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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#079, MARCHING TO ZOG!

    PJ 79
    If you believe that a semi-secret organization can be powerful enough to seize control of America and the World is a crazy figment of a mad-mind and a BAD JOKE--THINK AGAIN! ZOG is no myth; it is what has become "reality". DISRAELI: "The world is governed by very different personages, from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-024-8
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    November 1993
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    SAT., OCTOBER 9, 1993................................................................................................ .....
    "ZOG"?................................................................................................... ...............................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., SEPTEMBER 27, 1993...........................................................................................
    IN THIS GEOGRAPHIC AREA...........................................................................................
    VALLEY FEVER............................................................................................... ....................
    ASPIN'S OPTION.............................................................................................. ...................
    INSERT CHART--THE ROAD TO 1997............................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 29, 1993............................................................................................
    SPELT AND OTHER THINGS............................................................................................
    BREAD............................................................................................... ...................................
    MOSCOW WEATHER............................................................................................. ............
    NUTRITIONAL LABELING AND EDUCATION ACT OF 1990....................................
    INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE......................................................................................
    BEHIND COMMUNISM........................................................................................... ..........
    WHITLEY STREIBER............................................................................................ ..............
    BEHIND COMMUNISM--THE PERSECUTION MYTH................................................
    WITH SHRILL INSISTENCE:......................................................................................... ....
    THE JEW IN EUROPE--EVEN THE COINS WERE JEWISH........................................
    EXPELLED............................................................................................ ................................
    THE EXPLOITERS.......................................................................................... .....................
    ENGLAND............................................................................................. ...............................
    FRANCE.............................................................................................. ..................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 29, 1993............................................................................................
    REVISIONISTS........................................................................................ .............................
    RETURN TO THE EAST, THE EVICTIONS.....................................................................
    BACK TO POLAND.............................................................................................. ...............
    THE RENAISSANCE......................................................................................... ..................
    THE GHETTOS............................................................................................. ........................
    THE CHAZARS............................................................................................. .......................
    POLAND'S FATE................................................................................................ .................
    RUSSIA.............................................................................................. ....................................
    PALE OF SETTLEMENT.......................................................................................... ...........
    THE KAHAL............................................................................................... ..........................
    **NICHOLAS I***................................................................................................ ...............
    THE NEW POLICY.............................................................................................. ................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., OCTOBER 1, 1993................................................................................................ ......
    COMMENTS............................................................................................ .............................
    THE TERROR SECTION, SIX ASSASSINATED..............................................................
    BLOODY SUNDAY.............................................................................................. ................
    FATHER GAPON............................................................................................... ...................
    REVOLUTION OF 1905................................................................................................ ......
    PETERSBURG SOVIET, TROTZKY IN POWER.............................................................
    PARVUS.............................................................................................. ...................................
    AFTER 1905................................................................................................ .........................
    WORLD WAR I................................................................................................... ..................
    THE EVACUATIONS......................................................................................... ..................
    REVOLUTION.......................................................................................... ............................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT. OCTOBER 2, 1993................................................................................................ ......
    WHAT IS BOLSHEVISM?......................................................................................... ..........
    HISTORY OF BOLSHEVISM.......................................................................................... ....
    LENIN............................................................................................... .....................................
    ISKRA............................................................................................... .....................................
    UNIFICATION CONGRESS............................................................................................ ....
    REVOLUTION OF 1905................................................................................................ ......
    THE LONDON CONGRESS............................................................................................ ...
    THE YEAR 1908................................................................................................ ..................
    THE TROIKA.............................................................................................. ..........................
    JANUARY PLENUM.............................................................................................. .............
    THE 1917 REVOLUTION.......................................................................................... .........
    INDIA SHAKEUP............................................................................................. ....................
    NOW YOUR NAVY................................................................................................ .............
    WACO................................................................................................ ....................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., OCTOBER 3, 1993................................................................................................ ....
    OVERWHELM........................................................................................... ...........................
    JACK LONDON.............................................................................................. .....................
    COVERING TRACKS AND DECEIT.................................................................................
    THE IRON HEEL By Jack London....................................................................................
    CONTINUING: BEHIND COMMUNISM.........................................................................
    PETERSBURG SOVIET, IT CONTROLLED THE MOB.................................................
    THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT..............................................................................
    CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS.......................................................................
    SECURITY AND SURVIVAL............................................................................................ ..
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    MON. OCTOBER 4, 1993................................................................................................ ...
    "FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE............................................................................................
    SCREEN-PLAY FOR CONSIDERATION..........................................................................
    END OF SOVEREIGNTY......................................................................................... ...........
    RUSSIAN-US TROOPS PACT............................................................................................
    RUSSIAN NUCLEAR EXERCISES INCLUDE MOCK HIT ON U.S.............................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., OCTOBER 5, 1993................................................................................................ ....
    ALL-RUSSIAN CONGRESS OF SOVIETS.......................................................................
    LENIN RETURNS............................................................................................. ...................
    SIXTH PARTY CONGRESS............................................................................................ ....
    TROTZKY TO POWER............................................................................................... ........
    MILITARY REVOLUTIONARY COMMITTEE................................................................
    REVOLUTION.......................................................................................... ............................
    CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY............................................................................................ ..
    WAR COMMISSAR........................................................................................... ..................
    MURDER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY.................................................................................
    THE RED TERROR.............................................................................................. ................
    THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL....................................................................................... ..
    ROSA LUXEMBERG'S REVOLUTION............................................................................
    BELA KUN................................................................................................. ...........................
    THE TRIUMVIRATE......................................................................................... ...................
    TROTZKY IN DECLINE............................................................................................. .........
    STALIN TO POWER............................................................................................... .............
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., OCTOBER 7, 1993................................................................................................ ...
    PRESS CONFERENCE.......................................................................................... ..............
    IMMEDIATE ATTENTION........................................................................................... .......
    STALIN'S PAST................................................................................................ ....................
    SVETLANA STALIN MARRIES KAGANOVICH...........................................................
    KAGANOVICH.......................................................................................... ..........................
    IRON CURTAIN DICTATORS........................................................................................... .
    JEWS IN AMERICA............................................................................................. ................
    SEPHARDIC PERIOD.............................................................................................. ............
    GERMAN PERIOD.............................................................................................. .................
    RUSSIAN-POLISH PERIOD.............................................................................................. .
    NEW YORK: JEW CAPITAL OF THE WORLD...............................................................
    U.S. COMMUNIST PARTY............................................................................................... ..
    THE TREASON TRIALS.............................................................................................. .......
    AMERASIA CASE................................................................................................ ................
    INSERTS Pictures Of Some Khazar Zionists From
    Past And Present Times (Pages 141-155).........................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., OCTOBER 7, 1993................................................................................................ ...
    CLINTON'S SPEECH.............................................................................................. ............
    CONTINUATION: BEHIND COMMUNISM....................................................................
    ALGER HISS CASE................................................................................................ .............
    JUDITH COPLIN.............................................................................................. ....................
    GERHART EISLER.............................................................................................. ................
    THE HOLLYWOOD TEN................................................................................................. ...
    THE AMERICAN POLITBURO..........................................................................................
    THE FUCHS-GOLD SPY RING..........................................................................................
    THE ROSENBERGS.......................................................................................... ...................
    BEHIND THE ATOM TREASON.......................................................................................
    SCIENTIST X................................................................................................... .....................
    CANADIAN SPY RING................................................................................................ .......
    SECOND-STRING POLITBURO........................................................................................
    THE ROUNDUP............................................................................................. ......................
    THREE GENTILES............................................................................................ ...................
    VANDERBILT FIELD............................................................................................... ............
    WHITTAKER CHAMBERS............................................................................................ ....
    ELIZABETH BENTLEY............................................................................................. .........
    COMMUNISM IN HOLLYWOOD.....................................................................................
    AN EASY TARGET.............................................................................................. ................
    JEWS OWN THE FILM INDUSTRY..................................................................................
    THE BIG THREE............................................................................................... ...................
    "KOSHER VALLEY".................................................................................................... .......
    PROPAGANDA IN THE MOVIES......................................................................................
    COMMUNISM VS. ZIONISM.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................

    To you blessed ones who are WILLING to see and hear, for you run short of time to come into your TRUTH and the making of your choices. May you remember the PLAN 2000 set against you for it has taken expression and power over the globe upon which you live and shall perish.
    SAT., OCTOBER 9, 1993 10:16 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 054
    SAT., OCTOBER 9, 1993
    Editor's note: ZOG stands for Zionist Occupational Government. Zionist: Someone who will sacrifice any person, anything, or any nation for the greater good of Israel. Occupational: Possession by force, rather than by voluntary agreement. Government: Control of a population.

    In moving through this material referenced as a relationship between Communists, Zionists, and World Controllers, it is imperative that you be offered repeated tales of history and insight again and again to that which is confronting you.

    Some of you will deny and denounce us for offering TRUTH--for YOU do not yet understand your terrible plight--you have been blinded and the intent is that you shall not see until too late to act. That is YOUR choice, readers. You can turn away, deny, denounce, cast stones, maim and kill in your denial--and it will not change one iota of the truth of it.

    You who think you are some kind of "Christian" are NOT. You, worse, who think yourselves to be Judean Jews under the rights of passage of God--ARE NOT! YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE! I cannot force you to SEE, much less understand that which you see--but the insight will blast upon you as will the nuclear war coming down sooner than you can imagine.

    It has been said, "KNOW THINE ENEMY!" Most of you DENY you have an enemy while you wine and dine in your collapsed society. You are actually now dying of the plagues brought by man upon you--to depopulate and enslave your world--and you haven't the foggiest notion WHO is your destroyer. Even Dharma, who has written thousands upon thousands of documents for me--finds it so elusive that only the overall concept can be viewed in KNOWING. THAT is the way of the adversary--THE KING OF CONFUSION AND DECEIT--THE TRICKSTER OF THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE. THIS TRICKSTER HAS TAKEN YOUR WISDOM, YOUR INSIGHT AND YOUR VERY LIVES--BOTH IN PHYSICAL POSSESSION AND SOUL--THROUGH YOUR IGNORANCE COME UPON YOU.

    Will there be many Godly people making a journey HOME? Not if you don't awaken and take stock of the truth of your imprisonment--for you will actually turn away from that which was sent forth to attend you. And you will say, "God, why did You forsake me? Why did You not rapture me up into safety and joy with Yourself? And HE will reply: "I sent my messengers and My Flight Instructors, My gift of health, My instructions to prepare--and you denied them entrance, acceptance and refused to change from your false beliefs under the tutelage of those who would be poor stewards of My properties. You efforted to make of ALL LIFE that which is limited to the physical, BOUNDED, and blink-of-eye expression of perception. YOU TURNED AWAY FROM ME--I DID NOT TURN FROM THEE--BUT THERE SHALL BE NO EVIL BROUGHT INTO MY KINGDOM OF HIGHER EXPRESSION--FOR THOSE ARE THE LESSONS OF LIFE PHYSICAL--TO BE LEARNED AND EXPERIENCED. YOU WOULD DENY THE WORTHINESS OF MY GIFTS FOR HEALTH AND REFINEMENT OF YOUR PHYSICAL INTEGRATING WITHIN THE ENERGY OF YOUR EXPRESSION--YOU WOULD CALL IT SWAMP-WATER AND ACCUSE MY PEOPLE OF DEALING SOME SORT OF FRAUD OR SICKNESS UPON YOU. NAY--MY PEOPLE NEED ALSO THEIR LESSONS--THAT THEY MAY SEE BEYOND INTO THE TRUTH OF GLORY--FOR IT IS EXACTLY AS IT WAS TOLD THAT IT WOULD BE. YE WHO ARE WITHIN MY HAND ARE IN THE PROTECTION OF THAT HAND AND HE WHO CONTINUES TO SMITE THEE SHALL IN TURN BE SMITTEN AS WITH A MIGHTY SWORD. IN MY JUDGMENT SHALL BE THE WRATH OF TRUTH UPON EVIL--AND YOU WHO CONTINUE IN YOUR EVILNESS--SHALL FEEL THAT WRATH AS NOTHING EVER EXPERIENCED IN YOUR IMAGININGS. MERCY SHALL BE ABSENT ON THAT DAY OF CONFRONTATION! SO BE IT FOR I HAVE SPOKEN AND AS I HAVE SPOKEN--SO SHALL IT BE. I AM."

    I believe that I would heed this Word for it comes not channeled through the entertainer's microphone or Pleiadian chatterings. Play all the games you wish, friends--but if you do not come to play the game by the Rules of God--EXPECT TO LOSE THIS PHYSICAL GAME!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn,


    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:16.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#079, MARCHING TO ZOG!

    PJ 79
    MON., SEP. 27, 1993 10:29 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 042
    MON., SEPTEMBER 27, 1993
    There is enough current pertinent news today and through this passing week to fill several newspapers. However, I have asked Mr. Martin to glean that which he feels most applicable to your ongoing insight and "connections" so that we can later refresh your memories from prior writings, AND allow us to get on with deep-seated material that MUST be placed in your attention lest you, by planned deception, not be given reference.

    My interest nor the important issues for you as individuals this day, are not in UFOs, space encounters, etc. It is in the hidden and secret undergoings of bombardment against you-the-people in a most profound way proving your connections with, and manipulations by, the Committee of 300 and their branch operations. Denials about connections from ones scattered about your own nation are of NO IMPORTANCE--the facts are that even through the most careful of "groups" there is infiltration, manipulation and total control done nicely and supportively--but nonetheless as deliberate and deceitful as ANYWHERE. Yes, there ARE paid informers right here--paid by our adversaries. Oh, it might not be a "salary" but I promise you--there are those ones present--and always have been. It is most interesting here, however, for there are no "groups", no gatherings as such, no unified combined efforts of some clandestine types--only individuals efforting to "make it" like every other citizen "out there". These DO eat away at the very fiber of the emotional being (as intended) of the writers, etc. However, so be it. God promised you NO THORNLESS ROSES IN A GARDEN OF EDEN.

    What IS in this place, is yet to be revealed in importance and it is not some elusive communications system. The very story of life has been already revealed from here in ancient language and time. For the most part, to function in a world of non-political bombardment and comfort of physical being--THIS IS NOT A PLEASANT PLACE IN MOST INSTANCES. If anyone thinks they come to this place to find freedom and resources--forget it for it is under the most intense bombardment of any place I witness. Don't I shield "my" people? Yes--but first you have to know if you are one of "my" people! This, however, is true for EVERYWHERE. My intention is to lessen and lessen and lessen the confrontations against my scribe and E.J. Why? Because they have served and need no more of this bombardment to do their work--which is to reach you out there in the same manner as those "here". I am removing any REASON for the adversary to do them in.

    Some of you who have "received" any assistance from the Institute--including George Green--will be receiving statements of your account as this Institute is pushed into full accounting. This is NOT the Ekkers--this is being done in total privacy and through the Board of Directors. This means that ones, for example, Col. Gritz, who did receive help and funding from the Institute (at the request of George Green) and who gave a promise of repayment, will be billed for that service. This is to bring all records totally current and accountable. The Institute has been superbly managed separate and apart from anything any couple of people could skive off. If there are objections from anyone, say Col. Gritz, I suggest you take it up with Mr. Green. He still controls much gold sent for his attention by individuals taking his advice for money handling sans Institute protection.

    We are weary of the lawsuits and ongoing into perpetuity the drain. Legal matters of criminal actions, I am told, will now be pursued with all pressure to resolve. It is farcical, this continuing lawyer harangue. The sheriff's departments in two states say there are CRIMINAL actions but they are bound by silly legal maneuvers preventing their attention. The hope has always been that the perpetrator would understand the massive causes against him and release the property without cause for further problems. This has not been forthcoming. He wishes to battle "Ekkers" who have nothing to do with the problems at hand--therefore, it will be taken into the capable actions of mandate under the law. This has NO CONNECTION to anything the Ekkers may have upon or by them in a personal manner. If George Green and Desireé considered themselves sophisticated publishers and distributors of non-fiction works--they lied in their presentation of same. For a small publisher of only a handful of books to allow such shenanigans, much less instigate such actions as have been thrust on connected presenters, is proof of ineffective management at the very least--fraudulent action at the obvious. So be it, it is not my problem to "judge"--only actions which present ongoing legal greed. If ones say this is a Constitutional issue as is presented by one "Constitutional attorney", he lies for this is the epitome of total disregard for Constitutional law!

    The Ekkers themselves will become less and less a central focus--they have paid dearly enough. This does NOT mean that the ones in charge of these various Institutions and businesses are less involved--they are MORE INVOLVED. This does, however, take away the distractions and put the PROBLEMS on MAINLINE FOCUS.

    Will Dharma and I slow up in the writings? Will E.J. withdraw his support and volunteered assistance to that which has been established in goodly manner? NO, it means that we get on with our work and if things continue to go as with the CONTACT--it will be through other capable hands. We will go about our work of information from resources as in digested materials. I will even be asking ones to take over the daily logs of updates and "Today's Watch". Six years of this living Hell is ENOUGH! These myriads of "things" have NOT been Ekkers' problem--they have lost EVERYTHING from this service to God and are only badgered and belittled by that which was not even established by themselves. We will simply "go back" to our work in point and let go of the rest. I will continue to offer you updates on things going on as to "product", etc. That, however, is "information" which we would offer anyway.

    Those who continue to dwell and integrate within our very fibers--shall most likely find themselves without information to offer the opposition--OR IT WILL BE FALSE INFORMATION AND WILL SURELY DO IN THE ADVERSARY--THIS, INDEED, WILL NOT MAKE YOU A WELCOME PAID INFORMER.

    Our Space Command is now making all sorts of contacts all over your globe and this will become more and more visible and often. That phase is under way--but you have such sophisticated craft and weapons that you will be misled at best. WHAT YOU SEE GOING ON IN YOUR WORLD THROUGH THE FICTITIOUS PRESS AND MEDIA--IS NOT! "That" and "spiritual TRUTH" is what will be our focus--not George Green's bilious turncoat tactics. If you do not believe me to be "real" then you believe that which you will--the proof will be in the "eating of the pudding!" If you do not believe in "my" presence or that I do this writing in authorship--then an argument is unworthy of the scribe's time at any circumstance. Ekkers have no pick with anyone, most especially ones such as University of Science and Philosophy for their respect of Walter Russell would not allow them to wish harm to the University in point--nor the ones efforting to bring better insight unto the masses.

    There is no argument from Ekkers over the banned books--they need them not--it was Mr. Green who went to even unethical measures with the joint attorney to GET THOSE VOLUMES FOR HIMSELF. So be it--Ekkers have never and shall never receive ANYTHING from those volumes--they do not belong to them in anywise whatsoever. If, now, however, it is decided that those volumes will be burned by US&P--so be it! YOU have come a long way, Amerika--for at least five of the volumes have no grounds for discussion under ANY circumstances. There has NEVER been so much as a ruling on any court issue other than "contempt" dumped on Dharma and E.J.--no resolution of disputed cause--so burn the volumes. If they be lies and usurpations of Truth--so be it, they deserve the burning. I would say, however, GOD'S TROOPS DO NOT BURN INFORMATION, RIGHT OR WRONG--SO TAKE CARE AS TO YOUR JUDGMENT OF SUCH ACTIONS. THAT IS THE RESOLUTION PRESENTED TO US AT ONSET OF CONTENTIONS AND--SHOULD IT COME AGAIN--WE WILL INSIST ON THAT VERY COURSE OF ACTION. ACTIONS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES--MEN ONLY MAKE CHOICES! BRING DOWN ALL THE JUDGMENTS WISHED UPON OUR ONES' HEADS--IT CHANGES NOTHING OF THE TRUTH FOR THE EKKERS HAVE NOTHING TO TAKE, NOTHING TO LOSE AND THE ONES WHO HAVE LIED AGAINST THEM MAY VERY WELL FIND THE TABLES REVERSED.

    I advise everyone in this area of California, parts of the Western U.S. and in any windy, desert region--take note. Valley fever is a FUNGAL infection from ancient spore infection. The major culprit is Coccidioides immitis. We have one of our beloved friends down with it--seriously attacked and incapacitated. She has been allotted, by doctors, less than three weeks to survive. This is as grossly evil as the disease itself. She is misdiagnosed, it appears, though there is (was) some cancer action going on also. She has managed to harbor, through her long lifetime, about 27 to 28 species of fungus. These mostly just rest and, like a yeast infection or herpes, pop up in times of stress and debilitation.

    Kern County, California is the "hot-bed" of this problem as the massive development of infected beds have taken place and winds have kicked up the organisms--they NEVER perish. They are immediately attacked by the Drianas, however, and a good immune system can kick the invasion. I SUGGEST THAT ALL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE WHO HAVE FLU SYMPTOMS WHICH DO NOT JUST GO AWAY, ETC., BE CHECKED FOR THIS MALADY--EVEN IF YOU ARE IN DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN. These things are, as well, being deliberately dumped on you unsuspecting "useless eaters". You have to face it, citizens of the globe, the thrust is to depopulate and get rid of "useless eaters"--Read "1984" and follow on with PROTOCOLS AND PLAN 2000 AND Brzezinski's books on Technotronics. Everything coming down is right on the planned schedule. Even the shifting of military power on your own American scale, by Les Aspin, is old in the plan, foisted by such as the Brookings Institute, etc. Even Aspin's "Plan C" is decided upon and modified according to the input and demands of such institutions. If you don't see it, so be it. We have ones denying participation with such institutions--also, so be it. Ignorance is still acceptable under God's laws--but hardly "of the land".

    The Brookings Institute writing a military downgrade program? An institution of any kind writing a national agenda? Well, let's see what about the Brookings Institute since we are on those subjects these days:

    From Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, by John Coleman. (And dozens of other sources of information):

    Dedicates its work to what it calls a "national agenda". Wrote President Hoover's program, President Roosevelt's "New Deal", the Kennedy Administration's "New Frontiers" program (deviation from it cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnson's "Great Society". Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so on behalf of the Committee of 300.

    (Page 241): .... There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RAND's services, and to list them all would be an impossible task. Among RAND's "specialties" is a study group that predicts the timing and direction of a THERMONUCLEAR WAR, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings.... BRAINWASHING REMAINS THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF RAND....


    (Page 213): .... But before his military promotion took him out of Washington, let it be known that Alexander Haig, in conjunction with Kissinger, all but destroyed the office of the President of the United States and its government. The chaos left by Kissinger and Haig in the wake of Watergate has never been chronicled to the best of my knowledge. On the insistence of the Government of the United States after the April 1973 coup d'tat. Bringing 100 Round Table agents chosen from the Brookings Institute, Institute of Policy Studies and the Council on Foreign Relations, Haig filled the top one hundred posts in Washington with men who, like himself, were beholden to a foreign power. In the ensuing debacle, the Nixon Administration was torn asunder, and the United States along with it....

    Now, it seems to me that it is quite reasonable that John Coleman, who started the entire thing with George Green and US&P, WOULD LIKELY KNOW PRETTY WELL WHO FUNCTIONS UNDER THE BRANCHES OF THESE INSTITUTES. AFTER ALL, HE CLAIMS TO BE A DIRECT AGENT OF MI6, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE--THROUGH THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE WITH ALL ITS MYRIAD CONTROLLED BRANCHES! I have no further comment on that specific matter but I do have very IMPORTANT information about what the Brookings Institute is now up to its ears in doing, with Ted Kennedy and the "Military" Defense Department with Les Aspin!!!

    From: Government EXECUTIVE, "Aspin's Option", March, 1993:

    Secretary Les Aspin was a proponent of cutting the military beyond the Base Force plan when he was in Congress. Now that he bears direct responsibility for sending Americans into battle, will he sing a different tune? A paper the new Defense Secretary wrote while in Congress provides a roadmap to cuts the Clinton Administration is likely to inflict on the U.S. military. By James Kitfield.

    In the deadly serious game of analyzing what Winston Churchill once called the "terrible ifs", there are few more accomplished players than Secretary of Defense Les Aspin. In the days when Aspin first played, as a Pentagon analyst under Robert McNamara, the hypotheticals focused on Vietnam. Now, they run like this:

    What if a newly resurgent Iran leads a coalition of radical states in a play for the world's oil supply?

    What if the United States, while countering that move with a Desert Storm-sized deployment to the Middle East, must suddenly react to an invasion of South Korea by North Korea? [H: Don't miss TODAY'S news: "The Russians now admit that HUNDREDS of POWs were taken to Russia from the Korean War. It is not known how many may yet be alive. Vietnam is upset by the lack of admission of this as it continues to struggle against the issue of POWs/MIAs." Wow, I guess you just can't tell who is who?? from G.G.'s "friends" and co-workers to the Russian government via the U.S. "We-the-People" upstanding Constitutionalists. Do you actually wonder WHY my people are weary of taking the brunt of truth?]

    What if, in the midst of those two contingencies, the Defense Department needs to mount a counter-terrorism strike on the scale of Operation Just Cause in Panama?

    Answers to the "terrible ifs" can reveal a lot about a person's world view. They would indicate how someone like Aspin rates the threat posed to U.S. interests by various countries, and how he would structure military forces to counter them. That's why one of Washington's underground best-sellers nowadays is a paper outlining the unceremoniously dubbed "Option C".

    Aspin is the author of the paper which he released in February 1992 while serving as chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. It was his response to the so-called Base Force plan proposed in 1990 by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Colin Powell and then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney. The Base Force represented the minimum military structure Powell and Cheney thought necessary to defend against contingencies they envisioned. But Aspin proposed four significantly smaller force structures, labeling them Options A, B, C and D.

    Aspin went on to promote "Option C", intended to provide enough forces to conduct TWO simultaneous operations on the order of a Desert Storm, as well as a Panama-sized contingency. Over a five-year period, Aspin projected that Option C would cost $48 billion less than the Bush plan. Defense purchasing power would decline by 20 percent by 1997, a steeper drop than the 14 percent Powell and Cheney proposed. Active-duty military manpower would drop to 1.6 million, as compared to the 1.4 million-troop force Powell and Cheney outlined.

    Interest in Aspin's white paper grew when the broad military posture sketched by candidate Bill Clinton began to look a bit like Option C. Clinton proposed to spend $60 billion less than Bush over the next five years. Last month, as Secretary of Defense, Aspin directed the services to identify $10.8 billion in cuts from the fiscal 1994 defense budget the Bush Administration had proposed. He has reportedly talked of achieving such savings in a framework like Option C--which, he clearly said during confirmation hearings in January, he has not abandoned.

    "All of the services would come down under the Option C plan that we had proposed, which of course now is subject to review by the incoming administration," Aspin testified. The purpose of the white paper, Aspin said, was to use known quantities--such as the amounts of military force needed to conduct Desert Storm and the Panama operation--as "building blocks" for an effective defense structure. This could help to rationalize a future military base force, he added.

    If President Clinton defers to Aspin's judgment, as seems likely, then Option C could prove an early blueprint for a dramatically scaled-down military force structure. On top of the 25 percent cut Powell proposes to make in military forces by 1997, Option C would cut an additional three active Army divisions; five active and three reserve Air Force wings; 110 Navy ships; a third of a Marine Corps division; and 217,000 active-duty personnel.

    The services can be expected to strenuously resist such deep cuts. In unusually blunt congressional testimony last spring, for instance, each of the service chiefs now working for Aspin categorically rejected Option C in strident terms. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Merrill McPeak seemed to sum up the chief's reaction when he said the plan would leave them with only enough forces to conduct two "Desert Drizzles". It was the work, he added, of the "dog-ate-my-homework school of force planning".


    "Aspin is saying, let's keep planning for two major and perhaps a smaller contingency even though historically that's very unlikely," says Kaufman (Brookings Institute). "And that's a big force driver. So I think Aspin is taking a very conservative approach to assume all these things at the same time, especially given the many other demands on our resources."

    Yet some observers are predicting that Aspin will find the view far different from the other side of the Potomac, and thus will back away from Option C once inside the Pentagon. But while admitting that the white paper was intended at least in part as a "spear to poke a recalcitrant Pentagon", a senior Aspin staff member nevertheless warns against dismissing the world....

    * * *
    This article goes on at great length but MY point is made by the fact that the Brookings Institution is running throughout the paper with a demand of more cuts, more base closings and more destruction of your only DEFENSE, America. Perhaps you had best look up as to just WHO is one William Kaufman!! (See next page.) I ask that an insertion of the chart The Road to 1997 be inserted here because I want you to see who wants to strip your nation of sovereign power to protect yourselves in favor of full United Nations force. I weary of myself and my writers being called LIARS by ones who have interests to gain from our dismissal from ability to communicate with you-the-people.

    It is our obligation to "hang in there" with God's people--not just hang in there for the benefit of being whipping boys for your Elite and their troops.

    If you want proof of our presence I suggest you go out to a dark spot on any clear night and take a look upward and out of the dankness of your planting and SEE! Since when do "stars" blink red, white, gold, green and blue?? Since when to satellites move rapidly forward and then as suddenly take a 90 or 180 degree, or even a 360 degree turn about?? Come off it--even you who denounce us in the name of Jesus--WOULD JESUS THE GOD NOT SEND MESSENGERS TO PREPARE HIS WAY? IF YOU CLAIM GODLINESS IN THE NAME OF "CHRIST" YOU HAD BETTER BEGIN TO SHARPEN UP, MY FRIENDS. IF YOU READ TEN THINGS WRITTEN BY US YOU WILL FIND WE ARE WITH THAT CHRIST!

    Enough, Dharma. Thank you for your attention, readers, and you, scribe, for your service. Salu.

    PJ 79
    WED., SEP. 29, 1993 9:45 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 044
    WED., SEPTEMBER 29, 1993
    We need to take time from our information files to write a bit on "products" I have requested be made available to you, our friends and co-workers.

    We have NOT lightly come up with some form of marketing "recipes". There is full intent with EACH and EVERY separate circumstance.

    We have now arranged with a local church group to offer us some packaging help in exchange for donations to their church. This will allow us some flexibility at upstart that we could not possibly handle before with only a few pair of hands.

    "I" chose the bread recipe "with" some white wheat bread flour. I did this for several reasons--the most important being that it makes a far "lighter" loaf suitable for further additions of fruit, sprouted spelt, etc. AND it is suitable for sandwiches which is IMPORTANT for children, especially. You can have a hundred loaves of bread on the counter top and if the child will NOT EAT IT--it is worthless.

    Now, however, in response to the myriads of letters touting good "whole" spelt bread--we will ALSO OFFER YOU "whole" grain packaged mix. It will produce a "heavier" bread and a bit "smaller" loaf even though the weight will be almost the same. It will be a simple choice of style of bread product. The spelt content will be within half a cup of the same.

    What is the big deal? Packaging, labor, instructions and management. Two products become twice the burden, especially at upstart. However, it appears we can now gear up (if we can get moved into a facility for packaging (manufacturing) and out of Dharma, Kathy, Karen and Diane'(s) kitchens. A "batch" for instance, of GaiaLyte "drink" concentrate is 3000 quarts. That IS 3000 bottles with over 30 ingredients each. Please understand our willingness to ADD as we can--the wondrous things anticipated for the offering. We can do away with the slaughter of sharks and other animals for cartilage for the newest "craze"--WE HAVE CARBRAGAIA for adding, now, to EVERYTHING--not only better, it will be plentiful and programmed for exactly what is desired.

    What we offer will also have the added supplements of ALL things planning to be removed from health food stores in December. I will write on that warning in a minute just as update.


    I asked Dharma to sprout spelt kernels in a bath with 1 teaspoon of Gaiandriana in the pre-soak water. After sprouting she both used the kernels as they were AND also toasted a bit. Both were excellent when added at 1/2 cup per batch with the beginning of the bread cycle. The bread was heavier and, here, I do recommend the "mix" with wheat flour if you like a "lighter" bread. You have, however, quadrupled your value. I will ask that "kernels" also be offered in small quantities--25 pounds is a bit much for a half cup of sprouting seeds.

    If you are patient with us, we can move right along and get these things flowing before the "world falls in". And, it IS!

    Look at what is happening in Moscow and the government parliament. THEY DO NOT have snowstorms even in Moscow in September!!!!! They certainly do today and last night--while the intent was to FREEZE OUT the opponents of the Dictatorship take-over. Don't miss these little things, readers, or you will miss the most important clues to timing and takeover.

    Yes, indeed, we need "time"--we must get more spelt into the ground NOW for it must "winter" in the ground. We need to get our greenhouses up for the growing of chlorella and aloe vera--neither can stand the temperatures headed for all parts of your nation--even Texas where aloe is a prime crop. We simply will do that which we can--for it has been so difficult to simply survive in any semblance of freedom. We got shut down because of the attack on the Institute, except for the bare essentials of crops, irrigation, etc. The Institute remains sound but borrowing against the collateral had to be stopped until "receivership" danger is fully past. We have had two incredible entities who have funded an irrigation system and other things which have allowed us to not lose an entire crop--although harvest was less than 10% of expectations. If we cannot get in greenhouses, we are going to be in serious shortage. We will also need massive facilities to grow our Gaiandriana "crop". It is a LIVING crop and must be attended much as a baby in a nursery incubator. We have to conceive, go through pregnancy and on into maturity of each cell. God would never leave you WITHOUT--but in your placement and atmosphere--nothing is instant--especially gratification of that which must be nurtured.

    We know that most of you do not and will not have capability of growing your own products and couldn't even if I gave instructions--WHICH I HAVE ATTENDED CONSTANTLY HERE. Dharma simply does EXACTLY that which I instruct her to do and she is worse, by far, than any of you with her "why?"(s). She is sick and tired of the wondrous things of TOTAL LIFE--but so be it for somebody must do these things and if not "you"--who?

    By the way, in considering the possible differences in THIS flour from spelt and these "mixes"--I note the following: THIS IS THE ONLY SOURCE FOR GAIANDRIANA ENHANCED FLOUR ON YOUR GLOBE!! NOTHING GOES OUT OF HERE TO YOU--THAT IS NOT HEAVILY STRUCTURED WITH DRIANAS AWAITING YOUR PERSONAL PROGRAMMING FOR INDIVIDUAL BODY HEALTH. NOBODY is allergic to gaiandriana--it is the very most basic foundation of life itself! God does not do a half-baked job of anything, chelas! Healing is UP TO YOU. We can offer tapes to focus the subconscious mind on healing and on other problem areas, i.e., stress, habit breaking, etc.--but you will do the actual work, my friends. If using these wonderfully tasty and whole products and spending a bit of time within your own mind is TOO MUCH--then so be it--that too, is YOUR CHOICE!

    ACT OF 1990
    ATTENTION: This "act" is to go into effect this coming December. This law requires removal of most nutritional supplements from the shelves of health food stores and will make such nutrients as Selenium, Chromium, Bioflavanoids, Fish Oil, Primrose Oil, High Potency Vitamin C, E or B-complex ILLEGAL. Not only herbs, vitamins and minerals, but Amino acids, CQ-10 (antioxidant) and oxygenators, some of the "grass" juices and mineral orotates are also on the "take-out" list.

    I suggest you support to full extent U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Congressman (W.) Bill Richardson (D-NM) who are fighting this passage implementation. The "FDA" testified, "Americans are so dumb they don't know what's good for them." If this fits your feet then wear the shoes THEY offer you in the form of chemicals and poison while depriving you of all substances which heal and balance. It's up to YOU.

    THIS IS A WARNING: THE FOLLOWING IS A SHAM. Patriots think they do you service when actually the disservice is beyond my comprehension. The FOLLOWING is a LIE and fabrication--act accordingly, please.


    (No letterhead imprinting)

    Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury

    APRIL 4, 1985.

    [H: This has made its way around the horn many times and is popping up again. Stop "fantasying", America, you are in deep trouble without relying on these very visible lies.]

    On March 5, 1985, a charge of tax evasion was filed in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, Indiana by U.S. Attorney George Duncan. The charges were dismissed! The defense attorney, Lowell Becraft of Huntsville, Alabama presented irrefutable evidence that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never properly ratified. This amendment which established the "income tax", was signed into law despite serious defects. In reality only two States ratified the amendment and ratification requires 36 states to be valid. The effect of this is such that every tax paid into the Treasury since 1913, is due and refundable to every citizen and business.

    The official position of the service is, as it has always been to aid and assist the citizens of the United States. We will not publish or advertise this finding as a total immediate refund would cause a serious drain on the resources of the Treasury. For those citizens who become aware of this finding and apply for a total refund, expedite their refund documents as quickly and as quietly as possible. [H: How QUIETLY do you believe the IRS will arrive on your doorstep???] A simple 1040X form will suffice until a new form is designed and printed. Advise each of your managers that they are not to discuss this situation with anyone. There will be no written communications and you are to destroy this memorandum.

    The Secretary of the Treasury assures me that there will be no reduction in the workforce as this refunding activity will take a minimum of 5 years to complete. [H: SO?? HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE RECEIVED FULL REFUNDS AND GOTTEN OFF THE IRS LISTINGS?] Further directions will be forwarded as the need arises.

    Roscoe L. Egger, Jr.
    Commissioner of Internal Revenue

    * * *
    It is from evaluation of the massive numbers of you citizens who respond diligently to these stupid "balloons" tossed at you that causes the FDA to consider you "TOO DUMB TO KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU!" If you don't stop this insane grasping at something for nothing--as set forth to trap you and "list" you--then it is hopeless to expect clearance and privacy.

    As you watch the "takeover" (again) of the Russian empire it is necessary to serialize more information. I can't have the privilege or luxury of offering one topic at a time, readers, for the material is too massive in importance and in quantity.

    Adding to the other two major topics, Iron Curtain over America and Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300, we will add BEHIND COMMUNISM. This will come from a totally unmarked source but compiled by Frank L. Britton. I have NO INFORMATION to offer for obtaining the document as the ADL, etc., has stopped all allowance of new publication. This will be about the Chazars (Khazars, Zionists, Jews-vs.-Judeans, etc.). This subject seems to inflame the Jewish elements as no other topic. But it is "history" and it is "truth". If you wish to ignore it--so be it. It IS, however, my JOB to offer the history as it WAS AND IS--and not as the "revisionists" have turned it out to be from wishful thinking and fantasy to deceive you. Remember the "approach in opposites" is what you will more likely find to be truth. If the "enemy" of freedom and the anti-Christ claim a thing to be so and it "can't be" scientifically or mathematically proven--it is the "opposite" which you must attend.

    This unmarked booklet doesn't even give a source but many, many references--mostly from the Jewish Encyclopedia. Remember, I am not writing AGAINST anything--only the advent of Communism! Other facts will fall as they may, readers, and if you consider yourself a "Jew" you had best read even more carefully than the friend beside you--for YOU are the FIRST TARGET!

    I would first offer the frontispiece by Mr. Britton for there will be little further reference to him at any rate. He only compiled a historical research and is not a preacher, politician or professor hoping to sway you with propaganda--just facts as found abundantly scattered about if YOU ARE WILLING TO SEE AND/OR HEAR THEM.


    To understand the total problem of Communism it is necessary that we trace the course of the movement from its beginning down to the present. We must understand who its originators were, and what they were, and we must gain some idea as to the forces which influenced and shaped their philosophy.

    Unfortunately, any deep-down discussion of Communism and Marxism involves the Jewish question. We cannot honestly discuss the subject without revealing--and commenting on--the fact that the founders of the Russian Communism were Jewish. Neither can we ignore the fact that all but a few of the top leadership of the American Communist party--including the recently convicted spies--are of the same race. These are facts of history over which we have no control. But we are faced with the very serious problem of how to reveal these facts without being labeled--and treated--as "anti-Semites." [H: You will find reference to "Semites" in this material which is not quite correct in its application, but serves a "purpose" of identification as to groupings, for your better understanding.]

    The main reason why so little is known concerning the true nature of Communism stems from this problem. Historical writers have been understandably reluctant to hold forth on the subject for fear of marking themselves as "race haters" and "bigots". For this reason the entire subject has been placed beyond the pale of discussion. One simply does not use the word "Jew" and "Communism" together. The result is, of course, CENSORSHIP.

    In this work we have decided to breach the wall of silence at whatever the cost, and to treat the subject as fairly and as honestly as we know how. No attempt is made to single out individuals because they happened to be born to a certain race; neither have we exempted anyone from criticism for that reason. It was decided that since Communism and Judaism are so irretrievably bound one to the other, a history of the Jewish people would contribute substantially to an understanding of the present Communist menace.

    End of Quoting.
    * * *
    Every time we bring such work to your attention, we are assaulted by every Jewish group around and even the Fundamentalist Christians because they listen to their preachers instead of to THE TRUTH. Is this REASON enough to not offer it for your information? NO! Our mission is to bring you the WORD OF TRUTH--hardly anything more. We are here to inform OUR PEOPLE and so shall it be. Everyone in the "audience" has the right and privilege to believe anything they wish. We shall be content to wave goodbye to you who wish to remain aboard sinking ship Earth.

    Since "COMMUNION" is making it to your little screens these days--I am barraged with inquiries. Good grief, readers, can't you see what happened? This man is a fantasy "far-out" writer of renown. This is EXACTLY what a planned deception is all about--get someone so completely confused and brainwashed and questioning that you have no way to relate to the FACTS. I repeat--there are no little gray abductions, mutilations, etc.--BY ANY SPACE ALIENS FROM ANY OTHER PLANET! THESE BEINGS ARE ISOLATED TO YOUR OWN PLANET ATMOSPHERE AND COSMIC SYSTEM--CLOSE TO YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. GOD HAS NOT SENT OR ALLOWED ANY OF THIS FANTASY-GARBAGE TO BE THRUST UPON YOU--THESE ARE MAN-MADE ILLUSIONS AND FACTOIDS--IT IS UP TO YOU TO GET INFORMED AND NOT DISTRACTED. GET YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH LIGHTED GOD IN ORDER AND YOU WILL HAVE NO TROUBLE WITH "INTRUDERS". IMAGINATION may well seem a bit "dull" to you but you have enough of "TRUTH" going on to entertain and captivate you--why waste time on the illusions of others when TRUTH lies at your doorstep? YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE LIE--TRUTH CAN BE YOURS--BUT YOU WILL ACCEPT IT OR NOT AS YOU WILL.

    Let us move on into the documents in point:

    We cannot undertake even this brief history of the modern Jew without taking note of a phenomenon which has confounded gentile societies for twenty centuries. This is the ability of the Jewish people to collectively retain their identity despite centuries of exposure to Christian civilization. To any student of Judaism, or to the Jews themselves, this phenomenon is partly explained by the fact that Judaism is neither mainly a religion, nor mainly a racial matter, nor yet is it simply a matter of nationality. Rather it is all three; it is a kind of trinity. Judaism is best described as a nationality built on the twin pillars of race and religion.

    All this is closely related to another aspect of Judaism, namely, the persecution myth. Since first appearing in history we find the Jews propagating the idea that they are an abused and persecuted people, and this idea is, and has always been, central in Jewish thinking. The myth of persecution is the adhesive and cement of Judaism; without it Jews would have long since ceased to exist, their racial-religious nationality notwithstanding.

    Jews do not always agree among themselves, and it is only in the presence of their enemies--real or imagined--that Jewish thinking crystallizes into unanimity. In this respect they differ not at all from other peoples: Adolph Hitler solidified German opinion around the idea that Germany was wronged at Versailles, that the German people were abused and victimized by the Allies, and that only by holding together could they prevail against the overwhelming might of their enemies....

    For twenty-five centuries that Jewish mind has been conditioned by the same appeal. Through all Jewish thinking and all Jewish history the refrain of persecution has sounded with shrill insistence. Thus we find every accident of fortune being chronicled, enhanced, and passed on to succeeding generations as another example of gentile cruelty to the chosen race. And almost inevitably we find opposition to Jewish aspirations and ambitions being translated into these same terms of persecution, and all Jewish shortcomings being excused on the same basis.

    Now it is a fact that the Jewish people have suffered numerous hardships in the course of their history, but this is true of other peoples too. The chief difference is that the Jews have kept score--they have made a tradition of persecution. A casual slaughter of Christians is remembered by no one in 50 years, but a disability visited upon a few Jews is preserved forever in Jewish histories. And they tell their woes not only to themselves, but to a sympathetic world as well.

    We find the first Jews filtering into Europe some time before the Christian era, particularly in the region of Greece. The ancient Greeks spoke of these Asiatic invaders with considerable bitterness. Very quickly they spread throughout the Roman Empire and into Europe proper. The Jewish merchant, artisan, and slave trader appear on the Roman scene with increasing frequency after the second century A.D. and there can be no doubt that their position in the Roman world was one of growing importance even as the Empire drifted to destruction. Under Justinian, says the Jewish Encyclopedia (Funk & Wagnall's Jewish Encyclopedia, page 460, vol. 10). "They enjoyed full religious liberty, in return for which they assumed all a citizen's duty toward the state; minor offices were also open to them. Only the synagogues were exempt from the duty of quartering soldiers. The trade in slaves constituted the main source of livelihood for the Roman Jews, and decrees against this traffic were issued in 335, 336, 384, etc."

    Seneca, in his writings, bitterly assailed the Romans of his day for aping the Jews, and some historians (notably Gibbon in his monumental Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire) have ascribed the downfall of Rome to their corrupting influence. Nero's wife, Poppaea, was a converted Jewess.

    As Rome reeled into decline and final collapse, and as the Dark Ages descended over Western civilization, we find the Jew taking a strangle-hold over what remained of European commerce. Says Encyclopedia Britannica (page 57, vol. 13--1947): "...there was an inevitable tendency for him to specialize in commerce, for which his acumen and ubiquity gave him special qualifications. In the Dark Ages the commerce of western Europe was largely in his hands, in particular the slave trade, and in Carolingian cartularies Jew and merchant are used as almost interchangeable terms." This hold over European commerce finally became so utterly complete that few gentiles engaged in trade at all; it had become almost entirely a Jewish monopoly. In Poland and Hungary, the coins bore Jewish inscriptions...

    Throughout the Medieval period, which lasted from 500 A.D. to 1300 A.D., the Jew merchant was dominant all over Europe (except Scandinavia, where he was never permitted to enter) and this dominance included control over the eastern trade routes to the Levant. There was to be no relief from this situation until the Jews were evicted from Europe in the century directly preceding the Renaissance. (Note: Encyclopedia Britannica is used as a reference source because of its ready availability to the average reader. It is not an "anti-Semitic" publication. In fact, the Encyclopedia Britannica Corporation was purchased by the Julius Rosenwald interests in 1920 and since then all material pertaining to the Jewish question has been re-written to conform to the Jewish outlook! The Funk and Wagnall Jewish Encyclopedia is uniformly referred to throughout this work as the Jewish Encyclopedia. Consisting of 12 volumes, it is available in all major libraries. It should not be confused with the 10 volume Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, published by Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Inc., New York, 1939. Both, however, are authoritative Jewish publications, compiled by and for Jews.)

    In 1215 the Catholic Church, at the Fourth Lateran Council, broke the back of European Jewry with a set of restrictions designed to curb their commercial monopoly. These decrees restricted Jews to residence in their own communities, prohibited absolutely their hiring of Christian employees and prohibited them from engaging in many types of commercial activity.

    The Fourth Lateran Council restricted Jewish commercial advantage but it did not end the Jewish problem. Beginning in the latter part of the 13th century, one European country after another expelled its Jewish population as the only final solution to the problem. First to take the step was England which banned them in 1290. Fifteen years later, in 1306, the French followed suit. In steady succession the various States of Europe emulated this example with Spain being one of the last to enforce the ban in 1492. The situation in Spain is worth noting says Encyclopedia Britannica (page 57, vol 13-1947): "...The 14th century was the golden age of their history in Spain. In 1391 the preaching of a priest of Seville, Fernando Martenez, led to the first general massacre of the Jews who were envied for their prosperity and hated because they were the king's tax collectors." Ferdinand and Isabella, after uniting Spain and driving out the Moors, turned their attention to the Jewish problem, with the result that they were evicted completely in 1492. In 1498 Portugal evicted its Jewish population also.

    A great deal has been said about the "persecution" of the Jews in Europe and elsewhere, and they have pretty well convinced the world (or at least Americans) that these hardships were inflicted on an innocent people. But these rich Spanish Jews we see being evicted in 1492 were not a down-trodden fold. They were the wealthy, the privileged, the exploiters: they were the well-fed merchants and the gouging tax collectors.

    So it was in Portugal; in that country we find that the deportation of the Jew... "deprived Portugal of its middle class and its most scientific traders and financiers." (Encyclopedia Britannica, page 279, vol. 18-1947.) Undeniably this class of traders and financiers was put to hardship by this banishment, but it does not follow that they were victims of discrimination in the accepted sense, nor were they underprivileged in any way. Rather we see a wealthy merchant group being ousted from its seat of vested privilege by a thoroughly outraged, and a thoroughly exploited Christian society.

    The situation in England was similar. The Jews had come to England in the wake of the Norman conquest and had quickly gained a position of wealth and prosperity. Says Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia of this period (Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia [see Aaron of Lincoln], Shapiro Valentine Co., London--1938): "Their numbers and prosperity increased, Aaron of Lincoln being the wealthiest man in England in his time....his financial transactions covering the whole country and concerning many of the leading nobles and churchmen. On his death his property passed to the crown and a special branch of the exchequer had to be created to deal with it."

    England, ironically enough, was the last country to be invaded by the Jews and the first to evict them. After the Fourth Lateran Council the Jews had become increasingly difficult to deal with and there were a number of anti-Jewish riots. Perplexed by the problem posed by this alien minority which seemed well on its way to corralling the kingdom's wealth, and failing in an attempt to force its assimilation, Edward I confiscated all Jewish wealth and evicted them permanently in 1290. Not until 1655 was a Jew legally permitted to re-enter England. Britain thus established the precedent for the later eviction which soon followed on the continent.

    In France too the Jews were dominant in trade and finance and had been since before Charlemagne's time. Under Philip the Fair (1285-1314) one of the last and certainly one of the greatest of the Capetian line, France had become the greatest power in Europe. It was Philip's need for money which led him to seize Jewish wealth and drive them from the country. He had already before 1306 taken desperate measures to raise money, which was in short supply, by forbidding the export of gold and silver from France. The same need for money brought him into conflict with the Templars, whose wealth he also seized. But it was the Jews who controlled the greatest supply of floating wealth. In 1306 Philip solved his financial problem--and France's Jewish problem--by expropriating their wealth and evicting them. Thus ended the centuries-long commercial dominance of the Jew in France. Later a few were permitted to return and these were in turn ejected in 1394.


    * * *
    You have come to the SAME predicament in your modern world--the BANKSTERS (World Bank, Federal Reserve--ALL) are owned and you pay for, Jewish Zionists Khazarian assets. This is why until you dump the costs of interests (debt), etc., right back into the laps of the ones who set it up--and, get back control of your own wealth in your nations--you haven't a prayer in hell of overcoming the world enslavement unto the powers of money, greed and Satanic "anti-Christ(ness) behaviors and practices". There is MONEY in immorality and crime and thus, shall those things be foisted off on societies and civilizations--by whatever name you choose to call the activities. WHEN YOUR ENTIRE SYSTEM IS CONTROLLED AND RUN BY THIS ELEMENT, AS IT NOW IS, YOU HAVE NO RECOURSE SAVE TO ABRUPTLY STOP ITS SPREAD THROUGH RECLAMATION--OR FORFEIT YOUR EXPERIENCE IN FREEDOM AND GODLINESS. THERE IS NO ABILITY TO LIVE LONG IN "BOTH" FOR ONE IS DIABOLICALLY OPPOSED TO THE ASSUMPTIONS OF THE OTHER. YOU CAN HAVE MONEY AND THRIVE IN GODLINESS ALSO--BUT FEW DO SO!

    We will pick up with Return to the East (page 6) when we again take up this subject. Thank you.

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