PJ 73

THU., JULY 22, 1993 12:56 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 340

THU., JULY 22, 1993

My, my, you call out for signs and miracles. In disbelief you petition for one more "show"--one more "viewing" from flick­ering star-craft lights to loss of a headache. Well I think the following will indicate a SIGN to some ones of high level trea­son. There are several (at least nine [9]) people who should be very, very interested and concerned about the following infor­mation which drifted into our hands this morning. As I under­stand the message--by the time this reaches the printer--there will be only 7 left to worry!

What is this? Well, it is a note received regarding the demise of one Vincent Foster. That nice lawyer friend of the Billaries in Washington--you know, those who "lead" your nation by the ring through the nose and the harness in the hands of Reno and other ones who murder at random! I think I would be most dis­tressed and concerned as the profferers of torment, torture and bedlam murder--note that THERE IS ANOTHER SIDE. Who are they, this other side? I certainly would not want to be the one to give that information so we take what is sent, share it and hope the correct receivers get the right messages. We are in the business of journalism and printing what is brought to us or sent in truth--not in sorting out "who-dun-its".

Since there will be an obvious question as you read as to "why" "two" shots, in case it misses your sleuthing--I would guess it is to send a loud clear message about "suicide". A suicide victim does not get "two" shots when the first one kills him dead! I doubt, however, that YOU THE PEOPLE will ever hear about the second shot in this "suicide".


Re: Vincent Foster

At 4:52, July 20, 1993--at the first exit to Fort Darcy, VA, a grey Ford Econoline van stopped a 1992 Chrysler Sedan. The driver and lone passenger of the Sedan was removed from his vehicle at gunpoint. There was no fuss, as the driver assumed his plight to be a "carjacking" and possibly armed robbery.

The occupant of the Chrysler, Mr. Vincent Foster, deputy Legal Counsel and close friend to B. Clinton [H: I believe this person was a former partner in Hillary's prior law firm, as well.] was taken to the rear of the car parking area. Three men, all wearing "Federal Black", told Mr. Foster to kneel on the ground--facing a park bench. At this point, Mr. Foster's head was pushed forward, a gun pushed against the base of the skull, and within seconds TWO .38 cal. rounds were fired into the skull. Foster's head was thrown forward as he died.

The men then placed the body upon the bench in a half sitting-half reclining position. The upper torso was bent to the right-re­flecting an angle of 15% [H: (perhaps "degrees")? I never like to correct or change anything not quite understood because the meaning may be exact but not to my scribe.]. The Fairfax P.D. was called with the location of the body. The men of the van left the area and returned to D.C. proper where they boarded planes for diverse destinations.

The strike was coordinated and executed by TASK FORCE 151!! It was carried out in retribution for the Wilcher, Parsons, "Piggy" [H: This one may really be a long way off proper iden­tification due to overstrikes on the message.] AND SESSIONS affair. At this time, a force of 32 men, holding a target list with 9 more names is preparing to assemble in a major East Coast City. (By the time you print this, at least two more sanctions will have been carried out.) END.

There is no return identification on this document except 07-22­-1993, 11:06. BURN THE MESSAGE, DHARMA.

We have another short "sharing" from R. Hookanson which originated with Xavier da Costa. Thank you.

We received it on or about the 19th day of July, 1993. We do not have evidence of when it was written but this will be suffi­cient for some kind of "dating" purposes.

We live in a rationalist age. We want material proof of ev­erything. Belief in miracles is relegated to superstition. Yet miracles have happened and there are plenty of eye-witness re­ports of them.

In the New Testament, there is a report of Christ curing the ten lepers almost instantaneously. And it is reported "the blind see, the lame walk." Miracles are happening, caused by the in­tervention of God, nature's laws are over-ridden, suspended and (seemingly) impossible results occur. After Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, Thomas, one of the Apostles, denied the Res­urrection. One day, when the Apostles were assembled in a locked room, Christ suddenly appeared in their midst. How did HE get there? He confronted Thomas and had Thomas put his finger in his wounds. Quote from the Gospel, "Now you see and believe, but blessed are those who do not see, yet believe."

Then there is the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. The crowd who listened to Christ numbered 5,000 men (not counting the women and children present). After listening a long time, they were hungry, but there was no food. Then a boy was found who had 5 barley loaves and 3 fishes. Quote from the Bible: "These 5 barley loaves and 3 fishes fed more than 5000 people and then 12 baskets of left-overs were gathered." That certainly was a miracle. There is no rational material explana­tion. It was an Act of God, superseding natural law--a miracle. Note: The people wanted to make Christ their "King". That has been a lesson for politicians ever since: Give the people a hand­out and they will vote for you.

Now about the Holocaust--the killing of 6 million Jews by the minions of Hitler. (Obviously Hitler himself could not do that and there is no record in the tons and tons of German official papers of any such order from Hitler. Certainly he, himself, could simply not kill 6 million anything.) I do believe that 6 million were killed. Why? By order of the Canadian Parlia­ment! As you know, the Canadian parliament has decreed that anyone WHO DOES NOT BELIEVE THE HOLOCAUST STORY, IS GUILTY OF AN OFFENSE--A VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE.

Now, from a rational, materialistic viewpoint, the Holocaust story is nonsense. It never could have happened as told. It is well-known that there were never more than 3 1/2 million Jews under the control of the German armies at any time, even at the height of the Nazi Empire. There was an estimated 6 million Jews (possibly) in ALL OF EUROPE: England, Spain, Portu­gal, Sweden, Russia, etc. (Russia has nearly 3 million Jews.)

Therefore, logically with no more than 3 1/2 million Jews under German control, how could the Nazis KILL 6 MILLION OF THEM AND STILL HAVE 4 MILLION SURVIVORS? [H: Indeed, this IS the story as presented and it does not of­fer any explanation for the hundreds of thousands of those who died who were NOT Jews!] Anyone with common sense and can add--and a materialistic outlook--would deny the Holo­caust story as presented.

Simply, because it was a MIRACLE, an act of God. If God can take 5 barley loaves and 3 fishes and feed 5000 people and have 12 baskets full of left-overs, he could also take 3 1/2 mil­lion Jews, kill 6 million of them and have 4 million survivors. NO, it does not make good sense in arithmetic but as a MIRA­CLE it could happen. And WHY do I believe this miracle? Be­cause the Canadian Parliament messenger said so and made it a lawful "Act"!

The Canadian Parliament has decreed that anyone who DE­NIES the Holocaust can be put in JAIL. Now, if the Holocaust never happened and the story was a lie, why should the denier be put in jail for telling the truth (that it never happened)? So, the Holocaust surely MUST have happened. I realize that I know but little in comparison to all the knowledge in the world. I admit I am ignorant. I realize, that the Canadian parliament knows more than I do (though that may not say much for the Canadian Parliament).

* * *
I concur with this person's appraisal of the situation. Why? Because the SAME LAW has been brought forth in New Zealand, Australia, England, Germany, etc., etc. ,....now even trying to make it a final legislative law right in the U.S.A.!

This rationale reminds me of a "legislative" story and "let's make laws": In New York State some years ago the learned legislative body was faced with an interesting proposal to "ease" education and "calculations". It was literally suggested that "pi" (16th letter in the Greek alphabet) be "simply ROUNDED-OFF to remove fractions". Pi, of course, is that which is used as a symbol to designate the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The ratio itself (3.14159...). Now just what, you engineers and mathematicians as well as scientists of all ilk, do you think that would do to EVERYTHING on the globe before, during and after such idiocy? Ah indeed, politics are almost as interesting as those politicians who practice the art of politics.

Next, for another confirmation update on our current subject of Ron Brown-POW/MIAs.

This comes via "Friends Faxing Friends", yesterday. It only ar­rived to my attention this morning. The message is to the Talk Show Hosts of America and is from: POW/MIA PRAYER PLEDGE CAMPAIGN, 4207 Mystic Sunrise, San Antonio, TX. 78244, FAX/VOICE (210) 661-8062.

July 21, 1993

To the Talk Show Hosts of America:

In a piece in the July 5 SPOTLIGHT, a national weekly newspa­per out of Washington, DC, investigative journalist MIKE BLAIR exposed the fact that COMMERCE SECRETARY RON BROWN has been the target of the lengthy FBI investigation into possible illegal activities in business dealings he is said to have had with a representative of the Socialist Republic of Viet­nam. Although many of the main stream media have "nosed around" since publication of this story, none have been coura­geous or patriotic enough to present it to the citizens of the United States.

Blair meticulously investigated and researched the allegations against Brown. He spent several hours interviewing the Viet­namese-American businessman, LY TRANH BINH, who broke the story. Binh provided the SPOTLIGHT with a detailed sworn affidavit which attests to the facts of the case. Blair also inter­viewed individuals who corroborated Binh's account.

Binh presented his story to 35 high ranking senators and con­gressmen and only one wrote back to him. His life has been threatened and he feels compelled to reveal the case to the American people, not only because he believes their knowledge will help keep him alive, but because he wants to be a good American citizen.

DATELINE NBC, 20/20, and CNN are just three of the dozen or so news sources that have investigated this story and are sit­ting on it. What POWER is preventing them from making it public?

Former FBI DIRECTOR WILLIAM SESSIONS was said to be personally in charge of the investigation of Secretary Brown. He said yesterday that politics caused his firing as head of the FBI. Is this what he is referring to?

If Brown did what Mike Blair's piece alleges he did, the secre­tary is in violation of several laws. He worked as an unregis­tered lobbyist for a country we have a total economic embargo against and no diplomatic relations with. He was paid $700,000 by Vietnam, a blatant violation of Foreign Assets Control Reg­ulations. And, if the allegations are true, he is guilty of several malfeasances of office.

The main stream media won't reveal this shocking story to the American people. Are you brave enough to? [H: Sure AM! By the way, readers, surely you don't think that it was "just" firing Sessions which is in point in the lead story, do you? The act is in total intent to murder Mr. Sessions in front of the cameras and everyone watching--I said it was a most irrational thing to do and I believe it is proving itself to have been quite unwise!]

If the story Mike Blair wrote in the July 5 SPOTLIGHT is true, it makes Representative Dan Rostenkowski's House Post Office Scandal seem like getting caught in his Mom's cookie jar. This is a major news story that has been effectively squelched by the Clinton Administration.

I have sent faxes to Attorney General Reno, Director Bill Ses­sions, Senator Phil Gramm, and all the Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee. None of these people even re­sponded to my inquiries on this matter.

There is a cover-up of monumental proportions being perpe­trated on the American people. In the past, talk show hosts have taken on the perpetrators of wrongs who work within the beltway. Won't you do it once again?

Mike Blair can be reached at (315) 376-3615. He wants to get the story out. I promise you that if you have him as a guest on your show, the listeners will not be disappointed. It may be the show of the year.

Sincerely yours,
Jeff Brailey