PJ 77


THU., SEP. 2, 1993 9:29 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 017


I find myself pondering what is bothering people so much and the special person at point to such extent as to continue to deny my presence. Can you not leave Col. Gritz to his own discomfort? A man in ignorance with refusal to learn is by far your worst enemy. Ones either deliberately speak and act in wrong perceptions OR they are ignorant of the facts. Your good Col. Gritz fits BOTH categories. Long since has the Golden Rule by which he claims to live and the Christ lessons he pro­claims to be "born again" into, been left to the wayside in this instance.

Perhaps I can set to rest your quandaries and petitions as it does seem to bother you greatly that he would call me "names" of Satan's troops: Judas Goat, chameleon (except that he said:"The only thing serpent about you [Hatonn] is your chameleon---". That was a gross "slip of the pen" for his intent was oth­erwise while his words were CORRECT in that I am NOTHING of the serpent, dragon or reptilian world--physical or spiritual.), and now, Crocodile Reptile. Oh? Even GOODLY BRAIN-WASHERS OF TRAINED SPECIAL FORCES KNOW THAT WHEN YOU CALL NAMES TO ANOTHER--YOU ARE EXPRESSING YOUR OWN STATUS AS IF IN A MIRROR! Does this mean that this MAN is my enemy?--NO MAN IS MY ENEMY! He is my misguided child/brother who needs a great many more lessons!

I am exactly who I present myself to be and his opinion from ego speculation is not going to change that circumstance--only cause him great embarrassment somewhere along the line of action in this time of upheaval. Just as with George Green--he will lose the respect of those who would have followed him to the White House if he continues on this current path and may get a lot of you good patriots killed in the process. He cannot see far enough out "there" to be able to see the other end of the path as can I.

If you who agonize over this quandary in any way will simply back away and LOOK, then, and only then, will you see the an­swer. Some who claim to KNOW GOD and SERVE GOD--DO NOT KNOW GOD AT ALL AND, WORSE, CLING TO THE SECRET SOCIETIES AND VIOLENCE OF THE PHYSICAL ENTRAPMENT AS IF UNDER AN INSTRUMENT-LAND­ING HOOD. Can YOU not look unto the whole of it and USE THAT WHICH IS GOODLY AND TRUTH FROM BOTH?

Col. James "Bo" Gritz, like others, HAS A MISSION AND A CONTRACT--AND NO OTHER KNOWS THAT MISSION AND CONTRACT. He is beloved by me and his childish names will not touch an iota of the truth of the presence.

He was amused that I came up instantly in anger when he re­ferred to me as a "Judas Goat". I DID!! To me, that is calling "God"--"Satan"--which, of course, he continues to do. How­ever, it changes nothing but is about as bad and painful a thing to say to me as to call him a treasonist and a "knowing" "religious" liar--which, I'm sure, would mar his image of him­self. But, how many of the treasonists realize that they commit TREASON--and especially, against GOD? I have no battle with one Bo Gritz! If he chooses to live in the dark places of experience--continually searching for peace within and truth in realization--it is his choice and I bless him for his journey will get more restless and more "searching" as he moves on. You must understand that I see beyond and within the soul--longing to have peace and a bit of quiet respite within a soul which is knowing of Truth but a consciousness fatigued with the senseless journey in a blighted world. The deeper the caring within a man, the more tormented is the man. Will it show? Not in the way you in an audience would recognize from a confident, ego-driven (but totally controlled) speaker on a platform. He would have given his life in that dirtiest of dirty roles as leader of your nation--but--look and see--the one who is in that position is NOT THE LEADER OF YOUR NATION.

Peter denied the Christ several times--did it make the person LESS a Christed being? It only caused Peter to have to serve more diligently in his soul expression of since experience. Thomas "doubted"--did that make him "bad"? No, and neither did it change the fact of the experience of the Christ, either! I did not swear on Lucifer or on the blood of a brother into secrecy as did Mr. Gritz at the bar of the Freemason order
--to stand to the square! That is not a patriotic "term" he uses--it is a Masonic oath--didn't anybody notice? Does he know that which he does? Well, he is a brilliant man and you shall have to draw your own conclusions--God usually runs second fiddle to the ego stance of a "brilliant" man steeped in the ways of clandestine physical expression. A man can be discerned in character by judgment of the actions presented. It is YOURS to discern for it is no business of mine.

However, if you think that I shall absolve myself of responsibility of offering you Truth and guidance when asked of me--you are incorrect. When I see that a thing or person is fitted for a task, even if it be short in service, I shall express it to you who ASK. Just because Mr. Gritz may NOT ask--millions of YOU DO! I suggest you ALL go back and read the second writing of 9-1/93 No.2 regarding Pope John's predictions. WE ARE NOT GOING TO BOMB IN ON YOU LIKE A SHOWER OF SNOW FLAKES IN A COUPLE OF YEARS--TRANSITION AND MESSENGERS ARE SENT IN A "KNOWING" CIVILIZATION, LONG PRIOR TO THE PHYSICAL INTEGRATION. If YOU, or Mr. Gritz, must choose so carefully his decisions regarding that "Bible" and pound it on his podium so often--I would suggest he study IT ALL for what he expresses is only a tiny bit of partial truth. In calling me, a Host Commander Messenger, sent forth to prepare a place for our God and bring the messages of Truth unto HIS people a serpent is, in fact, the same as calling the Bible a pack of lies in total and the serpent KING.

Do I denounce the "snake"? Of course not for it, too, is a wondrous CREATION of God. I do, however, denounce the symbol for it is the meaning of the Anti-God/Christ way of expression. You ones seem to have two special meanings to an oath. I do not accept an "oath" of any kind for if a Man is unworthy by his word then all the oaths of all time are equally invalid. So, if you make an oath in a social order ceremony/ritual as to even murder your brother if he divulge the secrets--then you have made an oath--regardless of whether or not you think it is simply "fun and games". Does it then come that somehow your oath unto a nation or a flag to protect it from enemies within and without--has MORE meaning? God only sees the intent of the soul but the expression of the lips indicates the SAME!

If a man is TRAINED to kill or be an "assassin", which is still "MURDER" of another
--does this make the act "right"? No-- and when it is self-excused on the basis of "need to"--it still DOES NOT MAKE IT "RIGHT"! under any circumstances. When a man KNOWS this is a wrong approach and continues to train and press for such action--it still remains WRONG. It is, however, between that ONE and GOD. It is none of my business except as it affects that which is in my command in service to Creator.

My people have been slain (by your earthly terms) and SO HAS BO GRITZ! I also suggest you reread the portion from yesterday wherein it is stated that WE COMING FORTH will teach and KNOW the ability of resurrection! I suggest YOU ALL give careful thought to this little "trick".

Now, if you don't mind, I would like to drop the subject for I fully intend to give no more of today to Mr. Gritz--he is acting as a child in a money-making game, some of which is worthy--a lot which is not. It is your own choice to go and experience and you will gain greatly if you attend everything carefully--in many ways. Will it save your life? I doubt it! However, if you do not get yourselves prepared for negative experiences you surely cannot survive these things which will be thrust upon you. And I remind you--if a man call me Judas Goat and Serpent--likewise shall I refer to him as the same for it surely would take one to perceive another--right or wrong! If he does not like the idle chatter then I suggest that what is sauce for the goose is likewise sauce for the gander! In the ending you shall perceive truth through the actions--you may JUDGE mine to the limits of your universe--but, you might well also look at his! I did not say look and hear the "opinions" of someone else--GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF AT THE FACTS, NOT THE GOSSIP!

Dharma asks me, "Why?" as we write and look into Lost Civi­lizations and Buried Continents and People--"are there so many things with symbols of serpents and dragons and seemingly wondrously decorated artifacts"? SIMPLE: THE SERPENT PEOPLE AND CIVILIZATIONS ALWAYS PERISH!! ALWAYS!!! GOD always prevails and the evil is buried in some manner or another and HIS people are taken into se­curity and beauty so that the legacy of that which will come again
--shall find the desolation and buried symbols and be able to learn truth of the destruction--but, alas, the lesson is simply repeated over and over again. Evolvement is a won­drous thing which also includes "letting go" and "releasing"
--as the butterfly emerging from a cocoon--it cannot wait for all butterflies to emerge from their own sleeping hollow--it must go forth unto whatever lies ahead for it while allowing the others to be birthed and grow as they will. You can learn from that tiny and beautiful winged creature but you cannot open the other cocoons to free that which is inside lest you kill it and neither can you hold the birthed creature from its journey lest you kill IT. YOU cannot live for an­other!
I am most grateful for the following letter received this morn­ing. It is from a man in Nevada and it regards "the wisdom" of his son of 12 years. It only "seems" there are no young with wisdom left in your society--but perhaps you had best look again at the Master Teacher and what HE was doing at the age of 12 years.

August 25, 1993


Greetings once again. I would like to share with you some­thing my 12 year old son, J-L said to me during a discussion we were having regarding TRUTH.

"Dad, it's really simple. GOD, or TRUTH, has a WORD. You must be able to recognize and understand the WORD of TRUTH so you can become one with it. The adversary or Anti-God also has a word. You must be able to recognize and under­stand the WORD of anti-TRUTH when you encounter it so that it can find no place to take root in you. The world also has a word. But the word of the world is not meant to be understood, only observed, because the word of the world is insane".

I asked my son to clarify the part about the word of the world. He said, "Look at how people act from minute to minute, from day to day. Look at how man treats his fellow man; look how he treats the Earth. It's crazy; it's chaos. If you try to understand it you'll go crazy. Just observe and don't judge. Don't seek to worship God or Christ, seek to become God or Christ in a totally humble way. That's the best any of us can do. God will provide us everything we need to succeed if we seek him with right intent".

I am grateful to and appreciate everyone there in the "groundcrew". I have no words that are adequate to express this. May I paraphrase Kahlil Gibran from his Words of the Master, A Second Treasury, pg 92:
"Thank you Doris, E.J., Doctor Young, and everyone else involved in bringing forth the WORD of TRUTH, for deep in my heart, though I did not understand it,
I hungered and thirsted for TRUTH that would transcend any to be found on the earth.
I yearned for the soul's freedom that would teach me to rejoice with my neighbor at the light of the sun and the wonder of living. For it is this cherished freedom that brings man close to the Unseen, which we can approach without fear or shame".

In Light,


* * *
Thank you for sharing this with us for it is ONLY this reward that causes our feet to move one more step and sit to the key­board one more time--remember "through the eyes of a child" and "as a child" shall ye come into wisdom that you might KNOW. Does this mean the child will be a "saint"? Perish the thought--children come to experience and reflect that which is offered unto them--be ever mindful of that example and honor yourself when the reflection IS of wisdom for it is YOUR

Let us now turn to other worthy work:


Look carefully at that which is happening to this unfortunate being. Have you ever in all your experience seen worse justice and manipulation of a man's life? Now, as it comes to "having" to let the man come home--your own Attorney General says she will try in every way to get him deported!!
DO NOT SIT STILL FOR THIS ATROCITY. It will do no good to write to her--she is a puppet on the IMF's strings! It is a controlled "Israel First" nightmare. Write your congressmen--barrage them and everyone you can think of with the FACTS. Demand to know why this woman has such power--SHE IS AN AGENT OF A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT AND IS PAID DIRECTLY FROM THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND YET YOU ALLOW HER TO ACT AS YOUR AGENT! IF YOU CANNOT CHANGE THESE SMALL THINGS, AMERICANS, YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR NATION. EVERYTHING YOU WRITE TO YOUR CONGRESSMEN AND ALSO TO THIS DISGRACEFUL REPRESENTATIVE

Dharma, please scribe, let us offer another segment from the "300" book by Coleman. I do not know which segment this represents but I think the editors can ferret it out for us. It is so important that you continue to get these major players in proper order and impact--even if names be changed in the present on­going play for it is the structure and concept which endures.

We shall simply take up where we left off without comment on prior printings--you shall have to do your homework and go back and get sequence for we have no space available for continual refreshment.

When I (Coleman) wrote these things in 1981, the conspira­tors' global plans were already in an advanced state of pre­paredness....

....The polarizing of South America and the U.S. was a spe­cial assignment given to Kissinger by the Committee of 300. The Malvinas War (also known as the Falklands War) and the subsequent overthrow of the Argentine government, followed by economic chaos and political upheavals, were planned by Kissinger Associates acting in concert with Lord Carrington, a top-ranking member of the Committee of 300.

One of the principal Committee of 300 assets in the U.S., the Aspen Institute of Colorado, also helped plan events in Ar­gentina, even as it did in the case of the fall of the Shah of Iran. Latin America is important to the United States, not only be­cause we have so many mutual defense treaties with countries there, but also because it has the potential of providing a huge market for American exports of technology, heavy industrial equipment, which would have galvanized many of our faltering companies and provided thousands of new jobs. This was to be prevented at all costs, even if it meant 30 years of war.

Instead of seeing this huge potential in a positive light, the Committee of 300 saw it as a dangerous threat to its post-indus­trial zero-growth U.S. plans and immediately acted to make an example of Argentina as a warning to other Latin American na­tions to forget any ideas they may have had to promote nation­alism, independence and sovereign integrity. This is the reason why so many Latin American countries turned to drugs as their sole means of support, which may very well have been the in­tention of the conspirators in the first place.

Americans in general look down on Mexico, which is pre­cisely the attitude with which the Committee wants the people of the United States to regard Mexico. What we need to do is change our thinking about Mexico and South America in gen­eral. Mexico represents a potentially huge market for all types of U.S. goods which could mean thousands of jobs for Americans and Mexicans alike. Transferring our industries "south of the border" and paying the maquiladores slave wages is not in the interest of either country. It benefits nobody but the "Olympians".

Mexico received most of its nuclear power technology from Argentina, but the Malvinas War put an end to that. The Club of Rome decreed back in 1986 that it would stop exports of nu­clear technology to developing countries. With nuclear power stations generating abundant cheap electricity, Mexico would have become the "Germany of Latin America". Such a state of affairs would have been a disaster for the conspirators who have, by 1991, stopped all exports of nuclear technology except that destined for Israel.

What the Committee of 300 has in mind for Mexico is a feu­dal peasantry, a condition that allows for easy management and looting of Mexican oil. A stable and prosperous Mexico can only be a plus for the United States. This is what the
conspira­tors wish to prevent, so they have engaged in decades of innu­endo, slander and direct economic war on Mexico. Before former President Lopez Portillo took office and nationalized the banks, Mexico was losing $200 million a day to capital flight, organized and orchestrated by the Committee of 300's representatives in banks and brokerage houses on Wall Street.

If only we in the United States had statesmen and not politi­cians running the country, we could act together and set back the One World Government-New World Order plans to return Mexico to a state of helplessness. If we were able to defeat the Club of Rome's plans for Mexico, it would come as a shock to the Committee of 300, a shock from which they would take a long time to recover. The inheritors of the Illuminati pose as great a threat to the United States as they do to Mexico. By seeking common ground with Mexican patriotic movements, we in the United States could forge a formidable force to be reck­oned with. But such action requires leadership, and we are more lacking in leadership than in any other area of endeavor.

The Committee of 300 through its many affiliated organiza­tions was able to nullify the Reagan presidency. Here is what Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation had to say on the sub­ject: "The Right thought it had won in 1980 but in fact it had lost". What Butler was referring to was the situation in which the Right found itself when it realized that every single position of importance in the Reagan Administration was filled by Fabi­anist appointees recommended by the Heritage Foundation. Butler went on to say that Heritage would use rightwing ideas to impose leftwing radical principles upon the United States, the same radical ideas which Sir Peter Vickers Hall, top Fabianist in the U.S. and the number one man at Heritage, had been openly discussing during the election year.

Sir Peter Vickers Hall remained an active Fabianist even though he was running a conservative "think tank". As a mem­ber of the British oligarchical Vickers armament manufacturing family, he had position and power. The Vickers family supplied both sides in the First World War and again during Hitler's rise to power. Vickers' official cover was the University of Califor­nia's Urban and Regional Development Institute. He was a longtime confidant of British labour leader and Committee of 300 member Anthony Wedgewood Benn.

Both Vickers and Benn are integrated with the Tavistock In­stitute for Human Relations, the premiere brainwashing institu­tion in the world. Vickers uses his Tavistock training to very good effect when speech-making. Consider the following ex­ample:

"There are two Americas. One is the nineteenth century heavy-industry based society. The other is the growing post-in­dustrial society, in some cases built on the shards of the old America. It is the crisis between these two worlds which will produce the economic and social catastrophe of the next decade. The two worlds are in fundamental opposition, they cannot co­exist. In the end the post industrial world must crush and obliterate the other one". Remember, this speech was made in 1981 and we can see from the state of our economy and our industries just how accurate was Sir Peter's prediction. When concerned people ask me how long the 1991 recession will last, I refer them to Sir Peter's statements and add my own opinion that it will not end until 1995/1996, and even then what emerges will not be the America we knew in the 1960's and 1970's. That America has already been destroyed.

I reported Sir Peter's speech in my newsletter soon after it was delivered. How prophetic it was, but then it was easy to predict a future already written for America by the Committee of 300 and its executive Club of Rome. What was Sir Peter saying in a euphemistic manner? Translated into ordinary ev­eryday English, he was saying that the old American way of life, our true and trusted republican form of government based upon our Constitution, was going to be crushed by the New World Order. America as we knew it was going to have to go, or be crushed to pieces.

As I said, Committee of 300 members often make themselves highly visible. Sir Peter was no exception. To make it clearly understood where he was coming from, Sir Peter rounded off his speech by declaring:

"I am perfectly happy working with the Heritage Foundation and groups like that. True Fabians look to the New Right to push through some of their more radical ideas. For more than a decade the British population has been subject to a constant pro­paganda barrage of how it was on the industrial skids. All of this is true, but the net effect of the propaganda was to demor­alize the population. (Exactly as intended by the new-science scientists at Tavistock).

"This will happen in the United States as the economy wors­ens. This (demoralizing process) is necessary to make people accept difficult choices. If there is no planning for the future or if constituencies block progress there will be social chaos on a scale which is currently hard to imagine. The outlook for urban America is bleak. There is a possibility of doing something with the inner cities, but basically the cities will shrink and the manu­facturing base will decline. This will produce social convul­sions".

Was Sir Peter a psychic, a magician of great report or merely a charlatan fortune teller with a great deal of luck? The answer is "none of these". All Sir Peter was doing was reading off the blueprint of the Committee of 300-Club of Rome for slow death of the United States as a former industrial giant. Looking back over the ten years of Sir Peter's predictions, can anybody doubt that the Committee of 300's plans for the demise of an industri­alized United States has become a fait accompli?

Haven't Sir Peter's predictions proved to be remarkably ac­curate? Indeed they have, almost down to the last word. It is worth noting that Sir Peter Vickers (Sir Peter Vickers-Hall's father-in-law) worked on the Stanford Research paper, Chang­ing Images of Man, from which much of the 3000 pages of ma­terial advice sent to the Reagan Administration was taken. Moreover, as senior MI6 British intelligence officer, Sir Peter Vickers was in a position to give Heritage a great deal of ad­vance information.

As a member of the Committee of 300 and NATO, Sir Peter Vickers was around when NATO directed the Club of Rome to develop a social program which would utterly change the direc­tion in which America wanted to go. The Club of Rome, under Tavistock direction, ordered Stanford Research Institute (SRI) to develop such a program, not only for America, but for every nation in the Atlantic Alliance and the OECD nations.

It was Sir Peter's protege, Stuart Butler, who gave President Reagan 3000 pages of "recommendations", which no doubt contained some opinions expressed by Anthony Wedgewood Benn, a member of parliament and a ranking member of the Committee of 300. Benn told members of the Socialist Interna­tional who met in Washington on December 8, 1980: "You can thrive under Volcker's credit collapse if you profile Reagan to intensify the credit collapse".

That Butler's advice was taken and applied to the Reagan Administration can be seen in the collapse of the Savings and Loan and banking industries which accelerated under Reagan economic policies. While Benn called it "profiling", he really meant that Reagan should be brainwashed. It is worth noting that Von Hayek--who is a founder member of Heritage--used his student, Milton Friedman, to preside over the Club of Rome's plans to deindustralize America using the Reagan presidency to accelerate the collapse of first the steel industry, and then the auto and housing industries, for example.

In this regard a French Black Nobility member, Etienne D'Avignon, as a member of the Committee of 300, was as­signed the task of collapsing the steel industry in this country. It is doubtful that any of the hundreds of thousands of steel work­ers and shipyard workers who have been without jobs for the past decade have ever heard of D'Avignon. I fully reported the D'Avignon Plan in April 1981 World Economic Review. At­tending that fateful December 10th Club of Rome meeting in Washington D.C. was a mystery man from Iran who turned out to be Bani Sadr, the Ayatollah Khomeini's special envoy.

One speech in particular at the December 10th, 1980 con­clave caught my attention, mainly because it came from Fran­cois Mitterand, a man the French establishment had discarded and thought to be washed up. But my intelligence source had previously told me that Mitterand was in the process of being picked up, dusted off and returned to power, so what he said carried a good deal of weight for me:

"Industrial capitalist development is the opposite of freedom. We must put an end to it. The economic systems of the 20th and 21st century will use machines to crush man, first in the domain of nuclear energy which is already producing formidable results". Mitterand's return to the Elysee Palace was a great triumph for socialism. It proved that the Committee of 300 was powerful enough to predict happenings and then make them happen, by force, or by whatever means it took to make its point that it could crush any and all opposition even if, as in the case of Mitterand, he had been totally rejected a few short days be­fore by a discerning political power group in Paris.

* * *
Thank you. Let us close this as it has become a bit too lengthy for one sitting. I ask that all who will and can, get a copy of this book so that you will have it in its entirety. It can be gotten through Dr. John Coleman personally--and please tell him who referred you. Truth is the most valuable asset of all tools in your reclamation for it allows you to know and recognize your enemy.


PJ 77


FRI., SEP. 3, 1993 10:17 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 018


Don't miss what they are doing with the BNL situation. They are blaming ONE man for the whole of the mess which involves the TOP-LEVEL people in your government and administration. Then, like the other "hearings", it is announced that there is no blame or reason to further investigate the situations and all is dropped and all the evil bastards live happily ever-after!

Things are moving so quickly that you miss a major happening every time you blink your eyes--so you must stay right onto things--the CONTACT IS NOT BIG ENOUGH to cover it all in remindings to watch OR to get updates printed for you. However, you do need to know "players" in this game or you are in for no ability to sort things.

(The Queen's PERSONAL Forces)
How many of you realize that British Intelligence (specifically MI6) fomented this Bosnian-Croatian conflict? Note also that as the Russian faction of the World Order supplied the Serbs, etc., it is obvious that hand-in-hand march the demons of death of a planet.

Not only do they remain "friends" with Serbia, they prevented the advancement of German interests and are selling enormous amounts of weapons to the warring parties. This information comes directly from the afflicted area. From Croatian "counter-intelligence" and "double agents" comes full information on how British agents provoked the confrontation between Croatians and Bosnians in order to protect the aggression in the Balkans being waged by Greater Serbia.

The whole provocation was staged under the cover of UN forces and exposes Britain's Lord David Owens as political controller of the operation.

Now get this next positively in mind: The people of former Yugoslavia, who have been treated as guinea pigs in a BRITISH TAVISTOCK experiment, are now pointing at the puppetmasters.

The facts are about one, Norry Phillips, a British mercenary, former member of the British Navy who had come to Croatia two years before to train Croatian soldiers. Upon the arrival of UNPROFOR in Croatia, Phillips joined the HVO (Croat Council of Defense, the party militia of Croatian President Tudjman) and when the clashes between Croats and Muslims started in Mostar, Norry shifted to the Muslim side. Nothing strange, except that it had been Norry who tried everything to persuade the HVO commanders to attack the Muslims. "Let us deal with the Bosnia army in two days and the world will accept that". People in HVO found it strange that he was suggesting this while selling weapons to the Muslims.

Phillips had strong connections in weapons supply and import of mercenaries. He would send the new mercenaries to central Bosnia with the task to train chosen members of the Croatian HVO and Bosnian army to be merciless commandos (remember that is what "Tavistock" is ABOUT--mind-control) to be launched against the Serbs. The British were usually leaders of those groups that, by the way, never started a single action against the Serbs. Instead, those commandos, Croats and Muslims, turned against each other, both sides under British command.

The Massacre in the Muslim village of Ahmici, near Vitez, was carried out by one of these groups commanded by a British citizen. The desecration of the Croatian monastery Guca Gora and the massacre.... was executed by a group of Mujahedins, commanded by a mercenary named "Rose"--a British subject. Immediately after the massacre, the British UN forces would enter those villages along with British journalists who would send out horrible pictures of war and suffering, stressing that what was going on between the Croats and Muslims was not sporadic clashes but a real war.

Pictures of mutual massacres and burned villages created, within the Croatians and the Muslims, a mutual feeling of hate to the point that they became greater enemies to each other than to the real aggressor. Among the international public this created the impression that there was not a war of aggression in Bosnia, but a civil war. In a recent interview to BBC, Lord Owen ex­plained: "The Americans thought at the beginning that the problem in Bosnia was a simple one: One party is the aggressor, the others are the victims. We knew from the beginning that the problem was a more complex one since it was not an aggres­sion, but a civil war".

"The territory of former Yugoslavia, that is the Balkans, is strategically interesting as the shortest land-route to the East. That is why that area is cut by spheres of influence of the world and the European powers...when it was impossible for those powers to realize their interests through political means, their secret services were activated, and through the manipulation of certain political and military groups, would prepare events that would change history. It is known today that the demonstration that led to the fall of the Yugoslav government on March 27, 1941, was directed by British Intelligence ...during the whole war there were British Intelli­gence officers with Tito [Yugoslav leader].

"British officers and mercenaries are also active in the war against Croatia and especially now in the war in Bosnia. Some of these people are part of British Intelligence abroad, Military Intelligence Six, for short MI6 (Yes indeed, the outfit that runs the University of Science and Philosophy in Virginia). Today serious analysts put MI6 at the very top of the intelligence ser­vices. Some estimate it to be equal to the American CIA (Oh, gads--they basically ARE the CIA along with the KGB and Mossad.), and some say that in certain departments it is even superior.... During the whole course of World War II, MI6 had its men at the very top of the Wehrmacht [German war ma­chine] and among the top Russian officers....

"In the European department of MI6 there is a Balkan subde­partment, which used to be important to Britain because of the control of the route towards Suez. Today that subdepartment's aim is to stop the influence of Germany in the Balkans". These quotes come from Dan Damon of Sky News who got on the in­side of the operation.

I suggest you no longer believe ANYTHING you are told on the news and look between the lies for truth of some measure. It is there if you know what is really going on.

I do feel it important that today we continue right on with Dr. Coleman's writings in "300" because he was a member (he said) of MI6 and he certainly, with George Green, managed to drop a bomb on us via US&P and the hidden conspiratorial relation­ships involved against us.

Taking up right where we left off yesterday:

(Continued from 9/2/93)
(aka: Irwin Suall)
Another group representative at the December 1980 Wash­ington meetings with "observer status" was John Graham, also known as "Irwin Suall", head of the fact-finding committee of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL is an outright British Intelligence operation run by all three branches of British Intelligence, that is, MI6 and the JIO. Suall's extensive bag of dirty tricks was garnered from the sewers of the East End of London. Suall is still a member of the super-secret SIS, an elite James Bond type of operation. Let nobody underesti­mate the power of the ADL, nor its long reach. [H: You MUST note that the ADL-B'nai B'rith is the "Jewish Intelli­gence Organization" branch of British Intelligence.]

Suall works closely with Hall and other Fabianists. He was singled out as useful to British Intelligence while at Ruskin Labour College at Oxford University [H: Where Clinton spent time as a Rhodes scholar!!] in England, the same
Com­munist education center that gave us Milner, Rhodes, Burgess, McLean and Kim Philby. Oxford and Cambridge Universi­ties have long been the province of the sons and daughters of the elite, those whose parents belong to the "upper crust" of British high society. While at Oxford, Suall joined the Young People's Socialist League, and was recruited by British intelligence shortly thereafter.

Suall was posted to the United States where he came under the protection and sponsorship of one of the most insidious left­ists in the country, Walter Lippmann. Lippmann founded and ran the League for Industrial Democracy, and Students for a Democratic Society, both leftist spoiler operations to set indus­trial workers at variance with what it called "the Capitalist class" and management. Both of Lippmann's projects were an integral part of the Committee of 300 apparat that stretched right across America, of which Lippman was a most important member.

Suall has strong connections with the Justice Department and can secure FBI profiles of any person he targets. The Jus­tice Department has orders to give Suall everything he wants when he wants it. Most of Suall's activities center around "keeping an eye on rightwing groups and individuals". The ADL has an open door to the State Department and makes good use of State's impressive intelligence agency.

The State Department has a layer of agents in the right wing, posing as "fearless anti-Semitic fighters". There are four leaders in this group of informers, three of whom are discreet Jewish homosexuals. This spy group has been in operation for the past two decades. They publish virulently anti-Jewish "newspapers" and sell a wide variety of anti-Semitic books. One of the principal operators works out of Louisiana. A mem­ber of this group is a writer who is dearly beloved in Christian rightwing circles. The group and the individuals who go to make it up are under the protection of the ADL. Suall was deeply involved in ABSCAM and is often called upon by law enforcement agencies to assist them in investigations and sting operations.

Suall was assigned to "dog Reagan", in terms of the course laid out for the newly-elected President by the Heritage Foun­dation, and to figuratively fire a few warning shots if Reagan looked like deviating or taking off his blinders at any time. Suall helped to get rid of any troublesome rightwing advisor not beholden to Heritage for his or her job with the Reagan ad­ministration. Such a person was Ray Donovan, Reagan's Sec­retary of Labor, who was eventually removed from his post thanks to the Dirty Tricks department of the ADL. James Baker III, one of those on the list of 3000 recommendations made by the Heritage Foundation, was the go-between who car­ried Suall's messages of hate about Donovan to the President.

Another important conspirator was Philip Agee, the so-called CIA "defector". Although not a member of the Committee, he was nevertheless its case officer for Mexico, and run by the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) and the Council on Foreign Relations. For the record, NOTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THE U.S. HAPPENS WITHOUT THE SANCTION OF THE RIIA! It is a continuing and ongoing agreement first OPENLY entered into (there were many such secret agreements before that) by Churchill and Roosevelt in 1938, under the terms of which U.S. intelligence services are obliged to share intelligence secrets with British Intelligence.

This is the basis of the so-called "special relationship" be­tween the two countries about which Churchill and Lord Hali­fax boasted and which "special relationship" was responsible for the U.S. fighting the Gulf War against Iraq for and on behalf of British interests, more especially British Petroleum, one of the most important companies in the Committee of 300 in which Queen Elizabeth's immediate family has a big stake.

No intelligence activity has taken place since 1938 except through this special joint command structure. Philip Agee joined the CIA after graduating from Notre Dame where he was inducted into its Jesuit Freemason ring. Agee first came to my attention in 1968 as the intelligence officer behind the riots at the University of Mexico. One of the most important things about the Mexican student riots was that they occurred at the same time as student rioting in New York, Bonn, Prague and West Berlin.

With the coordination expertise and its special intelligence network of which INTERPOL is an integral part, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first sight for the Committee to set in motion carefully timed global actions, whether they be student rioting or deposing leaders of supposedly sovereign nations. It is all in a day's work for the "Olympians". From Mexico Agee moved on to align himself with Puerto Rican terrorist groups. During this time he became a trusted confidant of the Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro.

It should not be imagined that while Agee was carrying out these operations, he was doing so as a "rogue" agent. On the contrary, he was working for the CIA all during these assign­ments. Trouble came when Castro's DGI (Cuban intelligence service) was able to "turn" him. Agee continued to work in his capacity as a member of the CIA until his double role was un­covered. This involved the biggest Soviet listening post in the West located at Lourdes, Cuba. Staffed by 3000 Soviet spe­cialists in signals-monitoring and deciphering. Lourdes has the capability of monitoring thousands of electronic signals simulta­neously. Many a private phone conversation between a member of Congress and his mistress was picked up at Lourdes and used to telling effect.

Although we are told today in 1991 that "Communism is dead," the United States has done nothing to close down the vast spy operation which sits on our doorstep. Incidentally, Lourdes has the capability of picking up even the weakest "tempest" sig­nal, which is the type given off by a fax machine or an electric typewriter which, when deciphered, will give the contents of whatever is being typed or faxed. Lourdes remains a dagger in the heart of the United States. There is absolutely no reason for its continued existence. If the U.S. and the USSR are truly at peace with each other, why the continued need for so massive a spy operation? The simple truth is that, rather than retrenching personnel as we are led to believe, the KGB has taken on addi­tional recruits during 1990 and 1991.

Bernard Levin is probably not a name that is well-known in the United States. Unlike decadent "pop stars" or Hollywood's latest miserable "discovery", academics seldom if ever come be­fore the public eye. Of the hundreds of academics in the United States working under the Control of the Club of Rome, Levin is worthy of special mention if for no reason other than his role in undermining Iran, the Philippines, South Africa, Nicaragua and South Korea. The demise of the Shah of Iran was run to a plan devised by Bernard Levin and Richard Falk, and supervised by Robert Anderson's Aspen Institute.

Levin was the author of a work entitled Time Perspective and Morale which is a Club of Rome publication concerning how to break down the morale of nations and individual leaders. Here is an extract of the document:

"One of the main techniques for breaking morale through a strategy of terror consists in exactly this tactic: keep the person hazy as to where he stands and just what he may expect. In addition, if frequent vacillations between severe disciplinary measures and promise of good treatment together with the spreading of contradictory news make the structure of the situation unclear, then the individual may cease to know whether a particular plan would lead toward or away from his goal. Under these conditions, even those individuals who have definite goals and are ready to take risks are paralyzed by the severe inner conflict in regard to what to do." [H: READ IT AGAIN!]

This Club of Rome blueprint applies to COUNTRIES as well as to individuals, particularly the government leaders of those countries. We in the U.S. need not think that "Oh well, this is America, and those kinds of things just do not happen here". Let me assure you that they ARE happening in the U.S., and perhaps more so than in any other country.

The Levin-Club of Rome plan is designed to demoralize us all so that in the end we feel we should follow whatever it is that is planned for us. We WILL follow Club of Rome orders like sheep. Any seemingly strong leader who SUDDENLY APPEARS to "rescue" the nation must be regarded with the utmost suspicion. Remember that Khomeini was groomed for years by British Intelligence, especially during his time in Paris, before he suddenly appeared as the savior of Iran. BORIS YELTSIN IS FROM THE SAME MI6-SIS STABLE!

The Club of Rome feels confident that it has carried out its Committee of 300 mandate to "soften up" the United States. After 45 years of waging war on the people of this nation, who will doubt that it has indeed accomplished its task? Look around and see how we have been demoralized. Drugs, pornography, rock and roll "music", free sex, the family unit all but totally undermined, lesbianism, homosexuality and finally the ghastly murder of millions of innocent babies by their own mothers. Has there ever been a crime so vile as mass abortion?

With the U.S. spiritually, morally bankrupted, with our industrial base destroyed throwing 30 million people out of work, with our big cities ghastly cesspools of every imaginable crime, with a murder rate almost three times higher than any other country, with 4 million homeless, with corruption in government reaching endemic proportions, who will gainsay that the United States is ready to collapse from within, into the waiting arms of the New Dark Age One World Government?

The Club of Rome has succeeded in splitting the Christian churches; it has succeeded in building up an army of charismatics, fundamentalists and evangelicals who will fight for the Zionist State of Israel. During the Gulf War of genocide I received scores of letters asking me how I could oppose "a just Christian war against Iraq". How could I doubt that Christian fundamentalist support for the Committee of 300's war against Iraq was not Biblical--after all didn't Billy Graham pray with President Bush just before the shooting started? Doesn't the Bible speak of "wars and rumors of wars"?

These letters give an insight into just how well the Tavistock Institute has done its work. The Christian fundamentalists will be a formidable force behind the state of Israel, exactly as planned. How sad that these fine people do not realize that they have been GROSSLY MISUSED by the Club of Rome and that their opinions and beliefs are NOT THEIR OWN, but those created for them by the hundreds of Committee of 300 "think tanks" that dot the American landscape. In other words, like any other segment of the United States population, the Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals have been thoroughly brain-washed.

We as a nation are ready to accept the demise of the United States of America and the American way of life, once the envy of the entire world. Do not think this has happened on its own-- the old "times are changing" syndrome. Time does not change anything, PEOPLE do. It is a mistake to think of the Committee of 300 and the Club of Rome as European institutions. The Club of Rome exercises great influence and power in the United States, and has its own chapter based in Washington D.C.

Senator Claiborne Pell is its leader, and one of its members is Frank M. Potter, a one-time staff director of the House Sub-committee on Energy. It is not difficult to see how the Club of Rome has maintained its grip on U.S. energy policies and where "environmentalist" opposition to nuclear energy is coming from. Perhaps the Club's greatest success story is its hold over Congress in regard to nuclear energy which has had the effect of preventing the U.S. from entering the 21st century as a strong industrial nation. The effect of the anti-nuclear policy of the Club of Rome can be measured in terms of silent blast fur­naces, derelict railroad yards, rusting steel mills, shipyards long since closed down and a valuable trained work force scattered across the United States, which may never again be assembled.

Other Club of Rome members in the U.S. are Walter A. Hahn of the Congressional Research Service, Ann Cheatham and Douglas Ross, both senior economists. Ross's task, in his own words, was to "translate Club of Rome perspectives into legislation to help the country get away from the illusion of plenty". Ann Cheatham was the director of an organization called "Congressional Clearing House For The Future".

Her task was to profile members of Congress who would be susceptible to astrology and New Age mumbo-jumbo. At one stage she had in excess of 100 Congressmen in her classes. Daily session were held in which a variety of astrological "forecasts" were made based on her "occult perceptions". Be­sides Congressmen, other prominent people who attended her sessions were Michael Walsh, Thornton Bradshaw--A LEAD­ING MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300--and David Sternlight, a senior vice-president of Allstate Insurance Com­pany.

Some of the more important members of the Committee of 300 are also members of NATO, a fact which we ought to re­member. These Committee of 300 members often hold several offices. Among the NATO-Club of Rome membership are found Harland Cleveland, a former ambassador to NATO, Joseph Slater, a director of the Aspen Institute, Donald Lesh, a former staffer in the U.S. National Security Agency, George McGhee and Claiborne Pell, to name a few exam­ples. [H: Further, why don't you go check out the Univer­sity of Science and Philosophy and note the connections!]

It is important that we remember these names, make a list of them if you wish, so as to recall who they are and what they stand for when their names come up in television programs and news services. Following intelligence modus vivendi, leaders of the Committee often appear on television, usually in the most innocent of guises. We ought to be aware that nothing they do is innocent.


* * *
I believe it would be noteworthy to "highlight" important names as they appear. Dharma doesn't have time nor thought transfer­ence to do so--nor does E.J. in the first scanning for typos, etc. But I believe it worthy of someone's time to help isolate these names and HANG THEM HIGH IN THE OPEN SCRUTINY OF THE PUBLIC EYE.

Dharma, we must close this as I need you elsewhere today. Thank you for your service and you readers, for your interest.