PJ 72


TUE., JULY 6, 1993 9:09 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 324

TUE., JULY 6, 1993

BUSY! Busy, busy at his work for, "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christ will change the face of the World".

No, we never did get "through" Silverhawk's prior writings with you--there are too many subjects and so little space in which to share. There is GREAT wisdom and knowledge "out-there" among you and we can barely touch the tiny-most crust of the layer of truth and offerings. We continue to do the best we can and beg patience.

Received 6/18/93

Dear Commander Hatonn,

I offer the following in friendship and brotherhood. If it is of any service, then please feel free to use it in any way you see fit. Please forgive the many typos but
I feel thrusted to send it forth and my secretary is already working hard.

I sit here like a supercharged lifetron bomb ready to go off and come forth with catalytic impact. I await only one opening and opportunity for expansive physical involvement and there will be no stopping me. I have achieved a great work for me.
I have learned to combine and harmonize true medicine with entrepreneurial marketing. It is far more common to have one or the other in a person but rare to find both together in one. I am most poised to advance and, as given to, to in turn re-give.
I want my country back. I want my world back, in divine order and if I could just find my darn sword I would sever the ser­pent's head from his body and we could then go forth with healing with much more aplomb.

I am most curious about a couple of things that if you were to answer,
I think it would be of value to all.

1. Who is Lucifer? Is he real? [H: I believe we sort-of covered that subject a week or so ago. I realize it is not "sufficient" but it must be sufficient unto this day, please.]
2. What is he exactly? or it?
3. Whose problem was he before he was ours? I.e.: where did he come from?
4. Is he/it an eternal unbroken continuum who has not expe­rienced the disadvantage of the veils?
5. When we have murderous cannibals down here, we the people feel that it is in the public interest to put them in solitary away from the larger society. We don't put them in charge of Club Med if we can see a way to do other­wise. So, therefore, why do you suppose God cast down Lucifer to Earth instead of onto a barren rock? I would tend to think that solitary meditation would do wonders towards attitude adjustment. What do you see about this?

I know that you are extremely busy with your scribe and I don't wish to distract but these are burning questions for me and are part of only a very few that I have not managed to get an­swered in my meditation. Silverhawk standing by.

Sincerely in God,

Michael Silverhawk

* * *
Let us take up #5.

Perhaps you put murderous cannibals into solitary away from society? I note that the most murderous ones on the most mas­sive scale are the political criminals who control your world. Ah, and now, the cycle bounces around to come back to say WHY? do we and "God" allow such?

Why do YOU allow this to continue? Therein lies the answer--WHY DO YOU ALLOW THIS?

To come into understanding, Michael, you have to look at the overall need of a presentation experience such as physical life­span in a classroom. If you had no NEED to change--you would have no challenge and NO GROWTH. What you are ef­forting to achieve now, is a movement into a society wherein the "devil is bound", so to speak. The majority of expressing physical human-kind DO NOT WANT PEACE AND LOVE, A BALANCED AND HARMONIOUS LIFE. Satan (Lucifer) has nothing to do with the individual expression--"he" just makes sure you have all the wondrous things of physical manifestations to pull you down--you do your own falling. Through the never-ending routines of total physical sensing you lock yourselves into the expression of evil or other manifestations, at the least, of that limited sensing experience. You who have souls which "remember" God Creator and the LAWS of balance and har­mony
--are terribly stressed over that which has come to pass--and verily move into offering something BETTER--a way out, if you will.

Now, go back and look carefully at that which you have asked about a "barren rock"? EARTH WAS A BARREN ROCK! Man becomes like the tiny termite who starts to build wherein he can and then he gets "smarter" and begins to spread out and build ever bigger--destroying all that he touches to make his own nest wondrous and luxurious. Evil is a growing cancer--and yet it is as "normal" as any mutation of cellular structure--simply "out of control". YOU ONES ARE the representation of GOD and it will be up to you to bring the beast under control--you cannot expect the beast to bring himself under con­trol--for his direction is opposite of yours. He will devour himself and you along with him if he can--but he will NOT ever bring himself into goodness of intent with GOD--for the physical environment is his own place to express. THIS IS HIS KINGDOM--AND IT IS AN ILLUSION WHICH HAS NO CHARACTER OF CREATION'S STABILITY AND LIGHTED PRESENCE TO THE EXTENT OF RECRE­ATION. HE CAN ONLY TEAR DOWN AND MANIPULATE THAT WHICH IS MANIFEST ALREADY.
When mankind accepts the TRUTH of his beingness--he can have the wondrous things of physical manifestation AND the things of spirit fulfilled. BUT YOU HAVE TO FIRST BRING INTO BEING THE KINGDOM WHICH ALLOWS FOR SAME. It is both easy AND simple--but you first have to KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Hence the myriads of hours of lessons and explanations. It is why we must go through the bounded courts if need be to find release of truth as offered by others before us. But we don't just need the expression of "release"--we need the joining of hands across the chasm so that focus can be on utilizing the material and not dancing the Texas Two-Step across the bridges which we continually burn in an ef­fort for singular recognition of ego selves.

I note this day there is (a very small) march on the White House (while the president is gone, yet) to stop UFO bashing and re­lease documents, etc. This is the same silly thing as movements to stop Gay bashing and Fat bashing and "hate" crimes. How silly--there are either UFO's or there are not--marching on the White House will not help. Besides, you will be told it is to get "release" of documents. "They" released some documents--and the rest you won't get anyway for it is the only way to continue the deceit and distractions.

Ah dear ones, Lucifer WAS--before you WERE--and he IS your challenge. He does NOTHING--he just ALLOWS YOU A PLAYGROUND FOR YOUR OWN STUPID IGNORANCE. is LUCIFER DOES NOTHING--HE JUST IS--no more and no less. Just the same, GOD just IS! All of the actions and motion and expression in this world of "sensing" is your expression of that which was Created in Light of GOD THOUGHT manifest. Lucifer is but an aspect of human consciousness in this "play" of "sensing" dimension. Honor "him" for that which he offers--for he is neither good nor is he bad--YOU BECOME GOOD OR YOU BECOME BAD IN YOUR FREE WILL EXPERIENCE. Even this is incorrect expression--for you simply move away from God or toward God. Moving TOWARD God is "goodness", anything that pulls you AWAY FROM GOD--is evil. So "evil" exists just as does "goodness"--but bad or good has no place in the equation for it is always INTENT OF SOUL MIND WHICH IS THE FOCUS. In this sense Lucifer is very real indeed; if you give him no energy
--he is worthless! But the desire and pull of the physical sensing expression will always tug at you until you "overcome" and move solely in the direction back unto your LIGHTED SOURCE.

We can best express the "explanations" through the present­ments of Dr. Russell. We simply must first clear out the obsta­cles deliberately placed in the path to evade that possible connection with Dr. Russell's people in charge of what they be­lieve to be his legacy. They do not even hold that which we de­sire to express--but ones of your own, i.e., Green, Coleman, etc., have brought great barriers which must be torn down if we are to present the work to fullest understanding and extent. Are "those" people BAD? Oh no, they simply do not know where we were and are, headed. When the greed-mongers are out of the way, we will do fine.

By the way, for the benefit of US&P, I have no pick with you or your University as such. We BOTH have the same expressed goal--even if it varies greatly. I have no wish to take a thing away from your philosophical presentations--I just think it not the correct approach to higher expression. This does not change one iota the scientific TRUTH of that which was given to Walter and then given to the world, by Walter.

If, however, the enemy comes among the allies and starts di­vision and misinterpretation and claims lies, plagiarism and theft--surely the Commanders are bounded to look at the circumstance and see what is UP. If they do not know that which they confront--how can they KNOW?

I believe that much of what has happened in confrontation with my Scribe is not malicious in intent--but a full belief that some­how SHE was taking, most especially assets, in some way--FROM THEM. What else are they to think when you have one who would steal actual gold for himself and bury it in the gar­den? WHO IS THE THIEF? WHO IS THE SWINE OF WHICH I SPOKE AND ANGERED THEM SO MUCH? IF YOU CAST PEARLS BEFORE SWINE AND THEY TRAM­PLE THEM--IS THIS AN INSULT? The full intent of any such statement is that in ignorance man will trample that which he does not recognize as his "PEARL"!

I also said that we were told that the US&P (and I shall quote di­rectly): "US&P has just (last year) been gifted with $215 million dollars and we will use every cent of it to fight you if nec­essary". THIS came from Mr. Tips, the attorney, and appar­ently it was stated TO GEORGE GREEN BY HIS "FRIEND" (claimed by George) at US&P.

Next, there is grave objection to my statement that my Scribe was in danger by surveillance persons from US&P. Again, we were TOLD by one of the surveillance team that "they" were investigators for US&P. What ELSE are WE to believe? They were everywhere--stationed across from the dwelling, outside the offices of the paper, listening with devices right up against the office window (caught red-handed and this is when it was told whom they worked for). They followed Rick Martin EV­ERYWHERE and the Ekkers were tailed and spied upon relent­lessly day and night. The Ekkers were pursued at times at very high speeds in an attempt on a back curvy road to run them off the road. Is this not assault against lives?? What were the instructions to these investigators? Who knows?? What they did, however, was get WRONG INFORMATION, mix up the entire business structure and GET CAUGHT! This was reported to the Sheriff's Department and they seemed to have satisfied themselves as to WHO these people were and when it got too hot--the investigators disappeared--followed immediately by le­gal papers pressing CONTEMPT. I do not even object to the investigators or surveillance--I DO OBJECT THAT ALL THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN INCORRECT, WRONG AND AGAINST THE WRONG PEOPLE.


Our understanding is that we are only banned from writing in­sulting and derogatory things about US&P. Friends, this is yet America and we cannot be banned from writing about the won­drous work of a gift unto mankind in the form of a messenger who brought "truth". Ours is not to start a cult or even do seminars--ours is to simply make mankind aware that Truth is here already--go get it! STOP your spiritual FANTASIES--and go get the Truth!

We have NO WISH to even remotely USE THE PHILOSOPH­ICAL materials of any one or group--ours is a need to express the truth of the scientific and physics truth of a gifted scientist. HE HAD to be spiritual--for it was THE WAY in which the information would be given forth. If you have not the spiritual connection--there is no communication!

I know, I KNOW--MOST of you have never before HEARD OF WALTER RUSSELL--but then, neither had you a clue as to a man named NIKOLA TESLA. It is simply now time to bring these ones into your attention--FOR THEY ARE THE BRINGERS OF THE TRUTH--THE PIONEERS WHO WOULD FIRST EXPRESS THAT THE REST OF YOU CAN NOW EXPRESS

The court can throw my scribe into prison and have a zillion dollars in sanctions against her--but she has NOTHING and im­prisonment will not change an iota of the truth of it. If there are guilty parties in efforting to TAKE something--it is not my Scribe or anyone attached to her. I believe we all have a good picture of exactly WHO is involved in that intent. However, wrong parties have been accused and sentenced before and that rests with the court and the Plaintiffs.

Regardless of how things "appear" and what comes out in the papers on the AP from Luke Perry, etc., Luke Perry is in deep trouble with the law and George Green will be PROVEN guilty of perjury directly to a Judge. The conspiracy exists--jointly or singularly--there is BIG trouble for these people involved. The effort is to keep the CRIMINAL charges on hold until Civil cause can be better scoped. This is difficult because George is in a criminal position and the law is ready to come down on the case and take it out of the hands of the litigants. It would ap­pear that the US&P might well wish to rethink their actions and focus for they have had no damage from this quarter--we have only advertised their work and their FOUNDER in a most respectful manner. Russell's work can either be brought into blossom WITH US--or it will go into archives as the WHOLE of Truth is brought forth. Those of you who are friends and students of that University might well wish to have input on this matter. We have NO WISH TO REWRITE BOOKS--WE NEED THE INFORMATION ON "LIGHT" OUT TO THE PEOPLE. WE CAN WORK TO­GETHER AND BEAR FRUIT OF INCREDIBLE WONDER--OR WE CAN CONTINUE THIS QUARREL AND WASTE IMMEASURABLE TIME. "WE" CAN USE A SCHOOL--AND THEY COULD USE THE STUDENTS--WOULD THIS NOT BE BETTER THAN THIS UNENDING BATTLE??
There are great thinkers abounding as more and more open to the higher input processes and begin to see realization in the various major facets of your experience. Silverhawk has shared a paper with us and I believe it is time to share it with you for it is very insightful and filled with wisdom. He calls it:

Let's begin by defining and describing the difference between "enlightened capitalism" and what I call "imperial capitalism". These two conceptual stances embody two entirely different states of mind and being, in fact. Imperial Capitalism tends to dis-empower the common man and draw power and control to itself. It, in essence, reflects the tendencies found in the lower primates where you see the dances of submission and dominance played out in the simple dramas of the animal kingdom.

In man, this drama is most obvious when viewing the royal houses of the world. The kings and queens of money, nobility and war, are simply reflecting the lower primate dominance dance of the animal kingdom. As money, power and dominance concentrates itself more and more into the hands of these people, the "so-called" "lesser" human primates begin to also re­flect the "submissive" behavior of lower animal primates. Thus we become lost in a Darwinian horror story of futility, and surrender our dignity as Human Beings, to the dominant lords and ladies of the world.

The genius and inventiveness of man, has tended to "mask" this situation as of late. We are surrounded by elaborate high-tech civilizations that are jammed with technical, social and po­litical complexities, that tend to confuse this primal issue. They use their imperial capital to promote confusion and disenfran­chisement, in every way possible, towards the common man.

In these recent centuries, they have funded many think-tanks and secret lodges and societies that are designed to entrap the minds and souls of men in conceptual "jungles" of futility and absurdity. Ideas like Humanism, Communism, Socialism, among many others, were invented, promoted and funded by them as ploys of control and distraction for the human race. Through these mechanisms and their lackeys, the "elite" have managed to infiltrate, influence and control every facet of hu­man society from government to education, media, religion, fi­nancial and family structure. They propose to stand between God and Man and lock us into soul-slavery forever.

Socialism and Communism are really just simple so­cial/economic tools for the confiscation of wealth and liberty from the people. The resulting Nomenklature Elite are thus simply bureaucratic servants of the hidden noble houses. The noble houses own the great banks. The confiscated money and property goes into the great banks and is also used to create permanent dependents of the state and, as a result, dependable "voting blocks" as opposed to free and sovereign individuals who can and will think and act from enlightened self and na­tional interest. The Nomenklatura are thusly rewarded for their services. In exchange for their share of the "loot", they serve as the "foil" that takes the heat of blame from the people. Thus the royal houses are never seen nor touched by the people. Mafias serve the same way. They are simply "rat-packs" that do the dirty work for the Nomenklatura and the royal houses. They handle such things as the distribution and maintenance of soul-destroying enterprises such as drugs, gambling, pornography, etc. In exchange for their share of the loot, they too endure the heat and wrath of blame from the people-victims. Thus the royal houses are once again never seen nor touched by the peo­ple. These "elite" are masters of deceit but in essence they use the simple method of divide, confuse and conquer. They pay myriads of people to "babble" at us endlessly and wear down our minds and spirits until we simply surrender to their control mechanisms out of sheer exhaustion, lassitude and fear.

They wrangle and manipulate us into wars, revolutions and into social, economic crises and disasters, until our hearts faint and our minds bend to their will. They fund and promote their favorite puppet-politicos to babble their policies that come from their lodges. They ruthlessly "squelch" all opposing dissent.

Thus in conclusion, Imperial Capital is nothing more than a very clever BIG MONKEY, i.e., on OUR backs.

What was meant by God, to be a beautiful garden of Eden full of light, love, joy and freedom and God-consciousness, has thus been turned into a fierce and dangerous jungle full of poi­sonous snakes! This is an absolute disgrace of cosmic propor­tions.
A beautifully evolved and balanced being from another world would be as loathe to enter here as you would be to enter an inner city gang-war.

Not too long ago, 200 years or so, a group of high spirited people whom we affectionately refer to as our FOUNDING FATHERS, brought forth a nation and an idea, that the world had never seen nor heard of in its living memory. It was the concept of having an actual government and society, of the peo­ple, by the people and for the people, UNDER GOD. There was no place for royalty and/or imperial capital in this idea. These were soundly rejected in favor of one nation under God. GOD was to be our King and Guide and true leader in all our affairs. God, the Grand Creator of all, was to infuse His Being into ours and into our society, government, economy, (in God we trust) and our land. This is a truly noble state, my people. Monkeys are completely ill-equipped to manifest or comprehend this premise. Only TRUE MAN is capable of expressing this TRUE NOBILITY of spirit.

Our fathers also brought forth the first concept of enlightened capitalism, although they didn't call it that. They understood that all men and all life, in fact, must have economy. Ev­erything that lives seeks to prosper. From man on down to amoeba. Even God seeks to prosper by having worlds full of light. All life also seeks to keep what it has gained for its own and its families' benefit. In man who is a very social being, co­operation is the key word. This does not imply that confiscation of wealth is the same as cooperation. Cooperation is quite VOLUNTARY. Therefore, under our constitution, some tax methods were agreed upon but only if ALL the people would benefit from the exercise. For the first time in history to my knowledge, INALIENABLE RIGHTS were also recognized and promoted as self-evident. These are rights given by God and Nature to man and cannot be taken away by any man or group of men. What a blazing brilliance was upon humanity in our Bill of Rights. For the first time, man was free to prosper and create an enlightened civilization at last. If he would anchor to God, that is. If we would but do that today we would at last es­cape the lower primate jungle of fear and tyranny, again.

For man to have this security, he must also have opportunity and protection of these rights. Our government was designed to be one of true noble service towards this end. Man must not have his hard-earned wealth confiscated and re-distributed by force or simply stolen by imperial rule. This had to be over­come then and NOW as well.
A man who has property, money, arms, mobility and personal sovereignty under and with God, is a man who will never be overcome by or conquered by tyranny of any nature.

Enlightened Capitalism along with our enlightened Constitu­tion are the apt tools with which to establish this state of being for the common man. In order for these tools to be successfully implemented and sustained by man, however, we must have leadership that is somewhat enlightened. An enlightened capi­talist and constitutionalist is someone who understands that if his own wealth is to be properly protected, then his fellow man must have involvement and opportunity to participate in like manner.
A free man who is an island cannot remain free for long.

I know that I'm doing a bit of re-inventing of the wheel here, but because of the morass of confusion leveled at the human race at this time, I feel it is necessary. I also wish to give full wing to the concept that was begun by our founding fathers.

A truly enlightened capitalist will be one who understands that all things are one and that all people are one with all. Ev­erything affects everything. This is a person who has no desire to dominate his fellow man. It is one who has no desire for egomaniacal grandeur. It is one who celebrates strength, free­dom and liberty in those around him and promotes that state through example and investment in it. An enlightened capitalist is one who empowers his fellow man and respects all life. He is one who sees capital in a much broader sense than money. He sees light, God-consciousness, knowledge, children, clean environment, truth, justice, liberty, freedom and personal and na­tional sovereignty also as worthy and valuable forms of capital. This is one who knows that he can never be his own God nor be God for anyone else nor would he ever desire to be. This one would take a position of leadership as a true servant and then only so long as necessary in order to assist his fellow man to grasp the knowledge and understanding of self leadership and responsibility.

An enlightened capitalist thus seeks to multiply himself and his state of being to the maximum, whereas the imperial capi­talist seeks to ultimately DOMINATE the entire universe if that were possible but since it is not, he settles for the domination of the whole Earth and the entire human race.

This is quite a chasm of difference, isn't it? It is as wide as the Grand Canyon. One might ask, then, how we could pro­mote and establish an Enlightened Capitalistic civilization, espe­cially out of the jungle of tyranny we experience today. Knowl­edge in God the Creator of all, as well as knowledge and prac­tice of Universal Law, then, would have to be the very cor­nerstone of such a land. The reason is that we have been in­volved in a war for the hearts, minds and souls of the people. Faith, knowledge and covenant with God and his consciousness is the mortal enemy of Imperial Capital and its champions. They do everything in their power to blind man to this faith and, unlike us, they have no problem with that little thing called con­science. They want us to be bound to them, body and soul and mind and to look to them for everything as if they and their state were God.

If you don't know God or even know if He is real, then I say that it is high time that you did. Imperial Capital will indulge your lower nature endlessly and imply that you will never have any FUN with God. They do, don't they? Well, they are LIARS. What they mean is that THEY will never have any fun with God and THEY are absolutely right. As long as THEY seek to come between man and God, I can assure them that THEY will NEVER have any fun with God. [H: I suggest you all be paying a LOT of attention to this message--this man is "right on"!]
I can tell you right here and now, that to walk in grand fel­lowship with the Grand Mind of All, is the greatest joy, the highest fulfillment, the finest feeling and the greatest empower­ment possible for man of ANY Earth. It is the supreme liberty. It is ecstasy. A nation so involved would be an utter paradise. It would be a fearless people with unimaginable abundance. We would even be invited to, eventually, pass through the star-gates of eternity. Thus this faith and knowledge, is the foundation that we must embody in ourselves before such liberty can wax strong and take us home.

In this faith and fellowship, one will find their mind, open to the genius of the grand mind in a fellowship of sharing. You will see how to do, what to do, when to do, why to do and who to do in every instance of personal and national life. You will learn the discipline if unbending in intent and find fire in your love and clarity of goal. You will learn to bend and weave like a dancer through life until you attain each golden ring of vic­tory. You will overcome all. You will be raised and glorified, step by step. You will become one with true power, without ever the burden of its possession. For to seek to possess power, one ends up being possessed BY it. Knowledge is free for all. All are invited. It is not a special privilege for a chosen few. Some will say though, that there SEEMS to be a chosen few. Yes that's true. They are all ones who CHOSE GOD ABOVE THEIR HUMAN EGO and then were found acceptable. In the eyes of God, all men are equal. It is only in the eyes of men that differences are seen.
To fully embrace this life, then, you must make one supreme sacrifice. It will be the greatest and most difficult sacrifice that you will ever make in all eternity. It will sound easier than it really is, perhaps even foolish. YOU MUST SACRIFICE

Oh, is THAT all, you say. Of course I'm not my own God. What a silly idea. Really? If you really get down to it, is there no part of you that is slightly offended by the idea that there is a Grand Creator that is infinitely more powerful than you? That has you and owns your life, lock, stock and barrel? Is there no affront to your human pride and ego??? HA! The Devil "gotcha" there, didn't he!? Better to be ruled by a fallen hu­man, playing lower primate games on you after all, isn't it? At least you can be righteously indignant and pride yourself that you are better than he, eh? Are you? Perhaps at this moment, you hate every inch of my innards for telling this truth and shedding this light. You who have already awakened will have no trouble with this at all, however. You've been there but are there no more. For you who still struggle with this, would you really welcome Esu Sananda the Christ with open arms and heart? Or would you crucify him in some way? I told you it would be the most difficult and challenging sacrifice of all time that you could or will ever make in all eternity. It is, however, the very gate that separates heaven and hell, man and God, man and man and in fact life and death. It has always been and always will be thus.

One nation under God. What an Idea. Even many of the mighty Christians are awash in spiritual pride. If the great Master Himself were to address the Truth to them now, espe­cially concerning themselves, then perhaps they might be the crucifiers THIS time.

O man, how far have you fallen? How much pain and agony must you endure before you walk through the gate of grace and freedom? Do you remember home at all, I wonder? In this world, pain pushes and ecstasy pulls.
I guess that this is the dy­namic that we must work with at this time. I would have it be easier if I could.

I for one, know the way is hard, but I love the way because it IS the WAY.
I have found no other way to attain escape velocity from pain and misery. So I stand ready with intent to serve. I stand ready as an enlightened capitalist to invest in and further the way. I stand as brother and friend to all and all life. I stand as an American who loves God, freedom and liberty. I stand as a member of the Constitutionalist Party. I know that there are so many others who stand likewise and I do so celebrate this. God stands with us all and calls all now to home and up out of darkness and pain. I long for the time that all true knowledge is COMMON KNOWLEDGE. What a worthy and joyous world that would be. Where everyone has their own vine and fig tree and fine fellowship with all life and with Creator and with one another. We-sa-kan remembers such a time and place. It is for this that I have lain down my life and time. For this that I have faced every challenge and every lion at every gate. I consider that I am no better than anyone else, it is just that for some rea­son, this fire burns ferociously within me. I don't know why. I do know that as God stands with me, that I will never give up nor bend the knee to tyranny. Let us stand in grand unity to­gether then. Let us awaken together to the unity with the fire within, the place where WAKAN TANKA lives. We are the three-fold flame of freedom that speaks. Let us awaken and embrace this knowledge together. Let us throw every log we can find upon this fire and warm ourselves and the new world. Let us blaze forth so brightly that the beasts of the night are driven away and all the darkness consumed. We are one with the new tree of life here. Let us bloom and bear fruit for all to share. I will stand forever as your brother, friend and servant.

* * *

And the myriads of images swirl as we ponder and fall upon a term, "We-sa-kan".
It matters not what the spelling, the mean­ing or the spelling. It means a personal relationship to this "author"; it could be "wasicun" which means "white man" that perhaps "even" the white man can remember if he makes an effort. But I like the term, yuwipi wasicun, for it is as with the crystals that hold the rememberings of the generations, it is a sa­cred stone which has mysterious powers in the hands of a medicine man during a yuwipi ceremony. And what is a yuwipi? It means small, translucent stones found on anthills and put into a sacred gourd and thus and so. You see, when you branch into another's language--the translations become many and differing and usually not correctly interpreted. Let us leave it as WISDOM KNOWS! For in the Truth of the ONE--there is no race, no creed and no color--there is but LIGHT in RADI­ANCE of KNOWING.

Let it be known that in whatever language the meaning in the HEART PLACE is the same, as in this instance of gratitude to a son (cinksi) from an older brother
(niciye kin), mitakuye oyasin.


PJ 72


WED., JULY 7, 1993 9:37 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 325

WED., JULY 6, 1993

I have had wonderful response to our meeting in which I spoke on the need for science, mathematics (even Calculus) if you are to traverse the Galaxies with Command. This is not a "quote" so please accept the meaning of the above. I weary of the "legal" nit-picking. The inquiries have NOT been nit-picking but genuine in heartfelt admission of "...not knowing Calculus and what impact would that have"? NONE! IF you are "migrating". If, however, you are a youngster and perhaps the purpose of your lessons are to control a Command ship--you are going to need all the physics and mathematics information you can get. This, still, however, is NOT THE MEANING OF MY STATEMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

All around the nation we have readers who HOME SCHOOL children. This is wonderful--IF--ALL subjects can be ade­quately covered by parents or it is feasible for enough mathe­matics and science to be in the "portfolio of learning" to get into an advanced school situation. I specifically had ones present who now have children who have reached "graduation from high school" age. Is it fair or "right" to continue to disallow the children to go to organized public school where at least some measure of these subjects can be taught IF the parents do not have enough qualification to teach same? History, social stud­ies, even grammar can be tampered with and basically destroyed as to value, by a school system and disinterested teachers. However, there are rudiments of mathematics and advanced sci­ences which CANNOT be garnered except through that which is available--even if CONCLUSIONS of the teacher or system, are incorrect. For instance, a hand-held calculator and/or computer is wonderful to use for solving problems--IF THE PERSON UTILIZING SAME CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM IN POINT IF THE CALCULATOR BATTERIES ARE NOT REPLACED AND THE INSTRUMENT IS DEAD. In other words, readers, you NEED that which you CAN get from the "system". There is also a need for children to have some social interactions with peers--even if it be somewhat negative in presentation--it IS a world in which ALL MUST FUNCTION in what IS and hopefully impact with "good" as well as withstand that which is "bad".

IF you have instilled balanced truth and respect within your children, you will not have serious problems and even if you do--you must recognize their individualism as they grow and be­come independent.

So, to be explicit (as I SHOULD always be, and so should you) I was speaking of circumstances of education--not just "everybody go out there and sock it to Calculus". Besides, good grief, I don't want all of you knowing more than I do and I am incredibly bored with such as Calculus and have other crew members who are skilled at that--why would I take their job away?

The "incorrect" perception of well-meaning parents is often that the "system" is so bad that even NO education is better than the school environment. Not so. Even bad systems give some mea­sure of interaction that is mandatory if a person is to grow up in this society. The point is "balance" because--different from what you have been taught--great insight and educational knowledge are NOT GOING TO JUST DUMP ALL OVER YOU. Some children, right now, who have come for the very purpose of lifting you off--ARE ATTENDING FULL-BLOWN CLASSES AT THE MACHINERY--ALL NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT. YOU as a parent do not know the commit­ment of your own children and they are NOT GIVEN TO REMEMBER IN ALMOST ALL INSTANCES. Therefore, real­ize please, that my reference was to the overall capability of home teaching to satisfy necessary subjects in the "possibility" that your child has a far more gifted purpose than knowing how to sew, cook or, even, read. However, if you can give them the ability to READ, WRITE AND SPELL--ALL the rest can be added unto them while in your working realization.

Good question and Ekkers' wish they knew! However, a lot be­comes very, very clear as we get other pieces of "unrelated" news. It is always that you find truth in that which seems to have no relationship at all.

In order to have understanding, we must speak of some of the players in the legal system who control the Ekkers' case fate, has in the past and still holds the position of Presiding Judge of the Superior Court where all local cases must be HEARD.

This has to do with one JUDGE, ROGER RANDALL. On at least four occasions this Judge Randall smiled gleefully and RULED AGAINST THE EKKERS IN EVERY CATEGORY. He also has the charge of assigning OTHER judges to various cases so that if you rule out himself for a hearing--you still end up with his handpicked surrogate. I don't want more problems for my people but just let me relate to you, from the local paper of yesterday, an article. Bear Valley Springs is adjacent to Tehachapi and needs explanation to understand the power in­volved herein. This deals with the Grand Jury but the facts are the same for any case and here you have the Justice System in full action as represented by the POWER of the justices and with no apparent recourse. The "good old boy" system in this County and State is THE SYSTEM! It is, further, why, if there is to be any justice in any case--you MUST HAVE A LAWYER TOTALLY UNINTIMIDATED BY THE JUDGE TO CARRY THESE CASES. We are disappointed that Spence is too busy to fully take on "our" cases but this one has not yet been presented for his counsel. We do have his "referral" legal counsel who is brilliant--but unfortunately in the wrong jurisdiction for this personal case. It is a bit sad because this case could have great consequences and bring funding into the Law Center--but we shall have to wait and see. The RTC continues in constant ha­rassment of motions and procedures--just to annoy and, hopefully, get the whole thing dropped from issue. They KNOW they have the Justice system on their hook, but if they are al­lowed "out" it precludes bringing the other prior parties to account. Is this not interesting as "crime pays!"? The fact that the RTC did in fact, already take the property AND SOLD IT to out of state buyers, proves that they are staying in the case until all the politicians and criminal dealings are covered ad­equately to protect the guilty.


But not to digress, what about Judge Roger Randall?

Tehachapi News, July 7, 1993:


The board of directors and former general manager of the Bear Valley Springs Community Services District was a target of the 1992-93 Kern County Grand Jury as it issued its final re­port.

But according to a member of that jury, the final report on the CSD was "not strong enough".

Roberta McDaniel, a resident of the resort community and a member of the Grand Jury that ended their year of service last Wednesday, June 30, said, "There were a lot of things left un­done in the report". She said the foreperson of the Grand Jury "was not a very strong person" and "much was left out of the final report that should have been in".

Mc Daniel said she felt, as many other jury members did that the 19-person panel was HAMPERED BY PRESIDING JUDGE ROGER RANDALL. Said McDaniel, "I think the judge violated our First Amendment rights".

The judge would not allow interim reports by the Grand Jury; just the final report. Past juries have issued as many as a dozen interim reports.

The now-former member added that the panel was made up of a number of former county employees, and nepotism is so heavy in county government that they "take care of their own".

* * *

I won't continue with the article because it is just details of the local situation and goes on for pages. It is the judicial system under point.

Since, however, Spence won one of the largest settlements ever, in Bakersfield, last year--if it comes down to needing to "persuade" reconsideration and looking into this personal case--perhaps you could convince Spence of the need for at least looking into it. There have been massively criminal actions involved from onset of this particular case--but now just a settle­ment would allow for some funding for the Law Center and that is all we care about now--the property is gone and we suppose, so too, are all the wasted legal fees to date. Can you fight this system? Chelas, I don't honestly know whether or not you CAN WIN--but yes, you can fight--if you have good ammuni­tion and the right legal counsel. Will you? It remains to be seen. I would suspect this stands a very, very good chance at positive settlement of at least those legal fees--with the proper powerful attorney involved. If not--it would be hopeless for, as you see--the Judges set the rules and laws--and that which is Constitutional or Legal makes NO DIFFERENCE.

The purchasers of the property are most gracious and easy to work with so delays in other housing have been no pressure--YET. The buyers are a Church from Arizona and it is planned to build a congregation in this area. There are plans for build­ing a sanctuary, of course, and it has been delayed in bogs (actually, by one of these CSDs). Therefore, the Church in point has allowed the Ekkers to remain on as semi-caretakers until such time as Planning Board approval can be finalized on their own building projects. This, in some ways, looks good from a personal standpoint because the
hang-up is over water rights, etc., and it appears that it may be into next year before actual construction could begin. I hope this catches you up to date on this situation a bit more clearly. There are so many on­going litigations and battles, with George Green, that we forget to keep you informed on the personal front. Thank you so much for your interest and support of our people. Dharma could well have done without this whole year--but on the other hand--WE COULDN'T and so we work through that which we have as it comes. Thank you for your inquiries.

As we move on in the objections, inquiries, rebuttals and broad­ening of input subjects, I am rebuffed in several categories. 1. "Why do you pick on Janet Reno? She is just a woman who has achieved something special and it helps women". No it DOES NOT
--and NO SHE HAS NOT! She is an employee of the In­ternational Monetary Fund/New World Order under the United Nations Government. 2. "If YOU know so damned much about UFOs why don't you just tell us about them"? OK, but what you want to know is already perfected and thrust on you and the important thing for YOU is what is going on IN YOUR WORLD--NOT MINE. I come as a "Host" in service of Cre­ator and I do not fit the category of "alien" as you wish to refer to visitors--either cloned or REAL. I do, however, have infor­mation right out of Russia translated into English which might have more interest to you (in view of the fact that the Russians in point, have control of the Space corridors as relate to your planet specifically). 3. "We hear David Koresh was entangled in a ring of child pornography and sex-use of children--some­thing like the Rainbow Children. We heard this from a radio program interview with someone by Bo Gritz! What's up"?

Backwards in response (to #3): We have written in depth about that ring and involved parties and places. This particular pro­gram (ring) involves ones right through your Presidency. How­ever, it appears now that this is a slick maneuver to cover asses up to the ears, of Elite politicians like Bush, Reno, etc. Be careful what you hear and "believe". Listen, get what you can and SEE what unfolds. Obviously those beautiful people in that "compound" were loving citizens and if they were a "cover" then it still has no less horror than if there were nothing to cover. Whatever the acts that MIGHT HAVE BEEN--IT DOES NOT MAKE ANY OF THE ACTIONS AGAINST THOSE PRECIOUS PEOPLE "OK"! THEREIN IS THE IMPORTANCE!!
(to #2): We will take up the sharing of some of the UFO mate­rial--but more important for you to know--is the whereabouts of that Cosmosdrome latched up with a Russian "platform" or Cos­mosphere and what is going on--OR NOT--as the interesting case may be. It IS keeping ones at G-7 pretty intent on working out something PRINTABLE. The power in that Cosmosdrome is beyond your wildest expectations and right this minute it is all that rests between you-the-people and planetary holocaust. This rocket in point came out of Russian Kazakhstan--not the Soviet State.

(to #3): Ah, now, Janet Reno. There is effort to KILL speakers on the subject of Janet Reno, readers, so I think I will stick to things ALREADY published "somewhere".


As this article and this issue of Chronicles go to press, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee will be considering whether Dade County State Attorney Janet Reno is, by her char­acter, fit to serve this nation as Attorney General.

My own opinion is, no. In the 1988 Dade County, Florida, general election,
I was Attorney General-Designate Janet Reno's Republican opponent. I ran against her and lost by a two to one margin--the most respectable margin any of her opponents had ever garnered--knowing I could not win in a town whose sole newspaper, the Miami Herald, has turned her over the past 15 years into an icon of political correctness.

I ran against Reno because of our wildly divergent views on the aims of the criminal justice system. That is why the Frater­nal Order of Police endorsed me, even knowing full well I could not win. The rank-and-file officers whom the FOP represents had grown to hate Reno because of her long-held animus toward police and legitimate law enforcement efforts, and they were desperate to express that hatred. Here's an example of the hard lesson Dade police officers had already learned in the streets and in Reno's courtrooms. In the only debate of our campaigns against one another, televised from the studio of WIRN-TV in Miami, each of us was asked our highest priority as Dade State Attorney. I said: "to put away as many criminals for as long as possible". Reno said: "My highest priority has always been not to convict criminals but rather to protect their rights". Straight out of the ACLU policy manual, as is her penchant to prosecute law officers for "excessive use of force" when no credible evidence of same exists.

The demoralizing effect Attorney General Reno will have upon the federal law enforcement community will be devastat­ing, just ask any South Florida law officer. But it is Reno's character and not her policies that will be the focus of debate during her nomination hearings. The "advise and consent" clause conferring confirmation power for Cabinet and other of­fices upon the Senate has, for better or worse, devolved to make "character" the only ostensible legitimate area of inquiry. The "Borking" of Clarence Thomas was done for policy reasons, but it had to proceed under the guise of "character" inquiry.

What, then, are my and others' concerns about Reno's char­acter? First, there is the question of her "sexual orientation". In our campaign, Reno categorically denied, without refuting the evidence, that she is a "closeted lesbian". N.O.W. President and outed-but-formerly-closeted-lesbian Patricia Ireland is one who pushed Clinton to nominate Reno and said, "We need this kind of woman at Justice". Reno, when asked (after her post-nomination triumphal return to Miami) by the assembled media at the Miami Airport what her sexual orientation was, said: "Mr. Thompson is preoccupied with my sexual orientation. I am an old maid who has a strong affection for me". Not exactly a categorical denial anymore. The Miami Herald transmogrified that weak-kneed rebuff into a stronger statement: "...who has a strong attraction for men". Even the Herald knew the "affection for" phrase constituted a winking admission, so it misreported what Reno said to the cameras into the "attraction" quotation, which is what ran in nearly every American newspaper the next day.

Days later Queer Nation weighed in with an "outing" outside the Justice Department in which their spokesperson stated that "many homosexuals in Miami have contacted us and told us that Reno's lesbianism is common knowledge among the gay com­munity". NOW's Patricia Ireland interestingly weighed in, after the "outing" with an interesting statement: "Ms. Reno should not be judged on the basis of her sexual orientation".

Are Reno's sexual proclivities, per se, the core issue? Not these days, at least not to me. The issue has always been Reno' s blackmailability because of her closeted proclivities. Blackmail occurs between the ears of the blackmail target. Reno cannot now come out of the closet if she wanted to, be­cause it would end her public career. She would have to admit she lied for 20 years.

The liberals have very recently made the point exquisitely in the wake of Anthony Summers' book, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, about J. Edgar Hoover's closeted homosexuality and the blackmail danger it posed to this law enforcement officer's judgment and integrity. No such even-handed analysis has been brought to bear upon Reno's sex­ual proclivities by anyone in the confirmation process or the media, even though I and others have conveyed evidence to the attorney hired by Clinton, liberal Maryland attorney Lanny Davis, to check out Reno's background prior to her nomination. Indeed, Communications Director George Stephanopolous re­sponded to an inquiry in the White House briefing room days before Reno was nominated about whether the "sexual orienta­tion" of the Attorney General was relevant. He said that it was not.

If you don't buy my analysis of what may be a problem here, how about Reno's immediate predecessor and boss, Dade County State Attorney Richard Gerstein, a life-long Democrat, who died in 1992 and whose front-page obituary in the Miami Herald contained the following admonition of Gerstein: "No (closeted) homosexual can be a prosecutor because it gives ev­ery defendant the blackmail option". Gerstein did not know of the Trojan Horse within his office.

Upon Reno's nomination, I and others gave the Senate Judi­ciary Committee and the FBI evidence not only of Reno's clos­eted lesbianism, but also of her alleged: a) use of "escort ser­vice" girls for sex. One such call girl, whose name is "Crystal", has reputedly told the publisher of a certain "escort" magazine that she has received money for sex from Reno at Reno's home; b) apprehension by a Broward County police officer in a shopping-mall parking lot in the back seat of a car with a disrobed girl, as related by a homosexual Ft. Lauderdale talk-show host; c) long-standing relationship with a South Florida television news anchorwoman.

Could Reno really be blackmailed? In 1987 I persuaded her to open an investigation of some local pornographers. She ac­knowledged in the September 24, 1987, edition of the Ft. Laud­erdale Sun-Sentinel that she opened the investigation per my re­quest. The pornographer then announced publicly that if Reno pursued him, he would make the case that she is a lesbian. The investigation was dropped, no explanation given. I was success­ful thereafter in the federal venue in determining that these pornographers were indeed engaged in criminal activity, as I had alleged to Reno.

Reno is more than willing to punish those who threaten to open one of her closet doors. For example, shortly after I went public with my assertions and evidence of Reno's lesbianism, the Florida Bar, on whose Board of Governors sit Reno's campaign contributors, retained a Dr. Barry Crown to render an opinion that I was "mentally incapacitated" even though Dr. Crown had never met me. Dr. Crown is reported to receive massive expert witness fees from Reno's office. That ploy by Reno's supporters backfired, as a neutral psychiatrist and psy­chologist, ultimately agreed to by the Bar, certified me sane af­ter a full battery of tests. I am now one of the few certified sane lawyers in Florida.

Reno and her friends tried to use the Bar again when I blew the whistle (in the pages of Chronicles) on the illegal distribution of pro-homosexual audio tapes to the children of the Dade County School System. I beat that scam also, and thanks to Reno's unsuccessful Bar gambits, the Florida Bar's insurance carrier just paid me $20,000 in damages for this frontal assault upon my First Amendment rights.

Another example of protective retribution by Reno is the case of Jim Collier, who brought evidence on massive Dade County electronic vote fraud to Janet Reno, which evidence included bogus computer cards being prepunched and fed into the vote-counting machines. Collier took these fraudulently pre-punched ballots directly to Reno, but Reno, rather than investigating the fraud which would inconvenience a number of her political al­lies, had the public-spirited Mr. Collier arrested for grand theft of ballots even though Collier took the "stolen" ballots to Reno. Mr. Collier has told his tale to an interested investigator report­ing to Judiciary Chairman Joe Biden and may indeed testify at the confirmation hearings.

Alex Cockburn wrote in the March 8, 1993, issue of the NA­TION that Reno is not beyond using unsavory methods to ac­complish her goals. Mr. Cockburn doesn't know the half of it when it comes to Reno's desperate methods to protect herself and her carefully crafted closet of many doors. If she heads Justice, she will turn the Justice Department into the latest oxy­moron.

At press time, homosexuality, even closeted homosexuality, appears to be a qualification rather than a detriment to Reno's nomination, but there is one door yet opening in the Reno closet. [There is a sentence missing in the copy.]....February 18 that the Committee had preliminary evidence unexpectedly fall into its lap that Reno has been pulled over five times while "driving under the influence" in Dade County. The contact with the Republican investigators on the Judiciary Committee had been David Gibbons, Director of Federal Affairs at the National Rifle Association. Gibbons, according to Bliss, had been ap­proached by a former Dade Assistant State Attorney, under Janet Reno, who had been told by five police officers about five separate drunk-driving incidents. Reno had not, the officers stated, been arrested because of fear of reprisals by her, but electronic logging tapes memorializing the pull-overs might prove the apprehensions.

United States Senator Trent Lott's office has memoranda re­lating to the drunk-driving information, as well as to the will­ingness of the five officers to come forward if Reno is asked in the confirmation hearings if she has ever been pulled over after drinking. One memo has been circulated to Republican senators and representatives, all of whom have remained silent. It states that the officers will come forward to prove a) she has been pulled over and b) she has committed perjury in swearing she was not. When are the Republicans going to come forward? Will the questions ever be asked? [H: I guess that is moot now, is it not--and they weren't. This, along with all the other things left silent.]
Given the timidity among the Republican senators on the Ju­diciary Committee, the question is more likely to come from the other side of the aisle. The Republican senators, according to sources on the committee staff, are loathe to tangle in the wake of Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas with another female, this time a nominee, backed by the radical feminist lobby.

The Republican senators, according to John Bliss, would not even ask Democratic Chairman Joseph Biden for a subpoena to compel the NRA's Dave Gibbons and now two other persons who know the former Reno assistant's name to cough up that name, under threat of contempt of Congress citation if they re­fused, which would compel the former Reno assistant to come forward. The former assistant has indicated that what he knows may cost her her job, but political activist Pricilla Gray says she discussed the D.U.I.'s in a conference call with Bliss. The Re­publicans, however, are not pushing for the name. Why? The fear of being "Arlen Specter-ized" runs deep among the nervous GOP senators. As one former U.S. senator told me this week: "That cowardice is why we're the minority party".

No such cowardice is evident among the Democrats. Senator Joe Biden's investigative staffers--Mark Schwartz and May De­Oreao--interviewed me for more than an hour on February 23 much more professionally and thoroughly--and sympathetically--than did the Republicans. It may be that Senator Biden takes more seriously his "advise and consent" duties than do the Re­publicans, or maybe this confirmation battle is a trial contest with the White House as to who will really pick the next Supreme Court Justice: Hillary or Joe. Whatever the reason, the clear conclusion from talking to Biden's people is that they wanted to know and do something appropriate with evidence of Reno's character problems, especially the D.U.I. problems and cover-up thereof. The Republicans have only responded with fear.

[H: Ok, readers, let us go through it again--Bush is still in charge with his gang of the New World Order and that in­cludes the White House, Clinton and GANG. You can know this by the instant Scowcroft, Eagleburger, Kissinger, etc., participation in the now newly done, bombing of Iraq--if you have to have MORE proof!! Now, as to the Reno/Waco de­bacle--Bush is to his ears in the child pornography gang and there is no way you are going to have that kind of NEWS sprung on the public when a little-old full-count massacre can prevent it. You are working with the Council on For­eign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateralists, the In­ternational Bankers Monetary Fund, the Bank of Basel, Switzerland and on and on and on. RENO is a "Bush" twig from Florida and all entangled with Jeb Bush and Home­stead Air Base, Cuba, et al. Now you can pretend you just don't understand--but readers, it is time you face the con­cert music--YOUR NATION IS ABOUT TO DIE--JOINING YOUR CONSTITUTION IN THE GRAVE. STOP LYING TO YOURSELVES ABOUT THESE THINGS--YOU CAN SEE WHY--CLEARLY! This also points out that all Re­publicans in any subcommittee hearing will join with the ad­versary--because they still work for the New World Order and the Israeli LOBBY for ISRAEL. Until you stop this nonsense--it will worsen.]
Therefore, as this article goes to press, the Senate Judiciary Committee has compelling evidence that Reno has a potential closet FULL of personal problems from lesbianism to chronic alcohol abuse. Blackmail, the Judiciary Committee has been told, can be visited both upon her and by her. It is problematic as to whether the committee, on either side of the aisle, will use its considerable investigative powers, including the subpoena power, to ferret out the truth. America deserves to know what kind of Attorney General it is getting. The reader of this article will have the benefit of knowing if anything came out of any of this--if Janet Reno's confused personal life sullied and sank her nomination, and with it the dwindling perception that Bill Clin­ton knows how to govern. The perception of the Republicans, at least, is not dwindling. They are not even on the radar screen so total has been their failure to discharge their "advise and con­sent" du....[missing line(s)]....to false starts by Clinton, must be the "Caesar's wife of Attorney General nominees". Reno is no­body's wife. There may be reasons for that.

John B. Thompson

* * *
America, you have REALLY got a mess on your hands--and upon your soul. So be it.