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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 78
    You had better start looking carefully at WHO is the enemy of the Russians. On Sept. 14, 1993 an article in the Washington Times was headlined: RUS­SIAN NUCLEAR EXERCISES INCLUDE MOCK HIT ON U.S. In 1993 there was a full-blown mock nuclear exercise which "wiped out the U.S." in mere minutes. Intelligence "found out" by technologic means--AFTER THE FACT. A Security Coun­cil expert says: "...constitute a superpower arsenal capable of destroying the U.S. in a matter of minutes." KNOW YOUR ENEMY! TODAY, ALMOST ALL OF YOU HAVE THE WRONG ONE IN YOUR SIGHTS!



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-023-X
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    November 1993
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    TUE., OCTOBER 5, 1993................................................................................................
    AMERIICA FROM AMERICA........................................................................................
    WILL THE ASSAULTS NEVER END?..........................................................................
    ACCUSE THE INDIVIDUAL: AVOID THE ISSUE......................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., SEPTEMBER 9, 1993...........................................................................................
    ATTENTION........................................................................................... ...........................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., SEPTEMBER 9, 1993...........................................................................................
    'THE KHAZARS JOIN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY .................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., SEPTEMBER 12, 1993.........................................................................................
    NEED TO KNOW vs. WANT TO KNOW.....................................................................
    CONES AND DUMB-BELLS..........................................................................................
    TROOPS AND GEAR................................................................................................ .......
    EARTHQUAKES......................................................................................... .....................
    WHY WHTTE SANDS?.............................................................................................. .....
    WORLD RELIGIONS MEET IN CHICAGO..................................................................
    ROSS PEROT............................................................................................... ......................
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..........................
    ANGRY?.............................................................................................. ..............................
    STANFORD RESEARCH CENTER................................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., SEPTEMBER 12, 1993.........................................................................................
    STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE (CONT'D)........................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 22, 1993........................................................................................
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DIANE..........................................................................................
    PRETTY DEAD IN RUSSIA............................................................................................
    LOVING SUPPORT--MUCH APPRECIATED..............................................................
    DEMJANJUK........................................................................................... .........................
    KOL NIDRE--"VOW OF ALL VOWS"..........................................................................
    THE KOL NIDRE............................................................................................... ...............
    2/17/91 #4 HATONN.............................................................................................. .........
    TO GOLDSTEIN........................................................................................... ....................
    NOW, REMEMBER............................................................................................ ..............
    NUCLEAR POSSIBILITIES....................................................................................... ......
    AIR FORCE WILL BUILD KANAB TOWER...............................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., SEPTEMBER 22, 1993........................................................................................
    HOW TO RESPOND TO IRS...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., SEPTEMBER 23, 1993.........................................................................................
    GAIALYTE............................................................................................ ............................
    FOOD POSSIBILITIES....................................................................................... ..............
    PROTEIN NEEDS............................................................................................... ..............
    SELF-SUFFICIENCY......................................................................................... ...............
    FOOD SELF-SUFFICIENCY......................................................................................... ..
    CONSIDERATIONS...................................................................................... ...................
    MEDICAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY....................................................................................
    LOCALLY............................................................................................. .............................
    WAS YESTERDAY "JUST" DIANE'S BIRTHDAY? .................................................. ,
    NEVADA BLAST SET................................................................................................. ....
    PREPAREDNESS RESOURCES.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., SEPTEMBER 24, 1993...........................................................................................
    DISARRAY............................................................................................ ............................
    THE UNNECESSARY WAR...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    GENERAL EISENHOWER'S DEATH CAMPS.............................................................
    11/14/91 #1 HATONN.............................................................................................. .......
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... ............
    OTHER LOSSES.............................................................................................. .................
    TIME OUT FOR "CHURCHILL"....................................................................................
    BACK TO THE WAR................................................................................................. ......
    OTHER PLANS............................................................................................... ..................
    MORGENTHAU PLAN................................................................................................ ....
    TRUTHFUL CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... .
    INFAMOUS "TIMES".................................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    FRI., SEPTEMBER 24, 1993...........................................................................................
    By John Beaty............................................................................................... ....................
    7/31/93 #1 HATONN.............................................................................................. .........
    BOOK: IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA.................................................................
    ABOUT THIS BOOK--from the ADL
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SAT., SEPTEMBER 25, 1993..........................................................................................
    YOU HAVE PROBLEMS?........................................................................................... ....
    DEFAULTS............................................................................................ ............................
    MAGAZINE REPORTS............................................................................................. .......
    HOUSE OKs $18.3 BILLION FOR THRIFTS................................................................
    FLU SHOTS TO BE COVERED......................................................................................
    SPACE FAILURES............................................................................................ ................
    EARTHQUAKES......................................................................................... .....................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SAT., SEPTEMBER 25, 1993 .........................................................................................
    C.R. "JAKE" POSSELL............................................................................................. .......
    THE BOUNDARY LAYER EFFECT..............................................................................
    THE TESLA TURBINE PUMP........................................................................................
    THE TESLA TURBINE GENERATOR..........................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    SUN., SEPTEMBER 26, 1993.........................................................................................
    PROBLEMS INHERENT WITH GAS TURBINES........................................................
    THE ULTRA HIGH TEMPERATURE GAS TURBINE................................................
    THE PHALANX............................................................................................. ...................

    To all of you who would again be free and are willing to KNOW YOUR ENEMY.


    TUE., OCT. 5, 1993 9:42 A.M. YEAR 7, DAY 050

    TUE., OCTOBER 5. 1993

    As we write this "Introduction" today, October 5, 1993, you are witnessing one more step in the TRAPPING of a planet. In Russia, the confusion is more than any of you can decipher--the politicians have as many speeches of non-explanation as there are politicians--all awaiting the Master's prepared statements-- i.e., Kissinger, et al. I believe you will find he spoke this morning. I suggest you take what he said--turn it to the opposite in meaning and you will be quite close to deciphering the puzzle.

    Since this JOURNAL volume is behind in timing of the current daily writings--I have to ask you ones to leap ahead and read the writing of yesterday, October 4, 1993 to get some insight to the ongoing expressions of non-intent of Russia to put aside nuclear war WITH AMERICA! I did not say "U.S." because Canada will get the slop-over as well as SELECTED parts of Mexico, etc. Selected parts? Yes, because the North American continent is already infiltrated with communists set to "take-over". However, since some of the bastardized corporations are on the "other" side of prosperity and peace in the U.S. of "goodness"-- there will be massive protection of installations moved out for protection purposes. It is only you, the "average American", I believe they call you--who do not know this. The sham actions are everywhere to keep you distracted.

    Let us take the Trade Center, New York, bombing trial. Readers--they have one or two ON TRIAL for the bombing--WHO WERE NOT EVEN IN THE COUNTRY AT THE TIME OF THE BOMBING!!! It is as with "Flight 103"--YOU ARE AFTER THE WRONG CRIMINALS--TRY STARTING WITH YOUR OWN CIA AND WORK FROM THERE. As the control takeover moves on into tighter and tighter nooses--there is nothing too heinous to perpetrate upon you unsuspecting masses--to accomplish Plan 2000.

    Please don't ask my people to "catch you up" and explain "what does this mean?" to you--they have been at nose to grind-stone for years now while YOU continued to sleep. They have made available the Truth for all of you to witness--they have no time in the thick of action to move through any newcomer's kindergarten lessons OR THROUGH THE OBJECTIONS AND ARGUMENTS OF ONES WHO WERE WRONG IN THEIR ACTIONS AGAINST US! WHILE YOU QUIBBLE OVER "WORDS" AND "MEANINGS AS TO ONE OR ANOTHER" YOUR PROVERBIAL ROME INCINERATES!

    I would have this statement resound through the ears and minds of ones who charge "copy work", mistaken meanings and personal affronts because you "disagree". I need name no ones-- you know who you are. In your discounting and denouncing-- you MISS THE ENTIRE POINT OF MY PRESENCE AND OUR WORK. We are not "novel" writers--we are journalists bringing you "news", albeit as old as the ages of MAN.

    I would say something right here regarding the Ekkers' problems with ones who assault them. Let it be KNOWN that if the Eklcers had greedy intent--they would have claimed the gold which G.G. SAID HIMSELF, was theirs. They would simply show that he did not pay them for it to make it his, among other lies he has pronounced. They would simply claim it and allow those assault troops TO BURY THE INSTITUTE AND ALL ONES WITHIN ITS OPERATION. THROUGH MANDA-TORY RECEIVERSHIP--THEY WOULD BE CLEARED OF ALL MISMANAGEMENT, ALL ACCUSATIONS--BUT EV-ERYONE WITHIN THE PARTICIPATION WOULD LOSE MASSIVELY FOR IT WOULD CAUSE THE GOLD COLLATERAL TO BE SOLD AND EVERYONE INVOLVED WOULD LOSE--EXCEPT THEM! THEY, THROUGH LAW, WOULD BE UNABLE TO PROTECT ANYTHING. SO, WHY STRUGGLE? BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. It is honor and integrity, truth and trustworthiness. If they "quit" there would be no CONTACT, no JOURNALS, no farm, no products, no Gaiandriana, no Spelt production--NOTHING from this place--except ashes of deliberate break-down due to the greed of early participants who moved into the enemy's camp to serve in destructive ways. It would have been far easier for the "Ekkers" to simply have taken bankruptcy, written checks to cover expenses and tuck away "retirement" funds and walk away leaving the unsuspecting to bear the consequences and losses. Remember THIS when you ponder who might be for you and who might be against you! Who stays with YOU to face the dragon and who runs with the assets for self??

    This same thing holds true for those who assault the larger is-sues outside the individual "personal". Who holds information FROM your observation? Why? What argument do they use to "fool'' you?? How do they manipulate other self-proclaimed do-gooders to do their bidding? Look at it for it is what has brought your world to this day of blight. Now, look higher to your national level and the players involved in the massive misinformation, disinformation and total brainwashing through technology--and on into the international integration--LOOK AND SEE WHO AND WHAT IS REALLY WORKING AGAINST YOU! You have no privilege of silence--you must find out truth and stop the assaulters. They are stopped by the pen--not the sword. If you take no action of even a card or letter to protect your own interests--then you deserve to lose the resources paid for, dearly, by others. You cannot leave it to "Ekkers" to defend alone against the dragons breathing fire and destruction. If you object not to the assaults on honor and integrity--expect no further struggle from my teams who are tattered and dragged through the gutter every day of their work.


    Let us look at ones such as Eustace Mullins as example of integrity. Do you not think it would have been easier for going on 80 years--to move into some line of endeavor which would pay dividends of more than assault by every Elite organization in the planet than to continue in the integrity of giving forth researched TRUTH AND INFORMATION OF YOUR DOWNFALL'? Such gifted writers could make a "bundle" of unlimited wealth with their knowledge and insight--but they choose to stand against the cheats and liars and plead for your awakening. They lose everything of physical value and usually their families, friends and certainly business advantage. If you cannot discern the DIFFERENCE in persons assaulted from those assaulting-- HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO MAKE A TRANSMON INTO GOD'S KINGDOM OF KNOWING AND TRUTH AND LAWS?

    I watch and continue to burden my people whilst they struggle every minute just to survive "one more assault" and I too want to take this cup of bitterness from their lips for their integrity has brought them only more assaults and batterings and accusations through lies, silly arguments and blind do-gooders. But I cannot--for we come with a mission and purpose and to abdicate that responsibility brings not rest and peace--but hopelessness and unfinished tasks which destroy the mental peace. "I" cannot take this cup of bitterness from your lips, world. You have cultivated the tree of bitterness from which to sip--and I CANNOT TAKE IT FROM YOU--FOR IT IS "YOURS"! IT IS YOURS!

    If you but read to accuse and denounce--then obviously, you MISS the message of great import--for you seek the wrong in­formation. Shall a planet of people perish in ignorance because someone in Sedona, Arizona or Bozeman, Montana wants to bring us down because of greedy egotistical self-interests? Well, those are the choices my people face EVERY DAY--does Dharma write what I ask her to write or does she bow to one who taunts and lies and deceives? It is not a new story--we compete with NO ONE for ANYTHING! DO YOU WISH TO BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION ON THE ROCK AND TRUTH--OR ON THE LYING SHIFTING SANDS OF A BARREN DESERT FLOCK OF NOMADS OF TRUTH? THEY USE YOU AND TRUTH AS YOU WOULD USE YOUR TOOTHBRUSH FOR YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE. Is this bad--to use your toothbrush? No, but it only helps "your own teeth"--not Truth or your soul--and certainly NOT THE TEETH OF ANYONE ELSE!

    It is through gradual deceit and lies that you have become a planet of people of THE LIE. You have allowed the cancer to grow and gradually work within your joints until you can no longer stand against the beast attacking--you no longer REC­OGNIZE the beast--UNTIL TOO LATE! YOU ARE IN THE TRAP, THE TRAP SPRUNG, AND THIS IS HOW AMERICA BECOMES AMERICA--WHILE YOU ARE NOT LOOKING! Even "THAT" is a facade--for you long since have forgotten or failed to realize WHO HAS BROUGHT THE IRON TRAP UPON YOU.

    This very day the speakers relate the happenings of the day in Russia (Moscow) to the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. It, there­fore, would behoove you to study our material quite carefully for it is important to KNOW who were the Bolsheviks and WHO BROUGHT THIS ANTI-GOD STATE OF EXPRES­SION TO YOUR GLOBE! IF YOU KNOW NOT YOUR EN­EMY YOU ARE DESTINED TO FALL TO HIM
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:15.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 78

    THU., SEP. 9, 1993 12:05 P.M. YEAR 7, DAY 024

    THU., SEPTEMBER 9. 1993


    You, Dharma! I know that you do not want any part of what is taking place this week--but you ARE my voice and we WILL write--all products and other physical things can be handled by others--or WAIT! Do we have clear understanding now? We of the Command are making ourselves a massive nuisance in the New Mexico/Arizona skies and you will be flooded with in­quiries and military surveillance. I do not want you to be in panic but you must understand the importance of these encoun­ters going on RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE.

    The military chain of command is efforting to COVER the ac­tivities from all directions and the cover-ups will increase. Agreements with our Command and over some of our people are being broken and it is unacceptable on all counts. Ones who didn't believe we were more than a figment of imaginings and some goofy woman's fantasies are going to find out differently--right now.


    How did a Special Forces Austrian-born individual get on MY team? You would be very surprised at WHO is on my direct team. Moreover, in most instances it is only recently or "now" that the player himself/herself even knows they are on MY TEAM.

    Would I do this for, say, Bo Gritz? No--not until he thoroughly UNDERSTANDS that I am NOT A CROCODILE REPTILE! We are not going to interfere in anything of your business--but by the same token--agreements made with my Command WILL BE HONORED OR THERE SHALL BE CONSEQUENCES. You will be hearing about those consequences.

    Craft from my fleet are in your viewing now, day and night. Weather balloons just won't cut it, big boys. Neither will cone-shaped photon craft from White Sands "cut the mustard". You HAVE SPACE COMMAND in your skies and we will cover this nation if necessary to make a point.

    In the efforts to cover a 200 mile trek in which the craft was viewed by thousands yesterday in New Mexico--we have PUT A CRAFT DOWN AND THAT WILL BRING INTO FOCUS THE REALITY OF THE MISSION FOR ONES WILL STREAM INTO THE AREA OF THE CRAFT AND THE MILITARY CRAFT YOU CRASHED TO COVER THE TRUTH!

    The "object" in your view this day in the area of the Navajo Reservation of New Mexico TODAY--ain't goin' anywhere, is it? And brothers, we are HIGH so we are BIG! You have your high altitude trackers out here and we have some of your own craft in "tractor tow". Tit for tat--you let MY PEOPLE GO--and I will release yours!

    It would be nice now, Dharma, if you get this to the ones to put onto the PHONE-LINE and scatter Faxes everywhere anyone is interested. I suggest that Rick transcribe other incoming inquiries and information for immediate distribution. The "stuff" is in the fan--and I need to write this on THIS COMPUTER be­cause of the major monitoring by your ground-side intelligence forces. This is NOT a game or a test. I suggest you be mag­nificently aware that THIS IS NOT A TEST--THIS IS THE REAL THING, GOOD BUDDIES. I EXPECT GUNTHER RUSSBACHER TO BE RELEASED POST-HASTE!

    God bless all you wonderful brothers and sisters of the Lighted Hosts--for the "miracles" are about to be observed and they are NOT "miracles". I MEAN BUSINESS! I am not HERE for the fun of being in your chaotic energy fields and the bastardiz­ing destruction of a magnificent Creation of God as you ones have perpetrated. Agreements are to be kept and contracts hon­ored for when YOU break the contract--you have taken on a most awesome enemy! I suggest you let the "Captain" go and you may be around to enjoy your games another day! If you choose not to do so--then MAKE MY DAY!

    When ones come within my protection--they SHALL be pro­tected and you of the hounds of Hell will keep your distance.

    Dharma, do not allow these outside thrusts of personal nature to get to you, child. The whining excuse-makers are doing exactly THAT--whining and casting blame on you for their own KNOWING disastrous actions. These are TRIVIAL distractions and we will not bow to such antics from the greed-mongers. If this sets badly upon the digestive systems and ones say, "God's people wouldn't act this or that way"--forget it for NO ONE KNOWS WHAT GOD OR GOD'S PEOPLE WOULD OR WOULD NOT DO! GOD DOES EXACTLY WHAT HE WANTS TO DO AND THAT GIVES US A MAGNIFICENT LATITUDE TO DO LIKEWISE. YOU ARE PEOPLE "OF THE LIE" AND THE RULES ARE BEING SOLD TO YOU TO CAPTURE THE VERY ESSENCE OF YOURSELF--YOUR SOUL REALITY. IF YOU ARE SO BLIND AND CARELESS AS TO NOT COME TO SEE AS MUCH--THEN GO AHEAD AND LIVE IN SHOCKED DISBELIEF AS TRUTH DUMPS ALL OVER YOU! SO BE IT. HATONN OUT.

    PJ 78


    THU., SEP. 9, 1993 1:42 P.M. YEAR 7 , DAY 024

    THU.. SEPTEMBER 9. 1993
    Since we are going to be getting some inconceivable factual re-search material regarding the "Khazarian Zionists" within the next short while--which has been banned from printing thus far, we need to keep you in conscious acknowledgement of this facet of the players arriving at current activities.

    This next, therefore, will be from The Iron Curtain Over America, by John Beaty, as we continue to integrate players, teams, groups and One World Puppetmasters. So, in leaving the set of the "300" information for this writing, let us see if we can share the spotlight a bit more broadly and not lose our readers.

    I will have many interruptions, Dharma, so be prepared to either change programs instantly or be prepared for me to take leave as we are in your sky this day and a big political-Justice System-crew confrontation is UNDER WAY demanding my attention. I believe that I have time in here to write a bit on our ongoing work and if I need to take leave just continue in the reproduction printing until you are comfortable. Further, do not allow the changing tone impulses to penetrate--keep that shield intact be-cause you are also under attack through the computer system as the monitors tap in to more circuits. It is fine--exactly what I want--so be aware but counter them, chela. If they become too alarming, I will ask you to simply go to your room and we will put you into sleep where "I" can disrupt the pulses.

    Chapter III, p.14 of the book in point.

    The triumphant Khazars, aided by other "converts" to Communism, strengthened their grasp on prostrate Russia by a succession of "purges" in which many millions of Russians lost their lives, either by immediate murder or in the slow terror of slave labor camps. These purges do not concern us here except as a sample of what Soviet rule would bring to America, namely, the slaying of 15,000,000 persons on a list already prepared by name and category (statement to the author by a former-high ranking international Communist who has deserted "Stalinism"). The lecturer, Matt Cveltic, a former F.B.I. undercover agent, gives more recently a much higher figure; he states that almost all men and women over thirty, having been found too old for "re-education", would be slaughtered. For details, write to Borger News-Herald, Borger, Texas, asking reprint of We Owe a Debt (April 16, 1952) by J. C. Phillips.

    Even as they subjected the Russian people to a rule of terror the new rulers of Russia promptly and effectively penetrated the countries of Western Europe and also Canada and (as was already shown) the United States. For their fateful choice of our country as a goal of their major though not yet completely and finally successful endeavor, there were several reasons.

    In the first place, with its mutually advantageous capitallabor relations, its enormous productivity, and its high standard of living, the United States of America was an existing visible refutation of the black Soviet lie that their Communist dictatorship did more than our Republic for the workingman. The idea that the "capitalistic" democracies (Britain and America) were formidable obstacles to the spread of Communism and had to be destroyed was expressed many times by Soviet leaders and notably by Stalin in his great address (Moscow, March 10, 1939) to the 18th Congress of the Communist Party. This elaborate official statement of Soviet policy was made before the outbreak of World War II, and nearly three years before our involvement, and was trumpeted rather than hidden under a bushel. It can therefore be safely predicated that our State Department, with its numerous staffs, offices, bureaus, and divisions, was promptly aware of the contents of this speech and of the Soviet goal of overthrowing our "capitalist democracy".

    The second reason for large scale Communist exploitation of the United States was our traditional lack of any laws prohibiting or regulating immigration into the United States and our negli­gence or politics in enforcing immigration laws when they had been passed. "The illegal entry of aliens into the United States is one of the most serious and difficult problems confronting the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Since the end of World War II, the problem of illegal entry has increased tremendously. There is ample evidence that there is an alarmingly large num­ber of aliens in the United States in an illegal status. Under the alien registration act of 1940 some 5,000,000 aliens were regis­tered" (The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States, pp. 629, 630).

    The third principal reason for the Communist exploitation of the United States was the absence of any effective policy re­garding resident foreigners even when their activities are di­rected toward the overthrow of the government. Thus in 1950 several hundreds of thousands of foreigners, among the millions illegally in this country, were arrested and released for want of adequate provisions for deporting them.

    As shown in Chapter II, above, persons of Khazar back­ground or traditions had entered the United States in large num­bers in the waves of immigration between 1880 and the outbreak of World War I in 1914. The Soviet seizure of Russia took place in 1917, however, and the hey-day for Communist-in­clined immigrants from Eastern Europe was the five-year period between the end of World War I (1919) and the passage of the 1924 law restricting immigration. Recorded immigrants to this country in that brief span of time amounted to approximately three million and large numbers of the newcomers were from Eastern Europe.
    Most significantly, with Communism in power in Russia, many of the new immigrants were not only ideologically hostile to the Western Christian civilization of which America was the finest development, but were actual agents of the new Rulers of Russia. Conspicuous among these was Sidney Hillman, who had turned from his "Rabbinical education" (Who Was Who in America, Vol. II, p. 254) to political activities of international scope. Twenty-two years before Franklin Roosevelt gave orders to "clear everything with Sidney", similar orders were given American Communists by Lenin himself, Hillman being at the time President of the Russian-American Industrial Corporation at 103 E. Fourteenth St., New York.

    Surely a relatively small number of Khazar immigrants from Russia came as actual Soviet agents; not all of them came as confirmed Marxists; and some of them have doubtless conformed to the traditional American mores. The contrary is nei­ther stated nor implied as a general proposition. The fact re­mains, however, that the newer immigrants, to an even greater degree than their predecessors of the same stock, were deter­mined to resist absorption into Western Christian civilization and were determined also to further their aims by political alignment and pressure.

    In the first three decades of the twentieth century, few of the several million non-Christian immigrants from Eastern Europe were attracted to the Republican Party, which was a majority party with no need to bargain for recruits. The Democratic Party, on the contrary, was in bad need of additional voters. It had elected Woodrow Wilson by a huge electoral majority in 1912 when the Republican Party was split between the followers of William Howard Taft and those of Theodore Roosevelt, but the Democratic popular vote was 1,413,708 less than the com­bined Taft and Roosevelt votes. In fact, between 1892 (Cleveland election over Harrison) and 1932 (F.D. Roosevelt's election over Hoover), the Democratic candidate had polled more presidential popular votes than the Republican candidate (9,129,606 to 8,538,221) only once, when Woodrow Wilson was elected (1916) to a second term on the slogan, "He kept us out of war." In all the other elections, Republican majorities were substantial. Applying arithmetic to the popular vote of the seven presidential elections from 1904 to 1928 inclusive, it is seen that on the average, the Democrats, except under extraordinary circumstances, could not in the first three decades of the twentieth century count on as much as 45% of the votes.

    In addition to its need for more votes, the Democratic Party had another characteristic which appealed to the politically-minded Eastern European newcomers and drew to its ranks all but a handful of those who did not join a leftist splinter party. Unlike the Republican Party, which still had a fairly homogeneous membership, the Democratic Party was a collection of several groups. The Democratic Party was not a political party at all; it was a marriage of convenience among assorted bedfellows, each of whom hated most of the others.
    In the early part of the twentieth century the two largest components of the Democratic Party were .the rural Protestant Southerners and the urban Catholic Northerners, who stood as a matter of course for the cardinal principles of Western Christian civilization, but otherwise had little in common politically except an opposition, chiefly because of vanished issues, to the Republican Party. The third group, which had been increasing rapidly after 1880, consisted of Eastern Europeans and other "liberals", best exemplified perhaps by the distinguished Harvard Jew, of Prague stock, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, whom President Woodrow Wilson, for reasons not yet full known by the people, named to the United States Supreme Court. This man, at once so able, and in his legal and other attitudes so far to the left for the America of 1916, deserves attention as a symbol of the future for the Democratic Party, and through that party, for America.

    According to the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, there was an "historical battle" in the Senate in regard to "Brandeis' 'radicalism' ," and "his alleged 'lack of judicial temperament' ." These alleged qualities provoked opposition to the nomination by seven former presidents of the American Bar Association, in-cluding ex-Secretary of State Elihu Root and ex-President William Howard Taft. [H: Go back and read that portion again! Bar Association???]

    Despite the opposition, the nomination was confirmed by the Senate in a close vote on June 5, 1916. This was one of the most significant days in American history, for we had, for the first time since the first decade of the nineteenth century, an official of the highest status whose heart's interest was in something besides the United States--an official, moreover, who interpreted the Law not as the outgrowth of precedent, but ac-cording to certain results desired by the interpreter.

    The entire article on Justice Brandeis in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. pp. 495499) should be read in full, if possible. Here are a few significant quotations:

    During the World War, Brandeis occupied himself with a close study of the political phases of Jewish affairs in every country. Since that time his active interest in Jewish affairs has been centered in Zionism. In 1919, he visited Palestine for political and organizational reasons ... he has financed various social and economic efforts in Palestine.

    As a justice, Mr. Brandeis:

    Never worried about such academic perplexities as the compatibility of Americanism with a minority culture or a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Breaking away from the accepted legal catechisms, he thoroughly and exhaustively probed the economics of each and every problem presented. The truth of his conviction that our individualistic philosophy could not longer furnish an adequate basis for dealing with the problems of modern economic life, is now generally recognized ... he envisages a co-operative order. Brandeis feels that the Constitution must be given liberal construction.

    This may be taken as the beginning of the tendency of our courts to assume by judicial decisions the function of legislative bodies.

    There is testimony, also, to the influence of Brandeis over Wilson as a factor in America's entry into World War I and its consequent prolongation with terrible blood losses to all partici­pants, especially among boys and young men of British, French, and German stock. Although Britain had promised selfrule to the Palestine Arabs in several official statements by Sir Henry MacMahon, the High Commissioner for Egypt, by Field Mar­shal Lord Allenby, Commander in Chief of British Military forces in the area, and by others, President Wilson was readily won over to a scheme concocted later in another compartment of the British government. This scheme, Zionism, attracted the fa­vor of the Prime Minister, Mr. David Lloyd George, who, like Wilson, had with prominent Jews certain close relations, one of which is suggested in the Encyclopaedia Britannica article (Vol. XIX, p.4) on the first Marquess of Reading (previously Sir Ru­fus Daniel Isaacs). Thus, according to S. Landman, in his paper Secret History of the Balfour Declaration, after an "understanding had been arrived at between Sir Mark Sykes and Weizmann and Sokolow, it was resolved to send a secret mes­sage to Justice Brandeis that the British Cabinet would help the Jews to gain Palestine in return for active Jewish sympathy and support in U.S.A. for the allied cause so as to bring about a radical pro-ally tendency in the United States." An article, "The Origin of the Balfour Declaration" (The Jewish Chronicle, February 7, 1936), is more specific. According to this source, certain "representatives of the British and French Governments" had been convinced that "the best and perhaps the only way to induce the American President to come into the war was to se­cure the co-operation of Zionist Jewry by promising them Palestine". In so doing "the Allies would enlist and mobilize the hitherto unsuspectedly powerful force of Zionist Jewry in America and elsewhere." Since President Wilson at that time "attached the greatest possible importance to the advice of Mr. Justice Brandeis", the Zionists worked through him and helped to bring America in.

    [H: Readers, you are going to be very remiss if you simply read these subjects as they fall without considering other happenings which impact on you to this day. Check out WHO was president and HOW came to be the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM! If you do not pay attention you will be left with fragments so disconnected that you can't see the whole picture even though we have given all the pieces to the puzzle. Confusing? Of course--it is intended to confuse to the point of your inability to conceive the actions and play­ers.]
    The strange power of Brandeis over President Wilson is indi­cated several times in the book, Challenging Years, The Autobi­ography of Stephen Wise (G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1949). Rabbi Wise, for instance, spoke of Wilson's "leaning heavily, as I well know he chose to do, on Brandeis," and records a surprising remark by the supposedly independent-minded World War I President. To Rabbi Wise, who spoke of Zionism and the plans for convening "the first session of the American Jewish Congress", Wilson said: "Whenever the time comes, and you and Justice Brandeis feel that the time is ripe for me to speak and act, I shall be ready."

    The authenticity of these statements, which are well docu­mented in the sources from which they are quoted, cannot be doubted. Full evaluation of President Wilson will have to wait until the secret archives of World War I are opened to the pub­lic. Meanwhile, however, the management of the war in such a way as to bleed Europe to death casts persistent reflections upon the judgment if not the motives of President Wilson and Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain. Their bloody victory and their failure in peace stand in strong contrast to Theodore Roosevelt's dramatic success in ending, rather than joining, the great conflict (1904-1905) between Russia and Japan.

    After the eight-year rule of President Wilson, the Democratic Party was retired from office in the election of 1920. For the next twelve years (March 4, 1921-March 4, 1933), the three di­verse groups in the party--Southern Protestants, Northern Catholics, and Brandeis-type "liberals", were held loosely to­gether by leaders who helped each other toward the day of vic­tory and the resultant power and patronage. Tactfully accus­tomed to ask no questions of each other, these leaders, still mostly Southern Protestants and Northern Catholics, did not ask any questions of the Party's rapidly increasing contingent of Eastern Europeans.

    Thus the astute twentieth century immigrants of Eastern European origin continued to join the Democratic party, in which everybody was accustomed to strange bedfellows, and in which a largely non-Christian third force was already well intrenched. Parenthetically, the best description of the National Democratic party as it existed from the time of Franklin Roosevelt's first term and on into the early 1950's is probably that of Senator Byrd of Virginia. Speaking at Selma, Alabama, on November 1, 1951, he described the party as a "heterogeneous crowd of Trumanites" and added that the group, "if it could be called a party, is one of questionable ancestry, irresponsible direction and predatory purposes."

    Woodrow Wilson, who was definitely the candidate of a minority party, was elected in the first instance by a serious split in the Republican party. By constant reenforcement from abroad, however, the "third force" of Eastern Europeans and associates of similar ideology was instrumental in raising the Democratic party from a minority to a majority status. Some daring leaders of the alien or alien-minded wing conceived the idea of being paid in a special way for their contributions to victory.

    Their price, carefully concealed from the American people, including of course many lesser figures among the Eastern Europeans, was the control of the foreign policy of the United States.

    At a glance, the achievement of such an objective might seem impossible. In fact, however, it was easy, because it happens under our practice that the entire electoral vote of a State goes to the candidate whose electors poll a majority of the popular votes of the State. With the population of older stock somewhat evenly divided between the Republican and Democratic parties, a well-organized minority can throw enough votes to determine the recipient of the electoral vote of a state. The States having the largest numbers of Jews are New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Ohio, California, and Michigan. These, of course, are the "doubtful" states with a large electoral vote.

    Thus when the ship of patronage came in with the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932, the Democrats of the old tradition, whether Southern Protestants or Northern Catholics, wanted dams, bridges, government buildings, and other government-financed projects in their districts; wanted contracts for themselves and their friends; and wanted also a quota of safetenure positions, such as federal judgeships. Neither group of old-time Democrats had many leaders who specialized in languages or in the complex subject matter of "foreign affairs", and neither group objected to the seemingly modest interest of certain of the party's Eastern European recruits for jobs of sub-cabinet rank in Washington.

    The first spectacular triumph of the non-Christian Eastern European Democrats was Roosevelt's recognition, less than nine months after his inauguration, of the Soviet govertunent of Russia. A lengthy factual article, Moscow's RED LETTER DAY in American History, by William La Varre in the American Legion Magazine (August, 1951), gives many details on our strange diplomatic move which was arranged by "Litvinov, of deceitful smiles" and by "Henry Morgenthau and Dean Acheson, both proteges of Felix Frankfurter". Incidentally, Litvinov's birth-name was Wallach and he also used the name Finkelstein. Three of the four persons thus named by Mr. La Varre as influential in this deal were of the same non-Christian stock or association--and the fourth was Dean Acheson, "who served as law clerk of Justice Louis D. Brandeis" before becoming famous as a "Frankfurter boy". The principal "Franlcfurter boy" is the subject of a most important article in the American Mercury magazine, April, 1952, 11 East 36th Street, New York 16, N.Y.). [H: This is an old magazine so these places may or may not still be valid addresses but the information win per-haps help you find the correct "copy" in libraries, etc.] The author, Felix Wittner, says in part:

    Acheson's record of disservice to the cause of freedom began at least nineteen years ago when he became one of Stalin's paid American lawyers. Acheson was on Stalin's payroll even before the Soviet Union was recognized by the United States. [H: Stop! Go read that again, please.]
    Mr. La Varre's article should be read in full, among other things, for its analysis of F.D. Roosevelt's betrayal of Latin America to penetration by Communism. Bearing on the basic question of the recognition of the Soviet, here are significant quotations:

    The very special agent from Moscow, Commissar of all the Red Square's nefarious international machinations, chief of the Kremlin's schemes for communizing the American hemisphere, sat victoriously at the White House desk at midnight, smiling at the President of the United States.

    For Fifteen deceitful years the corrupt Kremlin had tried to obtain a Communist base, protected by diplomatic immunities, within the United States; four Presidents-- Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover--had refused to countenance Moscow's pagan ideology or its carriers. But here, at last, was a President the Communists could deal with.

    Many patriotic, well-informed Americans, in the old Department of State, in the American Legion, and in the American Federation of Labor, had begged Franklin Roosevelt not to use his new leadership of the United States for the aggrandizement of an evil, dangerous and pagan guest--but to send him back to Moscow, red with the blood of the Commissar's own countrymen, without a handshake.

    But Franklin Roosevelt, piqued with the power of his new office, stimulated by the clique of Marxian and Fabian socialists posing as intellectuals and liberals--and by radicals in labor unions, universities, and his own sycophant bureaucracy--had signed his name to the Kremlin's franchise. Without the approval of Congress, he made an actual treaty with the Soviets, giving them the right to establish a communist embassy and consulates in the United States, with full diplomatic hospitalities and immunities to Stalin's agents, the bloody Bolsheviks...

    November 16, 1933--at midnight! That is a date in American history our children will long have tragic cause to remember. That was the day Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov, plunderer of Estonia and the Kremlin's first agent for socializing England, sat down with Franklin Roosevelt, after Dean Acheson and Henry Morgenthau had done the spadework of propaganda. and made the deal that has led the American people. and our once vast resources, into a social and economic calamity to the very brink,' now, of national and international disaster....

    One of the greatest concentrations of factual information, wise analyses, police records and military intelligence ever to pile up spontaneously on one subject in Washington, all documenting the liabilities of dealing with the Kremlin, had no effect on Franklin Roosevelt. He had appointed Henry Morgenthau and Dean Acheson, both protege's of Felix Frankfurter, to "study" trade opportunities between the U.S.S.R. and the United States, and he praised their report of the benefits to come to all U.S. citizens from Soviet "friendship".

    The record shows that Cordell Hull, upon the receipt of this authentic document disclosing the Soviet's continuing duplicity, sent a note of protest to Moscow, but President Roosevelt could not be persuaded to withdraw his diplomatic recognition. He began, instead, the "reorganization" of the State Department in Washington and the dispatching--to far, isolated posts--of its anti-communist career officers.

    The Roosevelt-Stalin Deal, of November, 1933, has been so costly to us, as a nation and as a hemisphere, that the full appraisal of our losses and liabilities will not be known for several generations. The Kremlin's gains within the United States and Communism's cost to us is only now, in 1951--after eighteen years of suf­fering a Soviet embassy in our Capital. and its agents to roam the States--coming to public consciousness. [H: Still think there is no longer a Soviet Union to bother you cute little Americans, chelas? That was OVER 40 YEARS AGO!]
    It has truly been a costly era of mysterious friendship for an appeasement of the devil, of un-American compro­mises with deceit and pagan ideologies. Some of its pro­tagonists are now dead, their graves monuments to our present predicament, but others, again mysteriously, have been allowed to step into their strategic places.

    Under the sort of government described by Mr. La Varre in his Legion article, large numbers of recently arrived and re­cently naturalized "citizens" and their ideological associates were infiltrated by appointment, or by civil service, into the State Department, the presidential coterie, and other sensitive spots in the government. Among those who feathered their Washington nests in this period were not only leftist East Euro­peans, but actual Communist converts or "sell-outs" to the Communist party among native Americans. The solicitude of President F.D. Roosevelt for America's Communists was con­stant, as was shown in his steady opposition to proposed curbs upon them. Ex-Congressman Martin Dies, former Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Ac­tivities, bears witness in lectures (one of them heard by the au­thor, 1950) that he was several times summoned to the White House by President Roosevelt and told--with suggestions of great favors to come--that he must stop annoying Communists. To the unyielding Dies, Roosevelt's climactic argument was, "We need those votes!" A speech (May 17, 1951) on a similar theme by Mr. Dies has been published by the American Her­itage Protective Committee. [H: No, this is not THE Heritage Foundation--the one in point was at 601 Bedell Building., San Antonio, Texas.] Another speech by Mr. Dies, White House Protects Communists in Government, was inserted (Sept. 22, 1950) in the Congressional Record by Congressman Harold H. Velde of Illinois.

    The government was infiltrated with "risks" from the above described groups of Eastern Europeans and with contaminated native Americans, but those were not all. After the beginning of World War II, so-called "refugees" immediately upon arrival in this country were by executive order introduced into sensitive government positions without the formality of having them wait for citizenship, and without any investigation of their reasons for leaving Europe. The way for this infiltration was paved by an executive order providing specifically that employment could not be denied on the grounds of race, creed, or national origin.

    Since no form of investigation could be made by the United States in the distant and hostile areas from which these refugees came, and since their number contained persons sympathetic to the Soviet Union, this executive order was a potential and in many instances a realized death-blow to security.

    Almost as if for a double-check against security, the control of security measures in the new atom projects was not entrusted to the expert F.B.I., but to the atomic officials themselves. In view of their relative inexperience in such matters and in view of the amazing executive order so favorable to alien employees, the atomic officials were probably less to blame for the theft of atomic secrets than the "left-of-center" administrations which appointed them. Among those admitted to a proper spot for learning atomic secrets was the celebrated alien, the British subject--but not British-born--Klaus Fuchs. Other atomic spies, all aliens or of alien associations, were already named.

    Next to the atomic energy employees, the United Public Workers of America offered perhaps the best opportunity for the theft of secrets vital to the U.S. defense. This union included a generous number of people of Eastern European stock or con­nections, among them Leonard Goldsmith and Robert Wein­stein, organizers of Panama Canal workers, and both of them said to have definite Communist affiliations. This union--whose chief bloc of members was in Washington--was later expelled (March 1, 1950) by the C.I.O. on charges of being Communist-dominated. However, if the U.S. Government has shown any signs of being as particular about its employees as the C.L O. is about its members, the fact has escaped the attention of this author.
    As the years passed, the infiltration of Eastern Europeans into the government had swelled to a torrent. Many of these per-sons, of course, were not Communists and were not sympathetic with Communist aims. As repeated elsewhere in this book, the contrary is neither stated nor implied. The author's purpose is simply to show that persons of Eastern European stock, or of an ideology not influential in the days of the founding and formative period of our country, have in recent years risen to many of the most strategic spots in the Roosevelt-Truman Democratic Party and thereby to positions of great and often decisive power in shaping the policy of the United States. The subject was broached by W.M. Kiplinger in a book, Washington Is Like That. According to a Reader's Digest condensation entitled The Facts About Jews in Washington, Jews were by 1942 conspicuously "numerous" in government agencies and departments concerned with money, labor, and justice. The situation stemmed from the fact that "non-Jewish officials within government, acting under the direction of the President", were "trying to get various agencies to employ more Jews...."

    The influence of persons of Eastern European origin, or of related origin or ideology, reached its peak (thus far) with Mr. Milton Katz at the helm of U.S. policy in Europe (to mid-1951); with Mrs. Anna Rosenberg in charge of the manpower of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Corps; with Mr. Manly Fleischman as Administrator of the Defense Production Administration; and with Mr. Nathan P. Feinsinger (New York Times, August 30, 1951) as Chairman of the Wage Stabilization Board. Likewise, in October, 1948, when President Truman appointed a "committee on religious and moral welfare and character guidance in the armed forces", he named as Chairman Frank L. Weil, of New York, a lawyer and President of the National Jewish Welfare Board.

    It is interesting to note the prominence of persons of Khazar or similar background or association in the Socialist minority government of the United Kingdom, and in French politics, be-ginning with Leon Blum. Among them are the Rt. Hon. Emanuel Shinwell and Minister Jules Moch--archfoe of Marshal Petain--who have recently held defense portfolios in the British and French cabinets respectively. Just as in America the non-Christian characteristically joins the Democratic Party, so in Britain he joins the leftist Labor party. Thus the British House of Commons, sitting in the summer of 1951, had 21 Jews among its Labor members and none among its Conservative members. Whatever his racial antecedents, Mr. Clement Attlee, long leader of the British "Labor" Party and Socialist Prime Minister (1945-1951) has for many years received international notoriety as a Communist sympathizer. For instance, he visited and praised the "English company" in the international Communist force in the Spanish Civil War.

    A few personas of Eastern European origin or background-- or associated with persons of such background--in positions high or strategic, or both, have already been named by the author, and others, when their prominence demands it, will be named in the pages which follow, the author hereby assures the reader-- again--that no reflection of any kind is intended and that he has no reason for believing that any of these people are other than true to their convictions. [H: Still having trouble believing that your U.S. Congress and all advisors, etc., are Khazarian Zionist in intent and basically Communistic in actions? The Congress of the U.S. is CONTROLLED, readers--good, bad or otherwise. Further, it is not even impacted by the "Christian" stance of birth of your nation under God and Christ values. This is WHY you have decadence beyond description and morals which have gone "south". "America" defined as "the Kingdom of Heaven" as written yesterday--is in a sorry state of degradation!]
    First on any list of Americans of Eastern European origin should be the Vienna-born Felix Frankfurter, [H: Keep remembering that just because this SOUNDS current--it was written in 1951 and a lot of years, manipulations and placements of HIGH LEVEL have constantly taken place.] who in the middle twentieth century appears to have replaced "the stock of the Puritans" as the shining light and symbol of Harvard Uni­versity. After leaving his professorship in the Harvard Law School, Dr. Frankfurter became a Supreme Court Justice and President Franklin Roosevelt's top-flight adviser on legal and other matters. In the formation of our national policies his in­fluence is almost universally rated as supreme. "I suppose that Felix Frankfurter... has more influence in Washington than any other American," wrote Rev. John P. Sheerin, Editor of The Catholic World, and the Chicago Tribune, owned by the Pres­byterian Colonel Robert R. McCormick, has voiced a similar opinion. In fact, Mr. Justice Frankfurter is frequently referred to by those who know their way around Washington as the "President" of the United States. In a recent "gag", the ques­tion, "Do you want to see a new picture of the President of the United States?" is followed up by showing a likeness of Frank-further. [H: Sort of like the Billaries?]

    Mr. Justice Frankfurter is influential not only in counsel but in furthering the appointment of favored individuals to strategic positions. The so-called "Frankfurter's boys" include Mr. Acheson, with whom the justice takes daily walks, weather permitting; Alger Hiss; Lee Pressman; David Niles, long a se­nior assistant to president Truman; Benjamin V. Cohen, long Counselor of the Department of State; David Lilienthal, long Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission; John J. McCloy, Joe Rauh, Nathan Margold; Donald Hiss, brother to Alger, and "now a member of the Acheson law firm"; Milton Katz; and former Secretary of War Robert Patterons, "a hundred percent Frankfurter employee". (All names and quotes in this paragraph are from Drew Pearson's syndicated column, February 1, 1950).

    A powerful government figure, the Russian-born Isador Lu­bin, was frequently summoned by President F.D. Roosevelt for the interpreting of statistics ("send for Lube"); and was subse­quently a United States representative to the UN. Leo Pasvol­sky, Russian-born, was long a power in the Department of State, being, among other things, "executive director, Committee on Postwar Programs, 1944", and "in charge of international organization and security affairs", 1945-1946. Among others very close to Roosevelt II were Samuel Rosenman, who is "special counsel" and said to write many of the President's speeches; Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury and sponsor of the vicious Morgenthau Plan; and Herbert Lehman, Director General (1943 to 1946) of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), most of whose funds--principally derived from the U.S.--were diverted to countries which were soon to become Soviet satellites as a result of the Yalta and Potsdam surrenders.

    Strategic positions currently or recently held by persons of Eastern European origin, or ideological association with such people, include a number of Assistant Secretaryships to mem­bers of the Cabinet, among them incumbents in such sensitive spots as Defense, Justice (Customs and Solicitor General's Of­fice) and Labor; the governorships of vital outposts such as Alaska (three miles from Russia) and the Virgin Islands (near the Panama Canal); appointments in the Executive Office of the President of the United States; positions in organizations devoted to international trade and assistance; membership on the Atomic Energy Commission; and membership, which may best be de­scribed as wholesale, in the U.S. delegation to the United Na­tions.

    The number of persons of Eastern European origin or con­nection in appointive positions of strategic significance in our national government is strikingly high in proportion to the total number of such persons in America. On the contrary, in elec­tive positions, the proportion of such persons is strikingly below their numerical proportion to the total population. The question arises: Does the high ratio of appointed persons of Eastern Eu­ropean origin or contacts in United States strategic positions re­flect the will of the U.S. people? If not, what controlling WILL does it reflect?

    * * *
    Yes, it is lengthy--but people, your entire survival revolves around knowing what has happened to your government who now represents the CONTROL of your citizenry through the New States Constitution and the United Nations One World Order. What you do about your "survival" is about the only thing left for your deciding--the barn door is now locked, the stock got away and the barn is burning. What can you ACTUALLY do? Get right with GOD and BE PREPARED!


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