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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 66


    TUE., MARCH 16, 1993 11:43 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 212

    TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1993

    I am again indebted for input to Tim Burns who shares again with us. The word needs no explanation so we shall just move right along. Please!! Keep in mind that this following pro­jection is one man's studied opinion and does not necessarily represent MINE. However, please KNOW that we would not share with you if it were not fairly accurate in some of the perceptions. T.B. does not pretend to hold all the an­swers--he only shares that which he has gleaned through years of study and observation--by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. It does not mean that all projections and opinions are totally accurate. Please do not be as the sheep and jump off the cliff because someone thought he knew all the answers and dove off in front of you. It is for you to find the pieces which offer truth and only then, in the final version, shall you have knowing and truth of journey.

    QUOTING: (cover letter)

    Dear Sir:

    My work on Revelation Chapter 13 represents many years of reflection and thought. Also find enclosed a single page "flier" I made up. This information needs to get out to every Christian Church in America and world-wide so that when the times be­come even more critical the people will know how to identify the enemy easily. I would hope that copies could be sent by you
    to your international bureaus for translation and distribution to churches and patriotic associations in those foreign countries.

    I am sorry to say that since the destruction of the Teutonic-European tribal systems by the Romans about 400 A.D., appeals to intelligence, patriotism, self interest, security, or self respect do not, except rarely, seem to have much effect on those Chris­tian people. But they do seem to fight to the death for religious principles when the enemy is well defined and obvious. Witness the Christians in the Roman Empire, the crusades of the Middle Ages, or the Reformation in Europe.

    You are welcome to reprint, edit, and use the enclosed mate­rial in any way or at any time you wish. I only hope to do my small part in this gigantic struggle. If the idea should catch on, the flier can be copied for 5 cents each by people everywhere, and voluntarily distributed anonymously, neighbor to neighbor, the same way the word was spread hundreds of years ago.

    I would also like to say something about aid to Israel. It is my understanding that the population there is about 5 million people and that annually the U.S. automatically gives Israel about 3 billion dollars. That works out to about $600 for every man, woman, and child. Regarding the proposed $10 billion loan guarantees, should Israel at a later date be forgiven that debt, due to the excuse of war or some other emergency, then that would work out in one year to $13 billion or about $2,700 for every man, woman, and child. If a foreign country should give the U.S. a similar aid package, in one year, it would work out to about $676 billion. Or, if we had given the former Soviet Union foreign aid in the same proportion to its population as we do to Israel, it would work out to approximately $800 billion in one year, far more than the paltry $24 billion just appropriated this year. On top of all this, Israel is probably getting foreign aid from most of the other European nations each year as well. There are approximately 550 Congressmen and 100 Senators, for a total of 650 legislators in Washington, D.C. Theo­retically, Israel could bring back just 22% of the $3 billion of annual U.S. foreign aid, which is about $650 million, and give each legislator $1 million in contributions and kickbacks every year, so that Israel would, in effect, be buying the U.S. Gov­ernment with our own tax money. Fortunately for Israel, the typical U.S. Legislator is not intelligent enough to hold out for $1 million annually and is probably selling himself for a mere few thousand dollars. This example, however, goes far to show how foreign aid has the tendency to unite the legislative and ex­ecutive branches of government with foreign powers against the interests of its own U.S. citizens.



    * * *
    [H: As you look at this information as regards the Mark of the Beast--DO NOT consider this just another "Jewish" bashing of some sort. This has nothing to do with those who are Judeans thinking themselves somehow "Jewish". This is reference to the Zionist Khazarian group who are self-styled "Jews" who decided to call themselves by this label in the late 1700s. If you cannot sort out the difference, you are in great trouble as to factual historical knowledge and need to apply yourselves to your studies of facts.]
    13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blas­phemy.
    The seven heads represent 7 nations composing the Group of Seven or G-7. These seven nations include the U.S., Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan. The G-7 meet and decide on the Worlds' economic problems and set interest rates and currency valuations world-wide. These 7 nations have been associated as G-7 only in recent history, as the beast takes its fi­nal form. [H: Don't get confused with the recent acceptance of Russia onto this board. The G-7 group has never ac­cepted others in the same manner as the original seven participants. Even when you hear the term "meeting of the G-7 now G-8 Group" it is only for cover for there is ONLY A SEGMENT OF RUSSIA WHICH IS ACCEPTABLE.] The 10 horns and 10 crowns are other countries and/or heads of State who will play important roles in the future struggle. The beast, then, is an association of many nations.

    13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
    The leopard's colors are yellow, black and white, symbolizing all races of the world. A bear goes anywhere it pleases and symbolizes world domination. The lion's powerful mouth is full of deadly teeth which symbolize military superiority--"armed to the teeth". This association called the beast, is given power by the dragon who is Lucifer or Satan.

    13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
    One of the G-7 nations is destroyed and later makes a remark­able recovery. This could be Germany, Japan, Italy, or France in connection with World War II, or, it could be the U.S.A. in connection with the Civil War. Which country or incident is re­ferred to doesn't really matter because it doesn't affect the rest of the chapter.

    13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?
    More people daily follow the ways of Lucifer. The beast emerges supreme in the world after W.W.II

    13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to con­tinue forty and two months.
    1. The countries composing the beast control all major forms of communication and education, almost world-wide.

    2. The second part of this verse is important and crucial because it holds the key to the successful determination of the beast's birth, age, and death. We are told that it continues in power for 42 months. Biblical time periods are millennium or 1000 year intervals. A month is a fraction of a year. The code word here is month meaning fraction, so that the beast remains in power for 42 fractions of a millennium or 42/100 of 1000 years, or, 420 years. If these calculations be correct, then the next step is to determine the birth date of the beast. To do this it is neces­sary to determine at what point in time all 7 of the G-7 nations came into existence. Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan have been around for many centuries but the beast is not yet born or complete until the United States and Canada come into existence. [H: Right off, I must point out that this is only ONE part of the Beast at best--just a finalizing of a little Beastlette for THE beast is, of course, as old as human ex­pression. I do not wish to change Tim's presentation for he understands the point he is making--but every "time" seg­ment has figured out the Revelation to meet the needs and circumstances of that "age". What may be more accurate in presentation is to realize that these particular puzzle pieces would fall into the "whole" before the final cycle of experi­ence as expressed through John's vision would come into fi­nal realization.] The first permanent settlement in the U.S. was founded in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Canada's first permanent settlement was founded in Quebec in 1608. These then are the birth dates of these two countries from which time they began growing and still are today. [H: But you also must realize that these two "countries" are but offshoots of the King Country--England--and therefore do not necessarily need to be identified as three separate nations. You are more under the Crown of the British Israelite Zionists than ever in the history of your planet--RIGHT NOW AT THIS DAY. This is not to distract from your presentation, Tim, because you have done some very insightful calculations--even more important than what YOU "THINK" YOU HAVE DISCOVERED! Let us move on.] The seven heads of the beast, then, were completed in 1608 and 1608 can be considered its birth date. The G-7 association is the beast taking on its final form in the latter days of its life-span. It was in this formation when the Prophet John viewed it during its final days. This un­holy association will continue in power for 420 years which puts its death in the year 2028. This date should arrive near the end of W.W. III, or, Armageddon, and the beginning of another millennium,--the 1000 years of peace. These dates coincide closely with certain interpretations of Nostradamus predicting a 27 year war. The first 7 years to be conventional, the last 20 years to be nuclear, beginning sometime in 1993 or 1994. The war will be between the non-Christian axis nations of China, Arabia, and North Africa fighting against the allies who are the anti-Christian led nations of the United States, Canada, Europe, and the Province of Russia, most of the Provinces of the former Soviet Union having joined China. I say anti-Christian led na­tions because the Christian people who live in those countries are the political and economic slaves of the anti-Christ self-called Jews [Zionists]. Ironically, it is because of the immense devastation that the allies receive that the Christian slaves finally gain freedom from their Jewish oppressors, who lose their grip and power during the holocaust. The final years of the war, then, becomes the Christian allies fighting against the non-Christian axis, with a final end from exhaustion. There are no winners except for the few survivors who inherit a world free from over-population and the Jewish [H: Watch it! Khazarian Zionist--it will NOT be that which you think of as simply, "Jewish".] 666 dictatorship. [H: You are basically already in the death grip of the referred-to dictatorship and world do­minion.] So overwhelming is the latter's destruction that there is peace for 1000 years.

    13:6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

    The nations composing the first beast blaspheme God, Jesus Christ, and the Bible every day because the major instruments of communication in those countries are so overwhelmingly controlled by the people who follow the second beast; he is defined in verse #11.

    13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
    Witness the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution where an es­timated 50 million Christians and other Gentiles were butchered and killed by the "Jewish" Bolshevik regime. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky (Braunstein), and Kerensky were all Jews. (His real name is Aaron Kirbiz; Kerensky was the name of his Step-fa­ther.)

    13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to wor­ship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
    The second beast, Israel, gets its power from the Jews world­wide in every nation. The Jews world-wide have usually con­trolled the major means of communication in the nations com­posing the first beast.

    13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men--Israel has nuclear capability ready to use.

    13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
    After World War II, it was a miracle that such a small group of people, world-wide Jewry,,or the second beast, could control so totally the world media. Through this they agitated the proposal to establish the United Nations for the 'benefit' of the nations composing the first beast. The benefits to the primary inhabi­tants of those countries is, of course, a deception.

    13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
    The proposal to establish the United Nations was successful and the United Nations went into motion thanks to the efforts of the second beast. The United Nations sends troops to destroy any­one who does not obey its directives.

    13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    The activities of the second beast acting on the first beast, to­gether combined, cause the people of the world to prostitute or sell their souls--the mark in their foreheads, for money--the mark in their hand.

    13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    The U.S. dollar is a world-wide currency. You cannot, without much difficulty, buy or sell without it. On the back of the one dollar bill, or Federal Reserve note, is found the mark of the beast. It is the 6 pointed star, composed, in this case, of 13 five-pointed stars. This mark is located just above the eagle. The name of the beast is David or Israel--"the star of David or Israel". The number of his name is 666, the number of the 6 pointed Jewish star. [H: Remember: The "star" in point is not the star of David as you think of as the "House of David"--it is the symbol of David Al Roy--a Khazarian who claimed himself to be THE Messiah.

    13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
    In looking at the flag of Israel let us consider the star in its cen­ter.
    The star has 6 points.
    The star has 6 triangles.
    The star has a 6 sided polygon inside.
    The star has the number and the name of a man: David or Is­rael.
    This star is the mark of the beast! Further, face the facts: The Jews as Pharisees killed the one called "Christ" about 2000 years ago, hence, the name "Anti-Christ". There is no point in arguing this fact since they are still opposed to Him, even to this day, and all the "Judeo-Christian" nonsense you can tout will change not an iota of it.

    The Christian people of North and South America, Europe, and Russia have been enslaved politically and economically by world Jewry as defined through the Zionist/Khazarian move­ment. The Talmudic Khazar Jews control the governments of Europe, America, and Russia. They are not true Semites like you, but are mostly of Khazar-Russian-Turkish blood. After the destruction of Jewish Palestine in 70 A.D. by the Romans under the Emperor Vespasian, the Hebrew Semitic Jews scattered world wide and many emigrated to the Khazar Kingdom be­tween the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, just north of the Cau­casus Mountains. There they inter-married with and converted the Khazar race to Talmudic Judaism. The Moslem Caliphate, based in Baghdad, fought Jihad Holy wars against the Khazar­Jew Empire for hundreds of years. The Khazar-Jew Empire rose to its greatest heights of power about 750 A.D. and contin­ued until about 1220 A.D. when the Mongols, under Genghis Khan, smashed and destroyed them. They then scattered among the nations of Europe where they began to dominate in banking, commerce, and government. Some of the wealthiest Jews began marrying into the royal family blood lines of Europe. By 1820, the Khazar Jew banking family, Rothschild, had already taken control over the National Banks of issue of England, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium. By 1914, the family took control of most of Europe, the national bank of America, "the Federal Reserve System", and laid the foundations for modern Zionism--the idea of Palestine for the Jews and the idea that the Jews will rule over the world.

    The 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was the takeover of the So­viet Union by the Jews. Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky (His real name is Braunstein), and Kerensky (His real name is Aaron Kir­biz), the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution, were all Jews. In 1917, 200 Jews left for Russia from New York with $20,000,000 in gold given to them by the Jewish Bankers headed by Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both founders of the United States Federal Reserve banking system and both agents for the Jewish banking family who control Europe--the Roth­schilds. During the reign of the Bolsheviks in Russia no syna­gogues were touched, and the Jews are the only privileged people who even today can immigrate to and from the Soviet Union any time they wish.

    This is why all of the wars against Israel have failed, because any Arab or Moslem countries receiving Soviet aid were be­trayed. Jewish Russia made money selling weapons and tech­nology to those countries but they made sure that the odds were stacked against them. The Moslems received inferior weapons, inferior technology, inferior training but, worst of all, the Moslem military secrets were given to their enemies by Israel. Any time the Moslem world deals with the governments of Eu­rope, America, and Russia, they are in reality dealing with the Jews and their enemy, Israel.

    The reason for this implied weakness or inferiority in Chris­tians and Moslems is simple. The Jews always put the welfare of their race and culture above all other considerations, whereas the Christians and Moslems never consider any such thing. When a Jew becomes wealthy, the first thing he does is buy controlling interest in the major means of communication--tele­vision, radio, or newspapers, or takes controlling interest in a national bank which creates the currency, in most every country in the world.

    The tactic ensures his political safety and future political power. Because the Jews now control 100% of all the major communications media in America, Europe, and Russia, as well as all the national banks in those countries, they thereby com­pletely control the governments of those countries. No Senator, or Congressman, or President can survive or climb in office who opposes them. The Christian or Moslem, on the other hand, when he becomes rich, spends his money on large harems and pleasure yachts and jets. He plays and smiles and laughs, until one day the Jew becomes his master and dictator and ex­propriates all of his property and wealth and kills or enslaves him and his family. All of the hundreds of billions of dollars from Arab and Moslem oil revenues which are sent to Europe and America for investment is invested and managed by Jewish investment firms so that there is no Moslem control whatsoever in any of the communication media or important banks. This forebodes a very bleak future for the Moslem world because one day, not too far off, the armies and nuclear technology of America and Europe will be mobilized by the Jewish dictator­ship to expropriate the land, oil, and wealth of all Moslems. This will all be done under the pretense of war. The times are even bleaker for the Christians for they have already been en­slaved within their own countries. These enslaved Christians will fill the armies to fight against the Moslem world. While the Christians and Moslems are killing each other in war the Jew will be the one who will be smiling, and laughing, and pulling all the strings as his power increases.

    The Arab-Moslem people of the world must unite and over­throw the hypocrites and prostitutes who rule in countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They are Jewish puppets and one day will be shot or executed like fat ducks too heavy to fly, and their countries and people will be enslaved. The only real balance of power in the world is China. The Jew does not control China. China has full nuclear capability. The Moslem world has oil and sincerity to offer China. It has been predicted by Nos­tradamus that the Moslem world will unite into a partnership with China and that China will give nuclear capability to the Arabs so that they may remain free from Jewish enslavement. World Jewry was very upset in the 1950s and early 1960s when China independently developed atomic and hydrogen bombs. The Soviet Union promised and worked jointly with China to give China atomic capability but it was all a ruse. China finally broke the Zionist monopoly when a Chinese American scientist defected to China with the secrets. If these events had not hap­pened then there would be no hope for freedom for any Chris­tians, Moslems, or Orientals (or the Judean "Jews"). And so, my brothers, you must unite with China or we will crush you. We Christians are but slaves to the Khazar Zionist Jews. Like fools and ignorant slaves, we Christians will fill the armies which will be fighting against you Moslems, our real brothers, to enslave you and further enslave ourselves to our Jewish mas­ters. It is too late for us but you still have a chance, but you must unite with our other brother, China. It will only be through a world Holocaust that the Jewish yoke of tyranny can be overthrown. Our hopes are with you. May God bless you always.

    Please help distribute the enclosed information, especially to the Christians in America and Europe. When they realize for the first time who the real enemy or Anti-Christ is it will help weaken the Jewish grip. ....Please put a little of the Billion in oil revenue to work for your own safety and security.




    * * *
    Enough for this sitting, please. I find this quite sufficient to think upon as these days of trial pass upon you.

    Do that which you will as you journey through these days of confusion and chaos--but if you remain blind then you shall surely perish as a great nation in freedom.

    PJ 66


    FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 8:59 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215

    FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
    YOU CAN!
    I, Hatonn, come in the Light of Radiance with my brethren from those realms to which all might aspire and flourish--to serve God of Holy Light and Perfection in Creation.

    I leave the "heading" above from Tuesday's writings for in the interim the burdens have quadrupled upon the head of my scribe and our local crew.

    Disappointments?? Oh indeed, it goes beyond disappointments in events and in persons to whom were entrusted their very lives and all property.

    What shall we do now? Well, I suppose many of you are going to feel "failure" is the response--for a journey and birthed enti­ties to which we have given 100% of our work and time. But there are no "failures"--even "failure", if you are convinced of failing--is success! Ponder it. Do you take your wounds and steal away into the night, into some corner wherein you may lick your wounds and hibernate until "it's over"? Well, if you have no home left, five years and 67 JOURNALS taken from you in all aspects and new lawsuits piling up at two a day--only to find that even your attorney was working secretly with your closest and deadliest enemy--it is hard to not consider some al­ternatives--like, at the least, quitting and taking a vacation. Oh well, sorry chela, NO VACATION--alternatives? YES. Work gone? NO. Burial of that which is no longer feasible with which to struggle--YES. Weeping? NO!! Is the cup half empty or half full??

    In translation, chela, "wokini" is a Lakota word meaning "New life, a life of peace and happiness". To achieve such status re­quires understanding self, direction, purpose and coming to peace with all of that which comes flowing (or dumped) in your laps to attend. Happiness is that which is a state of being which requires nothing save the peace and joy within as new challenges arise. If the "goal" is never lost, then the way shall be found to continue in service--and, in this way shall freedom again be found and our gifts not stopped in the flowing.

    A river diverted--is yet the same flowing water--either stilled and deepened, or flowing in a different course unto the same great body as prior to the diversion.

    What do I mean? How can I seemingly take so lightly that which SEEMS insurmountable? Easy--for I can see the other end of that river and we have trained well and I come to show you the way--as "pathfinder" and "scout" for my people. If you be seemingly caught in the tangled web of the spider--how do you get free? You find an Eagle to feed upon the spider and break away the webbing. I am the Eagle--the spiders shall not prevail! So be it.

    To you readers, this is a most wearisome tale of harassment and seemingly "personal" and uninteresting dialogue. Think not of it in that manner--for this is ABOUT YOU! The assaults on the beams of lighted truth are being shut off daily one after another--THIS ONE ALSO! THAT'S RIGHT--THE LIBERATOR IS SILENCED! MY PEOPLE CANNOT LONGER STAND AGAINST THE ASSAULTS AND DELIBERATE "SELL­OUTS" OF THOSE WHO CLAIMED TO BE CO-WORK­ERS AND RAYS OF LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD.
    The LIBERATOR has only 1,400 subscribers--the income does not pay more than the postage and a part of the printing costs. It now has a suit against it in amounts of millions of dollars in "damages" to the University of Science and Philosophy--that's right, Dr. Russell's group who so claim to honor this man.

    They now claim that all of the information offered in the LIB­ERATOR, especially the information regarding the surveillance and threats to my scribe, are all lies and they have "never placed surveillance, etc." So, they now claim massive and "overwhelming" damage to their "foundation" and work and damage to sales of their materials into the millions of dollars. Funny--we have never seen one cent of anything from all that work!! Neither has the LIBERATOR!

    It does, however, cause our team to wonder a bit at the unfold­ing of actual fact--the people doing the surveillance above re­ferred to said they worked for the University of Science and Philosophy. We were, further, told by ones involved with the US&P (like the threatening attorneys involved) that there was over $215,000,000 set aside to "kill" our business and bury our writings (or, preferably, burn the books to make sure the work is totally destroyed!).

    But, they claim that our pronouncements are not truth and the damages so great to them that they will not even "accept" re­traction. So be it. I wasn't going to offer retraction at any rate.

    This friend does keep popping up into the conversation, does he not? Well, he is "ready to negotiate". What terms? Oh, not much--just that he keep all the gold and then, he will pay for outstanding printing costs (I thought a publisher was supposed to pay those costs AND pay the authors something for their offer­ing--not TAKE IT ALL AS YOUR OWN--ESPECIALLY WITH AN OUTSTANDING BILL OF NOW OVER $175,000 TO THE INSTITUTE). He also offers to pay (undoubtedly out of the gold which he has hocked for his own purposes already) a couple of his friends who assisted early in the "work". AND, GET THIS--HE WILL AGREE TO PAY THE $45,000 TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY! Did everybody get that?? Could this be why the attorney would believe that he somehow had cause to ask for some of those im­pounded JOURNALS sitting in the Federal Court--BUT, WITHOUT ANY MENTION OF SAME TO THE EKKERS-- WHO ARE "THE ONES" HELD RESPONSIBLE IN THE COURT--MR. GREEN HAVING AVOIDED EVEN AT­TENDING A COURT APPEARANCE. DOES ANYTHING SOUND STRANGE AND SLIGHTLY "INCORRECT AND UNETHICAL" IN THIS MANEUVER??

    Now, the US&P has come full circle and is after Tehachapi Distributing (a corporation in no way whatsoever involved with either the LIBERATOR or Ekkers). Well, the case has already "broken" Mr. Martin and Tehachapi Distributing and forced him into TOTAL loss of everything, books included. He, further, has outstanding due and owing of over $12,000 from America West--and yet, a bill from America West for over $87,000 for his "cooperation" with the Greens.

    So now the US&P, with undoubted "coaching" from Mr. Green, has turned to the LIBERATOR. Mr. Green must have a VERY BAD MEMORY--for when he was THE honcho of the EX­PRESS and LIBERATOR--he went in the hole every issue. When he left and moved to Nevada--he took with him the sub­scription money and over $29,000 was NEVER returned for the publishing of the paper. In addition, the funds promised against the sales of books--WAS NEVER HONORED. The Institute and volunteers continued from that point of being behind to con­tinuing in publication of one of the finest papers in America--or the world--today! It still does not make its way and yet, with all the other assaults and expenses, it simply cannot continue in op­eration--SO IT WILL SHUT ITS DOORS AND CLOSE ITS CORPORATION. THE ADVERSARY HAS WON! OR HAS HE?? WE SHALL SEE, WON'T WE?

    We have been contacted recently by two journalistic entities of­fering to take our work. They could not make it on their own either--and would take part of the burden just to keep the in­formation in some manner of flow.

    I consider this a great comfort--but not a solution--unless we can get more subscribers for that paper--for the need for closure is inability to pay expenses and maintain facilities. Certainly, there IS NO FUNDING FOR PAYING ATTORNEYS THAT WHICH THEY DEMAND TO EVEN CONSIDER TAKING ON A CASE--ESPECIALLY AGAINST ADVERSARIES WITH UNLIMITED FUNDING FOR JUST SUCH CAUSE.

    The staff here at the LIBERATOR are devastated and yet desire to do that which serves the greater cause. The Chief Editor gave up a magnificent career in the worldly and academic sector to take on the publication of this paper. He is being offered to­tal Editorial control over the alternate paper in consideration. The staff is even being offered the rights to remain in their loca­tion and homes (which doesn't mean much to the Ekkers since the RTC sold their home right out from under them)--but, as with the LIBERATOR, salaries are nil at best and moving, just to pick up new harassment, is hardly worthy of great and overjoy­ful consideration.

    My promise and commitment, should we accept this alternative offer, is that I shall never again refer to the US&P as I have in the past--in any such manner unless factually documented in EVERY way including the perpetrators on the end of the string in front of their "palace". Yes indeed, I speak here of Swananoa Palace in Virginia where they hold their seminars unto the existence of humanistic god. I do apologize for any derogatory remarks I might have made about the organiza­tion for I HONOR WALTER RUSSELL BEYOND AL­MOST ANY MAN TO WALK YOUR EARTH PLANE. I promise, however, never to mention his name, either--EXCEPT IN THE CONTEXT OF PURE SCIENTIFIC MENTION. You see, I CAN separate philosophy I feel totally WRONG--from the SCIENCE I feel is totally CORRECT and is PUBLIC DOMAIN BY ITS SCIENTIFIC, MATHEMATICAL AND FACTUAL TRUTH.

    Well, quite a bit. I offer to rewrite all the PLEIADES CON­NECTION banned books WITHOUT MENTION OR NOTA­TION OF UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY AND/OR WALTER RUSSELL. I will leave the FOUR JOURNALS under remaining ban--untouched and unoffered in any way--at this time. The information contained within those volumes is flowing in Earth stream from North Africa as we write here and, moreover, Germain has a good memory--plus, we have no interest in any of the philosophical manipulations of US&P and the proof of the scientific material is for all to see al­ready. As is, the material in the books in point mostly holds almost no reference to Russell anyway. In the "AIDS" volume, there is only reference to healing or treating with light as Dr. Russell could validate. However, the actual work was done by Rife and Priore. I would have long ago updated those volumes anyway as they are old and all of the disease processes have treatment now--if you will.

    I find our new sponsors to be most congenial and would con­tinue the paper format almost "as is", with Nora's research segments, Soltec's sharings and any "insider/outsider" informa­tion we would be willing to share. They would even "buy" our "logo", but, we have no objection to the sharing of the Phoenix--it is not ours to have and hold--we even have thought of utiliz­ing it UPSIDE DOWN as a show of "trouble" as with the sym­bol of your flag flown upside down being a sign of distress. We shall have to consider how the phoenix pyramid will look tee­tering on its point. I think it quite suitable and amusing--re­member: humor comes from God ALSO!

    The obvious next question will be: "What about us subscribers and our dues already paid"?? Well, since the paper runs behind financially, return of funds will be given to all extent possible if you request same. However, the better solution, if you wish, would be to turn over the subscriber's unfinished account to the new paper and the issues would not even be interrupted for more than a week or so at most.

    That has not been under discussion. It apparently is assumed by ones "out there somewhere" and as represented by Mr. Green that there is GREAT VALUE in the LIBERATOR and as well, in Tehachapi Distributing. Obviously Mr. Green knows something no one at this location knows and that is why there is such inter­est and value placed in the JOURNALS when he claims sales are almost zilch! Perhaps there is an attorney out there some­where who would consider these possibilities, knowing, of course, that there is no large funding to pay up front fees--but certainly reward would be most abundantly shared in the event of taking and completing such action. There is nothing to be gleaned here but there obviously is much to be gleaned THERE! I am confident there must be at least one attorney in this club of same, that could recognize such possibilities.

    Boy, it is a week of heartbreak as misdeeds are uncovered and damages assessed. We may also have to reduce the Law Center to the cases under-way as so much has been skived off by and through (apparently) actions of ones we shall leave unnamed for protection of our people here, that to continue to support the Law Center through the Institute in the face of only a handful of contributors, is ludicrous. There are some cases which would allow financing independently for the Center--but the funds are not yet available for expending. We shall simply have to keep you all posted.

    Indeed, the Institute is sound barring a "run"--which, will not be, by legal means, allowed. The price of gold is less than at the time of ANY collateral purchase so bankruptcy would be forced if such mass removal of funds would be accomplished. All funds are safe and secure against notes and qualified banking facilities so, disappointing to our enemies, no further ex­penditures will be allowed until this is resolved. Bare minimum maintenance of operations will be allowed until phased out and all institutional business is perfected.

    I believe it will become clear to all of you that you are in good hands with God, and it is through God that we have structured our business activities in total integrity which can stand the scrutiny of even the Federal Government. This does not mean that the unjudicial system won't effort to search and destroy--it does mean that to do so they will have to take great risks against their OWN RULES AND REGULATIONS!

    Since it seems to be this entity "Hatonn/Hatton" which annoys everyone so much in this inspirational assault--perhaps I shall be forced to also give up writing--as Hatonn, and take one of my other labels--like "Aton". I shall find it suitable either way. If Dharma wishes, we can call her by another label also--how about "Wokini"?? Sounds good to me--"new", "new life", etc. Or, we can go with Ceres which can identify both myself and Commander Soltec whose label is Ceres Anthonious (Toniose) Soltec. That way Doris is the only one left out to dry--and since she has never gotten anything save headaches and finger cal­louses at any rate--she is ready, willing and able to serve. I think it sounds pretty good to me, Ceres Aton and Wokini--Ha­tonn and Dharma soon to be but a memory--which by fact, al­ready IS.

    I would petition Little Crow that perhaps he might "fill in" some of the writings to get us through this time of transition--if that is the route chosen in action. You must understand, readers, THAT OUR PEOPLE ARE WEARY AND TRULY HAVE SERVED LONG ENOUGH AGAINST ALL ODDS. I FIND, HOWEVER, THAT THEY ARE WILLING AND EAGER TO DO WHATEVER CAN KEEP THE WORD FLOWING--AND SINCE THEY HAVE NOTHING LEFT OF PROPERTY, TO LOSE--THE UNANIMOUS OFFER IS TO MOVE FORWARD IF AT ALL POSSIBLE AND IF MY SCRIBE BE WILLING.

    By necessity and through relocation (but still coming out of Las Vegas, Nevada, for that is where both offering papers are lo­cated already) phones, post boxes and all such will have to be changed, probably. The staff is checking to see if numbers can be maintained even though the business in point is dead and gone. It matters not, you readers surely can be flexible enough to find new listings if necessary. When I speak of "maintained numbers", I specifically refer to the "hotline" because it is al­ready on an operational system but surely it would have to be separated out from the LIBERATOR as such. It is not a great "expense" to the paper but represents the most inconvenience to the reader if changed. For this interim time period, information will be carried on that line as decisions are made and the paper is shut-down. Staff is taking collections to continue that service until finalizations of closure are worked out. We will simply be in great appreciation for patience on your part for our staff must now go forth and seek employment and see their own dreams slip away and dissolved. Will God allow this work to die? More important, readers, WILL YOU?? If we can retrieve the JOURNALS--will you support them--purchase them? For, if you do not--why go to the pain and expense of retrieving them at all? We WILL drop the price below the $10.00 charged through the years so that more can have the volumes, but with­out the paper and facilities--the books will have to be handled out of another Distributor/Publisher at any rate. This is already established for new writings so is not a problem save the ex­pense of getting the material from America West's impounding and shipping them, warehousing and staffing. If YOU are not interested, please allow us to know as much, for our people are willing to go "all the way" to keep you informed and the work available--BUT NOT IF YOU DON'T WANT IT--THEY HAVE PAID ENOUGH!

    If ones on your human plane will go to all these efforts to STOP the flow, break our people, deny my presence and that of the Hosts--I WOULD GUESS, OFF HAND, THAT IT IS MOST VALID INDEED. If the CIA, Government Boys, Elite Plan­ners, ADL, WZO, etc., will, and are, doing everything in their power to silence us (success to you, sirs) then it would seem what we write must have validity. If the churches of orthodox religions, especially Christianity, effort to silence us through measures such as threatening to bomb vehicles, etc.--something we are saying MUST BE VALID Dharma says, "We must be insane to even consider going on with this," but Wokini says, "Hey, let's go for it, brothers! I don't have anything left to lose except my life--and I'm too numb, especially between the ears, to give a damn." Each, of course, will have ample opportunity to make individual participation decisions.

    The main problem with such change is that the mailing team of volunteers and workers who give, every week, hours and hours of time, are here--not in Nevada. We would need to see if mailing could continue as is, etc. There is simply too much at hand and the load of closure too great to focus on the change prior to meeting these other needs. You will be kept posted in advance. I do not, however, see more than one additional printing as the LIBERATOR. This is because the legal docu­ments demand response and legal expenses in early April. We have yet to consider counter-measures but are open to all sug­gestions! Thank you, precious friends.

    CAN YOU SILENCE GOD? So be it!

    I do note that Dharma only has a couple of demands if we de­cide to go with "change": We use the "logo" somewhere on the other paper, even if at the bottom of the ending page, and, a new slogan will be: YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU MAD! I believe we might well indulge either or both, the request seems small enough in payment for six years of serving in Hell. The only wondrously fun thing about it is that so many of you have walked right there along side with only the offer to "do more". But when you chelas sit to ponder these trials and joys in your meditations and within your heart--ask yourselves some most important ques­tions:

    "Why am I so special? Because I have things that no one else can ever have. I am unique in this world and no warrior, chief or common man can ever lay claim to the things I have. I alone have my thoughts and hopes! I alone have my beating heart, my stamina, and my love of life--my direction or my fulfillment. Can anyone else lay claim to MY dreams? Can anyone else love exactly like ME? Is there anyone who sees EXACTLY the same color as I see? Does anyone other than me HEAR the same tonal pitches in exactly the same sound as do I? Will any­one ever be able to duplicate my deeds and actions? Exactly? NO, I KNOW THESE THINGS ARE MINE AND MINE ALONE! And, so be it--may you walk in joy and peace in thine own individual perfection, each of you blessed friends for each of you--is THE most special thing ever created. God smiles on his perfection for each of you is indeed rare and beau­tiful--a treasure cherished.


    Little Wakini, Ceres Aton to clear, please.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 66


    FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 12:49 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215

    FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
    And so too were these very rememberings placed also in Eccle­siastes 3:5-6:

    * * *
    Dharma, it is not yet "time" to put aside those things dear in that which we have labored long in the vineyards--the PHOENIX LIBERATOR. It is not yet time to withdraw in recognition for we have given much to be remembered and, yet, it matters not who speaks or writes the words in Truth--it matters only that they be written.

    I have two writings to offer--each seemingly more important than the other and, yet, being unable to do them both at once--we shall move as quickly as is feasible. One subject deals with the total and ultimate manipulation come upon you of Earth and now perfected to the point of presentation all about you--gene manipulation and DNA "replication".

    Then, we have a writing from our friends in intrigue. It would be gracious of us to share right up front some things which shall surely make your reading more pleasurable and give greater un­derstanding but it would seem more appropriate to simply give notations as we move along in the presentation.

    These offerings are the VERY ones which are both informative and "dreaded" by our people for the revealing of such is, in it­self, a great risk indeed.

    As you read, please know that "Corn Twelve" is an organization within the Navy Seal Team. This group is dedicated to restore and maintain the U.S. Constitution.


    THE REASON I feel it fine to have our people present this is because so much of it has been published in one form or another and, now, even a television version of the INSLAW connection with Casolaro's death, that both sender and receiver are not giving enough "new" information as to uncover too much too quickly. Besides, with only 1,400 subscribers to the LIB­ERATOR, we feel a bit insignificant in the fight to help these daring reporters. We shall see and I further suggest that anyone efforting to "get at them" has to "get through ME!" So be it.

    (Activities from 1980 to Present)
    The following briefing concerns individuals and events which are keys in the continuing Cabazon-Wackenhut venture and re­lated involvements. While some information has become avail­able to a few investigative journalists and research/investigators, the main body of information has been classified. [H: At any rate of consideration, this will be new information to all but the most select few who work within, or have, the innermost organization itself. At the least, you as readers will find it most interesting.]

    Dr. John P. Nichols is the first individual of interest as it is he who first approached the Cabazon Tribe, at the request and support of Wackenhut's Special Interests Group known as Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. (WWT, Inc.), to offer the Cabazon Tribe (Native Americans) his administrative expertise.

    Dr. Nichols had formerly been known as a labor worker and was commonly referred to as an "International Grantsman". Dr. Nichols was recognized for his ability to raise funds for a whole host of different organizations, all with differing interests and objectives. Dr. Nichols also spent approximately 10 years in South America, namely in Chile, Bolivia and Brazil. For one year he even took the position of a Coca-Cola Bottling Plant Manager in Brazil despite the fact he holds no credentials or ex­perience to hold any such position for the company. It is be­lieved this move was made at the behest of the Central Intelli­gence Agency for a related project under way at the time.

    Shortly after this period, Dr. Nichols returned to the U.S. and continued his activities concerning collection of funds for various extra-curricular intelligence activities. At this time, he, along with WWT, Inc., took an interest in the Cabazon Indian Tribe. The Cabazon Tribe consists of only 25 Cabazon Indians. Shortly after Nichols became administrator for the tribe, the Cabazons began opening gambling ventures on tribal lands. These ventures were being observed at the time by special agents with the FBI and ATF because well-known members of organized crime groups were also becoming involved.

    After setting up the gambling ventures at the Cabazon site, Dr. Nichols began traveling around the country lobbying and proposing a wide variety of military interests for military pro­jects. Dr. Nichols' access to Black Operations funds, as well as international arms merchants, led other U.S. Intelligence Agen­cies to take notice. The projects discussed by Dr. Nichols con­cerned the research and development of everything from HMX processing to ABW manufacturing. His meetings and business associations were with the top-level personnel in the defense in­dustry and the Pentagon, such as the Assistant Director for Land Warfare for DARPA.

    The legal association concerning Indian land grants and In­dian sovereignty has for some time been very attractive to some U.S. intelligence interests as well as Black Rose Operations. Black Rose and other intelligence operatives have realized that their non-Indian administration can gain a substantial profit in a business role with the tribe under the cover of Indian sovereign status. This allows them to conduct gambling operations and other activities without the scrutiny of the U.S. Government. These sovereign status rights have left the tribes open to a vari­ety of ills, such as organized crime involvement and intelligence operations infiltration.

    Note: "Rose" is George Bush's code name which has often been "White Rose". The rose has been historically a symbol in un­derground societies.

    In addition to gambling ventures, intelligence and organized crime groups have found that there are unlimited opportunities for operation of such activities as Toxic Waste Disposal, Con­ventional and Biological Warfare Arms manufacturing and a whole variety of other questionable activities. These agencies and groups understand that on tribal lands they are only subject to federal laws, which are either non-existent or much more le­nient than state or local laws. They can avoid all the checks and balances of the legislative or other government watch-dogs and will not be subject to U.S. law so long as the business is con­ducted within the reservation territory.

    The death of journalist Joseph "Danny" Casolaro [H: I hope all of you watched the episode last week of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES which featured a lengthy portrayal of Caso­laro. If not, perhaps you could get a copy for it is very well done, as far as allowed by the "fixed" media.] occurred shortly after he began requesting an interview with Dr. Nichols regarding the Cabazon venture and other subjects. Mr. Caso­laro had discovered Dr. Nichols' involvement as an operative in Deep Black Operations.

    Part of the operations of illegal activities being documented by a select group of intelligence operatives, as well as a few private individuals such as Mr. Casolaro, was the involvement of these operations in connection to private interests and indi­viduals connected to intelligence groups. One of these groups is Wackenhut.

    The Wackenhut Corporation was started by ex-FBI agent George Wackenhut in 1954. The Wackenhut Corp. is involved in everything from regular minimum security contracts up to the protection of some U.S. and private interests with the "Above Top Secret" security status. The Florida-based Wackenhut Corp. holds very lucrative contracts with such government agencies as the Department of Energy, the State Department and NASA. It is also involved with privatized prison operations and management, recently acquiring new contracts overseas. Wack­enhut Corp. has also been increasingly involved in the intelli­gence field. Its operations of a secret operations group known as WWT, Inc. (Wackenhut World Technologies) are deeply in­volved in the inter-agency struggle among those who wish to maintain a Constitutional Government and those who wish to abolish it.

    NOTE: Parts of the CIA and Naval Intelligence are on BOTH sides of the fence regarding Constitutional government.

    The president of the Wackenhut group is Richard R. Wack­enhut, son of the founder. The company has developed an array of specialized services, currently providing security and in­vestigative services to private business and government in the U.S. as well as over 40 other countries. Twenty-five percent of its annual revenue comes from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These DOE contracts range from protection of the Sa­vannah River Nuclear Plant to The Strategic Petroleum Reserve and all the way to S-4 and S-6 classification facilities for the U.S. Government. It also manages the Department of Energy's Central Training Academy (CTA).

    CTA is located deep within the confines of Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Actually, it is very, very near Dulce wherein highly advanced technological biologi­cal experiments are being done in the underground facilities. It provides and maintains security for all U.S. nuclear weapons and components in inventory as well as Top Secret Security As­sets. The CTA is assigned to protect 47 national security sites. Between 3,000 and 4,000 individuals graduate from CTA train­ing cycles each year. Their expertise is in the area of SRT skills, Weapons and Tactics, Crisis Negotiations and Manage­ment, Dignitary Protection, Sniper Observation Teams, Tactical Leadership, Overt and Covert Surveillance, Fire Team Tactics, Explosives and Explosives Identification, Armorer and Range-master Certification, Advanced Survival, etc. SRT work is di­vided into three levels--SRT 1: Basic Teamwork and Covert Tactics and Intelligence. SRT 2: Planning and Dynamic Counter-intelligence Factors. SRT 3: Advanced Special Cir­cumstance Training--elite Security Methods, etc. (H & K MP5 A-2, Beretta 92F(M-9), S & W or SIGARMS, Inc. M4506, M4516, M6906, M3906 and M5906 9mm Parabellum Variants.

    Also SIB/Saver P220 and P226, P225). Graduates of the CTA who go to work for the Wackenhut group are referred to as "Nuclear Snake Eaters". A patch on their uniforms bears the Latin phrases "Ad Finem Terram" on the top and "Fidelis Tamquam Post Mortem" on the bottom. These translate to "To the Ends of the Earth" and "Faithful Even After Death".

    The joint venture between Wackenhut and the Cabazon Indi­ans was managed by Dr. Nichols and the Nichols Group. On Wackenhut's Board of Directors is an array of former CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, ISA and NRO members. The Wackenhut World Technologies Group made several trips to Canada to meet with and attempt to purchase the explosives manufacturing company of Gerald Bull. (Mr. Bull was the designer and seller of the "Giant Gun" being built by Iraq which was destroyed by a joint U.S./Mossad Removal Team shortly before our military conflict with Iraq. Mr. Bull was then removed in a hit by U.S. and Mossad operatives.) [H: We have written extensively about Mr. Bull in prior JOURNALS so will not interrupt here to speak further about him.]

    Wackenhut used Dr. Nichols as its representative to act as a go-between for dealings between the Canadian Co. and the Cabazon Indian Tribe. During the set up of the weapons manu­facturing operations at the Cabazon facility several key players involved in the Contra supply effort appeared in person at dif­ferent times on the reservation as guests of the Nichols family and Wackenhut. These individuals were present for such things as demonstrations of various weapons and advanced night vision equipment.

    The Wackenhut Group and the CTA have handled the secu­rity of the nation's nuclear arsenals and highly classified sites since being requested to do so by the Reagan/Bush Administra­tion when it privatized the U.S.'s nuclear arsenal. In some in­stances, Wackenhut took the place of the elite U.S. Marine Corps Black Beret Guard--Special Operations Units.

    An individual by the name of Michael Riconosciuto was taken on by Wackenhut and the Nichols Group as Director of Research. Mr. Riconosciuto has a vast scientific background. [H: Before we go further please realize that these are the names revolving within the intrigue of the "Inslaw" case and PROMIS software. Know also that this IS THE software which was stolen but is utilized in programming THE BEAST computer system for the United Nations Forces, the United Nations One World Government and World Order.] Riconosciuto studied under Arthur Shallo, the Nobel Prize-win­ning physicist who was the co-inventor of the laser. Riconosci­uto is extremely intelligent. He has skills in a variety of fields, with an expertise in Electronics, Engineering, and Advanced Computer Technologies.

    It was at the Cabazon facility that Riconosciuto received the software package of INSLAW's material known as PROMIS (Prosecutors Management and Intelligence System). The soft­ware was borrowed from Nancy and Bill Hamilton (owners and founders of INSLAW company) by the U.S. Justice Depart­ment. The Justice Department claimed it was interested in ob­taining the program for its department as well as other law en­forcement interests. In reality, the U.S. Department of Justice ended up stealing the program.

    After INSLAW lent the program to the Justice Department, it was forwarded to Wackenhut and the Nichols Group. It was at the Cabazon facility that Riconosciuto assessed the program and determined what an asset it could be. At this point, Dr. Earl Brian (A Ronald Reagan "kitchen" cabinet member who goes all the way back to E. Meese, W. Clark, etc.) and his associate from the Department of Justice, Peter Viedneks, oversaw the operation to copy and alter the PROMIS software and to create a back door access to the various U.S. intelligence agencies which would remain secret. This backdoor group, 92 countries, will find that they have a very "compromised" system--compromised by the U.S. Intelligence Service--WHEN THOSE COUN­TRIES FIND OUT ABOUT THIS LITTLE FLAW THEY ARE GOING TO BE EXTREMELY AGITATED!

    Presently, 92 countries have purchased this stolen and altered program. The illegal sales generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. Most of this work occurred at the Cabazon site. Since sale of such intelligence-gathering software to a for­eign country is illegal in itself, the property of William and Nancy Hamilton was pirated and sold under the approval and management of the U.S. intelligence agencies and the U.S. Jus­tice Department. INSLAW is now defunct and the Hamiltons are in bankruptcy.

    The Cabazon reservation is widely scattered on patches of land that stretch over nearly a 10-mile area, a total of approxi­mately 1,700 acres. There are several different parts to this reservation. There is an underground, multi-operational base on the property. The large Bingo Hall and its expanse of 50,000 sq. ft. can be seen off the left side of Highway 10 if headed to­ward Palm Springs from the West. Clearly visible off Highway 111 is a huge Southern California Edison power plant being de­veloped (a $150 million project). A $140 million housing pro­ject near Avenue 52 on the reservation can also be seen. As it has for many years now, Wackenhut runs the security for the underground installation at the Cabazon reservation. For a time, Wackenhut security personnel were even guarding the reservation meeting hall. The hall is a very small building which was paid for by HUD in an interesting use of funds.

    Dr. Nichols, as mentioned, was known as a "grantsman". His most recent grant procurement was from HUD in the amount of $500,000 to create a facility to encourage other development in the area. Despite all the wealth that is being passed through this micro-sized Indian reservation, the grant was to be ostensibly used for establishment of an off-track bet­ting operation. Incredibly, an off-track betting facility had al­ready existed for nearly two years when the grant was given. HUD still granted the funds after a personal interest in the grant was taken by Jack Kemp. The $500,000 was given to Dr. Nichols' sons who currently run the Cabazon operations.

    Former Senator James Abaresque was also involved with Dr. Nichols and acted as his attorney. Abaresque was a member of the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs. He traveled to Iran in 1979-80 under the direction of Ted Kennedy, supposedly to try to arrange release of the hostages. He has very powerful connections in the Middle East--a personal relationship with Arafat, as well as a number of very highly placed Saudi officials and members of the Saudi royal family.

    Dr. Nichols had many connections all over the world with parliamentary officials, royal family members, and presidents, as well as Idi Amin. One of the Cabazon/Wackenhut ventures under the direction of Dr. Nichols was the development of an extremely high-tech and highly advanced electronic as well as physical security network for the Saudi royal family, in particu­lar, one Saudi Royal Palace.

    An individual by the name of Fred Alvarez, a college-edu­cated Cabazon Indian, opposed Dr. Nichols, Wackenhut and the new gambling ventures on the reservations. After making his opposition well known in the press and the public in 1980-81, he received several death threats. He was voted out of his position as Tribal Vice-Chairman of the small, decision-making body of the tribe. A highly placed operative, who is a non-Indian mem­ber, flies in privately from Wisconsin for every meeting to act as the group's parliamentarian.

    A few months after Alvarez was voted out, he was shot, exe­cution style, at point-blank range, along with two non-Indian friends. The weapon was a .38 caliber automatic. [H: Yes in­deed, for you who seem to recognize this information--it has been shared with you prior to this writing--by our friend R. Renick. It is good to see these things come together and in numbers--there is greater safety and security for these dar­ing writers.] Although there were grand jury, state and federal investigations involving many levels for over 3-1/2 years, the case was never solved and no suspects were ever named. How­ever, Dr. Nichols WAS convicted of the "Murder for Hire Scheme" regarding the murders of these three individuals.

    Joseph "Danny" Casolaro was the second reporter involved with the INSLAW investigations to be murdered within a 30-day period. On July 29, 1990, Mr. Anson Ng, a reporter for The Financial Times, was found murdered in Guatemala, although his death was ruled a suicide. A third reporter, Harry Ghouli (probably misspelled) also with The Financial Times, has gone into hiding.

    On the night of his murder, Casolaro's contact met with him in the parking lot of the Sheraton Inn in Martinsburg, West Vir­ginia because Casolaro was afraid to go to his hotel room. The contact was made between the hour of 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., during which he was given 60 assorted documents, in part, pro­prietary information from a defense contractor involving a whistle-blowing operation of immense proportions. At 6:15 p.m., Casolaro telephoned his family to tell them he was on In­terstate 81 in Pennsylvania and was heading home for a family birthday celebration. And then, just like Dexter Jacobsen in Sausalito, for an unknown reason Casolaro pulled off of Inter­state 81.

    Mr. Casolaro had declined to take his contact to his hotel room because he feared the room was bugged. His body was found by a hotel maid in his room. His clothes were found very neatly laid out on the bed. An open bottle of wine was on the bathroom floor, yet NO alcohol was found in the body in the autopsy report. There were eight very deep slash wounds on his right forearm (Casolaro was right-handed), and four were on his left forearm. The autopsy revealed that each of these 12 wounds cleanly severed all cartilage, tendons and ligaments in the wrist--an absolute impossibility if the wounds were self in­flicted, yet the death was ruled a suicide. Casolaro also had a large bruise on the upper left inside arm of the biceps. It was estimated that it took about 20 to 25 minutes for him to die.

    Wackenhut Special Services Teams, along with NSA offi­cials, informed the Martinsburg Police Department that they would secretly conduct the investigation of Casolaro's death and the police were to maintain this cover. Within three hours of the body being discovered and before next of kin was notified, it was taken to a local funeral home and embalmed. This hap­pened while the corpse was in the custody and jurisdiction of the Martinsburg Police Department. Casolaro's hotel room was also industrially cleaned. Assisting in the cover-up, the Martinsburg Police Dept. assured concerned family and friends who voiced their suspicions of a murder and not a suicide, that the crime scene was being protected and that no official finding re­garding his death had been made.

    Michael Riconosciuto is the next one on the list. His wife Bobbi and their children are also in grave danger if Mr. Ri­conosciuto decides to talk.


    * * *
    A question which seems to come up with this information is: "Is it from Russbacher" and "Can we trust it?" What do you mean? Go check it out for yourself and what difference does it make from where it comes--if it be truth?

    "Well, we aren't yet too sure about Russbacher because he says he....this and that." Forget that nonsense, readers, and enjoy the information and the knowing. I will, later, share a dedi­cation written to his brother, by Russbacher, and you can do a little discerning for self--STOP THE JUDGING! JUDGE­MENT, REMEMBER, IS LEFT TO GOD AND SELF! WIPE YOUR OWN NOSE BEFORE ATTENDING THAT OF AN­OTHER, PLEASE.

    Let us have a short break, please.

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 66


    FRI., MARCH 19, 1993 2:51 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 215

    FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1993
    Continued: We will take up where we left off--with Mr. Ri­conosciuto.

    (Activities from 1980 to Present)

    Charles McVay, involved in the Star Wars Software Scandal and the TOW Missile deal with Iran, is the foremost techno­bandit of the decade. McVay was set up in 1987 in an attempt to bring him back into U.S. jurisdiction. Presently in a hospital in Canada, he has won two cases of extradition against the U.S. and is about to be involved in a third attempt by the U.S. Justice Department. McVay also operated as a deep immersion agent for the KGB since the late 1960s. He is an associate of Michael Riconosciuto. [H: No, readers, this is NOT some science fic­tion or James Bond intrigue--THIS IS TRUTH AND THAT, IN ITSELF, IS WHAT MAKES IT SO INCREDIBLY UN­BELIEVABLE--AND YES, RIGHT HERE IN THE GOOD OLD U.S.A. AND RIGHT IN YOUR OWN G-O-V-E-R-N­-M-E-N-T!]
    Riconosciuto was a CIA operative who wanted OUT of "The Company". He contacted Mr. Hamilton of INSLAW in May of 1991 and fed the Hamiltons classified information on "The Net­work" and its operations and how they had screwed INSLAW. Riconosciuto called the Hamiltons from pay phones--anony­mously (or so he thought). He was actually being watched and tracked by a Special Intelligence Assignments Group. He soon realized his life was in danger.

    On March 21, he did what is called an "Outing" by authoring and signing a statement which was COMPLETELY DEVAS­TATING to the U.S. Government. In the document, he detailed that the U.S. Government, specifically the CIA, was using In­dian reservations as sovereign nations to manufacture and pro­duce arms of high sophistication as well as general arms to sup­port the Nicaraguan Contra effort.

    The Black Rose Organization originally funded the "Black World Order" with proceeds from two areas. One, in Southeast Asia, is known as the Golden Triangle. The other area lies on the border of Iran and Iraq, and between Iran and Afghanistan and is known as the Golden Crescent. The drug-proceeds from these two areas wound up deposited in Nugen-Hand Bank in Australia after Dr. Earl Brian carried the bank codes out of Southeast Asia using formal diplomatic immunity. In Australia countless banks and persons were ruined when two operatives by the names of Frank Nugen and Michael Hand went into ac­tion. Frank Nugen was later "terminated" (listed as suicide). Michael Hand fled Australia with all the money from this so-called Black Fund.

    Hand is currently the most-wanted individual the Australian government has its sights on. He is living in the Middle East under the protection of an Islamic group by the name of the "Gray Wolves" which is in a strange way connected to the Black Rose. Interestingly enough, it is the Gray Wolves who were behind the last assassination attempt on the Pope due to mind-control operations used on the unwitting victim (attempted assas­sin). This Black Fund next surfaced in Honolulu at BBR&W (Bishop, Baldwin, Renwald & Wong) before it disappeared again.

    Michael Riconosciuto is the son of Marshall Riconosciuto, a former business partner of Richard Nixon. Marshall is a former long-time business associate and very close friend of W. Patrick Moriarity. In 1985, Moriarity was sent to jail for bribing gov­ernment officials.

    To illustrate their involvement, in 1984, Moriarity and Mar­shall Riconosciuto filed bankruptcy on a corporation they both founded known as Pleasanton Properties. Along with their per­sonal attorney, Henry Baer, they had purchased a 940-acre stretch of canyon land. Previously owned by Sinbad 720 of Honolulu, the property was a political front. Mr. Moriarity had obtained a loan of $1.3 million from California-Canadian Bank based only upon his signature. When he got into the financial difficulty with Pleasanton Properties, a deal was struck with the East Bay Regional Park District with a letter of credit. Subse­quently, $1.6 million in profit was laundered through to Moriar­ity as he sat in prison. Bank of America is one of the CIA's premier institutions for Black Fund transactions and operations. This is especially true of the Vienna and Swiss branches.

    The largest white heroin bust in history occurred in Hay­ward, California and is partial proof of the scale of the involve­ment. The Chang family was all arrested and cars, homes, boats, and properties were all seized by the DEA. However, no one seized the warehouse in which the drugs were found be­cause the warehouse was owned by Bedford Properties. Peter Bedford and his wife Kirsten are also known for Kemper Life Insurance out of Chicago. (Ed. Note: Could this be the same family George Green speaks of so fondly?) Despite the fact that everyone knows that new federal law states that the DEA and the federal government immediately and automatically seize ALL property in and on which illegal drugs are found, it was not done in this case.

    Casolaro's phone conversations, which were being monitored by the intelligence team assigned to him, revealed that one week prior to his death he stated to close friends that, whereas he had always denied any belief that the U.S. Government was involved in drug sales to support its covert operations, he was suddenly CONVINCED IT WAS TRUE.

    The House Judiciary is at this time in possession of docu­mentation supplied by Michael Riconosciuto which contains in­criminating evidence of some of these operations.

    Getting back to the aforementioned BBR&W of Honolulu, the next phase of the Black Fund's annihilating effect was heavily hit investors in the Northern California area. The money again disappeared. The people that had invested in the general part­nership lost everything they had. The U.S. Government refused to help them seek restitution. Renwald went to jail for a very short period of time. Renwald was also a victim of "suicide" by slashed wrists, but he managed to survive.

    Anson Ng, the reporter who was killed in Guatemala, went there for two reasons. He was attempting to trace the Black Fund, which now reappears with the BCCI incident. Also, he wished to make contact with an eyewitness to the CIA triple ex­ecution at Rancho Mirage who happened to be a bag man for the money. This man was James "Jimmy" Hughes who had fled to Guatemala when he learned that a contract or a sanction had been placed on him by the family in charge of the Cabazon In­dian Reservation, namely the John Peter Nichols family. John Nichols father, Dr. John Philip Nichols, was formerly involved in the hit of President Allende of Chili and was also an associate of G. Wayne Reader, a CIA operative involved in the Silverado Savings and Loan fiasco along with the President's son, Neal Bush. G. Wayne Reader and Neal Bush were also involved with the now insolvent San Marino Savings & Loan. Reader was also the owner of the Palm Desert Golf and Country Club.

    Jimmy Hughes, the bag man for the money for the triple exe­cution of Fred Alvarez and his friends, fled to Guatemala after a lawsuit was filed against him by G. Wayne Reader alleging that Hughes had made an attempt on his life.

    An operative helped Jimmy Hughes, taking him into safety. This operative is also currently in hiding. This individual is closely connected to the downfall of Sid Shaw and Centennial Savings & Loan. This debacle resulted in the "unexpected death" of Mr. Hanson and the brief but illustrious life of Bev­erly Haines. Beverly Haines had accrued many enemies, two of whom were involved with the U.S. Justice Department. One was former U.S. Attorney Joseph Rucinello and the other was former Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Robinson. The Centennial Savings and Loan fiasco also links former Congressman Doug Bosco.

    [H: Now, you readers, please understand why Dharma might just be "passing out" right about now--because this same bunch of criminals right down through the Municipal Court Judge just writing about her in the local paper--is a part and parcel of this whole S&L-RTC crime ring--whether or not he even realizes as much.]
    Joseph Rucinello and Peter Robinson had filed a complaint with the Justice Dept. in 1986 regarding the misconduct of a man by the name of Charles Duck. Duck was bankrupt in 1968 and was later appointed by Conley S. Brown, the now-deceased judge from Eureka, to become a bankruptcy trustee. Mr. Duck is currently in the Sheridan Federal Prison in Sheridan, Oregon serving time for the largest embezzlement by a bankruptcy trustee in U.S. history. His attorney is the aforementioned Peter Robinson who was the Assistant U.S. Attorney investigating Centennial Savings & Loan. Robinson personally apologized to Beverly Haines for having to convict her. But he also was ap­pointed, in direct violation of the "Revolving Door Policy", by Marilyn Hall Capell to represent one of the largest drug dealers from the Columbian Cartel. His client, Mr. Pasera, received a 40-year sentence.

    A reporter by the name of Virginia McCullough contacted the Justice Department to make inquiries and request an investi­gation as to why Peter Robinson had been assigned these inves­tigations in direct conflict with the "Revolving Door Policy". She also wrote a letter to the House Judiciary at that time be­cause she and her husband had met with members of the Justice Department on August 15, 1989. At that time, they were told to cease and desist or it could get violent. Needless to say, they were outraged.

    On August 30, Mrs. McCullough and her husband were re­turning to their home in Alameda County after stopping at a McDonald's to get dinner for the family. As they pulled into their isolated property, they witnessed a man run out of the back door. When he saw them, he ran back into the house, which he had already set on fire, ran past her children and out another door. At this point, a car abruptly pulled up, the man jumped into the passenger side and the car sped off. The McCullough children were uninjured but the house did burn completely due to its isolated location. Mrs. McCullough filed complaints with the Alameda Sheriffs Office, as well as writing letters to the U.S. Department of Forestry (who extinguished the fire), the U.S. Attorney and the FBI. Nothing was done regarding her complaints.

    Dexter Jacobsen, whose body was found in August of 1989 in Sausalito, was investigating corruption in the federal bankruptcy system and reporting back to the FBI about it. He was found murdered under very strange circumstances. Among the many subjects of Jacobsen's investigations was the aforementioned Charles Duck. The FBI only audited three of the 1,500 cases of which Charles Duck had control, because, as the bureau pub­licly stated, "they didn't want to beat him over the head." The reason for this bizarre reaction from the FBI was because Duck shared four bank accounts with John L. Mullinari who ran for mayor of San Francisco in the last election. John Mullinari and the Trioni Brothers managed to tie up all of Mr. Duck's assets. Mr. Rucinello is fighting to keep from giving one dime of the bond money to any victim. Their companies have successfully disallowed or tied up in litigation any repair to the bankruptcy victims for the rape of their assets by Charles Duck. At this point the Justice Department had been hearing complaints from many hundreds of victims of the Savings & Loan Scandal for four years.

    A woman by the name of Susan Uecher was the successor trustee in one bankruptcy involving a man named Bill Connely. Susan Uecher, on four separate declarations and as a matter of court record, threatened the life of Bill Connely if he were to set foot on his own property. The threat to his life was actually recorded by a woman by the name of Betty Ann Bruno of KTVU when she and her news crew accompanied Connely to Oregon as he attempted to set foot on his own property. Susan Uecher is also the successor trustee to Charles Duck in the Paul Sonowski Bankruptcy in which Dexter Jacobsen was the contin­gency attorney suing.

    There was one individual in all of this who apparently was an honest man. He is a U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee who was placed there to "clean house". His name is Anthony Souza. When Mr. Souza tried to clean house, he was called back to Washington and was met by several CIA officers and Justice Department of­ficials. He was told that they didn't want things "quite that clean". They then shut him down. They did this politically by removing his personal assistants--assistants he had worked with very efficiently and well. This was also accomplished by putting moles into his office and eventually calling him back to Washington and telling him to "shut up".

    In court, Mr. Robinson, representing Duck, stated that his client had passed the polygraph test when he denied misman­agement of funds. For the record, Judge Souza said HE DID NOT. Although the polygraph results were never resolved, Duck was sentenced to 2-1/2 years and shortly after went to prison.

    Through his sources, Casolaro had obtained the "declaration" written and signed by Michael Riconosciuto. Riconosciuto, through third parties, had managed to supply enough documen­tation to back up some rather preposterous claims. After read­ing the material, Casolaro realized to what extent things really were involved. Casolaro had received 60 pages of whistle­blowing documentation on a major defense contractor. The material was "repossessed" that night by the assignment team from NSA and Wackenhut.

    In April of 1991, the House Judiciary Committee met with Riconosciuto in Washington and afterward asked him for proof of his credibility by supplying them documents. Riconosciuto requested the documents in question from his attorney and asked that they be clearly marked "Lawyer/Client Privilege". By law, this is the only type of mail which is completely exempt from search and seizure by any government entity. When the docu­ments were received by the jail in which Riconosciuto was incarcerated, jail officials admit they opened the documents and then refused to forward any of them to Riconosciuto. They im­mediately contacted the NSA which sent out a team to review the material. As of December 1, 1991, the NSA still refused to comment on when the documents would be forwarded to Ri­conosciuto.

    One of Riconosciuto's associates who had managed to send him this material had in the meantime contacted a couple of at­torneys. One of these attorneys was a very high-profile attorney by the name of Dennis H. Eisman. Eisman, also known as the "Fatal Vision Lawyer", was the attorney in the Jeffrey McDon­ald case. Eisman was scheduled to come out to meet with a third attorney and visit Riconosciuto at the Pierce County Jail in order to represent him.

    Wackenhut and the CIA became extremely irate over this ar­rangement. Shortly afterward, Eisman was found shot to death in Philadelphia, from a single bullet to the chest. Before the story of his death went public, the government issued an Associ­ated Press report announcing that the Justice Department was going to bring down indictments against Eisman and other named attorneys for money laundering and dealings in narcotics. It could therefore be assumed, the story continued, that Mr. Eisman had not been killed but rather, feeling cornered and quite despondent, had killed himself in the basement of his of­fice's garage, sitting in his car.

    The indictments were phony--they never surfaced and no one has bothered to follow up on this. Eisman had been scheduled to fly to Seattle to meet with Riconosciuto the day after his death. Knowing this, the team searched for and removed Eis­man's plane tickets to Seattle as well as Riconosciuto's docu­ments.

    At this point, Peter Videnieks of the Justice Department, who had served as Contract Officer on INSLAW, threatened Ri­conosciuto. Videnieks told Riconosciuto that if Riconosciuto were to continue to cooperate with Jack Brooks (Congressman), the House Judiciary and the INSLAW people, he would be indicted along with his friends from Los Angeles. One of these friends Videnieks was referring to was Mr. Ferrante of Consoli­dated Savings & Loan. There had been an attempt to Mr. Fer­rante's life which was very nearly successful. In the first re­ports that he gave to the police, Mr. Ferrante indicated that he felt it had been an attempt by the Israeli Mafia.

    In tracing the $40 million that was paid in the "October Sur­prise", we come to Alan Michael May. [H: By the way--one reason some of our friends stay alive and better off than others is that, in at least one instance, the party was the "banker" for the money and carries the bank account num­bers ONLY IN HIS BEAD. Further, he is known for lapses in memory, especially under pressure--so that the numbers are programmed to completely escape conscious recall.] May, a former Nixon campaign financial aide, wired the money to the Iranians in October of 1980 as a downpayment on the hostage deal. On Wednesday, June 19, he died of an apparent heart attack despite the fact he was 50 years old and in perfect health. His death occurred four days after the Napa Sentinel re­ported his connection to the October Surprise. On June 14, May told relatives that he had been threatened and he knew his life was in danger. In a phone conversation with Riconosciuto, May was recorded telling Riconosciuto to "Sit on your fat Italian ass and keep your mouth shut, or we're all going to be dead."

    In Alan May's case, his autopsy report released on July 26 stated he died of pulmonary failure, with complications of dia­betes. Also listed as a contributory cause was poly-pharma­ceuticals or many drugs in his system. A cross reference with the drugs that had been prescribed to him brought to light the fact that these were not the only pharmaceuticals found in his system.

    In every one of these deaths there is one common factor--the residence is broken into, their computer banks are raided and personal notes, diaries and files are confiscated. In the case of Dexter Jacobsen, two days after his death his office was broken into twice and his apartment once. In Anson Ng's case, the ISA instructed the Guatemalan government to retrieve the floppy discs and his personal papers regarding his investigation. It did so and turned them over to a U.S. intelligence agency. In a press conference a few weeks later, Senator Alan Cranston re­quested that these items be returned but they have not. After the killing of Alan May, Riconosciuto was told that his wife and children were in grave danger.

    The 1981 government contract-hit of Fred Alvarez and his friends occurred in Rancho Mirage. Alvarez had been working for the Nichols family, specifically, for the senior Nichols in the security field. In 1985, Linda Streeter, Alvarez's sister, con­tacted 20/20 and managed to get Geraldo Rivera and Barbara Walters to do an investigative report on the situation. During their report, Rivera and Walters detailed the changes of the In­dian laws which resulted in the control of the reservations by "non-Indian" business managers. After 20/20's report, Gover­nor George Deukmejian reopened the investigation of the three murders for hire.

    The man in charge of the investigation was a detective with the Riverside District Attorney's office by the name of Gene Gilbert. As a result of the investigation, it was determined who had ordered the execution and how much money was paid for the hit. However, the investigators were never able to get an indictment handed down from the Grand Jury due to extreme pressure from the NSA through the Justice Department.

    During the investigation, when Detective Gilbert made re­peated requests to interview Riconosciuto, they were always de­nied. Because Riconosciuto was being prevented from seeing an attorney and therefore had no legal representation, he could not get or have access to his papers or files and was even denied ac­cess to a law library to defend himself. Thus, he decided to work through people in the media.

    At that particular time, the Justice Department shipped him out to the Bureau of Prisons facility in Springfield, Missouri for Mental Competency Hearings. While in Springfield, several of the media people who had become involved made arrangements for Detective Gilbert to fly to Springfield to finally obtain an interview with Riconosciuto. When the NSA found out about the proposed interview, they quickly flew out a U.S. Attorney who stopped the interview after only 45 minutes and immedi­ately had Riconosciuto flown back to Washington.

    The NSA and Wackenhut then proceeded to determine ex­actly what information had been discussed during that 45-minute period. What they found out tied the noose on Riconosciuto's life line. Riconosciuto had revealed which Wackenhut operative had acted as the primary triggerman in the Alvarez murders.

    Riconosciuto is now back in Tacoma, Washington at Pierce County Jail. He is being held in solitary custody to prevent him from talking to anyone. [H: Please understand that we do not know WHEN this document was written so cannot verify ac­curacy of locations, etc.] He is in grave danger because the Bureau of Prisons has repeatedly ignored and then refused at­tempts by Riconosciuto family and friends to get him medical equipment needed to sustain his life. This is due to the fact that he is very obese and suffers from the condition known as Sleep Apnea which requires a machine to trigger breathing at night should the sufferer stop breathing. The Pierce County jail au­thorities have repeatedly denied allowing this necessary medical equipment to be brought in.

    Dr. Earl Brian never finished his medical internship at Stan­ford University, quitting a full quarter short of completing it. Despite this, he went on to serve under then-governor Ronald Reagan. He identifies himself as a neurosurgeon. This is a falsehood since he never finished his internship, let alone resi­dency. Dr. Brian was, however, a key Reagan aide and was heavily involved with the intelligence community and Naval In­telligence Prison's Mind Control Programs, (MK/ULTRA. Book: Journey Into Madness, by Gordon Thomas) most notably the abortive UCLA Center for the Study & Behavior of Violent Behavior. Also to be considered is the fact that EACH of the 24 members of the Cabazon Indian Tribe was sent during this time period to a "clinic" for some type of psychological program for alcohol or drug treatment.

    The Cabazon "Business Committee" of which Alvarez was a member until his death, is very closely controlled by an attorney by the name of Glen Feldman who resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Prior to this position, Feldman was the business partner and law partner of the aforementioned Senator Abaresque from South Dakota, who is now retired and in private practice. Senator Abaresque acted as a representative for both the Iraqi and the Iranian governments. Abaresque and Feldman also worked to­gether to help draft the 1978 revisions to the Bureau of Indian Affairs laws which have been so resented by the Indian commu­nities of the nation.

    Linda Streeter and the Indians who have joined her cause to have her brother and his friends' murders investigated have now been officially labeled as dissidents by the Justice Department and the federal government. The three Wackenhut security members involved in these Rancho Mirage executions were themselves done away with in a Helicopter Crash which oc­curred on the Groom Range (Area 51) of Nellis AFB, Nevada.

    One of Casolaro's contacts was an Alan David Standorf. Standorf was one of Casolaro's main suppliers of documents that directly exposed the government's connection to Savings & Loan failures, international drug smuggling, bank scandals, and Mafia ties. Standorf was employed by the NSA and NRO in a very restricted and sensitive Secret Communication Center. At the center he could listen to and intercept message traffic (crypto & codex) from the intelligence community.

    Casolaro and Standorf had set up a Nerve Center for opera­tions involving the duplication of sensitive documents. High­speed Xerox commercial duplicating and collating machinery was installed in Room #900 of the Hilton Hotel in West Virginia to provide Casolaro copies of all documents and to allow Stan­dorf a location and time to return the documents back to their original storage files.

    After Casolaro's murder, Standorf s body was found in the rear seat of his car, under luggage and personal items, at Washington's National Airport. He died from a massive blow to the head.

    Riconosciuto, a primary electronics expert for the U.S. intel­ligence community, was arrested seven days after providing Congress with testimony in the INSLAW case. When his attor­ney Dennis Eisman was to have picked up critical information in the case which was destined for Casolaro and Riconosciuto, he was found shot to death. Some of the individuals and companies Casolaro was following leads on at the time of his death are: Dominic and Bob Balsano, Gemini Industries, The Papago In­dian Tribe, the Menominee Indian Tribe, The Cabazon Indian Tribe, The Primerit Bank of Nevada, BCCI and 312 other re­lated financial institutions, Dr. Earl Brian, Peter Videnieks, Community Banking of Southern California, Home Savings and Loan of Seattle, Theodore Strand, Robert Booth Nichols, The Department of Commerce, and the Wackenhut Corp.

    Casolaro was also investigating the links between the deaths of Indians and journalist Don Bolles who was killed in a car ex­plosion in Arizona in 1976. [H: I am asked to herein note that this is "right on" and books with proof are: The Under­ground Empire by James Mills and The Arizona Project by Michael Wendland. It must also be noted here that Senators Montoya (NM) and Glen (AZ) (and also one of the "Keating Five") have both been involved in the "reservation" situa­tion.] (In 1980, a jury found John Harvey Adamson guilty of first-degree murder in the death of Bolles). Also being investi­gated by Casolaro was the gold/platinum smuggling that came from Southeast Asia, through Mexico and then through the Pa­pago Indian Reservation in New Mexico. This was done through a "clearance corridor" which, due to an inter-agency agreement, the DEA refused to patrol.

    Another matter he was investigating was the IBM/Tel-Aviv connection linking the use of INSLAW's PROMIS software to Israeli intelligence. Casolaro was also in touch with Alan Michael May, the bag man for the $40 million downpayment made for the Iranian Hostages. Casolaro was also in contact with Bill Hamilton of INSLAW and was scheduled to meet with Videnieks and Brian at the approximate time of his murder. He kept all six of his file folders with his accumulated documents and information with him at all times. Just before his alleged meeting, he left the files locked up at his home, telling relatives he felt they were safer there than traveling with him. In a search of his house after his death, NO documents were found.

    Peter Zokosky also had a close liaison with Casolaro. Zokosky had previous dealings with the Cabazon Indians at the time the INSLAW software was being converted for Canadian Intelligence. He also knew about the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons for the Contras through the joint venture of the Nichols family and the Wackenhut Corp. Casolaro was in the possession of documents which detailed such things as a bank in New England which has $400 million in phony bearer bonds that are being used for collateral because the bank's money has been siphoned off. Other documents detailed another bank's multi-million dollar loans used to finance drug deals which were based on only a few thousand dollars of collateral.


    * * *
    Let us take another short break as this segment is becoming too lengthy for a suitable "chapter". Thank you.

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