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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#071, COALESCENCE

    PJ 71
    CHAPTER 11


    WED., JUNE 30, 1993 4:22 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 318

    WED, JUNE 30, 1993

    YOU CAN!
    YOU CAN'T!
    We will interrupt our work to respond to a letter which has Dharma too upset to go on with our scheduled projects. Re­sponse is to our beloved friend in New Mexico, Ron Sease. I have neither the time nor the inclination to be "soft" for I sit with inquiries, petitions, demands, insults, dares, questions and simple "kiss-offs" by the dozens--EVERY DAY of our work. So, if I seem abrupt--so be it.

    I ask that the Semjase-Silver-Star-Center letter be printed, please. I will also have ALL OF YOU note it is NOT from Billy Meier!

    I also ask that we print Ron's letter so we can respond in reasonable clarity without having to repeat questions and/or answers.

    I will begin, however, by telling YOU ALL that you have NO IDEA WHAT IS REAL AND WHAT IS PHONY IN THE SEMJASE-SILVER-STAR CENTER--(good grief).


    DO I SERVE "WITH" ASHTAR? "ASHTAR" IS AN IDEN­TIFICATION FOR A SPECIAL "COMMAND". That Com­mand is considered in the organizational plan as an Evacuation Command--and keeper of the massive Cosmic records for this portion of the Universe. Do not confuse this with Akashic records.

    The Commander of that particular "command" is identified as "Ashtar" in communications--just as I am identified in the sec­tors of Command as "Hatonn". It gives both identification of commission, singular identification of energy (person), point of service and duty responsibilities AND limits of involvement. Wherein, however, my label is fitted from point of last origin or "base"--Ashtar designates the Ashtar Command but is NOT the label of the Commanding "officer". My reference to the Host Command is Aton.

    Now, hear you well, please. My scribe has had enough. Her job as described is to write--she does that and she does it to the point that very few of you readers have read more than a pit­tance of the offerings. Then, as with Ron--you come and "demand" that you need explanations and "straight answers". There is NOTHING YOU ASK THAT IS NOT FULLY EX­PLAINED IN ONE OR MORE OF THE JOURNALS!! This includes all necessary information about one Billy Meier and Semjase.

    Now, it is true that Billy Meier wants nothing to do with George Green--however, it is NOT as presented in this letter. Further, the activities which are possibly going on in Switzerland in Hinterschmidruti are of no interest to me. Pleiadians made their contacts in that area for very specific reasons and those reasons are no longer relevant to anything that "I" do. So, why do you demand that "I" give you "straight answers"?--go get your an­swers from these people! The facades are many and great and the shenanigans going on at that Center are about as bilious and incorrect as anything that George Green presents.


    Are you or you or you less important than any other? No, not to your service sector command or to God. I am not, however, here to spoon feed 6-1/2 billion people one by one. Neither am I simply at the beck and call of any ONE--when the answers have already preceded the questions. Am I an­gry? No--I would simply like you to go do your own home­work so that we can do ours with the limited hands we have to serve in this place. Dharma has all she can stand of this fragmentation, gets no rest from man nor The Beast and I do not like the tone of demand in such letters which indicate that we do not do enough. My JOB is HERE--and we must serve the mission first in order that ALL can have the neces­sary information. To answer EACH of you now causes great inconsideration of ALL other readers who have done their homework and must lose information for lack of Dharma's capacity to work longer or more quickly. She writes any­where from 15 to 55 pages PER DAY among the hundreds of piles of messages and material mandatory for her atten­tion.
    I have so little to do with the Dal universe that I won't even bother to comment further about it. Ones in the Dal uni­verse can respond--I would even have to look it up on a Galactic map for coordinates and I frankly have no interest in doing so. You are not headed for the Dal universe, at any rate, so why would I allow such a distraction?

    Ptaah, Quetzal, etc.: Yes I know them but their mission is not my mission--but they may well have "your" mission--I am not the one to either judge or discern about that.

    First these people said Semjase was DEAD. I called them on it and said she certainly IS NOT. Now we have a different story--and it does not come from Billy Meier. Back in 2054? What the dickens for? Stop it readers--your planet is in destruct mode and to take time with fantasy la-la-land stories to account for a vacuum in connections is not my idea of attending "reality". Semjase has forgotten NOTHING and, moreover, it would take less than 30 seconds to replace everything in her computer--if you ones don't stop this, you are going to miss the whole won­drous journey. By the way, Semjase's father is Semjasa! Ptaah only serves as her guardian-teacher.

    My intention is not to offend anyONE. Please--however, EV­ERY ONE who writes feels he/she deserves answers and re­sponses and is somehow special. Each IS--but it has nothing to do with Dharma's job and I happen to utilize her as my secre­tary. So be it.

    This letter came to Rick but obviously has been forwarded on to me because Rick cannot answer it. He could turn it over to Esu but that Commander is pretty busy also--especially in view of the fact that ALL of the information demanded IS ALREADY WRITTEN FOR YOU--AND AVAILABLE. Give these people a break, please; they are human, caring and loving and yet they have no time for selves, family or living. WE have come to bring the WORD and we have done so and continue to do so--YOU HAVE TO READ IT, STUDY IT AND SEEK AND FIND YOUR ANSWERS--FOR OBVIOUSLY MINE DO NOT SUIT MANY OF YOU.

    Before you read this please refer back to the information re­ceived from Switzerland--to you paper readers, it will be some­where in this JOURNAL, I hope. (See end of chapter)

    Ron, I don't know when your letter to Rick was written or sent as you have given no information or address. Rick is saddened by his inability to satisfy your inquiries and has referred it to me although I note he has responded as of today, to you.


    Dear Rick,

    Perhaps we are not communicating well because it is impera­tive that we must experience some straight answers. There is so much going on that we need clarity and confirmation if these things are a part of the Command.

    It is aggravating not to know how things are to go because of the variables.

    As long as I have been writing to the Commander, even though I never expected a return letter, I suppose I hoped that I would get a reply. [H: Come now, son, you HAVE had replies and we have run some of your offerings as well.] The questions I ask are very important at this time. There is a lot of deception out there and I need to establish a firm path.

    Rick, don't think I am new at all this. The problem is sorting out. I am listening to an old Ashtar tape right now as I write this letter. It seems feasible since ascension is being discussed. [H: Ascension or evacuation? A very, very big difference! I don't care what Ashtar tape you are listening to, if it says "ascend" it is NOT right! We are efforting to get you ready to be able to move within a "light" and maintain physical vi­ability when that becomes a necessary move--IF it becomes necessary. If ones are giving you a goodly song and dance about ascending--then you are in deep yogurt if you attend that assumption without knowing what in the name of good­ness you are doing.] The tape is not of your organization. [H: Good, we have no organization.] It is interesting and doesn't conflict.

    By now you probably think me less than a worker for the Kingdom but I assure you--"I must ask questions" for OTHERS.(??) [H: Ron, how do you even know the questions to ask for OTHERS if you know not your own lessons?]

    You still haven't explained why a lot of the Journals and reams of newsprint have been dedicated on readiness and evacu­ation. [H: Could you actually mean, "have not"?] You would think this very important, wouldn't you? Well, we do and many of us who have come to New Mexico are ever vigilant in the readiness. Some of us would prefer to leave and let the inevitable happen. [H: So, what actually keeps you? It is im­portant to answer this and not consider it a flippant ques­tion. It may well be the most important one question you ever answer for self. WHY WOULD YOU NEED MORE VOLUMES ON THE SUBJECT IF IT HAS BEEN WELL COVERED IN DETAIL PRIOR TO NOW? TRUTH DOESN'T CHANGE, FRIENDS, GOD DOESN'T CHANGE AND NEITHER DO THE HOSTS OF GOD OR THIS MISSION. WORLDLY THINGS CHANGE WITH THE SHIFTING WINDS AND I SUPPOSE YOU NEED NEW UPDATES MOMENT BY MOMENT--TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE AND WE ARE OFFERING TRUTH JUST AS FAST AS DHARMA CAN TYPE.]
    We are instant in season and out and in the process, we need to be informed. [H: I'm sorry we could not decipher the meaning of this. And, son, if you are not constantly in­formed--then have you been doing your homework?]

    I received the last paper and thanks. I notice that we are do­ing a lot more sleeping these days (something for you to ob­serve).

    By HIS Love and Light,
    Bro. Ron.

    * * *
    No, I'm sorry but no one here is hardly finding time to sleep at all. Worse yet, my own staff is not finding time to read their own instructions for action in the physical emergency. Perhaps myself, nor my staff, knows exactly what it is you want from them. They, including Rick, are willing to offer you anything within their capability in service. You are welcome to read, study and believe or disbelieve every written word on the planet--but please, do not compare it to ours unless you have read every word we have printed or spoken for your information. Your wondrous planet is at destruct and if all you are interested in is how we might "fit" or not "fit" with another universe such as Dal--then you are obviously NOT interested in our work--so be it for unto each is freedom of choices and seeking.

    For instance, we got a letter yesterday--just as demanding for answers because of the "importance" and they wanted me to do a whole volume on how I differ from the one called Devil? I can do it in one breath--"In every way there IS!"

    You ones must understand that if you write to ME through Dharma or this routing--you expect an answer from HER. She is a human being and sits in almost seclusion with FEET-thick stacks of inquiries, papers and urgent documents and faxes--along with over five major books being processed for others. SHE CANNOT DO IT--WE ALMOST LOST HER THIS WEEK--AFTER THE THIRD ATTEMPT TO LITERALLY KILL HER, SHE WENT TO PIECES AND COULD NOT EVEN RECOGNIZE WHERE SHE WAS UNTIL SOME 24 HOURS PASSED. I WILL NOT DO THIS TO HER LONGER.

    Ron, you are searching, searching and searching--but it appears that you do not wish to actually "find". You want debate and explanation--and so, too, do I, but your human limitations make it impossible in your dimension and in that mode of crude com­munication. Further, if you know not of that which you speak, then perhaps you should not speak at all. To mislead or misdi­rect at this critical time is indeed unwise for there is not time in your counting to undo damages.

    I understand that space craft, aliens and ascension are wondrous to speculate about and share and ponder--but our mission here is to get as many informed as is possible in the shortest possible time segment of sequence. You should be able to look at what is happening RIGHT NOW in your area and understand the massive load on my people in just getting out information. It is not to be rude or to ignore--it is simply humanly impossible for me to answer ALL. If I have not adequately covered a subject and we get correspondence--we effort to respond as well as pos­sible but to individually give readings or answer questions which must, after all, go unanswered or answered by self to self is not appropriate even if possible. "Even the son knows not the hour of His return!" Are you more pertinent to the mission than HE?

    This is a very "physical and physics" matter. It is not magic nor rapture. You stare down the barrel right now of a nuclear war to end all wars--you are IN IT. I suggest you stop attending de­bates and arguments with Asket and supposed craft "centers" and get right WITH GOD! SEMJASE IS NOT GOING TO GET YOU ANYWHERE; NEITHER IS BILLY MEIER AND IF YOU DON'T GET INFORMED--NEITHER AM I. THAT WOULD BE LABELED "ABDUCTION" AND WE DON'T ABDUCT ANYTHING OR ANYONE!

    I do believe, however, that if you will catch up and stay right up to date--you will find that we are covering a lot of the informa­tion for survival--AGAIN, LIKE RIGHT NOW!

    As a child you should see things darkly through the glass--but you must grow up now--for it is time for awakening unto TRUTH and truth is not flapping around on silver feathered car­pets like fireflies. My COMMAND IS REAL, it houses the Hosts in this Sector and Service and we do not flit around play­ing games with Space Cadets, either. Remember: There will be zillions of false-witnesses and false-prophets and false-speakers "come in my name and calling themselves the Christ re­turned"..... Take heed for discernment and judgment of ac­tions is all you will have for proof and confirmation. If daily and nightly sightings over your area and that area of the "mysterious disease" are not sufficient for your confirmation--WHAT DO YOU WANT? IF YOU START PRAYING AND FOCUSING ON YOUR BROTHER AND LESS ON SELF--YOU WILL BEGIN TO GET ALL THE ANSWERS YOU CAN CONJURE! UNTIL YOU REMOVE THE FOCUS FROM WHAT "YOU WANT" AND THINK "YOU NEED"--YOU WILL HAVE NO CONFIRMATION. IT IS NOW TIME FOR "WISDOM" AND "RESPONSIBILITY"--AND NOT FOR FURTHER TINKERING WITH BITS AND PIECES OF THIS AND THAT--TO KEEP YOU FROM YOUR WORK.


    What most of you miss is that you seek Spirituality in all the wrong places and the fact is that being spiritual means you do everything for everyone else and not yourself. I nor any other person can show you any spiritual path to follow. I can share TRUTH, nothing more--the rest is your problem or gift or what­ever you choose to call it. You're on one, either way (spiritual path)--that means you have your own. Take responsibility for it and live it the best way you can for there is no other. If you don't get the spiritual connections with God in order and focus on things other than some possible space ships and magic ascen­sion chants--you aren't going anywhere, anyway. What is in Hinterschmidruti is none of my business and, likewise, I sin­cerely hope they STAY OUT OF MINE. Just the term "UFO" is without a doubt the most absurd misrepresentation I have ever continually had thrust upon any language. What in the world do you actually mean? An unidentified flying object is exactly that and, frankly, everything in my vision is fully IDENTIFIED and in yours it cannot possibly be so--so, what in the world are you people doing? The minute you utter the question "Oh look, is that a UFO?" you have answered yourself--for you obviously can't identify whatever you might be looking at. I would like to ask you to study something--how many actual flying objects can you fully identify? I don't mean "that's a bird," etc. What kind of bird, what are its habits and habitat, is it round, square, big--small? Stop the silliness and the confirmations will come--fall for the tricksters' tricks and you will be waving good-by at lift­off.



    E.I.G.U., Semjase-Silver-Star-Center
    CH-8495 Hinterscbmidriiti/Z11 (Switzerland)
    Tel. 052/451310 and 052/4527 01
    Fax 052/4542 89

    Ron Sease
    Western New Mexico University
    P.O. Box 680
    Silver City, New Mexico 88092

    Unser Zeichen: ph Datmun: March 7, 1993

    Freie interessengemcinschaft fur Great- and Gebleswkweesdealles. CH-8495 Sclowiddid, PC 6413703-3, Z1Pic6
    Freie Istwessesgewei•schaft sAktive 41164444. aitazas Selnwidretl. PC 84-43641. Wlatetther
    Dear Ron Sease

    We thank you for your letter. Enclosed you find our English information material. Unfortunately our pricelist is not available in English for the next time and the prices are always in Swiss francs because the currency is changing to often. The few booklets I marked yellow are the only English translations of our writings.

    We must tell you that we keep absolut distance to George Green and don't have anything to do with him. The reason why, you find in the booklet 'Those who lie about contacts...'

    We have about 400 numbered UFO pictures, but we don't have a catalogue of the pictures themselves, only a book which describes the numbers, like place, date, photographer and the meaning of the picture.

    With kind regards


    Philia Stauber

    Information about the contacts
    The contacts took place during periods of eleven years.
    1. Period: 1942 - 1953 contact with Sfath, the grandfather of Semjase.
    2. Period: 1953 - 1964 contact with Asket, a woman from the Dal-universe.
    The following eleven years there were no contacts.
    3. Period: 1975 - 1986 contact with Semjase, her father Ptaah, Quetzal and other Pleiadians.
    On december 15, 1977 Semjase had an accident here on Earth in our Center, because of the impudence of an earth human.
    She was brought back to her home planet Erra to be restored to health again.
    The contacts stopped until Mai 20, 1978 and continued until March 26, 1981. At the end of March 1981 Semjase went away from Earth to fulfill other duties. She came back in January 1984 and her last contact was on February 3, 1984.
    At the beginning of November 1984 she had a brain collaps, that was a consequence of her accident seven years ago. She was brought immediately to a brother-nation of the Pleiadians, to friends who could help her. This nation emigrated about 50 000 years ago into our twin-universe, called the Dal-universe. Asket is belonging to this brother-nation.
    In the meantime Semjase is very well again and there is no phy­sical injury left, but she lost all her knowledge concerning to her profession and also knowledge of other kind. Now she is con­vinced to learn everything fundamentally a second 'time in her life. Although she has the possibility to learn everything much faster than we could do, it will take anyway about 70 years. This heavy job of learning she doesn't take upon her on Erra, but in the Dal-universe by her friends.
    Except to her family on Erra she hasn't any contact to our uni­verse and it is also not possible to contact her in a spiritual way, because of the fact, that she is in another universe, which is an independence for itself.
    Only with an universe-gateway, made available in a technical way and of a short duration, it is possible to go from one uni­verse into the other.
    The earliest time Semjase will come back will be in the year 2054.
    When Semjase was brought into the Dal-universe the contacts went on uninterrupted with her father Ptaah, station commander Quetzal, with Talida, Menara, Pleja and other Pleiadians until January 29, 1986.
    In the year 1989, on November 17, the contacts started again with Semjase's father Ptaah and will continue for the next ele­ven years.
    PJ 71
    CHAPTER 12

    THU., JULY 1, 1993 8:22 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 319

    THU., JULY 1, 1993

    ....for in the hollow of MY hand shall you find your shelter, your security and your peace. Through the Valley of the Shadows I shall guide your steps and the Lamp of Truth shall light the path and brother will join with brother that the army of voyagers shall soar again unto the heights of Creation's infinity. The journey must be prepared and the ships made ready and all shall rest upon the WORD for the WORD IS GOD, and the Spirit shall break from the bindings and tethers and for MY PEOPLE shall come infinite FREEDOM. Take unto yourself my HAND as GUIDE for I have sent MY MESSENGERS unto you that you might KNOW. Shadows and insanity shall be upon all the lands in these next days and measurings to come but I am ever with you--EVER BESIDE YOU--I shall carry you if it needs be if you be my lamb belonging to MY FOLD. Heed Truth for the wrath of Creation is about to descend upon the Earth as man rises in evil against man. The gourd of ashes has risen in the sky and it shall pour its contents upon the four corners of the Earth as man clashes in his insane madness. Stay ever within MY shelter and shield for I AM both your shield and your buckler. Sanity must prevail in the sanctuary of my hand that you may come yourself, and bring your brother, into KNOWING and into safety.

    You need not "another" to teach you how to be what you already are--the infinite perfection of Creator/Creation--you have simply forgotten and walked the way of the black road into darkness. You don't need somebody to show you spirituality because you ARE spiritual by the very essence of your birth. You have strayed and LEARNED the ways of physical insanity and you will come back into Truth and within the laws or you shad' perish in the physical darkness. Furthermore, if you perish in the physical expression IN DARKNESS--so shall your soul be caused to pay the price of your actions.

    You can seek "cause" for your indecisions and doubts but only YOU are responsible FOR YOU. You must always petition for your brother--but you cannot BE your brother. Each decision and choice for self WILL ULTIMATELY ONLY REFLECT ON SELF."


    I AM! WHO BE YE?

    * * *
    Friends, as we must consider things of a most unpleasant antici­pation I must remind you of your strengths. YOU ARE ALL and yet to keep from representing the absurd and losing you to your "intelligence" and learned deceptions of teachings, I shall keep the remindings small so that you don't flunk "responsibility" before you even get started.

    You (WE) are ALL sacred! But it does not begin and end with that statement and beingness. There is NO WAY to wipe away your sacredness--but, that does not mean that you are either "Holy" or "Godly" or will make it to the top of the Spiritual mountain--nunless you accept your obligation and responsibility to ALL THINGS TO WHICH YOU ARE CONNECTED--AND THAT IS ALL THINGS!

    YOU are the messengers of time. YOU are the prophets of the time for you carry forth the word through your own actions and behaviors. Remember, friends, if YOU ARE INTO THAT PHYSICAL CONSCIOUSNESS of materialism--THAT will be your message and IS THE WORLD you portray. You can't "just get..." spiritual. YOU ARE SPIRITUAL! Now, what is it that you will do with that SPIRITUALITY? Ah, indeed, the crossroads of decision--into the light or into the dark of physi­calness.

    I would remind all of you who just think you will go with the most expeditious to the fun physical expression--WHAT HAP­PENS IN ETERNITY WHEN YOU ARE NOT? If you express even a hundred "years"--what happens in all the rest of "time"?

    Ah, but you want your confirmations lest you AGAIN trust that which will fail you. I cannot help you much in that respect for you fail in your lessons to do your work--you want miracles, magic and displays--ALL of which are but illusion. The TRUTH lies within the WORD balanced in action. YOU ARE THAT WHICH YOU BELIEVE. SO, YOU CAN REMAIN LIMITED AND TRAPPED AND CONTINUE TO ACT OUT THAT PLOT AND SO SHALL YOU BE. OR, YOU CAN CAST OFF IGNORANCE AND MOVE INTO KNOWING (NOT JUST "BELIEVING") AND FIND INFINITE FREE­DOM. DO WHAT YE WILL.

    In the effort to bring you some confirmations of our own identi­fication and Truth as writers of the WORD and expression of the Presence, we have a great presenter of research upon which you can base "reason" and "knowledge". Nora has served her task with infinite care and research so that YOU might have "fact" to back up our offerings. Dharma has no conscious knowledge of "these" things and yet as the unfolding comes--ev­erything that I (we) have given unto you bears the spotlight of historical research--even unto our labels.

    The first volume of Nora's book is ready for press and I can only offer its presentation for your use. It is as with the ency­clopedia of descriptions and definitions--you can get it, not get it, disregard it or use it to fill out those corners of ignorance--or, you can even go on a "crusade" against it--but it will not change one iota of the Truth it holds.

    So, you ask, who in the world is Nora? Nora is a teacher Co­han come to search out Truth that YOU can have access to con­firmation of history and recognize "future". I am honored to be allowed to serve with her for the WORD without confirmation unto which a MAN can turn, is but more words if there be no identification. Knowing may come in the blink of an eyelid--BUT, a whole mountain of learning and study must come prior to the final "blink". Your eyelids blink constantly and yet you KNOW NOT--we use the "term" because it fits a description so if you just sit and "blink" your lives away--that is all that you will gain--tired eyes and poor vision.

    Thank you, NORA, for we, too, feel you have birthed the baby which can give the world a lamp for understanding. We humbly thank you for your accepting of such a responsibility that your brethren might SEE and come to KNOW. We understand, fully, how difficult it is to accept from unseen resources, etc. But you will come to know that that which can come in Truth through these resources will ultimately SAVE lives in your ex­perience and confront the evil servants. You will also come to know WHY my scribe is given NO KNOWING OF THESE MATTERS AND WHY SHE CANNOT REMEMBER MOST OF THE SUBJECTS UPON WHICH WE EXPOUND.

    You ones must come to realize that there are "bunches" of "good guys" out there giving of their very lives to reveal truth in your societies and allow you to know the horrendous and critical nature of your status.

    I cannot urge you strongly enough--get this information we offer to one ROSS PEROT. Can he do something? YES, if he sees Truth for he cannot be so easily destroyed as with the next in­stance I shall outlay for you readers. Indeed I recognize that I am building up to something very important and become a bit boring--the story itself will not be found to be boring!!

    How will you know that what we write for you is actually true if we print it in the paper? YOU WON'T because this is a "paper" and nothing more. We will print information as it is obtained, always protecting resources and sources to the very best of our ability. Even if the substance may be untrue--there is purpose in printing what we can for we must understand that messages are carried which may mean nothing to you or to me. We have one limit--WE WILL NOT CARRY THAT WHICH WILL ASSIST THE ADVERSARY OF YOU OR YOUR NA­TION, AS A FREE PEOPLE UNDER GOD AND CONSTI­TUTION. THEREFORE, YOU CAN KNOW THAT EVEN IF THE STATEMENTS BEAR SOME ERRORS--IT IS EXCEL­LENT READING, INSIGHTFUL AND GOOD REALIZA­TION FOR YOUR "PERCEPTION" TESTING. IF YOU READ "ALL" AND KEEP UP YOU WILL HAVE A WON­DROUS PICTURE PUZZLE TAKE SHAPE.

    Because I digress to current events does it mean that the Nuclear War is OFF? Chelas--that is most careless of you! Every breath you take is on the line and you must understand HOW FAR your own Administration and Zionist connections will go to BURY you. Murder is NOTHING to them. It also tests the stamina and faith of my people. I shall shield you if you con­tinue in service and remain ever staunch in that KNOWING. The testing is hard and terror is even harder to manage and yet, you are either "with me" or "against me" as we are sent forth in answer to the petitions of MAN as to "HOW" to function in this time--in Truth. If, for instance, Dharma refuses to write longer--will you get Truth? Not for a while, good buddies, for I have to consider service as well.

    We will be talking about incredible things still hidden from you-­the-people which will "blow your minds", in the slang of your day. Actually, it will simply be that names and places will fin­ish their cycling and return to your attention--WITH MEAN­ING. Will you be shocked at some things? Yes, of course, and you may not be able to at first sort who is, was, may be, could be or is not--enemy or friend. But, remember, exposing of TRUTH is a "good sign". Is everything being exposed simply for "goodness"? Good grief, NO. However, Truth is that which shall give you back your freedom and nation and the price is ever high for that wondrous privilege of expression. By the way, you cheaters and doubters: WHAT ELSE BETTER DO YOU HAVE TO DO? IS A FOOTBALL GAME OR A SOAP OPERA MORE INTENSELY "INTERESTING"? AND IN THIS "PLAY" YOU CAN BECOME A PLAYER!

    We are going to be speaking about Drug Trafficking, Arms Dealing, and Money Laundering and, yes, it is difficult to bear such overwhelming fragments into your consciousness. Ones such as Col. Gritz tried to give you this in A NATION BE­TRAYED--or did he? Is he worthy or unworthy? Come now, EVERYONE IS WORTHY--YOU JUST DON'T KNOW THE MISSION IN POINT FOR ANY "OTHER" AND, MOSTLY, NOT EVEN FOR SELF Stop getting side-tracked on distrac­tions.

    You will also note that any given subject is not comprehensive--you will need to put the pieces together and that may require you attend a lot of back writings (like some 75 JOURNALS and other recommended reading). OUR MAJOR PUR­POSE IS TO BRING THINGS TO YOUR ATTENTION--NOT DO YOUR THINKING FOR YOU. Also, you will have to know that each puzzle-piece-bearer will not have all the pieces so don't give us "...but you said." We will do the best we can for you but our ONLY intention is to offer EXACTLY what is brought to us--the rest is up to YOU. We will use that which is offered--YOU WILL SUPPLY THE BRAINS IF YOU HAVE INTEREST.

    It would, further, be really nice if you would get busy and get some subscribers for this paper--for our people have carried it about as far as they can go. Most of our people have had to lit­erally join the abhorrent welfare system just to continue this work. Our intention is to bring this all into a foundation of be­ing able to fund the paper nicely, offer it at substantially lower prices through funding--and release our people from this awe­some responsibility and aggressive bombardment and attack. We have a way yet to go before that can bear fruit--in the meanwhile, we keep on going in the shelter of God's PLAN. MAY YOU CARE ENOUGH ABOUT SELF, FAMILY, NA­TION AND GOD--TO WAKE UP!

    You will be reading in this paper, hopefully before you read this portion, about one called Paul Wilcher who was murdered re­cently. He was a friend and associate of Russbacher and, since there have been connections shared with your readers, it is im­portant, I believe, that you have the more detailed story of the matter of one, Paul Wilcher. Paul held a lot of the information which is now floating around in security in MANY places and of which bits and pieces are shared here for your reading. As is a good journalist's desire, always, we offer what can be pretty well confirmed and given by multiple sources--for your input as well as to protect those sources.

    The following information comes from the Eastern U.S. and is now confirmed by "other" Special Forces, "agents", etc. It is going to reduce you to disbelief as the "actions now hit your own experience"--and it does not "always just happen to the other guy!"

    [H: We will share information EXACTLY as we can deci­pher it--please realize that the notes were written hastily and may well be translated improperly. Therefore we will make comments as may be appropriate, fully realizing that our own interpretation may stand in gross error.] "Prior to his 'suicide' and being found atop his 'toilet' he underwent a most horrible period of torment. Paul was picked up at his apart­ment, taken to Vienna (we think), Virginia, where he was ques­tioned unmercifully as to the Bush, Webster, and Carter ACCOUNTS with London S.N. [unsure of meaning of S.N.] BCCI.

    "He was questioned for approximately 2 hours at which time he was fed Pizza. At 3:40 p.m. on the 18th of June, he was administered .025 mg of curare, via DSMO (as a stabilizer)." [H: I believe we will have to note that we don't know what DSMO may be. This could be a mistake on the part of the writer OR our assumption of "DMSO" (???) is possibly the greater error. I think "DMSO" might be the substance in­tended as to description, but when the term was written a second time it appeared to possibly be D(5)SO or even could be "D5SD" If you realize the properties of DMSO you will realize that it works through absorption rapidly through the skin and all membranes of the body.] "It was applied as a coating to the Pepsi [H: Now isn't that just a strange coinci­dence?] bottle he was given. [H: Please understand that I am not going to do other than this type of commenting--it is simply that I am not familiar with DSMO or DSMO or DS(5)MD and do not wish the error, if so, to be either noted or corrected at this keyboard.]

    The information continues: "At the point of death he was beaten to the face to make it look like a mugging. He was held in the trunk of a white and grey Ford Victoria with Maryland plates. He was then taken to the apartment and, as he was in rigor mor­tis, he was placed on the toilet. He emptied his bowels at death in another location. The bowel (?) was removed and disap­peared." [H: Here again, we assume the "bowel movement" but we have nothing on which to base the assumption other than probability of intent.] "The autopsy serology will show Curare/(DSMO) [H: or one of the descriptive letters listed above.] in the cardio vascular sack (peritoneum)." [H: Now here again is a choice to be made as to spelling and intent. "If" it is meaningful as "heart sack" it must be "pericardium". There are so many "peri..." in medical ex­pression from perienteron, peritoneal, perididymis, peri­toneal, etc., etc., as to be difficult to be explicit. However, if "heart sack" is truly the intended description then the word would be pericardium.]
    "The judge in Chicago died the same way Wilcher died, Par­sons, was being primed and readied to accept a CIVIL RICO filing.

    "We were scheduled for filing 6/30/93. All documents have DISAPPEARED!!

    "Several others have died because of these issues. Primary causes of death:
    (a) Bush/Russ. video of SR-71.
    (b) Documents of BCCI & BNL. [H: Another word present at end but unable to be sure as to what it is.]
    (c) Audio tapes--65 tapes, 92 hours.
    (d) WACO--agcy./Delta [??] involvement.


    "Sessions has been notified."


    * * *
    Now, why would I, Hatonn, make explanations on such in­significant and somewhat obvious words, etc. Because you never KNOW what is being offered here and intelligence is your first line of defense! I will remind you readers that just a couple of days ago a man, falsely convicted of murder, spent nine years in prison--and was on death row until DNA work got him cleared. He was CONVICTED on something as inconsequential as the following: He was questioned by the police who placed a rock and a pair of panties on the table in front of him while being interrogated. The man, when questioned about his session outside, said, "Man I don't know but I am being accused of killing some girl with a rock." Now, just suppose for a moment that "assuming knowledge" regarding, say, the "peritoneum" (as it "looks" on the handwritten paper) and "pericardium" and I simply exchange the words--are you getting the picture? Remember that Dharma is held totally responsible for ALL things that I write--in a Fed­eral Court of Law. What if I changed the word to pericardium and the term substituted was "peritoneum" as a "trick"? This could be construed that Dharma had information unknown to anyone other than a participant.

    In most "copy" work there is a chance of misspelling which is often corrected but with handwritten notes it is too difficult to be 100% correct in the "corrections". Does it matter? Yes, im­mensely, for ones who send the messages--if their intent be goodly--they will not be offended but rather feel their security is in good hands--or, they will object and will insure knowing that they are "plants" or sting operators. Which is this one? I wouldn't tell you on a daring bet--YOU PAY ATTENTION AND YOU WILL FIND IT DOES NOT MATTER--LET YOUR EGOS GET IN THE WAY TO "APPEAR" SMART AND YOU WILL GET VERY DEAD!

    Does this mean that the "enemy" doesn't know who sent it or what it is? No--it means that wisdom is the better part of valor!

    * * *
    Let us take a rest break before we move on with the next docu­ments.

    We will now change hats and places, people and involvements and offer you some other documentation which you will find interesting if not downright unnerving. I am not going to make preface or explanation--I am going to start right with a document in hand. We will get back to "Tribulation", Armageddon and NUCLEAR holocaust pretty soon.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#071, COALESCENCE

    PJ 71
    CHAPTER 13
    THU., JULY 1, 1993 2:08 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 319

    THU. JULY 1. 1993

    Please, friends, I have permission to express some things of this insane illusion of simulating "life" which puts everything into perspective FOR ME.

    I think I fall into the category of being as "human" as anyone else--not stupid but certainly not overly brilliant, talented per­haps, but mostly at the kitchen stove--certainly not at the sewing machine or typewriter and have not had nor actually HAVE a great deal of interest in things happening except as most, to be disappointed and sorely agitated at what has happened in society and to "my" country. I had not voted in well over 12 years and my idea of reading material was a good book by Hemingway. I HATE (strong but accurate) any kind of RESEARCH and the tedium of such digging--I actually never really learned to use a library efficiently for I grew up a distance from town and it was hard for me to use other than just the school library.

    In 62 years, however, I have experienced a lot of things as has any living, breathing being doing anything. The remotest thought of being involved in this kind of service would have brought peals of laughter from me (on the floor holding my stomach so as not to split). Shocking? To you? No, to ME! Worse, I am not even one who would WRITE very much of anything even if I had questions because I would not, of course, presume upon anyone's time to answer "my" questions. Actu­ally, I don't know whether to have fits, scream, kick and squall‑-or feel honored, benighted, or what. But, of all things--for this moment on this day at this time, I am hysterical with laughter and hope that you will be.

    GEORGE GREEN has done it AGAIN! Just when we think he cannot top his last stupid idiocy--he does. But in the searching for "answers" to the NEW MOTION to place the Institute into Receivership--we do find all sorts of yet uncovered and undis­covered things--FOR INSTANCE, a cashier's check in the amount of $100,000 made payable to George Green from Eleanor Schroepfer. It was to have been for the institute and covered by a NOTE signed by George to John and Eleanor, which note was reported THEFTED FROM THEM. Just how much money did you take, George--perhaps it will turn out that you took the $10 million speculated by your UFO ex-buddies.

    I will tell you now, readers, that God has never failed me--Ha­tonn has never failed me and, even though all men everywhere do--I now have my proof that God never shall.

    George Green was eager to snatch away my writings, speak with Commander, ask advice and pledge allegiance--even to claiming that this Commander moved WITH HIM TO UTILIZE HIMSELF AS THE "NEW" SPEAKER FOR THE COM­MAND. Good, I saw it as a vacation long overdue.

    Talent? Well, after only 4 years of writing we have now written 75-76 (I have long ago lost count) JOURNALS. These are all nicely dated and time-stamped as the writings are done--yes in­deed, very, very often in the full presence of others. I have spent thousands of hours speaking--partly to George Green to solve his myriads of past problems. Thank you, George! While George and Desiree went to lovely places like Canada and Hawaii--I stayed right at the keyboard--I have not had two days in a row off in FIVE years--holidays I get to double up.

    We have had to take Food Stamps to live while our home was confiscated ILLEGALLY by the RTC. We are allowed to live here still because the Church in Arizona which bought it has bogged down in local Planning Commission set-backs. We at­tend as caretakers, the property--NEVER TO BE ALLOWED TO BUY IT BACK EVEN IF WE GOT WEALTHY! George told the "public" that we lied and there was not even any litiga­tion. But so be those things--the new assault is somehow the most funny of them all.

    They had planned to arrest us when we would go to the "last hearing" in Nevada and immediately place the Institute into Re­ceivership. To cover the action they "mailed" stupid demands for books, records, etc., which have nothing to do with ANY­THING under discussion in or out of the courts--certainly NOTHING to do with the court cases involving these parties.

    But TODAY the truth broke through the ethers when the origi­nal plans did not work out. Now have been served THE PA­PERS to put the Institute into Receivership. Now for the inter­esting part--WHY??

    Among all the other incredible stories George has spread, he now has had Mark read every word of everything and listen to every tape of every meeting and here is what "Doris" has done to deceive all you nice helpless readers: It seems Hatonn (through Doris of course) said at one point about Coleman, that he had plagiarized the work (Committee of 300) from LaRouche. Then he laughed and said, I know--because some of it I plagia­rized first. What makes this particular story a bit sad is that a lot of time and a lot of money has been spent in doing every­thing we could to get LaRouche freed. I don't know about LaRouche but it seemed he was unconstitutionally incarcerated and Commander thought that evil. Mostly he takes exception to LaRouche's work but there is one particular plan which came from New Zealand which WAS originally written by LaRouche (and his group) which was honored and utilized with full credit to all named authors. I think it may be funny here to consider what did happen regarding a book which George now carries about Bush (George Bush--The Unauthorized Biography)--when the publisher was asked if HE (America West Distributors) could offer the book--there was absolute denial of rights. Sort of like Russell's material, however, somehow he NOW carries that book in stock.

    Now let's see, oh yes, one day in a meeting recently there was great discussion about how my mind works as I receive, etc. To make a point, Commander got a paper and pen and asked me to pen some names--AS SIGNATURE. I don't know but I think there were several, some of which I don't remember. I believe there was "Hatonn", Germain, Tesla (not sure on that one) and Russell. No one in the room had the list (except on the tape) and nothing to compare them with for no one could turn up anything with, for instance, Russell's signature so the incident was relative to NOTHING.

    Is it not interesting that, NOW, George claims' Doris has added forgery to her other thievings." He makes a big point of that day--when I would like to know WHERE IN THE DEVIL (OOPS!) HE EVEN GOT A COPY OF THE TAPE? OBVI­OUSLY, WE SURELY DON'T HIDE THINGS VERY WELL--AND YOU CAN BET YOUR BUTTONS GEORGE NEVER WOULD HAVE BOUGHT AND PAID FOR A COPY! More interesting is, however, how come he thinks the signatures would match anything from ANYONE? Ah ha--but Karen searched until she uncovered a copy of Russell's signature and my writing in trance matched well enough to shock the daylights out of me (weeks after the incident--I think Nora Boyles turned it up in her research). Of course I was writing on my lap with my eyes closed--so give me a break if it isn't identical--I don't forge checks because Mr. Russell hasn't given me his bank ac­count numbers and I certainly doubt US&P would do so.

    Yes you, George--I guess the next thing will be that Doris obvi­ously forged all those documents which now so confuse you!?!? Certainly I have never had time to practice YOUR signature (if you can call it a signature). What do you have to hide that you can't even make your name legible? A lot, it works out!

    It would appear to me you have completely lost your marbles, George--caught in your own trap of deceit and lies and the only thing that saves your assets is the confusion and incredible legal system and blackmailed lawyers! Indeed, I do mean exactly that--YOU GOT EACH ONE OF THEM IN A MOST IN­CONVENIENT POSMON AND I WOULD GUESS YOU BETTER START WATCHING YOUR BACKSIDES BE­CAUSE ONE OR TWO OF THEM ARE MAD!

    Now, readers, want to know on what basis George wants to place the Institute into Receivership? Good, I was afraid you wouldn't ask.

    He claims it is because Ruby Pimental "can't get her money back"! I simply can't let that one pass, George. Ruby "participated" with $3,000 for which she got a note. She sent a CONTRIBUTION of $3,000. But, E.J., being the trustworthy person he is--ALSO gave her a note for the second $3,000 to cover her--as THAT is the practice of the INSTITUTE! We don't take money; we don't hide money and we don't bury it. Ruby asked for her loaned $3,000 back and GOT IT. It has been recently enough that there has been no final "settlement" because E.J. sent $3,000 and reminded her of the other amount which must be accounted for in the records while YOU, YOU NIT-WIT, have the Institute tied up. She wants that, TOO, which I find interesting in all the "gifting" ones do after they meet up with you--and as soon as it can be worked out with the Board, she will get it or it will be released when others' ac­counts are cleared.


    Ruby had sent a check for $2,577.47 TO the Constitutional Law Center. It was sent by route of America West in Carson City. (Remember, everyone, THAT is THE routing that all corre­spondence and such had to take--except for the very, very few who knew my location or how else to reach Hatonn or the Law Center). I don't know how the check was "made out" but it didn't suit George Green. He sent it back to her asking her to change the way it was written. She did that and the next thing we know--THAT CHECK HAS BEEN STOLEN, ENDORSED BY GARY ANDERSON AND SENT TO AN ACCOUNT IN COLORADO. IT WENT THERE BECAUSE BANK EXEC­UTIVES VERIFIED IT AND WERE, INDEED, NERVOUS! On the same day as inquiries were placed, the bank officer about had a breakdown when he found he had been ordered by fax by Gary Anderson to "not give out any information on that account" AND make and send a cashier's check in the amount of $2,577.47 TO GEORGE GREEN!!!***!!!
    George, with his innocent liar's lips said--"I immediately re­turned it to Ruby Pimental and I can't imagine why Gary Ander­son sent it to me!" And I have a bridge to sell you people, un­plagiarized and unencumbered!

    This poor innocent man who "ran" with the "insiders" in the "fast lane" and "knew everything about everything" must have been lacking in truth when he said he was a PUBLISHER?!? What "publisher" do ANY of the rest of you know who causes you to do the writing, do the editing, give him all the income AND PAY FOR THE PUBLISHING? So, I am not so smart--but then, I NEVER CLAIMED TO BE NOR HAD (HAVE) I THE TIME TO GET THAT SMART--GOD HELP ME IF I EVER CHOSE SUCH A PATH OF DECEIT. To have to face the fact that we were so sucked in by such a deceitful liar em­barrasses me to tears. This man would see everyone who has worked and shared and "dared" effort at goodly work--lose it all to fill his greedy, avarice-filled pockets--and now would like to beat the rap with Costa Rica hightailing or, at the least, asset shifting. By golly, I sure do hope and pray that George is a simple robot because I agonize over the possibility that he is this EVIL.

    Readers, there is NOTHING in my life, now or ever, that I would not spread before you--good or bad--and there is both, I am quite sure. I have to, further, trust my "teachers" that the lessons are necessary and the training mandatory. It is so painful, however, to see a young and beautiful talent such as Mark get sucked into the pit of this deceit. Mark is the one who reads the JOURNALS onto audio tapes (or DID, I have no idea what or how it worked out or works now).

    As a "PUBLISHER", I marvel that George does not know mag­azines and digests from novels and regular "books". There was never (and George KNEW IT) any other than full intent to com­pile information for readers covering myriads of subjects and give resources wherein seekers could go get the material and the books and other resources. George even supplied them so where in the world does his innocent crossed-brain waves con­jure up such garbage??

    He has expressed things in seminars which nearly burned us all to the quick--after he was told that some of his presentation and pictures were TOTAL FABRICATIONS--he continued to use them. He took many of Billy Meier's pictures and ended up with all the books. I even noted, TODAY, on the front of something or other called the OPEN LINE (I think) was this picture of a Pleiadian star ship and an article by Barbara Marciniak (forgive me if misspelled) from "The Pleiadians". The ship is a lie--it was proven and the model FOUND. It looks like a "wedding cake" AND NO SELF-RESPECTING SPACE TRAVELER WOULD BE CAUGHT DEAD IN THE THING--OR, WELL MAYBE--ONLY BE CAUGHT DEAD. The ship is covered with bubbles--now how do you think a bunch of bub­bles would fare in galactic speed trials? I am human, ignorant and still it is too absurd to swallow.

    I am caused to think of a beloved pair who are local, John and Eleanor Schroepfer, who have absolutely been torn apart and asunder by the actions of George Green. John is now hospital­ized, in fact, and facing the most incredible time of his life--right now. Yes indeed, it is the same ones who gave George the check for $100,000. How many more shall we uncover? Who knows. Eleanor is a self-styled invalid and John has tended her hand and foot for YEARS. She was terrified about her MONEY and guess what George did? He called her and got her to arrange THAT FATEFUL TRIP TO CARSON CITY WHEN ALL THIS STARTED. LATER SHE BLAMED LEON FORT (who knows?)--LEON SAID THE CALL CAME TO ELEANOR. (Again, who knows? Certainly I DO NOT!)

    Now, however, guess what? John is hospitalized and Eleanor has gotten Power of Attorney and she plans to divorce John! He is not able to care for himself and forgive me, readers, but I hope George Green ROTS IN A HOLE SOMEWHERE. These precious people have reached their seventies and THIS?? De­siree, as you turn your cute little body around in front of your mirror in your Neiman Marcus dresses and flash your Cartier watch and gems--I know that from now on you will see John and Eleanor--her with her greedy stash (for she took all the coins John had put away--DID SHE SEND THOSE TO YOU AND GEORGE ALSO????) She and her son now have placed a mas­sive construction dumpster outside the house and it is almost full--of John's precious things--his engineering treasures, books, etc. Will this rest easy on your conscience as you spend those coins? Eleanor had been taking and hiding things and making John think he was losing it. They would report the "thefts" to the sheriff and then she would call and tell the sheriff she found them--that John was just "senile". What kind of a life does this sound like to you, Desires?

    Eleanor insisted that George be their "trustee" and then made damned sure the paperwork DISAPPEARED How relieved was George Green when that got taken care of? The Institute took up on the very day--with a new set of notes guaranteed by E.J.--to relieve John. Eleanor was furious--now I wonder WHY? There is a $250,000 domed home under construction--for them, at their ORDERS, half finished. ARE you George, and Desired, going to take care of it for them?? At least we now know WHY John and Eleanor came back from Carson City saying that you were going to get the money from investors and do a development and give each a big stake in the operation. John did laugh and say, "...but what in the world are we going to do with TWO dome houses?" Oh, I see, perhaps I can take it out of the Food Stamps and if we go take Social Security early, maybe we can somehow make it all up. Or, when we are again moved out of this property perhaps we can drape some plastic sheets and live in the foundation of the place.?? Well, that's not such a bad idea for I can get (borrow--actually, the Institute has about 40 little tents) and I can even have "rooms".

    Well, it may all be moot by the beginning of next week--if the newest FAX is credible. I have about been in a panic as Com­mander has told us to check supplies and prepare for upheaval and/or actual nuclear attack as a 4th of July gift to us patriots. This FAX, however, is the "cat's meow". It says that a Federal Court has ordered the banks closed as of Friday A.M. (July 2). Further suggestions (in the same fax) are to stock up on oat­meal, honey and hydrogen peroxide. We haven't ANY idea WHO SENT IT OR IF IT IS SO--BUT THEN, YOU NEVER CAN TELL! IT CAME BY FAX BUT VARDON HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO CHECK IT OUT SUFFICIENTLY TO EVEN RUN IT ON THE [APFN] FAX LINE.

    But, this is only the good news--the bad news is that all around Las Vegas and probably other parts thereabout--there is full military activity as of this whole week. New military (unmarked BUT ARMED) tanks even lined up at State Line, NV. Also there are low flying choppers and jets ARMED TO THE GILLS on full patrol no more than a minimum of a 1000 feet off the deck.

    Now, George, you go right on and do whatever it is you are thinking of doing--but it bears at least a second thought. You are causing yourself and all those associated with you to appear as total idiot clowns.

    We are pleased to realize that you still read the paper, etc. In fact, it is too bad that you didn't read it while you were plotting how to take it all and get away with it. You made some real en­emies (I am not one of them, fortunately for you) here and criminal activities must beat the hell out of writing a dated paper and suggesting that some (authors) are correct. I also suggest that you look at the responsibility of a Publisher--I AM NOT and if you allowed something to go out and you with it to push it and it is not true or right--WHO IS REALLY TO BLAME? If you "didn't know better" then why do you brag that Paul Vol­cker asked you to be the Financial head for Carter's campaign--or, I guess I answer my own question--politics is nasty, thieving and filled with stupid nin-com-poops!

    The thing that really fries my bacon, though, is that we trusted you, listened to you and did everything we knew to do to help you. We thought you knew exactly what you were doing be­cause you claimed to be the "BIG", knowing business man. You set up the plan for the Institute and now you sue it for being a Ponzi game--and E.J. and me Con artists. I would be flattered if I were not so totally embarrassed.

    I believe I have finally classified you. You are a crawfish right out of the bar-ditches in Texas, that I used to catch on fat-pork rinds. They are puffed up, grey (as in aliens), snap backwards and live in the mud gutters. I shall forever be indebted to you, however, for you have given me more lessons in a few months than most get in a full lifetime and I shall stand truth against your lies any day.

    You had a chance to have the golden ring of all treasures--and you chose to steal the brass one. I am truly sorry for we could have done so much good. Desiree is a beautiful flower just opening to the sunlight and I can only send her my love for I know within that her heart is broken for she is fragile--or per­haps I refuse to see that which is there and I won't look.

    What shall we do? Shall we just add the $100,000 from John to the $182,000 in Gold Maple Leaf coins and the other coins col­lected while here and there building your nest? Maybe Gary Anderson already has it shipped out? But no, that is a RICO vi­olation and surely YOU wouldn't participate? Do you ALSO carry an illegal automatic weapon in YOUR briefcase or car trunk? How many "Constitutional Law CentER(s)" did you help set-up? By the way, we find some very interesting "mail fraud" involved also! There are also "tax" situations which appear not too dandy for you and Gary Anderson. The interesting thing we note, however, is that you work over E.J. and DORIS--why? We are NOT the ones finding all these indiscretions--we were stupid enough to probably try to help you out of the mess. Per­haps you can still plead "insanity"--it just might hold.

    You remind me of the Weaver trial defense speech by Spence--you have helped US so much that I can hardly be angry at you. You make almost anything and anyone LOOK GOOD. May you rest in piece(s). Good "luck" along your continuing journey because "luck" is about all I see that you can count on--that and other deceivers and liars who are undoubtedly also into your games.

    God warned me that if I took up HIS work that "there would be days like this." I guess I just didn't want to believe it--NOW I DO! Indeed, NOW I DO!

    Do I want the gold you stole? NO SIR, not on your life--looks like the banks will be out of business anyway and that means that someone will just confiscate the gold--or, was your plan to get it all to Costa Rica and tell the investors that the government did, in fact, confiscate it all? That is a most naughty plan, George. I'll tell you what I want--to see all that nice shiny stuff right back into the hands of the original owners--including Dave Overton right up top. What I am really curious about, however, is how you managed to steal the souls of the ones around you?

    You see, I've learned something--when you commit to God--it never changes! He never changes and neither does your own truth. You can degrade me, hit me, kill me--and it will not give credence to your lies--it will ultimately only give TRUTH IN TOTAL LIGHT TO THE WORD OF GOD. I may lose every thing and person in my life--but I am RICH--I HAVE IT ALL and I SHALL NEVER FOR A SECOND WALK ALONE--YOU ARE ALREADY ALONE! I don't think Kroton, Proton or Electron is going to do a thing for you!

    Well, I've spent an afternoon with you, George, and it has been a drag, really, for now I shall have to work all evening and into the night to do my WORK. I hope you have a--an--interesting Fourth of July--maybe you can visit Dave's GOLD and shoot off your big guns. Whatever--

    I'm sure this will not be the last for as we uncover that which you opened in this can of worms--good grief! Do you think you'll have room for us to visit in Costa Rica? Looks like it might get hot and bothersome here--maybe the ocean breeze and aroma of fresh coffee beans roasting will be indeed, relaxing. But George, watch out for the CIA--they appear to me to be dangerous to your health. Maybe you should stick with Pepsi?

    Not very cordially yours,

    Doris--as in "Dharma, et al." as you so graciously have put it.
    PJ 71
    CHAPTER 14

    FRI., JULY 2, 1993 11:25 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 320

    FRI, JULY 2, 1993

    We are barraged daily by ones wanting to know about "The Pleiadians" and channels with seminars and tours, etc. I guess I can understand why you ask ME, but I am not in the business of channeling or critiquing anybody or any "group".

    I note two things about the recent rash of papers received--with­out, frankly, looking at the material. Firstly, the picture fea­tured of one of Billy Meier's model ships is FALSE. Actually it isn't Billy's "ship"--it was conjured by the attachments who ex­ploited Billy.

    As to "The Pleiadians" as presented by Marciniak and soon to be touring Australia and New Zealand, I do have comment. I have spoken with her through my scribe personally and urged her to IDENTIFY HER ENERGY FORMS AND CAUSE EACH TO IDENTIFY SELF--IN EVERY GALAXY, EVERY "PLAY" AND EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE ON EVERY THIRD AND UPPER DIMENSION--EACH ENERGY HAS A LABEL. If they (the collective) refuse to identify, then they are suspect--GREATLY. The first thing demanded of us by God is that we identify instantly and state source.

    What would you think if someone went into trance and said to you who have paid for your tickets: "We are Earth Collec­tive"?? Collective WHAT? Are you democratic or republican collective? Are you pro-war collective, Russian collective or perhaps a collective of insane people? YOU HAVE ONE THING TO CONSIDER--ARE YOU AWAKE ENOUGH TO TAKE TRUTH? DISCERN FALSE INFORMATION? SORT AND UTILIZE, DISCARD AND RETAIN? THEN, IF YOU FEEL LIKE AN EXPENSIVE TRIP TO AUSTRALIA OR NEW ZEALAND--GO FOR IT. But I promise you--you don't need an expensive trip to touch GOD! Or Pleiadians. Are there valid Pleiadians running (floating) around the universe in in­visible form and in invisible ships? I suppose so--THERE ARE AS MANY FORMS FLOATING AROUND THE UNIVERSE AS THERE ARE INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT PATTERNS. MY ONE MAJOR THRUST IS TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU DO NOT NEED DISEMBODIED VA­PORS OR VOICES FROM OUTER SPACE TO GET YOU YOUR INFORMATION AND WAKE UP. YOU NEED TO ATTEND WHAT IS ALREADY AVAILABLE TO YOU--WHERE YOU ARE AND BE THAT WHICH YOU WERE CREATED TO BE.

    Let me share a bit from the advertisement: "The Pleiadians are a collective of extra-terrestrials from the Pleiades star-system. They are here as ambassadors to help Earth through the intense transition to the 4th & 5th dimensions and to assist each of us to awaken. They will push your metaphysical limits over the edge and beyond." Then there is listing of some dozen seminars and workshops for a very hefty fee for each plus expenses.

    Do you want "your metaphysical limits pushed over the edge and beyond"? I appears to me that most of you are already pushed over the edge and beyond. Do you need a "collective" of something or another pushing you over the edge and beyond? Exactly where do they come from in Pleiades?--YOU CAN SEE SEVEN SUNS WITH YOUR NAKED EYE AND THERE ARE SO MANY MORE PLANETS THAT THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO EVEN COUNT THEM! "But these sound really nice!"--So do most of the ones in the Elite New World Order of Earth! In fact, THEY sound the best of all--and they have ALL the easy answers for you--rapture, allowing, un­conditional love, let us do it FOR you and on and on until you are deeply anesthetized.

    If you have a human person who can go about the world making money and telling you things which push you over the edge and beyond--perhaps it will "work" wonders for you. I do not make discernment FOR YOU and I don't judge FOR YOU. I do note, however, that most of the REAL truthbringers don't flit around Europe and/or Asia and/or Australia and New Zealand--THEY ARE IN THE HIDDEN PLACES TRYING JUST TO STAY ALIVE!

    I would recommend the following: Ask this person to explain to you all about God (Aton-in your Earth terms), ask for a thor­ough explanation of the LAWS OF CREATION AND GOD, ask for equation of Creation and Creator. Ask her how you are going to awaken and get off your planet if necessary? Check if it is "magic" or reasonable physics. (You are third dimensional--barely, and you have physical needs--how are you going to get through a light beam and aboard?) Ask her to identify each en­ergy in the "collective", their purpose here dabbling around and so on. Goodness, if you know me well enough to send me the inquiries--you must have a good idea of how to discern--GO WITHIN, you know the LAWS. Will YOU be able to change the world "Earth" when you leave that seminar? Why? How? Is "consciousness" enough? God had "consciousness" but even HE had to do something to cause "creation". Is this "collective" group also from the "Milky Way"? Goodness, there are over 178 thousand inhabited planets in the Milky Way--which collec­tion do they collect? What gives THEM authority?

    This question session could go on for pages but we have not the time nor inclination to speak of it longer. If you enjoy seminars and get your money's worth from the program then you need not my input on the matter. I do however, want you to verify your own assumptions--call it your own "collective" thought patterns.

    To have a group of "collective Pleiadians" is the very same thing as saying you have a collective group from Ipssomlichten­brackenstit. Don't you know what that is and where it is lo­cated? So WHAT!


    Now I am going to turn to some information from our Aus­tralian friends that IS MARVELOUS--WONDERFUL--THANK YOU!

    It comes as a copy from NEXUS in the Science News section, April-May 1993 and I see credit for the article itself as Robert Adams, 46 Landing Road, Whatkatane, New Zealand. In ad­vance, what am "I" going to think of this presentation? It mat­ters not--I will say that Cathie had come the closest to isolating the frequencies and vortices grid of anyone on your planet, but he doesn't have it quite right, either. He is another one repre­sented by Mr. George Green which has set our joint-work be­hind some light years. I simply have not yet learned HOW to CONCUR with a man's truth, work or inventions without refer­ring to the work, the subject or the person! To me, all Earth in­ventions and suppositions are incorrect as to Cosmic TRUTH--or you would be out here where I AM. Do you approach KNOWLEDGE enough to grow?--indeed and Earth scientists have done so--THEY JUST DO NOT SHARE IT WITH "CITIZENS"--JUST EACH OTHER FOR THEIR OWN PUR­POSE OF WORLD DOMINATION. Moreover, you "citizens" can't change that much without additional help and protection. But, if you will NOT allow sharing of information lest you lose a dime--you are going to lose your assets totally. The major tendency of MAN is to continue to SEARCH where the an­swers ARE NOT!

    If you find this of interest I suggest you get NEXUS (this issue) and/or contact Robert Adams.

    When I finish this article, Dharma, I want to comment on the pictures and information sent from France on the "invisible" U.S.-Russian CRAFT!


    [H: I urge you to remember as you read this that the REAL definition of "gravity" (or action thereof) is DENSITY seek­ing its own DENSITY. Solids will "fall"--gasses will "rise". If you hang onto the old "gravity is magnetic pull" or other such misconceptions, you will not find perfection in ANY mechanical machinery.]
    Inventor Robert Adams appears to have broken the gravity barrier, with his advanced Adams Electric Motor Generator op­erating in a high state of resonance and apparently tapping grav­itational energy.
    "During the later months of 1992, I derived what I consid­ered to be an equation for possibly the ultimate in rotary motor generator design. The purpose of this exercise was to ascertain whether further unconventional design features of the machine parameters, using this equation, proved certain theories which I had previously discussed with Mr. Bruce Cathie, an internation­ally recognized New Zealand researcher in this field.

    "Upon applying the 'equation' to the machine parameters and testing it, there was no doubt the machine was running in a higher state of resonance than previously obtained.

    "It had been arranged beforehand between myself and Mr. Cathie that, should the results of this test be of some substance, Mr. Cathie would travel from Auckland to Whatkatane specifi­cally to check the machine parameters with his 'harmonic equa­tions' . These results confirmed the theory which we had previ­ously discussed and planned to implement.

    "The results of these first trial tests have been superseded, with the new figures obtained being found beyond anything that is known of in the present-day field of free energy research. There is every possibility that these latest figures, also, will be surpassed in the near future.

    "The equations and how they are applied are hidden within certain parameters and, to this end, it could be said that to reach the ultimate in rotary over-unity devices is not possible without the correct application to all parameters of the machine using the 'Adams Pulse Method' and the Adams-Cathie equations.

    "The above methods and results give us a valuable lead in the realm of solid-state gravitational energy research. The equa­tions and methods of application in design procedures, however, remain, at this stage, secret. The efficiency figures possible from the device are such that they simply cannot be published.

    "I wish readers to refer further to the following discussions on Wilhelm Muller and Dr. Rolf Schaffranke, the general con­tent of which relates to my discovery of the mysteries of mag­netism some twenty four years ago."

    "Reference to an article authored by Tom Valentine, Califor­nia based freelance journalist, in regard to claims by Wilhelm Muller and his magnet manufacturers.

    "I must take Muller and his magnet manufacturers to task on their statement that "magnets can do a tremendous amount of work"--this is not so.

    "In an over-unity rotary machine, the magnets are 'assisting' to run the machine, but they are not generating the extra energy beyond the reaching of 100% efficiency. The magnets are not doing actual work, as such, beyond that point.

    "It is likely the Muller's machine is operating, according to the efficiency figure Muller quoted, somewhere in the near lower end of a positive resonance curve. From the generally known information on his device, this would be the likely area in which it is operating. If this is so, then the chances of greater efficiency are slim, particularly on account of it appearing to be operating in a positive mode. For the rotor magnets to operate as a gate to harness gravitational energy beyond unity, it must be in a negatively resonant mode and not operating in a closed magnetic circuit system.

    "Bruce Cathie and I spent an entire day together in January 1993 going over his harmonic equations in regard to my ad­vanced machine, and confirmed that it was running in an ad­vanced state of resonance, harnessing gravitational energy and demonstrating evidence of the magnets forming a 'gate' to har­ness one half-cycle of the gravitational pulse, but does no actual work over and above the 100%.

    "In regard to another statement by Muller that he had to use powerful special magnets, this is also contrary to our findings. It matters not whether you use standard off-the-shelf 'alnico' magnets or powerful magnets, the results are no different. It is not necessary to use powerful magnets to prove if a machine can be constructed with over unity capability. This fact has been shown repeatedly with the Adams machines, using small and weak magnets.

    "The inference also that Nikola Tesla might have required today's advanced magnetic materials to achieve over unity re­sults, is also totally wrong. The only difference between using ordinary magnets like 'alnico' and for instance, 'samarian cobalt', is that you get greater energy output from the stronger magnets by way of their ability to detect and amplify the energy on a greater scale; and, therefore, upon utilising the Adams pulsing system you can have a device using any ordinary mag­nets capable of not only 100% efficiency but also of being tuned into operating as a gate in detecting and delivering gravitational energy.

    "As for the establishment text stating that "magnets do no real work", the establishment, for once, is correct. It is, how­ever, interesting to note that it is a very "convenient" fact for the establishment to expound upon--there would be an underlying inference here that magnets are useless for machines de­signed to achieve beyond unity results.

    "Permanent magnets and their place in science today need to be more fully understood.

    "Reference to an article written by Dr. Schaffranke in The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems, Volume Two, published by D.A. Kelly, in which on page 7, paragraphs 7 and 12, Dr. Schaffranke erroneously maintains it is necessary to use super magnets to tap gravitational energy.

    "I found that my original 1970 open magnetic circuit motor generator is superior to my 1976 closed magnetic circuit model in regard to the results of obtaining and maintaining a correct harmonic vacuum oscillation and so tapping gravitational energy during one half-cycle of the gravitational pulse wave.

    "People who make such claims regarding the use of super magnets obviously have little or no experience in the realms of rotary free-energy devices using permanent magnets. Over twenty years ago, I proved that even tiny weak magnets bought off the shelf and incorporated into my machines yielded effi­ciency into the hundreds of percent over unity.

    [H: Please, readers, bear with me for a moment while I have a break with my secretary. She has undergone just about as much assault as she thinks she can take, without letup--only increasing exponentially. Now, we start on "fun" subjects like atomic wars, prophecies of Armageddon, bank closures and government internment camps--and Hatonn now chooses to write on some uninteresting material from New Zealand about which she has NO INTEREST and no under­standing. Hmm-n-n, let us see about that, Dharma. Go BACK to 1984-85 when Paul (suicided in 1985) was working with dowels, simple magnets and crudest of crude compo­nent parts--and yet utilizing the principles spoken of RIGHT HERE--he built out of tinker toys a literal perpetual motion machine (once running). Nuts? No, your son was NOT NUTS! HE KNEW HE WAS BEING GIVEN THE AN­SWERS AND NOBODY WOULD EVEN LISTEN TO THE QUESTIONS.
    Why do I bring this up now and ask that we cover this par­ticular article? Because I see and feel that your limits are all but reached, friend, and you need a REASON beyond "just do your job" to cause you to continue beyond the limits of belief in self. Just as Paul's theory of Dimensional Life was accurate--so was his machine. Is it not sad to think how far along you ALL would be if you had that kind of energy ma­chinery available? Do not forsake the son again, Mother, for you will not recover well again. It IS enough to know that the "work" never ceases nor the workers ever more than change relationships--we have a long way to go and we must get there this time. I know you just want "away" and a "rest" and to be just left alone--but oh, precious, others can ONLY DO THEIR tasks IF WE DO OURS!
    You were told on about August 13, 1987 by a pretty valid commander that you would do this--you simply did not un­derstand it. Little Crow told you that you would do this and you still did not understand it. You were told you would be given the credentials and mammoth amounts of information that you would not understand--but it was necessary and it would reach the ones who were waiting for the bits and pieces. REMEMBER? I thought so. Dear one, the slings and arrows of experience are painful and the physical wea­ries and hope seems dim--but God did not create us for fail­ure for there is NO failure--even total failure is total success for you are very successful at failure if nothing else. Well, we are not failures and much depends upon that which we do and present--George Green be set aside. When readers care enough about this information, THEY will shut down the antics of one George Green. If they do not then what have ye lost? That is worthy of note too, chela--when you seem to have lost it all--what else is there to give UP? YOU HAVE "LOST" NOTHING OTHER THAN AS IT "SEEMS" TO BE--YOU HAVE GAINED THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND GOD AND YOU SHALL BE ABLE TO OF­FER YOUR OWN SON HIS UNIFIED HELD "'UNIFICATION" ON A PRINTED PAGE. IT DOES NOT EASE THE MEMORIES OR THE LONGING TO HOLD A SON AND EASE HIS TORMENT AS A MOTHER--BUT HE COULD NOT DO HIS WORK ON YOUR PLACE ANY MORE THAN COULD TESLA OR RUSSELL.
    I know that to see your name as a thief, despoiler and con artist laid forth in international news press is painful and all but overwhelming--but Dharma, kicking dead dogs is a use­less cause--WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE TAR­GET, CHILD? YOU DO NOT PICK UP SUCH FLACK IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE TARGET! But you feel used up and frightened and weary? So be it. You wonder as to your safety and who will pick up if you are not here? Why? I can attend to those things, precious, and SHALL. It is our job to see if this wondrously perfect planet can endure and recover--there is NO HOPE if ye few quit. Please abide with me and let us ease these things gently--there will be exactly the right amount of time to do exactly the things needing doing--EXACTLY! And Mother, YOU cannot know an-other's contracted journey or service--were it not for exactly what happened in March of 1985 YOU would not be sitting here today and I can suggest that you would otherwise be more weary and more overwhelmed. YOU have it ALL, chela--ALL. You even have a gracious friend offering to share her very clothing with you--from afar, never meeting--just loving and caring and you will be surprised--they will fit. HOW CAN GOD PREVAIL IF EACH OF YOU CAN­NOT? Come now, let us understand the scope of our offer­ing that a flower can blossom on every stem to reproduce beauty and harmony again into our living Mother. Thank you.]

    "A permanent magnet is an entity unto itself. It is no differ­ent in any way whatsoever from its brothers made of different materials; it is still a permanent magnet irrespective of its gauss rating.

    "These claims are tantamount to saying that you can get more than 2.2 volts out of a lead acid cell simply by increasing its ampere hour rating, or conversely, you use a ten horsepower motor to run a machine that only requires one horsepower.

    "I reiterate--the sooner science rejects conventionalism, the better for humankind.

    "If indeed magnets were doing a tremendous amount of work, they certainly would not last long in any machine. There are secrets and mysteries surrounding magnets and collapsing field energies, and only after exhaustive studies of these two phenomena in practice, do these mysteries unravel themselves and emerge in their glory, and correctly applied through the use of the required mathematics, pave the way to tapping gravita­tional energy in astronomical quantity.

    "For high-power rotary machines, however, super magnets are the obvious choice, for reasons of higher power capabilities, reduced weight and volume. When installed in an "Adams" ma­chine, these super magnets enable the opening up of clearances between rotor and stator without appreciable loss due to the high overall efficiency of this machine.

    "If indeed it were possible to induce magnets to do a tremen­dous amount of work, as claimed by the aforementioned people, then I claim that the magnets must first have very substantial en­ergy imparted to them to undertake the task ahead. Secondly, when reaching this "tremendous" state, they would start heating up and continue to do so until they reach the point whereby their magnetism would begin disintegrating, and continue to do so until the machine would eventually come to a halt, unable to start again.

    "There are a lot of people out there striving for the ultimate in rotary electrical machines. They all have my personal bless­ings for their endeavours, but may I hasten to add for those who make such claims, that they exhibit a lack of experience and knowledge of the capabilities of permanent magnets in rotary electrical machines.

    "But don't be disappointed, readers, as I assure you that permanent magnets are indeed the answer to free energy. Cor­rectly adapted to a rotary machine they are the 'gateway' to har­nessing gravitational energy.

    "With the application of the "Adams resonant pulse fre­quency equation" and the "Cathie harmonic equations" com­bined with the "Adams Pulsed EMG System", incredible ener­gies can be very easily and cleanly made available.

    "I wish to state to all readers at this particular stage that I have only, in the past year, made the decision to publish certain aspects from my twenty years of work in the field of free energy research.

    "Because of this, most other researchers have probably never heard of me and so naturally assume they are among the first pi­oneers into free energy research.

    "There are no doubt many other researchers who, for various reasons such as lack of finance, fear, suppression and very many other barriers, have not had even a chance to be heard. It is to be hoped the day will soon arrive when all can benefit from our work."

    GENERATOR--JAN. 1993
    An explanation to readers on matters pertaining to hysteresis loss, eddy current loss, magnetic drag. Also some advice re­garding further information required from enquiries received to date by interested parties:

    I would first like to state that it has been made clear that this machine has been proven to be capable of over-unity perfor­mance, plus the fact that it has proven itself capable of returning energy to its supply source. So we now come to the matters mentioned above.

    If a machine is to run at unity or better, it must first "overcome" those problems found in the conventional machine, which, of course, are principally those of magnetic drag, hys­teresis loss and eddy currents, all of which waste energy in heat and hence require a cooling fan--with its attendant losses as well.

    As explained previously, the Adams machine runs cool in comparison to the conventional machine and does not, therefore, require a cooling fan. Now these factors surely speak for them­selves. It must also be borne in mind by the reader that in the conventional AC or DC machine, the internal heat of windings and stators reach boiling point within fifteen minutes. The Adams machine does not have this problem.

    Given these salient factors, which in themselves are a starting point for those of you who are forward-thinking, I feel I have provided sufficient hints, information and guidance to enable those astute enough to realize the potentiality of the principles given, to build a machine for themselves according to their own leanings as well as along the lines of the Adams machine.

    Most of you know of the manual which has been published and distributed by NEXUS magazine. My purpose in compiling this manual is to give those interested an insight into the princi­ples of the mysteries of my machine, and I expect those inter­ested, patient and persevering enough to accept that they must work out and work with these mysteries and, like myself, to battle to get there. Only then will true understanding and en­lightenment reveal itself and true reward, however slowly, be theirs.

    Notwithstanding these statements, however, I submit here a few further valuable recommendations for readers and, as time progresses, and as time permits, some further such tidbits of in­formation will be drip-fed through NEXUS as a form of encour­agement to all concerned.

    I would like to inform readers at this point in time that, be­cause of the steady flow of response I have had since publication in NEXUS, by enthusiasts, interested parties and investors alike, it is no longer possible to address enquiries of the nature of those above individually, other than on a consultancy basis. Although I will continue to contribute certain articles to NEXUS as long as I am able, and will continue to personally reply to all mail, I ask readers to kindly understand that a good deal of my time is involved in consultancy already on my advanced pro­jects, so my free time is somewhat limited. I encourage readers to keep their eyes on NEXUS as I intend to remain as loyal to them as they are to me.

    Here, then, are those few further recommendations to read­ers:

    If contemplating the construction of a proving machine--note as follows:

    1) Don't purchase expensive powerful "neodymium" or "samarian cobalt" magnets without first having experience with cheap easy-to-get "alnico" magnets, for if you commence with powerful magnets you will find yourself facing powerful prob­lems. More information on this matter of 'powerful magnets' will be found in the article referred to as "The Adams 1992­-1993 Christmas-New Year breakthrough" (refer to NEXUS Vol. 2, No. 11) and in the article written by the inventor referred to as "On Wilhelm Muller" (dated 1 Feb. 1993). Using powerful magnets will not prove anything beyond what alnico will do. However, given this, if you feel you must choose powerful magnets, for whatever your reasons, take heed--great care is re­quired in the handling of them to preclude personal injury.

    2) For a proving machine do not use less than 10 ohms each for two stators at 180 degrees apart; recommend series mode for first attempt. Don't be concerned about start windings initially and, remember, what can be achieved microscopically can be achieved macroscopically and so I strongly suggest--walk before you run.

    3) Should you experience any difficulty in designing and con­structing the tapered disc contactor (machining, etc.), then use electronic switching, i.e., photo, Hall effect, or inductor effect, with switching current transistor, etc. The machine, correctly constructed, should still deliver a minimum 107% efficiency. The charging effect will, of course, be lost, and the input cur­rent to supply the electronic switching will raise the total input quite steeply. The point to be made here is that in using elec­tronic switching, in a larger machine, the degree of loss due to this use of electronic switching is negligible.

    However, for those who are seeking greater efficiency fig­ures, it is advised to stay with the tapered disc contactor method and build a small low wattage unit, i.e., 0.25 to 1 (one) watt. This is the area of power rating within which you will gain quicker and better results which, in turn, will provide the neces­sary experience for designing and building a larger unit.

    Once again the inventor cannot stress the importance enough, for those who wish to construct a successful device, to start at the bottom rung and listen to what the device is saying to you as you go along.

    I have received a lot of requests regarding an explanation ac­counting for such low temperature operation on full load. This one fact alone is indisputable evidence of very high efficiency rating.

    I have therefore decided to make up a set of drawings which will explain to the reader the questions regarding hysteresis, eddy current and magnetic drag losses, as well as temperature ratings, etc.

    These drawings will be accompanied with written explana­tions concerning the "how" and "why" of certain factors.

    These drawings and their accompanying information will be available directly from the inventor at the address given below at a cost of Z$20.00 including postage.

    Meanwhile, for further information on the 'Adams and Cathie' project, you'll find it all in your future issues of NEXUS."

    Robert Adams, 46 Landing Road, Whatkatane, New Zealand.

    * * *
    As we close this writing I want to share with you some pictures with just a brief, brief explanation. Staff, please see if you can reduce, section off or somehow get these pictures sufficient for semi-viewing. You will note they are labeled U.S. Navy so it is valid but the "news" is not allowed printing or discussion state­side. These ships are fully capable of total INVISIBILITY. The boat series is planned to be the battle ships of the U.S. Navy. They fly, ride like hydrofoils and take-off like hydro­foils. The ship is ROUND in shape and looks exactly like any good old UFO. They can shoot deadly nuclear missiles from every direction singularly or simultaneously. Since the article is in French we will dispense with translation. However, you need to know that technology is mind-boggling as to what you have and what "they" have, etc. I am reminded by the sharing reader that we have mentioned these craft, specifically I am told, in Contact, Vol.1 #11 p.2, June 8th, 1993 and #4, "1982 Nuclear War Truth".

    And let us close this out with a couple of beautiful messages from a friend, Tommy Dean:

    Before the light of day and before the dark of night
    There was the calm of Creation.
    Before the planets looked upon the universe
    There was the calm of Creation.
    And they came into being with the fire and the splash of light as
    powerful as the Creation.
    All was made for the experience, lessons, and expanding of Cre­ation.
    Expansion until it fills up the universe, and then returns to the source.
    Mind of the Creation fills the energy, moves in and moves out
    through the vastness.
    The breathing inhaling and exhaling, giving and regiving of life.
    The Heartbeat of the Creation moves through the universe
    with steady rhythms of two by two.
    All knowing all seeing all loving all ONE.
    Before the light of day there was the calm of Creation.
    Before the dark of night there was the calm of Creation.

    January 21, 1992

    Buried deep within the Earth Human is a lighted soul.
    Deep within the mud, time has hidden it's role.
    One with all cries out for its loss.
    It's in search for its self, once nailed to the cross.

    The One finds no pain, only acceptance is there.
    It's all been a misunderstanding, does any one care?
    All in one Spirit, all one heartbeat.
    Can you hear it in your head, can you feel it in your feet?

    The conscious is one, and it never slumbers.
    It comes from the One, from the sky of thunder.
    Rain pours all around and cleanses the One.
    Lightning charges the air and Kingdom Come!

    The light is within and round about.
    It calls your name and doesn't shout.
    You hear a whisper deep from space.
    It's the truth, come to take lie's place.

    Be prepared for the rain will fall.
    And the wind will blow, the Heavens will call.
    The clouds will part and the angels will sing.
    Are you ready for the waking of your being?

    January 21, 1992
    * * *
    I wonder.......!

    Little Crow: What we are looking for, we already are. What we are seeking we already own. What we would like to find out, we already know.

    And so it IS.

    And, May the center of the universe visit your inner most being and set a fire of desire there to burn for eternity. May the flame of this fire serve to warm your soul as you travel through the universe on the journey and expansion of your being. May the fire of God desire in you be of many colors and each color be a reminder of your soul of where and who it has been and whom it will become. May the four corners of the universe become your beacon of light and forever call you into growth in God and Creation. May you ever become more conscious of this great journey and remember me as your friend now and forever.
    Tommy Dean, Dec. 14, 1992

    All of you are Wisdomkeepers if you but allow such realization and do you not see that if each of us takes up responsibility it is done? So be it and may you think upon these things that wisdom may again come to be your guide in all things.

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