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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 76


    TUE., AUG 10, 1993 9:46 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 359

    TUE., AUGUST 10, 1993,
    Who is your friend and who is your foe? Chelas, there is NO way to actually know from where you stand. Worse, I am not going to tell you WHO, in save a very few instances. YOU must learn to function so openly and so cleanly that you are never actually open for direct assault. Is the adversary apt to bring you down? They will TRY and yes they will--if you are not alert at every second of your experience. KNOW, right off--that these trained specialists are GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO and NOTHING IS AN ERROR, NO MATTER HOW IT "APPEARS".

    KNOW that YOU are the innocent dupes and it must cease in this location or serious damage can be done to our paper, if nothing else. We have nothing else so you have the picture? George Green still has the JOURNALS up through about num­ber 60 tied up, the "gold" in question sits with the court in Nevada. Subscriptions to the CONTACT are not UP--they are down by almost 300 and still, ones want US to foot the bill for everything from physician's visits to clandestine intelligence work. NO! NO!! AND NO!!!

    We will continue to offer the paper with all the fascinating items of the day, all insider reports which will be shared with us, con­tinue to give you WHO is now in trouble and needs support for speaking up or acting under your Constitution, assist (where we can do so openly) patriots who are working in a "national" effort beyond self ego and programmed demonstrations, etc.

    This morning my impulse is to protect my people and CLOSE the paper because somehow it has become "leaked" that here is where you get anything and everything to do with secret in­telligence work and sucker petitions responded to in full em­brace.

    These people are beautiful people who would help anyone ap­pearing in need--even if it costs them everything. This is not acceptable for now there is higher responsibility. I don't know how to tell you ones "out-there" that this is not a "money-mak­ing" endeavor--it is so far in the hole that this last month with kind donations, it almost paid its own expenses and now we come up with a 100 page edition or thereabouts. We are so very grateful for the help, readers--so humbly grateful.

    Court "happened" again yesterday in the US&P case--every point was ruled IN FAVOR of US&P without exception or al­lowed argument! Even if there was opportunity to speak out--somehow, our legal counsel didn't.

    Well, the Judge told E.J., Dharma and the Attorney at the LAST hearing--nicely but firmly--that if there was even one dia­gram in any of "our" books matching that of the "proclaimed" holdings of US&P that the case would be judged on the most "narrow" (his words) rulings--and "You will not win!" (his words). Now we are in another several thousands of dollars to prove his point. He recognized the involvement of Mr. Green and the lack of prosecution of same and the co-ven­ture with US&P as it "apparently" has happened. I doubt if there is much going on NOW because word comes back from a couple of sources that George is no longer in the publishing business or distribution business. This cannot be true be­cause we KNOW of sales of our own work--within the past two-three weeks. The attorney for US&P still "threatens" further contempt charges against Dharma and CONTACT for continuation of the subject in the paper. This case was LOST in the very first inept representation in court. Merits of the case have NEVER been even remotely considered--but the attorney (after being fired) still is suing for over $10,000 in fees. What can you do? I see very little--and certainly nothing that can gain you anything but wasted time, heartache and more problems.
    Do people REALLY want the PLEIADES CONNECTION se­ries? They certainly did not, prior to the squabble and banning. Even the Judge in point had NEVER HEARD OF WALTER RUSSELL BUT HE HAD HEARD OF BROOKINGS INSTI­TUTE AND TAVISTOCK--ALMOST IMMEDIATELY UPON RECEIVING THE CASE. US&P still threatens contempt, li­able and defamation by a statement made in the LIBERATOR re­garding $215 million available to fight this case. Well, why do they not go sue Mr. Green? He, according to our original attor­ney, is the one who said that he was told by his "good friend" on the "Board" at US&P that they had just received a "donation" of that much money and were prepared to use it all if necessary--in this case. Of course, our attorney doesn't seem to remember much about that "NOW", either.

    As for the information--I have no wish or desire to have those JOURNALS back, friends. It is the material "other" than that of Russell which "I" know to be important as relates to the sci­entific perceptions. I have no desire to work AGAINST those people--I don't particularly want to work WITH THEM, either. However, everything has been gained that needed to be gained from this confrontation. It is sad that the "guilty" parties are never caught-up in these situations--but YOU may as well KNOW that this is how far into the PITS you have fallen, citi­zens.

    Will our people continue to struggle in the face of the ATF and U.N. Forces? NO! Why should they do so? Because they work for me? Forget it--with a subscription list of only 1,200 people in the whole world--I suggest that "citizens" don't care enough to fight for their own freedom in any manner--even reading. JOURNAL acceptance is even more unnoticeable--without real ability to cover printing costs.

    Do we do a service? Indeed, and for that reason and for you beloved 1,200 we shall keep going for as long as there is even a remote possibility of reaching out and having you hear.

    I am the Chief Journalist here--not the Chief Editor. However, I take full responsibility for the subject matter choices as are presented. I take the responsibility and therefore, I guess, my secretary has to take the bashing for the Federal Court has ruled that Doris Ekker is but "me". Of course he has READ NOTH­ING! Not even a portion of ONE book, much less, 80. And, further, he says "God" has NOTHING to do with this case--it is simply whether or not so much as a sentence, style or diagram comes from Walter Russell's work. Nothing of any of it came from anything validly copyrighted and that has been PROVEN but to get it into court is some 3 to 5 years down the road and enough money to break the bank at Monte Carlo! We don't NEED the material--why in the world would we push this thing an inch further?

    We would like to have Dr. Binder working "with" us--but not for political reasons--he has a gift of some understanding, though not enough, of Dr. Russell's approach. But, WE DO NOT NEED those or any other books. The only ones who ac­tually NEEDED the INFORMATION attention have, or will have, it when the sequence of events is appropriate. Why would we keep shooting ourselves in all of our collective feet over something as foolish? If THEY perceive damage--then the court will rule that they are damaged in some manner according to the legal decisions regarding "words", not merits or concepts. They are "big"; we are "nothing". Worse, the whole system wants to get rid of us for we cause them to confront the worst traits of humankind. Trust me, beloved ones, the REASON for contin­uing this confrontation has been accomplished--the TRUTH as historically constructed in open publications IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR IN ALL RESPECTS. This is simply more evidence and confirmation of how tightly the coffin lids are nailed SHUT and BY WHOM!

    I had another friend who has a copy of the manuscript utilized by us, The Universal One. Yes, indeed, to each of you who were drawn to that work, we would appreciate a copy or copies‑-it is evidence to my people here that there is some approxima­tion of reality in this world.

    Already the inpouring objections to my observations about South Africa and reflection of the U.S. is hitting. I get everything from, "I'm not taking your garbage-sheet any longer" to "You are nuts! South Africa is a world away and you have reached too far this time." Ok, let me give you excerpts from articles conveniently, for me, in THIS publication of Spotlight. It is ALL interlocked--AROUND THE GLOBE, readers, and you do not have to see it--you can throw the "garbage-sheet" out (or put it in the bird cage) but it won't change the facts of it.

    The U.S. person shot in "Georgia" (Soviet) and now being brought home for burial? What is THAT? Oh, a U.S. person gets killed by a "single" shot while in an auto in which no one else was TOUCHED--was a fluke accident? Good grief, read­ers, this MAN was a CIA agent. Other CIA agents made sure that body was returned home--BUT THE CIA DENIES ANY INVOLVEMENT. What are you doing in Soviet Georgia with your CIA? This is one of the most important hot-spots in the whole Communist Russia daily happenings calendar. And moreover, why would a small group of CIA agents have to see to it that that man's body is BROUGHT HOME even in the face of denial by your own CIA that they even know about him?

    Do we have "agents" working within, without or on the fringes of our group--unwittingly? YES! I told you from onset that agents were working right under your nose and even running a part of your operations--I believe that has turned out to be ab­solutely TRUE. Did anyone else know who? Didn't seem to, which makes me about as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof--the simplistic innocence of my crew in Satan's domain! Funny thing about this is that the agents, the government, the shadow government, the One World Government, the Committee of 300, the Israelis and it seems, everyone but you who "claim" to "believe" KNOW WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE ABOUT AND GET A LITTLE CRAZY BUT RECOGNIZE OUR MIS­SION AND KNOW THAT IT IS NOT OVERTHROW--BUT RATHER, INFORMATION TO ANY OF OUR PEOPLE WHO WISH TO HAVE THE TRUTH OF THEIR SECURITY. IT IS THE UNINFORMED WHO ARE THE DANGEROUS ONES TO OUR CREW WITH THE UNINFORMED BLIND "CHRISTIANS" HEADING THE LIST OF DANGEROUS ADVERSARIES.

    Remember this, God tests the water continuously and from time to time in a MAJOR way--then HE pulls back and the actions of MAN intent take over while the world spins in orbit. Our con­tacts are made and every effort is made to insure that our people act in total openness and within ALL laws--ALL LAWS. We support NO armies, no violence, no demonstrations as instiga­tors and bear no FORCE. In exchange--we are recognized as respected opponents who will do what is necessary when at­tacked or our people attacked. They know that WE KNOW what is going on at all times--everywhere. They know that we know that THEY KNOW everything coming out of this com­puter, etc. They test their skills against our shields and go blow up fault lines somewhere else. If, however, any person in my protection who demands my absence--GETS IT and THEN, it is dangerous beyond your belief for THEY will "getcha"!

    Can they "silence" us? THEY DON'T WANT TO SILENCE US! They would actually help us if they could do so and "not get caught at it". Oh, the fringe "little players" would do any­thing to silence us and our people--but the Elite need the voice going forth to insure ego recognition and power inplay. The Elite would even build you a pocket of security and survival equipment--but the factions who even claim to be our own brothers, even do THAT in. The ULTIMATE "battle" is in the HEAVENS, readers--and don't forget it! The adversary has al­ready LOST THAT BATTLE and he knows it. A world in total destruction and worsening every day--is not winning! HE IS BOUND TO THE PHYSICAL PLANE AS SURELY AS IF HE WERE IN SHACKLES--YOU WELL STAY OR GO AC­CORDING TO YOUR SELF. Even the wondrous "new world" of Earth herself spun out in total radiance in 1987. There was a convergence of all harmonic frequencies and there is a radiance and growth on that place "prepared" for God's people beyond your imaginings--JUST WAITING. We have no battle in plans--we need no battles, we simply need to awaken our people. Does that mean no "tribulation"--NO--BIG TRIBULATION for no evil shall be brought onto the radiant planet home. There, further, has to be a mass transition (migration) and a reestablish­ment. YOU need this paper--WE DO NOT!

    So, quarrel if you like, it gives us dandy subjects about which to speak and when you "believe" enough in confirmation--THEN PERHAPS--you may believe the IMPORTANT stories about who you are and possibly accept some instructions as to pas­sage.

    From THE SPOTLIGHT, Aug. 9, 1993

    Power Behind the Scene. Mike Blair [H: (Bless him). Is he really "good" or what? Let's go with the "what"--he offers you more than you HAD before he writes so he is wondrous--even if bits and pieces perchance be misinformation. It is up TO YOU to discern--not the journalist to spoon-feed you.]

    David Rockefeller [H: Uh-oh! Right off the start?], multi-billionaire and leading member of the world shadow government consisting of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group, has been funding the terrorist African National Congress for 10 years. [H: Choke, sputter, ah-er...]

    David Rockefeller, who for a decade has financially backed the terrorist African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa, is now helping its leader, NELSON MANDELA, in a bid to become president of the Republic of South Africa when Blacks are allowed to take over the strategically important nation next year.

    On July 5, Rockefeller was the host when 75 U.S. corporate leaders gathered at a dinner at Rockefeller Plaza in New York to honor Mandela and to raise at least $250,000 to aid the ANC's political agenda in South Africa....

    The ANC was listed as one of the world's major "terrorist groups" in Terrorist Group Profiles, published by the Depart­ment of Defense (U.S.) in 1988 [H: I think you get the point!]


    The following information was made available to the author by a former member of South African intelligence. It describes how the United States is directing the Communist takeover of the South African government.

    By: Alyn Denham....

    The Communist takeover of South Africa began with Jimmy Carter, continued throughout the Reagan presidency and flow­ered into full bloom when the George Bush State Department appointed William Lacy Swing as U.S. ambassador to South Africa in 1989. (Swing is currently Ambassador to Nigeria, and is succeeded by Princeton Nathan Lyman. Swing, a career For­eign Service bureaucrat since 1963, was a fellow at the Harvard University Center for International Affairs from 1976-1977.--Ed.)

    Ambassador Swing's first order of the day was to unite the African National Congress (ANC) and the Council of South African Trade Unions under the flag and direction of the South African Communist Party (SACP). This first development was approved by George Bush personally.

    Bush went a step further when he directed the CIA "to spare no expense or manpower" in their assistance to Swing. As a re­sult of this presidential directive, there are currently 58 CIA agents and administrative employees working out of Swing's embassy/fortress. Twenty-seven of these agents are the most accomplished communications and computer experts on the face of this planet.

    Their primary mission is the monitoring and recording of telephone, telegraph and fax communications from individual South Africans. Most of these targeted citizens are on the CIA's list of persons that oppose the takeover of the government by the SACP-dominated African National Congress (ANC).

    What about the remaining 31 agents? Eleven are monitoring all decisions made at the highest levels of the government, in­cluding the offices of President F.W. DeKlerk and those of For­eign Minister Pik Botha. These agents are responsible for ap­proval or rejection of major decisions and determinations. They are also deeply involved in the dissolution of the South African Defense Force (SADF) and the integration of Communist ter­rorist elements into the leadership and ranks of the South African Police (SAP)....


    * * *
    Please interrupt this at this point--I need you to write some other important communications. There is a lot more important in­formation to offer on this CIA integration and operations but I believe this will give our hackers and rock-throwers a different possible perception. One of the important points of this article is WHO is writing it: Alyn Denham. Who is he? He is the publisher of a newsletter, Americans for Sane Policy (ASP Newsletter, P.O. Box 150883, Nashville, Tenn. 37215). He is a former soldier who served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam, the latter as an intelligence operative involved in cross-border operations in North Vietnam. Afterward, he served in the Pentagon as chief of procurement for U.S. Special Forces unit. [H: Humm-nn] He resigned in the early 1970s and worked as an adviser to the Saudi military and other foreign governments in their fight against Communism in Africa, Eu­rope and South America. He enlisted in the Rhodesian army and served as a commander of a special forces battalion, before that country fell to Communist terrorist insurgents supported by the West.

    Indeed I believe there may well be some merit to our writings as concern South Africa--but yours is to discern which side is the most deadly in this play for supreme power! Whose side am "I" on? I am on only one side: GOD'S and I don't find much atten­tion to HIM on either of the vying sides for ultimate power in your world--actually on ANY side of the three major players. So be it.
    PJ 76

    WED., AUG. 11, 1993 11:42 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 360

    WED., AUGUST 11. 1993

    We are asked often about our old friends who once sent prophe­cies from Abdu'l-Baha which came through Montana. There was quite a while that no information came after the information regarding the bombing of the New York Trade Center (which, by the way was EXACTLY right-on--SO SAYS THE DOCU­MENT SENT TO US). I do not offer dates and places in spe­cific timing--for I do not know exact times as some projection­ists wish to share. But, neither do I wish to keep any such in­formation from you readers. Each time there is a "Press Re­lease" it is quite lengthy and is offered via Neal Chase in Mon­tana and brings information from one Abdu'l-Baha the son of Baha'u'llah. This source is not a member of my team. This does not make him either valid or invalid, please understand. There are many missions under way, many messengers sent and now present themselves. Our mission is one of writing the WORD as we now do, seeing to a physical "remnant", etc. I do not make judgments and in this case neither do I effort to dis­cern in your stead. Take what you will from the information and handle it most seriously for you are in the time when many things are happening and forewarning is to be forearmed. These "Prophecies" as presented are balanced against what is pre­sented in the biblical scripts so of course they hold a lot of valid projections as calculations can more easily be determined now that you ARE IN the changing cycle. The point to watch is that these incidents are man-controlled NOW and information release often causes delays or changes in activities--not necessarily rep­resenting WRONG INFORMATION.

    Our papers have become so large that we have been perhaps a bit negligent in not sharing as much "prophecy" or perceptions by others as we might. We know you weary of hearing just the facts, Ma'am, and not offering possibilities as we offered with the Parowan Prophet. All you need be is discerning and the lessons are most valid indeed in that you MUST BE PRE­PARED. IF PREPARED, the happenings as to exact timing are not of great importance. If you are NOT prepared they become EVERYTHING and I will not allow you to absolve selves of that responsibility by anyone's writings, including my own.

    This first "release" is from Neal Chase, 328 Stephens, Mis­soula, MT 59801, (406)728-4721. I do not know what the fol­lowing means but we will print it as it appears: BAHA'IS UN­DER THE PROVISIONS OF THE COVENANT, MISSOULA, MONTANA 59801.

    This was apparently written on August 4, 1993 but pertains to SEPTEMBER 4Th, 1993.


    IN OUR PREVIOUS RELEASES we gave you the exact date that New York was to be bombed: November 26th, 1992, the Day of the Covenant, plus the prophesied season of three months of 90 days (Daniel 7:12) brought us to the day, the minute, the hour and the second that the Trade Towers was bombed. We stated that this was just an OMEN of the big one yet to come!

    Now we are giving you the date for the big one: November 26th, 1992, the Day of the Covenant, plus 90 days (a season of three months) is February 26th, 1993, the day of the Trade Tower bombing, plus 190 days is September 4th, 1993, the day the UN building and all New York City along with it is to be nuked.

    This is given in the Book of Ezekiel three different times, in three different ways, in three different places.

    In Ezekiel chapter 4 verse 5 he states that for the destruction of the city there will be 190 days, which from the bombing of the Trade Towers brings us exactly to September 4th, 1993. Ezekiel writes:

    Man, take a tile and set it before you. Draw a city on it, the city of Jerusalem (City of Peace, City of the Covenant): lay siege to it, erect watch-towers against it, raise a siege-ramp, put mantelets in position, and bring battering-rams against it all around. Then take an iron griddle, and put it as a wall of iron between you and the city (New York). Keep your face turned toward the city (New York); IT WILL BE BESIEGED and you the be­sieger. THIS WILL BE A SIGN to the Israelites. Ezekiel 4:1-3, The New English Bible (NEB).

    When 'Abdu'l-Baha the son of Baha'u'llah was in New York City, in 1912, he designated New York out from among all the cities of the world as the "City of the Covenant". In Some An­swered Questions he explains that Jerusalem signifies "the city of the law". The Law is the Covenant. Thus Ezekiel sees the destruction of the city of New York that is the "old Jerusalem" of the violation of the Covenant where the largest congregation of Covenant-breaking Baha'is recently met on the Day of the Covenant on November 26th of 1992 in mockery of the Covenant. It is the City of the UN building which pretends to be from God setting in stone from Isaiah chapter two in front of its plaza "The house of the Lord" that shall "beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks" thus it is for the fire and the city of New York along with it. Ezekiel gives the exact date:

    Now lie on your left side, and I will lay Israel's iniquity on you; you shall bear their iniquity for as many days as you lie on that side. Allowing one day for every year of their iniquity, I ordain that you bear it for ONE HUN­DRED AND NINETY DAYS; thus you shall bear Israel's iniquity. --Ezekiel 4:4-6 NEB.

    Israel was punished historically for 190 years from 597 BC when Ezekiel was taken captive from the city until 407 BC when the city was finally finished being rebuilt after it had been de­stroyed. 597 - 190 = 407 BC. Today we only have to bear that punishment one day for each year that they had to bear it way back then. 190 days from the exact day, minute, hour and sec­ond from the bombing of the Trade Towers on February 26th, 1993 (which was a season of three months of 90 days after the Covenant-breakers met in New York on the Day of the Covenant) brings us EXACTLY to September 4th, 1993, the day New York is to be destroyed.

    Some Bibles erroneously give 390 days in Ezekiel chapter 4 which is in error. Moffat's, the New Jerusalem, the New En­glish Bible and others, all give the correct 190 days, which is historically correct also and is found in the most ancient and ac­curate of all the Biblical translations from the Septuagint which gives 190 days exact (See Halley's ed. 24.327).

    Ezekiel gives the date a second time.

    In Ezekiel chapter 24 verses 15-18 he states that the date for the destruction of the city will be the same day (three years later) that the wife of the promised one for today passes on from a stroke. Dr. Opal Jensen, the late wife of Dr. Leland Jensen, Knight of Baha'u'llah and prophesied establisher of the Baha'i Faith, passed on from a stroke three years ago on September 4th, 1990, while the Gulf War was fermenting, during the countdown to attack.

    The book of Ezekiel is not a history of his life, nor the things he was supposed to do back then, nor what happened to him, but instead it is prophecies for today, the things the promised one for today is supposed to do, and what has happened to him and is happening to him now during the prelude to Armageddon in which we are embroiled at this very moment! Ezekiel marks the very day:

    In the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me:

    "Son of man, write down THE NAME OF THIS DAY, THIS VERY DAY. The king of Babylon (Saddam Hus­sein) has laid siege to Jerusalem (New York City) THIS VERY DAY. --Ezekiel 24:2 RSV.

    Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq, is restoring the old city of Babylon (digging it out from being buried) which is in Iraq making him the King of Babylon. He is an actual physical descendant of Nebuchadnezzar who was the ancient King of Babylon that destroyed Jerusalem the first time. Now Saddam has vowed to take revenge on New York and the UN for what they did to his country. Here Ezekiel gives us "THE VERY DAY" that this will happen. He goes on to ear-mark this day with a very personal event that happens to the promised one of today of his wife passing on from a stroke. This is in verse 15 of the 24th chapter of Ezekiel in which the destruction of the city of New York is compared to a boiling pot (See also Jeremiah chapter one).

    Son of man, behold, I take away from thee the desire of your eyes WITH A STROKE: yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down.... So I spake unto the people in the morning; and at even MY WIFE DIED: and I did in the morning as I was com­manded. --Ezekiel 24:15-18 ICJV.

    Thus Ezekiel gives the exact day, the very day, twice. Add 190 days to the Trade Tower bombing of February 26th, 1993 and you get September 4th, 1993 and then also in chapter 24 he writes down the very day of the siege of the city as the same day his wife passes on from a stroke. Dr. Opal Jensen passed on, on September 4th, 1990 which will be three years ago this year.

    [H: OK, to you who feel this is alright but "can't be trusted" as truth. Ponder this thought for a moment. IS IT POSSI­BLE THAT THE ONES WHO WOULD PRECIPITATE SUCH AN ACTION MIGHT ALSO USE THESE SAME CALCULATIONS??? Right here, readers, is where every wicket gets very sticky! Even if the "prophecy" of the Bible be not correct--but man has so calculated--think you not that the game can be played according to THESE rules, dates and times? You would have to know the perpetrators and what THEY intend and what calculations THEY MAKE to coincide with appropriate background.]

    Ezekiel gives the date a third time.

    In chapter 24 it states that the same way he lost his wife the people will lose the city. Then it says Ezekiel was made mute.

    Thus shall Ezekiel be to you A SIGN; according to all that he has done you shall do. When this comes, then you will know that I am the Lord God.

    And you, son of man, on the day when I take from them their stronghold, their joy and glory, the delight of their eyes and their heart's desire (the people will lose New York in which they delight the same way and the same day he lost his wife 3 years later), and also their sons and daughters (that live in New York), on that day a fugitive will come to you to report to you the news. On that day your mouth will be opened to the fugitive, and you shall speak and be no longer dumb. So you will BE A SIGN to them; and they will know that I am the Lord.--Ezekiel 24:24-27 RSV.

    Ezekiel was made mute for three years. His wife passed on in the 9th year in the tenth month on the tenth day and he wasn't able to speak again until the twelfth year in the tenth month on the fifth day. That is three years. September 4th, 1993 is the three year anniversary of the passing of Dr. Opal Jensen ex­actly.

    In the twelfth year of our exile, in the tenth month, on the fifth day of the month, a man who HAD escaped from Jerusalem came to me and said, "The city has fallen." Now the hand of the Lord had been upon me the evening before the fugitive came; and he had opened my mouth by the time the man came to me and I was no longer dumb. Ezekiel 33:21-22 RSV.

    He is made mute for three years representing the fact that our releases over the last three years have not been published--and to the world at large this message has been silent. At the close of these three years on September 4th, 1993 this message will resound throughout the entire world! New York City will be gone.

    The reason this happens five days short of the three years (from the tenth day of the month to the fifth day of the same month) is to show that the working of this will actually start at the end of August when the UN is now scheduled to review lifting sanctions imposed against Iraq beginning at the end of August into early September when the city is to be destroyed on September 4th.

    [H: I DO suggest you harken back to the warning of im­pending disaster along your southern shores. Remember that the "crises centers" (confirmed in San Antonio) are scheduled to be on RED ALERT to receive large numbers of evacuees from the Gulf Coast--different cities will get spe­cific instructions "later" was the information. The as­sumption was a massive hurricane--it COULD be any num­ber of things which would put everyone on "stand-by".]
    As for you, son of man, your people who talk together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, say to one another, each to his brother, "Come, and hear what the word is that comes forth from the Lord." And they come to you as people come, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear what you say but they will not do it; for with their lips they show much love, but their heart is set on their gain. And, lo, you are to them like one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument, for they will hear what you say, but they will not do it. When this comes--and come it will!--then they will know that a prophet has been among them.--Ezekiel 33:30-33 RSV.

    All this is to happen because of the sins and gross atrocities of the United Nations and especially America against all the of the world. The Trade Tower bombing was just an OMEN of what is yet to come as we have already stated previ­ously ("OMEN I: The first bombing of New York", March 5th, 1993). Yet it has served its purpose in showing the American people and news media that they are VULNERABLE to wake them up out of their prejudices, stereotypes and preconceived ideas! Yet for three years they have not informed the people! Thus Ezekiel prophesied that the promised one of today would be "mute" for three years (meaning the people haven't heard this message). This ends with the city being destroyed, New York being nuked, and the world proclamation to all the people that the establisher of the Baha'i Faith is Dr. Leland Jensen, Knight of Baha'u'llah, and that Baha'u'llah, descended from King David and seated upon David's throne, is the second coming of Christ awaited for by all the people of the world.

    As America, its leadership and the news media have continu­ally refused to warn the people, and refuse to cease and desist from their abominable atrocities, and refuse to heed our warn­ings which originate from the Almighty God, they enter into de­struction after destruction, calamity after calamity, each wave increasing in its ferocity and forceful intensity, until finally: the great retribution: a fiery thermonuclear blast: New York City is gone!

    I the Lord have spoken; it shall come to pass, I will do it; I will not go back, I will not spare, I will not repent; according to your ways and your doings I will judge you, says the Lord God.--Ezekiel 24:14 RSV.

    In Revelation chapter 13 and Daniel chapter 7 the United Nations is prophesied of as the BEAST. Daniel sees four sepa­rate Beasts: England the lion; America the eagle's wings; and France the leopard; Russia the bear's feet. These Big Four "Christian" nuclear super powers all possess the veto power on the UN and are permanent members of the ruling Security Council. They all meet in New York City where the UN build­ing is located. Revelation 16:10 (KJV) states that it is the "seat of the Beast" (UN building) that is to be destroyed first. Rev­elation 14:20 states that the entire surrounding area of up to 100 miles radius (see note 'i' RSV) will be destroyed along with it. The city of New York is here described as a great "wine press" from which the blood will flow as "high as a horse's bridle", that is, when all those buildings collapse they have people sand­wiched in between floors. The pile will literally be that high with rubble and blood.

    After the UN building (the seat of the Beast) and New York City along with are nuked, the Beast itself (these Big Four su­perpowers) is then to be thrown alive into a thermonuclear "lake of fire" (Revelation 19:20) which is the battle of Armageddon that will result shortly after New York is destroyed (Revelation 16:16) in which one third of mankind will be killed in one hour of thermonuclear war.

    The sins and pure evil of the United Nations and the country of America against the rest of the world is an abomination of the greatest proportion since the foundation of the world in all its history! Grenada, Libya, Panama, El Salvador, Iraq and the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Bosnia, the 390 exiled Palestinians...to name only a few are all the fault of the bloodstained United States which rules the UN as a puppet for its "own interests".

    Do you think there is no KARMA? Have you not heard that the bread you cast upon the water returns to you? or that what you sow so shall you reap? Indeed all the people of the world shall be judged by what they have done!

    They stole the land from the "Indians" in order to establish this country! They systematically killed the buffalo to starve them out, used smallpox as germ warfare to kill them and poi­soned them with whiskey. They broke every single treaty that they ever made with the Native Americans. They violated all of them (370). They kept not a one. They deceived and lied and massacred their women and children. Slaughtering the infants of the tribes and beheading the women they had raped after burning the villages to the ground and skinning their babies alive in front of their very eyes!

    Then they imported the Black slaves and robbed them of over 300 years worth of wages. St. Louis was the largest slave mar­ket in the world where these souls were bought and sold in the open light of day the way the laws are bought and sold on the chopping block of Congress in this very day. They beat and tortured these people in the name of the Christ whose teachings they had perverted and twisted to justify their "own interests" and wicked acts. They broke up their families and sold hus­bands away from wives, mothers away from daughters, sons away from fathers and have never made any amends in any way, shape or form, even until this very day.

    They established the "double standard" of racism and bigotry within the borders of this very country, within the heart of this very continent!

    [H: Bear in mind careful consideration of the following for some "facts" are NOT. This is, however, the writing from one Neal Chase, a human speaker, who very well does not know all the actual research, etc. The concept is still the same--the players are incorrect in some instances and the en­tire observation is based on incorrect assumptions. I am reprinting so I have no right to alter or correct anything. I just suggest that you read with discernment for the com­ments have little to do with the calculations according to the details of the "prophecies" in point in this writing.]

    They were isolationistic and could care less as Hitler mur­dered the six million Jews for saving them was not "in our inter­est". After we did enter the war, after Pearl Harbor, it was the Black and Japanese battalions that crested the mound and were the first faces of freedom the Jewish holocaust survivors saw release them from their Nazi oppressors, while back at home Blacks were treated like trash in every city across the land and the Japanese soldiers' families suffered deprivation in American concentration camps like worthless prisoners and traitors while their sons fought abroad! The injustice! The grievous injustice! The double standard! The bigotry, the prejudice, even today like in the Rodney King trial and the senseless massacre of Ko­resh and his followers in the name of the United States without due process of law!

    Moreover, they exported this double standard and bigotry across the nations of the world. Subjugating them and stealing from them their mineral rights, natural resources and raw goods and materials, all in the name of democracy and America, all in the name of "our interest"--a sickness and disease that makes the stomach churn from bile and nausea at the very sight of these evil deeds committed in the name of all America and its citizens! And who can stop it? Who among the people can fight off this Beast?

    Thus they have established this double standard across the globe spanning the continents, rushing forward atop the cresting waves of every sea which boils and seethes with their abomi­nations. And war is established in the name of "Peace"! And people are killed and murdered in the name of "Hope"!

    [H: You ones are on your own as to discernment for there is much error in the writing as we offer it. I will not take time to correct it for the interpretations of Biblical prophecy are quite well done and I am not here to monitor every writer's material. This should, however, point out to you how im­portant it is to BE INFORMED in FACT(s) because the er­rors tend to cause people, who know otherwise the facts of "happenings" upon which the mortal man is to make obser­vation, to attend less the prophecy observations. What hap­pens is that man becomes incensed at the "happenings" as perceived and speculates that "these" are THE things pre­cipitating "GOD'S ACTIONS". The facts are--THE WHOLE OF IT WILL BE MAN'S ACTIONS--RIGHT ON SCHEDULE AND IS MORE OF THE CONFRONTATION OF THE "SIDES" OF THE ADVERSARIAL ARMIES AND NOT GOD'S DOING AT ALL. What happens when there are errors in one portion of the projections--one must always question the whole of the projections. Simply to give exacting times and places is not in my parameters of comment--EVER. "Even the Lord knows not the hour of His coming!" Does this mean that no one can know the timing of a hap­pening? Not if it is of God. It can be planned, programmed and orchestrated--but with anything, there is possibility of possibility change and thus a "guide" would not wish to set up expectations which are likely to be interrupted for any reason. If you can find that MAN is planning something, say the Waco, Texas disaster, then you can pretty well spec­ulate that it will come off within a given period of time al­ready arranged.
    In efforting to "figure out" in human format that which is God's prerogative is NOT WISE. If, on the other hand, you have calculated a "thing" and it appears valid--to share it in "possibility of happening" is what a responsible person would do. My own problem with this writer is that I do not recognize this 'Abdu'l-Baha the son of Baha'u'llah or Baha'u'llah. Perhaps this is a reference in a language of which I am unfamiliar and Neal does not give us enough in this singular writing to identify exactly what is the status (form) of same. I can, however, take that portion of the writing with which I can find possibility of happening and use it as warning for some expectation and preparation since we have also spoken on these happenings in similar fashion on several occasions. (Where there is smoke there will be found some kind of fire!). Am "I" saying this writer is wrong, lies, fabricates or whatever?? NO--I said there are errors which are likely due to simple ignorance of fact--but he would know these errors if he were a diligent reader of our presentations. Is he? Why does he send us these re­leases? Because we represent the CONTACT which is a pa­per and he would see no need to read our material in any great depth for he considers his own information to be suffi­cient. This is error in itself--for the same reason we DO read what is sent to us--to stay informed and the people in­volved here are reluctant to ever make such great writings as fact when there is no qualification as to "opinion". We con­tinue exactly as given--you shall have to consider issues and errors--it is a good exercise for you who do keep right up to date and THIS is WHY we offer the diversity of information that we do--so you will not make errors in current event or historical reviewing.]

    Panama: Operation "Just Cause": Objective: steal the canal back from those people before the contract turned control over to them on January first 1990. Somalia: Operation "Restore Hope": Killing those defenseless and starving people (Muslim people) with attack helicopters and sophisticated weapons after invading their country for dubious reasons. We were supposed to be feeding them! I suppose when there is only one man left they will give him a sandwich! Such is the wickedness of the Beast and the UN building (rebellious House) which is the seat of the Beast and New York City which is the seat of these abominations, the source of this great disturbance and atrocities and injustice: the City of all this blood!

    And utter a parable unto the rebellious house (UN building) and say unto them, Thus not gone out of it, bring it out piece by piece; let no lot fall upon it.
    For her blood (of the UN of all the murders and crimes against the innocents of the world) is in the midst of her; she set it upon the top of a rock (bedrock of Manhattan Island); she poured it not upon the ground, to cover it with dust; that it might cause fury to come up and to take vengeance; I have set her (the UN's) blood upon the top of the rock, that it should not be covered.
    Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, WOE TO THE BLOODY CITY! (New York) I will even make the pile for fire (thermo-nuclear fire) great!--Ezekiel 24:2-9 KJV.
    saith the Lord GOD,
    Set on a pot, set it on... Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD: WOE TO THE
    BLOODY CITY (New York), to the pot whose scum is therein (UN), and whose scum is

    How great is the destruction in store for all the blood shed by this UN ruled by the four beasts and America seated in New York in the UN building!

    [H: I suggest you pay even more close attention to these "sins". When, for instance, you get to the part about rape by the "Christian Serbs"--KNOW that the Soviets (by any name at all) orchestrates the whole Serbian "thing" includ­ing supplying with arms and weapons--Communist Bolshevik Soviets!! Basically, Khazarian Jews--not "Christians". This is only one example of misinformation in the "sin" observa­tions so just hold onto what you KNOW and you will be fine--there is a lot of this writing which is EXCELLENT--you must simply discern "which part". This is a good opportu­nity to allow you to balance simple "writing and speculation" against what we offer--Earth-documented back-up for that which we may well seem to give in fortune-telling mode--NO, no fortune-telling or prophecy as such--just what is coming down and how. Be prepared for any happenings of which have been projected--for they WILL happen--but if pre­pared--then you KNOW and you can handle it.]

    Bush went into Iraq, "for our interests" meaning the oil inter­ests of the elite and also to raise his ratings in the polls. But they asked Warren Christopher why we won't help the Bosnian Muslims, he said that that "is not in our interest". So there is a double standard. [H: Oh, but that is such a tiny minute part of it--double-standard is the understatement of the century and has nothing to do with anything.] So they stand con­demned as hypocrites and bigots and for this they are to be pun­ished, paid double for what they have done! (Revelation 18:6). [H: These men involved may well be guilty as stated--how­ever, since the accusation is misinformed--is it not possible that the conviction on the charges and sentence might also be a bit "off"--in the NAME of GOD? And, "double" what?? When we ASSUME to state or foretell what GOD will or won't do--that is judging and is usually resultant in egg-on-face disease.]

    The UN allowed the rape of over 50,000 Muslim women in organized gang-rape camps by the Christian Serbs that have al­ready given birth to the enemy's babies for "ethnic cleansing" which is really Nazi death camps and genocide. So shall their City of New York and the UN building be cleansed off the face of the Earth for its abominations in the just judgments of God. [H: Oh? And what if it is London or Washington D.C. or San Francisco instead--or the City of Angels? When you speak FOR GOD in condemnation of a specific place, person or thing--you speak very foolishly, whoever you are. I would note that some are turning off to the possibilities of this happening at all just from the judgments assumed by the writer. Please do not do that--yet. Remember, the ar­rest of ones who were planning to bomb tunnels, buildings etc? This is very serious and, as a matter of fact, the target preferred is NEW YORK CITY. But it will be man-caused and the intent will not be punishment of any bigots, etc. If you misperceive the game and miss the players in the game--you are working on pure hocus-pocus--regardless of whether or not the timing may be correct. There are, further, some excellent observations by this writer so don't just toss the in­formation.]

    Then the UN disarmed the Bosnians to begin with when they recognized them as a state but did not disarm the Serbs, allow­ing the war to start in the first place. [H: Ah, but the UN would have had to disarm the SOVIET UNION to disarm the Serbs. As is they DID drop food and needs to them un­der the stupid guise of helping stranded people other than Serbs. It was quite nice for the Serbs to have supplies in wait for them so they didn't have to carry same so far.]

    Now they say they "want" to "help", but this is only lip ser­vice. They say they will have to let the war reach its "natural conclusion", the death of all Muslims. So these four Beast na­tions of the Christian West which paid lip service to God will be hit hardest as New York is the first to be destroyed and then later at the ensuing Armageddon one third of mankind is to die in one hour of thermonuclear war from amongst these bigoted white Christian Euro-American racist war mongers. [H: No, it is the NON or ANTI-Christians.] America will be hit hardest. Such is the just balance requited by the hand of God in His vengeance for what they have done and are doing still. [H: Man is doing it, I remind you--NOT GOD--IN VENGEANCE OR OTHERWISE!]

    The Romanian Ambassador exposed it best when he re­vealed: "We will never tolerate the establishment of a funda­mentalist Muslim state in the heart of Christian Europe!" So God will never allow the establishment of their World Order of Bush with these four beasts in the heart of the planet Earth which God has vouchsafed for Himself, for His Kingdom seated upon the throne of David, for the righteous people everywhere and all the pure in heart from every creed, nationality, race and color. [H: "God will never....(??) You would KNOW what God would "NEVER' do? Are YOU sure GOD needs planet EARTH?--or even wants it? Do you not think per­haps God has a pretty nifty "kingdom" of His own somewhere else? "Pure in heart"? Do YOU "ACTUALLY" know ANYONE who is pure in heart--and what does THAT mean? "...from every creed, nationality, race and color." How do YOU know that? God has only referred to "His people"--has not MAN perhaps enlarged upon the facts? I'm just asking.] For HE sees without prejudice, HE knows without bigotry. [H: How do YOU know what GOD sees and knows?] Yet America and the UN have transmitted their dou­ble standard to all the nations of the world like a disease, like an AIDS. They have committed the war-crimes! They have com­mitted the genocide! The bigotry, the racism. For this they are judged! By what they have done and are doing even now!

    In order to raise his ratings in the polls Bush tricked Saddam into invading Kuwait (Iraq's 19th province) by having April Glaspie lie to Saddam in the name of the President of the United States that this country is not interested in Arab-Arab disputes (Secret Dossier, Salinger, p. 58.). For this the Arabs will trick the United States and Russia into a thermonuclear war over the control of the Arab oil and the occupation of Israel after the de­struction of New York City and the bloody building of the gore stained United Nations that feigns to be the prophesied "House of the Lord" of Isaiah chapter 2 (as written in stone in front of the UN building), but is in reality the "rebellious House" which is condemned. It shall be burned! So shall they be judged by what they have done!

    Clinton pulled the same trick to raise his ratings in the polls by firing 24 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Iraq to "send them a strong message" according to Eagleburger which was done on an unsubstantiated charge that was unproven and unprovable in any court of law that Iraq tried to assassinate Bush when he was in Kuwait. [H: This was NOT done to have anything to do with polls ratings and think again--WHY WAS EAGLE-BURGER MAKING ANY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AT ALL--FURTHER, WHY WAS SCOWCROFT WITH BUSH WHILE THE ACTION TOOK PLACE? ???! IT IS THESE THINGS WHICH YOU SHOULD GET STRAIGHT FOR THE ASSUMPTIONS OF SUCH ERRONEOUS REASONS AND HAPPENINGS ARE GOING TO DO YOU IN.] Thus Clinton is tinkering with the lives of 30 million people. Those that live in the New York area that are targeted! Instead of making peace with Iraq he is walking in Bush's footsteps. Re­cently the Bosnian Muslims told the UN to stop the war or they will be forced to use weapons of mass destruction (poison gas) against the Serbs. Clinton has only continued the global terror­ism of the World Order of Bush that he inherited, and for this the city will be destroyed during his term, during his office, during his administration and his rating will not be raised but lowered--lowered into the lowest abyss of abysses--for these atrocities he will be a horror and byword for ever more. Such is the Justice of God. They are judged by what they have done and are doing even now!

    The result of the Gulf War was horrendous. The massacre and slaughter of 150,000 innocent Iraqi men and women and children. Unjust sanctions imposed against Iraq that caused thousands of infants to starve to death in a single month. The constant barrage of aircraft and cruise missile attacks. Threats and bullying by the world's most powerful country, the United States, against Iraq a small country which has proven to be no match for American high-tech conventional military might. Thus the UN and the United States will pay for the suffering of the children whose orphaned cries sting the air and for the weeping and wailing of childless mothers that reaches upwards to the all highest heaven into the very ears of God! [H: Do you REALLY think God's ears aren't at the very lips of the sor­rowing Mother? The "highest heaven into the very ears of God"?? Come now--it is bad enough without this sort of misperception that somehow God is not around--this writing has become a total perception of a MAN who wants you to believe his wisdom and statements come from GOD.] For this, America, your great abominations, your sons and daughters in the city of New York shall perish in the flames. This is the decree of Almighty God [H: It obviously, IS NOT!] who sees the sins of mankind even in the darkness of night and exposes his wretchedness even from behind the locked doors of secret government conclave and intrigue! So they have done! So shall they pay! For what they have done and are doing even now! [H: I might bring up something this writer seems to miss in this great judgment--the UN building is NOTHING. The heart of this "Beast" described is in the Committee of 300 which sits in Basel, Switzerland and is made up ALSO of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Crown of England and the Bankers of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the branch called the Federal Reserve. New York is simply a show-and-tell of NOTHING--a curtain behind which the entire of the world Supremists operate--so to destroy a city just because a "building" is there--would not likely be God's doing--seeing that GOD is JUST. Any act against New York--WILL BE AT THE HANDS AND PLANNING OF MAN!!! This writer may very well be right about "timing" because the head gangsters like to fit their actions to that which can be blamed on God by calculations and "natural' disaster. STOP BLAMING GOD FOR YOUR OWN MISADVENTURES' By the way, to the Elite One Worlders--the nicest thing that could happen would be to blow away the UN--then the Elite would not have to any longer consider the inconsiderate little na­tions who pretend to have input! I can guarantee that on the day of UN "holocaust" the important players will not be pre­sent!]

    The weapons and artillery the U.S. used were made of re-manufactured radioactive Uranium waste which the United States gave to military industry free of charge which is now the cause of a rampant Cancer epidemic spreading throughout Iraq afflicting thousands of innocent Iraqi children:

    The cores of the U.S.-made bullets are crafted from ra­dioactive nuclear waste produced during the uranium en­richment process required to make atom bombs and nu­clear fuel rods. The hard but otherwise useless DU (depleted uranium) is often given to weapons manufactur­ers free of charge. According to a confidential report last year by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), at least 40 tonnes of depleted uranium were dis­persed throughout Iraq in the course of the Gulf War. Rich Winkel, Feb. 29, 1993 (IPS).

    Therefore, their precious city, the delight of their eyes, their city of New York and the seats of all the nations at the UN and the flowing colorful flags of the world are all to be burned in one blast from the hot furnace of hell! More radiation was dumped on Iraq than during the entirety of the two bombs the U.S. dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in all of WW II. For this Saddam will retaliate and they will be repaid with a ther­monuclear device of those that sanctioned this crime against humanity and the genocide of the Iraqi people. They claimed to be the House of the Lord and their injustices, war-crimes and atrocities, are heaped higher than the very heaven. These world Hitlers will pay by the blood, the very blood of their own evil doings. Their end is to be burned! The city vanquished. Their governments fallen. Their oppression over-turned. Their hypocrisy exposed. Their double standard cut down! They will be repaid in blood double for what they have done. Such is the recompense and retribution of the Just and All-Powerful Infinite Invisible God! So shall they be judged for what they have done and what they are doing even now!

    Say: Is there any remover of difficulties save God? Say: Praise be God!

    He is God! All are His servants and all abide by His bid­ding!--the Bab.

    America is the biggest terrorist nation in the world and through the UN, with the four beasts united together as one, this double standard and bigotry had been exported to all the world. [H: Good grief!]

    Like Jonah who gave his message to the city of Nineveh that it would be thrown down and destroyed unless they repented, do you see the United States or the UN repenting? I don't see them returning the land to the Native Americans! I don't see America recompensing the Black man for his 300 years of stolen wages! I don't see justice by the UN for the banished 390 Arabs into the No-Man's-Land of southern Lebanon! I don't see the canal go­ing back to the Panamanians! I don't see the UN repenting for what they did and are still doing to Somalia! America is the greatest terrorist Nation in the world and for this it will pay.

    And the word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, what is this proverb that you have about the land of Israel? saying, 'The days grow long and every vision comes to nought'? Tell them therefore, 'Thus says the Lord God: I will put an end to this proverb, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel.' ...But I the Lord will speak, and it will be performed. It will not longer be delayed, but in your days, 0 rebellious house (UN building), I will speak the word and PERFORM IT, says the Lord God."-- Ezekiel 12:21-25 RSV.

    Count the days, your time is up! The piper shall be paid! The reaper puts in his sickle which is sharp and cuts to the very bone! The recompense is due! This day is the day of the retri­bution of God, the Almighty and the All-Powerful!

    The world is in travail, and its agitation waxeth day by day. Its face is turned towards waywardness and un­belief. Such shall be its plight, that to disclose it now (in the nineteenth century) would not be meet and seemly. Its perversity will long continue. And when the appointed hour is come THERE SHALL SUDDENLY APPEAR THAT WHICH WILL CAUSE THE LIMBS OF MANKIND TO QUAKE. Then, and only then, will the Divine Standard be unfurled and the Nightingale of Par­adise warble its melody.
    Baha'u'llah, Gleanings #LXI, p.118-119.
    September 4th, 1993.

    p.s. We have warned you. The blood of the people is not on our hands. If you fail to warn them it shall be upon yours! [H: Wow! Do you see what this "Pilote" is doing? He gives us this blast (all who have a newsletter or paper) and then drops the bomb--he is THROUGH--all responsibility is over and WE get to carry the garbage out to the people. Boy, do my team wish for some of THAT KIND OF WASH WA­TER!] "Son of man... If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you will have saved your life." (Ezekiel 3:17-21; 33:1-9).


    This next is a one-page writing which we have also been asked to offer in the paper. I do not know when it was written but it was received here yesterday. It comes from a Pastor Ray R. Morawski, Fundamental Baptist Church. Sorry, this is all the information given other than the writing itself.


    Did you know that the space program has proven that what has been called "myth" in the Bible is true? The following statement is by Mr. Harold Hill of Baltimore, Md., a consultant in the space program and is printed with his permission:

    I think one of the most amazing things that God has for us to­day happened recently to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland. They were checking the position of the sun, moon, and planets out in space where they would be 100 years and 1,000 years from now. We have to know this so we don't send a satellite up and have it bump into something later on in its orbits. [H: Like tonight's meteorites in this "shower" coming??] We have to lay out the orbits in terms of the life of the satellite, and where the planets will be so the whole thing will not bog down! They ran the computer mea­surement back and forth over the centuries and it came to a halt. The computer stopped and put up a red signal, which meant that there was something wrong either with the information fed into it or with the results as compared to the standards. They called in the service department to check it out and they said, "It's per­fect." The head of operations said, "What's wrong?" "Well, they have found there is a day missing in space in elapsed time." They scratched their head and tore their hair. There was no an­swer!

    One "religious" fellow on the team said, "You know, one time I was in Sunday School and they talked about the sun standing still." They didn't believe him, but they didn't have any other answer so they said, "Show us." He got a Bible and went back to the book of Joshua where they found a pretty ridiculous statement for anybody who has 'common sense'. There they found the Lord saying to Joshua, "Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hand: there shall not a man of them stand before thee." Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and if darkness fell they would over­power them. So Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still! That's right--"The sun stood still and the moon stayed...and hasted not to go down about a whole day." Joshua 10:8, 12, 13. The space men said, "There is the missing day!" [H: Please, not "me" kind of "space" men. How many out there know anything about computers?] They checked the computers going back into the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes--not a whole day. They read the Bible and there it was--"about (approximately) a day".

    These little words in the Bible are important. But they were still in trouble because if you cannot account for 40 minutes you'll still be in trouble 1,000 years from now. [H: Wow, if you swallow this without question, you are already in hot trouble and won't have to wait a 1,000 years!] Forty minutes had to be found because it can be multiplied many times over in orbits. [H: I'd really like to meet these intelligent "space" scientists.] This "religious" fellow also remembered some­where in the Bible where it said the sun went BACKWARDS. The space men told him he was out of his mind. But they got out the book and read these words in II Kings: Hezekiah, on his death-bed was visited by the prophet Isaiah [H: Yeah, and I bet another one or two cute beings.] who told him that he was not going to die. Hezekiah asked for a sign as proof. [H: Wouldn't "living" be proof enough?] Isaiah said, "Do you want the sun to go ahead ten degrees?" Hezekiah said, "It's nothing for the sun to go ahead ten degrees, [H: Really?] but let the shadow return backward ten degrees." II Kings 20:9-11. Isaiah spoke to the Lord and the Lord brought the shadow ten degrees BACKWARD! Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes! Twenty-three hours and 20 minutes in Joshua, plus 40 minutes in II Kings make the missing 24 hours the space travelers had to log in the logbook as being the missing day in the universe! Isn't that amazing? Our God is rubbing their noses in HIS truth! [H: Or someone is doing something to someone's nose! May your walk through this veil be ever so interesting in wisdom! But may you never err so greatly in setting your time-piece.]
    End of quoting. * * * Thank you.

  2. #6
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    PJ 76

    THU., AUG. 12, 1993 4:08 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 361
    THU., AUGUST 12. 1993

    Since one of the major objections shared by readers and reach­ing us as complaints is that we hop, skip, don't finish and don't "get back to " Let me make a statement. We are doing the best we can under the very worst of circumstances. And, as new things come into attention we have to re-prioritize con­stantly. We can only ask you to bear with us. You readers who feel compelled to read this paper and these JOURNALS are in a UNIQUE category whether or not you realize it. And, it is never YOU who give the barrage of suggestions and misun­derstandings. We do, however, have to respond to the general reading audience. Our intent is not to simply drop subjects ei­ther on you or off you. We are dumping so much onto you that we can only "offer"--you have to decide whether or not it is worth your while to read the information. I am not, at this time, going to go back for regular "catch-ups" on who I am, who my people are, how we got into this or other time-consuming space-taking. We welcome all readers and participants--but we do not have nor ever intend to have a "typical" paper or books.

    I ask that you pay TOTAL and undivided attention to the writing somewhere in this paper regarding the legal escapades of Kissinger against Patterson at Criminal Politics and the other VERIFIED INFORMATION OFFERED WITH IT AND NOTE THAT IT COMES FROM VERY HIGH SOURCES WITHIN INVOLVED GOVERNMENTAL BRANCHES. These ARE your confirmations that what we give you is valid and, unless PLANS CHANGE, are right on with that which is intended. It is a VERY SMALL world anymore and what hap­pens in South Africa is more important to you in Podunk than what is happening in the next county. Therefore, I will take the helm as is my responsibility and offer as much as we can as we can do so. You who disagree with our methods or the why of doing this will simply have to make your own decisions. Be careful, however, for if you are "turned off' then you very likely are not noticing the REAL message offered or perhaps the message is intended to another WITH you--who may very well have experienced craft or presence in some manner and has been hushed--you (they) are not alone. It is to these ones we make our call to attention. We are not dabbling in newsprint to entertain or help each and every individual answer every last question of curiosity or self-realization. If we seem to offer a foggy blanket of interrupted bits and pieces--I apologize but will not cause my scribe to do anything about it--at least not now.

    The game of "soul" is as local as self--the game of this world in chaos is massive indeed and you shall have to rise above your focused-on-self needs, or let it go until it comes clear. My scribe has ended up carrying "the donkey" to suit people until she is ready to drop from the load. If you don't like us--that is not our business. We would hope each would stay and effort to learn--study ALL the information--not tiny bits--all the way back to the first JOURNAL--even SIPAPU ODYSSEY. I will, how­ever, suggest that you might well want to stick with us a while if you have ever felt a nagging urge to learn more or that things are just not quite as openly given to you. Please understand that we truly appreciate your suggestions but also please understand if we don't stop what we are doing to respond in instant change to them--we are doing the best that we can within a human expe­rience. If you don't understand that statement then you have a LOT of homework study to do.

    I would like to complete the article on South Africa with CIA input and the continued article in Spotlight is referenced as "America Helps Communist Takeover". We will take up where we left off with the topic of:

    By: Alyn Denham.

    Where 10 years ago, crime in South Africa was no problem, today murder, rape and robbery are running rampant. This is part of Swing's plan to create an ungovernable nation wherein terrified citizens will accept any form of dictatorship that promises the restoration of order and stability.

    Another scheme cooked up by Swing and his bevy of Marx­ists involved the release of all Black criminals, including killers sentenced to death, from every South African prison. He and his CIA flunkies, in a meeting on 9 July, 1992, instructed the hierarchy of the SACP [South African Communist Party] to de­mand the immediate release from prisons of "all political prison­ers". The list presented to State President De Klerk included prisoners that had never been considered political prisoners, even by the ANC.

    Swing informed De Klerk that this demand would be honored immediately. De Klerk, as usual, obeyed without question or protest.

    The SADF and the SACP have been rendered so completely impotent that these released mad dog killers are preying on in­nocent Blacks and Whites with ostensible immunity. Swing, the CIA, the U.S. State Department and the highest levels of the U.S. government are 100 percent responsible for turning this once beautiful and peaceful nation into a pit of hell, and doing so with U.S. tax dollars.

    With former President Bush's approval, the CIA is oversee­ing the construction of four huge military bases, including air bases. Three of these bases are located just 150 miles from Pretoria and Johannesburg. The fourth is being surveyed at a location close to the Caprivi Strip in Angola and is being devel­oped to refuel and rearm carrier-based aircraft. This is an indication the United States is planning to also utilize carrier planes to put down possible uprisings by non-communist South Africans. [H: Along the same lines, across the seas in your own villages--what is happening to your "closing" bases? Are you aware that in some of those "closing" bases there have been recent refurbishings, upgrading and even now, 2 lane roads being ripped up to be replaced with 4 to six-lane throughways? What do they have in mind? I think you had best pay attention and start finding out. I'll clue in on just one near here--Norton, near San Bernardino, Calif., but later, please.]

    Currently, just over $3.5 billion has been spent on the three almost completed bases. They are located in the vicinity of Molepole, Botswana, less than 10 minutes jet fighter flying time from Pretoria and Johannesburg. According to the former intel­ligence informant, "There are no bases in the world more mod­ern or more capable of waging offensive warfare."

    A congressional source reveals the United States is paying the government of Botswana over $10 BILLION for permission to construct and operate these bases on Botswanan soil. [H: And we told you about this years ago. This is not an insult to your reading--or a "I told you so"--it is to point out that if this was under way "years" ago--WHERE ARE THEY NOW!?] To ensure the deal, the CIA has two highly placed members of the Botswanan government on their payroll making big bucks.

    The focal point of all these U.S.-initiated conspiracies and pro-communist plots is the U.S. embassy/fortress in Pretoria. Taking up a large city block, this triangular fortress is the most expensive ($800 million to date and climbing) and elaborately designed embassy IN THE WORLD. [H: Please include picture even as poor as it is (See next page.] It has underground facilities that are secure from chemical and/or nuclear attack.
    Ten months prior to George Bush's defeat for the presidency, he ordered that a communications satellite be produced, launched and situated in space directly over Pretoria. Today, one of the functions of this taxpayer-funded billion-dollar satel­lite is the monitoring of conversations and communications be­tween South African citizens, members of the South African government and anyone else throughout southern Africa that be­comes an enemy of the state.

    Most of these targets have been generated by CIA-paid spies and informers who have infiltrated every level of South African society and government including leaders of the Zulu Inkatha Party, the government and military of the Independent State of Bophuthastswana, and the top levels of the Independent State of Ciskei.

    As of 9 January, 1993, the South African-based CIA has made available to U.S. Embassy personnel, and to top-level members of the SACP/ANC, the names of citizens and organizations that oppose the Communist takeover of this nation. Thousands of these courageous South Africans will quietly dis­appear when the CIA succeeds in installing to power the South African Communist Party-controlled African National Congress.

    The Communications, Operations and Planning rooms are lo­cated on the lower D-Level of the embassy. The ambassador, the CIA station chief and his assistant and three of the highest level officials of the South African Communist Party have emergency office/living spaces on this level.

    C-level is food, water, weapons and general storage area. The master generator is located in the southeastern midsection, with a spare emergency generator in a room located in the southwestern midsection. Another emergency generator is lo­cated in the northern midsection of B-level.

    Two buried and widely separated fuel tanks supply fuel to these generators through a massive network of pipes and cutoff valves. If one tank is destroyed, it can be quickly isolated from the other. As a point of fact, these tanks are encased in shells of five-foot-thick reinforced concrete and buried so deep it is most unlikely either could suffer damage from any source available to possible attackers.

    In addition to the emergency generator, B-Level is made up of offices, radio rooms, an emergency telephone switchboard, meeting rooms, and a projection room that will seat 72 people in comfortable, thickly upholstered seats. The front row of seats is equipped with an internal intercom system capable of communi­cating with every room, including restrooms and living quarters, throughout every level in the complex.

    B-Level is the only level that has no living quarters. There is an express elevator from B-Level to the D-Level Operations Room. There are, in addition to this express elevator, elevators located in each point of the triangle. While there are small kitchens and dining areas on every level, including food and water storage areas, B-Level features the main kitchen and din­ing area, capable of feeding everyone in the embassy in two shifts.

    Every Marxist and Communist political and terrorist organi­zation in Southern Africa, including the Palestine Liberation Or­ganization, has been allotted office space and limited access to the extensive CIA communications facilities and computer net­works. They also have access to the CIA database wherein are recorded the names, addresses, acquaintances and personal his­tories of anti-communists and other individuals and organiza­tions considered to be dangerous to their causes.

    It is worthy of note that only members of the ANC/SACP have offices in the U.S. embassy. Members of the anti-commu­nist Inkatha Party are permitted into the embassy/fortress ONLY BY SPECIAL PERMISSION while members of the ANC/SACP come and go at will with special red, white and blue passes. [H: Any readers sick yet? And, would you rather have in­formation of Doris' birthday and Hatonn's whisper vapors--or THIS TRUTH? PUT YOUR PRIORITIES IN ORDER, PEOPLE. YOUR WORLD OF FREEDOM IS ALREADY GOING DOWN.]

    Were Rhodesia, and now South Africa, merely practice oper­ations for the communization of the United States and eventually the world? Has the United States taken up where the old Soviet Union left off? [H: OR, HAS THE US BECOME ONE WITH THE USSR? YOU HAD BETTER LOOK AT THIS CLOSELY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ZIONIST BOLSHEVIK OPERATIONS.] Will the election of a pro-so­cialist, pro-Marxist, Clinton administration speed up the seem­ingly inevitable?

    * * *
    Now, if you STILL think the Elite One World Order gives a damn about the United Nations building in New York--OR NEW YORK--go back and read this last--AGAIN! The opera­tions set up for your Elite in Australia and New Zealand, swamp as a tidal wave, these South African facilities. Remember--the Elite Plan 2000 has LESS than six years to get all the "take­over" done and the working structure GOING. Pick at my scribe and our way of presentations--all the way to your ceme­tery--if you have one left!

    OK, Dharma, let us turn to The Iron Curtain Over America, "Russia and The Khazars", by John Beaty, for a few pages so our whole day is not lost to the litigation ongoing. Indeed that time-consuming garbage is getting "old" and certainly rotten with age.

    Continuation: We were speaking of the underground efforts of Khazar-dominated Russia being entrusted principally to Jews so let us simply take up where we left off and run with it.


    The secret or underground overseas efforts of Khazar-domi­nated Russia apparently have been entrusted principally to Jews. This is especially true of atomic espionage. The Report of the Royal Commission of Canada, already referred to, shows that Sam Car (Cohen), organizer for all Canada; Fred Rose (Rosenberg), organizer for French Canada, and member of the Canadian Parliament from a Montreal constituency; and Ger­mina (or Hermina) Rabinowich, in charge of liaison with U.S. Communists, were all born in Russia or satellite lands. In this connection, it is important to stress the fact that the possession of a Western name does not necessarily imply Western Euro­pean stock. In fact, the maneuver of name-changing frequently disguises an individual's stock or origin. Thus the birth-name of John Gates, editor of the Communist Daily Worker was Israel Regenstreif. Other name changers among the eleven Commu­nists found guilty by a New York jury in October, 1949, in­cluded Gil Green--born Greenberg; Gus Hall--born Halberg; and Carl Winter--born Weissberg. (For details on these men and the others, see the article, "The Trial of the Eleven Com­munists", by Sidney Shalett, Reader's Digest, August, 1950, pp. 59-72.) Other examples of name-changing can be cited among political writers, army officers, and prominent officials in the executive agencies and departments in Washington. Parentheti­cally, the maneuver of acquiring a name easily acceptable to the majority was very widely practiced by the aliens prominent in the seizure of Russia for Communism, among the name-chang­ers being Lenin (Ulianov), Trotsky (Bronstein), and Stalin (Dzugashvili), the principal founders of state Communism. [H: How many of you realize this? How many of you ever DREAMED in your wildest nightmares that Lenin and Stalin were JEWS? PONDER IT--WHAT ELSE DO YOU NOT KNOW?]

    The United States Government refused Canada's invitation early in 1946 to cooperate in Canada's investigation of atomic spies, but in 1950 when (despite "red herring" talk of the Chief Executive) our atomic spy suspects began to be apprehended, the first was Harry Gold, then Abraham Brothman, and Miriam Moskowitz. Other were M. Sobell, David Greenglass, Julius Rosenberg, and Mrs. Ethel Rosenberg (not to be confused with Mrs. Anna Rosenberg). Various sentences were given. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg received the death penalty. As of early May, 1952, however, the sentence had not been carried out and a significant portion of the Jewish press was campaign­ing to save the Rosenbergs. Referring to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Samuel B. Gach, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the California Jewish Voice (Largest Jewish Circulation in the West) wrote as follows in his issue of April 25, 1952: "We de­plore the sentence against the two Jews and despise the cowardly Jewish judge who passed same...." In March, 1951, Dr. William Perl of the Columbia University Physics Department was arrested "on four counts of perjury in connection with the crumbling Soviet atomic spy ring. . . Perl whose father was born in Russia,...had his name changed from Utterperl (Mutterperl?) to Perl" in 1945. For further details on these per­sons and others, see Atomic Traitors, by Congressman Fred Busbey of Illinois in the June, 1951, number of National Repub­lic. Finally, the true head of Communism in America was found not to be the publicly announced head, but the Jew, Gerhardt Eisler, who, upon detection, "escaped" from America on the Polish S.S. "Batory", to a high position in the Soviet Government of East Germany.

    Very pertinent to the subject under consideration is a state­ment entitled "Displaced Persons: Facts vs. Fiction", made in the Senate of the United States on January 6, 1950, by Senator Pat McCarran, Democrat of Nevada, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Senator McCarran said in part: "Let it be remem­bered that the Attorney General of the United States recently testified that an analysis of 4,984 of the more militant members of the Communist Party in the United States showed that 91.4 percent of the total were of foreign stock or were married to persons of foreign stock."

    With more than nine-tenths of our "more militant" Commu­nists thus recruited from or allied to "foreign stock" and with that "stock" totaling perhaps not more than 10,000,000 or one-fifteenth of our nation's population, a little recourse to mathematics will suggest that the employment of an Eastern European or other person of recent alien extraction or connection is one hundred and fifty times more likely to yield a traitor than is the employment of a person of native stock!

    An "authoritative" Jewish point of view toward Soviet Russia is explained in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia in the con­cluding paragraphs on Karl Marx. According to this source, Jews "recognize the experience of the Soviet Union, home of 6,000,0000 Jews, as testimony of the Marxist position on the question of national and racial equality." The Encyclopedia comments further on the "striking fact that the one country which professes official allegiance to Marxian teachings is the one where anti-Semitism has been outlawed and its resurgence rendered impossible by the removal of social and economic in­equalities." In The Jewish People Face the Post-War World by Alexander Bittleman, the affection of a considerable body of American Jews for the Soviet Union is expressed dramatically:

    If not for the Red Army, there would be no Jews in Eu­rope today, nor in Palestine, nor in Africa; and in the United States, the length of our existence would be counted in days.... THE SOVIET UNION HAS SAVED THE JEWISH PEOPLE. Therefore, let the American Jewish masses never forget our historic debt to the Saviour of the Jewish people--THE SOVIET UNION.

    Be it noted, however, that Mr. Bittleman admits indirectly that he is not speaking for all American Jews, particularly when he assails as "reactionary" the "non-democratic forces in Jewish life--such as the Sulzbergers, Rosenwalds, and Lazarons". In addition to ideology, another factor in the devotion to their old homelands of so many of the newer American Jews of Eastern European source is kinship. According to The American Zionist Handbook, 68 to 70 % of United States Jews have relations in Poland and the Soviet Union.

    Quite in harmony with the Bittleman attitude toward the So­viet was the finding of the Canadian Royal Commission that So­viet Russia exploits fully the predilection of Jews toward Cornmunism: "It is significant that a number of documents from the Russian Embassy specifically note 'Jew' or 'Jewess' in entries on their relevant Canadian agents or prospective agents, show­ing that the Russian Fifth Column leaders attached particular significance to this matter."

    In view of the above-quoted statement of a writer for the great New York publication, the Universal Jewish Encyclope­dia, which is described on its title-page as "authoritative", and in view of the findings of the Canadian Royal Commission, not to mention other facts and testimonies, it would seem that no one should be surprised that certain United States Jews of East­ern European origin or influence have transmitted atomic or other secrets to the Soviet Union. Those who are caught, of course, must suffer the fate of spies, as would happen to Ameri­can espionage agents abroad; but, in the opinion of the author, the really guilty parties in the United States are those Americans of native stock who, for their own evil purposes, placed the pro-Soviet individuals in positions where they could steal or connive at the stealing of American secrets of atomic warfare. This guilt, which in view of the terrible likely results of atomic espi­onage is really blood-guilt, cannot be sidestepped and should not be overlooked by the American people.

    The presence of so many high-placed spies in the United States prompts a brief reference to our national habit (a more accurate term than policy) in regard to immigration. On De­cember 2, 1823, President Monroe proclaimed, in the famous Doctrine which bears his name, that the American government would not allow continental European powers to "extend their system" in the United States. At that time and until the last two decades of the nineteenth century, immigration brought us al­most exclusively European people whose ideals were those of Western Christian civilization; these people became helpers in subduing and settling our vast frontier area; they wished to con­form to rather than modify or supplant the body of traditions and ideals summed up in the word "America".

    After 1880, however, our immigration shifted sharply to in­clude millions of persons from Southern and Eastern Europe. Almost all of these people were less sympathetic than predeces­sor immigrants to the government and the ideals of the United States and a very large portion of them were non-Christians who had no intention whatever of accepting the ideals of Western Christian civilization, but had purposes of their own. These purposes were accomplished not by direct military invasion, as President Monroe feared, but covertly by infiltration, propa­ganda, and electoral and financial pressure. The average American remained unaware and unperturbed.


    Let us break right here and then we can finish this portion in one more sitting. Note I said "this portion"--not this subject. Thank you.
    PJ 76
    CHAPTER 10


    FRI., AUG. 13, 1993 10:22 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 362

    FRI., AUGUST 13, 1993
    FRIDAY 13TH?
    What mean I? I mean that the counting of calendar actual, be­gan on August 17th, 1987. This means, in turn, that on Monday of what you would call August 16th, midnight--begins year seven (7).

    You might ask, "Who but you nuts and natives of ancient times would use such a ridiculous system??" Your enemy! The ad­versary--for in the "Plan 2000" it will actually be counted in their terms: 1998. Confusing? Not really--how better to keep secret their time schedules? That will ALSO be represented as YEAR 11! It might behoove you to go back and look at the very serious projections for year 2011!

    Some say "yes" and others, "No--you never have it right any­way!" Ah, but I do not come claiming my role as some sort of a "prophet". However, these things prophesied by "prophets" as we share with you WILL come to pass as surely as day now follows night. Goodness yes, we have just dozens of prophets sharing their work and I suggest you pay attention for most are now bringing the "same" message and the news isn't really great.

    Who would "I" believe, many ask? I would go with the ones who project through the files of the CIA, Kissinger Associates, the various departments who are headed by the Elite in charge of the documents leaked out in the "Kissinger" investigation and are elsewhere in this paper. At least you can KNOW that they actually DO control things, even unto the weather, and when they "HAD" planned massive and sweeping changes by their own planning documents. Will they now change them? Doubt­fully--because these are massive and take time to orderly bring things into play and then on into CONTROL. However, to "fool" you the tendency is to speed up the detonation of a pro­ject once it has been made public in any way. It is a time of watching, preparing and BEING ready--no more "One of these days I'll consider doing 'something' . " Kissinger's group plans to get this done while they are AROUND to enjoy their evil conquests.

    The actual "father of your country, USA", Thomas Paine, had a most interesting statement about change and causing the "people" to see and hear--much less, act. "It is as to spit against the wind!" I know that you "boys" have other expressions but this one is also the title of a most remarkable book--better than any novel you might find, by Benjamin H. Levin. I do not have time to review it for you.

    Comes into our circle the work of one Dumitru Duduman, a Romanian. His visions are VALID and I think you might want to get his little book called Through the Fire. (Hand of Help, Inc., P.O. Box 3494, Fullerton, Calif. 92634. (714) 447-1313.) Do not expect to have ability to act to the minute on these prophecies--that is truly not what "prophecies" are about.

    If you cannot see what is happening--even unto the Pope of the Holy Church of Rome--you are sorely blinded. His thrust is for and into the NEW WORLD ORDER and he says so. Moreover, you miss the most important part of the journey about your na­tion. He is going to a retreat of "some sort" in the U.S. "Rocky Mountains". THAT is a major PLANNING SESSION OF THE ELITE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE NEW WORLD OR­DER--COMMITTEE OF 300 AND IT IS AT ASPEN! Does anyone remember the importance of those ASPEN meetings? Well, you better go back and research things. That place where they meet is called the Aspen Institute and it is one of the places where the top-level meetings are pulled-off for final decisions and actions at top-level for the enslavement of your world.

    You readers continue to inquire, refute, complain and mock us as we speak of the TRUTH and what's in it for YOU. It is worth a second look, my precious friends. EVERYTHING is in it for you who would change unto the path of God and hold to our hand at the crossing intersection. Why? Well, here is a notation from Isaiah 43:2&3a (KW).
    "When thou passeth through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. FOR I AM THE LORD THY GOD... " AHO!--IT CERTAINLY BEATS THE NEXT BEST THING GOING ON IN THOSE, OR THESE, DAYS!

    Dharma buries her head for she refuses to admit, even to her­self, that she, too, has seen such visions that have terrified her to the point that she has sought out the comfort and brotherhood of, say, Little Crow--just to regain enough balance to continue our work.

    She has seen the Eagle fallen and bound to the earth by the blood caked on its wings and the Christed being of the Standing Bear standing guard. She has seen the small group of "remnant" go forth in individual (but unified) task at cleansing the feathers that the Eagle of God might again take flight. She has seen the devastation of the growing fields--especially California wherein the irrigation systems are gone and the crops and lands burned barren by radiation and lack of water--and that which is present is contaminated.

    Ah, and now we finally, after three years or more--have real­ization of the above. Little Crow continued to query her about that vision and what it meant to her? She finally decided it meant the "Eagle of the U.S." At this moment of MY writing--the two by four hit hard: The WHITE EAGLE is represen­tative of GOD--not a nation. We are cleansing the bloodied and broken feathers of Truth--that God might be shown in total radiance. For you who might not be "up" with a lot we have given--know that Standing Bear is the son of Wakan Tanka (God) in Lakota language and oral traditional TRUTH. WE of these "tribes" out here--recognize Little Crow as the symbol of the "White Eagle" at council. We don't pay much attention to the labels you ones give yourselves in your physical journey--we work with energy recognition of that which you REALLY ARE. So be it. And NO, SHE KNEW NONE OF THIS--NONE OF IT--UNTIL THE SIFTING THROUGH IN LATE 1985-86. She met Little Crow because of the SIPAPU story, as a matter of fact--as strangely as everything else that has happened in their lives. Ah what fun you yet have in store for you as our remnant looks back as your work is fulfilled and the travels lay before you for the joy of seeing the whole of it. AHO.

    She has struggled to regain composure for, in 1987 while driv­ing from Los Angeles (home) to Tehachapi, California (new home to be), she was reading a little brochure on the area (they, E.J. and Doris' company, were going to put big wind turbines on the mountains there in Lancaster/Palmdale as well as great bunches with Westinghouse and Mitsubishi in Tehachapi) and she was caused to look up and realized she was trapped in an ocean--only the tops of some of the higher peaks protruded through the entire area to the more distant mountains of the "Tehachapis". In the direction of Mojave ran a shoreline with abruptly rising cliffs. It was devastating before she could regain reality of presence in this time and this space. These are night­mares in broad daylight, readers--and most of you have experi­enced these very chilling realities and then turn to bury them to allow for what YOU call "sanity". I'm sorry, readers, but THESE ARE the reality--your expression is the illusion of real­ity.

    You ask, though, "But how does Dharma KNOW?" She doesn't--not one iota more than any one of you! She claims nothing--not being psychic, star-teller, prophet or anything. But the "visions" of Truth do not fade--they become more and more detailed and vivid the more the mind efforts to bury them. "But, how does she hold to this idea when all goes so badly, it would seem?" Because she has seen us and she has touched us--and God literally reached out and she could experience her very own creation as HIS hands very carefully pulled her from the void. THIS is an experience, physical beings--beyond any named physical experience of a life-experience. It doesn't mean you "KNOW" all--it does mean that those precious moments are never again to be dimmed in your mind or vision. JUST MAKE SURE, READERS, THE TOUCH IS THE TOUCH OF GOD AND NOT THE TRICKS OF THE ADVERSARY FOR IT IS THE ADVERSARY WHO WILL ALWAYS SUMMON YOU FIRST!

    Do you remember the Prophecy of Fatima? Recall that two were shared and accepted--but the THIRD PROPHECY WAS FORBIDDEN SPEAKING AND HAS BEEN THE VATI­CAN'S MOST CLOSELY KEPT SECRET. However, as with all Truth--it began to slip out and was quite widely "leaked" in the mid-80s. Some of you may well remember or might have read it somewhere to be tucked away again with the document stating the story. These are accepted even by the Church as valid visions and MIRACLES.

    We offer here the text of the third prophecy of Fatima:

    "A great plague will befall mankind in the second half of the 20th century. Nowhere in the world will there be order, and Satan will rule the highest places, determining the way of things.

    "Satan will even succeed in asserting himself at the top of the church.

    "He will succeed in seducing the spirits of the great scientists who invent arms, with which it will be possible to destroy a large part of humanity in a few minutes. Satan will have in his power the powerful who command the people and who will in­cite them to produce enormous quantities of arms.

    "God will punish man more thoroughly than with the Flood. There will come the time of all times and the end of all ends. The great and powerful will perish together with the small and weak.

    "Even for the church, it will be the time of its greatest trial. Cardinals will oppose cardinals, bishops will oppose bishops.

    "Satan will walk in their midst, and in Rome there will be great changes. The church will be darkened, and the world will be shaking with terror.

    "A huge war will erupt in the second half of the 20th century. Fire and smoke will fall from the sky. The waters of the ocean will become mist, and the foam will rise to tremendous heights and everyone will drown.

    "Millions and millions of men will die from hour to hour. Whoever remains alive will envy the dead. Everywhere one turns one's glance there will be anguish and misery, ruins in ev­ery country.

    "The time draws nearer, the abyss widens without hope. The good will perish with the bad, the great with the small, the princes of the church with the faithful, the rulers with their peo­ple.

    "There will be deaths everywhere because of the errors committed by the crazed and the followers of Satan, who will then and only then rule the world.

    "At the last, those who survive will at every chance newly proclaim God and His glory and they will serve HIM as when the world was not so perverted."

    Not such a good perception, is it?

    If you haven't read Dharma's first writing, a fantasy called SIPAPU ODYSSEY (pen-name: Dorushka Maerd [Doris' beloved "Dream"]) then I suggest you DO SO. It was a fantasy; it is being made into a motion picture and it, in looking back, says so much that readers then and now are SHOCKED--NOT THE LEAST OF WHOM IS DORIS. This was before she ever heard of one, Hatonn--and yet, yep--I'm in there too.

    The reason I bring it up here is that as long as we are speaking of "prophecies"--let us share with you what she wrote in that lit­tle "story" she was urged by fellow-workers to write so "they" could do a "treatment". She didn't know what a "treatment" was and she perceived "someone 'else' needed to write what­ever was going to be written". Little Crow kicked her fanny and told her to get busy--write whatever came, how ever it would come through, and then ones who knew what to do with it would take over. The writing of this little story is a massive story in its self. However, the whole thing was done in less than two weeks and she THOUGHT she was through! Oh per­ish those dreams of idle hands, beloved crew.

    I want, here, to show you how "right-on" the mind is in "knowing" if you allow Truth to surface. Within the story on page 43 is a most interesting little insert called "Future Revela­tions". I am not going to outlay the story but I can promise you will like it--it, alone, changed the course of life for hundreds of people who "happened" on the story and now await the fruition of the movie, the gathering and the "contact". We will just quote:


    John, too, was accompanied by projected visual holograms which made an individual have the feeling of actual participation within the scene itself. As he spoke, appropriate visualizations moved with his verbal illusions.

    He said he would simply be giving a description of things as di­rectly handed down to him, without personal comment. He then launched into his teachings.

    "And it is said there shall be winds, and there shall be, in the time when it is winter; and the trees shall bow down their boughs, and the winds shall sting with the cold; and there shall be great suffering among the people and they shall fall down and cry for mercy.

    "And there shall be a mighty earthquake and it shall split in twain the country of North America, and it shall be as nothing the world has known before, for it shall be that there shall be a great part of the great land of the north continent go down and a great sea shall form within her center part from the Dominion of Canada into the Gulf of Mexico.

    "And there shall be great ocean liners, liners which shall travel within its waters, which will be propelled by solar energy of the next age. But with this, they shall be unable to travel east to west or from west to east, through what is now the Atlantic Ocean, for it shall have a mountain range which has been thrown up from the bottom of the Atlantic; and it shall be ex­tended into the air to the altitude of ten thousand feet and it shall be the City of old, for it was the Light of the world. She went down amid a great shock and a great wave; and it shall be that she shall come up the same way as she went down.

    "And the west side shall be as the sheer side of granite, and it shall be without foothold; and the way shall be as the eagle flies from the place which is Upper Virginia three hundred miles due east; and at this point it shall be one thousand and eight hundred feet from the waters; and not an entrance through the land shall there be to the east, for it is not for them, which are to be the remnants, to communicate by water; for it shall be with a new science, and a new method shall be given unto them. For there is not a place which is that shall remain the same in its present state.

    "And not a person shall be left which is not prepared for that which shall be. And there are many called but few are chosen; for there are none which have been chosen which have not been carefully prepared; and they have been unto themselves true, and they have given credit where credit is due. And now it is given unto them to be the seed of the new Civilization which shall come upon Earth.

    "And within the time which is left before this shall come upon the Earth, it shall be that many will be called; and they shall doubt; and they shall fear; and they shall faint; and they shall fall by the way; and they shall be in no wise wise, for it is given unto man to fear that which he does not understand--and for that does he wait.

    "And it is said that there shall be winds, and there shall be the winds, and they shall be as none the Earth has known; and they shall be as the winds from the sea and from the land all rolled into one great tempest. And they shall be as the winds of the North and the South and East and the West, and they shall tear that which is in their path and they shall be as the reaper who mows down that which is in his path. And they shall sing with the bitterness of the cold. And they shall be as the elements of the earth, for they shall contain both rain and wind; and the hail shall be as big as bird eggs, and it shall split that which it hits.

    "And it shall be that the suffering shall be great upon the Earth, for it is given unto man to know suffering. And he has not known such suffering before, and, when it is come upon him, he shall fall down and shall cry for mercy.

    "And it shall be that the winds too shall be great upon the Earth--they shall blow East, West, North and South and not a place shall there be upon the Earth which shall escape the winds which bloweth; and when this tribulation has come upon the Earth, it shall be that there shall be many who have kept within the law.

    "And with the coming of the winds and belching of fire from within the Earth there shall be---MORE!"

    John continued by telling of how things would be. He said that no one would be responsible for the words of another nor would any man take upon himself that which would be done by an­other. Each entity would be responsible for his own. He said man had lost his identity with the Father God which had sent him and that if he would not awaken and return to the Father he would surely perish.

    John spoke on for a very long time giving illustration after illus­tration. He concluded by saying it was time to talk more about the present.


    I would make a comment here: Doris was so upset and dis­tressed by the time she got to the "more" part that we could not go on for quite a while, and then had to change the subject en­tirely. Remember, this was not a "novel"--it was an intended "movie treatment" which was to be brief (10 or so pages). It took us nearly 80 and still we only tipped on the topics. Will the movie ever get finished? YES--exactly when it is in perfect se­quence. It may well be on screen right now if the "enemy" among us had not skived off the gold for it would have gone to our ones working at the time on the picture itself. We have gained in strength, however, we who have persevered and stood the course--and that which is meant to be shall become! This too, is the promise of God for His people.

    Have we had enough on "prophecies" for the minute? I know you never tire of the possibilities. I also know that you ones are so weary of the slings and arrows that even my close ones pro­claim disappointment when an event does not come off. Stop it--for when these events do "come off" it will be so devastating that ye shall cringe in your bones. Be grateful for each whole day in which you can prepare. Every hour extended is blessed!

    Funny little complaint sifts through and it is so piddling, even by the offering person, that I should probably not take time to ex­plain--but it offers opportunity to remind you readers about THE PAPER.

    We have a very narrow "printing" window at the printer's. That is Tuesdays. Dr. Young is a physicist and electrical engi­neer, etc.; Dr. Overholt is a retired Dentist; Dale is an Interior Decorator and on and on it goes. NONE OF US ARE PAPER PRINTERS. Now, next, because the specific question offered is, "Why is Soltec making the front page all the time and you don't?" Well, his writings are as important as anything you will ever get--but that is not the primary reason.

    The FIRST page is reserved for the last writing or anything of immediate urgency. Then the story always is of necessity fin­ished up in the rear of the paper. Why? Because that way the rest of the paper can be partially set-up through the week. As is, ones on the paper get no sleep to speak of on the week-ends and most especially Monday night. Further, Thomas is pretty close by but Kali (Soltec's sec.) is in Arizona. Worse, every time the "disc" is shipped there are electronic interferences until sometimes it takes a whole day just to clear the lines enough to get copy.

    I understand that many might well do a fabulous job with the paper--but most of you who offer all this advice haven't the fog­giest idea of what goes into a paper--much less one of this type. We literally must fight the CIA just to get some information on the computer. Ed will usually lose two or three documents be­fore the computer will function through a full document. I re­mind you, the adversary wants to stop the paper--and literally KILL the workers.

    If you readers have difficulty following stories or finding pages--we apologize--but convenience is not the name of our game. The ones WAITING for the information do not find a problem. We are not here for the "convenience" of everybody nor do we push anything off on anyone but we do like to conform when we can--in these instances, we have no time to attend these points--we must continue as we are. This does not mean that we object to the considerations or comments--it means we are NOT in the paper business--we are in the information/message business. Our teams know this--the rest are welcome to share all that you wish for we represent the alarm-clock for ALL--but the specific messengers to the few--check and see if you are not or are one of those "few" and attend the messages and forget the format. Thank you.

    May the Light within guide your steps. Salu

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