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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    Only in the recesses of the mind can come the perceptions of which it is at any experience in expression. It is the time of learning in Godness or expressing in the most heinous manners of God's "adversary". But, in all, it is the experience which gives LIFE or DEATH of soul ex­pression in growth beyond the realms of physical bindings. It is the time of sorting of that and those who serve their own needs above and beyond that of mankind and God, and the adjustments of selves to that which IS.




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references
    and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix
    -- [etc.].
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos
    Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix

    ISBN 1-56935-002-7

    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    March 1993
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1993................................................................
    ACTIONS............................................................................................. ................
    GRITZ............................................................................................... ....................
    SUGGESTED COURSE OF ACTION RE: GB/GOLD....................................
    DAMAGE CONTROL........................................................................................
    UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY.........................................
    LOVE AND GIVING..........................................................................................
    ANSWER TO PRAYER.....................................................................................
    NORA'S RESEARCH CORNER........................................................................
    TO PRINT OR NOT TO PRINT.........................................................................
    I HONOR E.J................................................................................................. ......
    THE REAL TREASURES!.................................................................................
    NO GREATER KING THAN I...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1993.......................................................................
    LET US ALWAYS "PASS THE WORD".........................................................
    MORE IMPORTANT....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1993.......................................................................
    FIRST, SOME ANSWERS AND COMMENTS...............................................
    NOW A WORD TO OUR DEVELOPERS.......................................................
    MISSING BULLETIN BOARD.........................................................................
    TAXES............................................................................................... ..................
    BACK TO THE JOURNALS.............................................................................
    FROSTING ON THE INTERESTING CAKE...................................................
    SANANDA/THE CHRIST..................................................................................
    VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1993.......................................................................
    NEWS?............................................................................................... ..................
    INCORPORATION....................................................................................... ......
    CORPORATION REARRANGEMENT...........................................................
    SOVEREIGNTY......................................................................................... .........
    NEWS IN THE LIBERATOR.............................................................................
    IS ALL NEWS "COMPLETE" FROM HERE?................................................
    GREEN GOES FOR THE "GREEN" AND "GOLD"......................................
    TO CANADA AND W.M...................................................................................
    WATER PURFICATION....................................................................................
    WASTED TIME AND SPACE...........................................................................
    MAKE THEMSELVES KNOWN!"............................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1993...................................................................
    I AM SANANDA............................................................................................. ...
    ERRORS.............................................................................................. .................
    INTENT TENDING.............................................................................................
    FEAR................................................................................................ ....................
    ASTRAL PLANE CANCELLATION................................................................
    PRIDE AND THE FALL.....................................................................................
    HELP................................................................................................ ....................
    WHERE ARE YOU TODAY?...........................................................................
    EPILOG--ATON................................................................................................ ..
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1993................................................................
    UNCONSCIONABLE?..................................................................................... ..
    IMMEDIATE BETRAYAL................................................................................
    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER................................................................
    WILL THIS HURT THE INSTITUTE?.............................................................
    MOSES............................................................................................... ..................
    MIRE IN LOS ANGELES...................................................................................
    NATURAL PHENOMENON?...........................................................................
    WEST VIRGINIA--THERE IS A BOOGIE-MAN...........................................
    CLONING AND POSSIBILITIES......................................................................
    RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION PROBLEMS?................................
    MAYAND CAMPBELL.....................................................................................
    INSERTS, WILL LOY'S PREDICTIONS (6pages)............................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1993...................................................................
    INSERTS, LETTERS (From and to lawyers--5 pages)......................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1993...................................................................
    PERFECT KNOWING........................................................................................
    GUNTHER K. RUSSBACHER..........................................................................
    THE ART OF GLOBAL POLITICS...................................................................
    ILLUMINIZED HIGH FREEMASONRY.........................................................
    COLONEL HOUSE AND THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS...............................
    THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS..................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1993.......................................................................
    FOLLOW THROUGH........................................................................................
    TRADE CENTER.............................................................................................. ..
    UTAH................................................................................................ ...................
    THE LOCAL MISERY BULLETIN BOARD...................................................
    TAKE A STAND............................................................................................... ..
    GEORGE GREEN--LATEST ATTACK...........................................................
    CIRCLE OF GOLD BONDAGE........................................................................
    DON'T NEED MORE?.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1993.....................................................................
    WATCH THE PHILIPPINES!............................................................................
    TO THE LAW CNETER.....................................................................................
    GREEN/BO GRITZ.............................................................................................
    BUT "WHO" WILL FIRST PAY?.....................................................................
    GOLD IN THE POCKETS?................................................................................
    TO JOHN AND ELEANOR SCHROEPFER....................................................
    BUT WHAT DO I TELL MY "SISTERS"?......................................................
    MEETINGS............................................................................................ ..............
    AS I WRITE............................................................................................... ..........
    OUT OF HELL COMES GOODNESS..............................................................
    BULLETIN BOARDS.........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1993............................................................................
    PHONE LINE .................................................................................................... ..
    NEW YORK TRADE CENTER.........................................................................
    SAN FRANCISCO........................................................................................... ...
    WACO, TEXAS............................................................................................... ....
    FBI/SESSIONS............................................................................................ ........
    ENEMIES AND FRIENDS.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1993............................................................................
    EKKER PROPERTY--ITEM #1........................................................................
    EKKER PROPERTY--ITEM #2........................................................................
    EKKER PROPERTY--ITEM #3........................................................................
    GEORGE GREEN AND THE EKKER PROPERTY.......................................
    WHAT HAS HAPPENED?................................................................................
    MOVE ON NOW: BO GRITZ..........................................................................
    THINGS TO CONSIDER....................................................................................
    TAKE NOTE PLEASE........................................................................................
    WHY, THEN, IS GEORGE SO DESPERATE?................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1993............................................................................
    ATTEMPTED TO MOVE ON--BUT................................................................
    INSERTS LETTER TO GEORGE (6 pages).........................................................
    THE CFR: FUNDING AND MEMBERS.........................................................
    ATTEMPTS TO WARN AND EDUCATE RE: THE CFR.............................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1993............................................................................
    THE NEW WORLD ORDER.............................................................................
    THE BILDERBERGERS....................................................................................
    AFTERTHOUGHTS....................................................................................... ....
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!..............................................................
    A FINAL WORD OF WARNING......................................................................
    WAKE UP AND TAKE BACK YOUR COUNTRY?......................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1993.....................................................................
    OPTIMIST OR PESSIMIST?..............................................................................
    PRESS RELEASE............................................................................................. ...
    UPDATE TO YOU READERS AND PHONERS............................................
    JOURNALS.................................................................................................... .....
    MR. SESSIONS OF THE FBI.............................................................................
    PEROT AND CON CON....................................................................................
    ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ..................
    TROUBLE FINANCING COLLEGE?..............................................................
    PROTECTION, IF IT KILLS YOU....................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3, 1993.....................................................................
    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LETTER...................................................
    I dedicate this volume to Nora Boyles: My friend, my colleague and the backbone of researched truth that you might have con­firmation for your discernment. I ask our Editors if we might now assemble our first "dictionary" from Nora and get it to press. The volumes will be more suitable for use in smaller "doses"--remember, we seek understanding--not overload of the senses.

    How many volumes will this require? As many as it takes! Thank you, Nora, for a superb contribution to the "knowing" and "learning" of your brethren.


    THU., MARCH 4, 1993 11:21 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 200

    THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1993
    I have pondered as to the necessity of placing this material into book format but I am requested to do so by ones who do not take the paper and have no other way to get the information con­tained therein.

    I am calling the volume THE BEST OF TIMES--THE WORST OF TIMES because you cannot have one without the other also being present in perception and recognition. All things just "are" and it is how you perceive given actions, assaults, friend­ship, betrayals, loyalty, and thus and so, that determines the product of the resulting MAN. "Bars do not a prison make" is an old adage worthy of note. Your mind and your actions de­termine the MAN and the prison or freedom.

    You are each TRAPPED in a physical expression--and shall re­main so until you GROW through LEARNING AND, FI­NALLY, KNOWING, into your perfection as a higher expres­sion of God.

    As you are walking through a perceived experience in manifest form of physical compression your perceptions are myriad, con­fusing and hard to keep focused. The harder you effort in the consciousness to SEE beyond the more assault you have on your physical senses. It is simply the way it IS. If you were in the kindergarten grade of schooling--you would learn your alphabet and numbers--but only most simply. As you go into advanced university calculus--you will have had to learn those early num­bers or there will be no basis upon which to consider "calculus".

    If, however, you plan to utilize "calculus" as a major tool of your career and REFUSE to learn numbers--you shall not succeed! So too, is the learning grades of God's school. If you REFUSE to learn--you shall fail.

    There are lessons which SHALL BE LEARNED if you are to rejoin that wondrous Source of All Creation and you cannot slip-by, skip grades or assume another can learn it FOR you. You are stuck on graduation day either having made the grade or not having done so. It is no necessary mark of either "failure" or "terrible"--it simply IS the way it IS.

    There are many ways to slow your journey and mostly you ones choose the distractions of physical acquirements of "stuff", wealth, etc. Then, too, you turn your own growth into the hands of ones who will orchestrate your path FOR you. But, you LOSE in that game for it can, at best, be but a most tempo­rary state of existence. It is, however, ONLY your singular choice. If you move yourself from the path of Lighted growth, that is one thing--if, however, you cause another to be pulled from the path of Lighted growth through subterfuge and influ­ence beyond the ability of the one to resist--this is EVIL. (Evil: The purposeful pulling of one from his path to God of Source--even by distraction.) This brings a double whammy to the one doing the distracting by untoward means of influence locked within the physical expression. This is the hardest of all to avoid as the pit is camouflaged most gloriously with trinkets and physical pleasures that you are "trained" to desire. Do you see, it is not "good" or "bad" for that which is "good" for the one may well be very, very "bad" for another. You must consider what is the goal and see if a given action or thing is "right" or "wrong" for your purposes.

    Many think they are moving directly toward their goal only to find out that they had not the slightest idea what IS their goal in fact. You will most often claim that your goal is oneness with God--when actually, your goal is interaction with another hu­man! You can find "both" in an arrangement--but always, you must look into your own intent as well as consider the REAL intent of the other in influence.

    You will most often err when you consider "twin flames" and "soul mates" and other nonsense. You have ONLY ONE "twin flame" and ONLY ONE "soul mate"--GOD! To fall for the old line of capture as, "I am your soul mate intended for together journey in the past, in the now and in the future," is B.S. in its highest presentation. If, further, you turn away from that ONE TRUE SOUL MATE/TWIN FLAME IN FAVOR OF AN­OTHER HUMAN EXPRESSION--YOU STOP COLD ON YOUR PATH TO THAT SOURCE OF TOTAL EX­PRESSION--GOD. IT IS WORTHY OF THINKING-ON.

    So, who am I to speak as if I hold the key to all wisdom and knowing? Well, I've passed my "wisdom" doctorate studies and my higher "knowing" post-graduate classes. I have teaching credentials for these subjects--but, you do not have to attend my classes unless you wish. I can show you the way to the Univer­sal Cosmic Realms AND to God for I am a "Wayshower" come for that purpose as a cohan (professor)--but the choice of re­ceiving that which I offer is ONLY yours, chelas (students).

    It is a time of growing and expressing in that growth and, fi­nally, growing BEYOND into the reality of being. This is an experience of learning and accepting the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful and utilizing all to gain perfection of expres­sion in rising above judging but ever in discernment of all things--and judgement of all actions of physical expression. You cannot know the "contract" of another nor even if "that other" is a full and knowing working soul-being of God Creator, so your only method of recognition is to hold your own path solidly in the direction of the path unto THAT GOD for the snares are many and the traps deadly.

    May you be given to walk in love and beauty--whatever the path shall spring upon you. Put your hand in the hand of the MAN and you shall not fall. Remember--you cannot see the heart of the lotus while the blossom is but a bud--not the rose, nor the lily--why think ye that you can see the "whole" from but a tiny shrouded "part"? God offers enough for your perceptions to see HIM in all things around you and, yet, can you not allow the petals to open in perfection that the wonders of that perfection can be yours and not something upon which only to gaze--apart from--and always longing to hold? If God seems to be pulling away from you--it is because you stop whilst He moves on that you might learn to "keep-up". He will never move faster than your capacity to travel, nor will he ever give loads beyond that which you can bear. If you stumble He will bear you up or send his legions to carry you. He will, further, ALWAYS send his messengers to show the way and the teachers to allow for your lessons. So be it is the perfection of CREATOR.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 23:56.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 63


    THU., FEB. 11, 1993 9:58 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 179


    I must take time first this morning to council with ones here. The system has beaten all attempts at justice in the courts. Yesterday the RTC was given full ownership and right of pos­session of Ekker's property--IN FULL! This, in turn with what America West/George Green has done openly and with full in­tent to destroy work accomplished here--is very difficult to overcome emotionally this morning. Just remember that God's delays are not HIS denials. Also, lemon pie requires more at­tention than sucking a lemon. Perhaps this will sort the "men from the boys" in God's army.

    It is very hard, however, for Dharma and E.J. to sort priorities of action. As of the 16th they are either out in the street or per­haps the RTC will bargain for rent temporarily rather than have the house trashed as you move into Spring--until they can be moved out. This, however, requires money and a place in which to move. So, this morning holds great problems to be solved and almost no "time" in which to solve them.

    The fires under way from Green's actions must also be attended and we will take that matter up first.

    I will tell you readers, however, a bit of background so that you Institute participants have comfort instead of stark terror: THE INSTITUTE IS SOUND AND SOLID. WHEN WE SAW TROUBLE COMING LONG AGO, EXPENDITURES WERE MADE FROM EKKERS' FUNDS AND ON SOLID PRO­JECTS AGAINST THIS VERY DAY.

    Ones having funded the purchase (at auction) of the home again loaned money against the home (overloaned, in fact). This was utilized as Institute funding against the assumption that the house and property would be gained at the least. Well, not to be--BUT, these people are willing to wait and even offer a bit more sustaining help against the suit now able to be opened widely against the conspiracy and fraud which first instigated this whole encounter. The RTC has the property but they CANNOT con­tain the fraud which came prior to their entry into the matter. There are some very nervous lawyers, auction companies and embezzlers this day! But this, too, will take massive amounts of time, energy and funds to follow through. Stay the course and it will be fine--the interim will simply have to take its course for the moment as we deal with the assault of Green.

    I have several things this morning which need to be attended early on. One is to either send this writing or, E.J., send a note, to Col. Gritz. Whatever "Bo" may think of ME, what George is telling is a lie against "Bo" and places him in a posi­tion of looking very bad, again, among ones who supported him loyally and financially through his candidacy.

    George is telling everyone he contacts (as a first-off play for credibility) that "Bo and I are together in all this and Bo won't have anything to do with that bunch in Tehachapi and denounces them." THAT IS NOT TRUE! WHAT GRITZ MAY THINK OF ME OR THE SOURCE OF INFORMATION COMING FROM HERE IS NOT IN POINT--HE CERTAINLY DOES NOT DISCOUNT THE WORK AND LOVE SHOWN HIM FROM ANYONE HERE OR ACROSS THIS NATION. THIS INFORMATION IS POURING IN FROM FLORIDA, COL­ORADO AND ONES RIGHT WITHIN OUR WORKING CIRCLE. This kind of attachment to a man of such character and offering the illusion of attached brotherhood, acceptance and understanding is ludicrous. If Bo cannot accept the Truth from ME from this place of REASON AND LOGIC, I certainly do not believe he would hop on a lying Hatonn or even a "proper" Kroton ego trip. If Col. Gritz wishes to take exception to this statement, then he shall have to make his own. That foolishness has nothing to do with this nation and reclamation of your Constitution and national freedom and honor.

    What is really painful--is that I continually ask that the "E.T. connection" be left ALONE--when the time is proper the teacher will make appearance. In the meanwhile--the SORTING WILL BE DONE, SWIFTLY AND THOROUGHLY.

    Let it be known that the Green coalition is demanding their funds be returned IN GOLD, yet. Firstly, in only one instance is business even remotely served with an individual and not a corporation in running order and good standing. Secondly, I believe under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES in a business world, in any nation in the world--including the U.S. specifically--if you go to a bank and demand a loan made in Federal Reserve notes to be returned in pure gold coinage or bullion in exchange--with interest, no brokerage, etc.--I think you would be hard-pressed to collect.

    Never, never, was there any profession on the part of ANYONE herein to state that this is a gold, or precious metal, buying, selling business. NEVER! I have even asked ones to not even apply for information if they were under such impression. Gold is purchased with the funds AS COLLATERAL against which working funds can be borrowed. Further, there is full recogni­tion that you can KNOW there is enough gold in place to satisfy the banks (lenders). [The banks naturally insist on this.] How­ever, the value of gold is calculated every day and full coverage is kept in place to cover those notes. All ones putting any funds to work fully understood what the purpose of using those funds would be--to keep the operations running, the publishing, print­ing, farming, security projects, proposals finalized, etc. Even­tually the Institute will be a massive institute for research and education. Already we are at the point of beginning the most important project of all--Gaiandriana and Aquagaia. (Used in conjunction there doesn't really need be anything else as sup­plement--when the final pieces are put into place.) Now, we
    dare not even move forward with a salary to keep the researcher going. We are caused to temporarily close down everything utilizing Institute funds to a dead halt until we can sort this thing. With this kind of phone-calling and assault by a member of the Board and Vice President of this Institute--can you not see the damage?

    Yes, indeed, there is other funding under way--but interim abil­ity to move forward is too dangerous if these ones push the mother entity into shut-down--even for a day because the funds are attended constantly--but the salaries (meagre at best) come from that resource. The volunteers have given about all they can and now they find that one resource, the JOURNALS, are being tied up. Part of the stability of the Institute early on was to be from 50% gross profits from the books. Tehachapi Dis­tributing (until George caused closure of the entity) PROVED that abundance COULD be made from the JOURNALS.

    So, the only recourse is to effort to gain back the property (books). Dharma and E.J. have NEVER taken a cent for any of the writing--in the LIBERATOR or the JOURNALS. All has been poured back into, with added funds, to keep them going and workers available. The profits were, and will, remain the property of the Institute. This is true of THE WORD, GA­IANDRIANA, etc., even to the chlorella sales--all profits, tiny as they may be, have gone right into the Institute against all funds used for any projects. This is so that if any "project" has lesser profit potential--no individual will lose anything.

    The notes always reflect interest but more importantly, substan­tial gain as gold begins and enters its "rise" time. This is going to happen! Even your deadest deadbeat analysts tell you so.

    I would guess, however, that most important to any participants or ones torn right now--KNOW that the Institute as a CORPO­RATION is in excellent standing and its Board of Directors in full action. We do not PLAY GAMES--we are not a hoola hoop gaggle groupie of some kind. Business is done with integrity and absolutely to the letter of the requirements. Perhaps this is THE SURPRISE to the perpetrators.

    Now ones are calling back having been assaulted by Mr. Green again for "spoiling my surprise" by checking out the first calls made. What is going on? I leave that to your discernment and judgment.

    Now, as to gold. We are told by these ones working with Mr. Green that "he" told them to require this payment in gold. Strange?!? The ones in point were referred to "gold" being sent back and forth to one now in Colorado--some time back. THAT WAS BECAUSE THAT PERSON HAD BROUGHT GOLD AND ASKED MANAGEMENT OF SAME.

    There is another party who has a lot of gold in point. This must be attended immediately. One, G.B., and a recipient of these phone calls from Green--has a lot of gold in reality. It was ac­cepted by George Green and is still in the possession of George Green. It was a problem for the Institute to handle gold because the gold "in the Institute's management" is purchased directly as collateral from an assay/vault metals dealer. A "bucket of gold" is a real problem in this type of transaction and the banks don't want much to do with it, if anything--and always greatly dis­counts the value or will not accept it at all.

    G.B. is now at great unrest for she handed over the gold boxes to George; George stored them at his residence--many ones were privy to the exchange and when the move to Carson City was made, Greens took the gold with them--as several who as­sisted in the move handled it onto the moving carriers. The In­stitute, however, noted the inventory and location of same. G.B. now wants her property back. Yes, I think that a wise re­quest. I would assume that all she needs do is send a copy of her receipt and request to George and ask that it be sent directly to her with full notification of same, checked and signed off, to the Institute.

    George is also telling his phone call recipients that "there is no case at US&P" and that there is no injunction, and thus and so--and then sends letters to "prove it" from prior to hearings--thus placing the attorneys in the matter at great jeopardy. There IS INDEED an injunction against NINE volumes. At this point, George is also telling ones that "I know a member of the Board of US&P and " OH? How interesting! So, the full assault is still being placed squarely on Ekkers who have complied with the court order from the start. Now Green is furious because Tehachapi Distri., who had full rights to the books and clearly so, sent the inventory first to America West where the books were refused delivery and then on to the Federal Court with full supervision by the court and attorneys.

    E.J., THIS accusation against Dharma per that original order from US&P regarding "contempt of court" charges MUST BE STOPPED RIGHT NOW! This has gone on long enough and, as George makes more and more contacts, it can only be coun­tered by a legal rebuttal to the charges. Get this done immedi­ately with copies to all parties involved. I would guess that Mr. Tips, having done some work for Mr. Green would not qualify--but in the form of a rebuttal, may. Check it with him and if not, get a disinterested party--even if in "pro per" to serve that doc­ument of rebuttal--at the least, by certified mail to all parties.

    You may well have to counter-charge the US&P for having placed such tight surveillance on so many people and actually "terrorizing" people and then bringing the charge against Tehachapi Distributing in the first place. We had hoped Mr. Green would respond to this, in a timely manner, and resolve the matter as well as release the books purchased by the LIBER­ATOR. The demand for immediate contact and cease and desist request has obviously not been honored as calls are still being made and his coalition is still at confused work. I would hope that the US&P may well have blundered so badly as to consider removal of court action regarding the volumes now banned by Federal Court edict, be that as it may. When all this goes public it is not going to look so good to the students of that falsely labeled "university". And further, I PROMISE THAT IT WILL BE VERY, VERY PUBLIC. GOD DOES NOT "HIDE THINGS"--HE PRINTS IT RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN FOR ALL THE EYES OF THE WORLD TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR! If your intent is self-aggrandizement and greed--so shall that be seen--IF YOU COME TO DWELL WITHIN MY MIS­SION ACTIVITIES AND PLACES.

    Am I a "hard" Commander? You had best believe it! Self-serving ego has no place in this mission. We bear the honor of God as our "crest" and so shall it be that integrity and honor shall be present. If ones do not like that or would "vote" it out--so be it for they may go their way in peace.

    I note that this Ad Hoc coalition wrote a separate letter to E.J. and Dharma stating that they had "collectively decided God does not be here any longer and neither does the Space team". How nice to have entered the arena of being "voted in" or "voted out". Not the least of the guideline by which this "vote" was cast was based on one member bringing a "divining rod" to a meeting to see if I was real. Later, when I noted same, he laughed and said, "I didn't think you saw that!" For this beloved brother, I can tell you what I told him--"I would have been disappointed if you hadn't checked!" But, to use beloved and blessed persons for such USE is unthinkable and, in my simple opinion, despicable.

    However, I do have another observation as I am told "how aw­ful" to cause elderly people (the ones in point above) to be faced with some sort of conspiracy situation. "How terrible of you." I DO NOTHING--but legally and corporately--those ones who are acting in collusion with Green and Green is telling the world that they are--will be caught in the trap of that action--I CAN ONLY DO THAT WHICH I CAN AND WARN THEM OF SAME AND THAT IT IS ALREADY OUT OF CONTROL AND OUT OF OUR HANDS--WE CAN'T HAVE THE PRIVILEGE WHICH THEY APPARENTLY FEEL DUE THEM--OF VOTING IT IN OR OUT--IT IS!

    Now, these ones (Dharma and E.J.) are belittled by these ones in point as being ungodly for God is loving and giving, forgiving and thus and so.

    So, why not just respond to their demand for gold by simply stating that the accusations are "right on"--"this funny 'energy form' told them to give it all away so in loving showering of God's wealth upon the masses--they threw it all away, gave it away, bought toys and "stuff", wasted, and vandalized every­thing they touched. BUT, "WE KNEW IT WOULD BE OK--BECAUSE ALL IS LOVE AND GIVING AND WE KNOW THAT NO ONE WILL MIND US SQUANDERING THEIR FUNDS BY OUR OWN IRRESPONSIBILITY." BY THE WAY--WHAT OF FUNDS PAID FROM THAT INSTITUTE TO ONE L.F. AS PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS AND SERVICES? SHOULD THAT COME FROM HIS OWN INVESTMENT AGAINST WHICH HE NOW DEMANDS GOLD IN FULL--OR FROM ANOTHER'S--SAY NORA'S?? HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THAT, NORA??

    The greatest (second actually, after America West) funding has gone to the Constitutional Law Center. And what have you got to show? Well, this week Gene Dixon is back in Washington, D.C. meeting with Judge Bork, Walsh (Special Prosecutor) on the Iran/Bushgate, and military hierarchy regarding the Consti­tutionality of the "Gays in the Military" issue. This has become THE RESPECTED voice for Constitutional Law--and we have pulled it off with a major portion of the help from a beloved sister in Florida and the gifts of a few of you other ones. One of the "benefactors" to the CLC is one of the ones now de­manding his BACK--in GOLD--with interest! Ah, indeed, par­ticipants--YOU ARE COVERED ENTIRELY--BUT OH MY--THE SORTING IS INTERESTING AND BECOMES VERY CLEARLY DEFINED.

    I also find it amusing that one of the "coalition" who can't un­derstand my tactics and treatment of ones he has had come to visit and "caused to feel 'mistreated' and unwelcome--has come back within the week asking to participate in planning and structuring resources for Gaiandriana. Does this sound as if God throws his willing workers out on their ear? By the way, for you inquiring minds: What do you think this unnamed "stuff" Bixby (THE HULK) is taking in his fight for life and is "working miracles" might be?? HO HUMMMNI! Newsperson commented that it must "be a new and powerful drug under research". By any name, a rose is a rose! Could you only imagine how good that person would feel if he could have ALL of that which GOD has to offer you of his lambs?

    I was sent a cartoon which summed it up pretty well. A man was shouting up to heaven--"Why don't you send us a cure for AIDS, Cancer, Heart attacks--and thus and so?" Response from heaven: "I did and you aborted it!"

    So be it, Dharma, take this off. I will effort to mention a few things for the phone line a bit later and at least catch up with a few topical messages. We have to simply go on, writer, for you have not the luxury of spending time licking thine wounds. If a move is imminent--then we need to be a bit ahead in the writing against the possible inability for same. I'm sorry, chela, we have a commitment and we shall simply have to see to it. This event in ongoing misery is but an example of that which has come upon YOU ALL! IT WILL NOT GET BETTER NOR WILL THE COURTS--UNLESS YOU MAKE IT BETTER. BECOMING INFORMED IS FIRST--THEN ACTION CAN BE GIVEN PROPERLY.

    If there be "Earth" backup for any information regarding that which goes into Nora's Research Corner--and is seemingly in lack of "full disclosure" then I suggest it be presented properly--via the same route. The LIBERATOR is not intended to be a "seer's" paper but a voice of historical value and unfolding Truth AND a voice for, by and of the people. I cannot even begin to properly thank Nora for her research. This "Research Corner" has given more valid information by its self alone, to the public, than 12 years of public school has given any student. If "full disclosure" of any deeply SECRET society is lacking--all the better for ones to give information if it be validly available. Nora is not in the "higher listening devices" business--she digs out information where and when she finds it. Can another do better? NO. In one or another special areas of information, perhaps insiders or happenstance tid-bits flow--but one bit of subject material does not a Nora's Corner make. If anyone has information to share--share it--why should I take such prepos­terous assumptions upon myself as to disallow that very sharing responsibility?? Even if I visit personally with a "person"--no other person will know of that so to assume that I would tattle or disallow on such a basis is wrong assumption.

    We will help all we can in service and capability--we do not turn over our work to them for restructuring or command perfor­mances. This is not to object to input in any way whatsoever--only a statement of fact. We welcome input in any way from insult to compliment--but we have a good team and work well underway--not a hap-hazard operation awaiting a helmsman. We have a very good helmsman and assumption of fall into dis­grace if YOU don't rearrange something or other--is not practi­cal in the least--and an incorrect assumption at best.

    I also have further notation to make to ones who send poetry and writings which we thank you so much for sharing. We do not choose one above another for honor and if we use your work please know that we thank you greatly and if we then use an-other's, this does not mean lack of quality of your own sharing--only effort to disallow what has happened in the past wherein ones come and demand "all" be utilized--even if it be not valid or insulting to our readers.

    To some of you whose work we actually even wished to bind and offer to readers in volumes--I believe you can see that those intentions are, now at the least, set on the "hold" shelf until our current problems are passed. Please feel free--if you are wait­ing for publication simply because you stumbled by our way--go forth with your offers and you will certainly be that much fur­ther ahead. When we recover stability we can always utilize your volumes in offering them to the public. This is especially offered to one, Ken Coons, for George Green has met with him and asked to illustrate and publish his work. Most of you read­ers recognize this friend. I think it an excellent idea to proceed. A publisher is just that--a publisher of books for public con­sumption by choice. America West has been a very valid and worthy publishing house and to bring worthy subjects forth for the public is indeed an honorable work. This is necessary in conversation for we asked no one to WAIT upon us in this place--we, who are not even publishers. Until this very time America West was our publisher and in any event--we are cer­tainly not at the moment in ANY publishing business. At best, we will be able to offer JOURNALS well printed and the LIB­ERATOR. As we again can grow we will also offer distribution of some other volumes by authors whom I respect in their work. This is an expensive outlay for such inventory so we must be patient as this "setback" is cleared.

    What I am announcing is that the full team is now required to face restrictions and, in some instances, full close-down as funds will be frozen until full inventory can be evaluated. You must all realize that projects must be stopped until damages are as­sessed. I cannot speak FOR E.J. and the ones who have han­dled this massive task for you people--but the tedious and time-consuming task for less than no reward save the service to my people at my request, is not the top of his "happy" agenda. He says he is willing to proceed if there are ones who wish his ser­vices but, chelas, there is not anyone else who has this expertise and the routing connections to do this job--perhaps that is what has infuriated Mr. Green to the boiling point.

    I HONOR E.J.
    I honor E.J. this day because as he has had to watch his life's work and all he could borrow--go into the RTC pockets--he still serves the Institute and gives it stability and security. If you want to recognize integrity--KNOW that at any time these two could have simply taken money from the Institute and BOUGHT THE HOUSE IN POINT--having earned the sums ten times over. What they have done, however, is borrow against that very house and, instead of holding the sums--put it into the In­stitute and used it for our work. I remind you--sometimes you have to lose it all to win--and you have to be willing to GIVE IT ALL--to gain the return. God's delays are not God's denials! We will simply keep on keeping on and watch as opportunity for action knocks upon the minds!

    As life offers up its discipline--look unto that which is thine gift. Let me share, Dharma, just a simple thought from "old" Clint:

    While my throne be tree studded ground.
    No greater king than I.
    O'er my head star studded ground,
    No other than the sky.
    It seems I hear the distance,
    Going out to play.
    And smell sweet nature's essence,
    Of mouldy leaf and clay.
    While here I be, yet not alone,
    For the breeze be my musician.
    To a melody that insects drone,
    While bullfrogs play politician.
    So brave the tree that stands its ground,
    As proud as any soldier.
    Yet one newsy limb keeps bowing down,
    Like she's reading o'er my shoulder.
    I beg of you with sadness,
    Your heart in such a jam.
    Come fill your heart with gladness,
    There's plenty where I am.
    As butterfly keeps drifting by,
    All dressed in black and yellow.
    Son of a gun she winked her eye,
    Like she's flirtin' with her fellow.
    And leafy fern, what's on your mind,
    Attracting my attention.
    Well OK honey I'll write a line,
    And surely give you mention.
    If I'm still here when night begins,
    Until the coming of the dawn.
    Thank God, I'm in love again,
    With yonder little fawn.
    With wandering eye I've studied this,
    And made a thorough search.
    I cannot find one thing amiss,
    For even here, there's church.
    I will, I will, I swear I will.
    I'll share this if you'll, but try.
    You need not bring one dollar bill,
    There's nothing here to buy.
    And need you now to even guess.
    For surely you can see.
    This whole world is so greatly blessed,
    As happiness and contentment, encircle you and me.

    Clint C. Cullen
    General Delivery
    Tehachapi, California 93561

    Even if you don't want his little volumes--please, if you appre­ciate his thoughts, tell him so. Those words of love from you ones have sustained this crew in this place and it is those things from the heart--shared--which provide "The Throne" in this wondrous Kingdom. The beautiful cards sent here are now be­ing collected and will be "framed" in groups for they are works of art and represent the love which flows and yet, cannot seem to be held as the card is bundled in a basket. Each expression and each photograph thereon bears the thoughts and perceptions, dreams and art-form of the maker and the giver--each is trea­sured, each note and gift cherished. It ultimately will be these things of REAL VALUE which shall bind our people and our nation--unto God in truth, in love and in understanding of that which IS.


    Old Dad to stand-by.
    PJ 63

    FRI., FEB. 12, 1993 3:06 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 180
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1993

    When we have opportunity to share those things which might well impact the very events of history if only they are attended, we must do so. I realize, Dharma, that you would rather get "on with your work" but, friend, what IS your work--is THIS not your work?
    There are two important documents in front of you and YOU have no way to evaluate importance or urgency. You can ques­tion the input of "another", you can query me and yet, is it not suitable that you simply share as brought to you--for your "opinion" is not asked--only that a message be shared and for­warded. Is this not exactly what "tips" are--to any paper of quality? You must not allow anything being said around you to impact our own communications. The two things in point are at the least, interesting and at the most, incredibly important. Only the intended receivers can evaluate the considerations offered. Both have great impact as regards Col. James Gritz.

    On Feb. 1 a call for the editor came to the LIBERATOR office. It was only attention-getting because of WHO it was calling. We do not have "groups" here and we effort to never deny hearing to anyone--especially as rebuttal to anything we may have printed. This person is John Bangerter. Now this will not mean much to readers--until I tell you that this person, Bangerter, is from a place called Washington, Utah. Still no light-bulbs? How about when I tell you he was in Idaho at the Randy Weaver ordeal and is a "skinhead"? Well, a step further--he was THE skinhead that Bo Gritz saluted with his infamous front-page salute!

    He simply wanted to correct a statement we had copied from another article which said the skinheads were sent in and were being setup as "tools" for trouble. He didn't seem to argue the point except that he wanted us to know that it wasn't the "FBI" behind it. I guess we will have to leave you with not knowing who if not....etc.

    At any rate, he was asked to write a letter because he had a lot of things to say and he said he would be happy to do so and did, in fact, even leave his phone number.

    He wanted to express to readers that the "instructions" for Randy Weaver's trial are, "keep a low-key profile," that Randy wasn't a Supremist or Racist but more correctly "a racist to some degree".

    He also said that he was in the hotel with Bo while Bo was in Idaho but did not elaborate on that. He wanted to share some other information regarding Bo and Randy but our office man­ager asked him not to do so for the phones are tapped and the incoming calls suddenly had increased greatly. His inference was that there were some critical things "coming down" and there was a "feeling" from our person--on this end of the line--that there might well be implications in this statement impacting Col. Gritz.

    I have nothing to add to this and we still have not received the letter so will leave it at that.

    This would not be even mentioned except for several other things happening and other information flowing in regarding the "George Green" matter and what he is telling the people he is calling about his attachment and close relationship with Col. Gritz. The fact is that Bangerter thought the "editor" was George Green as he had been told so.

    We have had several calls from anonymous callers who are also "receivers" and the calls are warnings as to George's and De­sire & safety. We are told that somehow George's "plans" had been disrupted as regards the "Tehachapi" area but that George was somehow being set up by his (he thinks) friends--possibly with the IRS. I also have no comment as to that information but it introduces the next and, so far, accurate information receiver. Even George has met with this person in order to try to publish her work. This person our readers will recognize as DEJ and she most often writes on the challenging deciphering quatrains of Nostradamus. I am simply asking that her information be printed as is, without my input and then send, please, a fax copy to Col. Gritz and to America West.

    We have not heard from this person for a while due to lack of ability to get our work studied with all the strange weather mess left to ones in that area--to clean up after the storm itself passed. So, we will start at the second paragraph and, Dharma, simply print it as is:


    PLEASE, Sir (Commander), warn James Gritz that he must be very, very careful with this Spike group. I should have writ­ten you months ago I know, when I "saw" it happening, but to read of James setting himself up for them to move in just as they will, needs this to be printed, (I leave that up to you, Sir.) They are planning on making James Gritz into a cross between Jim Jones and a Mormon Maniac (their words), complete with weapons, illegal firepower and then they will squash him and his beneath their bootheels. THIS INCLUDES THE "FRIENDS" CLOSE TO HIM WHO WILL AND ARE IN ON IT. There are two of them, Colonel Gritz, both males. As soon as he reads this, or is made aware of it, he will know exactly who they are. And yes, Colonel, your sudden suspicions are very, very well grounded in reality.
    George, Desiree, you both are next on the agenda for what they believe will be a "Domino Effect". Please, just carefully consider what you are about to do and know, that it is the most grave mistake which you will both regret. And regret for the rest of your lives.

    [H: Is it that bad really? Yes it is, friends, if things don't swing around very quickly now it is headed for "darkville". Also, please remember that when messages are given and the vision of reality has to be received--it is not an easy nor funny thing to witness before the fact. I thank DJ for shar­ing with me and trusting me enough to follow through for a "receiver" doesn't always know where to go and what to do with such information coming out of the blue and demand­ing hearing, especially when addresses and contacts are dif­ficult, much less, hard to believe. I am a bit humbled to have her believe that either Green or Gritz will actually hear either of us.]

    And, Moses, Rosah, just for the record: NO ONE DESERVES TO LIVE IN DARKNESS. Do you dare to believe that the Fa­ther loves Hannibal, Manson, Hitler any less or more than any of the rest of us? STICK THAT IN YOUR HAT BANDS AND THINK ON IT! ....For HE does; this my friends, is what is called unconditional love. When you plant apple seeds you get apple trees, peach pits, peach trees and when God Plants seeds, HE gets godlings. Another toughie to wrestle with I know. (Me, chosen Heavenly Bouncer? 'Hey, I have viewed Heaven and live in Hell...so...I can only try, Sir.)

    Post Script: No it does not have to be that way, but so very tragically for us, it IS going to be that way.

    Signed: DJ


    * * *
    I have a bit of a response to DJ: We each do that which we can to the best of the abilities allowed us and, then, there is no more for each shall hear and act upon information as he sees fit. I do have a message to you and to these readers--I am still hold­ing the last few quatrains sent to this location, some months past, and I know you await their printing. I could see that readers were not ready, precious, and I still must carefully consider if they are yet ready to hold truth through this hor­rendous period of "sorting" and "choice making". It is the time when man shall meld with God and Hosts OR place himself in separation--at this time of choosing--most likely FOREVER. Thank you for your communique and KNOW that you have done that which was necessary and, I under­stand, against all your wishes for it is most often the "messenger" who is stomped in the process of bearing truth.

    DJ, since you are tuned in, I want you to read the following with your background in medicine uppermost. I also ask that you are sent some Gaiandriana and Aquagaia. YOU need it, princess. The past experiences didn't do your longevity expec­tations much good and you have a son to rear and attend. Get on it, stay on it and let's hear some good news! Stay in touch, please, for it is a hard time and you need the "watch-over"--no man is an "island" on that planet. You ones of our team have it most despicably hard--but we are here to attend you--but YOU have to follow through for it won't "just fall all over you like a good case of instant transfer".

    Next we'll just share a couple of articles sent from the News in Stuart, Fla.: 12/27/92 or 1/2/93 (dateline lost).

    New York Times News Service:

    The American Association of Blood Banks and the Depart­ment of Defense have lifted the ban on blood donations by mili­tary personnel who served in the Persian Gulf War.
    Civilian and military blood banks were advised this week to allow the 500,000 members of the armed forces affected by the ban to donate blood beginning Friday.
    The ban was imposed Nov. 12, 1991, as a precaution against the transmission of the disease leishmaniasis.
    The disease is caused by a parasite common to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other areas of the Middle East and can be transmit­ted through the blood.
    In the 13-1/2 months that the ban was in effect, however, the American Association of Blood Banks did not find any cases of the disease.
    Leishmaniasis, most commonly transmitted through the bite of a sand fly, usually causes only skin lesions. Of the 17 mili­tary personnel who returned from the war with the disease, 11 had internal symptoms as well.
    These unusual cases caused concern about the very rare but possible risk of the transmission of the disease through blood transfusion.
    The blood banks' association said that a personal-health questionnaire that potential donors are routinely required to fill out pin-pointed symptoms and risk factors of leishmaniasis.
    A donor who appears to be at risk of getting the disease will be referred for medical evaluation and will be indefinitely barred from donating blood.

    * * *
    So, now let's try January 29, 1993--same paper, Stuart, Florida:

    KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP)--A health official Thursday de­nied a U.N. report that a fly-borne parasite has killed tens of thousands of people in the past two years.
    Sadeq Mahjoub, director of preventive medicine at the Min­istry of Health, told the official Sudan News Agency that health officials throughout the country knew nothing about an epi­demic. But---
    The World Health Organization said Tuesday that 40,000 people have been killed by the parasite and up to 400,000 are at risk in southern Sudan.
    The agency described the outbreak of the infection, borne by sand flies, as "ONE OF THE LARGEST EPIDEMICS OF THE DEADLY DISEASE IN RECORDED HISTORY."

    Anybody feel a tad sick yet?? What ever do you think the World Health Organization is up to? Sound like a rerun of AIDS? How about just a "little" bit of Anthrax? And you think you only have 17 persons returned from that Gulf War with this "little" malfunction? Come, come, silly TV viewers, THIS DOES NOT GO AWAY! IT IS FATAL AFTER A VERY DEBILITATING WASTING AWAY AND TOTAL FINAL FAILURE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM TO FUNCTION.

    I think the correlation between this and the information DJ shared with us some time back regarding "Plague" (Bubonic, etc.) will offer a bit of confirmation to any doubters. You are going to find that this will also end up being some "elusive" form of "something similar to HIV" and yap, yap, yap. How are you going to practice "safe breathing", chelas? How are you going to evade the "blood suckers" when they are ALL in­fection bearers? How are you going to survive these onslaughts one after another? (And who is covering for the deliberate in­fection of your soldiers with this cute little story?--for Sudan says they don't know anything about this terrible epidemic????) Who is blaming who--again? Well, the good old WHO is right there again, eh what? I suggest you get something into your system which might help that Immune System or you aren't go­ing to survive--your survival is NOT in the Elite PLAN.

    Dharma, take this off the machine. It is important that these messages be sent, then, I release you to other tasks. For any who may not yet know, the Ekkers' home and property were yesterday turned over by the court for possession by the Resolution Trust Corporation. Now the RTC is efforting to ban them from all litigation with any parties involved PRIOR to RTC in­tervention. THIS HAPPENS TO BE AGAINST THE CHARTER OF THE RTC AND MAKES THEM LIABLE AS THE CHARTER STATES THAT THE RTC IN ALL INSTANCES OF "POSSIBLE" ILLEGALITIES OR SUS­PICION OF FRAUD IN ANY TRANSACTION MUST IN­VESTIGATE AND REPORT SUSPECTED PARTIES TO SUCH ACTIONS. To try to cause the Ekkers to dismiss and disallow any litigation against the criminals involved in this episode would seem quite appropriately WRONG. The Ekkers certainly do wish George Green was right in his latest stories that there is no litigation ongoing in this matter. Maybe he knew the results? And, NO, the battle is only just joined--quit­ting is not among our words or actions. Thank you for bearing with us, readers, through this time of full-blast attack from in­side as well as from without. God is pretty substantial, how­ever, and I only want to leave you with a reminder of same.


    Hatonn. to move to stand-by.

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