PJ 66

SUN., MARCH 28, 1993 1:16 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 224

SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 1991

In introduction to the following material and gathering informa­tion, please know that we are privileged to have offering of sharing from this brother, Little Crow of the Lakota. "Sioux" is a term foisted off by the "white" man and I do not accept it as valid for title.

From onset of our writings even unto the writing of SIPAPU ODYSSEY we have spoken of that which will be brought forth by Little Crow White Eagle of the Red tribe. This is called THE SACRED HILL WITHIN but has not yet been put to public press for many reasons, but is yet eagerly awaited. This being has not been without work load during these years of interim and so many have asked for sharing that we gladly offer you a partial listing of some teachings and explanations of the Native American culture. These need to be obtained directly from the source shown and I ask that all who can do so, please partici­pate--FOR THIS INFORMATIONAL BACKGROUND IS NECESSARY FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE EVOLVEMENT OF OUR OWN TRIBES--THE "BIRD" TRIBES (FLYING BROTHERS) OF THE "SILVER CLOUDS COME FROM DISTANT STARS WITH THE WINGED PEO­PLE". I need not write more than is offered in the explanation guide given, at this time, for we will later share these visions and "knowing" and it shall indeed be a wondrous revelation of species, source and truth of our heritage and species of creation.

Pagan? Oh dear chelas, before any "pagan" anything could develop--first had to come the perfection of God's unaltered Truth in Creation. If one becomes "pagan" it is because he comes to walk upon a physical plane of impact by physical senses. "Knowing" and "knowledge" are two very different things--one is an abiding recognition of that WHICH IS--the other is some­thing gained but not necessarily even in truth. "Knowledge" from "Knowing" is the ultimate test of MAN--in wisdom and understanding in TRUTH which IS God. AHO!

The above will be utilized in acknowledgement of Little Crow's available information, please.

The next is separate from the above writing.

We are petitioned for update and ongoing information regarding "Cosmos". Yes, we have information--that which was promised by one of the signatories on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE which was the point around which the whole subject seemed to rotate. The following shall be HONORED as to content and any who would use this information from this document--are not welcome to do so unless authorized by the writer thereof. I do not wish to elaborate on the subject material offered but will at­tempt to reprint the letter with only occasional corrections of ty­pographical errors, i.e., inverted letters, spelling, etc. Those will be offered only to facilitate ease of reading.


This letter and the attached ELEVEN (11) pages, cannot, nor shall they be copied, sold on tape, video, or sold in book or other written form, other than the designated address of the Scrivener and the party to whom this letter is addressed; THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR.

March 19, 1993 (Received P.L.: March 19, 1993)

The Phoenix Liberator

Dear Editor;

"I", V.K. Durham, am one of the 'two signatories' on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE which has created such a furor in the past few months. This is a personal letter, not a corporate.

Regarding the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE, there has been no response from PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON--sad to say...

While waiting, as an INDIVIDUAL, a petition to MS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, a famed and renowned At­torney and legal counsel in her own right, is being presented via the "attached eleven pages" with a request for her assistance, as we all know how busy the President is these days, with all the money problems plaguing the nation and so forth.

That OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE is the only thing left--out of a fortune--a fortune which had been worked for so long, and so damned hard. And, they have tried to steal THE GOLD CER­TIFICATE also--it not being in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HOWEVER--they are having a damned hard time finding it...anywhere.

I, V.K. Durham, am writing this letter to all the many hundreds of you who wrote of your own problems, problems like my own personal and my Corporations had experienced during the past Administrations of Reagan and the BUSH BOYS CLUB. The U.S. Attorneys over in Los Angeles and San Diego have been wondering what the "BBC" is...It is the "Bush Boys Club"--complete with PARADOX THINKERS who think "NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO HAVE THAT MUCH"...so let's KILL THEM AND STEAL WHAT EVER THEY HAVE..." So, BUSH BOYS CLUB: "BBC".

My own losses to my personal and corporate holdings have been beyond a reasonable man's comprehension--they were not just my losses, but they were also the losses of: Children who could not afford to go to school (an estate had been formed to provide for their education). It was to provide for the homeless, the ill, the aged, also, and to protect the farmers who were having their lands stolen from the long family held farms--it was to provide industry and jobs. There was to be an "800" number set up in order for ability of ones to call if a farm was being stolen, etc. The party on the other end of that number would have assisted the caller, paid off the loan which was being "called" due, left the farm in the family and would be repaid at only a very small fee. The grain would be stored, like in the old days, in the granges--to help another unfortunate. This was all planned for the American People. Not only have "I" lost but the AMERI­CAN PEOPLE HAVE LOST. In the above mentioned stored grain--it would be representative of only a very small percentage of a crop.

The Corporations which I held were: Durham International Ltd., Durham International Exploration and Development Ltd., Gemstar Development Ltd., Tamarau Corporation Ltd., Tri­umph Enterprises Ltd., etc. There were also 13,520 acres of GOLD PROPERTY, which had assays of in excess of $35 TRILLION in reserves. A mill and a refinery was scheduled with a repository and a depository. The major portion of the profits were to be used as I explained earlier--TO RESTORE THE NATION.

Well, I suppose things like this only happen in UTOPIA. U.S. Senator Alan Cranston and the Keating Five boys decided THEY WANTED THE PROPERTY. They went so far as to have the Arizona BLM back-date a law which would not allow mining on the property. I was forced to release (confiscated) 9000 acres--because these crooked politicians wanted the prop­erty. The FEDS were contacted and responded: "This is not an area of our jurisdiction." Then, a package containing the assays was sent up to then President George Bush. Bush was requested to turn the evidence contained in the package over to the U.S. Senate Banking Investigating Committee. GEORGE BUSH WITHHELD EVIDENCE IN A CRIMINAL TRIAL ON THE SAVINGS AND LOAN FIASCO.

The information was forwarded on to Washington to "Bush" and only later did I know that it was George Bush's SON who walked around the table in Phoenix (AZ) and said: "Don't the OLD FOOLS know, we can take ALL the property and not give them a damned thing!?" I suppose it would be a difficult choice to make, the American People taking it in the shorts over some crooked shenanigans my kid was involved in, or handing ev­erything over to the U.S. Senate Banking Investigating Com­mittee--which would be the honorable thing to do--if one were not prone to commit TREASONOUS acts against the PEOPLE.

I am saying to all of you who read this paper: THESE TAXES DID NOT NEED TO BE RAISED. THIS COUNTRY SHOULD NOT HAVE SUFFERED THIS MESS NOR SHOULD "BUSH BOYS CLUB" MEMBERS GO UNTRIED FOR TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! Treason charges were filed in Gonzalez's office but nothing was done--nothing will ever be done--certainly NOT by Bush Boys Club members who sit in our Congress and Senate. They will just keep oppressing the people, ignoring the problem, and the people will suffer.

For the record: The "certificate" REQUIRES TWO SIGNA­TURES. I refuse to sign anything as long as the American peo­ple suffer, as long as there is a contract on my head. It's called EXTORTION and RACKETEERING and it's BEING DONE BY OUR CONGRESSMEN, EX-PRESIDENTS, SENATORS AND THE REST OF THE MUCK WE ELECT IN OUR OF­FICES TO CONDUCT OUR AFFAIRS OF NATION IN AND ON OUR BEHALF.

I must apologize if I seem angry--I admit I am angry. I get very angry when I see Americans in the greatest nation in the world trying to sleep in a blizzard, outside in the cold and the ele­ments. Yes, by damned, I get angry! I always think: "There but for the Grace of God go I." The sickness and the sadness is that THERE IS NO NEED FOR THE NATION TO SUFFER AS IT IS.

When you get to Washington, the ideals, principles, good thoughts all go out the window--and they all get caught up in the graft and the corruption. It makes you sick to your stomach just to think about it all.

Perhaps these attached ELEVEN pages addressed to: MS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON will pretty well explain what happened to ALL OF US IN AMERICA!

Thanks a million for taking your valuable time to read and hope­fully, print, these pages. God bless.

It's America and Americans "First".

V.K. Durham, CEO of the following (others omitted at this writing). Durham International Ltd., (stolen), Durham Interna­tional Exploration and Development Ltd., (stolen), Gemstar Development Ltd., (stolen), Tamarau Corporation Ltd., (stolen), Triumph Ltd., (stolen) and the 13,520 acres which belonged to ALL AMERICANS--ALSO STOLEN!

cc: Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton File

Note: Mrs. Clinton, You and the President are invited to attend a meeting at the Oakdale Village Hall at 2:PM on Sunday, March 28, 1993 [Today--do you suppose they attended?]. We will be delivering this to the "people". NO "CIA" wel­come.



March 19, 1993

Hillary Rodham Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The White House
Washington, District of Columbia 20001

Re: This is an open letter requesting your assistance, and bounty of 50% on all moneys recovered in these FRAUDS.

Dear Hillary;

You, Bill and Al, all seem like nice enough young people, and seemingly, you "want" to straighten out this country's ills. One would think, if the ills are to be cured, one must first know the "extent of the illness", and it is doubtful that you young ones know what "we older" ones have experienced, or if you under­stand the depth of what we know--about the WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE AND "WHO" these parties are who are causing the disease which is destroying our nation. WE DO, Mrs. Clinton.

Americans are becoming "wary", Mrs. Clinton. When they try to be Patriotic they are published. When Americans try to do their national "duty" and report criminal acts being perpe­trated by the privileged few, politicians and their selected henchmen, they are punished.

The punishment, Mrs. Clinton, begins with putting the name of the individual(s) in the infamous "computer database dump". Then, the discrediting starts; nothing they say is credible or to be believed. Next, Mrs. Clinton, comes the oppression--as they are denied access to the courts and the spirit of the law known as "due process". If they have knowledge which helps the little guy whose property is being stolen under the guise of the 100 year flood plain, only at a later date to be developed by prime developers. They (meaning the ones who try to be good Ameri­cans) suffer from "attempted murder" by what is thought to be "auto accidents", then at a later time, in this instance, the insur­ance companies take over. They use doctors and officers of the court (judges and attorneys) who have used their paid trips over to Palm Springs to play with women who are not and were not their wives and who were then blackmailed by the insurance companies who initially paid for the "little excursions"--to op­press and misuse the law against such a person--who just tried to be a good American.
The plan is under such as the Rico Act, Murder Incorpo­rated, Murder for Hire, collect insurance on unauthorized "Life insurances"--"Kill the old woman" and steal, steal, steal--but at all costs: KEEP A LID ON IT.

All of this is going on, and more, Mrs. Clinton, to a little old lady. They tried to kill me in an "alleged auto accident" in 1983, and continue to date, now using medicine denial to do the dirty work. They forced me into bankruptcy. "Bush" had Judge Goldberg in the court (this was denied). This was, how­ever, all in the bankruptcy. It was "KEEP A LID ON IT" by orders of Bush.

Well, guess "WHO" is one of the "signatories" on the OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE? Just the interest due could ELIMI­NATE THE NATIONAL DEBT and provide stability to the na­tion. Guess "WHO" is NOT going to sign until this mess is all straightened out! Yep, you guessed it--this "momma".

On the property, I had obtained a $300MM IRREVOCABLE Turn Key commitment to a loan, to build a mill and a refinery. There were the same conditions on a $600MM loan and on a $200MM loan. Then, Mrs. Clinton, there was a $10MM turn key commitment to loan which was also irrevocable. Did I ob­tain the loans? NO. Why? you might ask. Well, it's a story you need to fasten your seat belt for hearing--it goes as follows:

The first commitment to loan came in April of 1988, as is al­ready stated. I was in the middle of "the" auto accident case whereas I was rendered disabled due to injuries sustained. The attorney, a Mr. Jay H. Picking, had been really enthused over the case, being Case 159758 in Riverside County for the State of California---UNTIL--he was "accidentally" also caught between two semi-trucks. His car was a total loss and he abandoned the case stating: "I am afraid to discuss the case with you even on the telephone," and "At some time, you have to make up your mind, which is more important, the money or your life." (This IS recorded on tape.) The insurance companies are hard at work since there is a $10MM "umbrella" policy on the business where I was insured in the event of any "bodily injury" and could no longer support myself. Then, Mrs. Clinton, there was the infamous SAFECO INSURANCE policy, C482687, where I was insured for $1MM and also for $500K, which I have never been able to "access", and there was an additional $300K, Workman's Comp" policy--which I have also been UNABLE TO ACCESS.

After Mr. Picking abandoned the case within days of the dis­covery period of the legal action commencing--leaving me to­tally naked before the courts--suffering from memory loss, loss of vision, loss of use of the left hand, herniation of the L3-4-5 areas and walking was very difficult--I, Mrs. Clinton, was DE­NIED legal counsel and forced to represent myself in Case #159758. Mrs. Clinton, denial of counsel for any period of time during the "discovery" period defeats the fairness of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW AND DUE PROCESS. It violates the Constitutional provisions of EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW and this is ongoing, Mrs. Clinton.

This "patriotic" American was denied medical attention and overheard a conversation between one doctor and THE attorney: "...leave her alone and the infections will kill her. Anyway, we don't have to worry too much longer." The attorney was the "patriotic" American's business partner who knew of the many "projects" the "patriotic" American had accumulated--and were in process.

One of the projects, Mrs. Clinton, was a 3x3x3 "Bonni Light Crude" sale: 376 millions of barrels per day. The contract was signed and the money was alleged to be in place. The contract was taken under the guise of "power of attorney". The contract was a 1980 contract. A 3x3x3 means: there is a three year con­tract, then the next three year increments are renegotiable. The contract, Mrs. Clinton, was signed in 1982. Nine (9) years later the OIL is NOT paid for AND nine (9) years later THE SAUDI PRINCE DEMANDS HIS PAYMENT FOR HIS "PRINCELY ALLOTMENT". The "Princely allotment", Mrs. Clinton, is demanded at "Port of Departure", ABU DAUBI, KUWAIT. The Prince demand his payment--or the PORT--which was responsible for "his" oil. In 1991 he was then sanctioned by the "purchaser" of his Oil--to take KUWAIT. Result? DESERT STORM! The "Prince" was SADDAM HUSSEIN, the "Old Lion of the Desert"' s son--ALL BROTHERS.

The Oil, Mrs. Clinton, was purchased by ZAPATA OIL and UNION OIL. Bush attempted to turn Saudi "Brother" against brother. In the meantime, Mrs. Clinton--back at the ranch, so to speak--$650 BILLION American dollars are being used TO BUILD UP SAUDI ARABIA using our own DEFENSE PLANES and other DEFENSE MATERIALS which would normally be used TO DEFEND AMERICA. The Army Corps of Engineers were used and "so on". NONE of the $650 Billion has shown up anywhere other than as a DEFICIT in the Ameri­can Taxpayer's economy, Mrs. Clinton. Bush had to pay Sad-dam's brothers for the use of their lands on which to base equipment and to attack Saddam to keep from PAYING him!

Did "I" have a commission coming? I surely did: half a per­cent on the total sale. Did I get the money? NO. It was divvied up between all of the attorneys. One of whom is an ex-District Attorney of Chicago, representing the first Ward for DALEY--even married Daley's daughter. His offices were: 5210 ONE WORLD Trade Center. It is strange, because the law firm in the offices located at 5210 ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER--ALSO represent the ONASSIS shipping and KUNOKUNDOS Shipping. These WERE USED TO TRANS­PORT OIL IN THEIR OIL TANKERS. It is thought that when Christina Onassis discovered HER oil tankers had been used to transport oil WITHOUT her knowledge--she demanded pay­ment. Then she was simply "TERMINATED" when in Ar­gentina.

Something seems very "funny" about all of this, because the attorney who represented the Onassis shipping was an M. Daniels (the "M" represented at times, "Marlene"). Later, a discovery was made that this same M. Daniels is an Israeli rep­resentative of ITEC, based in Tel Aviv. This same ITEC is covered by the Citi-Corp Group and the Chase Group. Needless to say, Mrs. Clinton, we have things going on in this country which are SUB-ROSA to the point of being SUB-VERSIVE!


While all of this was going on, Mrs. Clinton, I had submitted a three month payment on the home I had rented over some 13+ years. By return mail I received an EVICTION NOTICE--this was ALSO right in the middle of this "Discovery" period. ALL of the records were in my home. The insurance compa­nies had accessed Attorney Arthur R. Seidler, one of the Judges Pro-tempord, who had a propensity for jacuzzis, naked women who were NOT his "wife", and having expenses paid by IN­SURANCE COMPANIES. Seidler pressed the landlord and the landlord evicted me--just as simple as that.

"Now," you ask, "how did he access the Landlord?" Well, Mrs. Clinton, I was held in bondage and as a hostage in my own home from 1983 through October 1987 by a bastard who raped me repeatedly even while I was bleeding from injuries sustained in the auto accident.

This "Officer of the Court", a member of the "Old Boys Network" would come into my home (if I had gone out of the house), shake me violently screaming: You need Me, you are nothing--do you hear me? Keep it up and I'll see that you starve to death on the God-damned streets! You are mine! Do you hear me? You are MINE!" Then he would scream: "Don't you ever try to match wits with me. I am an Officer of the Court! Who do you think they will believe--you or ME?" This would go on and on and on--it was a living nightmare.

This JUDGE PRO-TEMPORE also was an ex-District Attor­ney. According to him, and this is a direct quote: "Woodie (meaning Judge Elwood Rich) was out drinking one day, then he decided to drive his car home. On his way home, he hit a kid. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office called me to find out what to do. I drove over, WE cleaned WOODIE up and took him home. The kid was taken to the hospital and no one ever knew who hit the kid." (quote and end quote)

As it would be, "Woodie" was one of the PRIMARY JUDGES in the Riverside Court. He was also a fishing buddy. He, Bill Mortland, and Micelli, and there were others, but these are the ones I remember him talking about, these fishing trips were paid for by INSURANCE COMPANIES. The fishing trips would be in Alaska and some down in the Baja.

Then, there is a little matter of the "Fishing Camp" down at San Phillipe in the Baja. They had built their own "runway", had their own freezers and so on where they could and would smuggle drugs in the cavities of the fish--which were frozen. They kept them in the Hemet, California Locker up to and into 1987. I don't know what happened after that.

An awful lot of money was spent by these guys. Their BAR bill alone would be in excess of $5,000 a week. This did not in­clude the trips, the "broads" or the extra booze.

What bank did they use? you might ask. Security Pacific Bank, First Interstate Bank, Western Community Bank and Bank of America. These were the "primary" banks. Seidler went from assets of (according to him) $500 to $600 thousand to his reported $30 million--from 1980 when he took my Real Es­tate Contractual Interference Case on the Franson Property (above) to 1985. In 1985 he was bragging, "Here I am now worth over $30 million dollars and can't even cash a damned check at 'Longs' ." Longs was a local drug store we had gone into for my medicines. He wanted to buy a liter of booze and they would not cash his check as he was not a local nor did he have the proper identification they required.

It is interesting to note, from a period of time from Dec. 17, 1980 up through and including July 17, 1984, my Agent's copy of my SAFECO policy C482687 reflected: Bodily injuries, $10M. There was also a provision of 52 weeks in the amend­ments of the policy which stated: In the event the injury(s) sustained shall prevent the insured from working in the regular employment for a period of 52 weeks, the injuries shall be deemed permanent"--and so forth. What is so interesting is that AFTER the "52 weeks" the Agent's renewal premium notice drops down to $1M and $500K on the Bodily Injury and is Un­der an Un-insured provision--of the policy. I think the SOB used a phony power of attorney and cashed in my policy and left me hanging out to dry. SAFECO denies me access to my own policy to recover insurances on my disabilities--and the Califor­nia Department of Insurance, both present and past administra­tions--"have no area of jurisdiction". The latest, and which is in violation of their own insurance Code 704--they tell me to "get an attorney".

These "Old Boy Networks" and their buddies in the insurance business have denied me legal counsel. I was ordered to present the case myself and thereby having to settle for far less than the injuries and losses warranted--$52,021.12. Then, when I cashed the damned checks, a STOP PAYMENT ON THE CHECKS WAS ISSUED.

SAFECO refused to assist me when apprised that I was with­out legal counsel and after the "STOP PAYMENT" they say: "You settled without us." Now, there is no way I can access my own insurance.

This goes on and on, deeper and dirtier, Mrs. Clinton. After the "eviction notice" and having pets, I was forced to purchase another house. I tendered an offer on address 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. The "escrow" and all pa­per work was on a property in ANOTHER TOWN--with a like address. I took possession two days prior to the closing of escrow on the property in SAN JACINTO, CA.

The court case was going on, escrow was going on, Cranston and Keating were using the Arizona BLM at the same time, to force me to release 9000 acres of the 13,520 I held under "OPTION". It was a mess.

When escrow closed "allegedly", it was on the 17th day of June 1988. Narys Schaefer said, "There was only one docu­ment in escrow as 'Paul Ruggeri had thrown a temper tantrum and taken the escrow instruments out of the office." I didn't think too much about it as I was up to my fanny in alligators with the undergoing case. It did not dawn on me that they were "DUMMYING" up loans on non-existent properties, using sound-alike names, sound-alike addresses and so on. That didn't ever enter my mind as I was concentrating on my future and the outcome of the Case 159758 in which I had been denied legal counsel.

There I was, running all over to hell-and-gone on the case, depositions were being taken, the counsel for the defense was going through temper tantrums and ordering medical examina­tions on the same day as depositions and sometimes having TWO depositions on the same day--hundreds of miles apart at time. One deposition was even scheduled on a Sunday. It was run here, run there, copy this, do that--you know how it goes, you being an attorney and all...

During all this confusion, between moving, escrow, doctor's examinations, depositions, etc., the counsel for the defense, in March 1988 ordered by Set No. 3, "Inspection of Documents and Things". OK I hustle my buns, go down and spend ap­proximately $310 at a nickle a page copying approximately 6,200 pages of tax records, bookkeeping records, business records for a period of 10 years prior to the 1988 period of de­mand of documents and other things--then the B.... goes over, wiggles her buns in front of the insurance "Judges"--oh, you know, the OLD BOYS NETWORK, i.e., the OLD BOYS CLUB--and the Judge (Micelli) orders me to release "ORIGINAL" records as "copies do not suffice", in April, 1988.

In later time, it was discovered:

  • 1. The social security records had been erased back to 1978 (exactly 10 years), then scrambled in the prior years.
  • 2. Even though I had applied for my SSAD in April of 1984, the records contained in the computer data base evidenced me as DECEASED in 1989 and then
  • 3. In 1990 we decided to run a credit scan. Seven damned loans showed up: 7 loans on 7 non-existent properties with 7 dif­ferent spellings of names which alleged to be "me"--each of these 7 packed INSURANCE--LIFE INSURANCE, PROP­ERTY INSURANCE, BUYERS INSURANCE- - ‑
  • 4. Sound alike names, sound alike social security numbers, etc. I had Social Security No. 364-28-2566 stolen in 1974, just outside Knoxville, Tennessee. This was reported to the FBI, Immigrations and the Knoxville State Police, Evansville, In­diana, City and Indiana State Police.
  • 5. A full set of identification, birth certificate, driver's license, social security card, credit cards--all the usual-‑
  • 6. In 1974, SSA issued a new Social Security card and number: 364-(3)8-2566.
  • 7. We discovered both of these social security numbers on these 7 phony loans which were being used to mop and launder money by what we discovered were some 22 insurance com­panies--all with a common denominator and/or set of de­nominators--UNDERWRITERS.
  • 8. Mrs. Clinton, that home I purchased: as the key was handed over to me outside escrow after I tendered $5,000 to the sell­ers so that they might close their own escrow (as they were allegedly losing their escrow which was purchasing their own new home)--this was two days before escrow closed on June 17, 1988 (5103-N) at Ramona Escrow Company in Hemet, California.
  • 9. On or about June 21, 1988 I received the "original" deed. It is an "Individual Grant Deed" in Fee Simple--Deed in Libre, Mrs. Clinton--a free, unencumbered INDIVIDUAL GRANT DEED on "my" home...

As both you and I are aware, "IF" there is a mortgage on the property, it must be noticed in the deed, a COPY of the Deed goes to the property owner, the original stays with the mortgage company or bank--after which time the mortgage is paid off and the deed must be redeemed. There is the redemption process whereas the mortgage is then deleted from the BODY of the deed, and the "original deed" is then delivered to the property owner.

In their moments of zest and zeal to steal, mop and launder money, they had so many properties--7 of them to be exact--they slipped up and sent the ORIGINAL "FEE DEED" to me--in LI­BRE.

Being involved in the Case 159758, I paid no attention to the deed when I received it. I just stuck it in the cubbyhole of the old Jefferson desk and forgot about it.

I kept waiting for the closing documents, and the payment book. They never came. I waited and I waited and waited some more...

On or about September 1, 1988 I tendered a payment check over to the Riverside office of the "mortgage company". They RE­FUSED THE TENDER. The payment was made on 24928 Gi­rard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. (We had filed a Constitutional Homestead, No. 22790, on August 12, 1988 on the 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383 prop­erty.)

On or about September 17, 1988, I received a telephone call from this mortgage company and they said: "You must make a payment." I responded: "I am waiting for my payment book." Oh, "We don't give payment books," was the response. "OK," I respond, "what is it going to take to make a full year's pay­ments as the doctors think my daughter has cancer and I will probably be in and out of the state during the year? So, how much will a full year's payments be?" "Approximately [C: Sorry, but right here it gets sticky for she has written $8,532,36. but it seems that perhaps she meant $8,532.36 (or maybe not)--it gets more complicated as you will see.] $8,532(,)36 (would have to look up the check) but the amount is approximate." So I said, "OK, I'll send you a check for a full year's payments of principal and interest and insurance."

The check was tendered for the full year's payments and the amounts were specifically spelled out on the check and in an ac­companying letter. THE TENDER WAS REFUSED. The check had been made out as well as the accompanying letter to be applied to: 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California

You know why they could not accept the checks? They did NOT have such an address in the portfolio! They had an­other property--one of the 7 OTHERS--and NOT my San Jacinto property. They responded in their "Refusal of Ten­der: "This is not a non escrow." [C: There is obviously something wrong with this statement as written, also, but I can't clarify.]
Foreclosure procedures began on the 7 "others" and they were sending me the foreclosure notices. My feelings were "go ahead and foreclose" on the other property for mine is in San Jacinto. It should be noticed at this time that I received a title report in 1989 on the property. There is an old deed of record which was to expire in 1990 on the water rights of that property.

In 1989, my Constitutional Homestead, over at 24928 Girard Street in San Jacinto, had been fully reconveyed back to "the sellers" by an instrument No. 318405. There was an existing First Trust Deed on the property when I purchased it and it was NOT paid off as alleged in escrow 5103-N. It was paid off AFTER escrow closed. That First Trust Deed's No. is 330419 for the curious and it was held by Hemet Federal Savings and Loan Corporation.

The fools allowed TWO First Trust Deeds to exist at the same time--while mopping and laundering the money on those other 7 properties.

But! The First Trust Deed which I was trying to pay off, I discovered in January of 1989--WAS NOT MY PROPERTY! IT WAS IN ANOTHER TOWN WITH A SIMILAR SOUNDING ADDRESS--IT DID NOT EXIST.

In 1989, it became necessary for all title instruments to be reaf­firmed, re-recorded, Quitclaims, Notice of Death of Joint Ten­ant, on and on. As the chain of title was "bad" here I was run­ning here and there just trying to save my Constitutional home­stead as now the Title company refused to honor the TITLE IN­SURANCE. They discovered that I had a "Black" investment banker trying to purchase my home for $2,000,000. furnished. "It will be a cold day in hell when a 'damned nigger' buys that property," screamed Bud Whitner and Rich Macalussio of Or­ange Coast Title.

In 1989, forged and altered instrument No. 250298 was allowed to be recorded ON MY Constitutional homestead by the River­side County Recorder. When confronted he said, "So what if it's altered and forged!? It's not a legal document--anyone can file anything, so sue me," he said.

In 1990, on January 16, Instrument No. 096503 a Mend of Title was filed on 24928 Girard Street, San Jacinto, California 92383. In that individual grant deed is contained the Constitutional homestead, all the quitclaims, the notice of death of joint Ten­ant, and so on. The title was mended.

On or about April 9, 1990, a gunman hidden under the window, behind the shrubs of my Constitutional homestead, did attempt to fire a pistol, which he held in his hand--and attempted to MURDER me. Subsequently, I fled to Illinois for my life. There WERE witnesses.

I called my insurance gent, Orvil Dennis, and he said, "I can't get involved. I have been told 'hands off'."

Later discovered; State Farm had allowed the forgers and alter­ers of Instrument NO. 250298 access to my Homeowner's in­surance--and--without my authorization. State Farm told me in writing, "We refuse to pay you for the damages you say you suffered on your home you say you own, as we feel as though you could not have afforded to purchase the home." They paid the VANDALS instead of the Constitutional homesteader--to vandalize and rape the Constitutional homestead.

State Farm was shown all "original" title instruments and they refused to acknowledge the instruments saying, "We don't know, nor have we fully decided WHAT WE ARE GOING TO CHARGE YOU WITH!"

State Farm was apprised that NO homestead shall be sold or or­dered sold for less than 90% of its fair market value. If ordered sold and the 90% is not obtained, it shall be put off for another full year then it shall be offered on the market again. If 90% is not obtained then it must wait another full year before going on the market and on and on but the 90% must be obtained or the property cannot, shall not, be sold. The Homestead Act is an Act of Congress adopted by these mickey mouse states--who forgot THEY ARE REPUBLICS BOUND TO THE PARENT OF THE UNION.

While I am battling for my insurances and my Constitutional homestead, the water rights are being illegally sold off for an amount in excess of $10 MILLION dollars. And, the County Supervisor's relatives are purchasing this homestead--which has never been assigned, sold or otherwise alienated by ME. Their deed is No. 283474. They allegedly bought my Constitutional homestead on Mend of Title by instrument No. 096503, a duly recorded County Recorder's Records instrument. None of the title instruments contained in that deed have been assigned, alienated or otherwise, by me, the disabled Constitutional home­steader.

By now, Mrs. Clinton, my losses are [C: Can't determine how much]. All insured.

While trying to save my Constitutional homestead, Mrs. Clin­ton, I was beaten to the ground by persons sent in from the mortgage company and insurance companies who were mopping and laundering money. I was actually physically beaten to the ground. The reports were filed with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department and the Riverside County District Attor­ney's office, along with the forged and altered documents which had been discovered. "We can find nothing worthy of our pur­suit of prosecution," they responded--in writing.

Now, here it is, 1993; I still can't get my Social Security Dis­ability because my records have been wiped from the insurance company's. I am owed $1,282.00 per month since April of 1984--plus the accepted 10% interest, plus the accepted 44% compounding of the compounds of interest on all the money since 1984.

Like "pucky" in the old bucket--they are still hounding me. Now they are attacking my Medicaid. I must take generic medicines instead of the "brand" medicines or Medicaid will not pay for the prescriptions and now as of yesterday, March 18, 1993--they have decided--that a doctor who prescribes the medi­cations must be a "resident" of Illinois. My prescribing doctor knew what was going on with these insurance companies and just before he sold off his business and retired, he made certain my prescriptions were PERMANENT. He was afraid they would inject me with AIDS or something--he was afraid the S.O.B.'s would KILL ME.

Now, Mrs. Clinton, you might say that this is not an issue in which you would be interested--nor is it a "Federal" problem. Yes it is! Any time these crooked courts who are bought off by insurance companies who are attempting to keep from paying just and legal claims to the named insured--and the named in­sured winds up on SSI and Medicaid when SSA was paid--IT IS A FEDERAL PROBLEM!!

I am asking you for your assistance. I sent some documents to both the President and the Vice President--ask to see them. I need your assistance in obtaining my Social Security Disability and the back monies owned to me. After I obtain that--then the three of you come here; I have information that will save the three of you one hell of a lot of headaches. I know who the snakes are in the U.S. House of Representatives and can prove it.

By a small "coincidence", Mrs. Clinton, I happen to be ONE of the SIGNATORIES on that OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE you kids want and need to bail this nation out of this nightmare we are experiencing as a result of all this fraud. You and the Presi­dent claim you are seeking an "insurance program". Just come on down--"you ain't seen nothin' yet". But, you have to help me in the resolution of this mess. You will clean up one big mess when this one is cleaned up. Americans will be able to breathe easier. I am not the only American who has gone through this mess of being run off the Federal Constitutional HOMESTEAD and been denied access to their insurances. You kids have a damned mess on your hands--but it can be cleaned up--you just have to know "where the bodies are buried" or, "who is pitching and who is doing the catching". We can help--if you help us get our mess straightened up.

Please respond.

Vina K. Durham
RR #1 Box 171
Okawville, Illinois--a Republic 62271


It was discovered in 1989 that I was in need of open heart surgery. I had health insurance with State Farm.

After the discovery of the other legal problems in 1990, the policy came due in the summer. State Farm Agent Eugene Raetz accepted a full year's payment, then decided I must "re­apply" with State Farm in Illinois--or be billed the California rates. They cancelled the insurance. I did not have the heart surgery of which they were aware was needed. That is "Health Providers" for you, Mrs. Clinton, BIG TIME, WORLD CLASS "FRAUD".

By the way, State Farm is THE Insurance Company who pays for the Judges and Officers of the court to pinch b...s and t s over at Sun Dance Villas in Palm Springs---then they blackmail the Attorneys and Judges. They do this all over Alaska as well as in the Baja--but I only have "pictures" of them in Palm Springs.


Please respond,
V.K. Durham

* * *
Doris: I am sorry, readers, this was a very, very difficult letter to reconstruct because of the errors in presentation. It was con­versational and I am confident that some of the "numbers" may be incorrect.

We do not KNOW this person but have no reason to believe her to be invalid as a source or resource. We present this as follow-up as you have requested. I will say that, we having gone through the same "types" of harassment and miserable political and judicial corruption (in the same given area of Southern Cali­fornia), we are quite sure her problems are valid. We don't seem to have an OLD GOLD CERTIFICATE lying about but we recognize the threat to this person--for OBVIOUSLY THERE IS "SOME" REASON THEY WANT TO DESTROY HER, GET THE GOLD (SO THERE MUST BE SOMETHING VALID IN THE STORY), ETC.

She asks for some measure of protection and we do KNOW THIS--when petitioned for help and security--our brothers re­spond.

We have no further update on the "Cosmos" activities as such--but Dare Schaut is coming under constant and heavy fire for his activities and not the least of them is involved at the EXPENSE of this dear person and those who work with her. I seem to recognize the type of "helper" and "friend" as one, Dare Schaut--I seem to have one of my very own--George Green!

PJ 66
TUE., MARCH 30, 1993 9:57 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 226

I believe the next should go on the HOTLINE, please.

As THAT time of the year rolls around we are again flooded with inquiries about "what do I do now?". I didn't file in such and such a year because I no longer have taxable income, the income tax is "voluntary", I don't consider myself a citizen of the U.S. that breaks the law of the Constitution and they have left me alone until NOW but now call me up to personally con­front the buzzards. "What do I do?"

You go back to the writings which covered the subject early on--before you acted appropriately in the first place. You read and re-read Howard Freeman's presentation as to handling all of these situations. Then you go forth armed with your own am­munition. Will you win the war? Perhaps not--for soon the il­legal enforcers will have their way--but, having acted ap­propriately and honorably in the matter up to this point, the matter should be handled nicely. This may mean that you have to reconsider next year's move (this year actually) because they HAVE THE BIG GUN AND ARE LEGALLY SENT FORTH TO USE IT. However, the Constitution still has lawful merit even if not "legal" merit. If you have structured the remainder of your affairs correctly--you will have nothing much for them to grab--only good paperwork which will reinforce your prior moves. If you have "not", then get them in the best order pos­sible and continue on the basis as priorly argued through corre­spondence.

I would offer the information on the back cover of a book just sent to us: TO HARASS OUR PEOPLE, The IRS and Govern­ment Abuse of Power. By Congressman George Hansen.

"The IRS...'has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance." (The Declaration of Independence)

As Congressman George Hansen reminds us, an old maxim states that "the power to tax is the power to destroy." [But, the government has most assuredly taken the right to do exactly that--DESTROY THE PEOPLE AND THE NATION!]

In this chilling exposé of the IRS, we learn that:

* only the IRS can attach 100 percent of a tax debtor's wages and/or property
* only the IRS can invade the privacy of a citizen without court process of any kind
* only the IRS can seize property without a court order
* only the IRS can force a citizen to try his case in a special court governed by the IRS
* only the IRS can legally, without a court order, subject citi­zens to electronic surveillance

We also learn of recent armed searches conducted by IRS agents, of "hit lists," of snooping, of harassment, entrapment and a myriad of other horrors that are actually happening in our republic.

And we learn that there are things we can do to fight the IRS.

George Hansen represents the 2nd District of Idaho and is a member of the House Banking and the Domestic Monetary Committees. This book can be accessed through LIB­ERTY LOBBY (Library), 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003.

* * *
I take exception to only a few points: THE IRS IS NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN DO THESE THINGS--ANY LONGER! Blessed ones, you have been under martial law since 1933 and now you are functioning under the New World Order, One Global Government under the United Nations Charter--NOT THE CONSTITUTION. (It IS the "newstates" Constitution.)

Remember, please, that which I pointed out to you from onset of writing--WE ALWAYS ACT WITHIN THE LAW! WE OR­GANIZE THAT WHICH CAN BE USED FOR AS LONG AS IT CAN BE USED WHILE HOPEFULLY A NATION AWAKENS AND RECLAIMS THE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. How long a given action will be functional is uncertain and that is the reason for exceptional management, documenta­tion and always the intent of that which is Constitutionally RIGHT--and not just to evade the laws of Caesar! If you break Caesar's rules--you will pay Caesar's penalties. If you have honorably followed that which has been Constitutional in prac­tice--you are NOT breaking laws and have every RIGHT TO AVOID paying undue taxes of any kind! Stay the course and change it only AFTER they "disallow" your presentation. If you have done your homework there will be nothing to show of taxable value (by their own rules and regulations, allowances and business arrangements). Will there come a day when there are NO ALLOWED SHELTERS OR EVEN GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICES? YES, UNDOUBTEDLY SO! What will you do then? Follow the law as laid forth and hopefully from the prior actions you will have "something" with which to make transition between the two states within which you find selves. There is NO MAGIC and WHAT IS "LAWFUL" and THAT WHICH IS "LEGAL" for the thugs--are two quite different matters.


* * *
I have been sent a document with request for sharing in the CONTACT. It is titled: Microwave Harassment & Mind-Control Experimentation by Julianne McKinney, Director, Electronic Surveillance Project, Association of National Security Alumni, Silver Spring, Maryland.


Because our recent "really serious" presentations are in the lines of CONTROL, either through mental-washing, reprogramming or genetic/DNA manipulation, we need these bits and pieces to give you an overview of what is going on--and how it is planned to take-over! You are already at the "end of the line"; it is sim­ply a matter of how many of you will fall into the pit for the pit is prepared and waiting.


In February 1974, Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted discussions on the plight of dissenters in the Soviet Union, and on the means by which the U.S. Government might most effectively intervene. Highlights of these discussions are reported in Understanding The Solzhenitzyn Affair: Dissent And Its Control In The USSR (CSIS, 1974).

KGB strategies were addressed in some detail during these discussions. It was noted that the KGB's success depended on the extensive use of informant networks and agents provoca­teurs; and, following Brezhnev's rise to power, on the use of drugs and psychiatrists for further purposes of manipulation and control. Shadowing, bugging, slandering, blacklisting and other related tactics were also cited as serving KGB purposes. Par­ticipants in the conference agreed that the KGB's obvious intent was to divide and isolate the populace, to spread fear, and to si­lence dissenters.

Agencies of our own government are on record as having employed precisely these same tactics on recurrent basis. The Church and Rockefeller Committee Hearings in the mid-1970s purportedly put an end to these practices. Based on recent de­velopments, it would appear that the CIA's and FBI's Opera­tions MKULTRA [C: Yep, you sure have heard of this be­fore--and recently so if you have read the LIBERATOR and/or JOURNALS. In fact, all of these. This mess in Waco, Texas is a direct expansion of those ongoing, unceas­ing projects.] MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO (the focus of these Senate Committee and Vice Presidential-level Hearings) were instead merely driven underground. We are now in con­tact with a total of 25 individuals, scattered throughout the United States, who firmly believe they are being harassed by agencies of the U.S. Government. Others have been brought to our attention whom we will be contacting in the future. The majority of these individuals claim that their harassment and surveillance began in 1989.

The methods reportedly employed in these harassment cam­paigns bear a striking resemblance to those attributed to the CIA and FBI during Operations MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO. The only difference now is that electronic ha­rassment and experimentation also appear to be (more blatantly) involved.

The Berlin Wall is down, Communism is in the midst of a death rattle, and the KGB no longer poses the threat which pur­portedly served to justify the U.S. Government's resort to such operations as MKULTRA, MHCHAOS and COINTELPRO. The KGB, since 1989, has been reduced to an increasingly dis­tant memory. [C: Remember, this is not a "patriot" docu­ment for the benefit of mankind, readers. Further remem­ber: there are more KGB operatives in the CIA than Ameri­cans!]

Reactivation of surveillance/harassment/mind-control opera­tions in this country suggests that the KGB, as an institution, was never the real threat. A KGB "mentality", with its un­derlying pragmatic contempt for civil liberties, appears, instead, to have been the driving force behind MKULTRA, MHCHAOS, COINTELPRO, and the operations now being re­ported to us.

The KGB "mentality" is a matter of personal predilection, not ideology. Its objective is power and control, regardless of hu­man cost. It is a corrupting, cancerous influence, which feeds on fear, conformity and government funding.

Four months ago, when this Project commenced, we ap­proached these complaints of government harassment and ex­perimentation with an admitted "high degree of caution". We are no longer skeptical. The growing numbers of independent complaints and the similarities between those complaints cannot be ignored. Under the circumstances, the KGB should be proud of itself. As a "mentality", the KGB appears to be accomplishing more in "burying this country" from within than it could ever have hoped to have achieved as an institution. It would ap­pear that this country has a serious problem on its hands which needs to be resolved.

Part I of this report, which is reprinted from the June-July 1992 edition of the Association's publication, Unclassified, pre­liminarily addresses the complaints brought to our attention as of July 1992. Our objective, as noted, was to weight the legiti­macy of those complaints in terms of the directed-energy tech­nologies reportedly involved. Part II discusses the overt and covert patterns of harassment identified as a result of our inves­tigations, to date. A part of our objective, here, is to limit the success of such operations in the future, by according them widespread publicity.

In Part II, we do not identify individuals by name, both to honor their privacy and because our investigations have not been completed. Part II, like Part I, is a preliminary finding. Our focus is on the similarities of the complaints being received--similarities which Federal and State legislators, the courts, the FBI, local law enforcement agencies, the medical and psychi­atric professions, and organizations such as the ACLU and Amnesty International have so far chosen to ignore.

We frankly find it curious that more attention and credibility is being accorded purported victims of UFO experiences and spectral visitations than to persons who complain of systematic harassment and experimentation by the U.S. Government, in­volving technologies which the U.S. Government is only now grudgingly admitting to possess. These complaints require in­vestigation. In due course (and provided financial support is obtained), we hope to be able to acquire the technology and supportive medical expertise needed to substantiate the claims being made. We also hope to alter the institutional mindset that U.S. Intelligence can be trusted. History, repeatedly, has proven otherwise.


(Reprinted from the June-July 1992 edition of UNCLASSIFIED (Vol. IV, No. 3), published by The Association of National Secu­rity Alumni, Washington, D.C.)
The August-September 1991 issue of UNCLASSIFIED re­viewed Hamline University's Public Administration report on the resolution of MICULTRA cases in 1988. Although the shocking details of medical ethics abuses by the U.S. and Cana­dian governments were amply detailed, Washington and Ottawa--citing national security and government privilege--stalled for so long that the cases never came to trial. The surviving victims settled for a pittance of an out-of-court settlement.

Since no individuals or agencies were held legally account­able, the door was left open for possible resumption of similar "mind-control" activities.

In the context of that article, we mentioned briefly that some half-dozen people had contacted us with appeals for assistance in ending what they believe to be electronic harassment and mind-control experimentation, possibly involving the CIA. We decided to take a closer look at this situation.

We are now in touch with approximately a dozen individuals located throughout the United States who appear to be targets of harassment and mind-control experimentation involving di­rected-energy technologies. (By mid-November 1992, that number had increased to 25.)

Typically, persons who complain of being "zapped by radio waves" and of "hearing voices" are stigmatized as psychotic, delusional or schizophrenic. Being mindful of this, as well as aware of the treatment accorded UFO and psychic phenomena "freaks", we approach this subject with a high degree of cau­tion. Based on our preliminary investigation, including interviews with the affected individuals, we conclude that the matter is serious and should be pursued further.

Our first step was to determine what, if any technology exists which might be used for electronic harassment. That informa­tion was found in a "white paper" published in 1991 by the U.S. Global Strategy Council--a Washington-based organization, un­der the chairmanship of Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA, who maintains very close ties with the U.S. Intelli­gence community. The "white paper" describes the foreign and domestic uses foreseen for laser weapons, isotropic radiators, infrasound, non-nuclear electro-magnetic pulse generators, and high-power microwave emitters.

The term, "non-lethal", used to describe this technology is misleading. The energy emitted from all of these weapons can kill when appropriately amplified. At lower levels of amplifi­cation, they can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort and debilitation.

The Department of Army (DA) identifies these same weapons as "non-conventional". They were so identified in an exhibit at a DA-sponsored symposium on "The Soldier As A System", in Crystal City, VA, on June 30, 1992. Beta wave in­capacitators were separately mentioned during the symposium as being of particular interest to the U.S. Marine Corps.

We discussed these "non-conventional" directed-energy weapons with Mr. Vernon Shisler, manager of the exhibit and the Army's delegate to NATO in matters pertaining to "The Soldier As A System". Mr. Shisler acknowledged not only that directed-energy weapons are in DoD's arsenal, but also that the American soldier will remain vulnerable to their effects, should they be employed in the battlefield.

The U.S. Global Strategy Council recognizes the issue of vulnerability, as well, and urges ongoing research into effective countermeasures.

Interested readers may want to send for the U.S. Global Strategy Council's complete project proposal on this subject (Title: Nonlethality: Development of a National Policy and Em­ploying Nonlethal Means in a New Strategic Era, prepared by Janet Morris). A number of references in this Proposal to unidentified, elusive "enemies" of the U.S. Government and to the potential domestic applications of this "non-lethal" technol­ogy invite serious consideration by the public at large.

The Council's address is 1800 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006, (202)466-6029.

Research into the biological and psychological effects of ex­posure to microwave radiation is voluminous. The U.S. public has been led to believe that the former Soviet Union leads in this research. The fact is, the CIA and DoD (Department of De­fense) have jointly pursued precisely the same research since commencement of Project Pandora in the 1950s. The current primary users of this research appear to be the CIA, DoD, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Energy (DoE).

The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) has participated in this research since Project Pandora. In 1973, WRAIR discovered that externally induced auditory input could be achieved by means of pulsed microwave audiograms, or analogs of spoken words' sounds. The effect on the receiving end is the (schizophrenic) sensation of "hearing voices" which are not part of the recipients' own thought processes. [C: NOW-does it still seem too unlikely that my own transmis­sions to Dharma Wokini are STRANGE and IMPOSSI­BLE!?! The difference is that she receives a very organized and REASONABLE set of pulse patterns which represent "language" needing translation of which she has been "programmed" to decipher. THAT takes a LOT of "time" in the learning but I'd say she has done a good job--as have many other translators, i.e., Soltec's receiver, others who are involved with necessary information as in "our Editor", etc. It is not only NOT magic or "channeling" from some 64,000 year old crackpot E.T.--but is reasonable and very, very "logical". Yes indeed, ANY KIND OF MESSAGE CAN BE 'TRANSFERRED AND THEREIN LIES THE REASON FOR SO MANY "JUDAS-GOATS" IN THE "BUSINESS" OF CHANNELING. THEY ARE RECEIVING AND TRANSLATING THE INPUTTED INFORMATION OF THE ADVERSARIAL TROOPS THEMSELVES!]
The experiment prompted the following comment in The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, by Robert 0. Becker, M.D., and Gary Selden (Wm. Morrow & Company, NY, 1985): "Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with 'voices' or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin."

This research has continued, and the results are published in various publicly available scientific and technical journals. In­terested readers might consult, for example: Lin, James C., Electromagnetic Interaction With Biological Systems (Plenum Press, NY, 1989). Professor Lin, then with the Department of Bioengineering, University of Illinois, Chicago, has published a number of books and articles on this subject. (He has more re­cently informed us that he had designed the experiment refer­enced in Dr. Becker's book.)

WRAIR has more recently been studying the biological ef­fects of exposure to high-power microwave radiation. WRAIR presented a paper on this subject to a DoD-sponsored sympo­sium on "MW (microwave) Weapons" at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, in mid-1989.

A matter of interest to us is why WRAIR should be experi­menting with auditory effects of pulsed microwave audiograms. Also, recent statements by an Army psychiatrist assigned to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) suggest that WRAIR may be experimenting upon select psychiatric inpatients with microwaves. This, too, is a matter of interest to us.


* * *
Since there are other matters to attend presently, allow us to close this portion. I would ask that you readers PAY CLOSE ATTENTION AND RE-READ IF NECESSARY. WE ARE MOVING RIGHT ALONG INTO THE ULTIMATE MANIP­ULATION OF A PLANET AND INSIGHT IS ALL THAT CAN SAVE YOUR SANITY AND HIDE!