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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 75
    CHAPTER 11
    TUE., AUG. 3, 1993 11:14 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 352
    TUE., AUGUST 3, 1993
    Readers, PLEASE, I want to be able to respond to every argument, debate and inquiry--but my secretary is HUMAN!

    I wrote what I felt to be a clearly spoken and presented dissertation on schooling at home. I DID NOT SAY YOU HAD TO EVEN SO MUCH AS "READ" IT, MUCH LESS CHANGE ANYTHING IF YOU HAVE NO INCONVENIENCE OR PROBLEM WITH WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING. IF YOU ARE TEACHING AT HOME AND THINGS ARE WONDERFUL--WHY WOULD YOU PUT YOUR CHILDREN BACK INTO THE SYSTEM? HOWEVER, YOUR CHILDREN ARE GOING TO HAVE TO INTEGRATE INTO THE SYSTEM WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE IT--SOMEDAY! My point was made specifically for some four families in this immediate circle. If you do not wish to share the input or suggestions, so be it--my secretary should not have to take abuse from you who disagree!

    I will share one letter with you in a minute--because it came "unsigned" which is always a sign of "quarrel", "anger" and FEAR of response. If your children are schooled at home and YOU are the teacher AND YOU KNOW EVERYTHING THAT A TEACHER WITH HIGHER EDUCATION CAN OFFER--THEN SO BE IT. What I find, however, are ones who believe themselves to be doing something wonderful and are actually doing something quite damaging to the children--AND TO SELVES.

    The suggestion always is--but we are "waiting for the world to change", etc., etc. The world IS changing--and; you ignore the fact that you will live in it before, during and after the changes! What if something happens TO YOU? and your children no longer HAVE YOU? What are you going to do with them then--foist them out into a world in which they cannot fit and have no basis for functioning? EVERY SITUATION MUST BE HANDLED TO THE BEST POSSIBLE DISPOSITION OF EACH CIRCUMSTANCE.


    I have NO input whatsoever as to what YOU do about your children's education--it is not my business. I responded to that which I was asked and if my advice is lesser than your own intention--bury your head and denounce me--cast the paper aside and STAY uninformed! Further, if YOU can see further down this road than I, then I marvel that you would bother to write at all. If you didn't like Mr. Hemingway's version of a love-scene, would you pound him and call him a "false-teacher"? Moreover, if YOU can teach calculus and chemistry, geometry and languages--so be it, you are already in perfection it would seem so why be annoyed by a simple Host of God? I am not one of your political nerds nor a part of the all but worse than nothing educational system--but WHO is going to clean up the system that your WORLD is stuck with? ME? No, I don't have any problems in the schools where I abide.

    Not only do I NOT disapprove of home schooling but, in the proper circumstances, and even in the worst of same, it is probably where the child will have to do his real "learning". But, I repeat, there is NO reason that a child cannot go to learn his ABC's and numbers where he can learn integration (for as long as he can do so) with other children, his peers. A child must have a balanced environment for YOU will not, should not, be his only companion--that is as unbalanced as any school situation. If the child is being taught nothing--WHY CAN YOU NOT TEACH HIM WHEN HE GETS HOME FROM HIS DAY OF ASSOCIATION. Morals and attitudes are born and nurtured at home--if you cannot offer him strength to overcome negative actions, then you are not doing him service whether he is taught in school, at home or in the church dooryard!

    Now, to further explain my needs for offering the information in the first place--when asked to do so--I have the following to offer. Many of your children are here for one purpose--to work and function in the transition of this cycle change. If all you have taught them to do is the simple survival of pioneers in a world so highly technical that they are as cave-dwellers--HOW CAN THEY MEET THEIR PURPOSE? WE COME FROM A SOCIETY OF INCREDIBLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND IF WE HAVE TO START AT KINDERGARTEN TO ATTEND MISCONCEPTIONS--YOUR CHILD WILL BE PASSED BY--OF NECESSITY. TRUTH, LIGHT AND EDUCATED KNOWING DOES NOT HOP ONTO YOU LIKE A VIRUS. NOW, HOWEVER, IF YOU CAN EXPLAIN AND CAUSE A CHILD TO UNDERSTAND THE TOTAL CONCEPT OF "LIGHT", ELECTRICITY AND DUALITY OF THE UNIVERSE AS IT IS--NOT AS TAUGHT ANYWHERE--then you certainly are doing it RIGHT! Until then, you are stuck with the situation of the child HAVING TO LEARN the erroneous lessons in order to understand the proper science when it is presented.

    In certain circumstances the ONLY solution is to bring the child home and NEVER allow him to return to the public classroom--but I see few instances where that is THE solution. If a child is not SAFE then you have a very massively "different" circumstance to attend. EVERYTHING about the problem revolves around where you live, what the system is like, how much input are you REALLY willing to offer--and, the worst of all to confront: Are you doing something for YOU or for the child?? Most parents I have witnessed are at wit's end and "losing self's identity" in the confusion of THINKING they are doing what they somehow SHOULD be doing. Should, would and could are very different words by definition. I do not attend your business--I write for 6 1/2 BILLION receivers of the WORD. I cannot attend your anger and annoyance if I somehow, according to your perception, tramp on your ego toes.

    Is there no end to the time you demand of my scribe and the abuse and insults you dump on her and my team?? If you don't like something I write--so be it--you are not bound and gagged and the stuff pushed in your throat! However, IF YOU JUST THROW AWAY THE "RAGSHEET" AND REFUSE TO READ--THEN YOU ARE THE VERY SAME AS THE ADVERSARY YOU CLAIM TO "FIGHT".

    By the way, some of the information you send to PROVE me wrong--is written by the very ONES who fully intend to run your education system AFTER THE NEW WORLD ORDER TAKES CONTROL. YOU ponder it--my scribe does not need to do so.

    I have chosen a letter "printable" to share with you. I am amazed at the anger and language of "teachers" who are "parents" just because they misperceive what I have written. I leave it to the Editors if they wish or not wish to reprint the writing which left you in seeming confusion. I choose this one because there is no way to locate this person. There is no identification but I believe the correct envelope is attached (maybe not) and it shows from Salt Lake City, Utah. I do appreciate the fact that this "Home School Mom" takes her time to write this but I do not recognize WHAT she says as being relative to what I said. So be it.


    July 26, 1993

    Dear Hatonn,

    Your editorial on home schooling showed an incredable lack of understanding! Were you ever a parent? [H: INDEED--although some of YOU annoy me at times.] Has it been so long that you've forgotten how much you loved your children and wanted to protect them from filth, violence and other degrading influences? Or maybe your world was not as evil as this one. It is hard to believe that someone who tells us to "get right with God" could push us to put our children at the mercy of a destructive curriculum which teaches, totally without the permission or wishes of parents, sex education, evolution, moral relativism, sexual permissiveness, alternate lifestyles, occult practices, and an inaccurate view of political history and liberal social tenants of all types. [H: My, my, are you also saying that you HAVE SO LITTLE INFLUENCE ON YOUR OWN CHILDREN OR ARE SO AFRAID THAT YOU HAVE FAILED THAT YOU CANNOT TEACH YOUR CHILDREN WHILE STILL ALLOWING THEM TO BE HUMAN BEINGS? Is it somehow your "right" to include ALL situations in your degrading of what you perceive BUT DO NOT KNOW TO BE SO? WHO has allowed the above to become the perception and/or the actuality (if it is actual)? If parents spent the time supporting, attending and monitoring the system--backing the good teachers and protecting them, demanding quality, etc., you would not have the mess you are in--PARENTS DO NOT--AND THAT IS WHERE YOUR PROBLEM LIES--AT YOUR OWN DOORSTEPS! If the majority of participants in any business, school or game is too busy and too centered on own selves and ideas--WHO is going to attend these other needs? Do I remember how I wanted to protect my children? Constantly--and I would further protect YOU from having to face facts and truth--and do it FOR YOU--BUT I MUST HANG IN THERE WITH TOUGH-LOVE SO THAT YOU CAN HANDLE YOUR OWN JOURNEY AND PURPOSE FOR I WOULD NOT TAKE THAT RESPONSIBILITY FROM YOU--ONLY SHOW YOU "HOW". Do YOU have a church DOCTRINE which you follow? Do you require that these same children follow also? Oh? What gives you PROOF that the leaders are such as would lead the child to and not actually away from, GOD? IF you have already MADE UP YOUR MIND ON THESE THINGS--how is learning Truth supposed to HAPPEN?]

    At 10 years old my son refused to go to school after months of stomach aches and mysterious illnesses. He hated it! The teacher saw no problem. My eight year old daughter, who's never been to school is still a sweet, wonderful, uncorrupted child. YES, I found I could teach reading better than the school and she loves to read. And I have nothing to unteach or correct. My older children were all in school and all say high school is a waste of time and only a social thing. They really started learning in college. [H: Waste of time? Is THIS the fault of the teacher or the child as to DIRECTIONS of intent? Are you actually saying to me that a child would have NO OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE WORTHWHILE SUBJECTS AND LEARN "SOMETHING"? OR NOTHING?--A WASTE?? WHERE WERE YOU AS A PARENT THAT WOULD ALLOW THE CHILD TO WAG THE DOG? WHY WERE THE CHILDREN NOT IN CLASSES WHICH WERE NOT A WASTE?--SORRY, I REFUSE TO DEGRADE THE HONORABLE TEACHERS WHO STILL GIVE THEIR LIVES AND CAREERS TO EFFORTING TO TEACH OUT OF CONTROL CHILDREN WITH NO RESPECT AND NO PARENTAL INTEREST.]

    I have a few comments about your article. ...in the world in which they must come to function. Come on now! We are waiting for the renewal of the earth. [H: Well, good luck! Waiting won't do a damned thing, my dear.] Millions will die in the coming earthquakes, wars, etc. We are in the "neck of the funnel", remember? [H: Sure do--but what if your child is not one of the "millions to die"? What are you going to do then?] Just how is all this modern technology (which they don't learn till college anyway) going to help them survive or help others survive. We can teach 1st aid, medicinal plants, wilderness survival, cooking from whole grains, etc. at home but they sure don't teach it at school. [H: Actually, some classes DO teach these things and certainly in some activities they are given guided programs--AND FURTHERMORE, a child is in school MAYBE six hours a day. Now, add, say, an hour for lunch and breaks, and an hour to and from, say 8 hours. On my clock that leaves 16 hours (easily) wherein you could round off that lacking education--IF YOU ARE WILLING TO GIVE YOUR OWN TIME. In fact, I would guess that other parents would like to send their own children to YOU so you could teach them also and perhaps each of you individual parents would have a special talent in one of the skills which would also involve MANY parents and children so that all could benefit.]

    Comparing electricity [H: These underlinings are hers, not mine.] with children isn't comparable. Whether I have electricity is nothing as important as my children learning values. But if you insist on comparing it that way, then home school is the "solar" of electricity. [H: Values? It, right here, becomes obvious without doubt, that you have studied almost NONE of my teachings. As a matter of fact, electricity is energy and children ARE energy and electrical energy manifest. However, I do NOT compare them in the manner you present here. Are you REALLY saying that you cannot teach a child values and ALSO allow a child to grow in the garden? Do you infer that YOUR child must be isolated into a greenhouse protected from the tares that he not be subjected to YOUR FAILURE as a parent? Values come from home and parents and if instilled and discipline is in loving guidance--the fabric of that child cannot be tarnished by the weeds--THAT IS UP TO YOU! AND, AS ALWAYS, THE EXAMPLE IS THE THING THAT TEACHES--NOT ALL THE WORDS WRITTEN IN THE WORLD.]

    You can have the best of both environments. [H: Yes, you CAN--but do you? That is the only thing in point--DO YOU?] Is this the same as equal time for the adversary? [H: The "adversary" won't have a chance if you have done your own homework--and it has NOTHING to do with "school". Are you planning to keep the children in a bubble until the millions perish in holocaust?] Equal time for sex education, lifestyle education, how to put on a condom, death education not to mention having to survive with downright mean, hateful, corrupt children whose parents have abandoned them to the TV to raise. [H: Well, IF YOU TEACH THEM FIRST ABOUT SEX, LIFESTYLE, WHY A CONDOM WON'T WORK AND WHY IT REPRESENTS THE WRONG VALUES, AND CAN FOR THE REST OF THEIR EXPERIENCE AVOID IN ISOLATION FROM ANYONE HATEFUL OR CORRUPT, THEN I SEE NO ARGUMENT AT ALL. Go look in the mirror, my dear child, and ask yourself if you have never done anything meriting complaint. Do you "assume" parents of ALL children in school abandon them to the TV? The entire society is abandoned (trapped) by the box. But, to destroy the children instead of changing that which is on the box seems particularly negative--it gets back to intent and values, doesn't it? Some parents perceive they have to work to live in the lifestyle chosen or caught within--DO YOU HELP THOSE PARENTS WITH THEIR CHILDREN OR DO YOU COMPLAIN AND DENOUNCE THEM? Whatever any one is doing is often the "best" that they CAN do under the circumstances. Could YOU not help teach some of those children, after school when they have no place to go but home to the "box", some skills and loving relationships with your own children? There are far more things amiss and torn-down than the grade school system of your non-educational system. Education and knowledge is FAR more than a school-room and one does not stop when the other begins.]

    Comparing home school to the dark ages. Incred[a]ble! [H: Ah, could you possibly be a bit fallible also? The word is spelled incred(i)ble. I use this for it is as ridiculous as what you just underlined in this sentence referring to what I said that annoyed you so much.] Throughout most of human history, home education has been the primary way children have learned. The current school system is the real "dark ages." Al Shanker, president of the American Federation of Teachers declares that middle class children are not doing OK at all in school: they are being cheated in their education and deceived about the results. [H: Well, who in the world is Al Shanker? Does it take a President of the American Federation of Teachers to perceive that the WHOLE LOT stinks? What does that have to do with the "rain in Spain"? Do you help the system by taking your "toys" and running home so no one can benefit save self?] Shankers points out that the reason most students get into college is that most colleges have dumbed down their requirements, both for admission and graduation. [H: Perhaps that is because the children in high-school are so in control of parents that they "WASTE" their time in high school, waiting to "learn stuff in college" and the college has no alternative if they have any students at all!] He goes on to say that the overwhelming majority of U.S. students are learning very little in public schools, and that they spend a large part of their college years learning what they should have learned in high school.

    In 1991, the Justice Dept. estimated that 100,000 students go to school armed, 900 teachers an hour are threatened, 40 an hour are assaulted on school property. They don't even keep records of how many students hurt other students. There are few big city schools that are safe.

    I refuse to feel guilty because I care enough to educate my own children and choose not to throw them into a corrupt system that is accountable to no one. [H: If you think you do not FEEL GUILTY, I suggest you reread the defense in this letter you have written. Perhaps you don't feel guilty about teaching your own children--BUT YOU FEEL GUILTY ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR LIFE!] I have tried to make the system better but it is difficult to make other parents care because they are busy making money to accumulate material goods. [H: So why are you so angry at ME? If your own system has failed then why do you attack mere suggestions--or do you not care ENOUGH to consider full participation within the system TO MAKE IT WORK?]

    I could answer every point but I have other letters to write to congressmen, etc., so I just ask you to take another look. Enclosed are a few articles which address the problem.

    Home School Mom who reads your paper.

    [H: Well, I am honored that you would close this letter so that you can write to your congressmen. Perhaps they will FIX things? So far, they are the ones who have made the mess--with the help of all you parents who didn't notice what was happening. I certainly shall take another look and I ask that perhaps you do likewise. I'm sorry, however, for I perceive anger, hate (yes indeed) and it is focused on me--but targeted against yourself. I hope you feel better for having belittled our efforts--however, I do not perceive that that has happened. When one refuses to sign or give return on documents--it usually represents total insecurity about the opinion expressed. Ones who KNOW what they are about and are serving to their capacity to do so and know intended goals--GIVE EVERY BIT OF INFORMATION AND MOST PROUDLY SIGN THEIR NAMES. This is but an observation. I honor you for responding to me, however. The other letters have attacked my scribe and it causes me to be less than friendly, also.]

    In love and in brotherhood,


    PJ 75
    CHAPTER 12
    WED., AUG. 4, 1993 10:44 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 353
    WED., AUGUST 4, 1993
    Dear ones--today you can see your efforts bearing fruit. You will note (and this is directly due to your one's efforts) John Demjanjuk will be brought home to the U.S. However, do not miss the rest of the story--"during a hearing regarding his extradition". And also note: he will be held in Israel, however, pending decisions as to whether or not to try him on other charges. YOU CAN PUT A STOP TO THIS ALSO IF YOU KEEP UP YOUR DEMANDS FOR LAWFUL PROTECTION. I warn you--Israel is your deadly enemy!

    I see that I will be again caused to write about "Who is Israel and Who are the Israelis!."

    Nora has been kind enough to share her copy of The Iron Curtain Over America which I requested. This allows us ability to start immediately. This book is by John Beaty and we spoke of it within the past couple of days. You might ask WHY Nora would be so interested in the book. Well, it deals with the Khazars, of course, presents WHO came to bring Communism into the Russias and thus and so. It is Nora's best presented subject. I shall not deprive her of the material longer than it takes to get another copy.

    This volume shows "no copyright" (whew) and shows the source as OMNI PUBLICATIONS, P.O. Box 900566, Palmdale, CA 93590. This book will still be available through them for $6.00 and other handling costs. I would suggest that you ones who simply want to STUDY the subject also utilize the past JOURNALS dealing with this subject, i.e., TRILLION DOLLAR LIE, etc. Also a very good background book to use in conjunction with the overall subject of the Khazarian "Jewish" people would be The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler. Then, of course, for your already compiled information from research wider than this, Nora's first volume. We know that you ones have missed Nora's Corner as a regular in CONTACT and certainly we look forward to its regular appearance. It is all but impossible to compile "books" AND carry the research load necessary to do a regular weekly article. I'm sure that you can look forward to a grand integration, for instance, of the material in this book just mentioned with other research. She has noted several contradictions with other research in this volume The Iron Curtain Over America but the CONCEPT is the same and the differences will be only in vernacular, language, etc. I also plan to do a rather large write-up myself on Sumar and Sumarians. These are the scrolls and history of your actual beginnings. You need to know more about the area geographically and the people of that day as history recalls them--sometimes rather accurately and mostly inaccurately. However, history cannot change the artifacts and the actual facts left in "hard copy".

    We will leave that subject for the moment and move back into things you should note TODAY.

    You will be having more and more uprising and problems set-up for riots through "Skinheads" and racists and so on. These are LIES in operation. The recent UPRISING of this group WAS PLANNED AND ORCHESTRATED BY AN FBI AGENT. In fact, the "Skinheads" even tell you WHO--the incident was masterminded by one Christopher Fisher. Even the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, which monitors hate crimes, said it had not even heard of this skinhead group until the arrests were made in the incident. The "agent" showed up at a meeting of the local group of UNNAMED "Skinheads". This man said he was the Rev. Joe Allen of the Church of the Creator, a Florida-based white supremacist organization. Allen came with a man introduced as Allen's "nephew"--it is now certain this "nephew", calling himself Mike McCormick, was the FBI agent. The group had no name at all until it was established at the insistence of "Allen".

    The plan was laid out by the masterminds and the FBI, it is now known. They presented the ways in which rioting could be accomplished most quickly. Then the "fear" was introduced in that the participants were told that if they talked-out they would be killed. Sounds like good old "free" America, does it not?

    Good grief, is there no end to what you-the-people will believe? First your shuttle is "stalled out" AGAIN by possibility of meteorites? Further, "terrestrial meteorites"? as was stated several times on CNN. What in the name of "anything" is a "terrestrial" meteorite? There is no such THING--and neither is the reason given for holding that shuttle REAL or TRUTH.

    What happened to the 2 BILLION dollar spy satellite missile launched from Vandenberg a couple of days ago? It "just disintegrated" was the report. Well, only a BEAM could do that, dear ones. There was not even enough left to present a "show" for you. There was just a "trail" and vaporization of 2 billion dollars worth of highly technical equipment. Now, anyway you wish to "cut it"--something vaporized that cute little toy. Since you are having such troubles with everything else--I suggest you had best question the possibility of Soviet attention, Russian attention or whatever else might be popping and zapping your toys when you effort to launch unwanted "stuff".

    AND, what are "they" covering with flights of a "moth-balled" SR-71 over Tehachapi? Come now--Nerdniks-in-charge--why wouldn't those "tests" be done over open desert?? I don't mind the game playing--BUT--it seems to me you might wish to be more discreet as to your intentions. These cute little maneuvers accompany beam blasts which would shatter buildings if not buffered by a plasmic shield around the area of impact. As is, the "blasts" were felt and heard 50 miles away as "earthquakes". Sometimes I have to return to my original stance with these persons in attack--: Go ahead and MAKE MY DAY! The noise and waves are, of course, to cover what is REALLY going on with blasts to the fault zones. What will be called the BIG ONE? I suppose the Earthquake of SR-71?? to go with the one of 1971? Just remember, you who tinker with God--ANY BOOM YOU CAN MAKE WE CAN MAKE BIGGER!

    Our beloved friend Ray Renick was "silently" arraigned yesterday--after everyone left the courtroom. It was just Ray, the Asst. D.A., the Judge and a couple of court clerks. He is given a pretrial date: 9/17 and a trial date has been set for 9/20.

    Before that court date for trial I ask that the prior material recognized as the SLO CONNECTION by Ray Renick be RERUN in the CONTACT [Ray's trial is scheduled for around the last week of Sep. 1993. We will probably publish the material in one of the CONTACTS 2-3 weeks prior to that time]. It is imperative that you readers be reminded that the massive impact of Ray's information is on the Elite of San Louis Obispo--the Committee of 300 Elite-America Branch. We must begin to get informed so that WISE action can be utilized in his situation because the court has some very valid LEGAL charges against Ray and will use them to "his" dying breath if allowed to do so. Can freedom be obtained with the FIRST trial? Likely not--but the more the lies are acted upon the greater the impact of following appeals as recognized legal counsel can be obtained. This is one reason we MUST get some of these other things settled--that we might be able to fund help for these ones who have no other recourse. Ray has no other resource and we have no funds--so we must work, focus and pray for "the way". It is going to mean that ones stop picking and offending--get off the ego trips and pull together as teams and stop this showmanship. FOOLS have to have a big show--wise men work silently with full intent to win the war--not the show and tell.

    I have a paper which I ask be run. The print is so bad that I ask Dharma to retype it and then just run the copy of the map in proper placement. The page comes via Jim Vassilos originated by "Q&A SUZIE" (805:434-3656).


    Ray Renick, though in prison, continues to document SLO County corruption.

    Five (5) Judge team (Duffy, Chandler, Hammer, Caciel, Miller) led by Duffy, unable to stop documentation of judge and prosecutor corruption.

    Prosecutor Dave Pomeroy, linked to site of drug lab and buried murder victims, along with cohort in corruption, Duffy, have set 7-30-93 to sentence Ray Renick for alleged misdemeanor probation violation. [H: This obviously did not happen. An arraignment is not a sentence per se--especially when you have trial dates set and a man pleads "not guilty" so it would help us as supporters IF the facts could be kept to the FACTS and not the HYPE! Ray, especially, must come to KNOW who are his friends and supporters and stop the nonsense being fostered by supposed good-deed doers. A "friend" who misrepresents or exaggerates circumstances can NOT help in the final hearings. Further, if WE print that which is not absolutely true when we KNOW IT TO BE OTHERWISE, we have forsaken our duty to Truth and our own word will be discounted. I repeat that the things we offer are NOT of our presentation, as is this material in this writing at point. We are not attorneys (thank goodness) and we rely on speakers to give accurate factual information. However IF an arraignment only took place on August 2, 1993, Ray could not actually have been "sentenced" on July 30, 1993. It may well have been somehow "expected" as this paper seems to be dated July 30, 1993. I simply wish to clarify the document according to our own reprinting.]

    Ray Renick's own property having been bulldozed by SLO County while Ray has been falsely imprisoned and yet the property of William (Bill) Clark's law-firm member Baggett and partner in property, prosecutor Pomeroy, goes uninvestigated.

    SLO County shows no interest in investigating its own prosecutor for reported documented crimes perpetrated on prosecutor Pomeroy's land.

    POMEROY ROAD at intersection of Ralcoa and US 1 are two businesses, Ralcoa Aluminum Recycling, is directly across from A&M Storage.

    BODIES are buried at A&M Storage under silver mobile home trailer (former location if trailer is now moved), trailer was the drug-lab for the illegal production of crystal methamphetamines. Another Body is buried off-site of A&M about 20-30 yards. (See maps next 2 pages) (Q&A SUZIE)

    * * *
    I would guess if the adversary has any brains at all the evidence will be MISSING if and when a valid investigation gets under way. I am appalled that such flow of all defense material would continue to be spilled as if from a fountain. I would be quite sure that the original facts are correct in that there ARE BODIES--but do we HAVE TO give every advantage to the adversary with date-stamps? So be it. This is the way it IS--however, if ones continue to "claim" my assistance--the nonsense will change so that there is some kind of case in point to defend. Counsel is expected to be acquired, bills paid for same while all defense evidence is allowed to be removed. My team is just about to say so-long, "Do it your way!" I am reminded of one who came "claiming" to desire to do "God's work".

    He thought it cute to say: "Oh, I am going to do God's work, ok--I am just going to do it MY WAY!"OH?? I doubt that very much. You who demand of GOD to fit your ego needs are "barking up the wrong God-tree trunk." I believe that if I were the one in prison with no way out--that I would not demand too heavily of those on the outside simply willing to assist--they just might "go away".

    "I" actually believe this paper is a disservice--whoever wrote it. You kid yourselves if you think that a 5 Judge team could not stop the outlay of information IF THEY WISH TO--it is hard to continue such accusations from SOLITARY CONFINEMENT OR FROM A MENTAL WARD IN RESTRAINTS. Ray, beloved brother--YOU ARE PUSHING YOUR LUCK RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW! PLEASE STOP THIS KIND OF GARBAGE--IT IS HARD TO REALIZE WHOSE SIDE YOU, YOURSELF, ARE ON. [Laurie, take care precious.]

    A long way away from you? No, it is in your dooryard! I want to speak of what is going on in South Africa because it IS you in Sheep's clothing.

    502 West Euclid, Arlington Heights, IL 60004, Contact: Jerry McGlothlin.

    In Response to South African Church Massacre: Media Truth Tour Launched--Dr. Lindstrom and Peter Hammond send "S.O.S." Signal to America:

    ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL.: In response to the July 25 massacre ending in at least 12 dead and over 50 injured in a South African church, Dr. Paul Lindstrom, Superintendent of Christian LIBERTY Academy Schools in Arlington Heights, Illinois, and Peter Hammond, a missionary from South Africa formed a new transcontinental Coalition comprised of concerned individuals and organizations in America and South Africa to 1) Heighten public awareness as to the critical importance of South Africa to America and the world, 2) Expose mass media myths about Nelson Mandella and his ANC, and 3) Introduce Dr. Buthelezi, the "other" candidate, and his Inkatha Freedom Party, in South Africa.

    The Coalition is called South Africa's Other Side (SOS) and will sponsor and conduct a nationwide media tour featuring Dr. Lindstrom and Peter Hammond. "It's a sad day in history when heavily armed terrorists storm into a church during Sunday services and begin firing into a congregation of 1000 worshipers, resulting in 12 dead and over 50 wounded. Had it not been for the courage of one lone resister, the anti-Inkatha murder squad could have gunned down hundreds of people," stated Dr. Lindstrom.

    SOS Coalition associate Reverend Peter Hammond, who was in attendance at St. James Church in Cape Town, South Africa, the day of the disaster, stated, "At about 7:30 pm one black terrorist kicked open the side door of the 3rd Avenue entrance and, while holding his Soviet AK47 assault rifle from the hip, he fired directly into the crowded congregation with his weapon set on full automatic. A second and third terrorist each threw a hand grenade into the congregation. Another terrorist apparently failed to get into position in time to fire before our worker returned fire with his .38 revolver. As soon as the terrorists came under return fire they withdrew to their green Mercedes getaway car. Groups of stunned church members were clustered together--many praying. Bodies of the slain and wounded were strewn across pews and in pools of blood on the floor. One person's legs had been blown off. Another's face had been blown away. Strewn Bibles littered the blood stained carpet."

    Dr. Lindstrom stated, "As a result of this recent brutal action we are calling on the members of the United States media to do the responsible thing and allow the ‘other side' of the South African story to be told, and give Dr. Buthelezi and his representatives equal time to tell about the relentless Marxist strong arm tactics that are pushing South Africa to the Brink of Civil War. The least they should do is allow them to outline Mr. Buthelezi's proposed solutions to the complex problems facing South Africa.

    [H: Precious children, NOT LIKELY. Remember Cecil Rhodes? He is the thought-maker behind the whole ONE WORLD ORDER. Everything is structured and orchestrated by the full Committee of 300 as to Africa and there is NO INTENT TO HAVE ANYTHING INTERFERE WITH PULLING OFF THE COUP EXACTLY AS PLANNED FOR WORLD GLOBAL PLAN 2000.]

    [H: Here is why:] South Africa has vast deposits of strategic minerals including antimony, asbestos, copper, diamonds, iron ore, lead, phosphates, titanium and uranium. Without these vital minerals America could not manufacture air conditioners, refrigerators, motor vehicles or jet aircraft. South Africa also contains the world's largest known deposits of gold, platinum, chrome, manganese, vanadium and fluorspar. With a jackpot like that it is no wonder why ANC was willing to murder over 300 Inkatha Freedom Party leaders. [H: The facts are, however, that this is only an excuse as regards the U.S.--the U.S. certainly CAN manufacture EVERYTHING without any input from South Africa--it is the British connections and the Committee of 300 which present such a scenario. You save your own--owned by the Elite Corporate Bankers and blame everything else on lack. This is a most SERIOUS connection which you must attend, my friends, and it certainly has nothing, as you can see--to do with RACE!] But what Is a wonder is how most American media sources sing the praise of Mandella and his 50,000 member Anc, while trivializing Dr. (Chief, they call him) Buthelezi and his 2.5 MILLION member Inkatha Freedom Party. [H: No, it is NOT a "wonder" now, is it?] America needs to wake up and hear "the other side" of the South African story. For guest scheduling contact Jerry McGlothlin at 616:024-1000 [We are unable to decipher whether or not the (0)24 may perhaps be a (6)24 or a (9)24 as the printing is too blurred to be sure--sorry. We are sure of the other printed numerals so perhaps you can try a 6 or 9 if the "0" is incorrect.]

    Dr. Paul Lindstrom runs the largest home school education program in the world working with over 25,000 children and over 30,000 adults in 58 foreign countries including South Africa. [H: I would guess, alert readers, that A GOOD READING PROGRAM might well be WELL RECEIVED by Dr. Lindstrom. HEAR opportunity when she knocks.] In 19?? Dr. Lindstrom spearheaded "The Remember the Pueblo Committee" that was instrumental in facilitating the safe return of 82 members of the USS Pueblo crew in that famous "shipnapping" incident that shocked the world. Dr. Lindstrom is nationally known for his POW-MIA activist activities and in 19(8?)9 founded the FIRST Christian school and Christian radio station in Russia. [H: I suggest a lot of you pay attention to this man and his work.]

    Peter Hammond is the Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship. He is a missionary who has pioneered evangelistic outreaches into the war zones of Mozambique and Angola, assisting persecuted Christians and evangelizing soldiers, guerillas and terrorists on all sides of the many conflicts in Southern Africa. In the line of duty, Mr. Hammond has been ambushed, come under mortar fire, been stabbed, shot at, beaten by mobs, arrested and imprisoned. Mr. Hammond is an international speaker, an accomplished writer with numerous publications to his credit.

    [H: I suggest you send copies of CONTACT to these people--we may not have much to offer other than an open voice--but we would be happy to publish, within reason, information they would wish to share. Thank you.]

    When we can receive this kind of a letter which we will now offer from Gunther, we have come a long, long way, friends. When a man can weep for his brother, "feel" for his brother greater than for self--there is HOPE for your species.

    I offer the following petition and KNOWING you of the reader audience--I expect a landslide of response. This is just a request for loving support for one more unfortunate than yourself. There are no strings, nothing magnificent to perform or gain--just "brother to brother"--you in the light, the other locked into the dark places. "As ye have done unto the least of mine--so have ye done these things unto me." Salu.


    August 1, 1993


    ....Just a few lines to thank you.....

    On to a different matter. As you know, I receive considerable mail each and every day from many readers of the Contact. Every time I go to pick up my mail my cell mate almost breaks down. Usually, there is no mail for him, and the fact that I receive volumes does get him depressed about his own state of affairs. What I am asking is if there is anything that you could do to see if there are any people out there who would desire a pen pal. I can assure you that this man poses no significant danger or risk to anyone who might desire to have a pen pal. He is not one of the types whom I have successfully hunted during my career as a "spook"!

    His name is Donald L. Phillips, and has the same address as I do. [18701 Old Highway 66, Pacific, Missouri, 63069] He is presently serving a 24 year sentence for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His actual crime is that he was the getaway driver for a brother and sister store burglary act which went sour. Please know that he is 38 years of age; the father of a couple of children (whom he hasn't seen for many years) and has been divorced from his wife since his arrest and incarceration. In other words, he isn't very different from a lot of the men I have known over the last thirty years.

    I ask this of you because I am concerned about his depression during mail call. He seems nice enough as a cell mate, and sure as hell protects my back, each and every day. That alone makes him the most wonderful guy in the entire institution. If you can say something in the Contact, or maybe ask some of the staff if they would help out in this matter, it would certainly be welcome and ever so greatly appreciated.

    There will be more.........

    Your friend, always,

    * * *
    Here is your opportunity to practice that which we preach--goodness in loving kindness with only THAT as its reward. It is an opportunity for you to share your hours of thoughts and poetry--your visions and expressions with one who, for now, can have NONE. Remember that the REALLY BIG CRIMINALS ARE ON THE THRONES OF YOUR GOVERNMENTS! The children who make the errors of judgment in foolish action are misguided in knowledge and hope for gain--but they are usually NOT the REAL criminals of your society--just the uninformed pawns of a society and structure GONE INSANE. Offer your hand unto a brother--and God shall surely reach farther for yours. Amen.

    * * *
    It has been a long session so allow us to break please. Perhaps we can sit later and offer a bit more from "300".

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 75
    CHAPTER 13
    THU., AUG. 5, 1993 10:30 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 354
    THU., AUGUST 5, 1993
    I warned over and over and over again that whatever the Washington thugs would do it would be RETROACTIVE. And Mr. Clinton's TAX INCREASE IS. The time WAS to do something about your plight. If you have enough income to fall into the category of "recovery"--I can sympathize with you but little else. They will give you a "little" time to MAKE-UP the difference and then they will come and TAKE IT out of your present circumstance. I told you that this is exactly what they would do with the budget. You see, it gave the ones with money--in Congress--time to attend it, hide it and place it elsewhere so records will not show a "difference" owed. I remind you, readers, THE FAT IS IN THE FIRE AND THE FAT LADY IS SINGING HER HEAD OFF, as you ones like to characterize the END!

    It is still not too late to "cover" some of your assets through loans, say to something like the Institute, wherein you can have collateral stacked against the money outlay--but frankly, I just don't see many ways otherwise and am not sure about this possibility. Because we have so many inquiries, we have the legal eagle looking into possibilities. THE POINT OF THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT IS TO GET EVERYTHING! If you have money sitting around in more than the advised amount in any bank account--I also suggest you attend it very carefully, and very quickly.

    I would "guess" that corporations in Nevada will be left alone this year since it IS over half over. At some point, however, they WILL have a massive attack against corporations as protection and "retroactive" that "bill" also, which will make older "grandfather" corporations invaluable.

    I now get feedback about "paying" for the Health Plan presented--and, WHY? Because it gets HILLARY on YOUR side, Mr. Commission seeker! It will make her look good and she will support that approach for it is getting more unpopular EVERY DAY. She is strong and Bill has to listen to her since she was equally "elected", if not more so than himself. Will it be strong enough to release funds? I don't know--but you are never going to get your money otherwise and that is indeed plain as the noses on your faces. Things are breaking rapidly--all over, and NOT in favor of "you-the-people".

    In preparation to fully defend ourselves against the University of Science and Philosophy (US&P), I asked Nora to research everything that comes into our attention regarding the "case". It will be found that Lao created and "founded" BOTH the Russell Institute and US&P. At first you will find that Walter got a bit of mention but as time has gone on, credit for many things actually untouched by Lao have become publicly listed as "Lao's contribution". Lao's lineage goes back to a British Empire family name of "Cook" [H: Yes indeed--I reckon so!]. She appeared in Walter's life at a time when the Committee of 300 decided it was time to capture the credit and the property of Walter. Good intent or bad intent? It doesn't matter. The divorce of Walter from his wife of 55 years was a scandal which was not even efforted at hiding. This means that all writings of Walter prior to Lao cannot be claimed by Lao or the University. The ONLY reason Lao participated in Atomic Suicide was to capture the control of the work. She made NO SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION AT ALL TO THE WORK IN POINT. I care not, for the book is excellent in scientific jargon and perception but this was, by far, not the only writer on the dangers of Atomic Energy--even of THAT time. Lao was a "socialite" and not very accomplished, actually, at anything other than "charm". This does not mean that she was not exceptional AT WHAT SHE DID AND WROTE--It does mean that I disagree with almost everything she wrote save the ideology brought forth in "nice" sayings. I have no pick with Lao in any way--for she did her job and did it well.

    Russell was one of the most notable families in England. The Russells were totally attached to Tavistock. Ah Ha! As a matter of fact, one direct heir of the family was "Marquess of Tavistock".

    Let us now consider the "coat of arms" of the "Russells" in 1694 (and presumably to today). I ask that it be pictured. [See end of chapter]. A "lion rampant" seems to rule but with the crowning icon and the EQUAL status of the lion--are GOATS! The three flowers represent the blossoming of the three "roots" (look like little upside down trees) and represent the duality of the blossom above the dark and the roots within the dark and translated are "666". The goat on the crown apex represents the goat having brought to submission, the lion. The collar on the lion (to the left) has a collar which indicates "bondage" and the "collar" symbol represents, again, a "666". In addition, the larger animals (lion and goat) are MALE--representing the dominance of Lucifer (Satan) over the Christ (lion). Still feel bad about our little "dispute" with US&P? Remember, Tavistock has a branch operation in mind-control work which is NUMBER ONE and is the Brookings Institute--(Directly run by the Committee of 300) and funds the University of Science and Philosophy. Coincidence? Doesn't seem to appear so--but you know how it goes in court! Now where would this information come from that we feel free to print it? Peerage and Baronetage, of London, England showing DIRECT lineage from the CROWN--Lizzy's picture is right on the frontpiece. Still think it foolish to believe that Prince Charles might just visit US&P? How nice it must have been to find such an outstanding "Russell" for the Elite purposes.

    As information pours through we find that the law defines our presenting it to be within the proper limits of both taste and rights under the "court order" in place to disallow any negative or defamatory information to flow from Dharma's hands to be placed in CONTACT. We have gone to great lengths to make sure we are adequately covered in all categories. Our paper presents historic TRUTH and current events--up to date. Because we do not have circulation as great as the New York Times it does seem that we have enough circulation to annoy. Further, if we cannot present the actual work of Sir Russell, then we are left without any defense or merit save to offer that which is given through research and fact as published both in Europe and within the United States.

    All of this is being compiled and will be offered at some point in the future as an historic study and biography of these beautiful people so that history will not have lost touch with this man of great GIFTS. For 77-years he avoided the traps of human pits--and then fell to the oldest trick in the universe physical--a beautiful woman playing a magnificent game of "twin flames".

    Walter now comes (whether anyone wishes to believe it or NOT) and asks that this final error in judgement be rectified in the NAME OF GOD OF LIGHT! Dharma and a couple of others here, who literally hear from Russell, continually ask not to have this burden. However, to present the truth of LIFE we must use the truth of the information regarding that subject. Dharma thinks it more absurd than any Judge in any court of law could possibly perceive--nonetheless the TRUTH continues to present itself in front of her. We are NOT given opportunity to present "ourselves" in court so what are we to do? The fight is between the court and Germain but since Dharma served as secretary to Germain AND myself, she is caught with the legal physical problems.

    Since no one in any proximity to this place so much as KNEW about someone out of the past called Russell (even the highest Scientists) we felt it only right, since somehow we had stepped on the toes of ones who consider themselves world-wide celebrities--to find out what this "thing" is about--REALLY. Dharma could certainly NOT figure out why a 62-year-old grandmother with no income, on foodstamps, etc., suddenly became not only an enemy of a "University" but was listed as "unfair competition", a "medium of some kind" and/or any of the other accusations held up in a Federal Court of Law--much the more, cited for contempt of court and threatened with imprisonment!

    As you read the following, you are going to catch yourself gulping a lot--especially as names such as "Warburg" (Banker/Newspaper) reappear. You will also see WHY we are offering you information from "300" so you can fit the pieces together for yourselves. This particular writing from Nora is not particularly long or in-depth, it is simply "information" she was sharing with the legal eagles and "copied" me, Hatonn. The information, however, will make the other writings ever so much more "personal" and interesting. ***Staff, please make sure that along with the "arms" diagram, the map showing Tavistock Square in London is included. (EJ says also include the organization chart from 300.)

    QUOTING: (Nora Boyles, Research Historian)

    I've been on the look-out for information on the Tavistock Institute ever since Hatonn mentioned it in connection with the US&P, etc. According to Hatonn, AND John Coleman, The Tavistock Inst. is under the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) and OVER the Club of Rome, etc. (See attached chart and page from John Coleman's book, Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee of 300, regarding the Tavistock Inst. and Humanistic psychology. [See end of chapter]. Also, refer to the index of John Coleman's book for looking-up more on the subject.)

    Interestingly, I had a book titled, The Companion Guide to London" by David Piper, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, reprinted in 1981. I found some entries therein on "Tavistock". I enclose material from this book as it gives you a perspective on the location of "Tavistock Square" in London and the surrounding locations as well as the circumstances. Remember--John Coleman was an MI6 agent. He also spoke about his research in the British Museum (located near to Tavistock, I see). Further, the write-up on the museum in this book indicates one needs special permission to use much of the facility! (Was John's a special case?) Also note, the names Woburn, Bedford and Russell, as well as Montague. I looked up these names in the book of English Peers. I attach what I found therein! The Duke of Bedford and family is heavily involved in the name and property at the least! Lord John Russell and Sir Bertrand Russell are listed in John Coleman's book, as is S.C. Warburg (there is a Warburg connection near to Tavistock--may not be pertinent). [H: Forget the "may-not"; it is extremely IMPORTANT and PERTINENT!] I do not know all of the implications, of course.

    This is an aside--however, some of you may remember my questions about International Phonetic Alphabet, and Council. Well--a representative of the Oxford English Dictionary directed us to The University College in London where this group is located! I see it is just across the street from Tavistock Square!

    Tavistock, I understand, has their main Institute in Sussex. I could not yet locate information on this location. However, the London phone book gives addresses under "Tavistock" which includes the hospital and psychological counseling. I shall try to recover those addresses for you--I had them once but can't seem to locate them at present. In any event, they do appear to coincide with streets located in the area of Tavistock Square and University Hospital.

    Further--I looked-up the names, Tavistock, under "Publishers" in the Books in Print series. It referred me to "Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc. You will note, they are "Subs. of International Thomson Organization, Inc." [H: Hold it right there! You miss the important point in this sentence (Thomson Organization). You may not realize that "Thomson" WILL BE THE ONLY PUBLISHER THROUGH WHICH ANYONE CAN PUBLISH ANYTHING--IN THIS NEW WORLD ORDER!!! THIS HAS BEEN PUBLICLY STATED AS FAR BACK AS WHEN GEORGE GREEN WAS SEEKING OUTLETS--SOME THREE YEARS PAST. THEY WERE, AT THE TIME, MERGING IN ALL MAJOR PUBLISHING HOUSES AND NEWSPAPERS AS WELL.] and include several other major, major connections in the publications business.

    Well--as I was thumbing thru that book of Peerage of England (Edited in 1980), I came across Baron Thomson of Fleet. (Fleet Street is where all the newspaper publishers are located--Queen Elizabeth is reported to "talk with them" occasionally about too much adverse publicity regarding the royal family members.) Anyway--Baron Thomson appears to be quite a guy!! Please read about him--40 newspapers in Canada, 70 in the U.S. (that was in 1980)!! How is that for control of the media!!!

    I could not say what the total picture is regarding the Tavistock publications and/or whether Thomson follows their instructions on Internationalism or not. However, with 110 newspapers owned outside England, I think there is a strong agreement in policy here at the least.

    * * *
    In response to my request and printing of a "Holiday Greeting" from US&P directly to "Ekkers", Nora did a brief research side-trip to get more information on the personal structure relative to Lao and Walter. You will possibly find this interesting enough to enjoy as well.

    August 3, 1993

    From: Nora (#2 in a set of 3 memos)

    Question: Who founded the US&P?

    Answer: There appears to be come confusion on that score!

    1959: The International Who's Who, Twenty-third Edition Pub. Europa Publications, Ltd., London states under Walter's name that he "founded (with Lao Russell) The Walter Russell Foundation (now University of Science and Philosophy) 1948"....

    1961-62: The same statement is made in the Twenty-fifth Edition.

    1962-63: The same statement is made in the Twenty-sixth Edition.

    1963-64: Same, in Twenty-seventh Edition (Walter died 5/19/63).

    1964-65: These editions continued to carry the same information.

    1965-66: SAME

    1966-67: SAME

    Volume 1967-68: "Who Was Who" in America, under Walter Russell, also states the same except it adds the words, "the name was changed to US&P." It is published by Marquis-Who's Who, Inc., Chicago, Illinois.

    Copies of these "Who's Who" reports on Walter have already been forwarded (to attorneys) in several sets of the material along with a cover memo.

    The question regarding the matter arose when I/we learned that Lao is credited with the founding of the US&P ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE LIGHT WAVES newspaper now being distributed by US&P! [H: Well, after all--Walter, by then, was nearing 90-years of age. Do not forget that EVERYTHING began to take on Lao's signature from the time of their meeting. Recall please, that Walter was 77-years of age at their union. She is also responsible in total for the Russell Foundation as well--along with the move to Virginia and the recycling of Swannanoa Palace. The Foundation was set up as a cover for funds and to establish a foundation under HER control. Walter left EVERYTHING ENTIRELY IN HER HANDS!! Lao took total control of EVERYTHING as Walter's "alter ego"--she had TOTAL rein over ALL business matters--and for that matter, all other matters as well. Everything was established and set-up according to the instructions directly from England and the Tavistock Institute.]

    In the material (attached) I found that Lao was said to be written up in "Who's Who of American Women". I located material from the directory (it is also attached). These include copies of three reports dated 1968-69 (Walter died in 1963), 1975-76, and 1983-84, published by Marquis Who's Who, Chicago, Illinois!!! So--what is the truth?

    You will note that according to Who's Who Lao's maiden name is "Cook", also, she became a naturalized American Citizen in 1947 (during the year preceding her marriage to Walter). She was also a leader in the women's movement starting in 1955. There are several International groups listed and I will try to obtain more information on these groups if possible.

    The "Christmas Greeting" information also states that Lao is written up in the Royal Blue Book--I have not yet found a copy of this directory.

    In any event, I found it strange indeed that Lao would be given so much credit for everything in an American Who's Who! Walter certainly was not made an "American Hero" by the press--but this English, naturalized citizen, gets quite a write-up AFTER Walter's death. Walter is listed in "WHO WAS WHO" after his death, by the same publishers--fancy that!!

    There is another report in print which states that Walter founded the US&P. This is the newspaper write-up on Walter at the time of his death.

    Therefore, I believe enough question has been raised by these conflicting reports to request copies of all transactions regarding the Walter Russell Foundation and the US&P ownership.

    There is additional confusion as to WHO made the statue called The Christ of the Blue Ridge. [H: This is THE statue that now sits in the center of a "pentagram".] The Who's Who articles all CLAIM it was executed "WITH Lao". This newspaper article at the time of Walter's death credits ONLY Walter! Of course there could have been an error on either side of the reporting but I find it a little strange that it appears that the farther we get from the date of Walter's passing, THE MORE IS CREDITED TO LAO.

    Please note also that Lao is also credited with writing (in 1948) Scientific Answer to Human Relations. This is the same year that she married Walter!

    Further, look closely at that 1968-69 Edition of Who's Who of American Women under Russell, Lao (Mrs. Walter Russell) and see that it says Lao "FOUNDED" the Shrine of Beauty known as Swannanoa Palace and Sculpture Gardens in 1948, and prior to that it says she is "FOUNDER OF THE WALTER RUSSELL FOUNDATION (NOW KNOWN AS THE US&P)." It also appears she was president of it from the beginning. My purpose in bringing this to your attention is that it may have happened that Lao had the property in her name from the beginning and that Walter's part was his writings, sculptures, paintings and inventions, which just "fell" to Lao at his death.

    * * *
    Hum-m-n-n, velly innerresting! Nora, thank you. As is always the case, readers, I can depend on in depth study and accuracy from Nora. We are indeed fortunate to have such a friend and detail-oriented worker in God's service. Now, I wish to read you what is written on a book cover of The World Crisis (by Lao and Walter): LAO RUSSELL: Author, Philosopher, Scientist, Sculptor, Painter, FEMINIST and Internationally known as THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD'S FIRST LIVING PHILOSOPHY OF MAN-WOMAN EQUALIZATION. Oh my! Perhaps we deserve to have the PLEIADES CONNECTION series destroyed. Too late--smart?? It is up to you, readers. Dharma has "had enough". I think we HAVE TO pursue the matter for there is a trial set for this fall but the information in the JOURNALS in point is but triviality to the work which was NEVER FINISHED! Walter would have FINISHED his work had this relationship not interrupted his intended receiving. His course got totally diverted (fortunately for you TODAY) and buried in a philosophy of humanistic focus. He was attracted and "trapped perhaps?" by a beautiful woman less than half his age--and he turned to the ego gratification of what happened after that encounter. His scientific contributions STOPPED immediately following Atomic Suicide--OF WHICH LAO ALSO TOOK POSSESSION AND CLAIMED OWNERSHIP--so be it. The ONLY contribution to this book in point was her INTRODUCTION.

    Remember, as we reprint from that "Introduction" that this was taking place at the time of Lao's coming into Walter's life so all is referred to regarding PAST activities in actual work--in other words it is "past tense".


    .....had long isolated himself from his family behind closed doors of his studio and gymnasium, where he wrote and made diagrams ceaselessly, night and day. He told me (Lao) it was very difficult to him to talk coherently with anyone, for he was so deeply concentrated upon that one thing that it was hard for him to "listen to little words," and give them import. [H: This is EXACTLY the way IT IS when you are RECEIVING these inputs--has anyone checked out a conversation with Dharma, Thomas, etc., when they are receiving and writing--forget it. Has anyone watched Dharma before, during and after a meeting with ME? Come now, chelas, Russell and US&P CLAIM that all this information came from GOD--well??(???) Is this alright for THEM and not for "other"?]

    His writings and drawings were strewn everywhere, however, and when carefully examined by these two intellectuals, the doctor said: "I did not know that Walter had so deep a knowledge of chemistry but these drawings exceed my knowledge of it." The lawyer, who was a noted scholar in the classics, said: "An insane man is always illogical, but these writings are not only logical but out-Whitman Walt Whitman for beauty and logic, which no man has who is not a great poet or philosopher." Thus it was that they not only refused to sign the papers [H: Reference to mental deficiency which, of course, would be the next step in the courts for Dharma--to prove her mentally incompetent! I might add however that "they" would have a show of it for she already CLAIMS to be mentally incompetent!] but advised that something was happening which they did not understand, so counselled awaiting the time when he might descend from the great heights in which he was evidently soaring, into his former normalcy. [H: This is all in reference to his "mental" ABSENCE for a month or so in total "receiving" mode and total lack of response to anyone!] This gradually took place, but it required a full three months to attain that normalcy.

    The strange thing about his transformation to his immediate family and friends, however, was his utter unconcern about money, or a commercial adaptation of his art. From that day on his first purpose was to begin his long preparation for giving GOD'S MESSAGE to man. He knew nothing of the language or terminology of science, yet he had to learn to speak in that language in order to tell what he knew. He had to learn the names of the elements, which he knew COSMICALLY as octave tones, in their wave rhythm of 0-1-2-3-4-0-4-3-2-1-0.

    He knew that man's first need was to know his universe, for the Mendeleef Table of the Elements told him that man did not even suspect that there were three invisible space octaves preceding the carbon octave. He wondered why man could conceive of a universe which could build itself up to maturity of dense solidity, which carbon is, without going through its gaseous stages.

    For six years Dr. Russell labored day and night to produce the completed charts herein published and learn the language and terminology of science sufficiently to write his first epochal book, THE UNIVERSAL ONE [H: OK, right here is important, readers, THIS is the document (literal manuscript) from which Dharma's PLEIADES CONNECTION information (as claimed plagiarized) came. From this and from AN UNCOPYRIGHTED SET OF HOME STUDY COURSE INFORMATION FROM WHICH WE COULD GET CLEAR COPIES OF DIAGRAMS SO THAT NO DISTRACTION OR ERROR WOULD COME THROUGH HER FREE-HAND DRAWING OF SAME.], together with the charts which he sent to about 800 of the world's leading scientists and universities, without the slightest evidence of their having received them, as heretofore stated. [H: Does this sound like a man who would BIND ONES FROM USING HIS INFORMATION?? TO ME IT SOUNDS LIKE A MAN DESPERATE TO JUST GET SOMEONE TO RECOGNIZE THE INFORMATION AND USE IT!]

    This book is now out of print but Cambridge University had a complete photostat copy made from the New York Public Library copy, and we have heard of many other photostat copies which have been made from other originals. We have also heard that a copy has been purchased for $500.00 and much more offered for one. IT WILL NOT BE REPRINTED, FOR MY HUSBAND WAS NOT THEN READY TO GIVE WORDS TO THAT WHICH HE KNEW IN WORDLESS ESSENCE. [H: This is NOT so. It is not reprinted for it bears the TRUTH of Russell's full intent to serve God in Spiritual TRUTH and GIVE this information to MANKIND. Lao was a humanist feminist by her own description and "humanism" is of the "physical" and Spiritual (Walter) is of the energy-spirit. The writings following attachment to Lao could not be reconciled and therefore were efforted at obscuring same.]

    ....From the time of his great illumination in 1921 to March 1946 [H: ALL before LAO.] my husband had worked dedicatedly alone in his tireless endeavor to awaken within man the recognition of these heretofore unknown Cosmic Laws. The most difficult thing to do is to give new knowledge [H: Apparently the same for "old" knowledge!], for man ever resists change, thinking that which he has at the moment is the "best" there is in life. Traditional teachings are so strong in man that it is easier to remember and repeat the ideas that were transcendent 1,000 years before, but which become archaic with the passing of time, than it is to think and reason in the direction of change.


    * * *
    We shall move on to more from Dr. Coleman as we can fit it into our writing schedule. The one SURE thing here, are the myriads of interruptions. Thank you for your patience.

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