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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#079, MARCHING TO ZOG!

    PJ 79
    MON., OCT. 4, 1993 11:06 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 049
    MON, OCTOBER 4, 1993
    Ian Flemming (James Bond) couldn't think up a story-line as good as the story being played out this day!

    I am NOT going to unravel the play or the players FOR YOU! I ask that you consider ALL your lessons--even those a long way back--even to the ones in which we spoke of the agreed-upon bases in India and China FROM which you, the U.S., and U.N. could take out the Cosmosphere centers in Russia, Ukraine, etc. Well--there has been a massive earthquake and much loss of life in India where one such base would be set up and in full working (underground mostly) order from which "you" could get to Russian territory easily. But, what of China? In that area where construction and facilities were being "finished" for the SAME PURPOSE--there have been two big quakes--SINCE THE INDIA QUAKE!!!

    Now--students (chelas)--go back over the most recent lessons of all--within the past days: WHO WERE (ARE) THE BOLSHEVIKS? They are speaking of "hard line Communists"? Who were (are) the very conceivers of Communism?

    Let us turn to economics: Who has forgiven all defaulted debts for the Russians--and promised more funds and more grain and more, more, more. Who is YOUR enemy? Who is your GOVERNMENT'S enemy? WHO ARE YOU?

    Why do you think your government Elite are getting rid of old-line Constitutionalist leaders such as your Admirals (in silly nonsense scandals?)??? WHO IS YOUR ENEMY, WE-THE-PEOPLE?

    Suppose, as Gritz projected--that "if you didn't take back your Constitutional government with ballots--it would be bullets!" "IF" you had enough military personnel on the side of the "people" to pull it off. So, if, while some of your military strength was in place (and still not yet shipped away) you formed a revolutionary action--what would you have?


    Who is causing crime in your streets in the first place? Who is going to take every vestige of your defense weapons and capability? WHO IS YOUR ENEMY?


    Who controls the world PRESS and MEDIA? WHO HAD THE ONLY GOOD VANTAGE POINT IN MOSCOW--MEDIA-WISE? Also, LISTEN to what the news commentators are prattling about "if" Yeltsin gains power from this move! You have never seen such tap-dancing in your lives, sleepyheads! WHO put the nuclear arsenals in protective custody? ARE YOU POSSIBLY SEEING A PLAY UNFOLD OF "TAKING BACK A GOVERNMENT?" WILL MILLIONS DIE BECAUSE OF THE EFFORTS? PROBABLY NOT--FOR "CHRISTIAN" ELEMENT IS PROBABLY NOT GOING TO HAVE A PURGE AS THE ZIONIST COMMUNISTS HAVE HAD. IS THIS GOOD? WHO KNOWS? Is Yeltsin REALLY one of the IMF biggies? No--the "biggies" didn't really even want to let him and Russia IN. But they DID and they continue to play his game, don't they? Is Yeltsin Godly goodly? Have you ever seen a politician who was Godly?? Will you just exchange "one bad coin" for another? Who knows--does it matter? The Elite plan to have it ALL. Is Yeltsin's Russia paying back interest and loans from the IMF? NO--YOU ARE!--THEIRS ALSO!


    Your Government Elite have made some very stupid plays lately in order to take over more power and now there is a lot of "crow" eating to be done--very judiciously so YOU don't find out what has REALLY been going on.

    Survival? What are "your" chances? Depends upon who you are! Which are "my" enemies? Both and NEITHER--these are the power games of humans. "My" people shall attend the same stance as always--we sort the Truth from the lies as you can understand at some level the game. We do not take up arms "against", as in battle, for force is not of God--neither can the guy with the sling-shot WIN against the particle beam-exploded nuclear warhead! Besides, IF you await proper action the adversarial greedmongers will sort of themselves and wreck their own nests. You have just witnessed it in living color--how much, for instance, do you think YOU will have to give in "aid" to rebuild that one parliament building in Moscow? How much do you think "you" will pay in additional "aid" to repair Russia after this revolution--no matter how small? Isn't it nice to know up front--THAT YOU WILL PAY FOR IT? I CAN promise you THIS much--no matter how the smiles and agreements seem to go--Yeltsin would destroy every Khazarian Zionist alive--if he didn't see a way to GAIN IMMEASURABLY FROM THE USE OF THEM LEFT RUNNING THE WESTERN WORLD. DON'T, EITHER, THINK THE ELITE JEWISH ZIONISTS DON'T KNOW IT--YOU-THE-PEOPLE ARE BEING SOLD AS WE WRITE.

    Keep your eye on the bouncing bullets--history is unfolding before you--as well as your "future" or "lack of it".

    On September 14, 1993, the following article ran in The Washington Times. I think you had better pay close attention to this, readers. I also think it should be NOTED right here, before The Washington Times article, another from the Chicago Tribune, 9/19/1993 (Both very, very current!)

    By R.C. Longworth, Tribune senior writer: NATIONS' INTERNAL AFFAIRS NOW THE WORLD'S BUSINESS.

    With little thought for the consequences, the world is changing the code that has guided international relations for nearly 350 years.

    The old code is based on the idea of national sovereignty--that is, that a government can do pretty much anything it likes within its own country and the outside world has no right to interfere. International law is violated only when one country attacks another.

    The new code is emerging from a combination of factors--the end of the Cold War, new powers for the United Nations and a growing concern for human rights, magnified by the power of television. At its core is the belief that what goes on inside a country--including civil wars, famines and human rights violations--threatens the world's peace and justifies foreign intervention. "The time of absolute and exclusive sovereignty....has passed," UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali wrote in his most important policy paper, An Agenda for Peace.

    The old principle was laid down by the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, which ended the religious wars of Europe. This treaty recognized the sovereignty of the principalities within the Holy Roman Empire and severely limited the empire's right to intervene in them.

    Given the massacres, pogroms, persecutions, gulags and holocausts of the last 345 years, this principle clearly leaves something to be desired. But little study has been devoted to whether the alternative--the "new interventionism", in the phrase of Johns Hopkins University scholar Stephen John Stedman--will be better.

    If this new interventionism is to take hold, it almost certainly will be exercised through the UN. Not surprisingly, the UN, seeing the possibility of new power, has grabbed it with both hands.

    "Human rights issues push sovereignty to the edge," UN Assistant Secretary General Kofi Annan said in an interview. "When you have a cruel and painful situation, as in Somalia, the suffering of these people is so much more important than sovereignty." [H: Have you REALLY helped the people of Somalia? You now have raids in the middle of the night and they are further butchered because they struggle back against night-helicopter "gun-raids" and are punished if you crash one of your "gunships". Is this better? Or, is this a cover for what is REALLY going on in the world take over for strategic placement from which to launch an assault on all the remaining independent countries of the area? It is much like protecting the children at Waco--surely enough--you really protect dead children from further abuse!]

    The Persian Gulf War and its aftermath illustrate the new thinking. [H: And what of your Elite (Bush, Sununu, etc.) team players into the area to clean up on BUSINESS DEALS?]

    When the UN authorized the Gulf War, its justification was the old Westphalian idea that one state, Iraq, had violated the sovereignty of another, Kuwait, by attacking it.

    The new rules appeared, probably for the first time, after the war when the UN Security Council passed Resolution 688. It authorized the UN to go into Iraq, against the Iraqi government's will, because of events--the threats to the Kurds--taking place within the country. [H: Is this not the pattern of the BIG GUNS making the rules to fit the circumstance, not letting the opponent know the rules, and then telling everyone, after the fact, what those rules MIGHT be?--not "are", just, "might be"?]

    Since then, the UN has intervened with troops and relief agencies in Somalia. Because Somalia's government had collapsed, getting its permission was moot, but the UN forces did have to squelch rival warlords before they could start delivering food. [H: But remember, readers, we have spoken of how Somalia got into the mess it was in, prior to this. The Soviets were THERE--then they pulled out and YOUR (U.S.A.) ELITE moved in and wiped out the government, the economy and all stability. The Soviets moved west and you moved in, destroyed and now move back in through the UN to further wipe out the little country. Warlords? Warlords?? What are warlords? ARE YOU NOT WARLORDS? NOW YOU ARE WARLOCK WARLORDS! DEAD CHILDREN DON'T EAT MUCH EITHER!

    The fact of the 1990s is that the status of sovereignty is shifting. Rev. J. Bryan Hehir of Harvard Divinity School wrote this summer, "The world will continue to be a community of soveriegn states, but political analysts and public officials alike are in search of a new understanding of the role and limits of sovereignty." [H: I always am amused that ones out of the Elite halls of learning and the Elite clubs--are so respected when they make stupid observations. I am reminded of the TWO loudest mouths speaking out, NOW, against NAFTA! Perot? A business man and MEMBER OF THE ELITE CLUBS, FRIEND TO ROCKEFELLER AND THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS. JESSE JACKSON, TRIPPING THROUGH CANADA SPEAKING AGAINST THE AGREEMENT--ONE OF THE FEW BLACK MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS--THE NEW WORLD ORDER CLUB PLANNERS AND DOERS!!]

    During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and U.S. used ideological reasons to intervene in Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Nicaragua, Grenada and elsewhere.

    But none of these was endorsed by the UN. Apart from ideologues in Moscow and Washington, no one tried to justify the interventions with an appeal to some higher international law.

    The new advocates of intervention say this higher law exists and will be used more and more.

    In an era when TV cameras can broadcast from anywhere, the world truly has become a global village in which every person has a legitimate stake in the well-being of every other person, no matter what arbitrary frontiers divide them.

    "The exclusivity and inviolability of state sovereignty are increasingly mocked by global interdependence," Brown University scholars Thomas G. Weiss and Jarat Chopra wrote in the magazine Ethics and International Affairs. "Electronic communications and media have fostered conscious and unconscious identification among all of humanity.

    "Are human rights exclusively within the domestic jurisdiction of states, or are they an international concern with community jurisdiction?

    "Should the prohibition on the threat or use of force against states be applicable to violence against human beings?

    "Which authority is superior--state jurisdiction over individuals within its boundaries, or international jurisdiction over inalienable human rights?

    To Boutros-Ghali, the answer is clear. "Underlying the rights of the individual and the right of peoples is a dimension of universal sovereignty that resides in all humanity and provides all peoples with legitimate involvement in issues affecting the world as a whole."

    In other words, whenever rights are violated, the world (read: the UN) has the right to intervene.

    Boutros-Ghali's predecessor, Javier Perez de Cuellar, argued "that the defense of the oppressed in the name of morality should prevail over frontiers and legal documents."

    Those who grant sovereignty some merit but support intervention on humanitarian grounds argue that some sovereignty isn't worth respecting--that "certain types of governments are not acceptable and don't deserve international protection," as Jeff Drumtra, a policy analyst for the U.S. Committee on Refugees, put it.

    Of the UN's 184 members, many are dictatorships with no consent from their people. Others face rebellions and barely control their capital cities, let alone their entire territory.

    In such situations, what does sovereignty mean? Who is sovereign, the government or the people? If the government is oppressing its people, who has sovereignty rights? [H: It is, however, very, very important to realize that all these nations HAVE NO REAL SAY IN INTERVENTION. The SECURITY COUNCIL PERMANENT MEMBERS DECIDE THE FATE OF THE WORLD AND THOSE MEMBERS--IN LIVING PERSONAGES--ARE TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY THE COMMITTEE OF 300!]

    What about majorities vs. minorities? If the Iraqi majority oppresses the Kurdish minority, do the Kurds have sovereign rights that merit protection?

    During the Cold War the question did not arise at the UN because the Soviet Union, which kept hundreds of different "nations" within its border thoroughly subjected, insisted on its absolute sovereignty and treated any outside criticism as "interference in its internal affairs". Like so much lace, the debate over sovereignty is a result of the Cold War's END.

    But all this is clearly getting into very deep legal water.

    If sovereignty is overridden in some cases, it can be overridden in ALL cases, and that's not something the U.S. and other major nations are eager to consider. If the UN can intervene to protect Kurds in Iraq or starving children in Somalia, can it intervene to protect Catholics in Northern Ireland or poor blacks in America's ghettos? [H: Obviously that is where you are headed--directly! Only it will not be to PROTECT anything--it will be to CONTROL elements as established to allow for just such intervention.]

    Obviously, this isn't going to happen. Is the new definition of sovereignty, then, only a means for the wealthy West to regain control over the Third World, a new justification for colonialism?

    Maybe so, Paul Johnson, the right-wing British historian, has called for UN trusteeships over countries like Chad, Mauritania and Liberia because these states "are not yet fit to govern themselves" but exist in a state of "violence and humanitarian degradation" that is a "threat to the stability of their neighbors as well as an affront to our consciences."

    But as Stedman of Johns Hopkins has pointed out, "The UN is simply incapable of playing the role that the new interventionists demand of it."

    Already stretched to the limit, the UN cannot intervene in Zaire, Liberia, Rwanda, Burma, Sri Lanka and other countries where civilized life has broken down. Who then will decide where to intervene?

    The answer, openly admitted by UN officials, is that the decision will be made by a CNN editor in Atlanta. The UN is in Somalia because CNN and other television outlets assaulted the world's conscience with it. The UN is not in Sudan because the government there, weak though it may be, has been able to prevent widespread TV coverage of a famine as bad as that in Somalia.

    "It's easier to do humanitarian intervention because of TV," UN Undersecretary James Jonah said. "TV and its visible evidence is very powerful--but also very dangerous. OUR operations now are CNN-driven."

    The danger is that the UN and its members are beginning to rewrite international law on the basis of a televised outrage, without a good answer to the key question:

    Should the old sovereignty-based system, flawed as it is, be jettisoned before we know what will replace it?


    How many of you will NOW go re-read the Protocols? Get control of the public information (media, press, control publications and give information desired by the Elite for your information) and you have "got the world enslaved". And how do you think Ted Turner of CNN thinks? Well, he REWROTE HIS OWN TEN COMMANDMENTS, READERS, AND THEY SURELY DID NOT IN ANY WAY RESEMBLE GOD'S--AND HE STATED IT RIGHT OUT FRONT! No wonder HE sits next to Kissinger at the White House STATE dinners. IF you can't see the TRAP--how are you going to keep your neck out of it?

    Take a deep breath now and read this one: The TIMES RECORD, Brunswick ME, Sept. 9, 1993 reports that the US and Russia signed a pact for JOINT TROOP EXERCISES. "The peacekeeping exercises will involve the 3rd Infantry Division (among others) based in Frankfurt, Germany, and the 27th Motorized Rifle Division (among others) from the Volga District in Russia." "....This may not be without problems," Secretary Aspin says.

    I would guess it won't be any bigger problem than the joint exercises going on in the US as we write--also TOP SECRET!

    Now, for the biggie:

    REPRINT: WASHINGTON TIMES, Sept. 14, 1993.

    By Bill Gertz, The Washington Times

    Russia's military continues to modernize its huge nuclear force, and its elite Strategic Rocket Forces recently conducted a large exercise that INCLUDED A MOCK ATTACK AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, according to U.S. defense and strategic-weapons officials.

    "In terms of military capability, Russian nuclear forces pose a very great threat to North America," said a Clinton administration official specializing in Russian nuclear forces.

    The official said U.S.-Russian relations are vastly improved since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. But certain events, such as confrontation over a regional conflict, could lead to a nuclear showdown as in the past, the official said.

    "They are still there," a second administration official said of the roughly 12,000 strategic nuclear weapons that remain targeted on the United States, as they were when Moscow was controlled by Communists.

    The experts' view of the Russian nuclear threat contrasts sharply with statements by Defense Secretary Les Aspin and Gen. Colin Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who announced the new U.S. military structure earlier this month.

    Mr. Aspin and Gen. Powell said they based their blueprint for U.S. military forces in the post-Cold War period on the idea that the Soviet threat is gone and would no longer be used as a basis for military planning.

    But other defense and intelligence officials said it is too soon to dismiss the threat of nuclear attack by Russia's military, which recently took control of all former Soviet strategic forces from the command structure of the nominal Commonwealth of Independent States.

    The nuclear arms are spread across Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine and will be reduced under pending START agreements. Implementation has been snagged by differences between Russia and Ukraine.

    Russian-U.S. military ties received a boost Wednesday when Mr. Aspin and Russian Defense Minister Pavel Grachev signed an agreement at the Pentagon calling for increased military-to-military exchanges, joint exercises and a ‘hot line' between the Pentagon and the Kremlin to be used in any future crises.

    The cooperation agreement, however, contains no provisions to allow U.S. officials to take part in or observe the dismantling of Russian strategic nuclear weapons. Russian military officials oppose any U.S. role in the destruction, U.S. officials said.

    These officials said the Russian nuclear exercise, along with signs of the continued construction and improvement of underground nuclear blast shelters around Moscow, are signs the Russian military still is making preparations to fight a nuclear war WITH THE UNITED STATES. "You can't dismiss that threat," one official said.

    The nuclear exercise, detected by U.S. Intelligence sensors, took place earlier this year and involved all the strategic forces of the former Soviet Union--silo-based and mobile missiles, strategic bombers and nuclear submarines, according to officials familiar with intelligence about the exercises.

    The nuclear forces were placed on a heightened state of alert for the exercise, which lasted several days, and caused alarm in some parts of the Pentagon among officials who thought such activities had ended along with the Cold War. [H: Anyone still snoozing?]

    U.S. intelligence agencies are not certain WHO has the ability to launch nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union, but they believe Russian President Boris Yeltsin and officials in the Russian Defense Ministry have that power.

    Large numbers of U.S. nuclear forces, by contrast, have been taken off alert status in recent months and readiness exercises have been sharply curtailed, said a defense official. "We're only doing small, routine exercises. The big ones have been canceled because ‘peace has broken out'," this official said.

    A total of 450 Minuteman II nuclear missiles were taken off alert status in 1991, meaning that they cannot be fired on short notice, said Air Force Lt. Col. Paula Hoffmann, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base near Omaha, Neb.

    Five hundred Minuteman III and 50 MX missiles remain on alert, she said.

    U.S. B-52 and B-1 nuclear bombers also were taken off alert status in 1991, and the nuclear command craft known as Looking Glass, which once flew around the clock, has been grounded on "modified alert status", Col. Hoffman said.

    U.S. intelligence agencies have detected the production of new nuclear warhead material and missiles in Russia since January, officials said, adding that Moscow has announced that it has ceased producing nuclear bombers.

    "They are doing what they need to do to modernize their nuclear forces," one official said.

    Lawrence Gershwin, a senior CIA analyst, said in March that Moscow is expected to build three new ballistic missiles--mobile, fixed and submarine-based--by the end of the decade.

    Officials said a small number of Russian nuclear missile submarines remain on alert status and a portion of the 16 U.S. nuclear missile submarines remain on alert.

    Growing instability in the former Soviet Union also has given rise to new fears of an accidental missile launch.

    A technological malfunction could trigger a nuclear attack, and Russian officials have begun to examine the possibility of an accidental launch, administration officials said.


    "This is an enormous threat, given the volatilities and even civil wars in the former Soviet Union, which may well place these weapons into aggressive or erratic hands almost overnight," Mr. Kraemer said.

    Anyone for lunch break?

    Salu and GOOD LUCK!

    PJ 79
    TUE., OCT. 5, 1993 11:58 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 050
    TUE., OCTOBER 5, 1993
    We are sticking right to this subject of Russian Revolution, Communism, World Order, Khazarian Zionists, etc., because of the immediate happenings in Russia and the effect upon the world. You MUST get informed or you are destined to repeat and repeat and repeat the unrecognition of the enemy among you. You have just seen in Moscow that which is being referred to as the worst bloody civil action in Moscow since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.

    One other event occurred which was to affect the outcome of the revolution. This was the convening of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets in PETERSBURG on June 3rd, 1917. It should be explained that the word "soviet" means "council", or "committee". [H: That "definition" is important for almost none of YOU had any idea that in such a name as Soviet Republic of..... had that meaning--nor that the Soviet Union bore such definition.] Following the March Revolution, literally hundreds of local revolutionary Soviets were organized all over Russia by the various Marxist parties. It was decided that a congress of these soviets would meet for the purpose of unifying the forces of the revolution.

    This first Congress of Soviets was dominated by the Mensheviks and Essars. (Essars = Social Revolutionary Party) The Bolsheviks had fewer than 40 delegates out of several hundred attending.

    Before disbanding, the Congress of Soviets set October 20th (later changed to Nov. 7th) as the date for the convening of the next Congress. This date is extremely important because it marks the date of the Bolshevik Revolution. When the Second Congress of Soviets did convene, on the evening of November 7th, the Bolsheviks had already gained control of the PETERSBURG Soviet and had overthrown the Provisional Government a few hours earlier. The Bolsheviks were thus able to present the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets with a "fait accompoli". This Second Congress of Soviets became the official government of Communist Russia on that same evening of November 7th, 1917.

    But now we must turn our attention back to Lenin and his party at the time of their arrival from abroad. When Lenin arrived in PETERSBURG in April of 1917, he found the PETERSBURG Soviet dominated by the Mensheviks, with the Essars (Social Revolutionaries) second in membership, and the Bolsheviks in the minority. President of the Soviet was the Menshevik, Tcheidze, a "defensist" who strongly supported the war effort. Of the two vice-presidents, one was Skobelev, also a Menshevik, and the other was Kerensky, the only member of the 12 man Provisional Government who also belonged to the Soviet.

    Although the Mensheviks controlled the PETERSBURG Soviet, they were badly divided among themselves. The main body of the Menshevik faction--the defensists--was headed by Theodore Dan Gurvich and M.I. Lieber (formerly of the Jewish Bund). The other group of Mensheviks--the internationalists--was headed by Martov.

    Lenin bitterly criticized this state of affairs. He regarded the Provisional Government as an instrument of the "bourgeois" and he immediately and violently advocated its overthrow. Throughout April, May, and June the Bolsheviks preached the destruction of the Provisional Government, and among the factory workers and the military garrisons around PETERSBURG this propaganda began to take effect. Under the slogan "all power to the Soviets", the Bolsheviks had succeeded by July in recruiting to their banners large numbers of the city's more radical elements.

    The returning influx of exiles also enhanced the position of the Bolsheviks. These exiles were not all originally Bolsheviks, but they were almost without exception extremists, and they had waited a long time for revolution to come; they were hungry for power. And they were inclined to favor the Bolsheviks because they were the most radical advocates of direct action. Trotzky, who had in 1905 began as a Menshevik, and who had later been a "neutral", immediately joined the Bolsheviks on his return from New York. So it was with many others.

    On July 17th this anti-government agitation resulted in an unscheduled uprising by thousands of the city's inflamed worker-soldier population. In modern Russian history these are known as the "July Days". Kerensky, who by now had become the dominant figure in the Provisional Government, dealt with the insurrection with considerable firmness. The mob was fired on and in the course of the next three days several hundred people were killed.

    As a result of the "July Days" uprising, the top Bolshevik leadership was either arrested or forced to flee. Lenin and Zionoviev temporarily hid out in Sestroretsk, outside of PETERSBURG. Trotzky, Kamenev, and Lunacharsky (soon to become prominent) were arrested. Stalin, at that time an editor of Pravda, was not molested.

    One result of the "July Days" was the collapse of the Provisional Government under the premiership of Prince Lvov. On July 20th, Kerensky (Adler) the Jewish Napoleon, became Prime Minister of a "salvation of the revolution" government. Kerensky was quite an orator, and he applied himself to the task of whipping up enthusiasm for an offensive against the Germans. Although he met with moderate success at first, the offensive failed and Kerensky's influence declined steadily in the next three months.

    In August (8-16) the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party held its Sixth Congress. This was the first one held since the London Congress of 1907, and it was the last one held before the Bolshevik Revolution, now only two months away. This Sixth Congress was completely a Bolshevik affair. The other factions merged with the Bolsheviks and ceased to exist; from this time on the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party WAS the Bolshevik Party. (Within a year the party officially changed its name to the Communist Party)

    The most important act of the Sixth Congress was to elect the "October Central Committee", consisting of 26 members. This Central Committee was to rule the Bolshevik Party through the critical days of the October Revolution. Who were the principal members of the October Central Committee: Let us take the words of Lev Trotzky as they appear in his book, Stalin: "In view of the Party's semi-legality the names of persons elected by secret ballot were not announced at the Congress, with the exception of the four who had received the largest number of votes. Lenin--133 out of a possible 134, Zinoviev--132, Kamenev--131, Trotzky-131." These four, two months before the October Revolution, were the top leaders of the Bolshevik Party. Three were Jews and the fourth, Lenin, was married to a Jewess. [H: Readers, regardless of your "beliefs" or your "wishes"--these are FACTS and they are IMPORTANT FACTS.]

    Trotzky's writings are extremely enlightening from a historical viewpoint. He hated Stalin and he wrote his book, Stalin, to prove that Stalin was a Johnny-come-lately, an upstart, and an usurper. He brings forth masses of evidence to show how unimportant Stalin was in Party councils during and immediately after the October Revolution. In doing so, Trotzky again and again emphasizes who the really important leaders were. Let us take another typical comment from his book on Stalin as he describes the meetings of the October Central Committee shortly before the Bolshevik Revolution:

    "The 422 pages of the fourth volume, dealing with August and September, record all the happenings, occurrences, brawls, resolutions, speeches, articles in any way deserving of notice. Sverdlov, then practically unknown, was mentioned three times in that volume; Kamenev, 46 times; I, who spent August and the beginning of September in prison, 31 times, Lenin, who was in the underground, 16 times; Zinoviev, who shared Lenin's fate, 6 times. Stalin was not mentioned even once. Stalin's name is not even in the index of approximately 500 proper names." (pages 222-223)

    Thus, Trotzky again cites evidence to prove that Stalin was not an important figure in the Bolshevik Party in 1917. But in doing so he names the real leaders, who as before are the Jews, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotzky, and the up and coming Sverdlov. Lenin is the only gentile.

    Because the top party leaders were either in prison or in hiding as a result of the abortive July Days uprising, the Sixth Party Congress was organized by the lesser lights of the party, of whom Sverdlov was the most active. Lev Trotzky, ever anxious to discredit Stalin, gives us this description: (page 48) "The praesidium consisted of Sverdlov, Olminsky, Lomov, Yurenev, and Stalin. Even here, with the most prominent figures of Bolshevism absent, Stalin's name is listed in last place. The Congress resolved to send greetings to ‘Lenin, Trotzky, Zinoviev, Lunacharsky, Kamenev, Kollotai and all the other arrested and persecuted comrades.' These were elected to the honorary praesidium."

    Here again, in the words of Trotzky, we have named the "most important figures of Bolshevism": Lenin, Trotzky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Kolontai and Lunacharsky. And we know these were the most important leaders because they were the ones Kerensky had arrested or driven underground following the July Days revolt. Of these, only Lunacharsky and Lenin were gentile; the others were Jewish. These facts show why the Jewishness of Communism is so immediately and indisputable apparent to anyone who has the slightest knowledge of Bolshevik history.

    On August 17th Kamenev was released from prison, and exactly a month later Trotzky was also freed by the Kerensky regime. On Sept. 24th Trotzky was elected president of the PETERSBURG Soviet, displacing Cheidze, the Menshevik. From this moment on the Bolsheviks were in control of the PETERSBURG Soviet. On October 26th the PETERSBURG Soviet voted to transfer all military power to a Military Revolutionary Committee , headed by Trotzky. Revolution was now only days away.

    The Military Revolutionary Committee, under the chairmanship of Trotzky, was organized for the express purpose of preparing the revolution. Time was running out and it was a matter of striking soon or not at all. The Constituent Assembly elections were only a few weeks off, and when it convened, Russia was to have a new government. There was another reason for striking soon. The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets was to meet on Nov. 7th. The Bolsheviks feared--and with reason--that the Kerensky government would arrest or disband the entire congress and thereby doom the revolt. For these reasons it was felt essential to overthrow the Provisional Government by or before the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets convened on Nov. 7th.

    On November 4th the Military Revolutionary Committee arranged huge mass meetings in preparation for the forthcoming revolt. On the following day the garrison of the Peter and Paul Fortress declared itself in alliance with the Bolsheviks. On the 6th Kerensky made one last attempt to forestall revolution by ordering the arrest of the Military Revolution Committee, banning all Bolshevik publications, and ordering fresh troops to replace the PETERSBURG garrison. These measures were never carried out.

    On the evening of November 6th Lenin came out of hiding and joined the Military Revolutionary Committee at Smolny Institute, which served as revolutionary headquarters. At two A.M. the following morning the revolution began.

    By noon the city was largely in Bolshevik hands. At three P.M. Lenin delivered a fiery speech to the PETERSBURG Soviet--his first since July. At nine P.M. Bolshevik troops began their two day siege of the Winter Palace, last stronghold of the Provisional Government.

    At eleven P.M. the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets convened, with the Bolsheviks in a clear majority. The Congress was now the official government of Russia. The Jew, Kamenev, was elected its first President. Lenin became Premier. Trotzky was made Commissar of Foreign Affairs. Before dawn it had elected a Central Executive Committee under the chairmanship of Kamenev, who thus had the distinction of being the first President of the "Soviet Republic".

    Within a few days (Nov. 21) the Jew, Sverdlov, succeeded Kamenev, and thus became the second Jewish president of the Soviet Republic. A relatively minor figure in Bolshevik circles six months before the revolution, he very quickly became one of the five top men in the party. Before his early death two years later he had become the party's chief trouble-shooter and had assumed absolute control over Russia's economic life.

    On November 25th, 18 days after the Bolshevik coup, free elections were held throughout Russia under machinery set up by the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks, not yet completely organized, made no attempt to interfere with the elections, but when it became clear that the Bolsheviks would command a majority in the Constituent Assembly, they immediately laid plans to undermine its authority.

    The Provisional Government had specified that the convocation of the Assembly should be in the hands of a special commission. The Bolsheviks arrested this commission, and substituted for it a "Commissary for the Constituent Assembly", headed by the Jew, Uritzky.

    By this tactic the Bolsheviks were able to exert their authority over the Assembly. When the Assembly did finally convene, the Jew, Sverdlov, although not a delegate, took charge of the proceedings, and actually called the meeting to order. Ten hours later the Assembly was thrown into confusion when the Bolsheviks walked out. Shortly thereafter Bolshevik troops brutally brought the Constituent Assembly to an end by ejecting the delegates and locking the doors to the building.

    This was the end of the Constituent Assembly. After having convened for only 13 hours, it disbanded, never to meet again. So ended Russia's hope for a constitution and a representative government.

    In March, 1918, the Soviet Government moved its capital from PETERSBURG to Moscow. In the same month the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party officially styled itself the Communist Party.

    Meanwhile the enemies of the new regime were gathering strength. Before the year was over the Soviet Government was under attack on six war fronts. Some of these anti-communist armies were organized by pro-Tsarist sympathizers; others were organized and financed by foreign governments. These "White Russian" forces constituted a dangerous threat to the new regime and in March Trotzky relinquished his post as Commissar of Foreign Affairs to become Commissar of War, a position which gave him authority over the Soviet Government's entire military resources. It was he who organized and led the Red Army to victory. Not until 1921 were the last of the anti-communist forces destroyed. [H: Now here you have introduced the White and Black Russians--having, of course, NOTHING TO DO WITH "COLOR"--BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH INTENT AND DIRECTION OF POWER.]

    Shortly after the March Revolution of 1917 the Tsar had applied for permission for himself and his family to leave the country. Nicholas II was closely related to the royal families of England and Denmark, and he felt exile there was preferable to remaining a prisoner in his own land. The Provisional Government had been inclined to grant his request, but the PETERSBURG Soviet had blocked the move and the royal family had been transferred to Ekaterinburg, in South Russia. There, in 1918 they were housed in the home of a local merchant named Ipatiev. On July 17th anti-Bolshevik troops advanced on Ekaterinburg and the local commissar, a Jew by the name of Yorovsky, ordered the family--and their house-hold servants--executed. Yorovsky personally dispatched Nicholas with a pistol shot in the head. The rest of the family was executed by a firing squad. Their bodies were then soaked in oil and burned. [H: Thus never to know that they were NOT the proper persons in the first place. In this instance covering of the identification by burning only created a worse problem of inability of identification! Where might those people and offspring be this day, 1993?? I think you may be beginning to get my point? We know that Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff was quite alive and very well as a direct descendant as late as right now! Those of you who pay attention to our writings will also realize that the coat of arms of the Romanoff's is the same as from the "House of Faberge" By golly, indeed there IS a lot of intrigue!]

    On August 30, 1918, the Jew, Uritzky--then head of the "Cheka"--was assassinated and Lenin was wounded. The assassins were both Jewish, and both members of the Jewish-led Social Revolutionary Party. The Bolsheviks used this as an excuse for instituting the Red Terror, which began the following day, and which in a sense has continued to the present.

    Space simply does not permit us to give an adequate description of what followed. The entire membership of the Communist Party, which in 1918 numbered perhaps no more than 100,000, was turned into an instrument of murder. Its aims were two-fold; to inspire dread and horror among the Russian masses, and to exterminate the middle and upper classes i.e., the "bourgeois".

    Men and women were executed or imprisoned, not because of any offense, but simply because they belonged to the "enemy class". And this definition eventually included every merchant, professional person, and landowner. Not only were these "class enemies" exterminated, but members of their families fell victim as well. The Bolsheviks cleverly adopted the practice of making hostages of the families of those who resisted the new order. David Shub in his slavishly pro-Marxist book, Lenin, gives the following description of the Red Terror in PETERSBURG: "Little time was wasted sifting evidence and classifying people rounded up in these night raids. Woe to him who did not disarm all suspicion at once. The prisoners were generally hustled to the old police station not far from the Winter Palace. Here, with or without perfunctory interrogation, they were stood up against the courtyard wall and shot. The staccato sounds of death were muffled by the roar of truck motors kept going for the purpose." This was the Red Terror in action.

    The tragedy of all this cannot be measured by numbers alone; these people were the best that Russia had. They were the leader class. They were the priests, and lawyers, and merchants, and army officers, and university professors. They were the cream of Russian civilization.

    The total effect was much the same as it would be in any country. With its small middle and upper class exterminated, Russia's peasant and worker population accepted Jewish Bolshevism WITHOUT PROTEST. [H: Believe me, there was never a Jewish outcry against THAT holocaust of millions of murders.] The Russian masses, deprived of its spokesmen and leaders, was simply incapable of counter-revolution. That was what the Red Terror set out to accomplish. [H: And it has happened to you in the Americas--readers. You have things as blatant as Waco and you accept without a whimper from the "masses" the murder of women, children and helpless "believers". You simply cry out--take away the guns from those who would defend themselves. Do you not see how easily you have been sucked within the jaws of the intended trap?]

    A basic tenet of Marxist ideology was, and is, the promotion of world revolution. The Bolshevik leadership undertook in 1919 to further this aim by establishing the Third International, which convened in March of 1919. Its presiding officer was Lenin, and its first president was the Jew, Zinoviev, who remained its head until 1926.

    The prime objective of the Third International was to establish communist parties in the various countries of the world, and to lend them aid and assistance in overthrowing their respective governments. Prospects of success were bright in the spring of 1919.

    The first country to experience a communist revolution outside of Russia was Germany. The German government, which had abetted the Bolshevik coup in 1917 by facilitating Lenin's return to Russia via the sealed railway car, was in 1918 faced with a revolution of its own.

    In many respects the German Revolution paralleled the one in Russia. As World War I reached the climatic year of 1918, and as German manpower losses mounted, the Jew-dominated German Social Democratic Party spread the seeds of defeatism among the German population much as the Bolsheviks had done in Russia. On November 3rd a mutiny broke out in the navy at Kiel, followed by rioting by the Social Democrats. On November 9th the Kaiser renounced his throne and the Social Democrats proclaimed a Socialist Republic [H: Good grief, speak about your oxymoronic statements!] Two days later, on Nov. 11th, they agreed to an Armistice with the Allies.

    There now occurred an event which was to embitter the German people against the Jews for all time, and which eventually resulted in the rise of Adolph Hitler. This was the demobilization of the German armies. It should be explained that Germany did not surrender by the terms of the November 11th Armistice; the agreement was that all German armies were to withdraw to the pre-war boundaries of Germany as a preliminary to a negotiated peace. But as the German armies retreated to German soil, the Revolutionary government, fearful lest the Revolution be upset, ordered them demobilized. On November 11th Germany still possessed the mightiest military machine on earth; thirty days later it had nothing. Instead of being able to negotiate peace on the terms of Wilson's Fourteen Points, a helpless and prostrate Germany got the Versaille Treaty.

    No sooner had the German armies been demobilized than the more extreme elements of the Social Democratic party, led by Rosa Luxemberg, laid plans to seize control of the revolution as the Bolsheviks had done in Russia. Aided by funds provided by the Soviet ambassador, Joffe, Rosa Luxemberg's "Spartacus Bund" in January of 1919 attempted to overthrow the revolutionary government. The revolt, following bloody street fighting, was quelled and its leaders, Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Liebknecht, were imprisoned and later executed by German army officers. Following the execution of Rosa Luxemberg, the Third International dispatched the Jew, Karl Radek, to lead the party. Later the Jewess, Ruth Fischer, assumed control of the German Communist Party, and remained at its head till 1924.

    Following World War I, Hungary also had a Communist Revolution. In this case the instigator was the Jew, Bela Kun (Cohen), who imposed a Communist regime on the country in the spring of 1919. Bela Kun had participated in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and, following the Armistice, he and a group of Jewish revolutionaries, using forged passports, moved into Hungary and established the communist newspaper, Voros Ujsay (Red News). Well supplied with finances by the Soviet government, and aided by the pro-communist resident Jewish population, Kun quickly became the dictator of all Hungary.

    Bela Kun proceeded to follow the pattern of the Bolshevik Revolution. Says Encyclopedia Britannica: (page 517, vol. 13--1946) "Kun's programme was to arm at once, and forcibly transfer every industry and all landed property without conservation into the hands of the ‘proletariat.' At first he collaborated with the Social Democrats, but soon shouldered them aside, nationalized all banks, all concerns with over 200 employees, all landed property over 1000 ac., every building other than workmen's dwellings. All jewelry, all private property above the minimum (e.g. two suits, 4 shirts, 2 pair of boots and 4 socks) was seized; servants abolished, bathrooms made public on Saturday nights; priests, with the insane, criminals and shopkeepers, employing paid assistants were declared incapable of the active or passive suffrage." [H: How many of you good citizen readers are feeling queazy? Do you STILL think it can't happen to you? The same "crowd" has gained control of all America!! It WILL happen to YOU!]

    The result of this program was, as in Russia, economic and social chaos. The nationalization of every private bathroom in a country cannot be accomplished without profoundly affecting the social and moral tone of its society. Neither can the land, buildings, and industries of a nation be nationalized without creating havoc. As in Russia, such a program could only be enforced by resorting to the Red Terror. During Bela Kun's three month reign of terror, tens of thousands of people--were butchered.

    The communizing of the country's industrial and agricultural resources produced a famine in the cities, and this, combined with the peasantry's antipathy for the Jews, resulted in Kun's eventual overthrow. In an amazingly frank report, the New International Year Book of 1919 (Dodd, Mead, Co., page 587) has summarized the situation: "One of the chief weaknesses in the new regime was antipathy to the Jews. In the country districts the feeling was widespread that the revolution had been a movement on the part of the Jews to seize the power for themselves, and the remark was frequently heard that if the Jews of Budapest died of starvation, so much the better for the rest of the country. The government of Bela Kun was composed almost exclusively of Jews who held also the administrative offices. The Communists had united at first with the Socialists who were not of the extremely radical party, but resembled somewhat the Labor parties or trade unionists groups in other countries. Bela Kun did not, however, select his personnel from among them, but turned to the Jews and constituted virtually a Jewish bureaucracy."

    After three months of blood, murder, and pillage, Bela Kun was deposed and interned in a lunatic asylum. Later he was released and returned to Russia, where he assumed control of the Red Terror organization, the Cheka, in South Russia.

    Lenin died of a brain hemorrhage in January of 1924. By this time the Communists had become firmly entrenched. The civil wars were over and every vestige of organized resistance to Jewish-Bolshevism had been destroyed. On Lenin's death the party leadership fell to fighting among itself.

    Lenin had, as early as May of 1922 suffered a paralytic stroke which affected his speech and motor reflexes. In December he suffered a second stroke, and his place was taken by a triumvirate composed of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Joseph Stalin. Shortly afterwards Lenin suffered another stroke, and in 1924 he died.

    In the early days of the new regime Trotzky had enjoyed near equality with Lenin in prestige and power. Outside of Russia, Lenin-Trotzky were regarded as a duality, and in current literature of that period their names were often hyphenated. The outside world had therefore fully expected Trotzky to assume Lenin's mantle as party leader. But after 1922 Trotsky's prestige in the Politburo had declined rapidly, as we shall see.

    In the year the triumvirate began to function the Politburo was composed of Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotzky, Bukharin, Tomsky, and Stalin. The Lenin-Zinoviev-Kamenev "troika" had, of course, been dominant so long as Lenin was active, but now Zinoviev and Kamenev, as the surviving members of the "troika", regarded themselves as Lenin's rightful successors, and they looked on Trotzky as the competitor. Into this picture Stalin insinuated himself. He allied himself with Kamenev and Zinoviev, and the three were able to turn the Politburo against Trotzky. Stalin thus became the junior member of the triumvirate. Trotzky describes the situation this way (Stalin, page 337): "Used as a counterweight against me, he was bolstered and encouraged by Zinoviev and Kamenev, and to a lesser extent by Rykov, Bukharin and Tomsky. No one thought at the time that Stalin would some day loom away above their heads. In the first triumvirate Zinoviev treated Stalin in a circumspectly patronizing manner; Kamenev with a touch of irony."

    Zinoviev was considered to be the senior triumvir, and he gave the opening address at the 12th party Congress, a function heretofore reserved to Lenin. Zinoviev was not well received in this capacity, and before the Congress had adjourned, Stalin's control over the party machine gave him a dominant position in the triumvirate. This was the situation shortly after Lenin's death. [H: Is anyone uncomfortable, considering this, that ones in your government in your nation were rude, nasty, called Mr. Yeltsin a "drunk" and a "nobody"?? A-hemnnn!]

    Stalin now moved to consolidate his position. In April of 1925 he engineered Trotzky's removal as War Commissar. In the same month he broke with Zinoviev and Kamenev, and allied himself with politburo members Bukharin, Rykov, and Tomsky.

    Trotzky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev now united their forces in opposition to Stalin. But now it was too late. In February of 1926 Zinoviev was expelled from the Politburo, then from the presidency of the PETERSBURG (Leningrad) Soviet, and finally as president of the Third International. Less than a month later (October 23) Trotzky and Kamenev were also expelled from the Politburo. [H: Easy come--easy go!]

    This marked the end of any effective resistance to Stalin. The next year Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Trotzky were removed from the party's Central Committee, and shortly afterwards all three were read out of the party. In 1929 Trotzky was exiled abroad. In June of 1930 Stalin became the supreme dictator of Russia.



    So, "Whose side are you on, anyway--Hatonn?" Me? God's!! Whose side are YOU on?
    We'll take up with Stalin's past and maybe more of the picture will clarify a bit when we next write. Thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#079, MARCHING TO ZOG!

    PJ 79
    THU., OCT. 7, 1993 9:44 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 052
    THU., OCTOBER 7, 1993
    I feel as if I confront the press corps following the "big" meeting on Somalia this morning in Washington.

    Well, don't MISS THE OTHER NEWS going on, readers, and perhaps you won't have so many questions regarding Somalia. What about the police corruption in New York (and around the world).(???) What ABOUT Somalia and military buildup--to get someone (Idid) who has managed to, in spite of U.S. raids and full assault to "get him", pull together clans outside the couple of cities under fire--and actually begin to SAVE Somalia.

    However, if a few misfortunate Somalis are killed by your raids, they are "terrorists" who "support" Idid, this terrible "mad-warlord". Do you not see the manipulation of the CNN media? CNN caused YOU to send "humanitarian" buttinskis over to "feed the children". Now you shoot the children! NOW you are sending thousands (additional EVERY DAY) to support the "eye for eye", "tooth for tooth" sporting rule to "get" the ones who "got" some of your team. The fact that your team has been sent in with orders to KILL and has done so--has no merit on CNN! IF, also, it IS THE U.N. (UNITED NATIONS) doing all this offending and defending--WHY are JUST THE AMERICANS AT TARGET? Don't give me the stupid- - - "er--what about the Pakistanis killed"(!!) YOU WERE NEVER TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT THE PAKISTANIS! THIS IS NOT "JUST" UNITED NATIONS "STUFF"--THIS IS NEW-ONE-WORLD ORDER TAKEOVER. AND, YOU ARE LINING UP YOUR DUCKS AGAINST THE "REAL" TARGETS! HOWEVER, THE "REAL" TARGET IS MANAGING TO TAKE OUT YOUR SATELLITES FASTER THAN YOU SEND THEM UP--EVERY ONE OF THEM GOING FROM VANDENBERG BASE--NASA COULDN'T MANAGE THEIR WAY OUT OF A PAPER-BAG, MUCH LESS DO ANYTHING REMOTELY POSITIVE IN SPACE.

    No, I am not going to get into specifics--when I simply repeated the TRUTH about the Gulf War--people got killed and Dharma almost got run out of town on a rail with tar and feathers--some of those wilted yellow ribbons still adorn the most absurd light posts around your nation--how is that for hype and REAL caring attention to the focus?

    I don't need to repeat anything about Somalia for I wrote at length about it several times before and TOLD YOU EXACTLY HOW IT WOULD BE AND HERE YOU ARE--EXACTLY AS WE SAID. THE WORLD IS IN TRANSITION INTO TOTAL EVIL CONTROL--AND--THE BIG BOYS ARE LINING UP TO SEE JUST "WHO" GETS TO BE KING.

    Now, if you citizens who are just peeping out from under your eyelids and screaming, "let's get our nation and stuff--back" want to go with the "leaders" who suggest guns and knives--go forth--BUT GO FORTH WITHOUT ME BECAUSE THAT PHASE OF "TAKE-BACK" IS OVER! You are outmanned, outgunned and out-brainwashed! Your own troops (children) will shoot you just like the Parliament building in Moscow was brought down with basically, 3 shots from an M-18.

    Can "you" survive this assault? Yes, but you who rabble against and "fight" against and get MORE guns--will not. IF YOU RECOGNIZE THE STRENGTH OF YOUR NOW ENEMY--YOU WILL USE WISDOM INSTEAD OF VIOLENCE.

    But who will listen to one, Hatonn, or any other teacher of TRUTH?--almost no one! Why don't the higher authorities of the World Order move in now with the BATF and wipe out Dharma to silence the WORD? Because we serve a function for them that few others can serve--we TELL YOU THE TRUTH! WE DO NOT LIE TO YOU! The worst thing the NWO could do now is to take out Dharma and E.J.--for it would represent the TRUTH to myriads of up-to-now denial speakers. I do not have to teach every individual, readers, my mission was to, is to and will be to--get the alarm clock going and the Truth out there among you. What you do with it is up to you and obviously you still prefer to throw stones at the writers and printers--than face your consequences for blindness and stupidity. Stupidity? Yes! Foolish action in ignorance is one thing. Wild and negative reaction in stupidity is quite another.

    "They" don't want to any longer silence the CONTACT except for a few greedy gold-seekers who lie to you all and to themselves. The Elite recognize value from our work for YOU who listen and respond will recognize your limitations and turn to your duty to God and Man to bring a remnant of your species through this period of Satanic Rule. The "enemy" of God KNOWS that most "men" will follow the physical conscious emotional training and fall away from the focus necessary for the Christed energy to WIN. But millions will RETURN to that focus when it is too late to recover in the functioning oppression of dark ages AFTER devastation. GOD HAS ALL THE "TIME" IN THE UNIVERSE--IT IS YOU WHO DOES NOT! DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK THE BRIBED, PAID-FOR POLITICIANS ARE GOING TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF GOODNESS AND BE INDIVIDUALLY BLIGHTED FOR CORRUPTION? GOOD GRIEF, SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING--EVEN THE KEATING FIVE ARE BAILING OUT! THAT MEANS THAT THERE IS SUCH SLEUTHING CATCHING UP WITH THE PERPETRATORS OF THEFT THAT THE ACTUAL THIEVING, BRIBED AND IN-CONTROL TREASONISTS ARE GOING TO SACRIFICE EVERY ONE OF YOU AND THE UNDERLING CRIMINALS THE MINUTE THE TRAIL GETS HOT. WHY NOT CUT OUT AND FALL BACK ON DOUBLE SALARY FOR RETIRING AND PRESERVE ALL THE "LOOT" GOTTEN AND STASHED IN SAFE CORPORATIONS AND PIGGY-BANKS? IN ALL THE CONFUSION COMING DOWN--WHO IS GOING TO NOTICE OR CARE?

    No, I am not going to place Dharma in further jeopardy by "original" writing and discerning FOR YOU. The news and media are filled to overflow with lies so that you can truly discern the probabilities of WHAT IS ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE. Or, you can go back in the paper and JOURNALS and get the scoop. We have other fish to attend.

    I note that in immediate attention to what SEEMS to be the current happening (distraction) you ones shift completely away from the ongoing happenings as if they had vanished in the night. Don't do this, readers!

    I ask that the CONTACT staff continue with follow-up on the incidents of most obvious treason and injustice about your own little world. Don't forget the Weaver affair, the Waco affair, the incarcerated patriot affairs OR specifically, the Gunther Russbacher instance. If you allow yourselves to be overwhelmed--you will miss the point of this journey and World Take Over--for you will forget who the REAL players are in the game.

    To keep my own cleric focused on the subject which will ultimately be one of the two ONLY REMAINING IMPORTANT FOCUSES ON THE "ENEMY" OF GOD, I would have to keep going on our current subject material. We had worked our way up to Stalin in BEHIND COMMUNISM. And, right there shall we take up with the writing. You can SEE FOR YOURSELVES what is in front of you if you will but LOOK instead of believing the lies tossed at you as if from an afternoon viewing of the next episode of Soap Opera!

    Taking up with "Stalin's Past", please:

    Some authors have suggested that Stalin is himself a Jew. Known facts do not bear this out. Stalin (born Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili) was born in the mountain village of Gori, situated in the province of Georgia, in 1879. His father, Vissarion Djugashvili, was a peasant from the neighboring town of Dido-Lilo--his mother was Ekaterina Geladze, whose forebears were serfs in the village of Gambareuli.

    Not too much is known about Stalin's father. He was for a time a cobbler, and he seems to have worked as a day laborer in a shoe factory in Adelkhanov. He is said to have been a heavy drinker.

    Stalin's mother was a devoutly religious woman who took in washing to feed her family, and her life's ambition was to see her son become a priest. Young "Stalin" attended the elementary school in Gori--a four year course--and in 1894 he obtained a free scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary which provided free clothing, books, and food in addition to his tuition. Four years later he was expelled, after which he applied himself to revolutionary activity.

    Stalin's first wife was Ekaterina Svadidze, who bore him one son (Yasha-Jacob) Djugashvili. Jacob was a dullard who, even after his father became dictator, worked as an electrician and a railway mechanic.

    Stalin's second wife was Nadya Alliluyeva, who bore him a son, Vasili, and a daughter, Svetlana. Vasili is now a major-general in the Red Air Force. [H: Remember, there is no information accompanying this document--not even a date of writing so it is "past-tense" in every situation but judging from the dates mentioned--we can calculate that it is not "ancient" history. In fact, most of you in the elder generation will remember VERY WELL these castings of characters.]

    Svetlana Stalin has been married twice. Nothing is known of her first husband--we do not even know when the marriage occurred, or where, or who the groom was. It is an official government secret.

    The fate, as well as the identity, of Svetlana's first husband remains unknown. But of her second husband there is no doubt whatever; he is Mihail Kaganovich, son of Politburo member Lazar Kaganovich, and he is a Jew. [H: Right here we know that the history is outdated for recently in television exposés the story of Svetlana and her current state of total alcoholism has been predominantly displayed in the tabloids and tabloid media programs.]

    This leads one to speculate as to the true position of Lazar Kaganovich in Russia today. With a sister married to Stalin, and a son married to Stalin's only daughter, he is, to say the least, in a unique position. Just where Stalin's power leaves off and Kaganovich's begins is difficult to determine.

    One of the most frequent arguments used to disprove the Jewishness of Russia's present day leadership, strangely enough, revolves around Lazar Kaganovich. Propagandists are fond of pointing him out as "the only Jewish member of the Politburo", the suggestion being that since the Politburo contains only one Jew, it is plainly not Jewish controlled. [H: It is important to note that almost all of the really deep informations came out of foreign presses, other than the U.S., because even these statements such as referring to anyone as a "Jew" was already considered "anti-Semitic" and barred from the already Jew-controlled media and press in America.] But this argument will not stand the light of day; it completely ignores the fact that both Premier Stalin and vice-premier Molotov have Jewish WIVES. [H: Do you see how subtle is the information control?] And it conveniently overlooks the fact that the solitary Jew, Kaganovich, is double related to Stalin by MARRIAGE. Kaganovich is not just another member of the Politburo--he is Stalin's brother-in-law, and his chief advisor and trouble-shooter. The Stalin-Molotov-Kaganovich combination which rules Russia today is just as solidly Jewish as was the original Lenin-Zinoviev-Kamenev-Trotzky government. [H: Ah, but we now begin to have a clue as to the dating of this writing. There is a "date" mentioned a bit later of July, 1951, so it becomes safe to assume the original documents were assembled and presented AFTER July of 1951--still within the lifetime span of MANY OF YOU READERS. You must understand why this is important--it only requires two generations and into the third--TO TOTALLY CHANGE THE PRESENTATION OF HISTORY AND ACCOMPLISH THE FULL BRAIN-TAKEOVER OF CIVILIZATION!!! YOU ARE THERE!]

    In the Communist satellite nations, as in Russia, the Jews occupy virtually every key position of power. Perhaps no better proof of this can be found than in John Gunther's book, BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN. Gunther, a Jew-loving "liberal" of the most sickening type, reveals that Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia all have Jewish Dictators. This is shown by an excerpt from his book, "10. Jews play a very prominent role in several governments. Here we tread delicate ground. The three "Muscovites" who run Hungary are Jews, the men who dominate Poland are Jews, the secretary general of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia is a Jew, Ana Pauker of Rumania is a Jewess. This brings up the grave point that Jews, as a race and a nation, may be unjustly assessed blame--by the ignorant--for the murder......" However, Gunther vigorously denies Communism is Jewish. This, from one who is totally pro-Jewish. And, about Hungary: The three "Muscovites" mentioned by Gunther (above), are the Jews, Matyas Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer), and Zoltan Vas. Hungary has enjoyed the unique privilege of undergoing two bloody Communist dictatorships, both Jewish-led. The first was that of Bela Kun. When Kun's regime collapsed in 1919, hundreds of his Jewish compatriots fled with him to Russia, among whom were Matyas Rakosi and Erno Gero. In 1945, when the Communists took over the country, Matyas Rakosi was installed as the supreme dictator of Hungary, with Erno Gero and Zoltan Vas occupying positions number two and three.

    Rakosi is an intimate of Stalin, knew Lenin personally, and was Commissar of Social Production under Bela Kun. He is a typical member of the Jewish bureaucracy which controls international Communism.

    Although every foreign correspondent and every news service knows the identity of these "Iron Curtain" dictators, they are seldom mentioned in the press, and never are they IDENTIFIED AS JEWS. Any newspaperman daring to identify the Communist leadership as Jewish would instantly be threatened with loss of advertising, and would be accused of "bigotry" and "anti-Semitism". [H: Anyone getting an "inkling" of what might be going on now? WHO IS THIS YELTSIN? WHO CONTROLS THE MEDIA AND PRESS OF THE U.S.--THE WORLD? DOESN'T LOOK TOO GOOD, DOES IT? WHY? BECAUSE YOU ARE "TOLD" EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOLD TO CONFUSE AND TOTALLY MISINFORM YOU-THE-PEOPLE! YOU ARE SO BUSY ARGUING OVER ABORTIONS AND "GET THE GUNS AWAY" FROM EVERYBODY EXCEPT THE CRIMINALS--AS TO TOTALLY MISS THE OVERALL IMPORTANT ISSUES--YOUR LIVES AND THAT OF YOUR NATIONS.]

    Poland: Poland has shared the tragic fate of Hungary. "The Men Who Dominate Poland" (Gunther) are the Jews, Minc, Skryeszewski, Modzelewski, and Berman. The first three are of cabinet rank, while Jacob Berman's official position is that of Under-Secretary, of State--a minor office. Yet it is this Jacob Berman who is the undisputed boss of Poland.

    Berman, a product of the Warsaw ghetto, has lived in Russia, and was installed as dictator over Poland when the Russian armies took over the country. He prefers to work behind the scenes as much as possible--a device frequently used to hide the Jewishness of Communism. Poland's Jewish bureaucracy is perhaps the largest of any Iron Curtain outside of Russia proper. Although Jews comprise less than 3% of the total population behind the Iron Curtain, they occupy virtually every position of authority. These facts should convince even the most doubtful that BEHIND Communism stands the international JEW. JEWS AND COMMUNISTS WILL NEVER BOTHER TO DENY THIS, BUT THEY WILL VICIOUSLY ATTACK THOSE WHO OPPOSE THE TRUTH.

    Romania: Anna Pauker, well known as the boss of Romania, is so obviously Jewish, and so well recognized as such, that documentation is unnecessary.

    Anna was born in Bucharest of orthodox Jewish parents. Her father (who was a Kosher butcher) and a brother now live in Israel. Anna earned a living for a time teaching Hebrew, and for a while she lived in the U.S. Her husband became identified as a "Trotskyite", and was executed in one of Stalin's purges. Today Anna Pauker is one of the most powerful figures in the Communist world.

    Yugoslavia: The only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain is Tito of Yugoslavia, which fact probably explains his revolt against the Kremlin. But Tito was tutored by the Jew, Mosa Pljade. Says John Gunther of Pljade: "He is Tito's mentor . . . Whatever ideological structure Tito may have, he got from this shrewd old man."


    Czechoslovakia: The secretary-general of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia, whom John Gunther identifies as a Jew dictator, is Rudolph Slansky. Like the other satellite dictators, he was placed in command of things when the Communists took over. Slansky, incidentally, has been purged by the party and is at this writing under arrest.

    The following excerpt is taken from page 10 of the Dec. 10th QUICK magazine. "A Czech Purge: Moscow, upset by unrest in Czechoslovakia and by the failure of Czech workers to produce at rates the Kremlin ordered, found a scapegoat: Rudolf Slansky. A down-the-line Moscow stooge and former Red boss of Czechoslovakia, Slansky was unpopular with the Czeches. His expected execution was designed......" NOTICE that although Slansky is identified as the "former Red Boss" of Czechoslovakia, HE IS NOT IDENTIFIED AS A JEW.

    [H: Now we come to the part Dharma has dreaded since start on this subject. I should acknowledge right here and right now--that the majority of Dharma's "working" life was spent in total integration with leaders of the Jewish people, doctors and lawyers. She can relate to that which we write but she was both adored and well-treated in all instances and she, like every one of you (especially those calling yourselves Jews) must recognize this for what it is and not that which is brought against you as a nation and/or a people. Would those with whom she worked back the "freedom" or "Israeli" side of this issue? The Israeli--in every instance and did so. Do they KNOW what is taking place? No, but being brain-trained to accept their "put-upon" status as taught through the generations--they support the IDEA of a homeland, a nation, a recognition and a place of prestige. Do you not see how these desires bring the basic instinct of a "race" or "creed" to power?? The recognized "Jew" is basically brilliant, shrewd and well "educated" to his purpose. This is not "BAD"--this is the way IT IS! To go forth and blame your neighbor for that which he understands even less than do you--is stupid and unthinkable. To shoot your black neighbor because a black child shot another in Los Angeles is equally stupid. If you can't find the truth of the reasons BEHIND THESE ACTIONS AGAINST FREEDOM IN ALL STATES OF THE GLOBE--you will never change anything except the escalation of the confrontations.]

    Jewish historians divide Jewish immigration into the U.S. into three phases: the Sephardic or Spanish Period, the German Period, and the Russian-Polish Period.

    Since colonial America was still a pioneer country, there were almost no Jews here before the American Revolution. In 1776 there were certainly no more than a few score of Sephardic Jews in the entire country. Modern Jewish historians have tried to prove the existence of two Jewish privates in Washington's armies, but the question is of no consequence either way. By 1830--50 years after the Declaration of Independence, and 220 years after the founding of Jamestown--there were an estimated 10,000 Jews in the U.S., comprising perhaps 1/5th of 1% of the total population. [H: So is it not interesting that the "founding" parties and leaders of your nation were almost ALL Freemasons? This is a prime Zionist Khazarian Jew organization from the Illuminati.]

    During this period a fairly steady trickle of German Jews came to the U.S., mainly from Germany, so that by 1880 they numbered about250,000, out of a total population of 50 million--about 1/2 of 1%.

    [H: Now get ready for interesting data.]

    Following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, vast numbers of Russian Jews inundated our port cities; between 1881 and 1917 our Jewish population increased by 1200%--to more than three millions!

    World War I and the Russian Revolution added to this influx. Many Jews left Poland when, as a result of the Versailles Treaty, it was made independent of Soviet Russia; others fled Russia during the counter-revolution and civil war which raged in 1918-1919-1920. The White Russian Armies, regarding Bolshevism as a Jewish movement, showed little mercy to those Jewish communities falling into their hands. Many Jews, fleeing these anti-communist armies, eventually made their way to the U.S. [H: Already, readers, it MUST be evident that there were and are Jews and there are "Khazarian ZIONIST (Communist/Socialist/Fascist) "JEWS".]

    This flood of immigration continued until 1924, when the Johnson-Lodge bill temporarily brought it to a halt. However, when the Roosevelt administration came to power in 1932, the barriers were once again lowered, so that in the calendar year of 1939, 52.3% of all immigrants admitted to the U.S. were Jewish. Since World War II this influx has continued under so-called DP legislation, with the result that approximately half of the world's Jewish population has now congregated here. Today, official Jewish sources estimate America's Jewish population to be (1949) 5,185,000. The actual figure is almost certainly higher, and may exceed 7 million. [H: Now, perhaps, you can see why Hatonn doesn't pull information out of the "blue" FOR you--if you wait and research, you can find your answers, i.e., "when was this book written?" It now has to be after 1949 but prior to the following "census"--putting you somewhere around 1952.]

    "The newly arrived Jews settled in the metropolitan centers, New York alone absorbing approximately half of the total Jewish immigration. But the "ghettoization" of the East-European Jews in the United States was the result not of objective forces only, it was as much the result of the immigrant's desire to retain all they could of their old way of life."--Page 218, The Jewish People, Past and Present, Central Yiddish Culture Organization (CYCO) New York.

    New York City, with its more than two million Jews, has been the staging ground for the Jewish invasion of the U.S. Here the Jewish immigrant has found a ghetto-like environment similar to the one he left in east-Europe. Here he learns the language and customs of the country. Here he gathered know-how and capital before faring forth into the hinterland of America. Soon he would be buying up a business on the Main Street of Los Angeles, or Dallas, or Chicago.

    [H: Since the bombardment of "lies, lies and more lies" are flowing against Doris Ekker's work and from ones who would destroy her through some false connection of work--from the University of Science and Philosophy--WHY DOES SOMEONE NOT CONSIDER LAO (???) STEBBING'S LINEAGE? AND, is it simply "coincidence" that two Jewish personages signed and witnessed (as friend-witnesses) all marriage documents acquired by Lao and Walter? And, if this information were somehow not DESIRED TO BE HIDDEN, why do the ones in charge of lawsuits, etc., continue to threaten Dharma with contempt incarceration if this paper, her writing and "false Hatonn" do not stop this "defamatory" writing? If you are PROUD of that which you are and THAT WHICH YOU SERVE, would you not enjoy this information going to the four-corners of the world? What is possibly being HIDDEN? To question that one who has brought embarrassment, threat of Federal Prison incarceration, massive damage charges, etc., would seem only a likely course of action for Dharma in defense of self and to try to find out WHY George Green has done that which he has done to her personally and HOW he could make secret agreements with that which WAS his larger opposing suer! No, I DID NOT spell that "sewer"--we are already in enough trouble over the use of the term "swine"! Is it not typical behavior TO ACCUSE THE CONFRONTER INSTEAD OF PRODUCING TRUTH? So be it.]

    Many "lower class" Jews, being unable to learn the language or raise the capital, or being otherwise unequipped to go into business or the professions, have settled in New York to become workers and craftsmen. Thus we find Ben Gold's communistic fur workers union, and David Dubinsky's "socialistic" garment workers union, consisting almost entirely of Jews. As would be expected, therefore, New York City has been the seed-bed for Communism in the United States.

    The American Communist Party has never been very large. In 1940 it had an estimated 80,000 members; it has perhaps half that many now. On first appearances this would seem to rule it out as a significant force in American politics. But appearances can be deceptive. Unlike the mass-recruited Communist parties of France and Italy, the American Communist party is small, carefully chosen, well disciplined, and fanatical. Few--perhaps none--of its membership has been recruited from the sweaty-shirt strata. Its members are college professors and union leaders, physicists and government workers, playwrights and business executives, actors and newspaper reporters. Some of its members are wealthy; almost all are well educated. Its chief asset is its ability to mobilize the combined forces of American Jewry to its use.

    Since early 1945 the Communist Party has been involved in a series of highly publicized treason and conspiracy trials utterly without precedent in American history. These included the "Amerasia Case", the "Gerhart Eisler Case", the "Judith Coplin Case", the "Alger Hiss Case", the "Hollywood Ten Case", the "Fuchs-Gold Atom Spy Case", the "Rosenberg-Soball Case", and the case of "Eugene Dennis and the Convicted Eleven".

    It was impossible, of course, to conceal altogether the Jewishness of the overwhelming majority of the defendants. But Jewish propagandists exhausted every trick in trying. One Jewish publication--Look magazine--ran a picture story on the spy trials in which the defendants were variously described as "typical Americans"... "American born" ...and "As American as apple pie". So there will be no further doubt regarding the racial identity of the American Communist Party, we have accumulated photographs and data on virtually every Communist indicted or tried for communistic activity since 1945. The reader may judge for himself. [H: I will have to leave it to the print-staff the technology of presenting copies of these pictures. I do think it is important if you can find a way to do so. Pictures speak ever so much more eloquently than words. (See end of this chapter & also CONTACT Vol 3, #3 dated October 12, 1993.)]

    In early 1945 the FBI arrested six individuals, three of whom are known Jews, for stealing 1700 highly confidential documents from State Department files. This was the Amerasia Case. Those arrested were:

    PHILIP JAFFE, a Russian Jew who came to the U.S. in 1905. He was editor of the magazine, "Amerasia", and was the former editor of the Communist paper, Labor Defense. He was convicted and fined.

    ANDREW ROTH, a Brooklyn-born Jew with a lieutenant's commission in Naval Intelligence.

    MARK GAYN, a writer, born in Manchuria of Russian-Jewish parents. His Jew name is Julius Ginsberg.

    JOHN STEWART SERVICE, a high State Department official who gave Jaffe much of the stolen material. He is believed to be a gentile.

    ALSO ARRESTED were Emmanuel Larsen and Kate Mitchel, nationality unknown.

    Only two of those arrested were actually brought to trial, although the Justice Department's case was considered airtight. [H: Which is undoubtedly WHY they were not brought to trial.] The trial of the ringleader, Philip Jaffe, was one of the strangest on record. Late one Friday afternoon he was rushed into court without any previous notice or publicity, and before anyone knew what was going on he pleaded guilty and was sentenced and fined. By paying the comparatively insignificant sum of $1,500.00 he was relieved from the danger of any future prosecution. Roth paid a $500.00 fine.

    John Stewart Service was not prosecuted, nor was he discharged from his high State Department position. The State Department, despite the constant prodding of Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin, refused to accept the evidence against him. Four times he was called before the State Department's "loyalty board", and four times he was cleared. This in spite of an FBI wire recording of his transactions with Jaffe! Not until the fifth loyalty hearing was it decided that there were "reasonable" grounds for suspecting his loyalty. This came six years after the original arrests. Somewhere, hidden hands were pulling wires.

    * * *
    Let us close this chapter to allow ease of serializing the material. Thank you.

    For the next pictures, see the Pdf when ready.

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