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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#068, ECSTASY TO AGONY THROUGH THE PLAN 2000

    PJ 68
    SUN., APRIL 18, 1993 12:31 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 245
    SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1993
    From the myriad interruptions of the day we sit to pen and Dharma Wokini bows her head and says, "Father I don't understand. I am hounded and stricken and caused to ‘explain' that which I can't fully understand, and I am so weary from it all. I only wish to return to my own little hole in this world and be left to the misery of every other creature trying to survive where there seems to be no way for such. I cannot understand the makings of nuclear suitcase bombs or fathom the evil connections with other nations and our own chosen leaders who despise and work to destroy us. I don't understand the workings of higher dimensions and God's gifting of insight or communication with a spiritual world which is so simple and constant that I cannot see how others would ask for they MUST also see and hear. Father, give insight to ‘them' for I know not how to express it and not be buried in this ridicule and constant harassment. Is there no end to the badgering and taunting?"

    Ah indeed, to cause a mind to "realize" a thing and then, to accept it and stand ready with others who do, is a long and difficult walk in the light at the edge of the dark chasm with one foot always over the void. It is impossible to cause a REFUSING mind to see or hear--it is difficult at best, to allow insightful vision to one who seeks and actually WANTS to FIND that connection in Truth. It has ever been thus. What I wish to share with you readers at this moment is something along these lines which might help. It was written as a "FOREWORD" in a book called OUR INVISIBLE FRIENDS, assembled by Maurice Allen.

    However, the grace of this writing is offered as to insight by Ralph Waldo Trine. I have no more information on the volume except: Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York. July, 1943.

    I make no comment whatsoever about the book in point--I refer only to the "Foreword" in that in expression as given might share with you the capability and spiritual connections present if utilized. To translate as does Dharma is NOT the same, I must hasten to add, for that is directed communication IN LANGUAGE TRANSLATION which is "secretarial" and not necessarily "spiritual" guiding or visionary perception. Don't confuse the two--but neither should you deny EITHER as valid and credible experience.

    All of you who would read this material as offered are at least open to the possibility of God, Christed beings, spiritual truth AND the connections of the TIME AT HAND. I am not interested in bringing Mr. Satan to attention except to LET MY PEOPLE GO. Please understand the difference for we are not here to SAVE anything or anyone. We are here to offer insight, knowledge in Truth and of Truth and bring our people HOME! That means--to Lighted God. Adversarial humans or robotic beings are NOT ON OUR TRAVEL LIST. EVIL SHALL NOT BE BROUGHT WITHIN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IN TRANSITION INTO THOSE PLACES OF GOD'S PROGRESSIVE SCHOOLS.

    * * *

    "What visioned image shall I seek
    To hear the halting words I speak
    Or shall my message be addressed
    To some dim god within my breast?
    Or is there still some higher goal--
    Some final haven for the soul?

    * * *
    Hollywood, Calif. July, 1943
    Ralph Waldo Trine

    One of the most interesting characteristics of this, our time, is the large and increasing numbers of men and women who are taking an ever growing interest in the inner things of life, the inner powers and forces--the things of the mind and spirit. This is well, for here lie the very springs of life, the forces that determine according as they are understood, and wisely or unwisely used, the outcome of ever life.

    Our thoughts and emotions as creative forces are continually at work, and are creating, externalizing conditions, so to speak, according to their kind. This is true both as to one's affairs, and of one's bodily conditions.

    The law that the life always and inevitably follows the thought seems to be absolute.

    Of the vital power of thought and the supremacy of mind and thought over conditions, the world has scarcely the faintest grasp as yet--and the increased activity in the study of their nature and action gives great hope for the future. That special Departments, to these ends, have been established at Harvard University and at Duke University among others for example, is most significant.

    My own conclusion, in line with that of many others, is that thought as a force lies in the realm of vibration.

    We are apprehending more and more the finer forces in this realm--as the process of all evolution seems to be from the coarser to the finer. The wonderful facts and laws of vibration in the physical world that we have been searching for, finding and using, in the fields of Electronics and Radionics, even now make us marvel.

    But of even greater and more real value so far as the life itself is concerned--our common human life--is this deeper understanding of the laws underlying the fact that thoughts are forces: they have form and quality and substance and power.

    Thought transference, now a thoroughly well-established fact, can be the better understood in the light of our increasing knowledge of the laws of vibration.

    Some years ago an experience was told to me that has been the cause of many interesting observations since. It was related by a man living in one of our noted university towns in the Middle West, a well-known lecturer manager, a man of splendid character, with a sensitive organism, as we say, and who had always taken considerable interest in the powers and forces pertaining to the inner life.

    As a young man he had left home, and during a portion of his first year away he had found employment on a Mississippi steamboat. One day in going down the river, while he was crossing the deck, a sudden stinging sensation seized him in the head, and instantly vivid thoughts of his mother, back at the old home, flashed into his mind. This was followed by a feeling of depression during the remainder of the day. The occurrence was so unusual and the impression of it was so strong that he made an account of it in his diary.

    Some time later, on returning home, he was met in the yard by his mother. She was wearing a thin cap on her head which he had never seen her wear before. He remarked in regard to it. She raised the cap and revealed the remains of a long ugly gash on the side of her head. She then said that some months back, naming the time, she had gone into the back yard and had picked up a heavy crooked stick having a sharp end, meaning to throw it out of the way, and in throwing it, the stick had struck the wire clothesline immediately above her head and had rebounded with such force that it had given her this deep scalp wound. On unpacking his bag he looked into his diary and found that the time she had mentioned exactly corresponded with his strange presentiment on the Mississippi.

    The mother and son were very near to one another, close in their sympathies, and there can be but little doubt that the thoughts of the mother as she was struck went out, strongly, to her boy who was now away from home. He, alone at the time, being sensitively organized and intimately related to her in thought, undoubtedly received, if not her thoughts, at least the effects of her thoughts, as they went out to him under these peculiar and tense conditions.

    There are scores if not hundreds of occurrences of a more or less similar nature that have changed in the lives of others, many of them well authenticated.

    In the realm of mind and thought and their interplay in connection with the inner powers and forces, we are making new strides in an ever enlarging knowledge of the subconscious mind and its unceasing building activities--how it takes its direction from the active thinking mind, and is continually building and externalizing in the body according to the pattern sent it--whether it be consciously or unconsciously on the part of the sender.

    We are understanding now more clearly the laws of its working, that produced mere general observations many times in the past. It was that able scholar and investigator, Sir John Lubbock, who a considerable time ago said: "We must be careful on what we allow our minds to dwell, the soul is dyed by its thoughts." Shakespeare anticipated by many years the best psychology of our time when he said: "It is the mind that makes the body rich."

    Then again there are certain faculties we possess that are not a part of the active thinking mind; they seem to be no part of what we might term our conscious intelligence. Through some avenue, suggestions, intuitions of truth, intuitions of occurrences of which the thinking mind could know nothing are at times borne in upon us; they flash into our consciousness quite independent of any mental action on our part, and sometimes when we are thinking of something quite foreign.

    This seems to indicate a source of knowledge, a faculty that is distinct from, but that acts in various ways in conjunction with, the active thinking mind. It performs likewise certain very and distinct functions in connection with the body.

    It is this that is called by some the super-conscious or the super-normal mind, or the extra-conscious--by others the subliminal self.

    Maybe it is this that Emerson had in mind when he said: "I believe in the still small voice, and that voice is the Christ within me." Or again when he said: "Every soul is not only the inlet but may become the outlet of all there is in God."

    Again there are those, and their number is very great, who are anxious to know whether it is possible under right conditions to have communion with those functioning on another plane of existence--a spiritual body that gave form and action to the body they left here.

    Some years ago--it was in Boston--it was my privilege to know a man who in mind and body was far more sensitively organized than the ordinary man or woman. He was for years a well-known teacher and lecturer--primarily in the states and in England, Australia and New Zealand.

    He seemed to have a faculty of contact with something somewhere that the ordinary man or woman does not have. The term sensitive would seem to be rightly applied to them.

    Acquaintance with him opened my eyes to the fact that there are those who through inheritance or whatever it may be, are so equipped as to be instruments of reception of forces or influences far greater than the ordinary.

    There were those who heard his words and followed his thoughts--we might almost say at times revelations--who thought that the source of his insight and power was to be attributed to his unique endowment that enabled him to fulfill in a perfectly natural way the edict of Emerson: "The life of the soul in conscious union with the Infinite shall be for thee the only real existence."

    Again there were those who always felt that he was an instrument played upon by other intelligences--a sensitive instrument, so to speak. Contact with this remarkable man has ever since held me to the attitude of the open mind, and to value and follow with a sympathetic interest the purposes and the efforts of such men as Sir William Barrett, Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge, and others who with trained minds and splendid equipment sought the facts that pertain to the life beyond. Truly, the only way to find the truth of anything is to go after it in a careful, methodical and determined way.

    The author of this book with a college training, then his Institute of Technology training in naval architecture and civil engineering, in addition to a legal training and law practice over a number of years, would seem to be well equipped for findings that would lend weight to these investigations. His determination to put away prejudices one way or another in his search for the truth, aside from the facts themselves, would seem to make his conclusions all the more worthwhile.

    This statement in the body of the book is interesting to note: "I believe we may be on the threshold of a new era in spirit communication, an era in which communication will be had with fully conscious human beings, and I hope the experiments outlined here may encourage others to try something of the same sort. Other experimenters, with greater sensitivity to reception, may be able to proceed much further in demonstrating the useful application of unknown laws.

    "If you are unwilling to trust the good faith of anyone else in this business--if you are afraid of fraud or gullibility in others--why not try yourself? You may be surprised at what will come into your mind if you give these friends an opportunity to reach you. Call it your unconscious or your subconscious if you will--or call it the Cosmic Mind--or call it your oversoul--or your familiar spirit--or your guardian angel--I have no quarrel with whatever term you may prefer to use--but don't do any censoring. There will be plenty of time for discussions and explanations and criticism after the sessions are ended--but write it all. [C: Ok, here we have a REAL bad bit of input!! Yes indeed, you WILL pick up energy forms and moreover, they will first come FROM the astral planes if unattached to your own "higher mind" and often, even from your own higher-mind will come the dark interpreters locking you to the physical perceptions of spiritual being. CLEAR THAT SPACE--NOTIFY THE ENERGY FORMS THAT YOU WILL, WITHIN GOD POWER--DISALLOW PRESENCE OF OTHER THAN LIGHTED GOD BEINGS! DO NOT PLAY WITH ENERGY FORMS--FOR THE BASTARDS OF THE UNIVERSE COME FIRST. IF YOU ALLOW IT--THEY WILL ALSO BE LAST!]

    "There would seem to be no purpose in entering upon such experimentation unless you decide whole-heartedly to set down whatever may come into your mind...Write it all."

    These lines by Thomas B. Aldrich, on the passing of the poet, Bayard Taylor, contain not only great beauty of form but seem to voice a longing or indeed a conviction shared by many:

    "What new strange quest has tempted him once more to leave us? Vainly standing by the shore, we strain our eyes. But patience! When the soft spring gales are blowing over Cedarcroft, whitening the Hawthorne: When the violets bloom along the Brandywine, and overhead the sky is blue as Italy's, he will come! Aye, he will come. I cannot make him dead."

    Life is interesting--it may be greater, with farther horizons, and more enduring than we know. Whitman helped us to the forward look when he wrote:

    "I laugh at what you call dissolution
    And I know the amplitude of time."
    * * *
    May I utilize another written word to emphasize that of which I cautioned above? You must have "experience" for only through experience can you learn expression and know self. It is truth that actually God sends experience and nothing else for through experience is man taught, is man led and gives forth all expressions be they of pain or pleasure.

    Through this experience you achieve your ennoblement--or your lack thereof. It is, therefore, for you also to LEARN that which is truth of progression and that which represents physical stagnation and rot in a lower dimensional circumstance.

    Light is given to show the way--and you may take it or reject it for you must forever teach and test selves. Experience makes you "masters" and what matters the journey except that you KNOW it?

    So allow us to write a bit herein from a beautiful volume called the Golden Scripts. Chap. 27:

    Men are as children in regard to one another, they behold no hurt unless they be injured, they flee from small fears, the times roar and upset them: they go to and fro crying. We are lost without a shepherd; there is non to adjure us.

    They seek leadership of wolves and expect to be protected; they ask help of their deceivers and exclaim at their mockery. Wherefore do they cry with a loud lamentation, Behold we have no protection, we keep vigilance among us, there are none to encompass us and keep the tempest from us!

    They have fear in their hearts, they delay at the omens, doing only those things that are seemly for deliverance; they do serve two ends, their own and the adversary's, they do set two masters over themselves, their conceits and their terrors; they say, We may have other masters but we know them not, so how can we follow them?

    I tell them to be circumspect, to call upon the Father: behold they hear me not, they make a great tumult and drown out my voice.

    I say, Consult me and I guide you; they say, Daily do we consult with thee, Master, but therefrom derived no profit that we witness; lo, benefits engulf them, they refuse to behold them.

    They worship idols of desirings, they think that their initiative hath done marvels with contraptions; they recognize me not in any phase of living, that I am the cause of inventive benefactions.

    They come to me timidly, not knowing what to ask for, thinking my gifts will ennoble them above worldly fortunes provided by themselves; they say, Master, we adore thee, yet art thou as a myth, thou seekest no practicalities of intercourse with us, thou rearest up walls of famine of the spirit asking us to dread thee; thou hast designs upon our hearts but give our heads no counsel; thou makest mock of our helplessness and yet we would serve thee if we but knew the manner.

    I say, Children, be hushed! Wouldst ye make me the evil one? I create no confusion, I design no false witness to abominate in mischiefs, I work only for your good, I seek those things that profit you; I give you good thoughts and ye reject them in that ye reject me who giveth them.

    Men have a humor to abominate in thought; they seek from thought to profit, they only seek conflict; they speak from the mouth and not from the heart; they say, Lo, we are wise in our own understanding, when only are they fluent of speech or of concept.

    They make mouthings of ether; they give and take with circumspection that which hath no value of eternity; they call their myths wisdom.

    I tell you man hath a higher calling than that which cometh from his mouth to the detriment of his neighbor or the impoverishment of his intellect.

    Know that I have told you that men are twofold in the exercise of spirit: they seek that which is eternal, they seek that which is practical; eternal things have value because they are eternal, practical things have value in that they suffice for the needs of the moment.

    Time hath not changed eternal things; time hath wrought grievously with things that are practical.

    Men have the stronger leaning toward that which is practical in the things perceived by the senses; eternal things are perceived by the mind.

    Eternal things are concrete of concept but abstract of development; practical things are abstract of concept when left to the senses but concrete of evolution.

    Concrete things have value in eternal time and thought; abstract things are abstract in the matter considereth them to be concrete; concrete things are things of eternal profit; abstract things have no profit, not being eternal of concept. Perceive ye the difference from what men call concrete.

    Men want that which is denied them; they seek the prohibited; they want light on life's mysteries; verily they want light on that which they call abstruse, thinking it redeemeth them.

    They know a curiosity, ever they would penetrate that which is hidden; verily it amuseth them; they have pleasure in discovering; they make a deep venture and entertainment cometh; they make speech among themselves, proud of their courage that experience hath borne them through caverns of attemptings; they say, We are gods, exploring new worlds. I tell you they are children playing with new toys; they seize upon the brightly colored; when its interests ceaseth, lo, do they discard it.

    They say they are concerned with practical things; I tell you it is only for the novelty in them; they see changing forms and are amused; they probe among profundities of intellect and lo, they are not amused. They behold pitfalls for their intellects.

    They say, Our father taught us certain things: they are eternal things of old, they have profitable aspects as each generation discovereth them and applieth them to use, but they are not things of interest when we have once rehearsed them; we seek that which is novel; novel is discovery; we seek for unborn generations that which may profit them in that it is not known to us at present.

    Verily they lie; they want only pleasing in finding out, rarely, that knowledge that enricheth the spirit. I tell you, beloved, that men shall be confounded as they seek to progress without knowledge of spiritual verities that come from realities concrete in eternal time.

    Men gain no objectives when they explore for sake of novelty; they gain when they explore to seize on spiritual truth, and the culture which cometh from knowing that destiny planned for them by the Father.

    Ye have heard it said that men are tolerant when they are filled with the Father's spirit; I say to you, Verily, tolerance hath its place, yet many may be filled with the Father's spirit, not having tolerance.

    Doth it seem to you strange? Harken to my wisdom: ye have tolerance of a sort when ye give unto a beggar; ye have tolerance of a sort when ye make sally with one who walketh up-rightly yet maketh errors in his judgments; ye have tolerance of a sort when ye give unto him who asketh of you in that he wanteth and even so needeth; But tolerance hath its merits and demerits; it is man's insurance against his own conceits; he maketh himself to walk godlike, who saith, I tolerate because I love, and I love because I tolerate.

    Mayhap the beggar meriteth not compassion; would it be godlike to indulge him to his hurt?

    Mayhap the friend pursueth a righteousness, yet tolerance of his judgments bestoweth on him no profits.

    Mayhap he who asketh for you, asketh of an artifice; your tolerance destroyeth the godhood within him, it gaineth him a usury, it maketh him a pestilence.

    Are not such intolerances godlike in their essence?

    [C: Right here is where you cut the "unconditional so-called LOVE" from the truth of it. Many of you refer to "unconditional Love" as your singular badge of some kind of honor or grasped meaning--when what you are actually offering is not LOVE at all for, in loving there is continual and constant "conditioning" and placing of "conditions" on physical expression and actions. LOVE IS WITHIN THE SPIRITUAL EXPRESSION AND THEREIN LIES THE MYSTERY.]

    Ye have heard it said of old that man shall do whatsoever seemeth to him profitable in the light of his experience; I say it is false!... Do that which is wise in the Light of God's LAW: always this is tolerance.

    Nothing in ethics is greater than this; behold it IS ethics.

    Tolerate that which cometh to you out of humankind, knowing that all concerned have need of it; hold tolerance in abeyance till the spirit be served and the heart be ennobled.

    Once I gave you instruction in that which ye call Charity; I said, it suffereth long, behold it is kind: but behold Tolerance suffereth seventy times seven and is kind throughout; yet do I repeat, there is tolerance and TOLERANCE.

    There is tolerance of evil and injustice and mercy thwarted: there is tolerance that bringeth profit in human relationships, that maketh men know patience.
    TOLERANCE is one thing; toleration is another.

    A man cometh to you who hath money in his purse; he saith: I give the pence to you if ye do me a service; you ask of him the service and he saith, "The pence have a condition, that ye know not the service." That is absurd and ye say it rightly and yet he saith, I insist upon it; he maketh you to anger; ye deem that his wits are of mental unsoundness; ye say, "Begone, ye worker of iniquities, behold ye entrap me in legions of mischiefs."

    Cometh another to you who saith: I pay ye the pence if ye do me the service; ye do ask him the nature of the service and it seemeth goodly to you; ye perform such service and seek your compensation; lo, it is denied you; He who hath promised, delivereth not. I tell you, beloved, requite yourself on neither.

    Know that ye have need of tolerance no matter what cometh; he who maketh the absurd proposal hath as great a need of tolerance as he who maketh you to know loss of effort, being unpaid for services rendered.

    I say that tolerance is the shibboleth of man's duties to his fellows; the Father hath decreed that we bear with one another, being perfect of origin but come to know darkness that light might ennoble us.

    Tolerance maketh allowance for the darkness that deceive; tolerance is the beauty of the Eternal, shining in men's relationships.

    It is beauteous to be tolerant, for lo, the Father cometh unto him who is tolerant; God cometh unto him who seeketh tolerance for others, having justice in his heart.

    Mark my words well: the Father's law is paramount; Tolerance ennobleth by judgments correctly rendered.

    Do that which is just and the justice IS the tolerance.

    * * *

    So be it, may we each learn and grow in both discernment and judgments that we may reach out to receive that which flows from greater intelligence, greater KNOWING, beyond the self presented in the physical form of walking houses.

    Ah and so, too, may you know that the above quotation is from that which William Pelly shared with you from his great ability to translate from higher Source. I asked how many of you knew who is this man, Pelley, and almost no one had heard of his label. Well, chelas, GET TO KNOW IT, for he has brought the Teachings of the Christed Teacher unto you and MOST HAVE MISSED OF IT!

    I have another unfortunate thing to announce: Here again, as with Walter Russell, who gave everything he had unto human species--and yet you have the "Heirs of William Dudley Pelley", CLAIMING COPYRIGHT TO THIS TRUTH IN THIS "TODAY". Even I shall not overcome the "copyright" because it is not a "tangible" truth in knowledge with which we deal, with Pelley, as with Russell whose only projection we note is his SCIENTIFIC EXPRESSION OF PHYSICS AS RELATES TO CREATION, GOD AND PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION. TRUTH IS NOT COPYRIGHTABLE BUT ARGUMENTS OVER SAME ARE STUPID. WHEN, HOWEVER, TRUTH OF EVEN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION ACCORDING TO SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE IS WITHHELD IT IS "CRIME", NOT PERCEPTION. So be it.

    The Golden Scripts can be gotten, I guess, through the Aquila Press, Inc., Noblesville, Ind.

    I would suggest caution in diving headlong into this as "GOSPEL" truth to end all things and beings. When a thing is "copyrighted" against public use--it usually represents very poor INTENT and therefore must be considered with all caution.


    Let us clear this portion, please. Thank you, Ceres to clear.

    PJ 68
    WED., APRIL 21, 1993 9:26 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 248
    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1993
    We are inundated with requests to speak on the subject of what happened at Branch Davidian. What happened there was as well orchestrated as any Broadway play. Further, it is not what it appears to be any more than was the Jim Jones incident. Moreover, the man called "Koresh" is not any deader than was (is) Jim Jones. YOU, AMERICANS, ARE GOING TO BE BROUGHT INTO AND UNDER CONTROL--NO MORE AND NO LESS. THIS IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE FORM OF TERRORISM AVAILABLE TO THE ELITE--TO PRESENT A SHOW-AND-TELL OF TOTAL ANNIHILATION OF ANYONE WHO "BREAKS" ANY OF THE LAWS THEY HAVE CONJURED TO KEEP YOU HELPLESS AND IN SERVITUDE.

    I ask that the Editors pull together information (and rumors) from the "insiders who know and ‘pretend' speculation" what the probabilities ARE. Then, assemble things from new gatherings of information at the Las Vegas meeting and present them in the CONTACT, please. At the rate we are going I shall likely be deprived of a scribe and there are now "contacts" who can flesh out the missing pieces pretty well--at least well enough to cause ability to sleuth. I would like you to present, even if bad quality, the picture witnessed by and taken by ones with Eric Lighter serving papers on BATF agents in midtown WACO. NOTE, FOR GOODNESS SAKES, WHAT IS PAINTED ACROSS THE FRONT OF THE TRUCK IN THE PICTURE--STILL THINK THE TOUGH GUYS WERE JUST PUMPING A LITTLE CRYING/LAUGHING GAS INTO THE COMPOUND? CONTINUE YOUR HEAD BURYING AND THEY WILL BLOW YOUR ASSETS AWAY WITHOUT BLINKING AN EYE.

    Now, you nice readers have heard what has been going on with the "Green" and US&P case as involves us. On Friday afternoon Mr. Green found that his indiscretions regarding selling of impounded books COULD COST HIM AS MUCH AS $12 MILLION DOLLARS! He then offered a "settlement" which would include the Institute bearing a loss in some respects but WOULD cut out the stupid and endless expenses to legal counsel and time. The offer was accepted and when presented to Mr. Green he blew his cork at the attorney and declined it.

    Now we know WHY. When court was convened in Fresno on Monday afternoon, Mr. Green had a new attorney who rode totally on the coattails of the US&P counsel wherein no mention of Greens was permitted other than to lie and present their declarations that they sold no books, had no knowledge or participation of anything--wrong or right. And before the non-hearing was over the judge had alluded to putting Doris Ekker in jail at least three times.

    This judge did break with all known accepted rules, however, and allowed Dr. Young to actually testify. The entire face of the court changed. The judge perked up in RESPECT and the court clerks stopped their giggling and eye-wallering and the US&P attorney actually paled into very sober attention. PLEASE KNOW, readers, that encounters of this type can only bring recognition of truth even though the blasts are painful and frightening. If the "hearing" were not already over an hour and a half beyond allotted "time"--we would have put Dharma (ME & GERMAIN) aboard to do a little demonstration. But the judge had had enough and had to rethink quite a few misconceptions.

    I welcome aboard Mike McDonald, our newly polished attorney who has been working with Dixon at the Law Center for many months, now. He had not appeared in any presentation for about five years--and he was excellent. I commend the homework and the performance. Remember, readers, these Federal Judges have lifetime appointments and are as near god of human beings as you can get. Only the Elite Puppet Masters give orders to these gentlemen. For him to actually allow Dr. Young hearing and then listen to him was a NEW EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE! The judge still threatened to jail Doris Ekker but without quite as much venom.

    Mr. Green, of course, did not have (whatever your slang terms might fit here) to even make an appearance. US&P's attorney confirmed the fact that negotiations and "arrangements" had been ongoing with Mr. Green and them. However, it was interesting to note that no injunctions would follow against Mr. Green but there were three or four against the Ekkers--including $45,000 legal fees. This also is interesting because Mr. Green had stated $50,000, so in essence we saved $5,000 by simply attending court!

    Another strange thing has happened. Mr. Green has been stating he owes his printer about $45,000 in arrears for the JOURNALS. Can't say much about the outstanding bill but from the printer's rep. sent to meet with Mr. Martin in Las Vegas--the price to Green for printing has been ONLY ONE HALF per JOURNAL as Mr. Green has been alleging since day one. The reason the cost was so low is that PHOENIX/LIBERATOR VOLUNTEERS had been doing the packaging and all non-detail work to help reduce the printer's cost. My, my, what a tangled web is woven when gold enters the picture.

    As things begin to unfold from the "Intelligence" community on the rumor circuit--it would appear to me that both Mr. Green and US&P would get busy accepting almost ANY settlement devised by man. However, our intent is not to hurt, maim, or damage anyone--we have too much work to do to go on with this time-wasting garbage.

    Even Dave Horton, Mr. Green's unfortunate attorney, needs out of this for he is working on a Nevada "bill" to allow silver coinage in that state--a most incredibly important step toward showing the way to sovereignty. This litigation will hurt his reputation and cause ridicule to his program and we wish to help, not hurt, that measure. Nevada is about your only remaining bastion of shelter remaining.

    Goodness, readers, please do not ever think that I control in any way, Mr. Gritz. Through all this mess of confrontation that sounds like something out of Disneyland--he awaits a little more proof of presence. Fine, I have plenty of time, friends. I can't say the same for you nice people--but I have lots and lots of time--like infinity.

    The questions, however, center around the presentation of Bo's that suggested getting "State Citizenized" (this following the lessons of Richard McDonald) and utilization of "trusts". Where does Hatonn stand on this matter?--I have covered it many times.

    I believe that "trusts" have a place IF handled professionally and utilized WITH A NEVADA CORPORATION (with knowledge of how to properly run your Nevada corporation). The problem with trusts is usually the artists that SELL them. They can charge both arms and legs and STILL DO A MISERABLE JOB, LEAVING THE BUYER OPEN FOR LOSS OF EVERYTHING AND THERE IS NO REAL WAY FOR A NOVICE TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. Be careful, pay attention and for goodness sakes, get someone who KNOWS what they are doing instead of leading you right to the door of the IRS.

    As to relinquishing Federal citizenship and becoming an independent Sovereign Citizen of self, first only to state excise laws, etc. Watch it. I respect Richard as much as any patriot I have watched--he knows what he is doing and I honor him--the "Institute" has even supported him with libraries, etc. HOWEVER, THE TIME OF UTILIZING THESE TOOLS IS OVER! KNOW that no matter how you wish to believe you can win a lot of rounds with this activity--you will find you cannot afford the defense in the non-justice courts--partly because of the misuse by your own so-called "patriots". Further, you make a TARGET of yourself when you "drop-out" of the system and for practical purposes to further your claimed desire to function and be heard--you simply disallow recognition. Moreover, as times worsen and there are breadlines--YOU WHO HOLD "ALIEN" CITIZENSHIP (FOR YOU SEE, YOU ALREADY FUNCTION UNDER THE NEWSTATES CONSTITUTION) WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM EVERYTHING, INCLUDING VOTING. The mark of the Beast? What do you mean? YOU RECEIVED THE MARK BEFORE YOU PRESENTED IN THE DIAPERS.

    There was a time when this would have saved your nation--by this one action, carried out in massive numbers--now your people are thrown out of court. I set up an example in Federal Court on Monday for our own people to witness--actually, two things which "could not have been" coincidence as our people look at it.

    First: Ekkers had appeared in that particular court only twice before. On both occasions there appeared people who owned rights and land on a particular location which was TAKEN within the Forest Service. They held good mining claims and proceeded to effort to follow schedules and present working plans to meet the requirements. Over the past few years their land had been confiscated and they had been disallowed presence on the property because of trespass restrictions while, at the same time, being ordered to give assays, operation plans, etc., to the Government. NO WAY TO COMPLY WITHOUT BREAKING AT LEAST TWO LAWS IN THE DOING. Moreover, the Feds came in with bulldozers and bulldozed down their trailers (home) and all other useable equipment and pushed it down the mine shaft, calling it "fill". This was the third time Ekkers had witnessed these same people trying to save their necks and still thinking they might save some assets--how many of you think they will end up with anything? They were "thrown out" of court AGAIN--with strong warnings. Half their co-defendants were given THE WRONG DAY OF COURT APPEARANCE, IN ADDITION--WHICH WAS HARDLY NOTED BY THE JUDGE.

    The next shocker came in the form of a very presentable, but average black man. He stood, in his newly found "citizenship" status, in pro-per, and demanded his rights (carefully and quite well presented) in a case of refusal to take a breath-test in a DUI (in Federal Court?). Well, the rules of the game say (and your teachers will tell you that you can do this) that you can file a demand for hearing in a Federal Court when you have been thrown out of other courts of "lower" injustice. Immediately the judge patiently told him he had no jurisdiction over such a case--the man stumbled and offered incorrect response, wrong paper-work and finally was DISMISSED (thrown out on his ear). CAN YOU WIN USING THESE STRATEGIES? ONLY IF THAT IS ALL YOU WANT TO DO IN THE REMAINDER OF YOUR LIFE--AND YOU WILL ULTIMATELY STILL LOSE! It simply is not enough, citizens. As you move along here and police departments, etc., get into trouble--they will not only arrest you AND fine you but will sock sur-charges all over the routine fines. YES, THEY CAN DO IT AND THEY ARE DOING IT! THEY HAVE THE JAIL AND THEY ALSO HAVE THE GUN! EVERY LAW THEY MAKE IS LEGAL EVEN IF CONSTITUTIONALLY UNLAWFUL!

    But, you say, SOME ARE WINNING! Indeed, HOW MANY? HOW MANY WILL IT TAKE TO CHANGE THE LAWS AND THE NATION BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION? Is it not a bit apparent that these will not change your nation?

    Yes indeed, there are many ways to work within the system and still maintain some stability--but chelas, you simply do not have matching weaponry. I can only ask you to please be careful as you utilize these tools. Yes, they ARE tools and properly used can be of great asset and benefit. Wrongly used and used beyond their time of usefulness will target you and ultimately cause you to lose far more than gained through the exercise.

    I have written at length on these very tactics and offered great respect to ones who teach these uses but the usefulness in ability to cause a court to honor you is passing and all but GONE. Be wise, flexible and move with the changes. YOU will find NO perfection and, as you find a tool, remember, the adversary is working to exclude your right to utilize that tool. There are still a few tools which are so utilized by Elitists that you can still find some shelter--a Nevada corporation is one--IF YOU USE IT CORRECTLY AND STAY SMALL. I continue to suggest you contact CORT CHRISTIE and look for, in the near future I hope, a set of taped instructions which can help you manage your "tools".

    Why do I continue to suggest and "advertise" Cort Christie? Because he has a Resident Agency in Las Vegas, has worked WITH ME for years now and he is bright, intelligent, knowledgeable and dedicated to teaching you HOW TO USE YOUR TOOLS TO HELP YOU--NOT JUST MAKE A BUNDLE OF SHECKLES OFF YOUR PLIGHT!

    So, does this mean that I disagree with Bo Gritz? Half and half--I do not disagree with the "should be able to use"--I do see that you can walk into the biggest trap of the century if you handle these things unwisely. I feel that James (Bo) may well be led astray in his own conclusions by ones who are "using" him just a bit, if not a whole heck of a lot! These people who present to "help" you are not "Gods"--they are humans efforting against all odds (greater than most of your own) to stay alive and SHARE some possible preparedness and awakening insights--YOU MUST DISCERN, EVALUATE BEST USE OF EACH TOOL AS IT INDIVIDUALLY PRESENTS TO YOUR NEEDS AND USES--NO ONE CAN DO IT FOR YOU.

    What of the "Institute" and uses of gold as collateral, etc.? For you who utilize it already--it is presented and seen as "sound" and ones who had come against it are now again joining with it while bringing charges against the ones efforting to force it into receivership. Even the most adamant ones who simply want destruction of the entity--have found it solidly covered, its veil in perfection and the one or two inadvertent "errors" in rules being legally perfected. The ones who came against it the hardest are now on a campaign to GET THE NEVADA LAWS CHANGED! What does that tell you? Good day, what? Remember, these very rules and regulations in Nevada--ARE WHAT NEVADA IS ALL ABOUT! I would guess that even under Newstates laws--there will still be a Nevada! But, will you eventually have to live in Nevada to utilize this privacy and protection? Maybe, but nothing else will be working either and Nevada is not a bad place to live, chelas--depends on what you want with your life experience. But, will you be able to continue business if you are NOT in Nevada? Well, EVERYONE can't live in Nevada who has Nevada-birthed "relatives".

    The hardest thing you ones have to learn and can hardly accept is that when a Corporation is BIRTHED in Nevada--IT IS NOT YOU! IT IS ITS OWN SOVEREIGN CITIZEN--NOT YOU! When you understand that fact--then, and only then, can you fully utilize your new set of craftsmen's tools. But, CAN they change the rules? YES--AND THEY WILL BE CHANGED AND IF THEY ARE WIPED OUT AS TO ABILITY TO USE THEM--IT WILL BE IN SUCH A WAY AS TO ALLOW CLOSING OUT OF YOUR ENTITY, ETC. BY THE TIME THE CORPORATIONS PROPERLY USED AND STRUCTURED ARE ABOLISHED--THERE WILL NOT BE OTHER MEANS OF PROTECTION I CAN WELL ASSURE YOU!

    Will incorporation mean no more taxes, no more hassle? Of course NOT. It means, however, privacy, no Nevada income taxes, ability to handle resources in part, through rates of corporations, etc. IT IS NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, A THING WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO EVADE THE LAWS OF THE LAND--AND THAT INCLUDES MOST ESPECIALLY TAXES. Well managed, however, there are shelters and ways to avoid useless taxation give-away of assets. Why do you think that Mr. Bush paid so few taxes and Mr. Reagan even less? Come on, readers, you may THINK that you cannot use the same techniques--but that is only because THEY want you to think as much.

    Now, as to the major problems which are on their way--the economic collapse, depression and no jobs. Placement of money will not be your problem but survival in a total welfare state which now pulls the plug on welfare! THIS needs confronting and the only way you will make it is to think ahead and--if you think setting yourself aside as an individual sovereign--better know that the STATE is going to leave you and insist you starve to death as a good example to everyone else. Only if you have isolation facilities and HIDDEN (I mean wherefrom your neighbor can't even find your stash) survival goods--will you survive what the Elite Planners have in mind for you good citizens.

    CAN you yet save your Constitution? Yes, but it continually looks less and less likely that enough of you will cause it to happen. As long as the masses truly believe that the group in Waco, Texas burned themselves alive--you will not save your Constitution.

    As long as in nations such as Palestine wherein the Israelis can isolate, starve out and destroy that which has any fragment of Christ belief within its soul, and in Herzegovina where the arms are being removed forcibly from the Christ connected Moslems while the atheistic Communist Serb distractors are given supplies and rearmaments--and YOU allow it--there is little hope of salvaging your own Constitution when the curtain is ready to finally fall.

    I would share with you a paragraph from Will Loy's presentation--I urge you ones who think "visions" are B.S. to get that newsletter--he hits it squarely on the nailhead.

    "Comment: It appears to me that the key to surviving these coming developments will oftentimes be of a very unique nature: like getting in a boat and heading toward the tidal wave instead of running from it. It also appears to me that this "unique key": will not be available until the last possible moment....."

    Therefore, it would seem most appropriate to at least "get the boat"? What he speaks of is a MASSIVE, ABRUPT economic COLLAPSE/CATASTROPHE--SOON! He notes, however, "These catastrophic developments will NOT come on totally unannounced, but for most people there will be little warning and only at the very last minute!"

    If you can do so, get Mr. Loy's writings: Burchette Brothers, P.O. Box 363, Lakeside, CA 92040-0363. I'm sorry not to be able to offer costs of the news bulletin but I am sure the donation will be most reasonable.

    You ones must understand that God does not leave you without guidance and insight--you simply have to know where to turn and how to seek--and above all, know that for which ye seek--in truth.

    ON "THE LAW"
    One, John Locke, wrote on the subject of "the law" as being "The end of the law is, not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom." It would appear to me that if you look at this "should be" and consider all the above as well as look around you at "what is" and what has come to pass--you have not enlarged freedom nor have you abolished restraints. Therefore, please balance your knowledge with getting a concept of these things. In almost any court of so-called law you can go and sit as observer. It is the best teacher there is next to being personally involved. Dr. Young, for instance, in all his academic career, etc., had never experienced a court of law in action. Until Ekkers were thrust into the property case and this ongoing barrage of assaults--they had never been in a courtroom and they, like you, went in under the Constitutional rights, representing selves because the facts were obvious and stuck out like sore digits. Five years later the property was confiscated (and sold to another party right under their noses) and they find that if you walk into a courtroom on any matter involving the Elite power-brokers representing self--you will most often not even be allowed recognition. Even with attorneys galore--Ekkers have yet to receive a "hearing" of ANY KIND!

    What I am trying to point out here is that if you continue to live in fantasy-land of what SHOULD be, you will be driven back. You must GET INFORMED, experience the beast in action--not just "think" it to be this or that way. IT IS WHAT IT IS--AND IT IS NOT VERY NICE NOR DOES IT EVEN RESEMBLE REMOTELY--WHAT SHOULD BE. You will win your battle for freedom from and through WHAT IS--not fantasy wishing that it would be otherwise. You must first KNOW that the tamperings, controls and brain-washing from media, etc., are set forth to delude you--so you must go forth and if needs be SEE FOR YOURSELF.

    Dean Russell years ago said: Actually, the accusations so frequently directed against the free market economy--pollution, false advertising, violence in various forms and degrees, including war--are generally [always] misdirected; those social ills are mostly [always] the result of corrupt or apathetic or deluded or power-mad governmental officials who are not even capable of performing their primary functions of maintaining the peace, suppressing fraud, and attending to other obvious functions that are clearly of an "in common" concern to everyone.

    Since it seems hard to accept "directly" my input through hands upon a keyboard--my scribe, especially, finds it soothing to find that great works have been already "given"--great thoughts already presented--from this same route through the hands and minds of those who came before--sometimes even through a mind that was once yours housed in a different vehicle. I like to share these thoughts of others (same) as we go along for the pondering potential of each of you as you seek silence. So I shall end this with a writing in the form of verse from OUR INVISIBLE FRIENDS:

    I stood one day on a barren ledge on the mountain's eastern rim,
    Where the slopes fell away to the desert haze; and faint and far and dim,
    Like a dull blue cloud on the valley floor lay shadowy Salton Sea:
    But all I saw was the shadow there--I did not know the sea.

    And I wondered idly, standing there, if I could find a way
    Across this weary sun-drenched land, to where that shadow lay;
    And would it prove a shadow, still? Or should my eyes behold
    The jewel that lies at the rainbow's end in the heart of a land of gold?

    There was a trail that lost itself somewhere in the rocks below
    A wandering, tortured, dusty path--a trail that long ago
    May once have been a well used road, but now was cactus-grown
    And filled with sand and shriveled leaves and bits of scattered stone....

    * * *
    Always: you must look beyond--knowing that you cannot simply "know" a thing, a pathway or an invisible friend, without reflecting and allowing and sometimes ONLY through walking of the trail. In more importance, however, perhaps the lost trail is but one of myriads which lay before you--will the past matter so much as those things which are now or may well be guided in the perceived "to be"? Must you always seek the "lost trails" rather than learn from those gone before and forge new and higher pathways always holding to the goal of Light and Life. Meditate upon these things.

    It always comes down to your own insight--your own perceptions and interpretations for these are ALL that one has of total self.

    I again offer the thought for "TODAY" by M. Schroeder:

    "This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or grow in its light and be a service to others. But what I do with this day is important because I have exchanged a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. I hope I will not regret the price I paid for it."

    May you use your days well, my friends, for in the counting and ability to count--there are but few--and as with all passage--fewer yet ahead. How will you use yours?

    I know who I AM--who might you be? Salu.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#068, ECSTASY TO AGONY THROUGH THE PLAN 2000

    PJ 68
    SAT., APRIL 24, 1993 11:02 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 251
    SAT, APRIL 24, 1993
    First, please, some needs for the meeting this afternoon. I ask that the Landkamer packet be brought to the meeting room, along with Green's last letter of yesterday. We shall have to deal with these things and while so many impacted persons are present, we can have communications regarding measures. Remember, crew, MOST of our team is scattered about elsewhere and only gets news through the paper or tapes.

    For this edition of the paper I have to leave much of it to the Editors and layout person's discretion for content for we have meetings all afternoon today AND again tomorrow. This leaves a burden on the final copy handlers--and NO, I do not dismiss anyone from the meetings--ESPECIALLY TOMORROW when we begin the discourses on Corporations--it is the most important subject with which you can become informed! If the paper cannot be gotten out AND attend the meetings--THE PAPER WILL WAIT. If you need more editors to assist--please call on them for proofing. You do not need to rewrite or rearrange ANY of our writings if time is of essence. Nora's is very sufficient unto itself and remember, you Editors do not know my own purposes in presenting information. If there are questions regarding material--let the public inquire and this allows discourse and communication which ultimately brings a flood of fill-out information. This is exactly what we are about: attention and sharing of input.

    It is not too important that we have personal comment from one, Ceres--it IS most important that we FURTHER valid information. Believe me, readers, THIS is the first material scanned by the Administration, the CIA, the Intelligence groups in general and our Patriotic friends--even if YOU don't know who they ARE.

    I am going to overload you AGAIN. I know the legal eagles are busy, busy, busy--but they have to get help or get busier! We MUST use every bit of ammunition while it is hot and excuses won't cut it longer. Our attorneys MUST learn about Nevada Corporations--and learn properly and thoroughly or they CANNOT practice law for any of our people. We are setting it up so we have no "people"!

    So, I want ALL available clippings regarding the "Luke Perry" interviews that have come to attention (and later we shall subpoena the TV tape). Perry makes accusations against ones, Doris and E.J. Ekker--claiming that they bilked his family and hundreds of others of their assets. He claims his step-mother invested with the Ekkers and has lost thousands of dollars. Mrs. Perry has not invested a cent or any other kind of, or amount of, ANYTHING with the Ekkers. These public accusations are tremendously DAMAGING and for a paper to have such poor journalistic behavior as to print such garbage seems to me to be worth somewhere between $10 and, say, $20 million. YOU CAN'T FIGHT THIS SYSTEM WITH GUNS, FOR GOODNESS SAKES--USE THE TOOLS YOU GET. THIS IS THE BEST ADVERTISING FOR THE SECURITY OF INCORPORATION THAT YOU WILL EVER FIND--DON'T LET IT SLIP THROUGH AND BE LOST! FILE CHARGES IMMEDIATELY YESTERDAY. Perry is now trying to change the laws of Nevada because he is befuddled and totally helpless against good business! He wants his step-mother's estate which is in her discretion as trustee. "Dad" made a very good value judgement when he set it forth this way--AGAINST HIS BELOVED AND LOVING CHILDREN! AREN'T WE GLAD GOD SHOWED US A WAY TO PROTECT HER MEAGRE LIVING NECESSITIES? GOD WORKS IN MOST INTERESTING AND MYSTERIOUS WAYS HIS WONDERS TO PERFORM!

    I ask that Brent contact our friend at Geodesic Structures and arrange for the "daily briefing". This has been coming to me after attention--and it bears enough hidden agenda and "missed" reports to make up any hot-line a dozen times over. Please decide how to brief things down and then we will not be pressed on a daily basis at this keyboard. I do want the reports just as have been coming, so please attend this also for these are the subjects which NEED the observations of higher vision tattle-tales.

    Much information comes across the AP (Associated Press) lines that you never hear about--even the Doris/E.J. Ekker/E.T. stupidity made it onto the AP lines and was reported around the world! Yes, indeed, you have plenty of information and ones who wish to toy with our team--will ANSWER FOR IT THE ONLY WAY RECOGNIZED--IN A COURT OF INJUSTICE.

    At the early onset of the Waco, Texas massacre (or was it??) I told you there would be found a connection DIRECTLY TO THE ISRAELI MOSSAD. This was a bit too much for even my staunchest crew members--but let's just see what is coming out NOW! We give appreciation to the AMERICAN PATRIOTS FAX NETWORK: FAXING FOR FREEDOM. Please get on that network, team. We will share with them whatever they like and as we come into funding--get them some of that too, please.


    By: Harley Schlanger
    Faxed Apr. 19, 1993

    Investigators have confirmed that the Cult Awareness Network (C.A.N.) and allied associations in Australia were responsible for setting up the bloody shootout in Waco, Texas which resulted in the deaths of four Federal Agents and at least four members [C: My, how quickly things change!] of the Branch Davidian Sect whose compound was raided.

    The abortive raid was conducted by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), who were acting on the basis of intelligence provided by so-called cult experts, who have "deprogrammed" former members of the sect. These "experts" had convinced BATF officials that members of the Branch Davidian Sect were preparing to follow their leader, David Koresh, in some imminent violent action, either a mass suicide, an attack on the citizens of Waco, or the assassination of a political figure.

    Intending to preempt such an event, BATF agents went to the compound on February 28, to execute a sealed warrant, which alleged violations of Federal weapons laws. To deliver the warrant, BATF sent more than 100 armed officers, backed by three helicopters, to launch an all-out assault on the sect's compound. The deaths occurred during a forty-five minute gun battle, from which BATF agents were forced to retreat.

    Though "a" BATF spokesman initially blamed the failure of the action on being "outgunned", the evidence being compiled shows that it was innacurate information, provided by CAN and its affiliates, that caused the bloodiest day in BATF history.

    BATF officials insist the raid would have been successful had the element of surprise been maintained. They are focusing efforts on discovering the source of the leak, someone who tipped off Koresh that a BATF raiding party was coming, as a scapegoat for the disaster.

    This explanation has come under attack from both anti-terrorist experts and law enforcement officials. Col. Charles Beckwith, the founder of the U.S. Army's Delta Force Commando 2 Unit, blamed poor Intelligence for the raid, which he described as "ludicrous" and "an embarrassment".

    Former McLennan County (WACO) District Attorney Vic Feasell, who studied Koresh and sect members when he unsuccessfully prosecuted them in 1986, characterized the raid as "a vulgar display of power". In contrast to the bloody fiasco three weeks ago, Koresh (then named Vernon Howell) and six others turned themselves in, at the sheriff's request, in 1986. "We treated them like human beings, rather than storm-trooping the place," Feasell told reporters.

    Feasell reiterated what Beckwith and others have alleged, that it was the faulty Intelligence which caused the disaster. The Branch Davidians, he said, "are protective of what's theirs. They're protective of their land. They view their land as Muslims do Mecca and Jews view Jerusalem....if they'd (the BATF) called and talked to them, the Davidians would've given them what they wanted."


    [C: Now you are all forced to recognize the facts and it is NOT pretty, Americans. It is NOT pretty anywhere in your world this day. When it came to the holocaust involved, not to mention it took place while the "holocaust of Jews' claim" was being celebrated and you-the-taxpayers of America paid for a museum which has taken a week to dedicate (in America yet--why not Israel?) and on and on and on. If you miss the connections, you are blind as the salamander of Leander's cave. When the cute little terrorists pushed the tanks into place to "place" a little gas inside--they blocked every entrance and exit from the place--including the escape routes to the safety shelter areas. Accident? Come, come Americans. Then--they just sort of accidentally dumped a little CS Gas inside (non-flammable) and a lot of Cap Gas which is more flammable and easier to detonate than napalm as you recognized it in VietNam. ....Just all in a day's games, I suppose.] Salu, Ceres

    PJ 68
    CHAPTER 10
    SUN., APRIL 25, 1993 9:18 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 252
    SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1993
    "....UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN." And the promise of God is again proven that HE shall prevail and never shall HIS people be vanquished from the lands of HIS CREATION.

    Kathy "finally" (in her opinion--at the time of perfection in God's) brought forth a fine son who shall be called Tyler David (misspellings, if any, unimportant as you will later see). This is for you who have checked each day as Kathy grew larger and OBVIOUSLY so, too, did the babe. (9# 12 oz.)

    This discussion of names was not intended to go out of control but how can I not give expression when I have done so with the two friends and children born within the month of days? I always get "my" way in whatever "they" choose!

    "David" needs no definement for it does and always has, meant "Beloved of God". "Tyler" is a bit more complicated and comes from derivatives of labels dating so far back as to have no meaning to any save historians. The term itself in closest use would be Tyrelord, or, Lord of Tyre. But, forget that definition. Tyler as would be acceptable to you NOW is taken from what would be Thylord and alphabet gets in the way.

    It is a direct hand-down from Theophilus (Ty) (Lover/Server of God) and Theobold/Theodor(d)e/Tylordler)/Theoba(o)ld. (Great and bold; brave one of the PEOPLE). Therefore, what have we when Hatonn gets through with it? Beloved OF God and brave, bold representative OF/FOR "the people within RESPECT/LOVE TOWARD GOD IN SERVICE. Now, I ask: "Anyone care to go try to explain this dissertation to Kathy and Dave?" You must understand--WE also need identification symbols which YOU understand to reach into the physical expression for "contact". Later "we" will work the fannies off these little light-beams. Blessings rest upon all of you, our children who dare in these times, to bring forth allowance of souled creations to later bring you home. Salu. You are scattered about in every direction of the infinite directions but we find pleasure in playing with the ones under our noses. As I gather my little ones within my arms I realize that I, Hatonn, am a pretty good "manager" for, remember, "You can consider yourself a good manager only when you get superior work from average people." The only thing incorrect about that statement is that NONE of you who travel with me--are average; you are superior in every way definable. You are not even "confused"--you are simply witnessing the unfolding of the mystery and do not yet see it ALL. So be it for God would never leave His people without messengers or Truth for this wondrous adventure come full cycle in its rightful sequence.

    Will you find these meanings listed in a book of names? I doubt it but you might give it a try--if you have one and if there are such. You people are nit-pickers, aren't you?! Well, it's ok--just don't be picking nits when you should be gathering the fruit! And, NO, it is not Nora's job to research YOUR name label to try to catch Ceres in a fantasy!

    Cesar Chavez is my beloved friend. One from our immediate team worked for/with him and Dharma's daughter worked with him for years in his "headquarters". This man had walked the Elite and "mean" trail of base horror of the deeds of man against man less fortunate. He had connections which were abhorrent and aberrant as he efforted to bring truth for the downtrodden of his homeland and brethren into decency of life's basic needs. "His" people were murdered slowly and still are, in the fields of the Elite farm-grabbers and given life-styles fit only for swine as they labored without legal papers, in many instances, and squalor. Many times workers are actually "killed" and no reference is ever again made to them--for they are "illegal aliens" or considered by your law-enforcement officials "a bother too great to even recognize them". On the very day last year when Bo Gritz spoke in Tehachapi, Cesar and/or his son, Paul, was to also speak at that same gathering.

    Both were out searching for the "third man" of three who had been killed in the fields. No public notice was ever heard of issued--no reference ever given--it was as if the men never existed. "This" is what Cesar stood against and for: recognition of these servants (slaves) by and as humans in a sea of humanity gone mad.

    Did he die peacefully in his bed in sleep in Arizona? Arizona? What was he doing in Arizona? HE WAS IN THE PROCESS OF TESTIFYING AGAINST "YOU KNOW WHO AND WHAT"! The saddest part is that his own people would allow him to EVER be alone for it was bound to happen sooner or later--that he would be murdered.

    Don't give me the old "natural causes" any more than you can believe one word from the processors of bodies from Waco or Jonestown. IT IS MURDER!!, and worse, little chelas, it is murder by those sworn under oath to PROTECT YOU! May God have mercy as those who commit such crimes, horror and terror receive just reward, for it shall come to be!

    But what can YOU do about such as this? KNOW!! Then look within and see what you believe about what you are fed on the tubes of destruction--you will then, finally, learn that only YOU can hope to change the way it is. You will learn that if you want the circumstances in your life to change for the better--YOU MUST CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!

    I am insulted, shot-at, denied and denigrated because I tell you Truth and you can't yet see it through the curtain of lies and subterfuge. You can't seem to understand that in your political hierarchy--the "Bush camp" financed the Clinton(s) victory--just as planned!

    Who won in this election just past? Obviously, Clinton. Perot ACTUALLY won but then we don't count the votes of the American voters, do we?

    So, without changing the subject let us assume that in this instance Bush was the biggest winner of all. These three so-called candidates were placed, groomed and presented to STOP ANY FOOLISHNESS FROM YOU-THE-PEOPLE WITH A THOUGHT TOWARD A TRUE PATRIOT/CONSTITUTIONAL "LEADER".

    So, equally, the big winners were BUSH, Clinton and Perot. These candidates are totally identical. They were all backed by the SAME INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL PURCHASERS.


    They ALL shared intimate knowledge of involvement in guns and drugs for sale and hire as with the Contras and myriads of others, untoward and criminal dealings with BCCI and other banking entities, the illegal arming of Iran AND IRAQ and a concealed interest in ushering in as quickly as possible the New World Order future for all mankind. Now you are seeing the noose strangling the very life out of you as a nation and a people. This new Attorney General who appears to be a "NICE" lady? No, she ordered the murder of nearly a hundred people (babies and helpless people trapped and holocausted) in just "one" incident. She also was up to her cute little eyes in cover-up and workings of a major child pornography ring operation--wonder why no investigators could dig that tid-bit up--everyone knew!

    As for Clinton and who paid for him? Well, we have written on it so many times I apologize for even speaking of it again but a major investor was one Jackson Stevens, the largest investment banker in Arkansas and one of the largest bankers on Wall Street.

    Stevens arranged a $3.5 million line of credit for Clinton at a time when, absent this windfall, Clinton would have been out of the race and that wouldn't do because it was already decided by the Bilderberg group that Clinton would be puppet president.

    Two elements make this gift highly significant. First, Stevens was SOLIDLY IN THE BUSH CAMP. Ten months prior Stevens had contributed over $100,000 to the George Bush For President Campaign, assuring his position in Bush's "Team 100" (significant). In 1988, MRS. Stevens served as co-chair-man of the George Bush for President Committee!

    I think it notable here that people don't get appointed to these "committees" unless they hold some power somewhere. In fact, as a point of interest, George Green often boasted that he had been asked directly by Paul Volcker to head the financial arm of the Jimmy Carter presidential campaign. George loved to speak on and on about his connections (always presented as "prior") with the highest of the Elite. Can a man change? Yes--but past actions repeated seem to indicate that it is rare indeed, in all instances. He claimed to have been financially HURT through a massive $3 million loss (overnight) after he refused the above offer. True? Who knows--for recovery is promised in many different ways as ones are asked to redeem or serve to regain presence. Is it different than when the big boys get a release for a "prisoner" in exchange for service and information? It happens all the time--TO MY OWN TEAM-MATES. In fact it has happened with connections with George Green and directly associated with diverters of CLC funds. Will the remaining "players" be caught or watch sufficiently their own backsides? Hard to tell--but one or two seem to be holding as they battle their own way out of the garbage being threatened against them. WE HAVE THE STRENGTH TO PREVAIL IF THEY, INDIVIDUALLY, DO ALSO.

    Back to contributors, etc. It looks very bad for that one fat cat, Stevens, to be such a big contributor to both front runners--neither contribution was supposed to surface. The killer is the fact that it was Stevens who first introduced Hassan Abedi, the founder of BCCI, to Clark Clifford and Bert Lance. THIS INTRODUCTION WAS THE INITIAL ACT IN BCCI'S ATTEMPT TO ILLEGALLY TAKE OVER AMERICAN BANKING THROUGH FIRST AMERICAN, WASHINGTON, D.C.'S LARGEST BANK. Please note, however, that both Clark and his henchman were exonerated within the past mere weeks!

    If an honest investigation of any kind by Congress had been done this would have yielded the ugliest and dirtiest scandal in presidential history. But this major hole of incest and crime was largely unreported. It was hardly even mentioned through the many months of the campaigning--REMEMBER? It was not even written about until the last week in October, prior to election day. Then it broke through the Wall Street Journal.

    The Wall Street Journal, although controlled by CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and Trilateralists, employs the best writers in your nation. You can get pretty well informed by "carefully" reading the Journal and another, Scientific American--but it requires attention between the lines of print.

    Noting back, J.P. Morgan (destroyer of Tesla AND, around about, BURIED Walter Russell) determined that he would acquire the 25 most influential newspapers in the nation so that he could "control public opinion". The Wall Street Journal was one of his acquisitions and remains in the control of his heirs along with Forbes and Barrons. The Rockefeller interests control ABC, NBC, CBS, and TIME-LIFE through Chase Manhattan. CNN and Turner Broadcasting is only a facade recognition--for it is the front-runner of presentation control. It really pays you, readers, to know the "interests" of those who provide the news. In other words, WHO WINS THE GOODS?

    As with George Green, whose own attorney stated that "receivership and bankruptcy of the Phoenix Institute would massively benefit George Green but would BADLY DAMAGE all participants in and with the Institute." RIGHT!!!

    "Settlement" talks are under way immediately in order to keep Doris from being jailed because of the actions of George Green, whose antics seemed to somehow miss notice in the court. Interesting? Therefore, we will not run the most recent outlay of total self-incrimination material with GG's own signature affixed which has been sent from a couple of "friends"?!? We will run those things after the dirt settles a bit more and we can secure the Ekkers for this, as the other corruption, is going to come forth whether we do it or another does it--but I refuse to place my scribe in such disposition. Now we hold a letter from GG to Ekkers offering to "settle" this mess that "they started" and has so badly damaged him personally. He continues to claim input of over half a million dollars while Ekkers gave or presented NOTHING! Oh? I suppose that the entire PRODUCT and reason for any participation of any kind by anyone, accounts as NOTHING? So be it, we shall see. Funny thing--Doris is now the one who FINALLY, on day-before-yesterday, stopped saying over and over "George wouldn't...." and "I feel so sorry for George and Desireé". Come off it, chela, this kind of allowance is why your world is in such corruption--the Godly people allow and allow and allow. Does GG feel "bad" when he dumps the very Distributing (Co.) lie and massive indemnity on his own wife, Desireé?? Does he understand what he is doing?? OF COURSE! NOW, OPEN THINE EYES AND SEE!!

    Back to the Bush Camp: Amplifying the disgrace of the Jackson Stevens affair was a Frontline special airing the very next night called "Who Finances Campaigns?" Here the public learned that in addition to the $3.5 million line of credit, Jackson Stevens took Clinton by the hand and introduced him to those who mattered--on Wall Street--and thereby raised a whopping additional $750,000 for the Clintons.

    Astute readers are probably now saying to themselves that this was getting just as bad as possible? But wait a minute! It does get worse. There were other notables arranging money parties for Clinton, and one in particular who represented the dead center of the Bush camp: Pamela Harriman. Pamela Harriman is the widow of Averell Harriman, former CEO of the same Brown Brothers Harriman money ship where Prescott Bush was a PARTNER! Pamela was backing the Clinton campaign from the very first day. Note that the treasury of the super influential Yale secret society, "Skull and Bones", was managed by Brown Brothers Harriman.

    Pamela Harriman was the wife of Winston Churchill's son, Randolf Churchill, when she first was introduced to Averell.

    While the German bombs pounded away on the other side of London, Averell created one of the world's most shocking sex scandals as he STOLE THE PRIME MINISTER'S DAUGHTER-IN-LAW VIRTUALLY IN PLAIN VIEW OF EVERYONE.

    This goes on down the web-line as Averell was the number one American representing the Lend-Lease Program in Great Britain. Interestingly enough, at the same time Joseph KENNEDY (JFK's father) was in the same town bearing the title of Ambassador.

    This could go on and on and on--but we have already covered it several times. I can only suggest that you "Inquiring Minds" go read back issues and JOURNALS--along with any and all related material. Many writers give you truth if you would but get your minds on it. This has all been written up in detail in your own MONETARY & ECONOMIC REVIEW--actually in the very MONTH (November) of your just past election. I have yet to see that Clinton has kept even one promise to you-the-people. Even the ones which may appear to have been kept--ARE NOT.

    Now, I can only further advise that if you want current information and have facilities--get on the American Patriot Fax Network (our people are going to get signed up however necessary, for YOU NEED THE CONFIRMATIONS!) I can continue to comment on these same old things--but what a waste of time and space when it is easier to believe from your own resources.

    A.P.F.N.: 3790 Hazelwood #11, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Tel: (702) 369-9841 Fax: (702) 369-8101.

    We can handle a lot on our "hotline" but not everything, readers. I am also asked if this "advertising" is "just to protect my scribe a bit more?" You better believe it--the more the word goes forth from a myriad of sources--the more security is offered to each daring speaker and worker!


    May each of you allow God to walk by your side for you cannot make this journey alone.

    Salu, Ceres to clear.

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