PJ 73

TUE., JULY 20, 1993 9:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 338

TUE., JULY 20, 1993
Your world TODAY is a journalist/commentator's dream. There is "old" to confirm the "new" and things happening in EVERY country of your world. Even the cartoons have to be "sick" because there are relatively few really "funny" things afoot. Right on schedule--just as planned!

Sick? Well, yes, here is one for thought fodder: William Ses­sions is fired for allowing his wife to ride with him on govern­ment aircraft--when the destination was the same as his. Janet Reno ordered the burning deaths of over 90 people in Waco, threw into prison a "religious" leader and will export him back to the dungeons of Egypt where already dozens of the man's so-called "followers" have been executed without due process. And, it was Reno that required Clinton FIRE SESSIONS!

An interesting thing happened yesterday while the Shuttle was grounded--an Atlas rocket (General Dynamics, I believe) WAS LAUNCHED FROM THE LAUNCH FACILITIES. IT HAS A MOST INTERESTING PAY-LOAD AND MISSION. WATCH OUT!! We simply interrupt the Reno "saga" to give you this bulletin--it is far more "connected" than on the surface--as usual.

So, readers, it would seem appropriate that all the information we have given you regarding possible indiscretions of Ms. Reno be forwarded to Sessions--in mass replication. Along with a cover letter demanding that he and Perot conference in detail. I remind you that Evil cannot bear the light of day on its actions and it is up to YOU to make sure those actions are brought into that light. So be it.

As we write about Ron Brown, it would behoove us to look at others in the player's deck. What about Derek Schearer (The Institute for Policy Studies)? This hooks up the connections of Clinton to the Marxists.

The following is a well-done commentary by Charles Williams, 305-96th St., Kenosha, WI 53143 and is presented in Wisconsin Report, P.O. Box 45, Brookfield, WI 53008-0045.

Derek Shearer, President Clinton's closest friend, is now his primary advisor for economics and foreign policy. Shearer is a key mover and shaker within the Marxist think tank of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), an institute that even the FBI has accused of being funded by the KGB. Hillary Clinton is also a longtime supporter of IPS, along with Les Aspin and Anthony Lake.

Derek Shearer is a former student body president at Yale and a Rhodes Scholar and holds a professorship of Public Policy at College in Los Angeles. Shearer is also a former
economic advisor to Jesse Jackson, Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda. (!!) He is described by another Clinton advisor, Robert Altman, as one of Clinton's "oldest and closest friends".
Shearer is somewhat unique among Clinton staffers in his dedication and zeal toward a Socialist America. Redistribution of wealth and elimination of private property are foremost on his agenda. He expresses disgruntlement with the autonomy of American corporations, advocating "dismantling or at least re­stricting the power of these corporations". He confesses: "The economic reform program we describe will inevitably be labeled Socialistic." Knowing that Americans would not accept the "S" word--Socialism--Shearer remarked:" Socialism has a bad name in America and no amount of wishful thinking on the part of the Left is going to change that. The words 'economic democracy' are an adequate and effective replacement." Bill Clinton and the media are obligingly utilizing the term "economic democracy" as well as "co-operative capitalism", "managed care", "total quality management", in addition to other semantical terms to conceal their restructuring for the Socialist America. Orwell called it news-speak. Both Bill Clinton and Derek Shearer en­dorse the philosophy of the Italian Marxist/Socialist Antonio Gramsci. Shearer claims that his idea of economic democracy is based on the teachings of Gramsci, one of the foremost Marxist theorists of this century. Shearer has stated that Gramsci's views can be actualized through Bill Clinton.

Comrades Gramsci, Clinton and Shearer have a plan to con­trol and restrict all private enterprise, empower central planners to regulate prices and taxes, and to control or even confiscate private property and personal assets. Note that in 1992 a new law was passed in the State of Oklahoma requiring every house­hold in the State to report all property to the state agencies--from farm tractors to table forks. Every citizen of Oklahoma is fully expected to contribute his or her fair share to the State tax coffer. Those who do not comply voluntarily will be taxed at a flat rate of 20%! Add that to federal withholdings, FICA, medicare tax, a suggested value-added tax and a national sales tax and pretty soon we're talking serious money!!

The Institute for Policy Studies has bragged that Shearer's plan for "economic democracy" is "Euro-Communistic in na­ture". IPS shares much of its philosophy with Gramsci, who stated, "Power is best attained in developed industrialized coun­tries (America), through a gradual process of radicalization of the cultural institutions--a process that would in turn transform the values and morals of the Society." A current example of this is the behavioral-attitudinal politically correct non-academic restructuring of education called outcome-based education. Gramsci believed that as the morals of society were eroded, the political and economic foundations would collapse, allowing those on the Left to rush in and reconstruct society along the lines of the new world order. Gramsci stated: "It is important to infiltrate autonomous institutions--schools, media, churches, and public interest groups so as to radically transform the cul­ture which determines the environment in which political and economic policy are played out." Bill Clinton's Governor's School in Arkansas is a classic example of this philosophy in application.

Shearer claims that Marxism helps to "humanize" individu­als. In 1975, he helped the IPS form a spin-off group called the "Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies". The pur­pose of this group was to become a vehicle to enable Shearer to start implementing some of his socialistic programs. One of the IPS brochures that advertised this "Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies" said it was an effort to "strengthen the pragmatic work of the Left--to enlarge the base committed to policies for a restructured America." Remember, when Bill Clinton was elected President, he said: "America, you've de­manded a change..." I wonder what he has in mind?

The "Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies" was headquartered at the IPS street address and the IPS was heavily involved in promoting Shearer's Marxist oriented eco­nomic democracy plan. Conference member Shearer helped write the campaign platform for Tom Hayden, former husband of "Hanoi" Jane Fonda, in his bid for a California Congressional seat. That platform was filled with such panacea as advocacy of state banks, municipal owned utilities, national health services, and direct worker control of industry. This is Communism in its purest form!

Another Clinton friend and supporter of economic democracy is Jeremy Rifkin. Rifkin is an avowed new ager and associate of the IPS as well as a former field representative of the "New American Movement"--a descendant of the Maoist branch of the "New Left". According to the November/December 1971 issue of the group's underground paper, Rifkin was assigned the mis­sion to sanitize its literature and tone down the socialist rhetoric so that it would not be offensive to the average citizen. An in­teresting anecdote should prove almost prophetic. Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, the 1971 edition, defines "Left" as: "Those professing views usually characterized by de­sire to reform (restructure) or overthrow the established order of the Founding Fathers" which was a Constitutional Republic, based upon the laws and precepts of Almighty God--Creator of the Universe. We have now moved left into a democracy--a view the Founding Fathers knew was a transitional form of government as it moved to embrace totalitarianism. Remember the Virginia Slims cigarette slogan: "You've come a long way, baby"? How much farther will we go before we wake up? Only YOU can answer that!

Ed. Note: Charles Williams, Kenosha, WI, is a well known speaker and was a speaker at the June 5th Annual Conference of the Wisconsin Legislative & Research Committee, Inc. [H: We also thank Mr. Williams for his superb observations. You will note that as always with the Khazarian Elite Socialists--they simply rename a thing, misdefine it until it becomes ac­cepted and there you have the game won. May you become informed so that you are not the FOOL!]
* * *
Spotlight, July 19, 1993. Secret Viet Deal Cloaked. Moves to­ward normalization of relations with Vietnam and the lifting of the U.S. trade embargo are proceeding on schedule, while an alleged scandal centering on Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's involvement in a deal with the Vietnamese remains under wraps. Mike Blair.

Further details of an alleged deal made by Commerce Secre­tary Ron Brown with the communist leaders of Vietnam to get the 1975 U.S. trade embargo suspended in return for millions of dollars in payoffs by the Hanoi government continue to surface.

And meanwhile, Brown's boss, President Bill Clinton, seems to be making certain the alleged arrangement with Vietnam pro­ceeds on schedule.

On July 2, Clinton announced the U.S. government would suspend its efforts to halt a deal made by France and Japan to satisfy $140 million in long-overdue debts to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which will pave the way for lending more millions to the hard-line Marxist state by the IMF and the World Bank, largely financed by U.S. taxpayers.

In Spotlight, exclusively appearing in the July 5 and July 13 issues, details of the alleged deal forged by Brown and Viet­namese leaders, including Communist Party chief Du Muoi and Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet, were revealed by Vietnamese-American businessman Ly Tranh Binh.

Binh had been an insider in the dealings between Brown and the Vietnamese leaders as the vice chairman of the Vietnam De­velopment Corporation.

The Vietnam Development Corporation was set up late last year by its chairman, Nguyen Van Hao, a former deputy prime minister of the former South Vietnamese republic who went on to become a key player in the transformation of South Vietnam as part of a reunified Vietnam, led by a brutal communist regime in Hanoi.

According to Binh, Hao brokered a deal between Brown and Vietnam's top leaders, which included ending U.S. opposition to IMF loans, the lifting of the U.S. trade embargo, normalization of relations with the communist state and ultimately the granting of most favored nation (MFN) trading status.

In return for Brown's services, according to Binh, a bribe of $700,000 was placed in the Singapore branch of a French bank, plus a guarantee of a share of profits to be derived by Vietnam from deals made with U.S. oil companies and other firms, which would follow the lifting of the trade embargo.

Binh told the Spotlight in his latest interview an additional $300,000 [H: So, brings it right up to a MILLION DOLLAR PERSONAL PAY-OFF.] was being provided by Hanoi to pay for the Vietnam Development Corporation's operations in the United States, to facilitate the introduction to Vietnam of U.S. businesses allegedly lined up by Brown.

The alleged deal between Brown and the Vietnamese, as out­lined in the previous Spotlight exclusive, appears to be right on schedule because the U.S. media, with the exception of the Spotlight, does not choose to expose Clinton Administration cor­ruption.

In order to coincide with a meeting of the IMF governing board on July 12 that would consider the French-Japanese deal to pave the way for new loans for Vietnam, Clinton needed to suspend U.S. opposition to the IMF loans before that meeting, which was accomplished with his July 2 announcement.

If the timetable continues on track, Clinton will next an­nounce the suspension of the U.S trade embargo when it comes up for annual renewal in mid-September.

Then full diplomatic relations with Vietnam and the granting of MFN trade status will follow, Binh said.

Clinton on July 1 went through the charade of meeting with representatives of seven leading U.S. veterans organizations and two POW-MIA family groups at the White House to "consult" with them about the impending deadline to make a decision about the IMF loans.

Representatives of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Veterans, American Ex-POWs and the Retired Offi­cers Association attended, along with the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America's Missing Servicemen and the National League of Families of Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia.

Representing the administration at the meeting were Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Assistant Secretary of State Winston Lord, Assistant Defense Secretary William Pendley, National Security Adviser Anthony Lake, Deputy National Security Ad­viser Sandy Berger, National Security Council Staff Director Nancy Soderberg and White House Communications Director David Gergen.

Only the VFW indicated at the meeting that it favored the IMF loans for Vietnam, a position which has deeply angered thousands of American veterans. [H: Let me remind you of something back prior to the national elections--the VFW groups in local places were ordered by head honchos to NOT ALLOW ANY PARTICIPATION OR GATHERING OF MEMBERS IF COL. BO GRITZ WAS TO SPEAK--ANY­WHERE! So, who might be heading up that Veteran's or­ganization do you suppose?] The American Legion led the others in opposing any trade concessions to Vietnam until the POW-MIA issue is fully resolved by the Communists.

Dolores Alfond, who heads the National Alliance of Fami­lies, left Clinton "red faced and uncomfortable" when she pre­sented her opinions at the meeting.

"Mr. President," she said, "if you grant IMF funding, then you will, in the view of my membership and the National Al­liance of Families, be putting a bullet in the brain of each of the U.S. POWs Vietnam holds. I mean that in a very literal sense, because the Vietnamese will be well on their way to every ad­vantage diplomatic recognition bestows, and keeping the prison­ers would be a liability, while releasing them would only ensure the IMF funding was denied. [H: For you disbelievers of the possibility of POW/MIAs being in that area of Southeast Asia--I want you to know that RUSSBACHER was very per­sonally aware of at least 17 of them! The facts are, further, that Gritz knows they are THERE. But, Col. Gritz' mission originally was NOT to bring out prisoners! (!!) Although this was a fact, I think it is time to Col. Gritz' petition to the investigating Sub-Committee on POWs [See CONTACT Vol. 2, #5 or ALL MY CHILDREN, JOURNAL #64] because I am going to go on and write about the business aspect of this TRADE AGREEMENT and you can see how prisoners are a manipulated commodity and the political swags DO NOT WANT THEM ALIVE AND HOME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!]

"Therefore, killing the POWs will solve the Vietnamese's problem," she said, looking directly at the president, "and it will solve the U.S. government's political problem the POWs pose . .. However, I and my membership will view that action as a total betrayal of your promise to the families."

On several occasions, and in numerous letters to family members and POW-MIA activists, Clinton pledged before and after taking office that he would not make any move to aid Viet­nam until the issue was resolved.

"It is our hope," the alliance director told Clinton, "that you keep your promise and your 'real commitments', as you said, to the families...

"However, unless I hear something otherwise today, and if you grant IMF funds, then I am going to tell the press your commitments mean nothing, and that you have totally betrayed the families.

"Furthermore, Mr. President, I can assure you that when you betray a promise which family members believe may have cost the lives of their loved ones, then you can be sure those people will be very vocal about it to the press, and will very likely do everything in their power to see you are not elected again." [H: Please do not miss this portion that says "...grant IMF funds...." WHAT WOULD CLINTON BE DOING, GRANTING INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND FUNDS TO ANYONE ANYHOW? Sleepy people (taxpayers)--you are in deep yogurt!]

Referring to a confrontation Clinton's predecessor, George Bush, had while attending a meeting of families in Washington last year, in which he told a group of frustrated mothers and wives of the missing, shouting for him to tell the truth, to "shut up and sit down," she concluded by stating: "It is just that the family members' patience with broken promises is at an all-time low, and if you give Vietnam the IMF funds, what happened to Bush when he spoke at our convention last year could very well start happening to you."

Nevertheless, the following day, right on schedule, Clinton announced he was ending U.S. opposition to IMF loans for Hanoi.

He claimed that allowing the IMF loans offered the "best hope of providing America's POW-MIA families the answers and peace of mind they deserve." [H: I suppose that peace of mind comes from not having to longer wonder about them--but fully realize they have been murdered and are at rest.]

* * *
Perhaps this 'nother article will show you the ends and outs of Free Trade very similar to Mexico's agreement. It indicates a full removal of business from your own nation to the non-paid poverty stricken Vietnamese as virtual slave-laborers as will the Mexican scenario go. Your jobs are GONE, AMERICA!


The rush by U.S. corporations to cash in on business op­portunities in Vietnam is already beginning, despite the fact that the U.S. trade embargo with that communist nation is still in force.
A deal was recently struck by a Singapore partner of a giant Boston-based real estate conglomerate to build a nearly $1-bil­lion port in Vietnam. It's an example of the business opportunities giant U.S. corporations expect to be generated by lifting the U.S. trade embargo from Vietnam and making International Monetary Fund loans available to Hanoi.

Colliers International, one of the world's largest real estate concerns with 129 offices in North and Central America, Eu­rope and the so-called Pacific Rim nations, generates more than $300 million in revenues annually. It has assisted in brokering a $905 million deal to develop a deep-sea port at Vung Tau, about 80 miles southeast of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon before the communist takeover of South Vietnam in 1975).

Colliers International, through a partner firm, Colliers Jar-dines of Singapore, has put together a massive plan which will allow heavy transport ships to dock at Vung Tau, a recreational area for U.S. troops during the Vietnam War.

According to C. Stewart Forbes, chief executive officer of Colliers International, the project will take four years to com­plete and is currently the largest investment scheme under way in Vietnam.

"I think this represents the best elements of brokerage, matching a need--in this case a country--with the money and the capability," Forbes told the Boston Herald. "This kind of in­frastructure is sorely needed in Vietnam."

[H: Is anyone getting a bit testy about the movement of all the "dock works" from the Philippines to Vietnam, yet? Remember--everything is connected to EVERYTHING!]

According to Forbes, work at Vung Tau will be done pri­marily by Japanese engineering and construction firms.

Although direct U.S. investment in Vietnam is illegal until the Clinton Administration lifts the trade embargo against the communist state, Forbes said the Colliers deal is legal because it was done THROUGH a foreign partner, Colliers Jardines.

It is said that the Singapore branch of the French Banque In­dosuez is involved in the financial end of the giant port project. [H: French Banque INDO(SUEZ)???]

According to Vietnamese-American businessman Ly Tranh Binh, the Vietnamese government has allegedly deposited $700,000 [H: OOPS! There it is again!] in a Singapore branch of the French bank as partial payment for U.S. Commerce Sec­retary Ron Brown's alleged efforts to get the Clinton Adminis­tration to drop the U.S. trade embargo, which will likely take place in September.

A large number of U.S. industrial giants, including Kodak, Boeing and Du Pont, have already opened offices in Vietnam in anticipation of the lifting of the embargo.

"I visited Vietnam in December," Forbes said. "Upon my return we announced the opening of an office in Ho Chi Minh City by Colliers Jardines."

He explains further: "Colliers Jardines, a joint venture be­tween Colliers International Australia and Jardine Matheson, a Bermuda-based company with its principal holdings in Hong Kong, has secured a license to conduct real estate-related ser­vices in Vietnam."

Regarding the issue of American POWs and MIAs, Forbes said: "While greatly respecting the commitment of the men and women who served in Vietnam, particularly the sacrifice of those who did not return, we are preparing for the embargo to be lifted and wish to encourage that process."

Kerry was a strong advocate of rapprochement with Vietnam long before he was named to the select committee. [H: How many of you remember Kerry running around at high alti­tudes over Vietnam "viewing" possible prisoner facilities? How many of you remember him pronouncing "none are left alive!"?! Surely this is JUST a coincidence?]

A decorated Vietnam vet [BARF!!], Kerry quit the Navy during the war to become an anti-war activist, serving as a leader of the radical Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

Kerry, according to his Senate financial disclosure forms, is a beneficiary of three "blind" trusts, which were created in 1965. Members of the Forbes family are trustees of ALL THREE.

Stewart Forbes states that he has "never discussed this matter (the Colliers interest in Vietnam) with Sen. Kerry nor anyone on his staff!" [H: So be it--a billionaire politician wouldn't lie to you, would he?]

PJ 73

TUE., JULY 20, 1993 1:05 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 338

TUE., JULY 20, 1993

In this world of "ordinary people" there are many "extraordinary people" described in either direction of goodness or whatever. Mostly, however, ones try to HIDE and, yet, can't do such a good job of it once they have practiced to de­ceive--at the expense and pain of another!

George Green thinks he has "lost himself" so that the ones looking for him in the form of "legal" officers--haven't found him. He is (was) in Bozeman, Montana--headed for "business" either there or in Missoula, Montana. The interesting thing is how fast he got OUT of Carson City, Nevada. Oh, he hasn't stopped his assault--he is just doing it from up there in order to keep the thing going. I would guess he HAS TO to keep his attorney from hanging him for misrepresentation for the LIES make it very, very hard to have your own reputation intact if you have been set up whereby your very representation makes YOU discredited also.

George was on national radio as late as last Saturday night--and was heard all over the South-East, specifically in Florida. He still speaks on "economy" but has slacked off a bit on his con­nection with Hatonn and the Command. Indeed, I am sure he and Coleman can make a good team on what's wrong and to whom to send your gold.

More interesting, however, is the latest little bit of insight. In Missoula, Montana, on the 24th (immediately ahead and is also a MAJOR Utah/Mormon celebration day) it seems there is an advertised big-public-bash for what is being called a "Patriot Roasting". This will be a big rally with cook-out, etc. Guess who the MAIN speaker is? Ah--er--no, not George Green--he will be a "minor" speaker. Missing JOHN COLEMAN is to be the big-cheese speaker. Gosh, I wonder if any of our friends would like to retrieve the computers, printers, FAX machines, etc., etc., from this nice patriotic non-American citizen--who is wanted for deportation? The Institute would surely be in GOOD shape if the stolen property from Gary Anderson, George Green and John Coleman could be retrieved!! Well, perhaps they can sell a lot of US&P books with the MI-6 British Intelligence con­nections. Do you want to place any bets as to which identifica­tion he uses, John Coleman or Josef Pavlonski?? Still feel se­cure in your beddies at night? Does Coleman give you the truth? Indeed, among the balderdash of "Christian" garble. I just find it interesting that a non-citizen in disfavor with your own government would have such an interesting calling. Must be Mr. Clinton isn't after HIM. Well, Coleman bashes homo­sexuals--so maybe the Billary "team" will take note.

As to what is happening in the military and among the gays, etc., it is quite sad. If a person has homosexual longings and desires, does it make it suitable for public display of activities which, if by heterosexuals or "self-sexuals", would be banned from all public display? That is the point here--not acceptance of sexual "preference".

I wonder, however, if morally it is any worse than the figurative castration of a man by a strong political wife? Readers--this has nothing to do with men and women--this is a wave of destruction sweeping over the world!

I may seem now to be changing the subject--nope, no such luck, readers. We are going to offer you some more information from Dr. Coleman's writings. Regardless of circumstances, this is one of the best "compiled" documents of recent writers. The book itself, as has information from the past been used, has lent itself to the "whole" but originates with others--i.e., Eustace Mullins, etc. But, what is a writer of TRUTH to do? If truth exists--it cannot be put aside just because someone else WROTE IT. Further, to get a full picture of the different fragments--you need the information compiled to see connections. There is ROOM for every one and I strongly urge you to get the original books and study them carefully for fact vs. opinion. Fact will not vary--opinions become the catch-22 and you should be in­formed enough by now to realize the differences.

Let us consider Dr. Coleman's segment called:

Certainly a fair number of us are aware that the people run­ning our [H: Oops! Whose?] government are not the people who are really in control of political and economic matters, do­mestic and foreign. This has led many to seek the truth in the alternative press, those newsletter writers who, like me, have sought but not always found what it is that is making the United States terminally ill. "Seek and ye shall find" has not always been the case with this group. What we did find was that the people walk in great darkness, mostly not caring or bothering to find out where their country is headed, firm in the belief that it will always be there for them. This is the way the largest pop­ulation group has been manipulated to react, and their attitude plays right into the hands of the secret government.

We frequently hear about "they" doing this, that or the other. "They" seem literally to be able to get away with murder. "They" increase taxes, send our sons and daughters to die in wars that do not benefit our country. "They" seem above our reach, out of sight, frustratingly nebulous when it comes to tak­ing action against "them." No one seems able to clearly identify who "they" are. It is a situation that has pertained for decades. During the course of this book, we shall identify the mysterious "they" and then, after that, it is up to the people to remedy their situation.

On 30th April, 1981, I wrote a monograph disclosing the ex­istence of the Club of Rome, identifying it as a Committee of 300 subversive body. This was the first mention of both of these organizations in the United States. I warned readers not to be fooled by the feeling that the article was far-fetched and I drew a parallel between my article and the warning issued by the Bavarian government when the secret plans of the Illuminati fell into its hands. We shall return to the Club of Rome and the role of the Committee of 300 in U.S. affairs later herein.

[H: There has been a lot of objections on the part of prior writers as to this information and a classification of "A Committee of 300" and Coleman's claim to "first". Well, I have no objection to his claim--but the Club of Rome has been around for a very, very long time and MANY have presented this identical information--most notably Eustace Muffins. However, there is new input and from varying as­pects which must be given credit in presentation. I repeat, the MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN GET--THE BET­TER INFORMED WILL BE YOUR MASSES--STOP THE PICKING AND FIGHTING OVER WHO IS FIRST, LAST AND SMARTEST--AND GET ON WITH YOUR JOB OF CHANGING THINGS BEFORE YOU DIE AT THE HANDS OF THESE ELITE WORLD CONTROLLERS.]
Many of the predictions made in that 1981 article have since come to pass, such as the unknown Felipe Gonzalez becoming prime minister of Spain, and Mitterand being returned to power in France; the downfall of Giscard D' Estang and Helmut Schmidt, the return to power of Swedish nobleman and Com­mittee of 300 member Olaf Palme, the nullifying of Reagan's presidency and the destruction of our steel, auto and housing in­dustries in terms of the post-industrial zero-growth orders handed down by the Committee of 300.

[H: Perhaps I should pause here and respond to inquiries about "where" did Coleman get his information and how could he call it "insider"? He got most of it from LaRouche's group and the Executive Intelligence Review. His wife is also important here in this instance. She is from Denmark and is still a citizen of that country. She has close relatives within the government there--and lots of informa­tion flowed through that conduit. All spent time in South Africa and, in fact, there is history in actual public presenta­tion that they had some involvement in diamond smuggling into the U.S. This story was to be carried in a major newsletter--but was squelched from someone in England be­fore publication date. I suggest that these people have enough problems without my adding to them so allow us to just say that the "information" has been good from whatever resource. IF it came directly from the EIR or from Mullins--or from distant aliens--it is STILL--valid and good. When we get to "opinions" of the author on various items I take some exception but, again, it is "opinion" and he has his right to his own. We had many personal discussions and Coleman, in public and in person, said that he did not object to "any correction I (Hatonn) had to offer to him". This, of course, was while he was still working here and before G.G. got all entangled with private contracts with him, gifting of computers, etc., to him and the persons turned into gold-rushers instead of simply "truth-bringers".]

The importance of Palme [H: We have also written about Palme for he was assassinated and the intrigue around this man was without limits so, indeed, you will HAVE HEARD OF EVERYONE MENTIONED HEREIN! I OFFER THESE WRITINGS FOR YOUR CONFIRMATION FROM FLATLAND EARTH.] lies in the use made of him by the Club of Rome to deliver technology to the Soviet Union on the for­bidden list of the U.S. Customs, and Palme's world-wide com­munications network employed to train the spotlight on the phony Iran hostage crisis, while he shuttled back and forth between Washington and Teheran in an effort to undermine the sovereign integrity of the U.S. and place the phony crisis in the realm of the Committee of 300 institution, viz, the World Court at The Hague, Holland.

In what is in fact an open conspiracy against God and man, which includes enslaving the majority of humans left on this Earth after wars, plagues and mass-murder have done with them, is not well hidden. In the intelligence community, it is taught that the best way to hide something is to place it in open view. As an example of the foregoing, when Germany wanted to hide its prize new Messerschmidt fighter plane in 1938, the aircraft was put on display at the Paris Air Show. While secret agents and spies were collecting information from hollow tree trunks and from behind loose bricks in a wall, the information they sought was staring them right in the face. [H: This is the same technique used by Dr. Coleman--hide in plain sight but never allow anyone to know addresses, etc. Either the man is a shrewd character OR the government doesn't want him too terribly bad--I can't imagine that the whole of the Intel­ligence community can't find him when we (not just "me") know his very speaking schedules and he "must" work on a continual basis with George Green (who also "hides" himself behind locked gates and no addresses, etc.). You don't think it just coincidence that they show up at the same time with the same problems in your old "everybody is always going there" Montana, do you?]

The upper-level parallel secret government does not operate from dank basements and secret underground chambers. It places itself in full view in the White House, Congress and in Number 10 Downing Street and the Houses of Parliament. It is akin to those weird and supposedly terrifying "monster" films, where the monster appears with distorted features, long hair and even longer teeth, growling and slavering all over the place. This is a distraction, the REAL MONSTERS wear business suits and drive to work on Capitol Hill in limousines.

These men are IN OPEN VIEW. These men are the servants of the One World Government-New World Order. Like the rapist who stops to offer his victim a friendly ride, he does not LOOK like the monster he is. If he did, his intended victim would run off screaming in fright. The same applies to gov­ernment at all levels. President Bush does not LOOK like a du­tiful servant of the upper-level parallel government, but make no mistake about it, he is as much a MONSTER as are those hor­rors found in horror-movies.

Stop for a moment and consider how President Bush ordered the brutal slaying of 150,000 Iraqi troops, in a convoy of mili­tary vehicles carrying white flags, on their way back to Iraq un­der Geneva Convention rules of agreed disengagement and withdrawal. Imagine the horror of the Iraqi troops when, in spite of waving their white flags, they were mowed down by American aircraft. In another part of the front, 12,000 Iraqi soldiers were buried alive in trenches they occupied. Is that not MONSTROUS in the truest sense of the word? From where did President Bush get HIS orders to act in this MONSTROUS fashion? He got them from the Royal Institute for Interna­tional Affairs (RHA) who received its mandate from the Committee of 300, also known as the "Olympians." [H: Yes indeedy, this is the SAME RHA who runs the Tavistock In­stitute who runs the Brookings Institute who runs the Uni­versity of Science and Philosophy--by enforcement and or­ders of the British Crown group of British Intelligence called MI-6 from which Coleman also claims to evolve.]

We shall see, even the "Olympians" do not hide their faces. Often times they put on a show which could be likened to the Paris Air Show, even as conspiracy buffs spend their time in fruitless searching in the wrong places in the wrong direction. Note how the Queen, Elizabeth II, performs the ceremonial opening of the British Parliament? There, in full view is the head of the Committee of 300. Have you ever witnessed the swearing-in ceremony of a United States President? There in full view is another member of the Committee of 300. The problem is only one of perception.

Who are the conspirators who serve the mighty all-powerful Committee of 300? The better-informed of our citizens are aware that there is a conspiracy and that the conspiracy goes un­der various names such as the Illuminati, Freemasonry, the Round Table, the Milner Group. To them the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilaterals represent most of what they do not like in regard to domestic and foreign policy. Some even know that the Round Table has a big input into United States affairs through the British Ambassador in Washington. The problem is that real hard information on the treasonous ac­tivities of members of the invisible government is very hard to come by.

[H: So again and again we are asked as to why we are allowed to write this material and "live". In the upstart it didn't work well at all--because they got to Dharma and lit­erally killed her with cardiac arrest several times (we will also write about ELF zapping in a minute). Now, it is easier to let us go with only the miserable problems of such as the legal altercations, etc., through and by their "agents". I re­mind you of what I have told you before--they think they have it all DONE--finished--and you will never know what hit you. They are now in the stage where they believe YOU will NOT BELIEVE THE TRUTH--for after all, there they are--right in front of your noses claiming to be your humani­tarian supporters of freedom. Further, this only intensifies the fact that they ARE basically IN CONTROL and if you know that you will either, 1. Act wisely within the system some-way or, 2. You will take up arms at which time they can simply kill you in cold blood rather than wait for their developed plagues, wars and pestilence to getcha!]

I quote the profound statement made by the prophet Hosea, which is found in the Christian Bible: "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Some may already have heard my exposé of the foreign aid scandal, in which work I named several con­spiratorial organizations, whose number is legion. Their final objective is the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution and the merging of this country, chosen by God as HIS country, with a godless One World Order Government which will return the world to conditions far worse than existed in the Dark Ages.

Let us talk about actual case histories, the attempt to commu­nize and deindustrialize Italy. The Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller--much smaller--and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world. The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled. Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the Earth found in Genesis had to be subverted.

This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of hun­dreds of millions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population", and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives.

Two of the Committee's earliest targets were Italy and Pak­istan. The late Aldo Moro, Prime Minister of Italy, was one leader who opposed "zero growth"; and population reductions planned for his country, thereby incurring the wrath of the Club of Rome commissioned by the "Olympians" to carry out its poli­cies in this regard. In a Rome courtroom on November 10th, 1982, a close friend of Moro's testified that the former prime minister was threatened by an agent of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA)--who is also a Committee of 300 member--while he was still the U.S. Secretary of State. The meteoric rise of the man the witness named as KISSINGER will be dealt with later.

It will be recalled that Prime Minister Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigades in 1978 and subsequently brutally shot to death. It was at the trial of members of the Red Brigades that several of them testified to the fact that they knew of high-level U.S. involvement in the plot to kill Moro. When threatening Moro, Kissinger was obviously not carrying out U.S. foreign policy, but rather acting according to instructions received from the Club of Rome, the foreign-policy arm of the Committee of 300.

The witness who delivered the bombshell in open court was a close associate of Moro's, Gorrado Guerzoni. His explosive testimony was broadcast over Italian television and radio on November 10th, 1982, and printed in several Italian newspa­pers--yet this vital information was suppressed in the U.S. Those famous bastions of freedom with a compelling right to know, the Washington Post and the New York Times, did not think it important to even print a single line of Guerzoni's testi­mony.

Nor was the news carried by any of the wire services or tele­vision stations. The fact that Italy's Aldo Moro had been a leading politician for decades, and who was kidnapped in broad daylight in the spring of 1978, all of his bodyguards butchered in cold blood, was not deemed newsworthy, even though Kissinger stood accused as an accomplice to these crimes? Or was the silence BECAUSE of Kissinger's involvement?

In my 1982 expose of this heinous crime, I demonstrated that Aldo Moro, a loyal member of the Christian Democrat Party, was murdered by assassins controlled by P2 Masonry with the object of bringing Italy into line with Club of Rome orders to deindustrialize the country and considerably reduce its popula­tion. Moro's plans to stabilize Italy through full employment and industrial and political peace would have strengthened Catholic opposition to Communism and made the destabilization of the Middle East--a prime goal--that much harder.

From the foregoing it becomes clear just how far ahead the conspirators plan. They do not think in terms of a Five Year Plan. One need to go back to Weishaupt's statements about the early Catholic Church to understand what was involved in the murder of Aldo Moro. Moro's death removed the roadblocks to the plans to destabilize Italy and, as we now know, enabled con­spiracy plans for the Middle East to be carried out in the Gulf War 14 years later.

Italy was chosen as a test-target by the Committee of 300. Italy is important to the conspirators' plans because it is the closest European country to the Middle East linked to Middle East economics and politics. It is also the home of the Catholic Church, which Weishaupt ordered destroyed, and home for some of Europe's most powerful top oligarchical families of the ancient Black Nobility. Should Italy have been weakened by Moro's death, it would have had repercussions in the Middle East which would have weakened U.S. influence in the region. Italy is important for another reason; it is a gateway for drugs entering Europe from Iran and Lebanon, and we shall return to that subject in due course.

To be continued.

* * *
There is too much information which is necessary to bring to your attention and "update" old information to allow for contin­uing on a single subject to exhaustion.

The next is urgent because you ones must know that not only are you under attack--but have been under attack and only visibly by that which shows up as a plague of one sort or another. The real "debilitation" of large numbers is thanks to the old Russian woodpeckers among your own woodpecker flocks.

Dharma, this will be lengthy enough that I think we had better break the writing at this point and pick up again right here at next sitting. I think we'll have time to write about the "woodpecker" system today if we get right at it. Thank you.