 1. There shall be a Principal Justice of the Newstates for America; a Judicial Council; and a Judicial Assembly. There shall also be a Supreme Court and a High Court of Appeals; also Courts of Claims, Rights and Duties, Administrative Review, Arbitration Settlements, Tax Appeals, and Appeals from Watchkeeper's Findings. There shall be Circuit Courts to be of first resort in suits brought under national law; and they shall hear appeals from courts of the Newstates.
    Other courts may be established by law on recommendation of the Principal Justice with the Judicial Council.
    SECTION 2. The Principal Justice shall preside over the judicial system, shall appoint the members of all national courts, and, unless the Judicial Council object, shall make its rules; also, through an Administrator, supervise its operations.
    SECTION 3. The Judicial Assembly shall consist of Circuit Court Judges, together with those of the High Courts of the Newstates of America and those of the highest courts of the Newstates. It shall meet annually, or at the call of the Principal Justice, to consider the state of the Judiciary and such other matters as may be laid before it.
    It shall also meet at the call of the Convener to nominate three candidates for the principal Justiceship whenever a vacancy shall occur. From these nominees the Senate shall choose the one having the most votes.
    SECTION 4. The Principal Justice, unless the Senate object to any, shall appoint a Judicial Council of five members to serve during his incumbency. He shall designate a senior member who shall preside in his absence.
    It shall be the duty of the Council, under the direction of the Principal Justice, to study the courts in operation, to prepare codes of ethics to be observed by members, and to suggest changes in procedure. The Council may ask the advice of the Judicial Assembly.
    It shall also be a duty of the Council, as hereinafter provided, to suggest Constitutional amendments when they appear to be necessary; and it shall also draft revisions if they shall be required. Further it shall examine, and from time to time cause to be revised, civil and criminal codes; these, when approved by the Judicial Assembly, shall be in effect throughout the nation.
    SECTION 5. The Principal Justice shall have a term of eleven years; but if at any time the incumbent resign or be disabled from continuing in office, as may be determined by the Senate, replacement shall be by the senior member of the Judicial Council until a new selection be made. After six years the Assembly may provide, by a two-thirds vote, for discontinuance in office, and a successor shall then be chosen.
    SECTION 6. The Principal Justice may suspend members of any court for incapacity or violation of rules; and the separation shall be final if a majority of the Council agree.
    SECTION 7. A presiding judge may decide, with the concurrence of the senior judge, that there may be pretrial proceedings, that criminal trials shall be conducted by either investigatory or adversary proceedings, and whether there shall be a jury and what the number of jurors shall be; but investigatory proceedings shall require a bench of three.
    SECTION 8. In deciding on the concordance of statutes with the Constitution, the Supreme Court shall return to the House of Representatives such as it cannot construe. If the House fail to make return within ninety days the Court may interpret.
    SECTION 9. The Principal Justice, or the President, may grant pardons or reprieves.
    SECTION 10. The High Courts shall have thirteen members; but nine members, chosen by their senior justices from time to time, shall constitute a court. The justices on leave shall be subject to recall.
    Other courts shall have nine members; but seven, chosen by their senior, shall constitute a court.
    All shall be in continuous session except for recesses approved by the Principal Justice.
    SECTION 11. The Principal Justice, with the Council, may advise the Senate, when requested, concerning the appropriateness of measures approved by the House of Representatives; and may also advise the President, when requested, on matters he may refer for consultation.
    SECTION 12. It shall be for other branches to accept and to enforce judicial decrees.
    SECTION 13. The High Court of Appeals may select applications for further consideration by the Supreme Court of decisions reached by other courts, including those of the Newstates. If it agree that there be a constitutional issue it may make preliminary judgment to be reviewed without hearing, and finally, by the Supreme Court.
    SECTION 14. The Supreme Court may decide:
    a. Whether, in litigation coming to it on appeal, constitutional provisions have been violated or standards have not been met.
    b. On the application of constitutional provisions to suits involving the Newstates.
    c. Whether international law, as recognized in treaties, United Nations agreements, or arrangements with other nations, has been ignored or violated.
    d. Other causes involving the interpretation of constitutional provisions; except that in holding any branch to have exceeded its powers the decision shall be suspended until the Judicial Court shall have determined whether, in order to avoid confrontation, procedures for amendment of the Constitution are appropriate.
    If amendatory proceedings are instituted, decision shall await the outcome.
    SECTION 15. The Courts of the Newstates shall have initial jurisdiction in cases arising under their laws except those involving the Newstate itself or those reserved for national courts by a rule of the Principal Justice with the Judicial council.

    SECTION 1. Qualifications for participation in democratic procedures as a citizen, and eligibility for office, shall be subject to repeated study and redefinition; but any change in qualification or eligibility shall become effective only if not disapproved by the Congress.
    For this purpose a permanent Citizenship and Qualifications Commission shall be constituted, four members to be appointed by the President, three by the Convener of the Senate, three by the Speaker of the House, and three by the Principal Justice. Vacancies shall be filled as they occur. The members shall choose a chairman; they shall have suitable assistants and accommodations; and they may have other occupations. Recommendations of the commission shall be presented to the President and shall be transmitted to the House of Representatives with comments. They shall have a preferred place on the calendar and, if approved shall be in effect.
    SECTION 2. Areas necessary for the uses of government may be acquired at its valuation and may be maintained as the public interest may require. Such areas shall have self-government in matters of local concern.
    SECTION 3. The President may negotiate for the acquisition of areas outside the Newstates of America, and, if the Senate approve, may provide for their organization as Possessions or Territories.
    SECTION 4. The President may make agreements with other organized peoples for a relation other than full membership in the Newstates of America. They may become citizens and may participate in the selection of officials. They may receive assistance for their development or from the National Sharing Fund if they conform to its requirements; and they may serve in civilian or military services, but only as volunteers. They shall be represented in the House of Representatives by members elected at large, their number proportional to their constituencies; but each shall have at least one; and each shall in the same way choose one permanent member of the Senate.
    SECTION 5. The President, the Vice-Presidents, and members of the legislative houses shall in all cases except treason, felony, and breach of the peace be exempt from penalty for anything they may say while pursuing public duties; but the Judicial Council may make restraining rules.
    SECTION 6. Except as otherwise provided by this Constitution, each legislative house shall establish its requirement for membership and may make rules for the conduct of members, including conflicts of interest, providing its own disciplines for their infraction.
    SECTION 7. No Newstate shall interfere with officials of the Newstates of America in the performance of their duties, and all shall give full faith and credit to the Acts of other Newstates and of the Newstates of America.
    SECTION 8. Public funds shall be expended only as authorized in this Constitution.

    SECTION 1. Offices of the Newstates of America shall be those named in this Constitution, including those of the legislative houses and others authorized by law to be appointed; they shall be compensated, and none may have other paid occupation unless they be excepted by law; none shall occupy more than one position in government; and no gift or favor shall be accepted if in any way related to official duty.
    No income from former employments or associations shall continue for their benefits; but their properties may be put in trust and managed without their intervention during continuance in office. Hardships under this rule may be considered by the Court of Rights and Duties, and exceptions may be made with due regard to the general intention.
    SECTION 2. The President, the Vice-Presidents, and the Principal Justice shall have households appropriate to their duties. The President, the Vice-Presidents, the Principal Justice, the Chairman of the Planning Board, the Regulator, the Watch-keeper, and the Overseer shall have salaries fixed by law and continued for life; but if they become members of the Senate, they shall have senatorial compensation and shall conform to senatorial requirements.
    Justices of the High Courts shall have no term; and their salaries shall be two-thirds that of the Principal Justice; they and members of the Judicial Council, unless they shall have become Senators, shall be permanent members of the Judiciary and shall be available for assignment by the Principle Justice.
    Salaries for members of the Senate shall be the same as for Justices of the High Court of Appeals.
    SECTION 3. Unless otherwise provided herein, officials designated by the head of a branch as sharers in policymaking may be appointed by him with the president's concurrence and unless the Senate shall object.
    SECTION 4. There shall be administrators:
    a. for executive offices and official households, appointed by authority of the President;
    b. for the national courts, appointed by the Principal Justice;
    c. for the Legislative Branch, selected by a committee of members from each house (chosen by the Convener and the Speaker), three from the House of Representatives and four from the Senate.
    Appropriations shall be made to them; but those for the presidency shall not be reduced during his term unless with his consent; and those for the Judicial Branch shall not be reduced during five years succeeding their determination, unless with the consent of the Principal Justice.
    SECTION 5. The fiscal year shall be the same as the calendar year, with new appropriations available at its beginning.
    SECTION 6. There shall be an Officials' Protective Service to guard the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Principal Justice, and other officials whose safety may be at hazard; and there shall be a Protector appointed by and responsible to a standing committee of the Senate. Protected officials shall be guided by procedures approved by the committee.
    The service, at the request of the Political Overseer, may extend its protection to candidates for office; or to other officials, if the committee so decide.
    SECTION 7. A suitable contingency fund shall be made available to the President for purposes defined by law.
    SECTION 8. The Senate shall try officers of government other than legislators when such officers are impeached by a two-thirds vote of the House of Representatives for conduct prejudicial to the public interest. If Presidents or Vice-Presidents are to be tried, the Senate, as constituted, shall conduct the trial. Judgments shall not extend beyond removal from office and disqualification for holding further office; but the convicted official shall be liable to further prosecution.
    SECTION 9. Members of legislative houses may be impeached by the Judicial Council; but for trials it shall be enlarged to seventeen by Justices of the High Courts appointed by the Principal Justice. If convicted, members shall be expelled and then ineligible for future public office; and they shall also be liable for trial as citizens.

    SECTION 1. It being the special duty of the Judicial Council to formulate and suggest amendments to this Constitution, it shall, from time to time, make proposals, through the Principal Justice, to the Senate. The Senate, if it approve, and if the President agree, shall instruct the Overseer to arrange at the next national election for submission of the amendment to the electorate. If not disapproved by a majority, it shall become part of this Constitution. If rejected, it may be restudied and a new proposal submitted.
    It shall be the purpose of the amending procedure to correct deficiencies in the Constitution, to extend it when new responsibilities require, and to make government responsible to needs of the people, making use of advances in managerial competence and establishing security and stability; also to preclude changes in the Constitution resulting from interpretation.
    SECTION 2. When this Constitution shall have been in effect for twenty-five years the Overseer shall ask, by referendum, whether a new Constitution shall be prepared. If a majority so decide, the Council, making use of such advice as may be available, and consulting those who have made complaint, shall prepare a new draft for submission at the next election. If not disapproved by a majority it shall be in effect. If disapproved it shall be redrafted and resubmitted with such changes as may be then appropriate to the circumstances, and it shall be submitted to the voters at the following election.
    If not disapproved by a majority it shall be in effect. If disapproved it shall be restudied and resubmitted.

    SECTION 1. The President is authorized to assume such powers, make such appointments, and use such funds as are necessary to make this Constitution effective as soon as possible after acceptance by a referendum he may initiate.
    SECTION 2. Such members of the Senate as may be at once available shall convene and, if at least half, shall constitute sufficient membership while others are being added. They shall appoint an Overseer to arrange for electoral organization and elections for the offices of government; but the President and Vice-Presidents shall serve out their terms and then become members of the Senate. At that time the presidency shall be constituted as provided in this Constitution.
    SECTION 3. Until each indicated change in the government shall have been complete the provisions of the existing Constitution and the organs of government shall be in effect.
    SECTION 4. All operations of the national government shall cease as they are replaced by those authorized under this Constitution.
    The President shall determine when replacement is complete.
    The President shall cause to be constituted an appropriate commission to designate existing laws inconsistent with the Constitution, and they shall be void; also the commission shall assist the President and the legislative houses in the formulating of such laws as may be consistent with the Constitution and necessary to its implementation.
    SECTION 5. For establishing Newstates' boundaries a commission of thirteen, appointed by the President, shall make recommendations within one year. For this purpose the members may take advice and commission studies concerning resources, population, transportation, communication, economic and social arrangements, and such other conditions as may be significant. The President shall transmit the commission's report to the Senate. After entertaining, if convenient, petitions for revision, the Senate shall report whether the recommendations are satisfactory but the President shall decide whether they shall be accepted or shall be returned for revision.
    Existing states shall not be divided unless metropolitan areas extending over more than one state are to be included in one Newstate, or unless other compelling circumstances exist; and each Newstate shall possess harmonious regional characteristics.
    The Commission shall continue while the Newstates make adjustments among themselves and shall have jurisdiction in disputes arising among them.
    SECTION 6. Constitutions of the Newstates shall be established as arranged by the Judicial Council and the Principal Justice.
    These procedures shall be as follows: Constitutions shall be drafted by the highest courts of the Newstates. There shall then be a convention of one hundred delegates chosen in special elections in a procedure approved by the Overseer. If the Constitution be not rejected, the Principal Justice, advised by the Judicial Council, shall promulgate a Constitution and initiate revisions to be submitted for approval at a time he shall appoint. If it again be rejected he shall promulgate another, taking account of objections, and it shall be in effect. A Constitution, once in effect, shall be valid for twenty-five years as herein provided.
    SECTION 7. Until Governors and legislatures of the Newstates are seated, their governments shall continue, except that the President may appoint temporary Governors to act as executive until succeeded by those regularly elected. These Governors shall succeed to the executive functions of the states as they become one of the Newstates of America.
    SECTION 8. The indicated appointments, elections, and other arrangements shall be made with all deliberate speed.
    SECTION 9. The first Judicial Assembly for selecting a register for candidates for the Principal Justiceship of the Newstates of America shall be called by the incumbent Chief Justice immediately upon ratification.
    SECTION 10. Newstates electing by referendum not to comply with recommendations of the Boundary Commission, as approved by the Senate, shall have deducted from taxes collected by the Newstates of America for transmission to them a percentage equal to the loss in efficiency from failure to comply.
    Estimates shall be made by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs and approved by the President; but the deduction shall not be less than 7 percent.
    SECTION 11. When this Constitution has been implemented the President may delete by proclamation appropriate parts of this article.

    * * * * * * * * *
    Well, friends--anyone who thinks you haven't died and gone to Hell--just doesn't see the facts. May GOD be with you sleeping prey. There is no mention of "we-the-people", no mention of juries and trial by peers--there is nothing save the announcement of Monarchy Dictatorship--worsening with every article and section in sequence.

    To you who wish to continue to call me "false" and of "Satan"--who might YOU be--you who allows such as this to come upon God's perfection and the nations of your world which house your brothers and sisters? Indeed, indeed; may God please have mercy upon you sleeping lambs.

    If you cannot determine what it is I see that you do not--GO BACK AND STUDY THIS DAMNED EDICT OF SLAVERY! SALU.

    PJ 81
    TUE., NOV. 2, 1993 8:23 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 078
    TUE., NOVEMBER 2, 1993
    I am always asked about this holiday every year with a seemingly searching need of you ones to know about it. I can suggest you go back to SATAN'S DRUMMERS (JOURNAL) and you will get an education about these things--probably a lot more than you ever wanted to know.

    The "time" of the year was originally (like 11,000 years ago and forward) celebrated as a "New Year".

    In the "moon calendar", the New Moon in Scorpio, celebrated around this time of Halloween (now) marked the pagan new year. The Roman Catholic Church moved its own celebrations to what are now considered your "holy days" in an attempt to usurp the power of the old religions.

    The Druids were only one of the pagan religions that celebrated this new year. The Celts call it Samhain, still others call it Hallowmas, but it remains in the lives of those who celebrate the "Wheel of the Year" as a time to acknowledge the lives of those who have passed over and the inevitability of death and rebirth. Of course, you now celebrate the evil and only the "death" because even in the projection of "rebirth" you present it as terrible demon ghosts, zombies and bloodsuckers.

    Those who participate in "witchery" claim to "honor" the force that created the universe with singing, dancing and feasting. BS--you are honoring the evil presentment of the deeds and doings of Satan. This has now slopped over into the "holy days" which, after Christ's visit, became your "Christmas time" by turning it into a commercial Zionist symbol of genuine GREED in the name of a blessed energy.

    Do I object? Yes and no--I object to the MEANING of Halloween but as a cute time for the immature adults and kiddies to feast on violence and candy to sugar overload--I guess it is something you seem to have to do--however, it is a TRAP and once fallen into it you cannot, save rarely, extricate yourselves. It teaches the child everything you claim to work the rest of the year undoing. Would it not be better to "counter" with lighting ceremonies and safe gatherings in well-lighted and secure places? You treat this as a "kick" and "game"--THE ONES WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT THEIR "RELIGION" TREAT IT AS WHAT IT IS--AN EVIL CELEBRATION AND TIME OF INITIATION THROUGH BLOOD, OR SYMBOLIC VIOLENCE AND BLOOD, FOR THE TAKE-OVER OF ALL GOODNESS IN THE WORLD. IF YOU GET "OTHERWISE" FROM YOUR WICCA BUDDIES--YOU BETTER LOOK AGAIN. The only spiritual aspects ARE EVIL and the thrust is toward degrading and self-abusing actions of indulgence. I repeat, again, witches of ANY KIND and warlocks ARE NOT OF LIGHTED GOD! If you live by rules of magical sorcery--you are destined to perish by magical sorcery! It is simply an extension of SATAN'S CHURCH!

    Here is another claim which you had best disregard: "Pagans are bound by their own religious law to harm none, believing that everything done will be returned threefold." You must understand the "rules" here. What YOU consider "harm"--THEY CONSIDER RIGHTEOUS!

    LOOK! This day is now surpassing all other holidays as a focus--it is insidious creeping of take-over and squashing of all "goodness". Further, don't feed me the garbage about environment and love of Mother Earth through these rituals--IT IS A LIE!


    You ask and ask, how do we turn around our nation? LOOK AT HAITI!

    I don't want to belabor this point, readers, but all the bashing, demonstrating and caterwauling will NOT get you a government of decent Constitutional leaders and representatives. A NEW GOVERNMENT COULD DO IT. GET RID OF WASHINGTON D.C., GET RID OF THE WHOLE KIT AND KABOODLE OF EVIL VAMPIRES AND "CREATE" A NEW NATION AND SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Can it be done?? Haiti is doing it and it looks as if it just "MAY" work--at least this little "nothing" island is showing you "the way".

    Instead of explaining it, let me just present a small article out of a Sunday paper (Oct. 31, 1993) and I believe the discerning and creative can SEE WHAT IT MEANS.

    DISSIDENTS ACT OUTFLANKS HAITI'S EXILED PRESIDENT: (Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (AP)--On the day President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was to return, the climax of a U.N. plan to restore democracy, his opponents MANEUVERED SATURDAY TO REPLACE HIS GOVERNMENT.

    Twelve political parties and pressure groups said in a joint communique that if Aristide doesn't resign by 3 p.m. today they will announce plans to replace him.

    Both the United Nations and the United States have warned AGAINST SUCH A MOVE. [H: Ah ha--the serpents speak!]

    The latest person to declare political ambitions was Claude Raymond, a former army commander under the Duvalier dictatorship.

    "The time has come for a burst of national effort," he declared over Radio Signal on Saturday.

    Many Aristide supporters stayed in their homes or did not wish to discuss politics openly Saturday following a rash of anti-Aristide attacks.

    The United States was one of the major forces behind the U.N.-brokered agreement that Aristide and military leader Lt. Gen Raoul Cedras signed in July, laying out the terms of Aristide to regain the office from which the military ousted him in September 1991. [H: Haiti was a sovereign power--even if your leaders don't like it. What right have you to attend their country and demand your rules and leaders onto them? They have been all but destroyed by your nation and the U.N. and Committee of 300 with drugs and poverty with no way out except more drugs--and AIDS, deliberately introduced into their population through the World Health Organization in Africa--to deliberately be taken to Haiti by then workers in S. Africa getting smallpox vaccinations laced with HIV virus.]

    Among other things, the agreement called for the appointment of a transitional government, for Cedras to step down and for Aristide to return from exile Oct. 30.

    The process was effectively blocked from the beginning. An Aristide ally was named Premier, but has been largely powerless.

    [H: It would appear to me that the little poverty-ridden Haitians, even with their false religions and ignorance, show more intelligent spunk than the sleeping giant in AMERIKA.]

    * * *
    Before I return to the Committee of 300 or Iron Curtain Over America, I want to share some other confirmations and information which may well be far more important to you.

    We have written several times on UNDERGROUND FACILITIES of your government, the United Nations, et al. We have offered specific placements of these facilities as well.

    I have now been sent a research document which years of research has gone into compiling of information on this subject. I will offer you portions, briefly, of the information. I have no intent to offer it all by any means. Mostly, the document will confirm that which we have already offered--but with documentation, maps, etc., to PROVE this to you--especially you doubters--and, of course, to the curious who WANT MORE DETAILED INFORMATION.

    I now ask the staff to pull out our prior writings on this subject of underground facilities, missile sites, incarceration camps, etc. This is NOT A JOKE, readers--this is SERIOUS. [See May 11, 1993 CONTACT, Vol. I, #7, pages 15-29 & November 9, 1993 CONTACT,.Vol. III, #7, pages 9-23.]

    This volume of material which has been sent can be obtained by you for your own at-hand use. It is called UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS: WHAT IS THE GOVERNMENT TRYING TO HIDE?. It is compiled by Richard Sauder. He can be reached at P.O. Box 81543, Albuquerque, NM 87198. For his own protection and security he has gone to the work of Copyright (1993) and has all rights reserved. This offers him protection if the delinquents go after him. It is now known that he is connected to ME and that there is no information from him which is not otherwise available.

    You can get this document from him for $25 and I explicitly recommend it to you readers! I believe this includes shipping and handling but a couple of extra dollars would help defray the massive costs of research and mailing.

    I am going to offer for your pleasure the "Foreword" and I hope you will give careful attention to this work.

    Persistent rumors of secret underground bases and deep underground tunnel systems have swirled through the field of UFOlogy for some years now. The bases and/or tunnels are variously said to be constructed, staffed and operated by covert human agencies, either part of the military-industrial complex or various federal government agencies, or by extraterrestrial or alien beings (the so-called "Little Greys" often mentioned in the UFO literature), or by both covert human agencies and aliens working together in secret, underground installations.

    I will say at the outset that I do not know whether or not there are Little Grays and whether or not they are living and working in underground installations. Perhaps the Little Grays really do exist; perhaps they do not exist. Since I personally do not know, and am not able to definitively answer the question one way or the other, it will not be dealt with to any appreciable degree in this report. Neither do I know much about abductions and reported cases where abductees have been taken into purported underground installations in which they have alleged to have seen and experienced many strange things, including bizarre medical procedures and biological engineering experiments being conducted. Though I have both heard and read such stories I cannot testify as to the veracity of these reports so I will not say much about them. At this point I would simply observe that these anecdotal accounts are interesting and that I am keeping an open mind about them.

    What I do know, however, is that there are many underground installations here in the United States. I also know that the military-industrial complex and various federal government agencies have constructed, and are working in, many of these installations; I also know that throughout virtually the entire post-WW II period (and perhaps before) the United States government has actively been planning and constructing underground facilities and installations, some of which are very deep underground, quite sophisticated and capable of accommodating large numbers of people. I have documented quite a number of these facilities and will describe them, to the extent that I am able, in the report which follows. I have also been told of many other underground facilities that I am presently not able to document. For that reason, most of them will not be discussed here.

    [H: I have a request right here, please. If YOU have information regarding such facilities and it is not offered in this document, please send said information to this writer and/or to me and we will work at integration of a larger documentation JOURNAL of some kind. I like to monitor that which goes forth as Truth for most of you have no way to know--but I prefer that other writers take the burden of the work--WE ARE OVERLOADED. We will see to it that it is used according to your own instructions and we will make sure Mr. Sauder gets the information and, I trust, he will make sure that which he gets directly will be shared for my input and verification. Thank you.]

    I have been able to find considerably less information about the much-rumored tunnel system said to crisscross the United States. This does not mean that it does not exist. It may simply be that its deep underground location (if it really exists) gives it a natural cover that is hard to break. Or maybe it really does not exist! I don't know for sure one way or the other. Nevertheless, I will present for your consideration what information I have uncovered related to tunneling and tunnel systems that may, or may not, have anything to do with the rumored underground tunnel system.

    My approach to the tunneling and tunnel network issue is the same as to the underground base question: I will present for my readers reports, information and facts that I have discovered and leave them to draw their own conclusions. I trust that most of what follows will be as new and intriguing for others to read as it was for me to discover.

    Parts of this report were first published in UFO magazine, edited by Vicki Cooper.

    Readers are welcome to forward information to me concerning underground installations and/or tunnels of any sort. The more specific and detailed the information is, the better. Clear photographs, with accompanying details about when and exactly where they were taken, as well as what they depict, are also welcome. Sending photographs or information to me constitutes permission for future publication or use by me, at my discretion, without further obligation or compensation to the sender. Anonymity is guaranteed to those who request it. My forwarding address is: Richard Sauder, P.O. Box 81543, Albuquerque, NM 87198.

    [H: I believe it is important to give you more than this tiny overview of intent of the author, so as we go along through the weeks, I shall offer some of the topics for discussion. To give you better insight as to material, I will continue a bit further with the volume and share a bit of PART I:]

    (Section 1)
    It is important to understand that the United States military has been heavily involved in underground construction for decades. I will set out for you as many of the locations where the various military agencies have constructed major underground facilities, or planned to do so, as I can presently document. I have been told of, and have read of, many others. While I think it highly probable that at least some of these other secret installations may exist I will not discuss most of them in this report, because I cannot presently document them.

    In this report I will discuss at some length documents generated by various military agencies pertaining to construction and operation of underground bases and tunnel systems. The documents are real. They were written over a 25 year period beginning in the late 1950s and continuing up to the mid-1980s. The reader will have to be the judge of whether the underground facilities are real. I personally have not been in any underground military facilities and am not privy to secret information; however my hunch is that some of the facilities mentioned in these reports and studies were probably built.

    I understand that some readers may object to the publication of information about military facilities. However, it is my feeling that the aims and ideals of representative democracy are poorly served by secrecy in government, especially powerful military institutions, as we currently have in the United States, and when that military institution carries out secret policies and agendas, as is currently the case in the United States, then there is an ever present danger of that military institution usurping control of the government. That is how military dictatorships are born.

    [H: Farfetched ideas? Well, on 60 MINUTES, Oct. 31st, their reporter Mr. Bradley was IN RUSSIA LOOKING AT MISSILE SITES. It was stated right out that all nuclear missiles are aimed at the U.S. and the U.S. missiles are still aimed at Russia. More interesting, however, was the number still aimed, armed and ready for firing at places in such as Wyoming, Nebraska, Wisconsin, etc. Do you find this interesting? What would be in such U.S. states that would merit special targeting? Well, "THEY" said there were important installations in the specific target areas (that I shall leave unnamed--for your nervous system balance--if you missed the program). This is REAL, readers, and if you don't get informed, you are in SERIOUS TROUBLE as to possible safety.]

    Let me say it clearly: I intensely dislike military dictatorships, of whatever ilk. They may march under a hammer and sickle, or under a swastika. God forbid that there should be one that marches under the stars and stripes of the United States of America. In that spirit, and in the hope that some of what follows will help peel away the cover of excessive secrecy that shields a great deal of what the Pentagon does from public scrutiny, I offer the following documentation of underground military installations, as well as official plans and documents pertaining to the construction, operation and planning for such installations.

    The Rand Corporation [H: A joint working force with the Brookings Institute of the Tavistock Institute of the Royal Institute of International Affairs of the Committee of 300 (and ______ as example of branches thereof). {We are under court order not to mention certain words and names. TALK ABOUT FREEDOM OF INFORMATION!!!!}] was set up in November 1948. It actually grew out of U.S. Air Force Project RAND, which was established in 1946 to carry out long-range research projects of interest to the Air Force. The mission of the Rand Corporation was to work on cutting-edge problems in the realms of engineering, economics, mathematics, physics and social science. In the late 1950s, one of the problems that the RAND Corporation was working on was the question of underground base construction for the United States military. Accordingly, Air Force Project RAND and The RAND Corporation held a symposium on this topic, on 24-26 March 1959, to which they invited a wide variety of technical experts from the public and the private sector.

    According to the chairman, the purpose of the symposium was to discuss "the problems of protecting military installations located deep underground or under mountains" in the event of nuclear war. He went on to say that for the two years previous (since 1957) The RAND Corporation called on experts from military and nonmilitary government agencies, from the corporate world and from major universities. (See roster of symposium committee and session chairmen). This pattern of collaboration on underground construction projects between university researchers and university engineering schools, private sector industry and the military and other government agencies is one that has continued right up through the 1980s.

    Given the RAND Corporation symposium in 1959, it is no surprise that in the years 1959-1961 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a five-part series of training manuals entitled Design of Underground Installations in Rock. I cannot possibly condense the entire contents of these documents here, nor will I cite them all. But suffice it to say that the tone of the series assumes that there already were underground military installations, as of the late 1950s. The manuals are clearly intended for use by military engineers training for the construction and maintenance of underground facilities. Judging from the manuals, the facilities in question were intended for use as command and control centers and survival bunkers for the military brass, in the event of nuclear war. [H: This is VERIFIED by the number of old missile sites and facilities NOW FOR SALE by the government as the more sophisticated facilities have been completed and the missiles changed out for upgraded systems and railroad missile carriers, etc.]

    Citing the failure of the Germans and Japanese to recognize early enough in WW-II the strategic importance of placing crucial facilities underground, the Army Corps concluded in 1961 that it was imperative for the United States to construct vital facilities deep underground. This decision was lent extra force by the destructive power of nuclear weapons which made previous installations obsolete. Significantly, the 1961 report says, "Vital governmental installations have beep placed underground, as exemplified by the Ritchie project."2 [2: U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Design of Underground Installations in Rock: General Planning Considerations, Manual No. EM 1110-345-431 (1 January 1961): p. 7. The one manual in this series which I do not quote from is entitled Design of Underground Installations in Rock: Penetration and Explosion Effects, Manual No. EM-1110-345- 434 (31 July 1961). It is also published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.]

    ....is a large, underground, military facility on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border which is discussed in some detail later in this report. The interesting thing here is that already in 1961, in a publicly available document, explicit reference is made to governmental installations (plural) already having been placed underground.

    Examples of the sorts of facilities the military was discussing placing underground were: communications centers, fortifications, air raid shelters, staff headquarters and offices, research facilities, shops and factories, and storage areas; and hospitals, kitchens, lavatories and sleeping areas for the use of the personnel stationed underground. According to the Army Corps, some facilities were to be relatively shallow, while other, "more important equipment and facilities essential to defense may be installed in deeper workings" that "are likely to be long and tunnel-like", occupying "one or several stories". According to the report, such deeper facilities may be several hundred feet underground. Several kinds of facilities are discussed: a) a simple installation with a single shaft or tunnel; b) a simple installation with two or more shafts; c) a simple installation with tunnel and shaft; and d) larger installations with multiple tunnels and shafts for access and ventilation.3 [3: Heating and Air Conditioning of Underground Installations, Manual No. EM 1110-345-450 (30 November 1959): pp. 5-7, and 83-85.

    The documents provide several possible schematic layouts for unnamed underground installations. In addition to the tunnels giving access to the facilities there are also shafts to the surface for ventilation, heating and cooling, and for exhaust of gases from power plant machinery. The documents also show possible designs and appearances of air-intake shafts or vents, and exhaust pipes for the power plant. Water would be supplied both from outside commercial sources and also from wells sunk near or from within the facility. Large reservoirs would be hollowed out underground to provide operational water reserves for emergencies. The facilities discussed in the report would also contain kitchens, snack bars, cold storage areas, dispensaries or first aid rooms, medical facilities, personnel lounges, barracks, auditoriums and conference rooms.4 [4: Design of Underground Installations in Rock: Protective Features and Utilities, Manual No. EM 1110-345-435 (1 July 1961): pp. 5-6, 11-25, 62-74.]


    I believe this is enough for this writing, for your information as to what might be in this document. At this point the book is NOT bound as a published book so you are getting a copy of, if like ours, the original "manuscript". I like this better because it is untouched!

    You who are interested in sheltering selves will find this invaluable and far less expensive than obtaining all of the back-up materials and manuals, even IF you could get them.

    Please, if you can do so, support this writer in point. He has chosen a very dangerous mission to get this to the public and you who wonder "What can I do?"--this is an example of WHAT! Help those who are giving everything they have and are to inform you.

    In closing I would like to briefly answer some inquiries about soul-less beings, angels, etc.

    Example: "When you refer to your Crew does that include us way out here in Pennsylvania? We often wonder about this when we listen to the tapes. In the last tapes you mentioned that families in transition would be kept together, does that mean when we go into transition--will we meet our families in the hereafter? You also said that 2/3rds of Earth's population are soul-less, do they reproduce soul-less offspring, and where do they go when they die? Do Angels still leave their estate and if so why?"

    In order: Yes, even you "way out there in Pennsylvania" are literally attached to us--unless you demand retraction of coverage due to thought changes as to higher relationships. We even have crew-members from Texas! BUT, WE HAVE VERY, VERY FEW IN WASHINGTON, D.C.--GOD DOESN'T HAVE MUCH ARMY IN THAT PLACE!

    Yes, more than 2/3rds of Earth population are now "soul-less" humans. This has been accomplished via two routes--generations birthing new generations into a purely physical consciousness. These, on your place and by the Elite, are considered to be "useless eaters" and marked for "depopulation". The Elite, of course, hope more importantly to depopulate the possible enemy, i.e., ONES WITH SOULS WHO CAN CHANGE INTENT AND DIRECTION AND MAKE POOR SLAVES.

    It is not NECESSARILY that ALL babes born to these hapless people are soul-less but that subject is so lengthy as to make it impossible to speak of it here and now. The decisions of soul-birth into dimensional expression is a very complicated choice event. Do not limit God--the breath of life (soul) can be breathed into ANY being at the whim or desire of GOD. It is, however, far more likely to have birthing of simple "expressions"--this is why abortions are so exaggerated in your place. For one, a lot of souled beings are destroyed and, therefore, can be no threat--but it is a remarkable way to overpopulate with dispensable numbers, called "masses", to overwhelm your souled senses into numbness and your consciousness into confusion and withdrawal as to "action".

    Will you meet your "family". That actually has no meaning for "family" SIMPLY "IS". As you cross in transition which takes separation of soul from body--there is no way to NOT have family. I do, however, realize you are asking an entirely different question than you indicate. As to crew and those "in service" and regarding protection: Yes, our allowance is take your families as requested--into security under various and sundry circumstances. If they be "adult" they will be given into decision choices and put back down if that be their demand. The purpose of this "exception"? To allow the "crew" (YOU) to be cleared for service and not concerned about human physical placements. The point of "evacuation" is that ours will be taken in human format. The reasons for that are also too lengthy to cover here--however, just know that there are tasks to be performed in a transition of this sort and magnitude which require physical interactions. Your "children" will automatically be removed into safety--for they are souled beings awaiting service--and their innocent acknowledgement of that service to LIGHTED GOD is uppermost and present. Sorting out of "family" members is prepared for and well-planned.

    I do not understand the question regarding: "Do angels still leave their estate and if so why?" Angels are energy forms which are usually thought of as God's projections. However, the term angel can be related to any energy projection. I can't answer the question as stated. Angels neither leave nor take--anything of the physical as would be indicated by "estate".

    Thank you for inquiring and you hit upon my only interest in your passage--your souls and energy forms. One day perhaps we can get beyond the physical "survival" long enough to learn about the passage and beyond. God blesses you, children, do not despair nor weary of the journey--for in the turning away sometimes the moment is all there IS and the passage becomes "too late".


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