PJ 69

SUN., MAY 2, 1993 9:51 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 259

SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1993

It has again been brought home heavily to the human senses that what the adversary plans to do is bury truth in all traces, banish all goodly persons in the lies and cast our people to the winds. No--it shall not come to pass for the acts of men have now an­gered God who SHALL sit in judgment. Those who PER­CEIVE themselves to be among the GOODLY had best look again at that which they do and foster in their seeking to gain, pretend and protect selves from that judgment. You greatly un­derestimate GOD, my friends.

The court has ruled, of course, against my scribe and the threat of jail hangs heavily about her as she is solely blamed for that which "I" and that which is "God" offer Truth through her fin­gers. Is her heart heavy and her being filled with fright? Yes indeed. Will she stop her service along with the brethren who continue to publish, struggle and fight for truth? NO. It DOES mean however that the order of the court will be run next week in the CONTACT for it is too late for this issue for the pages number so many. In essence it is handed down that Dharma, E.J., the LIBERATOR staff, through the paper or otherwise--NO ONE may offer to advertise, circulate--literally "speak of the banned volumes as arranged by US&P or Dharma shall be jailed in Federal Prison.

Further, SHE and E.J. are ORDERED BY THE COURT to file these restraints in the form of the "order" on everyone named and unnamed.

Not only are these "singled out" but the court requires a full dis­closure of all "books" and records. This is easy for they have never received even a token payment for any of the now 74 vol­umes or papers. It is interesting, however, that America West and the Greens are totally excluded from even the need to produce a single record--of which they will prove that they efforted to sell $80,000 of those banned volumes and did in fact, sell about $12,000 of them. So be it, for that which is thrust against my people shall be projected back tenfold--or more.


The heinous tales of the Ekkers bilking one Luke Perry, aided and abetted (according to Luke) by Horton (George's lawyer) and Greens--has now hit international papers and a long article regarding their actions has come forth yesterday in the Los An­geles Times (totally owned and operated by the Elite Establish­ment and "run by the ADL/CAN"). Ah, but did they accom­plish that which they INTENDED? In some instances but in most instances among the "knowing"--they only proved the very thing we have wanted advertised and proven--THAT THE CORPORATE SYSTEM IN NEVADA WORKS! Every agent in Nevada should pay the Ekkers handsomely for providing this kind of attention internationally for even ones in foreign lands across the oceans can have Nevada Corporations and protect themselves from ones like Luke Perry and the New World Or­der.

It is even more interesting to note as foolishness is brought forth--the Ekkers voluntarily offer services of signatures as act­ing officers in the SETTING UP OF CORPORATIONS to fa­cilitate the formation. It is a favor gladly offered and the 200 corporations noted publicly are not correct--there are MORE! To relieve them of this bombardment in the public media, they have been being removed more quickly by the Corporate busi­ness officers in point. However, they shall not cease their ser­vices, either as voluntary or what has happened prior to this is that in exchange for this service, some of the legal fees have been covered by the registering agent's own businesses--it is the only way they could remain housed in any manner. Now, in exchange for those services they are allowed to stay in the dwelling, temporarily, by the Church who bought the property from the RTC. This is an Arizona Church opening a new "branch" in this location but needs to "quiet title", etc., before making a final move and building a church building.

Readers, you are either going to WORK WITHIN THE SYS­TEM ALLOWED YOU--OR YOU WON'T MAKE IT. IT IS PLANNED THAT YOU NOT MAKE IT. YOU HAVE JUST WITNESSED AN INCREDIBLE BLAST AGAINST OUR OF­FERINGS OF "HOW TO" IN BOTH THE INSTITUTE AND INCORPORATION AND THUS FAR THEY HAVE HELD STRONG NO MATTER WHAT WAS THROWN AGAINST THEM. What is brought against citizens in fixed injustice sys­tems is another matter to consider--so I suggest that all play within their rules--there will be plenty of time to get into their traps--don't push the river and maybe, just maybe, you can keep your nose above the waters.

What will we do about the Truth of God as projected in our banned works? Drop it--for the court has so ordered. It was ruled that when I said we would get it published some way--that it. was against the prior sanctions and Dharma is solely guilty of my "indiscretions". Me--indiscreet? NO-o-o-o!?! What I want is a hearing in that court of law and fighting on their grounds is not feasible. When the appropriate time is at hand both Ger­main and myself will make attention in court and prove the scribe to either be duality of personalities or at least prove the "strangeness" of the circumstances.


In this very location, again, ones are setting themselves up as assumed receivers and are getting by with giving a lot of in­structions, stopping their jobs and becoming quite the superior touters of truth--and it is coming from your local military/intelligence transmitters. I can warn you--you will decide that which you continue to produce for you are being "had" roy­ally!

Do I infer that "others" do not hear from God--NO! ALL OTHERS HEAR FROM GOD! AND THAT IS THE POINT OF THE MESSAGE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT PURPOSE MIGHT YOU SERVE BY YOUR SUPERIOR STATUS AS A RECEIVER? IT ISN'T MUCH FUN FOR THE ONES "WE" UTILIZE--WHO IS UTILIZING YOUR SERVICES AND WHAT DO YOU INTEND DOING WITH THAT WHICH YOU GET?? I further caution ones who speak of these things in rebellion, etc., to other unfortunate receivers who got scrambled messages and cause unrest and rebellion. Can you not await the perfection of your "training" and presen­tation? Why do you act in such humanly egotistical ways? Why? This is your own question--for I already know. Ponder it.

Let us share a moment with the Great Teacher whom you all await in wonderment and expectation:

Dearly beloved: There has come a high note to you, played across the aeons; there has come a great tocsin (the ringing of an alarm bell) making music for millions; behold the augurers of circumstance have gathered in a chorus; they have given man a password; they have filled his ears with singing.
Behold ten thousand times ten thousand have assembled on a mountain; they have caroled to the sunrise; yet the valleys hold their darkness; there is slumber in men's eardrums.
The great of the worlds have made to men their carolings; the beauteous in spirit have composed for men their anthems; yet ever has it happened that men have heard no music; they have raised their own discord to shut out higher harmonies, balance and truth.
I tell you the proud have walked in many places, by the rivers and among the thickets as well as among the peoples. I tell you the uncircumspect have bathed in sullied waters. I tell you the carrion from the bones of many men has made a stench on grieving landscapes; should not anthems be sung, rather, of those who sought ennoblement?
Hear you my music, for I sing to you of truthhood; hear you my harmony for I make of it a sunrise and a beauteous day in wonderment and wondrous perfection.... The times will shortly come upon you when men shall greet probity (honest behavior). They shall say unto themselves, "Why bear we with such mock­eries, seeing that they rend us?"
The time shall come when men expect it least that the Great shall rise beauteously and wondrously, they shall cast off their weapons, they shall stand forth as messengers unto the Morning.
There shall be a great tumult and men shall partake of it; there shall be a great peace and men shall encompass it. But the time for such is not yet at hand for first comes the bellowing of the Beast upon the lands and the suppression of man by man en­coded by the Beast. It is not always lechery that makes man to mourn. I say that his spirit fails him and he lacks wisdom to give vision to his hungerings.
He builds himself exceedingly fine mansions and then defiles them with his corruption and the dung of dubious portents. Verily he builds himself a house that scales many heavens, yet he goes not up into chambers of radiance; he climbs not upon rooftops to hear the rightful prophecies; ever does he say unto himself, I have builded my house and its stout walls will defend me--but the stout walls fail me. So, rather will I dig myself a ditch, and I shall put myself in it and hide myself so that no one can find me or cause me to take stand against that which has come upon me--the evil passage. I go into the darkness lest the sun of knowledge burn me.
Wherefrom comes this rancor to shrink from the sunlight? Man has his carrion-patch; he has his beds of treaties made foul with his hatreds; he has had his coffers emptied and verily they plague him; he has his days of dark report that ever mock his longings.
I tell you that struggle has this potential, that it causes the bi­ceps to make a proud rippling of lightning, it breaks the lock on the strong-box of courage and takes out weapons that are scarlet in sunlight.
But should struggle have no surcease? Must alarm be a vice that has naught to appease it? Should not the languor of earth's nobler things steal like a wine through all arteries of attempt­ings?
There is Balance to be greeted, there is Poise to be enacted, there is Essence of all harvestings to give sense to many sow­ings.
Too long have men said among themselves: "Behold our marrow hurts us; behold we have tempers that should ever flash their burnishings; behold we are allotted an arena for our ener­gies and if we contest not, then leagues of torments stalk us.
I say unto men: It is glorious to struggle when struggle has its warrant; it is noble to persevere; it is sweet to conquer vileness when the conquering makes beauty and truth beholds Light. Behold, for all of these is the trait beyond fortitude--that man can see his God-state and walk proudly in it--that man can know his God-craft and pursue it as a triumph into Lighted paths of beauty.
Be not men of these little manners, children. Be not beasts of little gnashings! Lift up your heads unto the sunlight of Truth and love for all things your relations. Do not struggle for vest­ments of sacrament--lift up your heads in great fortitude and allow passage under you those who have won such a fight that you might follow and find your own pathway. Remember when you believe that things are of single message--for recall that "tears" are for joy as well as bleak sorrowing. So greet us in this great Sunrise and in its majesties.
Those who have fought the good fight have fought not for the fighting. Verily have they battled that their peace might be a bouquet. Those who have toiled and come through a loathsomeness, have labored that a cleanliness walk as a goddess in perception. Have eschewments (shun) in over­coming; take delight in measuring treasuries in wisdom of value and not within the glitter of perception of the human senses.
The world has its foulness that sweetness may be known to you, the fight has its savagery that orchards may be pleasant places in which to dwell in beauty and fruitfulness.
So "I", dear ones, shall sing of victory that has no sorrow within it! I sweeten earth's conflicts with my knowing of men's destinies in ultimate balance, love, harmony and true perfection.
Therefore, contest and be strong but see to the end of it; per­severe and be stalwart but KNOW that conflict is a gain to an accolade. Arise! Get up! Give respect to stamina and perse­verance for the arms of your own progeny are awaiting WITH THEIR GARLANDS IN HONOR AND RESPECT FOR YOUR EXAMPLE OF GUIDANCE. Verily shall they place those garlands upon the brows of those who gave challenge unto tumult, but only that VALOR might enshackle all Eternities! Are YOU worthy? So be it and may you find the wisdom to walk your own journey with these things always in your mind for elsewise you shall be trapped in the dungheap of the Beast for he shall, when through with your service, dump you as the waste upon the fields. Amen.

The following is worthy of thought and therefore I shall pass it on with respect to the writer, Hal Massey.

In the early hours of April 19, 1993, a CIA connection called to inform me that the Branch Davidian Church was about to be burned to the ground near Waco, Texas. In fact, at 6:00 a.m. Waco time, calls were placed to all nearby hospitals asking, "How many burn patients can you handle in an emergency?" (Note: the fire didn't start until 12:06 p.m.) Regressing slightly--at 2:00 a.m., April 19, 1993, four CIA Agents were dispatched from San Francisco to Waco, Texas, being ordered to partici­pate in ending the Waco incident. They protested the assign­ment but were ordered to go under duress. Later, when the U.S. military tanks began battering the Church to gas the Church members and destroy what was left of a religious com­munity....it was the beginning of the end for ALL First Amendment freedoms left in the U.S. It was, also, the first time since the Civil War that the United States military fired upon civilians in a time of peace. These revelations made me sick. The actions of these individual criminal politicians, who made it happen, make me even sicker.

The question foremost in the minds of all Christian Ameri­cans is, did our "Storm Troopers" murder men, women and children inside that Church sanctuary? There isn't much doubt in the minds of most Americans... THEY DID! Remember the major job of the mass media is to 'keep American dumb'. Take some time to analyze all of the inconsistencies in all of the re­ports. Everyone involved in this national disgrace from Presi­dent Clinton, Attorney General Reno, FBI, Military, and the lo­cal Fire Department--to the dog catcher--should be confronted by every American citizen living in this country, and those re­sponsible run out of town on a rail....after being tarred and feathered. But, only after due process of the law, being found guilty, while protecting their civil rights! Hey citizen....where is your outrage? I'm not in the position of defending one David Koresh, he was no prophet. (Only profit) But I will defend to the death his right to the Church of his choice and his religious freedom. I consider myself a patriot, a defender of God's in­alienable rights, a responsible sovereign citizen and a Freeman. I'm a devotee of the United States Constitution, it's part of my religion, as is the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. I'm a kindred spirit of the Founding Fathers and will do as much to defend those sacred documents of freedom and lib­erty as they did to create them.

For me, the warrantless assault (the Warrant was dated April 13, 1993), destruction and death of so many innocents at the Mt. Carmel Branch Davidian Church, by both Government and Mil­itary....represents the burning issue of our time. If it is not rec­ognized by American citizens that the central issue, in all our lives, is the total loss of liberty that we are currently being sub­jected to, then we, as a people, are doomed. We have lived with a creeping socialism unrecognized for decades, starting with Roosevelt's New Deal. Now it is a HilleriBilly NO DEAL, AND YOU'RE DEAD DEAL!

We have witnessed for months the civil rights of Rodney King. Where were the civil rights of those poor children as they witnessed, in stark terror and total fear, during the final mo­ments of their lives in a fiery furnace, after a 51 day preparation for their murder? Query! "What if David Koresh had been a Jesse Jackson?" Would there be riots in the streets? You'd better believe it baby! If Rodney King's civil rights were denied in the way he was viciously and brutally beaten, and the Davidi­ans were denied due process of law, the results of which have destroyed the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, plus all inalienable rights protected by the precious documents forged by our Founding Fathers, why aren't we outraged as Christians?

Why isn't this issue of the deepest concern to the American people of Christian morality, of this, the greatest country in the history of the world? Don't you realize that if the other end of your life boat is sinking....that you are sure to follow? "The bell that tolls" for the Davidian children, who are dead, tolls for Thee, America.

The Holocaust of WW II may or may not have happened, but this fiery inferno did happen as was witnessed by mil­lions. This Holocaust will stain the American conscience un­til all the criminal politicians and the corrupt bureaucratic systems have been called to account by the citizens of this Christian nation....in the meantime, America and her people will suffer until this accounting is made in full. Ameri­cans....wake up to your day of shame.


* * *
May God have mercy and may you find the strength and wisdom to reach out, take a stand and act against this massive tidal wave of blood swept upon your people. The world is shocked and America now is recognized around the world--AS THE GREAT SATAN! Is this the legacy you shall leave to your progeny? I wonder, America. I wonder.

Ceres to clear.
PJ 69

MON., MAY 3, 1993 8:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 260

MONDAY, MAY 3, 199

TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER: It comes full circle now in rulings specifically against the Ekkers, et al. The last Federal Court ruling says it all. It hands down edicts which accuse and convict the Ekkers while totally PROTECTING the Greens and America West, i.e.: There are rulings handed down which EXCLUDE any admission of records or papers regarding anything done or sold through America West and/or Tehachapi Distributing. It would seem unselective in intent--except that in disclosing Tehachapi Distributing's records--THE GREENS WOULD BE DISCLOSED. It now has to be determined that the court must be purposely protecting the Greens and America West to the full extent of the law. It is alright--we will follow the order (new orders) as well as the prior ones which we ef­forted to get Greens to follow in the first instance. In this new arrangement it must, therefore, also be considered that Greens and legal counsel are in collusion and further efforting to de­stroy the Institute, the Ekkers personally, Hatonn and Hosts, God in general and TRUTH. We shall abide to the absolute letter of the law.

Ekkers, again, have been ordered to do the court's work of serving copies of the papers on specified parties as well as pay­ing legal fees for the opposition.

Public, (readers), I believe it is possibly too late for saving of the press and free speech in America--except save you be in the troops of the Elite.

I won't take space to run all the nasty false media statements about the "Institute" and the Ekkers personally. And I present here that even though Luke Perry and the news reporters have named Horton and Green as sources--we leave it to your own discernment as to involvement in the barrage of attempts at rep­utation destruction if nothing more.

I ask, however, that you ones read the following (which is the Los Angeles Times presentation) and you tell me if this is not damaging. The point is, legal eagles, that freedom of the press in all instances covers "truth" with documentation to back up statements. THIS material is false from beginning to finish and I suggest you study the "target's" Constitutional rights of recov­ery and reputation clearing. It is one thing to give false state­ments to small and "rag-sheet" sensational oriented papers--it is quite another to write up such an article in the Los Angeles Times Business Section. This is planned damage directed to these persons' very living place and business circles.

I further ask all of you readers, especially you with Corpora­tions--to note that WITH ALL THE AMMUNITION AIMED AGAINST THESE PEOPLE AND CORPORATE STRUC­TURE IN GENERAL IN NEVADA--THE PRIVACY AND VEILS HAVE HELD SECURELY! The Ekkers, in exchange for help with legal fees incurred in the RTC property battle, have acted solely and purely as Registered Agent's incorporation actions--as required by law in founding ANY corporation. It is done purely for the structuring of the corporation in point and is changed (or left as is) when the owner/stockholders take posses­sion of the incorporation records. However, the paper does not even begin to infer such use--but rather, that Ekkers have over 200 corporations which they operate and control and use to "bilk" the public.

At this point NO JOURNALIST, NO REPORTER, NO PAPER AND NO ONE has even so much as contacted the Ekkers for interview or consideration or checked to see if there is truth, lie or actual criminal activity. I think this tells it pretty well--the efforts to find wrongdoing have RESULTED IN NOTHING BUT SOUND BUSINESS ACTIONS AND THUS THE AS­SAULT. I believe that every Registered Agent in the State of Nevada as well as the Corporation Commission of Nevada owes the Ekkers priceless gratitude for the very thing Nevada offers is privacy and YOU HAVE IT!


I herein ask publication of the article in point: OFF THE TICKER

CARSON CITY, Nev. [anyone out there recognize that this is where Green and Horton LIVE and have businesses???]--At­tention extraterrestrials: incorporate in Nevada.


The state's loosely defined laws of incorporation are a lucra­tive source of government income from registration fees. They also make Nevada one of the most unrestricted and attractive places for a business to call home.

But the laws have also brought in hundreds of corporations that nobody's ever heard of, including some run by people who claim to consult with aliens from outer space. [C: Well I guess that includes every "minister" of every church in the world! That "Christ" you continue to hear from, speak for and to--IS AN ALIEN (EXTRATERRESTRIAL) FROM OUTER SPACE SOMEWHERE OUT THERE! BY THE WAY, BOTH THE EKKERS ARE FULLY ACCREDITED, SANCTIONED, AUTHORIZED AND ORDAINED MIN­ISTERS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH FOR ALMOST A DECADE. IS IT TERRIBLY CONFUSING AND INSULT­ING TO REALIZE THAT THEY "TALK TO THE GUYS UPSTAIRS?" FURTHER, AS YOU READ ON--LUKE PERRY'S FATHER WAS ALSO A MINISTER OF LONG STANDING AND IT IS HIS FATHER'S ESTATE WHICH HE IS TRYING TO EXTRACT FROM HIS STEP­MOTHER OF MANY YEARS WHOSE ASSETS ARE ALL SHE HAD UPON WHICH TO SURVIVE AND LIVE. EVEN THE FAMILY HAVE INQUIRED IF THERE ISN'T SOME WAY TO SHUT HIM UP UNDER THE RECOGNI­TION "OF SOCIOPATHIC BEHAVIOR". We, Perrys, are not the ones to do any such thing--there are NO "Perry" in­terests at all in any records anywhere even remotely related to us or the Ekkers. This has become some kind of personal vendetta. Further, George Green has told everyone on na­tional radio and in personal meetings and speaking engage­ments that: "Hatonn and Soltec and the other Command Team hovers over me all the time and I get my inside infor­mation from THEM", and in addition, he sent a mailing of over 1200 letters stating that our information in Tehachapi could no longer be accounted as true and further, "Hatonn left Tehachapi and moved WITH the Greens to Carson City." How is it that "aliens" somehow only degrade Ekkers?? Where is George's "old Hatonn?" while Luke Perry and the "PRESS" destroy the Ekkers? I thought the show and tell might make sense to some of you.]

The Legislature is now considering ways to tighten the laws to prevent possible abuses [C: Very carefully worded here--THIS is NEVADA'S bread and butter and no such thing is under way--at least if so, by ones such as Perry--IT IS NOT MENRITORIOUSLY UNDER CONSIDERATION IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER!], particularly by shady telemarketers. [C: This absolves Ekkers as Doris is never even allowed to answer, much less speak or sell, on even a telephone. This may hold true for Mr. Green and Mrs. Green--but NEVER for Ekkers. If this is true for Greens it was certainly activity unacceptable and unknown to any of the ones in this loca­tion--especially the Ekkers.]

The secretary of state's office says one couple alone has in­corporated more than 200 company names in Nevada since 1991--E.J. and Doris Ekker of the Phoenix Institute for Re­search and Education, based in Tehachapi, Calif. [C: WRONG--it has been more! Further, it is none of their business what incorporators name their corporations--as you will later see the connection.] The Ekkers are listed as top of­ficers of corporations with names such as Mothership Inc., Cosmos Ventures, Cosmic Quest, Star Force Corp., Back to Light Inc. and Sun Vision. [C: Hmmnnn, six names out of over (mentioned above) 200 corporations seems pretty low-key to me, especially since the Ekkers don't even know WHO owns those corporations.]

[C: Now we get really down to it.] Doris Ekker, 60 [wrong, almost 62], a retired nurse, claims to be a translator for Com­mander Hatonn. [C: Wrong--she is not a "retired nurse" and she IS a translator for Hatonn] whom she describes as an ex­traterrestrial orbiting Earth and warning of intergalactic strife. [C: Wrong--'SHE' doesn't describe ANYTHING. It does, however, sound like Mr. Green's description. Remember: Mrs. Ekker has NOT BEEN CONTACTED FOR ANY COMMENT WHATSOEVER!]

Luke Perry of Las Vegas [C: Note again the byline: "Carson City"] says what's involved is a scheme to bilk [BILK? I consider that a valid and pointed accusation against two people who have absolutely NO DEALINGS WITH THE PERSON IN NAME WHATSOEVER! THESE PEOPLE HAVE NEVER LAID EYES ON THIS LUKE PERRY NOR HAVE ANY BUSINESS (OR OTHERWISE) DEALINGS OF ANY KIND WITH THIS PERSON, AL­THOUGH ACCORDING TO OTHER ARTICLES IN THE PAPERS ELSEWHERE AND LUKE PERRY--HE DOES HAVE GREAT CONTACT WITH GREENS AND HOR­TON 'OF CARSON CITY'.] unsuspecting investors.

[C: How many of you readers think it fair to label ones as "bilkers" (criminal felony fraud) for helping facilitate a reg­istered agent to set up corporations?? There are hundreds of registered agents in the state of Nevada! In fact there are hundreds of thousands of such agents around your nation! Yes indeed, I believe Mr. Perry and his conspirators have gone a bit too far this time with international Associated Press involvement. You will note, however, readers, this ar­ticle only shows the Associated Press designation at the end, not up front, so is a PERSONAL article in the L.A. Times. It bears no (AP) designation as usual at the beginning. Now WHO do you think would have enough "pull" to get a 2/3rds column in the L.A. Times business section? A little retired grandmother who "speaks to aliens"?? I don't think so and neither do I believe Perry (described by his own sister as a "Sociopath") did it alone, either! George, I suggest you are getting a bit out of hand, sir. DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE YOUR MANIPULATORS AND ASSISTANTS ARE LOYAL ENOUGH TO NOT TELL ON YOU?]
In a lawsuit on the state's anything-goes incorporation laws, Perry says $120,000 of his family's money now is controlled by the Ekkers, who have tied up at least $2 million in investors' funds. (Associated Press)

* * *

Controlled by the Ekkers? Does it seem a bit careless to print such a thing, for you who know the difference--would it not have been, therefore, much more simple for the Ekkers to sim­ply have "repurchased" their property in dispute with the RTC than lose it??

Further, is it not George Green who says he is going to force the Institute into receivership and involuntary bankruptcy and has it in court legal documentation?? Is it not George Green who has taken ALL of EVERYTHING from Mrs. Ekker's work without even one cent royalty or return to this person who "claims" to write for aliens--over 65 volumes? Doesn't there seem to be something a bit out of balance here? Indeed we are happy for the advertising but a bit an­noyed at the slander and misinformation for the fine STATE OF NEVADA. You, George, claimed to know all there was and is to know about incorporation and business manage­ment--is it not a bit negligent on your part to allow a misin­formed person to go about spreading such garbage? I don't think Mr. Perry is going to like what you are doing--very much, for very much longer. I am particularly sorry for one who has been recognized as a "Constitutional Attorney" to be placed in such a jeopardized situation as to lose credi­bility by allowing such disinformation. I believe you are fully disclosing your intent to aid and abet the destruction of the free American system in favor of the One World Order--BY YOUR ACTIONS, WHETHER IN INTENT OR IGNO­RANCE.
The Ekkers are somewhat flattered by the assumption of such magnificent POWER and CONTROL but alas, they wish you all to know that there has been a bit of an overstatement--by some­thing like $2,120,000 (at least). Further, the nerdniks can't add either for IF they are referring to the "Institute" in earlier point--there are NO figures which even coincide with ANYTHING.

Oh, by the way, George--the denial of having anything to do with one, Luke Perry, doesn't cut it either--for Luke Perry made many phone calls and SAID he got the telephone numbers from you, George Green! So be it--have a good day!

Let it be hereby noted that Ekkers will distribute, as ordered, copies to the named parties of the Court Order as received--im­mediately. I hereby ask that no references be made further to either the entity in point or of any work as offered by that entity regarding one WALTER RUSSELL. Readers, you are now in a Police State without any of your Bill of Rights, rights! Since the LIBERATOR no longer is in press--please ask that our people not be further jeopardized by any further direct reference to this material in the CONTACT. I ask that the Editors please relay this request. Thank you.