PJ 76
SAT., AUG. 14, 1993 1:30 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 363

SAT., AUGUST 14, 1993

As you walk through the shadows can you not see that if you remain within Truth and within God, you can "see" quite well for in every circumstance if you ask in intent of goodness in the receiving--you SHALL receive that which is needed. It rarely comes packaged as you pre-perceive. Then, you take the in­formation (formulae) and create (originate) an alternative cir­cumstance in which YOU have control and NOT your enemy over you. IF YOUR INTENT BE PURE--YOUR CREATION WILL BRING FORTH THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR IN PLENTY AND IT SHALL BE SWEET. If your intent is in worldly greed--you shall have fruit from your plantings--but it will be indeed BITTER. It may well "appear" your enemy con­tinues to "win" but you deviate not from our purpose, goal and path--it will be you who wins--not your enemy. If "his" (your enemy) had the same Godly intent--he WOULD NOT BE YOUR ENEMY TRYING TO DISCREDIT AND PULL YOU DOWN THAT HE MIGHT HAVE PERSONAL GAIN.

It is important in this journey to not simply say "I have my truth" and "You have yours" and each is valid. Valid indeed, but NOT usually Godly. The surface words may well express "Godly"--while the actions and rock throwing indicate intent otherwise. Remember, also, vineyard toilers--what "appears to be" may well NOT be the whole of the story. Hold to the intent of projects in God's purpose, done in integrity of God-worthi­ness and the adversary will fall away--but not until THE NEC­ESSARY LESSONS ARE LEARNED AND PRACTICED. Be they ever so seemingly "humble", even the most tiny "lesson" may be THE knowledge which will focus the WHOLE. Does this mean that you may not personally gain? Perish the thought--our major intent here is to PROVE to mankind that in God's garden--each can flourish both in soul growth and abundance to experience within this dimension--even with turmoil, upheaval and seemingly total devastation and evil around you. He who would pull down and damage a brother to gain in "gold" is not in movement toward God--regardless of what he believes in consciousness. The fact that restlessness and "excuses" continue to flow endlessly--proves the lack of peace and fulfillment. When, further, you GIVE to GOD for HIS work and then de­mand it back with interest--you are bordering on serious reward in troubles. You may well get what you THINK you want--but it will be as bitter in the "having" as is the Hemlock sap. You can fool almost all of the people sometime, a lot of the people all of the time--but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time--AND YOU CANNOT FOOL GOD ANY OF THE TIME! The worst circumstance, however, is when you FOOL SELF--FOR THAT INDEED MAKES YOU THE "FOOL"! THIS ALMOST ALWAYS COMES WITH INPUT FROM ANOTHER IF YOUR PATH WAS TRULY PRIORLY IN THE LIGHT OF GOODNESS. IF YOU THINK I MEAN YOU, I SUGGEST YOU LOOK CAREFULLY AT WHAT YOU DO AND WHO GIVES ADVICE AND HELPS YOU TAKE THAT INCREDIBLY STUPID ADVICE! YOU, PEOPLE, ARE THE MOST FOOLISH AND "HAD" SPECIES. TOO GREEDY TO STAY IN THE LIGHT AND WAIT UPON GOD--AND TOO FOOLISH TO KEEP FROM FOLLOWING THE PIPER WITH THE SHEKELS OF GOLD. IT IS CALLED "FOOL'S GOLD" BECAUSE YOU FINALLY GET IT AND IT HAS NO VALUE AND IT HAS LEACHED OUT EVERY FRAGMENT OF GOOD­NESS WITHIN. Usually then what happens is the "adviser" takes leave for he would not want to live with a "fool". This, further, usually happens when he has stripped you of all that you THOUGHT was of value. The adversary is indeed UNKIND, my children, and as always--you do it to yourselves.

This is a new low, Mr. Green(berg?) and Miss Annie. Your actions are SMALL and demeaning even unto yourselves in your already "small" actions. You have started an investigation into the Ekker's eligibility for Food assistance? You idiots--they are in the process of taking early Social Security, their home was confiscated by the RTC AND SOLD to people in Arizona! What did you tell these investigators? Well, they are finding exactly what you might expect--THAT THE EKKERS WOULD ALSO BE ELIGIBLE FOR FULL ASSISTANCE WELFARE--THANKS TO YOU! I would further suppose that a few more of your letters in lying intent to damage--to other parties who hap­pen to "believe" and share in our journey--might well make you quite "liable"--especially Annie and L.F. You may just wish to express unconditional love--but what you are doing is lying about your treatment, your funds, your intent and the nasty little network you have going. If you are still an emissary of Mr. Green, Annie--it seems like a good idea to reconsider that stance.

Your letter to Mr. David P. is libelous if David was first a friend of MINE who came to work out his problems with the "system" in use of our suggestions. Assuming David is "just a friend" and was FIRST YOUR OWN CONTACT AND FRIEND, then you certainly have freedom of speech--however, it appears to me that David was efforting to sort Truth and you offered him a plateful of incorrect information and outright lies. The Institute went a long way out on a limb to make things suit­able to L.F. It matters not about the Ekkers--but you are con­tinuing to damage the reputation of the Institute and that is going to be less and less acceptable to those who utilize and work with the Institute.

I wonder with this unconditional love stance of L.F. if he would be so happy were Nora demanding her money and suggesting that it be taken out of L.F.'s share so that she would gain--to hell with his loss? Moreover, what if she got the law and de­manded Mr. F.'s share be paid to her IN GOLD COINS! You see, foolish chelas--the NOTES are backed by gold--YOU NEITHER PUT IN GOLD NOR BOUGHT GOLD. The Institute did buy gold which is held as security for your loan to the Insti­tute.

What in the world do you want? You are not only "square", you are MAKING thousands and thousands of dollars in excess of your loan. There is NO "investment". L.F. LOANED money to the Institute--which did EXACTLY what they should have done and now are repaying in full, plus! You really begin to look totally GREEDY and hardly "unconditional-love" ori­ented. Whoever is in charge of YOUR business, L., is about to do you in--credibility-wise and the last demand for MORE AND BIGGER just about got the whole transaction called off. If it be your attorney--you had better check it out. If you are allowing "others" to attend your affairs--YOU HAD REALLY BETTER CHECK IT OUT! And, in the letter you wrote to David you say I, Hatonn, sit up here and demand lawsuits? No, chelas, if I did nothing else--so be it. However, fortunate for you--I don't or I would have them slap a big one against you. I am going to match MY GOD against that one you play with. You can spell "my" GOD with a little "g" (god) and yours with a big "G" and it doesn't mean A THING. You go chase your GOLD and do your rituals--and we shall see. My first mission is to discharge the foolish ideas that you can play with the devil and call him anything you wish and dabble around in New Age and a new "Channeler" every day. If you have a new one every day, my children--you surely haven't found TRUTH in what you ARE doing--you prove that you are either steadfast in the WRONG path or you are still searching! What are you going to do with your money when you get it? Will it sit lightly and wondrously in your stomach or will your heart have a bad case of lead-poi­son? One of you may be in Truth and openly trying to "just be good"--the other is manipulative, deceitful and a liar and cheat. Which one? Does sucking a "bunch" within to "agree" with you make you RIGHT? No, just a bunch of WRONG ones.

IF your new channelers, etc., are giving you Truth--WHY ARE ALL OF YOU STILL PICKING UP OUR PAPER (WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT--AT LEAST, SOME ARE SEEN GETTING THE SHEET YOU THINK SO FALSE AND MISERABLE) and your letter indicates that you certainly don't miss a word--Or perhaps one of YOU is the new psychic "channeler"? I know your spies and your silly little clutches--who cares? If I were not what bothers you--why do you continue to hang around "my" Truth? Why would you pull me down or even wish to when we have no group and no "power", no "nothing"--why do we seem such a great THREAT to you? IF YOUR WAY BE RIGHT--I SEE NOT "MY" CREW BOTHERING YOU--THEY EFFORT TO DISASSOCIATE AT EVERY OPPOR­TUNITY BECAUSE YOU SEEM TO HATE US SO. You can go light wicka candles all over the mountains if you like--it is your business--why does what I write and "do" bother you so much? By your own words: "New channelers are popping up daily and older ones fading out." What is it that bothers YOU? So, too, George continues to call and play with you ones--so, go play with him--he must be one of YOU, he is not one of "us". He was not even kind to you when he was here--why is he such a "friend" now? You ones CHOSE--why do you not go with that which you chose and leave us be for we thrust nothing off on you. You even know, now, who is receiving reward for de­mands--perhaps you can now build temples and start your own "channel" drive or coven circle if that be what you want.

Yes, I know you are sick of this garbage--ME TOO! I just want you to know something--THIS PAPER IS FOR INFORMA­TION. I come in the Highest Cause in service to God Creator--returning. I have come to meet this enemy head on--and he is a trickster--using every hapless person he wants, to harass and ha­rangue. If it appears I confront some poor little human beings along the way it is because the "Big Boy Deceiver" is USING THEM AND THEY ARE TOO BLIND TO SEE.

I am NOT out to gel these little tools of my enemy. I AM HERE TO HELP THOSE WHO WISH HELP--IN GOD. If your trip is in full intent of only worldly gain--do that which you will and use whatever you can to assist you. I force NOTH­ING, I do not know why ones would wish to partake of anything I represent--much less continue to battle, discredit and all other manner of nonsense. What do THEY want? I ask them to GO--they stay like glue. What is this? You ones are going to have to understand a lot of things--I COME WITH A MISSION AND WE ARE DOING THAT MISSION. I do not come here to play in your sandbox or argue a point of prophesy--I come in service to GOD and GOD'S people and most certainly if I annoy you--get thee from me. This little group in point set up their own lit­tle meditation circle and group and channel and chant--fine-­why, if yours is RIGHT, do you continue to butt into my affairs.

This is a lesson to every reader--EVERY READER. We are not some cute little dip-slip rag-sheet. If YOU don't enjoy the information or the news--so be it, don't use it. If you subscribe and are disappointed--I'm sorry--how do you feel about the L.A. Times or the Glendale Sun? I do not beat my chest and say "come here and meet God" or "I force you to come here." We write a paper and the WORD OF TRUTH. If you disagree--go your way in peace and leave us ours. I CAN TELL YOU NOW--GUARANTEED--THE GOD "I" SERVE--WINS!--with or without you! He does not pull YOU, push YOU or DRAG YOU. So, if you disagree with ME and MINE--why don't you "get lost"?

I will spend weeks and years in honest debate or lessons if you want MY TRUTH--if you simply wish to argue in favor of YOURS--go get your own paper. I continue at the very bore­dom and aggravation of readers to be kind and hope that you will see LIGHT--you few whom I adore and yet drift in your sea of silly confusion. I do not cause you to stop your confusion--I OFFER LIGHT. Take your money and your gold and go the way of the world and the Elite Puppetmasters--your choice! I AM NOT GOING WITH YOU--YOU ARE WRONG AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE "HAD"! YOU know I am TRUTH and the WAY--or you would GO YOURS! Almost all of you to whom I speak in this valley--CAME HERE FROM SOME­WHERE ELSE. WHY? JUST TO PICK ON ME AND MINE? Ekkers came here to work with Westinghouse and Mit­subishi and retire. So, if you came from somewhere else--WHY? And, if you found not what you wanted--why do you stay? OK, you like it here perhaps--then why do you continue to play in my garden?? Why? Because some of you KNOW I AM TRUTH AND HERE IS WHERE IT'S AT! YOU CAN BATTER MY SCRIBE AND E.J.--BUT YOU KNOW I AM TRUTH AND YOU THINK YOU WILL "SHOW ME"? GOOD LUCK--YOUR LUCKY CHARMS AND TRINKET RITUALS CANNOT TOUCH ME OR MINE--IF, CUTE ONES, THE MEANEST INTELLIGENCE TEAMS CAN'T ZAP ME--WHO THINK YOU TO BE?

Be careful, further, for many of those teams you thought on your SIDE are actually protecting (physically), OUR SIDE. Would it not be wonderful if we could simply be all on the SAME side? I do not denounce YOU; why is it so important to denounce me?

I even find it interesting that your New World Order politicians and even the Pope of Rome would play such silly, nifty games. Why do they need to DECEIVE? It is the time of the Aspen In­stitute PUPPETMASTER party. Why don't they just say that the Pope is here for the "Aspen" meeting and why not say Clinton is attending the "Aspen Group meeting"? No, we lie and say, golf, retreat and helicopter viewing and all sort of lies when the truth is known to those who care and the rest of you are simply deceived. This IS when they make their PLANS for things to happen and get and give instructions--so pay attention. Turn these pages quickly and go see WHAT is DOCUMENTED that THEY have planned for you nice folks. Publicity is ALL that will change the plans--uncovering the deceit is all that makes a difference. Things that have to be done in the secret, dark places need to be watched very closely indeed.

Why, for instance, are some of you so upset when I print Truth in the paper? If it be "Truth" and you be "pure" in spirit and intent--why would you not be PLEASED to have your opinions and words SHARED? CHECK WHAT YOU DO IN THE DARKNESS AND HIDE--IT WILL TELL YOU A LOT ABOUT YOURSELF!! If you conduct yourself in such a Godly way that you can present everything you do to the entire of the public--you cannot fall from lies and deceit. If there is some­thing you are ashamed of doing and do not want it public knowl­edge--I suggest you NOT DO IT.

Ones want to accuse me of being anti-Semitic and a basher of homosexuals. No, I just think some BEHAVIOR is not accept­able in PUBLIC. Your choices in the PRIVACY of your own place is your business--if it be against GOD--take it up with GOD, it is none of my business. As to anti-Semitic--my close workers are all basically from the line of Shem--Semites. How can I be "anti". Color?? You are all made in the image of God--God is LIGHT and that means ALL COLORS. I do not speak behind ones' back--I put it right in the paper for ALL--why does what YOU write and speak bother YOU to have witnessed? If, further, you do not like to be "bashed" then why do you first BASH? But I DO see--you want to "bash" and then pretend you did not or try to pretend it was not YOU who actually DID A THING. God may well turn the other cheek--in the human for­mat--that is an awfully stupid thing to do if the opposition is fir­ing poison darts. You want to throw stones but not have anyone toss them BACK. When they do--then you set up a reason to discredit them while you wash the blood off your hands.

Am I speaking "personally"? If the shoe fits--!!

I wonder how many of you witnessed the show-and-tell on LARRY KING LIVE? It seems the books and biographies "written by" Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, along with speeches, etc., by Oliver North and many, many others were NOT. It turns out that a man, a "Reverend" person (I shall keep his privacy) WROTE THEM ALL! The audience and inter­viewers chuckled at the term used: "ghost writer". We laugh, here, for a much different reason--but so much for that.

Well, after years and years of "Christian" living and believing and living in a lie (this man had lived with a wife for 20 some odd years and now is "married" to a "man" for an additional 9 years)--HE HAS COME PUBLIC WITH HIS SEXUAL PREFERENCE. Oh boy, the hoopla, denial, insults and other tricks. He has been DROPPED like a hot potato--Robertson DID sug­gest that the man call his "800 number" and they would some­how pray and talk him out of a lifetime of homosexual prefer­ence.

Does GOD BASH HOMOSEXUALS? NO! He blesses ALL! He objects to the behavior against the laws of man and God. He blesses the man and "judges" the actions. Who would know if two men shared space and quietly went about their lives? What difference if two friends wish to communally share rent and in­surance plans? It is the exhibitionist who brings the house down. It is no better for the pornographic behavior in a hetero­sexual than a homosexual. Why should a homosexual be blessed for public irresponsible behavior and the heterosexual arrested for the same behavior? With most it is a reaction and response to confusion and DIRECTION given by outside ma­nipulators. It is the same, dear ones, as happened at Sodom and Gomorrah. EXACTLY!! IT IS NOT THE LOVING PREF­ERENCE AND RELATIONSHIP--IT IS THE ACTIONS AND BEHAVIORS! In other words--THE MANIPULATOR PUP­PETMASTERS are orchestrating the masses of YOU exactly as they want you to respond.

What do "I" think about Falwell and Robertson and thus and so? Well, this nice man has done me a favor--for these two are MA­JOR "Zionists" by their own description and work directly against the Christ and the people of God--BY DEFINITION AND ACTIONS. It is not my business to condemn, condone, or do anything for or against these ones. They live in free-choice of expression. I will not, however, CONDONE be­havior that is against the laws of God and/or Man. I allow it--for it is none of my business--it is not my business to JUDGE. It IS my business to tell you what may well be wrong with the ACTIONS. There is "natural" male and "natural" female. Do I condemn two females who wish to artificially inseminate selves and bear children? No--it seems a bit unwise for there will be great pain and difficulty ahead for the child and it is a most selfish act to put self above the welfare of another--especially a child. Does it HAVE TO hurt the child? No, but it will--because the same women are on the tele­vision constantly demanding equal respect and recognition--to what? A family who did not artificially inseminate--and mar­ried, bore children and quote, "live a normal family life". There are NO "normal family lives" left on your planet! By the way--AGAIN--"love" and "sex" are NOT THE SAME THING! Any more--they are rarely ever even a part of the same thing.

"Closet" this and "closet" that?? I thought closets were things in which to keep your apparel, etc., when not in use--not your lives! If you need hide your life in the closet--what are you do­ing that needs hidden? If you go forth, however, and demand that what you closeted be recognized by EVERYONE as RIGHT--WHAT ARE YOU HIDING? You have simply moved from the closet to the street with your guilt-trip and dumped it on someone else.

Neither am I, regardless of what you may be told, a Jew any­thing. The "Jews" are the very first to be "had" at the hands of these Khazarian Zionists!! They will be the first to be trodden down and put away. They have been sucked dry in effort to keep the "would-be" Kings going in their One World Order nightmare. They have been stripped continually to pay for Is­rael and every lobby group around--through the LIES. So be it--free will to choose. If you can make a black man an Indian Chief--go for it--but don't bitch about the outcome! Dharma has Cherokee blood lineage--why don't we make her LADY CHIEF OF THE INDIAN NATION OF BIRDLAND? Come on peo­ple--what are you doing? And WHY would you do it? To sell tax-free cigarettes and have gambling halls? Is that a worthy cause in the ancient ORAL TRADMON? I doubt it--but SHOULD the nation rise up over such cause and TRY to suck in God's Command troops? Well, I will stand beside any tribe member in honest fight for rights--but for a tax-free cigarette? Nope--sorry, folks. Neither will I STOP you--it is YOUR expe­rience and if THAT be your choice of expression--it is your journey. I do find that the right of the Indian in his "nation" is valid--but the war is over that which is unacceptable to me already! Worse, it makes the honorable tribal thrust fall behind further and further. You must understand that "some" of any­thing is usually OK but it is as with the Holocaust. The LIE it­self detracts from the sacrifice of the ones who DID pay the price. ONE is too many--6 MILLION is a LIE and the giving of the ONE is lost.

One man, Christ, as the myth goes--gave his life. Well, friends, 20 (and maybe as many as 60) MILLION Christians were killed by the Bolsheviks (Communist Soviets) (often called Zionist Khazars--headed in every instance by "Jews"). Where is THAT holocaust listed?? Now "they" have stolen your Christ too--and guess what: "Judeo-Christian"--in other words the goat has con­quered the lamb! WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT! SODOM AND GOMORRAH WILL FOREVER STAND AS EVIDENCE OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MAN THINKS HE RISES ABOVE GOD AND BECOMES SUBJECT TO SATAN. WILL YOU DO IT AGAIN? YES, YOU WILL. GOD WILL STILL WIN! CHRIST-GOD WILL WIN! It has nothing to do with "Jews", white people, black people, red people, purple people, purple people eaters--or green people. GOD with HIS PEOPLE--WILL WIN! Now, you can call that "Son (Sun) of God" Jesus, Esu, Standing Bear, Buffalo, Flying Eagle, Light of Day, Source, Quetzal Bird, Aton, Black-leaf,--you name it--GOD IS GOING TO WIN THE GAME!

OH? You can't seem to get comfort going with my ideas? I am somehow invisible to you and therefore invalid? How many of you KNOW Mr. Kissinger? How many of you KNOW Mr. Yeltsin? HOW MANY OF YOU KNOW LARRY KING? How many of you KNOW who really heads the CIA? I bring you all this knowledge--but I am not "real"? Isn't it about time you used your brains? WHERE IS INFORMATION AND TRUTH COMING FROM--MR. KISSINGER? HOW ABOUT MR. CLINTON? OH, THE POPE? NOPE!! Ponder it. When a question is asked, "Do you believe the President tells you the truth?" Everyone LAUGHS--the mere thought of it is so ridiculous it brings on fits of laughter. I HAVE NOT ONCE LIED TO YOU--NOT ONCE! I WOULD HOPE YOU WOULD PONDER THAT FACT! WHOEVER I MIGHT BE--I BRING TRUTH--EVERY TIME!

May you think on these things--and for you who feel yourself my enemy--you are NOT. You give me the lessons to present and the minute you wish to stop the fighting--SALU! You say you seek GOD? Then I suggest you start looking WHERE GOD IS. HE is right there within, alright, but HIS messengers and security troops are all around and it's your choice to go into the darkness or into the Light. I bear the LIGHT--how far are you going to get groping around trying to avoid same? I only deal with soul and LIFE. You who wish to deal with conscious physical expression and your gold stores--GOOD LUCK, but it will be taking lots MORE than "luck".

Do I sound like the preacher? Probably not, for most preachers are controlled by their congregation--not a bad reason for not having a congregation! Little Crow has a gathering (not a con­gregation) and if you want the TRUTH--go listen in Garden Grove--IT MAY SHOCK YOU! This GODLY MAN may utter the words "bullshit", even--YOU HAD BEST GET WITH THE TRUTH OF YOUR PLIGHT OR YOUR FLIGHT FEATHERS ARE NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT IN TIME FOR FLIGHT-TAKEOFF.

In spite of all that comes against you, if you walk within God's wings you shall walk in peace and beauty--may YOU ever walk in beauty! AHO!

PJ 76
WED., AUG. 18, 1993 9:58 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 002

WED. AUGUST 18, 1993

These are items I request that ALL listeners go check out on your NEWS! Check out how you are now being set up to re­ceive the "uncovered" news and the responses to past secret lies and actions by the shadow government. I ask that these things be put on the phone line EARLY so people can check these sto­ries out for themselves from the news itself.

Note that Colin Powell of the Joint Chiefs has been BOUGHT OFF. Not only is he "resigning" BUT, in conjunction with a couple of "Jewish 'Israel Firsters he is SELLING HIS MEM­OIRS FOR OVER 6 MILLION DOLLARS. The replacement for Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is planned, at present, to be a Polish person (which has to mean Communist-oriented and therefore is in partial service to the Russians [of necessity]). At the VERY LEAST he will be 100% in favor of full UN military control.

How can you tell? Because also today there is an announcement that in all military actions which are under UN Security Council authorization, for the first time in HISTORY, your military troops will not be given orders through or by a U.S. Gen­eral. They will come under full and DIRECT command of a General of the United Nations force.

Your lobbyists are at full attention and alert (the Israeli Lobby). The Shadow Government and the Israeli Controlled Congress are efforting full-bore ahead to STOP an allowance of Dem­janjuk (FOUND TOTALLY INNOCENT OF ALL CHARGES AND RATIFIED YESTERDAY BY THE JUDGE'S PANEL) to return, at all, to the U.S. for ANY REASON. It is hoped that this can be overridden by Thursday--but who knows--! So, what is happening in Israel? The Israelis are petitioning for ANOTHER HEARING BY THE FIVE JUDGES (TO RETRY, ESSENTIALLY, THE WHOLE CASE).

This is REAL confirmation for you who have trusted the "Space Program", NASA, etc. You who have said we have "gone too far this time" as to deceit in the Space Program: HARKEN UP.

It is announced in open media TODAY that as far back as 1984 THERE WAS DELIBERATE DECEPTION AND COVER-UP. In one instance a rigged, fixed and deceptive incident occurred (one of hundreds) where a rocket was sent up with a supposedly pin-point accuracy capability to shoot down in­coming anything. But, also YOU sent up a self-detonating satellite. So the fake launch took place, the story went that the test was incredibly accurate, the satellite blew up and there you have! Or do you? Weinberger said he approved it because, "IT WAS TO DECEIVE THE RUSSIANS INTO BELIEVING WE HAD ADVANCED CAPABILITY AND 'CAUSE THEM TO SPEND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO COUNTER'." (Yes, indeed, this is the SAME Casper the friendly ghost who was found innocent of all charges, etc., in the Iran/Contra mess.) He went even further in his statement: "It is our total intent and thrust to practice DECEPTION--that is our job!"
The fact that Congress was also deceived is interesting in­deed: They immediately voted in an additional $30 BILLION dollars for the program on the basis of that (those) deceptive and fraudulent reportings. The whole thing was a total computer mock-up.


There are other "hot-line" items such as the Gunther Russbacher reminder of second parole hearing results pending, etc. And, Randy Weaver and the Tom Brokaw show. The staff will be attentive to changes.


Isn't this fun? You don't have to get the dirt just from "Old Commander"--and you, who have bothered to keep up and lis­ten--ARE FAR, FAR AHEAD-AND PREPARING, OR ARE PREPARED, FOR THE ECONOMIC DOWNFALL, THE LACK OF ABILITY TO SECURE YOURSELVES, ETC., ETC.(???)

Remember the "Kissinger Papers" with PLANS? Remember that within just a few brief years ALL GUNS OF ALL KINDS WILL BE BANNED! [I can tell you now that when that hap­pens, it will not be an incarceration only, offense--it will be that anyone with a gun will be SHOT--DEAD!]

You can listen to others and you can call me evil, false, a fear monger, a lie--whatever you wish. I AM OF THE HOSTS OF GOD OF LIGHT--AND I SERVE ONLY GOD AND GOD'S PEOPLE. ANY WHO WISH NOT MY INFORMATION CAN CAST IT ASIDE--however, the Reason we have written over 80 Journals in less than the past four years and offer the CONTACT is to bring the Truth in advance of the CON­FIRMATIONS so that you COULD begin to trust us. We are not aliens of some nit-wit variety as shown on your "intended to deceive" media, are not "little gray" any- things and WE ARE NOT UNIDENTIFIED OBJECTS. IT IS ONLY YOU-THE-PEOPLE WHO DO NOT KNOW EX­ACTLY WHO WE ARE AND WHY WE ARE HERE!!! SALU.