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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 64


    THU., MARCH 4, 1993 10:21 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 200

    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993

    Friends, since I am interrupted right now, let us take just a minute to discuss some of the wondrous things coming into your attention for health improvement. Ones are now calling and commenting on similarities of "ancient" substances now coming forth again, which they have stumbled upon in the quiet sharing places.

    Let us look at the "membrane" which gives life to these "brews". You have "Gaia-cartilage". The membrane itself is living-cartilage which is exactly the replication of any "cartilage" formation in its basic structuring, among many other things. Our "subject", however, is the membrane itself.

    You will note the current interest in the use of "Shark cartilage" in the reduction of cancer tumors and even, in some instances, total shrinkage of such tumors. In studies in Cuba, almost ALL treated cancer patients had remarkable showings of improve­ment in overall well-being, stamina and shrinkage of affected tissue masses. Is THIS the miracle cure? NO--it is not a cure at all.

    Well, you could take the "membrane" and dry and grind it and have basically the same thing as Shark cartilage except for the perfection of it adapting specifically to human structure. Or, you could take the "older" membrane, cut it, dry it and use it for "chewing" and get the same results along with some pleasur­able munching. This is about the BEST substance for the repair and restoration of joint cartilage attacked by arthritis and dam­age of any kind. Will it completely "restore" it? Sometimes, but most likely not to perfection if there has been intervention by surgeons, etc. This will recushion the spinal structure since the discs and surrounding tissue of the spinal canal is cartilage. What causes shrinkage of malignant tissue? It doesn't matter. It is, again, much like your television--almost all of you don't need to know how that television works--only that the on-off switch, when the equipment is receiving power, presents you with a "picture". I am not come to give you biophysics lectures--we leave those lessons and communications to the biophysicists if you please.

    Is this the "stuff" you order separately from Kathy? Yes. It has many, many labels but it technically is "living (Gaia)-cartilage" (Gaiacondrocytes). There are three main types of cartilage: hyaline, fibrocartilage, and elastic, each with a different pro­portion of collagen and each with different functions.

    Hyaline cartilage is a tough, smooth tissue that lines the surfaces of joints, such as the knee, providing an almost frictionless layer over the bony parts of the joint. If the lining becomes worn (as in osteoarthritis) or damaged, joint movement may be painful or severely restricted.

    Fibrocartilage contains a large amount of collagen and is solid and very strong. It makes up the intervertebral disks between the bones of the spine and the shock-absorbing pads of tissue that are found in joints.

    Elastic cartilage is soft and rubbery. It is found in various structures, notably the outer ear and the epiglottis.

    Cartilage is simply a type of connective tissue that, although not as hard as bone, forms an important structural component of many parts of your skeletal system, such as the joints. Much of the fetal skeleton is formed entirely of cartilage, which is then gradually converted to bone. In replication procedures, the first "skeletal" form is only cartilaginous.

    Here is where your chondrocytes come into play as cartilage consists of specialized cells called "chondrocytes" embedded in a matrix, or ground substance, that comprises varying amounts of collagen, a gellike substance.

    Because there is a significant amount of "broth" containing the particles of membrane in Gaiandriana and the other products of Gaia-source. Also, our people have only a couple of mem­branes from which to begin a nursery. I believe there is enough now available to fill most orders for a "start" and instructions if you wish a "start" of your own. It is not an "end-all", it is only a good addition and my wish was to disabuse you of thinking it to be a "whole" to the point of exclusion of the most important of all the components in Gaiandriana. With the "tea" or "membrane" broth--YOU DO NOT HAVE ALL THAT YOU NEED TO COMPLETE THE NECESSARY WHOLE

    This substance is more accurately recognized in our places as Gaiacondriacytic gelatinous fibrous structure. "Gaiacongel" would do nicely for the membrane, and the "broth" you can call anything you like from tea to Gaiamini (living water [liquid])
    [ask any good Lakota Sioux].

    For you who wonder why you must use the actual "tea" in the solution for growth, it is because of the color. Remember that I told you that alternate spectrum needs in Gaiandriana culturing was coffee and more efficient is tea as found steeped from the regular brewing types you utilize as beverage. The sugar, of course, is for the same purpose as sugar in yeast bread--to feed the cells. Aren't we having fun? Isn't God wonderful? Aren't we glad we came this way? I am! I am humbly grateful for the opportunity to serve in this wondrous time of uncovering the wonders of God--with you.

    PJ 64
    THU., MARCH 4, 1993 12:16 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 200

    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993,
    Continuation: McAlvany Intelligence Advisor


    "Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of government with a strong hand or your republic (America) will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the Twentieth Century as the Roman Empire was in the Fifth; with the difference that the Huns and Vandals who ravaged the Ro­man Empire came from without, and your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your own country by your own institutions". Thomas Cacawley, 1857.

    People control is essential to any totalitarian state, whether in Nazi Germany, the former Soviet Union, Cuba, or perhaps even in the socialist America of the 1990s, or in the emerging New World Order.
    Congress passed almost 2,500 new laws in 1992. Most of these laws carry both criminal and civil penalties for viola­tions. These laws are then turned over to any of several dozen applicable federal agencies (i.e., FDA, EPA, BATF, SEC, IRS, OSHA, FCC, FAA, DEA, etc.) which write tens of thousands of federal regulations each year to implement and enforce these new laws. These agencies employ close to 121,000 faceless bu­reaucrats to write the new regulations and enforce these laws and regulations.

    There were 67,715 pages of new regulations written and published (in fine print) in the Federal Register in 1992 and that suffices as legal public notice of the new laws and regulations. You are responsible for following every one of those. It would take a large battery of Philadelphia lawyers to interpret and keep up with this avalanche of new regulations; but each U.S. citizen is considered to be responsible to know, understand, and abide by these new laws and regulations. Igno­rance of the law in America is no excuse.
    Heavy fines and/or jail sentences are associated with viola­tion of many of these laws and regulations, and tens of thou­sands of Americans are now sitting in jail, or have been heavily fined, or had their businesses closed for violation of these new laws and regulations. In many instances, agents from the vari­ous agencies run stings against unsuspecting citizens or busi­nesses, and entrap them into violating the new law or regulation. A high profile example is then made of the new criminal, or vi­olation, along with fines, prison sentences, and media publicity, to intimidate the public, or other related businesses, into going along with the regulations.

    [ED. NOTE: Incredibly, the government has created a situa­tion in which you are almost certain to be a "criminal". You are breaking one or more of these regulations right now, and don't even know it--there is no way to know and keep all of these rules and regulations. We have more people in prison per capita today than South Africa, Albania (and most of Eastern Europe), or even Red China. We jail 6 times as many people per capita as Denmark, and almost 11 times as many per capita as Japan].

    These dictatorial new laws and regulations are costing Americans literally hundreds of billions of dollars per year, and are hamstringing tens of thousands of small businesses which lit­erally cannot afford the paperwork, red tape, and expenses of compliance, and are therefore forced out of business. One small example: the Agriculture Department has made it a crime to sell peaches or nectarines which do not meet the minimum size of 2-7/16" and 2-3/8" in diameter respectively. This new regulation (passed in 1992) will condemn to rot over 500 million perfectly edible peaches and nectarines per year (worth over $50 million at the grocery store).

    The U.S. Attorney General has already filed for a federal injunction and a $100 per box fine against California's largest nectarine and peach farmer, who was selling the forbidden fruit at a bargain price of under $10 per box to thankful inner-city residents. The farmer is now a criminal who will be fined heavily for his crime. But meanwhile, the Agriculture Department has asked the California Nectarine Administrative Committee to undertake market research to determine the effect of fruit size on consumer preferences.

    These may be the most dangerous of all, because the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and a host of other environmental laws and regulations passed in recent years give the government Draconian, dictatorial controls over virtually every business and person, over every piece of private property, every car, and ev­ery action of every American in the U.S. (The July and Septem­ber '92 issues of MIA described this socialist juggernaut in de­tail.) Environmental laws and regulations (both domestic and international) will be the number one vehicle for moving us into socialism and the New World Order.
    Seventy percent of private property in America is already considered by the government as "wetlands" (whether there is surface water on it or not) and under their control (i.e., half of Vermont, 40% of Maryland's eastern shore, 40% of drought-stricken California, and much of suburban Houston are classified as "wetlands"). Environmentalists are pushing to make that 100%. (The Clinton Administration is likely to comply.) They are also pushing to have private land adjacent to government land (i.e., national forest, BLM or wilderness areas) under the same government controls as the govern­ment land.
    Even as thousands of murderers and rapists are turned loose by our justice system each year on technicalities, room is being made in our jails for honest law abiding citizens who have run afoul of environmental fanatics. A case in point is a Vietnam vet and environmental consultant, Bill Ellen, who is now serving a six month prison sentence for a "wetlands" violation. (The U.S. attorney had pushed for a three year sentence but the judge was more lenient).

    What was Ellen's crime? In 1987, Ellen, who had a strong background as a conservationist, agreed to do a project to con­struct 10 ponds for migrating geese and wildlife on the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Ellen was to build the $7 million, 103 acre wildlife sanctuary on a 2,000 acre pri­vate estate. Ellen, who knew environmental laws well, got all the proper permits, and complied with all those laws and regu­lations as written in 1987. However, in 1988, the definition of "wetland" was expanded to include potholes that collect water during rains.

    Ellen, who already had permits, was unconcerned with the new regulations because the land was so dry that workers had to wear dust masks. However, Ellen was indicted for "wetlands" violations after one government agency told him he could con­tinue landfill work and another told him he could not. Acting on the former, he hauled in two more loads of landfill (i.e., dirt).

    Angry federal environmental bureaucrats toured the land af­ter three days of heavy rains and indicted Ellen for "desecration of wetlands". He was sentenced to six months in jail where he now sits. The owner of the estate escaped jail as an accomplice to an environmental ("wetlands") crime by paying a $1 million fine and making another $1 million donation to the National Fish and Wildlife Federation.

    [ED. NOTE: This and hundreds of similar travesties of jus­tice happened under the Bush Administration. How much worse are things going to be under Bill, Hillary, and Al and their en­tourage of environmental radicals (called by Walter Williams "enviro-Nazis")? What has happened to Americans' constitu­tional protections such as the Fifth Amendment, and Article I, Section 9 which says: "No bill of attainer or export facto law shall be passed"?]

    The socialists believe in crisis management to solve crises (real or manufactured) in order to greatly expand their power, authority, and control over the people. The war on drugs, the environmental crisis, the war on crime, discrimination against minorities, "hate crimes", etc., are all "crises" which suppos­edly justify the passage of new laws and regulations, expansion of bureaucratic agencies, and the installation of police state powers over the people.

    Bill Clinton and Al Gore have already called (in their new book) for installation of a national police force in America, numbering 100,000 police (made up of former or retired lo­cal police, retired military personnel, other government em­ployees, etc.) to fight the crime war and America's other crises. CIA Director Robert Gates called for the CIA to be given the power to spy on American businesses and individuals and to help support the Justice Department and other federal agencies in enforcing the myriad of new governmental laws and regulations. (This is supposed to keep tens of thousands of CIA agents busy, since "Communism is no longer considered to be an external threat").

    If criminal enforcement agents of the DEA, FBI, CIA, BATF, EPA, FDA, IRS, and various other government agencies and departments are included, the U.S. could soon have a national police force of 200-300,000 people spying on the public and enforcing new laws and regulations--Shades of the Gestapo in Nazi Germany or the KGB in Russia!

    The New World Order crowd are also talking about an international police force made up of U.N. troops from member countries to police and control internal crises such as the pre­sent famine and civil unrest in Somalia, the emerging civil wars in South Africa and the former Yugoslavia, environmental abuses, and eventually, opponents of the New World Order.

    In May of '92, an extensive training course called Police 2000 was taught at the First International Crime Conference in Fairbanks, Alaska, and was attended by law enforcement of­ficials and government agents from America, Canada, and Rus­sia.
    One of the Police 2000 goals is for the creation of a "transnational police organization for the coming 'global village". There is growing cooperation between international police organizations such as the CIA, KGB, Interpol, etc.
    The New World Army police force will soon reach 100,000, and could well grow to 250,000 or more over the next five years. An undisclosed number of U.N. troops are now training on U.S. soil and could be used in America in some future State or National Emergency, civil unrest such as the Los Angeles riots, or other upheaval.

    U.S. military and National Guard personnel have been un­dergoing training and exercises for several years for house-to-house searches (presumably for drugs or guns), for crowd con­trol, and for domestic "counter-terrorism measures". Road­blocks are being randomly set up on highways around America by local, state, or federal officials to conduct drivers license checks or warrantless spot checks of cars or their occupants for drugs, liquor, or firearms; local or state police or military heli­copters are, with greatly increased frequency, overflying cities, towns, neighborhoods, and individual houses at low levels (looking for drugs, for surveillance, or for intimidation pur­poses).

    In late '91, an "urban warfare training exercise" by the U.S. Marines brought a dozen military helicopters swooping low over San Francisco roof tops, prompting hundreds of frightened calls to radio stations and the local police, who denied any knowledge of the exercise. Hundreds of military vehicles (black and with no markings) are being observed in various parts of the U.S., in many instances manned by personnel in black uniforms (with no insignias). Denial of any knowledge of these helicopters, vehi­cles or personnel from local, state, and federal officials almost always follows frightened inquiries from citizens.

    Over the past two years, as training and enforcement exer­cises have increased, SWAT teams in black Ninja suits and other government marshals and enforcement teams have had an increasing number of shootouts with innocent victims--who are characterized by the government as "religious fundamentalists", "white supremacists", "left or right wing extremists", "tax protestors", etc.

    In August '92, a mob of federal agents surrounded the remote Idaho home of Randy Weaver (wanted on a misdemeanor war­rant) and his family, and in a ten-day siege shot and killed his wife and 14-year old son. In October '92, a "drug raid" against a 61-year old wealthy, partially blind Ventura County, Califor­nia resident, Donald P. Scott, resulted in Scott being shot dead by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies. No drugs were found, nor did Scott resist arrest. [ED. NOTE: Details of these two cases will be described in Section IV below].

    The general tactic (whether used by local or federal police officials, or both) is to overwhelm (and intimidate) the "suspected" money launderer, environmental or financial "criminal", gun law violator, etc., by invading his home or business with a SWAT team and/or federal marshals or agents numbering 10 to 20 to 30 people. Guns are often drawn and if the "victim" of the attack makes any sudden move he is often shot.

    This writer personally knows of at least a dozen individuals (none ever convicted of a traditional crime such as murder, rape, robbery, etc.) that have had their homes or businesses in­vaded by local, state or federal law enforcement SWAT teams in this manner. The experience is terrifying for the individual, families, or employees involved. Shades of Nazi Germany, Red China, or the old Soviet Union!

    Over the past few years, a number of references to a State of National Emergency (or martial law) have been hinted at or suggested by government officials, congressmen, etc.--usually to fight the drug war, crime, etc. Indeed martial law was imposed in Los Angeles (and was begged for by the public) to quell the massive riots in the spring of '92, and could have been declared nationally had the riots continued to spread during the summer of '92. [ED. NOTE: They did spread to 166 other cities--but not as severe as in Los Angeles].

    MARTIAL LAW, by definition, is: "A system of government under the direction of military authority. It is an arbitrary kind of law, preceding directly from military power and having no immediate constitutional or legislative sanction. It is only justified by necessity, and supersedes all civil government...Martial law is built on no settled principle, but is arbitrary and in truth no law". Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus (i.e., right to trial by judge and jury and protection from illegal imprisonment) is a major element of martial law. As Justice Blackstone wrote: "In this case, the nation parts with a portion of its liberty and suspected persons may then be arrested without cause as­signed".

    The potential for a State of National Emergency or mar­tial law in America over the next three to five to seven years (perhaps to deal with riots, the war on crime or drugs, a fi­nancial/banking crisis or some manufactured crisis) is a very real possibility, as the Establishment moves to install a so­cialist America and the New World Order. Indeed aspects of a state of emergency (or martial law) and the suspension of con­stitutional rights already exist in America today! Over a dozen Executive Orders have been passed by Congress over the past few decades (analyzed in prior issues of MIA) giving the President total dictatorial control over every aspect of Ameri­can life if the president (or his Establishment bosses) decide to trigger and implement same. FEMA would then go into action, firearms would be confiscated, and many (if not all) constitu­tional rights and guarantees would be suspended.

    Under a full state of emergency, tens or hundreds of thou­sands of Americans (guilty of hate, environmental, financial, or gun control "crimes"; or "criminal" violation of any of tens of thousands of new government regulations; or resistance to the New World Order or a socialist America) are likely to be im­prisoned. Perhaps this is why George Bush moved in recent years to double U.S. prison capacity, and why under a national security directive called "Rex 84" signed in 1984 by President Reagan, eleven huge federal detention centers were activated in California, Arizona, Arkansas, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsyl­vania, Virginia, Georgia, and Florida.

    [ED. NOTE: As part of this whole trend, Draconian laws registering firearms and outlawing many kinds of guns will be­gin to be passed in 1993 (and beyond), turning hundreds of thousands (or millions) of honest freedom loving U.S. gun own­ers, who refuse to comply, into "instant criminals].


    Computers and other high tech breakthroughs over the past few years have given the U.S. (and other governments) the abil­ity to listen to, monitor, track, and keep citizens under surveil­lance (from the cradle to the grave) that were not available to Hitler in Nazi Germany or to the Communists in Russia, China, or the East bloc until very recently.

    In 1974, the government had 3.9 billion records on individu­als stored in the personal data systems of 97 federal agencies. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare had 963 sep­arate data systems with 130 million personal records including marital, financial, health, etc., data stored. The Treasury De­partment had 910 data systems with 853 million records; the Justice Department 175 data systems with 181 million records; the Defense Department 2,219 data systems with 312 million records stored, etc.

    These numbers (from U.S. News and World Report) are 20 years old. The computer files on Americans today are probably at least ten times larger and are linked together between most government agencies. Like it or not, your life is now an open book. Using your Social Security number, any government agency, or agent (local, state, or federal) can now tap into dozens (or hundreds) of computer data bases on every Ameri­can. A total and comprehensive computer profile exists on vir­tually every adult American.

    Now the government has developed a DNA (genetic) data base on 1.5 million U.S. military servicemen and is experi­menting with same on federal prisoners. Eventually it is in­tended that the whole U.S. population will be placed in such a data base. Most Americans are not aware that their phone calls, telexes, faxes and certain U.S. mail are regularly monitored by federal agencies. The federal government is now purchasing hundreds of portable fax tapping machines at $30,000 per copy. The U.S. Air Force alone recently purchased 40 of these de­vices.

    Phones can now be made "hot on the hook" (i.e., turned into microphones even when hung up and not in use). According to a 1992 report by the General Accounting Office entitled "FBI Advanced Communication Technologies Pose Wiretapping Challenges", it is the intention of the FBI to tap all phones in America.
    Every square inch of the earth's surface can now be moni­tored by satellite so that all persons and activities can now be watched. The government, in conjunction with AT&T, has de­veloped computerized voice recognition on phones and also picks up and records (through the National Security Agency) key words from conversations, which trigger the NSA tape recorders.

    Several years ago, U.S. passports were made computer read­able. Now, U.S., Canadian, Australian, German and other Eu­ropean authorities are installing computers in airports which will not only read passports, but also hand prints via infrared security readers. This means data banks of computerized hand prints will be developed over the next few years and linked to other governmental data bases, so that an instant computer record of an individual will be flashed on a screen simply by waving a person's hand over a grocery store-type infrared scan­ner. Does this sound farfetched? This system is being set up at the Kennedy and Newark airports and airports in the aforementioned countries at this writing.

    Biometric identification systems are now exploding onto the scene with computerized fingerprint comparisons, identification cards, debit and smart cards, drivers licenses, proposals for a biometric national ID card, a biometric card to replace welfare checks and food stamps, biometric passports, and biometric booking of prisoners by law enforcement officers. Biometric technologies include fingerprint comparison, retina scanning, DNA analysis, voice recognition, hand geometry, body odor, body heat patterns and brain wave analysis. In other words, 1001 ways of tracking the earth's inhabitants are emerging via new high technology. [ED. NOTE: Does this sound like George Orwell's 1984, or the Biblical "mark of the Beast"]?

    Cars can be tracked via small implanted computerized re­ceiving devices linked with government satellites. (The experi­ments on this technology were done in Singapore for several years.) The U.S. government has actually spent $3 billion over the past 15 years to develop this people/vehicle tracking system. Now the exact location of trucks, police cars, and other vehicles is beginning to be tracked in the U.S. via this method. The De­troit Police Department is presently installing this system to track its squad cars, and a number of trucking companies are doing the same to track their fleets. Perhaps in the not too dis­tant future, these computerized tracking devices will be standard (or even mandatory) equipment on new cars and trucks--like seat belts and air bags.

    So, in an era where Big Brother (now represented by King Bill, Queen Hillary, and Prince Al and their legion of socialist bureaucrats) wants to track, monitor and control every aspect of our lives, as he ushers in a socialist America and the New World Order, the emerging high technology in the hands of socialist bureaucrats will simply help to lock on the chains that much more quickly and efficiently.

    [The McAlvany Intelligence Adviser, P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, Arizona 85071]


    * * *
    So, what have we here? Is not the LIBERATOR along with these other "writers" apt to be shut-down, shot or something? No, not if ALL attend what I tell you. Oh, there will indeed be the assaults--but, AGAIN, I remind you that ours is to bring THE WORD--not go forth to "fight" (as in weapons of battle) or pull down ANYTHING. Ours is to inform, act always within all laws and regulations and IF CHANGE CAN BE WROUGHT--it shall be done within the LAW.

    In many ways, our very own presentations are assumed most helpful to the adversary and enforcers of the new "World Or­der". We bring you truth which gives you guidelines by which to act (or "abide"). "They" need to get the news of their GREAT POWER over you--TO you.

    I disallow any of the crew which works in any service remotely connected to this "Command" from holding anything illegal--from weapons to substances. If ones who choose to utilize that which is against the laws of the land wish to work within this general and varied team(s)--they get rid of guns (you can have a hunting rifle or pellet device)--nothing remotely considered as a weapon of battle.

    If, as is now being demanded by the "Planning" committee of the Community Service District who would have cut the Ekker's water off yesterday as harassment, to take down the tents placed for furniture at eviction as temporary overnight storage against rain and snow--so be it--TAKE THEM DOWN IF THE DE­MAND IS BACKED BY LAW AS CAN BE SHOWN TO YOU. DO NOT SIMPLY FOLD YOUR TENTS AND CRAWL IN A HOLE--BUT ALWAYS REMAIN WITHIN THE LAWS AS STATED WHEN THEY COME WITH THEIR OWN GUNS DRAWN. DEFENSE? THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DEFENSE--THIS IS NEEDLESSLY ENDANGERMENT FOR NO REASONABLE REASON SAVE TO MAKE A POINT. A BETTER POINT CAN BE MADE BY THE OBVIOUS IN RESPONSE--BY THE PEN!

    I, further, remind you that we "fight" nothing! Ours is to get word to our people, get a remnant through, and bring THE WORD as directed. So be it, for in this event we represent no threat to any "man".

    Thank you for your attention,

    Hatonn to clear.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 64


    FRI., MARCH 5, 1993 8:51 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 201

    FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1993

    All systems of morality are based on the idea that an action has consequences that legitimize or cancel it. A mind imbued with the absurd merely judges that those consequences must be con­sidered calmly. However, consequences of your actions take hold of you quite indifferent to your claim that meanwhile you have "improved or "changed". I would remind all of you that the sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly; the peas make no mistake as they come up and show his line. A bad beginning always makes a bad ending and that seems to be where our old friend is headed as Mr. Green goes about his daily task of calling, bashing, thieving and raving but logical consequences are the scare-crows of fools and the beacons of wise men.

    When Mr. Green allies himself in dispute with ones who already are quite uninformed or thieving on their own account, he points up quite remarkably the TRUTH.

    George Green is now doing that which seems quite uncon­scionable in that he is now giving out private phone numbers and asking his "team" to call persons with the following report: "Those people in Tehachapi are a cult, the Institute has no money as it has been skived off by the Ekkers, the group in Tehachapi have an illegal operation and steal money and as­sets, they are in trouble with the law" already and on and on and on.

    A beloved friend in Florida, R.Y., received a call last night from one Luke Perry of Nevada. Mr. Perry's STEPMOTHER has control over the Perry estate--Mr. Perry having been a Christian minister, it would seem quite acceptable that she of sound mind and thought be in such a position--especially consid­ering the vile behavior of the children in trying to strip her of everything and gain the entire estate for themselves while putting her into a home for the infirm. Even the lawyer repre­senting her is "on their side". This became true because the "bunch of greedy goldmongers" have gone to the Wisconsin Se­curities Board, at the request of George Green, to "investigate" the Institute and try to break their father's will. Then, L.P. has gone to the Nevada Board of Securities and ordered an investi­gation--as well as to the FBI for claims.
    When Mrs. Perry got word of the "Securities" secret contact (quite by accident and, again, thanks to George Green) she sim­ply picked up the phone and called. She got the very man who had been contacted and his reaction? "How did you find out? You were not supposed to be told about this!" Is it possible someone is intercepting these SECRET DEALS?

    I would think that by this time Mr. Green would be quite ner­vous for every one of the contacts is coming back to investigate his activities which are quite obviously incriminating. The In­stitute holds up very well within all functioning laws--BUT
    MR. GREEN DOES NOT! PERHAPS GEORGE WOULD LIKE TO REALIZE THAT NOT ONLY HAVE PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS BEEN RESEARCHING HIS GAME PLAN AND ACTIVITIES, AS WELL AS THOSE OF GARY ANDERSON, ETC., BUT NOW THERE ARE ONES FROM IN­SIDE THE "INTELLIGENCE" SERVICES DOING LIKE­WISE. George, I have constantly tried to warn you to stop this drive to destruction for the end is quite a dead end. You are now causing ones whom you called in to your conspiracy to re­nounce you and reveal your clever scam. From one point on the globe to others, you are becoming the show-piece of deceit and lies and where do you go from here?? Consequences of your foolish actions are now out of "others" hands to make choices in their own actions.
    In your attempt to destroy ME you have forgotten one thing: that others have not operated as you have and, therefore, all things are appropriately documented, functioning and it is now proven beyond all doubt and through sim­ple bookkeeping that not only have you taken the gold of D.O. but much other in addition.

    Moreover, as you disallow release of the JOURNALS or the funds, you have caused the various corporations to have to check on their books--only to find that America West owes above and beyond all the bills you have sent, in an effort to show "how much you are hurt", many thousands of dollars. IS THIS THE WAY YOU CHOSE TO "GET THE WORD OF GOD OUT"? Sic, sic.

    To you who sent the "coin" from the "sunken galleon", my love is great and my appreciation for your contribution also is indeed great. At the time you originally wrote and told of the "airport" exchange, I urged E.J. to question George about the transaction. George tossed the event off with a shrug and indicated that "it was so long ago that he had actually forgotten it" and "besides, there wasn't much and the coin was not worth anything--except maybe the price of the silver content". Of course, it turns out that the transaction was "quite new", was not "old", and I thank you for now bringing this to E.J. along with the check theft. This is an interesting point, however, to note; when a man is only interested in the gold and money--he misses the most im­portant thing of all--the value of that which appears to have no value. The coin is the most precious of all--and Dharma would love to have it for safekeeping to later use it for its first purpose--not as commercial gain, but as a symbol of love and sharing. A lot of "hearts" are growing up these days and one day honor shall safely and securely be given to those who participated in this task.

    What is going on with Ekkers' dwelling? Today will tell a lot for all sorts of things "expire" today. Already the tents are or­dered down and threats come from the community, etc. But mostly, support looms large and your support has seen us through the darkest days. The Ekkers feel that so many of you have paid much more dearly through these years that there is no concern over possible "loss"--only a slowing or stopping of the work in progress.

    I want Mr. Green to realize that no matter WHAT HE DOES, the work shall not be stopped and NEITHER SHALL THE WORD OF TRUTH! HE HAD THE MOST OPPORTUNITY OF ALL ONES TO FIND TRUTH AND ACT WITHIN THE GUIDELINES OF INTEGRITY--BUT HE SLIPPED AND FELL. WILL HE GET UP AND CORRECT HIS COURSE? THAT REMAINS TO BE SEEN AND BETWEEN HIM AND GOD! We, however, will pull into protection all ones involved of our beloved friends and we shall all be stronger for the at­tack. How better can we PROVE our integrity and total adher­ence to that which is spoken than an international hearing in this public forum?? How long will this go on? Until it's over!

    Don't be distracted by that which is being foisted off on you now--as to who is guilty. You are witnessing the most obvious of all tactics as you drag off an innocent (of that particular of­fense) man to hold hostage. Ones who serve in violence set themselves up for this kind of trade-off, however. Terror hits will become the notable point of the days ahead--as all groups who stand for "anything" will be destroyed. It is part of the PLAN to pull down all opposition to the New World Order.

    I repeat something again and again and again, this is why in spite of request after request to at least start a group of some kind here--NO, NO AND NO! You need NO GROUP TO SERVE GOD. You work totally within the laws of God and the Land! The "cult" is no better than the opposition and breaks even more laws of God usually, than the appointed beast of prey. Our people are patriotic to nation, God and Constitution--but they are not affiliated "patriots" and certainly represent no "group" or "thrusters" who ARE. We will support all fair and honest situations of inappropriate breaking of justice--not as a rabble-rousing group--but as a voice of journalism. We advo­cate no violence, tolerate no violence nor physical civil disobe­dience. The pen will handle the weaponry quite nicely and if stopped from that, the remnant shall be notified at any rate. The word has gone forth and the call is being heard around the world--not for patriotism--but the call of God unto HIS people. This is all that is necessary--bloodshed is NOT.

    Will the masses of people have what WE bring? NO--most of the masses are not on the side of God but, rather, serve only evil, physical intent. Those who serve the adversary will re­main with the adversary--it is quite simple in its truth. It is the time of sorting of intent and separation of the physical bindings from the "coming home". Yes, you must attend security and self-sustainment, but I remind all of you--THE PUPPET-MAS­TER ELITE--PLAN TO HAVE IT ALL--AND THEY PLAN TO HAVE IT ALL BY YEAR 2000! Would it not be better to use that which you have for building and storing, growing and shelter--against that day of nothing? Look unto the mountains wherein dwell your friends across the seas. In nations wherein the iron fist is being felt--starvation is rampant. Starving people without anything to eat, no home in which to dwell, no fire to warm the body, etc., are helpless and already "taken". A "welfare recipient" will not dare to get out of the welfare line lest he starve and also his family. You cannot get out of the system, chelas, and the mark of the beast is a silly trump-card played superbly by your enemy--YOU ARE MARKED BEFORE YOUR BIRTH--CONTROLLED AND HANDLED BY THE BEAST--ALREADY! GOD ONLY CARES ABOUT THAT WHICH IS IN THE SOUL--NOT SOME TATTOO ON YOUR LATER USELESS "HOUSE" VEHICLE. YOU MUST COME TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE FOR WHEN YOU REFUSE TO COOPERATE IN THE "SILLY" THINGS--YOU SIMPLY MAKE OF YOURSELF A TARGET ALONG WITH ALL WHO SHARE WITH YOU.

    Hold these ideas strongly in your minds for, if you are squaring off in a direction of direct conflict through physical violence--you had best stop, look and re-think. Give the adversary any excuse to get rid of you and he shall quite willingly do so. This will worsen but you need not fall prey unless you simply and deliberately act irrationally into his hands. Just remember something as you go along and it seems you can't reach through to ones with your truth: You must always remember how hard it was and is, to change yourself, then you will begin to understand what little chance you have of changing oth­ers and how long the task might take. In most cases, you will simply have to "let go" for you master your enemies not by force but by forgiveness and allowance of individual journey. Don't PUSH! Know that people will often admit to a bad memory--but hardly ever will they admit to bad judgment. And, when the chips are down and the stones lay all around you, you will be wise to recall that praise is most satisfying to receive--but it never teaches you anything NEW. When you stop and think about your pathway and your growth you will note that life is teaching you some painful lessons. But it is more often from adversity that strength is born. You may lose an inning--but within Truth and expression of that Truth--you MUST win the game! And, a final thought about these things: you don't have to prove yourself to me, your parents, your children, your spouse or even to GOD. If you have done your best within the laws of LIFE, that is all that has account and all that matters. ARE YOU CONTENT AND AT PEACE--SATISFIED--WITH YOUR EFFORTS? THAT IS THE ONLY QUES­TION TO ASK AND THE MOST IMPORTANT TO ANSWER! In "showing and telling" to gain importance, just think: If there were no one to watch them drive by, how many people would buy that expensive Mercedes? Ponder it.

    * * *
    We shall do all that we can physically do to make the way a bit easier for our brothers and sisters paying a great price for their journey to help us SEE. It seems limited, the help, at this mo­ment of confusion and sorting--but, if you wait upon the Lord, so shall the Lord act in proper perfection. Realizations come slowly and testing is always long and most difficult--but he who shirks not the task at hand and stays the course--shall prevail.

    The best way I can serve you--and ones who struggle just to stay alive--is allow all the publicity we can muster. This keeps people "alive" literally and allows YOU to assist. You will find that God's people ask for nothing--for nothing, so please know that when you help the least able to help selves--so too, are you doing the work of the Master. You shall have in return far be­yond that bit you place on "loan".

    I would like to take a while for you to get a bit better acquainted with this person and his style of sharing. Is he in perfection or just another distractor who might well be the very enemy we fear? FEAR? I "fear" no man! When you live in a manner ac­ceptable
    --no intruder can find other than truth--so it matters not and there is no need to dwell upon the circumstance. If you have an enemy, he will eventually show himself. If he be friend, you are already a long way into the journey. If you have nothing to hide
    --why hide it??
    I shall simply ask that we type the mailing piece received yes­terday, which would go forth on Rayelan's list of recipients.

    QUOTING Gunther Karl Russbacher: (Is THIS his real name? What difference, chelas? Did not Mark Twain also have an­other name--like Samuel Clemens? Stop the nonsense and turn to the point or you shall never get off your "dime". Even if this be the blackest pretender on the planet, can you not gain from whatever TRUTH is presented?)

    Permit me to begin this exposé by greeting each and every one of you. Most of you have accepted the fact that change is imminent and far closer than the clouds boiling on the near hori­zon. You know your history, and of the great legacy with which you have been entrusted.

    Many of you have availed yourselves of wisdom and knowl­edge so cogent, (blessings of which other and lesser men have yet to dare to dream) and have dared to make these precious gifts your very own. You are the chosen! You shall be the Guardians and Sentinels of a future not yet conceived. To you I entrust the insider information of that which has been permitted to occur, and that which lurks in the deep shadows of the nether-World.

    The hypothetical case shown below is for all those of mild and tender conscience, and those of an overly passive nature, who have not taken time out of their "ever so busy schedules" to look about them, or think of what might come on the wings of tomorrow.

    To each segment of the readership of Rayelan, I issue a strong word of caution, care and love. May your Father bless you and enlighten you in all your thoughts and endeavors, as you traverse the exalted roads of life.

    There seems so precious little time to divest myself of the an­chors of all our errors of judgment, deceit, covert games, sub­terfuge, manmade wisdom, and to convey, for the first time, "pro bono publica" (for the good of the public) the absolute truth about the "True State of this Nation". All of which has hereto­fore been cloaked and shrouded under the guise and veil of Na­tional Security.

    It is now time to share those informations. They are of such magnitude that they represent the difference between mere sur­vival, and the opportunity to make this world into a safer and better place for our successors. Permit me to elaborate upon, and to submit for your consideration the following hypothetical case scenario:

    "A pale dawn breaks as the sun begins its hurried climb to break away from the horizon. The light of day falls upon a landscape, defiled by small mountains of twisted metal and crumbling concrete. The scent of sheer and utter despair wafts through the early morning breeze. Slowly, the remnants of a small city awaken from a night of fitful slumber.

    "The cry of a lone Muezzin echoes and reverberates through­out what might once have been an affluent community. The tout of the cry cuts deeply and painfully into a brain still groggy with sleep. The message that another day of horror has begun be­comes manifest as the Muezzin's cry of "Allah it Allah Inshal-lah" is heard through every window and broken wall.

    "Fear forces you from your warm bed, as you rush to pay homage and render prayer to a deity to which you hold no alle­giance. You pray for speed as the front door is within your reach; opening and running through it as if your very life de­pended upon it.

    "You live and exist only to throw yourself, face down, upon the cool damp ground, not daring to move your eyes or turn your head in any direction. With your fear magnified and re­flected by your galloping heart, you strain your ears to hear the harsh sounds, and the footsteps of an alien race of men. The sounds of these men, their language so foreign and their bar­baric customs, signal imminent and acute danger. Suddenly, your heart is in your throat as you recognize the unholy noise of sabers being swung against human flesh. The cries of the maimed and dying are absorbed by the earth right along with the still steaming blood. The pitiful sounds of the elderly and the children are carried almost lazily by the light breeze. The stench of blood soon assaults your nostrils as the pungent odor of death sweeps through the cool and early morning. For this morning, the almost sacrificial killing was done.

    "Although you, your family, and those under your charge have somehow managed to survive another early morning bout with death, you dare not permit yourself to think about what new and frightful horrors the morrow shall bring".

    No, these aren't the abhorrent, insufferable and repugnant memories of the killing fields of Southeast Asia, or the last ves­tiges of an era of war long gone by. It doesn't depict a scene out of the recent fiasco commonly referred to as the Gulf War; nor does it call to mind any specific place in the Mideast. It is much closer to the place you dare call home. It is what once was known as "Your Home Town, Anywhere, U.S.A.".

    Congratulations, America, you have just awakened to the sights, sounds and odors of a culture so alien that your mind warbles with pain as you ponder and reflect on...."how in Heaven's Name did we let it get so far out of hand"?

    Have you lost the cogency to think, reason, and to believe in anything other than the driving will to survive? You have en­tered a hell, not necessarily of your own creation, but nonethe­less very much yours, simply because you have failed to per­form the necessary duties and tasks associated with maintaining the "Great Grant of Freedom", bequeathed to you by those who came, fought, bled and died before you. You have failed to care for your legacy of peace and freedom. Maybe you have forgotten to give, voluntarily, that which is required of those who wish to remain free men; gathered under the Banner of the Free; in service to mankind through the giving of themselves-­selflessly--in order to maintain a free society. Truly, freedom costs a dear price. Yet it is a mere pittance compared to what awaits us if we renege on our commitments, past, present and future.

    The above scenario shall be your legacy if you don't awaken to the fact that all which you hold so near and dear; cherish above everything else, is about to be wrenched from your very hands by those who claim to serve you. Don't permit their lies to muddy the waters of your thinking. Refrain from permitting the past or present administration to continue setting policy which appears hell bent for leather to bankrupt the nation, and draw us away from what is right for ourselves and the innocent others who live in the lesser fortunate areas of the world. Force them, through popular referendum, to heed the voice of the people who put them into these positions of power. Look care­fully, well past your momentary emotions, and exercise your right to critique the men and women who claim to have your best interests at heart. Look closely, and guard your few re­maining rights with all the strength you can bring to muster. The future is still yours, but only if you act now!

    Don't say that the afore mentioned scenario can't happen in this country. You need to know that, even now, there are foreign troops stationed on American soil. They are here under the auspices of the United Nations. They are part of the controlling interests. By controlling interests, I am of course referring to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-Lateral Commission, and numerous other sister organizations, scattered around the globe. They are prepared to act upon the behalf of these power­ful organizations.

    Be advised that individual rights, as outlined and allegedly protected under the Constitution of the United States, hold little or no meaning to these men of power. Their allegiance is to the Global Economic Cartel, located in London, Paris and Geneva. Our presidents are usually only mere puppets of these special interest groups. He is handled no differently than a Case Offi­cer or Operative, directly responsible to the Central Intelligence Agency. The word of the cartel is absolute law!

    In order to protect that which you hold of value, it is impera­tive that you acquaint yourself with the aims of such organiza­tions, and know them for what they are. Involve yourself in grass roots issues, making certain that your voice carries and is heard by those who represent your interests in Congress.

    Know without doubt that the scenario painted herein is not only plausible, but also a coming certainty, unless you act now to reduce the risk of possible invasion. Know that there are hun­dreds of millions of people, controlled by the select few, who are prepared to administrate your government; rule your very lives, and force you to adhere to their whims and dictates. The racial group shown herein is merely an example of how completely your lives could change if another race becomes your masters.

    Look closely to what is happening in your own back yard. We have bastardized the American Justice System to the point where no man can be assured of a fair trial by a jury of his peers. If you pose a problem, or come to the attention of those with power, you might find yourself in the "cross hairs" of what once was called Justice. How can you defend yourself against libel, false charges, and manufactured evidence? The answer is simple...you can't! You too may be standing before the Bench entering an "Alford Plea", (Nolo Contendere) because you can't afford to take the risk that a jury, manipulated and chosen by the men of power, chooses to listen to the lies, as told by the "Government Witnesses". The truth cannot survive the on­slaught of lies. Consequently, you stand convicted of a crime you didn't commit. You are sentenced and incarcerated; safely defused from presenting your cause to the public.

    Not only are you now imprisoned, but through the trial pro­cess have lost all your assets. Your family's economic future has been ruined, and the street people's ranks are swelled by however many were in your family. Most of these cases end up in immediate divorce, as the average wife or husband has little taste for fighting through such adversity. Suddenly it has be­come the old "every man/woman for themselves". The heart of the family unit is broken, desperate poverty sets in, and the af­fected suffer the many diseases of the desolate and poor.

    What is the difference between an armed invasion stripping you of all you hold Holy, or the manipulations of a corrupt court system, systematically destroying you in the face of your neigh­bors and friends? Believe me, there is little or no difference! A man destroyed is destroyed whether it comes to pass through a bullet to the brain, or the emotional torture of a wrongful incarceration, which ends up in divorce, loss of family, and suicide! Give thought to these words, for you may be the next to suffer the consequences of inaction.

    Most of you know the circumstances behind my incarcera­tion. You know of the attempts to discredit me, the violent at­tempts to take the life of my beloved wife, and of the numerous attempts to silence me forever. To date, thanks to the assistance of the men of my SEAL TEAM, who have served with me dur­ing the times of the Hot and Cold War, standing back to back, with smoking guns in our hands, we have survived the many at­tempts to deprive us of our lives. Men associated with the nu­merous scandals of the Reagan and Bush eras, are being termi­nated because they refuse to stand silent. Know that their lives have not been given in vain, for these infamous chapters in America's history are far from over! As long as we draw the breath of life, we shall stand for "Truth and Freedom", as cited on the title page of this exposé.

    Don't let their sacrifices be in vain! Stand by those who so avidly guard your precious rights and help their families survive in a cruel and unjust environment. Give them the respect they so well deserve and provide them with the basic necessities to sustain their lives.

    This is merely the first of many installments of the TRUTH. Each month a new chapter shall follow, until all pertinent facts have been disclosed. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

    May God bless you, guide you, and shine His wondrous light of love to illuminate your every step along the path of life.

    You may address your comments and correspondence to me, via Rayelan A. Russbacher, at the address shown herein. Again, please know that I invite your comments, thoughts, as well as future correspondence. Each communication shall be answered in a prompt and forthright manner.


    Gunther K. Russbacher

    * * *
    This is shown as "FIRST in a series of exposés" from Captain Gunther K. Russbacher, USN, Political Prisoner. Address for contact: New Discoveries, P.O. Box 3078, Carmel, CA 93921.

    Dharma, please let us remove this document. I need to also re­spond to the personal letter from Gunther and I have some re­quests regarding corporations, so let us close for now. Thank you. Hatonn out.

    PJ 64


    FRI., MARCH 5, 1993 2:28 P..M. YEAR 6, DAY 201

    FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1993

    In the hurry of the moment, in the insecurity of not knowing even the next moment
    --you must prepare yourself with the tools of "all ways". This, firstly, means we take a moment to share when a friend is needful of that which seems irritating or time-consuming to YOU. In this instance, I need to give support to friends who have served me well and pass, now, a most frus­trating and debilitating time of experience. There is no REAL problem to be considered here, only solutions to fit the need. As all the problems of housing, business and other nitty things pile up, Dharma and Oberli only ask for clarity of thought and strength to "not give in" just to gain some sanity space. Remember, chelas, you do not see things as they are--you see things as YOU are. Therefore you must move outside and look at alternatives of both the one who assaults and as the one who is assaulted. Your thoughts will always determine your re­sponses to life. You are not victims of the world for, to the ex­tent that you control your thoughts, you control the world.

    You can see how badly the RTC and opposition parties FEAR you in this property situation. Now, even the real estate people won't move forward unless signed-off agreements are made to release all parties prior to this time in this case, for any and all responsibility. They KNOW they will find a clouded title on this property and now they want to deal. Since the property will never, at any rate, be in your name, chelas
    --hold strong. If you "bite" on their bait, you shall make errors. When the ones "at the top" suggest you release all litigants and "you probably won't ever collect from any of them"--you know you have a real whopper on your line. Also, when "they" tell you it's alright, take down your tents--"you won't be evicted 'just like that", know to leave them in place and wait. That does not mean that you do not work like hell all the while--just use wise judgments and carefully walk through the shards of glass.

    You may note that the RTC, et al., are between the proverbial rock and hard place. With the church making a "deal" on the property to allow your use of it, they don't know what to do. If they allow that to happen, you escape without any leverage to shut you up. If they don't allow that to happen, they will have lost many, many rounds of the ongoing fray. Watch your "timing" and move steadily on. Even for another party to pur­chase the property they will effort to require a release to be signed by YOU. DON'T DO IT! Let us not do anything to be­come dangerous in reaction, but let them tie their own noose for they chose the hanging if there is to be one. Note that "they" do everything possible without even considering the one proper so­lution--restitution and justice. Do you note this same trend in almost everything and in everyone you touch in this journey in this day? Even George could have stopped this miserable thing before it got started JUST BY DOING THE RIGHT THING--and furthermore--would have benefited greatly by the doing.

    The same with the entities involved in this property--just make good on the circumstances set up incorrectly. At any time at onset they could have simply held another "sale" and no one would have ever known. No, they had to push around the little guy and threaten, destroy and rip-off the citizens and taxpayers. Now, they want to threaten you some way to cause you to go away, after losing EVERYTHING and not tell anyone. Wisdom would say to "make good" and silence would automatically be theirs--a mistake made right could only reflect well on them, but no, the lie has to be covered and recovered until it finally simply of its own volition becomes UNCOVERED. It is a sad commentary on mankind and what society has become. It is a result of that which is planted in the mind, nurtured and grown and now comes the harvest.

    Old Clint might well have put it better than I:

    The mind is like the farm, it should be treated like soil. Thought, like seed, should be carefully chosen, cultivated and fertilized to stimulate growth. Thought can be transplanted to another mind without harm to its original seed bed, or any dam­age done to the thought.

    Faith and knowledge, of course, are multiplied when transplanted and accepted, for it has double the seed bed. Mind power has no limitations, and the mind is only as strong as the person in possession expects, or demands it to be.

    Your mind will accept what you put in it, but is a poor lie detector. It will file both true and false, so be careful what you plant. Because that is what you are going to reap.

    Positive thought can grow a beautiful crop, whereas negative thoughts go sour and the personality joins in. Many thoughts may be planted in one mind, but as any farmer knows, too many crops are hard to care for.

    Cultivation and fertilizer are very important to the progress of a good harvest, be it mental or producing a crop of corn.

    No self respecting farmer will purposely plant weed seed. Nor shall he allow it to grow. If you plant weedy thoughts in your mind, they will surely interfere with your intended crop.

    Weeding your mind is as important as weeding your field. While still a vacant field will also become infested with weeds. And unless they are removed before they mature, they will surely reseed and multiply.

    The human mind being fertile soil for what one wants to grow there.

    Plant a good seed of thought in your mind. Be positive of your expectations, fertilize and work with it. Keep it clean and you will grow a good crop.

    Caution: Don't plant too many seeds on too small an acreage, unless you can afford the fertilizer.
    Clint Cullen
    General Delivery,
    Tehachapi, CA. 93561
    * * *
    Let us also take the time to remember the generosity of sharing from Ken Coons for this next is especially suitable at this partic­ular writing. We used this in our JOURNAL AS THE BLOS­SOM OPENS but America West has never sent copies and, therefore, we have no idea where the book is in the cycle of availability--hopefully, you readers have it. I guess we shall learn that the "author" or "secretary" has no "rights" whatsoever with America West. You know, though, it usually doesn't pay to deceive God--it has become a bit tiresome.

    Forgive and forget, the old saying goes,
    But is that the way it should be?
    Should we just forget the lessons and trials
    That someday may help set us free?

    Forgive, to be sure, for we each possess
    A fragment of God as a seed.
    When we forgive all, we honor our God,
    And much needed growth can proceed.

    If we forgive not, resentment will grow
    And poison our body and mind.
    That fragment of God will shrivel inside
    And we become spiritually blind.

    Now does this suggest the other cheek turns
    When evil men strike out at you?
    No, no, my dear friend, that does you no good,
    The best thing is just to eschew.

    Remember, my friend, each time we are tried
    We're given a new chance to grow,
    So handle it well, forgive and recall,
    And cherish the fruit that will grow.

    Ken Coons, 5400 W. Cheyenne, #12114, Las Vegas, Nevada 89108

    Please remember Ken as he is passing through some rather dark days with his health and it takes a bit of time to negate such at­tacks on the system. He should be finding positive results soon.

    * * *
    And, for you ones who continue to ask about Silverhawk and when will we finish his writings--we thank you. We are swamped and he is a bit hard to "find" but we will get back to sharing with you. In fact, right here would be a good place to insert one of his lessons:

    The America that was brought forth as a vision and ideal by St. Germain and projected into the minds and hearts of the founding fathers, still remains only as a vision and ideal, yet to be fully actualized in practice. The "real" America was throt­tled in the cradle. The minute we borrowed the European Roth­schild gold, with which to begin building, our fate was sealed. We gave up our sovereignty and doomed ourselves to chasing the mirage of the actualization of our vision. The devil dealt himself into the game and we let him. Well, he knew we had no gold yet. He'll always go for the weak points in a person, or a nation. We have since been drawn into every war, revolution, civil war, depression and "plan" that he has laid forth for us.

    If the first settlers had seen, understood, and chosen to for­sake the old European qualification, in favor of the good red road, we would have avoided much misery and frustration in­deed. Ah well, spilled milk. However, we must now walk the good red road, covenant and trust, all things will be provided for safety, security and facilitation. God is never short of any­thing, only man is. Can we learn to live without fear and fences like the "elder American" did, the red man? Can we know and live and awaken in the laws of life? Yes of course, and we must if we want to go on. I say that, not only a remnant man can be salvaged, but this nation can be salvaged from purification. "People" are what makes a nation. Their unity of purpose, ideal, and vision is what makes a nation. Infrastructure follows. Our true national treasures, our "crown jewels", can be saved. They are our land, our children, our constitution, and our will and spirit and vision. It is time to say goodbye to Europe. It is time to finally break free and actualize this grand vision and purpose called America. It is time for reconciliation between red and white, man and God, man and nature and man and him­self. We have all that we need to accomplish this feat right here in America today. We have the knowledge, tools and resources aplenty. Become still and you can see with me that this is so.

    I see this land as the "seed" of the new world. We don't need any "new world order". Order already exists. See this universe. What we need is a new world awakening to "see" the order that is already. It is God's order, and it is ours, as man, within which to share.

    As so many people before us laid down their lives and risked all for this actualization, can we do less? What shall our legacy be for our children? A free new golden world, full of life and beauty and grace, or a radioactive rock, glowing green in the stillness of space? Well, you know where "I" stand, brother. I have "stalked" this medicine ever since my mother told me not to drink the milk, because it was "contaminated" with Strontium 90. Duck and cover? Nay, rise and radiate the full life of cre­ation. Be the Light. Be its will and intent in action. That is where I stand. Life is much bigger and older and bolder, than all those put together who shovel of the "horseshit". Life was here long before them and will be here long after "they" are gone. Life always wins. God always wins. "All" will win back freedom when they want it bad enough. So the "harvest" is upon us. Are you "wheat", or are you "chaff"? Only "you" can answer.

    In the "new" American mind, I see the birth and growth of the concept of pure communism and pure capitalism, in har­mony and balance. To "realize" this concept, the people must learn stillness and how to "see". Pure communism' states that all is held in common, the land and resources, and I would add to that, faith and knowledge and God consciousness. Pure capitalism states that, as a man sows, so he reaps and "keeps" what he reaps. His home, his possessions, his privacy, his money and his "soul" are all sacred and sacrosanct. Each must respect these rights of God, from God, for all and in return, he receives respect. "Treat others as you would like to be treated". This is the "KING" of all laws for man. If this law was embodied and realized, then there would be no more need of prisons, fences, property of land and resource, for armies, police, intelligence and on and on. Our stance then becomes that we see that we are all just "campers" in the great "park" of Gaia and share equal rights and opportunity.

    Oh, here we go, you say. Another "utopian" comes to give us a golden shower of longing and regret. Not "this" time. I bring more than vision. I bring "medicine". Medicine holds the ways and means. Medicine is "practical" and deals with "what is". I have a wide "range" and invite all to partake and share. There are no "fences" on this range, oh no. It is free for "all" to share.

    Can you see that this vision of America was already accomplished to a
    great degree? It is the good red road. It was held and lived by the original people,
    from sea to shining sea. When we re-birth it, it will be a techno-kingdom of same consciousness. A "starbase" of grace and beauty and love. It is time for it to come. It is "an idea whose time has come at last". We can go no further on the bad dead road that leads nowhere. I just want to add here that anyone who just flips all this off with the idea that, "well, we'll all just get beamed up anyway or we'll just be raptured", had better reconsider. The Pleiadians are "graduates" and don't take on fools, loafers or shuckers. They are "warriors". Birds of a feather? Yup.... flock to­gether. You don't have to manifest "perfection" to enter the kingdom, just be "willing". The "shield" will follow. Stay tuned. This has been a relay message. Please adjust your set, the fault is not with transmission. This is not a test. There is a real emergency.

    So many people are growing into this consciousness now and many "elders" are holding the flame, still to this day and keep­ing it burning. "We the People", we are the "people". We can bring this forth and anchor it to Earth plane. We are doing it. More come forth every day, for they have nowhere else to go. All the "lies" that are lived and have lived, are dying now. Come back to life. Come back to Truth. Come back to God. Come home now. "ALL" are invited. "ALL" are chosen. Not all will "choose wisely" though, according to history.

    St. Germain saw and started this medicine. His intent was and is to birth a nation of light and freedom that would transmit throughout Gaia herself. I join him in this and have and do work directly with him in work and intent. I will share some of his words and vision as well as my own, as we go along. From his grand stronghold in the Grand Tetons, he sent forth his vi­sion and intent. I have been there. He brought me to one of the entrances to his stronghold. I did not enter, however. It is not time for that. I did, however, dance with the eagles and wove the golden thread of the great wheel, of the new portal, through that high ground. I am speaking now of the "foundation of the new America"; "the cup of light for the nations". I speak of the great wheel, which is in fact a spiral. It embodies seven west­ern states. I went out to and "claimed" the high ground power spots of all these states and activated and qualified them as the new portal, or "assemblage point", of Gaia. I wove them to­gether in a spiral. On the day of 1/11/92, Gaia's assemblage point was moved from the Giza center in Egypt, to the western United States, as the place and configuration was provided for her to do so. This was the beginning of the fifth world. This is the foundation.

    In the fourth world, light and dark continually "warred" for dominion over the portal or assemblage in the middle east. Now, the new assemblage is qualified in light only. The adversary can no longer come and go or communicate from this world. He is trapped like a rat. Nor can he hold any influence over the new assemblage. He cannot penetrate the "shield". He who was first, is now last and he who was last is now first...in the twinkling of an eye. Now of course the outer effects are slow to materialize, but they are picking up speed. It is like turning the direction of the Queen Mary with a tug boat. It is ponderous, but is being done. When the children of today reach full stature, they will experience quite a different world than we did, ah ho. The "beast" will live only in history and in memory of the el­ders. Let us never forget the consequences of the fallen nature then. Teach your children well. Let them see you walk with God. Speak to them of what they see. Be a demonstration of fifth world man. Innocents can only reflect you.

    Let us return to the "wheel" of the West and consider its form. [H: Now don't go crazy!]

    This is the wheel of the "purifier". You can see that it is the combination of two sacred symbols of the Hopi. The cross in a circle and the swastika. The Nazi swastika spun in the oppo­site direction. The swastika symbolizes "life everlasting". So in the opposite direction, "death everlasting"!?! The cross in the circle represents "christing" of alpha/omega, protected by the circle. In combining these two then, this wheel repre­sents..."life everlasting, flowing out from the christing of al­pha/omega, to all the earth in four directions, to bring forth sustaining, purifying balance, to all life and to all the earth". The cross you see, however, is broken by another smaller circle. This is where man stands. He enters the circle and com­pletes the cross with himself and honors the four directions as he masters his four lower bodies. Now as man, his job is to awaken the "monad" and through christing to anchor the "intent" of the spirit to the gonad and thrust out the intent of God to the four directions, to all the earth, to all life. As above, so below. Thus, man cubes the life force in six directions, in himself and out to all life and creation. This is the tool of spirit I used to open, claim and requalify the western assemblage and the high ground of it. This is the great wheel/ spiral. The as­semblage is "Gaia's mouth". She "breathes" the spirit in and out from here. Now, only "light" is in her breath. The "stench" of the beast has been eliminated. He is left to writhe in the ever increasing frequency of love, light and power of Gods' life. Ah ho. We-sa-kan has come far indeed.

    It is time for America to have her new flag. In St. Germains' old transcription in the 1930s, in his green book collection, he spoke of the future new flag for America. "The gold, white and blue". He said that the blood of man would turn golden in the ascending purification. Thus, the red transmutes to gold to symbolize this change.
    I add to this my own proposal. It is this.

    Instead of the old star configuration that are lined up like soldiers and tombstones, we configure them to form the wheel of purification. Fifty is a five in numerology. Five for the fifth world. The purified world. They should be gold stars upon a silver base that forms the wheel. This will be placed against the indigo color of Archangel Michael. How's that for a flag of power? That ought to make them sit up and take notice. I think that this is an appropriate evolutionary leap for the renewed America. Let our constitution then be written again in original form, with gold ink, on indigo parchment, so it stands out with more "luster".

    So, as we the people reaffirm our spirit, rebirth our vision, reestablish original intent, reshape our country, refresh our minds and souls in the light and rebirth ourselves and our nation anew, let us spin this actualization out to the whole world and to all the lands. Let freedom ring, let love ride, let God in and let Light reign supreme. Make it so--on Earth as it is in Heaven.
    Amen. Ah ho.

    SILVERHAWK, 1992

    * * *
    I know, now that we're on a "roll" why not keep going with an‑other epistle from another old friend. I guess we have been "hogging the paper". Well, this is a very important response to my call from DEJ. I think you need the input from this mes­sage.

    Feb. 27, 1992, Saturday.

    Hello, Everyone,

    I know, I'm late, Commander, but, well, as you know I am not feeling so red-hot. On to the business at hand. The quatrains? I went about disproving myself, as usual, but the comet's name is Giacobini-Zinner and it appears every thirteen years with the last being in 1985, just happens to be coming back in...1998, but will begin appearing in '97. I just thought it might amuse you....

    As for Leishmania Donovnini?

    It is also called Kala Azar, Hindu, meaning Black Fever. Also Dumdum Fever:
    An infectious disease, common in the rural parts of the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. There are several types which differ as to the preference for children or adults, incidence in domestic animals, and transmitting agent. (Fleas) The disease is characterized by lesions of the reticu­loendothelial system, especially the LIVER AND SPLEEN. It is often FATAL.
    What causes it: Leishmania donovani, a flagellated protozoan (tailed). The organism is transmitted by the bite of infected sandflies of the genus Phlebotomus.

    Treatment: Pentavalent compounds of antimony. [H: Ah, but now we know better, don't we?]
    Sir, you should run this with what I sent in December about CNN saying AIDS is spread like Hepatitis B. This is a major boo-boo. Hepatitis B is Infectious Hepatitis,
    A is Serum. A = addict. Neither is accurate, since if you are exposed long enough, you can get either, go ask the CDC. And Hepatitis B is spread by RESPIRATORY DROPLETS. FACT: The CDC refuses to do a Respiratory Contagion test on AIDS victims.

    FACT: The CDC denies that kissing can transmit the virus.

    Now, here is even worse than AIDS victims being allowed into the United States. It is called correctly Hansen's Disease--but better known as: LEPROSY.

    It is transmitted by Mycobacterium leprae, a bacilli and, with any kind of suppressed or weakened system most "come" alive so to speak. AND CHILDREN ARE THE MOST SUSCEPTI­BLE TO THE DISEASE. The incubation is one to thirty YEARS.
    It is a truly horrible disease.

    Your tax dollars are at work making sure that if AIDS or White Plague doesn't get you something else will. One last thought:

    "A virus was synthesized in the laboratory for the first time in 1967. This was done by using natural virus DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) as a template for forming the synthetic virus DNA". This comes from Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.
    In case you don't understand the meaning of the above--it means that they can take diseases and alter them.

    Salu and God help those who refuse to see.


    P.S.: If you can, you should run this with the bits I sent about Plum Island Facility and the Biotoxin experimental lab, in San Diego I believe.

    * * *
    Can't do it today--out of space but, I'm sure, not out of inter­ested readers. Things are hitting closer and closer to your own doorstep, friends. Thank you for your input for what the gen­eral reading audience doesn't realize is that there is a great wealth of information in that bible: Tabor's Dictionary. In it it tells you and all the world that the AIDS virus is spread by droplets,(tears), saliva and blood to blood. Therefore, little ones--the media is simply avoiding truth at all costs.

    From Santa Cruz: "The man who studies animal behavior said there is evidence above 90% that a major earthquake will occur within just a few days. There is evidence of massive disruptions with noted ' Sun Spot Storms' going on right now".

    Comment? A word to the wise should be sufficient.

    Thank you,

    Salu, Hatonn.

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