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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#077, PLAYERS IN THE GAME

    PJ 77
    If you think you are not "had" in this game of non-­chance--look again. You had best recognize the players in the major rule-book writing for you are playing by the rules of the Controllers of Destiny and Builders of Doom. Even the Elite have Doomsday plans--where are YOURS?


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.
    ISBN 1-56935-022-1
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    October 1993
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    FRI., SEPTEMBER 17, 1993...........................................................................................
    IN THE SILENCE............................................................................................. .................
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ...
    NAFT'A.............................................................................................. ................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., AUGUST 20, 1993................................................................................................ ..
    HEAVY HEARTS AND PROSPECTS............................................................................
    WACO--GONE?............................................................................................... .................
    YOU OF AMERICA............................................................................................. .............
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., AUGUST 24, 1993................................................................................................ .
    HOT LINE, FAX NETWORK..........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    THE NEW WORLD ORDER DOESN'T PLAY FAIR ..................................................
    PART 1 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    PART 2 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    PART 3 IN A SERLES.............................................................................................. ........
    PART 4 IN A SERIE,S............................................................................................. .........
    PART 5 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    PART 6 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    PART 7 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    PART 8 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    PART 9 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .........
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SOVIETS, U.S. BOTH USING MIND CONTROL METHODS....................................
    PART 10 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .......
    PART 11 IN A SERIES.............................................................................................. .......
    CHAPT'ER 8................................................................................................... ...........................
    MIND CONTROL ORIGINS FOUND IN NAZI GERMANY.......................................
    PART 12 IN A SERIES ....................................................................................................
    PART 13 OF A THIRTEEN-PART SERIES...................................................................
    BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR THIS SERIES.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 1, 1993..........................................................................................
    LATE REPORTS?............................................................................................ .................
    RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ........................
    GAIANDRIANA AND SPELT-BREAD.........................................................................
    HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ...............................................................................................
    THANK YOU FOR RESPONSES....................................................................................
    CURRENT EVENTS TO NOTE......................................................................................
    EMILY............................................................................................... .................................
    THE MARS SURVEILLANCE SATELLITE..................................................................
    SWALLOWS............................................................................................ .........................
    CRIPS AND BLOODS.............................................................................................. ........
    SPIKE TRAINING............................................................................................ .................
    LOST SOUL................................................................................................ .......................
    IF YOU ONLY KNEW ....................................................................................................
    THE POPE'S PROPHECIES;......................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 1, 1993..........................................................................................
    THE POPE'S DIARY OF PREDICTIONS.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., SEPTEMBER 2, 1993...........................................................................................
    REFLECTIONS......................................................................................... .........................
    DEMJANJUK........................................................................................... .........................
    COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT....................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    FRI., SEPTEMBER 3, 1993 .............................................................................................
    BNL BANKING FRAUD .................................................................................................
    MI6 BRITISH INTELLIGENCE.......................................................................................
    NORRY PHILLIPS............................................................................................ ................
    CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY....................................................................................
    JOHN GRAHAM.............................................................................................. .................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SAT., SEPTEMBER 4, 1993............................................................................................
    CONTINUATION: COMMITTEE OF 300.....................................................................
    AGENTS WITHIN THE U. S...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SUN., SEPTEMBER 5, 1993............................................................................................
    WHAT WOULD YOU DO?.............................................................................................
    PALESTINE--ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ........
    LOOK BACK TO VIETNAM "DEALS".........................................................................
    ALLOWED IMF LOANS............................................................................................... ..
    URGENT LETTER.............................................................................................. ..............
    APPROACHED SCOWCROFT.......................................................................................
    HOW COULD GRITZ KNOW ALL THIS?....................................................................
    WARNING BY SWAT TEAM MEMBER......................................................................
    TO CONTINUE: Conspirators' Hierarchy, Committee of 300
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., SEPTEMBER 7, 1993............................................................................................
    GOLD AND OTHER STRANGE THINGS.....................................................................
    THE PHILIPPINES......................................................................................... ...................
    THE PHOENIX PROJECT............................................................................................. ..
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ...
    RAY RENICK.............................................................................................. ......................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., SEPTEMBER 7, 1993............................................................................................
    EARTHQUAKES AND DISASTERS..............................................................................
    THE GALA PRODUCTS............................................................................................ ......
    CONTINUATION: Conspirators Hierarchy,
    The Committee Of 300................................................................................................. ....
    RESEARCH ANALYSIS CORPORATION....................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., SEPTEMBER 7, 1993............................................................................................
    WILL THE REAL GUNTHER RUSSBACHER STAND UP?......................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 8, 1993..........................................................................................
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 8, 1993..........................................................................................
    TRUSTS--WATCH OUT--ALERT!................................................................................
    AMERICA............................................................................................. .............................
    SERPENT............................................................................................. ..............................
    CONSPIRACY AND CONFLICT....................................................................................

    To all of you who would control your destiny. For if you do not--you shall be CONTROLLED! The Plan as laid is for YOUR doom. "America", the word, means: "Kingdom of Heaven" (literal translation). How far have you come? Ah so! Good luck!

    FRI., SEP. 17, 1993 3:10 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 032

    FRI.. SEPTEMBER 17, 1993

    As it seems the edges of universal burdens close in upon your shoulders--stand back from that which IS and allow perspective to overcome the confusion.

    As was promised, the organized chaos--the planned upheavals--keep the minds flitting and searching for respite only to find a myriad of other distractions and now, personal impact on life­styles, morals, jobs--all facets of life impacted with alien input and degradation. You are NOT different, as readers, than those of the "team" here--each thinking that perhaps another has a better grasp on "reality" and understanding. All think Dharma "has it"--after all, "...she has Hatonn!" Think again--is the child of the teacher in a classroom treated better or more firmly than the other children? Does the child of the teacher have more answers simply because his father is the teacher? Has the child not yet a bit farther to travel in the midst of peers to ac­complish and learn
    --than the others so that there is no partiality? Is it not so that I have said that Dharma would be given "LESS INSIGHT" and "understanding" and "pre-viewing" for protection and her own lessons? I am not come here for individual solutions to the myriads of confusing problems--you are on my team because the answers and actions are laid before you IF YOU BUT SEEK THEM OUT!

    You who would inquire as to my intent, etc., must remember that prior to a response reaching your eyes or ears--the adver­sary teams already have taken the information off this computer. I CAN confirm that much is going on of clandestine nature in the areas of New Mexico, Arizona, etc. and that "stories" coming back from "viewers" are accurate in most instances--but it is far too critical and serious of nature to have little group dis­cussions on details and plans. Am "I" around? Yes indeed--I and the fleet are "everywhere" and yes, there are many events taking place--both by your own people, your Earth enemies and a lot of activities involving our own Command. No, I will not tell you "which" is "which".

    I shall, however, take some information as it flows and give you ideas as to WHAT should and MUST be getting your attention-­DIVIDED--with all other things so that you are not over­whelmed by the sheer quantity of happenings.


    The atrocities taking place in the death of your "justice" system as presented here are pathetic. There are lies upon lies, charges dropped and re-opened, deliberate and illegal handling of ev­erything from medications to bail to outright incarceration with­out cause!

    But it is not just Gunther. It is now that if the man just picks up the phone and calls this number--he is immediately summoned by wardens and guards and gotten off the phone. Bail is set at illegal and massive amounts to prevent "escape" from their clutches. There was even a "call" on gold to make sure all funds here would be depleted in order to prevent help. Fine--good buddies! My people don't have anything and you make your own assets hang out there a mile by your antics. To bring pressure against the Ekkers in matters of which they have no part, no ownership, no participation or involvement--is to show yourselves for the fools you are.

    It would appear to be time to bring attention to the hoods in the RTC scandals and that regarding this property once the Ekkers' . The new charges of criminal complaints as served in the midst of the meeting this week are stupidly naive--the Ekkers' don't own anything on or about the property in point except some birds. ALL property has been taken with the property and they simply "house-sit". The people involved in Arizona are about "fed-up". They have tried to purchase the property in point from Mrs. Silversmith-Stillman and settle her problems. However, some idiots seem to think that bringing pressure onto the Ekkers does something in her behalf. How? The Church of Christ would simply purchase the property and all would live happily ever after--but not at extortion prices.

    I also believe it interesting that charges by the Institute (not Ekkers) against G. Green for stealing gold are admittedly valid-- but not proceeding with prosecution until "civil" matters can be cleared. That is obstructing justice, hiding and abetting criminal actions and felony grand-theft--and yet prosecution is afoot by the same parties--against Ekkers for "trespass" on the next-door lot. I repeat: EKKERS HAVE NO PROPERTY--AT THIS LOCATION OR ELSEWHERE! THEY CAN AFFORD NO ATTORNEY IN THIS MATT'ER SO HAVE TO RESORT-- AGAIN--TO SELF-REPRESENTATION, WHICH, TT SEEMS, IS "NOT ALLOWED". YOU HAVE COME A LONG, LONG WAY AMERICA--STRAIGHT INTO THE GARBAGE HEAP!

    It seems Mrs. Silversmith-Stillman is a Jewish business woman who is attached to "enemies" and political persons locally who have said they would "get" the Ekkers and get them out of town. So, they have blundered--the Ekkers don't own any of the property in point. They are also accused by the local ex-Municipal Judge of being Anti-Semitic and this is NOW trumpeted, strangely enough, by this property-owner (claimed) in point who had known all along of the use of the property as the Ekkers always had "right of first refusal" at sale of said property adjacent to that which was their own. The Ekkers, did in fact, have legal documents drawn and filed with the court for "easement" rights and use of the property adjacent, pending solution to the new claims--in behalf of the Church which owns the property once theirs. Those people have been "beyond" gracious in letting the Ekkers be "caretakers" until such time as the home is needed. Blessed ones--when the REAL GOD is being attended and not lip-service--the taker-downers are in full force and effort. It is what your world has become and YOU account for nothing but fodder for the New World Order mills. One day it will be that you are simply "Soylent Green".

    I think Mr. Dixon had best consider alternative actions such as bringing in the Church in point and probably right back up the string to the RTC and the criminal actions of the S&L and auctioneer. This is harassment in its obvious form and the "source" of the problem should be demanded proclaimed.

    Another thing which is strange in my humble opinion is a demand to appear and defend selves IN COURT with no time for response, legal action or rebuttal. I suggest this case be carried to the limits of the law and within the absolute LETTER OF THE LAW!

    Mr. Green continues to play these rotten, stinking games and I again warn him and now suggest caution to those who represent the University of Science and Philosophy who are sending out information provided by Mr. Green--that you are getting in the defamation business yourselves! Now, sirs, we know you are of the Brookings Institute for MIND-CONTROL and run by British Intelligence MI6. That is fine with us--but we find your latest incredulous mailings to be DIRECTLY from George Green and as Journalists in dated news item periodicals and news papers, not only offensive but totally limited as to right of speech and press. You had better KNOW that the PAPER in point is certified and accepted (by the tax-service of Nevada) AS A VALID NEWSPAPER. Further, the stupid information you are dispersing as to "infringements" as gathered by one "Webber" is totally absurd as the very names and information are gathered FROM THE CREDITS GIVEN in THE PAPER AND JOURNALS!

    Further, I believe that since Mr. Green's departure EVERY AUTHOR WILL FIND HIS WORK, IF' MENTIONED, IS ADVERTISED WITH INFORMATION AS TO HOW TO GET THE WORK--DIRECTLY FROM SAID AUTHOR! This includes ones who work WTTH Green--i.e., Coleman, etc. We do not exclude truth or value of "work" because a man either disagrees with me or gets a bad case of greedies. How is it that
    somehow Ekkers, again, get all the credit of running everything when the whole thing in problem WAS RUN DIRECTLY BY GEORGE GREEN?

    You who go forth proclaiming patriotism and freedom and serve the black forces--are interesting indeed. There is a full move­ment afoot to bring back justice and some form of Constitutional law--hopefully--however, you are being "HAD" by thieves and idiots from Oregon to Australia and around to Sussex, England. There is even "one" who touts himself as a "lawyer" in knowing of all the "ways" to handle everything from a traffic ticket to closing courts--B.S.--go for "that idiotic fraud and you will be 'creamed'". There is a lot of good going on but there is also a LOT of confusion and ego-trippers who simply add to the cer­tain downfall of your society in their "good intentions". USE YOUR HEADS!

    Who does the paper support? Everyone and anyone who has a story in truth to the limitations of time and space and timely im­portance.

    Ones who ask for our help and then go forth and make absurd clowns of themselves before the bench--thanks to this "authority" input--are going to find themselves without assis­tance at all if they cannot get control of their own actions. They may act the fool all they wish--we will not participate in their self-centered games--even if they, in concept, be correct in knowledge. Act the insane party and you shall be so-treated-­with psychiatric evaluations to prove you are insane--count on it. Then, do not sit back and blame GOD for your own foolish ac­tions and antics. What happens is they don't feel a need to lower self to the insight of God in anything--only tout the "name of" and then act like mentally deficient accusers in their own self-claimed know-it-all attitudes. There are more of these around clouding issues than you might realize--actually hurting their own cause and then when they "blow it", blame God for failure. WHEN GOD ACTS--HE DOES NOT "BLOW" IT. I do not go about forcing anyone to do anything--however, neither do I care for even the remotest suggestion that I give advice of such behavior in any instance. Now, I am going to change the subject because it is time you ones REALIZE--YOU ARE INTO THE TIMES PROPHESIED! Keep pretending it will "go away" and the only thing which will go away is you and yours.


    I have written on this subject and the "towers" for many times and many months. This is a series (network) of large towers for communications and warning "...WHEN THERE IS A NU­CLEAR ATTACK". This is what the government says so don't go with the old "no more cold war" garbage. These towers are being placed all over the map--anywhere it is deemed appropri­ate--in spite of "land-owners" or anything else of citizen input. The following is a written article sent to us (from California) dealing with a California resident and such "land-owner" when confronted by the engineers putting up these massive structures. I hope it will seep into your realization that this is ONE MORE evidence of your controlled state of being. This deals with a resident citizen by the name of Ken Rose. He does not know of this writing but certainly needs some help--except that citizens, there IS NO HELP--THE DYE IS CAST--THE DEED'S DONE. THERE IS NO "PREVENTION" OF THESE THINGS--THAT PART IS OVER.


    ....Last week Surprise Valley resident Ken Rose received a let­ter from the United States Department of Defense. Rose was in­formed the Department of the Army is going to buy some of his land; they are choosing the location, and they will determine the price.
    An irate Rose told the U.S. Army representative that he did not want to sell the property and was told in response, "FINE, WE WILL CONDEMN THE LAND AND CLAIM IT UN­DER THE 'RIGHT OF EMINENT DOMAIN' ".

    "This is the United States of America; I didn't think the gov­ernment was supposed to threaten its citizens, and confiscate their land," said Rose. "The BLM owns property all around me, why can't they use government land? They are carving out a section of my field, making the rest of the land useless to me".

    The Army's said intent is to build a 290 foot tower on 11.5 acres of land just east of Cedarville. The tower will be part of the Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN).

    Concerned Modoc County Supervisor Ron McIntyre was able to contact Captain Roy Gardener, officer in charge of the GWEN project. McIntyre was told by the Massachusetts based officer that the tower is one of twenty-nine sites in the U.S. [H: And if you believe that number you are really dead ducks] that will be used to aid in communications AFTER A NUCLEAR ATTACK. It is part of the National Command Network. The tower will be built on the Ken Rose property by May, 1994. The tower will be supported by a large series of guy wires, have a 24 hour flashing beacon, a perimeter fence and a couple of equipment sheds. In addition the tower complex will contain a generator and a backup generator. The unmanned tower will activate 12 seconds every hour. The project is said to be environmentally benign, and will put out about 3,000 watts.

    Mr. Rose has signed no papers deeding his land to the gov­ernment.

    About five years ago the government contacted Rose along with several other valley ranchers, concerning appropriation of their lands. At that time Rose agreed to sell the government a far corner of his land bordering BLM lands. They agreed on a price and the location. Four years ago the project was said to be abandoned because the tower would be obsolete before it was completed.

    In late June of this year, Rose received a letter from the U.S. Army requesting permission for right of entry for survey and exploration. Rose signed the document thinking the Army would be surveying the agreed upon site.

    The first week in September, Rose received another letter from the Department of the Army notifying him of the location of the parcel they were acquiring. It is located 400 feet south of his northern boundary line. This leaves a 400 foot by 700 foot strip of land between the tower and the BLM land. The agreed upon price was lowered to twenty cents on the dollar.

    "What can I do with this narrow strip of land? I can't use a pivot to irrigate with a chunk cut out of the middle. I can't sell it as a building site, who wants to live next to a 290 foot tower, blinking all night, emitting who knows what? I am a developer by profession. How can I develop this land? If this were truly a matter of national security, I would gladly give them the land," said Rose.

    Joe Colt, Modoc County Supervisor expressed incredulity at the government's actions, "There are thousands of acres of gov­ernment land around here that could be used instead of picking on a private landowner. Certainly moving the tower 400 feet to the north and locating it on public land would make sense. In fact, they could locate the tower on the government land on Sugar Hill, where the existing tower is being abandoned. We need to stand up for our local citizens when the government tries to push them around. The government has lawyers on their pay­rolls, and unlimited funds; a private citizen can't afford to fight them".

    None of the people living adjacent to the project have been notified that anything is happening.

    "My daughter has cancer. Electromagnetic fields have been implicated in juvenile cancer cases. Whether this is true or not, I can't afford to take the chance", said a worried neighbor.

    Another landowner adjacent to the project asked, "Aren't they supposed to notify us in case we want to protest or some­thing? Will they at least put lights on it in December so it will be a giant Christmas tree? They could put it in Long Valley, no one would notice it there. I question the need of this tower, the cold war has stopped since the initial funding. They have plenty of communication satellites that are more efficient and are all ready in place. It seems to be a waste of taxpayers' money, unless it's going to be a gigantic Democratic phallic symbol".

    According to Modoc County Planner Scott Kessler, the gov­ernment has assured him the site has passed the National Envi­ronmental Agency requirements, and the finding of "No Sig­nificance" requirements.

    Kessler said he hasn't reviewed any of the Army's docu­ments. He feels they need a conditional use permit and that has not been applied for.

    The government also has the power to pre-empt all rules that apply to the normal citizen.

    "This action on the part of the military does nothing to bene­fit the Valley. There are no jobs created, no new taxes gener­ated, in fact they will be taking more land off the tax rolls. Property values in the area will drop. There are no positive re­turns for this valley or its residents", adds Rose. "My lawyer told me, 'If the government wants your wife, kiss her goodbye'. I know it's practically hopeless to fight the government, but I want the rest of the valley to know what's happening. They could be next".

    Randy Humble, manager of the Cedarville Airport expressed concern, "Those little low flying jets that race down the east side of the valley are lost. They think they're in Long Valley, and it will only be a matter of time before one of them hits the tower or its guy wires. Also it's much too close to our airport's traffic pattern".

    When an Army representative was questioned on why they couldn't use BLM land, he replied, "It's not worth the hassle".

    Ken Rose has plans for developing his properties. The Army's project will not do any of these things. Calling your governmental representatives to complain may help. There is a listing of names on page two of this paper. [H: We do not have that listing, however, it appears that this article was in the Modoc County Record, Cedarville, California--by, Jean Bilsdeaux, with a work number: 916: 279-6125.]
    "I guess the only thing I can say is, we are not happy with their attitude towards their procurement of our property".

    * * *
    Why would I run something like this above, in the Introduction of a JOURNAL? Because it is TYPICAL of what has come to be in your world. If you cannot see it coming--God help you!

    I think you need another reminder of how cut and dried are the responses of government and your representatives to EVERYTHING--all neatly planned and lies already printed for your consumption.

    The following is a typical response to a well thought out and extremely well written letter to one, Wally Herger, of the 2nd District, California, 2433 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington D.C. Congress of the United States, 20515-0502. Now, while reading this, you must remember the MILLIONS of now unemployed workers in your nation or you will lose the comedy aspect of this response.

    Mr. Stan Brandenburg
    306 N Main St.
    Alturas, California 96101

    Dear Stan:

    Thank you for letting me know of your concern with regard to the North American Free Trade Agreement. I appreciate your giving me the opportunity to address this issue.

    I believe Congress must be prepared to walk away from any trade agreement which would adversely impact American work­ers and our economy. Moreover,
    I believe that any trade agreement we eventually accept with Mexico, or any other nation, must be beneficial to northern California and the overall economy.

    It is anticipated that the northern California economy will benefit significantly from increased exports of U.S. products to Mexico under NAFTA. Currently, Mexican tariffs on U.S. exports average 2 1/2 times higher than U.S. tariffs on imports of products from Mexico. NAFTA would phase out these tariffs which currently benefit Mexico, thus "leveling the playing field" for American workers. NAFTA is expected to benefit the wood products and agriculture industries in the North State. Organizations such as the California Chamber of Commerce, Califor­nia Farm Bureau and the California Cattlemen's Association are strongly supportive of NAFTA because of the potential to increase exports and spur economic growth in northern Cali­fornia.

    You may be interested to know that U.S. exports to Mexico have created approximately 400,000 jobs for American workers in the last five years. NAFTA is expected to create 325,000 new jobs in the U.S., and it is important to note that export-related jobs pay an average of 17% more than other manufacturing jobs.

    I certainly do not want to see the sovereignty of the U.S. government weakened by any trade agreement. [H: Per­haps here is the most significant statement of the whole day: "....the sovereignty OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.......(???)!] At the same time, I believe that we need to pursue agreements which will be mutually beneficial to both the Ameri­can people and our trading partners, and that this can be done without sacrificing our autonomy. In 1990, U.S. exports accounted for 88 percent of the increase in the Gross National Product, the primary measurement of the U.S. economy. Also, past trade agreements have proven to be beneficial to our econ­omy. For example, we have seen agricultural exports to Canada increase by 130% since the implementation of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement in 1988.
    In any event, I will not support any trade pact unless I am convinced that the agreement, on the whole, is better for U.S. workers and our northern California economy. However, as I understand the current draft of the treaty, and given the above statistics, I believe that NAFTA would indeed be beneficial to Northern California. For that reason, it is my current intention to support such a treaty when it comes before me for consideration.

    Again, I appreciate your taking the time to express your views, and sincerely hope you will continue to contact me re­garding federal issues of importance to you.


    Wally Herger
    Member of Congress


    * * *
    Still think the wee small voice of WE-THE-PEOPLE is heard throughout your halls of justice and legislation?

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:20.

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