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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 64


    SUN., MARCH 7, 1993 7:53 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 203

    SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 1993,

    You ask constantly if there will be changes and when. Yes in­deed and they are already underway in everything from earth upheavals to political structures. Most all of these changes would be deemed quite drastic if you were allowed to see what is REALLY happening.

    You cannot assume the "changes" are something to punish you in some manner for most of the drastic human experience changes are manifest by mankind itself in political form, force and control. Earth changes are going to take their cyclic alterations in the order of universal change, but also now technology of "man" allows for interference with the natural order of that change.

    We have gone over this so many times prior to this but as you ponder the speculations of massive upheaval as predicted by various geophysical resources, it is hard not to turn your atten­tion to possibilities.

    The time is drawing near when you will be shaken and scared out of your wits. This is not as "punishment", but a need on the one hand for the Elite Controllers to show their power in force. Also, the Earth will shake and will be moved by violent forces which will cause many to lose their physical lives. The process which will cause these earth-changing events has already gotten well under-way. The changes have begun and will continue un­til completion for, as the very "plates" of the Earth crust are in­creasing in their level of motion, the "gears" of ALL become engaged so that movement in one area will cause movement in others according to the chain of events.

    The real tragedy during this time is that many will actually lose their spiritual growth.
    The planet Earth is under bombardment with forces which will actually cause it to change its direction in relationship to the universe. As the universe grows and as the galaxies grow, there is a dividing and splitting of galaxies. These changes are universal. Some of these events began millions of earth years ago. Now, the growth affects your solar system, and the planets will realign to new places and points. During this realignment the Earth will be turned and shaken, and you will have many catastrophic events. We have told you that you are in a "great" cycle change that does not simply affect the "face" of your planet.

    As the planet turns and changes direction, many natural occur­rences will be recognized as disasters. Mountains will move; seas will be upturned; new lands will come out of the oceans, some of the land which is now inhabited will be inundated and returned to the ocean floor to be allowed to renew. These natu­ral disasters have already begun but in the sequences to follow they will occur more rapidly and with increasing violence.

    Ours is to warn you of these coming trying times. It behooves you each to turn to God within your hearts and minds, for in this way some of you will survive these catastrophic events by re­newing your spiritual values. However, KNOW that no coercion or force shall be utilized to cause you to do so. Only through self-intent to make this journey as such, with the remnant, will you be individually led and guided.

    I can only suggest that you residents of Earth heed these warn­ings most carefully. You are living in perilous times for now is the time of sorting those which are intentioned toward God from those locked into the Adversary's vice-grip of human physical entrapment. Far too long have you totally ignored all calls to return to your original goal and purpose. Most have totally forgotten what that goal would be. Far too long have you turned your backs on the spiritual element and into the morality of God's Laws and the balance of The Creation's Universal Laws. The last few years of this century will bring many surprises and much upheaval to those on Earth.

    How do you or I reach through to the hearts turned to stone? How can you cause ones to listen to the warnings? The answer seems elusive but know that the higher guides are appearing to you ones throughout the nations, in the form of apparitions in the visual recognition of ones accepted as guides, i.e., Mother Mary, Esu Emmanuel the Christ and to the other races and creeds, as the spiritual leader recognized through the teachings of the ancients. These will continue to appear in many diverse places and in much more frequency. These apparitions will be for the sole purpose of warning you of the times ahead and as reminders to the multitudes of your spiritual connections.

    Within the very next few years you will see massive acts which will seem from the "hand of fate" dealing out some mighty blows to Earth. There will be massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions for when one begins the other must, by its interaction, follow. There will be massively changing weather patterns, storms will be increased in levels of power and destruction and as the changes happen and the earth changes herself there will also follow massive tidal waves of unheard of proportions. Look for strange happenings in the sky along with strange ap­pearances of stars. The polar ice caps will begin to melt and to break apart.

    Each incident which will be happening during the last times of this millennium will serve to remind you of your impotence. You will soon realize that you must look to a Higher Power to help you. It is planned that as these things happen that you will be "forced" to look to the human puppet-masters in your confu­sion instead of to your actual resource for security and safety, especially if it needs be "off" the planet. God shall leave those choices, however, to EACH.
    Check within: What is it that you do not understand? What is it you dread? What is it you need? What are your goals? How do you wish to be? How do you wish to be treated by others? Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you living harmo­niously?
    All these needs and desires are to be brought to God in your heart and in your mind.

    Ones say: "I only seek the truth of God" and "I come seeking Truth, only Truth" and then DENY THE VERY TRUTH LAID BARE BEFORE THEM. If you REFUSE TO SEE then how can you be helped? If you turn to "man" for your guidance--de­pend on it being from a "tool" of God's adversary set to snare you in a human physical trap.

    Use whatever focuses your attention on the HIGHER SOURCE. If a trinket helps you focus--use it--but do not place power or salvation from the trinket for only in the "mind" is "spirit" manifest in fullness. Use whatever "position", words, or place that enable you to pray. Places, words, beads, and churches are not the issue in point. Your ability to commune with the ONE GOD is the utmost importance--the ONLY importance. You do NOT need a go-between, you need no angels, no E.T.'s, no symbols--GO STRAIGHT TO GOD! THERE IS NONE MORE IMPORTANT TO GOD THAN YOU! GET THOSE LINES OF COMMUNICATION OPEN, HOWEVER, FOR YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF CHOOSING TIME.

    Don't think you can hoky-poky and fool God. Sincerity is ab­solutely vital to prayer. God knows your deepest longings, your best kept secrets. He knows every thought which enters your mind. There is nothing hidden from God, chelas, so stop the game playing on that pretense. HE knows with what sincerity you seek HIM--the YOU reflection of your greater being ALSO KNOWS so sincerely ask, without human ego presence, ask the One God of the Universe to help you establish lines of communication with HIM. Your sincere desire to be near God will en­able you to receive His guidance. God's ways are many and He uses many different situations and conditions to reach out to you and give you cause to find "the way".

    Why do you tarry in your preparations? Why are you not in constant upgrading of those things for your survival in disasters? You are getting daily warnings now, from even your scientific buffoons and prattlers. Is it not time to heed those warnings? You are, tomorrow, March 8, 1993 going to pass through a time when the moon is closest to your planet and "full". The tides are already up on your coastal shores and the predictors tell you that you are in a "window" for great cataclysmic happenings. How many simply listen and wonder if "this too shall pass". Well, could it not "pass" as easily with you prepared in case it doesn't "just pass"?

    Cold war gone? Nuclear wars out of the question? What makes you think so? Oh, the government told you so? Well, why don't we just look at an article sent yesterday to this place. It appeared in a Denver, Colorado paper on 2/23/93. It was sent because it hit home to two "readers" who had, before their re­tirement, worked in the very facility about which the article is written. They noted bullet proof doors and glass, pass through windows; walls and vault doors. They thought those years, 1982-'83, were of great concern to them for they thought "President Reagan was the same man that used to give 'freedom' speeches on the radio sponsored by H.L. Hunt." Well, that was a decade ago and things have only worsened and the puppet-masters have become less careful in hiding their total deceit.

    Denver Federal Center unit has special trucks but says work slanted to natural disasters. Rocky Mountain News, 2/23/93.

    Lakewood--The Denver Federal Center has 59 trucks ready to provide mobile communication during a nuclear war.

    But the drivers spend most of their time practicing for--or helping victims of--natural disasters, the chief of the detail says.

    The 50 employees of Mobile Emergency Response Support haven't practiced a nuclear war scenario in about three years, says unit chief Jim Tobin. In that time crew members have re­sponded to Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Iniki and the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.

    A report Sunday by the Cox News Service said Federal Emergency Management Agency, the umbrella agency for MERS, spends $12 on a secret mobile program to protect the government from nuclear attack for every $1 it spends on natural disasters.

    Denver is one of five sites that has a 59-truck mobile unit.
    Employes are experienced technicians in radio, generators and computers, earning from $25,000 to $35,000 a year, he said. Each also has a license to drive a truck.
    One of the trucks is a 12-ton mobile radio van with UHF an­tennas and a clamshell that can receive satellite signals.

    Others carry generators, microwave radio towers, support supplies and fuel tankers capable of pumping diesel fuel out of service station tanks.

    The white trucks--mostly 10-wheelers, a few 18-wheelers-­-rest in a parking lot at the Federal Center or are housed in garages in the FEMA building.

    Tobin says his crew spends about 20% of its training time on nuclear war scenarios.

    "We spend most of our time on natural disasters," Tobin said.

    The training scenarios would be valuable whether the real disaster turns out to be a nuclear war or a hurricane, said Joe Platko, head of security for MERS. "The actions you take for a nuclear disaster are going to be virtually the same".

    MERS technicians travel to the site of a disaster and set up phone lines and radio contact, Tobin said. Microwave towers can connect the disaster area to phone systems up to 56 miles away.

    In Washington, D.C., Monday, FEMA spokesman Dave Martin said FEMA has spent $11.9 billion since 1982--$6.3 bil­lion for relief for victims of natural disasters and $4.3 billion for response and recovery, and $1.3 billion for government preparedness.

    Part of that $1.3 billion is spent on secret security work.

    * * *
    I could go through the Doomsday program for you again but we did that earlier in our beginning JOURNAL writings. Little has changed other than continual upgrading and perfecting. Old se­curity "bomb shelter facilities" are now obsolete and are actually being "sold". That means that the new, deeper and better facil­ities are operational.

    They say that some 15 more bases will close. I find it interest­ing to note that we received listings over two weeks ago and yet, it just this week-end gets on your "news". What can this tell you? It should tell you that there will be 15 MORE bases for incarceration of the populace! You are moving into the final six years of perfecting the Global Plan 2000. It is NOT going to be an easy six years and it will be often times very, very hard to isolate your friend from your enemy. Just as mind control and "physical 'drives" can be programmed and changed, i.e., causing homosexual drives from typical het­erosexual (with the actual cause of cessation of hormonal function for either sex) so too can personalities be changed by the blink of a pulse-wave/probe.

    I can only warn you ones who serve in God's battalions that if you don't stay securely in the shelter of the Lighted protection shield--YOU WILL BE ATTACKED AND STRUCK DOWN INSTANTLY BY THE ADVERSARY. WATCH ONES AT WORK RIGHT NOW--WHO THOUGHT THEY COULD GET BY WITHOUT THOSE SHIELDS. WHEN I, FOR IN­STANCE, AM SHOVED OUT AND ANOTHER ENERGY ACCEPTED AS MYSELF, THE ASSAULT IS ON AND THE ATTACKED HELPLESS--AS IS GEORGE GREEN AT THIS VERY MOMENT. There are others I could name, involved in the same scenario--but it need not take up further space herein. Actions become totally irrational with inability to see that they set up their own downfall--it is as a programmed robot heading for the cliff with all controls nonfunctional. Does this mean that "these ones" ARE robotoids? Might as well be for the programming is as tight in either instance.


    CNN let it slip--how many caught the announcement? The Iranian government said loudly and without hesitation that eventually the Trade Center bombings will be laid at Iran's doorstep.

    The response, however, was spoken loud and clear and slipped through ONCE! It was said that the U.S. set up and orches­trated the whole thing and that the CIA was working in con­junction with Mossad agents to set-up the persons now blamed for the action. This announcement was IMMEDIATELY re­moved from the airwaves. However, once stated, it can never be totally erased--just as several years ago when Reagan peti­tioned Russia to "join forces against the aliens coming from space".

    Always be alert to these things, sort TRUTH, and keep to God in allegiance--not speakers who seem to know all the inside se­crets. If they KNOW the inside "secrets" then they have been, or are, working on the inside--most probably FOR the "inside". You can utilize this to great advantage, keep secure in your be­ings by never bending to the "groupie" scene or lawlessness urge. If you think you can hide weapons and survive--then stay away from any of "my" people because people who think they can live by the gun shall perish by the gun--look to the groups caught in the traps right now, i.e., Texas, Idaho, etc. Dead "martyrs" are not--they are stupid fools. Ones who tell you they are gathering arsenals for "defense" of selves--lie. Look at what happens and, again, you look right to Texas and Idaho for ex­amples. If you want a hunting gun and live where you might actually be able to survive by finding food (which almost NONE of you do), fine, but even there, you are apt to be "misunderstood" in intent and get yourself SHOT. Remember--"any excuse"! Better plan to "survive" on stored grain (spelta) or something less aggressive than wild animals. There will, however, probably come a time when you will have to defend selves against roving bands of domestic animals gone wild--as people can no longer attend dogs, etc., they will need food and you may represent that food resource to them. Further, as cities are devastated the larger cats and animals of the zoos will prob­ably be let loose. But if you think you can set up a defensive "army" of some kind with rifles and automatic weapons--you are going to be dead before you can WIN with them.

    I want to share this letter with you readers because I think it speaks for many of you and I wish to point out a couple of things. The first, obviously, is why does one have to excuse or blame? If you want to cancel a subscription, why take so much time in beating the dog? If a dog is dead, why kick it and waste your time? If the dog is perchance just not al­lowing you to hide your head in the sand-pot, then perhaps you better take another look!

    "I am writing to cancel my subscription. Please return whatever amount is fair from my subscription price.
    "I am cancelling because I simply am tired of encountering the same problem, issue after issue, that exists with "establishment papers". I am capable of making up my own mind--just give me the facts. I am sorry, but I am simply tired of being told what I should be thinking and believing. God gave me a fine mind and I am quite capable of using it. There are many sources of true information available. If the facts are there, then I should be able to come to the same conclusions as you--but you don't al­low me that courtesy.
    Hartland, Wisc".
    * * *
    Now, I find this most interesting. Did someone FORCE her to take the LIBERATOR? Did anyone FORCE her to READ IT?? ARE you, S.M., capable of making up your own mind? Why do you protest so loudly? How can you get the "facts" if you stop reading anything that presents those facts to you? There are many sources of true information available? Perhaps, but I wonder, will you cancel all that also? Then the punch-line: "If the facts are there, then I should be able to come to the same conclusions as you--but you don't allow me that courtesy". How so, I believe I constantly bash you about the head and mind to draw your own conclusions--I am far more criticized for the latter action than for your critique. Yes, IF you get truthful facts--you SHOULD be able to come "to the same conclusions as you"--BUT YOU WILL NOT FOR YOU HAVE AL­READY DRAWN OPPOSITE CONCLUSIONS BY YOUR OWN ACTION IN THIS VERY MATTER. If you cannot "afford" the paper, then so be it--if you find no truth for self within the paper
    --don't read it--but it as with the television which has an OFF/ON switch--if you do not use the button you won't get response--I wonder if you have also cancelled your television? How about your establishment media presenta­tions? Or, is it simply that we draw conclusions FOR YOU?
    My real question, however, is why make a speech about it--why did you not just cancel your subscription and ask for a refund? If you take an item you don't like back to a department store--do you denounce the store because you didn't like the style of the clothing you yourself bought? We OFFER and that is all we shall EVER DO. What you do with the material is up to you--in every instance. We appreciate your communication for it is evident that this paper is not for you--but for the thousands of others who do find Truth and information within--we shall con­tinue to print it as is.

    This one comes from R.S. who asks that I not use the name:


    Dear Sirs:

    In a recent "Liberator" I read a section by "Soltec" dis­cussing various volcanic eruptions. Among those mentioned was the eruption at Lake Nyos that killed over 1900. I don't know about the other disasters but the Lake Nyos one of August 1986 was not a volcanic eruption. It was a test of an Israeli neutron bomb.

    The person who broke this story is Mae Brussel, a copy of whose article I enclose. In December of 1986 National Geo­graphic published an article on this disaster. After the event hundreds of geologists converged on the area to study the volcano and the seismographic records were carefully studied. The consensus of all observers was that there was NO ERUPTION. To be sure, the crater lake was full of carbon dioxide bubbling from below, water had been splashed some 200 feet uphill and the water of the lake was several feet lower than usual and warmer. All this was attributed to an eruption but scientist were puzzled to find no seismic activity and NO VOLCANIC VENT. Finally this led to the theory of a "gas bubble".

    What actually happened seems to be the following: Lake Nyos is one of a chain of extinct craters in the Cameroons now filled with water. A few of the newest craters show minor ac­tivity, mostly escaping gas. A year or so before the Lake Nyos disaster some carbon dioxide gas from a nearby volcano overwhelmed and suffocated some dozen farm workers near the crater. This apparently gave some people the idea for a live neutron bomb test. At this time the Iranians had crossed the Shatt Al Arab and were driving on Basra in a WW I style battle. Apparently the US-Israeli group selling arms to Iraq were con­sidering use of a neutron bomb to stop the Iranians. Before such a thing could be done the bomb had to be tested. Unlike a reg­ular A-bomb, such a weapon, designed to kill people, needed a human target. It was also necessary to see if such a weapon could be exploded secretly. Thus, Lake Nyos was chosen.

    Apparently the bomb was put into the crater lake above the populated valleys. The lake water would smother the flash and the ground shock of the bomb and the rainy season clouds would provide further cover. Conditions were much like in the Tigris-Euphrates delta. The bomb, of course, splashed water and car­bon dioxide out of the lake and thus provided the cover story for the bomb test. The neutrons burned the people from "inside" but did not burn the grass roofs like a normal A-bomb would do. The burns on people and cattle were a giveaway. Even more so was the destruction of insects and bacteria by the neutrons so that the bodies of humans and animals were slow to decay. The dead lay in the heat for weeks before rotting, a dead giveaway as carbon dioxide wouldn't kill insects or bacteria. Pictures taken after the disaster show cows swelled up but that is due to methane from their stomachs and not decay gasses as in humans.

    The test was apparently a success and the use of the bomb was generally covered up. However, in the end the poison gas the US sold Iraq was enough to stop the Iranians and the direct use of neutron bombs was not necessary.


    * * *

    More than 2,000 people were cold-bloodedly slaughtered af­ter the secret explosion of a neutron bomb, charges a top political analyst.
    And now two world powers, Israel and the United States, face charges of a massive cover-up.

    "Both nations were more than willing to kill innocent people to test the neutron bomb", says California-based radio com­mentator Mae Brussel.

    Some 2,000 people perished in the explosion in the African nation of Cameroon last August, she added.

    Press reports originally blamed the catastrophe on a massive bubble of carbon dioxide rising to the surface of a volcanic lake and bursting, emitting a suffocating cloud.

    "But gas wouldn't cause burns, and victims were badly burned", noted Miss Brussel.

    The officials responsible for the horror are many of the same now in the headlines for the Iran-Contra scandal, continued Miss Brussel.

    All are strong advocates of neutron weapons, which can kill people and animals as effectively as atomic bombs, while leav­ing buildings and property undamaged.

    Intelligence sources realized that it would harm America's image to be associated with these terrible devices--so they ar­ranged for Israel to test them in return for security.

    "They armed a vile anti-Semite like the Ayatollah when we asked them to. In exchange, they get all aid and weapons they need from us". says Miss Brussel.

    Right after last summer's incredible tragedy, Cameroon rolled out the red carpet for a glittering reception for visiting Is­raeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.

    Peres took with him 18 scientists to study the after-effects of the blast, said Miss Brussel.

    "Why else would they be so interested in Cameroon when they never were before"? she asked.

    * * *
    Well, that was 1987--do you think it is somehow different now?

    This one keeps popping up continually as you people get in­formed but haven't gotten information from the prior JOUR­NALS or elsewhere regarding the Federal Reserve. This is a total viper in the bosom of your Constitution and you can go right to that source as to "who" is bankrupting your beloved America. Let us look at it briefly here, again, and then we'll see who the Federal Reserve Big Boys are.

    In a tragic betrayal of the public trust, the Congress of 1913 created a private,
    for-profit corporation which has never been taxed or audited. Its creation was a gigantic fraud, probably bigger than all of the other historic swindles put together.

    In November of 1910, powerful men in the world of finance met at Jekyl Island in Georgia. Among them, Paul Moritz Warburg, partner in Kuhn Loeb Co., member of the M.M. Warburg Co. of Hamburg who represented the Rothschilds, planned America's economic future--and the world's, for that matter. This was a totally orchestrated plan to gain billions of dollars in profit personally for themselves.

    In December (22-23), 1913, the Jekyl Island plan was approved and America gave up the control of her destiny! The House vote, 298 to 60. The Senate vote, 43-25. Woodrow Wilson signed the Bill into law and the Federal Reserve System was born.
    It was indeed a very sad day for America. Paul War­burg, the Rothschild's representative became the first "head" of the "Fed".

    An alien, who barely spoke English, took control of America's money supply! Even Woodrow Wilson would regret his actions and before his death, stated: "I am a most unhappy man--unwit­tingly I have ruined my country". Perhaps too late smart? Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr. said, "This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth... When the president signs this Act the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized...The new law will create inflation whenever the Trusts want infla­tion...From now on depression will be scientifically created".

    The LIBERATOR has just recently re-run a copy of a speech by Lewis T. McFadden and I would urge you to dig it out and re­read it carefully. As McFadden referred to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks he said: "They are not government institutions. "They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers... this nation is run by the international bankers".

    Well, we can list off the top eight for you:

    1. Rothschilds of London and Berlin
    2. Lazard Brothers of Paris
    3. Israel Moses Seaf of Italy
    4. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. of Germany and New York
    5. Warburg & Company of Hamburg, Germany
    6. Lehman Brothers of New York
    7. Goldman, Sachs of New York
    8. Rockefeller Brothers of New York

    All of the above listed men, with the sole exception of the Rock­efeller Brothers of New York, are Jews. Note that ALL are also "foreign" with established headquarters in Europe, even the ones in New York are only "branches" of European establish­ments.

    There are an additional three hundred people, approximately, mostly relatives, who hold stock or shares, and they comprise the ownership of this enormous monster, the massive wealth of which is beyond man's comprehension.

    This is by far the most gigantic counterfeiting ring in the World. The world has been "stolen" with worthless paper. As we have time we shall integrate this subject within our next episode from McAlvaney on a cashless society and the destruction of privacy as well as cash.

    I hope I have given you some facts worthy of your notice. I do not tell you what you should think or believe--but I surely do hope you draw some of the same conclusions as I. Thank you. Salu, Hatonn

    CHAPTER 10


    WED., MARCH 10, 1993 8:13 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 206

    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1993

    * * *
    As Mr. Green heads for Texas to cause a great gentleman octo­genarian to be coerced into somehow "thinking" he gave $350,000 in gold to George Green's personal life-style--I think he might well be surprised.

    We are told that the Texas State Attorney General WANTS Mr. Green for past indiscretions. Is it not interesting how truth flows as the lies get so entangled that they cannot be longer pre­sented instead? So, to you who ask, "What are you doing to poor Mr. Green"? I respond: NOT A THING--Mr. Green is making his own bed in which he shall lie for a long time to come. I believe he is using "sheets" that fit not the mattress. If you use a king-sized sheet on a twin-sized bed--you have a lot of wrinkles. If you do not fit the living to the Truth--you have a very rumpled bed which shall entrap you.

    Remember that great book I asked you to get? It was on the subject of the "Bush-whacker". Well, interestingly enough, the AUTHOR (who is NOT Russell S. Bowen as listed in the cat­alog) of that book paid George Green some $60,000 to publish that book. George gave him back $500 to "clinch the deal". The author now tells E.J. that thousands of those books were sold by George Green and he (the author) has not seen one cent--further, he is unable to get any of his own books (sound famil­iar?). You who want to continue to feel that we are abusing Mr. Green do not have priorities straight as concerns the work of GOD! You do not "just accidentally" take hundreds of thousands of dollars from people illicitly, for your own use, then de­stroy the ones from whom you stole and continue to be protected from discovery by the Hosts of God. Somehow it is that some of you perceive that "I" am making up this story. Further--
    all and any of you who are demanding your funds back from the Phoenix Institute no matter how it damages all others in the Institute (at the demand of George Green) will get it back JUST AS SOON AS WE CAN GET THE FUNDS TAKEN BY MR. GREEN--THAT WILL COVER IT ALL!

    If you check the current America West catalog you will find Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee Of 300 by John Cole­man. This book was completely formatted, edited and made camera ready by the Editors and crew at the PHOENIX JOUR­NAL/ LIBERATOR office. Not even a "thank you" was returned to any at this location and hundreds upon hundreds of those vol­umes have been sold--undercutting Dr. Coleman. George Green came crossways with Coleman and kept all volumes in print at the time and continues to print more. I make no comment as to John Coleman--but two wrongs do not make a right.

    The interesting thing about the George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Tarpley & Chaitkin is that this book was run in chapter format and published by The New Federalist. When I asked to use this book George said that The New Federalist would not so much as allow America West to distribute the book. We had permission to run excerpts in the paper but would not be allowed to so much as "handle" the book itself. (???) Seems to me that America West has it listed quite con­spicuously on the front page of their catalog.

    Perhaps this sounds like good business to you readers--it is un­acceptable to me and the ones here efforting to do absolutely ev­erything both legally and morally correct. Even if you lie to all the public, does it not seem even worse to steal and lie to your own "family" partners? I leave the discernment and judgment of actions into your own attending for we have some readers who cancel subscriptions because "you draw conclusions FOR me" and it is somehow resented.

    I am going to repeat something: Mr. Green appeared on a Pitts­burgh radio station a few nights ago and SAID: "....I get my in­formation from Hatonn and Soltec who hover around me all the time". B.S.!! and, when talking about money and his own cre­dentials he said to the affect that "I owned a bank and I have over a million dollars". Then why would he need to steal from the ones efforting to survive while HE HOLDS ALL THE PROPERTY AND THE FUNDS??

    So, "conclusions" are yours.

    * * *
    Gunther sends his regards to all of you readers--from beautiful downtown Jefferson City, Missouri PRISON. Indeed he is a "political" prisoner--but it certainly affords no more freedom than any other where he, further, is kept isolated for "security" reasons.

    He appreciated our running his material in the LIBERATOR, but suggested we should have run the "other material" he sent first. Well, we ran what we got! Since, however, a copy of what was intended has been provided so we'll offer it now. I agree, it would have been good to have run it first--but we have to work with that which the government spies allow us to have.

    by Gunther Karl Russbacher
    Editor's note: Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher is a 28 year veteran of the United States Intelligence Community, (Office of Naval Intelligence, attached to the Central Intelligence Agency). During all of that time he has operated as a deep black covert operative. In 1980 Captain Russbacher flew then vice-presiden­tial candidate George Bush from a secret meeting near Paris in what has become known as "The October Surprise". In 1989, Captain Russbacher married, against direct orders, Rayelan Al­lan, an investigative researcher who was working to expose the October Surprise scandal. Captain Russbacher was arrested two days after their marriage and has been incarcerated the entire time of their marriage.

    He is currently serving a 21 year sentence in Missouri for al­legedly stealing a sum of less than $20,000. The $20,000 sum was made up from claims from 26 former clients of his stock brokerage firm, National Brokerage Company, a CIA propri­etary. All of the claims were paid in full, by Russbacher or his insurance company, years before the prosecution, which took place 18 months after the statute of limitations had expired. In most states those charges, because of their small amount, would have ended up in small claims court. The case is currently on appeal with the Missouri Supreme Court.
    [H: Well, I don't consider $20,000 a small amount but since there is more to the story, I believe we shall not jump to wrong conclusions--for as stated, all sums had been paid in full. And, this charge came AFTER THE EXPIRATION
    (18 MONTHS) OF THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS. There are some legal discrepancies here but we won't hang up on them since they are irrelevant to this story.]
    From his prison cell, in a maximum security Missouri prison, Russbacher is holding talks with the Senate October Surprise Taskforce. He is trying to bring forth hard proof, which will conclusively show that George Bush was in France in October of 1980, and did make a deal with Iran to delay the release of the 52 Embassy hostages...
    a deal that defeated President Jimmy Carter in his 1980 re-election bid.

    (September 1992)
    Navy Captain Gunther Karl Russbacher, who worked with Navy Intelligence, and assigned to the CIA, Langley, Va., received a telephone call at his home in
    St. Louis, in mid-October 1980. He was instructed to meet a TWA flight and take it to Washington D.C. From there he was met by a car and brought to the Base Hospital at Andrews Air Force Base. At 1900 hours (7 p.m.) he was greeted by two military personnel in flight suits, handed flight papers and boarded a BAC 111 aircraft. Destina­tion? Paris! Purpose of the mission was unknown at the time.

    Richard Breneke, a U.S. Navy pilot, was doing a pre-flight check when Russbacher closed the cockpit door. He had no knowledge of who else was aboard the aircraft. Breneke had al­ready testified that he was on the aircraft and his testimony was upheld by a federal jury. Russbacher testifies that he did not look into the passenger cabin until he was over the Atlantic. The plane was refueled in Newfoundland, landing later at Le Bourget Airport near Paris.

    Who did Russbacher see in the cabin? George Bush, William Casey, Donald Gregg, Richard Allen, Robert Gates, Jennifer Fitzgerald, and others un-named. The crew checked into the Hotel Florida and within three hours Russbacher was called back to duty. His mission--fly George Bush back in an SR-71, the CIA Blackbird, from a French Air Force Base to Dover Air Force Base. Because of security leaks in Paris, the SR-71 was diverted to McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. The SR-71 flight took one hour and 14 1/2 minutes, being refueled 1,800 nautical miles over the Atlantic.

    July 9, 1992, top officials in the Pentagon called a top secret meeting with leaders of the House and Senate, which lasted until 2:00 p.m. the next day. By 5:00 p.m., July 10, 1992 the Pen­tagon had confiscated the "Football", (code name for the nuclear code box) an effective military coup. It was essentially the same as August 1, 1974, when the Pentagon did the same thing to Richard Nixon, who, nine days later, resigned. The single event which caused this secret meeting was--A "cockpit Video", which has now been authenticated as true, showing George Bush and Russbacher at the time and place, in Paris, relating to the 52 hostages held in Iran for the political purposes of being elected Vice President in 1980.

    At the same time Bush disappeared and surfaced at the James Baker ranch in Wyoming, for a top level strategy meeting to counter the Pentagon's actions. Almost simultaneously H. Ross Perot backed out of public efforts for the presidency--But, he is your next president, by way of the 25th Amendment. However, have you noticed Perot's high profile in the media? Do you re­ally think Ross has given up?

    Russbacher's revelations are directly responsible for the po­litical demise of George Bush, together with the criminal in­dictments coming down on him at the time. Bush will appoint Ross Perot as Vice President after Quayle quits. This will set the scenario for a Bush win, (because of the 50 million Perot followers) after which he will resign. Perot will become president, pardon Bush... and then--business as usual. Gunther K. Russbacher will become a legend in his own time, as a great American Patriot who tried to save his country.

    I'm proud to lend my name as his friend.

    Hal Massey
    * * *
    [H: As will be noted and likely already has been, by you readers--Captain Russbacher has a flair for writing which might very well be as expressive as any we have ever had the privilege of sharing. I would, therefore, indulge myself in suggesting that while he has nothing to do with his isolation time--that he give us some James Bond stories since the au­thor of those originals is passed on over here. I believe we can build quite a nice market for him--AND--perhaps get him on the "outside" to enjoy his rewards for same. Give it a serious thought, Gunther.]
    The story of my investigation into the One-World monetary cabal begins in the elevator at Langley Center (Headquarters for the Central intelligence Agency in McLean, Virginia). I had just finished a field exercise designed to certify me for further operations status. I had narrowly passed.

    On the elevator a friend invited me to join him and three oth­ers for dinner. Knowing that my plane wasn't due out until 0800 hours the following morning,
    I accepted. I needed a shower so I hurriedly walked over to my car and began to drive back to the city. It was a sweltering day in the Capitol. The air appeared to stand still. Mosquitoes angrily attacked anything that moved on the hot pavement. Little did I suspect, as I drove back to my hotel, that tonight's dinner was going to be more than just a friendly gathering.

    After a shower, shave and fresh clothes, I arrived at the restaurant. I arrived early so I could have a drink and check out the place. I made my way through the restaurant, heading for the bar. Hopefully no one noticed my surprise when I saw the group who had already gathered. It was a weekend, the place should have been empty. But it was filled with high level gov­ernment types, most of whom I knew. My friend from work was already in the bar. Judging from the half-filled drink in his hand, he had arrived early with the same intent in mind. The three others he mentioned this afternoon were with him.

    After exchanging the usual banal forms of greetings, we were led into the dining room. Over hors d'oeuvres I realized that I was in the midst of a serious meeting. The others who were present (with the exception of one man, who was employed by one of the wire services), were all top echelon government em­ployees. Together we represented the elite of the investigative and intelligence communities. You didn't need a mensa IQ to realize something was going on here. To slam home the point, a guy from the State Department read our evening's agenda. We were apprised that dinner would be brief so we should eat fast. A helicopter would pick us up and take us to a special manufacturing plant.

    Not knowing when we'd eat again, we followed his sugges­tion and ate quickly, in studied silence. We were soon told that the helicopters were waiting, ready to take us deep into Mary­land countryside. We left the table and boarded, still not knowing where we were going or why.

    The flight was, thankfully, uneventful and the craft softly de­posited us on the lawn in front of the corporate offices of a large manufacturing plant. I offered the guess that the firm was con­sidering an expansion or maybe desired a government contract. Possibly they were looking for government assistance to fund their current projects. At that point, all speculations were pure conjecture.

    It was plain to all of us that we were on the scene as repre­sentatives of our respective bureaus and agencies. The meeting was to be with various high corporate officials, along with members of a U.S. Senator's office and the mayor's office of a large Maryland metropolis.

    After receiving an impressive tour of the facility, one of the members of our group asked why the firm was planning such a major expansion. The corporate official in charge of the tour replied, "We are one of three companies being considered by the United States Treasury Department to build the printing presses that will print the new U.S. currency".

    We all looked at each other. The expressions on our faces said it all. "What new U.S. currency?" Not a word was spo­ken. We were as speechless at that moment as we would have been if we had been lobotomized by the painless methods of chemical ingestion. Here we were, all of us high level govern­ment officials, learning about the planned new currency without any warning or introduction. [H: Obviously Capt. Russbacher WAS NOT A LIBERATOR READER!!] It was almost as if the information had been purposely leaked to us through the grapevine...through a private, non-governmental source. The corporate official, when probed about the matter, and unortho­dox manner of approach, claimed he didn't know much beyond what he had already told us.

    When I returned to my office at Langley the following day, I couldn't help but wonder what last night was all about. I en­tered the entire proceedings into my Weekly Assessment Report, known within our circles as the "WAR" reports. Over the next several weeks, I spent a great deal of time investigating the pro­posed printing of the new currency and the purpose behind it. I discovered soon enough that others were asking questions as well.

    (One of those individuals was Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, who served on the Congressional committee dealing with the Treasury Department on this particular matter).

    In essence, I had learned that the plans to issue a new cur­rency were international in scope, at least a dozen major coun­tries were planning, or had specific plans, for coming out with new money. They included Switzerland, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil and several others.

    I engaged my network to gather information on these pro­posed changes. Soon the information began flowing into my terminal. The picture began to clear. Several of the afore named countries had already issued new currencies in various denominations. Most of these new currencies had two things in common... they had bare spots, about the size of a fifty cent coin, usually on the left-hand side of the bill. Upon closer inspection of these currencies, it was evident that they also con­tained metallic filament or element strips, enabling special devices to detect the currencies as they passed through air­ports or across international boundaries.
    If the currencies are held over a light, a three-dimensional image (hologram) becomes apparent in the blank spot. The im­ages, barely visible to the naked eye, are seemingly always of prominent world figures, and cannot be reproduced on copiers. The effort to create the "new money" was internationally coor­dinated.

    Rumor had it that these currencies would later receive a common image linking them together in an international mone­tary system. Several years have passed since I first learned about the proposed new currency. Although it has been printed, and is stored in Treasury vaults, the actual issuance of the currency has, for some unknown reason, been delayed. Based upon my information, as a member of the United States Intelli­gence community, it seems clear that, if we were to enter into a world government in the near future, the first step, from a mon­etary standpoint, would include the establishment of an interna­tional currency system.

    It must be stated that due to the rapid advances in electronic banking technology and the proven willingness of consumers to quickly adapt to these changes, the chances of by-passing the new currencies and going directly to an electronic (cashless) system are increasing exponentially. If the powers that be per­ceive the public to be ready and prepared for such a move, I be­lieve they wouldn't hesitate to make this jump all at once, even in spite of the large investment that has already been made in the new currency.

    If this were to be the case, the main focus of international fi­nance would, without doubt, shift toward promoting interna­tional debit cards, which are already gaining widespread accep­tance because of their convenience.
    [H: No, it is not an acci­dent that the next subject via McAlvany is "Toward a Cashless Society". Indeed, we have written about these things over and over and over again, however, isn't it nice to hear from a good-old earth-bound "authority"?] Long time antag­onists of these cards, such as Austria, Germany and Switzer­land, have always believed in a true cash and carry society. They have already, with great regret, lost the battle to the debit card banking schemes.

    To make a purchase, the card is passed through a scanning device. After making a positive identification, your bank account, or credit account, is automatically charged or debited with the amount of the purchase. The willingness of consumers to accept such a single card for world-wide use is already past the test market stage. Even my household has not been spared. We have received the new AT&T card which is being promoted by the intriguing commercial..."One World, One Card". The implications are most clear. Big Brother is at our very door. However, This Big Brother should not be confused with Or-well's for it is not the Big Brother of our national government, but rather, and more ominous--it is BIG BROTHER of world­wide proportions.

    Once such debit/credit cards have gained world-wide accep­tance, everything would be in place for the next and final step, which would be to force each individual to be tagged with a per­sonal identification code without which he would be unable to buy or sell. The technology for such a world-wide electronic system is already in place, and experiments with such a mark have already been conducted in several countries.

    Other developments are underway as well. In the not too distant future, products on our grocery shelves may become la­beled with an invisible bar code. The Universal Product Code (UPC), which most of us have complained is an eye sore on product packaging, will no longer be visible. It will still be there, however, only the scanner will be able to read it. Once the transition to an invisible code begins to take place, it will only be a matter of time before humans are tattooed with a sim­ilar mark. Wake up America! The implications to personal freedom are staggering! I emphasize the tattoo in order to bring this discussion down to a personal level. If the globalist cabal has their way, their system will become operational by 1994. To understand how all this fits together, it's important to under­stand some of the finer points of monetary history.

    Recently passed interstate banking laws have made this global centralization possible by allowing strength and swallow merg­ers. I am saying that many of the smaller banks have been vir­tually eaten by the big ones...at an alarming rate. Over a 12 state region stretching from New York to the Carolinas, only three New York superbanks control over 85% of all banking as­sets. The same can be said for the First Interstate System, which is now in place from the Pacific West to the middle of the heartland of America. The writing is on the wall, surely it is fi­nally going to be read.

    (All the same?)
    I had ample opportunity to study the American banking sys­tem while serving as an operative for the Central Intelligence Agency's Proprietary Operations Division. After all, we had not only served as members of boards of directors, but more so, held outright ownership of a number of Savings and Loan insti­tutions. I was well in the know, but even I was shocked to re­alize that I had merely scratched the surface on the national and international banking plot.

    I discovered that the SAME forces behind the big bank merg­ers, already controlled the American banking industry, via the Federal Reserve System. This has been the case ever since the Fed's establishment in 1913. Contrary to public belief, the Fed­eral Reserve is NOT a government institution. It is a privately held corporation owned by the stockholders. Until a few years ago, however, the names of those who owned the Federal Re­serve were one of the best kept secrets of international finance, due to a provision of the Federal Reserve Act, which stated that the identities of the Fed's Class A stockholders not be revealed.

    In our circles, it became widely known that the Fed's princi­ple owners, or stockholders (as they prefer to be called) were the ROTHSCHILD banks of London and Berlin; LAZARD BROTHERS banks of Paris; ISRAEL MOSES SELF banks of Italy; WARBURG banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam; LEHMAN BROTHERS bank of New York; and GOLDMAN, SACHS banks of New York. These interests own and operate the Federal Reserve System through approximately three hun­dred stockholders, all of whom are very well known to each other, and frequently are related.

    This can be understood better by knowing that a great deal of maneuvering and deception accompanied the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The original proposal, calling for a cen­tral bank operated by insiders and private interests, was pre­sented by Nelson Aldrich (the maternal grandfather of today's Rockefeller brothers) and was known as the Aldrich Bill. This bill was narrowly put down, but was soon reintroduced and passed as the Federal Reserve Act, (officially known as the Owens Glass Act).

    Because of the way in which the Federal Reserve System was designed by its founders, whoever controlled the Federal Re­serve Bank of New York essentially controlled the entire sys­tem. For all practical purposes the Federal Reserve Bank of New York--IS--the Federal Reserve. Currently more than ninety of the 100 largest banks in the United States are located within this district.

    Class A stockholders control the entire Federal Reserve Sys­tem by owning the stock of the largest member banks in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. This controlling interest is held by fewer than a dozen international banking establishments, only four of which are factually based in the United States. The rest of the outlying interests are European, with the most in­fluential of these being the Rothschild family in London.

    Each of the American interests are in some way connected to this family. Included among these are the Rockefellers who are by far the most powerful of the Fed's American stockholders. (The Rockefellers' holdings in the Federal Reserve are primarily through Chase Manhattan Bank).

    Through their U.S. and European agents, the Rothschilds would go on to finance the Rockefeller Standard Oil dynasty, the Carnegie Steel empire, as well as the Harriman railroad system. The Rockefellers, who later became intermarried with the Carnegies, would go on to finance many of America's lead­ing capitalists, through Chase Manhattan and Citibank, both of which have long been Rockefeller family banks. Many of these families would also become intermarried with the Rockefellers so that by 1937 one could trace "an almost unbroken line of bi­ological relationships from the Rockefellers through one-half of the wealthiest sixty families in the nation".

    Owing much of their wealth to the Rockefellers, these fami­lies have become loyal allies of the "family". The Rockefellers, on the other hand, owing their enormous fortune to the Roth­schild banking empire, have, for the most part, remained true and loyal to them and their European interest. As a direct result of this chain, much of America's corporate wealth is ultimately traceable to the old money of Europe and the ONE-WORLD INTERESTS of its members.

    In order to bring the reader up to speed, and make the con­nection between the new currency, the international debit/credit card, the Federal Reserve System and the New World Order, it is imperative to present a little American history within this report.

    In 1911, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that Standard Oil had, in fact, long been in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Law. However, the problem goes back all the way to 1890, where Standard Oil of Ohio, owned by John D. Rockefeller was refining more than 90% of all American crude oil and was well on its way to international expansion politics. Although J.D. and his family were the repeated subjects of con­gressional investigations for anti-trust violations and criminal conspiracy, the investigations had little or no effect on the fam­ily's business in progress. They always managed to stay a step ahead of the federal government. The law was not able to thwart such illicit maneuvering. The American people's hands were tied.

    It is worth noting that the 1911 action did indeed cause the Rockefeller family empire a certain amount of legal difficulties. It brought them into the United States District Courts. A verdict was found in favor of the government. The firm had to be split and many of the peripheral firms sold off. The holding com­pany was dissolved, its shares distributed among thirty-three companies in an attempt to break up the monopoly. However, it soon became evident that all the new companies were owned by the same people (J.D. Rockefeller had 25% of the stock in each of the new firms) "and that there wasn't a shred of competition among ANY OF THEM"!

    Off-shoots of the original Standard Oil Trust included Stan­dard Oil of New Jersey (today EXXON), Standard Oil of New York (today MOBIL), Standard Oil of California (today oper­ates under its name and CHEVRON), Standard Oil of Indiana (DX-BORON), Standard Oil of Ohio (SOHIO), Standard Oil Company, Phillips 66, and many lesser known others.

    In 1966 (data supplied from my "company", as a result of congressional investigation headed by U.S. Representative Wright Patman of Texas) it was discovered that four of the world's seven largest oil companies were under the direct own­ership of and/or control of the Rockefeller family. According to an earlier Operations Report, the largest of these, Standard Oil of New Jersey (EXXON) alone controlled 321 other major cor­porations, including Humble Oil and Venezuela's OREOLE Petroleum, themselves among the largest oil corporations in the world.

    By 1975, the Rockefellers had gained control of the single largest block of stock in Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) and were believed to be in control of TEXACO as well. (Therefore, it must be assumed that the extremely large suit and judgement against Texaco was merely a put-on for the public, and not a true verdict).

    Consider the true premise of a parent company bringing suit against its darling daughter. It was further noted that the Rocke­fellers were operating major joint ventures with the Royal Dutch Shell, which was already in the hands of European one-world interests. I am specifically referring to the Royal Dutch Family. It was Queen Juliana who was the sole owner of Shell. Upon her daughter's (Beatrice) marriage to Klaus (Germany), she di­vested herself of the interests in Royal Dutch Shell. Substantial interests were offered and sold through Credit Anstait Bank Verein, as well as Union Bank of Switzerland.

    * * *
    Dharma, let us have a little break please. Since there is another court session tomorrow for you--I would like to finish at least this little information subject this afternoon. By the way, little one, if you wish the baby parrot bird--get it. It can learn to sit with us and would bring great joy, and another purpose would be also served. Let us give assistance where we can do so--es­pecially without burden. Salu.

    Hatonn to refrain from further comment on the subject in progress until we finish the writing. I, actually, have little to add as we have covered the subject material several times prior to this. It is refreshing, however, to have new input and cause readers to look "again" or for the first time. Thank you.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 64
    CHAPTER 11


    WED., MARCH 10, 1993 12:15 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 206

    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1993

    When the physical wearies and the tasks seem useless in the doing, remember: It is not always the things you do, precious, it's often the thing you leave undone which give you a bit of heartache--at the setting of the sun.


    Gunther K. Russbacher
    Capt. U.S. Navy
    (Office of Naval Intelligence, Attached to the CIA)
    Our article deals with global strategists from both sides of the Atlantic. It should have seemed obvious to any American that major problems were to be encountered with the continuation of the Fed System. Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve, consistent efforts have been made by conservatives of both houses of Congress to have their leaders put a stop to the Fed and to the dark forces behind it. With the passing of each decade, there was at least one valiant attempt to expose the al­ready well known conspiracy.

    Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., the father of the fa­mous aviator, was among those who fought the passage of the dark Act and later managed to raise an investigation into the cartel. His life was made extremely difficult as a direct result of crying for such an investigation. Lindbergh had openly yelled his warning to Congress and to the American people. It was all to no avail. No one would hear his cry in the wilderness.

    It must be noted that Lindbergh's efforts to expose the plot were followed by those of Congressman Louis T. McFadden, who chaired the House Banking and Currency Committee for a ten year period. During his tenure, three attempts were made on his life. First, he was shot, in Washington D.C., and then his food was poisoned. The third attempt was unfortunately successful. His mysterious death occurred while on a visit to New York City. The cause of death, as listed on the death cer­tificate, was given as "heart failure", although more than enough evidence pointed to poisoning. It is my proffered opin­ion that Mr. McFadden was poisoned by members of the cartel. Without proper court orders demanding the exhumation and forensic pathology tests, we shall never know the true story.

    During the 1950s, Congressman Carroll Reece of Tennessee headed what became known as the Reece Committee. The Committee was charged with conducting a thorough investiga­tion of the (then) major tax-exempt foundations linked to the international money cartel. The investigation centered on those foundations and trusts actually owned and controlled by the Rockefellers, Fords, and Carnegies, as well as the Guggenheim foundations. The findings regarding the wealth and absolute power of these foundations were so traumatically overwhelming that many in congress found the information difficult to believe. That disbelief was the door opener for the continuation of the Machiavellian machinations within the money industry.

    The disbelief and resultant inaction was also indirectly re­sponsible for allowing CIA Agency personnel to defrock the al­ready threatened Banking and Savings industry. The im­plementation of this defrocking, thanks to Congressional Over­sight Committees, was easily attained. Please bear in mind, though, that the raping of the American financial institutions be­gan long before the CIA Agency entered the picture.

    During the 1960s and 1970s, Congressman Wright Patman of Texas also investigated manipulations by these foundations, trusts and the Federal Reserve. Using his influence as Chair­man of the House Banking Committee and later as Chairman of other important committees, he repeatedly tried to expose the so called "One World Plot" by calling for audits of the Federal Re­serve and even trying to have the Act repealed. However, the findings of each of his committees, for some strange reason, were unable to attract any attention from the media. Patman, and others who have gone after and before him, frequently stated and vented his frustration over his lack of press and media coverage. On one occasion he stated, "Our exposés of the Fed­eral Reserve Board are shocking and scandalous, but they are only printed in the daily Congressional Record, which is read by very few people".

    In the 1970s and the 1980s, Congressman Larry McDonald was the one who spearheaded the efforts against the Bush ver­sion of the New World Order. In 1976, he wrote the introduc­tion to the Rockefeller File, a book exposing the Rockefeller's financial holdings and secret intentions. The book supposedly revealed that the Rockefellers have as many as two hundred trusts and foundation type organizations and that the actual num­ber of such foundations controlled by the family might well number into the thousands. Such control IS possible because Rockefeller banks, such as Chase Manhattan, have become the trustees for many other U.S. foundations as well; possessing the right to invest and to vote the capital and common stock of these institutions--through the trust department of the bank.

    McDonald did everything in his power to warn the American public. However, as usual, the attempt was to no avail. He stated unequivocally that the Rockefellers intended to control--first our own country, and then the world! He went on to state, "Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, yes I do. I am convinced there is a plot, national and international".

    McDonald's warning was written on legal congressional let­terhead and was dated November, 1975. During the ensuing years, frustrated by the media's refusal to report his findings, he began, like others and myself, to take his message to the streets by speaking out against these forces publicly to anyone who would listen to him. McDonald's courageous efforts came to an abrupt end on August 31, 1983, when he was killed aboard the Korean Airliner 007 flight, which "accidentally" strayed over Soviet airspace and was "accidentally" shot down. [H: How nice, now you readers know all the answers to K-007 and how William Clark (Judge) set up that nice little "accident" because you can begin to realize, if you missed it before, that all is relative and attached to all. You are slaves and prison­ers to a very "few" when the facts become known.]
    Today, as many other true patriots, very little remains of his fight for freedom from within the system. Critical information does kill the holder.

    Media reporting on this event was scant, short lived and, as a result, the incident was all too soon forgotten. Even though his activities were well known within and among the media on the Hill, not a single mention was publicly made about the fact that McDonald had been heading a congressional effort to expose what he called a dangerous international conspiracy. Had this fact been made known to the American people, it would cer­tainly have had an impact on the way in which you would have viewed this incident. Who knows? Maybe someday all the truth about the many sanctioned maimings and killings shall sur­face and see the true light of day. In the meantime, further facts must be brought forth and offered on the altar of truth.

    The chance of a U.S. Congressman being aboard a commer­cial airline shot down by the Soviet military is less than one in a billion. Depending on the variables entered into the equation, the numbers may very well be higher and greater still. You, the public, are expected to believe that it was pure coincidence, just as we are supposed to believe that the recent (1991) deaths of Senator John Heinz and former Senator John Tower in two sep­arate crashes were "pure" coincidence as well.

    Tower had been an outspoken critic of the "Eastern Estab­lishment", (a euphemism for ONE WORLD ORDER), even though he had himself been associated with such organizations. He had a very strong sense of right and wrong, particularly on matters concerning national security. He was well known for "bucking" the tide. This backfired when certain members of Congress, loyal to the Regan (Reagan) and Bush faction of the Intelligence Community banded together against him in a smear campaign which resulted in the denial of Towers confirmation as U.S. Secretary of Defense. Outraged over the undocumented allegation made to slander his name, Tower began the book writing process so feared in Washington circles. His controver­sial book heavily criticizes his old crony pals in Congress. His death in a plane crash on April 5, 1991, came very shortly after the book was released.

    One day earlier, (April 4, 1991) Senator John Heinz died in a blazing plane crash near Philadelphia. The official report states the plane's landing gear had suddenly malfunctioned. A heli­copter was sent up to check out the gear, only to end up (allegedly) crashing into the plane itself. We are really stretch­ing the "coincidence theory" when we state that two freak acci­dents occurred in one! First, the landing gear fails, and then the rescue aircraft slams into the plane. No one should make book as to the veracity of such obviously slanted and untrue reports.

    Heinz and Tower had both been members of a prominent one-world society known as the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR. Both had served on powerful Senate banking and fi­nance committees, and had known a great deal about the matters discussed in this article. I suppose the obvious question must read... "could they have known too much"? I submit that they in fact...knew too much! Both were very astute when it comes to matters of monetary policy and the implementation of foreign policy. Yes, without doubt, they knew too much. Although ac­cidents do happen, how much longer are we supposed to believe that all of these "so-called" accidents are mere coincidence?

    Since the earlier death of Congressman Larry McDonald, Senator Jesse Helms has led many efforts to expose the plot. Although Mr. Helms has recently been required to undergo ex­tensive cardiovascular surgery, nothing appears to have happened to him, YET! I am quite certain that Mr. Helms would appreciate the combined prayers of Americans who are con­cerned for the truth as well as his safety.


    The vivid remarks and statements of Senator Helms, like those of his predecessors, have been entered into the Congres­sional Record, without receiving any network coverage. Regretfully, the only attention Mr. Helms manages to garner in the press is in the form of public ridicule over his conservative voting record. It must be noted here, that the major threat to the American way of life transcends labels like Conservative and Liberal. Those who valiantly try to protect the way of life that Americans love and cherish are the new American patriots. They come from all backgrounds, Republican, Democrat, Lib­eral and Conservative. The American people must wake up immediately and realize that the "Labels" applied to them are merely a way of dividing and conquering.

    During the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to the efforts of Con­gressman Wright Patman, Larry McDonald, and others, the message had begun to reach the "reading" American people. The usual action groups were formed by various citizens in an urgent attempt to get this information into the hands of the pub­lic. However, as usual, without coverage from the major me­dia, their efforts have had only limited results. These groups have had to rely on self-published newsletters and books. Nu­merous radio appearances also were used to spread the word. The task of educating the American public is not a simple one but rather, and more so, based and predicated upon numerous unpublicized speaking engagements in order to get the word out.
    Such is the stress associated with an active grassroots campaign.

    Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts is one of the individuals who has made significant impact. As Director of the Committee to Re­store the Constitution, he began testifying before state legis­latures, informing our elected officials at the state level about the deception surrounding the Federal Reserve Act. His campaign, urging state legislatures to repeal the Federal Reserve Act was, according to Agency records, launched on March 30, 1971 when he testified before the Wisconsin House of Representa­tives. The text of Roberts' address was subsequently entered in the Congressional Record on April 19, 1991 by Louisiana Con­gressman John Rarick.

    As a result of Roberts' work, by the mid 1980s approxi­mately twenty states had taken some form of action to pass leg­islation calling either for an audit of the Fed or for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act. However, there has been virtually no media coverage and the American public is still largely unaware of the intense battle going on behind the scenes of the Washing­ton establishment.

    During June, 1989 the battle waged at the state level had once again reached Congress. Representative Henry Gonzalez of Texas introduced House Resolution 1496 calling for the abo­lition of the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System. He also introduced House Resolution 1470 calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During the same session Representative Phil Crane of Illinois introduced H.R. 70 calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve. However, all of these efforts, like those of others before them, failed.

    We have personally come to know that it is far more than merely difficult to get the public behind a legitimate cause or is­sue if the media refuses to cover it. Obviously such coverage is necessary in order to get the public to put the kind of pressure on Congress that will lead to action. This is particularly true of a Congress in which One World interests now hold the upper hand.

    When I was asked to write this article, I made my way back into the dark corridors and lesser known places inside Agency Headquarters. Some of my old friends and associates were still willing to hear from me, even though several years had passed. They not only talked with me, but were gracious enough to accept my collect calls from prison. We pulled files, read numer­ous articles, and reviewed stymied legislation. The information you have been made privy to is a result of cooperation with the "so-called" unspeakable, and unclean element from the CIA Center. We have come a long way in tracking the specifics of this money trail and how One World money is being used to in­fluence our society. Our distaste must seem obvious to the reader. These one-worlders have invaded every aspect of American life and not only threaten the well-being of the nation, but have virtually managed to secure a strangle hold upon the physical bodies of each and every one of us.

    It must be stated, for the record, that each year billions of dollars are EARNED by Class A stockholders of the Federal Reserve. These profits come at the expense of the U.S. Government and American citizens, who pay interest on bank loans, a portion of which ends up going to the Federal Reserve. Much of this money, along with the annual profits stemming from hundreds of corporations and banks owned and operated by these same interests, is then funneled into tax-exempt foun­dations--where it is then reinvested into American and foreign corporations and used to influence our thoughts and our econ­omy. In this fashion a small group of people, dedicated to the establishment of a strong type of world government, has gained considerable influence over global activity and therefore your life.

    It is NO coincidence that the forces responsible for the founding of the Federal Reserve were also responsible for the passage of laws permitting the creation of tax-exempt founda­tions. Such private foundations were specifically intended to serve as tax shelters to stow and hide the enormous wealth gen­erated by the international banking cartel. It might be signifi­cant to note that they have also been most cherished for the pur­pose of funding major think-tanks, which influence virtually ev­ery aspect of American life.

    At the close of research and investigation for this article, the writer must conclude that the influence of one-world foundations in the areas of social science, education and foreign policy has only accelerated, thereby accomplishing great strides due to minimal opposition from opposing foundations.

    It must be remembered that it was the One-World cabal, (Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc.), who pushed for the legalization of tax-exempt foundations and were therefore the first to es­tablish them. They were able to successfully get off to a head start. Even if a sizable foundation-sponsored opposition were to develop, it would be on small scale and of rather insignificant result, compared to the massive efforts exerted by the One World Cabal's mega-foundations.

    The "OW Cabal" will always have more power in the world because of the devious strategies it is willing to employ in order to accumulate money and manipulate the rest of us with it. Clear cut and decisive action is required immediately. Other­wise, it is this writer's opinion that we will very quickly lose the freedoms our Constitution guarantees for us. In short, our Con­stitution will be superseded by a One World document. In fact, it already has.

    It is important for the reader to begin to think about what the world would be like if the One Worlders succeed. Because this is a short article, all the possible ramifications and changes to your lifestyle cannot be covered. But one possible negative out­come could be a return to a feudal system with 98% of the peo­ple shackled to some major corporation in the same way that serfs lived by the whim of their overlord. This is just one of the many possibilities, all equally black.

    That being said, the ball is squarely in your court. You are part of a select few who have the education, intelligence and de­sire to even care about such things. In other words, it is up to you. You are part of the last classically educated free-thinking generation in this nation. If you wish to preserve your country for your grandchildren, then get busy. Write letters. Form groups which will inform your family and friends. Buy short­wave radios and create radio networks which will get together and decide how to create an informed voting bloc that will take back your country. Act now, because if you wait until "November", it will be too late.


    * * *
    There are several very interesting tapes and articles which can be obtained from Rayelan Russbacher (or through her): 6016 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA. 95003. I would ask that in this JOURNAL, there be a reprint of information regarding what is actually available. We must effort to generously help support these daring patriots as is possible. (See end of chapter)

    * * *
    The next comes from John R. Prukop--TO: The Sheriff and County Judge of McLennan County, Texas. [Please pay very close attention to the contents of this letter!]
    John R. Prukop is: Washington State Press Secretary; Bo Gritz for President, 11910-C Meridian E., #124, Puyallup, Washing­ton 98373. Phone/FAX (206) 927-0805

    FAXCOM, Mar. 9, 1993

    TO: The Sheriff and County Judge of McLennan County, Texas.
    (By FAX: 817-757-5091)

    Are each of you, as Public Servants to the People, allowing a Federal repeat of the Idaho "Ruby Creek Massacre" to occur within the sovereign State of Texas, County of McLennan?

    As this dreadful situation unfolds and more information filters through the controlled-establishment-media and tight censorship imposed by so-called Federal "Authority", the stench from Texas gets progressively worse and leads us to question the REAL motives of the BATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals. These three or four Federal Agencies of that FOREIGN juris­diction, a foreign corporation known and described as the "United States", are making an absolute mockery of Texas Law and Justice [See U.S. Supreme Court in Re: Merriam, 16 S.Ct. 1073, 163 U.S. 625, 41 L.Ed. 287, 20 C.J.S. P.11 Sub. 1785 Fn. 13--"the United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State"].

    As concerned Citizens of the State of Washington, we call upon you, as the legitimate conservators of the peace of McLennan County, Texas, to ARREST ALL FEDERAL OFFICERS AT THE SCENE and to restore the peace and domestic tranquility of McLennan County.

    As we have seen repeated time and time again, we are now again witnessing the specter of an out-of-control Federal foreign assault on a sovereign People, who by sham, guise and pretense, have more than likely "set-up" their victims under a federal "sting" operation, to advance their own political agenda to the detriment of the People of Texas, AND in violation of their sworn oath to defend and protect the Constitution for the United States of America, IF they took such an oath.

    There is now evidence within the United States Code, to indicate that the oaths of the Federal entities operating on sovereign Texas soil are more than just mere "foreign" agents of their for­eign principal. These oaths were ALTERED in 1988 and es­sentially negated the requirement to have a solemn oath of office to support the Constitution for the United States of America. The statutory provisions are provably shown at 28 USC sub. 563 [See: congressional Record--House, September 22, 1988, pages H7934 thru H7936--Secretary General of the U.N., Omnibus Crime Control Act, and U.S. Marshals]. The Congressional Record contains the following language at page H7935 in the center column: "Amended Section 563 provides generally that the Director, U.S. Marshals, and all law enforcement officers of the service must take an oath to faithfully execute the duties of their office. The section deletes the specific oath prescribed by the current Section 563, CERTAIN THAT THE LAN­GUAGE THEREIN HAVING BECOME OBSOLETE". As a result of the oath having been altered, Federal operatives no longer have allegiance to the Constitution. One must ask WHY?

    Having researched this to the end, we discover in the U.S. Gov­ernment Manual, under the heading "Department of Justice", a Section on INTERPOL mandate is found at 22 USC Sub. 263A. Further, the Secretary of the Treasury is the alien corporate Governor of the IMF and the bank; this is found at 22 USC Sub. 286A. Here, there is found a "STATEMENT OF MEMO­RANDUM AND AGREEMENT", as follows: "Memorandum of understanding between the Department of Treasury, and the Department of Justice, pertaining to U.S. representation to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and matters related thereto". This agreement is between the U.S. Attorney General's Office and the Secre­tary of Treasury. According to these documents their base of operations is situated in Lyons, France. As early as 1950, they were discussing surrendering the U.S. sovereignty of the several States of the Union (including Texas) to the United Nations. This is verified in a Senate Report: "Hearing Before A Senate Sub-Committee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Congress, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, on Resolutions relative to revisions of the U.N. Charter, Atlantic Union, World Federation, Etc., February 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 15th, was made from the floor to RELINQUISH SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The reply, "YES"!

    The foregoing raises the serious question of whether the sovereignty of the United States of America has, in fact, AL­READY BEEN RELINQUISHED TO THE UNITED NA­TIONS. Because the BATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. MARSHALS, all FEDERAL AGENCIES, now operating within the sovereign State of Texas are under the International Economic Emergencies Act, Title 50 USC sub. 1701-1706, what you have are U.N. OPERATIVES, INDEED FOREIGN AGENTS, DISGUISED WITH "ATF" AND OTHER INSIGNIA, PERPETRATING AN "ACT OF WAR" AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS, AS THESE AGENTS HAVE RELINQUISHED ALLEGIANCE TO THESE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
    With this imputed knowledge, it is your open duty as Public Servants under YOUR SWORN OATH, to support and de­fend your State Constitution and the Constitution for the United States of America, against ALL enemies, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. I have accomplished my duty under Title 18 USC sub. 4 "Misprision of Felony" by informing you of the ominous danger now evolving in your State of Texas. Now, under Title 18 USC Sub. 2382 "Misprision of Trea­son"; Title 18 USC Sub. 2383 "Rebellion or Insurrection"; Title 18 USE Sub. 2384 "Seditious Conspiracy" and Title 18 USC Sub. 2385 "Advocating Overthrow of Government", it is your sworn duty to immediately Notify the Governor of Texas, the Commanding General of the Texas State militia and others, to suppress these foreign agents and place all of them under arrest for their crimes against the Peace and Dignity of the People of the State of Texas.
    The lives of the People of Texas and your Texas front-line officers are being put at risk unnecessarily.

    This Federal action fits into a pattern of Federal activity which, according to the foregoing official "cites", has all the appearances of being part of the new World Order scheme under the authority of the UNITED NATIONS, A FOREIGN JURISDICTION.

    We are confident that local law enforcement is fully capable of properly handling the situation, and could have from the begin­ning. PLEASE, exercise your sovereign authority to remove and arrest all federal officers at the scene of the crime and take local control of the situation.

    As concerned State Citizens of this great Country, we humbly pray for your help. There are private negotiators available there to help defuse this tragic situation. PLEASE, UTILIZE EVERY PEACEFUL METHOD AND PREVENT FURTHER BLOODSHED.
    Most Sincerely,

    John R. Prukop

    cc: Associated Press, United Press International, Dallas/Ft. Worth Media.

    * * * * * * *
    OK, Readers, here is an opportunity to put your fingers where your mouth is. You can copy this letter verbatim, changing ap­propriate information as to location, etc. You can also send forth letters, etc., to the above listed FAX in McLennan County. YOU WILL NEVER TAKE YOUR NATION BACK WITH GUNS--BUT YOU CAN WITH THE PEN. DEMAND, UNIFY--AND GET IT DONE!

    I ask that this message be put immediately on the phone line--and anyone requesting a copy to utilize, can call the LIBERA­TOR number and be sent by Fax or mail, a copy for use as sam­ple. These are the very things you, as citizens, can do without danger to selves or any other citizen--and if enough act, you will be heard! If TEXAS fails to act--then I think the "Alamo" will not represent more than cowardly injustice.

    Thank you, Hatonn to clear.

    * * * * * * *
    For the next few months I will be staying Close to home finish­ing my book, "I Call It Treason". I have not been able to find a publisher who is brave enough to publish it, and so I will be creating my own publishing company and printing and dis­tributing it myself. If you feel you have expertise in this area, please contact me. I need all the help I can get. I also need to raise $3500 to get the project started. The printer will let me pay the balance from the sale of the books.

    I have enclosed a list of new tapes that are available. So much happened in 1992 that the only way I have of updating you is through these tapes. I hope you will listen to them. In them you will find the stories that the media won't touch. Thank you for your support and your friendship. In all of the United States there are only one hundred people who are brave enough to call me Friend. Thank you for being one of them.

    In the first tape of this two tape set, Gunther Russbacher talks about his two year incarceration and his hopes to be freed. He goes into his background as a deep black covert operative for the CIA. In tape two, "The After Trial Update", his wife Rayelan angrily describes the kangaroo court which sentenced her husband to 21 years in Missouri state prison.

    Two 90 Minute tapes $20.00

    Rayelan Russbacher describes Ross Perot's effort to help her husband and how the government prevented it. She speaks of her husband's heart attack which was brought on by the prison's refusal to give him his nitro glycerine. This was a calculated move to put Gunther into a situation where Perot's men could not reach him. While in the hospital, Gunther was told to stay quiet or his son would die.

    One 90 minute tape $12.00

    Rayelan Russbacher was the keynote speaker and the Closing speaker from this gathering of American Patriots. She delivers three riveting lectures in which she details the crimes and cor­ruption of the Reagan/Bush years and the extent to which the illegitimate government will go to cover it's tracks.

    Three 60 minute audio tapes $30.00
    Three 60 minute video tapes $60.00
    The October Surprise scandal is covered in this 60 minute pro­gram. Mrs. Russbacher also tells how the government has per­secuted and discredited her and her husband to keep them from telling the truth or from being believed if they did manage to tell the truth.

    One 60 minute video tape $25.00
    Gunther and Rayelan Russbacher tell the story that was never printed. In July of 1992 Navy Intelligence surfaced the cockpit video from the SR 71 in which Captain Russbacher flew George Bush back from the Paris October Surprise meeting. As a result of the incontrovertible evidence that George Bush committed treason, the military staged a coup on Friday, July 10, 1992. The Nuclear football was taken from President Bush.

    One 90 minute audio tape $12.00

    Rayelan Russbacher tells the story of how she, her husband, and their close friend William Smith, were set up as the fall guys in a failed attempt to assassinate George Bush just six days before the election. She describes being surrounded by a SWAT team, searched for weapons and grilled for three hours by the Secret Service. The assassination attempt was planned by men at the top level of the CIA. Its purpose was threefold. First to assassi­nate the president; second, to declare martial law and suspend the election as well as the Constitution; and third, to blame Navy Intelligence for the assassination and deactivate the high ranking admirals who actively oppose the Bush-Gates agenda.

    Two tapes $20.00
    6016 Soquel Drive
    Aptos, CA. 95003

    PJ 64
    CHAPTER 12

    FRI., MARCH 12, 1993 12:19 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 208

    FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1993
    Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance. As we sit to pen the "circuits" are all in "overload" so allow us to commune here for just a minute.

    To you readers, it is not that we feel duty bound to explain things that happen here but it is helpful if you understand so that when new things happen, you are not in a quandary. To new readers, please be patient for a few paragraphs.

    The spy teams were caught red-handed with instruments against the window of the office yesterday, a "bug" which would pick up anything for a block around. When confronted, the man with the instrument on the window threw the apparatus in his bag and "took off". Now today, phone tappers are under the street or­ganizing a better listening status. The phone company people are present but nobody seems to know what anyone else is do­ing--or even "supposed" to be doing. There is NOTHING new so just settle nerves. There is NOTHING to UNCOVER--for we have no cover-ups.
    I would hope that you will all be able to now appreciate all those mandatory requirements of "no groups", "good business", absolute integrity, etc. There is nothing to "find"--we publish EVERYTHING.

    For the sake of all involved, however, I must quiet the calls from some who have begun to call frequently. The LIBERA­TOR is NOT the Constitutional Law Center and ones must not confuse the issues. We will continue to write that which is offered on anyone who is in "trouble" with the injustice system--but, chelas, if we take a stand as with or in a, say, patriot GROUP, then we are going to glean the same rewards as any other ones "they" want out of their hair as troublemakers. Es­pecially as ones think they will "fight with weapons" the new U.N. forces, we can do little to change things for you.

    We must now be very, very careful about how we handle infor­mation from ones that have been incarcerated "just to keep si­lence". We must not place any of our workers OR our publi­cations in jeopardy of being shut down.

    MAYNARD CAMPBELL is in serious trouble--the Feds sug­gest all sorts of plea-bargains--all of which are intended to si­lence him. He is being targeted, also, by piped in substances and food tainted.

    I know that the soul cries out in torment and desperation as to how to help and comes up with "very little". Time has simply run out to treat anything in America as having basis within or upon your Constitution. The New World Order is making ex­amples and thus it requires constant attention to all facets of living and business. NO LAWS OF THE LAND SHALL BE BROKEN AND IF THERE ARE SUGGESTIONS OF ERRORS IN STRUCTURE ALREADY APPARENT--THEN FIX IT NOW.
    I continue to remind you that we are to "here" and therefore we shall probably have to shut down that which has come before, as the months pass. If we are to succeed, we must always work within the system--for there is no longer such a thing as winning by "fighting". We do not stop doing that which can be done according to the laws but "dead" martyrs are of no value.

    I don't want to get into all that is happening to Gunther right now--he has been "disciplined" for some false charges. Of course, it is because he is getting some truth out. I will share with you ones something that almost no-one knows. The Judge who attended Gunther's conviction and continues to hold the ropes around his neck--has a daughter. The most recent threat to the Judge is that if he acts in behalf of Gunther then the daughter is killed. I think any of you who might have watched UNSOLVED MYSTERIES a couple of nights ago regarding the Journalist, Casolaro (Inslaw case), can we'll see what happens when ones get close to truth and start telling it. Now the Feds know that Gunther can call here and even be connected with Rayelan so it will probably be necessary to close that connection for the security of all parties involved.

    Oh no, it is not OVER! It gets worse because the RTC slipped and made an offer the Church buying the property--TOOK. Now they come back AFTER THE FACT and are doing every­thing possible to botch the sale. This is because the "sale" slipped through without shackles on the Ekkers to stop hearings into the original criminal actions. We shall walk most carefully because the adversary continues to do stupid things and this is when life gets very dangerous.

    It is hard to say just "when" things will work out regarding the books. The sheriff went to claim the property, with documents in hand--but the papers were refused on the basis of the "books belong to America West Distributors". WRONG, but at least the sheriff has cordoned off the books and no one can move them until next week.

    Deposition was taken in Texas and the attorneys now want to continue with a deposition of George Green because, when questioned about some "missing checks", he said he had re­turned them to the people who had originally sent them "incorrectly". WRONG ANSWER--he sits on cashier's checks which prove otherwise.

    The Ekkers are asking the Institute to request that the GOLD, in its present form--be returned directly to the party, D.O., and then he can do that which he wishes with the commodity. Surely enough, George had borrowed a lot of money against that inventory of gold. He also claims that some of the book inven­tory is against printing costs which have not been paid--good grief, is there no end to the string of problems? Furthermore, why would there still be outstanding printing costs when so much other stuff has been printed other than the JOURNALS--and why should the INSTITUTE pay for those other things?

    I think, however, the larger problem Mr. Green may have is that he is the one who worked out the "Institute Plan" originally and put himself forward as knowing all the rules and regula­tions. It appears some of them are not just exactly according to the REAL rules. These are technicalities but nonetheless--trou­blesome and time consuming and everyone is now backfiring on himself. It becomes clear why he wanted to distance himself from involvement by denouncing his participation as he began to set up the pull-down of our work while "he" planned to take "Hatonn and Soltec" "on the road"! I also find it most painful and sad--and worse--so uselessly unnecessary. I simply remind you how very easy it is to get "had" while you "think" you are in control. It is the time of the "false prophets" and, sorrow­fully enough--the entity in the "hot seat" doesn't really know that they are "false" and forget to follow the guidelines brought forth to thwart this very thing. When spiritual path gets entan­gled with the "power", "ego" and things of the flesh--it is easy to see for others but most difficult for the ones entrapped.

    This is why it appears that the ones of Christian or Godly path are so put-upon and smiten in these days as stated in the Bible--because they are fooled into following "human physical paths" instead of the Truth whose guidelines are indeed simple.

    Since "they" are getting ready to spring extraterrestrials on you nice people, why don't we go back and look a bit more closely at the phenomenon as being presented to you.
    I have here a rather interesting article by your respected Carl Sagan (a view I do not share with you). This article is, of course, about all the nonsense and foolishness afoot but gives you an idea of the thrust coming at you from the scientific community of disinformers.

    PARADE, The Bakersfield Californian, by Carl Sagan, Sunday, March 7, 1993.
    As the bizarre reports of alien abductions increase, many people wonder: What's Really Going on?

    It's still dark out. You're lying in bed, fully awake--but, you discover, you're utterly paralyzed. You sense someone in the room. You try to cry out. But you cannot. Several small gray beings less than 4 feet tall are standing at the foot of your bed. Their heads are pear-shaped and bald, and large for their bodies. Their eyes are enormous, their faces expressionless and identical. They wear tunics and boots. You hope this is only a dream, but as nearly as you can tell it's really happening. They lift you up and, eerily, they and you slip through the wall of your bedroom and float out into the air, ris­ing high toward a metallic, saucer-shaped spacecraft. There, you are escorted into a medical examining room. A larger but similar being--evidently some kind of physician--takes over. What follows is even more terrifying.

    Your body is probed with special machines, especially your sexual parts.
    [H: This in itself is the give-away clue. I do not know of one extraterrestrial in the least bit interested in human "sexual parts"--THIS IS A FABRICATION AND OBSESSION OF EARTH HUMAN ALL THE WAY DOWN THE LINE!] If you're a man, they may take sperm samples; if you're a woman, they may implant semen or remove ova or fe­tuses. They may force you to have sex. Afterward, you may be ushered into a different room where hybrid babies, partly human and partly like these creatures, stare back at you. You may be given an admonition about human misbehavior, especially in despoiling the environment; scenes of further devastation are dis­played. Finally, these cheerless gray emissaries usher you out of the spacecraft and ooze you back through the walls into your bed. By the time you're able to move and talk, they're gone.

    You may not remember the incident right away; you might find some period of time unaccountably missing. Because all of this seems so bizarre, you're concerned about your sanity; natu­rally you're reluctant to talk to anyone about it. At the same time, the experience is so disturbing that it's hard to keep bottled up forever. It all pours out when you hear similar accounts, or when you're under hypnosis with a sympathetic therapist, or even when you see a picture of an "alien" in one of the many popular magazines and books on UFOs.

    In a recent Roper poll of nearly 6000 American adults, spe­cially commissioned by those who accept the alien abduction story at face value, 18 percent reported sometimes waking up paralyzed, aware of one or more strange beings in the room. Something like 13 percent reported odd episodes of missing time, and 10 percent claimed to have flown through the air without mechanical assistance. From these results, the poll's sponsors concluded that 2 percent of all Americans have been abducted, many repeatedly, by beings from other worlds. If aliens are not partial to Americans, the number for the whole planet would be more than 100 million people. This means an abduction every few seconds. It's surprising that more of the neighbors haven't noticed.

    What's going on here? Could all these people be mistaken, or lying, or hallucinating the same or a very similar story? When you talk with them, most seem very sincere, although in the grip of powerful emotions. A few psychiatrists who have examined them find no more evidence of psychopathology than in the rest of us. But could there really be a massive alien inva­sion, repugnant medical procedures performed on millions of innocent men, women and children, and humans apparently used as breeding stock over many decades--and all this not generally known and dealt with by responsible media and the governments sworn to protect the lives and well-being of their citizens?

    Why should beings so advanced in psychics and engineering--crossing vast interstellar distances, walking like ghosts through walls--be so backward when it comes to biology? [H: Why in­deed?] Why go to all the trouble of repeated sexual encounters between aliens and humans? Why not steal a few egg and sperm cells, read the full genetic code and then manufacture as many copies with as many genetic variations as you like? Even we humans--who cannot quickly cross interstellar space or slither through walls--ARE ABLE TO CLONE CELLS. The preoc­cupation with reproduction in these accounts raises a warning flag--especially considering the uneasy balance between sexual freedom and repression that has always characterized the human condition, and the fact that we live in a time fraught with nu­merous ghastly accounts, both true and false, of childhood sex­ual abuse.

    The pollsters never actually asked whether their subjects had been abducted by aliens; they deduced it: Those who've ever awakened sensing strange presences around them; ever unac­countably seemed to fly through the air, and so on, have there­fore been abducted by aliens. The conclusion--that millions of Americans have been so abducted--seems extremely doubtful. Still, at least hundreds of people, believing they have been abducted, have sought out sympathetic therapists or joined abductees support groups.

    So which is more likely--that we're undergoing a massive but generally overlooked invasion by alien sexual abusers, or that people are experiencing some internal mental state they do not understand? Admittedly, we're very ignorant both about ex­traterrestrial beings, if any, and about human psychology. But if these really were the only two alternatives, which would you pick?

    It's curious that emotions can run so high on a matter about which we know so little. After all, either hypothesis--extrater­restrial invasion or an epidemic of hallucinations--teaches us something we certainly ought to know about. Maybe the reason for such strong feelings is that both alternatives have extremely unpleasant implications.

    The first alien abduction story in the modern genre began with Betty and Barney Hill, a New Hampshire couple--she a so­cial worker and he a Post Office employee. During a late-night drive in 1961 through the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Betty spotted a bright star like UFO that seemed to follow them. Because Barney feared it might harm them, they left the main highway for narrow mountain roads. They arrive home two hours later than they had expected. The experience prompted Betty to read a book claiming that UFOs were spaceships from other worlds. Soon after, she had a repetitive nightmare in which she and Barney were abducted and taken aboard the UFO. Barney overheard her describing this dream to friends and volunteer UFO investigators.

    Several years later, Barney's psychiatrist referred him to a Boston hypnotherapist, Benjamin Simon, M.D. Betty came to be hypnotized as well. Under hypnosis they separately de­scribed a memory of their trip home--of seeing a UFO, watch­ing it land on the highway and being taken partly immobilized into the UFO, where little humanoid creatures subjected them to unconventional medical examinations.

    I was glad to have an opportunity to spend several hours with Mr. and Mrs. Hill, and with Dr. Simon. There was no mistak­ing the earnestness and sincerity of Betty and Barney, and their mixed feelings about becoming public figures under such bizarre circumstances. With the Hills' permission, Dr. Simon played for me some of the audiotapes of their sessions under hypnosis. By far my most striking impression was the absolute terror in Barney's voice as he described--relived would be a better word
    --the encounter. Simon rejected the notion that they were lying. So what's left? The Hills, said their psychiatrist, had experi­enced a species of "dream".

    In 1894 The International Census of Waking Hallucinations was published in London. From that time to this, repeated sur­veys have shown that 10 percent to 25 percent of ordinary, functioning people have experienced at least once a vivid hallucination--hearing a voice, usually, or seeing a form when there's no one there. In some cases, these are profound religious experiences. (Probably a dozen times since their deaths I've heard my mother or father, in an ordinary, conversational tone of voice, call my name. They had called my name often during my life with them. I still miss them so much that it doesn't seem strange to me that my brain occasionally will retrieve a kind of lucid recollection of their voices).

    Such hallucinations may occur to perfectly normal people un­der ordinary circumstances. But there are various circumstances in which they can be elicited: by a campfire at night, or under great stress, or by prolonged fasting or sleeplessness or sensory deprivation, or through hallucinogens such as LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, hashish or alcohol. These hallucinations have a vivid and palpable reality.

    Hallucinations are common. If you have one, it doesn't mean you're crazy. Indeed, they are sought out in many cul­tures. We surely would be missing something important about our own nature if we refused to face up to the fact that having hallucinations are part of being human. But none of this makes hallucinations real.

    Most of us remember being frightened at the age of 3 or so by real-seeming but wholly imaginary "monsters". If we're ca­pable of conjuring up monsters in childhood, why shouldn't some of us, at least on occasion, be able to imagine similar things as adults?

    There's a common, although insufficiently well known, psychological syndrome very much like alien abduction: Many peo­ple have experienced sleep paralysis. On falling asleep or when waking up--just for a few seconds, or maybe for longer periods
    --you seem to be paralyzed and acutely anxious. You may feel a weight on your chest, your heartbeat is quick, your breathing labored. You may experience auditory or visual hallucinations--of people, demons, ghosts, animals or birds. In the right set­ting, the experience can have "the full force and impact of re­ality", according to Dr. Robert Baker, a psychologist at the University of Kentucky. Sometimes there's a marked sexual component to the hallucination.

    Baker has forcefully argued that these common sleep distur­bances are behind many if not most of the alien abduction ac­counts. (He and others suggest that some abduction claims also are made by fantasy-prone individuals or hoaxers seeking fame and fortune). Even if no known hallucinations were to fit the alien abduction pattern, it's certain that humans commonly hal­lucinate. There's considerable doubt about whether extraterres­trials exist and frequently visit our planet. We may argue about details, but the one category of explanation seems much better supported than the other. The main reservation you might then have is: Why do so many people report this particular set of hallucinations? Why little gray beings and flying saucers and sexual molestation?

    Demons, the early Church Fathers taught, come down from Heaven and have unlawful sexual congress with women. St. Augustine believed witches were the offspring of these for­bidden unions. In his famous Bull of 1484, Pope Innocent VIII declared: "It has come to Our ears that members of both sexes do not avoid to have intercourse with evil angels, incubi, and succubi, and that by their sorceries, and by their incantations, charms, and conjurations, they suffocate, extinguish, and cause to perish the births of women," as well as cause sundry other calamities. With the Bull, Innocent initiated the systematic ac­cusation, torture and execution of countless "witches" all over Europe.

    Two inquisitors appointed by Innocent declared: "Devils...busy themselves by interfering with the process of normal copulation and conception, by obtaining human semen, and themselves transferring it". The offspring of these demonic unions are also, when they grow up, visited by devils--although not all witches are created this way. And witches were well known to fly through the air. There is no spaceship, but most of the essential elements of the alien abduction story are here.

    In 1645, a Cornish teenager, Anne Jeffries, was found groggy and crumpled on the floor. Much later, she recalled being attacked by little men, carried paralyzed to a castle in the air, seduced and returned home. She called the little men fairies. They returned to torment her. The next year she was arrested for witchcraft. Fairies traditionally have magical pow­ers and can cause paralysis by the merest touch. The ordinary passage of time is slowed in fairyland. Fairies have sex with humans and carry off babies from their cradles. If Anne Jeffries had known about aliens rather than fairies, and UFOs rather than castles in the air, would her story have been distinguishable from the one "abductees" tell?

    Is it possible that people in all times and places occasionally experience vivid, realistic hallucinations, often with sexual con­tent--with the details filled in by the prevailing cultural idioms, sucked out of the Zeitgeist? When everyone knows that gods regularly come down to Earth, we hallucinate gods; when ev­eryone knows about demons, it's incubi and succubi; when fairies are widely believed, we see fairies; when the old myths fade and we begin thinking that alien beings are plausible, then that's where our hypnagogic imagery tends. Snatches of songs or foreign languages, images and stories we witnessed in our childhood can be accurately recalled decades later without any conscious memory of the source. In our everyday life, we ef­fortlessly incorporate cultural motifs and norms and make them our own.

    Today aliens are the subject of innumerable science-fiction stories and novels. UFOs are a regular feature of weekly news­papers dedicated to falsification and mystification. One of the highest-grossing motion pictures of all time is about aliens very much like those described by abductees. Alien abduction stories were comparatively rare until 1987, when a purported firsthand account with a haunting cover painting of an "alien" became a best-seller. It is striking how similar many of the abduction accounts are now, and how little we hear about incubi and fairies. But it might not be altogether surprising that, in our time and society, short, gray aliens with breeding programs on their minds are what we mainly reach for when we must describe these hallucinations.

    No one would be happier than I would if we had real evi­dence of extraterrestrial life. But the issue comes down to the quality of the evidence. Proponents of alien abductions do not ask us to believe on faith, but rather on the strength of their evidence. Surely it is our duty to examine the purported evidence closely and skeptically. No anecdotal claim--no matter how sin­cere, no matter how deeply felt, no matter how exemplary the lives of the attesting citizens--carries much weight on so impor­tant a question. As with the older UFO cases, anecdotal ac­counts are subject to irreducible error. This is not a criticism of those who claim abductions or of those who interrogate them. It is merely a statement of human fallibility.

    Where is the physical evidence? Some abductees allege that aliens stole fetuses from their wombs. This is something that would surely cause a stir among gynecologists, midwives, ob­stetrical nurses, especially in an age of heightened feminist awareness. But not a single medical record has been produced substantiating such claims.

    Some abductees say that tiny metallic implants were inserted into their bodies
    --high up their nostrils, for example. But no such implants have been confirmed by physicists or chemists as being of unearthly manufacture. No abductee has filched a page from the captain's logbook or a strange examining instrument, or taken an authentic photograph of the interior of the ship, or come back with detailed scientific information not hitherto known on Earth. These failures surely tell us something.

    If indeed the bulk of the alien abduction accounts are really about hallucinations, don't we have before us a matter of supreme importance--touching on our limitations, the ease with which we may be misled, the fashioning of our beliefs and per­haps even the origins of our religions? There is genuine scien­tific paydirt in UFOs and alien abductions--but it is, I think, of distinctly terrestrial origin.
    * * * * *
    Carl Sagan of Cornell University has played a leading role in the search for extraterrestrial life with spacecraft and radio tele­scopes. He was a member of the U.S. Air Force committee that evaluated the government's investigation of UFOs. In 1966, Dr. Sagan resigned from the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board in protest against the Vietnam War. He is the author (with Ann Druyan) of Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors.


    * * *

    I guess I should say that I have a bit more healthy respect for the man now than when I began this article. The thing that is hid­den from you--is that the whole of the "hallucinations" is or­chestrated.

    As a witness to the "facts", I can tell you without hesitation that abductions HAVE HAPPENED. They are not, however, little aliens from out of space--they are from little aliens RIGHT ON YOUR PLANET. The stage is set and then anyone can be caused to see and experience anything that the World Con­trollers wish you to see and experience.

    Indeed there are veritable armies of little gray clones along with some pretty formidable looking "reptilian" hybrids. This is not from outer space, however, it usually happens that they come right from Area 51 in Nevada or Northrop facilities near Palm­dale, California and thus and so. No self-respecting outer space alien would get in the middle of this ridiculous game-playing. There is a massive number of aliens out here in the "spaces" and throughout the cosmos--but out here YOU are the ALIENS! NOT US.

    This whole scenario of UFOs and aliens is accomplishing ex­actly that which is planned--programming you right into a one world order with a massive one military force objective. The EVIL is already locked onto your place and within your atmosphere--you can't really get off your planet for any distance to speak of and you must always go back to your orb for survival.

    I do enjoy the "failure to find valid life in space" about as ridiculous as idiots dare to project. They put up "space monitoring stations" to pump in pulse waves at you fantasy-eyed citi­zens while they are doing you in and calling it scientific research for aliens. Ah, if you could but see and experience the WON­DERS of the cosmos instead of being stupefied by these false speakers. God rules the wondrous universe of the cosmos--evil rules the physical planes of expression--what a sad commentary for humankind.

    * * *

    Just as reminders of progression of man in the order of the uni­verse, let us look on the scale of growth and where is Earth man at this time of cycle changes:

    There are seven main periods of man expression. It can be con­sidered that each division is a "whole" period or a "school semester". You must consider that it means, in your designa­tion, one life semester during which seven subjects must be accomplished.


    1. Primary development of intellect and spirit.
    2. Primary thinking of intellect and spirit.
    3. Primary thinking of reason.
    4. Primary exercise of intellect and spirit force.
    5. Primary reasonable actions.
    6. Primary will-thinking and will-activity.
    7. Reason-conditioned guiding of the life.

    Creatures of these levels are considered insane, idiots, etc., by already thinking reasoning beings. But in truth their spirit and intellect is not yet spiritually developed. (They are new spirits who have to first form themselves by learning and experience).


    1. Primary development of reason.
    2. Effective realization of reason and its use.
    3. Primary acknowledgement and cognition of higher influ­ences.
    4. Belief in higher influences without having the knowledge.
    5. Belief in higher forces, superstition, fear of evil, veneration of God, etc. This present
    germinating time for religions, etc.
    Now the next is about the present position of the average Earth human being:
    6. Primary cognition of the true reality. Research, knowledge­able
    development. First spiritual cognitions and their exer­cise. Spiritual healing, telepathy, etc.
    7. Primary development of knowledge and wisdom.


    1. Advanced development of the intellect. High technology.
    Second utilization of spiritual forces. Primary creation of living forms.
    2. Realization and exercise of knowledge, truth, and wisdom.
    Slow breakdown of accepted beliefs.
    This is the approximate location of educated Earth beings, scientists, etc. and a few borderland and spiritual scientists.
    3. First utilization of knowledge and wisdom.
    4. Acknowledgement and utilization of nature's laws. Genera­tion of super-
    technologies. Second creation of living forms.
    5. Natural exercise of wisdom and knowledge in the cognition of spiritual forces.
    Further breakdown of accepted beliefs.
    6. Life in knowing, about wisdom, truth and logic.
    7. Primary cognition of the reality as absolutely real.


    1. Clear knowledge about reality as absolutely real.
    2. Cognition of spiritual knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
    3. Utilization of spirit knowledge and spiritual wisdom.
    4. Cognition of the reality of the Creation and its laws.
    5. Living according to the Creation law. Purification of Spirit and intellect.
    Cognition of the obligation and force of Spirit. Breakdown of blind acceptances in belief.
    6. Guided and controlled utilization of spiritual forces.
    7. Creation of first living creatures.


    1. Creating and controlling of living forms.
    2. Construction of mechanical/organic living things.
    3. Spiritual development of forces for control of material and organic forms of life.
    4. Will-conditioned mastery of life in all its forms and sorts.
    5. Position of recognitions. Reminiscences of earlier lifetimes, etc.
    6. Kings of Wisdom--IHWH before their higher power knowl­edge.
    7. Cognition of Spiritual Peace, of universal love and creational harmony.


    1. Acknowledgement and realization of Spiritual Peace, univer­sal love and creational
    2. Living according to pure Spiritual knowledge.
    3. Spiritual creating and creations.
    4. Dis-embodying of Spirit from organic matter.
    5. First pure Spiritual existence.
    6. Final Spiritual existence.
    7. Passing-over into the Creation consciousness.


    1. Twilight sleeping during seven periods of rest.
    2. Awakening and beginning of creating in the Creation as CREATION,
    during seven periods.
    3. Creating of living forms.
    4. Creating of new Spirit in improvement of the CREATION.
    5. Creating of great Spirit in the Creation.
    6. Creating of thought projection of Great Spirit WITHIN the Creation.
    7. Last reach of highest improvement during the 7th period.

    The twilight sleep of the CREATION lasts seven periods/greattimes.
    One period/greattime lasts about 311,040,000,000,000 years in your counting (give or take a couple of years). In the twilight state of the CREATION all life and the whole universe seems to totally cease to exist. Just after its awakening it begins to create all things anew. During the twilight sleep, neither time nor space exist. There is only the "nothing", as all lies sleeping inside the infinite bosom of the CREATION and null-time (voidance). While no creating thought exists there is no force, no time, and no space. There is only duration in a nameless nothing--at rest--awaiting renewal in manifestation.
    I sincerely hope that some of you, as you look again at this record of progression, see that YOU HAVE GROWN more than you thought--just since our first "meeting". May the Force be with you. Be ever able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for that which you can become--and so too shall it come to pass.



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