PJ 75
MON., JULY 26, 1993 10:15 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 344
MON., JULY 26, 1993
You may find it coincidental that I wrote yesterday on "Cosmos" and company and their latest activity. We have had several calls now, asking if we have been merged in with or taken over by the "Cosmos group"? Heaven forbid! NO, NO AND NO! "IF" there is some way to assist that which is the legitimate "Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Co." we would be happy to run information--THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY CONNECTIONS WITH THAT WHICH TOOK THE NAME, TOOK ALL POSSIBLE SELLING ATTENTION TO USE--AND SET UP OPERATION. YOU ARE WELCOME TO DO ANYTHING YOU LIKE WITH THEM--BUT NO, I DO NOT ADVISE IT. WE ARE NOT, NONE OF US, IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER CONNECTED WITH THAT GROUP. If valid information comes in, say, on Treasurygate, etc.--we shall be happy to PRINT it as information in good journalistic press.

OK, you always want your "two minute warning" having usually put off action until too late--LOOK AT RUSSIA THIS VERY DAY!!!

What is happening, readers, is that currency exchanges and pullouts will come first where there is TOTAL control of the masses and no alternatives save do that which is "ordered".

Russia is doing EXACTLY what is planned to have happen in the U.S. and around the world--one by one. You will note that Russia is IN the throes if changing out the currency TODAY. It has been going on for a few days.

A very short period of time was given, and limits set, for the turn-in of ALL old currency. The PANIC was too much so the time was extended and the turn-over amount raised IN SOME INSTANCES. The time limit, however, was extended for only a FEW DAYS! ALL old currency (from year before last) is being phased out (all other was phased out at that time). ONLY dated (current) notes will be issued in exchange and if exchange amounts do not suit the "big boys" then the difference will be confiscated. No arguments, no exceptions (except for the Elite) and no fringes. IF YOU CAN'T SEE WHAT IS COMING AND IS LONG PAST DUE, then I cannot help you.

You will notice a couple of things--"corporations" have entirely DIFFERENT rules as they rarely handle "actual currency" anyway--and IT IS A WAY OF PROTECTING THOSE THAT ALREADY "HAVE". Next, with this can come the final and total dissolution of money. Note that funds will be adjusted so that anyone "lucky" enough to have "credit" will be allowed enough extra funds (into special accounts) TO PAY OFF LENDERS--ESPECIALLY IF THEY BE BANKS! They have already stripped the people of any gold stores or valuable exchange for barter or of monetary value as in "gold". These turkeys are working hand in glove with the International Monetary Fund in bringing this "worldwide" post-haste!

Do you have a day, a week, a month,--a year? It will hit you when you are DOWN (which is already underway as a nation) and it will be abrupt.

We can still offer you secure "loan" value through the same system as the Institute--only now the Institute is SECURED so that nothing flowing in will be in any way, shape or form attached to that which is priorly inputted. Remember the guidelines for we are not in the gold investment business, the money business or any other such "plan". The money is placed in collateral GOLD and, for projects, money is borrowed against that gold. If you need interest payments, you get it--if you need some of the "loan" back for operating--you get it--but I don't see that we can offer more since the assaults by ones already named. I do not know if there is a so-called "minimum" but I believe that it may well be a thousand dollars. Of course several persons can "go together" to pool funds of lesser amounts and allow ONE person to be responsible. This is ONLY acceptable if YOU have put aside a bit for emergency living in a form that you can consider liquid value. The funds from small amounts (or regular input) can be "added up" against the final amount. Perhaps E.J. can explain whatever I have missed. I am reluctant to even ask him for participation--his service has been so bashed by our enemies--but the Institute is SOUND and it is the only way left, that I can see, wherein you get value for input and some measure of security of the remainder--being that they will not theft collateral from their own banks--probably and surely, not at first. Of all the assaults against these precious people who shoulder the responsibility of this "service"--the assault against them and the Institute has been both the most painful and by far the most fruitful.

When George Green set up this plan he must have something else in mind--FOR HE DID IT AND YET HE NOW, IN COURT, CALLS IT A PONZI SCHEME. Well, it HAS NOT been run that way; it was right away taken out of George's control except as a Board Member AND HE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH THE FUNDING. It has been hard and the Institute is still in a "hold" pattern so a mechanism of separation of input is structured and the service continues even stronger in safety than before. The assault has caused attention from the highest to the lowest "commissions" and legal groups--IT HAS PASSED MUSTER IN EVERY INSTANCE THUS FAR. MOREOVER, TO BE "RULED AGAINST" IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER--WILL REQUIRE A TOTALLY "FIXED" COURT SYSTEM. YOU DO HAVE THAT POSSIBILITY BUT IT IS DOUBTFUL IF IT WOULD COME TO THAT.

This doesn't mean the adversary won't TRY--because George Green is even pushing the "quashed" case against Mr. Martin into an appeal with the Supreme Court of Nevada--after having the lower courts deny it twice. Nuts? Well, YOU be the judge of the actions!

We have to face the fact that your renowned "Constitution attorney", David Horton, is NOT! He HAS TO KNOW about the lies and deceit and continues to press even when George does not. Luke Perry, likewise, continues his badgering and harangue in an effort to thieve his stepmother's meagre life resource. This is something you just HAVE TO FACE for it is what has become of your world. "THEY" PLAN TO HAVE IT ALL! "They" actually HAVE IT ALL--they are just allowing you to squirm and wallow in confusion until they get fully ready to pull it down completely.

Through the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund and International Banking Elite have managed to destroy the European Community currencies. It is all, again, part of the working orchestration for total control.

You can even have a "name" to put on the biggest orchestra leader of this little programmed symphony, George Soros.

But, the Federal Reserve System has been caught red-handed participating in an illegal scheme to prop up the bankrupt Anglo-American financial system by looting the economies of your allies. They have also looted what is left of the productive sector of the United States--and look now what is happening to your growing fields and destruction of your food supplies. Who will benefit from this flooding? EVERY BIG BUSINESS EXCEPT YOU! Archer, Daniel, Midland (who already sold away all your grain reserves) is the biggest winner--by the time those slick Willies take over the seed, fertilizer and crop lands and industry--you will be begging for all the crumbs they will give you. However, the crumbs will first go to their subsidiaries (most homeofficed overseas somewhere) and the land will be simply absorbed into the coffers of these grabbers--aided and abetted by your own Administration and Congress offering interest "loans" and "help" which will be the final coffin nail.

The EC currency fraud, however, can prove anew WHY the Fed, which is illegal under the Constitution, must be abolished, citizens--but right now, I see no way to pull that off unless you get really busy really fast!

George Soros is a pirate and a world renowned "financier". There has been an extraordinary collaboration between the Fed, Citicorp and Soros, along with other BIG U.S. banks, to prop up the derivatives market through currency warfare against sovereign nations.

How can one like Soros do this? Well, he runs a number of incredibly powerful investment funds, including such as the Netherlands Antilles-based Quantum Fund, which has played the leading role, publicly, in the destabilization last fall of the European Monetary System's Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM). For his efforts, Soros won the misleading title of the "The man who broke the pound (remember?)." He also just happened to have made somewhere between one and two BILLION dollars in profits for the investors in his funds, and for himself personally.

Citibank is the main subsidiary of Citicorp and is one of two custodians for the now $7-9 BILLION Quantum Fund. Citibank provides a wide range of administrative services for Quantum, including preparing the paperwork for investors and preparing the filings for various federal agencies.

Now comes the loop--they also provide massive funding to Soros and that has been admitted openly. They won't reveal the lines of credit for customers (which they shouldn't) but let me assure you--this silly "fund" is peanut butter money--the REAL HIDDEN TURNOVER is so massive through those banks as to boggle your thinking. These are just the little publicly seen transactions. Only Mr. Soros can reveal his own line of credit. But:

Citicorp has had "consistent foreign exchange revenues: in the neighborhood of $200 million to $300 million A QUARTER over the last several years and it is increasing "during the period of volatility of the EC currencies". In other words, the Elite cleaned up and are rolling in wealth while the people of the world are being devastated!

But what about the Fed? Well, readers, the Fed could have shut down Mr. Soros and the whole scheme in the blink of an eye but you look deeper and find that all the "Fed" banks are massively involved--J.P. Morgan, Bankers Trust, BankAmerica, Chemical Banking, Chase Manhattan and First Chicago.

Good luck America--Mr. Gonzalez is trying to get some attention focused on the conspiracy--but you know how that goes! This could, alone, lead to TOTAL CATASTROPHE that will eclipse the capital of your largest banks and will bring down the deposit insurance fund and totally bury it!

If you cannot see that you are IN THE DOWNFALL of everything you ever thought of as being secure and goodly in your world--then you are surely BLIND and DEAF beyond recovery.

The World Elite ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! If you think you are singularly involved and, by putting bandaids on this or that, that all will be rosy light and happy ever after--LOOK AGAIN AT THE MISSISSIPPI AND HOW HARD INDIA, NEPAL, ETC., ARE BEING HIT IN THAT SECTOR [flooding].

"They" are going to start THIS WEEK "blasting" the equivalent of a 2.5 quake at intervals along some of the California faults near Los Angeles. Are YOU CRAZY? What are they covering and what are they readying you for? Watch it if that shuttle goes up--they put the final necessary link up on that last Atlas launched. But unless something "manmade" happens that rain along the flooded part of America and over India--will continue--at least until that shuttle is up--IF THE RUSSIANS LET YOU LAUNCH IT AT ALL!

Since there has been mail stacked up asking for help and update on the Institute and possibility of using that "security" plan I think, Dharma, that you might want to get this to Ed for the paper since we won't have a paper next week. I am delinquent in responding to the urgent requests of those seeing this coming down and so it should be highlighted in the "Index" or someway given reference as many have petitioned and are WAITING--AND I NOW SEE IT HAPPENING QUICKLY AND SOONER THAN YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO HANDLE. IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE ABOUT IT--CHECK WITH SOME OTHER "VALID" WRITERS--BUT IT IS MOVING QUICKLY NOW. THANK YOU.

PJ 75
THU., JULY 29, 1993 6:13 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 347
THU., JULY 29, 1993
Our Crew is "sort-of" smiling at the way things work out. With things breaking so quickly on so many fronts, we couldn't lapse a paper--for a couple of reasons. The first being that information MUST get to you readers and secondly, the paper following would be too unwieldy to handle.

We did get Rick and Princeton off on a short respite and insist that Dr. Young take a few days to attend other badly needed things. The rest of us will get the paper out and you, as readers, will please bear with us if explanations and continuity are missing in some areas.

I feel the "gold" situation bears attention calling--it was trading at well OVER $400 today and closed out the day trading at $400. It is hard to tell just what "they" are going to do but I would be remiss if I failed to remind you that you may well not see lower prices for a long time in that commodity and many of you continue to petition me to tell you when it hits certain levels. This is the only way I have to do so. So, if YOU aren't interested in the Institute OR Gold--please just overlook it as we give you an almost day by day comment for the next little while. Every dollar gain on the market settles the Institute into better stability.

George Green is back on a "calling people" circuit--all the way to ones in Canada to tell them that there will now be four new attorneys to insure he gets his rightful gold and "receiver" the Institute. This WILL NOT HAPPEN! George Green and Gary "Ray" Anderson are in DEEP Yogurt! Green is in Bozeman, Montana at the time of phone calls on Monday. He is going to push his "luck" until the point arrives where other problemed people are going to do something--and I fear it may well be quite unpleasant. No, it isn't me--these "citizens" have far bigger and harder fish to fry than a "Guardian Angel Ghost Writer"! If there is more by the first of the week I will inform you readers. If this isn't brought to an immediate halt there are many who plan to file separate corporate and personal legal proceedings against George, Perry and Fort within the next few days. The original letters said as much and yet those letters of demand have been ignored by EVERYONE. Ones petition me to ask what do they do now as they do not hear anything back from anyone. The whole thing was being handled through the Constitutional Law Center as I understand it so I will relay the inquiries. Things will be "tied up" until the issue is settled and this is terribly inconvenient for you ones who are needing to make settlement in your own right. Just know that as gold increases so does the value of your participation. To work through the red tape and obscene judicial system is INCREDIBLE and the legal point is not "justice" or who is right--it is which attorney can sell the biggest lies--it is a standing joke within the "profession". I personally think it is despicable and the cartoon quips are getting old. The lawyers doing a good job are all but overwhelmed.

The following article will seem a bit "much" to a lot of you readers but I want to urge you to read it, technical as it may seem. You are still at such risk this very day, the 29th, that "I" can't see how it is going to go even as we write.

We are working into the night here to get this to you for you will note that references will be coming out within the week regarding "Tidal Wave" danger far beyond anything imagined along the West Coast. I could give you an overview and you would shake your head and say, "Well, there he goes again!" I think you should get it as given by the top scientists in their field from SCIENCE, Vol. 261 p.433-438, 1993 (hardly off the press and not yet even to subscribers). I asked that this document be tracked down and Dr. Oppenheimer was kind enough to personally FAX the paper to us so that we can share with you immediately. The reason I take the time to possibly "bore" a lot of readers with this information is BECAUSE quite a few scientists are waiting for it and this is the quickest method of reaching them. I think you readers have no idea WHO reads CONTACT! Since it is a technical scientific paper I wish to recognize the scientists involved, D. Oppenheimer, G. Beroza, G. Carver, L. Dengler, J. Eaton, L. Gee, F. Gonzalez, A. Jayko, W.H. Li, M. Lisowski, M. Magee, G. Marshall, M. Murray, R. McPherson, B. Romanowicz, K. Satake, R. Simpson, P. Somerville, R. Stein, D. Valentine. I have further asked Commander Soltec to "hold up" on this subject until after I sprinkle it all over your heads. It is too important to await general discussion on the subject because the "Big One" was "planned" for today, readers! The hold-off revolves around the shuttle launch or non-launch as the case may be--but you are skating on ice so thin as to already be in the water to your ears and no one seems to pay a bit of attention.

D. Oppenheimer, J. Eaton, A. Jayko, M. Lisowski, G. Marshall, M. Murray, R. Simpson, and R. Stein are with the U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA 94025. G. Beroza and M. Magee are in the Geophysics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. G. Carver, L. Dangler, and R. McPherson are in the Department of Geology, Humbolt State University, Arcata, CA 95521. L. Gee and B. Romanowicz are at the University of California, Seismographic Station, ESB 475, Berkeley, CA 94720. F. Gonzalez is with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA 98116. W. H. Li with Geological Sciences, AJ020, University of Washington, Seattle WA 96195. K. Satake is in the Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 45108. P. Somerville is with Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Pasadena, CA 91101. D. Valentine is in the Department of Geological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93108.

I ask that this paper be reprinted as near as possible to the original. You ones MUST start listening to what your own scientists are telling you. I simply feel that you ones have grown numb to the facts and that is fine--but to ignore warnings and then blame your inaction on ignorance--is not acceptable. I remind you--there will be very, very LARGE quakes along the faults across the nations--and very, very BIG ones along the West Coast areas of the Americas--please, consider ALL ramifications as you prepare and take stock.


The 25 April 1992 magnitude 7.1 Cape Mendocino thrust earthquake demonstrated that the North America-Gorda plate boundary is seismogenic and illustrated hazards that could result from much larger earthquakes forecast for the Cascadia region. The shock occurred just north of the Mendocino Triple Junction and caused strong ground motion and moderate damage in the immediate area. Rupture initiated onshore at a depth of 10.5 km and propagated up-dip and seaward. Slip on steep faults in the Gorda plate generated two magnitude 6.6 aftershocks on 28 April. The main shock did not produce surface rupture on land but caused coastal uplift and a tsunami. The emerging picture of seismicity and faulting at the triple junction suggest that the region is likely to continue experiencing significant seismicity.

[H: I want you READERS and tape "getters" to remember back--Commander Soltec told you all about the seriousness of this particular quake activity AT THE TIME.]

On 25 April 1992 at 18:06 (UTC), a surface wave magnitude (M) 7.1 earthquake occurred near the town of Petrolia, California (Fig. 1). The main shock was followed the next day by two M 6.6 aftershocks at 07:41 and 11:41, located offshore about 25 km west-northwest of Petrolia. These three earthquakes and more than 2000 recorded aftershocks illuminated the configuration of the Mendocino Triple Junction, where the Pacific, North America, and southernmost Juan de Fuca (Gorda) plates meet. The occurrence of a M 7 earthquake is not unusual at the triple junction; over 60 earthquakes of Modified Mercalli intensity +/-VI (1) or M +/-5.5 have occurred there since 1853 (2). However, this earthquake sequence may have provided the first direct evidence of interplate seismicity and thus impacts regional hazard assessment. In this article, we describe geophysical and seismological observations and discuss implications for seismic hazards in the Pacific Northwest.

Damage estimates ranged from $48 million to $66 million, and President Bush declared the region a major disaster area. Much of the damage resulted from the main shock; however, fires triggered by the first large aftershock destroyed most of the Scotia shopping district, and both large, off-shore aftershocks caused additional structural damage. The relatively low incidence of injuries and structural damage caused by this sequence is primarily the result of low population density and the predominance of small, wood-frame structures in the epicentral area. The sequence caused 356 reported injuries, destroyed 202 buildings, and caused damage to an additional 906 structures primarily in the towns of Petrolia, Ferndale, Rio Dell, Scotia, and Fortuna (Fig. 1) (3). It also triggered numerous landslides and rock falls and caused widespread liquefaction in local river valleys. Analysis of 1296 surveys in the north coast area indicate that the Modified Mercalli intensity peaked at IX in the Petrolia region and decreased in approximately a radial pattern around the epicenter (Fig. 1). Both of the two large aftershocks produced peak intensities of VIII, although the pattern was somewhat different from the main shock.

The Cape Mendocino earthquakes are a response to ongoing plate motions between the Gorda, North America, and Pacific plates at the Mendocino Triple Junction. The Gorda plate is converging on the North America plate at about 2.5 to 3 cm/year in the direction N-50°-E to N-55°-E (4). The seaward edge of Gorda plate subduction is marked by an abrupt change in sea-floor topography and by the western limit of the accretionary prism imaged in seismic reflection profiles (5). Active folds and thrust faults in Franciscan Complex and Cenozoic rocks and sediments of the overriding North America plate are parallel to the seaward edge of the Cascadia subduction zone (6).

Rigid-plate theory predicts oblique convergence of the Gorda plate with the Pacific plate at 5 cm/year in the direction N-115°- E (4). Translational motion occurs along the east-west-trending, vertical, right-lateral Mendocino transform fault, whereas the convergence results in internal deformation of the Gorda plate. The attendant Gorda plate seismicity recorded in the 17 years before the Cape Mendocino sequence (7,8) (Fig.2) has been concentrated in two parallel zones with a combined thickness of approximately 15 km. In the region of the Cape Mendocino earthquake, most seismicity has originated at depths greater than 17 km; the hypocenter zone dips about 6° eastward between 124.75° and 123.25°W, at which point the dip increases to about 25° (9). Most M > 5 earthquakes within the Gorda plate exhibit left-lateral motion on steep northeast-oriented faults (7,10) that relieve convergence between the Gorda and Pacific plates through slip on preexisting planes of weakness inherited at the Gorda Ridge (11).

The San Andreas fault marks the principal Pacific-North America plate boundary south of the Mendocino Triple Junction. Triangulation data and observations of ground cracks indicate the fault ruptured as far north as Point Delgada in 1906 (12), but its location farther north is uncertain. Some studies place it immediately offshore (13), but others suggest that it merges with onshore faults at the triple junction (5). Geometry requires that the Pacific plate is also in contact with the North America plate along the Mendocino fault above the subducting Gorda plate.

Until the Cape Mendocino earthquake, few earthquakes were recorded with focal mechanisms that indicated slip on the Cascadia subduction zone. However, comparisons of the age, spreading rates, physiography, and seismicity of the Juan de Fuca-Gorda plate system with other subducting plates suggest that it does not subduct seismically but instead is locked and capable of generating MAJOR earthquakes (14). Paleoseismic evidence of large, late-Holocene subduction earthquakes is present along the subduction zone in submerged and buried wetlands (15), raised marine terraces (16), and surface displacement on thrust faults that may be genetically related to large subduction events (17). Radiocarbon dating implicates that at least three episodes of seismicity of similar age are represented in the stratigraphy from central Washington to northern California in the last 2000 years; the last episode occurred at about 1700 A.D. (17).

Seismicity. The hypocenter of the 25 April 1992 mainshock was 4 km east of Petrolia at a depth of 10.6 km (Fig. 3). A focal mechanism determined by the invention of teleseismic mantle Rayleigh waves and aftershock locations indicates nearly pure thrust motion on a N-10°-W-striking fault plane that dips 13° to the east-northeast (18) (Table 1). The location of the hypocenter at the southeast end of the aftershock zone suggests that the fault ruptured unilaterally to the west (19). Most aftershocks < 12 km deep (Fig. 3, open circles) occurred within 10 km of the coast in a region bounded on the east by the main-shock epicenter, on the south by the Mendocino fault, and on the north by a west-northwest trend of earthquakes. The location, depth, and orientation of the rupture plane are consistent with the absence of surface faulting onshore.

The two M 6.6 after shocks were 30 km west of the main shock at depths near 20 km, and their mechanisms indicate right-lateral strike-slip motion on planes striking to the southeast (20) (Fig. 3 and Table 1). The slip plane of the first aftershock is unknown because of the paucity of aftershocks. However, the second aftershock was within a trend of smaller aftershocks at depths of 14 and 30 km on a southeast-striking plane that dips about 80° to the southwest (Fig. 3B, ee'); this orientation is consistent with the focal mechanism. The depths and mechanisms of the two large aftershocks provide evidence that rupture took place on faults in the Gorda plate, distinct from the main-shock fault.

Although no large shocks ruptured the Mendocino fault during this sequence, many aftershocks occurred on the eastward projection of the fault (Fig. 3). The aftershock activity was bounded on the south where the distribution of hypocenters is near vertical and extends to a depth of 25 km (Fig. 3B, bb'). If this marks the boundary between the Gorda and Pacific plates, then the lack of any aftershocks in the Pacific plate suggest that the main shock represented strain release between the Gorda and North America plates. The mapped location of the Mendocino fault in this region is uncertain (5), and this east-west trend of seismicity may define the position of the Mendocino fault.

Source properties. The mechanism and location of the two aftershocks were similar, but the second aftershock exhibited a strong variation of amplitude with azimuth (Fig. 4). The seismic moment of the second aftershock was approximately twice that of the first, but amplitudes of the P wave for this event were as much as 10 times as large near an azimuth of 130°. This variation is most easily attributable to enhancement of the amplitude in the direction of rupture, known as directivity (21). Directivity in P waves is surprising because it requires rupture velocities that are a large fraction of the P-wave velocity. The high amplitudes and strong high-frequency content associated with the second aftershock may explain some of the differences in the intensity patterns for the main shock and two aftershocks. Although the second aftershock had 25% of the moment of the mainshock, it has larger velocity amplitudes at stations to the southeast, such as ISA. The difference in both Modified Mercalli intensity and broad-bank velocity records between the main shock and the second aftershock was probably enhanced by rupture propagation to the west during the main shock as inferred from the location of the hypocenter at the down-dip and of the rupture plane.

The strong ground motions of the main shock and two after shocks were recorded on 14 instruments at epicentral distances of 5 to 130 km (Fig. 1), and the peak accelerations were some of the highest ever recorded (22). Recordings of the main shock at Petrolia and Cape Mendocino (Fig. 5) at epicentral distances of 5 and 10 km, respectively, have absolute time, facilitating the analysis of rupture evolution on the fault. Modeling of the large, long-period pulse that occurred 1 second after the main shock began (Fig. 5, Ep1 and Es1) with generalized ray theory indicates that this pulse originated from slip that occurred about 5 km up-dip from the hypocenter, beneath Petrolia. This result is consistent with the arrival times and polarities of the vertical P waves and horizontal S waves at both stations. In addition, the P-wave first motions were upward and northwestward at Cape Mendocino. These motions indicate that the source was southeast of the station. This source location is consistent with the west-southwest direction of rupture determined from teleseismic surface waves (19), although that study inferred that the rupture initiated offshore. A large, high-frequency pulse (Fig. 5, E2) followed the long-period pulse at Cape Mendocino and exceeded 1 g on both horizontal components. This pulse was not discernible at the neighboring Petrolia station; thus, it cannot be explained simply by source effects but may represent motions that were generated or amplified locally near the Cape Mendocino station. [H: Facts are that there is a reason that this cannot be explained by ordinary means. The thrust pulse was from the atmosphere which accounts for the "booms" heard just prior to and during the quakes themselves. This is why we are bothering to write all this--for the disbelievers, chelas, who continue to say we simply tell you things which do not make sense and spread fear and panic. Well, I don't see anyone in a panic enough to change very much of anything even in the daily routine when you have one of the most important scientific documents as a guideline--right here. Every fault is being "pulsed" intentionally and some of the areas such as THIS are so dangerous as to make even the angels faint of heart. You have like manipulations going on at the areas of concordance of the Whittier Narrows fault and the Tehachapi side of the Garlock fault. The government covers the actions by giving you super-sonic SR-71s to watch. Well, readers, that "Tehachapi" bubble is holding and I want a few of you to "breathe" again, please.

The worst thing going on at present is this same "pulsing" going on along the New Madrid fault which can wipe-out the entire mid-section of your nation along that mighty Mississippi River! It is very definitely "breath-holding" time, readers. THIS paper is for you self-claimed "scientific minds" who totally denied this information when Soltec and I gave it to you at the time of those quakes in point. You are ALL on borrowed time because you CANNOT have such massive assault against the North American Plate without it slipping somewhere and it will be at a weak-score point and you end up with a "longer" Grand Canyon--like from Sea to Shining Sea!]

Coseismic displacement. The elastic strain released by the main shock caused significant horizontal and vertical deformation in the epicentral region. The main shock elevated about 25 km of the coast from 3 km south of Punta Gorda to Cape Mendocino (Fig. 6). Many intertidal organisms inhabiting rocky reefs perished in the 3 weeks after the mainshock. Maximum uplift was 140 plus-minus 20 cm (4'8") at Mussel Rock and 40 to 50 cm (1'6") at the northernmost reef at Cape Mendocino (23). The lack of rocky intertidal environments farther north precluded the precise location of the northern limit of the uplift, but several near-shore rocks located about 7 km north of Cape Mendocino showed no evidence of uplift.

Coseismic horizontal and vertical site displacements in a regional geodetic network (Fig. 6) were determined from Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys in 1989, 1991, and one month after the main shock. The relative positions of most sites near the epicenter were measured shortly after the 17 August 1991 Honeydew earthquake [body wave magnitude (Mb) 6.0], which occurred 6 km south of the Cape Mendocino epicenter. The coseismic displacements were determined by comparison of the 1989 to 1992 observations, except in the vicinity of the Honeydew event when the 1991 survey was referenced. All displacements were corrected for secular-strain accumulation estimated from Geodolite trilateration measurements made between 1981 and 1989. A site 13 km northeast of the epicenter had the largest measured coseismic displacement, moving 40 plus-minus 2 cm (1'4") to the west-southwest and subsiding 16 plus-minus 1 cm (6").

Our preferred uniform-slip fault mode (24), estimated from the coseismic site displacements and coastal uplift observations, indicates 2.7 m (9') of nearly pure thrust motion occurred on a gently dipping fault plane. This model, chosen from a suite of acceptable models (24), is consistent with the main-shock focal mechanism, the hypocenter location, and the distribution of aftershocks (Fig. 6 and Table 2). The range of geodetic moment inferred from the acceptable models is 2.5 x 1026 to 3.5 x 102 dyn-cm, about 60% of the main-shock seismic moment (Table 1). The model predicts a maximum uplift along the coast that is consistent with but somewhat less than the observed uplift. More complex models that use nonuniform slip to describe the rupture may improve these estimates of uplift and geodetic moment.

[H: It is necessary that all of this data be included--this is a scientific paper and in the scientific community would not be acceptable otherwise--so, readers, bear with. I honor these people for their work and they have studied this carefully--these numbers MEAN something. Now the next is that to which I ask you to closely attend. When you begin to recognize the dangers of Tsunami action you are getting to a very, very important point. This is going to UNDERSTATE THE ACTUAL HAPPENINGS WHEN YOU GET "THE BIG ONE" BUT YOU WILL NOTE THAT FROM NOW ON THE GEOLOGISTS IN CALIFORNIA WILL BE INTEGRATING THIS EQUATION WITH OTHER EARTHQUAKE ASSESSMENTS.]

Tsunami. The main shock generated a small tsunami recorded by gauges of sea level along the California, southern Oregon, and Hawaii coastlines (Fig. 7). The largest tsunami amplitudes were recorded at Crescent City, California, where two well defined packets of wave energy were recorded within the first 5 hours with maximum positive heights of 35 and 53 cm. Neither the precise arrival time nor the polarity of the first wave are clear because of the presence of background noise. However, the first packet of wave energy is consistent with the predicted travel time of 47 min for a wave ray path that traversed deep water. The second wave packet probably represents coastal trapped waves, or edge waves, having much slower velocities and amplitudes that rapidly decrease with distance offshore. Because the tsunami arrival nearly coincided with low tide at Crescent City, the wave did not cause any damage. The tsunami at Crescent City had an 8-hour duration; wave heights reached a maximum 3 to 4 hours after the first arrival. Tide gauges also recorded the initial arrival and subsequent edge waves at North Spit (Eureka, California) (20 min and 2.5 hours), Arena Cove (35 min and 3.5 hours), and Point Reyes (63 min and 3 hours).


Interplate main shock. The main-shock fault projects to the sea floor within 5 km of the seaward edge of the Cascadia subduction zone (25) (Fig. 3), suggesting that the main shock ruptured the Gorda-North America plate boundary. In contrast, the upper boundary of the pre-main-shock seismicity, which is 7 km deeper than the main-shock rupture plane (figs. 2 and 3), projects to the surface about 85 km west of the Cascadia subduction zone and thus does not appear to define the plate boundary. The seismicity gap between the slip plane of the main shock and the pre-main-shock seismicity is about the same thickness as the Gorda crust and overlying accretionary sediments, as determined from refraction experiments 10 km east of the seaward edge of the subduction zone (26). The gap may reflect a ductile subducted Gorda crust, and the inception of seismicity at a depth of 17 km may reflect brittle behavior of the Gorda upper mantle (27). [H: "Brittle" behavior is not good, readers; it indicates a shattering effect is possible which not only increases liquefaction but breaks much like an eggshell.] Tabor and Smith (28) reached a similar conclusion from their observations of seismicity and velocity structure of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath the Olympic peninsula of Washington.

However, an inversion for the three-dimensional velocity structure of the region indicates that velocities typical of Gorda crust are evident at depths greater than 15 to 20 km (29). Moreover, modeling of thermal effects on the strength of the subducting oceanic lithosphere (30) suggests that the double seismic layers observed at depths of 20 and 30 km (Fig. 2) reflect, respectively, the brittle upper crust in the upper mantle of the Gorda plate; the intervening, relatively aseismic region would correspond to the ductile lower crust. Consequently, these studies suggest that the Cape Mendocino main shock was an INTRA-PLATE event in the North American Plate.

Whether the mainshock was an inter- or intra-plate event, the Cape Mendocino main shock clearly relieved strain resulting from the relative Gorda-North America plate motion. We note, however, that the main shock ruptured a region of the plate boundary that differs considerably from the boundary further north, as indicated by the change in the orientation from north-northwest to northwest (5), the relatively narrow width of the plate, the likely presence of subducted sediments in the region of main shock rupture, and its younger age (4). [H: I would question that most carefully. I believe you will find that the stress was not relieved but, rather, was simply thrust more pressingly on the surrounding areas. This is ACTUALLY what happens with intra-plate events. Nothing about the entire series of quakes was NORMAL! NOTHING! This is a MAJOR trigger point and the devastation which can occur from such triggering at strategic locations such as this--are without ability to reckon.] Thus, this earthquake may not be typical of other Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes. [H: Not by a long-shot! There was nothing typical about that quake and the next ones will be even more massively atypical.]

Intraplate aftershocks. The location, depth, and focal mechanisms of the two large aftershocks indicate that they ruptured the Gorda plate. The seismic data indicate that right-lateral slip occurred on a vertical, northwest-oriented fault plane for at least the second event. For most earlier Gorda shocks, rupture occurred as left-lateral slip on a northeast-oriented plane, perhaps because this orientation may allow reactivation of normal faults formed at the Gorda spreading ridge (11). From a consideration of stress release, either orientation reduces north-south compressional stress and down-dip tension in the Gorda plate but ruptures of the northwest-oriented plane may have been favored because of the static stress changes imposed by the main shock and, perhaps, the first aftershock.

To test this hypothesis, we modeled the changes in static stress (31) imposed by the main shock (Table 2) on these vertical fault planes: the east-west-oriented Mendocino fault, the possible N-40°-E-oriented slip plane of the first large aftershock, and the N-50°-W-oriented fault of the second large Gorda aftershock. Large regions of the northwest-oriented fault and the Mendocino fault received an increase in right-lateral shear stress greater than 3 bars and equally large increases in normal extension resulting from the main shock. Both the increase in right-lateral shear and the increased extension would bring both of these right-lateral faults closer to failure under a Coulomb failure criterion for nonzero coefficients of friction. About 90% of the aftershocks within 4 km of the Mendocino fault and the northwest Gorda fault occur where the modeling predicts the stress changes should load these faults toward failure for coefficients of friction ranging from 0.0 to 0.75. Thus, static stress changes may have helped trigger aftershocks along these two faults.

The model also indicates that static stress changes induced by the main shock are slightly more favorable for failure on a northeast-striking, left-lateral fault plane in the location of the first large aftershock, primarily because of a decrease in normal stress. In consideration of the present relative hypocentral locations of the two large aftershocks, slip on the northeast-oriented plane of the first aftershock would have added minor left-lateral shear to the northwest-oriented plane of the second aftershock but would have greatly decreased the normal stress on this plane. This scenario provides a simple mechanism in which the first aftershock helped trigger the second, similar to the scenario proposed for the Elmore Ranch-Superstition Hills pair of earthquakes (32).

Hazard implications. The Cape Mendocino earthquake sequence provided seismological evidence that the relative motion between the North America and Gorda plates results in significant thrust earthquakes. In addition to the large ground motions generated by such shocks, they can trigger equally hazardous aftershock sequences offshore in the Gorda plate and on the Gorda-Pacific plate boundary. This sequence illustrates how a shallow thrust even, such as the one of moment magnitude (Mw) 8.5 that is forecast for the entire Cascadia subduction zone (14), could generate a tsunami of greater amplitude than the Cape Mendocino main shock. Not only would this tsunami inundate communities along much of the Pacific Northwest coast within minutes of the main shock, but it could persist for 8 hours at some locales. The 25 April 1992 main shock ruptured only a small part of the plate boundary and apparently did not trigger slip on any of the Holocene shallow thrust faults observed onshore in the triple junction region (17). Thus, given the high level of historical seismicity and the emerging picture of many active faults, the region is likely to continue experiencing significant seismicity.

* * *
This ends the article proper. There is a listing of 33 references and notes but the copy is so bad that I beg off asking Dharma to copy them. If you wish the information, please get a reprint from Dr. Oppenheimer. I do not wish to slight anyone's work but we are limited by time and space.

The point and reason for putting you through all this is so that anyone wishing to question these findings can do so--but MY reasoning is to tell you that you now have full evidence, scientifically reported, that should tell you that you are in for some massive upheavals in the western coastal areas. You cannot have great fracturing in one section and not have it radiate, actually, the full circle in displacement. If you have two gears turning against one another and one is slipped or triggered, the other is going to bend, bind or slip also. There are major critical vortices (hubs) which when adequately triggered will pull down the whole of the boundaries of the plates themselves with massive slippage. It is this bashing and underthrusting of the Pacific under and northward of the North American plate which will cause the greater uprising and upheaval. This in turn will trigger MAJOR tsunami and the "suction" of the underthrust can and probably will cause a sucking under of the coastal areas several miles inland--perhaps in the California area, the full width of the coast to the breaking San Andreas.

The prediction as stated in the article of the projected 8.5 quake which is forecast for the entire Cascadia subduction zone--is not correct for it will be in excess of 10.0 as the stresses are now measured. Further, you will have a massive subduction slippage and rolling thrust which shall wash ashore at a great depth (or height depending on your speaking) and remain ashore before backwash for several hours.

All we can do, readers, is tell you to get ready for, when it begins, there will be splintering reaction all across the continent--much like the domino effect. May you hear and heed.

Good evening