PJ 75
MON., AUG. 2, 1993 9:02 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 351
MON., AUGUST 2, 1993
The following message was gotten to us by Ray Renick and I believe it important that you have the information. You are on borrowed time, readers, and this is not going to be a very happy paper--BUT, YES, AS YOU SEE--YOU WILL BE ABLE TO HELP IN SOME AREAS OF NEED. This is not one of them, however, for it is but prophecy which by its removal from your prior access, at all costs--is verification of its general content.

Quoting: There is a man who now lives in Fullerton, California named Dumidru Duduman. He is a Romanian. He was deported FROM Romania for running Bibles into Russia and he spent about 17 years in jail being tortured and everything else imaginable. They finally deported him and then sent him to Los Angeles. The reason that they sent him to L.A. is because he said that he has a message that he has to get to the people and it's the same message that was in last week's paper by the "Parowan Prophet". He has the same message. There's a book called Through the Fire but you cannot get it. END QUOTING

Our "staff" is following up and as we have information from this person, just as with Leland's projections, we will share them right up front.

Consider this writing an "Editorial", please. I rarely do this, but you have an opportunity to MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE THAT WE ARE PULLING IN ALL TROOPS! In an attempt to disallow my own staff from knowing "names", "places" and other information dangerous to them--I ask that you honor my statement that it is wise to do it THIS WAY. As we move along I ask that you relate EVERYTHING to things given prior to this--BUT do not entangle "operations" with others which may or may not be the same in different wrapping. The POINT is to get funds RELEASED and not quibble over who holds what or who did what other than as confirmation that what we tell you is true.

Well, number one, it will continue to "blow the minds" of some of you readers who still can't believe there is both CONSPIRACY and CRIMINAL activities going on and having gone on, by your top administration. At this time, we are not in a mode of "cleaning up" anything--only getting that which was legally earned by people believing themselves to be serving their nation and fellow-citizens. Am I stupid enough to believe all was done in honest hope of Godly transactions and salvation of a dying Constitution? Perish the thought before it forms--of course not. It was begun and finished with full intent to MAKE LOTS OF MONEY! However, GOD is an interesting being--who can turn water into beautiful wine--if HIS people want the grape juice badly enough and with right intent to salvage the GOOD from the traps of the evil intenders. Will "I" help the "cause"?--I already have been and now I see that great impact can be brought into play IF YOU-THE-PEOPLE want this badly enough.

Please don't sit and count your chickens--the eggs are "only" laid thus far--and YOU don't have a right to that which others have earned and labored long in the vineyards to acquire. However, the laborers in the vineyards now offer to SHARE with you as a citizenry--at least, of the USA. They will also "share" with us as a group of writers efforting to bring the word, projects and truth to you-the-people. Yes indeed, it can be "both" ways in this instance.

I would remind ones involved, however, that I am a "Host" and even if various ones on my own "side" don't quite understand me or my mission--THE ENEMY CERTAINLY DOES!

The Bush administration and "his" CIA have ripped-of, bungled, broken agreements and even have managed to kill, wipe-out, incarcerate and generally "break" participants who made agreements in GOOD FAITH, contracted in GOOD FAITH and worked diligently AND PRODUCED! that which was asked. Then came the greedy mongrels and froze the "commissions", accused the participants of illegal actions in order to maintain the frozen funds, etc. Among them who have been badly used will be names like Marcos, Khashoggi, Hussein (Both), and others of International fame which we will, for now, leave unnamed. Let us just say that the main player in OUR game is among the three richest men in the world! Is he a GODLY icon? Please, readers! This PERSON is wholly AGAINST the Committee of 300 and all tools thereof--in other words, the idiots in power ripped-off the WRONG person. This is good--for us, and hopefully, for you. Actions were in genuine intent of legal transactions--the head honchos just plainly got greedy through Citibank, the Federal Reserve, BCCI, BNL, etc. The unfolding of all of this will be most interesting. This is NOT, however, my intent of this day. I am focused on giving you enough material to recognize the truth so you can start your "contacting" and we will fill in the parts as we go along.

Bush and Buddies are the culprits with their fingers through the Committee of 300 and the International Banker's Cartel. However, Clinton NOW sits in the hot-seat of deciding WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT! I am told by little mice-mouths into my inner "ear" that a "trade-off" for releasing the massive amounts of "commission" funds from frozen accounts in the Fed Banks and International Monetary Fund banks--especially the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)--IS TO FULLY FUND (WITHOUT NEED OF TAXATION OF THE PEOPLE) THE NEW HEALTH PLAN WHICH CAN THEN AFFORD TO COVER EVERYBODY FAIRLY. Indeed, chelas, THERE IS THAT MUCH MONEY IN POINT.

This is WHY, however, the efforts are afoot to pull down all CURRENCY EVERYWHERE! Then, your American dollar can be dealt with and recalled and you have lost any control whatsoever and all value of all things will be set by the bastard controllers. The "hope" of the Elite is that you will not pressure IN TIME to stop the ball from bowling all of you over! Clinton COULD change the course of the world--if he so-chose to do so. Will he? Unlikely! However, this is only ONE pool in the tidelands and he just MAY if the gratuities are suitable--and ONE might WELL BE to stay nicely alive and well. Would this be a threat from the "other" side? Well, I don't know but some people are ending up very dead without reasonable explanation from Belgium's King in Spain to a lawyer-friend of Clinton. The opposing factions in this game are very, very powerful and not JUST IN MONEY DEALS--so to oppose them is very dangerous, I am given to understand.

Monies earned and promised were, by Administrative ORDER, frozen with full cooperation and action by BANKS. I suggest you be prepared to barrage the White House with your cards, calls, FAXes and letters, "you-the-people". If you get nothing more--you WILL get attention. And, for every letter you send to Washington--please send a copy to Ross Perot! In addition, mention, please, that the CONTACT sent you as a customer. Thank you.

Now we will just start laying out background. I shall continue to protect and keep private personal names and information which has as of yet--not been made generally public. Since my scribe doesn't know any of them, I shall have to delete some which otherwise would be suitable for "press" but permission is not obtained thus far. Let us go with what we can at this point and follow-on as we gather information. CAN YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE? YES--A MASSIVE DIFFERENCE! MASSIVE!!

It would seem, Dharma, that the best way to approach this is to give the press articles and then the lengthy write-up about the CIA Cash and Carry from the magazine.

This will be tedious and the paper is already at great "overrun" and also without our Chief Editor--so please bear with we humble servants and overlook that which is observed to be somewhat "incorrect" in structure.

$1.5 TRILLION, an Atlanta investment firm, murder and a global investigation: By Emory Thomas Jr., Atlanta Business Chronicle Jan. 3, 1992.

In a crowded suburban Holiday Inn meeting room one evening last summer, approximately 100 Atlantans waited eagerly for Jim Gilmore to begin speaking.

At 7:30 sharp, the nattily dressed, silver-haired Gilmore stepped to the podium, holding up a box of chocolates wrapped in gold foil.

"I know why you're here," he declared, referring to the mock bullion bars. "This is why you're here."

Indeed, most of the attendees that day had come for a single purpose: to find out how soon they would be rich. Rich, in fact, beyond their wildest dreams.

For months now, Gilmore--a self-proclaimed management consultant who lives in Boswell--has held himself up as the leader of a byzantine international legal battle funded by a burgeoning group of individual investors. The battle is being waged to recover a mammoth fortune allegedly made during the 1960s by representatives of a mysterious Atlanta-based company called SBC Chorco.

The total take, according to Gilmore: $1.5 trillion, a sum that well exceeds the United States government's yearly budget.

The stakes got even higher in July. One of the principles of SBC Chorco was found strangled to death, along with his wife, beside a rural highway in southeast France.

Outrageous as it may seem, the investment scheme has attracted what appears to be thousands of participants--including some respected Atlanta business people.

[H: As we offer the articles, please realize that most papers do not do as do we with timed, dated writings (every time we write). Therefore, as things are FAXed about and articles are "clipped" it is often that even if you have the name of the publication you may not have accurate dating. We will give you the nearest date appearing to be applicable from the headings of the FAX printout, but if you go searching for these, please check on "both" sides of the dateline.]


The Securities and Exchange Commission continues to close in on the instigators of what may be one of the largest and most intriguing get-rich-quick scams in U.S. history.

As reported in last week's Chronicle, the SEC obtained a temporary restraining order against Sam S. Brown Jr. and James B. Gilmore--the main characters in an alleged plot to defraud thousands of investors by selling them stakes in a fortune purportedly worth $1.5 trillion. The fortune was said to have been made by Leslie Chorlton, the victim of a gruesome mob-style murder in France in July 1991.

On Oct. 16, the restraining order became a preliminary injunction. And five days later, the Commission filed more documents that named additional defendants and sought to retrieve more than $1 million held in overseas accounts.

According to the SEC, Gilmore last month began wiring much of his allegedly ill-gotten booty to accounts in foreign countries. SEC documents assert that he set up an account at The Enterprise Bank in Dunwoody and then transferred $583,000 to an account in Liberia, $200,000 to an attorney named Clive Franks in Scotland, another $200,000 to Amay Associates Ltd. in Switzerland, and an additional $45,000 to accounts held by "other apparently related persons".

The newly listed defendants are Franks, a lawyer with Macadam & Brown; Douglas G. Gilmore, "believed to be" James Gilmore's brother, Amay Associates Ltd., a Geneva Corp; and two individuals, Ami Simon and Josef Covals, "who are believed to be in Australia."

Says one SEC spokesman, "We're really still at the beginning of this thing."

* * *
December 14, 1992

Citibank of the US has transferred the chief of its Indian investment banking operations following intense criticism of the bank's role in the Rs35bn (816m Pounds) securities market scandal, writes Shiraz Sidhva in New Delhi.

Mr. A.S. Thiyagarajan's departure for New York means the four foreign banks most active in the securities market have now lost their top officials since the scandal erupted in April.

All four--Citibank, US owned Bank of America, Australia's ANZ Grindlays and Standard Chartered Bank of the UK--were critized by the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, and by a parliamentary committee investigating the scandal.

Meanwhile, Mr. Bob Edgar, ANZ Grindlays' chief executive for India, is leaving this week after two years in India.

The Central Bureau of Investigation yesterday arrested Mr. Binoy Jacob, a non-resident businessman, for his alleged involvement in the receipt of illegal commission payments from foreign companies.

* * *
FINANCIAL TIMES, Wed., Dec. 9, 1992: The president of the Dutch central bank, Mr. Wim Duisenberg, has been elected chairman of the committee of European Community central bank governors, a body regarded as a forerunner of the mooted EC central bank, writes Ronald Van de Krol in Amsterdam.

Mr. Duisenberg, 57, the head of the Netherlands' central bank for nearly 11 years, will succeed Mr. Erik Hoffmeyer of Denmark who was named acting chairman of the committee last year after Mr. Karl Otto Pohl, the then president of the Bundesbank, resigned.

The appointment of Mr. Duisenberg is for one year only, but it will give heart to campaigners in Amsterdam's financial community who are trying to promote the Dutch capital as the site of the European central bank.

However, Amsterdam's chances are still considered slim unless there is a stalemate between Germany, Britain and France, enabling the Netherlands to emerge as a compromise candidate.

Mr. Duisenberg, who was recently named Central Banker of the Year by Euromoney magazine, brings a wealth of international experience to his new job. He is a past president of the BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS IN BASLE. He began his career in the late 1960s as a staff member of the International Monetary Fund in Washington after completing a degree in economics at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

A former Dutch finance minister, Mr. Duisenberg is a prominent member of the Dutch Labour party and a former Labour member of parliament. He had a three-year stint as a director of Rabobank, the large Dutch co-operative bank.

The Dutch central bank, like the German Bundesbank, is independent of domestic politics, and Mr. Duisenberg has repeatedly said that this is a precondition for the proper functioning of any European central bank.

Dec. 14, 1992: By Alan Friedman in New York and Richard Donkin in London: The Liquidators of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International have filed a $10.5 bn civil lawsuit against Sheik Khalid bin Mahfouz former head of National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia who was indicted in the US last July on BCCI-related fraud charges.

The suit, against both Sheikh Khalid and the bank itself, is unusual both in its size and because it means an embarrassing legal action is being brought against a leading banker close to the Saudi royal family.

Under US racketeering laws, the actual damages to be awarded if the lawsuit succeeds could be trebled to more than $30 bn. Sheikh Khalid has denied all charges.

The liquidators allege in the suit--filed in the US, UK, Jersey, Luxembourg and Switzerland--that Sheikh Khalid broke US laws by engaging in racketeering and fraud. The suit seeks to freeze the assets of Sheikh Khalid and the Saudi bank in each country.

The US Federal Reserve last summer levied a $170m penalty against Sheikh Khalid. [H: Boy, I bet that made Sir Khalid happy! Well, maybe he will get a bit happier as time moves on. I think you will see now, however, how it is that other actors such as Clark Clifford, Altman and other big cheeze US wheelers and dealers DIDN'T GET MORE THAN A TINY, TINY SLAP ON THEIR WRISTS ALL THE WHILE THE JUDGE WAS "WINKING" AT THEM. IT WILL, IN TIME, ALSO MAKE CLEAR WHY ONE SUCH AS KEATING IS TAKING THE HOT-SEAT FOR THE BASTARDS WHO DID THE ACTUAL JOB--HE ACTUALLY DID NOTHING ILLEGAL. I WOULD GUESS THAT MR. KEATING WOULD SPOIL THE STEW IF HE EVER GOT BRAVE ENOUGH TO BLOW THE WHISTLE AND COULD GET FREE LONG ENOUGH TO DO SO--PRIOR TO THE LOBOTOMY!] It also ordered the National Commercial Bank of Saudi Arabia to shut down its New York branch.

In Washington, Judge Joyce Green of the district court has issued a temporary order that stops Sheikh Khalid from transferring any of his US assets out of the country.

In London, Mr. Dennis Norman, acting general manager of National Commercial Bank's UK operations, confirmed the bank had received a restraining order on Sheikh Khalid's UK assets. "We are very shocked about the action," he said.

* * *
Next, we will offer a letter to Hon. George W. Bush which gives great credence to this "story":

February 10th 1992

The White House
One Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC

Attention: Hon. George W. Bush, President of the United States of America.

Mr. President,

May we first of all take an opportunity to congratulate you on a very memorable first term in office.

We are a mixture of Republicans and Democrats, but we are all very proud as Americans to be witness to probably the finest period, in history, and hopefully a time in human terms when wars are only to be fought in the boardrooms of businesses and banks.

We are respectfully writing to you, to request your help and your interference as head of state in a situation that we, know you to be very familiar with.

This request is made of you, on behalf of all of the persons named on the attached list-addendum A., and all those other persons and businesses involved in the matter at hand, whose names are not on said list, but are deeply involved and concerned on the outcome of our request. [H: We are unable to print the listing.]

A synopsis of all the events to date is now stated so that you are better versed in your knowledge of the matter from our position in the affair.

Back in the late seventies, it was decided to exercise many large ‘Arbitrage' financial transactions, to ease the burden and debt of our country.

To date there have been four major transactions, with another one presently underway at this time.

We have named them basically 1, 2, 3, and 4, but they also carry some codename for identification among brokers, for ease of recognition as follows: No. 3 is called ‘the Japanese deal or Blue Streak'; No. 4 is known as ‘the Greek deal' or ‘the Hammer', but they all, carry proper transaction code numbers which are listed on Addendum B.

The four major arbitrages, also encompassed many lesser deals that were essential to the success of the main four, and the Financial brokers, lawyers and businesses involved in total during this time numbered in the hundreds.

To date, according to all records, not one individual, or business has received payment of commissions or even any recompense for the monies that they paid out in order for the arbitrages to succeed.

In fact, in terms of human misery, the toll has been extremely and unnecessarily high.

Many persons have seen their businesses destroyed financially to a point where individual families have broken up due to the pressure of the past several years, and there are recorded cases, of severe health and heart problems, one where the person has died.

We are all fully aware of the details and nature of what can only be described as Grand larceny and Fraud created and/or condoned by top officials and senior members of your administration, aided and abetted by the Justice Department, the Treasury Department and the Department of the Comptroller of Currency, the Federal Reserve and the Central Intelligence Agency, not to mention others.

The latter is our target of concern, because the CIA have been the main intrument used for the purpose of working in accord with all of the main banks involved in the transactions, with all monies we have earned rightfully as commissions for our work done, being now in the hands of, and under the full control of the CIA.

There have been attempts made by many persons seeking payment, but their efforts have failed due to their singular evidence being insufficient to place litigation in the courts.

One such case was filed in Washington DC, last year, but was acted upon by the Judge as frivolous, due to insufficient evidence.

That has now changed drastically.

It has taken almost 4 years, but now communication with all people concerned with the four arbitrage transactions, has culminated and amassed an almost complete documented trail of the transactions in the amount of well over 250,000 separate pages of correspondence & other pertinent detailed documents outlining the whole situation.

Those documents are in a sanctuary, and also copied on disc, so we can access them at any time necessary.

The Arbitrages, which involved several Trillion dollars of 7 1/2%-20 year Promissory Bank Notes (PBN's) involved several countries, i.e., Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, etc., not to mention several international personages, involved both on the Collateral side and also on the funding side, such as, Prince Feisal & the Rothschilds of Paris.

Major international banking entities have also taken part in these transactions and also given their complete assistance to the CIA, i.e., Barclays PLC and London, AMRD, Deutsche, First Chicago, SBC, Continental, and Standard Chartered, just to mention a few as well as Hong Kong Shanghai, in Asia. There were also Japanese banks and others from many countries including our own United States.

There are brokers and businesses involved in our request from many countries such as Canada, Holland, Singapore, Australia, England & Switzerland, but all wish to see an end to what has gone on.

We are all aware of your knowledge of the ‘company' and its role in the diversion of our monies, to its own uses, but we will not make any further mention of that, as a previous Director of that agency, you have full knowledge of the internal workings of the CIA.

We have been very fortunate over the past few years to receive help from persons on the ‘inside' who have monitored the movement to the various accounts, of our funds, and it has also enabled us to sort out good reports from ‘false smokescreen' monitoring.

Mr. President, we, all of us, very respectfully ask for your support and assistance, in the arrangements to be made at the earliest time for a meeting to be held between chosen members representing those on our side, and members of the Government and/or its agencies, who have responsibility in this matter.

Said meeting to be held in strict secrecy in a place to be further arranged and agreed upon.

The many billions of dollars now ‘frozen' in escrow in New York and the billions in Europe, that are transferred almost daily from one account to the other, all relating to our commissions, would make a great contribution to the economy of this country, were they to be released by negotiation.

The larger amounts that would be available to your office would put the nation back on its feet financially, not to mention, the large boost also from recipients of commissions, due to their own investments and spending.

We could go into far more detail than we have done at this time but given the fact that we know that the administration is fully aware of the basis and reason for this documentation, we do not feel that further mention is necessary.

We want to give our assurance, that we have no intention of taking any further steps to retrieve our monies providing we can sit down in an atmosphere of integrity and responsibility, and reach a fair and amicable settlement to our situation.

We are requesting your help in confidence, to attain some form of a just payment of the commissions we are all rightfully entitled to.

There are those persons who feel strongly that we should take this matter to the House and the Senate and by notifying each individual member of Congress, with a complete detailed dossier of events, lobby for a Congressional investigation, and ultimately a Hearing.

We do not agree to that form of pressure, although we would take a step as such, if there was no alternative, but we believe strongly, that a quiet negotiated settlement, in strictest secrecy, is in our opinion the best way to achieve our goal.

It would be too devastating an action in this election year.

In the attached addendums we have placed in order of contact at your choice, the names and addresses of persons and/or firms, whom we would ask you to contact with any reply to this request either by notifying one, or all of those as named.

In that way we are certain that all persons involved in the four transactions, will be fully informed of any pending actions.

A complete list of all persons and businesses who took part in even a small way in one or more of the four arbitrages, are now compiled in a master list, which can be made available at any time in the future, if so requested.

Addendum B lists further information, re other names or numbers given to the four transactions, and also lists the names of key persons, who are allegedly involved with the named agencies, and Government departments, in the withholding of funds payable to persons on the master list.

Again, we must reiterate, that every name listed is for the sole purpose of information only, as known to those within our closed circle, and is not for any other purpose or intention.

Mr. President,

We are sincerely hoping, that you will be able to agree to this earnest request for help and assistance, and put an end to all of the anguish that is now prevailing.

Certainly, no one among the persons on this side will ever give up the fight, to obtain what is rightly theirs, no matter what cost is involved.

Our very sincere and respectful wishes for good health, happiness to yourself and our first Lady, and good luck in the coming year of the election.

Typed for and on behalf of the persons and entities named on the Addendum A, after consultation and discussion with key members of that list, on the content of the matters herein documented, which appertains to all four transactions afore-mentioned.

SIGNED but not revealed.
(Addendum's unavailable for press. However, names have been checked and are valid.)

PJ 75
MON., AUG. 2, 1993 1:02 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 351
MON., AUGUST 2, 1993
This will be a continuation of documentation in the matter of the "arbitrage" frozen funds. In the instance of a major player, we shall refer to this one as "Rosebud".

The question from you readers should be: "Come on Ghost Writer, I'm not interested in health insurance--I think the medical community is trying to kill us anyway!" So, when you consider this much return of money to those who aren't able to get it "on their own"--perhaps "we-the-people" SHOULD ASK FOR A BIT MORE--LIKE ENOUGH TO COVER THE COST OF THE MASSIVE DESTRUCTION OF THE PLANNED AND DELIBERATELY ORCHESTRATED FLOODS ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI. The several billions (if recovered) would not be more than a pittance to the rightful "receivers". Perhaps they would be kind enough, IF YOU DO THIS FOR THEM, to put aside a few more little sums to cover part of the incredible emergency disaster relief from the big earthquakes ALSO PLANNED BEFORE THIS FALL.

Oh, you think Lizzie Dole and the Red Cross will pick up more donations and cover it? Forget it--the Doles were on the "dole" from the fallout of these buried transactions--like as in "payoff"! I think these receivers would be graciously glad to help you IF YOU HELP THEM. Perhaps they would even contribute a bit of support to CONTACT so you can ALL get a bit more information as we can get "help" and afford stamps! I believe I would be most happy to help with such projects! GOD ALWAYS WINS, MY FRIENDS--AS TIME AND PROPER SEQUENCE PRESENTS ITSELF. IF NOT, THEN YOU WILL SEE THAT THE ADVERSARY WILL LOSE--EITHER WAY! Our major purpose at this time of upstart from total inertia is to keep everyone valid and in honest and Godly intent and reward--alive, well and in action. The "chariot" rides can come later in the "fun phase"--it is still labor time.

Is this considered "blackmail"? No, I consider it "light"-mail. In exchange for service we expect worthy deeds and promises kept. It is not nice to effort to fool either Mother Nature or the Chariot Drivers of God. Hold my hand and I'll take you "over there"--cross God, my friends, and "I" shall "send" you "there"! God's people pray to HIM for help and HE sends US. We will see to His instructions--may you walk with us and not against us for in the giving in goodness the promise is that ye shall receive in goodness "for all the days of your lives". Use MY people badly and you shall feel the sting of the scorpion for the remainder of your days upon the Earth. So be it.

I would think you might just take stock of that which has happened with just a tiny two or three who claimed God as their calling and then turned with the bastard thieves into the camp of George Green--just as a tiny "for instance"--and they did unto self for we only offered every opportunity to return unto the security of the "fold". Mr. Green is in dire straits--with evidence piling against him in heaps and gobs daily. Desireé is as miserable as she has ever thought of being in her entire lifetimes--perhaps the worst fear realized--to have little or no MONEY expectations in the circle she attends. John Schroepfer is in an institution shackled by laws brought down against him from his estranged wife who has deserted him--with the assets of the marriage and all value except that which is in the Institute under John's corporation. He is but a pawn--having been deliberately and badly used by those ones. At the proper time for greatest merit--he shall be returned to wholeness in healing. Another just underwent immediate surgery for CANCER--after becoming all but debilitated--and this one was not belligerent--only confused as to direction. NO charges pressed against him or separation asked nor given (but in "guilt" ones will always separate themselves). As to the other, it is most difficult for he is being stung daily by the worst fire-ant of all--an emissary of George Green moved into his nest without recourse unto the strength which sustains! Do WE do this? NO, God ALLOWS--and YOU do unto self whatever ye find worthy of your actions. Would it not be nicer and easier just to drop the war, ask reentry and turn unto the task of GOD which is at hand? So be it.

I want to send Coleman a message, please. There is another opportunity to make rewards of great abundance from the COMMITTEE OF 300. There is a group in Japan who wish to print and distribute your book(s). We forwarded that information to your address of WIR--we trust you got it. Now, today, comes another offer from the other direction--we shall also send it to your WIR address. We have no desire to see you fail to thrive--what you did (do) or claim is none of our business--however, since the "skip-out" of one George Green from his regular offices and dwelling in Carson City--we do not know where he is in Bozeman, Montana so mail being forwarded TO US is going to be forwarded to those who seem to be next suitable for same. Since these two things deal solely with the books of Dr. Coleman--we shall forward them to same. Further, I, Hatonn, intend to help him sell a zillion MORE! WE did not print that book for gain for selves--it was to allow income for the Colemans AND GET THE INFORMATION DISTRIBUTED TO THE PEOPLE! It is coming along nicely, John. When you weary of your traitor connections--perhaps you might want to consider a worthy path--sans ego. We WILL get our job done, you must know!

So, let us continue with the information in point:

The following is from "Rosebud" to (blanked out).

May 25, 1992

....Enclosed is a sample of a map and/or graph that I need to supply to the court reference to the settlement of Rosebud. I will put this in with the documents that have been furnished to me. The map does two things: (1) It shows your own personal opinion of how you fit into the transaction. (2) It helps the court to understand the transaction from your point of view instead of trying to sort through all those documents.

The sample enclosed is one broker's point of view as to how he saw the transaction. I do not expect the brokers to all agree on how the deal was done [see page next page].

I believe this can be tied back to two judgements that have already been obtained.

Let's try to wrap this up.

Thank you,


[H: I ask that the chart (map) be included in the press as is. This is not quite accurate but as far as information was understood by the makers of the chart--it is inclusively appropriate.]

* * *
Next is a copy of an action in District Court, District of Columbia No. 91 1599. Filed June 28, 1991 with the Clerk, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia

[H: This is by no means all that is going on in the legal chambers--but this is public record by its filing and therefore no damage can be brought on the Plaintiffs by this publication. It will give you the subject of the cases in point. It will give you ones enough names to do your checking, also.]


680 East 4750 S.
Ogden, Utah 84403

1804 Northwood Drive
Clearwater, Florida 34624

2131 68TH Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33721.


Chairman, Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System
2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551

Member, Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551

Member, Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551

Member, Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551

Member, Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20551

Secretary of the Treasury
United States Department
of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220

Rockefeller Plaza
New York, New York

New York, New York

One Marine Center
Buffalo, New York 14203

28500 U.S. 19 North
Clearwater, Florida

100 Federal Street
Boston, Massachusetts

Brick Church Office
Newark, New Jersey

42481 Washington Boulevard
Ogden, Utah

New York, New York

Jurisdiction is founded upon diversity of citizenship and amount.

Plaintiff Cleo K. Hanson is a citizen and resident of the State of Utah; plaintiff James F. Crigler is a citizen and resident of the State of Florida; and plaintiff Richard M. Kilbany is a citizen and resident of the State of Florida. Defendants Alan Greenspan, Wayne D. Angell, Edward W. Kelly, Jr., H. Robert Heller, John P. LaWare, and David W. Mullins, Jr. are all members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System conducting business at 2000 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Defendant Nicholas F. Brady is Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, an Agency of the United States having its principal place of business at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Defendant Chase Manhattan Bank, through a corporate affiliate, conducts business in Washington, D.C. as well as in the State of New York. It is a national bank and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Defendants Marine Midland Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust conduct business in the State of New York and are national banks and members of the Federal Reserve System. Mid-Atlantic National Bank of Newark, New Jersey, Key Bank of Ogden, Utah, Chase Manhattan Bank of Florida, Bank of Boston, and Marine Midland Bank are all national banks and members of the Federal Reserve System; however, each bank conducts business in the states indicated above where its principal office is located: New Jersey, Utah, Massachusetts, Florida and New York.

The matter in controversy exceeds the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), exclusive of interest and costs.

Jurisdiction is founded upon the existence of a Federal question and the amount in controversy. Thus action arises under Sections 1331, 1337 and 1348 of Title 28 United States Code, the National Banking Act (Title 12 United States Code), the Federal Reserve Act of December 23, 1913, and the Regulations of the United States Treasury Department and the Regulations of the Federal Reserve Board. The matter in controversy EXCEEDS the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), exclusive of interest and costs.

1. Each of the three plaintiffs, Cleo K. Hanson, Richard M. Kilbany and James F. Crigler, has rendered valuable services in arranging the purchase and sale of credit instruments in one or more international transactions. As compensation for such services, the principals to the transaction have contractually agreed to deposit and set aside assets consisting of cash and United States Government securities in special custodial accounts in various United States national banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System.

2. In accordance with such compensation contracts, assets have in fact been deposited and set aside in various banking institutions (including but not necessarily limited to the defendants named herein) in special custodial accounts in the names and for the accounts of the three plaintiffs.

3. Based upon information obtained informally from the Federal Reserve Board, and upon information and belief, plaintiffs allege that the Chairman and Comptroller of the Federal Reserve Board on September 28, 1990 authorized the settlement, release and distribution of the assets deposited in all of the above-described custodial accounts. This matter has been identified by the Federal Reserve Board as Code 308 F.S.

4. For reasons not known to plaintiffs, the Federal Reserve Board, the United States Treasury Department and the various defendants banks have refused to release and distribute to the plaintiffs the assets deposited and set aside in their individual custodial accounts.

5. By letters dated April 25, 1991, April 26, 1991, May 17, 1991, May 18, 1991, May 29, 1991, and May 30, 1991 addressed to the members of the Federal Reserve Board, the Attorney General of the United States, the United States Treasury Department and various banking institutions named as defendants herein, the plaintiffs have demanded settlement, release and distribution of the assets deposited in their accounts. There has been no response to the plaintiff's demands.

6. Plaintiffs allege that the refusal of the Defendants to release and distribute their property constitutes an interference with and a violation of contractual relationships.

7. Plaintiffs allege that their depository relationship with the various banking institutions is that of creditor and debtor and that the refusal to release and distribute the assets deposited in their accounts constitutes willful nonpayment of indebtedness. Plaintiffs further allege that the United States Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board have aided and encouraged this default.

8. Plaintiffs allege that banking institutions holding assets for their account and benefit are acting as trustees for the benefit of the plaintiffs, and in failing to acknowledge their rightful claims and in refusing to release and disburse assets held for them, the banking institutions have knowingly and willfully violated their fiduciary obligations. Plaintiffs further allege that the United States Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Board have aided and encouraged this fiduciary breach of performance.

9. Plaintiffs allege that it is the clear purpose and policy of the national banking laws to protect the rights and interests of depositors and account holders. Plaintiffs further allege that the unlawful retention of their assets constitutes an improper hold on their depository account and is contrary to the spirit and intent of Federal Reserve Board Regulation CC which was promulgated on September 1, 1988 (12 CFR section 229 et.seq.).

10. Plaintiffs further allege that the refusal of defendant banking institutions, the United States Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve Board to release, to settle and distribute the assets in the plaintiffs accounts indicate an intent to wrongfully deprive plaintiffs of assets to which they are entitled, and to wrongfully convert such funds to their own use.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs request this Honorable Court to:

(a) Grant a hearing on this matter.

(b) Inasmuch as irreparable injury has been suffered by the plaintiffs as a result of the deprivation of their property, they respectfully request the Court to issue a mandatory injunction against each of the defendants requiring them to settle the accounts and to release and distribute all assets shown to be the property of the plaintiffs.

(c) Award judgment to each of the plaintiffs in the amounts demonstrated by evidence of record to represent the value of their assets held by the defendants, together with interest, costs and attorney's fees.

(d) Grant such other and further relief as the Court may deem appropriate.

(Signature )
Attorney for Plaintiffs
109 North Adams Street
Rockville, Md. 20902
Tel: (301) 762-8865
Tel: (703) 590-0836

Attorney for Plaintiffs
Suite 1400
51 Monroe Street
Rockville, Md. 20902
Tel: (301) 294-6100

June 28, 1991
* * *
Well, the point is now--WHERE IS IT NOW?

I do have a document showing that on or about May 18, 1992 a fax was sent to a contact from a representative who had received a telephone call with an update from one Dr. James Gilmore in London:


May 16, Saturday p.m.
Telephone call from Dr. James Gilmore from London, England to M.P.

"Worked again Saturday. The group adjourned Sat. evening. All participants returned to their respective countries to get their superior's approval of the decisions reached at the London audit meeting. They will reconvene on Tues, May 26th to make the final decisions on funding the program.

"Dr. Gilmore feels very positive about the audit process and the final meeting on May 26.

"(Eight countries, many organizations and banks are involved. The program is dispersing more than five TRILLION dollars and will probably result in an increased return of 25-50% beyond the original return to all program participants. The word is PATIENCE!)"

* * *
At that time there was a notation "$57 TRILLION DOLLARS" as to amount in point. Now, readers, that is a LOT of loot. Obviously it is far MORE than all the combined legal tender of all nations combined! But what you have are gross violations of the very laws written to allow such travesty of justice regarding laws.

You can continue to allow the manipulations and strangulation or you can get that amount of funding, albeit it unConstitutional as to coinage regulations--it is legal tender. NOW! It will not be for very much longer. You can work with the persons who originated these transactions and they will reward you greatly in service--or you can do nothing--and watch it slip away while you "wonder what happened!" It's up to you.

We will have Mr. Dixon and the CLC involved to his eyes tomorrow for this day is gone. We will fax him the information, please, so he can come ready to contact these people listed so we can help with some publicity and major legal backing through the Constitutional Law Center. In combining our actions into one intended goal we can bring it about, readers--but it will require your efforts.

Since you will not know exactly what to write (but don't wait--if you do) we will ask Mr. Dixon to draw up a letter as a sample guide for you to add to with your own comments and personalization. This is NOT some "demonstration" or "gathering". This must be individual participation and it must be done immediately--the economic curtain is all but dropped--this is basically a LAST CALL TO ARMS IF YOU WISH TO HOLD YOUR NATION. I suggest you GO FOR IT!

We will ask that the letter be read on the phone line--give until Wednesday or Thursday. We will also make a copy available on APFN. We will then run the "sample" and Mr. Dixon's comments in the following CONTACT.

You are given a "chance", chelas--please don't waste it!

I salute you who would reclaim your nation and demand justice under the LAW. After all--it IS the adversary's own laws he has broken! AHO!