PJ 77


WED., SEPT., 1, 1993 10:12 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 016


This is the first time in over a week that I have given us time to sit to the keyboard. We have, however, had several meetings and some of them with very interesting and important personages. Those are available on tape so that we do not have to REPEAT things. I will, however, run down the list of some important things which you might well be questioning.

He is being released TODAY or at the latest, tomorrow. He is in good shape, appreciative of your unending help to the extent of weeping--that you ones would support him so kindly and diligently. Perhaps he is just "meeting" God's committed crew members?

He will be having to take a turn through Washington D.C. for "debriefing" and undoubtedly a pitch from the Pentagon and Government for silence and an offer of further employment on their behalf and then, too, the threats (meaningful indeed) against everyone the man ever knew in order to keep silence about certain things and deeds. That MUST rest between him and the them.

He will be speaking on many radio stations but we will reserve the prime encounter for Sam Russell, our most beloved team-mate from Salt Lake City. In fact, if Sam were to be able to again travel to this location--he just might find that we can produce the players--in person. Perhaps other things might well begin to go a little better in our "corner" from now on. Just remember, readers, we started a long way back in the lineup. YOU ARE GETTING CONFIRMATION OF OUR PRES­ENCE SO PLEASE DON'T MISS IT.

However, just remember--we may well have "shown the way" to accomplish this mission--BUT YOU DID THE WORK!

So, what has Dharma been doing that she couldn't trip through and over the keyboard? We have been perfecting the Gaiandri­ana and that which needs go WITH IT for full-bore offering. I spoke of it at length on this past Sunday so will not be repeating here. We will be writing about IT and also that which is suggested you do along with the Gaia-drianas and drias. We have waited for ones of your place to meet our needs and offered to meet theirs--but we only get more conflict and discrediting. We are not interested in "saving" anything but will offer God's gifts to anyone who desires to share in HIS work and journey. We are going to offer to do so in convenience and pricing which will be less than anything you can purchase anywhere. Our team is too strapped to do other than charge "costs" but they will do it as easily as possible with lowering of costs, allowing larger packages on "time" payments (sans interest--but with necessary "handling" of increased paper work [minimal]).

A MAJOR part of my suggested "program" is SPELTA BREAD. Spelta is a grain all of its own unique being. It is the best fiber resource, has large amounts of B-17 (anti-carcinoma)­-it is the grain GOD gave to the planet as "manna" when you were put upon it.

The Spelta is more mildly flavorful than wheat and even ones allergic to wheat will have no allergy to Spelt. It is, however, VERY EXPENSIVE for it was all but removed from the mar­ket. We will arrange to find a conduit and keep you informed. We are finding that, in general, the cost is upwards of a dollar per pound--even in large batches for the most part. This means that in some health-food resource stores it is $2.50 a pound and up.

Our people need another job like the proverbial hole-in-the-head but we see no other way to make this available to you. We can consider packaging in smaller than the usual amount of 25 (min) pounds of the flour. As we grow and harvest from our own fields we can grind it and offer it for less but, with Mr. Green's antics this year, we lost most of the harvest quantity. We are indebted beyond measure to the Millers, who made an irrigation system available albeit almost too late to salvage the fields. Don't worry about keeping "track", people--GOD KEEPS GOOD RECORDS!

In addition to the above, the PLAN is to offer a good bread-making machine at below cost of even the discount markets--di­rect from a manufacturer. It looks like perhaps the best turbo machine may come in at well under $200 (it sells for $300). This is NOT set yet--I am only mentioning it for you who dili­gently effort to follow necessary instructions.

I have had Dharma into the Gaiandriana preparation but also standardizing a recipe which can be utilized in any machine or, at the least, TWO varieties (the round and the square leaders on the market). It is difficult for whole-grain Spelt is harder to deal with than is whole-grain wheat. The loaves will be "heavier" but after dozens of loaves of bread she has developed one that appears to package into individual machine-ready ingredients for a large loaf of just around, or just under, two pounds. To get better "rising" we are of necessity adding a bit of bread flour from wheat so all should keep that in mind when ordering the prepackaged ingredients. We have not been able to establish costs for the product because we haven't reached a stabilized recipe.

By the way, the ones who have served you so well up to now, Kathy, Diane, Jack and on and on, are willing to run the extra load of accounting and ferreting out the machines and will offer them on a "time" payoff arrangement if possible and it appears to be possible. Of course, you will be able to utilize the ingre­dients by hand as well so don't get up-tight about it. Also, you can get Spelt flour and make cookies, muffins, biscuits or any flour product. This other is simply for convenience and FOR MY PURPOSES--FOR I PREFER YOU HAVE BREAD WHICH YOU CAN SLICE AND THEN TOAST. In the toasting comes a release of the substances which make the grain so incredibly good in the first place--AND THEN, BUTTER IT. I said BUTTER, not margarine. There is a substance in BUT­TER which allows utilization of the important substances and allows the body full utilization--no other oil has it.

As we get closer to being able to offer the full-range regime and do the labor (for we have to "nursery" the drianas and other mandatory life-forms and it takes TIME for full growing cycles) we have no facilities and even though there are willing hands to help, we remain limited by ability to get "quantity" and the preparation of thousands of packages by hand is an overwhelming prospect for these already overextended people. Your patience will be appreciated and we know that you will be gra­cious and understanding as always. We are hopefully looking forward to early or mid October to begin.

Do NOT concern that the product you have will be outdated--it won't--it will be the same as utilized for "maintenance". I be­lieve, especially for you CONTACT subscribers, there is a spe­cial offer which is being set up in some manner. It will hence­forth PAY ones to subscribe because there will be ongoing dis­counts, to ones who do so, on everything which is accepted by the CONTACT to back publicly--the JOURNALS also.

We will keep you informed as we move along here.

I will be writing a major paper on hydrogen peroxide, hydro­gen, aloe vera (and some aloe products) supplements and Spelt so that you KNOW what we are talking about and WHY! I will also speak of the PALMA CHRISTI (the hand of Christ) uses of "Castor" oil (ugh!). Therefore, I ask that if anyone of you readers have a little booklet written by Edgar Cayce--would you be kind enough to share it with us, entitled, PALMA CHRISTI?
I am so indebted to you who respond to such a request for such as The Iron Curtain over America, Between Two Ages, and oth­ers which are hard to find volumes. It saves us so much time to have "hard-copy" so that I do not have to cause Dharma to sim­ply take dictation. It is very hard to sit and type and get names correctly spelled, etc., without hard-copy with which she can refer to for such information. We can do it--but why would we deprive other authors of attention to their own great contribution works? The CONTACT is OUR paper
--YOURS and mine--for the sharing of information. Do we edit? Yes, but not as you think--for IF a subject is correctly presented--we present it. We do NOT play in the NEW AGE game or the RELIGIOUS game. IF A SUBJECT IS VALID IS THE MATTER IN POINT. Just know that there is limitation to space available and the costs prohibitive (as well as human endurance) for publishing every­thing or even a minute portion of that which arrives here. We must always cover the pertinent FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS!

I am not even going to bother to have Dharma look these over for she is buried in work--but there are a few things YOU must note, please.

THIS is the storm originally planned for the Gulf Coast of Texas, etc. This is the value of public information for once a "plan" is made public--attention has to be given to the intelli­gence of going through with such dastardly activities. You can SEE that this storm is totally, 100% CONTROLLED by her ac­tions and hit-miss terror tactics. This is a very good example of how easy it is, indeed, to cause a storm and then maneuver it, manipulate it and give it life.

It is NOT missing--it took some most interesting PICTURES and had to be stopped from projecting such damaging informa­tion. NASA took care of it. You will be noting that in passing and "cover-up" they will change the subject to the telescope or other matters to cause you confusion as to just what you may have heard. There is no big telescope out there of any value at all as you perceive it to be. The major one which was devel­oped is NOT the one they are tinkering around with or leading you to believe they will somehow FIX.

There is so much "stuff" and ongoing base activity on Mars that they couldn't longer hide it so "poor the magic disappearance of a gadget.

What about birds and California? The Swallows which come regularly on a given day to Capistrano--all departed on a given day--TWO MONTHS EARLY FROM CAPISTRANO THIS SUMMER.

Why? Because you have a massive beam testing system nearby Capistrano and the barrage of electronic impulses and direct manipulation of migratory birds, sea life, etc., is under way in a MAJOR way. You had better be getting VERY, VERY NER­VOUS, WEST COAST CITIZENS.

The GANGS are being organized now to bring about massive encounters which will, in turn, bring in full operation of United Nations troops. This is very serious and already under way. Then, the gangs will be utilized to attend to you nice citizens and YOU WILL give them your weapons.

I weary of the continual bombardment of questions about one Bo Gritz and this training program. What do I think? I think it has become a travesty of honor if not deception. Col. Gritz refers to ME as a Crocodile-reptile. I have no proper term which you would understand, to classify what is happening there. I do not even attempt to offer you information as to whether or not to waste your funds attending such nonsense (an elderly lady in two hours is supposed to be able to defend herself against a knife wielding professional killer--practiced by wooden sticks of some sort, as I am told). Do what you will--but be prepared to pay double for any items you acquire from the offerings of products from the group in point. You will note that Bo also will respond to questions about me as: "I no longer speak with that Crocodile reptile". How quaint--do you note that he does NOT refute my presence--only continues toward violence in ac­tions, gun uses and negating ME with words such as that? I consider it CONFIRMATION for you ones--he knows exactly WHO I am--and chooses the other passage--so be it for he will encounter me and mine at the "gate". I have TIME--he has lit­tle! I am pleased he doesn't tell you that I come from the local air-base. Many ones from the Bible tales he quotes--wrestled with the Devil--I don't waste time wrestling with anyone! There is only ONE "Lighted" GOD and ALL and EACH will confront that ONE on HIS terms when things of the physical passage will look pretty foolish and grim when measured against the book of life rules and regulations. Indeed, I HAVE "TIME"!--ALL THE TIME IN THE UNIVERSE! This man in point was CHOSEN for magnificent awesome leadership--he is subjecting himself to that which is banal and unworthy of such a role. I have no further interest in him until he confronts Truth about his journey and direction. He refuses to take time to read or prove Truth and that is most certainly his privilege--but the Command of the Messengers is in MY Command and THOSE choices ARE NOT HIS NOR THAT OF ANY OTHER MAN!

Do I somehow "cast him out"? Of course not--I consider him my son and compatriot--with mixed-up information guided by pure EGO physical manifestation. He is simply learning his lessons the same as all of you must do and if you are foolish enough to miss the Truth this go-around--perhaps there shall be other "chances" if you miss this boat. However, if you move on to destruction of the planet through dispersion--it will be a very long time indeed before you are reassembled in order to continue school. It is sad, but a good lesson--when you preach on the basis of words in a book (written by MAN and proclaimed to be the WORD OF GOD) and act in manners against the teachings of the very one you claim to exalt--you have a problem--it matters not WHO IT MAY BE!

You ones struggle with "right" and "wrong", when you KNOW both. You fight and strain against the bindings coming down but you have no idea of what you are against or even fully attend that which you are ABOUT. AMERICA HAS A SOUL, CHELAS, A SOUL WHICH SHE HAS NOW LOST! You can even reclaim your Constitution but you CANNOT RECLAIM YOUR SOUL--look around you. Only now can you, as an individual, claim your own and if enough would so do--you might well bring back a goodly SOUL into your nation--but NOT AS YOU ARE! Don't act like you do not understand me or my words FOR YOU CERTAINLY DO!

Denouncing "ME" does not make me unreal or false--it makes the speaker a fool! To assume God would leave his people unattended when even that book so cited promises, in fact, is indeed moronic and in-credible to the speaker. I do not claim to be this "Christ Jesus" and I am NOT on your place--so how can I be "FALSE"? False what? False WHO? Do I speak in Godly manner as to truth of circumstances and necessary journey in Godly direction? Do I suggest you take up guns and murder as defense for selves? Do I offer politics and physical greed of "stuff"? NO--I am exactly who I claim myself to be--sent as a messenger, as Host, in preparation for the coming upon your place of GOD to attend his property. Your own books say it-- what seems so strange about our presence? You better start listening and reading the FACTS and stop the running off of the lips and tongue instead.

The people WORTHY OF RUNNING AMERICA AS IT HAS BECOME--ARE IN POWER AND RUNNING IT! You basically have a soulless nation and only the Elite of Satan are "worthy". So, why inquire of ME as to Mr. Gritz? He continues to practice the secret orders of the Freemasons and work within the realms of the physical advantage-takers of a world gone mad. Is he "different" from any other "man"? No, the fact that he is NOT is what distresses you ones who sought and fought for his leadership--to find that he is fallible "man" is what rends your heart. He has every right, as do you each, to play with the Luciferians if he so chooses--and he so chooses-- so be it. Many come, my friends, FEW make it. So, does he have a mission? Oh my, yes--the only problem is, on whose side? It will unfold in its proper sequence--for the privacy of individual is in point--no man knows the contract of another--nor SHOULD YOU. He will do that which he will do--and you nor I shall sit in judgment! When a man is not sure of God--he is tossed on the waves of the tempest and latches onto the first plank that comes by which he finds comforting and suitable--usually Satan sends that neat plank and while you dally about, strutting on that flimsy board--the life raft floats on by--it is the story of the ages.

By the way, Americans, when you go about your investigations--how can you be sure you KNOW what is real and what is fabrication? Does anyone remember when I spoke of the family of "Romanoff' of Russia? Did I not tell you that there was a great connection with those of Russia than you might envision since the Bolshevik Revolution and the take-over by Communism? Well, one of the days when time is available--we shall begin to clear the decks and give credit to one Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff who was (is) heir to the All-Russian Imperial Throne. Does it not seem strange that the attention continually turns back to the murders of this family, etc? Why? Because this is what the Elite Scoundrels always do when truth is being made public--they go about denial through all sorts of contortions and pronouncements of stupid fluff. Just as with the Kennedy assassination, one comes forward with the "REAL" truth, publishes it, and forevermore--goes to sleep. No indeed, Aleksei Nicholaevich Romanoff lived ON and ON AND HAS BEEN A REAL BURR UNDER THE TAIL OF THE ELITE KHAZARIAN ZIONIST THIEVES OF RUSSIA!

Am I again about to get bafflingly controversial and about to un­fold the truth as it happened in even the Bolshevik murders?? Yes, Dharma is faint of heart--I am not. It was all sponsored and aided and abetted by the Elite Banksters called Rothschild and Rockefeller, et al., so it is important for you to know HOW LONG you have been actively supporting the murderers of your planet. This is just one more tiny focus--but there are still some of those "Romanoffs" around and quite alive. I would greatly beware of the "DOUBLE EAGLE" for that which you believe to be dead and buried is NOT! Is this good or bad? It depends on WHO YOU ARE and WHAT you consider "right". This is the same as asking as to whether or not the "space cadet aliens" from "out-there somewhere" are enemies or friends. If you serve the physical Satan groups of Anti-Christ--you have prob­lems for WE are your enemy. If you serve GOD then we are most certainly far more than friends.

By the way, you can thank Mr. Reagan for your final denial of association in a magnificent way, with brothers from "space".

We met with heads of states--and even sat with Mr. Reagan while a TREATY AND CONTRACT was drawn AND SIGNED! There would be a working relationship with brothers from "out there" and during this time of confusion "water" would be exchanged for technology and assistance TO YOUR NATION SPECIFICALLY (the U.S.A.). An agreement was signed and then when it was finished the Commander in charge was taken into custody forcibly and was incarcerated in the midst of great laughter and "bury the dude". Now, please, realize that Reagan was a duped puppet simply dancing to a tune from the music box of another's choice--so don't be too hard on him. He had his puppet-masters at hand at the time.

The need was not really FOR water but could be used as a basis for exchange
--not nice fresh water--but old dirty sea water for reclamation. The agreement was clearly voided and was never intended to be honored by your governments.

As the Commander was taken away he turned to the gathered Elite and said: "You are finished! I will see to your destruction! You are through--it is but a matter of time!" There was more laughter and knee slapping as the other "space" aliens escaped from the room and did get away very nicely. The one in chains VANISHED by the next day--without a trace! Ah-hummnn!
It was at that time that Mr. Reagan came on the airwaves in a big boo-boo. He petitioned, on television, the Russians to join forces that you might have protection from outer-space aliens. It was allowed airing--ONCE! However, that was enough--for millions of you HEARD it and saw him!

So--are these my "friends"? Not at all! THEY have trouble "in River City" and it gets thicker and deeper.

You are so close to a "coup" in your nation. Your President does not have the atomic-code box. He is nothing. That cute little deadly "codebox" called "the football" resides since taking from Bush--in the Pentagon. Your lives rest in the hands of NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Surprise? Why? I've told you be­fore. Oh, I see--but you didn't know about me and couldn't bring yourself to FACE TRUTH? Well, won't we have fun sorting it all out?

I am asked if these prophecies as received by the prior Pope are valid--as found in his personal diary. YES--except that it could not be seen at the time as to whether or not the peace might come sooner than expected. It looks like he will have incorrect projections (this week) as to the time of wondrous peace and war. It looks, surely, like the war-mongers will gain the day. His other prophecies HAVE COME ABOUT! I will ask that someone run those off as presented, to be included for your in­terest. [See next chapter.]

May you walk in LIGHT that ye shall know what to do on that fateful day of reckoning. The time is at hand to order your lives for it is indeed short in the counting down to year and "PLAN" 2000.


PJ 77


WED., SEP. 1, 1993 10:12 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 016


Originally printed in INSIGHT. "A Pope's Predictions to the Year 2000".

This is going to distress most of you readers simply because YOU WILL HAVE ALREADY HEARD MOST OF IT IN THE SAME TYPE OF PREDICTIONS AS WELL WITNESS­ING THE HAPPENINGS COMING FORTH. We will simply offer it as is for it more recently comes via a radio personality. Since we have offered many things from this periodical resource before, don't hasten to put this aside as "old hat" information for we note that man needs repetition of such things in order to "order" his journey. I do wish I could present to you as happy an "ending" as does this prior Pope but then, again, glory and peace is in the eye of the beholder and he found his!

The Editor's note: The following is from the diary of Pope John the 23rd who reigned from 1958 to 1963. [H: A lot of you will well remember this man and the strange circumstances which ended his reign--keep that in full conscious relation­ship with today and today's Pope.] This copy that appears in total was distributed by certain groups in several Catholic Churches in metro-Manila.
The world will suffer through a painful period of violent war, deadly famine and destructive natural disasters over the next eight years. That nightmare will be followed by a lengthy stretch of love and harmony, a beautiful and serene Heaven on Earth.
These startling predictions come from the sensational lost diary of Pope John the 23rd, the beloved Pontiff who died June 3, 1963. The dusty weather-bound diary containing handwritten predictions was found by a Vatican cleaning woman who was sorting through boxes stacked in a little-used storage room. The entries clearly spell out the assassination of John F. Kennedy, America's plunge into the Vietnam war, unrest in the Middle East and the fall of Communism--years before they took place. Later entries call for even more troubled times.
Pope John had periodic visits from both Jesus and the Virgin Mary, says a reverend who has poured over these wondrous tales. The sessions in the Pope's chambers resulted in fantastic glimpses into the future of mankind.

The Pope was saddened to learn that conditions will get much worse before they take a sudden sensational turn in the year 2000 that will return the world to its pristine beauty that was here for Adam and Eve.

Pope John writes of Heavenly Visitors, arriving by June of 1995 in flaming chariots of steel. These special visitors will arrive at the height of despair and help man heal his wounds and work together to right all the horrible wrongs.

Father D 'Angelo, now 73-years old, has agreed to release some of the diary entries made between February of 1959 and April of 1963. The scrawled messages reveal a frightened and excited Pontiff who decided to keep his meetings with the Christ and the Madonna a secret. The first appearance of Christ took place on February 12, 1959. Pope John notes, "Dear God I have been blessed like no man before me. The Savior has granted me a special audience here in my chambers. He tells me that I have been chosen to hear the Truth no matter how awful it may be. It scares me a bit to be so entrusted but I am honored all the same. Jesus tells me the Virgin Mary will come soon to deliver the first news of what will be".


April 7, 1959: She is more beautiful than I had ever imagined. The Madonna is a
JOY to behold. I just wish her message was a positive one. She says in four years time the world will lose a great leader and a powerful nation will find itself involved in a conflict it cannot win. The fighting will take its toll on the battlefield and from within as the population de­spises the loss of its young men. The Holy Mother sheds tears as she describes the heartbreaking vision.

August 17, 1959: The Madonna's second visit is much like the first. She speaks
sadly of unrest in her homeland, a change in the balance of power and much blood being spilled in the sand. She said several "madmen" will send their people into battles in the name of God but the Creator has nothing to do with these senseless struggles among BROTHERS.

January 30, 1960: Christ comes to me again. I yearn to tell my fellow Christians
of these miraculous appearances but I am advised to keep quiet until the time is right. I cannot help but think I could perhaps head-off some of the trouble which looms for us all. But Christ tells me that misery must take place for the Master Plan to succeed.

June 13, 1960: The Virgin Mary says the world will get a false sense of hope
thirty years from now when the chains of re­pression are shattered throughout Eastern Europe. The joy, however, will be short-lived. As the freed people fight among themselves on how to run their countries. Thousands of poor and innocent children will perish due to the foolishness of their fathers.

March 6, 1961: Just when I thought my Heavenly visits were over, the Madonna
comes to me again. She seems tired of the heartaches she must share with me. My heart aches to see "Him hurting so". The news again is foreboding. The early 1990s will be a period of deadly natural dis­asters. She says "paradise" will be struck by powerful winds and waves, while killer floods and violent earthquakes will shatter man's dwellings. By the middle of the decade regional skirmishes will develop into full-fledged conflicts. As the casualties mount, world-wide famine will strike. The devastation will be like none seen before--especially throughout Africa where millions will perish.

September 23, 1961: She has returned with yet more bad news. It is becoming
truly difficult for this humble servant to hear such overwhelming hardships. The Madonna tells me terrifying diseases will be unleashed on the already weakened population of the world by late 1984. Wars will begin to wind down because the fighting nations will be greatly weakened from within. This is the beginning of the change. Hallelujah!

May 19, 1962: From the Heavens will appear "the Saviors". THEY will arrive
on June 5, 1995 and begin their task of assisting in the clean-up and repair of the environment and the crippled countries. Many will fear these odd-looking beings but they come in peace and will, with God's guidance, transform Earth from a charred, spinning lot to a lush oasis in space. The survivors will flourish in a world without war disease or hatred. My heart is finally at peace with this knowledge that there is hope for humanity.

July 2, 1962: The Madonna tells me that this will be her final visit. It is a joyous
one for she shares tremendous news. As the year 1998 arrives our Heavenly friends will have shared much of their advanced knowledge. Mankind will at last wipe out most of its diseases and our life-span will increase to the length of those listed in the Bible. The visitors will also share the remarkable power of resurrection and throngs of wrongly dead will rise again. Finally, a wondrous miracle will take place in the sky above New York City, December 25, 2000 when millions will witness the sensational appearance of a Messiah who will announce the new beginning of a second "paradise" here on Earth.

Pope John 23rd, died a year later--before he had a chance to release his predictions. Experts say the diary is 100% authentic. They urge people to prepare themselves for even leaner times before the beginning of the next century.

* * *
I realize that this was not sent again to me in error or lack of desire for comment even though the one sending it is my own beloved son-brother.

What is missing from that which I have prepared you for? If you have missed the telling--go look again for from the beginning of our presence in this place--wording through these hands, we have told you this.

You will have to understand that there are misinterpretations as one speaks of renewal. KNOW that there is a place PREPARED for you of God's people. God-willing, there shall also be a planet which can recover in her beauty and life-flow. WE are the messengers of which it is spoken--is it so hard to hold in your hearts? Can you not see the work of God at every turn--as well as that of the Evil CHALLENGERS to God and Truth?

Do "I" have joy in my task? Beyond your imaginings!! Do "I" have pain in my breast-place at that which I witness and that which is brought against our people? Indeed--but that too shall pass away as the glory unfolds.

Why is it so hard to believe and understand? Because ye blessed lambs are but "people of the LIE"! and not able to see and hear Truth as it is about you for you are blinded and deafened by the lies of presentation and trained by the electronic and human brainwashing of an insane plan for your destruction and enslavement.

I am a bit interested in the "odd-looking" description but then, again, YOU look a bit odd to us in your heavy cloaks of flesh and dreary bones. I was asked about the subject of "abnormal" in a recent meeting--my response: "Everyone on Earth seems quite abnormal to me".

There is so much left out of these short predictions. The Pope was a Godly man efforting to rise above the corruption come upon "his" church--or at the least, the realization of same. You see, a "man" can only hide so long from Truth before it runs him over. When "realization" hits and the confrontation of ability to "change" a thing happens--it is over for that one for his enemies will not allow him to longer live to tell and the heart within cannot bear the burden in continuing. It is "murder" ei­ther way you define the death of body which ensues.

Will these things come to pass? Most surely! Not only will they come to pass
--look again at the dates of entries--but many have already become present.

Will there be chariots of steel? No! Our chariots are not made of "steel" as you recognize--but it's close enough!

Your world which bore its own SOUL has already departed and awaits her children. That which lives and breathes and awaits the cleansing to continue her journey has lost her conscious soul in all that seems to be reality. She writhes in her pains of re­covery for she has already passed through her birthing pangs. The collective prevalence of "thought" coming from your planet into the Lighted Realms of expression is indeed dark unto the void. But I remind you of the Lion, the battle is not yet but barely joined--GOD WINS!

Will we bring forth that which can be used by the "children"? Oh yes, what think ye that Dharma has been doing whilst her fingers were silent? Indeed we bring that which you need--but whether or not you use it is your own choice. Will it be allowed distribution? Come, come, chelas--what think ye? Of course not! It becomes a fact--it is up to you and choices of your soul. How long will you allow the Beast to roam and destroy? Dharma no longer even asks for a vacation or a holiday--she pleads for a single hour away from this KNOWING. There is no way "away" once you KNOW for there is no "UN"knowing.

She, like you, must look beyond and unto the GOAL for in so-doing with intent of Godly purpose--YOU SHALL PREVAIL FOR YOU CAN CREATE--YOUR ENEMY CAN ONLY MANIPULATE AND DESTROY THAT WHICH IS PHYSI­CALLY ALREADY CREATED. In the ever present drive to­ward the goal--the pathway is but a passage to be "crossed" and the things which abound to pull you down will but strengthen you. The body and mind grows weary--the SOUL DOES NOT! And, dear ones, IF I need to carry you in your fatigue and distress--so shall it be! Turn FROM GOD and the journey will be more and more distressed in the absence of God. Your "voted-in" rules in the "name" of God will be as the destructive misfire of the bomb still in your hands.

Go ahead and laugh at the taking of "Christ" from X-mass. It is not the birth date of the Master Teacher at ANY calculation. Moreover, you can spell it any way you wish--it changes not one iota of the Truth of it. You can call me John, Paul, Mary, Dick or Ezekiel and it will make not one breath of difference as to