PJ 72


SUN., JULY 4, 1993 11:45 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 322

SUN., JULY 4, 1993

The next is placed herein at the request of Gunther Russbacher in MEMORY OF A FRIEND. He has requested that we run it in the paper and we are most pleased to offer this space. The letter came to the Ekkers with a note and the request. It is being shared with our own public appreciation to those who serve, and actually give ALL as in this instance. We have gained other information regarding the death of Paul David Wilcher which will be found elsewhere in the paper. I hope that Gunther will have opportunity to share this and other information in the paper itself. As a Commander in this mission, I am faced with losing my people to the left and to the right--some have not even found their own mission sufficiently to come within our ability to attend and protect them.

All begin this journey with Stars and Stripes in young eyes--ex­cited to play in the games of "trick or treat" and "I Spy". It is no longer amusing when realization of truth strikes between the eyes and it is found that your own will desert you to death and HELP DEATH ALONG! However, what is done is done and past is past--there is no "going back"--one must ever move in wisdom--forward.

I salute both Gunther the survivor and my fallen friend who did not yet understand--for with ALL, you think you CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and AFTER ALL, "I AM AN AMERICAN LIVING IN AMERICA". GOD HELP US ALL.


June 27, 1993

Dear Friends,

Please know that you have not been forgotten. Much to my regret things have been happening which have exceeded my scope of influence and ability to act. Matter of fact, death has struck within our ranks and, as such, all my correspondence has come to a screeching halt.

Please know that one of my attorneys, Paul David Wilcher, has been found dead of unknown causes a mere few days ago. He was found by some of our Washington friends, and members of the Washington D.C. Police Department. Paul has been working on my cause, as well as preparing numerous exhibits for the attention of
Ms. Janet Reno, the Attorney General of the United States. Much to our regret, Paul was never able to hand-deliver the documents to Ms. Reno. He was stopped by the adversary before he could make mention of the great irreg­ularities he had found while investigating the ongoing corrup­tion, the BCCI and BNL scandals.

Paul has died to secure a better way of life for each and ev­ery one of us. He shall never be forgotten by Rayelan and my­self, as he has been a true friend and staunch advocate for truth, freedom and justice in government.

Let us all remember him not only for what he did for our cause, but also and more so, for his dedication to the Constitu­tion of the United States. He was willing to battle any giant to protect this great document against all enemies -- within and without.

His memory shall always be with us, wherever we might be.

Paul, in death, I salute you. May God grant you the peace you so dearly deserve.

With love and respect, I sign,
Your friend always,

Gunther (Raven)

* * *
This letter did not reach us in time to run it in last week's CON­TACT and, somehow, it seems more fitting to recognize this kind of "above and beyond" service on your INDEPENDENCE weekend. Where have all the patriots gone? Will you allow the slaying of ALL of them before you take a stand for freedom? "Give me liberty or give me death," takes on more meaning, perhaps. Will you give the patriots "death" for, as with Wilcher, it certainly was not liberty.

On the same subject--reference Reno, I am going to share with you a couple of writings regarding the Waco horror. Also, while considering the importance of today's celebrations for freedom, I have a couple of other observations to bring to your attention.

This is a celebration of U.S. Independence, is it not? Then why have several of the "services" for today featured various participants IN FULL DRESS BRITISH UNIFORM?? Have you gone insane, America?

AND MORE IMPORTANT: How many of you notice the ad­vertisements (in advance, which is hardly ever done) of the 60 MINUTES feature for this evening? While you are celebrating your national independence for ALL citizens and with unlimited resources from which to choose programming to suit the beauty of the day and the celebration of your NATION--THEY ARE GOING TO FEATURE THE JEWS OF THE HOLOCAUST IN EUROPE! If you still think you do not have a rigged media and Zionist management of America--you had best take your temperature for you are SICK!

From one end of your nation to the other--there are dozens of reports of fully-armed unmarked military presence. Fighter air­craft and helicopters are flying fully-fledged ARMED patrols. The border between California and Nevada is capable of instant blockade by ARMED (NEW) TANKS. KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN!

I also sit in receiving of a second request to print an article sent prior to this from Salt Lake City, Utah, the end of April. We missed printing it then and thought it may SEEM out of date--it isn't.

THE HERALD, Provo, UT, 4/25/93.

DEA to manage local strike force.

Salt Lake City (AP)--The U.S. Drug Enforcement Adminis­tration will take over management of Metro Narcotics Strike Force, federal and local officials said.

The shift, to be announced at a news conference early next week, was confirmed Friday by Drew Moren, the DEA's top agent in Utah, and Sandy Police Chief Gary Leonard, who heads the Metro Strike Force's board of directors.

Metro is an 11-year-old anti-drug task force made up of two dozen officers from several Salt Lake County police forces and state agencies.

The organization conducts undercover transactions, employs informants and uses other techniques to ferret out drug traffick­ing along the Wasatch Front.

Authorities expect to be operating under the reorganiza­tion by July 1. The reorganization eventually may adopt a new NAME, officials said, but one has not been chosen yet.

* * *
This above, is Mr. Brent Scowcroft's town, chelas. In fact, you are going to find that Mr. Scowcroft has been entangled and has sucked the LDS church into so much clandestine illegal opera­tions as to SHOCK the most hardened believers. These things will ultimately probably DESTROY the Mormon church as it was for it has pulled away from, except for rituals, anything re­ligiously goodly in its business operations and management. Another "murder" of the "times".

Before I go into the Waco subject, may we please take time to remember Ray Renick who is still very much incarcerated. Please don't forget to remember him, readers, he is having to fight his OWN case as of now, and that bodes very badly for anyone. Keep praying that funding resources come through and some honest legal counsel (Yes, I know you know that is all but impossible to come by) can be found. We simply do that which we have to do until the injustices are caused to be laid forth in the light of day.

The following is a report (transcript) from Tom Valentine's pro­gram April 29, 1993. Ray was expecting to be "taken" at this very time and of course, has been by SWAT team, ATF and lo­cal Police.


Tom Valentine host, Ray Renick, guest.

TV: Ray, San Luis Obispo, my old home town. Hello, Ray.
RR: Hi, Tom.
TV: How are you?
RR: Hey, I was listening to the first hour there and, man, those people you had on were talking about all the same people I know, all the same subjects I've been talking about, and I'm writing a book, too, but my book's a little different. My book goes back a lot farther than these fella's. All the way back to the 1700 and 1800s when Capt. Russell, of the Rus­sell Company, with the British East India Trading Company and the opium trade. In 1832, when he retired, he left $54 million dollars to the Skull and Bones Club at Yale. Isn't that interesting?
TV: That is very interesting!
RR: And then, when he left, his position was taken over by a man named Warren Delano and Warren Delano made mil­lions and billions of dollars on the dope trade. And, he left his fortune to his grandson, who was named Franklin De­lano Roosevelt.
TV: Yep.
RR: And, then I go, I'm just skippin' around a bit to give you a brief history of what my dope research goes back to. Do you remember the movie, "Patton"?
TV: Yes.
RR: Patton wanted to beat Montgomery to Messina, but he had to go all the way around the perimeter of Sicily. Do you re­member that?
TV: Yes.
RR: Do you remember the name of this tank force?
TV: No, what was the name of his tank force?
RR: It was "Lucky Forward". And, the way Patton beat Montgomery, was he incorporated the help of the Mafia in Sicily, and "Lucky Forward" was named for Lucky Luciano.
TV: Alright, the fact is I knew that Luciano was hired by the government, but I didn't know he worked with Patton.
RR: Well, indirectly, he did.
TV: Hmmm.
RR: The payoff to Luciano was that after the war he was to get the heroin concession for the world. Now, I've--, this book I'm writing, I talked to you about this before, and you seemed to be a little sensitive about it because you're from San Luis Obispo and so am I.
TV: Well, I wasn't sensitive about your book; I didn't know what it was about, at the time.
RR: Well, let me tell you a little about it. I've discovered in the last number of years that the people here in San Luis Obispo are up to their ears in drug trafficking, also, like William P. Clark, for instance.
TV: Yes, now you've mentioned William P. Clark. That's right.
RR: Yes, and he was on the cover of the Spotlight.
TV: That's right.
RR: And, William P. Clark is a large stockholder of a cattle company called...
TV: Hold on, Ray, we'll go through the break and you can come back, alright?
RR: The Zapata Cattle Company. Okay.


TV: Alright, it's Tom Valentine. We're back live and Ray, from San Luis Obispo is on, and you mentioned the name of William P. Clark and before you get going on that, Ray, let me tell you that when Russell Bowen was a guest on this show, and he is the flyer for the CIA, he told the story that he was assigned to go in to Costa Rica, I believe, following La Penca bombing and the fact that some American CIA type had got in trouble and killed a national policeman and every­thing else and he had to be bailed out very surreptitiously....

[H: Still think Mr. Green "just" owns a coffee farm with squatters--in Costa Rica? Well, perhaps! Who knows-­maybe "de Shadow" do. It just seems there is so much going on in such a remote place, like CIA headquarters and international drug deals and money laundering and gold laundering, "off-shore" banking, etc., that under the circumstances it be­ing Costa Rica makes it LOOK so unclean.

RR: Yes, that was Steven Carr?
TV: I think that was the name and he went in to get this guy... the guy is the number one gun-seller of arms in America, is there....
RR: Five?
TV: Yeah, but anyway, Russell Bowen flew in and in this room, in this house, hiding in a closet and dying of thirst, so he handed him a coke, WAS WILLIAM P. CLARK.
RR: Yes, I've got all kinds of--, the main part of my book is based on William P. Clark. I think the guy you're thinking of is Peter Glibbery. Steven Carr was the connection, that was an eye witness to Noriega's drug planes landing at All-brook Air Force Base in Panama and he also was at Home­stead and saw JEB BUSH meeting the same planes.
TV: Is your book ready to go?
RR: Well, it's kind of rough yet. It's kind of more of an out­line, there's no beginning and there's no end to it, I just can't, you know, it's just...
TV: Well, you're never going to have a book until you have a book. You've got to finish it, Ray, and then, by golly, you send it and we'll put you on the air and help you sell it.

[H: Please note here, that for a long time an agreement has been that if the CONTACT and the Institute can survive--Ray's book will be immediately published (printed, even if rough) when available. We have been given some of it and, of course, shared it with you readers. Ray is a good friend and we are doing all we can to help him. I'm sure that just this far into this interview you can see WHY HE WAS AR­RESTED AND SEPARATED FROM ABILITY TO PRINT HIS MATERIAL. WELL, GO BACK TO THE LIBERA­TOR AND YOU WILL FIND A WHOLE LOT OF THE IN­FORMATION FROM HIM, PUBLISHED!]
RR: Um, yes, I sent some of it to the Spotlight two years ago, and they looked like they were really interested and all of a sudden they just turned off, I....
TV: Well, it's not that they turned off, Ray, you've got to un­derstand that at the Spotlight we get thousands upon thou­sands....
RR: I suppose...
TV: ...of submissions and we only have 30 some pages each week, and we have to stay up with the breaking news. But, they don't slight anybody, they just do their very best, but we just get so many submissions. [H: Well, and I just suppose... the Spotlight refused to even consider allowing the JOURNALS to be so much as advertised in their paper. They also STOPPED allowing Bo Gritz to so much as ad­vertise his books therein. INTERESTING?!?]
RR: Let me give you a couple of more little anecdotes here, real quick ones. In San Luis Obispo County there's a cattle com­pany called the Zapata Cattle Company, now where have you heard that name before?
TV: OK, that's George Bush's company name [Zapata Offshore Oil], of Houston, Texas.
RR: Right. And, they're dealing in the same business, not cattle or oil, but drugs. The cattle, for the Zapata Cattle Company here, come in, or used to, I don't know if they still do, from Mexico and with the cattle came drugs, and William Clark is one of the major stockholders.
TV: Is that right? Do you mean when old Bob Marre, down there in Avila Beach, used to bring in 10,000 head of those Zebu cows from Mexico, that's a....
RR: Oh boy, am I glad you said THAT name! You just bought me a...., you just connected a whole bunch of stuff for me. He owns a trucking company too, doesn't he?...a Carolina Western or something like that.
TV: Mr. Marre? I don't think so; he owned all the land that has been developed into the San Luis Bay Club, that's since I left there. When I was a boy, Marre's riders use to run me off his property because I lived on the third pier at Avila Beach.
RR: And Marre had a partner, a Mexican, who was connected with government in Mexico, which facilitated getting across the border.
TV: That could be, I know he just brought up thousands of head of cattle for that huge spread he's got.
RR: Right, and that was all a drug running operation.
TV: It's his property, by the way, where that great..., big Dia­blo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant is...
RR: Diablo Canyon, right. And, also another stockholder in the Zapata Cattle Company, and I've had four people who have seen him there at Clark's ranch in Shandon--with a man named Ronald Reagan.
TV: Well, Ronnie's been up there a lot, yes.
RR: Sure, and you remember Nancy Reagan had..., there was an article about her investing in nursing homes in California?
TV: Hmm hmm..
RR: Well, the Clarks' law firm, Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut & Baggett....
TV: Sinsheimer!
RR: Yes.
TV: That's one of the most famous names in San Luis Obispo.
RR: Yeah! Robin Baggett was the attorney for drug dealers for the Hell's Angels. And, a man named Mark Woolpert worked for Baggett. And they were, there's a place down on the Nipomo Mesa where there are bodies buried, where there was a drug lab. They made crystalmethadrine down there. I have a map of the bodies and everything, and I think, if I re­member right, I'm not sure, somebody could look this up for me, but I think the property at one time was in Robin Baggett's name.
TV: Is that right? Well, Nipomo Mesa is a big, old sandy place, you could bury a lot of bodies out there.
RR: Yes, but I know exactly where they are. Let's see, of course William Clark was also the National Security Advisor when the Korean Airliner plane went down, and nobody's got that right; I mean, boy that was a real operation.
TV: Well we, um, oh, I'm thinking of Gander [another rigged air crash].
RR: Yeah, the Gander one also, but the one that's connected that I KNOW about is KAL 007.
TV: Oh! That's right, the one that had the congressman from Georgia, the head of the John Birch Society.
RR: You heard about that ?! I'll have to send you a copy of my book.
TV: I'm looking forward to it, Ray! And, I'm glad to have you as a listener.
RR: I'll get one out right away. And, Clark is involved in a lot of things. He goes all the way back to the Kennedy Assassi­nation because, you know, his wife is Werner Von Braun's niece.
TV: Yes, you mentioned that the last time you called.
RR: He met her in Austria when they were arranging to have all the Nazi scientists come to this country. Clark was with CIC, I mean "counterintelligence", and they brought Nazi scientists here and he married Werner Von Braun's niece to tie the new world order of Europe into the new world order of San Luis Obispo.
TV: (laughs) Thank you for that! I've got to take a break, but, Ray, I'm delighted you called in. My home town, ladies and gentlemen, is San Luis Obispo, California. I've lived in al­most every nook and cranny of that beautiful, beautiful county and I'll say this for Mr. William P. Clark, for all the things that he's been alleged to do, and we've talked about him on this show before, he did pick a beautiful place to set­tle down; San Luis Obispo County. Of course, Mr. Hearst thought it was beautiful too. He had the huge Hearst Ranch and Hearst Castle. Great place, beautiful place, I haven't been there in years and years. I'm Tom Valentine, and this is Radio Free America.

* * *
Dharma, we are about to run out of energy for longer writing without a break. Let us take a break and then we will move into a bit of "pig cloning" (swine tampering) and Waco/Reno!

PJ 72


SUN., JULY 4, 1993 2:27 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 322

SUN., JULY 4, 1993

Before we talk about clones and genetic alteration in pigs, cows, etc., let's talk about corn that has been bred from 10,000 year old genes. I guess "they just don't make it like they used to"! And I am asked again and again, "Why spelta"? Because it is ancient, unaltered, unhybridized and has kept all of its wonder­ful qualities--untampered--YET! The grain itself has been moved into hybridized and crossed mixes of grain resulting in wheat and other grains but the DNA of Spelt has remained unaltered and YOU CAN STILL GET IT (the most important fact of all). It is about the same with red lentils--that WAS the original color before altered for greater production and ease of growing and harvesting. Both are thrivers in higher ultraviolet light and have protective coverings which protect to some extent from radiation assault. If radiated, the radiation will not pene­trate and contaminate the fruit for nearly as long as in hybrid crops. Also, if growing already, it has a strong tendency to NOT pick up radiation from the ground or water and hoard it.

The reason I want to speak of this corn, however, is because of the mention of the "mitochondria" of which we have given great long lessons in speaking about Gaiandriana. It is just interesting and something you might enjoy reading.
The next couple or three articles are from USA Today, "World of Science", June 1992:


About 10,000 years ago, American Indians engineered corn, or maize, from a wild grass known as teosinte. Kathy Newton, associate professor of biological science, University of Mis­souri-Columbia, is using this ancient grass to learn what genes are important for maximum growth and fertility in modern corn. She is studying the genetic material in mitochondria--tiny or­ganelles within cells that convert sugars to chemical energy--by introducing teasinte mitochondria into maize plants and then mating them with others. "We want to see how the interaction of the genes in the mitochondria and nuclei affect the outward characteristics of the plant". [H: You might also realize that this is mutation in action from the DNA interaction. It also involves the DNA reproduction system of the Gaiandriana-­in that if genetically unaltered intentionally will actually per­fect the original construction.]
Until the 1960s, when scientists discovered the presence of genetic material in mitochondria, it was believed that all of a cell's genetic material, or DNA, was contained in its nucleus. The find suggested that mitochondria once had been independent organisms incorporated into cells at some point in the distant past. Researchers also determined that mitochon­drial DNA could be transmitted only through females [H: Ga­iandrianas], which has led to a scientific quest to discover the genetic makeup of humanity's ancestral mother, also known as our "genetic Eve".
[H: And, do you suppose the scientific community will ever "simply" look where it can be found?]

Newton also is working with naturally occurring mutations in maize mitochondria. By studying the resulting outward charac­teristics of the plants, such as striped or discolored leaves, she is learning what traits are influenced by the mitochondrial DNA. "We've found that the mutations often have profound effects on plant growth and development. Anything we can learn about which traits are affected by mitochondrial DNA can potentially be used by other geneticists, plant physiologists, and breeders".

* * *
Cloning is the process of producing genetically identical plants or animals. For many plant species, this is a simple pro­cedure--just take a cutting and allow it to root in damp sand. In others, single cells can be grown in culture and entire new plants produced by manipulation with hormones.

Cloning is more difficult in animals. Almost every animal cell contains a nucleus, each of which has identical DNA to the donor animal. The problem is that animal genes controlling the development of new individuals appear to "switch off" after a certain stage and, at present, can not be "switched on" again.

Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia have overcome this by taking genetic material from cattle and pig embryos at the eight cell-blastocyst stage. They suck the nu­cleus out of the blastocyst cell with a micro-pipette while hold­ing it by suction under a microscope, then use this nucleus to replace that of an unfertilized ovum.

The new composite cell next is treated to fuse the protoplasm and seal the cell membrane, then cultured in vitro, in theory, eight identical animals can be produced from each blastocyst. If the process is repeated when the new cells reach the eight-cell stage, 64 identical cells can be created. After a third cycle, there could be 256.
When enough genetically identical blastocysts have been cultured, they are implanted inside a surrogate uterus and al­lowed to grow to term. Since the technology still is being per­fected, many manipulated embryos fail to develop properly. So far, the technique has yielded hundreds of cloned calves, but only one live pig [H: Well--may be--at that lab. The pigs are the ones which have shown the most success through other techniques resulting in the same thing.] Current research aims to increase the number of live clones.

The long-term aim of the study is to produce identical pigs for research purposes, but there are practical applications. Clones of superior animals could help to improve the rate of ge­netic gain in cattle and swine.

* * *
Farmers soon may have a better pig cloning technique, al­lowing for leaner, healthier breeds that grow faster on less food. Randall Prather, assistant professor of animal science, Univer­sity of Missouri-Columbia, [H: Busy school, isn't it? And one of the most controlled of the Elite managed educational research centers on your globe.] is perfecting a cloning method known as nuclear transfer, which involves moving nu­clei from an embryo that is several days old to an unfertilized egg in a surrogate mother. The method successfully has yielded hundreds of cattle--but only one pig.

"If all hogs in a litter were genetically identical, farmers could be assured of them all growing at the same rate, respond­ing to the same ration, and most importantly, producing the same quality of pork", he explained. [H: Now, go back and replace "hogs" with "humans".] Cloning also could be used to produce identical pigs for research purposes. If all those in a study have the same genotype the effect of an experimental treatment can be measured without the added variable of genet­ics. In addition, geneticists could identify and reproduce supe­rior genotypes throughout the swine population and foster superior breeds more quickly.

Because each cell in the body has a nucleus that contains the same genetic information, each cell theoretically can be cultured to produce a clone of the donor. Currently, there are two meth­ods in use. The first mimics the way identical twins are produced naturally. A fertilized egg is removed surgically from the uterus shortly after it begins dividing. The embryo then is split into two or more individual cells known as blastomeres, which are cultured in the laboratory until they can be returned to a uterus. In the second method, nuclear transfer, the nucleus is removed from an unfertilized ovum and replaced with a nucleus taken from a developing embryo. The method should make pos­sible the production of eight embryos from an eight-cell embryo. By repeating the process, 64 clones can be created and so on.

"Nuclear transfer has been successfully repeated up to six times in cattle and has resulted in calves after three times", Prather notes. One reason for the low efficiency rate in swine is that litter-bearing animals need a minimum number of fetuses to maintain pregnancy. For a sow to do so, there must be at least four viable fetuses in the womb. Another cause may be chemi­cal factors that enter the nucleus when the membrane is ruptured during the process.

In addition to the promise of future advances in health and greater reproductive efficiency in animals, knowledge gained from the research is expected to lead to useful spin-off ideas in human and animal health, such as treatments for genetically-based diseases and improved fertility for humans. "If we can increase the efficiency of the cloning procedure in swine, and if someone can figure out how to freeze swine embryos, we will be ready to go with this. Then, when consumers demand changes--for example, less fat--we will be able to clone a line that has less fat in it, and we can do it in a relatively short pe­riod of time. The consumer will have more say and will be able to dictate more rapid changes".

Toronto Star, Sunday, June 20, 1993:

DISEASE TOLL TO SOAR, U.N STUDY FORECASTS. [H: Note please, the relationship (subtle) between the U.N. and WHO.]
Ottawa (Special)--A massive increase in deaths from AIDS and other diseases around the world threatens to erase "decades of hard-won reductions" in mortality rates, says the World Health Organization (WHO). [H: And, they lie about everything else also!]

By the turn of the century, AIDS deaths in Third World countries each year will equal the number recorded to this point--about two million--according to research by the U.N. agency, to be published next month in a joint report with the WORLD BANK. [H: Isn't this just a whole pot-full of wonderful connections which would on the surface seem unlikely. Even the numbers are wrong by grossly understated figures.]
WHO's most conservative estimates suggest that by 2000, 26 million people in developing countries will be infected with HIV and 1.8 million a year will die of AIDS.

"By destroying individuals' immune systems, HIV will also vastly worsen the spread of other diseases, especially tuberculo­sis. In higher-affected areas, demand for AIDS treatment will overwhelm capacity for clinical treatment and cause a deterioration of care for other illnesses".

The study also says that new strains of malaria could double the annual death toll from that disease to two million a year within a decade.

And the aging of populations will bring "to the fore costly, non-communicable diseases of adults and the elderly".

Tobacco-related deaths from heart disease and cancers alone are expected to double by the first decade of the next century. [H: If anyone should know--they should! And if you want to be sure, just wait until they bring on the NEW untreatable and incredible SMALLPOX!]



Beyond the tasteless (if nevertheless appropriate) jokes ("What's the difference between Reno and Waco? Waco never killed 86 people in Reno". "What's the difference between child abuse and child murder"? "Harrumph...the FBI does not engage in child abuse".) one is most reminded of the oxy­moronic military officer in Viet Nam who said, "We had to de­stroy the village to save it".

[H: I guess in the same vein, then, there is another "lawyer" joke that could be shared here in equally bad taste: One le­gal client in a courtroom said to another: "I am devastated and saddened by the events of the gunman killing all those San Francisco attorneys". The other replied, "Yes, it is too bad, did you know any of them"? The first speaker replied, "Oh, I'm not sad over the shooting of the lawyers--I am sorry because the gunman shot himself and he was the best lawyer shooter we've had".]
RESPECT: Joseph Sobran (This comes from the Universal Press Syndicate of April 22, 1993.) [H: But the copy comes from our own attorney.]

The fall of the Branch Davidians has brought the inevitable clucking about "cults" and "fundamentalists". President Clin­ton, in the course of defending the final FBI assault on the Waco compound, spoke of the "rise in this sort of fanaticism all across the world", warning that "WE MAY HAVE TO CON­FRONT IT AGAIN".

He added piously: "I hope very much that others who will be tempted to join cults and become involved with people like David Koresh will be deterred by the horrible scenes they have seen over the last seven weeks". So the federal government is now in the business of deciding which religions are good for us. Mr. Clinton seems ready to attach warning labels.

But his alarm is hypocritical. There is, in fact, no segment of the American population that is more gentle and law-abiding than fundamentalist Christians.

Fundamentalists have very low rates of violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, illegitimacy, and other disorders. Few of them even smoke, which ought to win them at least a little re­spect from liberals. Most of them work and pay taxes and don't take welfare. They don't riot when they don't get their way. They aren't into street crime. Or organized crime. Their names don't come up in Wall Street scandals. They don't mug or kill foreign tourists. They haven't introduced new diseases into the national bloodstream. They don't amuse themselves with drive-by shootings. Nobody avoids a neighborhood be­cause fundamentalists dominate it.

On the contrary, fundamentalists are rather easy to push around. They are given to charitable works, though they don't believe in advertising their kindness. They suffer a lot of abuse without complaining. If they are getting active in politics now, it's because they have learned the hard way that the government won't leave them alone and respect their way of life.

Which brings us back to Waco. The Branch Davidians weren't bothering anyone. Why was it necessary to disturb them in the first place? Why was the final attack called for?

A New York Times headline says it all; "Officials Contradict One Another on Rationale for Assault on Cult". Attorney Gen­eral Janet Reno offered "child abuse" as the reason for the at­tack that resulted in a score of children's deaths. FBI Director William Sessions denies that child abuse had anything to do with it.
[H: Could that be why Sessions is now OUT!?]

It looks very much as if the government decided in February that the Davidians would be easy pickings for a dramatic opera­tion, with the media in attendance. Even when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms knew the Davidians knew it was coming, it proceeded, evidently assuming that its prey wouldn't fight back.

For once that assumption was wrong, and several died on both sides. The government lost face, and continued to lose face throughout the long siege. Far from worrying about the children inside, it subjected them for weeks to what must have been utter terror, with harsh floodlights and the most un­nerving loud noises it could contrive. The welfare of the children was secondary to regaining the lost prestige of the federal government. THE LAST DAYS OF THOSE KIDS ARE UNBEARABLE TO IMAGINE.
Even the reason for the original raid has never been very clear. The government has quietly backed away from its first story, that it suspected illegal weapons conversions. Even if that was technically true, it hardly warranted the ultimate price. Obviously it was easier to attack an isolated rural cult in Texas than to raid the Crips and Bloods in Los Angeles, though the gangs are at least as likely to possess illegal weapons and a damned sight more likely to use them on the innocent. When in doubt, attack the fundamentalists.

Can anyone doubt that if the government had really thought the Davidians were dangerous, it would have left them alone? Nothing brings out the raw courage of heavily armed federal agents like a few eccentrically religious white people out in the country minding their own business.

As for Mr. Clinton, he can count: he knows the Christian fundamentalists didn't give him much money or many votes in the last election. He also knows that he doesn't live up to their moral standards. No wonder he dislikes them.

If Rodney King's civil rights were violated in Los Angeles, what happened in Waco, Texas?

If a billy-club is excessive force, what is a tank?

If four Los Angeles police officers--their adrenalin flowing from exertions to subdue a resisting, large, strong man--used bad judgment in applying force, what kind of judgment was ex­ercised by President Clinton, Attorney General Janet Reno and the FBI in the relative calm of their Washington office?

The Branch Davidians are not a preferred minority, but their civil rights were nevertheless violated.

The federal officials responsible must be held accountable for the deaths of about 24 children and 62 adults. The congres­sional hearing into the extraordinary miscalculation that pro­duced the horror must not become a cover-up dominated by liberal hostility toward religion and gun ownership.

The excuse given by Attorney General Reno is that the FBI's hostage team was fatigued and could not indefinitely continue in place. Out-waited and impatient, something had to be done.

So the FBI played directly into David Koresh's hands and ful­filled his prophecy.

Throughout the long siege the media have regaled us daily with reports that Koresh believed that he was destined for perse­cution and that he and his followers would die in a violent con­frontation with the secular state.

The FBI cannot claim to have been unaware of his views. In a briefing last month, a senior FBI official said: "From the mid-80s on, he's preached that his group will end up in a violent confrontation with law enforcement and that this will be a fulfillment of his prophecy".

Fully armed with all the facts, the federal government set out to bring the tragedy to pass. Numerous opportunities were ig­nored to serve Koresh with the warrant on his trips to town or to detain and question him about the government's suspicions that he possessed illegal firearms. Instead, 100 armed agents of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms division of the Treasury Department unexpectedly assaulted the compound.

The agents dressed themselves in black assault uniforms and brought the TV cameras along to record their exploits, but their assault was repelled by the Branch Davidians, with loss of lives and injuries on both sides. The FBI showed up with tanks and armored vehicles.

The FBI let the tensions build up for 50 days and then broke into the building with tanks and attacked with gas. After experi­encing the ATF attack and being prepped by Koresh, people in­side the compound might expect to be gunned down if they rushed outside.

Clearly, any psychiatrist who dealt with a paranoid patient in this way would be guilty of malpractice. How could a highly trained FBI team, an Attorney General and a President make such a mistake?

The black inmates who have taken over the Lucasville, Ohio, prison and murdered both inmates and guards are being shown a great deal more understanding.

True to form, many liberals have rushed forward to blame the Waco disaster on the Second Amendment, which permits Americans to own guns.

To the contrary, it happened precisely because of federal laws regulating gun ownership. The Branch Davidians hadn't assaulted anyone. They lived peacefully within the community. Except for the federal gun laws, they would all still be alive.

It wasn't the state of Texas that provoked the confrontation. It is the gun control propaganda that has let the ATF off the reservation and encouraged the T-men to throw their weight around. From the standpoint of the Sarah Bradys of this world, to own an unregistered gun is a matter of serious import; it ought to be illegal.

The liberals' premise that gun ownership should be illegal, or in the least heavily regulated, has created the atmosphere in which the ATF, like an unthinking bully, feels compelled to in­creasingly and brazenly show its presence. That is what pro­duced the deaths of 86 children, women and men.

An embarrassed Attorney General lamely blames her "fatigued agents" and "reports" that babies were being beaten and children molested. After the event, she pleads the Clintons' concern with children to justify setting in motion a plan that gets all the children killed. Some solution. And now it is proven that there was NEVER any child abuse under any circum­stances.

But it shows once again the utter incompetence of the federal government. Why anyone would want it more involved in ours lives is inexplicable. Scripps Howard News Service.

* * *
Now, however it all makes sense, doesn't it? Just knowing that Janet Reno, your Attorney General and the ATF forces are working for the Secretary of Treasury, Bentsen--AND ALL OF THEM WORK FOR, AND ARE PAID BY, THE INTER­NATIONAL MONETARY FUND OF THE UNITED NA­TIONS ONE WORLD ORDER--NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMER­ICA BY ANY NAME. You had better be getting this right, citizens, or there may not be "another day" to "try again".

I have been asked to close this off a bit more gently than abruptly leaving you with the above.

Written by Ann Stanton
A faded photo lies before me in the midst of this dusty album,
Of a couple standing before a tiny log-built cabin.
Snow lying in the winter sun reflects the pride in their faces,
I wish I could have been there, how I long to turn back the pages.
When life was a simple thing and God was all there was to fear,
No need to lock the doors, when needed a neighbor was there.
A time when Christ and Country were the greatest source of pride,
A time when our nation's leaders had not a thing to hide.
The goals of love and happiness were built on and found,
And the souls of American dreams, through God, were tightly bound.
Turn back the pages America, go back in time and history,
When the Bible was a source of vitality, instead of your TV.
I stare at another photo and a tear falls upon the page,
Thirteen children in a schoolhouse, with heads bowed to pray.
Through time and corruption we have left God out of our lives,
Unlike the days of our forefathers, ours are all but bright.
Turn back the pages once again, to the integrity of America's youth,
Where Christians were Christians and eager to feed upon the Truth.
When men weren't afraid of obeying what was commanded in Scripture,
Women were true ladies; respectable, gentle and pure.
Where children respected their parents and loved their family,
When schools really educated, untouched by government policy.
Turn back the pages, turn back time for our great nation,
Where once again, we can be proud to bear the name "American".
Thank you for sharing, Luanna.

* * *
In view of the fact that this has been a most dreadful week which Dharma will not look back on with great joy (Quoting Queen Lizzie), I have noted that she had some good belly-laughs in spite of herself. We shall share some of the lightness of a couple of pages from A NEW MAGAZINE SENT AS A SAMPLE, CALLED REMINISCE. [Reiman Publications, 5927 Memory Lane, PO Box 998, Greendale, WI 53129; $9.98 for a 1-year subscription published every other month]. It is filled with pictures of "old" things and times and times just to remem­ber even if you have only heard about them from hand-me-down.

QUOTING (From the section "Over the Backfence"):

A Grandfather was digging potatoes along with his grandson.
After several hours of hard work, the little fellow looked up into his grandfather's face and asked, "Why did you bury all these things in here"?

It just doesn't seem right to go over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's condo.

A little old lady died and went to heaven. Five years later her husband died. When he arrived in heaven, his wife couldn't wait to show him around, pointing out what a beautiful place it is.
"Yes, it certainly is," said her husband, "and if it hadn't been for that blamed fiber diet of yours, I could have been enjoying it years ago"!
These bloopers were found by Edythe Hanson of Arizona in the church bulletins. She says all of them are authentic and taken directly from written announcements:

1. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.

2. Thursday at 5 p.m., there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers will please meet the pastor in his study.

3. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Brown to come forward and lay an egg on the altar.

4. Ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind, and they can be seen in the church basement on Friday after­noon.

5. On Sunday, a special collection will be taken to defray the expense of the new carpet. All wishing to do something on the carpet, please come forward and get a piece of paper.

6. Tonight's sermon: "What is Hell?" Come early and listen to our choir practicing.

7. Another marriage-encounter weekend is being offered. It's a chance for a weekend away for just you and your souse.

Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. George Bernard Shaw.

Loving the God self fills a hole within us that cannot be filled by another human being, because they're busy filling their hole. But once the hole is filled, then you are complete and there is a completeness that then can be shared.

And so, may you get those holes filled!

Salu, Hatonn bids Good Day.

SUN., JULY 4, 1993 9:58 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 322

SUN., JULY 4, 1993
Well, let's see if you are free and independent.

First of all, perhaps the "followers" of Rahman may well be in­volved in operations "against" this or that, including the Ameri­can Government--BUT SO IS YOUR CIA, ATF, AND YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT (AGAINST YOU-THE-PEOPLE).

The arrest seizure of Rahman on Independence Day weekend was a sign--and not a good one. Now the truth comes out, read­ers: Warren Christopher AND Bill Clinton have now made ma­jor public statements that "THE ARREST IS TO CARRY A MESSAGE TO ALL FUNDAMENTALISTS LIKE RAH-MAN'S FOLLOWERS AND ONES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH SUCH AS THE WACO SITUATION, THAT CULT ACTIVITIES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED". Now, the plan is to extradite him back to Egypt--but actually it will come to be that it is a plot to keep him in prison without bail and without chance of release--FOR YEARS! I cannot warn you unsus­pecting citizens, strongly enough, of how serious this type of unlawful manipulation and force actually IS. How much dam­age can an old blind man do?


The last paragraph of one such article about the matter read: "Friday, administration officials said that Reno acted strictly on law-enforcement grounds, ordering that Abdel-Rahman be taken into custody as a flight risk". [Flight? Flight to where? Now, today, it goes further in that there will be considera­tion of release pending extradition and then the news states: "and it can be years before such extradition can be worked out"!]

I begin this writing with this subject because we are going to write some very disturbing things about Waco. You just aren't first hand witnesses to what is happening to some Pakistanis in Somalia because of retaliation against Rahman. MURDER is the agenda of the day for getting rid of all you "fundamentalists"--and before the purge is finished it will hit lo­cal Baptist and Catholic churches WHO DO NOT MODERATE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER MORALS--VOTED IN HO­MOSEXUALITY AS EQUAL AND ORDAINED BY THE RELIGION, ETC. The International Intelligence Cults are the ones, in conjunction with your CIA, Mossad and KGB-U.N. Forces--who bombed the Trade Center, et al. Indeed, Pakistani or known terrorist groups are targeted--so did they TRY to set up Waco as a bunch of terrorist gun dealers? Actually Koresh and his group were NOTHING BUT LAW ABIDING, CLAIMED-TO-BE-CHRISTIANS MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS, AND MAKING NO WAVES ANYWHERE--ANYHOW! If you Americans aren't scared spitless then you are DEAD, OR CERTAINLY IN A FULL BLOWN COMA.

What of this "free trade wonder"? How do you think Canada feels about this wonderful free trade trend? TODAY it is an­nounced that the US/Canadian border will be closed to sugar im­port (to the US) along with any products using sugar. The sugar-beet industry is the major product for Canada in almost all instances. First you wiped out the fishing industry, canning in­dustry and now you hit the sugar industry. This will wipe out income and jobs for multi-hundreds of thousands of citizens. Why? Because, "There is a glut of sugar in the U.S. and, to keep prices up, the import restriction from Canada will be indefinitely imposed".

Want to hear even more? The U.S. ships more sugar and sugar products INTO CANADA than Canada sends into the U.S.!
Oh, by the way--don't miss the over 50,000 lay-offs from IBM. Have a good day of hotdogs and apple pie. Just remember, the hotdogs are bits and pieces of "waste" meat by-products often from cloned, genetically altered and antibiotic riddled animals and the apples are treated with pesticides, genetic alteration for ripening and holding capability and additives to polish their lovely skins to entice you.

People, you are on your own--I can only suggest that if you get nothing else--you had best keep up your Gaiandriana for it will be through your own immune and working body system that you are going to keep the alterations from totally taking over your mechanical bodies.

This is one of the most important things that almost all of you WILL MISS TODAY. The "Inspection teams" from the United STATES are leaving Iraq--TODAY! There is blathering and corrections and intended confusion as to U.N. vs. U.S., so they say as an after-announcement: "It is the U.S. teams (who make up the entirety of the teams) of the U.N. resolution for inspec­tion of possible weapons sites " Now, RIGHT AFTER BOMBING IRAQ, is this not interesting as there have been no signs of "retaliation" AND Hussein has stated, "THERE WILL BE NO RETALIATION". Ah, what have we here?? No--surely not, it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the launch of that Cosmosdrome from Kazakhstan--COULD IT?

Well, good luck, Mr. President. The G-7 troops are about to erupt like a volcano--and I would have suggested you check with Mr. Bush before dancing in the streets of Japan or, at the least, avoid all banquets!

OK, America, the Asian Tiger Mosquito has been brought into your America and is on the prowl. They have been in your midst since 1985 and are now OUT OF CONTROL. This little insect transmits so many "blood" diseases that I won't bother to lay them out for you. They are the best "bloodsuckers of the bloodsuckers" and moreover, they regurgitate the blood already within in a mixture of digestive saliva to facilitate feasting on the "next" banquet provider. This mixes everything in the blood it carries with every other host it bites.

What do I suggest, since most of the diseases it will transmit (intentionally) are at present non-treatable? Well, of course, re­pellents--but this won't deter too many from their intended feast--but it is better than NOTHING. Next, get screened "tents" and USE them for all picnics and outings--even in your back-yard. You can even get small ones and rig them on apartment bal­conies.

I suggest you get whatever size(s) you like; I suggest a family have more than one--especially if you have small children.

What I am telling my people here is to get the tents and use them even on patios in the backyard for dining. The Bar-B-Q cook will usually have smoke (which is a good deterrent) so he is pretty safe if you put repellent on the legs (trousers), etc. EAT under that screen canopy and do your sitting and visiting WITHIN the canopy. The screens will not interfere with vis­iting and closeness and will provide such a more pleasant atmo­sphere at any rate than fighting bugs. With all the rains in most of the U.S. and flooding--mosquitoes will breed out of control this year--everywhere! They will even breed in over-watered flower beds! These are very versatile little insects.

I actually suggest that, in addition, if the tent does not already have a floor (which is more flexible in use) get plastic tarps a size larger than the tent--this gives you a "fold up flap" to use for camping and sleeping. Spray repellent UNDER the tarp. I further suggest covering by an old bedspread or bedspread/comforter on top of the tarp to protect, especially, crawling babies or young children. Imitation grass carpets are ok but not necessary--whatever makes you more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

I suggest that young children have their outside sand-boxes cov­ered by the screened facility. It will also offer shade and a bit of protection from the direct sun and block out some of the higher ultraviolet rays.

By the end of summer it IS INTENDED by the Elite that most of the citizens are infected with that dastardly Asian flu we have been speaking of.

If you watch sales you can get these little tents (adequate) for about $50. Four lesser ones will be more useful than one high quality. If you have several you will USE them. If you have to continually move ONE, you won't.
Another reason for the tents is for use if displaced to have to sleep OUTSIDE in case of earthquake, etc. A set of tents for temporary living are excellent in your survival packs AND SCREENED ROOMS ARE EXCELLENT FOR SAME--IN SUMMER MONTHS--FOR YOU ARE JUST STARTING SUMMER AND THIS IS A VERY REAL DANGER FROM NOW ON! The time to get ready is right now while commer­cial sales make buying easier.

I would guess that if you are on a "hard" surface you will need a style of tent that can be moved and stand without "stakes", THE TYPE IS UP TO YOU--BUT WISDOM WILL KEEP YOU ALIVE AND WELL.