PJ 73

WED., JULY 21, 1993 2:34 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 339

WED., JULY 21, 1993

In the prior writing it is obvious that "I" feel there is still a tremendous threat from the Soviets. I certainly do--not a threat but a full-out probability of total take-over of America. What's more important is that so does the government of the United States of America! You get a lot of lies but the face-off going on now is so deep that even the facade is beginning to crack as the proverbial Humpty Dumpty egg.

You keep thinking "Russia" is somehow DIFFERENT! You seem to think that the Soviets are NO MORE! WRONG! You are told lies about everything from the hard times in Russia to the old ploy of the Russians are not a threat anymore and you can spend up your weapons budgets on everything else--(??) Really? Aviation & Space Technology magazine reports a con­tinuing surge in Russian space operations. You had been told that Russia had abandoned its military spy operations but WRONG! During the first three months of 1993 Russia launched at least a dozen NEW, unmanned military spacecraft, not to be confused in any manner whatsoever, with Cosmo-spheres. There were an additional half dozen or more so-called "civilian" missions. YOU don't even know what your own country is doing so how could possibly keep up with others' launches when they are hidden from you and you are NEVER told the truth about the shuttle, the missions or the correct pay­loads and experiments, much less the purposes. The upsurge in Russian launches and space activity began in late 1992 without any note in the U.S. press which was notable--except lies about no more cold war and assured peace and cut-backs in your own military bases and military capability.

You nice people were told by every form of controlled media that the Russian military had collapsed! Nope--strong and growing! You can compare, possibly, a total of 18 KNOWN Russian missions as compared to only eight of your own during the same period. The new Russia retains an unsurpassed and potent military space capability. They also, as spoken of yester­day with beam technology--have planetary "surface" control also in every category.

Even your Washington Times of Nov. (15), 1992 reported that your own U.S. "counterspies" insist that Russian spy "operations against the United States have shown no decline!" The funny thing about this statement is that your own intelli­gence agencies are so intertwined that it would be all but impos­sible to tell--the U.S. is totally infiltrated with Russians. I re­mind you of that which I have told you for years: There are more Russian KGB agents in the CIA than there are Americans. There has been no "collapse" of anything except your "brains". Russian spy operations are more intensely at work now than they have ever been and the fact is this is true for every part of the globe. There was a very superficial name change for the units involved but only a upsurge of activity. Russian spying is a bigger threat now than it HAS EVER BEEN.

"But the KGB was dismantled," you say? NO, it was not! It changed its name and NOTHING else. The new spy agency is now called the SVR, for the equivalent in Russian of Sluzhba Bneshny Razvedki Rossiy (excuse lack of Russian letters), or FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE OF RUSSIA! It was formed early in 1991, after the KGB was officially disbanded in the wake of the August, 1991 false and phony coup.

Your own U.S. counterintelligence officials are worried and come right out and say that "We're very concerned about the number of SVR intelligence officers. The number is way be­yond what we consider to be acceptable, given the kinds of re­lations the Russians want." Also, "Other foreign spying is done by the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency. You have a real "hardliner" as director of this GRU, Gen. Fedor Ladygin.

The GRU military intelligence service remains extremely ag­gressive."

By the way--you know that nice Mr. Yeltsin? Well, the hard­liners are in control of the Russian military--NOT Mr. Yeltsin so things are not as rosy as your politicians would have you think. Yeltsin's approval is not worth the paper it is written on as far as nuclear matters are concerned. Russia has some 25,000 to 30,000 nuclear weapons and it is the "General Staff" who has the technical ability to launch nuclear-tipped missiles without any approval from Yeltsin. As of last Fall the Rus­sians were already blatantly ignoring arms control agreements. Why have there been ongoing pretense of agreements and on­going negotiations? TO GET WHAT THEY COULD OUT OF THE UNITED STATES! Moreover, it has worked superbly--they GET and you GIVE. They get given to and you get inter­est bearing loans if you get yourself caught in a disaster! The Soviets said they "would not have to fire a shot" and "we can hang the Americans and 'they' will give us the rope with which to do it"!!

Good grief, readers, look at the control agreements. In the "joint understanding" guiding the uncompleted START II strategic arms control treaty, Moscow agreed to eliminate all 308 of the dreaded 10-warhead SS-18s on the dubious--and un­acceptable--proposition of stripping them down to a SINGLE warhead. No one who attended the latest conference in Moscow is not convinced the Russians have simply "laid low" in order to reap blackmail/hostage goods and services.

The "Reds" are still in total charge. In the villages wherever you might go--the same "bosses" (Communist) are still in con­trol that were always in control with absolutely NO CHANGES. Also, most of the current corps of former Soviet Generals sup­ported the coup but are STILL IN POSITIONS OF AUTHOR­ITY WITHIN THE ARMED FORCES of what is NOW called the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is all total B.S. and, yet, your politicians have thrust this incredible lie off on you-the-people, dismantle your military and bases and there you have it. PLANNED DECEPTION.

You have read what we have offered on your own underground facilities and the incredible technology developed and stored there. Well, there are at least 27 KNOWN "closed" cities around Russia now involved in strategic weapons production. The secret installations are described in your own Washington Times as taken from the Russian paper. Many of these cities are located deep underground, encased in granite.

To make sure that no Western arms treaty inspections could gain access, Boris Yeltsin signed legislation CLOSING 16 REGIONS and cities throughout the country, involved with production of radioactive materials and mass destruction weapons. Of the 755,000 employees in those closed regions, between 1,500 and 2,000 are scientists, the remainder is comprised of technicians and workers. DOES THIS RE­ALLY SOUND LIKE PEACEFUL ACTIVITIES? Further, if THIS MUCH information is given out--what do you think they REALLY have and who is in cahoots with who?

On Dec. 12, 1991, the U.S. Congress appropriated $400 million to dismantle, store, and destroy the Soviet weapons of mass destruction. Can you just see the laughter now? They have dismantled NOTHING--but use the aid offered and given to increase and expand the secrecy of strategic weapons design and production facilities. Another strange but seriously cru­cial fact--is that they DON'T NEED MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS--THEY HAVE PARTICLE BEAMS. The only thing that saves your (and the Russians and the world's) ba­con is that a faction out of the Ukraine, etc., are not on the side of these build-up mongers. They also have nuclear weapons and have the higher capability in the space com­mand.

On June 1, 1993, Radio Moscow reported: "The Russian secu­rity service continues working without a clear cut regulation of its activities. It defines its own goals and priority tasks." (Henhouse foxes?) This is the conclusion drawn by the interna­tional conference in Moscow, whose theme outlook was "KGB--Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow."

The 5/31/93 Washington Times reported: "There is increasing evidence, say competent Russian Western Russian analysts and Russian democrats, that the security police remain powerful and are becoming even more so today, despite dismantlement." Ah, here we again have the Washington Times! How is it that the Washington Times can print what the controlled media doesn't seem to notice? Because it is owned by ones who claim to be that which they are not. It is superficially owned by "Moon" who is what? Korean. He WAS a seemingly religious zealot who gathered thousands of followers under the guise of "Jesus Christ". No--this man is a shrewd, trained political op­erator. You will be given EXACTLY what you are wanted to know--and strength of your adversary is one thing they do not want YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO MISS. This is nothing other than change the name and nothing else. While you think the police force was dissolved--no, it simply geared up under a different label and is increasing in strength and power.

"Ninety to 95 percent of middle-ranking KGB officers remain in the same positions as before the August, 1991 "coup" attempt. Even the leader of the August. 1991 coup. KGB General Vladimir Kryuchkov. stated in an interview with the TASS news agency that the new state security organizations formed in Rus­sia. following the "breakup " of the old USSR. are far more powerful than was the old KGB. That is pretty darned power­ful, readers.

Now, you integrate this powerful force with the Mossad of Is­rael and ties to the British Intelligence "mother" agency and hook it in with the CIA, etc., and you come out with well-trained killers such as the BATF operatives paid by the IMF and ordered about by the U.N. as at WACO, TEXAS!

How many of you remember that one of the "dealing" points that was supposed to get your sympathy and cooperation was that "aid" would be monitored and distributed by the KGB by whatever name. Now guess what: Over 75 percent of the em­ployees of the new Russian Stock and Commodities Exchange Center ARE FORMER KGB OFFICIALS. How handy! You thought these bad guys were gone? No, Yeltsin's government has fired only about 400 KGB officers (from the old USSR regime) and there are still some 135,000 of the most unsavory ones still employed. Oh indeed a lot of them stopped the old "comrade" trick, but guess what--the new bunch of the security ministry are back to calling each other "Chekisti"--a name that harkens back to the Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka, a KGB forerunner.

Indeed, readers, I would most certainly check my emergency supplies and shelter systems. It is a real good time, if you have ignored me to date--to get our JOURNALS on "survival" or get Dr. Robinson's Fighting Chance OR BOTH! By the way, YOUR GOVERNMENT STILL PUBLISHES A VOLUME CALLED HOW TO SURVIVE NUCLEAR WAR with annual­ized updates. Does that really sound as if you are OUT OF THE WAR BUSINESS?

But you might ask, "What about the help the Russians were go­ing to give us with our POW/MIAs--and the Korean Air Liner disaster, etc., etc.,...??" Hummnnn--a funny thing happened on the way to the "forum"- -
It was all BLACKMAIL AT ANY RATE. BUT, Russian President Boris Yeltsin told the U.S. Congress that he would help locate U.S. prisoners of war held captive by the old Soviet Government. Yes, he did say that and flaunted documents, and so on. You readers have to remember that a LOT of prisoners from the Korean war were REMOVED TO RUSSIAN PRIS­ONS! SOME ARE STILL ALIVE--BUT I DOUBT "VERY WELL", although hostage value and blackmail value is always considered. Well, certainly nothing has come from that little speech. The Dec. 30, 1991 Washington Times reported: "Russia is sabotaging efforts by a team of U.S. investigators probing the fate of American POWs who reportedly had been held in the Soviet Union and the inquiry may be halted. Russian spy agencies have played 'a spoiling role' in the entire U.S. ef­fort, says a Dec. 10, 1992 communication from the U.S. Em­bassy in Moscow." This is the same Embassy that is under full assault by microwave beams. Guess who is involved? Indeed, the successor to that nasty old KGB. The "line" is begrudgingly offered "....that there are NO admissions of indirect involve­ment with Korean War POW/MIAs and official denials of ANY involvement with Vietnam POWs." Doesn't sound like anything other than big investments with the business deals of those two countries in point--Korea and Vietnam. Of course it goes even further--you had better pay attention at just WHO is given credit for supplying money to rebuild the Subic Bay base in the Philip­pines--that's right, the Russians.

A few months after the above, a more open Russian cover-up of U.S. POWs was uncovered. Harvard-based researcher, Stephen J. Morris was studying files in the Russian archives when he discovered a revealing document that proves Vietnam lied to the United States about the number of war prisoners it held. IMMEDIATELY UPON NEWS OF THIS DOCUMENT BECAME PUBLIC IN THE U.S., MORRIS WAS CUT OFF FROM THE ARCHIVES.

Interestingly enough, the Russians dismissed the archivist who allowed Morris to read the file and informed Morris that he no longer would have access to the Moscow files. This was made public in the Washington POST--so it must be valid.

Thus, at the very time that Clinton was pushing billions of dollars in new U.S. foreign aid to Moscow, the Russian gov­ernment is nicely help wreck (along with your own govern­ment) all efforts to find American prisoners of war. Now just who do you think STILL controls who?
In view of what we now know about the U.S. involvement with the WHO, etc., in biological destruction, this may seem tame but nonetheless this is a well researched document (deliberately released) but as intelligence and counterintelligence along with defectors and defections are concerned, it is pretty insightful so we will thank the defector AND the Washington Post along with Newsweek magazine and others for this information:

The Washington Post reported in August, 1992, that the U.S. and Britain are worried that the Russian government may not have fulfilled a promise to shut down the Soviet Union's exten­sive program for making germ weapons: "Underlying U.S. con­cerns is the suspicion that the highly secret former Soviet pro­gram is not fully under President Yeltsin's control, and that elements of it have been hidden by Russian military officials who want to keep parts of the program intact.

A high-level Soviet defector claimed that Moscow engaged in systematic deception on biological warfare issues throughout the 1980s.

"The defector revealed that, for the first time, Moscow had not just one, but two biological warfare programs. Besides the ob­viously military-run program that had provoked longstanding U.S. concern, the government was also conducting secret germ weapons research in the civilian Bioreparat facilities." The charge was denied by former Soviet President Gorbachev. But Russian President Yeltsin admitted to U.S. President Bush in February, 1992 that "The Soviet military had violated an inter­national treaty, negotiated in 1972, barring development, production or stockpiling of toxin and biological agents and any weaponry to deliver them."

"A confidential report, prepared in spring, 1992 at Yeltsin's di­rection by a retired Russian general, Anatoly Kuntsevich, re­vealed that the military had illicitly developed aerial bombs and rocket warheads capable of carrying deadly anthrax, tularemia and Q fever biological warfare agents. Yeltsin responded to Kuntsevich's report by issuing a decree in April, 1992 ordering such work halted and its funding halted."

The Soviet defector's information "provoked anxiety about the size of the biowar program and how far the Soviets had gotten in producing weapons carrying DEADLY VIRAL STRAINS THAT ARE RESISTANT TO VACCINES."

The 2/1/93 Newsweek magazine reported that the Soviet Union's biowar program involved "a vast operation employing 25,000 people at 18 or more Research and Development facilities, six production plants and a major storage complex in Siberia. The goal was to take known pathogens and alter their genetic structures to make them resistant to western drugs." The Soviet defector, Vladimir Pasechnik, was a microbiologist who had firsthand knowledge of the enormous biowar program aimed against the West.

Pasechnik maintains that a Soviet program to develop a geneti­cally engineered, dry form of SUPERPLAGUE, resistant to an­tibiotics, dates from 1984 and was a top priority. The work continues. Another little project is massive production of MY­COTOXIN. This is the dreaded warfare agent which causes total immunosuppression--dysfunction of the nervous system, coma and death.

So how is your day so far?

Another cute little project they have perfected is a brand new mobile missile known as "Fatboy". It is similar to, but stockier than, that dreaded SS-25, and is in full production in a place called Votkinsk. This is very bad news for the Russians will not stop short of at least a thousand of these little dynamite toys.
They aren't? In spite of promising neutrality--the Russians (Soviets) quietly supply Serbian forces with fuel, military hard­ware and parts. Most of the material is sent easily by rail through Ukraine and Romania. Even uniforms are provided. Wow, and while no one watches a most dreaded thing is hap­pening. The Russians are building a naval base in Montenegro on the Adriatic Sea. WHY? Defunct and broken nation--forget it readers and put on your waist waders and save your newspa­pers for fallout protection. And by the way--keep up your in­take of Gaiandriana because the frequencies are going to pick up very, very shortly and you won't be able to handle them.
You don't seem to have many ways to turn do you? The Khaz­arian Banksters on the one hand, the Bolsheviks and Soviets on the other--and yet all intertwined in effort to buy and sell a world--YOURS!

Worse insult--the Soviets call this a "PHOENIX" revitalization of the Red Empire.

There is a most revealing article by a Soviet "expert" named Dimitri Simes. This was carried in the Washington Post in Oc­tober (16) 1991--before the collapse! He reported: "A remark­ably candid KGB domestic analysis, made available to me, pre­dicted in part that 'the collapse of the system (that outlived it­self) cleared the path for establishing a strong authoritarian regime in our country in a moderate national-DEMOCRAT wrapping.' Such a regime, said that KGB document: 'will be able to more effectively (and with greater flexibility) REBUILD THE UNION and to give new impulse to the nation's develop­ment." This report was published BEFORE the December, 1991 "collapse" of the old USSR. The long-term KGB plan to work with politicians like Yeltsin was thus revealed.

The so-called "market economy" in Russia, was actually planned by the Communist Party. [H: Gosh, even we told you this over and over again while "good-hearted" patriots tried to kill us.] The 2/13/92 New York Times reported: "A month BEFORE the failed August, 1991 coup attempt, Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev signed a document authorizing the Com­munist Party to put its money into small enterprises, joint stock companies, private banks and other capitalist ventures, accord­ing to testimony at a Russian Parliament hearing."

"The document, disclosed by the Russian Deputy Prosecutor, Yevgny K. Lisov, confirmed a trend as Communist Party func­tionaries scurried to shelter themselves and their money from a conversion to a market economy." The Communist Party funds amounted to $50 BILLION, 60 TONS OF GOLD, 150 TONS of silver, and 8 TONS of platinum.

The purpose of this Communist Party plunge into capitalism was to continue the power of the Party elite, AFTER THE STAGED "COLLAPSE OF COMMUNISM". The 4/15/93 Washington Times reported: "Children of the nomenklatura (the Communist Elite) have their own businesses. They have their own credit cards. The Gorbachev-era Communists opened the system in the interests of the Party Elite and NOT IN THE INTEREST OF THE WHOLE POPULATION, because they saw it as a way to make a lot of money for themselves." Only 2 to 3 percent of the population is benefiting from the new Com­munist-created, alleged 'market system' . The rest of the Rus­sian population is too poor to participate.

It is this tiny two to three percent nomenklatura-Mafia Elite, that is benefiting from U.S. foreign aid. Do you really think that Russia will NOT be admitted to the G-7 GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDERS?
This is the name of a very excellent book from 1992, by Lev Timofeyev (publisher: Kopf), which documents how the Russian Mafia has strong ties to both hard-line Communists as well as their political opponents in the democratic movement.

Timofeyev obtained a Communist Party Central Committee document, dated August 23, 1990--a full year prior to the "coup". The document provides evidence that the Communist Party was preparing to go underground. In line with V.I. Lenin's New Economic Policy (NEP) tactics of taking two steps forward and one step backward, the Communist leadership re­alized that they could not modernize the nation without a hu­mongous amount of Western capital. The Party leaders also knew that Western governments and businessmen would be re­luctant to pour such vast new amounts of money into a heavily indebted Bolshevik system. Timofeyev stated:
"The term 'wild privatization' has gained currency in Russia to describe the spontaneous effort of yesterday's apparatchiks to seize as much for themselves as possible and turn it into private property. Prikhvatizatsia is NOT primarily a matter of financial maneuvers by individual Party bureaucrats. The fact is that long before the collapse of ABOVE GROUND Communist Party structures in August, 1991, apparatchiks were carefully planning political action to preserve the maximum of power in SECRET Party structures." The Central Committee document states:

"...The following measures should be taken immediately in order to secure conditions for the launching of commercial and foreign economic activity by the party: Preparation of proposals to create some new 'interim' economic structures (foundations, association, etc.) with minimal 'visible' ties to the Central Committee, which could become focal points of the 'invisible party economy'.

"Immediate preparations of plans for using anonymous or­ganizations to MASK direct links to the Party when launch­ing commercial and foreign economic Party activity; in par­ticular, consideration of the possibility of merging with al­ready functioning joint ventures, INTERNATIONAL CON­SORTIUMS, etc., through capital investment.

"Consideration of ways and means of establishing a bank controlled by the Central Committee with the right to conduct hard-currency operations, the investment of the party's hard-currency reserves in international firms controlled by friends of the Party abroad.

"Creation of a consulting firm...without direct links to the Central Committee apparatus, for the practical organization of economic cooperation and PROVISION OF BROKERAGE SERVICES FOR FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF VARIOUS Party Organizations and the commercial firms of Communist Parties abroad." [H: I ask that you readers harken back to what I told you when we first presented this material and then you saw it come to pass--one of the FIRST major business organizations established in Moscow and Gorbachev was made PRESIDENT after his step-down--WAS KISSINGER ASSOCIATES. How big and powerful a "brokerage" operation do you need?]

Timofeyev commented: "The old Party apparatus has deeply concealed its underground structure." Criminal prosecutors who started an investigation in October, 1991, "found more than a hundred commercial Communist Party enterprises in Moscow and about six hundred all told throughout Russia. Among the direction of these shadowy Party firms are people who have substantial influence in the CURRENT legitimate govern­ment.

"President Yeltsin is surrounded by yesterday's nomenklatura apparatchiks, just as President Gorbachev was before him. They are the same provincial Communist Party committee sec­retaries, making the same efforts to influence the President. In each of the new states of the former USSR, the power structures are genetically connected to the structures of the past, to the Communists."

In his 1984 book, New Lies for Old, KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn correctly predicted the end of the Berlin Wall and rev­olutionary changes inside the Soviet empire. Having studied the long-range KGB plans, he wrote:

"To be credible and effective, a deception should accord, as far as possible, with the hopes and expectations of those it is in­tended to deceive. Since the Communist strategists were aware, especially through knowledge of the Bilderberger Papers that the West ardently desired the disintegration of the Communist bloc, they could anticipate that the projection, to the outside world, of a fictitious disintegration of the bloc would be ad­vantageous--provided always that it was accompanied, in parallel, by an actual (but partially concealed) implementa­tion of the long-range policy of STRENGTHENING THE BLOC."

Golitsyn's predictions were correct as to what has happened: KGB-planned changes will make possible the introduction of controlled political opposition, which will provide the basically totalitarian regimes with a convincing impression of funda­mental change and a semblance of democracy." So, the fact as stated prior to this that some 75 percent of the people who are now involved in the Moscow Stock & Commodities Exchange are from the KGB is a vivid demonstration of the accuracy of Golitsyn's long-range forecasts.
* * *
I would like to close this segment now. I realize for your edi­tors this will be difficult to read--but I have deviated too often and scrambled up all the documentation so I ask that we simply leave it as it is.

I would like to offer appreciation and honor, again, to C.B. Baker of Youth Action News.

Please contact Mr. Baker at P.O. Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313.

Also, he offers the document called The New Russian Threat & E.L.F. Zapping at special quantity prices. Please run the listed information in this paper. This is one of the MOST IM­PORTANT PIECES OF INFORMATION YOU COULD AC­QUIRE AND OFFER TO YOUR FRIENDS. THERE WON'T BE ANY DISCUSSION OF E.T.s OR RELIGION--JUST THE HARD NUCLEAR FACTS, MAAM!

Don't be turned off by those who refuse to see or hear--NO­BODY WANTS TO SEE OR HEAR THIS STUFF! Golly, precious friends, you are near the possible demise of your planet!

PJ 73
THU., JULY 22, 1993 8:52 A.M. YEAR 6,DAY 340

THU., JULY 22, 1993
Ah, it is the heart that sings when pen is placed against the scroll. When you hear your words in lyric form it is the soul speaking--presenting that which has great meaning. There are many ones who write limericks, sonnets and rhymes, and they all express a "mind" speaking--even if the subject be just an­other incident in "another day".

We are blessed in this place for many ones write to us and share with "poetry" that which is often beyond expression of "mere" words. Each that shares brings beauty, love and TRUTH into our lives and lifts our spirits as on a fresh breeze--reporting that which is often unspoken for "lack of words". We could fill our papers and books with nothing else and yet still tell the story--but who would read? Ones often miss the very essence of life in that which they refuse to share. Poetry is "private", even if it be a verse in a card and when ones are given to sharing, oh, how I wish we could capture it all, share it all and leave these things of "experiencing" in dark ignorance to the living dead. Note that even Dante's "poetry" speaks from out of the depths of longing for soul--longing to rejoice in the lighted places of the Lion that peace could come within.

Poetry speaks of those things which "happen" and ones can ex­press without embarrassment unto self for the "feelings" which can be claimed as "simply words". No--and beyond all--is the poem of a child as he mispronounces his words and spells them only as they sound for if it be his own--he is reaching out in ex­pression of thought and emotion--which, of course, goes beyond the physical and into the totality of "energy" which is emotion.

If you are drawn to write and share, it is our joy to receive and we shall share with ALL as there is space for wisdom written as remembered greatness or observations of simply thought--it touches that part of "another" which longs to SHARE and knows not how for the limitations of physical is so great as to batter down the creative thought within.

I have some "thoughts" from a most beloved friend who pri­vately shares with me--not wishing to "impose" on weary shoul­ders or busy eyes--and we treasure the gift. This first one speaks of "Goodness" and a longing to bring some goodness into the reality from out of the shadows to express in joy and love.

(Marisa, May, 1993)
My soul, like a dove, awaits the new morn
When peace and prosperities' truth will be born;
When mankind will know about living's true worth;
When love and elation will greet Knowing's birth;
When values once given to money and things,
Will sail away, on dark, leaden wings.
A new sort of day will greet mankind then,
With genius of thought and freedom of pen.

No longer will goodness be treated as rust,
Being scraped and removed and thrown into the dust.
Like the fern, goodness grows often best--in the shadow,
Alongside the path, unto Him few will follow.
First one, then another, casts down unseen spore,
'Til green ferns line the path, up to God's Golden Door.

Follow dove, follow--the fern's shadowed trail,
The lonely road narrows, but never will fail.
Though darkness seems looming to hinder the flight,
Hold steady in Truth, toward that unfailing Light.
Each beating of heart and of wing strong and sure,
Causes distance to fall like worn petals--wind stirred.
Soon the Godly shall go unrewarded no more
See, the Master awaits. He's flung open the door!

(Marisa--May, 1993)
The Great Mind imagined, from stillness' clime,
Then wondrous Creations were born.
Living and breathing, moving and growing
Were creatures of myriad form,
Sustained by a sphere of magnificent grace--
A beauteous bosom of green.
The mountains and valleys, the deserts and plains,
And oceans of blue set the scene.

A great golden Light crossed the heavens by day,
Bringing motion to all living things.
A silvery Light waxed and waned through the nights,
Signs and wonders were forged in her rings,
Man and woman came down bearing soul gifts from God.
Precious time passed away as they grew.
Many times on the wheel of Life would they turn,
Each time learning a lesson or two.

Civilizations were borne into might,
Led by the good and the just.
Then man succumbed to the powers of greed,
And brought their works crumbling to dust.
How many times has man lived through the same--
In a story that ever repeats?
Why does man keep falling, as helpless, dumb prey
For the tempters; the liars; the cheats?

They promised great riches and freedom from toil,
Luxuries, leisure and bliss.
Man willingly follows the lure to his doom,
Hardly noticing things are amiss.
Though some try to shake him and wake him to Truth
He only responds with a scorn.
Not wanting to see or to hear it at all-‑
Believing the lie--He's 'reborn'.
Until one day shackled in bond servitude,
Man raises his dream-weary head.

Beholding his MASTER in horror of Truth--
In the dark pits of hell where HE led.


The note appended to this last one expresses the frustrations of you all who have come to KNOW truth of God's journey and purpose and cannot seem to reach "through" to another. Marisa says that this was born from her own personal frustrations in fruitlessly trying to help others see, and the sadness she feels for them if they continue in their chosen ignorance.

Ah, blessed child, can you not see--that you cannot "make" an­other see--you can only SHARE. When you KNOW WITHIN and REALIZE it is frustration--then and only then--shall your own soul accept its peace so constantly offered by God unto YOU! "The entire journey begins and ENDS--WITH ME (YOU)!" Remember?

Marisa, and each of you--if you just "light one little candle"--what a bright world this will be! Thank you--for in your own understanding--comes MY fulfillment of service and task. The soul must always search for that perfection which it recognizes through "peace". KNOW too, students, that "peace" is wrapped in MANY packages for even as frustrations swirl about your being--the ONE direction of movement unto God IS peace! The frustrations are but the "signs" of the journey relative to the physical experience. The fact that you REACH OUT for that peace--IS the very recognition that you are "making" it so.

You must never change those steps unto God--for the frustra­tions of the physical experience ARE THE TESTINGS of "intent". All things physical can be changed, altered and re­stored if you but give wise action in that which frustrates--changing that which can be changed and in wisdom, releasing that which you cannot seem to change.


* * *
Continued excerpts from: CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OE 300, by John Cole­man. To end the problem of trying to find Coleman to get the book in point I will volunteer our people to accept and forward requests for the book on to resource if you prefer. I am happy to note to these who believe they are my enemy--ARE NOT! I KNOW my enemy and all others are simply "tools" and can be acquired for God's service if they but wish to alter their direc­tion of travel.

Wouldn't our people like to recover some of the expenses of this book reaching the public? Not in this manner. I would prefer that somewhere along the line here, Josef realizes the truth of wherein is his strength and comes again into utilizing the "loaned" equipment for the purpose offered--to further Truth. FIRST MUST COME THE "GIVING" IN TRUTH--AND THEN, ONLY THEN, CAN BE CLAIMED THE REWARDS OF SERVICE. SO BE IT.

To conserve time and space I shall not do a great writing or "catch-up" for new readers. I will only suggest that if you wish it "all", you'll have to go back to earlier copy of this paper. We have the practice of taking up exactly where we leave off when continuing a document and YOU have to catch up for our regu­lar readers ask not to waste the space available. Thank you.

(Excerpt 2): ..... Various groups had combined under the name of socialism to bring about the downfall of several Italian governments since the Club of Rome was established in 1968. Among these are the Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa, P2 Masonry and the Red Brigades, all working for the same goals. Police investigators in Rome working on the Red Brigades-Aldo Moro case came across the names of several very prominent Italian families working closely with this terrorist group. The police also discovered evidence that in at least a dozen cases, these powerful and prominent families had allowed their homes and/or property to be used as safe houses for Red Brigades cells.

America's "nobility" were doing their share to destroy the Republic of Italy, a notable contribution having come from Richard Gardner even while in his official capacity as President Carter's Ambassador to Rome. At that time Gardner was oper­ating under the direct control of Bettino Craxi, an important member of the Club of Rome and a key man in NATO. Craxi was the leading edge of the conspirators' attempts to destroy the Italian Republic. As we shall see, Craxi was almost successful in ruining Italy, and as the conspirators hierarchy's leading player, was able to get divorce and abortion pushed through the Italian Parliament, resulting in the most far-reaching and de­structive religious and social changes ever to strike at the Catholic Church and, consequently, the morals of the Italian na­tion.

After President Ronald Reagan was elected, an important meeting was held in Washington D.C. in December 1980 under the auspices of the Club of Rome and the Socialist International. Both these organizations are directly responsible to the Com­mittee of 300. The main agenda was to formulate ways and means of how to neutralize the Reagan presidency. A group plan was adopted and, as we look back, it is perfectly clear that the plan the conspirators agreed to follow has been very success­ful.

In order to get an idea of how vast and how all-pervasive is this conspiracy, it would be appropriate at this point to name the goals set by the Committee of 300 for the pending conquest and control of the world. There are at least 40 known "branch of­fices" of the Committee of 300, and we shall be listing them all, together with a description of their functions. Once this is stud­ied it becomes easy to understand how one central conspiratorial body is able to operate so successfully and why it is that no power on earth can withstand their onslaught against the very foundations of a civilized, progressive world, based on freedom of the individual, especially as it is declared in the United States Constitution.

Thanks to the sworn testimony of Guerzoni, Italy and Eu­rope--but not the U.S.--learned that Kissinger was behind the death of Aldo Moro. This tragic affair demonstrates the ability of the Committee of 300 to impose its will upon any government without exception. Secure in his position as a member of the most powerful secret society in the world, and I am not talking about Freemasonry, Kissinger not only terrified Moro, but car­ried through on his threats to "eliminate" Moro if he did not give up his plan to bring economic and industrial progress to Italy.

In June and July of 1982, the wife of Aldo Moro testified in open court that her husband's murder came about as a result of serious threats against his life, made by what she called "a high-ranking United States political figure." Mrs. Eleanora Moro re­peated the precise phrase reportedly used by Kissinger in the sworn testimony of Guerzoni: "Either you stop your political line or you will pay dearly for it." Recalled by the judges, Guerzoni was asked if he could identify the person Mrs. Moro was talking about. Guerzoni replied that it was indeed Henry Kissinger as he had previously intimated.

Guerzoni went on to explain to the court that Kissinger had made his threats in Moro's hotel room during the Italian leader's official visit to the U.S. Moro--then Prime Minister and For­eign Minister of Italy, a NATO member-country--was a man of high rank, one who would never have been subjected to Mafia-like pressures and threats. Moro was accompanied on his American visit by the President of Italy in his official capacity. Kissinger was then, and still is, an important agent in the service of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, a member of the Club of Rome and the Council on Foreign Relations.

[H: The term CFR, Trilaterals, etc., will be coming up again and again and again in every subject we handle--you need to be informed. I ask that a copy of "THE CFR/TRILATERAL/NEW WORLD ORDER CONNEC­TION" be given centerfold spread in the CONTACT, please. [This document is to big to reproduce in this JOURNAL, please see CONTACT Vol. 2 #5, 7/27/93 or source below.] For this document we honor Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate, Cy Minett, P.O. Box 33339, Kerrville, TX 78029. Copies can be obtained directly from that resource. Look carefully at the lineup of U.S. high-ranking persons (who ac­tually control your nation through government and busi­ness). I hope it will be shocking enough to you readers to contact "FREE" if for nothing else than to thank them for such a fine job of sharing this information--necessary infor­mation.]
Kissinger's role in destabilizing the United States by means of three wars, the Middle East, Korea and Vietnam, is well known, as is his role in the Gulf War, in which the U.S. Army acted as mercenaries for the Committee of 300 in bringing Kuwait back under its control and at the same time making an example out of Iraq so that other small nations would not be tempted to work out their own destiny.

Kissinger also threatened the late Ali Bhutto, President of the sovereign nation of Pakistan. Bhutto's "crime" was that he fa­vored nuclear weapons for his country. As a Moslem state, Pakistan felt threatened by continued Israeli aggression in the Middle East. Bhutto was judicially murdered in 1979 by the Council on Foreign Relations representative in the country, General Zia ul Haq.

In his planned ascent to power, ul Haq encouraged a frenzied mob to set fire to the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad in an apparent attempt to show the CFR that he was his own man and to secure more foreign aid and, it was later learned, to murder Richard Helms. Several years later, ul Haq paid with his life for inter­vening in the war raging in Afghanistan. His C-130 Hercules aircraft was hit by an ELF (electrical low frequency) shot shortly after it took off, causing the aircraft to loop into the ground.

The Club of Rome, acting on Committee of 300 orders to eliminate General ul Haq, had no compunction in sacrificing the lives of a number of U.S. servicemen on board the flight, in­cluding a U.S. Army Defense Intelligence Agency group headed by Brigadier General Herbert Wassom. General ul Haq had been warned by the Turkish Secret Service not to travel by plane, as he was targeted for a mid-air bombing. With this in mind, ul Haq took the United States team with him as "an insur­ance policy," as he commented to his inner circle advisors.

In my 1989 work "Terror in the Skies", I gave the following account of what happened: "Shortly before ul Haq's C-130 took off from a Pakistan military base, a suspicious looking truck was seen close to the hangar that had housed the C-130. The control tower warned base security, but by the time action was taken, the C-130 was already airborne and the truck had gone. A few minutes later the plane began looping-the-loop until it hit the ground and exploded in a ball of fire. There is no explanation for such behavior by the C-130, an aircraft with a marvelously reliable record, and a joint Pakistani-United States board of en­quiry found no pilot error or mechanical or structural failure. Looping-the-loop is a recognized trade-mark of an aircraft hit by ELF fire. [H: Emphasis mine and I shall be often adding emphasis.]

That the Soviet Union has been able to develop high-peak ra­dio frequency devices is known to the West through the work of Soviet scientists who work in the Kurchatov Atomic Energy In­stitute's Intensive Relativistic Electron Beam Division. Two of its specialists were Y.A. Vinograov and A.A. Rukhadze. Both scientists worked in the Lededev Physics Institute, which spe­cializes in electronic and X-ray lasers.

After receiving this information, I searched for confirmation from other sources and found that in England the International Journal of Electronics had published some material which ap­peared to confirm the information given to me about the method chosen to shoot down General ul Haq's C-130. In addition, this information was confirmed by two of my intelligence sources. I received some useful information from a Soviet scientific paper on the subjects, published in England under the title "Soviet Ra­dio Electronics and Communications Systems". There was no doubt in my mind that General ul Haq had been murdered. The truck seen near the C-130 hanger undoubtedly carried a mobile ELF device of the type the Soviet Armed Forces are known to possess.

According to written testimony by Bhutto, smuggled out of the country while he was in prison, Kissinger severely threat­ened him: "I will make a horrible example if you continue with your nation-building policies." Bhutto had fallen afoul of Kissinger and the Club of Rome by calling for a nuclear energy program to bring Pakistan into a modern industrialized state which, in the eyes of the Committee of 300, was a direct con­travention of its orders delivered by Kissinger to the Pakistani government. What Kissinger was doing when he threatened Bhutto was not official U.S. policy, but the policy of the mod­ern-day Illuminati.

One needs to have a clear understanding of just why it is that nuclear power is so hated all over the world, and why the fake "environmentalist" movement, established and financially sup­ported by the Club of Rome, was called upon to wage war on nuclear energy. With nuclear energy generating electricity in cheap and abundant supplies, Third World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity is THE key to bringing Third World countries out of their backward state, a state which the Committee of 300 has ordered to remain in position.

Less foreign aid means less control of a country's natural re­sources by the IMF. It was this idea of developing nations tak­ing charge of their destiny that was an anathema to the Club of Rome and its ruling Committee of 300. We have seen opposi­tion to nuclear power in the United States successfully used to block industrial development in conformity with the Club's "Post-Industrial Zero-Growth" plans.

Dependence upon U.S. foreign aid actually keeps foreign countries in servitude to the Council on Foreign Relations. The people of the recipient countries receive very little of the money as it usually ends up in the pockets of government leaders who allow the natural raw material assets of the country to be sav­agely stripped by the IMF. Mugabe of Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, is a good example of how raw material assets, in this case high grade chrome ore, is controlled through foreign aid. LONRHO, the giant conglomerate run by Angus Ogilvie, an important member of the Committee of 300, on behalf of his cousin, Queen Elizabeth II, now has total control of this valu­able resource while the people of the country sink ever deeper into poverty and misery, notwithstanding a hand-out of in excess of $300 million from the United States.

LONRHO now has a monopoly of Rhodesian chrome and charges any price it likes, whereas, under the Smith govern­ment, this was not allowed. A reasonable price level was maintained for twenty-five years prior to the Mugabe regime taking power. While there were problems during the 14-year rule of Ian Smith, since his departure unemployment has quadrupled and Zimbabwe is in a state of chaos and de facto bankruptcy. Mugabe received enough foreign aid from the U.S. (in the region of $300 million per annum) to enable him to build three hotels on the French Cote d'Azur, Cap Ferat and Monte Carlo, while his citizens grapple with disease, unemployment and malnutrition, not to mention an iron-fisted dictatorship that allows no complaints. Contrast this with the Smith government which never asked for nor received one red cent in aid from the United States. Thus it is clear that foreign aid is a powerful means of exercising control of countries such as Zimbabwe and indeed all African countries.

It also keeps U.S. citizens in a state of involuntary servitude and therefore less able to mount meaningful opposition to gov­ernment. David Rockefeller knew what he was doing when his foreign aid bill became law in 1946. It has, since then, become one of the most hated laws on the statute books following public exposure of what it is--a racket run by government and paid for by we, the people.

How can the conspirators maintain their grip upon the world, and more especially, their chokehold over the U.S. and Britain? One of the most asked questions is, "How can any single entity know at all times what is going on and how is control exer­cised?" This book will attempt to answer these and other ques­tions. The only way we can come to grips with the reality of the conspirator's success is by mentioning and discussing the secret societies, front organizations, government agencies, banks, in­surance companies, international businesses, the petroleum in­dustry and the hundreds of thousands of entities and foundations whose leading lights make up the membership of the Committee of 300--the ULTIMATE controlling body that runs the world and has done so for at least a hundred years.

Since there already are scores of books on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilaterals, we shall go directly to the Club of Rome and the German Marshall Fund. When I introduced these organizations to the United States, few, if any, had heard of them. My first work, "The Club of Rome," pub­lished in 1983 attracted almost no attention. Many uninitiated people thought the Club of Rome was something to do with the Catholic Church and that the German Marshall Fund referred to the Marshal Plan.

This is precisely why the Committee chose these names, to confuse and to deflect attention away from what was happening. Not that the U.S. government didn't know, but as it was part of the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known. A few years after I published my work, a few writers saw in it a wealth of hitherto untapped in­formation and began writing and talking about it as though they had always had full knowledge of it.

It came as a revelation to them that the Club of Rome and its financiers under the title of the German Marshall Fund were two highly-organized conspiratorial bodies operating under cover of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and that the majority of Club of Rome executives were drawn from NATO.

The Club of Rome formulated all of what NATO claimed as its policies and, through the activities of Committee of 300 member Lord Carrington, was able to split NATO into two factions, a political (left wing) power group and its former military al­liance.

The Club of Rome is still one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300--the other being the Bilderbergers. It was put together in 1968 from hard-core mem­bers of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a tele­phone call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and ur­gent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government--now called the New World Order, although I prefer the former name. It is certainly a better job-description than the New World Order, which is somewhat confusing as there have been several "New World Orders" before, but no One World Gov­ernment.

* * *
When we pick up this subject again, Dharma, we will please be­gin at the paragraph "Peccei's call was - - -."

I have some urgent information to share but this writing is too long. Please draw up another clean screen and we will fill in. I believe that we are also to the end (almost) of a JOURNAL and therefore will need to attend that as well. Thank you.
