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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#070, NO THORNLESS ROSES

    PJ 70
    SUN., MAY 30, 1993 9:40 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 287

    SUN, MAY 30, 1993

    I am so embarrassed to admit my life is in such confusion that I lose addresses within ten minutes of putting them "where I can't possibly misplace them". However, it happens continually so please David and Susan C.--thank you for "Dharma". I'm sure the products were NOT made for me exclusively but it caused me to consider my name a bit more carefully. I thank you so much the thoughtfulness and it shall remain a constant reminder of our mission here.

    To Rosa Marie--there aren't words for the abundance of love shown in hand-painted shirts and sets you sent. Perhaps YOU don't think them "professional"--I think they are wonderful. Since "one size fits all" does not cater to the "equality" of "all" and I am a bit more "equal" than the Soltec shirt--I shall send it to Kali for whom it was probably intended at any rate and I shall give the "Sananda" to Thomas.

    I apologize for this method of "thank you" but as time has run on I find my face too red to let this go another day.

    To all of you readers I can only say that I appreciate your for­bearance for I truly AM just a human secretary who even forgot her own phone number, in a deposition yet! I assume God knows what He/She is doing because I feel myself to be a most weak link in this chain of service.

    I also realize CONTACT doesn't take advertising but I think if you saw the identification logo (on CONTACT) on the handmade shirts from "Clayton Creations" (Chuck, Susan and Philip and sister) you would want some too. May we just print their ad­dress please? (They can be reached at: 1007 West Fourth Street, Huntinton, WV 25701.)

    Also, from THE LUCKY TURTLE COMPANY came the "Dharma" shirt and they make all sorts of wonderful "practice makes perfect" things. I don't know if EVERYTHING comes with pictures of David and Susan and handpainted cards from her mother--but the personal thoughts are beautiful.

    The Lucky Turtle Company, 931 College Blvd. Suite 907-327, West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A. 33409. They, of course, of­fer Tibetan "things".

    As for Rosa Marie, I shall protect your information for I realize your gifts were straight from your heart through your hands to a friend. Since it's all I, too, have to offer, I just "thank you".

    I am blessed beyond anyone I know and we here will "hang in there" as long as God sees fit to use us. From a human receiver standpoint--WE ARE GOING TO GET THIS JOB DONE RIGHT AS WE ARE EVEN BEING SHOWN A WAY TO TURN OUR NATION AROUND UNDER OUR OLD CON­STITUTION--IF WE GET WITH THE PLAN NOW!

    * * *
    PJ 70


    MON., MAY 31, 1993 9:31 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 288

    MON, MAY31, 1991

    If we refuse to help our brother, then how can life be worth the living?

    The following cry for help comes from one who gives no name and no address--obviously fearful for his/her own security. It is a petition for help for Ray Renick.

    We are doing all that we can in order to assist Ray. As an up­date, a legal counsel is coming to assist Ray, from "back East". Ray has asked that his arraignment be postponed until his arrival and some consideration given to the case by this attorney and the Constitutional Law Center. Our reports, from Ray, are that he is being treated well but he "sure wants out"!

    This letter is from a "witness" to Ray's arrest and is also a peti­tion for support for Ray during this miserable time of uncer­tainty:

    To CONTACT (Rec'd May 27, 1993)

    I thought you would like to know that your friend Ray Renick of Los Osos CA has been arrested by the sheriff's department in Los Osos. They came to his house and got him
    5-20-93 at about 1:00 p. m. on Thursday. I live XXXXXX... and looked out and saw a cop
    go by--fast--towards his house, so I ran out and jumped in my car and went down there quick. Within mere minutes they had poor Ray down and handcuffed and in the car. He was yelling real bad for help from his neighbors. I turned around and left as I was very scared they would come and get me for some reason. Within less than 30 minutes they had an enormous amount of cops at his house, sheriffs, The Bomb Squads, Coroner's Lab Unit, A.T.F., F.B.I., TV News and a full SWAT team.

    They blocked off the entire area and evacuated the whole en­tire area and wouldn't let anyone come back to their homes until 8:00 o'clock that night.

    Would you people please HELP Ray as he needs your help so bad--he loves your newspaper so much and thinks the world of you, Hatonn. He tells everyone in Los Osos how good you people are.

    Your Friend from Los Osos.
    P.S.: San Luis Obispo
    County Jail phone number: (805) 881-4600
    Shenk Los Osos, (805) 528-6083
    PLEASE help him if you can and send a letter to him.
    * * *
    Thank you, friend, for caring and we shall protect your identity and location. Which, I hasten to add, is quite easy since there is no identification on the letter--of any kind.

    This is what your America has become, citizens. Even a nearby citizen who simply comes to observe is terrified of being ar­rested also. Do you actually think it requires all those TROOPS to apprehend one now elderly man of about 5'8" who is "outside" his own home speaking with a friend about an auto­mobile??


  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#070, NO THORNLESS ROSES

    PJ 70


    TUE., JUNE 1, 1993 9:47 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 289

    TUE, JUNE 1, 1993

    The very first time, in this particular expedition, that Little Crow met Dharma, he said (among a lot of other things): "What we do here will change the world"! She thought that most funny and said that our little hoped-for motion picture would hardly do such wondrous things--for there was no recognition of mission or PLAN.

    "Our 'circle' comes from Pleiades", he said. I tell you now that OUR CIRCLE AND "TRIBE" COME AS HOSTS OF GOD! Bird Tribes? Well, let's just say that we come on "wings" from the stars and you who would "fly" with us must gain your flight feathers and cast aside the bondage of shackles so that you are FREE to fly among the heaven's gifts.

    How do you do such a thing? You "introduce (and cause working ORDER) into public affairs the principles of Christ--and you shall change the face of the world"!

    CAN YOU DO IT? YES INDEED! I, as was Germain, was present at the laying forth of your U.S. Constitution and the of­fering of the Bill of Rights which made it "equal unto all"
    --how­ever, chelas--it was only a time of BEGINNING for you must now bring into play that ACTION which causes it to be valid, that which you conjured lo those centuries past. You have NEVER come from under the rule or practice of the Beast--NEVER! Indeed, in addition, there has already been enough blood spilled to birth a dozen nations--let us do this in REASON and TRUTH--WHICH IS GOD!

    If you are to begin again in this nation of chosen placement--you shall need look ONLY at that which is equal and blessed for each and every being who would walk upon your lands. This means, dear ones, that the tribal elders (leaders) of the Native Americans must sit to council, the Asians must sit as equal part­ners as must the Hispanic, Black and White. YOU MUST SIT IN JUDGEMENT--BUT OF ACTIONS ONLY. You must set forth your laws in equality FOR ALL. You must render discernment upon the intent of any particular person--AND JUDGE CAREFULLY HIS ACTIONS before you allow him to sit in council.
    You of the lineage of the first Founders of this nation must rise above the flaws in the first. They mostly came from the inner secret societies who already "ruled" your world. You now have opportunity to build a new republic nation, under the Constitution with all corrections placed within as they are unfolded, join forces with ones who can lead the way in honor and true desire for FREEDOM and you can do it with ballots and not bullets. However, it remains that, in this place of Satan, you will also need the armies to stand against the thieves and robots grown forth from evil. Do this thing with God as your leader--and ye shall not have need of the GUNS!
    As we move into this time of possibilities--you must look beyond color, race and creed. You must look carefully at that which IS and not at that which you PREFER. You must look unto ones who "claim" to offer leadership and then give attention and dis­cernment to their thrust and then fall-in in massive support if they be headed in the right direction toward positive change--which shall also cause the "claimed leader" to match your trust with his worthiness. Do you have such leaders? Yes, but not very many of them "show". More will come forth as you make movement to change the dastardly puppet-masters come against you! You do not effort to "clean" that which is destroyed--you BUILD a new and perfect seat of government
    --and ALL who would be free and equal shall freely and equally contribute. Those who would still feed off the fruits of another without contribution shall perish--OR CHANGE.

    What is our purpose? To offer a forum to express "the way" and offer insight in the manner GOD offers help--through rea­son, thought and goals. We do not ZAP "your" so-called "enemies". But we shall, as the masses of man call in Godly intent upon the Hosts, serve.

    Does this mean that earthquakes and horrendous things shall be finished? Come now, chelas, you built this mess of evil and you shall be in the cleansing of it. Changes of great magnificence will also come and go as through the Creation of lands, moun­tains, seas and atmosphere--BUT YOU CAN BEGIN THE SHIFT BACK INTO BALANCE--AND YOU HAVE TO BEGIN SOMEWHERE--SO BE IT IN THE CHOSEN LAND??

    He who serves God shall be given that which will give suste­nance and protection as ye walk through the veil. It is the time of SORTING so all will not be "saved"--why would ye wish to save that which is destructive and terrible in its evil sliming across the wondrous beauty and balance of Creation?? But the souls?? The SOULS shall find no death--only transition. YOU HAVE CEASED TO DEAL WITH "SOULS", IT IS THE SOULED BEINGS NOW AT STAKE! NEITHER DO YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THOSE OTHERS--THEY SHALL SET UP THEIR OWN DESTRUCTION. YOU JUST NEED TO RESTRUCTURE YOUR NATION AND GOVERNMENT SO THAT YOU CAN FUNCTION AS A NATION UNDER GOD AND THE REST SHALL FOLLOW AS SURELY AS DAY FOLLOWS NIGHT IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. YOU NEED NOT START BY "SAVING" ANOTHER OR ANOTHER NATION--START WHERE YOU CAN HAVE IMPACT--RIGHT IN YOUR DOORYARD AND RIGHT IN YOUR NATION.

    America has truly become a "melting pot" for ALL creeds, col­ors and races--make it a glory in FREEDOM--not enslavement wherein you ALREADY exist.

    So how shall you go about this transition? Not by miracles (for YOU are the miracle) and not by wishing without action or hoping without action or even praying without action. YOU SHALL ACT OR IT SHALL NOT COME TO BE!

    So, how do you begin? You begin where there is inroad. You follow and support, now, those who dared to take those first halting steps against the beast and now make showing in protec­tion (even if not fully understood) of you-the-citizens of this Great Nation. YOU DEMAND AS YOU MOVE ALONG THAT THE COUNCILS REPRESENT ALL PEOPLE AND ALL THINGS, YOUR RELATIONS. It matters NOT who brings the first words to paper or draws the first blueprints upon the pages--YOU WILL, AS A PEOPLE, DEMAND EQUALITY OF INPUT AS YOU MOVE ALONG THE PATH TO FULFILLMENT OF ANY FOUNDATION UPON WHICH YOU BIRTH THIS NEW NATION FROM THE DYING WOMB OF THE MOTHER SLAIN. AH INDEED, AS IN REVELATION PROPHESY--THE EVIL SHALL EFFORT TO SLAY THIS BABE AND THE MOTHER WILL WRITHE IN HER PAIN--BUT IT SHALL COME TO PASS.

    Will this transition be easy? Why would ye ask? If it be not easy then do you decide to do not your share? If you do not your share--YOU SHALL NOT reap the harvest of Freedom--for NO ONE SHALL DO IT FOR YOU!

    You who must sit in the lines of charity in a wheeled chair be­cause your legs are useless--USE YOUR HANDS! If your hands also be crippled--USE YOUR MIND!! There IS a place of service for every souled being of Creation. "But what shall I do without welfare"? Dear ones--the PLAN 2000 OF THE ADVERSARY--OFFERS NO WELFARE. The full intent is to KILL you!

    So, ye shall learn to share your food in exchange for thought. You shall learn to offer gardening in exchange for a corner for a cot--WHATEVER IT TAKES. If a man comes in health and re­fuses to do other than "take", he shall be put aside and, until he comes within the rules of production and sharing, will go his way--you shall hurt him not--BUT, HE shall decide his destiny.

    Dreams? Pie in some idiot sky? NO! This nation was to have been birthed in contribution and equality and built upon a foun­dation worthy of being the LAMP unto a dying world. YOU HAVE JUST NOW REACHED THE POSSIBILITY OF BE­ING THAT LAMP--YOU BIRTHED THE "ORIGINAL" IN CORRUPTION THROUGH CORRUPTORS--NOW YE SHALL BRING FORTH THE NEW CHILD WITH THE FLAME OF FREEDOM WHICH SHALL NOT BE PUT OUT.

    Moreover, your "leaders" will NOT consider themselves more than passing facilitators to help carry the load. You must not think of them as kings, or gods--but as brothers and sisters working equally with talents held by them--to mix with yours that you might be equal in the burden and the prize.

    You will rise above the need to shout to me that "I believe so and so should be the one to lead"! You have not the vision to do THAT choosing--for your leaders in Truth have already taken the reins and are pulling the wagon. Many who shouted, "I am the great leader" have garnered their privacy and moved into oblivion. Does this mean they will not re-enter the scene and lead in greatness? No, many shall do exactly that--as suits their talents--but a NATION must be founded first in sovereign indi­vidual freedom, then in "business" and always within some type of "protection". Since the masses will not yet understand the power of the WORD OF GOD TRUTH then you shall undoubt­edly need leaders for your defenders. However, the cry will not be "shoot first"--it will be "shoot LAST"!

    As the freedom seekers hear and meditate--the leaders of each "field" of endeavor will feel the tugging of God at his heart in directions of service. Ones such as Russell Sykes with gifts of Tesla will join in the tiny cellular structure with ones like Dr. Ed Young--and the greatest gifts and protections of the tech­nologies of higher Knowing will be brought forth--and NO ENEMY OF GOD SHALL STAND AGAINST THE LASERS OF LIGHT AND THE CAPABILITY OF HIGHER REFRAC­TION.

    Will your "enemy" let you do this thing? HOW CAN HE STOP YOU? I remind you: He who shall introduce into public af­fairs the PRINCIPLES of Christ will change the face of the world! So be it!

    So, how will you "choose" leaders? You get with the ones who already show the way--you get with the Ross Perot(s) of the daring arrow point. If HIS direction be not clearly defined in full intent of goodness--it shall come clear and remember: GOD CAN CHANGE A MAN IN THE BLINKING OF AN EYE AS HE BECOMES INFORMED OF HOW THINGS REALLY ARE! NONE of you readers of this very message--fully under­stand or KNOW all. Get behind, fully, the ones who work in the claim of fairness and equality for all and then BUILD from that beginning.

    There are hundreds of groups with goodly intent efforting to bring about goodly change. Some have narrow and unequal promise--but they bring numbers into your councils. IF you place your basis for movement and building on the Constitution (even as it NOW reflects intent of the Founding Fathers), the way shall come clear.

    So, where do you start? Right now and right here!

    There are two things which I shall lay forth here from which you can begin and make impact. One is a simple "man" who facilitates a "way". He doesn't claim to "know all" or really much of "anything". He does know "business" and "reason". Is he perfect? NO--he is a MAN. But in that respect, yes, he is perfect for you know not what "perfect" means in the eyes of God. HE CAN AND IS WILLING TO PUT HIS FORTUNE AND HIS PRESENCE AT RISK.
    Is he a member of the Elite? He WAS but as he sees that which has taken place and becomes INFORMED he draws further and further away from the Elite directions. He will become stronger and lead you to freedom--OR, his false intention will SHOW and you will pull away from HIM. STOP dumping YOUR LOAD onto others! You do not blindly FOLLOW ANOTHER--you follow because the direction is correct and can regain your nation! Know, too, that YOU CAN NEVER REGAIN YOUR NATION THROUGH FORCE FOR THE "ENEMY" HAS THE BIGGER PHYSICAL GUNS.

    Your government does not use your Founding Fathers' Consti­tution--BUT, neither has it been properly VOTED-OUT so you have that basis upon which to take your stand. The ASSUMPTION is that you cannot--that is the ILLUSION foisted off upon you--FOR YOU CAN!

    Let us set "a leader" aside and look into what some have drawn forth in their own council meetings as possibilities while using that Constitution in point. The "perfection" can be worked out along the way--but you must have a "campaign platform" so that you know for what you search. This is a beautiful and workable beginning and it is already laid forth in planning: Study well and consider possibilities. DO NOT start by sitting and restructuring the game plan--if yours were the better for start-up, it would be YOUR PLAN WE PRESENT. We do not need kibitzers or perfectors--we need workers strong in intent, willing to serve and then as items need honing the perfectors can come forward. REMEMBER--IF YOUR WAY WERE THE WAY--YOU WOULD HAVE ALREADY MADE IT KNOWN. DO NOT SIT AND PICK ANOTHER'S WORK TO BITS. THEY DO NOT CLAIM ULTIMATE PERFECTION--BUT THEY DO SHOW YOU A WAY TO ACCOMPLISH THAT WHICH CAN THEN BE PERFECTED. BE IT KNOWN, HOWEVER, THAT THE WAY SHALL BE "UNDER GOD" IN INTENT AND ACTION OR IT SHALL NOT COME TO PASS. If YOU don't like the plan--go run your own and leave us alone about ours. No one forces you to read this paper and no one forces you to do anything--except the evil puppets in power. YOU MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES AND THEN DECIDE--DO YOU WISH TO GO WITH GOD AND FREEDOM OR DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE IN YOUR SHACKLES AND ENSLAVEMENT? "ALLOWANCE" OF ALL THINGS HAS BROUGHT YOU TO DESTRUCTION AND THAT VERY ATTITUDE IS WHAT WILL KEEP YOU FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD. "ALLOWANCE" OF ANY AND ALL ACTIONS IS NOT UNCONDITIONAL LOVE--IT IS NOT LOVE AT ALL! PONDER IT! These "voted-in" physical "allowances" have brought you into anarchy and enslavement--THEY DO NOT REPRESENT FREEDOM IN ANY SENSE OF THE WORD.

    In the not-too-distant past I shared with you the beginnings of a plan drawn up by ones calling themselves the COMMITTEE OF 50 STATES. They are dedicated to preserving the Constitution. The group is in Salt Lake City, Utah. This would automatically cause ones to think "Mormon" and draw your lines of fire right there. WRONG! The Chairman is a long standing patriot and is NOT A MORMON--whatever difference that should make to you. Perhaps the negative aspects of the Mormon Church would be structured where from whence would come the foun­dation plan of freedom????? You do not BEGIN your journey to freedom and free expression of "religion" with a bigoted at­titude. The thing in point is freedom and goodness, equality and ability to pursue happiness versus the rule of evil and physical enslavement under a One World Order in which YOU are not one of the top-dogs.

    Is THIS THE WAY? Well, I suggest we look and then judge the plan on its merits as you would any plan if you be a Construc­tion Engineer building a fine building you would expect to last forever. First you see if "overall" it could work--then "how" might it work and thus and so.

    I shall not go back and repeat; we will start with that which is newly arrived for some repetition is necessary--too much simply allows no movement forward.

    4808 Quailbrook Circle
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84118
    Telephone 801/966-5533

    J. Bracken Lee
    Former Governor of Utah

    Joseph Stumph

    Our Fellow Americans:

    We believe all Americans who love liberty must unite in at­tacking the "trunk" of our national problems, the federal night­mare in Washington. If we continue to only nibble at the "branches" it is going to destroy its own creators, the States and the People, either through bankrupting us or abolishing the Con­stitution by merging us into a Godless New World Order.

    Alexander Hamilton and other Founders assured us the State legislatures would never allow the federal government to get out of hand. Hamilton was right in regard to the power of the leg­islatures, but he misjudged their will and their collective igno­rance after 200 years. Nevertheless, the State legislatures have the power to actually DISSOLVE THE UNION and totally eliminate the federal corporate structure if that's what it takes. The legal foundation and historical precedents for Union disso­lution, or a State seceding and DECLARING INDEPEN­DENCE, are all outlined in a 440 page book titled: Saving Our Constitution From The New World Order, available for $14.95 plus $2.00 shipping and handling.

    Enclosed is a copy of an ULTIMATUM RESOLUTION which we will be sending to all 7,400 legislators in each of the 50 States, the governors, attorneys general, other elected offi­cials and the media.

    Might we interest you or your organization in joining us in this effort? We think it is the only possible way to keep Amer­ica from going down and to bring our runaway Congress and Presidents under control. Yes, we can fire the whole rotten bunch if 38 States decide to dissolve our Union and START OVER.

    Right to Life, Right to Work, the National Rifle Association and many other patriotic organizations, businesses and industries are all important in this fight for liberty. But we are all going down together unless the legal PRINCIPALS, THE STATES, either discipline our common federal AGENT or, failing that, dissolve the Union and release from further employment all fed­eral officials and employees.

    Please join us.


    Joseph Stumph

    Dedicated to preserving the Constitution

    * * *
    [C: Please pay attention right here. I ask that the following not JUST be sent to the persons who will be listed as recipi­ents--BUT THAT THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER HELP DRAW UP THE PROPER LEGAL DOCUMENTS AND SERVE ON EACH PERSON IN PUBLIC SERVICE! The CLC in California has a precedent frame for "filing" such causes in the State Legislature "case". It is time for you CLC agents to present arms. It can be in the form of a "class-action" or whatever is suitable but it must be done within the "court" injustice system to get notice. Remem­ber, as we go through the Constitution, we will be ultimately replacing the missing 13th Amendment and lawyers of title and nobility will be OUT of high places as they now have gained entry and status. There will be plenty of places for lawyers in a FREE SOCIETY but the injustice system as now acting will be ended.]
    The proposed Ultimatum Resolution which follows is a doc­ument for not only consideration, but, we believe, urgent action by the legislatures of at least 38 of the 50 States comprising the United States. "Congress, you WILL honor and obey the Constitution OR we will withdraw our authority for you to act as our agent".

    In essence, our federal government is the agent of all state governments. The states are the creator and the federal gov­ernment is the creature. It is axiomatic, or self evident, that the creature cannot exceed the creator. The agent cannot exceed the authority granted by its principal. Any attempt to do so is "ultra vires", or without authority, and a usurpation of power.

    Thus, if the federal government no longer obeys the will of the states, and is continually in violation of the contract of agency, each state is free to withdraw its support of the federal government and select, or create, another agent to carry out the collective will of the states.

    During 1993, the model Ultimatum Resolution will be mailed to every legislator in each of the 50 States, to each of the 50 governors and the 50 attorneys general, to each member of Congress, each of the nine supreme court justices and the Presi­dent, William Jefferson Clinton, and selected news media.

    The current national debt is about 4.2 trillion dollars and we are adding to this at the rate of some 300 billion a year, which will probably, under the administration of President Clinton, es­calate to 400 and 500 billions dollars annually. We might an­ticipate we have some four years before the debt will hit the ar­bitrary six trillion dollar figure in the Resolution, at which point the Union would be dissolved should this plan be successful.

    There are several reasons for putting forth an Ultimatum Resolution by the States:

    1. It is the only idea anybody has advanced which can actu­ally stop the United States from probable self-destruction, wherein the people and the states can take charge and overpower Washington and the runaway Congress.

    2. By widely distributing this plan and getting legislators in a few States to go to work to implement it, it will quickly get the attention of the entire federal establishment. Should it appear the plan has the remotest chance of being successful, it will have a very sobering effect on Washington, and Congress will sud­denly get serious about controlling the extravagant spending spree we have been on for 60 years.

    3. It will make unnecessary the calling of a Constitutional Convention for the alleged purpose of getting the States to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. Congress would ignore a Balanced Budget Amendment anyway, even if we should pass one, just as they are now ignoring most of the Constitution. If Congress knows the States are serious about dissolving the Union at the trigger point of a six trillion dollar national debt, we can safely bet that Congress will get spending under control before the debt hits that "magic" figure or some other arbitrary figure which 38 States might decide to adopt.

    4. Wide publicity of a plan to have the States dissolve the Union will be an extremely valuable and powerful educational tool, which will wake up thousands of politicians, some of them, we might assume, who are reasonably honest, along with wak­ing up millions of the American people as to the actual structure of our State and national governments.

    5. By simply setting forth an actual proposal to dissolve the Federal Union, or, failing that, a proposal that one or more States acting independently should sever the ties of union by declaring their independence, will cause many of our 7,400 plus State Legislators of the 50 States, to be astonished, as they sud­denly realize that such drastic remedies are not only possible, but absolutely lawful and historically sound. We hope to instill in them the sense that they are the only hope for saving the Constitution; that unless they act, America is going the way corrupt governments have always gone; that America is going down as she succumbs to corruption, immorality, Godlessness, anarchy and finally tyranny; unable to be governed except at the hands of an intellectual Elite who will rule as did the ancient Pharaohs, with a rod of iron, and who think of themselves, not as men, but as gods.

    6. By bringing to the forefront the possibility of Union dis­solution, we put on notice the entire federal establishment; we put on notice the Congress, the President and the Judiciary, that we the people, and each of the 50 States, have taken all the abuse, monetary nonsense, intimidation, usurpation of undele­gated powers, and phoney bureaucratic compassion with tax­payer dollars, that we intend to take. We turn on the lights for a Congress and President gone mad with power and grandeur, and bring them down to earth so they realize their smallness and un­derstand they truly are public servants, not kings, or gods. We cause Congress to reassess its role as a mere agent of the people and the states. That if Congress persists in bankrupting the Na­tion and ignoring the constitutional contract, they will, at last, realize they are going to be put out of business by the states acting in unison.

    To simply make our 50 State Legislatures aware of their enormous power; that they actually hold the destiny of the United States in their hands; that if they choose to do so, they can lawfully eliminate the Washington bully and place these 50 States in the same position held by the original 13 States as free, sovereign, and independent nations. Many State legislators will suddenly realize how they have been played for fools, and how they have been deceived into believing the lie that they must "go along to get along" with Washington. Few of them realize the Founding Fathers placed great confidence in the State Legisla­tures to protect the rights of the People from the federal gov­ernment, but these proposals will help awaken them to their duty and their right, to stand up to the federal establishment, and ei­ther put it in order or dissolve it.

    When the welfare checks, the Social Security checks and other "entitlement" checks start bouncing, or become worthless because of hyperinflation, blood is going to flow in the streets of America. And under present federal policy that day cannot be delayed very many more years. We hope an Ultimatum Res­olution and possible, or actual, dissolution of the Union will prevent such bloodshed.

    When struggling young families fully realize how the older generation is ripping them off by forcing them to contribute to a Social Security "trust fund" which does not exist except in the figment of federal imagination; when the young people organize to resist this fraud we call Social Security, realizing there is go­ing to be nothing in the alleged trust fund when they reach re­tirement age, nobody can predict the result. We can only hope that bloodshed will not come about.

    Thomas Jefferson warned that "the tree of liberty must, from time to time, be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants". We hope these proposals will prevent the bloodshed which ap­pears to be imminent if we allow the federal government to con­tinue on its present course.

    The bloody history of mankind is getting close to being re­peated in America. It appears that the only possibility of pre­venting historical repetition is to either convince 38 States to dis­solve the Union and start over, or to separate ourselves, one by one, according to state boundaries (while there ARE state boundaries). If neither of these two actions are successful, bloodshed and anarchy in the streets of America appear to be in­evitable.

    It is with great admiration and respect for our Founding Fa­thers, and eternal devotion to our beloved United States Consti­tution, that we hereby set forth a:

    50 STATES
    WHEREAS, our Pilgrim Fathers chose to secede from the Church of England and flee to the American wilderness early in the Spring of 1620 during the week of the Passover, to attain freedom in a new land and to escape the coercion and compul­sory welfare of a state religion that was set up by British politi­cians to hide the tyranny of the feudal government; and,

    WHEREAS, more than half of our Pilgrim forebearers died during that first harsh Winter after their exodus to this new land, after sharing equally with each other their meager food supplies--without any federal food subsidies; and,

    WHEREAS, despite such awesome tests of faith during that first Winter after our pilgrim fathers seceded from the British Empire, every pilgrim survivor elected to remain on the sacred new soil where their kindred dead were buried, and valiantly re­fused to return to the British Empire when the Mayflower departed from Plymouth on the 6th of April, 1621; and,

    WHEREAS, ten years later our Puritan and Protestant Fa­thers chose to secede from the mighty British Empire and sepa­rate themselves from the orthodox religion early in the spring of 1630 during the week of Passover, and boarded the Arbella and 16 other ships, led by their Pastor, John Winthrop; and,

    WHEREAS, our Pilgrim, Puritan and Patriot Fathers did only that which they saw their ancient Fathers do when they se­ceded from the wicked world order to establish the Kingdom of God within their own families; and,

    WHEREAS, our Fathers voted to declare their economic in­dependence from Great Britain in Philadelphia on the 6th of April, 1776, and to send forth emissaries to deal directly with foreign nations, after which they set forth their reasons for sepa­ration and listed their grievances against the Mother country; and,

    WHEREAS, our Fathers held certain Truths to be self-evi­dent, among which are "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed"? and "that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends,
    it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"; and,

    WHEREAS, following their formal Declaration of Indepen­dence of July 4, 1776, our Fathers formed a 13-Nation Confed­eration under a contract, or charter, they called the Articles of Confederation, wherein they agreed to be bound in perpetual union and if any amendments or changes in these Articles were to be made, such must be by unanimous consent of all 13 na­tions; and,

    WHEREAS, the Articles of Confederation, with experience, were discovered to be weak and ineffective in providing peace, happiness and domestic tranquility, therefore, our Fathers de­termined to meet in Philadelphia in May, 1787, for the specific purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation; and,

    WHEREAS, after some four months, on September 17, 1787, they signed, not a revision or amendments to the Articles of Confederation, but a totally new proposal of confederation, a compact, contract, treaty or alliance between nations, which they called a Constitution for the United States of America, and which on the 28th of September, Congress sent a copy of said Constitution to each of the 13 free, independent and sovereign nations which were allied under the Articles of Confederation, including Rhode Island, which had refused to send delegates to Philadelphia; and,

    WHEREAS, this proposal to unite under this Constitution, like the Declaration of Independence of 1776, was a document of secession, wherein, upon the adoption of the proposed Con­stitution by a mere nine of the 13 nations, states, or little re­publics, (Article VII) the nine were declared to be joined in a new Union, these nine, in effect, declaring their secession, or separation from the remaining four. This in spite of the existing and continuing compact between the 13, that all were joined in Union perpetually, and unanimous consent must be obtained to change or amend their agreement, most certainly would unani­mous consent be required to abandon the Articles of Confedera­tion, or dissolve the existing Union which was established under them, if nations were held to the same standard of law under contracts or treaties as individuals, which they are not; and,

    WHEREAS, only nine of thirteen nations, less than three-fourths, formed a new government under the Constitution, abandoning four who could choose to also join or remain outside as sovereign and independent nations, these nine eventually be­coming 50, delegated to their new agent which they called a Federal Government, certain very limited and specific powers, retaining all other powers to themselves, or to their people. These States gave their new agent the responsibility and author­ity to unite them against foreign invaders, act as an arbiter among themselves when differences arose, and regulate com­merce between themselves and foreign nations; and,

    WHEREAS, these States as principals, creating an artificial corporate structure to act as their agent, formally reserved to themselves the right to freely leave, or abandon, their new cre­ation, just as they had abandoned the old Union under The Arti­cles of Confederation; and,

    WHEREAS, Virginia, the tenth nation to join the new con­federation on June 25, 1788, said in her official ratification: "...in the name and in behalf of the people of Virginia, declare and make known, that the powers granted under the Constitu­tion, being derived from the people of the United States, may be resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression...;" and,

    WHEREAS, New York, the eleventh nation to join on July 25, 1788 said: "That the powers of Government may be re­assumed by the people, whensoever it shall become neces­sary to their happiness...;" and,

    WHEREAS, Rhode Island, the thirteenth to join, remained outside as an independent nation for almost two years, finally joining May 29, 1790, declared:

    "That the powers of government may be resumed by the people whensoever it shall become necessary to their happi­ness;" and,

    WHEREAS, these formal declarations were superfluous and unnecessary to the States as sovereign principals, nevertheless our Fathers understood well the tendency for governments to usurp undelegated powers, and they wished it clearly understood that if, or when, their mutual agent should, somehow, get out from under their control, they could simply walk away, or abandon their creation to die a natural death, or to survive as the remaining agent of those sister States who wished to remain in the confederation; and,

    WHEREAS, our Fathers embarrassed themselves by saying four times in the Articles of Confederation that they were a con­federation in "perpetuity", and a short time afterward aban­doning that Union to die quietly, they said nothing of perpetuity in the new Constitution, for they had realized that such indiscre­tion and folly was a contradiction of their own declaration of July 4, 1776 and, in establishing this new "experiment in gov­ernment", they knew it was possible the experiment might not work and again, they might choose to let their federal agent die a natural death; and,

    WHEREAS, under Article V of the Constitution our Fathers agreed that three-fourths of the States could amend the Constitu­tion, and that, in fact, three-fourths of the States could abolish the Constitution and thereby automatically call an end to the al­liance of States, thus ending the life of all three branches of the federal government, the Executive, the Legislative and the Judicial. All agencies functioning under the Constitution would cease to exist, including the Internal Revenue Service, the Cen­tral Intelligence Agency, OSHA, MSHA, FDA, TVA, FBI, SS, SSI, foreign aid, the Federal Reserve System, a private corpo­rate agent of an agent of an agent, and along with it approxi­mately 75% of the national debt, or over
    $3 trillion, along with numerous other federal agencies, and about 3.1 million federal employees; and,

    WHEREAS, in recent decades the federal agent has at­tempted, and largely succeeded, in reversing roles with its prin­cipal, the States, telling them what they can and cannot do, and threatening to withhold "federal monies" from States which do not comply with federal laws and regulations, and usurping undelegated powers from the States and the people, until now the people fear, rather than respect and revere, their own govern­ment and are burdened with taxes some 67 times greater than those placed on our Fathers by Great Britain; and,

    WHEREAS, our agent, some three decades ago, took prayer out of the public schools, and refused to further allow our chil­dren to be taught about God, values, morality, or religion in the schools, which has caused our law enforcement agencies to be overwhelmed with crime, our jails and prisons filled to over­flowing, our unmarried children to become sexually active and pregnant by the millions, venereal diseases and AIDS to flour­ish, murder and rape to be rampant to where many dare not walk our streets after dark, and with pretended lawfulness of a supreme court decision assuming undelegated jurisdiction, we have slaughtered some 30,000,000 of our unborn children. Child abuse, sodomy, and pornography are commonplace. Greed and litigiousness has taken over and we scramble, lobby, and fight each other to "get our share" of the "federal" dollars which is nothing more than our own money and credit coming back to us with numerous strings attached; and,

    WHEREAS, it is now plain to everybody that the agent cre­ated by our Fathers on June 21, 1788, when New Hampshire became the ninth State to ratify the Constitution, has grown into an uncontrollable monster which, if we do not get control of it, or destroy it, will destroy its own creators through bankrupting them, merging them into a one-world government wherein the United Nations Charter will replace the Constitution, or we will die by our own hand through moral corruption, crime and anar­chy; and,

    WHEREAS, should two-thirds of the several States call a Convention for proposing the abolishment of the Federal Gov­ernment, under Article V of the Constitution, it is highly un­likely that Congress would comply with said Article and faith­fully call such a Convention of States, for should such a pro­posal be sent out to the States and three-fourths of them ratified the proposal to abolish Congress, the Executive and the federal Judiciary, and dissolve the Union, 535 congressmen, nine Supreme Court Justices and one president would be out of a job, and would automatically lose all of their lucrative pensions, perks, emoluments and grandeur of high public office, and,

    WHEREAS, our Fathers said it was right for the people to change or abolish governments when it was for their happiness, or when government becomes the tyrant rather than the pro­tector, and every July 4, we honor our Fathers as heroes and patriots for their secession from Great Britain in 1776, and nine States for abolishing the Articles of Confederation, and thereby, dismantling and destroying an existing Union of States as nine States seceded from four, giving us our present Constitution which we hold high as the Supreme Law of our land; and,

    WHEREAS, three-fourths of the States have the power to abolish the federal government under authority of Article V; and,

    WHEREAS, the federal government is no longer a servant, but has outlived its usefulness and become the master, and an agent tyrant, trampling not only the rights of individual citizens, but trampling on the rights of the very States themselves and usurping the rightful and reserved powers of the States; and,

    WHEREAS, should such be the desire of 38 States, said States have the right and power inherently, without regard to Article V, and without consulting or relying on Congress to call a Convention of States, when requested to make such a call by two-thirds, or 34 States; three-fourths of the States can, as Prin­cipals, without consulting their agent, do as they please, in­cluding abolishing the federal agent by dissolving the Charter which established said agent. It would be absurd to hold that one's agent could stop the principal from doing whatever the principal feels is right, especially when the agent is a mere arti­ficial corporate creation of less than three-fourths of the princi­pals; and,

    WHEREAS, if this Union were truly a Democracy as the politicians and media almost universally contend that it is, but which it is not because it is a Republic, in theory, being gov­erned by law, not by citizen majority; but if a Democracy, a mere majority of 26 States, rather than 38, would have the power to dissolve the Union and eliminate the entire federal government; and,

    WHEREAS, relying on the precedents of our Fathers whom we love and honor as patriots brave, and God-fearing men, wise in the ways of government as any men whoever lived, we, the legislature of the State of __________ of the United States of America, do

    NOW THEREFORE RESOLVE that when, or if, Congress allows the national debt to reach six trillion dollars, ($6,000,000,000,000) [C: Now chelas, this is only an arbi­trary figure (example) and there is no need to wait another day to call the hand but you have here been given some "guidelines" well within workable range--final details can be worked out.]
    OR if Congress by way of treaty, resolution or otherwise,

    OR should the President of the United States by way of Ex­ecutive Order or in any other fashion, attempt to abolish or in any way make the Constitution of the United States ineffective, or null and void [C: See, right here you ALREADY have full grounds to dissolve the government!]

    UPON THE HAPPENING of any event set forth herein, the State of __________ , when joined by 37 of her sister States, being three-fourths of the States of the Union, hereby declare the United States government to be in violation of its Constitutional authority, and the Federal Confederacy and Union are hereby dissolved, and without further power to act on behalf of the States;

    WITH EACH of the 50 States of this Union resuming the same sovereignty, independence and freedom, and assuming that same condition in which the 13 original States of America placed themselves from July 4, 1776, through June 21, 1788, when nine of these 13 formed the Union currently in place.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that immediately upon dis­solution of the Union, representatives of the 38 States, along with representatives of the other 12 States, should they choose, shall meet in the city of __________ , in the State of __________ , for the purpose of dividing and selling the assets currently controlled by the government of the United States. All such assets shall be sold or otherwise be equitably distributed, and the proceeds divided between the 50 States ac­cording to the population of citizens of each State as of the last census prior to dissolution.

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the military forces of the United States shall at all times remain in place until treaty arrangements are negotiated between all States wishing to participate in mutual alliance for our common protection from potential aggression , foreign or domestic. All present military commanders and field personnel shall remain in place and be paid according to the negotiations worked out among the participating States. [C: Here is where you have to consider the "debt" and just WHO has done what to WHO! Here is WHERE ONE SUCH AS COL. GRITZ CAN WORK "MIRACLES" BY SHOWING THE FREE STATES HOW TO HANDLE THE DEBT AND THE PAYOFF TO THE MONEY-CHANGERS (FROM YOUR POCKET TO THEIRS)!]

    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Constitution, insofar as it is applicable to the States, shall continue to be the Supreme Law of the individual States, and all individual rights and liber­ties guaranteed therein, and with the Bill of Rights, shall be maintained in each of the 50 nations until each nation, by a vote of a majority of its own citizens shall change or amend it. [C: You will have to have a housecleaning of the Amendments, however, for most of them are unlawful and unlawfully rati­fied (or) not ratified at all. The first TEN MUST STAND. Further, modification will not be acceptable which in any way takes away from individual sovereignty. For instance, as you move into settlement of your CONSTITUTION upon which all states will convene--you will honor man's rights under the LAW. This means, dear ones, that the STATES will need bring order back into the justice system and within the LAWS so that no man is put in lesser status than an­other! This will mean starting in equality so that that which was already taken unlawfully can be set to straight and equitably shared so that ALL citizens can live within the ONE society--called MAN.]
    NOW LET IT BE NOTED, that the Constitutional Union of these 50 States, under the original plan of our Founding Fathers enabled us to become the most powerful, prosperous, wealthy and free people on the Earth, in spite of the interference, intimi­dation, violations and usurpations of the federal agent and its apparent deliberate attempts to muzzle, hamper, slow down and destroy much of the private industry of these States, causing such to leave our borders and establish themselves in foreign lands, however, Union with an obedient agent in the beginning proved to be most desirable; and,

    IT IS THEREFORE the desire of the State of __________ , as soon as practical after dissolving the federal government, that one or more new confederations should be formed under a constitution substantially similar to that which presently binds us together;

    EXCEPT THAT during the last 204 years, we know from sad experience that it is in the nature of almost all men as soon as they receive a little authority, as they suppose, they will im­mediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion by exceeding their authority as agents to act for their principals; and

    THEREFORE, it may need to be that some changes are in order to better control the tendency of human rulers to usurp undelegated authority and powers.

    BE IT FURTHER NOTED that it is the desire of the legisla­ture of this State that this Ultimatum Resolution shall be debated and considered in every legislature of our 49 sister States, and if ratified as a joint resolution of a State's legislature, an executed original shall be delivered to:

    ____________, the Attorney General of the State of __________ , who is commanded to hold, as agent, each and every Ultimatum Resolution submitted to him.

    IF AT LEAST 38 States so submit these resolutions, and should any of the above listed conditions take place, he is autho­rized and commanded to immediately serve copies of all 38 Ul­timatum Resolutions on the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial bodies of the United States Government, and the United States Government in all of its various branches shall be declared to be dissolved, and each of the 50 States shall be restored to the same sovereign, independent and free status enjoyed by them before they created their federal agent, and each State shall become a new and separate nation of the former United States of America.

    I would like to note that this Ultimatum Resolution was jointly written by the author and:

    Attorney at Law
    Suite 285
    7050 South Union Park Center
    Midvale, Utah 84047
    Telephone 801-561-2200
    April 6, 1993
    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Permission is granted, and encouraged, to reprint the Model Ul­timatum Resolution and the Introduction to the Model Ultimatum Resolution for wide distribution.

    Since this document has grown so lengthy I suggest we close this portion and allow some thorough possibility digesting!!

    I will be giving you some further information at next sitting re­garding another group or two. It is now time, beloved brothers, to unite so that the mass has power to compel the puppet-masters to relinquish their hold on your nation and your people.

    To stand aside, thank you.

    Ceres Hatonn

    Yes indeed, I, Germain, White Eagle, Michael, Esu--et al. and others now again come to assist you--sat in at the onset of your nation and we again serve--PLEASE LET US TOGETHER GET IT DONE THIS TIME! I SALUTE YOU WHO HAVE THE VISION TO SEE INTO THE FUTURE AS IT CAN BE, AND, IF WE SEE FARTHER THAN OTHERS--IT IS BE­CAUSE WE STAND ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS COME BEFORE US! May we be THE GIANTS upon whose shoulders the generations to come may stand. May we ever be worthy of God's commission and the trust of our progeny. Through God's unlimited GRACE can we accom­plish this wondrous act of freedom for humankind. Salu.

    PJ 70
    CHAPTER 10

    FRI., JUNE 4, 1993 10:23 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 292

    FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1993

    Before we even have time to finish the writing on "ideas" for unification of assets we are bombarded with "How, how, how?" I am delighted at the interest but please allow me to warn you--many of you will NOT like what I offer for once again it will require reason, logic and ego squashing. You who have set up groups will obviously think YOUR way to be THE way--NO, that will NEVER work. You are going to have to present your best case and JOIN with others according to several criteria. 1. The way must be WORKABLE. 2. The persons running some organizations MUST BE MADE TO SEE THE WORKABIL­ITY OF THE FINAL PLAN. 3. You will have to work with ones who would seem to NOT be your own representative--THAT CAN BE CHANGED IN THE INDIVIDUAL AS THEY BECOME INFORMED AND POSSIBILITIES PRESENTED. 4. You must NOT SWERVE FROM THE PATH OF GOD-LAW. 5. BECAUSE "I" MENTION SOME GROUPS AND NOT OTHERS--DOES NOT MEAN OTHERS ARE NOT EQUALLY AS SUFFICIENT; HOWEVER, AS WITH "CENTER FOR ACTION", MANY THINGS HAVE TO BE EXCHANGED FOR A "BETTER WAY" AND THIS BRINGS INTO PLAY, EGOS WHICH DO NOT LIKE TO BE COUN­TERED. SO BE IT.

    Yes, and it's going to shock the daylights out of most of you who NOW feel that this person is an Elite "set-up". He may well be--BUT HE CAN BE CHANGED!!!

    IF you had followed my suggestions and your "independent" candidates had put aside their egos--you could have put Ross Perot in the slot of Presidency in the last election FOR HE WON--but without overwhelming numbers you could NOT overwhelm the computer prearranged win of Clinton. So, what now? Well, you have a man NOW coming into broader information grasp. You, further, have a man in Ross who can see a more worthy status than he held before and by ever increasing numbers. You also have a man who is proving that he WILL listen (even if it started as a farce, that is not YOUR problem at the moment). Let us suppose he is the worst tyrant ever on the face of the earth and yet goodly people demand of him, good­ness--by the millions. HE WILL HAVE TO SERVE YOU! But, he has already come to the realization of your demands and needs--and he, further, can see his own business being totally destroyed and swept away by the actions of the Elite corruption. He will have to move his own business to Mexico or perish with the rest of you. He won't do that if he gets support against the monster for it would go against that which he has proven to be his own stance. Now, moreover, he has spent additional mil­lions of dollars to enlighten you about such things as unfair tax­ation, the B.T.U. (British Thermal Unit [how many of you knew that?]) tax pushed by Bentsen (now being snubbed in Moscow! [another story worth telling
    --remember the Gold Certificate???]) AND THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREE­MENT.

    Let us consider where you are as related to what Perot has stated, along with others, regarding NAFTA: The news YES­TERDAY stated that Clinton is going to raise the minimum wage in the U.S. by a dollar an hour. This will make wages even HIGHER in the U.S. At the same time but also on the news, there was a statement that Mexico is going to LOWER their minimum wage by at least 10%. Well, since the going minimum hourly wage in Mexico is now 58 cents and it's low­ered by 10% you have around 52 cents an hour. Do you RE­ALLY think that you can compete with labor at going on $6 PLUS fringes in the U.S. with 50 cents an hour and NO FRINGES AT ALL in Mexico? Already General Motors has moved major operations to Mexico and the squeeze is on with ALL big businesses. Will you have jobs in the U.S.? NO--the facts ARE, you will NOT.

    We are running Perot's speech in full--but we could print a dozen equally as relevant articles on the subject.

    There may be OTHER more suitable "Presidents" for your na­tion than Perot--but where are they? Can you pull ones out of the woodwork and expect to WIN? Moreover, you are going to have to BUILD AN "OLD" NATION AGAIN. If the majority of you citizens wish to do so--IT WILL BE DONE and you must have a LEADER strong enough to get it done. Will Perot do that? Will he cross lines with the Elite and move with you as a united group of States toward a properly foundationed national Republic? It is up to you--he WILL IF you demand it. To get and keep your support he will HAVE TO, won't he?

    Could a Gritz do it? NO, he could lead later but no, you only have one person with enough financial clout and Elite connec­tions to be able to override the system and demand audience for he is more dangerous to the Elite if they refuse him audience and hearing than he is right now. It IS, however, UP TO YOU to convince him of the value of simply reclaiming a free Repub­lic under the Constitution and allowing the Elite illegal govern­ment to eat itself alive. HE, LIKE YOU, MUST BE SHOWN (REMINDED) THAT THE "WAY" IS BUILT INTO YOUR CONSTITUTION!!

    Let us assume now that you have other good associations, such as the newly formed Constitution Foundational Association in Grand Prairie, Texas. They are determined to restore your Constitution as the supreme law of your great country--but they, too, think you can do so by somehow causing the current legis­lature to "do it". No, you must show them that that approach will NOT work, but the Salt Lake Group has the answer in sim­ply sidestepping the non-functional Republic form of govern­ment that is corrupted. In addition, YOU have to show them that they can take THAT method, unite with a leader like Perot
    (after someone convinces him that this is the way to go) and push TOGETHER!

    We are willing to be a publishing focus--we are not willing to simply start another group and go off in our own fringe direc­tion. We have no groups here for the very reason of being able to present information as we glean it to be valuable. WE HAVE NO INTENTION OF DOING IT FOR YOU. It, further, has NOTHING to do with some miracle intervention--it rests fully on the physical conscious thrust of you citizens who wish to re­claim your nation. Our ONLY service is to point the "better" way--we represent the "Pathshower" and not the pathbuilder. We have already cleared OUR PATH--you must now clear yours. We can show you the WAY and help in many ways--DOING IT FOR YOU IS NOT ONE OF THE WAYS!

    So, Ross Perot is from Texas, Dharma, my secretary, is from Texas and now we lay another "Association" on you from Texas. Firstly, it is interesting--but there is a great advantage of USING TEXAS. Texas is the ONLY state which came into and remains a part of the Federal Governmental Nation--by a treaty WHICH HAS TO BE RENEWED REGULARLY. TEXAS CAN, WITHOUT EVEN CHANGING THE RULES--DECIDE TO FORM ITSELF INTO ITS OWN SOVEREIGN SELF. This was attempted, friends, and the Elite have tried to "break" Texas ever since. This has been well within the memory of all of you old enough to READ this and, yet, I bet that not one out of a thousand will even realize this fact. But, to pull it off it will take the kind of POWER as in one Perot backed by hundreds of thousands of citizens of the State--BUT TEXAS CAN SHOW THE WAY! TEXAS WAS THE FIRST TO HAVE AR­MAGEDDON HOLOCAUST IN A MASSIVE SHOW-AND-­TELL--LET TEXAS SHOW HER COLORS AND BE THE FIRST TO MOVE BACK TO A FREE REPUBLIC!

    It IS UP TO YOU READERS to cause this to come into unity; demand this of the people in point lead and GO FOR IT. YOU CAN DO IT--IF YOU WANT TO.

    Since I have used this entity as example I feel it right to present a letter from them. There ARE others--more than I have any space to list--but each CAN join with--there is no need to be "separate" if you can agree upon "the way"--you can even retain your individual group identity with focused purpose--or simply form a NEW PARTY! What does Perot call his movement? United We Stand America or something very similar? The label is not important, nor are the people who set up the charters--the CHARTER and intent through action is WHAT IS IMPORTANT. But, herein, let me share a letter just received very re­cently from the Constitution Foundational Association.

    Fellow Americans:

    We are pleased to inform your Organization that Constitution Foundational Association has been formed by a group of Patriots from across America. We desire to restore our great Con­stitution.

    Our goal is to be the Umbrella Organization under which all Patriot Groups supporting our great Constitution can unite. If you believe in the Constitution we want your support!

    Our purpose is to restore the Constitution as our supreme law of our great country by correcting those legislative acts that have eroded our freedoms and liberties.

    We are an action-oriented patriotic Group that believes we must restore the Constitution by demanding that our elected leaders in Congress enact the necessary corrective legislation action as provided in our Constitution.

    We ask that your Organization join with CFA to accomplish this task. [C: Now you are getting "there".] Your Organiza­tion may wish to add items that you feel need corrective action and we therefore ask for your comments on the items in the at­tached list.

    Acting together we can achieve our mutual goals. Our plan is to increase our collective associated membership to exceed 25,000,000 by July 4, 1993. We already exceed 400,000 as­sociated members after two weeks activity. The unified strength of this large assorted action-directed membership will force our elected officials to pass the corrective legislation. [C: But you see, it won't! You have to have BITE in the demand and a group of even 25,000,000 will not do it without more direc­tion than just getting a few regulations changed.]

    We have informed Constitutional speakers that are available to speak at your group on a schedule that fits your needs. We have prepared video and audio cassettes that explain our objec­tives and action plans which will be going nationwide on video and audio talk shows. Newsprint and all forms of getting the message out are planned. CFA has produced a serious video about the assault on the Davidian Church near Waco, Texas. You will find it very informative. This and 13 other videos may be used for fund-raising with your group and our group sharing proceeds.

    Our objective is to create a groundswell of Patriotic support for restoring the Constitution. This outpouring of Patriotic ef­fort to take back America will culminate in a nationwide gala event of July 4, 1993 staged in Washington, D.C. and will be linked across our great country in the Capital in every state. [C: Why do you always think some sort of GALA event serves anything? You only set yourselves up for assault and wast­ing of funds which could serve EVERYONE instead of a few gala attendees. You need WORK, not gala events! Besides, why would you choose Washington? Washington is the epit­ome of the evil seat of corruption. Why would you not lo­cate and make a showing under new meaning of Constitu­tional structure SOMEWHERE ELSE? WASHINGTON IS THE SEAT OF THE LEGISLATIVE BASTARDIZING OF YOUR REPUBLIC--GO WHERE YOU CAN SERVE AS A REPUBLIC!]

    Your assistance in creating the groundswell for restoring our great Constitution can be achieved by presenting the CFA goals and Action Plan to your members. This can be done through your newsletter or direct mailing of our literature, forum or other means. We will assist in every way including speakers and mail-out of your literature.

    We are not a radical group but dedicated patriots who believe in America and our Constitution. We will always abide by the law and our guiding light is the Constitution for America. We will give to every participant that comes to our forums and seminars or that may request a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America. Our forum, media and other means of reaching our fellow Americans will always praise and stress the importance of the Constitution as the source of our great freedoms, liberty and the opportunity to achieve the Great American Dream.

    We respectfully request your early decision to join our Asso­ciation. A simple letter stating the willingness to join in our goal of restoring the Constitution and the number of your mem­bership and supporting citizens will suffice. We will also ap­preciate hearing from your group of any items that you believe should be added to the list of corrective legislation.

    We are obtaining signatures on the Second Declaration of In­dependence and enclose a copy. Numbered parchment copies are available. We ask that you join us in having all interested Americans sign this historic document. The originals will be sent to the Library of Congress and copies will be made available to each person who signs, for framing and hanging in their home to show they participated in restoring our great Constitu­tion.

    We are also working to restore the Common Law Court and have helped establish the Common Law Court of the United States of America in Louisiana and Texas. We have initiated a Common Law School. We invite your help to establish a Cir­cuit Court in your State. Join with us now and save America by restoring the Constitution. [C: I even believe THIS is not specific enough. Common Law Court? You are STILL talking about British Rule and British Law. Why would you not simply form CONSTITUTIONAL COURTS AND LAW SCHOOLS? IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO THIS THING--

    Thank you for being an active Patriot.

    Together we can save America.

    Gregory Sali, President

    * * *
    We are not going to yet print all the forms, etc., for you can get those from:

    Constitution Foundational Association
    P.O. Box 532789
    Grand Prairie, Texas 75053
    1-800-264-6791, 214-264-6756, Fax: 214-264-7289
    However, they have included a copy of the "Second Declaration of Independence" and we will share it here:

    When, on February 21, 1993, in the City of Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., the Patriots therein did lawfully assemble, and after solemn deliberation, did find that the general condition of the Republic of the United States of America was in dire danger of being overthrown by seditious acts of fraud and treason, driven by the greed of bankers, powerful businessmen, and unfaithful elected politicians, the Patriots did therefore organize them­selves to declare their rededication in taking back their great Republic of the United States of America, by demanding the immediate restoration of the Constitution of the United States of America, as left to them by their forefathers. The patriots did further find and do thereby declare that all alliances of every kind with the United Nations, any One World Order, or New World Order, were null and void, seditious, treasonous and unconstitutional. They did further find this Second Declaration of Independence was necessary to correct unconstitutional acts, and therefore affixed their signatures in faithful allegiance to the Constitution for the United States of America, and do hereby af­fix this Second Declaration of Independence to the present Con­stitution for the United States, and of the seat of Federal Gov­ernment and all the possessions it governs, must henceforth up­hold the Constitution in all ways, or suffer the consequences therefrom. We, the undersigned qualified citizens of the repub­lic called the United States of America in which we live do hereby declare, demand and establish our Constitutional rights as sovereign individuals in the States in which we live, and we retract all individual contracts we may have unwittingly signed with any Bank, Federal Reserve, Internal Revenue Service, or other governmental agency that may have diminished our Constitutional rights in any way. We demand that our individual sovereign rights be fully restored in all ways.

    First signed this day of our Lord, February 21, 1993, as sovereign free men and women as endowed by our Creator to govern ourselves in a Republican form of Government in our pursuit of happiness with Liberty, Justice, Peace, and Freedom for all. We hereby assert our sovereign individual rights and responsibilities in upholding the Constitution for the United States of America by affixing our signatures hereto. God bless the United States of America!

    Since Patriot's signatures are worthless without proper identifi­cation, location, etc., you also have to supply that information! DON'T DO IT!

    First of all, there are so many glaring errors in the declaration as to be laughable in any court of law, Common or otherwise, and the "original" even bears misspelled words. DON'T SIGN THIS THING.


    You, further, DO NOT NEED A "SECOND" DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. YOU ALREADY HAVE "INDEPENDENCE" ESTABLISHED AND A CONSTITU­TION TO PROVE SAME--YOU SIMPLY NEED A GOVERNMENT ACTING UNDER THE LAWS OF YOUR AL­READY AVAILABLE CONSTITUTION. Nothing holds you to a place called Washington, D.C. for your seat of Government, either, so why do you continue to pay homage to an illegal bunch of renegades who established a ruling center in a place called Washington D.C.? By continuing the bowing and scrap­ing to the enemy in his court of royalty--you continue to ac­knowledge his POWER! You must do the OTHER things FIRST and then these JOINT ventures can be worked out suit­ably. You "patriots" are often too eager to be heard and make headway and simply GET KILLED. DO IT RIGHT--UNDER THE LAWS OF THE CONSTITUTION! YOU MUST STOP THE "BIT" PLAYING OR YOU SHALL NEVER MAKE IT TO THE "LEAD" ROLE. The established power structure of the "evil empire" is failing but if you give them fuel they will recover and it will be you who is further squashed! PLEASE, FOR THE SAKE OF EACH OF YOU AND THE REGAIN­ING OF YOUR BLESSED NATION--DO IT RIGHT!

    Thank you for your thoughtful attention. Together we can do it, fellowman, but it is tedious and MUST be done in strength and PROPERLY for the enemy is now IN your government and not overseas somewhere--the U.N. is in YOUR nation and therefore you can KNOW the seat of the New World Order is planned for YOUR NATION--indeed, you will do it RIGHT or it shall not be allowed done at all!

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