PJ 79
WED., SEP. 29, 1993 3:15 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 044
WED., SEPTEMBER 29, 1993
I am called to task--today and often--about my choice of terms for this and that. In the earlier writing I referred to the "revisionists" in a totally opposite manner than is the accepted term used by the Jews. Yes indeed! To ME a "revisionist" is one who alters HISTORY to suit a need or desire in the FIRST PLACE. The "revisionists" as referred to by the New World Order and Zionist Talmudic Jews is one who takes exception to the "orthodox" foisted-off-lie of the would-be put-upon. The Jews are noted for their ability to "REVISE" everything until it simply is no longer history in any manner. In truthbringing regarding historical fact--we do not revise nor reinterpret--we bring truth from the already REVISED myths and conjured fantasies. The original will be that which we bring--the "revised" is that which the select groups have "wished" you to believe.

This subject is so important that I believe it better to move right on with a bit more from Behind Communism.

Space does not permit a detailed discussion of the other evictions which followed, and which resulted in the banishment of the Jews from virtually every country in Western Europe in the succeeding centuries, but here in chronological order is a list of the evictions: [H: You will also find much of this history in Nora's book wherein you will have even more in-depth research into some of these topics. She will have more volumes to follow also wherein she can flesh out, a bit more, these subjects for your own confirmation and resource of historical fact.]

ENGLAND: Jews expelled in 1290 by Edward I. Not permitted to re-enter till 1655.
FRANCE: Expelled in 1306 by Philip the Fair. A few were permitted to return, but were again evicted in 1394. Jewish settlements remained in Bordeaux, Avignon, Marseilles, (from where they were evicted in 1682) and in the northern province of Alsace.
SAXONY: Expelled in 1349.
HUNGARY: By 1092 the Jews were in control of Hungary's tax collections. In 1360 they were expelled but later returned. In 1582 they were again expelled from the Christian part of Hungary.
BELGIUM: Expelled in 1370. A few settled there again in 1450, but no large numbers came till 1700.
SLOVAKIA: Ousted from Prague in 1380. Many settled there again after 1562. In 1744 Marie Theresa expelled them again.
AUSTRIA: Expelled in 1420 by Albrecht V.
NETHERLANDS: Expelled from Utrecht in 1444.
SPAIN: Expelled in 1492.
LITHUANIA: Expelled in 1495 by Grand Duke Alexander. They later returned.
PORTUGAL: Expelled in 1498.
PRUSSIA: Expelled in 1510.
ITALY: Expelled from Kingdom of Naples and Sardinia in 1540.
BAVARIA: Banned permanently in 1551.

Jews were not permitted to enter Sweden until 1782. None were permitted to enter Denmark before the 17th century and they were not allowed in Norway after 1814. Today only a handful reside in all Scandinavia.

By 1500 all of Western Europe except northern Italy, parts of Germany, and the Papal possessions around Avignon, had been rid of the Jewish invasion. For a while, at least, Europe was free of the Jews; not until 1650 did they return in any numbers. Says Encyclopedia Britannica: "The great mass of the Jewish people were thus to be found once more in the East, in the Polish and Turkish empires. The few communities suffered to remain in western Europe were meanwhile subjected at last to all the restrictions which earlier ages had usually allowed to remain as an ideal; so that in a sense, the Jewish dark ages may be said to begin with the Renaissance." (Page 57-58, vol. 13--1947)


The period marked by the evictions--1300 to 1650--also marks the period of the Renaissance which broke over Europe as the Jews departed. Starting at first in the trading cities of northern Italy in about 1300, there began a great rebirth of culture and learning which at first was based almost entirely on the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Very quickly this renascent culture spread over Europe and when the age had ended, in about 1650, Europe was, by comparison with her former status, enlightened and civilized. Quite obviously all this could not have taken place had it not been for a great upsurge of commercial activity which occurred simultaneously with, and as an adjunct of, the Renaissance. Not until the nations of Europe had wrested commercial control from the ghetto did this rebirth of western civilization occur.

"Wherever Jews have settled, since the beginning of the Diaspora, they have proceeded to create their own communal organizations. Various factors of an internal character--religious, cultural, social, and economic--as well as external factors, have contributed to this factor" (Page 201, The Jewish People, Past and Present, by the Central Yiddish Culture Organization (CYCO), New York).

It is virtually impossible to comprehend the character of Judaism without some knowledge of the nature of the Medieval Jewish community (Kahal; Ghetto). Probably one of the commonest fallacies extant today concerns the true origin of the ghetto. Most history books defer to Jewish sensibilities by giving the Jewish version, namely that the Jewish people were for centuries forced to reside in a special quarter of the city as a result of the bigotry and intolerance of the Christian majority. THIS IS NOT TRUE, and no scholar of Judaism believes it to be. (Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia describes the origin of the ghetto as follows: "At any rate the word became general for a Jew's quarter. Already in antiquity the Jews voluntarily occupied special quarters. In the Middle Ages, Jew's streets or Jewries were to be found from the end of the 11th century, but the motive of their concentration was no longer religious or social: trade caused them to settle near the market, or danger made them seek the protection of the reigning prince, the protector also wishing to have them together for the easier collection of taxes. It was not until the 13th century that the Jew's quarter was turned into a compulsory Ghetto. The concentration of Jews in Ghettos, although unintended, had its good results. It preserved the communal feeling and the traditional Jewish culture."

As a point of fact these ghetto-communities existed only because the Jews wanted them to exist--they represented a desire on the part of Jewry to remain aloof and exclusive of Christian Society. Says Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia: "There were as a rule officially recognized authorities in the Jewish communities in Europe during the Middle Ages to regulate their own affairs and to treat as a body with the civil government. Even with no other incentive but that of living up to the requirements of Judaism the Jews of a locality were compelled to organize themselves into a community (Kahal; Kehilla), in order to regulate ritual, educational and charitable institution. Courts of law were also a necessity, since Jewish litigants were expected to obey the civil code of the TALMUD." (Page 589, Shapiro Valentine Co., London, 1938.

The ghetto was not merely a place of residence; it was in the fullest sense a community within a community. Here the Jews maintained their culture, their religion, and their tradition of solidarity. Here they nursed their age-long hatred for Christian civilization. Says Encyclopedia Britannica (page 59, vol. 13--1947: "All these activities necessitated a great deal of legislation and in this the autonomous Jewish community was granted the widest latitude. Ordinances were enacted by Jews governing every phase of life: business, synagogue attendance, social morals, policing, prescriptions for dress, and a detailed regimentation of amusements... The characteristic common to the medieval Jewish community were: self imposed discipline, the considering of all religious, philanthropic, educational, and self defense problems as common concerns, and a strong sense of solidarity fortified by a uniform way of life."

For ten centuries preceding the great evictions, in virtually every Christian nation of Europe (and in Mohammedan Spain, Africa, and Asia Minor) these Jews settled into these parasitic ghetto-communities and here they nurtured and maintained a culture which was quite a thing apart from the culture of the European. When finally they were driven from Western Europe in the centuries preceding the Renaissance, we find them settling and establishing ghetto-communities in Poland and Russia which have lasted down to the present day. The Medieval ghetto did not disappear with the ending of the Dark Ages--it was transferred, unimpaired, to Eastern Europe, where the majority of the world's Jews settled.

The institution of the ghetto has enabled two basically different cultures and peoples to remain side by side--one Asiatic and Judaic, the other European and Christian--without becoming integrated. It is primarily for this reason that the Jew has remained an alien in spite of centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. And that is why the Spanish Jew remained a Jew first and a Spaniard second, and why the Polish Jew, the Russian Jew, and the German Jew, have given their first allegiance to Judah and rendered a sort of second-hand loyalty to the country of their abode.

The modern Jew with his Yiddish culture and rapacious financial traditions should not be confused with the biblical Hebrews, who were mainly a pastoral people. The international Jew of modern times is indeed the bastardized product of a bastardized past. He does not truly worship the Bible, but the Talmud; he does not speak Hebrew, but Yiddish; he is not descended from Israel, but from the scum of the eastern Mediterranean. This is vividly illustrated by H.G. Wells in his great Outline of History (Page 493-494, third edition, by H.G. Wells.)

"The Jewish idea was and is a curious combination of theological breadth and an intense racial patriotism. The Jews looked for a special savior, a Messiah, who was to redeem mankind by the agreeable process of restoring the fabulous glories of David and Solomon, and bringing the whole world at last under the benevolent but firm Jewish heel. As the political power of the Semitic peoples declined as Carthage followed Tyre into the darkness and Spain became a Roman province, this dream grew and spread. There can be little doubt that the scattered Phoenicians in Spain and Africa and throughout the Mediterranean, speaking as they did a language closely akin to Hebrew and being deprived of their authentic political rights became proselytes to Judaism. For phases of vigorous proselytism alternated with phases of exclusive jealousy in Jewish history. On one occasion the Idumeans, being conquered, were all forcibly made Jews. (Josephus) There were Arab tribes who were Jews in South Russia in the ninth century. Judaism is indeed the reconstructed political ideal of many shattered peoples--mainly Semitic. It is to the Phoenician contingent and to Aramean accessions in Babylon that the financial and commercial tradition of the Jews is to be ascribed. But as a result of these coalescences and assimilations, almost everywhere in the towns throughout the Roman Empire, and far beyond it in the east, Jewish communities traded and flourished, and were kept in touch through the Bible, and through a religious and educational organization. The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea."

The "Turkish" people whom Wells mentions were the "Chazars" (Chazar = Khazar), who built an empire in south Russia in the 9th century A.D. This Chazar empire was infiltrated by large numbers of Byzantine Jews. By process of intermarriage and conversion these Chazars became identified as Jews, and in all Jewish histories and encyclopedias the words "Chazar" and "Jew" are used interchangeably. In the tenth century a succession of invasions destroyed the Chazar empire and large numbers of these Chazar-Jews settled in the area of what is now Poland. Others found their way to western Europe and Spain, where they mingled with the already bastardized conglomeration of European Jewry. [H: Remember in the Protocols, one of the instructions is to intermingle and intermarry!! As the Jewish elements takes control of commercial ventures--it is most desirable for a gold-hungry gentile to latch onto this wealth--without discerning any other probable outcome of the relationship. KNOW that all of this is exactly according to the instructions of the PROTOCOLS!.]

These Jews we find settling in Poland in the early 14th century came there at the invitation of Casimir I, who seems to have been under strong Jewish influence. As early as the 10th century the Jews (chiefly of Khazar origin) were influential in Poland, and by the 12th century they were well enough entrenched to monopolize the coinage of Poland's money. [H: Remember the Protocols: "Get control of the money (gold) and you can control the nation and the people.] Says the Jewish Encyclopedia (page 56, vol. 10): "Coins unearthed in 1872 in the Great Polish village of Glenbok show conclusively that in the reigns of Mieczyslauw III (1173-1209), Casimir, and Leshek (1194-1205), the Jews were, as stated above, in charge of the coinage of Great and Little Poland." It is interesting to note that these coins bore Jewish as well as Polish inscriptions.

The history of Poland for the next 3 centuries revolves around the struggle for supremacy between the native Polish people and the Jews. During the greater part of that time Poland was more or less dominated by the Jews--a situation most beneficial to all, according to Jewish history books. But when, as occasionally happened, there was a lapse in Jewish fortunes, these same histories are replete with accounts of gentile cruelty and bestiality to the chosen race. And because these laments have been repeated often enough and loudly enough, there is a widely held belief that Poland has been a land of oppression of Jewry.

It has been the unhappy fate of Poland to be saddled for the greater part of its history with a large proportion of the world's Jewish population. This, more than anything else, accounts of the tragic disunity which has kept Poland from taking its place among the great nations of the earth.

In 1793 (third partition) Poland was divided between Prussia, and Russia and thus ceased to exist as a nation. Russia thus fell heir to a full fledged Jewish problem.

The third partition of Poland was an event of paramount significance in Russian history because as a by-product of the partition she acquired the world's largest Jewish population. From this moment on Russia's history became hopelessly intertwined with the Jewish problem, and eventually, as we shall relate, the Jews brought about the downfall of Imperial Russia.

No one can possibly understand the nature of present day Communism, nor of Zionism, without some knowledge of the situation existing in Russia in the century preceding the October revolution of 1917. We have already noted the presence of Khazar Jews in Poland in the 10th century, and these same Khazar Jews are to be found in Russia from that time on. But whereas Poland had invited the evicted Jews of western Europe to settle in vast numbers within its boundaries in the 13th, 14th, and 15th centuries, the Imperial Russian government had permitted no such immigrations, and had in fact sealed its borders to them. As would be expected, therefore, the Imperial government was something less than enthusiastic over this sudden acquisition of Poland's teeming masses of Jews.

From the very beginning the Tsarist government imposed a set of restrictions designed to protect Russia's economy and culture from the inroads of the Jew. It was decreed (in 1772) that Jews could settle in Greater Russia, but only in certain areas. Within this "Pale of Settlement" Jews were more or less free to conduct their affairs as they pleased. But travel or residence beyond the Pale was rigidly restricted, so that in 1897 (date of Russia's 1st census) 93% of Russia's Jewish population lived within its boundaries, and only 6% of the total resided in other parts of the Empire. To prevent smuggling, no Jew was permitted to reside within 50 versts of the border.

From the standpoint of Jewish history, the Pale of Settlement ranks as one of the most significant factors of modern times. Here within a single and contiguous area the greater part of Jewry had gathered, and was to remain, for something like 125 years. For the first time Jewry was subjected to a common environment and a common ground of experience. Out of this common experience and environment there evolved the Yiddish speaking Jew of the 20th century. Here too were born the great movements of Zionism and Communism.

We have already remarked upon the habit of Jewry from ancient times of establishing and maintaining their own tribal community (kahal) within the framework of Christian society. We have noted also that as the Jew was driven from Western Europe, he brought with him to Poland this ancient custom. The Kahal was an established institution in Poland, and as the Jews settled within the Pale they set up these autonomous communities here too.

At first the Imperial government recognized the autonomous Kahal organization, permitting them to raise taxes and set up courts of law, where only Jewish litigants were concerned. In addition to the individual communities, there were district Kahal organizations which at first were permitted to assess local Jewish communities with taxes. In 1786 these privileges were drastically curtailed and Jews were thereafter obliged to appear before ordinary courts of law and the Kahal organization was restricted to matters of a religious and social nature.

Although Jewish propagandists have complained long and loudly of being oppressed by the Imperial government, it is a fact that up until 1881 they prospered beyond all expectation. Jewry settled on the Russian economy like a swarm of locusts in a field of new corn. Very quickly they achieved a monopoly over Russia's liquor, tobacco, and retail industries. Later they dominated the professions as well. Under the reign of Alexander I many of the restrictions against residence beyond the Pale of Settlement were relaxed, especially for the artisan and professional classes. A determined effort was made to establish Jews in agriculture and the government encouraged at every opportunity the assimilation of Jews into Russian national life.

The Pale of Settlement extended from the Crimea to the Baltic Sea, encompassing an area half as great as western Europe. By 1917, seven million Jews resided there, comprising perhaps half the world's total Jewish population. It was within the Pale of Settlement that the twin philosophies of Communism and Zionism flourished. Both movements grew out of Jewish hatred of Christian civilization (persecutor of the "chosen race"), and both movements have spread wherever Jews have emigrated. The Pale of Settlement has been the reservoir from which the world-wide forces of Communism have flowed.


Alexander's successor, Nicholas I, was less inclined to favor Jewry, and in fact viewed their inroads into the Russian economy with alarm. He was much hated by the Jews. Prior to his reign, Alexander I had allowed any male Jew the privilege of escaping compulsory military duty by paying a special draft-exemption tax. In 1827 Nicholas abolished the custom, with the result that Jews were for the first time taken into the Imperial armies.

In 1844 Nicholas I further antagonized Jewry by abolishing the institution of the Kahal, and in that same year he prohibited by law the traditional Jewish garb, specifying that all Jews should, except on ceremonial occasions, dress in conformity with Russian standards. These measures, and many others like them, were aimed at facilitating the assimilation of Jewry into Russian life. The Tsarist government was much concerned by the Jew's failure to become Russianized, and viewed with extreme hostility the ancient Jewish custom of maintaining a separate culture, language, mode of dress, etc.--all of which contributed to keep the Jew an alien in the land of his residence. It is to this determination to "Russianize" and "civilize" the Jew that we can ascribe the unusual efforts made by the Imperial government to provide free education to its Jews. In 1804 all schools were thrown open to Jews and attendance for Jewish children and made compulsory. Compulsory education was not only a novelty in Russia, but in any country in the early 19th century. In Russia education was generally reserved for a privileged few, and even as late as 1914 only 55% of her gentile population had been inside a school. The net result of the Imperial government's assimilation program was that Russian Jewry became the best educated segment in Russia. This eventually worked to the destruction of the Tsarist government.

The reign of Alexander II marked the apex of Jewish fortunes in Tsarist Russia. By 1880 they were becoming dominant in the professions, in many trades and industries, and were beginning to filter into government in increasing numbers. As early as 1861 Alexander II had permitted Jewish university graduates to settle and hold governmental positions in greater Russia, and by 1879 apothecaries, nurses, midwives, dentists, distillers, and skilled craftsmen were permitted to work and reside throughout the empire.

Nevertheless Russia's Jews were increasingly rebellious over the remaining restraints which still bound the greater part of Russian Jewry to the Pale of Settlement, and which, to some extent at least, restricted their commercial activities. Herein lay the dilemma; the Imperial government could retain certain of the restrictions against the Jews, and by doing so incur their undying hostility, or it could remove all restraints and thus pave the way for Jewish domination over every phase of Russian life. Certainly Alexander viewed this problem with increasing concern as time went on. Actually it was a problem capable of being solved.

Alexander II lost a considerable amount of his enthusiasm for liberal causes after an attempt was made to assassinate him in 1866. He dismissed his "liberal" advisors and from that time on displayed an inclination toward conservatism. This is not to say he became anti-Jewish, but he did show more firmness in dealing with them. In 1879 there was another attempt on his life, and another in the following year when his winter palace was blown up. In 1881 a plot hatched in the home of the Jewess, Hesia Helfman, was successful. Alexander II was blown up and so ended an era.

The reaction to the assassination of Alexander II was instantaneous and far reaching. There was a widespread belief, in and out of the government, that if the Jews were dissatisfied with the rule of Alexander II--whom the crypto-Jew, D'Israeli, had described as "the most benevolent prince that ever ruled Russia"--then they would be satisfied with nothing less than outright domination of Russia.

Up to 1881 Russian policy had consistently been directed in an attempt to "Russianize" the Jew, preparatory to accepting him into full citizenship. In line with this policy, free and compulsory education for Jews had been introduced, repeated attempts had been made to encourage them to settle on farms, and special efforts had been made to encourage them to engage in the crafts. Now Russian policy was reversed. Hereafter it became the policy of the Imperial government to prevent the further exploitation of the Russian people by the Jews. Thus began the death struggle between Tsar and Jew.

All through 1881 there was widespread anti-Jewish rioting all over the empire. Large numbers of Jews who had been permitted to settle beyond the Pale of Settlement were evicted. In May of 1882 the May Laws (Provisional Rules of May 3, 1882) were imposed, thus implementing the new governmental policy.

The May Laws shook the empire to its foundations. The following passage is taken from Encyclopedia Britannica (Page 76, vol. 2--1947): "The Russian May Laws were the most conspicuous legislative monument achieved by modern anti-Semitism... Their immediate results was a ruinous commercial depression which was felt all over the empire and which profoundly affected the national credit. The Russian minister was at his wits ends for money. Negotiations for a large loan were entered upon with the house of Rothschild and a preliminary contract was signed, when....the finance minister was informed that unless the persecutions of the Jews were stopped the great banking house would be compelled to withdraw from the operation. In this way anti-Semitism, which had already so profoundly influenced the domestic policies of Europe, set its mark on the international relations of the powers, for it was the urgent need of the Russian treasury quite as much as the termination of Prince Bismark's secret treaty of mutual neutrality which brought about the Franco-Russian alliance."

Thus, within a period of 92 years (from the 3rd partition to 1882) the Jews, although constituting only 4.2% of the population, had been able to entrench themselves so well in the Russian economy that the nation was almost bankrupted in the attempt to dislodge them. And as we have seen, the nation's international credit was also affected.

After 1881 events served increasingly to sharpen the enmity of Jewry toward Tsarism. The May Laws had not only restricted Jewish economic activity, but had attempted--unsuccessfully, as we shall see--to preserve Russia's cultural integrity. Hereafter Jews were permitted to attend state-supported schools and universities, but only in ratio to their population. This was not unreasonable since Russia's schools were flooded with Jewish students while large numbers of her gentile population were illiterate, but to the Jews this represented another bitter "persecution", and all the world was acquainted with the enormity of this new crime against Jewry.

On May 23rd a delegation of Jews headed by Baron Gunzberg called on the new Tsar (Alexander III) to protest the May Laws and the alleged discrimination against Jewry. As a result of the investigation which followed, Tsar Alexander issued an edict the following Sept. 3rd, a part of which is given here (Russia and Turkey in the 19th Century by E.W. Latimer, page 332, A.C. McClury & Co., 1895.):

"For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of the Jews in business matters...
During the last twenty years the Jews have gradually possessed themselves of not only every trade and business in all its branches, but also of a great part of the land by buying or farming it. With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefiting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants. This conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of the people, as manifested in acts of violence and robbery. The government, while on the one hand doing its best to put down the disturbances, and to deliver the Jews from oppression and slaughter, have also, on the other hand, thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end to the oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were, as is known, the cause of the agitations."

It was in this atmosphere that the twin movements of Marxism and Zionism began to take hold and dominate the mass of Russian Jewry. Ironically, both Zionism and Marxism were first promulgated by westernized German Jews. Zionism, whose chief advocate was Theodore Herzl, took root in Russia in the 1880s in competition with Marxism, whose high priest was Karl Marx, grandson of a rabbi. Eventually every Russian Jew came to identify himself with either one or the other of these movements.


* * *
Dharma is far too weary to go on today, but I have been building up to the connections, TODAY, of your own President to these elements of Communism and Zionism.

I told you that Clinton was to have begun spying in his college experience. He is linked directly and has been since the early 1980s. He was solidly linked with the CIA and an airstrip in western Arkansas was a part of a money laundering-drugs for money scam that continues TODAY through Clinton's appointments. Don't think that sweet old-time friends just commit suicide in beautiful Washington parks, readers. Get with this program--you are about to lose your planet, not to mention your nation.

I have had ones from the high level of Special Forces within the CIA state that they do not believe Clinton was an "actual" participant in the CIA. Well, HE WAS, IS AND IT IS A FACT TO BE FACED FOR HE ALSO IS CONNECTED TO BRITISH INTELLIGENCE THROUGH THE KGB!

I am not going to go fully into this subject because the one who is producing the information to the public--is a bit rusty from incarceration and exhuberant in his desire to make points of the conspiracy in progress. By being so easily recognized, it is awkward to take exception with some of the offered material which is not truth but would be presented TO HIM AS TRUTH. NO, THIS IS NOT RUSSBACHER, although Gunther did also say he "doubted that Clinton was actually in the CIA." I have no comment as to his "connections" as "connections" are RARELY as presented through the Special Intelligence participants. It is a part of the game, readers--a part of the training program in point. Part of the intent is to pull ME into making some erroneous statements and then blasting me--no, I'm not playing that game either. I only offer what is printed and offered elsewhere and there is a big article on the front page by the Spotlight staff in the SPOTLIGHT. We will be offering a lot of original information from Stew Webb so do stay tuned but let us not jump off into blind information traps, please.

Thank you,

Good evening.

PJ 79
FRI., OCT. 1, 1993 2:26 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 046
FRI., OCTOBER 1, 1993
I am asked to AGAIN comment on the antics of George Green. I have no wish to say anything more on the subject at all but I do understand the local problem since the mailings of the "package" of documents to various Board Members of the Institute. The main thing to remember is that the money and coins in point in both the Court and Institute is YOURS. If YOU wish to give George Green YOUR money and THAT OF YOUR FAMILIES--it is up to you. I suggest, however, that participants outside your local Board will NOT WISH TO GIVE AWAY THEIRS TO PLACATE ONE GEORGE GREEN WHO HAS DAMAGED THEM QUITE SUFFICIENTLY, IT WOULD SEEM TO ME.

You ask, also, about other documents regarding "turning in the Ekkers" to various places and what about it? Well, Ed DeMar of Sedona and George Green and associates turned in the Ekkers to the "Welfare Department", Food Stamp Division, etc. AND the FDA for shutdown of Gaiandriana. After intensive investigations into every facet of these people's lives, privacy and every account available--THEY PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS! So, what does THAT make the JudasGoats??

Now, as to the pathetic letter from Dee Smith--I have hardly any comment to make. This was the most confused and openly pain-filled person encountered here. Privacy will be maintained for Dee but the letter has caused gasps of disbelief at the writing and "shame on you, Dee". There is always more to an "estranged" situation than, surely, THIS writer offers to you who would "hang" the Ekkers--for YOU knew the situation and circumstance and HOW MUCH INCREDIBLE HELP SHE RECEIVED FROM THE EKKERS.

The rest of her letter speaks for itself. As an employee she was both unpredictable, broke privacy of ANYONE who incorporated through this route (INCLUDING GEORGE GREEN WITH AT LEAST 2-3 CORPORATIONS) and, obviously, by her own reports, went through everything at the Ekker's home. Apparently the worst thing she found WRONG was that E.J. found money to pay her for services rendered--which she DESPERATELY NEEDED. This is exactly what the Institute was set up FOR--help, projects (such as the incorporation corporation, etc.). What, if anything, Green expects to gain from this pathetic writing of Dee Smith is unthinkable in my opinion. I do have something to say about the compressed earth equipment and product NOW touted and sold as with a joint venture between Smiths and Greens.

Bob Smith sought out the equipment person WHILE WORKING WITH EKKERS; moreover, he was present when a machine was brought to Tehachapi. TOO BAD HE DIDN'T PAY ATTENTION TO SEE THAT WITHOUT FULL AND ADEQUATE TREATMENT (VERY EXPENSIVE AT PRESENT AND SURPASSES REGULAR BUILDING PRODUCTS) THE BRICKS TAKE ON MOISTURE AND BREAK DOWN AND ACTUALLY DISSOLVE IN RAIN. This is hardly a worthy type of building material to foist off on an unsuspecting public as is being offered at present by those people. If they have found treatment suitable and easily applied--fine. To me, Hatonn, the entire thing stinks of foul manipulation. Dee "claimed" to have written for Commander Korton while here and after she left here--IS THIS VALID, DEE, OR NOT? If I had to give personal response to Dee as a person--I, too, would probably say "shame on you, Dee", you know this letter in behalf of George Green to "Get the Ekkers" only causes your disloyalty and total lack of honor to your employer or self to show through in blazing response to your writing. It would not seem unusual for an employer to wish an employee out of his "store" if the employee is rummaging through and using out of context documents to hurt him. "THIS" by your own statement--not tattlers. This indicates that your loyalty and integrity is of little value when you join the adversary's game! I am sure that others in this location will respond to that letter and these other instances--it would seem that Ekkers have come through once again with openly flying colors as to both integrity and management. You will note that the first thing in George's letter--right up front--is that HE KEEPS THE GOLD FREE AND CLEAR! So be it but I wouldn't settle this, Board, without clearing with participants in the Institute and your own participation. If George thinks we fear "trial"--I would suggest you tell him to "think again".

Subject two, however, the settlement he produces here. Remember, originally, a very long time ago before any other "arrangements" were made secretly and/or CONTEMPT charges were brought against Ekkers, etc., that settlement was somewhat agreeable--BUT GEORGE GOT ANGRY AT MR. DIXON (WHO HE STILL CLAIMS TO HAVE UNDER HIS THUMB) AND CANCELLED ANY FURTHER DISCUSSION ABOUT IT. What is important NOW is WHAT AGREEMENT DID HE WORK OUT IN SECRET WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY THAT SOLD YOU DOWN THE DRAIN? Let ME give you a bit of insight. He has agreed to LET YOU OR EKKERS PAY WHATEVER THE US&P DEMANDS. HIS ONLY AGREEMENT WITH THEM IS THAT HE WILL PICK UP SOME OF WHAT THEY CAN'T FORCE EKKERS AND/OR ANOTHER RESOURCE, TO PAY. It is hard to know what Green wants in this latest pile of garbage. Is it the gold he wants while the Institute forfeits the coins to pay off all that George has run up on every front?? There are several things in point and the demands vague indeed for the Institute.

If you are asking how this affects Dharma, however, that is another question. It is painful as are all of the attacks and time-wasters from our work. Her response to Dee? "I believe I now know how the Master felt when Judas kissed him in the garden--the ultimate betrayal." As a hypnotherapist, Dharma knows everything there is to know about the deepest level of pain in Dee's heart--and she would no more reveal that to anyone than sever her own arm. For Dee to betray her friendship and trust is about as low as one can get in lack of self-esteem and outsider manipulation. And E.J.? He doesn't even bother to comment! Right where ALL OF US are going to be--RIGHT NOW! THIS is all, if the readership wants the letters in point to read, the editor shall run them--with the "turn-in" letters from DeMar. It would appear to me the enemy just simply continues to confirm exactly what he is and what he is trying to do--he certainly helps our cause immeasurably.


And then to say he is going ahead and doing EVERYTHING he can to continue to spread the WORD is a bit boggling, is it not? Now receiving from the Pleiadians in Switzerland?? Come now, George, you may "this time" get into Barbara's territory. You hurt Billy Meier badly. You should give back his pictures and clear the channels with him for he is not well and the poor man has no way to function in the clutches in which he finds himself. If you, as you state, are passing out information, some true and some not--it is not acceptable, I would suggest. God did not turn from YOU--YOU turned a full circle away from God and so be it. First you told the world that I, Hatonn, had "moved with you to Nevada" and that was a blatant LIE--now you denounce me altogether--you cannot HAVE IT EVERY WAY! If you cannot see what is WRONG--then indeed you ARE IN PATHETIC STATE. THEN when ones defend themselves against that which YOU BROUGHT FORTH TO PULL THEM DOWN--YOU WHINE AND LIE TO DISTRACT AN AUDIENCE--WHAT AUDIENCE?? THESE ARE "MY" FRIENDS YOU OFFEND--IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH EKKERS! IN SO DOING, YOU OFFEND ME, IN SERVICE ONLY UNTO HOLY GOD CREATOR. You have chosen to work with and serve the adversary--I suggest you do whatever you will--but I think much more tampering with and annoying of our friends will merit you little save the floodlight turned upon your worldly greedy deeds.

Let this be.

* * *
I believe that we will not comment on India's earthquakes, etc., but move right on with information about players in this massive game of world domination. It is ALL so thoroughly connected that commenting on one quake will not do more than delay disclosure of the PLAN.

Let us take up with BEHIND COMMUNISM with:

As an outgrowth of this political fermentation, [in Russia] there appeared at the beginning of the century one of the most remarkable terroristic organizations ever recorded in the annals of history. This was the Jewish dominated Social Revolutionary Party, which between 1901 and 1906 was responsible for the assassination of no less than six first ranking leaders of the Imperial government, including Minister of Education Bogolepov (1901); Minister of Interior Sipyagin (1902); Governor of Ufa Bogdanovich (1903); Premier Viachelav von Plehve (1904); Grand Duke Sergei, uncle of the Tsar (1905); and General Dubrassov, who had suppressed the Moscow insurrection (1906).

Chief architect of these terroristic activities was the Jew, Gershuni, who headed the "terror section" of the Social Revolutionary Party. In charge of the "fighting section" was Yevno Azev, son of a Jewish tailor, and one of the principal founders of the party.

Azev later plotted, but was unable to carry out, the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II. He was executed in 1909 and Gershuni was sentenced to life imprisonment. This marked the end of the terroristic activities of the party but the effect of these political murders was far reaching. Never again was the royal family or its ministers free from the fear of assassination. Soon another prime minister would be shot down--this time in the very presence of the Tsar. This was the backdrop for the Revolution of 1905.

The revolution of 1905, like that of 1917, occurred in an atmosphere of war. On Jan. 2nd, 1905, the Japanese captured Fort Arthur and thereby won the decisive victory of the war. Later in January there occurred a tragic incident which was the immediate cause of the 1905 revolution, and which was to affect the attitude of Russia's industrial population toward the Tsar for all time. This was the "Bloody Sunday" affair.

The Imperial government, in its attempts to gain the favor of the industrial population, and in its search for a way to combat Jewish revolutionary activity, had adopted the tactic of encouraging the formation of legal trade unions, to which professional agitators were denied membership. These trade unions received official recognition and were protected by law.

One of the most outstanding trade union leaders--and certainly the most unusual--was Father Gapon, a priest in the Russian Orthodox Church. On the day Port Arthur fell a number of clashes occurred in Petersburg's giant Putilov Works between members of Father Gapon's labor organization and company officials. A few days later the Putilov workers went on strike.

Father Gapon resolved to take the matter directly to the Tsar. On the following Sunday thousands of Petersburg's workmen and their families turned out to participate in the appeal to the "little father". The procession was entirely orderly and peaceful and the petitioners carried patriotic banners expressing loyalty to the crown. At the palace gate the procession was met by a flaming volley of rifle fire. Hundreds of workmen and members of their families were slaughtered. This was "Bloody Sunday", certainly one of the blackest days in Tsarist history.

Was Tsar Nicholas II responsible for Bloody Sunday, as Marxist propagandists have claimed? He couldn't have been because he WAS OUT OF THE CITY AT THE TIME. Father Gapon had marched on an empty palace. But the harm had been done.

Bloody Sunday marked the beginning of the 1905 revolution. For the first time the Jewish-Marxists were joined by large numbers of the working class. Bloody Sunday delivered Russia's industrial population into the hands of the Jew-dominated revolutionary movement.

A strike broke out in Lodz in late January, and by June 22nd this developed into an armed insurrection in which 2000 were killed. The Tsar acted at once to recover the situation. In early February, he ordered an investigation (by the Shidlovsky Commission) into the causes of unrest among the Petersburg workers and later in the year (August) he announced provisions for establishing a legislature, which later came to be the Duma. Not only that, but he offered amnesty to political offenders, under which, incidentally, Lenin returned to Russia. But these attempts failed.

On October 20th the Jewish Menshevik-led All-Russian Railway union went on strike. On the 21st a general strike was called in Petersburg, and on the 25th there were general strikes in Moscow, Smolensk, Kursk, and other cities.

On October 26th the revolutionary Petersburg Soviet was founded. This Petersburg Soviet assumed the functions of a national government. It issued decrees, proclaimed an eight hour day, freedom of the press, and otherwise exercised the prerogatives of a government. [H: Pay attention to the happenings in Russia TODAY--and note that you are almost to the anniversary date of "fateful" October and the allotted time segment to be where the World Order is at this time. October is a big month for these people! I suggest you pay close attention all the time.]

From the very beginning the Soviet was dominated by the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party, although the Social Revolutionary Party was also represented. Its first president was the Menshevik, Zborovski, who was succeeded by Georgii Nosar. He in turn was succeeded by Lev Trotzky, who chiefly as a result of the prestige gained in 1905, became one of the guiding spirits of the October revolution in 1917.

Trotzky became president of the Petersburg Soviet on Dec. 9th, and a week later some 300 members of the Soviet, including Trotzky, were arrested. The revolution was almost, but not quite, over.

On Dec. 20th the Jew, Parvus, assumed control of the new executive committee of the Soviet and organized a general strike in Petersburg which involved 90,000 workers. The next day 150,000 workers went on strike in Moscow, and there were insurrections in Chita, Kansk, and Rostov. But within a week the government had gained the upper hand and by the 30th of December the revolution was over.

AFTER 1905
As an outcome of the 1905 revolution, Tsar Nicholas II set about remedying the shortcomings of his regime in a most commendable manner. At his decree, Russia was given representative government and a constitution. An elective legislative--the Duma--was established, and free elections were held. By these measures and others which followed, Russia seemed well on the way to becoming a constitutional monarchy patterned after the western European model, and as a point of fact it was only the outbreak of World War I which prevented this from becoming a reality.

As would be expected, the Jewish revolutionary parties bitterly opposed these reforms, looking on them as merely a device by which the forces of revolution could be dissipated. Actually these measures did succeed in pacifying the Russian masses, and the years between 1905 and 1914 were ones of comparative quiet and progress. No man deserves more credit for this state of affairs than Premier Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin, who, in the year following the 1905 revolt, emerged as the most impressive figure in Imperial Russia.

From 1906 to 1911 it is no exaggeration to say that he dominated Russian politics. It was he who gave Russia the famed "Stolypin Constitution", which among other things undertook to guarantee the civil rights of the peasantry, which constituted 85% of Russia's population. His land reforms, for which he is most famous, not only gave the peasant the right to own land but actually financed the purchase with government loans. Stolypin was determined to give the peasant a stake in capitalism, believing that "the natural counterweight of the communal principal is individual ownership."

Were the Stolypin land reforms effective? Bertram Wolfe, who is on all points anti-Tsarist and pro-revolutionary, has this to say (Three Who Made a Revolution, page 360, by Bertram Wolfe, Dial Press, New York, 1948.): "Between 1907 and 1914, under the Stolypin land reform laws, 2,000,000 peasant families seceded from the village mir and became individual proprietors. All through the war the movement continued, so that by Jan. 1, 1916, 6,200,000 peasant families, out of approximately 16,000,000 eligible, had made application for separation. Lenin saw the matter as a race with time between Stolypin's reforms and the next upheaval. Should an upheaval be postponed for a couple of decades, the new land measures would so transform the countryside that it would no longer be a revolutionary force. How near Lenin came to losing the race is proved by the fact that in 1917, when he called on the peasants to "take the land", they already owned more than three-fourths of it."

Russian Jewry wanted revolution, not reform. As early as 1906 an attempt had been made to assassinate Premier Stolypin when his country house was destroyed by a bomb. Finally, in Sept. of 1911 the best premier Russia ever had was shot down in cold blood while attending a gala affair at the Kiev Theater. The assassin was a Jewish lawyer named Mordecai Bogrov. Thus it was that Russia had since 1902 lost two premiers to Jewish assassins.

Many of Stolypin's reforms were carried out after his death. In 1912 an industrial insurance law was inaugurated which gave all industrial workmen sickness and accident compensation to the extent of two-thirds and three-fourths of their regular pay. For the first time the newspapers of the revolutionary parties were given legal status. Public schools were expanded and the election laws were revised. In 1913 a general amnesty for all political prisoners was given. Not even the severest critic of Tsarism can deny that these measures represented a sincere attempt on the part of the Imperial government to bring about reform. Why, in spite of all this, was the Tsar overthrown?

[H: This is a good question and also a good time to interject some attention notes to what is going on today in Russia. There is NO WAY that there is love between the government in power (Yeltsin) and the Israeli Zionist Jews. I don't comment on the man, Yeltsin--I just suggest you GO BACK A FEW YEARS TO HIS FIRST BIG VISIT TO THE U.S. AND REMEMBER THE SNUBBING AND OFFICIAL GUFF YOU IN AMERICA GAVE THIS MAN. YOU CALLED HIM A DRUNK AND THE ZIONISTS DID EVERYTHING THEY COULD TO SOUR ANY RELATIONSHIP YOU MIGHT GAIN WITH HIM. SINCE THEN? HE HAS GAINED THE UPPER HAND AGAINST YOU, USING THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, ETC., TO HIS OWN ADVANTAGE. Is this perhaps some KIND OF BLACKMAIL or actual camaraderie? Russia has managed to get most of your reserves of commodities--certainly grain--and you DO NOT HAVE THE UPPER HAND IN ANY TECHNICAL SENSE AT ALL. Is that Yeltsin government on YOUR side or YOUR side? That depends on which side of the adversarial coin YOU ARE ON. WHO, EXACTLY, DO YOU SERVE--FREEDOM OR THE NEW WORLD ORDER? WHO DOES YELTSIN SERVE? I SUGGEST THAT WHEN YOU FIND OUT THAT ANSWER--YOU WILL HAVE QUITE AN INTERESTING BIT OF INSIGHT--DEPENDING ON HOW YOU FORESEE YOURSELVES IN THE WORLD ORDER!

A great hoopla is made about Clinton and the British and on and on through the bilious nations of the world being "on Yeltsin's side"! DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK YELTSIN APPEARS TO SO MUCH AS ‘GIVE A DAMN'? COME ON, SLEEPYHEADS, YOU ARE LIKE A BUNCH OF WIMPY BACK-SIDE KISSERS AND THEY HOWL IN GLEE AT YOU IN RUSSIA.]

One of the chief factors contributing to the destruction of the Imperial government was the onset of World War I. Before the war the Imperial military establishment had contained perhaps 1,500,000 professional troops, well trained and loyal to the corps.... "..but by 1917 the regular army was gone. Its losses for the first ten months of the war were reckoned as 3,800,000, or, to take the reckoning of the Quartermaster-General, Danilov, 300,000 a month and the officers, who went into action standing, while commanding their men to crawl, were falling at twice the rate of the men." (Russia, page 41, by Bernard Peres, New American Library, New York, revised 1969.) Altogether 18 million men were called to the colors, most of whom were conscripted from the peasantry. Although courageous in battle they proved politically unreliable and were easily incited by agitators.

Large numbers of the industrial population were also drafted into the armies and their places were taken by peasants, fresh out of the country. As a result, Russia's principal cities came to be populated by a working class which was peasant in origin and habit of thinking, but which lacked the conservatism and stability which seems to go with tenure of the land. This new proletariat was in reality an uprooted and landless peasantry, poorly adjusted to city life and easily stirred up by propagandists.

Now--it should be remembered that the Russian revolution was carried out by a handful of revolutionaries operating mainly in the larger cities. While something like 85% of Russia's gentile population was rural, these country people took virtually no part in the revolt. Conversely, only 2.4% of the Jewish population was actually situated on the farms; the great majority of the Jews were congregated in the cities. Says the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (page 285, vol. 9, New York, 1939): "...it must be noted that the Jews lived almost exclusively in the cities and towns; in Russia's urban population the Jews constituted 11%. Two additional factors were taken into consideration. On the one hand, the rural population took practically no part in political activities, and on the other, there was virtually no illiteracy among the Russian Jews." As a matter of fact, the Jews represented a substantial portion of Russia's educated class. Not only that, but the overwhelming majority of Russia's professional class were Jews. So completely was the Jewish domination of the professions that only one out of eight of Russia's professional people were gentile. In other words, the Jews, who constituted 4.2% of Russia's pre-war population, comprised something like 87% of its professional class.

Also significant was the fact that the theater of war was situated in those areas most heavily populated by Jews. By 1914, it should be remembered, Russia's Jewish population was nearing the seven million mark. (the exact figure given in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia is 6,946,000). A substantial number of these resided in Russian Poland, which was a war zone. The majority of these Jews, out of hatred for the Tsarist regime, were inclined to favor a German victory. As a result, the IMPERIAL high command was compelled to remove all Jews from the war area in the early part of 1915. In May of 1915, for example, the supreme command expelled all Jewish residents from the provinces of Courland and Grodno. Altogether, nearly a half million Jews were forced to leave their homes in the military zone. These expellees were at first required to remain within the Pale of Settlement, but in August of 1915 they were permitted to settle in all cities in the empire. Thus it was that as the war progressed a flood of Tsar-hating Jews began infiltrating the cities beyond the Pale.

The revolution occurred in March of 1917, in St. Petersburg, capital city of the Romanovs. From beginning to end the revolt involved an amazingly small number of people, when we consider that the fate of 150 million Russians was at stake. The revolt came, as we have tried to indicate, because of Jewish unrest, because of Jewry's dissatisfaction and, above all, because of Jewry's determination to destroy Tsarism. By the Spring of 1917 Russia's unstable urban population had been thoroughly poisoned by this dissatisfaction. A food shortage in Petersburg fanned this dissatisfaction into the flame of revolution.

St. Petersburg in the third year of World War I was Russia's chief armaments production center and by reason of this possessed the largest industrial population of any city in Russia. It also had the largest Jewish population of any city outside the Pale of Settlement. By March, 1917, a breakdown in the Russian transportation system resulted in a severe food shortage in the city. At the same time, many of the city's factories began shutting down due to material shortages. Both of these factors were extremely important in the days immediately ahead.

The desperate food shortage affected virtually every family in the city. Furthermore, the enforced idleness of the working population--due to factory shutdowns--threw vast numbers of workmen onto the streets. Given here is a day by day account of the events which resulted in the overthrow of the Tsar and the establishment of the Provisional Government:

March 5th: It was evident by this time--even to foreign visitors--that trouble was brewing. Bread lines were growing day by day, and factory workmen began to appear on the streets in large numbers. During the day the police began mounting machine guns in strategic places throughout the city.

March 6th: The government brought a large number of Cossack troops into the city in anticipation of trouble. Revolution was now freely predicted, and many of the shops in expectation of this began boarding up windows. The few remaining factories were closed by strikes and the police mounted more machine guns. The Tsar, who was visiting the toops at the front, still had not returned to the city. The Duma remained in session.

March 8th: Crowds of women began a series of street demonstrations in protest over the bread shortage. Agitators, many of whom were veterans of the 1905 Revolution, began to take charge and organize diversionary demonstrations. Here and there the crowds sang the "Marseillaise"--regarded in Russia as a revolutionary song. A number of red flags appeared. At the corner of Nevsky Prospekt and the Catherine Canal mounted police, aided by Cossack cavalry, dispersed the crowds. There were no casualties. Significantly, however, the crowds had raised the red flag of revolution without being fired on.

March 9th: The Nevsky from Catherine Canal to Nicholai Station was jammed from early morning with crowds, which were larger and bolder than on the preceding day. Streetcars were no longer running. The Cossack cavalry, under orders to keep the Nevsky clear of demonstrators, repeatedly charged the mobs, and a few people were trampled. But it was observed that the cavalrymen used only the flats of their sabres, and at no time used fire arms. This encouraged the mob, which held the Cossacks in dread. Meanwhile, agitators were constantly at work.

March 10th: During the afternoon huge crowds collected around Nicholai Station. An American photographer, Donald Thompson, has described in vivid fashion the scene there (Donald Thompson in Russia, page 54, by Donald Thompson, Century Co., New York, 1918):

"About two o'clock a man richly dressed in furs came up to the square in a sleigh and ordered his driver to go through the crowd, which by this time was in a very ugly mood, although it seemed to be inclined to make way for him. He was impatient and probably cold and started an argument. All Russians must have their argument. Well, he misjudged this crowd, and also misjudged the condition in Petrograd. I was within 150 feet of this scene. He was dragged out of his sleigh and beaten. He took refuge in a stalled street car where he was followed by the workingmen. One of them took a small iron bar and beat his head to a pulp. This seemed to give the mob a taste for blood. Immediately I was pushed along in front of the crowd which surged down the Nevsky and began smashing windows and creating general disorder. Many of the men carried red flags on sticks. The shops along the Nevsky, or most of them, are protected by heavy iron shutters. Those that were not had their windows smashed. I noticed about this time that ambulances were coming and going on the side streets. There were usually three or four people lying in each one."

The disorder now became general. The mobs turned their fury on the police, who barricaded themselves for a desperate last stand in the police stations. There they were slaughtered almost to the last man, and the prisons were emptied of their entire populations, including desperate criminals of every category.

March 11th: Widespread rioting continued on the 11th. Added to the terror of revolution were the depredations of the recently liberated criminal population. During the day the Duma sent the following urgent message to the Tsar, now entrained for Petersburg: "The situation is serious. There is anarchy in the capital. The government is paralyzed. The situation as regards transportation, food supplies, and fuel has reached a state of complete disorganization. Police dissatisfaction is growing. Disorderly shooting is taking place in the streets. Different sections of the troops are shooting at each other. It is necessary immediately to intrust a person who has the confidence of the country with the creation of a new government."

The Tsar's reaction was tragically out of keeping with the reality of the situation. It is doubtful that he even had an inkling of what was really transpiring. His reaction was to command the dissolution of the Duma. The overwhelming majority of the Duma's membership--loyal to the Tsar--obeyed his command, with the result that the last vestige of governmental authority ceased to exist in the capital.

March 12th: The president of the dissolved Duma sent this last despairing message to the Tsar: "The situation is becoming worse. Immediate means must be taken, for tomorrow it will be too late. The last hour has struck and the fate of the fatherland and the dynasty is being decided." Tsar Nicholas II may never have received the message; in any event he did not reply. And indeed, the hour was late....

At 1:00 A.M. on the morning of the 12th one of the regiments (the Volynski) revolted, killing its officers. By 11 A.M. six regiments had revolted. AT 11:30 A.M. the garrison of the Peter and Paul fortress surrendered and joined the revolution. The only section of the city which now remained under governmental control was the War Office, the Admiralty Building, and St. Isaacs Cathedral. The revolution was now an accomplished fact. Four days later, on the 16th, the Tsar, whose train never reached Petersburg, abdicated. The closing words of his written abdication announcement were: "May God have mercy on Russia." And before a year had passed, these words had been echoed many, many times.

The 12th of March marked the formation of two governing bodies which were to jointly rule Russia for the next 8 months. The first of these was the Provisional Committee of the Duma, consisting of 12 members headed by Prince Lvov. This group served as the Provisional Government until overthrown in October by the Bolsheviks. At all times, however, it governed by the sufferance of the Petersburg Soviet, which was the second body organized on the 12th.

This Petersburg Soviet was in reality dominated by the Menshevik and Bolshevik factions of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, of whom the Mensheviks were by far the most powerful. A second party, the Social Revolutionary Party, was a minority party.

Eventually, as we shall see, the Bolshevik faction gained control over the Petersburg Soviets and, having done so, at once precipitated the October Revolution and established the regime which remained in power. To better understand these events, it is necessary that we trace the history of these Mensheviks and Bolsheviks and their Russian Social Democratic Labor party.


* * *
It is very important, readers, that you pay close attention as this unfolds for the players in the major "game of the world" are being shown to you through this dark glass placed between your eyes and truth. The "LIE" has become the mark of "normal" procedure as you can see even in our small and personal confrontations.

It is interesting that even in the game with Mr. Green, HE HIMSELF uses the LIE to somehow cause YOU to consider the LIE AS THE TRUTH or at the least to so confuse that you can only simply shake your head in the "wondering". He sends a letter copy to "back up his cause" from DeMar to the "Welfare Department" efforting to bring "food stamp fraud" charges against the Ekkers AND USES AS CAUSE THE CHECKS GEORGE "SAID" HE HAD PAID THE EKKERS FOR THE GOLD IN POINT. This becomes the lie about the lie which was NOTHING EVER other than a LIE. Do you not see, however, how the confusion causes ones to fail to get a point? THERE WERE NO CHECKS, THERE WAS NEVER EVEN KNOWLEDGE ON THE PART OF EKKERS REGARDING GOLD IN GREEN'S POSSESSION--AND NOW THE LIE UPON LIE IS USED TO HOPEFULLY SUCKER ONES INTO SOMEHOW PERCEIVING "TRUTH" FROM THOSE LIES. IT IS TYPICAL ROBOTIC PROGRAMMING/BRAINWASHING PROCEDURE.


Let us bring this to a rest for it is IMPORTANT that you ones glean the meat from these current lessons--upon your knowing, rests your world. Salu, and Good Evening.