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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#067, THE BEAST AT WORK

    PJ 67
    CHAPTER 11

    THU., APRIL 8, 1993 10:09 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 235

    THURSDAY APRIL 8. 1993
    'Atonn present in the service unto Holy God. I take the privi­lege of giving recognition to a receiver/translator whom we shall simply recognize by his elder label of "John".

    Dharma has written many, many hours for Tomeros (Thomas in English) Korton and is grateful to have relief so our thank-yous are abundant in appreciation. As the "crew" becomes more or­ganized as to locations of central function about the nations, representatives must be available for translating our communica­tions transmissions.

    I will not "press" for regular writings for the paper for training is long and tedious for the receivers and to find a level of com­fort is at first quite difficult. We will, however, add to the To­niose Soltec entries, Cmdr. Korton's as comfort is reached with the receiver. Esu "Sananda" has had a speaker and writer in Thomas for years but we allowed Druthea to be the focused scribe during these past four or so years. That resource is now lost to us in validity acceptance due to very earthly pressurings, as was the receiver for Moses who also as readily received from whom she assumed was Esu (Jesus). Validity and clarity of re­ception and CLEARING is both the responsibility of the re­ceiver AND the speaker. This means that the RE­CEIVER/TRANSLATOR must at all times be most careful as to resources utilizing his/her "frequency". For no matter what entertaining channels may wish you to think--the dark-side will always "get there first" and fool you by "truth" only to dissolve into heinous tools of misinformation and disinformation. However, TRUTH FROM ANY SOURCE--IS TRUTH AND IT IS UP TO THE READERS/LISTENERS TO FORM THEIR DIS­CERNMENT--FOR WE JUDGE NOT THE PHYSICAL SPEAKER. Our most humble wish is that those speakers will continue to find audience--FOR TRUTH, but it is most difficult to recover original respect after physical expression has been damaged or destroyed through human ACTIONS AND IN­TENT TOWARD HUMAN "GAIN", in English, the word of definition being "greed".

    The slip-over is rarely recognized and the ones in point will deny, excuse and even lie to avoid confrontation of the truth of it. But the adversarial forces will abandon those precious beings when their dirty work is accomplished or CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED--WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. We effort in every "human" way to be heard for as the human expression takes hold and the energy resources program for tuning out the Host's warnings and petitions, the Receiver/Translator BE­COMES QUITE DEAF, LOSES LOGIC AND GRASPS AT THAT WHICH IS "PHYSICAL".

    Be that as it may--there is always the waiting and committed ones who take the task in open willingness to serve as needed. We are honored and when these ones continue without failure under the load and bombardments--there is rejoicing "in Heaven".

    I shall tell "John" who he REALLY is one of these days--but the task must always be undertaken and expressed without much re­alization of other than purpose of the task at hand and undenied, unqualified devotion and intent to serve the Lighted God and Hosts--not without clearing and question--but without tinkering and reservation once the lines are clear and functional. It is most difficult to put aside the interruptions and interference of "consciousness" and "receiver opinions". This must be totally overcome in all instances if information is to be valid as pre­sented--not corrected to suit the needs or wishes of the day.

    I do have to request that these brothers of mine keep the writings to minimum length (SHORT) as we overload this paper now going to print in far too many pages. Yet, it is a time when we must present these things (happenings) of the day and the "time" so that you ones can grasp necessary actions to make it through the time of chaos and confusion and enter into what will most likely be time of total enslavement of the masses. You shout "this is a free nation" if you be from America--NO, you are enslaved and pay for the enslavement. It will, however, get much worse before it turns about on its axis and moves again into freedom. Therefore, you must know what you are "about" and act in wisdom through intelligence--and studied knowledge of the facts as presented. MOST on the planet will heed not, nor CAN they heed anything save simply survival, if that much.

    For instance, as a radioactive cloud sweeps across the lands from Russia (Siberia) said to be a nuclear POWER plant in Tomsk--what have you, actually? Well, it seems that for a little village of such as Siberian Tomsk, a lot goes on. Remember back if you will--a few years--AT THE TIME OF A MOST IMPORTANT SUMMIT MEETING
    A "NUCLEAR INCIDENT"). I suggest you take a good deep breath, open your eyes and ears and hang onto your seats.

    So be it, scribe, may we now just present Tomeros' writing to share a bit of uplifting input out of the fear and dreary happen­ings of the day.


    Korton present upon the ray within the Light of God.

    Attend your contract with us as the source for your telling. Be the seed that we create to share with your brothers in the snare. All of the writings are words to express the moment of communication. You are to communicate our mastery of your words to precipitate communications with events that you hu­mans call "time", a close inspection of things as they happen, indeed.

    I must thank Commander Hatonn for his orchestrating my acceptance by my scribe over these events of human perception of nearly 3 months. Force fed by your command therefore, thank you Commander, as there is another to receive our own under­standing.

    I will pause for John to read and think this over with all his own many points of view....

    [C: As "original teacher" I suggest that John try a different approach: don't stop to "think" about these things for from these periods of pausing comes the confusion of the content, the doubts and the desire to feel inadequate. WRITE
    --then, and only then, ponder upon the message. Yours is NOT to conform the message--ONLY TO TAKE IT AND STUDY IT AS OTHERS, AFTER THE FACT. ENJOY THE "COMMUNION" FOR IT IS INDEED WONDROUS
    --BUT DO NOT GET LOST IN THE COMMUNION OF SELF AND FORGET THE TASK AT HAND. John, you are doing superbly--do not attend the spelling, punctuation and other things which require your attention in the conscious
    self-consciousness. These things will come easier as the teacher becomes ever more affluent in the language in your own data system. We will NEVER allow embarrassment to either you, the word, or the teacher--except as we make our own errors. Simply attend the messages in translation, rest in the rather personal content here at onset for only through this type of rather broken communication can the ultimate messages and lessons, especially as they become quite scien­tific in nature and presentation, be accepted and penned by the receiver. You must realize at some point that you WILL NOT KNOW CONSCIOUSLY--MOST OF WHAT WILL EVENTUALLY BE PRESENTED. Korton is our Chief Communications Officer and, therefore, information WILL (must) become at some time, technical. Just as with Dharma receiving Germain's technical data with Walter Russell, so too will you be hearing from ones of great frequency technology. It is most difficult to "communicate" between worlds and dimensions so that understanding is received and utilized in both transmission and receiving centers. Thank you for your patience; I salute you for your patience and never-failing eagerness and willingness to serve. Salu.]

    Korton at the helm to exclude the "other 6 views", all is from the Light of God, John's views are from man. All is not lost, however, for there is much received from the higher realms of perceptions. There is much work to be done, understanding is on the rise to its level of incompetency. There must be light from a higher source to transcend those manmade limits of growth. There is a fountain of perception within the willing mind to receive. The words are the vehicle to transport the un­derstanding within your own perception that is without limits within God. All of creation is within God's Light and you are that same Light in reflection. So let us see the words as tools to accelerate your perceived perception beyond the limits placed by self within the illusion of the physical persuasion.

    Webster, the adversary to goodness, would confuse the scholars to where they think that properly strung together, words will express truth of a thing--not so--the words only un­cover the truth known WITHIN the receiver, that is there al­ready. As in understanding--realize these are your limits put upon you by the adversary. Listen within for our message to set you free of the snare of "perception limited", the foundation of greed--power over perception.

    To say it another way, we are here to guide you to the recognition that those limits are man made goals for profit and con­trol to enslave your souls through your own perception of limits, as Commander Hatonn has said "You have not yet learned that you do not need to eat.", or that there is no "out-there some­where" God, or that Jesus somehow died FOR YOUR sins so that "we are magically SAVED". There are many examples of limits created on our perceptions like, the other guy with money, cars, clothes---. He says he does not believe, he is an atheist....etc. Maybe that is the secret to success and re­spect...or, how about this: "I think I will believe in God because then I can claim Jesus Christ as my savior and sin all I want, be­cause he spilled his blood for me to keep me safe and out of harm's way (just in case some of it may be true)". There are many ways to limit your perception from man's many points of view; however, the Hosts have come to show you the way from all of the evil snares of perception designed to entrap you in the illusion of those limits.

    To confirm this message for today: See the limit, then look beyond for the truth that is hidden from you by those limits that restrict. Reach to God of Light, your being within that is all knowing and free to be WITH GOD and then place those limits you choose to set WITH HIM as you grow in the Light of God. Amen.

    I know this is a worry to you but being thrown into the water WILL teach you to swim and KNOW that we are here with you.

    There is a road which is perceived, say, by an ant which is not much different than if there were "no" road. A rabbit per­ceives a different road--but the ants, mostly no road at all from their tiny flatland viewpoint, and the rabbit perceives only an opening stripe of the road--but nonetheless, a road (pathway) is perceived each unto its own direction-finder. Man may perceive those paths as not fit to even be called a road for it will be quali­fied as too steep, too narrow, too muddy, too bumpy, too many holes, not wide enough and on and on. As with perception lim­its. Its existence within your perceived illusion of reality which insists that you comply with the rules laid down for you or the limits as resulting from the illusion of perception with all those limitations.

    All of the physical is but illusion. You must KNOW this possibility in order to grow in the Light of your Soul journey into REALITY (that which is beyond illusion), where a se­quence of events may and can begin beyond your physical ex­pression of perception, grow into a consciousness of what IS, including perceptions, limitations and illusions. How many people do you know who would even perceive an "ant road" or a "rabbit road"? Ants seem insignificant to man's perception, however, almost all humans would perceive the road as an "ant road" if there are enough ants on it. They could change the physical perception of man through physical power--and fear--if there are enough of them. These are the tools for molding physical perception and creating limitations while shackling "the soul".

    A "rabbit road", however, has been "perceived" by man--in fact one of your leaders, President Carter, relinquished his per­ception of physical authority over a rabbit. (He was camping and came back to proclaim a "killer rabbit" attacked his group). However, the limit of physical perception held by the masses would not allow this perception to stand, and sent this particular to the "shop" for a "mental tune up"! So it is that there are lim­its in the other direction of travel, also, and perceptual existence remains within a narrow channel of allowed perception held in place by a "perception" of how you must think, express, and participate within this illusion. It would seem you would rather fight than switch perceptions beyond those limits, or might you try it within, in the silence and stillness of the universe with GOD in your mind--to be a part of this experience with illusion WITHIN SOUL and consequently and subsequently be able to grow through the illusion into what is WITHIN GOD'S LIGHT.

    Could there be reality within "this reality"--a new reality as perceived "from"--or must it be "IS" as there is creation of wider realities that can also be illusion that is perceived in the physical? Is the "other" not? Look to see what power is present that creates a "reality" that is illusion that all perceived is repre­sented in the physical perception only? You must allow going beyond the perceived limitations of physical "reality" on into WHAT IS to find the "cause" of assumed "reality". It is from here that you must go WITH YOUR SOUL; it is your jour­ney to commune and return to the physical, commune and return, commune and return--until the illusion becomes your own CREATION WITH GOD!

    Korton is blessed with this opportunity to serve.


    * * *
    Blessed are those who seek and find, dare and achieve--for in that willingness of the first step is the journey accomplished. Thank you.

    Ceres to ask for clearing of the screen that we might move on with "Jury Tampering by Judges" in criminal action. In other words, we must now move from the sublime to the atrocious--but this, too, is "life".

    CHAPTER 12

    THU., APRIL 8, 1993 11:44 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 235

    THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1993
    Police Officer (Ret.), Jack McLamb
    A case in point: In 1982 I was interviewed on public televi­sion in Arizona.
    I was an active duty police officer at the time and also the Executive Director of a national police organiza­tion.

    Before the interview the moderator (an attorney) and I had a moment to talk. We were discussing the present problems with the criminal justice system.

    I had presented to him the "outlandish" idea that the jury (People), rather than the judge, should actually be allowed to decide the outcome of a jury trial by utilizing their full lawful powers, Jury Nullification, and with respect to reviewing all available evidence, witnesses, etc. His very stern and short re­ply to me was: "THE JURY (PUBLIC) IS NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO BE ENTRUSTED WITH SUCH POW­ERS".

    Needless to say, our relationship went downhill from there. I'll say this though, with that attitude he's perfect material for a "political judgeship" under our present corrupt judicial system!

    One can get a definite feeling for the depth of our problems in our U.S. judiciary from such exchanges. However, let's re­turn to further quotes from our 19th Century scholar, Lysander C. Spooner. He continues: "It is not only the right and duty of juries to judge what are the facts, what is the law, and what is the moral intent of the accused but it is also their right and their primary and paramount duty to judge of the justice of the law, and to hold all laws invalid, that are, in their opinion, unjust or oppressive, and all persons guiltless in violating, or resisting the execution of such laws".

    Think about it. Occasionally police officers are accused of crimes and find themselves facing a jury. Would not you your­self prefer that a truly independent jury of your peers decide your case rather than a facade of jury--craftily selected and secretly controlled by a single Aristocrat Government Agent/Judge?

    As for this writer, give me a jury of my peers--their names randomly DRAWN OUT OF A HAT, NO other question, no other screening, no other qualification, AND no secret judicial controls!!

    That is the only way to have a jury of peers.

    Since space is always a consideration I have purposely fo­cused mainly on the jury's right to decide both the law and the fact of the case before it. This is called "Jury Nullification" by the honest, and "Jury Lawlessness" by members of the Evil Em­pire...

    Please remember that as hard-hitting as this article may seem, the intention is not to label all judges as "bad people". While it is all too true that nearly all judges use some secret illicit con­trols much of the time, we recognize that this "power grab" has resulted from long decades of well planned, gradual, piece­meal encroachments.

    In fact the whole current, aberrant system has been so en­trenched for so long, and gained such a high degree of accept­ability that some offenders may even need to be somewhat excused, on grounds of ignorance. But excused ONLY until they are taught the errors of their ways!

    The single purpose of our study is to show that, regardless of who or what is to blame, we are at a point where the intended, all-important jury has been rendered powerless and is just sitting there as "eyewash" for public consumption.

    We need to fully concentrate our energies on removing un­lawful powers from the judiciary and restoring them to the Peo­ple, in their capacity as Jurors.

    Rational people everywhere recognize that indeed our Nation under God is gone; in addition it is recognized that our freedom and independence are almost gone. However, on a very posi­tive note, we CAN give thanks that the few freedoms we have left (the vote of an independent jury being one) are quite enough to restore what has been lost. So, let's get on with it!

    It is interesting to note that in 1895 one single corrupt judge on the U.S. Supreme Court usurped the right of the American Jury to be told that they do have the right to nullify bad law, or to be careful as to the method in which a specific law is applied to a particular case.

    He did this by bestowing the decision of whether or not to tell the jury of their power to his brother Club Members in the lower courts. This was done because the juries kept deciding in favor of what the majority of the American People wanted in­stead of what the government Elitists of that time wanted. Wasn't that nice? Question: Does the Supreme Court have the right to purposely strip, or hide away, the People's inalienable rights????

    As we have already discussed, it is through this kind of illicit judicial activism that these power-hungry Elitists protect certain individuals and promote certain political goals and, at the same time, punish other selected people or groups, and crush any op­position to their Elitist agenda.

    President/King George the Bush, told us recently several times what the AGENDA is: his utopian "New World Order" (One World Government). Of course, it will be installed with him and his international cronies in complete control of the world's people under the United Nations. [C: And so it has come to pass for it no longer matters WHO serves the Elite gods through the offices of you-the-people; it works out the very same in the final tally.]

    We should believe them completely when they tell us: "You won't need Constitutional protections in this new world order". That's an understatement!

    One lawyer tells the truth! An attorney in Arizona (Van O'Steen) published this small, but "DYN-A-MITE", article in the largest newspaper in the state--explaining and upholding the right of the public to use "Jury Nullification". Absolutely unbe­lievable, but true! Read it (below) and CHEER.

    ****Editors: This is worthy of leaving in this text AND placing in bold outline in a space easily noted by the readers.***

    At the end of most jury trials, the judge gives the jury instructions regarding the law applicable to the case. The jury is then excused to begin its deliberations and reach a verdict.

    Jury verdict research indicates that most juries give great weight to the judge's instructions about the law. They take seriously the charge to apply the facts presented during the trial to the law as described to them by the judge.

    Under our legal system, however, juries need not be controlled by the law. They may reach any verdict they like, notwithstanding what many would consider to be the obvious conclusion to be drawn from the evidence applied to the law.

    This little-known principle is well established in our legal system. It predates the American Revolution.

    If a jury believes a law is unjust, or that circumstances justify disregarding it, the jury generally has the power to reach a verdict that is apparently inconsistent with the traditional appli­cation of facts to law.

    Most legal scholars agree that this power is one of the strengths of our judicial system. It is a corrective feature that permits ordinary citizens to do justice when unusual circumstances arise.

    American juries have enormous power, and most of the time it is exerted responsibly.

    Juries may be reluctant to reach a first-degree murder conviction where the accused disconnected a respirator from a terminally ill loved one. The power of jury nullification permits a "not guilty" verdict.

    Van O'Steen. From Arizona Republic & Gazette

    One of these Fabian Socialists' greatest tools to use against the American People, (and, therefore, also their "Achilles Heel"), is our "dumb" but highly patriotic Law Enforcement Of­ficers and National Guardsmen. (By "DUMB" I mean "not knowledgeable" about the INTERNAL enemy of our nation).

    Anyway, old King George the Bush (and now, Clinton the King Klown) and gangs, are deathly afraid of THE PEOPLE'S PROTECTORS GETTING EDUCATED (Cops and Guards­men).

    To go forward with their treasonous plans for America taking its place in their planned New World Order, they need all of their ENFORCERS (you) to do ON COMMAND the actual physical part of subjugating (placing under control) your fellow Americans.

    Do you understand what would happen if the American Po­lice Officer and National Guardsmen would REFUSE to place their Elitist control?

    Sure you know--and so do they!

    That's why they are so afraid of you good patriotic American Cops and Guardsmen getting a real understanding of what their un-American goals are all about.

    Never forget your power which was given to you by the peo­ple that you have sworn to protect! The enemy within this Re­public cannot complete their plans to subjugate our people with­out your assistance.

    If you do nothing more than uphold your oath of office, which is to protect the American People's Rights, and Property, their well planned World Government takeover plan is finished, KA-PUT!

    That's right--YOU ARE THAT POWERFUL! What do you say we fight them every inch of the way? Help me spread the truth to our fellow police officers and guardsmen.

    Start someone else down the road to understanding. This RESTORING OF THE POWER OF THE JURY is only ONE of the areas of importance.

    Additional things you can do is to share Aid and Abet Police Newsletter and to attend local Constitutional/Patriots meetings. Don't BELIEVE the government hype against these fine Coun­trymen.

    This old Cop knows thousands of them. These people love America as much as do you and I.

    The other very important thing to do is to join in and help your fellow neighbors lawfully FORCE the judges in your state to stop lying and start telling the jury the truth about their powers and duties. Call or write to the wonderful peo­ple at Fully Informed Jury Amendment at P.O. Box 59, Helmville, Mont. 59843 (406) 793-5550. There is a group in your state right now that needs your help. They use the name "FIJA". PLEASE DO IT!

    Please keep in mind that when I answer requests for docu­ments for research, etc., "there are costs involved"...the work here at AID AND ABET is a "labor of love" dedicated to our nation and its people.
    We are all volunteers! We never get a paycheck, nor charge for our time and assistance in answering or filling your requests; we ask only that our "out of pocket" expenses be replaced so that we can keep on helping to educate more of our fellow lawmen.
    * * *

    The following was written by Jeffrey Forrest and his observa­tions were run in the paper distributed by a group called Liber­tarians. It is both interesting and gives a lot of "history" in brief format so we will share it with you here prior to moving into a discussion on your Constitution and on to the Newstates Consti­tution under the
    re-"districted" New States--under the Govern­ment run by the United Nations One World Government. You will note, please, that in the United Nations--ONLY THE TINY (COUNT THEM ON ONE HAND OF FINGERS) FEW ELITE NATIONS ARE CONSIDERED IN ANY MANNER WHAT­SOEVER.


    The importance of a Constitution as the defining instrument of government can't be overemphasized. It not only sets up the structure and rules of government, it defines the limits of power. The United States Constitution has been called "the most noble document ever penned by the hand of man". Truly, that may be, but a document is no more than the deference accorded to it, and there exists valid support for an argument that the U.S. Constitution may not be legal at all.

    Escalating tensions between the Colonies and Great Britain erupted on an early spring morning in April, 1775. A small militia of Massachusetts volunteers nervously waited at the little New England town of Concord, while a large contingent of British soldiers approached the bridge. The colonial minutemen had trained for this moment and they didn't yield to the red dec­orated troops. Then, the crack of a musket broke the still air. No one knows who fired first, but the "shot heard round the world" set loose a Revolutionary War, and a series of events that would change the world forever. The volley that followed still echoed across American countrysides when the Declaration of Independence was declared over a year later, on July 4, 1776.

    During the year prior to declaring its Independence, and for five years afterward, the American Colonies were an indepen­dent coalition of states operating without a constitution. For the next eight years, government was conducted under a different constitution than we now have.

    In 1777, amidst the fervor of war, representatives of the colonies met in what they called a "Continental Congress". There, they drafted the first Constitution of the United States, calling it the "Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union". In 1781 the Articles were ratified, and for the first time the United States had a formal guiding document of law.

    The early Americans now held dual citizenship, but alle­giance toward the new Federal government was secondary, if at all. It was the lesser of other evils. Their first loyalty was to their own particular state, but they knew that if they were able to ward off the aggression of world powers they had to stand to­gether in a united front.

    In many respects the new Constitution was not unlike the pre­sent day United Nations design. Each of the 13 states expressly retained their own sovereignty, freedom and independence. Distrustful of centralized power and protective of their own sovereignty, the drafters deliberately created a Federal Govern­ment that was weak in its dealings with the various states, and without power as to the individual citizens of the states.

    The Articles of Confederation placed several significant lim­itations on the Federal Government. First, Congress lacked the power to regulate commerce; and since most treaties were con­cerned with trade, Congress was left virtually impotent insofar as its conduct of foreign relations. Second, Congress could legislate only as to the states, therefore it could not enact laws directly affecting individuals. Finally, and most importantly, Congress had no power to levy taxes, and the power to tax is the key to control.

    The Articles provided for amendments, but any amendment required ratification by all thirteen states. It was intentionally difficult, if not impossible, to make changes.

    The limitations placed on the Federal Government frustrated the Federalists who were anxious to make progressive changes and consolidate power for the sake of efficiency. Every attempt to amend the articles failed.

    In 1786, a Convention met in Annapolis to discuss the prob­lem of interstate commerce. Federalists saw their opportunity, and out of Annapolis came the proposal for a Constitutional Convention. It met in Philadelphia in 1787, and amid contro­versy and dissent, drafted our present Constitution. [C: For ex­ceptional interesting reading about these things please read THE FEDERALIST PAPERS by Hamilton, Madison and Jay.]
    Legal adoption of the changes provided in the new Constitu­tion required an amendment of the Articles of Confederation to either completely restructure the Articles, or to dissolve it al­together. Knowing that there was little or no chance of amend­ing it, the supporters of change came upon a simple plan to ensure adoption of a new Constitution. They simply ignored the amendment procedure.

    In fact, they ignored the Articles of Confederation alto­gether, and submitted the new constitution to the state legisla­tures for ratification by their selected "conventions". Under the Constitution's provisions, ratification by only nine of the 13 states was required for passage. The ninth state, New Hamp­shire, ratified it, and on March 4, 1789, a new government be­gan operation as the "United States of America". No longer did you have specifically a (u)nited States of America. Within the next two years all thirteen states had joined the "Union".

    Today, while the argument over "states' rights" still rages in various quarters, there are also those who would concentrate world power in a United Nations. Will it one day be as easy to dump our Constitution, and subordinate the sovereignty of the United States to a world body?


    * * *
    For those, such as the Native American "Indians" who claim that nothing could be worse for "them" than what has al­ready happened under the White Man's Constitution, I ask you to harken up a minute, brother.


    To move into any kind of reclamation, you must unite AS BROTHERS and stand in the shelter of the Great Spirit of Lighted Truth or you will ALL fall into the trap and be enslaved by these vipers from Hell--these Elite offspring of Satan. The choices, as always, ARE YOURS.

    Thank you,

    Ceres to clear.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default 응답: PJ#067, THE BEAST AT WORK

    PJ 67
    CHAPTER 13


    FRI., APRIL 9, 1993 9:41 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 236

    FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1993

    After having a large portion of the past several years botched, buried, bankrupted and time-wasted--only to lose time after time when FACTS COULD NOT BE DISPUTED OTHERWISE (and weren't), by lawyers and JUDGES WHO COVERED THEIR OWN AND COLLEAGUE'S ASSETS--(and, now, this very day hinging on trips to the court (three hours distant, so the day is "shot" for work) AND again on Monday, the same) my scribe is not in the least humorous or gracious mood. In the over five years of litigation DIRECTED DIRECTLY AGAINST THEM, THEY STILL HAVE NOT BEEN ALLOWED HEAR­ING OR RECOGNIZED IN THE COURT EXCEPT AS A CASE NUMBER. TWICE Mr. Ekker "represented" himself for a "continuance" and was all but thrown out of the courtroom for the assumption of such liberty.

    So, I think in view of our last writings on "Juries", I shall offer the "FOREWORD" from one of the finest books written on the Judicial "crime" system: THE RAPE OF JUSTICE by Eustace Mullins. I speak of Mullins OFTEN because I believe him to be the most IMPORTANT writer on your "systems", on your globe. Further, Mr. Mullins writes FOR YOU-THE-PEOPLE, copyrighting to protect listings and to make a statement--but willingly shares his work for, after all, if it is not read then of what worth is a book? Moreover, I suspect greatly ones who refuse to share their work--it indicates to me that they have stolen it from elsewhere (since there is nothing new on the planet) or, THEIR WORK IS NOT TRUTH--AT LEASTWISE NOT IN ALL OF ITS CONTENTS AND OPINIONS.

    Regardless of what a University of Science and Philosophy may now claim in left-over copyrights, etc.--SO TOO WAS WAL­TER RUSSELL'S INTENT THAT "MANKIND" (ALL) SHOULD HAVE READY ACCESS TO HIS SCIENTIFIC WORK FOR IT DEALS DIRECTLY WITH MAN'S CONNECTIONS TO GOD!
    Be that as it may, we move from one day unto the next, one hour unto the next and pray for one more minute to the next.

    QUOTING, Eustace Mullins, RAPE OF JUSTICE

    In my travels throughout the United States, I have found that the first complaint of our citizens is the sorry state of our legal system. They do not complain that the laws themselves are onerous, but rather that their administration is almost universally unfair and unjustified. I have even heard farmers arguing with each other at their markets, each protesting with inverted pride that "Our county has the crookedest lawyers and judges in this state", only to meet with the fervent response from a farmer representing another county, "Oh, no, OUR lawyers and judges are a lot crookeder than the ones in your county"!

    Americans recognize that we must have laws, and that we must abide by them, otherwise life would become intolerable. The problem is that law-abiding citizens are usually greeted in our courts with disbelief that anyone still obeys the laws in this nation, and two, that a legal system which is operated by and for criminals has no greater enemy than the law-abiding citizen.

    The first purpose of law has always been "Salus Populi", the safety of the people. I write this in a building which has five locks on every door. Twenty-five years ago, the doors were never locked. We hardly knew where the key to the front door was kept. With hundreds of other citizens in Washington during its tropical summers, I went to a nearby park to sleep in the era before air conditioning. Today, no one in his right mind would close his eyes in a Washington park, either by day or by night. It is rightfully known as the "murder capital of the world", rather than as the capital city of the United States of America.

    This situation has been created, not by the negligence of the police, who are working harder than ever, but by the legal sys­tem, which abruptly denied the previous basis of our legal sys­tem, "Salus Populi", in 1933, with the advent of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who adopted the Marxist concept that the legal system was being used unfairly to defend property. Because of the Communist decree that all property was now the property of the state, the legal system need no longer defend crimes against personal property. This was soon extended to crimes against persons. The doctrine of compulsory equality meant that no citizen was entitled to wear a gold watch or to live in a large home. Other citizens who wished to deprive them of their excess property, even at the cost of their lives, were looked upon with approval by the legal system. If they injured or killed too many citizens in their exuberance, they might be confined for a short time, but they were soon released to con­tinue the Marxist campaign of "levelling", that is, of reducing all citizens to a common level of fear and despair. This goal was first achieved in the Soviet Union, when Wall Street bankers financed the "noble experiment in compulsory equal­ity". Soviet Russia was reduced to a giant concentration camp, a Gulag in which tomorrow might be worse than today, but it would surely be no better. The United States has travelled that same road with remarkable speed, constantly accelerating the techniques which force our citizens to new levels of personal depth and degradation.

    Under this Marxist system, our citizens have found that the legal system is now something quite apart from "the law", that is, the fixed doctrine under which we live.
    A law is a fixed power. In contrast, the administration of the law today is a fluid power, in flux, and subject to outside influences, mainly the power of money and its concomitant political influence. When an American citizen comes into court today, he is not faced with the power or the majesty of the law. To his dismay, he finds that this force is no longer present. Instead, he finds that he is facing the power of money, and the power of political influence.

    Traditionally, the scales of justice are depicted as awaiting the weight of the evidence. A preponderance on one side or the other will tip them to a just conclusion. Indeed, this is the ideal to which we still aspire. Unfortunately, it is rarely found today in our courts. If an attorney finds that the weight of evidence is tipping the scales against his client, he immediately employs one of the myriad techniques of "civil procedure" to have that evidence declared inadmissible, to have his opponent's witnesses impeached or found incompetent, and to mount a counterattack of his own to tip the scales back to favor his client. This tech­nique is called "practicing law". Like any other skill, it is honed by constant practice, but this skill depends heavily on its practitioner's willingness to employ any subterfuge on his client's behalf. It is as though a football game were being played during which the players were allowed to commit any unsportsmanlike or illegal act in order to gain a point, with the umpire (that is, the judge), actually cooperating in and officially approving the illegal conduct. In legal parlance, this has a name; it is known as "professional courtesy", because the judge, like the lawyers, is also a member of the bar.


    * * *
    You must also remember that the thrust of the Khazarian Zionist Socialists, according to their own Protocols, is to make Lawyers, Doctors, Judges and Clerics of their SONS AND DAUGHTERS. The largest number, by far, in EVERY one of the professions is made up of these so-called, self-styled "Jewish" personages who are NOT "Judaists" as you might term them to be, although many are and are as shocked as any "white-eyes" to find themselves in a totally criminal profession.

    Next comes another dandy: The "modern" Jew is the product of the Talmud--NOT the Judean Torah or Old Testament. To the average Christian or non-Jew (Goyim) the word "Talmud" is just another word associated by them with the form of religious worship practiced in their synagogues by so-called or self-styled "Jews". Many Christians have NEVER heard of the Talmud.

    Very few non-Jews are informed on the contents of the Talmud. Some may believe the Talmud to be an integral part of the reli­gious worship known to them as "Judaism".
    It suggests a sort of bible or religious text book. It is classed as a spiritual manual. But otherwise few if any Christians have an understanding of the contents of the Talmud and what it means in the daily lives of so-called or self-styled "Jews". As an illustration, how many non-Jews have any conception of the "KOL NIDRE"
    (All Vows) prayer recited in synagogues on the DAY OF ATONEMENT?

    In Volume VIII of the Jewish Encyclopedia on page 539 found in the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library and libraries in all leading cities, WILL BE FOUND THE OFFI­CIAL TRANSLATION OF THE PRAYER KNOWN AS THE "KOL NIDRE" (ALL VOWS) PRAYER. It is THE prologue of the Day of Atonement services in the synagogues. It is re­cited three times by the standing congregation in concert with changing rabbis AT THE ALTAR. ONLY AFTER the recital of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer the Day of Atonement religious ceremonies follow immediately. The Day of Atonement religious observances are the highest HOLY DAYS of the so-called or self-styled "Jews" and are celebrated as such throughout the world. THE OFFICIAL TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH OF THE "KOL NIDRE" (ALL VOWS) PRAYER FOLLOWS:


    [C: Where might this leave all of you non-Jewish persons in a court of law run MOSTLY by "Jewish" lawyers and Judges? Once the structure is accepted--the rules will hold in all instances for all practicing members of that same club, won't they? So, traditions are laid forth long ago as the Thirteenth Amendment was REMOVED from your Consti­tution which disallowed lawyers from being Congressmen and Judges!]

    Let us look at the implications, inferences and innuendoes in the Book of Nedarim, 23a-23b as follows:

    (Book) And he who desires that NONE OF HIS VOWS MADE DURING THE YEAR SHALL BE VALID, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, "EVERY VOW WHICH I MAY MAKE IN THE FUTURE SHALL BE NULL (1). (HIS VOWS ARE THEN INVALID), PROVIDING THAT HE REMEMBERS THIS AT THE TIME OF THE VOW." [C: Come now--do you really think a good self-styled so-called Jewish lawyer would actually FORGET or refuse such coverage? I have asked E.J. to set us up a valid Nevada Corporation called KOL NIDRE, LTD. wherein we can handle all the business of our law-cases! Only one thing will be different--we will require that OUR attorneys recite (and remember) EVERY MORNING AND EVENING--DAILY!]

    (FOOTNOTE) (1) This may have provided a support for the custom of reciting
    Kol Nidre (a formula for dispensation of vows) prior to the Evening Service of the Day of Atonement. Though the beginning of the year (New Year) is mentioned here, the Day of Atonement was probably chosen on account of its great solemnity.
    But Kol Nidre as part of the ritual IS LATER THAN THE TALMUD, and, as seen from the following statement of R.Huna b. Hunene, "THE LAW OF REVOCATION IN ADVANCE WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC".

    The greatest study of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was made by the eminent psycho-analyst Professor Theodor Reik, the celebrated pupil of the famous Dr. Sigmund Freud. The analysis of the historic, religious and psychological background of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer by Professor Reik pre­sents the Talmud in its true perspective. This important study is contained in Professor Reik's "The Ritual, Psycho-Analytical Studies". In the chapter on the Talmud, on page 168, Professor Reik states:


    Before explaining to you (per Dr. Benjamin Freedman) how the present wording of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer was introduced into the Day of Atonement synagogue ceremonies, we will quote a passage from the Universal Jewish Encyclope­dia. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia confirms the fact that the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer has no spiritual value as might be believed because it is recited in synagogues on the Day of Atonement as the prologue of the religious ceremonies which follow it. The secular significance of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer is indicated forcefully by the analysis in the Uni­versal Jewish Encyclopedia. In Volume VI, on page 441, it states:

    "The Kol Nidre HAS NOTHING WHATEVER TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL IDEA OF THE DAY OF ATONE­MENT...it attained to extraordinary solemnity and popular­ity by reason of the fact that it was THE FIRST PRAYER RECITED ON THIS HOLIEST OF DAYS".

    Now, prepare for a GREAT SHOCKER. Compelled by what you have now read here about the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer you must be shocked to learn that many non-Jewish churches actually peal their bells in honor of that serious re­ligious ritual on the Day of Atonement in celebration of that secular holy day for so-called or self-styled "Jews". Does this indicate a bit of stupidity on the part of non-Jews? Or, are you simply waiting for the time to be told to "heave to and hop in the pit"
    --in other words when "THEY" tell you to hop all you have to do is bow and say "how high"?!

    You readers think I am joshing? Then you certainly haven't read our past productions which brought such a blast against my people as to "tell the truth of it". Let me just present an article from the New York World Telegram from October 7th--1954: "JEWISH HOLIDAYS TO END AT SUNDOWN: Synagogues and temples throughout the city were crowded yesterday as the 24 hour fast began. Dr. Norman Salit, head of the Synagogue Council of America, representing the three major Jewish bodies, had called on other faiths TO JOIN THE FAST...CUTTING ACROSS RELIGIOUS LINES, MANY PROTESTANT CHURCHES IN THE CITY PEALED THEIR BELLS LAST NIGHT TO SOUND THE KOL NIDRE TRADITIONAL MELODY USED AT THE START OF YOM KIP­PUR. THE GESTURE OF GOOD-WILL WAS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANHATTAN OFFICE OF THE PROTESTANT COUNCIL.

    Doesn't that just about "top" anything I could say about it? Does this represent deliberate knowledge and acceptance OF THIS BLASPHEMY?--or, is it simply revealing the ignorance and indifference of the non-Jewish clergy to the hazards to­day facing the non-Jewish faiths? I warn you--there will NEVER BE ANY HELP FROM YOUR NON-JEWISH COUNCILS OR CLERGY FOR DEFENSE OF THE NON-­JEWISH FAITHS IN YOUR COUNTRY OR ANY OTHER. THE VERY CLERGY AND COUNCIL ARE SET TO ALLY WITH THE SO-CALLED "JEWS"

    Even if there was desire to be otherwise--where have they gotten loans and monies to pay for all the wondrous temples and schools and other physical riches-oriented "stuff'? Ah so! In every instance they buckle under the pressure exerted upon them by the contracts and contacts and business arrangements with these Talmudist Zionists. If it were not so tragic it would surely be comic. It is surely a "joke" but the "joke" is on you blind lambs to the slaughter. What do you do? You actually go forth and make celebration of your enemy's public statement to "do you in". You actually join religiously and "SOUND YOUR BELLS, ‘TO SOUND THE KOL NIDRE, TRADITIONAL MELODY USED AT THE START OF YOM KIPPUR'". JUST "WHERE" DOES BETRAYAL OF A TRUST AND BREACH OF FAITH BEGIN? AND, DO YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT ALL THE HIGHEST CLERICS IN THE NATIONS ARE SO IGNORANT?

    The present wording of the "Kol Nidre" (All Vows) prayer dates from the
    11th Century. It seems difficult to say there has been no opportunity for people to "get informed". A political rever­sal in Eastern Europe COMPELLED the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in Eastern Europe to adopt the present wording of the
    "Kol Nidre". You had best harken back right now to that public law your bunch of criminals enacted (by voice vote in 1991) which brings your nation in direct opposition to your First Amendment--they voted in a public law making the "Jewish" Noahedic "religion" your national religion. It seemed just a "nice" gesture? You had best look again!
    There is, however, an interesting thing about the Talmudic ver­sion of the Kol Nidre. The original stated: "From the last day of Atonement to this one". Some cute group of self-centered tamperers (there ALWAYS are some) changed it to "from this day of atonement until the next". This makes it all inclusive and in advance so a good reciter (and he doesn't have to be in a syn­agogue, he can be on his own balcony or in his Mercedes or BMW--anywhere) is always "safe" from having to tell the truth. And the bigger "funny" is that "they" KEPT THE THING SE­CRET AS TO THE CHANGES.

    Well, I have belabored this one enough, I suppose, but I thought it might clear up some quandaries as to just HOW so many could so blatantly lie, cheat and steal and never blink an eye! It is because they have made an oath that any oath they make OF ANY KIND is ALWAYS INVALID! It is the same old game of lying wherein it is not a lie if you cross your fingers! Does it upset old Ceres 'Atonn? YES! It proves that there is NO MORALITY REMAINING! You have made a man's word worthless and with pealing bells chimed in total corruption and lack of moral honesty (in the least) into the very circulatory system of the government judicial system. This has destroyed your Constitution and all righteousness.
    "PUBLIC LAW 102-14"
    This Resolution was titled "A JOINT RESOLUTION to DES­IGNATE MARCH 26, 1991 AS EDUCATION DAY, U.S.A.". It was introduced in the House of Representatives by Robert H. Michel (R-IL) and co-sponsored by Richard Gephardt (D-MO). It was then co-sponsored by 224 more Congressmen. Congressman Bob Stump (R-AZ) was one of the 224 co-sponsors. [C: Indeed this is one of the ones where I asked you to write and demand to know how this "voice vote" could have come to be. I have received copies of many of the return letters which indicate: "It is none of your business"!]
    The real meaning of this law is not spelled out within the law it­self but it is very strange that it was introduced, passed and signed by the President in a country whose laws ostensibly origi­nate in the Common Law which comes from the Laws, Statutes and Judgments (Mosaic Laws) of the accepted "Holy Bible". As you will discover the Resolution has absolutely nothing whatso­ever to do with "Education Day".

    105 STAT. 44 PUBLIC LAW 102-14--MAR. 20, 1991

    Public Law 102-14
    102nd Congress

    Mar. 20, 1991

    ___________To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education
    Day, USA.
    [H.J. Res. 104]

    Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles
    which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;
    Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the
    dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
    Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in
    serous peril of returning to chaos;
    Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles
    that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;
    Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this
    Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distin­guished past to the generations of the future;
    Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and
    principles throughout the world;
    Whereas Rabbi Manachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement is
    universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991;
    Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will
    be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and
    Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the
    President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled: That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "Education Day, U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a procla­mation calling upon the people of the United States to ob­serve such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

    Approved March 20, 1991.

    Mar. 5, considered and passed House.
    Mar. 7, considered and passed Senate.


    Now that the Seven Noahide Laws are the law of the land it should behoove each of us to know and understand what the Seven Laws actually are [C: You WOULD want to know if the Methodists or Pentecostals passed a public law of the land, would you not?]; what the penalties for disobeying them are and; last but not least, by whom are they to be en­forced. Yours truly is still waiting for the "governmental" an­swers to this most important issue from his written request to both Congressmen Michel and Stump. While waiting for their answers I tried to find out on my own what this "Public Law 102-14" is all about.

    If you are curious and inquisitive I'd like to share with you what I found. The following is not easy or light reading. It ac­tually requires a totally different mind-set than that to which we are accustomed; e.g., to catch a thief one must think as a thief; or, put oneself in their stead.

    The following spells out the Seven Noahide Laws; the Lubavitch movement; the 'rebbe'; and Rabbi Schneerson. It was all gathered in context from the Judaica Encyclopedia, a Jewish publication. I could find but a mere mention in a few other publications but not enough to properly answer the ques­tion.

    May your discernment prevail and, as you read, continuously ask yourself WHY did our "government" pass this law so swiftly and with only a voice vote??

    You will notice in the Whereases above it states many times ethical values and principles. This is very important because in the sixth "Whereas" it states unequivocally where they were fostered and promoted. You'll also notice it is NOT from Common Law or Christian principles and Biblical Laws. In essence, you'll discover, if you are in complete honesty with yourself, that Public Law 102-14 legally and POLITICALLY JUDAIZED THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WITH A BABYLONIAN TALMUDIC RELIGION KNOWN AS JUDAISM AND IN TOTAL VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO OUR CONSTITUTION WHICH STATES: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establish­ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;.... " This is what the media, and all anti-Christian proponents want us to believe is "Separation of Church and State".
    You'll also notice in the ninth "Whereas" it is to go interna­tional with other heads of state signing. Is this just coincidental with the Messianic Age (One World Government under Zion­ism) that Jewry is zealously waiting, or was it deliberately planned that way? Consider the removal of The Ten Com­mandments from our so-called public schools. If all this doesn't total up for cause of concern for all of us then we definitely deserve what they (the oneworlders) have planned for us.

    "NOACHIDE LAWS, The seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties enjoined by the Bible on all men (Sanh. 56-60; Yad, Melakhim, 8:10, 10:12 [Babylonian Talmud]). Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah, while every non-Jew is a "son of the covenant of Noah" (see Gen. 9), and he who accepts its obligations is a ger-toshav ("resident-stranger" or even "semi-convert") (See Av. Zar. 64b; Maim, Yad, Melakhim 8:10.) Maimonides equates the righteous man (Ihasid) of the [gentile] nations who has a share in the world to come even without becoming a Jew with the gentile who keeps these laws. Such a man is entitled to full material support from the Jewish community (see ET, 6 (19540, col. 289 s. v. ger toshav) and to the highest earthly honors (Sefer Hasidim [1957], 358). The seven Noachide Laws as traditionally enu­merated are: the prohibitions of idolatry, blasphemy, blood­shed, sexual sins, theft, and eating from a living animal, as well as the injunction to establish a legal system (Tosef., Av. Zar. 8:4; Sanh. 56a). Except for the last, all are negative, and the last itself is usually interpreted as commanding the en­forcement of the others (Maim. Yad, Melakhim, 9:1). (Ed. Note: For an in depth discussion please see the PHOENIX JOURNAL: MARCHING TO ZION.)

    Now I am going to turn to:

    In 1944, Friedrich A. Hayek wrote one of the most thought-pro­voking books of our time--The Road to Serfdom. Hayek warned that Great Britain and the United States were abandoning their heritage of liberty and adopting the economic principles of the Nazis, fascists, and socialists. It was not a message which the politicians, bureaucrats, and social planners of that time wanted to hear. Hayek, who would later win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, was vilified as an old-fashioned reactionary.

    What I am going to use here in major presentation is by one whose name you might find interesting in view of the above outlay of information for it is superb and by a beautifully patri­otic "Judaist", Jacob G. Hornberger. He would call himself a "Jew" but now that WE KNOW THAT TERM IS ACTUALLY ONLY FOR THE KHAZARIAN ZIONIST ELITIST NEW WORLD ORDER GLOBALISTS--

    No one today can seriously dispute that Hayek was right. Al­though Americans, for example, continue to operate under the delusion that they live in a free-enterprise nation, for the last sixty years they have traveled the same moral, philosophical, and economic road as their enemies--the road to the welfare-state, regulated-economy way of life--the road to serfdom.

    Hayek was also a lawyer. In fact, some of his greatest contri­butions have been in the area of law. Among his finest books are The Constitution of Liberty and his three-volume work Law, Legislation, and Liberty.

    Two of the most important legal concepts that Hayek under­scored were, first, the nature and purposes of political constitu­tions and, second, the legal principle known as "the rule of law".

    Few Americans today understand the true idea and purpose of the U.S. Constitution. They have been taught to believe--and do believe--that their rights emanate from the Constitution.

    Hayek pointed out the true nature of rights and the Constitution. He observed that our American ancestors subscribed to the most radical principles of individualism and liberty ever known to man. They truly believed the ideas set forth by John Locke and Thomas Jefferson--that people have certain fundamental and in­herent rights--life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happi­ness--and that these rights have been endowed by "Nature and Nature's GOD", not by government.

    To protect themselves and their property from the violent acts of others, and to provide a means by which people could peacefully resolve their disputes, our ancestors established a national gov­ernment. But there was one overriding concern: what would prevent this government from becoming destructive of the very ends for which it was formed?

    The goal, then, was to institute a government which could be kept within a very narrow purpose: to protect, not regulate or destroy, the natural, God-given rights of the people.

    So, while the Constitution instituted government, it also straight-jacketed it. The Constitution set forth a very specific list of enumerated powers, as well as express prohibitions on the pow­ers of the national government. As Hayek observes, the Constitution did not give the people rights. Instead, the Constitution was a law--
    a higher law--imposed on the officials of the national government to prevent them from interfering with preexisting rights.

    In a series of judicial decisions in the 1800s and early 1900s, the concept of "substantive due process" came to be an established judicial doctrine. It held that life, liberty, and property were extensions of each other. A person has the fundamental right to sustain and improve his life through labor, engage in any eco­nomic enterprise without political interference, enter into mutu­ally beneficial exchanges with others ("liberty of contract"-- WITHOUT THE KOL NIDRE), AND accumulate unlimited amounts of wealth from these endeavors. The courts held that the exercise of these rights were beyond the reach of the major­ity--beyond the constitutionally granted powers of the govern­ment.

    Equally important, the legal concept of "the rule of law" was in­corporated into our judicial system. As Hayek explains, the rule of law means that people do not have to answer to the arbitrary decisions of government, they believe that government can rightfully regulate or take them away. Thus, since the 1930s, the American people have lived under a political order in which governmental officials have omnipotent power over their lives and fortunes.

    Moreover, unlike their ancestors, Americans today believe that politicians and bureaucrats can be trusted with unlimited politi­cal power. "We should elect the best people to public office and trust them to do the right thing", is the prevailing attitude, for example, in the War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Illiter­acy, and so forth. Americans don't even KNOW THAT THESE "WARS" KEEP THE EMERGENCY REGULATIONS IN FORCE UNDER ENFORCEMENT BY THE FEDERAL TROOPS. It results from a cute little Kol Nidre type of clause that lets a President through Executive Order or Emergency Regulations "DECLARE" "war" and while that "war" is still in action--he has full control! Americans believe that the con­straints of the Constitution should be curtailed, if not ended. The idea that life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness are fundamental, preexisting rights with which no governmental official can legitimately interfere is an alien notion to our fellow Americans. The belief is that Caesar--the state--should have the power to regulate and take away that which he has given. The interesting thing is that the "Caesar" arranges to have a fully or­chestrated "welfare" state so that all the people all the time--HAVE TO HAVE HIS HANDOUT TO SURVIVE.

    And, unfortunately, the rule of law is also now considered an outdated legal concept. Today, people must answer to hundreds of thousands of arbitrary, unclear edicts from the politicians and bureaucrats rather than to clearly defined laws. For example, take the rules against "unfair business practices". If a busi­nessman sells his product at a price lower than his competitors, he is subject to being prosecuted for predatory business prac­tices. If he sells his product at the same price as others, he can be prosecuted for antitrust violations. Thus, since every busi­nessman is always subject to a criminal prosecution which in­evitably entails hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, he must always kowtow to his political and bureaucratic masters. He must answer to them rather than to a clearly defined law.

    And the tax code is no different. Once a person bypasses the "standard deduction",
    he enters into the nether world of poten­tial prosecution for tax violations. That is the beautiful thing (in the mind of the governmental official) about hundreds of thou­sands of rules and regulations--there is no way that a person can ever be in full compliance with all of them. Thus, each person who works his way through the maze of the IRS Code is always subject to criminal prosecution for violating one of the myriad of rules and regulations.

    Let's look at a couple of real-world examples. Michael Milken, now serving jail time, is a good example of the hazards of aban­doning the rule of law. Despite all the years that Milken worked on Wall Street, and all of the billions of dollars with which he dealt, the government was able to get him for violating only a few ridiculous and inane regulations. Another example--Leona Helmsley. Although paying several millions of dollars in income taxes, she supposedly committed the heinous crime of taking some improper deductions on her income-tax return, thereby depriving the politicians and bureaucrats of their milk; and so now she must serve four years in a federal penitentiary. Yes, I wonder WHERE AND WHY OUR CON­STITUTIONAL LAW CENTER IS NOT IN HER CELL WITH HER--GETTING HER OUT!?!
    I find it hard to be­lieve that a person with so many natural assets (money) wouldn't be HAPPY to pay a bit for freedom! It would be nice if she could spend a few days with her husband before he translates.

    And WHY Milken and Helmsley? Two reasons. First, they make good "victims", for they are rich--and Americans are taught in their public schools to hate the rich and covet their wealth. Second, wealthy people are the best vehicle by which the government can send its not-so-subtle message to you regu­lar people: "Listen up, you little people--if the wealthiest and most influential among you cannot stand against us, then cer­tainly neither can you. And if you try, we will smash you, just as we have smashed them--only a little faster. Obey and pay--or suffer the consequences".

    Thus, even though they will never admit it openly, the American people live their lives filled with fear and terror. In public, they say, "I'm proud to be an American". In private, they shudder at the thought of having their doors bashed down by IRS agents or of having to defend themselves in court against the mighty power of the U.S. government.

    What will it take to abandon the road to serfdom which Ameri­cans have traveled during the last sixty years? The first step is for people to pierce through to reality
    --to realize that what Hayek said was true--that the U.S. has, in fact, adopted the Nazi, fascist, and socialist economic principles of regulation of property and redistribution of wealth. The second step is to lose what the Russian people have lost--the terrifying and paralyzing fear of politicians and bureaucrats. And, third, since our gov­ernment has become destructive of the ends for which it was formed, to alter or abolish it and implement new government designed to protect, not destroy, our lives and fortunes. Herein lies the road to freedom.

    Since I have wandered about here and there I note I have filled up this segment. I like to have them no longer than this for I find readers don't have great attention span--especially for dry information concerning their very lives and survival; therefore, let us close this and move on. I wish to continue, however, with information about Hayek for he was one of the greatest economists and political philosophers of the 20th century
    --espe­cially considering that with which he had to work.

    * * *
    I would like to share, in closing, a verse from a friend, Mary Louise White who wrote 12-31-1957:

    Oh Spirit of Life that pervades me,
    Grow stronger with each passing day;
    That in turn I may know how better to grow,
    And the Laws of Balance obey.

    May the Father and Brother of mankind
    Make the bonds of kinship grow strong,
    That in passing my way no brother shall stray
    Through my ignorance or doing of wrong.

    May the light of Thy Grace be before me,
    As the Ladder of Life I climb,
    A Beacon to guide and restore me
    From the Strength of Thy Omnipotent Life-line.

    When to the end of my ladder I've come,
    May I leave it with strength and grace,
    Bidding no tears from my loved ones
    Only, cheers, as for one in a race.

    For Winged, my feet I'd have them
    To speed me on my way
    To a Victory all may win
    If "Thy Will" they will but obey.

    More earthly lives I may have need of
    To learn Compassion and Love,
    But with Thine Essence of Light within me
    I shall strive for each rung above.

    As life by life I wend my way,
    Ever closer to the goal
    Satisfaction will be the reward
    With the At-one-ment of my Soul.

    Mary Louise White

    CHAPTER 14


    FRI., APRIL 9, 1993 1:00 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 236

    FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1993

    I don't like "Austrian School Economics". I don't like "Maynard Keynes" economics
    --and frankly I don't like "Mises's" ideas very much either. So, do I "just" like Hayek? No, he may have had some good ideas but HERE YOU ARE TODAY--IN TOTAL SHAMBLES NO MATTER WHAT ANY GOOD PHILOSOPHER HAD TO OFFER. THE WEIGHT RESTS SQUARELY ON YOU-THE-PEOPLE. You allowed this blindness to come upon you while you were doing other things and laughing at the "politicians" at their play.

    But, in 1930 (when something could have been done) Fredrich Hayek was the leading opponent of John Maynard Keynes who presented Keynesian Economics. Hayek argued that the Great Depression had been caused deliberately by the Federal Reserve System. He thought it was through the attempt at sta­bilization of "price levels" through monetary manipulation in the 1920s. Hayek said that the only cure for the depression was allowing the market to self-correct in the face of the economic distortions and misallocation of labor and capital created by central-bank mismanagement of money and credit.

    What no one seemed to see was that the Constitution had been literally destroyed by that one illegal act--The Federal Reserve System. While superficial quarrels and debates flourished--the Constitution was more and more badly abused, evaded and criminally assaulted. Well, good and bad--Mr. Hayek was able to live long enough to see that his ideas proved correct--good or bad. Few are so fortunate to get their "living" confirmation. So be it. Mr. Hayek said: "Our faith in freedom does not rest on the foreseeable results in particular circumstances but on the belief that it will, on balance, release more forces for the good than for the bad". However, it comes right down to the same old truth: Man must act more in good than for the bad--and he must see that he can bring himself into balance. He also said: "It is through the mutually adjusted efforts of many people that more knowledge is utilized than any one individual possesses or than it is possible to synthesize intellectually; and it is through such utilizations of dispersed knowledge that achievements are made possible, greater than any single mind can foresee. It is because freedom means the renunciation of direct control of in­dividual efforts that a free society can make use of so much more knowledge than the mind of the wisest ruler could comprehend". And, my, what wisdom: "Before we can try to remould society intelligently, we must understand its functioning; we must realize that, even when we believe that we understand it, we may be mistaken. What we must learn to understand is that human civi­lization has a life of its own, that all our efforts to improve things must operate within a working whole which we cannot entirely control, and the operation of whose forces we can hope merely to facilitate and assist so far as we can understand them".
    So what has gone wrong in the American heart and within the masses of the inhabitants of the world? Perhaps we should share one more set of verses:

    He was beaten from the start,
    Beaten by his doubting heart,
    And he had a ready ear
    For the busy tongue of fear,
    And he had a timid mind
    Unto fretfulness inclined,
    Filled with many reasons why
    It was vain for him to try.
    Given a task he'd shake his head,
    "Can't do that!" he often said
    "Times are hard and none will stay,
    Listening to the words I say.
    It is futile now to try,
    People simply will not buy"!
    Thus he walked the streets of trade,
    Both discouraged and afraid.

    But another kind of man
    Thought this way: "Perhaps I can!
    If I will supply the pluck,
    Fortune may provide the luck.
    If I have the grit to try,
    There are people who may buy;
    Anyhow, I'll not submit
    To defeat before I'm hit".
    One was beaten from the start,
    Beaten by his doubting heart,
    Beaten when he gave his ear
    To the busy tongue of fear.
    But another with his chance
    Seized the moment to advance,
    And came happy home at night
    Just because he dared to fight!

    * * *
    I would remind you, however, citizens, that once wide coercive powers are given to governmental agencies for particular pur­poses, such powers cannot be effectively controlled by demo­cratic assemblies.

    Let us now take a look at the Constitution for the NEWSTATES OF AMERICA.

    In 1964, the writing of a new constitution for America began, at a tax-exempt foundation with the misleading name, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions.

    The people who took it upon themselves to write this new constitution on your behalf were, of course, not elected representatives, or in any other way your representatives. As a tax-ex­empt foundation, they were able to do political work on what amounts to a subsidy taken from your taxes, but you were never asked if you wanted a new constitution written. Indeed, only a very tiny fraction of the people of the United States even know, today, that it exists; it has been made known to practically no one except a select category of influential Elitist people whose views and interest generally coincide with those of the people who wrote it. The American people as a whole are absolutely ignorant of its existence. This is deliberate. This is a "secret" constitution--but already in use AGAINST YOU-THE-PEOPLE.
    It took some ten years to write this model constitution. A pre­liminary version was published in 1970 and some of you patriots who object to it will recognize the title and author: THE EMERGING CONSTITUTION by Rexford G. Tugwell, the man who directed the formulation of the new constitution. By the way, during the writing of this "secret" constitution that Center for the Study of Democratic Institution was very lavishly funded with over two and a half MILLION dollars a year.

    To appreciate the document--we will effort to offer you some commentary and review and you will forgive me if I fail to al­ways at every paragraph mention the speakers. Tugwell's book, by the way, was published by Harper & Row and sells for about $20.

    We will write on a section and then append comments and ob­servations.

    So that we may join in common endeavors, welcome the future in good order, and create an adequate and self-repairing gov­ernment--we, the people, do establish the Newstates of Amer­ica, herein provided to be ours, and do ordain this Constitution whose supreme law it shall be until the time prescribed for it shall have run.

    COMMENTS: This new constitution would replace the present U.S. Constitution and would dissolve the States as you know them into Newstates, "each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population". This new constitution is, in itself, a ve­hicle for the transition from your proven, tried and true, di­vinely-ordained Constitution with its Bill of Rights Amend­ments, to the New World Order that man, in his own efforts, hopes to impose upon mankind--and basically has already accomplished at this writing.

    The first eight words of the "preamble" clearly spell out all of the above. "so that we may join in common endeavors" as­sumes that everyone wants to support their endeavors to destroy America's sovereignty, states' rights and the individual's God-given liberty and freedom. Should this be accomplished, the states would be abolished in favor of regions known as "newstates". By their assumption, the initiative is taken and the momentum gained.

    The "common endeavors" in this case is the destruction of your U.S. Constitution so as to replace it with a dictatorship. The new would have the form and appearance of the old but there the similarity ends. The Newstates of America Constitution is merely a form of the old in order to pacify those still remem­bering the liberty that it guaranteed. The New Constitution is a bridge, a part of the hopefully peaceful transition from a Con­stitutional Republic to an oligarchic world dictatorship. THE MERE FACT THAT THIS NEW CONSTITUTION IS TO BE IN EFFECT FOR ONLY 25 YEARS AND THAT MANY OP­PORTUNITIES ARE PROVIDED TO REVISE AND REWRITE IT IN THOSE YEARS--INDICATES THE ROLE OF TRANSITION.

    Yes, you will find in Article XI, Section 2 it declares: "When this Constitution shall have been in effect for twenty-five years the Overseer shall ask, by referendum, whether a new Constitu­tion shall be prepared". And should those in power be defeated in the case of amending their new constitution, they won't take no for an answer. To quote Article XI, Section I: "If rejected (that which they proposed), it may be restudied and a new proposal submitted". So it is not possible for the people to totally reject that which the appointed Principal Justice and that which the appointed Senate proposes.

    You will note that the word "emergency" will appear frequently in the proposed Constitution but is never mentioned in Your U.S. Constitution. Consequently, an "emergency" is used to impose new dictates--which could only be accomplished at the expense of the U.S. citizen's liberty. Keep your eyes open as we go along.
    Read again the "preamble":
    1. It welcomes the future "in good order". Just what does that actually mean?
    2. "To create an adequate and self-repairing Government". If your present Government needs some minor repairing, why not carefully consider the matter for possible improvement? Why even consider a new form of Government that might be "self-repairing"--by command coming from a DICTATOR? Why change the entire form of a highly successful Government for free people to one controlled by iron-clad Dictatorship?

    Note, "We, the people, do establish the Newstates of America, herein provided to be ours... " What would you have then? What, in contrast to that which you have, now? Today, you have a noble document, even if teetering on the edge of extinc­tion, far, far removed from a "Concensus for Collectivism"--a DANGEROUS PHRASE which you will hear from Internationally-influenced speakers in their efforts to further the aims of the super-rich Corporate Socialists and Bankers! The emphasis in the Preamble, and throughout, is to favor BIG GOVERNMENT and down-grade The People! This is the complete reverse of your own Constitution which you are selling out.

    Rights and Responsibilities
    A. Rights

    SECTION 1. Freedom of expression, of communication, of movement, of assembly, or of petition shall not be abridged ex­cept in declared emergency.
    SECTION 2. Access to information possessed by govern­mental agencies shall not be denied except in interest of national security; but communications among officials necessary to deci­sion making shall be privileged.
    SECTION 3. Public communicators may decline to reveal sources of information, but shall be responsible for hurtful dis­closures.
    SECTION 4. The privacy of individuals shall be respected; searches and seizures shall be made only on judicial warrant; persons shall be pursued or questioned only for the prevention of crime or the apprehension of suspected criminals, and only according to rules established under law.
    SECTION 5. There shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, color, origin, or sex. The Court of Rights and Re­sponsibilities may determine whether selection for various occu­pations had been discriminatory.
    SECTION 6. All persons shall have equal protection of the laws, and in all electoral procedures the vote of every eligible citizen shall count equally with others.
    SECTION 7. It shall be public policy to promote discussion of public issues and to encourage peaceful public gatherings for this purpose. Permission to hold such gatherings shall not be denied, nor shall they be interrupted, except in declared emergency or on a showing of imminent danger to public order and on judicial warrant.
    SECTION 8. The practice of religion shall be privileged; but no religion shall be imposed by some on others, and none shall have public support.
    Section 9. Any citizen may purchase, sell, lease, hold, con­vey and inherit real and personal property, and shall benefit equally from all laws for security in such transactions.
    SECTION 10. Those who cannot contribute to productivity shall be entitled to a share of the national product; but distribu­tion shall be fair and the total may not exceed the amount for this purpose held in the National Sharing Fund.
    SECTION 11. Education shall be provided at public expense for those who meet appropriate tests of eligibility.
    SECTION 12. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. No property shall be taken without compensation.
    SECTION 13. Legislatures shall define crimes and conditions requiring restraint, but confinement shall not be for punishment; and, when possible, there shall be preparation for return to freedom.
    SECTION 14. No person shall be placed twice in jeopardy for the same offense.
    SECTION 15. Writs of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in declared emergency.
    SECTION 16. Accused persons shall be informed of charges against them, shall have a speedy trial, shall have reasonable bail, shall be allowed to confront witnesses or to call others, and shall not be compelled to testify against themselves; at the time of arrest they shall be informed of their right to be silent and to have counsel, provided, if necessary, at public expense; and courts shall consider the contention that prosecution may be un­der an invalid or unjust statute.


    SECTION 1. Each freedom of the citizen shall prescribe a corresponding responsibility not to diminish that of others: of speech, communication, assembly, and petition, to grant the same freedom to others; of religion, to respect that of others; of privacy, not to invade that of others; of the holding and disposal of property, the obligation to extend the same privilege to oth­ers.
    SECTION 2. Individuals and enterprises holding themselves out to serve the public shall serve all equally and without inten­tion to misrepresent, conforming to such standards as may im­prove health and welfare.
    SECTION 3. Protection of the law shall be repaid by assis­tance in its enforcement; this shall include respect for the proce­dures of justice, apprehension of lawbreakers, and testimony at trial.
    SECTION 4. Each citizen shall participate in the processes of democracy, assisting in the selection of officials and in the monitoring of their conduct in office.
    SECTION 5. Each shall render such services to the nation as may be uniformly required by law, objection by reason of con­science being adjudicated as hereinafter provided; and none shall expect or may receive special privileges unless they be for a public purpose defined by law.
    SECTION 6. Each shall pay whatever share of governmental costs is consistent with fairness to all.
    SECTION 7. Each shall refuse awards or titles from other nations or their representatives except as they be authorized by law.
    SECTION 8. There shall be a responsibility to avoid vio­lence and to keep the peace; for this reason the bearing of arms or the possession of lethal weapons will be confined to the po­lice, members of the armed forces, and those licensed under law.
    SECTION 9. Each shall assist in preserving the endowments of nature and enlarging the inheritance of future generations.
    SECTION 10. Those granted the use of public lands, the air, or waters shall have a responsibility for using these resources so that, if irreplaceable, they are conserved and, if replaceable, they are put back as they were.
    SECTION 11. Retired officers of the armed forces, of the senior civil service, and of the Senate shall regard their service as a permanent obligation and shall not engage in enterprise seeking profit from the government.
    SECTION 12. The devising or controlling of devices for management or technology shall establish responsibility for re­sulting costs.
    SECTION 13. All rights and responsibilities defined herein shall extend to such associations of citizens as may be authorized by law.

    * * *
    There is hardly enough time and space to adequately cover the comments applicable to these sections, but briefly:

    [The comments which will be utilized are offered by Col. Curtis B. Dall. He speaks as an aroused layman who will emphasize "key points" for you who are unsuspecting, and, therefore, unalerted,--those who find it hard to believe that a few wealthy, politically-perverted-minded individuals, and their well-kept stooges, would stoop so low as to stick a knife in the back of their fellow-Americans and attempt to destroy the fruits of 200 years of struggle and great achievement! A struggle for the advancement and well-being of Free Men, in your enlightened, Constitutional Republic! I thank both Col. Dall for his observations and E. Stanley Rittenhouse who together offer this document. I would guess from the formatting that the original document can be obtained through Liberty Library without my cluttering rearrange­ment of sequence, etc. It simply seems to me that you need to attend a few comments AS YOU READ THE DOCU­MENT SEGMENTS. We shall then offer their "summary" in full.]
    Article I. "A": Rights.
    S.1. Note the glaring "exception". WHO is to define "the emergency"?
    S.2. Another "exception!" Also note the word,
    S.3. Very vague, but very carefully phrased.
    S.4. No comment.
    S.5. The Court of Rights and Responsibilities"? can decide whether or not YOU have been guilty of "discrimination"--THIS IS HARASSMENT IF NOTHING MORE.
    S.6. WHAT determines "eligibility"?
    S.7. No comment.
    S.8. "The practice of religion shall be privileged"--a very dangerous statement! This could totally deny your present Constitutional Right to the "free exercise thereof".
    S.9. No comment.
    S.10. Note "National Sharing Fund"(??) How about that for a good gimmick?
    S.11. WHO is to define the "appropriate tests of eligibility" FOR EDUCATION?
    S.12. In referring to "compensation", the word, "just", is flagrantly omitted.
    A serious and very ominous omission!
    S.13 & 14: No comment.
    S.15. WHO is to declare the "emergency"?
    S.16. This appears quite "involved" in that it coddles crimi­nals while, I'm sure, restricts innocent parties.

    Article I, "B": Responsibilities.
    [C: Some sections will be left out and to save time we ask you to assume no special comment. There is no reason to go through this exercise for the obvious is so glaring that it needs no added attention, I would hope.]
    S.1. "A corresponding responsibility" is vague, and is obvi­ously quite dangerous as it corresponds to "what"?
    S.2. Contains obvious Socialistic overtones.
    S.4. Very vague! Also, note the word, "shall". "Shall" is a command!
    S.6. "Fairness to all"--sounds nice but has no offered foun­dation upon which to use the term.
    S.8. Citizens shall be deprived of their ARMS. This is the age-old "gag" of all tyrants; their favorite technique, to first deprive all law-abiding citizens of their means of protection for assault. This section is clever, slick and extremely dangerous!!*!*!
    S.11. Aimed to "muzzle" Retired Officers of the Armed Forces! Why would they want to do THAT? Ask any old HONEST retired officer!

    SECTION 1. There shall be Newstates, each comprising no less than 5 percent of the whole population. Existing states may continue and may have the status of Newstates if the Boundary Commission, hereinafter provided, shall so decide. The Com­mission shall be guided in its recommendations by the probability of accommodation to the conditions for effective govern­ment. States electing by referendum to continue if the Commis­sion recommends otherwise shall nevertheless accept all New-state obligations.
    SECTION 2. The Newstates shall have constitutions formu­lated and adopted by processes hereinafter prescribed.
    SECTION 3. They shall have Governors; legislatures, and planning, administrative and judicial systems.
    SECTION 4. Their political procedures shall be organized and supervised by electoral Overseers; but their elections shall not be in years of presidential election.
    SECTION 5. The electoral apparatus of the Newstates of America shall be available to them, and they may be allotted funds under rules agreed to by the national Overseer; but ex­penditures may not be made by or for any candidate except they be approved by the Overseer; and requirements of residence in a voting district shall be no longer than thirty days.
    SECTION 6. They may charter subsidiary governments, ur­ban or rural, and may delegate to them powers appropriate to their responsibilities.
    SECTION 7. They may lay, or may delegate the laying of, taxes; but these shall conform to the restraints stated hereinafter for the Newstates of America; but the objects appropriate for taxation shall be clearly designated.
    SECTION 9. Taxes on land may be at higher rates than those on its improvements.
    SECTION 10. They shall be responsible for the administra­tion of public services not reserved to the government of the Newstates of America, such activities being concerted with those of corresponding national agencies, where these exist, under arrangements common to all.
    SECTION 11. The rights and responsibilities prescribed in this Constitution shall be effective in the Newstates and shall be suspended only in emergency when declared by Governors and not disapproved by the Senate of the Newstates of America.
    SECTION 12. Police powers of the Newstates shall extend to all matters not reserved to the Newstates of America; but pre­empted powers shall not be impaired.
    SECTION 13. Newstates may not enter into any treaty, al­liance, confederation, or agreement unless approved by the Boundary Commission hereinafter provided.
    They may not coin money, provide for the payment of debts in any but legal tender, or make any charge for inter-Newstate services. They may not enact ex post facto laws or ones im­pairing the obligation of contracts.
    SECTION 14. Newstates may not impose barriers to imports from other jurisdictions or impose any hindrance to citizens' freedom of movement.
    SECTION 15. If governments of the Newstates fail to carry out fully their constitutional duties, their officials shall be warned and may be required by the Senate, on the recommenda­tion of the Watchkeeper, to forfeit revenues from the Newstates of America.

    [C: I hear you, readers, you think I'm giving you a "big whammy" JOKE. Oh don't I wish! THIS IS THE "REAL STUFF", CITIZENS! THIS IS ALREADY IN PRACTICAL APPLICATION AS THE SET OF RULES UTILIZED RIGHT NOW (CALLED BY DIFFERENT NAMES TO FOOL YOU). This is THE Constitution to serve as interim management for the transition to the One World Order Dic­tatorship and integration into the Global Government through the United Nations top Elite. It is about as far from a JOKE as I can possibly imagine this afternoon.]

    Article II. "The Newstates".
    S.1. "There shall be Newstates"--This is very subversive, inflammatory and Communistic! Note "The Boundary Commis­sion" and its extensive proposed powers "to decide". "This is complete Regimentation! Incredible!
    S.2. NO!
    S.3. NO! Too much "planning" (to submerge the individ­ual!)
    S.4. Note "electoral OVERSEER".
    S.8. Dangerous for American Labor; carries a strong politi­cal note to boost trade with communist countries, particularly the Soviet Union! Looks like a Corporate Socialist, such as Nelson Rockefeller, had a strong hand in shaping THIS one.
    S.11. So-called "States Rights" are subject to "Emergency" rulings by the Governors, with the approval of the Senate of the Newstates of America, so all States' Rights hang on a very slender thread! Hence, they are down-graded.
    S.12. Dangerous...Suggests a Police State!
    S.13. Again, "The Boundary Commission" appears, with firm control over the "Newstates".
    S.15. Looks very much like a Police State set up! A club over the "Newstates" wielded by the "Watchkeeper".

    [C: If you aren't trembling in your boots--then you ARE NOT ALIVE! I repeat: "This is ALREADY being practiced as Martial law, "districts", IRS, etc. Let us go on through Article III and close this segment, please.]

    The Electoral Branch
    SECTION 1. To arrange for participation by the electorate in the determination of policies and the selection of officials, there shall be an Electoral Branch.
    SECTION 2. An Overseer of electoral procedures shall be chosen by majority of the Senate and may be removed by a two-thirds vote. It shall be the Overseer's duty to supervise the or­ganization of national and district parties, arrange for discussion among them, and provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office. While in office the Overseer shall belong to no political organization; and after each presidential election shall offer to resign.
    SECTION 3. A national party shall be one having had at least a 5 percent affiliation in the latest general election; but a new party shall be recognized when valid petitions have been signed by at least 2 percent at a third, or 15 percent at further elections.
    District parties shall be recognized when at least 2 percent of the voters shall have signed petitions of affiliation; but recogni­tion shall be withdrawn upon failure to attract the same per­centages as are necessary for the continuance of national parties.
    SECTION 4. Recognition by the Overseer shall bring parties within established regulations and entitle them to common priv­ileges.
    SECTION 5. The Overseer shall promulgate rules for party conduct and shall see that fair practices are maintained, and for this purpose shall appoint deputies in each district and shall su­pervise the choice, in district and national conventions, of party administrators. Regulations and appointments may be objected to by the Senate.
    SECTION 6. The Overseer, with the administrator and other officials, shall:
    a. Provide the means for discussion, in each party, of public issues, and for this
    purpose, ensure that members have adequate facilities for participation.
    b. Arrange for discussion, in annual district meetings, of the President's views,
    of the findings of the Planning Branch, and such other information as may be pertinent for the en­lightened political discussion.
    c. Arrange, on the first Saturday in each month, for en­rollment, valid for one
    year, of voters at convenient places.
    SECTION 7. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Assist the parties in nominating candidates for district members of the
    House of Representatives each three years; and for this purpose designate one hundred districts, each with a similar number of eligible voters, redrawing districts after each election. In these there shall be party conventions having no more than three hundred delegates, so distributed that represen­tation of voters be approximately equal.
    Candidates for delegate may become eligible by presenting petitions signed by two
    hundred registered voters. They shall be elected by party members on the first Tuesday in March, those having the largest number of votes being chosen until the three hundred be complete. Ten alternates shall also be chosen by the same process.
    District conventions shall be held on the first Tuesday in April.
    Delegates shall choose three candidates for membership in the House of Representatives, the three having the most votes becoming candidates.
    b. Arrange for the election each three years of three members of the House of
    Representatives in each district from among the candidates chosen in party conventions, the three having the most votes to be elected.
    SECTION 8. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Arrange for national conventions to meet nine years after previous
    presidential elections, with an equal number of delegates from each district, the whole number not to exceed one thousand.
    Candidates for delegates shall be eligible when petitions signed by
    five hundred registered voters have been filed. Those with the most votes, together with two alternates, being those next in number of votes, shall be chosen in each district.
    b. Approve procedures in these conventions for choosing one hundred
    candidates to be members-at-large of the House of Representatives, whose terms shall be coterminous with that of the President. For this purpose delegates shall file one choice with convention officials. Voting on submissions shall proceed until one hundred achieve 10 percent, but not more than three candidates may be resident in any one district; if any district have more than three, those with the fewest votes shall be elimi­nated, others being added from the districts having less than three, until equality be reached. Of those added, those having the most votes shall be chosen first.
    c. Arrange procedures for the consideration and approval of party objectives
    by the convention.
    d. Formulate rules for the nomination in these conven­tions of candidates for
    President and Vice Presidents when the offices are to fall vacant, candidates for nomination to be recog­nized when petitions shall have been presented by one hundred or more delegates, pledged to continue support until candidates can no longer win or until they consent to withdraw. Presidents and Vice Presidents, together with Representatives-at-large, shall submit to referendum after serving for three years, and if they are rejected, new conventions shall be held within one month and candidates shall be chosen as for vacant offices. Candidates for President and Vice-Presidents shall be nominated on attaining a majority.
    e. Arrange for the election on the first Tuesday in June, in appropriate years,
    of new candidates for President and Vice-Presidents, and members-at-large of the House of Repre­sentatives, all being presented to the nation's voters as a ticket; if no ticket achieve a majority, the Overseer shall arrange an­other election, on the third Tuesday in June, between the two persons having the most votes; and if referendum so determine he shall provide similar arrangements for the nomination and election of candidates.In this election, the one having the most votes shall prevail.
    SECTION 9. The Overseer shall also:
    a. Arrange for the convening of the national legislative houses on the fourth
    Tuesday of July.
    b. Arrange for inauguration of the President and Vice-Presidents on the second
    Tuesday of August.
    SECTION 10. All costs of electoral procedures shall be paid from public funds, and there shall be no private contributions to parties or candidates; no contributions or expenditures for meetings, conventions, or campaigns shall be made; and no can­didate for office may make any personal expenditures unless authorized by a uniform rule of the Overseer; and persons or groups making expenditures, directly or indirectly, in support of prospective candidates shall report to the Overseer and shall conform to his regulations.
    SECTION 11. Expenses of the Electoral Branch shall be met by the additions of one percent to the net annual taxable income returns of taxpayers, this sum to be held by the Chancellor of Financial Affairs for disposition by the Overseer.
    Funds shall be distributed to parties in proportion to the re­spective number of votes cast for the President and Governors at the last election, except that new parties, on being recognized, shall share in proportion to their number. Party administrators shall make allocations to legislative candidates in amounts pro­portional to the party vote at the last election.
    Expenditures shall be audited by the Watchkeeper; and sums not expended within four years shall be returned to the Trea­sury.
    It shall be a condition of every communications franchise that reasonable facilities shall be available for allocations by the Overseer.

    * * *
    [C: Is anyone nervous about WHO this "Overseer" might be? How about the "Watchkeeper"--and, how about that "President" but those plural "Vice-Presidents"? Sounds like to me you are moving right into the pit with the viper himself--maybe the Overseer is the "right hand of Satan" and the "Watchkeeper" the "left"?]
    Article III. The Electoral Branch
    S.1. This is something new, for greater control over the people.
    S.2. Here comes the "Overseer"!
    S.4. Note, "Recognitions by the Overseer"!
    S.5. More "Overseer" stuff ... not overlooking the "Planning Branch"!
    S.7&8. MORE OF THE SAME.
    S.11. "Expenses of the Electoral Branch" to be met by an added 1% to the net taxable income of taxpayers ... for disposition by the OVERSEER. WHAT IS A POLICE STATE?
    Secretary, enough, I see that you are exhausted as we put in these dawn to dark days without letup--but, chela--it is such a critical time for your nation and your freedom as citizens that I cannot bear not to offer that which we can. Hopefully, these past few editions of CONTACT can be presented at the Las Vegas meeting next week-end. We MUST reach the people or there is not hope.

    Hayek: "I do not think the cause of liberty will prevail unless our emotions are aroused. But, though the strong instincts on which the struggle for liberty has always nourished itself are an indispensable support, they are neither a safe guide nor a certain protection against error. The same noble sentiments have been mobilized in the service of greatly perverted aims. Still more important, the arguments that have undermined liberty belong mainly to the intellectual sphere, and we must therefore counter them there.

    Ceres to lay down the pen that you might digest these writings as we move along. Good day.

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