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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 75

    VOL. III

    In living in ignorance, the consequences are there--just not correctly identified as such. You pay either way--to the lie. Find Truth and uncover the conspirators and their hierarchy and you shall begin to dissolve their power over your experience. Let us uncover again those who would be KINGS over your destiny and the destiny of your world. That is the FIRST STEP to FREEDOM! Truth is that one thing that without it, you shall remain enslaved.



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    ISBN 1-56935-020-5
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    August 1993
    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ .............................
    FRI., AUGUST 6, 1993................................................................................................ ........
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., JULY 22, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    PIRATES--OF STATE COURT SYSTEM...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., JULY 25, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    GOLD STANDARD FOR BANKS......................................................................................
    INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................ ...........................
    GERRY SPENCE.............................................................................................. .....................
    SPEECH TO TRIAL LAWYERS.........................................................................................
    VINCE FOSTER--SUICIDE?............................................................................................ ...
    THE TRAGEDY OF VINCE FOSTER................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., JULY 26, 1993................................................................................................ ..........
    NO--WE ARE NOT................................................................................................. .............
    WATCHIT CURRENCY............................................................................................ ...........
    DO WITH YOU?................................................................................................ .............
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ............................
    THU., JULY 29, 1993................................................................................................ ...........
    FOOLED US TOO!................................................................................................ ...............
    GOLD................................................................................................ .....................................
    TURNING TO EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY......................................................................
    SUBDUCTION AT THE TRIPLE JUNCTION.............................................................
    TECTONIC SETTING............................................................................................. .............
    OBSERVATIONS........................................................................................ ..........................
    FIGURES.................................................................................................... .............................
    MOTION ON THE PLATE BOUNDARY..........................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JULY 30, 1993................................................................................................ .............
    IS IT WORTH IT?................................................................................................. ................
    GOLD................................................................................................ .....................................
    DEMJANJUK........................................................................................... .............................
    STANDING ARMY................................................................................................ ..............
    THE BIBLE.................................................................................................... ........................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ............................
    FRI., JULY 30, 1993................................................................................................ .............
    DR. AURELLIO PECCEI.............................................................................................. .......
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ............................
    SAT., JULY 31, 1993................................................................................................ ............
    GUTS, GRIT, GLITZ OR SIMPLY, GOD?..........................................................................
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER AND RAY RENICK..............................................................
    MONEY AND BIG GAMES............................................................................................... .
    GEN. NORMAN SCHWARTZKOPF..................................................................................
    TIP: GEN. NORMAN SCHWARTZKOPF..........................................................................
    BOOK: IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA......................................................................
    WHO IS THE AUTHOR?............................................................................................. ........
    ABOUT THIS BOOK from the ADL:.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ............................
    SUN., AUGUST 1, 1993................................................................................................ ......
    SEEING IT IN ACTION BEFORE YOUR EYES...............................................................
    RAY RENICK/JIM VASSILOS............................................................................................
    BO GRITZ............................................................................................... ...............................
    CHANGING BELIEFS............................................................................................. ............
    THE POINT OF ACTION.............................................................................................. .......
    GREEN GOLD................................................................................................ ......................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ............................
    MON., AUGUST 2, 1993................................................................................................ .....
    URGENT ATTENTION........................................................................................... .............
    PREPARATION FOR--...................................................................................................
    SO, WHAT'S IN FOR YOU AND FOR US?......................................................................
    WORLD'S LARGEST TREASURE HUNT.......................................................................
    SCHEME.............................................................................................. ............................
    CITIBANK CHIEF............................................................................................... ...........
    DUTCH BANKER TO HEAD GOVERNORS...................................................................
    LIQUIDATORS OF BCCI FILE LAWSUIT........................................................................
    MR. PRESIDENT........................................................................................... .......................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........................
    MON., AUGUST 2, 1993................................................................................................ .....
    ANTI-BLACKMAIL........................................................................................... ..................
    ROSEBUD............................................................................................. ................................
    TRANSACTIONS.................................................................................................... ...........
    COMPLAINT STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION.............................................................
    STATEMENT OF CLAIM............................................................................................... .....
    SO WHO MESSED IT UP?................................................................................................. .
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........................
    TUE., AUGUST 3, 1993................................................................................................ .......
    HOME SCHOOLING AND PROGRAMS FOR SAME ...................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........................
    WED., AUGUST 4, 1993................................................................................................ .....
    TODAY AND AROUND THE CLOCK..............................................................................
    MISSILE DISINTEGRATION...................................................................................... ........
    RAY RENICK DOCUMENT AND UPDATE.....................................................................
    SENTENCE v. SILENCE............................................................................................. .........
    COUNTY, CALIFORNIA CORRUPTION....................................................................
    HOUSE BY JUDGE DUFFY.........................................................................................
    INSERTS: RAY RENICK MAPS (2).....................................................................................
    SOUTH AFRICA.............................................................................................. .....................
    SOUTH AFRICA'S OTHER SIDE COALITION................................................................
    ABOUT THE SPEAKERS:........................................................................................... .......
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ...........................
    THU., AUGUST 5, 1993................................................................................................ ......
    ALTERNATIVES?....................................................................................... ..........................
    PLANS WORK?............................................................................................... ...............
    OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY...............................................................................
    SO WHAT ABOUT RUSSELL'S BACKGROUND?.........................................................
    TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE........................................................................................... ...
    RECTIFICATION....................................................................................... ...........................
    & CHART OF THE ELITE 300 (3 PAGES)......................................................................
    I dedicate this work to my ENEMIES. Without them I would be nothing and have no cause. I respect you, my foe, for through the lies and distractions I am able to focus on my mission. You shall fall, my respected adversaries. You shall fall for as the army of God gathers in Truth--you shall collapse and wither in the LIGHT of day.
    FRI., AUG. 6, 1993 3:45 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 355
    FRI., AUGUST 6, 1993
    We give these volumes "names and titles" because we don't know any other way to identify and separate. There is actually NO separation--just ongoing information outlay. Therefore, it is impossible to index everything. It becomes mandatory that you as readers keep ongoing connections one with another for we are simultaneously integrating several subjects within one another as we also effort to keep current on events. We will be covering The Club of Rome, the other conspiracies and also the price of gold. Now, you might wish to help me figure out how to label these books for we are at a loss. We also speak a bit about "gold" of which probably the Puppet-master's shackling strings are woven--but however it SHOULD be, we simply present this for your use as you find opportunity and interest.

    We set it up for OUR use as a daily log entry in JOURNALS. We reference the exact time of writing and date of writing (in two ways). We write down that which we speak and write about in a day, no more and no less. We realize it is not suitable to you as readers and remains confusing--but whether it be visible yet, or not--it is the only way to identify in REALITY as to the lessons offered.

    I ask that you go back and read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion from time to time as you read these JOURNALS because everything in your conscious world is revolving around those Protocols and the Plan 2000 One World Order.

    I can only urge you to not hop to conclusions and cast aside the book because you "hear" it is biased and bigoted, and other anti-words. It is not. We do not offer that which is NOT PROVEN BY THE DOCUMENTS OF HISTORY! It is simply, readers, that you must realize as much when you find the truth of history and face it instead of dancing around in front of a curtain of lies. Pleasant? No, but exciting at the least--wondrous at its growth. As you get informed the answers come, the problems isolate themselves in focus and solutions for those problems begin to take form. You must consider this much like the woodcarver who will use different tools to shape different woods. First, you have to know what you want to do with the wood--then choose the wood and then the proper tools for the cutting. There is a "beginning" to every problem and you must reach it in full recognition before you can formulate a worthy solution. Bandaids are worthy for scrapes and scratches--deep and lethal wounds require exacting surgical precision. If you eat the egg before the chicken--then ye shall have no chicken to renew your supply of eggs. Find first the cause, purpose and source of the battle and then, only then, can you fashion your weapons of both defense and counter-assault.

    The enemy depends upon the fact that you will likely EAT your SEED-GRAIN and have no crops to harvest in the future. This will make you totally reliant on him to feed you, clothe you and allow you to live or die. If you can save the seed and learn the Truth--you shall live to harvest another day. March to the drumbeat of this physical moral decay--and you shall be swept away in the chaff. More likely, you will be blown away in the "suiciding" through nuclear war--for at some point the stand-off Puppet-Masters will make that ultimate vie for power supreme! This will only be a "battle" in the presence of God--for the WAR is the FINAL confrontation with that adversarial "survivor".

    There have, however, always been the secret places of the LION and the waiting at stand-by of the Bird-Tribes in winged chariots. God would not leave you destitute--but He will leave you in ignorance if that be your choice. That also means, however, land-locked!

    God instantly accepts "ignorance" but it is most unwise to take your conjured ignorance and refusal to learn, and go forth and thrust it upon others so that they become even more ignorant. Why? For that one who misinforms or keeps Truth from another shall face the piper and pay the bill. The ignorant one of the two will also pay a price--that one shall not find himself in the places of Radiance even if his lot be not loss of soul. He shall be destined to learn his lessons one way or another in TRUTH. "Forgiveness" is NOT "forgetting". He who forgives is divine--he who forgets is stupid.

    We effort to offer you the view of the consequences of that which set forth through the lies of the generations of planners working for dominance and New World Control. Perhaps we shall just refer to this JOURNAL as a trip into TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES.

    May you be diligent in seeking understanding and protection within LIGHT as you read these passages, that you may SEE and KNOW.

    I AM

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:09.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 75
    THU., JULY 22, 1993 2:40 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 340
    THU., JULY 22, 1993
    The following is from People's Rights Association and since we deal so much with lawyers, courts, and "The Law" we will offer it here:

    July 20, 1993

    A Private Organization has admitted in Print that it has "TAKEN OVER" complete control of all state courts.

    All "JUDGES" are lawyers.

    All lawyers are given a "MEMBERSHIP I.D. NUMBER". They misrepresent this private member number as a "LICENSE". The fact is that NO lawyer (or judge) has a license to practice law, as issued by the government of "the state" government, its "secretary of state" office, or its "department of licensing and inspections".

    All lawyers (and pretender ‘Judges') are "PRACTICING LAW WITHOUT A LICENSE". They only have a "MEMBER NUMBER" from their private club--not a ‘license' from the state.

    Therefore, the "BAR" or "BAR ASSOCIATION" has "TAKEN OVER" all the courts as "PIRATES" and "PRETENDERS".

    The people are led to believe that the "MEETINGS" held in the county courthouse are "COURTS OF LAW". But the fact is--there are NO courts in existence in the state, only PRIVATE CLUB meetings of the state lawyers' club, titled "BAR" admitted lawyer number members.

    That is the reason a person is not charged with violation of a state law or statute. The "CODE" is merely a reference or index for the "BAR" club of the "STATE LEGISLATURE'S" laws and statutes.

    A person might as well be charged by the Elk's Club with violation of the Elk Club's "Code" by the head elk (Judge) while he wears a black elk robe, in the Elks meeting, in the court room rented from the courthouse. There are no courts of the state presided over by people "licensed by the State" to practice law, to administer state law, or elected by "The People" to be judges of "The People".

    All "COURT ORDERS" signed by (pretender) lawyers/judges are in fact "LEGAL NULLITY". This is TREASON and OVERTHROW OF THE LEGISLATURE. Until the state legislature general assembly in the state capitol takes back the court system from the private club of "PIRATES" there is anarchy in the state. State police/national (Federal) guard, obey the "Pirates"--NOT the Legislature.

    Until the local state media speaks--then, and only then, will the anarchy and piracy be set right. Until then, the state's people are held hostage by pirates in absolute tyranny control of state courts, and subsequently the entire government structure (a secret).

    For further information contact:
    c/o 1624 Savannah Road
    Lewes, Delaware
    (Not Federal Possession DE) no IRS zone number
    exempt American (NOT Federal Domestic US)
    302-645-8253 + FAX

    * * *
    To continue these thoughts, there is a just received "flyer" called the NEW WORLD ORDER.

    It is very difficult to get a small "flyer" out which covers so much information--so well! The best I can offer is as with other information which comes; pass it along:

    "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence. It is force and like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington.

    "If the American people ever allow private banks (i.e., the Federal Reserve System) to control the issue of our currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson.

    "The American people are not intelligent enough to spend their own money; Therefore the government should take it away from them (through taxation) and spend it for them." John Kenneth Galbraith.

    "The single greatest threat to our freedom, the Constitution and the American way of life is not the Soviet Union or Red China--it is the IRS and the tax code." Michael Minn (Author of the "Underground Lawyer").


    The "New" World Order is hardly new. Utopians from Plato to Hitler have claimed that with enough power and money they, in their god-like wisdom, could impose order upon a world ravaged by war, poverty, and disease. The charred bodies in Waco, Panama, and Iraq are stark testimonials to the vigor and ruthlessness of present day Utopians who of course always claim they have our best interests at heart. Sort of a "We had to destroy the village in order to save it," mentality on a world scale. These Utopian Globalist have clubs--The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The World Federalist, The Bilderbergers, etc.--whose goal is to bestow the beneficence of their wisdom upon the grubbing rabble. These "wise men" as they often call themselves envision a two class world--them, the ruling plutocracy and the other 97% of us, the serfs whose simple goal is to follow orders and not make waves. These self-appointed gods despise The Constitution and Bill of Rights, viewing them as inconvenient, nationalistic, out of date obstacles to their goal of World dominance.

    The trouble with these elitists is that they never had to work a day in their lives, their wealth is mostly inherited, mostly gained by legalized theft, and they live in magnificent ivory towers of isolated splendor. Consequently their view of reality is highly distorted. Their patriarchal, hierarchical, militaristic, authoritarian world view and methods are still the OLD world way of doing business, and is totally unsuited for creating a world order based on equality, truth, sharing and respect for all life--plant, animal and human.

    Our government, our economy, our day to day lives have been largely perverted by these elitists, especially since they murdered President Kennedy in 1963. One branch of the New World Order--The Council on Foreign Relations has comprised 90% of the executive branch since the 1930s. That's why it makes no difference whether you vote Republican or Democrat--you get the same--massive spending, massive deficits, massive taxation, massive government and subsequently, more and more erosion of personal freedoms. The last presidential election was typical in which we had CFR member George Bush "opposing" CFR member Bill Clinton. Just another grand show to preserve the illusion to the rabble that they still live in a democracy.

    What is the "Council on Foreign Relations"? The CFR, established in 1921, is a collusion of the most powerful people from the most powerful spheres of our society--the news media, the government, the biggest corporations, the banks, the military, the colleges, etc. People like Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Henry Kissinger, etc., etc. Their common goal--the establishment of a one world totalitarian dictatorship wherein individual freedoms are obliterated.

    You can't expect to hear about the CFR--our secret government within a government. If all the major news media also are part of the club, ABC, NBC, the New York Times, Time, Life, Newsweek, etc., corporations own the news media so that is all that we are getting--corporate news! The goal of corporate news is to, as Noam Chomsky says, "Manufacture consent" to preserve and enhance corporate interests. Emphasis, selection, deletion, distortion, and outright lying are standard tools of the trade for mind control. With such warped information, true democratic decision making is impossible and it removes any mystery why this country is in the shape that it is. We have a news media and government of, by and for the corporations.

    What fuels these elitists, what gives them their power base is the biggest scam, the biggest theft ever perpetrated upon a people--income tax! The income tax in one fell swoop guts the Bill of Rights. Forget about being secure in your person, privacy, or property. Forget about fair trials, protection from self incrimination and speaking freely. The income tax gives BIG BROTHER carte blanche to peer questioningly into every aspect of our lives and then to rob us with impunity. The impossible complexity of the tax code leaves all of us wide open to both prosecution and persecution. The income tax directly opposes and contradicts every principle of the law and all the spirit of liberty that this country was founded on. The income tax is deliberately designed to destroy personal liberty and property by institutionalized slavery. Consider it your patriotic duty to do whatever it takes, legal and "illegal" to not pay your income tax and thereby keep as much money as is possible out of the hands of the white collar thugs, the robber barons, who have taken over the government.

    [H: Whoa! STOP! Do not speak in these terms lest you find yourself as I did after saying in stress terminology, "beg, borrow or steal a copy....." That has come back time and again from the mouths of George Green's legal absurdities. So, reflect and remove the term in quotes above, "illegal", and replace it with "find every legal alternative available" (and there are lots if you read the JOURNALS and CONTACT which will have eluded your notice most likely by their "appearance" of something for only the "wealthy" few. No, there are good alternatives in management--but you have to do your homework.]

    Hand in hand with the income tax is the hoax called the "Federal Reserve System" which is a private bank with no reserves and which is not a system but a syndicate, just like the Mafia. The FRS was also set up in 1913 by the same self-serving elitist crooks who brought us the income tax. They have used their position of power and privilege to loot untold billions from the common people. People are working more and more for less and less and can't understand why they can't keep up. Look no further than our bogus money system, customized to keep the squirrels franticly running while their keepers get rich. They accomplish this by inflating and deflating the money supply to suit their needs. Our present dollar is less than a dime of the 1913 dollar. Therefore, we need to abolish the FRS, re-establish the gold standard and take back our looted wealth from these FRS crooks. With that money we could pay off the national debt and get this country back on a solid financial course.

    [H: NO! You do need a "standard" but whether or not "gold" is the choice is beside the point. The facts are that when you refer to "paying off the national debt" I get a bit queazy--WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING? TAKE BACK YOUR WEALTH, YES--BUT THEY ARE YOUR NATIONAL DEBT. Simply announce that your debt is PAID AND IN FULL and get rid of the bounders! Let the ones with the stolen money--pay themselves and whoever else they have robbed! Right here is where YOU HAD BETTER GO BACK AND CAREFULLY LISTEN TO COL. BO GRITZ!!]

    Another very crucial point must be understood, how the Globalists have used socialism and socialistic concepts to further their agenda for world dominion. Socialism is not so much about sharing the wealth as it is a plot to consolidate power to control the wealth. Why have the Globalists sunk billions of dollars into a movement that supposedly would take away their wealth? They have no fear because they intend to be in charge of their utopian one world socialistic empire. There is nothing wrong with socialism (sharing) as long as it is non-compulsory and power truly resides in the hands of "all" of the people, and not in some huge, dictatorial bureaucracy. Before the state can distribute the wealth, it first has to take the wealth and in that power structure no one is safe from the state. Therefore, all forms of state welfare, foreign aid, social security, farm subsidies, food stamps, etc., should be phased out and left to private organizations and be 100% voluntary. Rampant, unchecked socialism is every bit as dangerous as rampant, unchecked capitalism. In both instances power has been removed from the people and put into huge, authoritarian power structures that end up crushing the very people they are claiming to serve. [H: One major problem is that neither Socialism, Capitalism OR COMMUNISM is practiced according to original definition given each term in truth and fact. This is just more doublespeak and I would ask that you read all these documents with this in mind. True capitalism is excellent for it indicates truth in reward for effort, supply and demand, people's choice of product and quality and thus and so. Neither is "democracy" a way to live--for this simply means that the ones with the most VOTES get what they ....t even if it be your necks!]

    Our present government has failed because unchecked capitalists bought up the government (via subsidized elections and lobbyists) and the news media, because we the people, through ignorance and apathy allowed it to happen. The price of freedom is more than eternal vigilance, it is eternal effort as well. Unless very many of us get very busy very soon, this brief experiment in democracy will soon be completely over and the Globalists will have their way with us.

    Ultimately, our political and economic values spring directly from our spiritual values. If you believe there is no God, that humankind is just an accident of nature, and that we are merely, as Karl Marx says, "Mass in motion", then there is no right or wrong and you are free to do anything you want to people--move them, manipulate them, murder them, whatever you can get away with. If on the other hand you understand that the universe is of divine creation, then you also understand that ALL people have certain "unalienable rights", that no government can either give or take away. The Marxian philosophy of the Global Elitists frees them--in their own minds only--to do anything they want with us, and that is exactly what they are doing.

    So, what can YOU do? You can support ones efforting to make a difference:
    * Citizens for an Alternative Tax System 1-800-767-7577
    * Fully Informed Jury Association 1-800 TEL-JURY.
    * For the People (radio) 1-800-888-9999.

    It is still not too late to take back this government without bloodshed. Far better the ballot today than the bullet tomorrow. But it won't happen if you keep waiting for someone else to do it. No one of us alone can do enough. Just because you can't do everything doesn't mean you should give up and do nothing. It is going to take each one of us in our own small way to do what we can. Let's get moving within and without, because we will have the kind of government, nationally and globally, that we merit.

    * * *

    Let us leave this now for a rest break. Thank you. Salu.

    PJ 75
    SUN., JULY 25, 1993 10:24 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 343
    SUN., JULY 25, 1993
    This is Doris Ekker, to speak in my own behalf, please.

    Yesterday a very strange thing happened to us here at our "used to be" home.

    We had just been speaking with Stew Webb, which will be a great relief to you readers--just to know that he is alive "somewhere". He and a "friend" will now be sending "incredible" documents to the CONTACT in preparation for publishing "their" books.

    For you who do not know of what I speak, Stew was a political prisoner in Colorado--until late day before yesterday afternoon. In the morning of the 23rd he was told by a couple of "people" in the prison that he was to be "thrown out" of the prison THAT afternoon. Surely enough toward late afternoon he was "thrown out"--literally!

    He was brought into the offices and released and told to "get out". He was allowed NO phone calls and was given NO CLOTHING. He was literally pushed out of the prison, physically, in prison garb.

    This has to be as "terrifying" as it can get?? He had no clothes, no personal property, no driver's license I.D.--nothing.

    He made his way to several phones only to find the place of business closed or disallowed from using the instrument. At one place the police showed up and he thought for sure he was dead (of course, for escape or running fugitive) but, the police knew ABOUT him and ordered him of the premises of that place and said to "get out of here". Now, where could he go or do? He finally made his way to a place where he could make a phone call "collect" and called E.J. for lack of ANYONE ELSE TO CONTACT.

    As the play unfolded we wish to thank ones in Denver for offering help and cover while E.J. could do what he could--which was little enough. We aren't "even" the paper but he had managed to get our number from somewhere and we are grateful that he asked for, if not us, WHO? Do we want to be involved with political prisoners and such? NO, I must say that I live in terror as these things deepen and unravel but how else can we bring freedom and security back into our lives? E.J. is much, much braver than am I--I just pray a lot--but it seems to work, we are still alive and serving as best we can. I so much appreciate the kind words and support of you readers for I am a coward when it comes right down to "it"--I look at these things as not having "other alternatives". I suppose we do--but we can't seem to find them. At any rate, thank you, staff, for getting that on the phone-line and the follow-up--THIS IS OBVIOUSLY THE ONLY WAY WE ARE GOING TO KEEP THE PEOPLE ALIVE WHO HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO STOP THESE MAD ELITE--OUT OF CONTROL!

    Are "we" just being "used" as a communication's tool? We don't know, but if it is right with God and open in content as presented--WE WILL CONTINUE TO PRINT WHAT IS GIVEN. WE DO NOT ANALYZE--WE, AS "HOPEFULLY", good citizens, patriotic Americans under the intended Constitutional Law, as are the majority of our friends and readers (all but the infiltrators who work directly AGAINST us) must do that which we can or our beloved world is lost! I am in KNOWING of that fact. Perhaps I am more blessed than most in that I have direct recognition and contact--but it differs not one iota in purpose.

    The subject just prior is joyous for we have since heard again and Stew is "safe" for the moment--(interesting side-note, I right now am picking up the tones of the monitoring device on our incoming "lines" which records this computer, CUT IN WITH AN ADDITIONAL SIGNAL. I suggest the listeners and watchers take notice for I call on the higher Command for scrambling and protection--it always WORKS!). No indeed, I AM NOT either brave or aggressive--but I know from whence comes my protection and SO DO THESE SURVEILLANCE TEAMS. In fact, now that I monitor the "tones" I realize the "cut in" was our own teams monitoring the monitors! Good grief, what happened to sewing rag dolls and baking cookies??

    The reason I took this space is to ask information on identification of someone who called us yesterday afternoon. We had just hung up the phone from Stew's call so that the room was still full of people here AND the phone was still on "speaker". A woman in a very nasty voice demanded to speak to Mr. Eddy Tehachapi! E.J. responded and she called him Mr. Tehachapi. At first we thought her to be a friend being teasing or something--but she came on like an inbound freight train. She started to yell and accuse and demanded that we NEVER use her name again in ANY writing, FAX, paper, book or anything. She said we had sent out FAX after FAX about her and a friend of hers, whose name we missed and had never heard before. When asked, she said she was "Virginia McCullah" (I'm confident this is misspelled) and we forget from where. She was about ten octaves high in decibels and I interrupted and asked who she was and what did she "mean"--how did she get our phone number (as this was at home) and the wrong name, etc. She shouted her name and again blasted us with shouting and said she was going to sue us and "all those others who had written about her". She mentioned a "Jim Vassilos" (or something) and continued to talk about the "FAXES". I thought perhaps the "Fax Network" but that name was not stated. She said she was an "Investigative Reporter" and was "the best of the Investigative Reporters"--she was going "to sue us and everyone connected with us." Interestingly enough--I should have left well enough alone for she would have been suing somebody named Tehachapi and a paper seemingly called the PHOENIX LIBERATOR (so this has to be a very OLD complaint at best--or something).

    When she finally ran out of part of her venom I spoke up and identified myself as Mrs. Ekker, Doris Ekker. Then it got really interesting: She said "Oh, the UFO lady?" I said "I don't know a lot about UFOs but I do know something about the paper--and I do not recall ever hearing or seeing either of the names you report!" She was now in a fury and said she was the best of the "Investigative Reporters" (no mention of where, what, how, or why) and repeated that she was going to sue us!

    I asked her if she had "read the paper?". This is quite interesting; she replied, "No, I try never to read that thing!" I was ungracious and said that I felt she certainly "must be a superb ‘investigative reporter' if she refused to read and kept distance from anything which might give her proper insight. She simply screamed that she was now really "going to sue me". I suggested (as loudly) that she go right ahead and do so. E.J. offered that , however, she had better hurry (for we have ones in line to sue us for this or that). Before we could get any more information she slammed down the phone so hard you could hear the receiver break.

    There was more but this is about all I can accurately repeat. If we have written something about this person that is hurtful, I apologize if the facts we presented are not correct (I have never found Hatonn to make errors) and if someone is using our "Fax machine at the mail-room" I am shocked. I do not know of anything about which this woman, Virginia McCullah (probably again misspelled), speaks or spoke. I do know that this paper or these writings are NOT disinformation, misinformation or any of the accusations. I do welcome her "suit" because I wouldn't want anyone out there who wants to sue us to be disallowed from doing so--I am really getting pretty used to g in Court and might miss the experience of the day!

    As a "writer", I also know, however, that in public newsprint--we can mention any name we like if the story be TRUE or "as given". We have no reason to believe this woman is or is not whatever may have been written or shared on the "FAX" by other parties but as a "best" "Investigative Reporter"--THIS WOMAN IS NOT!

    Whoever this woman is, and one of you out there may well be able to help us locate such a person, the Commander would be quite happy to converse with her. I would, however, suggest she catch up with what we write in both the paper and the JOURNALS--or she may get her nose tweeked! He is a bit ungracious when ones come claiming absurd things AND HAVE NOT SO MUCH AS LOOKED AT THE MATERIAL! THAT is grounds for getting my own ears and nose tweeked if I personally complain about something to which I have access and was too lazy to research or listen to.

    I suppose I can expect a "suit" from her because she did say that If we so much as "run her name" she WILL sue. Is there nothing that people won't do to stop the flow of money into the coffers of the lawyers? Good grief, what a business racket! I am perfectly happy to speak to this person at any time and I'm sure that our people will be MOST HAPPY to never mention her name anywhere, anytime--ever again (if we did so in the first place). It does seem to me she protesteth much too loudly and insultingly to be RIGHT!--she was really ticked off at something or other and we were second or third down her list of callees. I am most curious how she got such "incorrect" calling information--but did have our phone number--from where did she get it? It's OK, we are just curious as to resource. She inferred she was with a "large" GROUP of some kind and was speaking out for all of them somehow. You see the only reason we share this with you and ask you readers about this is that WE HAVE NO FAX NETWORK! WE EVEN CLOSED THE BULLETIN BOARD BECAUSE IT GOT INFILTRATED. WE HAVE A PHONE MESSAGE LINE BUT NOT MR. TEHACHAPI--OR EKKERS (IN ANY WAY) AND HER REFERENCE OVER AND OVER REGARDED "FAXED" MATERIAL! WE HAVE NO "PHOENIX LIBERATOR"--for months now, so this is quite confusing--but the blow-up was pointed and nasty enough to consider serious in intent. This was a most "threatening" phone call, witnessed by at least five adults and we DO NOT take threatening phone calls lightly--we are often "shot at" and have the bullet holes to prove it. Certainly NO "good patriot" or one "searching and researching Constitutional FREEDOM" would use such tactics?? Or, even UFO misinformers surely wouldn't blast, finally, the TRUTH BRINGERS. I FIND IT MOST INTERESTING THAT WE HAVE THOUSANDS OF CONTACTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE SPACE COMMAND AND YET ALL THOSE "EXPERTS" AND SO-CALLED "AUTHORITIES" AVOID US LIKE THE PLAGUE ON BLACK SUNDAY!

    Friends and readers, you may find this amusing--but even "I" am beginning to find "purpose", "direction" and faintly begin to "see the Light". This has ALL been a most remarkable experience to me and one which I do not understand--but I can well assure you, this is not a game of show-and-tell--we are in a run for our planet--and "people" are losing!

    I do know that the Elite through Bush's brush thicket is beginning to come apart and that means a lot of the Administration as it is. I am given to KNOW nothing more than the farthest reader--but it is coming down and it is coming down HARD--NOW!

    I would not speak of the above at all if there didn't seem to be some need to see further WHO these people ARE! Nasty letters and phone calls are not alien to us nor are threats--but this one was highly uncalled for, unprofessional and if this is the representative "Best" "Investigative Reporter" in a "group" of "Investigative Reporters"--then we are IN SERIOUS TROUBLE, PEOPLE!

    I do know one thing--the name Jim Vassilos came up several times. If Jim V. is using our resources to do his insipid work--I demand that he cease and desist. This one man has personally cost us several thousands of dollars, gotten himself arrested, damaged Russbacher beyond recovery in a business sense--and is now putting out absurd information, crediting our people with it and asking that "stuff" be run in the paper, on the FAXES, etc., that are totally without conscience! He passes out requests and demands upon one who barely can continue in service to the incarcerated political prisoners and it is hard for me, Doris, to longer wish to participate in ANYTHING with which Mr. Vassilos is involved. I do not speak FOR this paper--only myself, but I have had enough of this particular "helper"! He may well be a most aggressive PATRIOT but he appears to me to be a loose cannon with synthetic ammunition, conjectures and total lack of documentation or effective effort. He seems to be another "Dare Schout" of some kind who offers to "help" but never HELPS! I do not longer lend my participation to this person. If "Commander" tells me otherwise, so it goes--but for me personally, I have had enough of this distraction and self-styled "helper" in "authority". People mean well but the results are something like a late-fire on the Fourth of July--the wrong thing happens and people get hurt--simply through misrepresentation and total blunder--OR, IT HAS TO BE ASSUMED THE FOOLISH ACTIONS AND STATEMENTS ARE INTENTIONAL!! WE ARE GETTING BETTER AND BETTER AT JUDGING "WHICH" IT IS AFTER THE UMPTEENTH TIME THESE "ERRORS" OF JUDGMENT HAPPEN.

    Thank you for allowing me a few personal minutes for a LOT of things are coming through which we cannot sort and our Editor in "Big" Chief says some of them are DANGEROUS and will get you citizens on LISTS that will destroy you post-haste. One arrived this morning. He perused it and got out his two-by-four attention-getter. He asks me to write the "Background Information" as sent (with a thick packet of many pages of forms and petitions for return of funds, etc.,) to the government, et al.

    I perceive that IF the whole thrust is DECEITFUL--then to think we are going back on some gold standard whereby all the little people get PAID BACK for all past injustices--we are DREAMING--especially in view of the fact the RESOURCE which would back such a payback is said by the "holders" to simply be going on the auction block to the world in August--to the highest bidder. Even "I" with my vague recognition of "what might be" feel all sorts of black and red flags waving us "goo'-by". Sounds TOO good! Who knows?

    * * *
    Editor in "Big" Chief?? Have your fun, scribe, I shall make your fingers pay!

    Let us remark that this following information came to Brent and the person sending it said she had seen the "new seal" which would be brought into play through the banks after switching to the "new gold standard". I simply remind you ones that if it were this easy, the Elite would not still be in power! Dharma, "save" your document--I see our "friends" are ready to wipe out your writing! Thank you.

    Just copy what was sent as background and then we can consider what else may be appropriate to offer as contact resource for information.


    The Constitution of the United State provides for our money system to be based upon gold and silver. In 1933, all United States banks were declared bankrupt by the government because there was not enough gold to back the U.S. Treasury gold certificates at full value. All bank charters were declared null and void.

    The Federal Reserve Banking System (FRB) took control of the banks and issued federal reserve notes. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was established to insure deposits and give value to the worthless paper money. This banking system is illegal under the United States Constitution, and therefore, all loans and mortgages from any institution under the FRB system are also illegal. Charging interest for the use of worthless money is fraud. To foreclose on a loan of worthless money and take the assets of the borrower as payment is double fraud, and to take the insurance money securing the loan is still worse. This is the problem facing the American public today.

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) was established to collect taxes. Both the IRS and the FRB are privately held corporations and are not agencies of the United States government, as is commonly thought. Over the years the IRS has collected federal income tax, channeled it to the FRB and from there to bankers in England, who owned the FRB. These bankers in turn bought assets in the United States with this money. Today England is the foreign country owning the greatest amount of our assets, with Japan number two.

    The change back to a gold-standard banking system is now in process. This is being accomplished through pressure from the patriotic group called the "Cosmos" [H: OOPS! ALERT, ALERT!!],patriots in general, the United States military, and the United States Supreme Court. The work is being done by General Norman Shwarzkopf, Roy Swasinger and other retired military personnel, the Rangers, the Delta Force, Attorney General--Janet Reno, various federal judges, and the National Guards of all 50 states. [H: How does THAT line-up sound to you?]

    A banking change is difficult because the FRB is under the control of the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, etc., who are powerful "One World Order" people and who control the world monetary system.

    Some banks have changed to the gold-standard system as evidenced by the new gold seal they display. The seal has a golden eagle in the center with 50 black stars around the outside. It shows the deposit limit and states that money is now insured by the government of the United States of America. In such banks information about the FRB and FDIC should have been removed.

    There will be no devaluation of the dollar. The worthless federal reserve notes will be exchanged dollar for dollar for the new treasury gold certificates over the next 12 months or so.

    At some point after the bank change-over has been completed, the American public will be told that the FRB and FDIC are no longer in existence, their loans are invalid, and no further mortgage, loan, and credit card payments need be made. People will be essentially debt free. This will be the year of Jubilee.

    The same will be true for the IRS. The IRS has no function without the FRB and no further income tax will need to be paid. A new tax system will be established. Under the Constitution income tax is illegal. Excise tax is legal, and it is probable that a 5% excise tax on everything that is purchased, exempting food and clothing, would be adequate to run the entire government.

    If you file the attached forms, you will be paid by the United States Treasury for any lost assets you may have incurred due to the FRB system. You may claim principal and interest plus damages for any loan you now have or may have had since 1933. This includes loans from any entity of the FRB, such as house mortgages, car loans, credit cards, credit unions, GMAC, Ford Credit, Chrysler Credit Corp., insurance companies, S.& L. banks, Federal Land Bank, Production Credit Assn., Consumer Credit Corp., etc.

    You may also claim all state and federal income tax you have paid as well as property or real estate taxes you have paid since 1933.

    It will cost you $300.00 to file your claim with the office in your state. The second spouse must also pay a $300.00 filing fee. You may file your children under your claim with no additional cost. To do this follow the attached example for a child.

    At some point soon all Americans will be debt-free of the FRB system, but only those who file will be reimbursed for their lost assets.

    You must be able to document or prove in some fashion everything you claim as lost income or lost assets. Use present-day replacement costs for any property you have lost, and give supporting data on prices of new equipment and buildings and land values. You need verification of illness caused by stress over financial troubles such as doctor's statement and hospital and doctor's bills.

    Most people will need to complete only a portion of the attached forms. Follow the "Average Joe" example. Farmers and business people will need to complete the forms in their entirety.

    Each time a note is renewed, it becomes a new contract and you may list it again in total. This is also true of those credit cards which carry a credit limit. Each monthly billing creates a new contract with the stated credit limit as the loan principal.

    Names and addresses need to be listed on the arrest warrant and subpoena sheets for all those who have caused you harm. This includes bankers, collection agents, IRS agents, law enforcement agents, etc. UCC's are used only for immediate foreclosures. Each UCC costs $100.00.

    Build a file of supporting documents and keep it in a safe place for future reference should you be asked to support your lost assets claim.

    Send your completed forms and $300.00 (or $600.00 + $100.00 per UCC) to your local area contact person. You may need to call them to answer any questions you have.

    * * *
    I am not going on with THIS! This is NOT even the group who has control of ANY gold certificate and the one who claims to have the gold certificate in point upon which the Cosmos bases its ability to fund this--ABSOLUTELY DISCREDITS THIS "COSMOS" "THING".


    Let us show you "what" information you are going to pay THEM to have against you--you "troublemaker"!


    • 1. Summary letter--a short explanation of what took place. Be very detailed in an outline form.
    • 2. List all financial institutions with which you had business dealings. List all officers of the institution, & the board of directors.
    • 3. List all lawyers, judges, clerk of courts, recorders, and any collection agency. Include your inquiry of the lawyer, judges, you make with your Secretary of State of your state to see if they have registered either privately or by Corporation, or trade name.
    • 4. Original Notice of Foreclosure, or Bankruptcy Papers.
    • 5. Corporation papers, charter, stock.
    • 6. Closing balance sheets.
    • 7. Closing income statement.
    • 8. A list of accounts receivable, out-standing or collected.
    • 9. Any documents to any rating of your business standing to verify its worth. (Example": Dunn & Bradstreet)
    • 10. Original projection of business.
    • 11. Inventory, of all assets which were taken, both business and personal.
    • 12. State sales tax records.
    • 13. State withholding tax records.
    • 14. Federal withholding tax papers.
    • 15. Federal income tax if filed.
    • 16. State income tax, if filed.
    • 17. List of your accounts to whom you sell.
    • 18. If you use a computer, a list of computer account codes.
    • 19. File on SBA, application, or loan application you filed.
    • 20. Instruction or letters from the courts, if in bankruptcy.
    • 21. File on any letter, instruction, or nasty letter from the SBA.
    • 22. Files of any law suits settled or outstanding in separate files.
    • 23. Files on banks, lending institutions you dealt with including all copies of notes, or loan papers.
    • 24. Files on all correspondence from any lawyers, judges, or collection agency in separate files.

    THIS IS JUST A GUIDELINE. IT IS NOT IN AN ORDER WHICH YOU MAY WISH, NOR DOES IT HAVE TO BE FOLLOWED. These files pertain to a business, not a farming operation per se. All information should be put in files, and labeled and in some order.



    My own "nerves" will not allow me to go on with this. Note that in addition to all the above, you will have given EVERY bit, to the most tiny detail, of ALL information about yourself, location--RIGHT DOWN TO YOUR FAVORITE INCARCERATION CAMP! THIS IS BAD NEWS!!

    You will not know it but there are at least six major typographical errors in the above listing which have been corrected from "seperate" to "per say", "Dun Bradstreet" to "delt with".

    This would appear to be one of the most obscene and vile con-schemes I have ever witnessed. And who is behind it? Well, let's just say that a lot of innocent ones have become a fantasy-land, tooth-fairy part of it.


    Another heinous thing these ones have done is to include Don McAlvany's newsletter on the "Waco Massacre" and "Emerging American Police State". This would "INFER" that McAlvany is a part of this scam. Is he? That is not my business! But--ones entangled in this master-blacklist scheme should be possibly "drawn and quartered"! If the innocents are involved--then they are hardly capable of leading this nation into anything save eruption of disaster!

    On second thinking I will leave it to the editorial staff to decide whether or not to list the contact points--this should be SHUT DOWN AND ANYONE PAYING MONEY TO THESE APPARENTLY SCANDALOUS PEOPLE MUST DEMAND RETURN INSTANTLY! This is, again, Satan preying on the innocents in the most tantalizing manner possible--THIS WILL NOT GET YOU ANYTHING BUT MASSIVE TROUBLE AND EVENTUAL DESTRUCTION. THIS IS REALLY BAD NEWS!

    Enough, for this will probably push this paper into an all-time high page count at best. I don't really know what to do about this paper, readers, there is so much untouched information and, yet, we cannot keep going as is, without support--we are breaking the backs of the ones here and subscriptions do not increase--just distribution! This is fine for "truth" but it WILL cost the source of the Truth to possibly close. This very paper of such size will negate any gain by not printing for a week. The staff is exhausted and "broke". Remember--these ones GIVE of their services, the Institute is still in "hold" mode for assistance and I guess it is exactly what the Adversarial team has hoped for. To give these ones a "break" means nothing but doubled load and no way to afford "vacations". We have to give very careful consideration to this predicament. It is so sad when the disaster-artists can cause ones to send $600 for their own sealed fate of "the pits" and we have to consider closing the source for information in these incredible times--my people are worn out with the struggle as the enemy NEVER seems to run out of funds or resources of all kinds!

    Beloved ones, walk softly and SEE what is afoot for it sounds "so good", the presentation of these adversarial vipers. May you always ask GOD within that you can SEE and KNOW. May you surround yourself with the TRUTH OF GOD--that your Lighted protection will not fail.

    I have a couple of follow-ons which need to be in the paper this week to be timely. Please, staff, bear with me a bit longer and we shall "pray for a miracle".

    (AP), Whitefish, Mont. July 23, 1993.
    Defense attorney Gerry Spence says federal prosecutors routinely manufacture evidence and tell lies to win convictions, adding: "These are not the good guys."

    In a 90-minute talk to the Montana Trial Lawyers Association on Thursday, Spence exhorted defense lawyers to challenge the government.

    Spence was fresh from his victory in the Idaho trial of Randy Weaver, a white separatist acquitted of a charge that he murdered a deputy U.S. marshal as law enforcement agencies laid siege to his mountain cabin.

    During the trial, it was revealed that some photos submitted as prosecution evidence were staged, while other evidence was improperly withheld from the defense.

    Spence, whose national reputation was built on victories over Kerr-McGee Nuclear for Karen Silkwood's children and the acquittal of Imelda Marcos on criminal charges, said that manufactured evidence is common in federal cases.

    "I've never tried a case with the federal government in which there wasn't a problem," he said.

    "These are not the good guys. These are people who do what they believe is necessary to do to bring about a conviction," he said, adding that if he were to manufacture evidence, "I'd be disbarred."

    In the Weaver case, he said, "They had months and months of lies that they fed to the press, and you'll find it in case after case if you have the courage to attack them, and to make them prove their case."

    Spence said he thinks white supremacists are misguided, but added: "That doesn't mean that they're not entitled to their opinions, and if they can't have their opinion I can't have mine.

    "That was the underlying philosophy of my taking the Weaver case. That's what trial lawyers are ultimately all about, is preservation of our rights as American citizens," he said.

    "The siege against Weaver brought in enough power to take over a small country for this little man sitting in this little plywood cabin," he said.

    "They charged him with conspiracy, ... and they made the entire family the conspirators. ... The federal government now has the audacity to say that members of a family are members of a conspiracy, little children are members of a conspiracy," he said.

    Spence drew a standing ovation from more than 200 lawyers and guests.

    AP-WS-07-23-93 1159 EDT.

    * * *
    My goodness, friends--my people, the Institute and Ekkers could really use a few "like-thinking" lawyers--we have only ONE--and he was referred by Spence's firm. As the RTC case on this property unfolds and so does the information regarding the RTC from the lineage of corruption and intrigue which we will present from "ground" up--I think this would be a nice financially sound investment for any even "half-good" attorney willing to check the system. This tells you something, children--get the thing OUT of Federal Court and hit them hard with NAMES THAT THEY WILL UNDERSTAND SUCH AS SPENCE--I SUGGEST IT WOULD PROBABLY HAVE EAGER "SETTLERS" AND TAKE VERY, VERY LITTLE TIME AWAY FROM SPENCE'S LITIGATION. GET HIM!! HE COULD SHORE UP HIS FINANCIAL FOUNDATION BY THIS CASE TO HELP CARRY HIM THROUGH THE NON-ABILITY TO PAY CASES HE'LL ACQUIRE. I PETITION YOU READERS TO PETITION MR. SPENCE, PLEASE, IN OUR BEHALF!

    The next I offer just because YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO VINCE FOSTER, REALLY. So, you will simply find this offering most interesting and informative as to "why" Vince.

    By John Brummett
    Arkansas, July 22, 1993.

    Washington--President Clinton met with his staff members late Wednesday morning and told them there is more to life than work.

    Then en route from the Old Executive Office Building to the West Wing of the White House, he stopped to say twice to a small group of pool reporters, "No one can ever really know why this happened."

    Vincent Foster, Jr., possibly Hillary Rodham Clinton's best friend, a tall, nice-looking man, had driven the day before--around 6 p.m., apparently--from Washington to a suburban Virginia park. He got out of his car, walked to a spot on the banks of the Potomac River and shot and killed himself.

    This was six months after Foster uprooted his comfortable life as a respected senior partner at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock to move to Washington as chief deputy White House counsel.

    I last spoke with Foster at a reception at the Hotel Washington a couple of months ago. I told him I wanted to visit with him someday about what was being thought and done at the White House the afternoon the Waco disaster unfolded.

    "Well, maybe you can learn something about what goes on in a crisis," he said a bit combatively, and certainly intensely.

    Foster's good friend from the Rose firm, Webb Hubbell, was facing a confirmation hearing on his nomination to be associate attorney general. I asked Foster if he expected Hubbell to endure a lot of nasty rhetoric.

    "Of course," he said, clearly disgusted by the prospect.

    The personal chit-chat was more pleasant, and as interesting. Foster was living alone at the time in a little Georgetown apartment.

    "I can stand and put my arms out and touch both walls," he said.

    His blond, teen-age daughter was with him that evening, and he proudly introduced her. The family would be joining him in a full-fledged new home in suburban Virginia in the summer. He looked forward to that.

    Now, unbelievably, he's killed himself.

    The press jumped into action Wednesday morning. I got a call from a colleague in New York who advised, "Get to the crime scene right now before the police screw it up. This has got to be bad. You just know it does."

    Reporters began asking these kinds of questions, and getting these kinds of consistent answers;

    * Had Foster appeared unusually stressed or depressed lately? No. He always appeared intense and fretful of the press--most corporate lawyers are--and he had been harried by a run of Wall Street Journal editorials asking who he was. But he seemed generally all right as recently as Tuesday.

    * What were the inevitable personal problems? Where they financial? Were they marital? There were none, as best anyone could find or imagine.

    * Then why in the world?

    The best anyone could offer was that Vince Foster killed himself because he was distraught that things had gone wrong in the White House of his two friends he so admired and who had honored him with their trust. [H: The Billaries??]

    Many of those problems seemed to involve perceived or real shortcomings in the counsel's office where he worked. He seemed incapable of coping with imperfection.

    Not too long ago, a man asked Sheila Anthony, Foster's sister and the wife of former U.S. Rep. Beryl Anthony, how Vince was doing. Oh, you know, he takes all these White House things personally, she said.

    It's a sidebar to this tragedy that Foster wasn't personally implicated in many of the White House failings. He wasn't the one who advised that Lani Guinier's writings would pose no political problem. He wasn't the one who was reprimanded over the handling of the White House travel office. He was, however, the one who coordinated the successful legal arguments in defense of Hillary's role as chairman of the health care task force. [H: Oops!]

    What an incredible waste and tragedy. The White House is a hellish arena. Thin skins need not apply. But, my God, it's not supposed to produce casualties.

    John Brummett's column appears every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.

    * * *
    The information on this paper's margin indicates something like (handwritten and abbreviated): Ark. Dem. "Flag" or "Gag"--I, Hatonn, think it may be Gazette?

    It would be nice if some of you "inquiring minds" clip the REAL story of Vince Foster and send it to this man struggling in confused information. It won't help as to "why" but it sure will as to WHO! I would guess there are great "messages" being transmitted in that happenstance "suicide". Thank you.

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