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    PJ 71


    THU., JUNE 24, 1993 8:56 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 312

    THU. JUNE 24, 1993

    When you have exhausted all possibilities,
    remember this:
    Further, I would remind you:
    Decision-making is EASY--IF there are NO CONTRADIC­TIONS IN YOUR VALUE SYSTEM.

    So, what do I find this morning? I find that you will actually have NO problem in decision-making, Dharma, about that which you will do or not do because I find NO CONTRADIC­TIONS in your VALUE SYSTEM WITHIN. The only seeming contradictions and conscious "I can't go on" is only WITH­OUT!

    Also, you KNOW there are myriads of "possibilities"--it is sim­ply that you are weary of utilizing them. It is surely, however, NOT the time to either STOP RECEIVING, STOP LIS­TENING, STOP USING MY CONSTANT GUIDANCE--OR, STOP IN OUR WORK. When the going gets tough--the "tough" get going. And in the wisdom of another teacher: "When faced with a mountain, I will not quit! I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel under­neath--or simply stay and turn the mountain into a gold mine, WITH GOD'S HELP!"

    As we again move into the subject of LIGHT and its ALLNESS, you will have to constantly find LIGHT and wrap yourself within its protection for that is OF GOD and no thing can pass through that shield if it be of evil conjure.

    GOD REMINDS YOU: "Wherever MY followers go, THERE should be MY Light surrounding them. The Light of the Sun of Righteousness. Evil cannot live in that Light. Man is only just learning that light banishes disease and gives LIFE to that which opposes disease.

    "Every follower of Mine who is in close personal touch with Me is surrounded by this Light. Light Eternal. Light reflected by a consciousness of My Presence.

    "So whether he speak or not he must be the means of diffusing My Light wherever he goes." Adonai.

    To ALL you wonderful friends who have called and faxed and sent "the latest" our team is indebted. Dharma did not know WHY I was nagging at her to NOT go to Nevada to the "demand appearance" of she and E.J. on Friday. It now be­comes clear and even though the Truth is harder to believe than is the fiction--it is Truth, nonetheless.

    George Green has now called many of "our" people and told them that E.J. (the Ekkers, actually) have stolen over $4 million from the Institute and he will see to it that it will be in re­ceivership BY FRIDAY. Well, we shall see. Where he comes up with such wondrous numbers is a bit beyond us--WITHOUT EVEN CHECKING WHICH HE ALWAYS HAD OPEN RIGHT AND BOUNDED DUTY TO DO. In the UFO and Seminar Circuit the information has it that George Green has taken well over $10 MILLION from the Institute and people in Tehachapi which should have been in use for projects and Insti­tute funding. I believe that it is time for E.J. to respond to this aggravation, to Mr. Green--in open forum. Silence is not al­ways excellence, Son, because this battering concerns others than yourself and it is unacceptable.

    This, however, is not my discussion with my scribe this morn­ing--it is to encourage her to not be faint of heart, doubtful or fearful. What will be will be--and you SHALL be able to han­dle it just as have you with the prior adversarial attempts at your being(s).

    The plan on Friday was to suck you ones (as your attorney firm now being released) insisted that ONLY the Ekkers WOULD BE ACCEPTED IN COURT ON FRIDAY for the hearing as to WHY Green should release the JOURNALS in his "closed" pos­session. No, there is NO need for Ekkers to be anywhere and the NEW ATTORNEY is shocked at such a scheme--as he has now, he guessed, "seen them all".

    The plan was and is to have accused the Ekkers of theft of some $4 million dollars, have them arrested by Federal Officers ON FRIDAY WHEN THEY ARE CAUSED TO APPEAR IN COURT IN NEVADA--AND PLACE THE INSTITUTE INTO IMMEDIATE RECEIVERSHIP. This means that ALL prior attorneys are involved in the conspiracy to destroy the work and the Institute.

    In addition, readers, there have been several attempts on Dharma's life within the past three days which have been quite devastating on the nerves.

    It is especially hard when, at the same moment, comes informa­tion that Russbacher's friend and former attorney (who held in­credible information--tapes, "cockpit" tapes of Bush in the plane at "October Surprise", etc. Also there will be a lot of reference to the INSLAW matter.)--was murdered--by the government. Error? NO. The murder was just now discovered and brought to the attention of Russbacher, but it occurred several days ago. Interestingly enough, readers (harken back to past writings about brainwashing operations) there were government AGENTS directly across the hall from this man's apartment--AND NOW "JUST VACATED" with no forwarding informa­tion of ANY KIND!

    The staff here has hesitated to take room in the paper, CON­TACT, to refer to back JOURNALS, etc. But I now ask them to make EVERY reference back through the writings. YOU MUST COME INTO KNOWLEDGE! Please do not allow, Editors, a single issue to go out that you don't offer more infor­mation on at least five of our JOURNALS (we will get enough back to finally get most of the orders filled) and there are some 8 to 10 JOURNALS published since severance from America West. The readers cannot get the books if they don't know about them and a simple listing (with no notion of contents) has no meaning at all--on a back cover. May I please ask Karen to begin doing some pretty intensive notices. Nora, will you please do a "scan" as convenient to help her. Al, it is not nearly so important to rush through the "new" as to bring into focus and ability to find information, in some of the "back" JOUR­NALS. You are the only one who has been here who has for­matted and attended EVERY JOURNAL SINCE THE FIRST so we have to bow to your ability to remember and help us here. Readers, we are pleased and appreciative that you have consid­ered our work and paper "professional" for Al is a Dentist, re­tired. Ed is a scientist and engineer and on and on through each and EVERY member who works on these publications--every one. Moreover, they not only give absolutely unstintingly but in most instances PAY their own way in addition to the contribu­tion of service. I am always greatly pained when nasty and abu­sive letters and calls are sent forth--for these people only serve their fellow-man at great, great price.

    You are acting as if you cannot get these back JOURNALS. Yes you CAN--through other Distributors. The only thing now probleming your acquisition is the pricing. So be it. I ask that none order from America West(s) for they are supposed to be in a "holding" pattern until the litigation is finished--but the Institute will effort to retrieve the due and owing sums of past sales which were to have gone to the Institute from onset. This amount, will now, however, have to go to legal fees--but let us be ever thankful for those helpful sums--if they can be retrieved. As a matter of fact, team, you probably have most of the more important current subject materials in stock in Las Vegas. If you listen to me you shall stay a few steps ahead of the hounds of Hell. Whatever "they" continue to do against you, you will note, only sucks them more into the entangled web of contradic­tions and lies opposing the former lie. No one told you the pas­sage would be "easy". However, neither do I allow sitting on your astral bodies and tossing upward your hands and saying such as " well, He said it would be this way so let's just 'wait" or "there aren't any coincidences so I know HE is handling it!". NO, NO AND NO-NO. I NOR GOD IS "HANDLING" ANYTHING--YOU WILL HANDLE EVERYTHING--WE WILL SIMPLY TELL YOU, USUALLY MOST QUIETLY INDEED, WHAT TO EXPECT IN REASONED LOGIC AS IF YOU HAD NO VOICE WITHIN AT ALL, AND HELP YOU SORT OUT THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND POSITIVE COUNTER ACTIONS--OR NO ACTION AT ALL THIS is the kind of communication you MUST LEARN TO SHARE.

    I ask that other author's books begin to be featured in at least two large notices--each edition of the paper. I would like to start please with RAPE OF JUSTICE and MURDER BY IN­JECTION by Eustace Mullins, FIGHTING CHANCE by Arthur Robinson, and THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE. Rick, please call these people or their staff, and get prices and ordering information. I ASK THAT ONES ORDER DI­RECTLY FROM SOURCE, AT LEAST UNTIL SUCH TIME AS WE CAN GET LITIGATION UNDER CONTROL. It is too difficult to handle bookkeeping at present. Remember, we have had to cut back to bare-bones and still don't see a way to continue for very long. WE WANT PEOPLE TO HAVE IN­FORMATION--PERIOD. THIS IS OUR ONLY PURPOSE AND WE ALSO DESIRE THAT AUTHORS WHOSE WORKS WE HAVE OFFERED AS BEING VALID--KNOW THAT WE APPRECIATE THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO MANKIND'S AWAKENING. The "JOURNALS" are exactly THAT--Jour­nals. They are compiled of near "daily" writings and references to bring together and into your attention--resources.

    If you are fortunate to be on Mr. Green's mailing list you will have a nicely offered catalog of the main offerings by us in honor of writers. He did not intend its use to be so positive in nature and surely in no way to SERVE us, but it does in GREAT MEASURE and we appreciate ones doing all that re­search and getting it out to you-the-people. IF you will garner unto selves the information books there in those listings--you will have all you need to know to move right on into phase II of this "awakening". Mr. Green calls the listing "frightful in­fringements" which might somehow "damage" him personally. NO, he had best look up "definitions" of "dated journal mate­rial".

    Most of the material arriving here the "first" time is absent all reference--including the person's identity sending said informa­tion. After we write on a subject--we always get sent copies and back-up material. Interestingly enough--Mr. Green was in the book business--we were not--and I think he considered ALL rights and sums to be his, not HIS. I would guess that when certain ones with whom Mr. Green allies himself find out what have been his actions--they may very well not feel so comfort­able with their arrangements. When you tout God as your leader and then find that you have been set up in direct con­frontation against that very God--it is sometimes hard to swal­low--when the action has been arranged as has this more recent confrontation been. Remember--THERE IS ONLY ONE! THAT MEANS THAT EITHER YOU DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT WHAT YOU CONFRONT OR YOU MAY WELL BE FIGHTING SELF.

    For instance, I could GUARANTEE more sales (if that be the point--which it has not been prior to now) of Dr. Russell's works than all the other outlets placed end to end. I do not sanction Lao Russell's work to the same extent but anything done in conjunction with Walter--would also have my backing for as ones come into KNOWLEDGE--discernment becomes easy and far more GOOD is offered than the few mispercep­tions. Perhaps the President of US&P might wish to look deeper into circumstances in consideration of just WHO is friend and WHO IS ACTUALLY ENEMY! I would, further, give all sales directly to the source--not through distributors for a major part of the profits. If indeed, the intent is to reach out to the people in the largest numbers IN TRUTH--we would help you in unlimited measure--not take from you great sums of each offer­ing. A piddling settlement of lawyers' fees is NOTHING against what we could do for the positive image of US&P in honor of Walter Russell's works. So be it.


    Staff, please run notices of UNFRIENDLY SKIES so that readers will recognize the type of writer when the new is released. Thank you.

    Readers, who may feel this is boring, inside information un­worthy of your "reading time": Please let me remind you that THIS paper is FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONTACTING OUR PEOPLE--NOT FOR THE INDULGENCE OF ONES WHO WISH TO SEE A FEW OF THEIR PERSONAL NOTATIONS IN PRINT.

    You are a nation in peril and a species in downright critical peril of demise. I am weary of quarreling with you about that which is MY BUSINESS. I welcome all input and sharing--but often times ones assume we are something similar to a public stab­bing-picking concern. I muse at that which came only yesterday from an Eastern state. This person used cut up, overprinted scraps of paper--calling us every vile and obnoxiously obscene name (for two pages) which his tiny mind could remember (some he used many times in repetition)--and then, asked us to send him free copies of the paper-to teach as vile example to "any who will listen to me". Good show, brother! If you con­sider the work to be so evil and vile I most certainly would not burden your soul further with "free" copies! IT IS THE TIME OF SORTING! REMEMBER IT! It is the time when all that which is within will be brought without and you shan't forever be able to hide from the Truth of your journey and your circum­stances. Good Buddies: THE TIME OF THE 'LORD' IS AT HAND AND THAT IS DEFINED IN ALL THE KNOWING 'TRIBES' ABOUT YOUR WORLD, AS THE CHANGING OF THE GREAT CYCLE! The CLUES rest in the PLAN 2000 and other circumstances upon your conscious physical world. Deny them if you like--I have no interest. My mission is quite clear as a messenger and I can see that ones such as the just mentioned brother--has no notion of what he IS or where HE IS HEADED. It is equally easy for me to wave goodbye as it is to wave hello. Ponder it.

    Do you patriots and Godly citizens seeking freedom and righ­teousness have it harder than the fathers who, for instance, signed the Declaration of Independence? Let us share a bit of history and see.

    Have you ever wondered what happened to those men who signed the Declaration Of Independence. This following is shared with us from The Trumpet, January 1991. We have of­fered this before but it stands as a good reminder.

    Five signers were captured by the British as traitors. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons in the Continental Army. Another had two sons captured. Nine of the fifty-six signers fought and died from wounds or the hard­ships of the American Revolution.

    What kind of men were they? Twenty-five were lawyers or ju­rists. Eleven were merchants. Nine were farmers or large plantation owners. These were men of means and education. Yet they signed the Declaration of Independence, knowing full well that the penalty could be death if they were captured.

    When these courageous men signed, they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to the cause of freedom and independence.

    Carton Braxton was a wealthy planter and trader. One by one his ships were captured by the British navy. He was forced to sell his plantations and mortgage his properties to pay his mounting debts. His remaining estate was finally seized by his creditors.

    Thomas McKean was so hounded by the British that he had to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Continental Congress without pay, and kept his family in hiding.

    Vandals or soldiers or both looted the properties of Ellery, Cly­mer, Hall, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Mid­dleton.

    At the Battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson, Jr. noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the family home for his headquarters. Nelson urged General George Washington to open fire on his own home. This was done, and the home was destroyed. Nelson later died bankrupt.

    Francis Lewis also had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

    "Honest John" Hart was driven from his wife's bedside when she was near death. Their thirteen children fled for their lives. Hart's fields and his grist mill were laid waste. While eluding capture, he never knew where his bed would be the next night. He often slept in forests and caves. When he returned home in December of 1777, he found that his wife had died, and his children had vanished.

    Such are the stories and sacrifices typical of those who risked everything to sign The Declaration of Independence. These men were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwaver­ing, they pledged: "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

    They gave us an independent America--can we keep it?

    * * *
    Please remove this from the apparatus so we can move into our other topics. Thank you.
    PJ 71


    THU., JUNE 24, 1993 2:25 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 312

    THU, JUNE 24, 1993

    As far as "nuclear damage" as we wrote about--we will turn to absolutes now and not theory of "suicide". I will also be giving you a large excerpt from a book by Zecharia Sitchin called THE WARS OF GODS AND MEN regarding a "flash-back" to good old Sodom and Gomorrah. Does one, Zecharia Sitchin HAVE ALL OF THE FACTS? NO! But he comes very, very close, good friends, in a lot of instances. He may have trouble with "me" in actuality--but not in KNOWING.

    Let me just write you a tiny portion from THE NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST in his book: "But Lot tarried; so the men took hold of his hand and his wife's hand and his two daughters' hands--for Yahweh's mercy was upon him--and they brought them out, and PUT THEM DOWN OUTSIDE the city."
    "Having literally carried the foursome aloft, then put them down outside the city, the emissaries urged Lot to flee to the moun­tains " ETC! Ah indeed--right back, good friends, to the Sumarian texts. THIS information is what you all come for--so let's keep the revealing stuff flowing but allow us to get back to what is REALLY important--the way it WAS--and how it will BE. History has been kept--it has simply been denied your eyes.

    Is it just "enough" to go read all of Sitchin's books? Well, NO. However, you would be a long, long way down the path to understanding! You can learn what WAS--you must also learn what will be enough to prepare--if you want to continue you will have to learn to integrate with us who have always BEEN. I'm sure that one with such a searching mind and need for uncover­ing truth will be among the first to recognize our presence--when we are not presented to him as little gray aliens or bonkers-making sex addicts trying to suck blood and have orgies "to improve our race". Indeed, I believe of all the authors I recognize--he will be THE one to understand exactly WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE ARE DOING HERE.

    Since the murder of the Russbacher connection--you MUST re­run the more important INSLAW MATERIAL. Others in­volved in the revealing of the inside information in that matter are all MARKED FOR TAKE-OUT! This runs from Ray Renick on up to the top known players. You should have known the purge would come when the government announced there was no further cause to pursue the matter in investigation--as there was nothing to the claims. LET US GET SOME IMME­DIATE ATTENTION TO THESE PEOPLE AS BEST WE CAN. PUBLICITY IS THE ONLY PROTECTION AVAIL­ABLE NOW.

    You might ask how can an illusion be a scenario which has "history" and factual data? Because ideas are formed, "plays" are written, action is undertaken and the show is created. You can begin or end anywhere you choose but unless YOU change the "play" it will go forward as IS. A good and worthy "creator" of a play will not leave open endings and nothing to back up the premise of his play. He will make sure he has "evidence" to back up his plot or the plot will fall on its silly face. It is up to you to choose from the myriads of possibilities and if your intent is to come again within the "play" of God--you will have to pay attention to all the clues in this wondrous and divine "mystery play" unfolding.

    A worthy author of historic information is only honored when his material is referenced as outstanding. I remind you WE WRITE JOURNALS--we are not in the "novel" writing busi­ness. SIPAPU ODYSSEY is a "story" and copyrighted as such by Doris Ekker as pen-name, Dorushka Maerd. Did I help her write it? Indeed--I wrote almost all of it--including inclusion of myself, Hatonn, before she ever heard of such a name as "Hatonn". Did it make a difference? Oh my yes--for from that beginning came all this massive volume of TRUTH and NON­FICTION. Never underestimate your smallest action--for it may be the very one thing that can awaken man to his destiny and infinity. If, also, everything you do and think is doable and thinkable as if it were on the stage 'neath the spotlight in open publication--and you are comfortable--you are on the right path, chelas. There is, further, a massive difference in 'private' and 'secret'. For instance, if a man bed with his wife--that is "private". If this same man deceitfully beds with another who is not his wife--it is usually a dreadful "secret". Pay attention to that which you do and WHY you do it.

    I would prefer if Mr. Sitchin didn't refer to "extraterrestrial" warlords who destroyed ancient civilization but so be it. Will we the messengers destroy your civilization? A very good question, indeed, and I would think it would give you cause to think upon your actions. For it will be--most surely--that you will precipitate that which comes to the very last detail of expe­rience and expression. I can tell you this with certainty: If ye be of God's people you have no "enemy" from the cosmos. If ye serve Satan and evil--you have VERY BIG ENEMIES IN THE COSMOS. And, indeed, you had better get nervous when we start bringing the messages of Truth--for in ALL instances (as with the texts of Sumaria) it is because there WILL be an accu­rate recording made to be realized by those to come.

    I just want to share a bit of thought regarding our work, religion and what others have said about religion. One of the best put descriptions came from one who could be considered most despicable. However, the truth stands as a beacon not to be de­nied:

    KARL MARX: "Religion is the lament of the oppressed, the soul of a world that has no soul, the hope of a humanity which has lost all hope; it is the opiate of the people."

    This has been reduced to a statement: "Religion is the opiate of the people." Whether or not you like to believe it, people, look around you--what is done in the name of "religion" is un­thinkable. You speak of "ethnic cleansing"--what you actually do is eliminate another man because of his "religious" beliefs. Is it not as degrading and insipid in realization as any OPIATE? Is it not as "programmed" in reality as any robotic being run on mind-altering drugs?

    As we move along we will have to come back to the rise of phony Judaisms because it is in the "Jewish" religion wherein you have been most brain-washed and mesmerized by the opi­ates. This now comes down and within the very local Baptist church, the voted-in immorality under the label of "modern" church approval and so on.

    By the way: KARL MARX DID NOT ORIGINATE THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. He was PAID for his services by the League of The Just which was known in its country of origin, Germany, as the Bund Der Gerechten.

    The actual origin of this "Bund" seems to be pretty well lost in obscurity but it came through the influence of a secret organiza­tion, the Illuminati--the brain child of a Bavarian named Adam Weishaupt.

    But, so what? Well, to find out about this "Communism" thing you are going to have to go all the way back and study, very diligently, Plato's Republic. Plato's three classes consist of rul­ing, working and military. Plato called for the complete elimi­nation of marriage and the family, so that all women would be­long to all men, and all men would belong to all women. Chil­dren born from promiscuous unions would be raised anonymously by the State. The State would eliminate all defectives. Actually Plato's Republic is nothing more than a crystallization of the WORST ASPECTS of Hellenism. "Good grief, Hatonn," says Dharma, "now you are going to start on the Greeks?"

    It is so entangled that it is best not to start on this subject today--but we will have to cover it soon for the MISCONCEPTION of all Jews simply being Jews is as stupid as all whites are Pente­costal or atheists.

    That which Judaism had always held SACRED and universally moral has been all but destroyed by these antecedents who laid a vicious foundation to ANNIHILATE Judaism and, today, that process is all but completed. Let me just quote a portion from a little booklet TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE. You might well assume as you read that this book is written by an anti-Semitic Goyim--no, it is not. It is written by Rabbi Marvin S. Antel­man and, we believe, is out of print or at the least, very diffi­cult to find--if, in fact, anyone is left who might be looking.

    "So it should not seem strange that compulsive hatred for the Jewish religion was manifested throughout the rise of world Communism. It was Karl Marx (1818-1883) who was born Jewish and whose family converted to Christianity when he was six, who wrote a book, A World Without Jews. Karl Marx helped promote so-called anti-Semitism in the United States. In his reports from Europe for Horace Greeley's New York Tri­bune, Marx wrote, 'Thus we find every tyrant backed by a Jew' . In 1856 Karl Marx wrote 'Thus do these loans, which are a curse to the people, a ruin to the government, become a blessing to the house of Judah. This Jewish organization of loan mon­gers is as dangerous to the people as the aristocratic organi­zation of landowners.' "

    Oops, now look at the flack flying--"Hatonn bows to Karl Marx" and other equally ridiculous hogwash. The facts are that so FEW of you KNOW THE FACTS that it is mind-boggling at the very least. We are speaking of so-called Communism and "what happened".

    To point out and separate for your thoughtful consideration, let us look back at what was. In the time of Abraham, Jews were committed to preserve what was known as the "Seven Com­mandments of The Sons of Noah", which includes prohibitions against homicide (including abortion and euthanasia), incestuous sexual relations, theft, blasphemy and idolatry, and demands that governments pass laws such as providing for Capital Pun­ishment to uphold these laws. Laws in Hebrew are called dinim which are so linked with government that the Hebrew word for government is medina which literally means derived from law.

    The antithesis of all this is the atheistic Communist State which murders and curtails free religious expression among its citi­zens, encourages sexual depravity and immorality in its societies and attracts in its revolutionary onset many followers because it offers them group sanctification of illicit sexual relationships such as adultery and homosexuality. Thus there is not one sin­gle Communist government in the world in which religion can be practiced freely without interference. This is a consequence of believing religion to be the opiate of the people which ac­cording to Marx's Manifesto logically calls for the elimination of the opiate.

    All I can say to you-the-people is welcome to the Communist Republic of the United States--Jews and Gentiles alike! But--"political 'communism" is actually Fascist Socialism--again, the "Old Deceiver" at full steam ahead. This is all most interesting from the point of view of what happened with those "Old Torah" Judaists and the oncoming followers of "Man's book, the Talmud".

    Just the word is repulsive isn't it? Well, Karl Marx did call the Jews "niggers". Now look what has happened through the ages--this has become a slang insult to the Blacks? No--it may have been used primarily as a slur--but it was because the stupid whites of the younger nation couldn't or "wouldn't" pronounce Negro. "Nigger" is a perfectly GOOD English word--"niggard": stingy and greedy. See how perfectly good descriptive terms get utilized to insult and degrade at every stupid op­portunity? Well the term somehow got hooked onto the black but there is NO MISUNDERSTANDING first intent--Karl Marx referred to these greedy, stingy bankers and commercial "dealers" as the "Nigger Jews".

    As things are now presented in your lives it would seem that ev­erything was totally instantaneous as is the rest of your expecta­tions; however, the process of going from authentic Judaism to the stage of complete rejection of the Divine origin of the Torah was not. Do I think that the original Judaic "religion" was Godly and goodly and all the rest is not? Absurd! Most of both is not of God in "fact". But I can tell you this much, it is just as destructive, this Talmudic Zionism, to the Torahic Jew as sym­bolism and voted-in immorality is to the Catholic, Protestant and Moslem.

    "So, Hatonn," you ask, "what do you want from us? Do you want us to go with one of these 'religions' and if so, which one?" Indeed not any of them! Religion is a "doctrine" of man--Spiritual TRUTH is a doctrine of God. I suggest you get square with God and that is not a RELIGION--it is a "state of being" in goodness.

    I won't cover more now but let it be recognized that ALL of the Russian Communist leaders WERE JEWS!

    I wonder also how many of you simply think of one, Isaac Newton as one with an apple squashed atop his head? Isaac Newton had a beloved and loyal friend and co-worker, called Edmund Halley. Indeed, the same Halley of Halley's comet. He wrote a most beautiful ode to Sir Newton and I would like to share it with you. Much of what we put into the books, now banned, as being Russell's work, actually as is this, came from Newton's PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA. I find it interesting that no one has bothered to complain of our use of such incredible work for mankind. Nor, has anyone objected, most especially Isaac Newton, over the evolution of knowledge which disagrees with his very theory of gravity. He, himself, said that "If I have seen farther, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants before me," and "There shall be taller giants to come after I am gone and truth can be better seen from atop the mountain of knowledge gained."

    By Edmund Halley
    Lo, for your gaze, the pattern of the skies!
    What balance of the mass, what reckonings
    Divine! Here ponder too the Laws which God,
    Framing the universe, set not aside
    But made the fixed foundations of his work.

    The inmost places of the heavens, now gained,
    Break into view, nor longer hidden is
    The force that turns the farthest orb. The sun
    Exalted on his throne bids all things tend
    Toward him by inclination and descent,
    Nor suffers that the courses of the stars
    Be straight, as through the boundless void they move,
    But with himself as centre speeds them on
    In motionless ellipses. Now we know
    The sharply veering ways of comets, once
    A source of dread, nor longer do we quail
    Beneath appearances of bearded stars.

    At last we learn wherefore the silver moon
    Once seemed to travel with unequal steps,
    As if she scorned to suit her pace to numbers--
    Till now made clear to no astronomer;
    Why, though the Seasons go and then return,
    The Hours move ever forward on their way;
    Explained too are the forces of the deep,
    How roaming Cynthia bestirs the tides,
    Whereby the surf, deserting now the kelp
    Along the shore, exposes shoals of sand
    Suspected by the sailors, now in turn
    Driving its billows high upon the beach.

    Matters that vexed the minds of ancient seers,
    And for our learned doctors often led
    To loud and vain contention, now are seen
    In reason's light, the clouds of ignorance
    Dispelled at last by science. Those on whom
    Delusion cast its gloomy pall of doubt,
    Upborne now on the wings that genius lends,
    May penetrate the mansions of the gods
    And scale the heights of heaven. O mortal men,
    Arise! And, casting off your earthly cares,
    Learn ye the potency of heaven-born mind,
    Its thought and life far from the herd withdrawn!

    The man who through the tables of the laws
    Once banished theft and murder, who suppressed
    Adultery and crimes of broken faith,
    And put the roving peoples into cities
    Girt round with walls, was founder of the state,
    While he who blessed the race with Ceres' gift,
    Who pressed from grapes an anodyne to care,
    Or showed how on the tissue made from reeds
    Growing beside the Nile one may inscribe
    Symbols of sound and so present the voice
    For sight to grasp, did lighten human lot,
    Offsetting thus the miseries of life
    With some felicity. But now, behold,
    Admitted to the banquets of the gods,
    We contemplate the polities of heaven;
    And spelling out the secrets of the earth,
    Discern the changeless order of the world
    And all the aeons of its history.

    Then ye who now on heavenly nectar fare,
    Come celebrate with me in song the name
    Of Newton, to the muses dear; for he
    Unlocked the hidden treasuries of Truth:
    So richly through his mind had Phoebus cast
    The radiance of his own divinity.
    Nearer the gods no mortal may approach.

    * * *
    And as with all great beings--as new discoveries came from his works with mathematics in a mechanical world efforting to al­ways find the philosophical, Newton became a Master for--as a Master--he realized that always there was less and greater po­tential than that of which APPEARED to be. Ah, it is wondrous to have the time to spend discussing and sharing with each of these great Teachers come before, but alas, man cares no longer, that which is GREAT from that which is purely trivial and without value. In the words of Thomas Paine, another great man who is actually the father of your country, America: "To ef­fort to enlighten Man is but to spit against the wind!"

    Let it be known that we have lots of towels and wipes and per­haps the winds will lull and SOME will hear. So be it and good evening. Salu

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#071, COALESCENCE

    PJ 71

    SUN., JUNE 27, 1993 8:17 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 315

    SUN. JUNE 27. 1993.

    Do any of you readers actually think it a "coincidence" that you find there are plans to bomb several major centers in New York City (and others you still know nothing of) with the missile strikes on Iraq?? YOU ARE AT WAR, AMERICA! THIS TIME IT IS IN YOUR DOORYARD!

    You sit and gullibly listen while your fine, upstanding President Clinton says you needed to retaliate "for the attempt on Bush's life". I can hardly refrain from using the usually appropriate human terminology for this act of total, deliberate and murder­ous aggression. This is an "Israeli" action in every sense of the meaning--from "eye for an eye" to "tooth for a tooth" without having lost either an eye or a tooth--just intent on taking over the world.

    Millions of dollars were set aside and spent on intelligence and ransom (bounty) for killing Saddam Hussein and now your president sits and looks America in the eye--and says, "We will not tolerate affronts against our leaders." BIG THINGS ARE COMING DOWN ALREADY, AMERICA--IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT THEN YOUR "CAUSE" IS HOPELESS.

    Further, I ask you now, HOW CAN IRAQ AND FELLOW-KIN RETALIATE AGAINST YOU? That's right, sleepy­heads--by attacking your cities, TOO. Indeed the gourd of ashes has appeared in the sky and shall again present itself in the firestorm of death and destruction--while you sit and try to fig­ure out what the hell hit you.

    Oh, back to that subject? You had better believe it, "old folks at home". While you dance with the devil the 'artist' is about to get away--with the golden calf.

    You NOW HAVE PROOF that Green is involved in interna­tional schemes up to and over his cute little ears. He has cre­dentials and "property" in Costa Rica which allows for his nationalization citizenship--and don't any of YOU FORGET IT FOR A MOMENT. He works through many fronts there in­cluding one called ITILLANDSIFOLIA (meaning the growing of "Living Air Plants".)

    Now, the fact that Costa Rica is a major crossroads of drug traffic (mostly through the CIA) back and forth, etc., is one thing, but it also covers for the capability to launder money, hide stolen assets, precious metals and all other good things for clan­destine and criminal activities.

    The one David Lewis Lee would serve as "Power of Attorney" for George, etc., but when the heat turns up just a tad more--George is off like the hummingbird to alight in friendlier place­ment--IF, NOT ALREADY HAVING TAKEN FLIGHT. SOMEONE HAD BEST CHECK ON IT. DOES DIXON KNOW? I am not getting into any other facet of this circum­stance today, Sunday.

    Would this be good or bad? Well, it will be both, won't it? It would certainly cover a lot of astral bodies, would it not? This would hide a lot of secrets on the parts of many participants without getting them "caught" and, by laying low for a while, the culprit leader(S) can slip back in with dual citizenship and all of them can live happily ever-after??!!??

    Don't bother to effort to inform me that "I" am wrong about this, chelas. I see and I KNOW. The FAX from Lee to George needing signatures for passports and nationalization speak far more loudly than ever an invisible voice could do! You had best be finding out what happened to that $182,000 in Maple Leaf gold coins and where all those neat little packages of gold OUR people sent--WENT! George Green and buddies are going to get away with funds into the "millions" if they are allowed to get away.

    There has been almost enough DELAY allowed to pull it off without catching up everyone in the trap. Good luck, you lucky trappers and snare-'scapers. What, however, you are going to eventually find when you meet ME is something you might well be starting to think about most seriously.

    By the way, readers, for you who can't figure out what in the world I am talking about--San Jose, Costa Rica is THE INTEL­LIGENCE, ESPECIALLY CIA, ET AL., CENTER OF THE ENTIRE CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICAN CONNECTIONS. "EVERYONE" IS AN AGENT LIVING HIGH ON THE HOG WHILE PRETENDING TO BE SOMETHING ELSE. George, for instance, claims to own a "coffee plantation" there. He has, in the past, claimed that it is devalued somehow because there are some "Indian" squatters on it.--Hmmnn, very interesting. Now just WHY would Mr. Green have a coffee plantation in Costa Rica? After all, this is just a "simple" man out to "get out the WORD of God and Space Command!" Well, perhaps he just "loves" Tasters Choice? Now he will say "but none of that is true!" Oh? Does everything "else" in the world just "look that way," when you are totally innocent of EVERYTHING? Perhaps, but I have never seen it happen before under any cir­cumstances. Have any of you actually measured the PRICE OF YOUR SOUL? It might be a good time to start accounting be­cause some of your bookkeeping practices are catching up with you. The dossiers in the hands of your "opposition" are getting pretty THICK on some of you--and I do not speak of ones in Tehachapi OR off-shore. Good luck at survival when you hit Costa Rica, old friends--you have bitten the hands of the very friends who have efforted to save your astral assets. The "wrong faction" (for you, brothers) of even the CIA is AFTER YOU. You may be able to destroy a couple of elderly small-town citizens along with a bunch of trusting audience--but I don't think you are going to shed all the flack from the "wrong faction of the CIA"--or--totally escape the irritation of this New World Order. He who thinks he can get the gold--often gets very dead in the "Intelligence Cults".

    Now there is PROOF that Mr. Green took gold in the amount above even the amount to suck him and colleagues into the RICO law's clutches. That amount in Nevada, for instance, is only $250. This means SERIOUS trouble over that minimum. Besides the $350,000 from Dave Overton, there are other KNOWN major amounts also and no-one HERE or in Tehachapi MADE ANY OF THOSE RULES AND LAWS!

    This last ploy of catching Dharma and E.J. IN CARSON CITY and arresting them on conjured charges in order to bring the In­stitute in receivership--IS LOW IN INTENT TO COVER YOUR GRIMY, DIRTY LITTLE TRICKS, GEORGE. Your other nice new demand for Institute RECORDS is also a stupid distractor which SHOULD embarrass your attorney even more. You have sucked a lot of people into your trap and I doubt--when push comes to shove--that they are going to feel endeared to you. What will you do--leave all those "contacts" like Hor­ton, Tips, Dixon, et al. to hold the bag while you and Anderson take off for the hinterlands of Central America or points South? Are YOU the leader down the primrose path--or just the chaser after that which would take you there??

    We lie? Oops? Sir, we do not suffer from the Pinnochio Syn­drome--and further, we have the actual documents to prove what we just said--in both the language of Costa Rica AND in trans­lation. It doesn't "look" good in either language--especially between the lines!

    We defame US&P by our writings as accused, also? I don't think so--truth is not often considered in a "free" Constitutional Society as defamation. Your association WITH them brings an entirely different light focus onto them as well. Your bargains and "settlements" may rest most uneasily on their reputation VERY SOON if that relationship continues.

    You must understand, Mr. Green, that our respect for one Dr. Walter Russell is indeed GREAT and we do not like that which has been foisted off on his memory and on his work. We have no interest in his sculpting or any other "self-taught" talents. He was given the gift of receiving the information of the very workings of Man, Universe and God, and it is hardly even men­tioned in his obituary. Indeed, we have copies of his obituary, marriages, controversy, etc. We honor the man even if excep­tions are taken as to some activities. Is this not a country in which you can debate and honor? Not longer, friends, not longer. So be it.



    When over 50% of your hard-earned money is stolen by fraud, via taxes to support a government(s) gone mad?

    When one can't drive on "free"-ways or public streets with­out a driver's license or vehicle registration?

    When one must pay "ransom" to some insurance company before one can drive one's vehicle on public streets and high‑ways?

    When one must send one's children to a government licensed school or the State will kidnap or confiscate your property and your kids, if one rebels?

    When one's church or religion must be licensed by the State or go underground? [H: Or be burned to the ground after mass murder.]
    When the nation's police are more of a threat to life, liberty, and property than the so-called "common" criminal?

    When one must ask the State for permission to marry?

    When one cannot practice free enterprise without being li­censed and taxed by the State?

    When one will be jailed for exercising God-given rights without State permission?

    When one must buy freedom movement or underground publications to learn the truth because the establishment media puts out propaganda?

    When the State tells one where, when, and how to build on one's own property and even demand prior approval before modifications can be undertaken?

    When America has more political prisoners under lock and key than all other nations and is building concentration camps to house even more?

    When every financial transaction one makes is made avail­able to government snoops, upon demand, but without one's personal knowledge or consent?

    When government and the people have no common interest whatsoever and must live together in a state of perpetual hostil­ity?

    When everything you and your children will ever own is mortgaged to the world's bankers and collectible on demand?

    [H: This has been sent in time and again since at least last August, 1992. You will be able to fill in another couple of hundred items easily for yourself, so, allow us to move on and you ponder and you who would share with us--send those other hundreds of items.]
    No, my dear fellow Americans, if you think that America is still the "land of the free", you are living in a dream world and must still believe in fairy tales. WAKE UP TO REALITY and pray to God Almighty to heal this land. [H: But don't expect HIM to do it for you--YOU are going to do it if it takes for- ever, or fold in the interim. We will help show you the WAY--not do it FOR you.] In the meantime, seek out and join together with your local patriot group, for their goal is to RE­STORE THE AMERICA OF YOUR DREAMS! GODSPEED!

    [H: But oh, dear ones, BE CAREFUL with whom you join for the "patriot" movements hold more danger than ever imagined within your very working groups. ALL is in­filtrated and each "group" will have a hidden worker with hidden agendas. Be most careful and cautious and always GO WITHIN FOR YOUR GUIDANCE AND YOU WILL BE SHOWN.]

    END OF QUOTING (We can't give credit for there is nothing printed on this last paper received. Thank you, all of you who keep the communications going. Please don't stop sending things because you think we will feel buried--we ARE buried but we must share all we can.)

    * * *
    Please count our dimes and see what we can do to help APFN again this month with the phone situation. For you readers, the lines have been interrupted, intercepted, shut down with no one "knowing" anything or reason and on and on and on. Now there is claim demand for $4,000 deposit and payment of a bill in full--which has been paid in full and so it goes. The point is to effort to shut it down so that you the people cannot get the Weaver information, the Waco information or any of the opera­tions of what is going on in your nation now that you are at ac­tive WAR and at the same time closing DOWN your military defense system. I'm sorry, readers, there just isn't much good news this morning and the attacks against our ability to publish this paper are absolutely incredibly hard. My goodness, though, think of it this way--WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT.

    Please know that appreciation is great to you ones out there who have helped Kenneth L. Vardon. Everyone begins thinking he can serve freedom a bit and do "something" and here is where the mountain climb begins--it is few indeed who make it to the mountain "top". I think it better that I just share with you Ken­neth's communique.



    Kenneth L. Vardon
    American Patriot Fax Network

    To: APFN Advisor Brent Moorehead.

    - - - - -
    MCI has put a block on my FAX line (702-369-8101) for out­going long distance. This is the second line. I have a main line which is 369-9841. My bill is current with Centel/Sprint and I have not received this month's billing as of this writing. I called 611 for service three times today and was given three different stories why my main line operated fine and my second line was getting a quick busy. Each time I was told they would get right back with me. Finally "Customer" said MCI had a block on the line. Calling 00, MCI operator, she goes on and says she does not understand why, because nothing is in the computer showing as a problem. She transfers me to Tracy who says she can't find any account number for the line. After going round and round I ask for a supervisor, after being on hold for fifteen minutes.

    The "supervisor" Abdul finally connects. I explain the problem; he says he will check with his technical staff and get back with me. About an hour later he calls back and said there is a finan­cial hold and nothing can be done until the office opens in the morning. I ask him if it is legal to turn off one's phone without notification and with the account current. He said there is nothing he could do. I asked if he would call someone, that I had important information on the Randy Weaver trial and that I had several hundred friends waiting. He said he would do what he could. Can you believe it??? Who just bought a big interest in MCI, BRITISH TELCOM, which also is a major stock holder in McCaw Communications (Cellular One). Who is be­hind this? APFN will switch to another carrier as soon as pos­sible. "They" are going to play with our telecommunications "Big Time" and we must be alert to this.

    I just received a call from TY Brace, Abdul's "boss". He said there is nothing he can do except use an override 10288, which would take me hours to re-program the directory of the FAX software. I said "No" this is unacceptable. He said all I can tell you is that you can talk with Mr. Avery tomorrow. I'm steamed. Note: Later Ty called and he is turning my service on for "domestic long distance" for tonight.

    The phone bill last month was $1,878 which was paid on time. I expect the bill to be around $2,500 (maybe more) this month. This would be due and payable by the 5th of July. I have ap­proximately $650 towards this expense. Many in the network have indicated they are sending donations and I feel we will have the funds when due. Centel/Sprint sent a letter requiring a $4,000 deposit by the 26th of June. They sent this on the 21st, received on the 22nd. For MCI to just cut this service off with­out notification---!!!

    Freedom is not free!

    Constitutionally yours, KLV

    * * *
    I will leave you with a thought as to the wounds you incur along this pathway home. The damaged will be many--more than you can comprehend. You, of the tribes who serve, are already weary from the long, long battle and journey. You must, how­ever, draw strength from that which was offered yesterday, today and tomorrow: "Draw from Me not only the Strength you need for yourself, but all you need for the wounded ones to whom I shall lead you. Remember, no man liveth to himself. You must have Strength for others.

    They will come to you in ever-increasing numbers. Will you send them empty away? Draw from Me and you will not fail them." Salu.

    PJ 71
    CHAPTER 10

    WED., JUNE 30, 1993 8:41 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 318

    WED, JUNE 30, 1993,
    YOU CAN!
    YOU CAN'T!
    As you look about your world and see the wars and bombings and other happenings and realize you ARE IN WARS of mag­nificent magnitude and impact on your entire world future--who is in control? Well, it surely is NOT one called Bill Clinton--NOR his mixed-up wife. These are purely puppets and, unfor­tunately, RIGHT NOW Bush, Eagleburger, Scowcroft, Kissinger, et al. are in full control of your "sector". If you don't believe this--you had best look again. Bush "threw" the election, friends. You were told that at the time and nothing has changed except the iron bars are coming down hard on their adversaries--or even ones who were not their adversaries--but KNOW TOO MUCH.

    Am I their adversary to overthrow them? No! I am not. That is your prerogative if you wish radical action--but radical action will not prevail so why would you act in such a manner as to INSURE FAILURE? Mine is a mission of higher cause re­garding Earth and civilization of human cycle changes. To ac­complish my task I must get you, who will listen, informed and awakened and this will be so relatively few as to shock you goodly people.

    Since beginnings of contact with this scribe--who, by the way, asked for NONE OF THIS LOAD--it has been harangue, assault, stone throwing, poverty, property loss, legal confrontation one after another--now five cases at once! This has gone on since we began to write--my people are tired, sick of this job and simply want to say, "To hell with it all!." Can they do that? No, the "system" will not even allow them to "quit" without costing greatly everyone who has participated. And, worse, it has now grown to the extent that some forty other persons (DIRECTLY) would have to give up their work if she gives up "hers". This is a heavy, heavy burden, readers--the camel's back is about to break. And what do these ones have to look forward to? More poverty; they have no home; they have no property; their own "friends" bite at them for "less" or "more" and Dharma, quite frankly, thinks that "survival" is the LAST thing she wants to do. So what GOOD is there in this message--that you readers might glean? SHE KNOWS THAT THERE IS WONDROUS RADIANCE AT THE END OF HER RAIN­BOW--SHE KNOWS IT! Is that enough? YES. Also, she can cling to the words we often share lately, from Benjamin Franklin & her brother, Little Crow: "He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of Christ will change the face of the world." So, we can lead the horses to water--but we cannot force the drinking.

    There are so many critical current topics that one knows not where to even begin to catch up so we will just rip through a few "watch closely(s)".

    You have sent some troops to the Balkans but the big force will function under the facade label of United Nations forces. It will be YOUR sons and daughters, husbands and wives--and it will be the same death marches. There is NO WAY to win ANY­THING in the Balkan states. It is not even intended that you do so. It is so entangled with Russia and GERMANY that you cannot begin to sort it, readers. The Khazarian Zionist anti­Christs are so in charge that you cannot even tell one from an­other--that is how unified this one-world take-over is structured.

    Now there is talk of dividing up into groups the area in point, of old Yugoslavia. Will this work? No, but to "divide" is to "conquer".

    Even your hand-fed media is having to let slip through bits and pieces, proving that Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho were intentional and grievous errors by your government and United Nations troops. Remember what they won't tell you--the ATF, Attorney General, Marshals, Secretary of the Treasury, the IRS, the Fed. Reserve, the U.S. Postal Service, etc.--ARE PAID EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE PAY COMES DIRECTLY FROM THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND!

    Now, good old executioner, Janet Reno, is stating that there will be an "investigation"--this due to the fact that some goodly peo­ple TOOK VIDEOS OF THE WACO INCIDENT--AND THE ATTEMPT TO BURN OUT THE WEAVERS. THESE pic­tures don't lie and they can't get hold of all of them to destroy them. There were also more than 10,000 letters from you-the­-people DEMANDING this not be buried. Will it be? It won't matter as all other regulations are moving along supremely well for the nation's adversary.


    You in America are going to find, very shortly, that you MUST carry national identification cards which will contain a computer chip that will allow the federal government to keep constant tabs on the entire scenario of each of your lives and habits--every in­dividual in the whole country! Guess what! It will be brought into mandatory compliance through Hillary Clinton's developing 'health care program'. You want free health care? Well, brothers, you are going to get something--but it surely is NOT going to be free! The chip in THAT card will match an injected chip (into each of you) and it will carry every action and every bit of information regarding you from lineage background to what movies you prefer!

    And who might be the final presenter of the plan and "brains" for consummation of the "plan"? Longtime "Friend of Bill" is being given credit for developing this "wonderfully brilliant" plan to "help" everyone--Ira Magaziner (Zionist). He is an "Ivy Leaguer" who came to know your cute little President at Ox­ford. After graduating, Magaziner made millions as a manage­ment consultant to major international corporations. In addi­tion, he has served as an adviser to Sweden, ISRAEL, etc. This is another of the Rhodes Scholar Club. So, the plan being boasted as brilliant demands Americans register with the government for health care, and thereby give government the ability to track people through the credit card look-alike provided by your good old Uncle Samstein. Cleverly, the card will "at first" contain only medical information but the information capacity will be gigantic and immediately ex­panded through the Social Security number of each individ­ual--and then matched to the chips inserted into every baby birthed TODAY and for the past two years! If you don't have one, you will get one or perish outside the system. I suggest you get the card--they already KNOW EVERY­THING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT EVERYONE OF YOU GOODLY PEOPLE--AND YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO EAT!
    So, am I at war with your "system"? NO! I am solely at war with the adversary of GOD CREATOR--the big "boy" himself! And it is already known--that I win because the illusion of the physical expression will be devoured by its own evil for nothing of physical is infinite--only soul and Creation is infinite.

    I am asked constantly about the purpose of Somalia. I told you months ago--it is to establish total control of the area and have a war position against Iran and other countries but most especially the Arab nations (Iran is not Arab). It is further totally wrapped up with the Soviets and OIL, as is all the rest of the heinous ac­tivities going on in the area--and in Africa. Look at Angola! The U.S./UN involvement in Somalia has proved to be a farce and a tragic farce at that. Bush said you were moving into So­malia to do "God's work". And so, if the Somalis would just lay down and die, give up their nation and submit to "god's will" (as has also been stated) and cooperate with the execution­ers sent via the U.N. and Bush on your "holy mission", it wouldn't be necessary for you to murder so many of them--would it?

    Now it has dropped into another slot hasn't it? What of the Pakistani troops? You now murder them, too, because you want (or Mr. Kissinger/Bush wants) them murdered as hostages to get their hands on and squash Pakistan and all the Middle East Moslem and Arab Nations. You who can remember, do you re­call "President" Bush declaring war on Somalia with tears "over the starving children" streaming down his face? Still believe it?

    Back on the home front: the "mystery disease", the outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Northern Arizona, terrorist plans and actual bombings in New York (and other places yet to explode), pend­ing imminent nuclear war, the U.S. functioning ENTIRELY un­der Executive Order orchestrated by prior "executives", a state of Martial law in matured blossom, weather patterns literally annihilating portions of your nation, the government "cutting back" (i.e., Gore, who heads a task force on streamlining gov­ernment, had 73 percent MORE staffers on his Senate payroll at the end of March than Dan Quayle employed at the same point in his term. Gosh, some "cutbacks"), the nation's in­frastructure is falling apart, jobs are all but GONE, religious targets being totally holocausted, AIDS is sweeping the nation along with other untreatable viral infections--the answer has come: San Francisco is planning to become the first U.S. city outside Nevada to legalize and regulate prostitution as a way to stem crime and spread of infectious disease. "Unregulated prostitution causes major problems in San Francisco," said Supervisor Terrance Hallinan, who proposed the idea.

    Yep, it worked for Sodom and Gomorrah too!!!??? See, the "worry" is over, readers--Nuclear devastation wipes out both unregulated prostitution and infectious diseases--even the untreatable, unbeatable HIV!

    By the way--who of you think the U.S. Government is unre­sponsive to complaints?? Not so, it is your imagination, read­ers--ask Israel.

    U.S. officials have streamlined export licensing procedures as­sociated with the U.S.-Israel Arrow development program (paid for by U.S. taxpayers) in response to Israeli complaints that a bureaucratic logjam was causing schedule delays and adding costs to the joint anti-missile program. A State De­partment agreement has been presented to the Israeli Min­istry of Defense Purchasing Mission in New York. It ELIM­INATES THE NECESSITY FOR U.S. COMPANIES IN­VOLVED TO GET INDIVIDUAL APPROVAL FOR EX­PORTS OF A MILITARY NATURE. Good luck, America--but it may take more than "good luck" from where I sit.

    Remember Martin Indyk? This is the same Indyk we have spo­ken of at quite some lengths. He is the nice Israeli person, a veteran Israeli AGENT, who received a special grant of American citizenship ON THE DAY OF THE CLINTON­-GORE INAUGURATION so he could take over the U.S. policy in the Middle East, the oil-rich Persian Gulf countries and South Asia.

    Well, on May 22, in Washington, this person Indyk told a group of Israeli lobbyists THAT "THE CLINTON ADMIN­ISTRATION HAS DECIDED TO DESTROY THE GOVERNMENTS OF BOTH IRAN AND IRAQ."

    Readers, however you butter your toast, this means endless WAR and you will note that, other than the top U.N. Thug-na­tions, the U.S. will have no supporters but Israel. Will the other nations go along? What choices do they have? Not many--but the ones they DO HAVE will toast your toadies before they give up!

    Let me tell you even worse, Indyk, in Israel, represents only the MOST BELLIGERENT POLITICAL FACTION, the coalition of aging terrorists known as the Likud. Indyk has publicly asserted that he is in charge of the White House policy and the United States will "neither seek nor expect a reconcilia­tion" with Iraq.

    The following is so understated as to remind me of Rolaids use for carcinoma of the stomach but I ask that the article, sent to us from out of SPOTLIGHT a few weeks past, be printed.


    The move toward global government and the dismantling of national sovereignty is proceeding in accordance with the timetable laid out by the internationalists. (James P. Tucker Jr.)

    The world shadow government is taking great strides toward its goal of making the United Nations a global regime, tearing down ancient barriers protecting national sovereignty.

    As you read this, the Bilderberg/Trilateral clique, in cooper­ation with President Bill Clinton, other heads of state, and inter­nationalists in banking, the media and industry plot unprece­dented interference by the UN into the domestic affairs of many nations:

    In Haiti, UN officials and the Clinton administration plan to send an international "police force" of 500. Both backers of ex­iled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and of the coup that ousted him object, arguing correctly that this would be the beginning of the end of Haitian sovereignty. Clinton and UN officials are warning Haitians that they may lose American tax dollars unless they agree to the occupation. Haiti, at this moment, is resisting.

    American troops are serving in Somalia under a UN banner and under the command of a Turkish general. It is the first time in history American soldiers have served under a foreign leader accountable, not to the president or Congress, but to the UN Security Council, in a blatant violation of national sovereignty and of the Constitution.

    In the former Yugoslavia, the UN is eager to both formally establish the NATO forces as part of its own world army and to further assert its right to interfere anywhere, anytime. How­ever, they are now shunning a protracted ground war to avoid public outrage--and because there is no oil to be exploited.

    The UN is establishing a war tribunal to prosecute "war criminals" in the former Yugoslavia. This is a precedent dear to the hearts of the world shadow government. It will be the first time since the "war crimes" trial farces in Nuremberg and Tokyo, which were then widely denounced by a Supreme Court justice and the late Sen. Robert Taft for, among other things, ignoring the ex post facto doctrine.

    While history's first such trial involved the conquered and occupied nations of Germany and Japan, this will be the first time the UN has established a world crimes court to "try" people in what began as a domestic fight in a sovereign nation, Yu­goslavia.

    The global picture comes into focus when you consider the ultimate goals, as directly stated by participants in the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg group:

    "Today. Americans would be outraged if UN forces entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. "--HENRY KISSINGER at the Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France.

    "It is of interest that in 1993 U.S. forces are coming under the command of a UN commander who is not an American and who is answerable to the UN Security Council."--John Roper, director of the Western European Union in Paris.

    The shadow government again demonstrated its raw power when Denmark and Britain recently ratified the treaty creating a European super-state.
    Earlier, the Danes had voted decisively to retain their sovereignty. It was reversed in a close vote a year later, as the controlled press frightened the Danes into ratifying their surrender, claiming they would be left out in the cold in the inevitable union and would suffer economically.
    Finally, the Pacific Rim is to become the third great re­gion for the convenience of administration by the UN.
    * * *
    Yes, indeed, and I have a priceless bridge to sell you in San Francisco!

    Does anyone feel like bailing? All this "incredulous" reaction to a trumped-up scheme by the shadow government is a bit too much for even an old Space Cadet.

    The U.S. has plotted, paid for, and executed deliberate death on numerous heads of state all over the globe--most of which you don't even know about--BUT, certainly you well know about Cuba, Iraq and Libya. Actually, nobody in Iraq gave a damn about Bush being in Kuwait or his sickening stance to annihilate life. A war is PLANNED and you have need to further poison and deaden the brains and thinking of people so you get support for your murders. Believe what you will--the LIE will stalk you to your grave if you are lucky enough to have one of your very own.

    ANY American (or other nationality) can be summarily ar­rested, moved to overseas jails and tried by foreign judges for crimes unknown under U.S. law under a new UN edict.

    The United Nations is underway in preparations setting up an international criminal court system, complete with a global po­lice force at its full command. You are already seeing it AT WORK. It will be formally introduced in "phases".

    The initial thrust will deal with cases of murder, rape, torture and "other serious violations of international humanitarian law" and will begin in former Yugoslavia. From there it gets really interesting.

    The international court will consist of two trial chambers with three judges each, an appeals chamber of five judges, a prose­cution staff and service units. The cost of such a legal estab­lishment will come from the UN member states, WITH THE U.S. TAXPAYERS PUTTING UP AT LEAST A FULL THIRD OF THE COST.
    Ah, it gets better: The judges, nominated by the Secretary‑General and elected by the UN General Assembly, will form polyglot panels. "No two of them may be nationals of the same state," the plan states.

    Defendants on trial will not be protected by the constitutional rights and immunities of their own nations, only by the stan­dards of procedure the judges themselves adopt. Well, what else is new--that is already a working practice in the U.S.

    The location of this infamous body will be in The Hague, the capital of Holland. The defendants will be held in custody while they are on trial. When convicted, they will serve their sentences in the prison systems of various nations, as determined by the same judges.

    Well, gosh, it worked for John Demjanjuk didn't it? Sick, sick, sick! Let's look back at this man wrongfully taken from the U.S., falsely accused and now having spent three of his shadow years wrongly incarcerated and on DEATH ROW in Israel. You have come "a long way", babies. It is so bad internation­ally over Demjanjuk that even the "Ukrainians" have taken up his cause. Let that be a good clue to you observant "watchers".

    In May a number of residents of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, picketed the Israeli Embassy with a demand for freedom for John (Ivan) Demjanjuk, the retired Cleveland autoworker who has spent three years on death row in Israel for alleged "war crimes". The leaders of the demonstration attempted to deliver a petition signed by 50,000 Ukrainians on behalf of Demjanjuk, but it was refused. Three members of the Ukrainian Parliament, Iryna Kalynets, Mykhailo Kosiv and Yaroslav Kendzior, openly support the demonstrators and Demjanjuk DESPITE COVERT PRESSURE, FROM THE UNITED STATES TO KEEP QUIET! And how is your week going?

    It might be good for the world to remember one little thing about the UKRAINE--they have nuclear weapons, Cosmospheres and POWER! They do not like Zionists or Ameri­cans--and despise the British and Soviet Khazarian "JEWS". This is a most interesting group to keep your eyes and ears upon for you won't be hearing about them at all IF the orga­nized Zionist media can keep it FROM YOU. Perhaps a word to the wise is sufficient? Those nuclear warheaded missiles are now split in aim-directions--a few toward Moscow and the rest, which are a whole big bunch--right at the strategic targets IN NORTH AMERICA!
    It has now been over a year since federal and state bullies raided the Tacoma, Washington clinic of "vitamin doctor" Jonathan Wright, a licensed physician who practices alternative medicine. Although Wright is not charged with any crime, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to dog him. "Here it is a year later and we still have no idea what the FDA really wants," said Wright.

    They are getting exactly what they want--proper vitamins, min­erals, herbs and hydrogen peroxide removed from the clutches of you citizens. You will be forced to take the poisons given to you to insure your demise--very, very soon now.

    In view of the above note about nuclear missiles and the shutting down of ability to get life-saving nutrients which is ALL that will save your lives in nuclear attack--I suggest you carefully consider Gaiandriana to boost that IMMUNE SYSTEM and speed up the cellular system (YOURS) to facilitate heavy radia­tion doses. Does it "cure" anything? NO--if anything gets "cured" YOU WILL DO IT. Does it offer assistance? YES! Will it work in the presence of nicotine, alcohol and/or caffeine? YES--but not as effectively and that, readers, is solely up to you as to how effective you want ANYTHING to be. The least you can do is move to decaffeinated coffee perhaps? Is it so much "trouble" to save your own lives? Are your lives so worthless to you and do you care so little for the gift of life God gave you that you care not for ANYTHING?

    I got a note this morning with the following AP release--the note from my beloved friend, left unnamed but recognized through "Geodesic Structures" for his own recognition, just said "Commander, you were right!" I am extremely appreciative of this person's faithful sorting and sharing.

    You citizens are being more and more isolated from the pres­sures of inability to longer "afford" some of the luxuries and, through the pressure of FEAR, you have become virtual prison­ers in your own homes (and even there YOU ARE NOT SAFE) and now with diseases to terrify you, you now have to fear the actual "terrorists". It is "happening", chelas--Armageddon time is not one happening--it is all happening to you right now as we write.

    Washington, 6/29/93 (AP)--Americans were warned Tuesday to be mindful of terrorists even while traveling in the United States, while the White House security has been increased.

    The State Department warning was not linked directly to rising tensions with Iraq or the bombing at New York's World Trade Center. "It rises out of a general sense that it is a good thing for U.S. citizens just to be more careful," said department spokesman Mike McCurry.

    But the increased security at the White House was a result of the tensions with Iraq, said Anthony Lake, President Clinton's na­tional security adviser. "I think routinely at a moment like this there are additional procedures," Lake said Tuesday.

    On Saturday, shortly after an Iraqi intelligence center in Bagh­dad was attacked with U.S. cruise missiles, the State Depart­ment issued a worldwide advisory telling Americans to exercise "greater than usual caution" when traveling abroad..... [H: And so goes the B.S. Of course it couldn't have anything to do with the current actions! (refer back to paragraph two of the quote).]

    AND another:

    Washington, 6/29/93 (AP): A Senate panel plans to question a top Pentagon medical officer Wednesday about claims by Navy veterans that they were injured by CHEMICAL WEAPONS DURING THE PERSIAN GULF WAR AND ORDERED TO KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT..... The Navy did not return repeated telephone calls Tuesday seeking comment on..... [And so it goes!]

    Let us close this writing. I would like to devote the next one to Russbacher, Rayelan (and other "patriots") and recently murdered Paul David Wilcher. He may be "gone" but YOU will see to it that he is not "forgotten"! He had a lot of information which was stolen (shades of Danny C.) at the time of his mur­der. Also, of some 65 tapes bearing information of great in­terest--only some 33 to 35 were received at point of destination from point of mailing. This means that much information is missing from even that which will be offered by Rodney Stich--like half. Well, we will share what we end up with but report­ing is all we have going here--I ask that NONE of our staff or eager patriots construe our work in this paper or our JOUR­NALS as anything other than information. We are in no way activists other than as "press" and personally supporting friends who find themselves in "victim" circumstances in this once GREAT NATION of FREEDOM. CONTACT has thus far cleared the scrutiny of those who censor "subversive" mail in closely guarded facilities. This is exactly the way we intend to KEEP it. Thank you.

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