PJ 64


WED., MARCH 3, 1993 9:03 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 199

The following is going to be taken DIRECTLY from the Jan­uary 1993 issue of The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor. I have honored this man before and I wondered at why there was such animosity at meetings against Green who claimed to be repre­senting our work. I guess that answer now speaks for itself, doesn't it? It seems the ones "in the seminar arena" knew George Green far better than did anyone at this location.

Since the paper has been copied and sent to us and I find it an excellently written document, I offer it with full responsibility for so-doing. I will, however, do the journalistically proper thing when using another's writing: give full credit and list ac­quisition information. I am a bit sorry to note that this paper is one of the "Phoenix [Arizona] Club" papers of which I have negatively written. It makes the paper, when issuing truth, no less valid. (Subscription Office: P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071. Rates: six mos. $56, Domestic, 12 mos. $95. 24 mos. $165.) Mr. McAlvany is the Editor but does not reside in Phoenix, AZ--I would, however, assume that he can be reached via that above address.
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of people living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it". Frederich Bastiat

"Socialism, once a reality, destroys the moral fiber which is the creation of freedom. It breeds every device which produces to­talitarian rule". General Douglas MacArthur

"The individual's freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives, by the fact that he will be numbered from birth... and followed as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other service, his tax contribu­tions, his health and medical requirements and his final retire­ment and death benefits". Carroll Quigley

"America is great, because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great". Alexis de To­queville

QUOTING: (McAlvany)

America, in 1993 (and for the balance of the decade), is plunging toward becoming a socialist police state, remarkably similar to Nazi Germany in the 1930s or the Soviet Union from the '20s through the '80s. America, over the past few decades, has seen its traditional values turned upside down in almost ev­ery area, to the extent that the killing of 28 million babies is simply "free choice"; homosexuality is simply an "alternate lifestyle" officially sanctioned and pushed by the liberal estab­lishment and its media; the family is now under attack from the government, the media, the schools, the homosexuals, and the environmentalists.

Pornography is now the norm on television, in movies, in books, magazines, and more and more in the classroom as stu­dents down to kindergarten level are taught how to have "safe sex" or enjoy "alternate sexual lifestyles"; spiritual values, Christian leaders, organizations, and individuals are denigrated and discriminated against more and more by a government, me­dia, and culture that rejects our traditional Biblical foundations and (as in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union) will soon perse­cute the Christian church in America.

The criminals (murderers, rapists, burglars, robbers, etc.) are given light (or negligible) jail sentences, while the govern­ment is now reclassifying honest law-abiding Americans as criminals, and giving them severe jail sentences or confiscating their assets or property via Draconian Nazi/Marxist-Leninist­style seizure laws.

The legal system and government now allow the "have nots" to plunder the assets of the "haves"; and a gargantuan U.S. gov­ernment passes tens of thousands of new regulations each year (i.e., over 67,000 pages of fine print) to control every aspect of Americans' lives.

The Socialists (calling themselves liberals, secular humanists, environmentalists, gay rights activists, women's rights activists, civil rights activists, New Agers, etc.) now completely control the U.S. Administrative branch of government, the media, and the educational system; have effective control of the Legislative branch; and partial (but growing) control of the U.S. Judiciary. The Socialist agenda (now to be accelerated under Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore) calls for the nationalization of children, the abolition of the family, the promotion of promis­cuity, and Orwellian-type controls over every aspect of our lives.

Has the incredible transformation of American traditions and values, of our government, and our whole way of life over the past two decades happened spontaneously, or by accident? No! There have been powerful forces behind the scenes orchestrating and manipulating the transformation of America according to a well laid out plan that has been in operation for many decades, if not centuries.

As Igor Shafarevich wrote in his excellent essay Socialism In Our Past and Future and Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in From Under the Rubble, the destruction of religion and the family are central to socialist ideology.

The socialists, internationalists, and communists of the world (they no longer call themselves communists) are now following the revolutionary strategy of Antonio Gramsci, the late founder of the Italian Communist Party and a Marxist theoretician who died in 1937. (Franklin Sanders wrote in detail recently about Gramsci's strategy in his Moneychanger Newsletter (P.O. Box 341753, Memphis, TN 38184.) After spending time in the So­viet Union in the 1920s, Gramsci concluded that the clenched fist revolutionary approach of the Bolsheviks was not a winning strategy, but that socialism (i.e., communism) would triumph through the "reshaping of consciousness" in society.

Gramsci, concluding that "the cultural superstructure deter­mines the political and economic base, and not the other way around", wrote, "In a developed society, the passage to social­ism occurs neither by putsch [ED. NOTE: A sudden revolt or uprising] nor by direct confrontation, but by the transformation of ideas. which is to say. a slow reshaping of consciousness. At stake in this war of positions is the culture (i.e., the source of values and ideas). The seizure of political power is not possible until after the seizure of cultural power. Culture is transformed through government (and its agencies), schools, universities, so­cial sciences, trade unions, churches, and the print and broad­cast media".

In essence, Gramsci said the socialist revolution would be brought about by the transformation of a society's culture and values, not through political or military power. By changing the values and every mode of thinking of the enemies of socialism without their conscious knowledge, they would become social­ism's allies. We are not talking about a communist revolution or military takeover in the traditional sense, but a wholly differ­ent danger: the establishment of radical socialism by the under­mining and transformation of traditional Western values.

[ED. NOTE: And that is precisely what the socialists in the American government, universities (and lower schools), media, Hollywood, churches, etc., have systematically done over the past two to three decades. They have been preparing Americans for acceptance of a Socialist/Nazi/Marxist-Leninist-style PO­LICE STATE and to willingly become slaves by undermining our culture from top to bottom. And this is the great danger of the Clinton Administration. It is likely to continue the Bush/Wall Street economic policies, but is rapidly going to cul­turally transform America and its values to conform to the Gramsci strategy. The whole process took only about 14 years in South Africa--which now stands on the brink of the socialist/communist abyss].

Gramsci articulated the importance of Lenin's "Long march through the institutions" (i.e., the penetration of the media, the universities, public interest groups, churches, and cultural in­stitutions)--stressing that by working through such institutions, cultural values could be altered and morals softened "irreversibly", setting the stage for political and economic power to drop into the hands of the Left (as it has done over the past decade or so, and will do like an avalanche under Bill and Hillary Clinton and Al Gore).

According to Gramsci, once socialism dominates the cultural and ideological scene, revolutionary power and control by the state will quickly follow in one short easy step. The strategy of the socialists, then, is to change the way society thinks about problems--to gain control over the minds of the population.

An essential element of Gramsci's strategy was to replace the religious (or Christian) inclinations in a targeted society with a social gospel (i.e., a Marxist-Christian dialogue, liberation the­ology, etc.) which is totally devoid of all supernatural content. Gramsci did not want to destroy religion, but rather to neutralize all spiritual aspects and use what remains as a vehicle for the political struggle and socialism. Worship, faith, prayer, the sacraments would be replaced with what Gorbachev calls human values, human solidarity, abolition of social injustice, and the end to oppression of women, children, blacks, native peoples, homosexuals, the disabled, etc.

Gramsci therefore strategized a "convergence" of religion and socialism and takeover of the entire field where culture is elaborated and diffused (i.e., schools, universities, the media, Hollywood, etc.). Following Gramsci's strategy, the socialists of our day (in America, Europe, South Africa, and throughout the socialist culture)--come replete with socialist literature, films, plays, poetry, and various forms of art and music. The stage is now set in America (and throughout much of the West) where the closet communists are ready to build more openly upon this well-established superstructure.

It is important to note that the "new thinking" in the "old So­viet Union" (CIS); the "new South Africa" of F.W.de Klerk and Pik Botha; the "New Covenant" of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and their entourage of socialist advisors and staffers, is based either directly or indirectly on the writings and strategies of Antonio Gramsci.

[ED. NOTE: It would be remembered that Bill Clinton has studied under the highly praised Italian socialists and commu­nists. And it should also be remembered that many of Clinton's top advisors come from the Institute of Policy Study, an influen­tial socialist group which follows the agenda of the Marxists and Gramscians].

This writer is reminded of a quote by John Stratchey, the former head of the British Labor Socialist Party and a commu­nist, who said in the 1930s: "There cannot be a direct transition from capitalism to communism. First we must move to social­ism, as a necessary stepping stone to communism".
Sun Tsu, the Chinese military strategist, wrote in 500 B.C. that "to conquer your enemy, you must destroy their will to re­sist". [H: How many of you are ALREADY "THERE"?] Of course, that will is destroyed if you can convert your enemy without him even knowing it. Eventually, it becomes impossible to oppose socialism. In "1984", Orwell said that the purpose of the new language, Newspeak, was to make opposition to Big Brother impossible to even conceive. Anyone who failed to em­brace the "politically correct" socialist mentality was, by defini­tion, mentally ill. It was not enough to destroy Winston Smith. It was necessary to turn him to the point where he would love Big Brother.

So, in the 1990s, America is plunging rapidly into Antonio Gramsci's socialist quagmire--not by accident--but by clever, well-orchestrated and well-financed design. Behind this so­cialist transformation of America (culturally, socially, politi­cally, and economically) is the Liberal Eastern Establishment (epitomized by the socialist/globalist Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Fabian Socialists, Socialist International, etc. Behind these groups is probably the centuries old Illuminati, with its occultic/Luciferian substructure.

The Clinton Administration, the Bush Administration, and the Carter Administration are (or were) wholly owned by these so­cialist/globalist groups, and the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan Ad­ministrations were partially owned by the same. Their goal: the immersion of America (and the West) into a socialist world government called the New World Order, on or before the year 2000. It will be replete with a "convergence" of the common interests of America and Russia; three major regional govern­ments: 1) Europe (the U.S. of Europe--which came into being 12/31/92); 2) NACOM, the North American Common Market (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico)--which was launched by George Bush in 1992; and 3) a Japanese/Pacific Rim regional government.

Elements of this socialist New World Order include a global financial system (replete with a one world Central Bank and currency, global currency controls, and eventually a cashless, computerized society); one world environmental control (replete with global Environmental Protection Agency which can track down and punish corporate or individual "environmental criminals"); a one world economic system; one world popula­tion control (which will be anti-family, anti-reproduction, anti-children, and pro-homosexual, and which will lead the charge globally for abortion, euthanasia, and other population control measures). America is to be divided into ten regions under the New World Order (as per Richard Nixon's Government Reor­ganization Act (3/27/69) and Executive order 11649 (2/12/72). [H: Editors, please reprint the 10 district map of the U.S.] (See next page.)

Also included is a one world police force, now called the New World Army (under the control of the United Nations), de­signed to keep the peace globally, eliminate global dictators (or resisters to the New World Order), and enforce global socialism and world government. The U.N.'s New World Army (pushed so hard by George Bush over the past two years) is establishing itself as the world police force, first in Operation Desert Storm, next in Somalia, next back in Iraq, and next in Serbia/Croatia/Bosnia and/or South Africa (where it is likely to be sent to install the communist ANC in power). Eventually, it is envisioned that New World Army (U.N.) troops will be sent anywhere in the world (even into America) to stamp out re­sistance to the New World Order. [H: Oh brother, if you haven't seen this already in place and working in the U.S.A.--you had better look carefully--AGAIN. This is al­ready operational from one corner of your nations to the other on the entire continent.]
There is a supernatural (occultic) dimension to the New World Order, called by some the New Age Movement (and epitomized by Maurice Strong, Shirley MacLaine, Jane Fonda, Ted Turner, John Denver, Zbigniew Brezezinski, George "Thousand Points of Light" Bush, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, the Dahli Lama, and a cast of millions worldwide), which also promises world government and sharp population reduction by the year 2000--the "Dawning of the Age of Aquarius".

[H: "Ah," you might say, "But I thought you, Hatonn, and your crew were/are ‘New Agers'". NO! Sorry about that--I have said over and over again that if nothing else could de­stroy you the NEW AGE MOVEMENT would do it. I can assure you that you are going to find "us" to be about as traditionally moral as you can find anywhere in heaven. The New Age Movement is not NEW--it is as old as Satan!]
Herein lies an interesting parallel to the supernatural, occultic underpinnings of the Nazi Third Reich, which also aspired to global government and had the same occultic/Eastern religious dynamic behind it as the New World Order/New Age axis. [ED. NOTE: This writer [McAlvany] has long felt that the global convulsions of the '80s and '90s were not just political or economic, but also spiritual (or supernatural). Some Bible scholars even feel that the present rise of socialism on a global scale and the rise of the New World Order/New Age axis could be setting the stage for the rise of the Biblical anti-Christ. In­deed the New Agers call their Christ, Lord Maitreya].

This issue of MIA (for which your editor has been gathering research for about a year) will analyze within the context of the above-described plunge into socialism, the New World Or­der, and New Age: 1) the accelerating thrust to control the American people (via gun control, environmental and tens of thousands of other government regulations, electronic surveil­lance and computerization of all aspects of Americans' lives, a national police force, and various Nazi/Fascist/Communist-style police state tactics); 2) The plunge toward a cashless society and the government war against cash and privacy (via money laundering and structuring laws, the new money, and foreign exchange controls); 3) The government's campaign to seize property and assets of U.S. citizens via unconstitutional for­feiture laws and regulations; 4) Specific cases of government attacks against innocent citizens; and 5) What to do finan­cially and politically to oppose America's plunge into a so­cialist police state.
If some of the examples of the U.S. government attacks against its citizens seem shocking or unbelievable to you (as they were to this writer), remember they are only a few examples of what has been happening to tens of thousands of U.S. citizens across America. This issue of MIA will not be funny or enter­taining. It will be sobering and frightening, but hopefully it will pull together a myriad of seemingly unrelated incidents and give the reader a perspective on the trends and threats to our fami­lies, our freedoms, our traditional way of life, and our future as a free people, as we move toward an American Socialist Police State.

* * *
We will continue to offer portions of this material as we can fit it in. It is well done in all respects. In the interest of good journalism we will make comments from time to time but pre­sent it in its own format except for "retyping" for we have such a poor copy as to prevent direct utilization. We are efforting to give it exactly as presented, IN ITS ENTIRETY SO THAT IT IS NEVER OUT OF CONTEXT OR INTENT OF THE AU­THOR. Herein an "ED. NOTE:" indicates, I believe, Mr. McAlvany. The assumption is that he is also the writer so if confusion prevails--don't focus on that point. IT IS THE IN­FORMATION UPON WHICH YOU MUST FOCUS FULL ATTENTION.

PJ 64


THU., MARCH 4, 1993 8:30 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 200


When you are remembering, it is most important as you cast off the "forgetting of Truth" that you:

"But remember, I will speak much more clearly direct from within, if you but turn trustingly to ME for help. For I ever preserve My Holiest secrets for those who turn to ME IN DEEP, ABIDING FAITH THAT I CAN AND WILL SUPPLY THEIR EVERY NEED".

You search high and you search low and seek expression in the realms of physical manifestation for that which CAN ONLY BE SPIRIT. Those things of the physical can NEVER fulfill the seeking, searching perfection of soul in transiting--or the soul in final transition. For when you have arrived at the gate of higher Source--the physical is quite invisible and that which you THOUGHT you experienced will be gone and only the moments of ecstasy and perfection shall remain--always and constant, in presence.

"The time will come when you cease to look without for love, sympathy, appreciation and spiritual help, and turn wholly to ME within, that these seeming imperfections will disappear; and you will see in any 'mate' or brother only the reflection of qualities of unselfish love, gentleness, trust, a constant en­deavor to make the other happy, that will then be shining brightly and continuously from out of your own heart.

"Perhaps you cannot yet wholly believe all this, and you still question that I, your own reflection of self in fragment of whole perfection, am responsible for your present testing, mea­sure or present position in life, or that I chose for you your present mate or significant 'others' that you might see beyond and grow even beyond that which is 'Light' (enlightment) and into the Radiance of brilliance so great that you are ONE WITH IT". The Great Spirit of Wisdom.

You claim a "soul mate"? Does THAT ONE fit the above de­scription? Is there ONLY the offering of that which is spiritual fulfillment? Or, does "that other" urge, push, shove and taunt into the very things of physical gratification and/or "things" which are only of the physical expression? Is YOUR "LOVE" and that of the proclaimed intent of the "other" ACTUALLY "unconditional"? Or, are there GREAT CONDITIONS of sub­tle unspoken expression placed upon your relationship? You had best be thinking of these things for the time in this expres­sion grows short and the infinite journey ahead is indeed long. THINK!

From R.R.: It is said that the California Specialized Training Center (old FEMA facility) has stopped all visitation.

It has recently been a place where hobbyists could gather to fly remote controlled model aircraft, etc. This has been now banned.

High security fences are being put in place NOW and army tents are up in expectation of the "spontaneous, impromptu riots which are expected at the end of the "King" trial (regardless of which verdict is brought forth). This will be personally checked out by the caller.

Senator Quentin Kopp of San Francisco has introduced legisla­tion Monday to SCRAP "NON-GUILTY" VERDICTS and replace with "NOT-PROVEN".
Good luck citizens, this is a long, long way from "Innocent unless PROVEN guilty".

A friend from the town of Pittsburgh, Kansas calls to report that on March 2nd, in the morning, there were live bombs left in a vehicle at a Mall. It required a "Bomb Squad" from Wichita to defuse the devices. Since the population of this town is less than 50,000, the terrorist campaign must be heating up in all parts of the country. That, dear ones, is a magnificent understatement.

A seismologist employed by the government is saying that the government believes and is acting on the information, that between March 7th (pretty close) and the 21st, 1993, the moon is going into an "oval" orbit which will bring it 216,000 miles from the Earth. They are geared up to expect the "Big One" in California and Washington. Also, they expect that Mt. Baker, Mt. Rainier along with others, may well erupt. They say the lava from Mt. Rainier will bury Seattle and other places in between.

The question from this person, to me, is: "Is this data correct as to the dates?" I would suggest that you attend that which Com­mander Soltec is offering for your attention.
I would suggest that you first, however, writer, attend what you have, yourself, said:
"I know it's going to happen soon . . . . . " Your geologists, geophysicists and obviously, seismologists--KNOW it will be sometime in the near, near future. I can only suggest that you pay attention and take ALL warnings seriously and remain totally prepared for any eventual date. I am not come near to tell you "safe places" or "individually guide your path as to security from Earth upheavals". We are here to get you to "prepare" and accept responsibility for selves. We have given unlimited information regarding dangerous places--which would, I realize, appear to be "everywhere". It is the time of massive Earth changes, both inflicted by man through technology AND those of natural evolvement as a planet changes.

Just as with associations which seemingly "bind" you, you must look unto the possibilities and see to that which holds you in quandary. I have no "right" to interject my wishes upon any--YOU must do that which you must do (or not do). We can only give information--not forceful intervention. Listen to that which your Earth "scientists" are telling you--check with those labs which keep track, plot those courses of highest potential and then act according to that which seems appropriate.

If you are hoping that I will somehow give you ten minutes no­tice or a day or,--I have already done so. IT IS TIME TO AT­TEND THESE THINGS OR GO WITH THE CONSE­QUENCES.

Humanitarian help in Bosnia??? Don't be foolish, look at what is happening. There is an advancing front of assault troops moving into the area where at the supplies are being air-dropped. The "enemy" of those targeted for humanitarian relief is GET­TING IT ALL! What do you now think? Let me point it out if it eludes you: You are supplying the very enemy with rations, ammunition, medical supplies and all necessary small equipment (and some quite large) necessary for a major offensive. Even your own Secretary of State and President tell you that it will continue! And how is your day?

Now they are telling you that it may take years to find evidence as to who put the bomb in the towers. Come, come little sleepyheads, do you think the world will "wait" while your rinky-dinks play around with plastic fragments? You had better get with the program or there won't be enough left to pick up any pieces.

No, I don't have much sympathy with a man who uses God to allow for his degradation and illicit activities. Neither do I have much sympathy for SWAT teams with assault weapons. How­ever, you ones had better look at what is happening in Waco, Texas. There is massive information if you but look. I make no pronouncement on the incident in point except that you can ex­pect this around your nations, around the world. We do not sanction, in any manner whatsoever, the activities within that compound by those people within its boundaries. But, have you come so far that it is worthy of mass murder? It is already set up as mass MIND-CONTROL and programmed to perfection so, unless you get INFORMED, you will not be able to have an intelligently formed conclusion about anything happening in that, or any other, area. This whole event is "Psychopolitics through Religion" (a deadly combination of lies as to both poli­tics and religion). Note that the definition of "cult" is now changed to suit the oppressive needs of the "media". "Cult" simply means a group oriented to a given purpose or idea--usu­ally associated with religion. Now, it represents unlimited evil expression. By definition, ANY CHURCH IN THE WORLD--IS BUT A "CULT". BUT, NOW YOU HAVE A NEW DEF­INITION WHICH WILL MEAN: ANYTHING THAT IS OTHER THAN SANCTIONED BY THE ELITE AND AL­LOWABLE BY THE ELITE. In other words, you can now be hanged for "NON-PROVEN" GUILT, YEA, EVEN THROUGH "THOUGHT".

We are "Hosts" come to awaken God's children, allow them the Word of Truth for the purpose of decision-making and to bring home God's people while reclaiming that which is claimed by GOD Creator. GOD WANTS nothing of the Satanic world of debased expression. This requires NO GROUPS, no "other"--only self and God. Even physical protection from the massive movement over freedom, depends on how well you lis­ten to instruction for behavior. Violence or law-breaking is NOT acceptable. A remnant will be brought through in aware­ness and you have no need to be in a special place or certainly not in any group. Groups are targeted in EVERY INSTANCE and infiltrated. I expect my crew to function fully open and act in such manner that your deadliest enemy can function on your Corporate Board of Directors
--as long as his antics can be out­voted by our people. "Subversion" is a tool of that very movement you wish to confront and change--WE HAVE NO IN­TENT OF ANY KIND OF SUBVERSION OR CONTRADIC­TIONS TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND. WE BRING THE "WORD" AND THAT IS ENOUGH. IF IT BE NOT ENOUGH THEN SO BE IT. THROUGH "THE WORD" OF TRUTH AND GOD, SHALL YOU FIND YOUR PERFECT COURSE.

I have been asked to run the following information and we are happy to do so since the subject considered is so impacting on ALL of you.

THE WORD--MARINE CORPS LEAGUE: Commandant's Message: Military Service is no Place for a Social Experiment.

Candidate Clinton's priorities to the American people were substantial deficit reductions, health care reforms and other do­mestic actions to revitalize the country. But his first priority, as President, turned out to be the abolishment of the 50-year-old ban on homosexuals in the military.

Our new Commander-in-Chief, who has never served in the Armed Forces of these United States, and who did all he could to avoid such service that would put him in harm's way, feels qualified enough on military service life to order the enlistment of lesbians and gays in the Armed Forces. "I intend to keep my commitment to the American People", he said. Apparently we who have worn the uniform don't count as American people. Just some common inhabitants to serve this nation by putting our lives on the line whenever he calls.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice has been approved by the Congress of the United States. Sodomy is a violation of ar­ticle 125 of the UCMJ, which states oral and anal sex is a criminal act.

As a veteran, I have asked myself such questions as to how much trust and respect would I have had for my immediate lead­ers in a combat situation if I knew they were gay? How would I handle homosexual advances in the showers? Would gay officers show favoritism toward gays when promotions were handed out? Would I help a wounded bleeding soldier who might pos­sibly be infected with the AIDS virus? God forbid if I were the one who needed a blood transfusion while in the field.

Senator Edward Kennedy in support of Clinton said, "The President is trying to bring the nation together and to try and deal with the issues of intolerance in our society". But THE MILITARY COALITION, a consortium of military and veter­ans' associations representing 3.5 million members of the mili­tary community, opposed such a demoralizing move on the part of the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's uniformed services.

In a letter to the President-Elect Clinton they said, "Service in the armed forces is a unique calling. Military men and women must be prepared to live anywhere, fight anywhere, and maintain high morale and combat efficiency under frequently adverse exposure to difficult conditions. They are asked to un­dergo frequent exposure to risk, long hours, periodic relocations and family separations.

"Additionally, they willingly accept some abridgment of their freedom of speech, their right to privacy, and control over their lives and working conditions. These are all part of the very per­sonal price our military personnel pay on a daily basis".

In another letter sent to Clinton our National Executive Di­rector, Marine Corps League, Ronald L. Martin pointed out that our top military leaders are uniquely qualified to advise the Commander-in-Chief on the ramifications of such an action. He said, "Uniformed service personnel know that homosexual be­havior is absolutely incompatible with military service because it adversely affects morale, undermines discipline and erodes combat readiness".

Martin went on to point out that the homosexual person in the military will also expect the same privileges afforded the non-homosexual person, such as quarters, the right to be married in the chapel on base and DIC payments should one of the mem­bers become a casualty of war. "It is absurd to assume that ho­mosexuals can control their behavior under circumstances simi­lar to those where heterosexuals have been unable to exercise self-restrain". he said.

Why is it that those who never wore a uniform and have no idea of what military service is like, let alone combat, seem to be the leaders in Congress who want to change a military ser­vice that has served this nation well for over 200 years? Supporters of the ban's removal Congresswoman Pat Schroeder who has led the fight for women aboard ship as well as in com­bat, and avowed gay Congressman Barney Frank and Gerry Studds were cheered by Clinton's commitment. They are just three of the few who support Clinton on the issue. If they have their way, we'll next see a Gay Disco established at Quantico and a Lesbian Slopshoot at Twenty-nine Palms.

As veterans, what can we do to promote, preserve and pro­tect legitimate military interests? The military chiefs failed to convince Clinton. But the Congress of the United States must vote on any changes in the Military Code of Conduct.

Senate Armed Forces Committee Chairman Sam Nunn said he plans hearings in March, regardless of what Clinton does now. That turned a light bulb on for President Clinton and he quickly agreed to delay his executive order on gay rights. Rea­son? Have we forgotten the fight over the flag-burning issues? When flag desecrators were on the ropes from the pressure Americans were putting on Congress, all they did was...wait out the storm.
Time heals, courage fails, tension lessens, people forget, the weak-kneed back off, and that is when left-leaning liberal Kennedy types take over command on the Hill.

The Congress took the slings and arrows of outraged veter­ans' organization on the flag issue. You can bet they will again on the gay issue--unless we stand firm and keep the pressure on.

So how do we oppose Clinton on this issue? Where do Nevada Senators and Representatives stand on gays in the mili­tary? The answer is simple. As veterans who served in the United States Marine Corps, everyone of us should write our Washington Reps and tell them where we stand on this important issue.

This article is presented by Michael Ensworth.

* * *
Since the above comes from a Nevada publication, I would sug­gest if you wish to express opinions--write to your own State's representatives and public officials.
Also, however, since there is ongoing contact on this issue with and through the CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER, your voice can be heard through that entity.
The address: CLC 564 La Sierra Dr #176 Sacramento CA 95864

* * *
We will now return to the writing in progress yesterday, from The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, Arizona 85071. We will present it exactly as originally offered so that all context is considered exactly as presented.