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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 73
    WED., JULY 14, 1993 9:56 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 332

    WED., JULY 14, 1993

    I finally have what we need to look at this topic with great in­sight and positive change (hopefully). What I am going to say and suggest is going to impact some of you greatly and will in some cases bring peace and comfort--to others, denial and more cover-up of personal "guilt".

    Good parents WANT to give their children THE BEST available with which to flourish in a goodly world with positive self-es­teem, moral rightness and intelligence. But, by "home school­ing" is that actually WHAT YOU ARE ACCOMPLISHING?

    YOU who decide to offer this opportunity to the children by pulling them out of a school environment are taking a great re­sponsibility and task. AND WHAT ARE YOUR RESULTS? Are your children REALLY happy? Are YOU doing this for your children OR DO YOU DO IT FOR YOURSELF(S)? Hard questions? Indeed! Is this ACTUALLY a need YOU AS ADULTS have to do something or other which APPEARS to be "goodly"? Think carefully about what you do AND WHY DO YOU DO IT?

    The first response is: THE SYSTEM IS TERRIBLE! Yes, so what else is excellent in projection? Now, do you CHANGE a system by severing FROM it? Do you HELP the overall prob­lem by simply withdrawing the children and isolating them and yourselves from the problem? Does this REALLY and ACTU­ALLY give the children a fully balanced experience in living?

    You cannot CHANGE THE SYSTEM FOR ALL if YOU do not work within and on the system needing change.


    Is the experience fulfilling, REALLY, to the parents as well as to the children? I have to tell you, chelas, that TOO MUCH TOGETHERNESS BREEDS DISCONTENT AND REBEL­LION. You live in a social world--and the interchange within that world MUST be expressed. What do you ACTUALLY fear from the school system? Will your absence from the school system actually solve your problems OR help solve the overall problems of the "system" in order that all experience be better foundationed?

    Where there is availability of schools in the public arena, I find a total conflict of interests. When the parents are also grown to the extent that they do not utilize a "church" group for social interaction--there is isolation and a very faulty and lacking of "rounded out activities". You cannot simply "grow up" and have comfort in the social circles in which there MUST later be function.

    Can you teach the ABC's better? What makes YOU think so? And, is there SOME REASON that if the system DOES NOT TEACH THE ABC's PROPERLY THAT YOU CAN'T FILL IN THE GAPS? The only problem with the school system is the lack of demand and participation of parents within the sys­tem!! Every time!! Parents send their children off to school to get rid of them! And there it STOPS! Do you ones not actually think that if children spent their time IN school, then come home and have full loving and peaceful discipline and attention from PARENT(S) THAT THE CHILD WOULD NOT BENEFIT?

    In addition, in these families wherein religion is not a focus for interaction--the child MUST have release AND SO MUST THE PARENTS. You do not live in a society, longer, wherein grandparents are present to bear a part of the load. I do not even speak of "physical load"--I speak of "emotional" load. Then, as the lessons become more tedious and overreach the capabilities of the mother--where do you turn for those very NECESSARY basics? Can a child longer survive on JUST THE BASICS? Not in this society!

    You say, "Well, that's what's wrong--I want them OUT of this society." How are you going to accomplish that, my friends? Would it not be better to go forth and get very INVOLVED with the parent/teacher opportunities, allow the children their social interactions in after-school activities wherein games and friend­ships are made and PARTICIPATE WITH THEM? Moreover, you as a parent will be better able to handle the time allocated to the children's home studies AND BE A CENTRAL LOVING FOCUS TO THEIR FRIENDS.


    If you have a small-town setting you can do wonders and make great impact on the system by your cooperation and so, too, can the teachers--doing the best they can--grow and share appro­priately. There are GOOD teachers who are simply beaten down by the massive surge of the downfall of society as a whole--but the drive is not lost, only hopelessly confronted. With a few GOOD parents in participation--miracles can be cre­ated in the schools. I NEVER ADVOCATE WITHDRAWAL FROM A SITUATION IN TROUBLE--I ADVOCATE WORK­ING WITHIN IT AND CLEANING IT UP. I repeat, the child is better off, emotionally the one carrying the load as a parent, is better off, and ultimately there is POSSIBILITY of bringing sanity back into the system.


    If you TEACH your children moral rightness AND YOU USE DISCIPLINE AND JOINT ATTENTION TIME TO STUDIES--YOU CAN HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH ENVIRONMENTS. Most of your society has not the privilege of home schooling. They do--but it is not priority and, therefore, since there ARE schools set up for teaching children--that IS what IS! To live without electricity just because the electric company is filled with Elite New Wodders is foolish--SO IS PUTTING YOUR­SELF AND YOUR CHILDREN IN CIRCUMSTANCES OF NO BALANCE--LIKEWISE FOOLISH.

    There are some instances where it works to perfection and great fulfillment is achieved. It is ONLY in those instances that I would ever suggest lack of school participation. You do not have to have ONE or the OTHER. You as a parent can make such an impact on the system that it would make your head swim--AND THE CHILDREN GET THE MUCH NEEDED EXPERIENCE OF INTERACTION WITH THEIR PEERS. In the participation of the parents, the child actually gets to hold the honor of the teacher AND the appreciation of the other chil­dren because there can be "field trips", etc., that now go by the way because of lack of parental supervision availability.

    You must HEAR what I am saying here: If you are beating yourself to pieces doing these things which are for your OWN need in some manner or another--you are NOT helping your children--you are hurting them. Further, if the strain is notable to yourself you are placing such strain on the marriage relation­ship that YOU WILL GROW APART before the job is ac­complished. THE CHILDREN MUST LEARN TO FUNC­TION IN THIS WORLD THAT IS as we gradually change it back into worthy working order.

    USE that which is available to lessen your own burdens and give you time for turning within self for balance. Are you actually a better parent by some measure just because you chain yourself to the offspring like second skin? NO--you damage self and you damage THEM. A child must be given two things: roots and wings. They must always have sound roots and a place in which to place them--then you must give them that which allows them to function and FLY in the environment in which they must ex­press.

    I note that if the parent is HONEST--there is little peace and to­tal joy in such a heavy-duty task. I find restlessness, lack of peace, too much togetherness and a total loss of the parent most involved--emotionally. How can this even be remotely consid­ered worthy?


    You who have taken on this heavy task must sit with your sig­nificant "other" partner and CAREFULLY consider why you do this and is it actually the way to go. Then you must sit with the children and REALLY LISTEN to them--they are already so unbalanced that they won't even know what to say to you. A spoiled child is. not a happy child--nor does it make him a wor­thy leader. Discipline with LOVE and then SUPPORT of the proper kind in loving GIVING is what balances a child into adulthood. Supporting his causes and participation in the social or school setting is even MORE important.

    I must remind you constantly that you ONLY NOW begin to have information into what is going on and who the players are. For instance, you trusting readers are going to find out before this is over that, for instance, the University of Science and Philosophy is a DIRECT unit of the Brookings Institute--one of the most involved British Intelligence operations with focus on such things as MK-Ultra brain-washing programs of the Intelli­gence community which exists. Does this mean that Dr. Timo­thy Binder KNOWS? I doubt it because Dr. Binder lives in both Montana and Colorado. He will be receiving his directives the same as does any other participant. He WILL BE a participant. You will see, however, why John Coleman is entangled in it as is George Green. The US&P is a DIRECT construction of the VERY Intelligence unit claimed by John Coleman. They have a lot of "British" on the Board of Directors as well as a "token Jew" by the name of Cohen. Interesting isn't it?

    So, what would "I" do if your children were my children? I would get them into school as quickly as the grade level can be sorted and then make a mark in the SYSTEM! There are certain amounts of responsibility acceptance that a child MUST have and he can get it by the routine and discipline of structured school days. What will you have lost? If it doesn't work--you can again remove the child. YOU MUST LEARN TO DISCIPLINE AND DIRECT THE CHILD--NOT THE OPPOSITE. CHILDREN CAN EMOTIONALLY SABOTAGE YOU FASTER THAN ANY LIVING CREATURE AND DESTROY A MARRIAGE FASTER THAN ANY THIRD PARTY AFFAIR. THEY JUST "TEST" AND MOST OFTEN ADULTS "FLUNK". REMEMBER: MOTHERS ARE PEOPLE TOO!

    I ask you ones to give prayerful thought to these observations and suggestions and consider possibilities. You must remain flexible as you search for a "better way". You can ONLY LEARN through the trial and error and/or success. Don't WAIT until you are "used up" and relationships are strained which are usually interpreted as a loss of LOVE. If that hap­pens--no amount of ABCs and 123s can be valued against that particular PRICE.

    You have children of both sexes involved. Where are these children who are isolated going to find mates and sharing part­ners, jobs and balanced experiences? You must send your chil­dren ARMED WELL into this world--and that does not mean with weapons of war. If a child does not "fit" in at school--stop assuming it is the fault of the system, the teacher or, or, or--GO FIND OUT! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? YOU HAVE MYRIADS OF THINGS TO GAIN!

    A HOME should be a harbor of security and love--how can it be a harbor if the ship never leaves the shore? That is ALL it is--just a place to dock.


    So, what is Hatonn really saying? Well, I don't tell ones WHAT TO DO--but if it were me--I would put all the children in school if it is relatively safe physically--and almost all schools are "relatively" safe. THERE IS NO SAFE PLACE! NOT YOUR HOME AND NOT YOUR SOCIETY. TO MAKE IT SAFE--YOU PARENTS MUST MAKE IT SAFE.

    In our own local area I look at ones who have tried, worked, etc., and I do not see total peace and perfection. I look mostly at mothers because they are the one that gets "stuck" (indeed--stuck) with the extra load. I can name four or five right here who have tried, are trying, etc. Is there PEACE in your hearts? Do you ever question that what you CAN'T offer is serious in its lacking? Are your children able to integrate into social situa­tions easily? Do they have a selection of persons from which to make lasting relationships? These are IMPORTANT--PER­HAPS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ABC's. Emotional bal­ance is "living"--learning lessons is "training". Is spelling words properly, enough? Do the children have opportunity to play baseball and grow in interrelationships with TEAMS and social functions? Social should not be the ONLY focus--but it is certainly necessary.

    I would simply hope that these words rest gently upon your hearts for there is no easy way and no "sure" way. Give them solid roots, develop their wings--and then, parents--let them fly for these children are only ON LOAN to you--they belong to God and they have a purpose which they, just as you--must find and develop. Perchance it is in a classroom? So be it.

    If you believe the "Master" is/was ever serene--forget it. When one is MASTER there is NO SUCH SITUATION. Each "MASTER" became a master the same way as you MUST. "Time for self" and "Time with mates" is very, very often FAR MORE IMPORTANT than is time with the child. You see, EACH of you has a talent or multiples of talents--you must also use those talents or you will never find peace in your journey. FEW have the fulfilling talent of home teaching--do you see? BUT, this is one of the major reasons so many of you come into the more time consuming service LATER or when there are not the responsibilities of constant child care. You cannot serve TWO MASTERS and when there are children--they MUST come FIRST--but not consume ALL lest the other Master never be served--and that MASTER is self, ultimately! You serve and love WITH someone(s)--you cannot be that someone in the physical dimension--EVER! May you come gently into your understanding.
    PJ 73

    FRI., JULY 16, 1993 10:00 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 334

    FRI., JULY 16, 1993


    I need to make a statement about publication of the paper be­cause we need to forewarn you that we PROBABLY will not is­sue a paper the last week in July. This is for several reasons from funds, postage, weary team, the first break since onset for several of our staff (like four-five years) and thus and so. We have ongoing legal needs, court hearings, depositions, and you name it, our people are bogged in it.

    We are torn because it gives a hiatus of information flow on ones like Russbacher, Rennick, etc., etc., but our people are in serious need of a respite and recovery so that there will be funds for the following week. We must do "something" and this ap­pears to be the best approach. Perhaps we will need to make it a two-weeks break but we are working to not have to do that if possible.

    It is true that "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christ WILL CHANGE THE FACE OF THE WORLD"--but it surely is NOT easy.

    Dharma and I will NOT STOP WRITING just as we do now--so you will be very "behind" and can expect big papers again at upstart. I guess this is a vacation for SOME--but not around here. Perhaps, however, you readers will have a chance to catch up a bit on some other really necessary reading--even the old papers.

    Hopefully we won't need to repeat this often but we do what we must do and ask your patience and prayers. We have come to make an impact, now, and we must hold the line lest we be pulled down. We will do the best we can. Thank you.

    The pressures are getting so heavy here that I must speak, again, of rather personal things. There are assassination rumors out about Russbachers and also, unbeknownst to Dharma until this writing--against her and E.J. Assassination? Could they possi­bly mean "murder"? I think that would be a most "unwise" at­tempt but the nit-wits have tried it often before and things are getting pretty hot (or WET) as the case may be and the public is getting pretty suspicious.

    George has abruptly "flown the coop". He has not yet dived off to Costa Rica but he has secretly moved his body to Montana. How stupid a move--does he actually think we do not KNOW before he even finalizes his jaunts?

    Already, now, word has come back IMMEDIATELY as to Bozeman and Missoula. The facts are "Missoula" is the target and I am told there will be a couple or so interesting persons waiting to greet him in his "new operations". You must under­stand that WE are the least of George Green's and Gary Ander­son's problems. They have sheriffs in two states looking for them and find only disconnected phones and an absent "boss" at the America West office. George now has charges ranging from theft to mail fraud out against him. A group of Special Forces "boys" are also forming a greeting committee here and there to remind these people of their responsibility to truth in America and American business ventures.

    By the way--George has offered a settlement (since his business will close anyway): The Institute gets the worthless books and HE GETS THE GOLD! My, my, that gold does cause him trouble. I think, if I were George, that I would be VERY cautious about my "frontsides" for the ones I see coming to visit DON'T SHOOT IN THE BACK.

    Mr. Perry is an accomplice of Green's in the attack and at­tempted receivership of the Institute. He is the one who put all the disinformation of personal nature and corporations in the in­ternational media through the A.P. He has so far avoided "service" of legal papers. It is time now to get that job done, lawyers, for he is on the attack against Mrs. Perry's estate AGAIN and is serving legal documents against her. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    What you do about Leon is up to you. Leon may not have real­ized the full extent of his intentions or what he has caused to happen--but ones AROUND him know exactly what they have done and SO DOES HIS LAWYER. I shall, however, be a bit upset myself if you cause the Institute to bring any focus to self in efforts to treat him DIFFERENTLY than any other par­ticipant. Everyone is going to get everything out and the Insti­tute is more substantial and stable daily. Do that which you feel suitable--but be cautious for the corporations involved in the complaint letters STILL need to have activation of action. Just realize that "I" can "see" farther than you! Perhaps it is time to tell Mr. Abbott where to shove his legal demands. "They" have garnered no right to pleasant nor, in fact, return AT ALL! They stopped the ability of the Institute to function through their assault with Green and to give them priority favor is un­acceptable as well.

    I suggest that John Coleman pay very close ATTENTION also. Connections and original "intelligence" activities which dumped us off into this river of US&P problems are about to flood-out culprits to the same extent of Iowa and THAT river swamping.

    This will be easy to track and understand, perchance, if you have Coleman's book CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY which my people paid for, did the work on and published for him--claimed by George Green. At the time, even, ones asked why were we doing this when the handwriting was on the wall about these two grafters, shakers and movers? I told them then and I repeat now--GOD NEVER DOES ANYTHING CARE­LESSLY. The information you now need is held within the work and having DONE THE WORK and at the time, even hav­ing direct permission to use the information EXACTLY AS OFFERED, I now feel free to share some of the tracings. [Editor's note: We are told it may be available from OMNI Christian Book club, P.O. Box 900566, Palmdale, CA 93590; $16.95 + $2.50 postage & handling for one book, 10% discount for larger quantities. I don't know about sales tax.] If you don't have the book, just hold on and let us check out resources other than America West for it appears they are "out of business" anyway, if running out in the middle of the night (both of these men have done this) is a clue to ethics. I would dearly ENJOY a law-suit from EITHER one so they show their hands, locations and activities.

    I am going to need to word this writing in such a way that the court won't construe it as ill-begotten or slanderous information in order to protect my secretary. I shall simply report what is fact and now confirmed without reference to persons involved--for you will probably find that most "persons" involved, say, as is Dr. Binder of US&P, MORE UNINFORMED of what I shall tell you, than are YOU.

    Is all this information PROVEN? Yes, but there is much clever manipulation and disguise involved. It is that Dr. Binder is ef­forting to gather up funding and resources to further Dr. Rus­sell's work--REALLY! He lives "sort-of" between Montana and Colorado--not in Virginia at Swannanoa Palace. I have no comment at all about this arrangement--he is the President of the "University" and we shall drop that right there, please. The following, however, will be that which will spark interest in several of you readers--but again, I must be objective and "journalistic" in my information here.

    I would, however, suggest that Nora hold up on plans to visit Virginia at this time. THIS information is going to be very NEW to Nora and I do not want her going innocently into something in behalf of a biography on Russell, which may well be more interesting than anticipated.

    Well, we have told you for a long time and have been con­fronted in a Federal Court for so-doing. But, you must now know that you have PROOF of the involvement of the Commit­tee of 300 Hierarchy. Perhaps it is simply "used" and ones "don't know"? Well, ones KNEW ENOUGH TO GO DI­RECTLY "THERE" TO GET AT US. NOW JUST 'WHO' WOULD KNOW SO MUCH? Coleman? Green? Well, Coleman (Pavlonski) was mad-as-hell at Green at the time it broke on us. Now, Green admits he still has working relation­ships with Coleman and is mailing out lots of advertising for the books of US&P--so??

    Now, for starters: KNOW, readers, that it is reported from VERY HIGH-LEVEL INTELLIGENCE (VERY HIGH-LEVEL AND NOT ETHERIC) that US&P is backed by, basically funded by and RUN by--THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTE! But, it is worse than this as far as I am concerned--however, we start where we can logically make sense of this story.

    So, what difference would that make? Well, the Brookings In­stitute is THE TOP LISTED functionary (there are bunches--and outstanding is RAND) institution of the Tavistock Institute in the United States engaged in brainwashing at all levels, including government, the military, business, religious organizations and education.

    Before we go on, let it be remembered that John Coleman claimed to be an agent of

    Will it further be interesting to note that the Board of Directors is primarily "British" with one token "Jew" by the name of Co­hen? There is direct information that Prince Charles also sits on that Board. He, at the least, visits for "special occasions" simi­lar to that which Bush visited in Australia. Gets sticky from here, readers.

    Let's go back and check out the Brookings Institute just briefly. And, further, I am simply going to quote John Coleman (Pavlonski) to keep my scribe out of trouble.


    The Brookings Institution: Dedicates its work to what it calls a "national agenda". Wrote President Hoover's program, Presi­dent Roosevelt's "New Deal", the Kennedy Administration's "New Frontiers" program (deviation from it cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnson's "Great Society". Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so on behalf of the Committee of 300.


    I will remind you that Haig was upset and very focused along with Rockefellers, etc., at the time of the Falkland Islands fi­asco. I cannot remind you often enough that everything is hooked to everything else and you are going to have to go back and read the whole bunch of JOURNALS if you want to connect all this "stuff".

    We will have to take "Haig" out of context but he plays a strong role right here as regards the Brookings Institute so bear with us, please.

    "...But before his military promotion took him out of Wash­ington, let it be known that Alexander Haig, in conjunction with Kissinger, all but destroyed the office of the President of the United States and its government. The chaos left by Kissinger and Haig in the wake of Watergate has never been chronicled to the best of my knowledge (Coleman). On the insistence of the RIIA, Haig virtually took over management of the Govern­ment of the United States after the April 1973 coup d'etat. Bringing 100 Round Table agents chosen FROM THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTE OF POLICY STUDIES AND THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, Haig filled the top 100 posts in Washington with men who, like himself, were beholden to a foreign power."

    The next question from new readers, is "Who or what is Tavis­tock?" Well, it is connected directly to the Committee of 300 THAT RULES THE WORLD. MI-6 is the main resource of the Committee of 300 when it comes to "Intelligence". Over hundreds of years, MI-6 has established a record which no other intelligence agency can even come near to duplicating. MI-6 agents have gathered information from the four corners of the Earth and have carried out secret operations that would astound even the most knowledgeable if ever they were to be made pub­lic, which is why it rates as the Master service of the Committee of 300.

    Officially, MI-6 does not exist, its budget comes out of the Queen's purse and "private funds", and is reported to be in a range of $350-$500 million per annum, but no one knows for sure what the exact amount is. In its present form MI-6 dates back to 1911, when it was under the leadership of Sir Mansfield Cumming, a captain in the Royal Navy, who was always identi­fied by the letter"C", from which "M" of James Bond fame is taken.

    The Tavistock Institute at Sussex University and London sites is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute for International Af­fairs whose "hofjuden" in America is HENRY KISSINGER.

    Oh, by the way--the work of Walter Russell of which the Uni­versity is after developing, is any form of FREE ENERGY--I doubt that they are too interested in the "cause of God and LIGHT" except as it applies to the One World Order.

    I think it now becomes self-evident WHY Mr. Green would want to get on "their GOOD side"--secretly. It further explains why he would not need to "make a deal" himself particularly as the entire suit would be dumped on "Grandmother" here and perhaps we would all just go away!?! I think that if I were George Green I might well consider "a settlement", too. My people "cannot" settle for there is nothing to "pay-off" to the ones bringing suit. Even Dharma and E.J. CAN settle but for what? There is no resource from which to pay the legal fees at best. They can be forced to accept a "judgement" but they can­not pay it, so what have we here? And, why, if GG claimed to have had so MUCH, kept legal papers FROM EKKERS, etc., would he not be the target--UNLESS THERE IS LOTS BE­NEATH THE SURFACE? DOES HE KNOW WHAT HE IS DOING? It has gone so far now that it is out of our hands--and he certainly hasn't shown any indication of "change" or rectifi­cation.

    We don't have any pick with the University of Science and Phi­losophy. We could not even be considered in the same running as far as competition--with them IF THE FACTS COULD EVER BE HEARD. We honor one, DR. WALTER RUSSELL for his gifts. We ONLY want to honor Dr. Russell for we are NOT EVEN INTERESTED WHATSOEVER IN HIS PRO­JECTIONS OF FREE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT. He real­ized it comes from LIGHT but he did not develop methodology. The University, further, from indications above--has a more definite thrust into BRAIN-CONTROL STUDIES WITH MI-6. This, further, indicates why the focus was so pointed toward Mary Eddy and Christian Scientists (mutually exclusive terms). If you have "religion" you CAN NOT have "science". This is not an INSULT; it is simply a fact of "definition".

    I have no interest in doing battle with these ones at ANY LEVEL. I am not interested in competition, their work or their business. We are about as "OPPOSITE" IN DIRECTION OF INTENT AS ANY TWO ENTITIES ON YOUR EARTH COULD BE! I believe it will become more clearly defined as to "why" as we move on here.

    The next is going to be fully in the presentation of second-hand. This touches so closely on "incredible" activities as to cause me to be very guarded. It is TRUE and that is my only personal comment.

    There were recently some people who went to the Swannanoa Palace on "tour". There is a $6.00 fee charged for ones who wish to tour the palace, which is now getting in serious disre­pair.

    The grounds which were once magnificent with gardens and statues are now getting very run-down. One reason these people wanted to visit was to again see the statue of "Sananda" (The Teacher) in the garden, done by Dr. Russell. Here is what was found. The people left the organized tour and wandered out onto the grounds unnoticed at first. The buildings in the back area were in a terrible state of repair--very neglected and un­tended while showing great need for resources.

    They went to the statue to find a shocking sight. The statue had (on a prior visit some years ago) been landscaped with beautiful shrubs and flowers but basically "stood alone". IT IS NOW CENTERED IN FLOWER BEDS WHICH FORM A SA­TANIC PENTAGRAM.

    Moving on around to the back and distant side of the estate it­self, was a tower with a "jumping type" of platform on it. Be­neath that was a freshly filled-in pit of some kind. This area is obviously given now to rituals of some sort and "neighbors" re­port all sorts of weird things going on back there--but decline to talk about it.

    There was indication that somehow, recent visitors of Royalty or tourists of some kind had come for a "RETREAT" for an "overnighter". Hmm-n-n, at the same time Prince Charles vis­ited in the U.S. and WAS SEEN AT SWANNANOA.

    Dr. Russell's early works (long, long prior to his meeting with Lao and this group from Great Britain) were given to the public--and, the originals were gifted to Princeton University. I have no further comment about this. If we somehow damaged Dr. Russell in our offering honor for his work, we apologize. Never was our intent to do other than enlighten people to the truth of their own projection--not form any kind of competitive circumstance. I repeat, we still have NO QUARREL with any­one from US&P OR over the work. We HONOR DR. RUS­SELL.

    Do you think the people attending Koresh's Waco location--knew they were involved with MI-6, The Committee of 300, ATF, MK-ULTRA brainwashing intensive and such? Of course NOT. But confound it--Coleman and Green DID!

    Are you readers "shocked" by all this? Well, if you aren't--then you must be dreaming. Dharma is "blown away" by these rev­elations, as is E.J. and the other team HERE.

    Ekkers came to this place to basically retire and live out their days with family and friends. It NEVER had occurred to Dharma to write more than a recipe. It all began just as inno­cently--to be scooped up by Green and then we really went to work! Who knows what and when do they know it? Chelas, things EVOLVE and ones pick up their responsibilities and so it goes.

    Further, there should be no reason that one John Coleman (or whoever he is) would have reason to attack the Ekkers or any­one here--he RECEIVED greatly and generously from these people and FROM ME PERSONALLY! YES, THAT IS "ME", HATONN. He can go forth and pretend that he knew Green was "Hatonn"--NO, THAT IS A LIE--HE KNEW EX­ACTLY WHO I AM AND WAS! THAT was not a lie, John--but you, too, chose the way of human weakness and lost your protection. Those are choices EACH makes as you pass "through". Then, comes the error in judgement--which appears at first as something which will annoy and "getcha"! This moves on into the morass and entanglement of great involve­ment. Who in their wildest imaginings would believe that an ef­fort to "cause a bit of trouble" to a perceived enemy would un­cover the Tavistock Institute in full operations through the Brookings Institute and British Intelligence and brainwashing programs of the highest level?

    It is John who is in serious trouble now and I shall share with you readers from his work so that we can give him some credit and, hopefully, offer him some protection in the physical.

    I have been brought a copy of LIGHT WAVES from US&P--just of interest. If you have access (for I declare we dare not reprint anything from the flyer) to this--READ DR. BINDER'S "PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE "Choices & Focus On the Good".

    There never was, nor is, ANY intent to slander or damage or plagiarize anything from anyone--only HONOR a gifted MAN with a GIFT to MANKIND. If we did it badly, then perchance there might be "positive" goodness gained from the experience for ALL.

    Let us just leave this particular subject now and give some honor and accolades to Dr. Coleman. We have his papers, etc., for our people did the editing, readying for press and all the work involved with raw manuscript. I wish to take nothing from Dr. Coleman; in fact, our people received information from Japan from ones wishing to translate his book and print several thou­sand. We gladly forwarded that information to his Postal box number and we hope that he received the inquiries for that would be quite a nice income project for him and his family. It was to have gone through Green but it seemed more appropriate since George is "missing" to send it DIRECTLY to resource.

    Let us just begin and each week in the paper perhaps we can of­fer you chapters or excerpts from "300". Today, we will offer his Foreword.

    Foreword: IN MY CAREER as a professional intelligence offi­cer, I had many occasions to access highly classified documents, but during service as a political science officer in the field in Angola, West Africa, I had the opportunity to view a series of top secret classified documents which were unusually explicit. What I saw filled me with anger and resentment and launched me on a course from which I have not deviated, namely to un­cover what power it is that controls and manages the British and United States' governments.

    I was thoroughly familiar with all of the well known secret societies such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RITA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilder­bergers, Trilaterals, the Zionists, Freemasonry, Bolshevism, Rosicrucianism and all of the spin-offs of these secret societies. As an intelligence officer, and even before that as a young stu­dent in the course of my studies at the British Museum in Lon­don, I had cut my eye teeth on all of them, plus a good number of others with whom I imagined Americans were familiar.

    But when I came to the United States in 1969, I found that names like the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Club of Rome, the German Marshall Fund, the Cini Foundation, the Round Table, the Fabianists, the Venetian Black Nobility, the Mont Pelerin Society, Hellfire Clubs, and many others were either totally unknown here, or else their true functions were at best but poorly understood, if at all.

    In 1969-1970 I set about remedying the situation in a series of monographs and cassette tapes. Much to my surprise I soon found plenty of people willing to quote these names as if they had known of them all of their writing careers, but who were not in the least bit knowledgeable about the subjects, yet quite unwilling to state the source of their lately acquired information. I consoled myself with the thought that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    I pursued my investigations, pressing on in the face of severe risks, attacks on myself and my wife, financial losses, continual harassment, threats and calumny, all part of a carefully-crafted and orchestrated program to discredit me, run by government agents and informers, embedded in the so-called Christian right wing, the "Identity Movement" and rightwing "patriotic" groups. These agents operated, and still operate, under cover of strong and fearless outspoken opposition to Judaism--their main enemy, they would have us believe. Their agent-informers are led and controlled by a group of homosexuals who are well-liked and well-respected by political and religious conservatives all across the United States.

    Their program of calumny, lies and hatred, disinformation about my work, even lately attributing it to other writers, con­tinues unabated but it has not had the desired effect. I shall carry on with my task until I have finally ripped off the mask of the entire secret upper-level parallel government that runs Britain and the U.S. This book is a part of that ongoing effort.

    Dr. John Coleman, November 1991

    I have no intent to take from the book all the lists and such--this is up to you if you want the information and don't want to rummage back through old JOURNALS--but Dr. Coleman gave an excellent overview of who is what in this Conspiracy. Yes, in­deed, others have also spelled it out for you--and even done a far better job in bringing players of local interest into your atten­tion. Dr. Peter Beter was outstanding in revealing the workings and what was going on on specific fronts, from political to weather manipulations. That is a good subject to look at be­cause, for decades now, there have been weather manipulations EXACTLY LIKE WHAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING RIGHT NOW--WORLDWIDE BUT SPECIFICALLY IN THE AREA OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, U.S.A.

    So, AGAIN, readers, we will have three or four "stories" going at once and we'll just do the best we can to flesh them out for you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 73

    FRI., JULY 16, 1993 2:00 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 334

    FRI., JULY 16, 1993

    This is the kind of abuse I have to take from my team-mates. Every other writing I seem to say something to the effect that I will write on a given subject when next we sit to write--and that is the last you hear or see of it. I know, it must seem like "Donahue" on his interview shows when he says, "I promise I'll let you speak when we get back from commercial break". There are so many wondrously interesting subjects and so little space to cover it all--please bear with my good intentions and I'll try to bear with yours. Good JOURNALISM demands fol­low-up and backup but my secretary cops-out and claims to be "only human"--at least from wrist to fingers! So be it.

    What I had "last" promised was a (Dr. Peter) Beter story which would point out how orchestrated the situation is with banks, opposing parties, gold standard, etc. The writings also allow for some observations of "players" which will help you to begin to decipher who is what in this game. If you do not have back­ground, I can only suggest that you "catch up" because we will offer a LOT "again" but with the over 30,000 pages of work in these past 48 months--there is no way to offer it timely. THEN, we can look at weather manipulation as presented years ago by this same resource.

    The following will come directly from a transcript of Dr. Peter David Beter's Audio Letter #67, recorded on AUGUST 25, 1981. (To get Dr. Beter's material I believe the best route is through Wisconsin Report and Virginia Meaves P.O. Box 271, Elm Grove, WI 53122.

    E.J. had offered, earlier, to assist in publishing Beter's works but the response was that "there are plans" which did not in­clude this place. I don't know where it now lays but I do know that Wisconsin Report still runs segments of his tapes (transcribed) in the paper and does make something available to the public through the Education Service Council.

    I, Hatonn, personally worked with Dr. Beter and can verify that his information was top-level. Even though a particular incident will be outdated--the facts remain and the plan and play only change in arenas and players. The overall PLAN never changes other than very slightly to be flexible and further confuse the audience (YOU).

    Dr. Beter said: If the Corporate Socialists are successful, America will be torn by internal convulsions far worse than the Civil War; but if they do not succeed, the Bolsheviks believe no one can stop their own plans for domination of America and eventually the world." YOU MUST LOOK MOST CAREFULLY AT WHERE YOU ARE--NOW!

    I ask that this simply be copied as is. I will be prepared to comment but I believe the information will pretty well speak for itself and you will be able to make connections.


    August 25, 1981 [H: Do not overlook this--over a decade AGO.]

    TOPIC #1: The entity President Reagan is fond of saying in speeches, quote:"I was a Democrat longer than I have been a Republican." Likewise, his past heroes of the White House Oval Office are more often Democrats than Republicans. And the hero we hear about the most often of all from our actor president is Franklin D. Roosevelt. From the beginning, the so-called Reagan Administration has been modeled along lines pioneered by FDR in the 1930s. Like FDR, the present adminis­tration tried to hit the ground running with big changes in fed­eral policies. Now, as then, the Executive Branch of the Gov­ernment is claiming a public mandate to flatten Congressional opposition like a steam roller; and even though they look dif­ferent today, the real issues now are once again the same as they were in the 1930s. Those issues are: The crumbling economy, approaching war, and the political future of the United States.

    On the domestic level, 1981 is trembling with the hollow echoes of 1933, and yet there is also one major difference to­day. In 1933 there was just one major power behind the throne, so to speak, dominating the United States Government. Today, in 1981, there are two powerful factions who are challenging each other for governmental control. An enormous power struggle is going on behind closed doors which has afflicted the United States Government with schizophrenia. Policy-making has turned into a series of skirmishes between these two power groups. As a result, the Government zigs and zags, this way and that. Top officials, such as the Secretaries of State and De­fense, are always in a public tug of war. It all reflects the great power struggle behind closed doors.

    [H: Please keep in mind as we go along that as we copy this presentation--things have continued to evolve into this New World Order where the administration cabinet members and "secretaries" serve the new master, the U.N. and One World Order MORE OPENLY AND VISIBLY--IT WAS ALREADY, HOWEVER, TAKING MASSIVE SHAPE FOR BIRTHING.]

    On one side are the Corporate Socialists of the Rockefeller Cartel. Back in the days of FDR five decades ago this was mainly an oil cartel. From there it grew and diversified into a world-wide Corporate Socialist empire made up of multinational corporations.

    On the other side of the current power struggle in America are the State Socialists, the Bolsheviks. Like the Rockefeller Cartel, the Bolsheviks have "collectivism" as their ultimate goal--that is, both groups want to concentrate all wealth and power in a few hands--namely, their own. But the Bolsheviks want to do it in a different way.

    The Corporate Socialists of the Rockefeller Cartel want their own giant corporations to be the real masters of society. By contrast, the Bolshevik Socialists want the Government to be all-powerful. Through the Government, the Bolsheviks want to control the means of production directly through nationalized in­dustries.

    For decades, from 1917 until very recently, these two collec­tivist forces had their own separate power bases. Rockefeller Corporate Socialism held sway in America, while the State So­cialist Bolsheviks controlled the Soviet Union. The two sides came in contact only on an international basis, and under those conditions they operated as secret allies. But over the past five years everything has changed. In 1976 the Bolsheviks were fi­nally pried loose from control of the Kremlin by a determined band of native Russians. Their achievement was the result of six decades of tireless struggle, but it came as a shock both to the Bolsheviks in Russia and to the Rockefeller force here. The Kremlin's new masters want no part of the international in­trigues formerly carried out in tandem with the United States. They also want no part of the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks are being run out of Russia, so they are trying to use the United States as their new power base. This situation has brought the Bolsheviks into direct competition with the Rockefeller Cartel for power over the United States--and the world!

    In late 1977 I reported that a quiet new Bolshevik revolution was getting under way here in America with the help of the Rockefeller Cartel. It was a desperate attempt by these two groups, formerly international allies, to join forces on the do­mestic level. At that time both the Rockefellers and the over­thrown Bolsheviks from Russia were preoccupied with staving off Russia's new rulers. It was a classic case of that old famous principle: "The Enemy of my enemy is my friend."

    What the Rockefeller Cartel has learned instead is that some­times my enemy's enemy is also my enemy. In early 1979 the Bolsheviks here launched an all-out drive to seize total control away from the Rockefellers. They did not quite succeed, as I detailed in the past, but the Rockefeller Cartel was grievously wounded. For more than two years now the behavior of the United States has reflected one basic fact--that is, no one is clearly, decisively in charge. Instead, the struggle continues.

    In February 1979 I reported in AUDIO LETTER NO. 43 that, quote:

    "Soon the inevitable internal conflict here in the United States will be getting under way. On one side there are the Corporate Socialists of the now headless Rockefeller Cartel. On the other, there are the Bolshevik State Socialists." [H: I won't go into it here--but we have also offered what we mean by "Headless" Rockefeller Cartel. It gets into such clandestine circum­stances that I have to ask you to refer BACK to prior writ­ings. It is most important to know--but too lengthy for HERE. The "Rockefeller you see and know" is NOT the Rockefeller you think him to be!]
    My friends, it is this very internal conflict which is now showing itself daily in the behavior of the so-called Reagan Ad­ministration.

    I can now reveal that the Rockefeller Cartel, which was al­most out for the count two years ago, has made a surprising come-back in strength. As of now, the Bolsheviks here con­tinue to dominate America's foreign policy through their effec­tive control of our Military forces. But in the economic and po­litical arenas, it is the Rockefeller Cartel that now seems to have the edge. My friends, they intend to use that edge in some stun­ning stratagems intended to rebuild their own power. The power struggle here is starting to turn into a race against time. The Rockefeller group lacks the power to simply finish off the Bolsheviks, and the reverse is also true, so each faction is gear­ing up to make the maximum use of its own areas of strength. In this Topic and in Topic #2, I will describe an economic and political One-Two punch being prepared by the Rockefeller in­terests. If these things can be done fast enough, the Corporate Socialists believe they can blast the Bolsheviks here right out of the water; but as I will describe in Topic #3, the Bolsheviks here have no intention of giving the Cartel that much time. Before they can be stopped, the Bolsheviks intend to reach their own goal--NUCLEAR WAR ONE.

    [H: If we can work it in, we will continue to run these things in series when there is space available. Although we have well covered these instances and subjects--I believe it all makes far more sense to all of you readers now--than in the past--for you can see how it has evolved. NUCLEAR WAR ONE HAS ONLY BEEN THWARTED TO DATE--IT IS NOT OFF!]
    The economic surprise which I am about to make public will come as a shock to most Americans, and yet it has already been foreshadowed by plans which I have previously reported on two occasions:

    First, there was the plan for a gold revaluation publicity stunt, which I reported last November 1980. America's alleged gold reserves are listed on Treasury and Federal Reserve bal­ance sheets at the old official price of $42.22 per ounce. As you and I know, they do not in fact have a great deal of the gold which is listed. Those balance sheets are fraudulent, but the plan which I reported last November was for our non-existent gold reserves to be revalued at current market prices. On pa­per, that would make our gold supplies look ten times bigger in dollar terms at current prices. The whole idea of the plan was to reinforce the false perception that America has a huge gold hoard. A few weeks later the gold revaluation gimmick started to surface. For the first time in many years a major article about the Fort Knox Bullion Depository was published. Through syndication it was published all across the United States as well as in many other countries. The article referred throughout only to the market price of gold. The old official price was totally ignored.

    The next element in the plan for an economic shock is the one which I first reported last April. That item had to do not with gold but with our currency itself. I am referring to the plan to do away with the $100 bill.

    When I first reported on the plan to eliminate the $100 bill, I received heavy mail about it. People were stunned, but I can report to you that the plan is still on track; in fact, since I first made the plan public, at least one bill has been introduced in Congress to do as I described. [H: Note--it still comes up con­stantly and now you have the markings, stripings, etc. There is very, very little variation in the original PLAN, friends.]

    That is what has been done with the "Federal Gold Commis­sion." Congress decreed last year that it be set up in time to produce its report by October 7th of this year; but after the new Administration took office last January, the Treasury Depart­ment kept putting off creation of the Gold Commission.

    It did not come into being until June 22, and the first meeting of the Federal Gold Commission was not held until just last month on July 16. It was held behind closed doors with no pub­lic observers, no witnesses to testify, and with no Minutes kept. As with all federal commissions that matter, the Federal Gold Commission is a "closed shop". It consists of four (4) Con­gressmen, three (3) Senators, three (3) members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, two (2) White House advisers, and four (4) nominally public members. The Chairman is none other than the Treasury Secretary himself; and to shepherd the group in the desired direction, the Executive Director for the study is another insider, Dr. Anna Schwartz.

    The small contingent of four so-called "public" members of the Gold Commission were hand-picked for their known views about gold. Anyone who might have made real waves was care­fully excluded from consideration. My friend Mr. Edward Durell is a prominent example of this. Mr. Durell offered to serve on the Federal Gold Commission entirely at his own ex­pense. He would have brought with him massive documentation and more than a decade of intensive activity in the realm of our gold reserve. He would have brought true expertise about gold to the Federal Gold Commission. His appointment to the Com­mission was highly recommended to the alleged Reagan Admin­istration by business leaders and even a few Congressmen, but he was firmly rejected because he knows too much!

    Now that the hand-picked Federal Gold Commission is safely in being, it's supposed to make up quickly for lost time. Congress may be asked to extend the deadline to January 1, 1982, but even that would leave little time for making any seri­ous study of America's monetary future. Fortunately for the Gold Commission members, its conclusions have already been preordained. Even Congressman Ron Paul, a member of the Commission, is to be used with or without his knowledge to achieve these ends. [H: OUCH!]

    Whenever the Federal Gold Commission issues its report, its recommendations are to set the stage for dramatic action by the President. Sometime in early 1982 two things will be done at the same time. One will be to abolish the old official price of gold, $42.22 per ounce, and let the gold price "float". The other part of the announcement will be that Congress will be asked to restore gold backing for the dollar. It would be a 20% gold backing, as currently planned, based on the market price of gold. In effect, the dollar and gold will "float" together in international markets; but for domestic purposes, it will be claimed that this is a new gold standard which will restore sta­bility to the dollar. For the first time since 1968 there will be a governor or a brake on the supply of dollars. [H: Oops--so what WENT WRONG? I thought you might see that higher stakes took precedent and the battle still is being waged! Does not "higher politics" and "economics" take on more meaning when you can see WHAT actually has and is taking place? WHY didn't this get done? I think you have to look again at the old Bolsheviks and other blackmail fronts. You certainly do not have brakes on the supply of dollars--YOU PRINT MORE THAN YOU EVER DID--BACKED BY NOTHING AS THE DEBT TO THE WORLD BANKERS GOES THROUGH THE COSMOS!]
    My friends, this will be only a pseudo gold standard, not a real one. You and I will not be able to walk into a bank and change a dollar bill for gold. [H: You can say that again!] Likewise, the international gold window which President Nixon closed 10 years ago this month will not be reopened. The ef­fects of the Reagan pseudo gold standard will only be temporary at best, lasting only a year or two, and even that assumes that there is no war in the meantime and yet it will be a master stroke. For a while it will alter the perception of the dollar. It will appear to be a powerful attack on inflation here in America. That perception will be reinforced by the elimination of the $100 bill on a separate occasion. Even though it will not be a true gold standard, its effect through the market place will be dra­matic. [H: Now, readers, when you see what and who brought this idea into ruin, you will be really getting good at deciphering the lies. No, I am not going to TELL YOU--add it up--who stood to gain the MOST by thwarting such a plan?]
    In relation to the currencies of Europe and Japan, it will seem to make the dollar much more valuable to be bought and held, but don't be fooled! For a while it will seem that the hey-day of the so-called almighty dollar has returned once again. My friends, this will be an illusion because the enormous damage done by inflation over the past 10 years will not be undone. It will only be arrested temporarily.

    For the average working man and woman it may provide at most a temporary breather, no more than that. But for the Cor­porate Socialists of the Rockefeller Cartel who are engineering it, the pseudo gold standard will be a bonanza. Huge United States multinational corporations have issued hundreds of mil­lions of dollars of debt instruments in Europe in recent years. They did this when the dollar was weak, with the debt payable in Swiss francs, West German marks, and other currencies which were then strong. But now, as these debts come due, the dollar is being made strong again. This maneuver will allow those debts to be repaid in Europe or elsewhere in currencies which are artificially cheap. In this and other ways it all trans­lates into enormous profits for the Rockefeller multinational corporations. At the same time, the privately owned and con­trolled Federal Reserve Corporation has been creating record high interest rates in this country. This is creating vast opportu­nities here for the Corporate Socialists in two ways:

    First, Federal Reserve policies are creating a depressionary effect on American industry and business. Basic industries like steel, automobiles, and housing are being forced to lay off workers; bankruptcies are spreading; real estate, including farm land, is lost by owners no longer able to pay their debts; and businesses large and small are becoming vulnerable to take over. It's a time ripe for mergers as the giants swallow up their smaller rivals--merge or die.

    Besides creating this vulnerability to take-over, Federal Re­serve policies are also pouring in the money to big member banks to take advantage of the situation. So-called "hot money" from other countries is flowing into the United States in order to take advantage of the high interest rates here. That money in turn is recycled through the big banks to finance mergers and take-overs by the favored few giants. All of this will be rein­forced by the so-called gold standard now being hatched by the Corporate Socialists.

    At the same time, the Bolshevik influence within the Federal Reserve and other critical financial areas has been reduced in recent months. The Rockefeller Cartel is calling most of the shots at the present time in the economic realm. This is re­flected in recent subtle shifts by the Federal Reserve Corpora­tion with regard to struggling banks. The Bolsheviks here want to bring down the giant banks which have long been a major source of Rockefeller power. But now the Federal Reserve Corporation is positioning itself to bail out any big banks endan­gered by defaults on giant loans to foreign nations. And a few days ago the "Fed" also announced that it will provide relatively low-interest loans to Savings & Loans that are in trouble. [H: Check it out for hindsight is always so much better than looking ahead!]

    The economic landscape is changing constantly, thanks to the in-fighting between the State Socialist Bolsheviks and the Corpo­rate Socialist Rockefeller Cartel. There will continue to be sur­prises which neither I nor anyone else can predict, but as of now it is still the Rockefeller Cartel that is primarily getting its way on the economic front in America. Even governmental policies are favoring the Cartel as far as economics is concerned.

    Through the economic route, the Corporate Socialists are working fast to gather power away from the Government and into their own hands domestically. They are working feverishly to make a reality of many parts of the secret new Constitution for America which I first made public in 1975. Under their se­cret new Constitution, all industry would be controlled by the so-called authorities made up of the giants of industry. Gov­ernmental regulation would be done away with, just as the al­leged Reagan Administration is trying to do right now. [H: Go read it again--don't let the word "government" fool you, chelas. And brothers, have you come a long way down the trail to the fruition of PLAN 2000!]

    My friends, many of the maneuvers now being attempted by the Rockefeller Cartel are derived from plans conceived long ago, but they are being executed today in an environment which was not foreseen. Today, the Corporate Socialists of the Rocke­feller Cartel are in a battle to the death against the Bolsheviks here. The Rockefeller group are trying to gather economic power to gigantic proportions here very quickly. If they do suc­ceed in their drive for unchallenged economic power here in America, that will be the first big punch against the Bolsheviks by the Cartel. It will lead directly into their second blow at the Bolsheviks, which will be in the political arena.

    Economic power translates into political clout; and if the Rockefeller group have their way, their political blow-to-come against the Bolsheviks here will be decisive. It is a Sunday punch designed to completely smash Bolshevik power here. If the Corporate Socialists are successful, America will be torn by internal convulsions far worse than the Civil War; but if they do not succeed, the Bolsheviks believe no one can stop their own plans for domination of America, and eventually the world.


    * * *
    This is some kind of horse race is it not? Worse, no matter how you think you have it "figured" the liars and cheats mess up the clear view of the path. Just let me remind you CITIZENS CALLED WE-THE-PEOPLE: YOU ARE NOT IN THE PLANNING FOR WINNING EITHER WAY. May God bless you and allow you to SEE!

    Dharma, take this off the computer and then we will share the last receiving from the "Prophet" in Utah. It is worthy of very careful note! I don't have much comment on the material--but I surely would take a careful look if I were you!

    PJ 73
    FRI., JULY 16, 1993 3:59 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 334

    FRI., JULY 16, 1993

    Parowan, Utah 84761 (June 27, 1993):

    Was Jonah a false prophet when he went to Nineveh, a long 500 mile walk from the seashore at Joppa? We read: "The word of the Lord came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, "Arise and go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me." GOD speaking to Jonah 1:1-2.

    Recall that Jonah didn't want to go, so he got on a ship headed the other way. [H: Sound familiar??] God caused a great storm and the seamen blamed Jonah and threw him over­board, into the sea. A great fish (whale) swallowed him and for three days and three nights he was in the belly of the whale. [H: Now, we know that this can't be true--BUT BY GOLLY, SOMETHING THAT LOOKED ALMIGHTY LIKE A ROUND WHALE OF SOME KIND--DID! THEN, AS USUAL:] Jonah really prayed to God and said: "I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord. AND the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land." Jonah 2:9-10. [H: Pretty good so far.]

    "AND the word of the Lord came unto Jonah the second time, saying, "Arise, go unto Nineveh that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee." Jonah 3:1-2. So! Jonah walked the 500 miles to Nineveh in what is upper Iraq to­day, where the Kurds live. The city was on the banks of the Tigris River that flows downstream to Baghdad, where Saddam Hussein goes for a swim, then it flows on to the Persian Gulf. "And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, (a BIG city) and he cried, and said, yet forty (40) days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." Jonah 3:4.

    So finally Jonah did what "the word of the Lord" told him to do. So what does this "word of the Lord" business mean?

    St. John 1:1, 14 tells us: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God AND the Word was made flesh, AND dwelt among us, (Christ) and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." So "Jesus" is the Word of God.

    People in Nineveh heard Jonah, some doubted, but many be­lieved. Jonah said: "Who can tell if God will turn and repent, AND turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not? AND God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; AND GOD REPENTED (changed his mind) of the evil, that HE SAID that he would do unto them; and he did it not." Jonah 3:9-10.
    Later Nineveh WAS destroyed, but not at the end of forty days as Jonah prophesied. But Jonah did what "the word of the Lord" told him to do. But when God changed his mind (repented) it really upset Jonah because he looked like a fool. [H: Still with me, faithful team?] "BUT it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry." Jonah 4:1.

    In a nutshell: Jonah DID as the word of the Lord com­manded him and so was NOT a false prophet. The Apostle Paul understood about poor Jonah, he said: "Charity never faileth: But whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; For we know in part, AND WE prophesy in part. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part." 1 Corinthians 13:8,9,12.

    If you have never had a "vision" from God then you do not know or understand what He means. Once I had a vision of the Russian leader Uri Andropov dying, the Russians walking out of the arms talks, AND missiles hitting in the U.S.A. I told news­papers and later that fall the Russians DID walk out on the arms talks, but no missiles hit us and three months later they said An­dropov was dead. My words were published before the people to see. So when NO missiles hit, people said I was a false prophet. I rehearse this story to show you that we as men don't always understand reasons why God commands for us to do things like He does.

    A decade ago in the spring and summer of 1983, the word of the Lord came to me and told me to go to the Mormon Church conference on October 2, 1983, and tell them that they were apostate, AND had turned from all the commandments of God in the scriptures. Even their own scriptures in the Book of Mormon and their own Doctrine and Covenants. I stood on their Temple Square and said: "Woe, Woe, yet forty days and this city shall be destroyed." I counted forty days until Novem­ber 11, 1983, and expected a nuclear bomb to hit Salt Lake City, and 1,000 other cities in the U.S.A. When it did NOT happen as I had seen, I was glad, because millions of people did not die. [H: Ah, but my friends, he was "right on" and you have NO IDEA HOW YOU SQUEAKED BY BY THE VERY BREATH OF A PRAYER--AND ANOTHER WHO WAS WILLING TO "SPILL THE BEANS" ON THE NU­CLEAR WAR PLANNED AND READY TO OPEN FIRE! The really big thrust for Nuclear War I was planned and messed up on September (17th I believe) 1981. There has been one plan following another as need to replace the tac­tics come about. The setting is right again, now, as the Red Chinese swarm into American waters and other signs of the same program being repeated in readiness!]

    The Provo Herald newspaper on November 17, 1983, page 4, said this about me: "But according to Freeborn (me), WHEN there is "snow" on the ground IN Salt Lake City, WHEN the Russians have walked out forever on the arms talks, the catas­trophe WILL occur AS the nation sleeps (at night). He says he has been given no specific date. He claims the wheels have already been set in motion AND that Andropov is already dead." I knew that I had done what the word of the Lord had told me to do, so I was OK. On December 8, 1983, (three weeks after I had announced it) the Russians DID walk out on the arms talks. BUT they came back fifteen months later in March of 1985 so it was not forever. Then on February 10, 1984, after he had been missing for three months out of the me­dia, the newspapers announced Andropov's death. You don't just have to take my word for it, go to the encyclopedia and check out the dates yourself. From November 1983 until May of 1984, I had no idea WHY God repented or changed His mind. Then one morning in May, I was visited by some people from beyond the veil of death. They came from the presence of God and explained to me WHY the surprise attack had not come when I said.

    They said that they would continue to visit me from time to time, whenever God had a work for me to do. Anyone who has read my revelations over the years can see that is so. I recom­mend you get the packet of survival information and check it out for yourself. Now up to date: June 27, 1993: This morning the word of the Lord came to me and said that HE had given his people, AND the heathen, tithe of ten years to repent, AND to prepare. He said to me, "As ye have seen in this winter season, I will begin to fulfill the words of mine holy prophets through­out history." (HIS-STORY)

    I was told that when He spoke the words, that my prophecies would come to pass also. He said, be careful, you have already said too many things too plainly. I was told to tell the people to repent, and change what they now believe. I was told to pre­pare the people for the desolation of A-BOMB-A-NATION spoken of by Daniel the Prophet. He said few would understand the parable that I had published because they had no real en­dowment. He told me many things and HE said: "Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice." Then he left, and I knew I had read his last words before. I searched and found them in John 18:37. SO! WHEN there is snow on the ground in Salt Lake City, and all the festive lights of the holiday season are bright, I guess He will bring to pass the signs I have given, and speak the words for World War III to begin. I don't know, yet, the exact day he will do that so I guess you will say I'm a false prophet. But I have lots of company. There are dozens of other nice men who pretend, make believe, play, act the part, play the role of prophets, AND they "are false prophets."

    At least I do have "visions" of the future and tell them. Like I said, they are "nice men" like false eyelashes are nice, or false boobs are nice--they just are not real, they are only for show. We used to call them "falsies". They are "pretend prophets". He said to me this morning that because of the love of the world and they feared the loss of their church's membership few would repent. He said the heart of the people is hardened be­cause of iniquity and they love pets more than children, because of wickedness. He said the fire was to burn the wicked off the earth. I pleaded for the sake of the innocent and the kids. He said: Yes, there would be many widows and orphans. That when the forest burns all the dead wood makes the fire hotter and some green trees die also.

    So, like Jonah when the "word of the Lord" came a second time, here I am again, ten years later, "crying" to the people to repent (change) AND prepare for what will happen in the win­ter. Now it's summer and this is the July flyer, so you can't say you were not warned. Surely God will do nothing But He Re­vealeth HIS secret unto HIS servants, the prophets. Like Amos 3:7 says.

    Like Jonah said when he was in the "whale's" belly: "I will pay that that I have vowed." Jonah 2:9.

    The real problem is that "WHEN the missiles begin to come in the winter that people are really going to pay a price. Not just what they can afford every month, but almost everything. They will lose family members, home, job, lifestyle, friends, toys, maybe their lives also. Because they have not been obedi­ent to all the scriptures and commandments of God, they will die short of the final goal. Our God is a JUST and righteous God, and he will not admit people into his kingdom who have been backsliders, not willing to pay the price of a seat. Nothing's free. You're not going to sit with people who gave their repu­tations, their all, even their lives, many of them for the gospel. Just what have YOU paid? Unless you put God first, you lose everything now AND for eternity! That's a L-o-n-g time!

    Now comes the test. You don't really know me and who I am. And let me say here and now that I am not Jesus Christ, the savior of the world. But, I am "HIS servant". I have seen him and felt his touch. More times than I can tell you here and now. And I will assume because you're reading this that you do believe the Bible and what it says in John 14:21-23 and, that you are not a hypocrite. If you are a hypocrite then throw this flyer away quick.

    The Test: Jeremiah 17:5 tells us: "Thus saith the Lord, cursed be the man that trusteth IN MAN, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord."

    So you don't have to believe me from the crazy kook beating on a trash can in city park.

    The only way to know if I'm telling you the truth and warn­ing you of things to come is to ASK GOD YOURSELF. Ex­pect to get an answer from him. Yes or no. "If" your life is so messed up that you can't hear the holy spirit in that "still small voice" then you need to repent. Get off by yourself somewhere for a few hours and talk to the man yourself. God is a man. Not some blob of gunk. Jesus said He was "the son of man". He is our Father in heaven. The Father of Jesus, trust no man in the flesh, not even me or men who are church leaders. If you do, you break a commandment of God. If you can't hear HIM--you really have trouble coming. The only way the United States could be saved from a nuclear war that will kill 100 million people is for the U.S.A. to truly repent.

    Jeremiah 18:8 says: "If that nation against whom I have pro­nounced, TURN FROM THEIR EVIL, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them."

    But, this nation will not repent in time, and you know it too. So what is a real prophet? He is one who tells the future. God wrote: "In the beginning was the word." History is HIS-STORY of the world. So now we shall see what his words were to HIS prophets, not just a bunch of very nice men. Who, by the way, are trying. They are just too proud--and don't have it.

    About 538 years BEFORE Jesus Chist, God had a prophet the Bible calls EZRA, and the apocrypha calls him ESDRAS. When the Bible was being put together in 1611 by King James, priests and scholars didn't understand some books and they called them apocryphal or "hidden". Some of the Bibles had them and some did not. Now I'm going to show you "only a few" scriptures from 2 Esdras Chapters 12 to 16. Remember this is only a few because I'm short of space. He saw 2500 years ago what I have seen in the last 18 years.

    We begin 2 Esdras 12:36 "Thou only has been meet to know this secret of the Highest. Therefore write all these things that thou has 'seen' in a book, and hide them: AND KEEP THESE SECRETS." And it came to pass after seven days, I dreamed a dream by night (I can tell you that God has fantastic, super-natu­ral videos, 3-4 dimensional, where I have been right in the pic­ture of action, with all the noise, smells, feel of the heat, sounds and sensations of events happening. Sometimes I get up at 2, 3, 4 a.m., turn on the light and write the things I have seen.) "And, lo there arose a wind from the sea, that it moved all the waves thereof. And I beheld, and, lo, that man waxed strong with the thousands of heaven: And when He turned his counte­nance to look, all the things trembled that were seen under him. And whensoever the voice went out of his mouth, all they burned that heard his voice! But only I saw that he sent out of his mouth as it had been A BLAST OF FIRE, and out of his lips a flaming breath, and out of his tongue he cast out sparks and tempests."

    (You realize that Jesus Christ is not a fire-breathing dragon like cartoons show. But he speaks the word and gives orders and it is done as he says.) And they were all mixed together: The (11 million degree) blast of fire (nuclear fireballs), the flaming breath (600 miles per hour HOT WINDS and the great tempest; for about 25 square miles of each hit: and fell (out of the sky) with violence upon the multitude which was prepared to fight (Saddam Hussein?) and burned them up everyone (surprise attack). So that upon a sudden of an innumerable multitude (millions in the U.S.A.) nothing was to be perceived, but only dust and smell of smoke: when I saw this I was afraid."

    From the front page of the Central Utah Journal on October 12, 1983: "When a farmer dressed in coveralls steps forward and says he has been commanded by God to warn the people of a nuclear holocaust coming in 40 days, next month, 'I hope you are a false prophet." I said to his face: "It would be fantastic if I were a phony." He said, "Then a lot of people wouldn't have to die."

    Leland Freeborn began seeing "visions" while in a coma (for three weeks) following a plane crash he narrowly survived in 1976. He has seen ugly women cutting off the arms of children (to eat). He says he has seen the heat of bombs peeling flesh from skeletons even before the bodies fall to the ground." That front page story didn't even tell all, and why like Esdras, "I was afraid." "Afterward (after war) saw I the same man (Jesus) come down from the mountain, and call unto him another peaceable multitude. And there came MUCH people (survivors) unto him, whereof SOME were glad, some were sorry (they didn't listen and prepare)...then was I sick through great fear, and I awakened, and said, "Show me now the interpretation of this dream."

    For as I conceive in mine understanding Woe unto them that shall be left in those days. AND 'MUCH MORE WOE UNTO THEM THAT ARE NOT (NOT) LEFT BEHIND.' (Their life is over.)

    Now understand I the things that are laid up in the latter days, which shall happen unto them, and to those that are left behind. Yet it is easier for him (you) that is in danger to come into (knowledge) of these things, (and prepare) THAN TO PASS AWAY as a cloud (mushroom cloud) out of the world, and not to see the things that happen in the Last Days. KNOW THIS therefore, that they which BE LEFT (alive) behind ARE "MORE" BLESSED THAN they that be dead. (I can tell you for sure that millions and millions will feel the fires of hell.)

    Behold, the days come WHEN the most High will BEGIN to deliver them that are upon the earth. (I will tell you now that this war goes on for years, so repent now or die and leave the MORE blessed here.) And "HE" shall come to the astonishment of them that dwell on the earth. (Surprise, He is here.)

    "Behold, Lord, I will go as thou hast commanded me AND REMOVE THE PEOPLE (I know how he feels) which are pre­sent: But they that shall be born afterward WHO shall admonish them? But if I have found grace before thee, send the Holy Ghost into me, and I shall write all that hath been done in the world since the beginning, WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THY LAW, that men may find thy path (straight and narrow) AND that they which will live IN THE LATTER DAYS MAY LIVE (and keep all thy commandments).

    "For all the unfaithful shall die IN their unfaithfulness. Be­hold, saith the Lord, I will bring plagues upon the world; the sword, famine, death, and destruction. For wickedness hath ex­ceedingly polluted the whole earth.

    "Behold MY people is led as a flock to the slaughter. Woe unto the world and them that dwell herein. For the sword and their destruction draweth nigh.

    "Woe to them that sin, and keep not my commandments! saith the Lord. For now are the plagues come upon the whole Earth and ye shall remain in them: for God shall NOT deliver you, because you have sinned against HIM. Thy children shall die of hunger, and thou shalt fall through the sword, cities shall be broken down, and all thine shall perish with the sword in the field. A fire is sent among you, and who may quench it? Plagues are sent unto you, and what is he that may drive them away? The mighty Lord sendeth the plagues, and who is he that can drive them away? A fire shall go forth from his wrath, and who is he that may quench it? Like as an arrow which is shot of a mighty archer (missiles come like arrows) returned not backward: even so the plagues that shall be sent upon earth shall not return again. Woe is me! Woe is me!"

    If you don't want to hear me, OK. I understand. Most peo­ple don't want to hear from God either. That is why he doesn't talk very loud, but in the "still small voice". I'm loud. Every­body can hear and see me. That is why he sends so few of us to the world. Most people really don't want to hear a prophet FROM GOD. They want to continue with their own ideas and goals and not do what God or his prophet says.

    In the near future I'm going to give you a great example of men versus God. You'll enjoy it. It's true.

    Would you rather I did not tell you of my visions and warn you how to prepare and save those you love? I could be a phony, pretend, false prophet and say nothing!


    * * *
    What I REALLY want you to heed is the "reasoning" behind this message just presented. YOU do not KNOW! You see wild men go forth breaking the laws of the land and God and proclaiming to be "prophets". Therein lies your guidelines. Check to see the priorities of these men who 'CLAM! When you have ones who go forth, gain nothing, live within the LAW OF GOD, and continue in the face of ridicule and harassment--YOU HAD BETTER TAKE A SECOND LOOK AND LIS­TEN, MY FRIENDS. It is not fun nor easy to do what many do every day of their lives--not even recognizing their gift of prophecy in the warnings and offerings of truth.

    There is no claim to fame--no honor for the service except the usual kick in the shins and spit in the face. They SERVE GOD to the best of their abilities and ACCEPT that which comes in response.


    Salu, Au da pa da cum (May you pass through the portals into understanding). By the way, those are "portals" of LIGHT!

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