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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62

    Many things are sought and some are found. Many other things are not specifically sought for and found (serendipity). These things are often found hidden under the low lying bushes (both kinds) and shrubs (chaparral). Treasure these things found for they shall end up belonging in your treasure trove of understanding and insight.




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs]--[Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.].
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.

    ISBN 1-56935-000-0
    First Edition Printed by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126
    February 1993
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ................... 9
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1993............................................................................
    CALL TO DAMAGED VETERANS....................................................................
    LIES OF THE GOVERNMENT AND MEDIA....................................................
    COUNCIL ON DOMESTIC RELATIONS............................................................
    FROM NORD DAVIS:...........................................................................................
    ARE TO LEARN?.............................................................................................
    CDR QUESTION SHEET (INSERT)......................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1993...........................................................................
    PERSONAL . . . FROM THE EDITOR (From the
    Spotlight)................................................................................................... .......
    SHOCKING AUSCHWITZ TESTIMONY.....................................................
    ‘FACTS' ARE LIES................................................................................................
    INSTRUCTED FROM YOUTH.............................................................................
    NO GAS CHAMBERS...........................................................................................
    PARADOXICAL BELIEFS....................................................................................
    "AH, BUT SOMALIA--?".....................................................................................
    MIA/POWS FINAL SELLOUT!............................................................................
    MAYBE BETTER?............................................................................................. ....
    APPOINTMENTS........................................................................................ .....
    DOMESTIC AFFAIRS CABINET APPOINTMENTS.........................................
    WHITE HOUSE STAFF APPOINTMENTS.........................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    DISASTERS, ETC.............................................................................................
    WHAT WILL BE FOUND IN BAGHDAD?.........................................................
    CLINTON vs. BUSH..............................................................................................
    PEROT............................................................................................... ......................
    ANYTHING TO INCITE RIOTS AND TROUBLE.............................................
    LIES AND HALF-TRUTHS...................................................................................
    ALAN DERSHOWITZ AS EXAMPLE................................................................
    GOYIM--LESSONS FROM A MASTER.......................................................
    ROBERTSON?.......................................................................................... ........
    CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS SERVE ISRAEL.......................................
    PROFILE OF A CHRISTIAN ZIONIST................................................................
    ISRAEL'S FIFTH COLUMN.................................................................................
    WHAT DOES ROBERTSON SAY ABOUT POLLARD?....................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1993........................................................................
    BE AGREED?".................................................................................................
    CALL US EVIL AND YET STILL DEMAND......................................................
    OPPORTUNITIES ABOUND................................................................................
    JOURNALS.................................................................................................... .........
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993...........................................................................
    BEGINNINGS! EACH DAY IS NEW...................................................................
    WHAT WILL HAPPEN?........................................................................................
    WHAT OF GEORGE GREEN?.............................................................................
    ALERT! ALERT! MAYNARD CAMPBELL UPDATE ......................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993...........................................................................
    THE BILDERBERG SOCIETY.............................................................................
    WHAT IS THE BILDERBERG SOCIETY?..........................................................
    WHO'S WHO OF THE WORLD'S ELITE..........................................................
    WHAT HAPPENED TO BOBBIE ANN WILLIAMS?........................................
    SIGNING OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS..................................................................
    HOLOCAUST STORY FLAK...............................................................................
    ISRAEL.............................................................................................. ......................
    STILL NOT NERVOUS?........................................................................................
    WANT ANOTHER LITTLE INSULT TO INJURY?............................................
    SO, HOW GOES MEXICAN FREE TRADE?.....................................................
    MORE COMPANIES ALREADY IN MEXICO...................................................
    STOP FREE TRADE...............................................................................................
    AIDS................................................................................................ .........................
    AIDS--MAN-MADE HOLOCAUST....................................................................
    AIDS VIRUS (INSERT 3 PAGES).....................................................................
    W H O INVOLVEMENT........................................................................................
    A WEAPON AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE?.........................................................
    THE EVIDENCE............................................................................................ .........
    AIDS WAS MAN-MADE......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1993........................................................................
    PRIORITIES.......................................................................................... ..................
    NATURAL CHANGES...........................................................................................
    GAIANDRIANA......................................................................................... ............
    THE LIBERATOR........................................................................................... ........
    GUNTHER RUSSBACHER..................................................................................
    "MOSES", "JESUS" AND ROSAH......................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 1993............................................................................
    THINKING ABOUT "THINGS"...........................................................................
    TO STAY OR NOT TO STAY................................................................................
    IS GOD YOUR SECOND CHOICE......................................................................
    WHO IS THE TEACHER?.....................................................................................
    MORE ABOUT RUSSBACHER...........................................................................
    REPORT ON GI PRISONERS ALTERED............................................................
    NOT OFFERED............................................................................................. .........
    TRYING TO COVER UP?.....................................................................................
    EXPENSIVE FARCE........................................................................................
    OFFICIAL NEGLIGENCE.....................................................................................
    ‘JUDAS SMITH'.............................................................................................. ......
    NO DYNAMIC DUO.............................................................................................
    DIM-WITTED LIST...............................................................................................
    POWs STILL ALIVE..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1993...........................................................................
    HOPE................................................................................................ .......................
    VACCINATIONS AND INOCULATIONS............................................................
    BAD BLOOD............................................................................................... ...........
    TODAY............................................................................................... .....................
    INCORRECT SPEECH...........................................................................................
    YOU ARE "HAD"..................................................................................................
    HOLOCAUST........................................................................................... ..............
    HOLOCAUST........................................................................................... ........
    PERSONAL . . . FROM THE EDITOR (From the
    Spotlight)................................................................................................... .......
    SHOCKING AUSCHWITZ TESTIMONY.....................................................
    ‘FACTS' ARE LIES................................................................................................
    INSTRUCTED FROM YOUTH.............................................................................
    NO GAS CHAMBERS...........................................................................................
    PARADOXICAL BELIEFS....................................................................................
    BY THE NEWS WE MIGHT ADD.................................................................
    THE REALITY............................................................................................. ...........
    NOTES............................................................................................... ......................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1993...................................................................
    LOOK WITH KNOWLEDGE AND YOU SHALL SEE!....................................
    ECONOMY AND CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.............................................
    STOCK MARKET.............................................................................................. ....
    VOLCANOS............................................................................................ ................
    LAST NIGHT............................................................................................... .....
    FEDS AND BONDS...............................................................................................
    NEW RTC--BANKRUPTCY OF THE OLD ONE...............................................
    INEFFICIENT, PROPOSES NEW AGENCY.................................................
    THE NATION.............................................................................................. ......
    RESPONSE TO INQUIRIES ON T-CELLS..........................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. .............
    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1993.......................................................................
    NOTE FROM AUSTRALIA..................................................................................
    CARNEGIE FOUNDATION CONNECTION......................................................
    GOOD LUCK, AMERICA AND WORLD...........................................................
    WINDS............................................................................................... ................
    CENTURY HERMIT........................................................................................
    COMMUNIST RULES FOR REVOLUTION......................................................
    GAYS IN THE MILITARY--CLC STANCE.........................................................
    MESSENGER BOY (A poem by Clint C. Cullen)...........................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    LET'S JUST QUIT!............................................................................................... .
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1993..........................................................................
    NO LITIGATION?......................................................................................... .........
    ANOTHER VIEW FROM THE MOUNTAIN......................................................
    IRANGATE............................................................................................ ..................
    CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CENTER....................................................................
    RUSSBACHER.......................................................................................... .............
    POLITICS............................................................................................ ..............
    EARTHQUAKES, STORMS AND OTHER.........................................................
    INCONVENIENCES...................................................................................... ........
    ARMS FOR HOSTAGES--GEORGE SCHULTZ SPEAKS................................
    REVELATIONS: BIZARRE BEYOND BELIEF..................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1993..........................................................................
    NOTES AND INSTRUCTIONS.............................................................................
    THE WHITE HOUSE STONEWALLS.................................................................
    A BATTLE ROYAL............................................................................................... .
    THE WHITE HOUSE CRACKS............................................................................
    THE PRESIDENT LOSES HIS TEMPER.............................................................
    THE SNAKE WOULD NOT DIE..........................................................................
    TALKING A NEW LINE........................................................................................

    I am dedicating this volume to JOHN AND ELEANOR SCHROEPFER who probably have just witnessed the most valuable serendipity "find" of their recent expression, for they were ambushed from the chaparral and almost trapped. Be careful, precious ones, as you travel and are pulled and pushed in every direction and played by the puppet-master's drumbeat and dancing strings, for what is presented to you by the misinformation touters is very often the sound of the trap snapping closed upon you.

    We are just now reaching that part of the "play" wherein John's commitment can be utilized in his field of knowledge gained and his talents shared. How often does the question and the beast pull ones away at the very doorway to fulfillment of lifetimes of dreams and service? Every time he gets the chance and finds the doorway open for his dank entrance. BEWARE, for there--save through the grace of GOD--go YOU.
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-16 at 00:00.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62
    SUN., JAN. 10, 1993 9:10 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 147
    SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1993
    Let us speak first of "how" to get help from the Law Center. I, Hatonn, do not "run" the Law Center. Let us just say that I am a "Member of the Board and the Board of Advisers." I plan to do no "magic" but I will attempt to point out things being missed and correct impressions as we move along.

    Right now, in Irving, Texas is a meeting of a group which regards veterans who are suffering from damage stemming from the "Gulf" war. The public announcements have indicated there are only a "few". There are hundreds and hundreds suffering in varying stages of the dis-ease development. The damage is to the nervous system causing such phases of weakness and loss of muscle function as to render the carrier unable to maintain muscle control.

    I am NOT going to ask the Law Center to track down you ones who know about this problem. I remind you of Vietnam, however, that the government abandons you and when confronted and forced to make some settlement (say, as with Agent Orange) the sums paid are piddling to zero.

    You will note that some veterans who were exposed directly and knowingly to Mustard Gas in the WW II are just not getting any information or help. This was done in secret with enforced threat to silence all damaged parties. Do you think in this age of lies and total neglect of all citizen rights, that it is somehow "different"?

    If you want help, you must organize at least to the point of a spokesperson willing to gain FACTS, even if by word-of-mouth, and make contact with the Center. The Center cannot longer sustain itself without backing and support but the expenses would be minimal to cover research, fact gathering from locations, filing of class-actions and individual cases, etc. YOU will make the Constitutional Law Center the focus of your assistance--or, it shall not become so and you will be continued in a "nothing" void of inactivity, promises never kept and finally, debilitation. Incarceration comes in many forms; one of which is simply incarceration in holding cells called "hospital rooms" where research on you can continue until your transition into other dimensions.

    If you think I exaggerate, think again--TODAY! What do they tell you today? They tell you that the "cloud cover" above Iraqi areas kept surveillance to zero. Today they tell you openly that that was a fabrication to give the "CIA time to arrange other tactics". (What is the CIA doing running this new "war"?) (Why did the CIA run the last war?) What makes you actually think there are any Iraqi anti-anything guns anywhere? The whole ploy is a total fabrication of your own CIA and Administration to allow "covered" actions directly against Saddam's lands and citizens.

    What would YOU think if, say, the Russians started shooting down your planes OVER YOUR OWN NATION and then stated that YOUR PRESIDENT IS TO BE ASSASSINATED (FOR THE GOOD OF THE WORLD ORDER)?? WOULD THIS BE ok WITH YOU, AMERICANS? That is EXACTLY what is afoot! You will notice the lies in full force as the Iraq people do not even know what the lies are! Worse, all the pictures the media shows you are old and have NOTHING to do with current events. Moreover, the media acted hand in glove with the CIA admitted lies regarding the surveillance and the story regarding the "moving of weapons"--so WHY would you not think them lying to you now? Blindfolds OFF, chelas--or expect that which you get.

    Some of the Arab nations are resisting the New World Order under RULE of the United Nations--NOTHING MORE. They are attempting to retain sovereignty--which you as a nation of citizens have long since relinquished! In every instance the U.S. is the one who is enforcing the march to doom! Why? Well, it's a long story and I would hope that you have been reading it step by step as it has unfolded--WITHIN THE LIBERATOR and JOURNALS. America is now under full Communist-Zionist control and, since the military will not act on its own and there is NO CAUSE of action within the Congress--YOUR PRESIDENT THROUGH EXECUTIVE ORDERS IS TAKING MILITARY CONTROL OF THE WORLD. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE U.S. WILL RULE THE WORLD--THIS MEANS THAT THE ELITE BANKSTERS WILL RULE THE WORLD, INCLUDING YOU!

    This goes HAND IN GLOVE with the false "COSMOS, ETC." actions. DO NOT BITE ON THIS, READERS! What seems to be a working organization in your behalf is your sure death march to incarceration in those lovely camps all readied FOR YOU.

    You ones who have written your cards and letters will be receiving forms to fill out with everything from name and address to every detail of your past experiences and your sources of "information". What in the world are you doing? You claim to wish protection for selves and march right into the vipers mouth! You will be getting unsigned, undocumented questionnaires through the open blackmail system. You are simply putting your name and family on the list of first incarcerated. DO NOT DO THIS, READERS--DO NOT DO THIS!

    The "headquarters" of the acclaimed "Cosmos" do not know anything about the cards and letters flowing in and the movement thus far has all but destroyed what headway had been gained against the Beast in Power. DO NOT DO THIS THING THEY ASK!! THE ENEMY IS AT YOUR VERY TABLE AND WILL "EAT" YOU FOR DINNER! THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO WIN--THIS IS THE WAY TO GET CAUGHT IN THE TRAP.


    Why do I not speak up sooner? I Have!! I have efforted to allow you to make discernments and judgements of the circumstances and people involved. But you who have gone along seeking privacy and sovereignty are herein set to do the work FOR THE ENEMY in one question-paper form--blowing out all the gain you made and cementing the shackles upon your bodies.

    Oh, you tell me--but Dare Schaut DID sign the paper! And I ask you--JUST WHO IS C. DARE SCHAUT????? How many of YOU know this Dare Schaut and all about him? Could THIS NAME be as strangely FALSE as everything else about the entity? Pronounced and seen as "see-Dare-shout", it becomes most interesting, doesn't it? Does this not SMACK of the stupid labels used over and over again by the entities in the conspiracy? Do they not label everything and everyone with "cute" symbols and initials and adorable "code" names like Desert Storm, Restore Hope, ADL, Fish Meal and on and on into hysteria? "But what if this is just the man's name?" So be it!! How many of you KNEW Adolf Hitler? How many of you personally KNOW David Rockefeller or any of his clones? How many of you KNOW OR KNEW PATRICK HENRY? Are you possibly just falling for "wishful fairy tales"? HOW DO YOU KNOW?? To fill out the form marches you DIRECTLY into that which you CLAIMED you were efforting to avoid. COULD it be a TRAP? HOW DO YOU KNOW? HOW DO "MY" FRIENDS KNOW? Well, for one thing, because of the way these "friends" recognize me and THEN RUN HIDE FROM MY CONTACT AS IF I BEAR THE PLAGUE! I DO!!

    I am going to present a paper to you from one, Nord Davis, who would have been Gritz' Sec. of Defense had Gritz been put into office. Mr. Davis despises and denounces ME and proclaims his WISDOM IN SPIRITUAL MATTERS TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH--WHERE PEOPLE LISTEN--SUCH AS COMMANDER GRITZ. Does this make him a liar in matters of information? NO! This makes him uninformed. Is he CORRECT in the following document? Perhaps and perhaps not. Certainly he gives REASONS FOR PAYING ATTENTION AND NOT FALLING HEADLONG INTO THE PIT OF VIPERS--IF THEY TURN OUT TO BE VIPERS. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS THAN PRESENTED TO YOU FOR UNITING AND RECLAIMING CONSTITUTION AND FREEDOM. FOR SOMEONE TO "PUT UP ALL THE MONEY" IS NEVER ONE OF THEM. YOU ARE GOING TO CHANGE YOUR PATH BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO AND NOT BECAUSE THERE IS MONEY FLOWING TO DO IT FOR YOU. Whether this "movement" is in exuberance, ignorance or outright entrapment matters not as the stupidity involved is accomplishing the same end regardless of intent. COME UP OUT OF YOUR FANTASY-LAND HYPE AND GET ON WITH RECLAIMING YOUR CONSTITUTION PROPERLY AND GOD WILL ASSIST YOU--CONTINUE IN THIS "GET ME ON THE LIST AND SOMEBODY WILL DO IT FOR ME" WILL SEPARATE YOU FROM GOD OF LIGHT AS SURELY AS IF YOU HAVE MADE THE PRONOUNCEMENT FOR GOD WILL NOT ASSIST HIS ENEMY!


    December 7, 1992

    "Mr. Davis, what do you think of this group called COSMOS?"

    Ever since this "Cosmos" organization went public in a large telephone conference call on November 27, 1992, our office has been swamped with letters and phone calls asking if we think that they should get involved with it. A dozen of you have even sent me tape recordings of that telephone call describing the forthcoming secret overthrow of the US government by a "group of professional computer hackers who have broken the bank computer security codes and have helped themselves to billions of dollars thereby." We were told that Cosmos now has the entire U.S. Navy acting on their behalf, and standing ready to uphold their Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution using military force if necessary to bring about a transition of government. We were told that Cosmos is the largest corporation in the world and has an income from interest alone that totals 2.4 billion dollars per day, and that those assets and income have been turned over to "we the people" to set up, once again, the United States under the Constitutional Republic. We were told that Cosmos has completed its background check on George Bush, Bill Clinton and everyone in the Senate and Congress and has advised them that they are known to be traitors; Bush's indictment for treason is to be served on him on January 7, 1993. Bill Clinton, having been elected, will never the less decline to be sworn in as President, and the VP-Elect will also decline, because Cosmos has given him their dossier of data proving that he is also "dirty". According to Cosmos, everyone in the normal seniority succession to the Presidency will decline until the first "clean" congressman is arrived at, who is Henry Gonzalez of Texas. Mr. Gonzalez is to be sworn in as President in January according to Cosmos.

    [H: Lots of things are in flux and turmoil and some things ARE very obviously being blocked--BUT, do you actually see any of THESE THINGS taking place? Good grief, chelas--the warnings of every intended action was MADE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT BY THESE SO-CALLED PATRIOTS! The only thing accomplished by these "revelations" has been to destroy the only course of possible action as had been laid forth by true "Patriots". Also, it buried the "Treasurygate" activities into total impossibility of carry-through at this time. However, the "legally binding" things are still alive--but HARDLY COULD BE CONSIDERED "WELL". The adversary, once again, has played his trump card and now moves on to gain the whole of the pot through his incredibly deceitful and clever manipulations--through tools of ignorant manipulators. You ask me constantly "is this real"? Of course it is "REAL"! You would, further, have ME tell you everything and blow all the remaining possibilities of recovery--NO, I shall not do that! You ones are going to grow up, read information, sort and listen to Spiritual God Truth--and then, only then, will this mission of "Freedom" be granted full assistance. To shoot yourselves in one foot is folly enough--but to blow off both feet will cause you never to walk again!]

    Is that about the gist of what you have been told about Cosmos? If you want our opinion, you will not believe one word of this Cosmos nonsense, and you will stay as far away from it as you can get. Those of you who have allowed yourselves to be a party to the discussion of this sedition in a telephone linkup may soon be indicted in a conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States. Be assured, the Bush Administration's Justice Department and FBI are well aware of this Cosmos proposal, and it would not surprise me if they are the ones who have concocted this scheme in the first place. The background to my opinions will be found on the next page.

    First, there may well be a company named Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Inc. It may well be a CIA front as were many of the CIA "SEAFOOD" fronts [H: Not the least of which was the "Bush" "fish-meal" operation offshore in the South wherein cocaine was being delivered to the off-shore Zapata oil-rigs. This is still ongoing! This "fish-meal" tasted, looked and acted--when ingested--EXACTLY like cocaine in powdered form. So, we maybe should go back to the old "duck" theory of "if it quacks, waddles, appears like and so forth"] located in Costa Rica. Those CIA fronts, as set forth in my book, Hope's Husband [H: And within several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS--WHY DO YOU THINK THE ENEMY EFFORTS TO EVEN MURDER TO BAN OUR WORK?], were used to bring drugs into America frozen in with the fish. Cosmos [as stated by spokesmen] is located at RR1, Box 171, Okaville, Illinois 62271. For the largest corporation in the world, it does not have a listed phone number. This is a town in south-central Illinois of 1,300 people. [H: Actually, THIS is the only thing that gives validity to the whole operation as being worthy.] It is probably as far away from the source of any "seafood" as any spot in America. This company really does have a man named Andy Nicholew in its employ. However, this Andy Nicholew denies making ANY PRESENTATIONS as set forth on the November 27, 1992, phone calls. Furthermore, according to my intelligence sources, the company known as Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Inc. or Ltd.,has no idea whatever about all the information being sent forth across America in its name.

    [H: But you think Dare Schaut is NOT a "nasty" as presented by Bo Gritz and you are angry at Bo also and you will "go with Dare"? "Ah", you say, "...but there is this lady in Colorado who worked for Bo Gritz and she is "after Bo" legally because he misused campaign funds! She says he used campaign funds for "vacations", "a new airplane", "travel to sell his books" and on and on. This is total fabrication from the "vacation to the airplane"! Since when can you consider traveling under threat of death and 24 hour a day schedules a "vacation"? Why was she angry? Because she "believed Dare Schaut and didn't get a personal thank-you note from Gritz!" by her own words. She did state that she could confirm almost none of the information being given publicly, however. Some was given openly and most was pure fabrication as gleaned from her own contacts. I shall not give this person's name as she has had such trauma and aggravation out of this whole mess as to cost her a life time of misery. Is not "confusion" and "deceit" the VERY MARK OF THE BEAST? WELL, JUST "WHO" IS "WHAT"? KEEP YOUR PRIVACY AND DO NOTHING FOOLISH AND WATCH IT UNFOLD--GETTING YOUR NAME ON A LIST WHICH COULD BE YOUR VERY DEATH SENTENCE IS HARDLY SAVING YOUR NATION OR YOUR FREEDOM. USE "REASON" AND DO NOT LET DOWN YOUR GUARD FOR THE ENEMY ALWAYS MUST SHOW HIS HAND AND YOU ARE EXPECTED TO SEE IT WHEN SHOWN!]

    What do we make of this? If Cosmos wants this information out in preparation for what is to come next month, with dozens of people on a telephone conference call, why would their parent company deny any knowledge of it, and their agent Andy Nicholew DENY HE MADE THESE PRESENTATIONS? If they are the largest corporation in the world, with assets worth billions and with control of the political process such that they can drive Clinton into hiding, they would not be concerned at this point in security. Nor, would they need money. If so, why do they want a fee of $250 to get hooked up to their computer link?

    [****Hatonn: DO NOT PASS THIS POINT WITHOUT REREADING WHAT I AM GOING TO WRITE RIGHT HERE! The computer network and that $250 has NOTHING to do with this COSMOS scheme. John Quade (Saunders III) is a recognized actor turned Common-Law through Computer Systems Citizen. His full thrust is to simply make law-and-cause available through systems such as other "Law Reference Libraries" (i.e., WestLaw, etc.). This system network will house immediately recoverable law information and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THE COSMOS "STUFF". Mr. Quade has been working on this program for years, has outlaid his work and struggles widely through everything from Patriot meetings, Citizen groups reclaiming Common Law and Constitutional Rights to this "Cosmos Conference Call" (to which he tuned in late, you will take note from the beginning--and missed the next ones--because he was WITH MY PEOPLE!) HE STATED "ON THE AIR" THAT HE IS CONNECTED TO NOTHING! AND SPECIFICALLY, NOT TO COSMOS IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER IMAGINED! HEAR ME WELL! THIS MAN AND THIS COMPUTER NETWORK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS BLATHER!]

    This whole thing has the smell of a CIA operation [H: Like your proverbial "rotten fish in Denmark"! Even to its cute code-names! Do these things mean necessarily that every time you have strange "coincidences of names" that it is invalid? No--it means you start watching the quacking, waddling and webbing of the feet. If you are NOT dealing with a "duck" it will become apparent and you will have lost no privacy in the interim.] projecting to the American patriot community whatever they want to hear, while setting them up for a huge "John Doe" indictment for sedition.

    Second, there is the factor of timing. We never heard of Cosmos until just after the elections wherein Bush lost and Clinton is alleged to have won. Suddenly, out comes the Cosmos project, offering hope at last for the discouraged patriots. Where was Cosmos all during the election when its billions could have been used to get massive coverage of the Bo Gritz campaign? If they had been serious, as they would have us believe, they could have either promoted Bo Gritz or any other well-informed patriot and put him on either political party if they wanted to do so. The Cosmos telephone conversation states that Cosmos offered the Democratic "nomination" to Bo Gritz but he turned them down. Do you believe either the offer or the rejection? Come on! Wake up!

    One intelligence source suggests that perhaps Cosmos is a CIA scam to create the need for a declaration of National Emergency and that would suspend the installation of Clinton and eliminate the patriotic opposition to the New World Order at the same time. The timing of the Cosmos proposal and release of classified information makes the whole thing highly suspect in my opinion. Anything that is too good to be true usually is too good to be true.

    Third, there is a clue in their choice of the word Cosmos. Cosmos is a Greek work that means two things: World and Order. This word "cosmos" appears about 150 times in the New Testament in both good and evil contexts, John 3:16-17, I Cor. 1:28, etc. The CIA would be clever enough to use the word Cosmos as a code for World Order. No seasoned patriot group would be ignorant enough to ever use that word in their name. Further, in Eustace Mullins' classic and authoritative book, The New World Order, on page 221 he writes:

    "All conspiratorial societies for the past thousand years have sought one single goal--hegemony of parasitism. Bharati Darma holds that the world is an order or Cosmos--that it is not chaos--it is not thrown together."

    [H: OK, let's pause here and think a minute. This is not quite right EITHER. It is OBVIOUS from all writings that the words in meanings are distorted continually. However, when "I, Hatonn" spoke with these gentlemen (Schaut and Nicholew) there was respect when I said that "I represent the ‘cosmos' part of any such claim or organization of Light." Somehow neither have wanted to have encounter with "ME" again, stating too full schedules, too filled "airtime" and so forth. When I petitioned for hearing--it was OBVIOUS that the last entity to have hearing on their program was one from the Cosmos--meaning: from off Earth soil and abiding somewhere in the Cosmic Realms. I actually found it quite amusing if not downright ‘funny' to watch the burying of "stuff" and avoidance of any further contact whatsoever. Fine, I don't much care for thieves and liars, deceivers and scallywags. I DO SEE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU PATRIOTS TO MAKE HEADWAY IN INFORMATION SHARING AND PROGRESS IN RECLAIMING CONSTITUTIONAL LAW THROUGH NETWORKING, ETC. YOU MUST ALWAYS SEIZE THE MOMENT AND GLEAN THE GOOD FROM EACH CIRCUMSTANCE--YOU NEED NOT TAKE THE POISON AND DELIBERATELY ADD IT TO THINE CUP. PONDER IT!]

    So, Cosmos, has become one of those Secret Words for this New World Order, and I find it incredible that any alledged patriotic organization, wishing to re-establish the Constitutional Republic, would make the mistake of using this New Age and World Government word for their name. Can't you see what you are looking at? [H: No, Commander Davis--they cannot. Neither should they be "put down" because they can't see or hear. All have not been given the gift of insight into the horrid workings of the adversary and even you, sir, miss the most important points of all in your self-styled "religious" dogmas. If you can see the tampering and corruption to your own Constitution--why can you not believe the adversarial teams (even the CIA) might not touch your beloved instruction books of God? JUST WHAT MAKES YOU THINK GOD WOULD NOT ALLOW SUCH TAMPERING?--THE LAST WORDS OF REVELATION TELL YOU THAT YOU WOULD BE CONTROLLED BY THE VERY ADVERSARY YOU STRUGGLE AGAINST--BY INFORMING THAT "...And I solemnly declare to everyone who reads this book: If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God shall add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone subtracts any part of these prophecies, God shall take away his share in the Tree of Life, and in the Holy City just described. He who has said all these things declares: Yes, I am coming soon! Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!" And just how did you think this Lord Jesus would return to your world? Did He not promise to return after preparing a place for you? Do these words sound like GOD or the enemy causing you to exist within the limits of his threats and boundaries? There is not even "REASON" in the threat, sir, so how can YOU expect patriots, uninformed, to know anything at all about the word "Cosmos" and how dare you put them down for ignorance which they have had no opportunity to overcome--when YOU preach drivel and fear upon their very spiritual beings and consider the Hosts of God come to assist--as evil and Satanic beings from "out there somewhere" in the "Cosmos"? If you cannot see the bigger lie, how can you expect man to see the tiny and clever subterfuge? How many souls rest on your own misperceptions of "how it is with God, Christ, Jesus and the Universe"? Ponder it carefully!]

    Fourth, unknown to most patriots, but known to all of us who have backgrounds in IBM and with computers, know that there was a huge Federal arrest of computer experts who had found a way to break into the banking computer's encryption codes and were accessing personal identification numbers (PIN) used in automatic teller machines. Beginning in April, 1992, arrests of these "computer hackers" began in earnest in California, New York, Florida, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington State. It is known that there is a network of more than 1,000 of these computer experts, and this network, as chance would have it, seems to parallel what has been so far revealed about an organization called Cosmos.

    The bank numbers are encrypted by a special federally approved scrambling formula intended to protect the customers of every bank. These computer experts (hackers is a term they use for themselves) were able to thwart what the government had figured was an impossible-to-break system known as Data Encryption Standard (DES). This system was developed by IBM Research around 1972 and its original name was Lucifer! IBM released Lucifer to the public domain, meaning anyone could use it without copyright or user fees required. It is never publicly referred to as the Lucifer code, but only as DES. My mailing list files, for instance, are DES-encrypted into my computer and cannot be determined even if the computer is stolen. The computer program I use for this is known as MacSafe. [H: Ho-humm!] Understand, DES is very good and a generation of mathematicians and computer hackers have spent their careers trying to break DES without success. Until 1988, DES was considered invulnerable, invincible and uncrackable. However, by 1988, desk-top computers had become so powerful that a $20,000 unit was more powerful than anything that the National Security Agency had in the mid-70's. At that time, the National Security Agency, a Pentagon division devoted to electronic espionage under Michael S. Conn, decertified DES for top secret materials. What astounds me, and those patriots who have helped me with this intelligence report, is that Cosmos has gone public, admitting that they were the ones who broke into the DES banking code and that they are illegally tracking bank transfers in the hundreds of millions around the world and keeping billions of this money for themselves. Would anyone who really had accomplished that criminal act ever go public with it? What makes this more risky is that anyone who "listens without objecting" to the discussion of this criminal act is at once included in the "conspiracy to defraud the banks"--a major criminal offense. Anyone who personally knows of such activity and does not report it to the proper authorities would be guilty of "misprision of a felony" which also carries major prison terms. For those interested in more information regarding this DES bank computer cracking conspiracy of 1,000 computer hackers should read the just released story on this very activity in the January, 1993 issue of Popular Science, page 71. Never say that I have not warned you.

    Fifth, as chance would have it, there was a movie starring Robert Redford called Sneakers. I have made every effort to find and review this movie, but it is not showing in our area and will not be released to the video stores until mid-February. It is based upon a book with that name by Dennis Gram. I have ordered a copy and this data is subject to change after I have read the book. It is the story, according to those who have talked to me about it, of a highly professional group of computer and financial experts who find a way to break into the banking encryption codes and steal a whole lot of money. Doesn't this sound like what you have heard from the Cosmos group? Do you know what the fictional name for the computer/program that broke the banking code was? According to three people who saw the movie, the name was Cosmos. Of course it would be nice if a group of super rich people would step forward and help save our Republic. If so, it would be the first time this ever happened in history.

    Nord Davis, Jr. Northpoint

    [H: Further warning: Beware this CDR (Council on Domestic Relations) as if it were a direct line into the CFR. Already, hard research and gleaning from ones who have gathered Constitutional law materials have been told to send their work by the boxloads to this central receiving center (CDR). Gracious, citizens--they are not even claiming to be the "Case Law" gathering place--do you have to line up to offer your heads to their silver platters? You take your "Law research" to a Law Center--not an offshoot of the Council on Foreign Relations and CIA to have it lost forever to all Patriots brought before the InJustice system of English Khazarians. There truly are some very blinded true Patriots fallen for this game without proper research who have told these ones to send their "stuff" to the CDR and it would handled "for them" from there. INDEED! IT MOST SURELY HAS BEEN AND WILL BE.]

    Continuation from Nord Davis:

    [H: I do ask that you pay special attention to this insightful writing. If "Cosmos" is validly a Godly entity--it will handle its own quiet way to perfection. God, however, doesn't "usually" work in the manner put up front by this so-called "Cosmos", in all of my own experience. However, yours is not to have to discern other than to THINK and discern from KNOWING. You are ones trained to desire magic and instant show and tell, along with "do it for me" so that you are instant prey to the same kind of solutions. God will provide as you move into His service--He will NEVER reward the adversary for ill-intent--even if it be you good Patriot's ill-intent. THERE IS ONE WAY INTO THE HEAVENLY COSMIC REALMS WITH GOD IN CHRISTED WONDER--THROUGH THE CHRISTED PATH OF GOODNESS--IN INTENT! All the "voting", "wishing" and "working" otherwise--shall not change an iota of this routing. I come as Host in Command of that Source of Perfection and any other prescription into that Realm of Great Spirit Creator--IS FALSE AND WILL DESTROY YOU! YOU CLAIM TO "REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE MARK OF THE BEAST" WHEN YOU ACTUALLY TURN TO MAKE SURE THE BEAST SPELLS YOUR NAME CORRECTLY, OR AT THE LEAST KNOWS YOUR EXACT WHEREABOUTS AND INTENTS!]

    The first thing we are to learn is that there are not going to be any quick fixes for the socialism, insolvency and surrender that has made up the domestic and foreign policy of the American Administrations for the past 75 years. We are not going to solve this problem as long as the American people hold the idea that it is perfectly legal, proper and moral to tax one citizen more than another, and to then give to one citizen the fruit of the labor of another. This problem must first be solved in the thoughts and philosophy of the people before any Christian political candidate has any chance for the Presidency.

    Next we must remember that, as the Totalitarian Socialist New World Order goes into effect, first for seemingly morally justified reasons, as in Somalia to feed the starving, these people are going to use every means at their disposal to terminate or silence any opposition that would normally come against them. What will be their means toward that end?

    We should have learned when we watched the so-called "Sedition Trials" in Arkansas about 6 years ago. Yes, that was while Clinton was Governor. In this case there were a dozen people, several who did not even know each other, who were tried on Sedition charges and sent off to prison. One of my friends, who had little or nothing to do with this group, Ardie McBrearty, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for merely letting one of the men, who later became involved in the Sedition activities, live for a month in his home. Mr. McBrearty was an active, outspoken patriot, and the Federal authorities used this innocent occasion to entrap him into a conspiracy of which he knew nothing and of which he would not have approved.

    Cosmos talks about some old Gold Certificates that are going to be used, or have been used, to back the German Mark with gold. Are these Certificates the same ones that were issued by the German Republic in the years before Hitler? Those Certificates have been floating around the world for years, and I was the one who helped the Costa Rican La Nation newspaper reporter LaFete win his Latin Pulitzer Prize in 1983 for exposing that fraud. Those Certificates had already been redeemed and later stolen when the Russians took over Berlin in 1945. If these Certificates are the ones being used, you will find Southern California convicted fraud artist Randolph Jackson Rudd, a Missionary Baptist minister, whose age is about 65, somewhere at the heart of it. He served his Federal Prison time in California being treated like a king. He is now out and "has plenty of money". Or you will find Vincent Carrano, aka Rizzo, of the Vatican Bank scandal, who served time in the Federal Pen in Birmingham, AL. He was a CIA asset who jumped the traces and became a friend of Daniel Ortega, President of the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in 1982. He slipped back into Miami one dark night and was arrested there sitting in his bathing suit at his pool. Yet, our patriotic friends fall for the "Gold Certificate Scam" as if it were a totally new idea. No ancient Gold Certificate is going to finance America out of her huge national debt or back all the legitimate American currency as they have proposed. Answer: 12/92. It is supposed to be one Gold Certificate issued or dated in the 1870's. Forget it. [H: Could the one presented by the Ukraine (Russians) to the Banks of London also be a sham? Could the British be a possible co-conspirator in this game of Cosmos? What ever happened to that incident of a few months back? What ever happened to the "plan to pay the national debt" in exchange for Bush? Chelas--it is a time of confusion, chaos and lies--sprinkled liberally with TRUTH for your further deceiving. I cannot and will not simply live your lives FOR YOU--you are given thousands of pages of instructions and lessons along with hours and hours of tapes--if you will not learn--I cannot help you. THERE WILL BE NO MAGIC OR SEEMING "MIRACLES'--YOU are the miracle--WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Is there wealth for your growth and passage? YES? HAVE YOU EARNED IT YET?? PONDER IT!]

    We confidently predict that not one of the Cosmos "predictions", such as the bank holidays, the legitimate indictment of George Bush, and the Clinton drop-out of his being sworn in, etc., will ever come to pass. Now, let's sit back and see what happens in the next sixty days.

    NWD, Northpoint Team Intelligence.

    * * *
    Dharma, I realize it is especially confusing for you, who writes these symbols for me. But, chela, you must also be discerning. The response by Dare when I said that Bo Gritz has in no wise left the Patriots or ceased his efforts in their behalf, was one of total agreeable honor. Forget it, children, he HATES Gritz with a passion unsurpassed! I make no comment as to validity of reasons or purpose--I have efforted to present BOTH sides in all instances as printings have come to our attention. THIS IS WHAT THIS PAPER IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT--TRUTH AND REPORTING--NOT PSYCHIC HOGWASH. YOU will reclaim your Constitution or it will not be reclaimed. There is plenty underway and afoot within the privacy of activities and opening into truth of enforcement officers and military leaders (who see the picture)--but when you move as a swarm of ants to the bait--remember the dangers of that bait.


    Should all of you up and run off to Idaho with Bo? Why would you do that? Could you not carefully survey the situation, study the possibilities, even go forth and sit in the trial of Weaver if possible--and SEE if there be merit? I can assure you now that no matter what you think BO THINKS, he himself, knows not what he actually thinks nor does he have accurate perceptions of those whom he trusts implicitly. NO MAN IS PERFECTION--THAT IS LEFT TO GOD OF CREATION!

    So, what will happen with "Cosmos"? If it be valid and of God's PLAN--it will work out in perfection. If it be not of God--I suggest you keep your silence for your caution and silence will merit you nothing save good marks in Heaven. Certainly you do NOT go forth and line up God's Lambs in the slaughter-list computer run--if the "thing" be false. IF YOU CAN'T QUITE BRING YOURSELF TO BELIEVE I AM WHO I SAY I AM AND HAVE NEVER MISLED YOU--WHY DO YOU JUMP ONTO ANY BANDWAGON OTHERWISE THAT COMES DOWN THE ROAD?? COULD YOU NOT USE AT LEAST AS MUCH CAUTION WITH THE ADVERSARY AS YOU USE AGAINST GOD'S OWN HOSTS? SO BE IT.

    Dharma, thank you scribe. This has been long but necessary in the sharing. I know I have given no explicit response--but there is EXPLICIT information if you have paid attention to ALL. Salu.

    * * *
    I ask that the full questionnaire as presented be reproduced in this paper--IN FULL! (See next page.) This is the most blatant gathering of information for heinous use that I have ever witnessed. I REPEAT: DO NOT FILL IN THIS DOCUMENT!! It is stated at the top of the form that the "review is usually completed within 45 days". WHAT REVIEW? THIS IS NEW by their own statements--so what does "usually" MEAN? Could it be that at the end of this "45 days"--the train leaves for Auschwitz or other picturesque vacation spots? DO NOT FILL IN OR MAIL THIS FORM--UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

    PJ 62
    MON., JAN. 11, 1993 11:01 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 148
    MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1993
    (Spotlight, Jan. 11, 1993)

    For years, we have been accused of not believing in the "holocaust", which has become the equivalent of a state religion in American society and in most countries in the West. You can question everything else--in fact, you are encouraged to when it comes to morality or Christianity or patriotism--and courageous defenders of "free speech" will line up behind your right to peddle pornography, defame Christians or burn the flag.

    But if you question the validity of the accepted version of history concerning the alleged murder of 6 million people in Germany in World War II, you will be cast out of society, those "free speech" defenders will line up to shut you up or destroy you, and in many countries you can be slapped in jail.

    But now things are different. In this issue we report on the admission by Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum, that the gas chambers displayed to visitors and in which it is claimed that 4.1 million people perished are fakes, built AFTER THE WAR.

    Even those associated with the museum at Auschwitz no longer claim the 4.1 million figure; they revised it downward to 1.1 million....but even that figure is wrong....


    * * *
    I am going to publish this because my scribe has been tormented, terrorized, ridiculed and attacked by the ADL, labeled a heretic, anti-Semite and even had our writings entered AGAINST her as "preposterous and lies" in a court case--regarding residency rights to her home. WE HAVE NEVER SAID THERE WAS NO HOLOCAUST--WE HAVE SAID OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT THE RECOGNIZED "JEWS" OF TODAY ARE ACTUALLY ZIONIST KHAZARIANS AND THAT THE HOLOCAUST "DID NOT HAPPEN AS THE ORTHODOX STORY IS PRESENTED AND THAT THERE WERE NOT EVEN 6 MILLION JEWS PRESENT IN THE AREA AT THE TIME!"

    I write this in "her" honor for the assaults are painful and have been unceasingly battering but I want her to always remember that in our work--AS WITH ALL THINGS--TRUTH WILL OUT! It often takes long--even unto the ending of a planet's cycles for all Truth to come forth--but God sees to the evolvement of Truth before all is lost to darkness.

    I ask that ALL note this statement: Judge Jason Brent (who summarily ruled against Ekkers in a court of law) called them flakes, deadbeats, and other names (in front of many witness in the courtroom--but then "lost" the tapes bearing the statements) also held a news conference and in the Bakersfield paper called the writings preposterous, neo-nazi in content among other accusations. This was published in a major newspaper. JUST HOW CAN A PERSON FIND JUSTICE IN A COURT JUDICIAL SYSTEM THAT PRONOUNCES EXECUTION BASED ON SUCH BIGOTRY? THIS SAME PAPERWORK AND BACK-CHAMBERS COLLUSION HAS FOLLOWED EVERY STEP OF THIS CASE THROUGH ALL THE COURTS AND THESE PEOPLE HAVE LIVED IN PURE "HELL" FOR NEARLY FIVE YEARS! I OWE DHARMA THIS DEDICATION BECAUSE WORKING FOR ME HAS NOT BEEN AN EASY FUN-AND-GAMES TASK. THANK YOU, FRIEND, FOR NOT TURNING AWAY FROM ME THOUGH THE VALLEY OF SHADOWS WAS WIDE AND DEEP. SALU

    You will note that basically the "Soviets" perpetuated the "story" of Auschwitz--interestingly enough. Could it be now the "payoff" to "get the Jews" after sucking them into the trap? The Soviets despise the Bolshevik Zionists and it is "they" and not the "Judaists" that are the point of this revelation to humanity. It is the Soviet Khazarian "Communists" (Socialists) who also are in control of America--so it is a good opportunity for a few of you sleeping Americans and World to WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE AND TOAST! YOU HAVE BEEN "HAD"!--AGAIN!


    What was the most important historical event of 1992? Don't answer until you've read this story. (Exclusive to the Spotlight, by P. Samuel Foner)

    The director of Auschwitz has been filmed on videotape admitting that the so-called gas chamber there was constructed after the war.

    In the dramatic and unprecedented filmed interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives at the Auschwitz State Museum, admits on camera that "Krema I", the alleged "homicidal gas chamber" shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, is, in fact, a reconstruction, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union--apparently on the direct orders of dictator Josef Stalin.

    What Piper said, in effect--and on camera--was that the explosive Leuchter Report was correct: No homicidal gassings took place in the building designated "homicidal gas chambers" at Auschwitz.

    Ironically, for someone to even suggest such a thing could bring a jail sentence in more than one country--including enlightened nations like France, Canada and Germany. (Just ask Ernst Zundel. But more about him later.)

    With this admission by none other than the responsible head of the Auschwitz State Museum, one of the most sacred "facts" of history has been destroyed. It is the major historical "fact" on which the foreign and domestic policies of all of the Western nations since World War II are based.

    It is the basis for the $100 billion in foreign aid the United States has poured into the state of Israel since its inception in 1948--amounting to $16,500 for every man, woman and child in the Jewish state and billions more paid by (West) Germany in "reparations"--not to mention the constructing of Israel's national telephone, electrical and rail systems, gifts of the German people. It is the basis for the $10 billion "loan" (read "gift") made to Israel for housing immigrants in occupied territories, while Americans sleep on streets and businesses are bankrupted by the thousands.

    Germany is paying "reparations"--and the United States is making major contributions--to atone for the "gassings at Auschwitz" and elsewhere. If the "homicidal gas chambers" were postwar creations, in which no one was gassed regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, then these "reparations" were unnecessary, and were based on fraud.

    The videotape on which Piper makes his revelations was taken in mid-1992 by a young Jewish investigator, David Cole. It has just been released, on January 1, 1993, although Cole announced his project at the 11th International Revisionist Conference at Irvine, California last October.

    Cole's production follows 12 years of intensive investigation by dozens of historians, journalists and scientists who have tried to get to the bottom of what really happened at Auschwitz.

    In 1979, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) was founded which coordinated these investigations in an effort to "bring history into accord with the facts." [H: Be sure, readers, that certainly there is great DENIAL and denouncements and cries of anti-Semitism and on and on--just as with the Zionist Protocols which are also claimed to be false but are the very PLAN ITSELF!] Since then the IHR has published dozens of papers and books, none of which has ever been refuted, concerning various aspects of the "holocaust".

    A major aspect that has been investigated concerns the gas chamber theory, and the biggest and the busiest gas chamber was supposedly at Auschwitz.

    The activities of the IHR have been so controversial that on the night of July 4, 1984, after two years of harassment and vandalism, it was burnt to the ground by Israeli agents. Miraculously it was able to continue operations after some months of inactivity.

    Like most Americans, since his youth, Cole had been instructed in the "irrefutable fact" that homicidal gassings had taken place at Auschwitz. The number of those so executed--also declared irrefutable--was 4.1 million.

    Then came the Leuchter Report in 1988. This was followed by a "reevaluation" of the total deaths at Auschwitz (down to 1.1 million). As a budding historian--and a Jew--Cole was intrigued.

    Previous to 1992, anyone who publicly doubted the 4.1 million "gassing" deaths at Auschwitz was labeled an anti-Semite, neo-nazi skinhead (at the very least). Quietly, because of revisionist findings, the official figure was lowered to 1.1 million. No mention of that missing 3 million.

    In 1988, Ernst Zundel was put on trial in Canada for "publishing false news". He wrote a book which questioned the legitimacy of the Auschwitz gas chamber.

    Helping with the defense were internationally known historians including Robert Faurisson, David Irving and Mark Weber.

    Zundel went looking for an expert on executions, particularly gassings. He found Leuchter, who specializes in the design and fabrication of execution hardware used in prisons throughout the United States. Leuchter was commissioned to visit Poland and conduct a scientific examination of the so-called homicidal gas chambers.

    On February 25, 1988, Leuchter left for Poland together with his wife Carolyn, his draftsman Howard Miller, cinematographer Jurgen Neumann and Polish interpreter Theodor Rudolph. They returned on March 3. Then he wrote his controversial report.

    His conclusions were clear: The evidence was overwhelming that there were no execution gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek and that the alleged gas chambers at these sites could not have been, then or now, utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.

    In the words of Dr. Wilhelm Staglich, another internationally known historian, "the extermination thesis stands or falls with the allegation that Auschwitz was a ‘death factory'."

    Leuchter says: "The purpose [of the investigation and subsequent report] does not include a determination of any numbers of persons who died or were killed by means other than gassing or as to whether an actual Holocaust occurred. It, further, is not the intent of this author to redefine Holocaust in historical terms, but simply to supply scientific evidence and information obtained at the actual sites and to render an opinion based on all available scientific, engineering and quantitative data as to the purpose and usages of the alleged execution gas chambers and crematory facilities at the investigated locations."

    With this in mind, Cole took his video equipment to Auschwitz and interviewed official personnel there. Piper was the most important of these interviewees. Following his comment that the "homicidal gas chambers" were fabrications, Piper reveals, on camera, how walls were knocked down, holes made in the ceiling and "Zyklon B induction chimneys" installed on the roof so that the building could be exhibited to tourists from all over the world as a proof of the "final solution".

    And Piper doesn't stop there. He describes other "proofs" of the "final solution", which are also "reconstructions". He discusses the routine use of Zyklon B to delouse buildings and the personal effects of the internees, and he admits, on camera, that the Leuchter Report's findings concerning Zyklon B residues in the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz are right.

    He then, paradoxically, affirms his belief, not only in homicidal "gassing chambers", but also in the "human soap" tales and the stories about "human skin" lampshades, both of which allegations long ago have been totally debunked.

    And the revelations go on. In the video, you tour Auschwitz with Cole and hear him being told that the main camp "gas chamber" (Krema I) is in its "original state". You will see the undaunted Cole ask so many questions about the obviously ridiculous nature of this "gas chamber" that the guide feels it necessary to call her supervisor over to answer the young historian.

    Cole says: When I went to Europe in the autumn of 1992 to conduct my own investigation of the sites of the alleged "gassings" of Jews during World War II, two ideas were paramount in my mind.

    The first was that the trip be recorded on videotape so that, rather than bringing back a bunch of colorful anecdotes to bore my friends, I would bring back an objective record of what I found. What I expected to be a great learning experience for me could be one for others too. My discoveries could become your discoveries. Hopefully, I would ask the questions that you would ask if you were to make the journey yourself.

    The second idea was that I would go as a Jew. No two peoples have been affected more by the Holocaust story than the Germans and the Jews. We know how difficult it has been for Germans themselves to expose the deceptions of the Holocaust Lobby. Germans are forbidden by law, in their own country, to state publicly that they do not believe in the orthodox gas chamber stories; forbidden from discussing their own history.

    Jewish organizations have decided that they must have a monopoly on the Holocaust issue. I reasoned that if I went to Auschwitz as a Jew rather than as a "revisionist", that I would have a better chance to cut through the misinformation and lies that so distort what really happened in the German camps during the war.

    Perhaps, I thought, if I were to approach the Auschwitz officials as a Jew, my pointed questions, tactfully put, would be interpreted not as the debunking questions of a revisionist, but rather the sincere questions of a righteous Jew wanting to get the real facts to answer those back home who say there were no gas chambers.

    (I remember at one point standing in Krema and telling the supervisor of guides at Auschwitz that "You must tell me the whole truth so that when I get back home I can speak with authority against those who say ‘all this' never happened.") So, donning my yarmulke, and not letting anybody in Poland know where my sympathies were, I began my journey.

    The Cole videotape proves that the people who run the Auschwitz State Museum had made a practice of fabricating "proofs" of homicidal gassings. Keep in mind that, over the years, millions of tourists have been told that Krema I is in its original state, while the officials knew that this "original state" is a lie.

    The political, religious, financial and historical ramifications of this proof of no gas chambers at Auschwitz cannot be measured. Coupled with the Leuchter Report, the Cole videotape proves that what every Western government has taught since World War II is a lie. It proves that what televangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have been telling their flocks is simply not true.

    No one, regardless of race, creed, color or country of national origin, was gassed to death in any building so designated at Auschwitz. And without "homicidal gas chambers" at Auschwitz, where is the reasoning for the special treatment afforded the secular state of Israel?


    So, readers, do you think this will make headlines on Larry King Live? How about CNN? Do you think the Jewish controlled Israel First media will headline the truth?? Oh, well, do you think the Administration who has given Israel BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars will admit that there is error? Come, come--how many years did it take for the Catholic Church to recognize the TRUTH OF GALILEO (within the last couple of months!!)

    So, what will YOU do with TRUTH? I wonder?!

    David Cole's video is on VHS for $49; available from Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. The Leuchter Report, $20, from IHR, P.O. Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659. And, no, these ones here do not have a copy of either!

    "AH, BUT SOMALIA--?"
    Indeed, there IS Somalia and all that humanitarian effort. But guess what--coming into the country now (YOURS) is a great quantity of a new drug--which is expected to be totally out of control with the return of your soldiers from Somalia--QAT!

    Qat (pronounced "cot") is a drug (illegal) which is a stimulant with effects like cocaine. The narcotic has turned up on the illicit drug markets in increasing amounts since the Somalian intervention. It is a plant which is chewed over a period of several hours and is used extensively by the young thugs who belong to the gangs of ruling warlords in Somalia. The drug causes high increase in aggressiveness and violence. Good luck, America.

    Kiss your loved ones goodbye, Americans who have MIAs and POWs in Asia. Bush is normalizing relations with Vietnam and along with the agreements is one final agreement--ALL MIAs and POWs will NEVER surface again!!! May God have mercy on Kerry, McCain and the Beasts of Hell for upon their direct shoulders rests the deaths by murder of over 2 thousand fellow-Americans. Ah indeed--a NEW WORLD ORDER! Shame upon mankind!

    "Maybe it will be better," you mutter. Even Mr. Gritz suggests "We should back the Clinton-Gore Administration to the degree that they promote the God-given birthright our Founders fought so hard to establish for us in this choice land. In as much as they perform as officials in accordance with their oath of allegiance, let us be with them. But, should their direction be away from justice and liberty, let us seek a solace within the union of patriots who want peace, but not at any price...."

    Better? How can it be better? Let us look at WHO is placed into the Clinton Cabinet, just to turn to one group for example.

    SECRETARY OF STATE: Warren M. Christopher--A Los Angeles attorney (Titles and nobility--[missing 13th Amendment]), Christopher is a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Christopher has been running in Establishment circles for years. He served as deputy secretary of state under Jimmy Carter and as deputy attorney general under Lyndon Johnson. Christopher, who headed Clinton's vice presidential search and transition teams, also headed up the inquiry that examined the Los Angeles riots of 1992.

    DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE: Clifton R. Wharton Jr.--The first Black man appointed to this important position, Wharton, like Christopher, is a member of both the CFR and the TC. He has served under four presidents and takes pride in his "non-partisan" service in government. Typically, CFR and TC members, like Wharton, can move in and out of any administration, Democrat or Republican. Wharton personifies the Establishment through and through, and he certainly does not represent the average, hardworking middle-class Black American. His father was one of the first high-ranking Black diplomats in the State Department.

    DEFENSE SECRETARY: Les Aspin--A Democratic member of the House since 1971, Aspin, who chaired the House Armed Services Committee, is a member of the CFR. He has a long history of service as a federal bureaucrat, having served in the Pentagon during the John F. Kennedy Administration and as an economist for JFK's Council of Economic Advisors.

    UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR: Madeleine Albright--Well connected to the Israel lobby, she is a professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service (Bill Clinton's alma mater) and a member of the CFR. The daughter of a prominent Jewish defector from Communist Czechoslovakia, Miss Albright is a longtime Democratic Party foreign policy adviser.

    DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: R. James Woolsey--A member of the CFR, Woolsey has served in the Defense Department and on the staff of the National Security Council. He is also, like the president-elect, a Rhodes scholar and a Yale Law School graduate. Another Establishment "non-partisan-type", Woolsey was Navy under secretary during the Carter administration and served as ambassador and U.S. representative to Vienna during negotiations on conventional armed forces in Europe during the Bush Administration.

    NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Anthony Lake--A tried-and-true Establishment insider, both a member of the CFR and one of the early members of the TC. Lake is one of the Rockefeller empire's "non-partisan" foreign policy leg men, having served in the State Department under Jimmy Carter and as a special assistant to Richard Nixon for national security affairs, answering to boss HENRY KISSINGER. Lake was also a diplomat in Vietnam from 1963 to 1965 during the years of CIA covert activity there leading up to U.S. military involvement in the region following the CIA-orchestrated murder of President John F. Kennedy.

    DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: Samuel R. "Sandy" Berger--A member of the CFR, Berger is an international trade lawyer who has been shilling for Japanese corporate interests as a lobbyist in Washington. Berger is also a devout Israel loyalist. His political orientation is very much liberal and internationalist. He even worked on ultra-radical George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign.

    U.S. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE: Mickey Kantor--Although this post is technically attached to the Commerce Department, it has become so important in international trade negotiations that it is properly classified under foreign affairs. Kantor, chairman of the Clinton campaign, has been rewarded with this position. He managed the 1974 campaign of longtime Israel booster Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.), who has declined to seek re-election in the wake of his involvement in the savings and loan scandal. [H: By the way--you can soon expect the "suiciding" of Keating and son--because the Elite broke their promise to him and have sent him away for a million years. But, he could STILL "TALK"--so you can expect the elimination of both Keatings shortly! The remarkable thing about the pitiful situation is THAT KEATING BROKE NO LAWS!! What does THAT tell you about both your "laws" and your "fair judicial system"?] Kantor is a member of the influential law firm of Manatt Phelps Rothenberg and Tunney, whose clients include Occidental Petroleum as well as other major energy producers, Bank Leumi (the dominant Israeli bank), and 70 other banks and dozens of large corporations. As a member of the national advisory board of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a registered foreign lobby for Israel, Kantor can be expected to produce trade deals beneficial to Israel (first).

    ATTORNEY GENERAL: Zoe Baird--Vice president and general counsel for the giant Aetna Life & Casualty Co., Miss Baird is an experienced Establishment operative, despite her relatively young age of 40. She served in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel and in the office of President Jimmy Carter's White House counsel, Lloyd Cutler, a member of the CFR and "former" member of the TC. Miss Baird has further CFR/TC links: She is a former law partner of Secretary of State-designate Warren Christopher. She is also hand-picked by Mrs. Clinton.

    TREASURY SECRETARY: Lloyd Bentsen--Longtime Democratic Senator from Texas, Bentsen has moved in big money circles throughout his political career. Tied by investigative reporter Pete Brewton in a series of articles in the Houston Post to wily savings and loan crooks who are in turn linked to organized crime and the CIA, Bentsen is an "old reliable" as far as the Establishment is concerned. This is evidenced by Bentsen's selection as 1988 Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis's running mate. Bentsen, who attended the 1992 Bilderberg meeting in Evian, France, will not rock the boat.

    DEPUTY TREASURY SECRETARY: Roger C. Altman--A Georgetown University classmate of Clinton's, Altman is also a member of the CFR. An assistant secretary for domestic finance under Jimmy Carter, Altman is a financier with the Blackstone Group, based in Manhattan.

    INTERIOR SECRETARY: Bruce Babbitt--Although his White House ambitions were put on hold in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries, Babbitt is still young (just 54). The former governor of Arizona is a close friend of President-elect and Mrs. Clinton and is also, like Bill Clinton, a member of both the CFR and the TC. Additionally, like Clinton, Babbitt has been in attendance at meetings of the exclusive Bilderberg group. In recent years, since leaving the Arizona governorship in 1987, Babbitt has been serving as a partner in the powerful, CIA-linked law firm of Steptoe & Johnson.

    AGRICULTURE SECRETARY: Mike Espy--One of the first Black leaders to endorse Clinton. Espy served in two high-level state jobs in Mississippi before his election to Congress. Espy was no radical extremist in Congress, by any means. In fact, he upset the gun grabbers by consenting to appear in an anti-gun control advertisement sponsored by the National Rifle Association, of which the new agriculture secretary is a member. Espy's nomination may be one of the bright spots in otherwise dismal Cabinet selection. But don't count on it--he will have absolutely NO POWER WHATSOEVER--HE IS A BLACK OFFERING.

    COMMERCE SECRETARY: Ron Brown--The outgoing chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Brown is a Washington insider through and through. Although touted as one of the "Black" appointees--one of four (including Deputy Secretary of State Clifton Wharton)--in the Clinton Cabinet, Brown, a highly paid lawyer, is very much out of touch with the average Black American. Brown is more accustomed to moving in circles such as that of Haiti's ousted Black tyrant, Francois "Baby Doc" Duvalier, for whom he served as a highly paid Washington lobbyist. Brown's paymasters--Duvalier and his father, "Papa Doc" Duvalier--killed tens of thousands of their fellow Haitians during their corrupt rule.

    LABOR SECRETARY: Robert Reich--A Harvard professor of economics, Reich attended Oxford University with fellow Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton. Rhodes scholars are indoctrinated in a "one-world" philosophy by their English professors. Established by Rothschild family frontman Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes scholarships are designed to train young Americans to work toward the ultimate reunification of the United States "colonies" with England--the "mother country". Reich has also distinguished himself as a longtime champion of forced racial quotas in hiring and education.

    HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SECRETARY: Donna Shalala--Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Miss Shalala is a longtime friend of Hillary Clinton and very well connected. She is a member of both Rockefeller family-financed clubs: the CFR and the TC. Miss Shalala is known for enforcing "political correctness" on campus. The "speech code" she designed for preventing verbal "hate crimes" at the University of Wisconsin was thrown out of court for violating the First Amendment.

    HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY: Henry Cisneros--The former mayor of San Antonio, Cisneros is one of the Establishment's token Hispanic leaders selected for membership in both the CFR and the TC. He has been touted for years by the Establishment media as a possible presidential or vice presidential candidate.

    TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY: Federico Pena--The former mayor of Denver and two-term Colorado state representative, Pena was an early Clinton supporter and part of the Clinton transition team's transportation advisers. He was said to be a "last minute"--even "surprise"--selection when the front-runner for the job was dropped from contention.

    ENERGY SECRETARY: Hazel O'Leary--Another "late entry" in the Cabinet selection roulette, Miss O'Leary is president of the Northern States Power Co. in Minneapolis. Insiders say Miss O'Leary's appointment may be a payoff to the influential Democratic Farmer-Labor party political machine based in Minnesota, the organized crime-dominated entity that has produced such liberal internationalist powerhouse politicians as the late Hubert H. Humphrey and former Vice President Walter Mon-dale. Miss O'Leary is a Black.

    EDUCATION SECRETARY: Richard Riley--The former governor of South Carolina, Riley is said to have been a major influence on Clinton as far as education policy has been concerned. His primary political activities have been at the state level. This is his first national appointment. He is generally outside the Establishment "insider" loop, although his new Cabinet status may make him an insider in the end.

    VETERANS AFFAIRS SECRETARY: Jesse Brown--The executive director of the Disabled American Veterans, Brown is probably well suited for the job, being a severely disabled veteran himself. He has never held any government position and has no known Establishment connections. He earned this position the hard way--through service and sacrifice in Vietnam. However, as is to be shown--neither will he have any measurable input into veterans' (especially disabled) affairs.

    NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: Robert Rubin--The senior partner and co-chairman of Goldman Sachs & Co., Rubin is one of the world's most powerful financiers. His investment house and its partners and associates were the top corporate contributors to the Clinton presidential campaign. Goldman, Sachs & Co. provides financial services to some of the world's richest families.

    COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISERS CHAIRMAN: Laura D'Andrea Tyson--Although she has never held a government post, this professor of economics and business administration at the University of California at Berkeley, a liberal outpost, is a member of the CFR--and that tells it all.

    WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Thomas "Mack" McLarty--This Arkansas businessman and former state representative may scare Establishment insiders. He's been a friend of the president since kindergarten and probably knows Clinton better than any of the high-powered internationalists serving in the administration's top posts. He has no known connections to the internationalist elite that otherwise dominates the administion. So, that will change immediately!

    DIRECTOR OF OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET: Rep. Leon Panetta (D-Calif.)--Panetta, who started his career as a Republican and a member of the Nixon Administration (who was fired for not being a team player), has served as chairman of the House Budget Committee. He is an avid deficit fighter who has run into trouble with other members because he routinely calls for real cuts in entitlement programs and tax hikes to pay for new programs (which would make them harder to pass). He has steadfastly opposed budget gimmickry in Congress and opposes as well the proposed balanced budget amendment as a fraud that would simply allow Congress to continue spending beyond its means. Although he has no known connection to the international elite, his deputy, Alice Rivlin, is a CFR member and is closely tied to the globalist movers. Ah, and how is your staff and management team?

    I just thought you should know who it is you will be supporting and allow you to gain insight as to how long you think this "team" will work in the Constitutional behalf of you-the-people. So be it.

    To close please, Hatonn to clear.

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