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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 73

    VOL. I
    In the sequence of events it becomes necessary for MAN to fit pieces and jots and tittles together-generalize and find the perfection of weaving which produces the perfect tapestry. Our only intent is to bring you resources, infor­mation, pieces and parts from which you can confirm your own finding and knowing. This means a massive variety of "subjects" and only partial readings so that you can go further and FIND TRUTH OF CIRCUMSTANCES AND PLAYERS. May your continued "search­ing" be fruitful for you at the Harvest Time.


    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    VOL. I

    ISBN 1-56935-016-7

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    August 1993

    Printed in the United States of America
    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ................................. 9
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    FRI., JULY 23, 1993................................................................................................ ............
    FISH TO FRY AND SOUP TO BOIL..................................................................................
    ARTICLE XIII................................................................................................ .......................
    TO ACCEPT THEORY.............................................................................................. ....
    KNOWS SCIENTISTS' THEORIES....................................................................................
    LA PLACE'S MISTAKES............................................................................................ ........
    EFFECTS OF MOTION ILLUSIONS..................................................................................
    WRONG BASIC CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JULY 12, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    DO YOU REALLY KNOW?...............................................................................................
    AM "I", THIS SPEAKER, REAL?.......................................................................................
    THE BIG LIE, by the Informer............................................................................................
    VOTING IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT!.....................................................................
    YOU DON'T HAVE A SOCIAL GOVERNMENT!..........................................................
    YOU ARE AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER IF YOU ARE CITIZEN....................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JULY 12, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    PRIVATE COURTS.............................................................................................. ................
    WHY WE ARE IN DEBT.....PERMANENTLY! by Nick Repac...................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    WED., JULY 14, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    HOME SCHOOLING--EMOTIONAL TRAUMA.............................................................
    LOOK FIRST AT THE NEGATIVES (PROBLEMS) .......................................................
    WHAT I PERCEIVE IN EVERY INSTANCE....................................................................
    CITY vs. SMALL TOWNS............................................................................................... ...
    ELITE INTELLIGENCE TENTACLE SPOTLIGHTED ...................................................
    BACK TO SCHOOL.............................................................................................. ...............
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JULY 16, 1993................................................................................................ ............
    COMMENTS FIRST............................................................................................... ..............
    CONTACT............................................................................................. .................................
    NASTY SOGGIES............................................................................................. ...................
    GEORGE GREEN............................................................................................... ..................
    NOW FOR LUKE PERRY............................................................................................... ....
    GREEN/COLEMAN CONNECTION.................................................................................
    WHO IS BEHIND US&P?.................................................................................................. ..
    BROOKINGS INSTITUTE........................................................................................... ........
    ALEXANDER HAIG................................................................................................ ............
    RITUALS--ANOTHER REPORT........................................................................................
    SHOCKED?............................................................................................ ...............................
    JOHN COLEMAN FROM "300"........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JULY 16, 1993................................................................................................ ............
    PROMISES, PROMISES, PROMISES................................................................................
    LETTER #67 RULE IN WASHINGTON BY TWO FACTIONS.....................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JULY 16, 1993................................................................................................ ............
    PROPHET POINTS TO PONDER.......................................................................................
    FALSE PROPHETS GALORE,............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., JULY 17, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    THINGS TO SCARE YOU TO DEATH,............................................................................
    HOMESTEAD A.F.B., FLORIDA.......................................................................................
    DAVID GERGEN, PRESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR.........................................................

    Public Law 94-564................................................................................................. ........
    FOLLOW-UP ON GARY HUNT/ATF QUESTIONING .................................................
    & HUNGER IN AMERICA............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JULY 19, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    PAYOFFS AND OTHER DREGS OF HUMANITY.........................................................
    BROWN'S AGENDA.............................................................................................. .............
    BROWN'S FEE................................................................................................. .....................
    POWERFUL POST................................................................................................ ...............
    WRITTEN CONFIRMATION........................................................................................ .....
    PRESS CENSORS?............................................................................................ ...................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    TUE., JULY 20, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    EENY-MEENY-MINEY-MO CHOICES...........................................................................
    SCUTTLED SHUTTLES AND ATLAS ROCKETS..........................................................
    INSTITUTE FOR POLICY STUDIES...........................................................................
    BACK TO BROWN: PRESS CONTINUES BROWN COVER-UP.................................
    CLINTON MET DEADLINE............................................................................................ ...
    ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN...........................................................................................
    PROBLEM SOLVER.............................................................................................. ..............
    PLANS FOR INVESTMENT BILLIONS............................................................................
    'LOGICAL' PLAN................................................................................................ .................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., JULY 20, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    SMALL WORLD OF INTERESTING TID-BITS..............................................................
    AN OVERVIEW AND SOME CASE HISTORIES............................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., JULY 20, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    DEADLY ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK ON U.S......................................................
    MOSCOW EMBASSY CONTINUES.................................................................................
    RUSSIAN WOODPECKER DEVASTATION...................................................................
    NEW AREAS OF U.S.A. HIT BY WOODPECKER ZAPPING.......................................
    YELTSIN GOVERNMENT MAINTAINS SOVIET ELF IN CUBA................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., JULY 21, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    RESOURCE REVIEW.............................................................................................. ............
    COPYRIGHT LAWS................................................................................................ ............
    TWILIGHT OF THE REPUBLIC?................................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., JULY 21, 1993................................................................................................ .........
    BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMS..........................................................................
    WHO IS IN CHARGE?............................................................................................. ............
    WHAT OF KGB NAME-CHANGE?..................................................................................
    SABOTAGED........................................................................................... ............................
    BIOLOGICAL WARFARE PROGRAMS CONTINUE ...................................................
    AT LEAST THE RUSSIANS ARE NOT IN BOSNIA ......................................................
    SO WHAT NOW?................................................................................................ .................
    RUSSIA'S SECRET RULERS..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., JULY 22, 1993................................................................................................ ..........
    FROM THE HEART--IN SONG.........................................................................................
    GOODNESS IN THE SHADOW (Marisa, May, 1993)....................................................
    A STORY THAT EVER REPEATS (Marisa, May, 1993)...............................................
    BACKGROUND FOR THE CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY........................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., JULY 22, 1993................................................................................................ ..........
    NO MIRACLES--JUST FACT! ..........................................................................................
    "PROOF" AND "MIRACLES"............................................................................................
    MODERN MIRACLES--THE HOLOCAUST....................................................................
    BUT I BELIEVE IT! WHY? HOW?....................................................................................
    POW/MIA PRAYER PLEDGE CAMPAIGN.....................................................................
    I wish to acknowledge the unresting persistence of one Kenneth Vardon who has struggled and yet maintained a great service for the rest of you in gathering instant and necessary information. There are others but today I wish to honor this one singularly for his service. He doesn't fret or stew over E.T.s or "what ifs"--if there is news and possibility of assistance--HE ACTS!

    None of you should concern yourselves with "UFOs" and "little E.T.s"--WE ARE GOD'S RIGHT ARM!--THE HOSTS SENT FORTH, COME FORTH, AND READY TO SERVE. Wayshowers is our name and guidance is our game. We shall WIN--but it is going to take an awful lot of Relative Connections to get it done. Thank you, Ken, and the ones who share un­stinting with this news networking.

    PJ 73

    FRI., JULY 23 1993 11:58 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 341

    FRI., JULY 23, 1993
    Just as there are multiple kinds of fish to fry and so too do many things go into soup which must then be boiled--we find our­selves with a cauldron overflowing with soup and so many fish frying at once that we shall have to consider calling this book Stir Fried Stew. However, in keeping with a bit more profes­sional approach and to allow for sequenced "volumes" we shall call it RELATIVE CONNECTIONS.

    We will be touching on so many varied topics that I cannot here comment on them all--we are going to run from "past" offerings to your missing 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the (u)nited states in America.

    IF you can PROVE that there was a "different" 13th Amend­ment to your Constitution AND cause the deceivers to confront it--you can clean your legislative houses and your Judicial Benches of the lawyers who have brought your nation to down­fall.

    Will you do it? Well, since the legislative bodies and the lawyer-filled "benches" of all courts and throughout your gov­ernment are FILLED with barristers--it seems a rather magnifi­cent task--but, yes, do-able!

    I place this in the INTRODUCTION because I sort of left off with reference to it yesterday and it is MOST important as you cause ones to look, again, at what WAS AND WAS BURIED.

    The Thirteenth Amendment was simply REMOVED from the Constitution after ratification. We have written on this at length before and someone is searching for that information. If found in time, I ask that it be added to THIS Journal for continuity.

    I have a follow-up from Illinois and accompanying proof from Kansas right in my scribe's hands at present. It IS a way in which you could regain control of your Judicial AND Leg­islative system--IF YOU ACT QUICKLY BEFORE THE CONSTITUTION IS BANNED.

    Let us just offer a message to Ken Vardon of APFN from Jason Hall, Citizen of the Republic of Illinois:

    Kenneth L. Vardon,

    Regarding your release of July 20th "Pirates of State Court System" I have come across another 13th Amendment of our Constitution of the United States of America. This amendment was passed at the Second session of the eleventh Congress and ratified in sixteen States. This Amendment had been suppressed and following the civil war was replaced by the 13th Amend­ment we know today.

    It is my understanding that this other thirteenth Amendment has been authenticated by the Supreme Court and will soon be brought out publicly. [H: Don't be foolish in your blind hopes--remember, all the Supreme Court Judges ARE LAWYERS:]

    If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the con­sent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.

    Therefore, anyone who accepts this title of nobility (membership in the "Bar") from a foreign power (The Bar As­sociation) will lose citizenship. That would include all members of the Senate, all but 23 members of the House of Representa­tives, the President, and most Judges.

    I understand the military and constitutional Judges and the True members of Congress are working right now to bring this Nation back under the Constitution. I pray this is all true.

    Constitutionally yours,

    Jason Hall
    Citizen of the Republic of Illinois

    Attached: Copy of the 13th Amendment from the laws of the State of Kansas 1855.

    * * *
    GOOD LUCK! I shall not ask Dharma to go though the tedium of offering the Kansas document here--suffice it to know that it exists.

    Now we are going to turn to a subject which is tedious at best to handle in this paper. All of you readers are aware of the con­frontation of myself and the University of Science and Philos­ophy. I don't want to discuss that subject too much here for it is so sensitive and continues to give threat of contempt charges and imprisonment by a Federal Court Judge for my scribe through complaints of US&P--who must have avid readers of these papers--oh, if only we had such attentive masses of readers.

    I simply want to share something with you-the-people about one Dr. Walter Russell, whom I respect and honor in highest esteem.

    As we have written on Dr. Russell we are so pleased to find that researchers have fruitfully gone forth and gathered a harvest of information--some is right out of newspapers. The one I wish to share, because of its contents, IS FROM WALTER RUSSELL HIMSELF in the New York Times, August 12, 1930:


    To the Editor of the New York Times:

    Since publication in THE TIMES of my statement that modern science is without a foundation and needs a major surgical oper­ation to put it in line for a logical cosmogenetic synthesis, I have been bombarded by telephone and by letters questioning this statement and others made in my book "The Russell Genero-Ra­diative Concept," recently published.

    May I tell those people who think I have a superficial, meta­physical concept which I am trying to inject into practical sci­ence for its reformation that I am as thoroughly prepared to carry out my program with dynamic answers, not metaphysical ones, as Copernicus was when he upset an equally obstinate world of thoroughly satisfied Ptolemyites! Also I am as thor­oughly aware of the difficulties of uprooting established ideas as he was.

    I am also thoroughly conversant not only with every experi­ment that has given science its present unstable state, but also with the wrongful deductions which have resulted from those experiments.

    I am as familiar with the experiments and observations of Newton and Kepler as I am of those of Faraday, Cavendish, Rutherford, Bohr or Millikan, and I also am as familiar with the things which these great men did not see in their own experi­ments as those which they did see, and even then misinterpreted.

    An observation of an effect of Nature is equal to an experiment and a proper deduction from either is [H: Two lines missing from press clipping.] ...then become inventors and work out wonders which Nature never thought of. I can cite hundreds of such inventions born of supposedly observed facts of experiment.

    Mathematics are useless if the premises they start with are wrong. La Place, the greatest mathematician of his day, "proved" many things which have since been disproved . He even went so far as to prove that the outer edges of his rings moved faster than their inner surfaces, and his contemporaries accepted that impossibility as Niels Bohr's "jumping electron" was accepted by his contemporaries.

    Nature hasn't one separate series of laws for big mass and another series for small mass. She has one law for both, but science unhesitatingly invents a series of laws for little mass that outdoes the reliance of the Arthurian sages upon a credulous public.

    The moons of Jupiter and the planets of the sun pursue their courses around their primaries in an orderly periodic fashion, in strict obedience to the two forces which command and control them from two foci.

    It would be the most astounding claim imaginable to state that this earth could suddenly jump to the orbit of Mars without con­suming one-millionth of a second of time, yet that invention is the utterly fantastic and completely unfounded belief of modern science regarding the planets of the atom.

    I could write volumes based upon modern electrical experi­mental data to prove that such a happening is not in Nature's scheme.

    Science attributes this deduction to [H: Another two lines missing from the clipping--copy machine cut off the bottom.] ....ments as those which they did see, and even then misinter­preted.

    An observation of an effect of Nature is equal to an experi­ment and a proper deduction from either is more important than either.

    Newton, for example, would have solved the other half of the gravitational problem if he had found out how that apple and the tree upon which it grew got up in the air before the ap­ple fell.

    I challenge the world of science to correctly and completely answer that question. Let your readers qualify for the right to subject me to their criticism as an impractical visionary by first giving a dynamic answer to this by no means simple question.

    Therefore I say to all my critics who wonder why I do not go into the laboratory and "perform experiments" that I do perform experiments in physical laboratories and make profound obser­vations in Nature's vast laboratory that have fitted me to make new and logical deductions from old experiments which have no inconsistencies and no exceptions.

    To illustrate: Suppose a man experimented with the moon running behind the trees as he ran, then set down his conclu­sions from the "facts", as he saw them, such as the correspon­dence of acceleration and deceleration to his speed, we could easily point out the error of such a deduction because we are familiar with the illusions of perspective.

    Science has never considered the fact that in this universe of motion all effects of motion are illusions. Illusions are not lim­ited to perspective but to every electrical, chemical and as­tronomical relation.

    Nature is the supreme deceiver, the champion "poker bluffer", who, with a simple hand, makes you think she has much.

    Nature is simple. She has but one force (which she divides into many), and seven patterns (which she complexes by re­peating them in such marvelous systems of wave periodicities that it needs imagination, rather than eyesight, to coordinate them). [H: Again, a couple of lines missing from the clip­ping.] ....modern electrical experimental data to prove that such a happening is not in Nature's scheme.

    Science attributes this deduction to a "brilliant young Dane, Niels Bohrs", who working under Rutherford, proved it by ex­periment, backed by Rydburg's constant, Coulomb's law, math­ematics and the evidence of the spectroscope.

    Of what use is Bohr's mathematical equation regarding the hydrogen spectrum, for example, if the four admittedly assumed premises upon which it is based are not in accord with Na­ture's plan of motion?

    Of what value also is the spectroscopic evidence if the pre­sumption that band-spectra are caused by molecules and line spectra by atoms is found to be a wrong one? In respect to this I am prepared to offer consistent reasons why band and line spec­tra have another and more logical cause.

    I can cite wrong premise after wrong premise which has caused science to form wrong basic conclusions, such as that there are separate negative and positive charges instead of dou­bly charged masses, also that positive and negative "charges" attract each other when the evidence in its favor is the simplest of Nature's illusions and there is an overwhelming amount of evidence against such a law. Take only one for example: How does science explain the fact that in all decomposing compounds like charges seek like charges and repel all others? If this law were true the universe which we know could not hold itself to­gether, for all similar substances and atoms of substances would be explosive, and a pound of any one substance would be im­possible.

    New York, Aug. 12, 1930
    * * *
    Now I ask you readers: Does this above seem like a man who would hide his work from the public and not allow others to uti­lize his "truth"? He quarreled constantly with the scientific ap­proach as recognized--he knew Tesla and all the better thinkers of the day--would he actually object to a little grandmother using his offerings to tell you-the-people that you are on THE WRONG TRACK SCIENTIFICALLY? Further, while you are sleeping and the truth is hidden by whatever cause--the ENEMY HAS TAKEN THE INFORMATION AND, FROM IT, BROUGHT GREAT WEAPONS THAT CAN DESTROY YOU.

    Does it not seem clear now that you have some history of US&P and its connections with the Brookings Institute and the Com­mittee of 300 Elitists? You do not know what lies were told to "them" by Coleman and Green, et al. But do you not think it time the lawyer circle without end be put aside, contact made in a valuable way for ALL YOU PEOPLE so that we can get on with some valid WORK. I think Timothy Binder is a blessed and chosen man for this work--BUT NOT WHERE HE IS OR THE WAY THIS IS BEING GONE-ABOUT! WE HAVE NO REAL DIFFERENCES, ONLY LEGAL GARBAGE WHICH CAUSES THE CHASM TO CONSTANTLY BE BROAD­ENED. If, further, George Green misrepresented and did his work poorly in our behalf at writing of these documents--is this OUR PROBLEM? How is it that he now represents "them" even in the lawsuit against himself--while causing all charges, etc., to be lumped off on the innocent heads of Ekkers? Is there not something terribly wrong with this? Does it not, also, KEEP THE INFORMATION BURIED??(??) I can further GUARANTEE that Dr. Binder CANNOT answer the questions put to ME about Dr. Russell's work, intent, or even diagrams!

    Can Dharma? Good grief NO! She is simply weary unto sickness of the whole thing for she had never HEARD of one Walter Russell. But I would promise you that she alone can now know more than one Dr. Timothy Binder for she often has the re­markable advantage of Dr. Russell's "presence".

    Since the inquiries continue to pour in about this previously al­most unknown entity--I think I shall just ask that we type up the clipping copies that were sent to us regarding Dr. Russell. Some will not be gracious because of the remarkable circum­stance of Lao's entering into Walter's life as she did, from an Elite background in connections in England and the breaking up of a 55 year marriage for Russells. It was quite a scandal at least, unfortunate at best. Dharma simply wishes she had NEVER HEARD OF HIM and would like NEVER TO HEAR OF HIM AGAIN!

    This wish fulfillment is highly UNLIKELY, scribe--highly un­likely!

    We shall continue to bring you bits and pieces of many things simultaneously and perhaps you can sort the pieces and put them together from the upcoming series of JOURNALS. We simply CANNOT take time to handle only one subject at a time--for you are "out of time".

    Blessing be upon you ones who will open your eyes and ears and find truth.
    I AM Hatonn, Journalist
    July 23, 1993
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:13.

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