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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62
    CHAPTER 11
    THU., FEB. 4, 1993 8:53 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 172
    "In union there is weakness, in onion there is strength"--J. Yench. So, this comes from a bulletin called THE STATE OF THE ONION.

    "Let the people THINK THEY GOVERN and THEY WILL BE GOVERNED." William Penn.

    Quote from a Letter from Robert Anton Wilson to THE STATE OF THE ONION. It has been sent to us for "confirmation" of our presentation regarding the Bilderbergers and Bill J.B. Clinton--your hand-picked new Puppet.

    During lunch break today, I glanced over a magazine from Australia (which arrived last November, unsolicited, and went into the midden where I keep all such documents until I find time to look at them). I found a list of people seen by German reporters at last year's Bilderberger conference. All the usual and expected ones, of course--Kissinger and David Rockefeller and Queen Beatrix, etc., etc.,--and then guess who I found? "GOV. BILL J.B. CLINTON OF ARKANSAS". Yes, indeedy--the man who suddenly "emerged" from "nowhere" with the $150,000,000 it takes to run a Presidential campaign these days....(Source: New Dawn, Melbourne, Australia, November 1991, Bilderberger meeting: June 6-9, 1991.)

    Yeah, he was at the meeting. But he "didn't enjoy it" and he "didn't talk to anyone"! Surely!!

    Before we leave the subject of Elite "invaders" let us consider a little point of interest. Let us look at good old Willie and his advisers, staff and Cabinet. Remember that good Willie is a Rhodes scholar (Rhodes being the Father of the New World Order Plan.) So, you will find this tid-bit from the New York Times of 1-22-93 interesting.

    "There's the Rhodes scholar connection, the Yale connection, the Little Rock connection and now, there is also a Carnegie Foundation connection that leads right to the top of the Clinton Administration.

    "The foundation, known formally as the Carnegie Corporation of New York, is losing 3 of its 17 trustees to President Clinton's Cabinet or other high posts. Warren M. Christopher, until now chairman of the foundation, is now Secretary of State; Robert E. Rubin, chairman of its finance committee, was chosen to be chairman of the National Economic Council, and Donna E. Shalala is Secretary of Health and Human Services....."

    There is more to the article but this is enough. Just note that Bill Clinton of Arkansas has served on the committees of the Carnegie Foundation and specifically in a program for "Preparing American Youth for the 21st Century--including overhaul of the school system to fit the modern interpretations of social structure."

    What I REALLY find interesting about the "clipping" containing this little non-attention getting article and tucked away at the ending of the column in an even more unobtrusive placement but more conveniently "cut-out" with the article than to snip around it is the following notice:

    "LEGAL: Notice is hereby given that Key Bank of New York, Albany, New York, has made application to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 452 Fifth Ave., New York, New York 10018 for its written consent to acquire assets of and to assume the liability to pay deposits made in First American Bank of New York, New York, etc., etc., etc."

    How many do you think there are in a given day across the nation? Will you ever know? Doesn't look like it! The above "little bank" is one of MANY branches of First American Bank. Interesting thing to additionally note is that the little branches are "anticipated" to continue limited operation with the exception of the home bank of "First American Bank's office at 350 Park Avenue, New York, New York". This is soon going to blossom into Any Bank, Any Town, U.S.A.!

    The article copy has been sent by Mr. Tips, Attorney at Law, because attached is a splendid dissertation of Somalian "invasion" and a second article entitled: AN ATHENAEUM... "They make a desolation, and they call it peace."

    Mr. Tips is a world traveler in his studies--literally, and brilliant in his ability to recognize international travesty with great interest in "history". I thank him for the reprints and we shall effort to share them with LIBERATOR readers.

    This article is interesting in its own right--BUT, the important thing to note is that it comes from the Toronto Star, Jan. 1993 (CANADA).

    "Special to The Star", Mark Arax, reporter, story from Bakersfield, Calif.

    For the past 16 months, a strange dust-borne disease endemic to the American Southwest has blown rampant through Kern County, about 100 kilometers north of Los Angeles, infecting more than 4,000 people and killing 34, according to state and local health officials.

    "The numbers are astounding," said Ronald Talbot, director of the Kern County Health Department lab. "Any other disease with this abnormal number of infections and deaths would be grabbing national attention."

    While Kern County rates as the hotbed of valley fever, accounting for two-thirds of the cases and deaths statewide, the disease is also afflicting record numbers in Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Tulare and San Luis Obispo Counties.

    Health officials say that in the siege at least 6,000 people statewide have been infected with the fungus found in the arid soils of Central and Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. About 50 Californians have died since August 1991. A typical year sees 441 cases and six deaths statewide.

    Most who take ill suffer from flu-like symptoms. But for some, the disease spreads beyond the lungs and can lead to a deadly form of meningitis. A pregnant woman dying of valley fever in Los Angeles was kept alive on a ventilator until doctors could deliver her baby. A University of California veterinarian succumbed after performing an autopsy on a horse that carried valley fever.

    "There have been epidemics of valley fever in the past, most recently in 1978, but none that comes close to these numbers," said Dr. Demosthenes Pappagianis, a medical professor who has tracked the disease for 41 years.

    The fungus that causes valley fever is known by the name Coccidioides immitis--or cocci (pronounced "coxy") for short. Experts believe half of the San Joaquin Valley's long-time residents have inhaled cocci spores in their lifetime--many during childhood, when symptoms are mild. [H: This is a bit of misinformation because "cocci" is not specific to this one disease. This is an easy error but for validity--you should know this. In fact, I find it a bit difficult to move from "fungi spores" to "cocci" if the facts are recognized and the differences understood. For the information in point I suppose this suffices--I just prefer you not think I am so ignorant as to make such a singular statement. This is the way disinformation begins and spreads. There are other obvious errors of great importance in the writing but we will wait until we print them.]

    Of those exposed to the spores, only 30 per cent become sick enough to call a doctor. A smaller portion is actually diagnosed with the disease. It is this smaller portion that gets reported to local and state health agencies.

    "Only 10 per cent of those exposed require medication and most of them get well," said Dr. Hans Einstein, a Bakersfield physician and noted cocci authority. "But for some, the disease spreads beyond the lungs and attacks the skin, bones and brain. That's when it's nasty. That's when it can become a killer."

    Several factors MAY be behind the big numbers here. Six years of drought have baked the San Joaquin Valley soil to a chalky dust easily scattered by winds that blow late summer through winter. Much of last year's rain came in spring--too little to offset drought but right on time to send the spores abloom.

    Also, the growth boom transforming this region acts like one big spade, working the fungus to the surface, where it can become airborne. And with the new houses and shopping centers has come a surge of new residents who lack the immunity afforded by exposure to the fungus. They are easy targets. END OF QUOTING

    * * *
    This may well be the "speculated" idea of why and how this "Valley Fever" happens--but facts are that it is a deliberate spraying of the various areas with the debilitating substance.

    In most articles there is a big PLAY in stating that the disease is non-communicable. What drivel! If the spores can be infecting just traveling loosely on the breezes and soil particles--what think you that KEEPS IT FROM BEING AIRBORNE FROM A FULLY INFECTED PERSON OR ANIMAL IN SPITTLE, BREATH, ETC. IT IS, BY THEIR OWN ABOVE PRESENTATION--BORNE IN THE LUNGS AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. If you ones don't stop falling for these LIES and misrepresentation, the whole bunch of you will be dead, dead, dead before enough wake up to smell the coffee and toast burning.

    What do I suggest? GAIANDRIANA! There is no known "cure" for Valley Fever! If your immune system is debilitated--Valley Fever will run to epdemic proportion SOON. Why? Because like other "harboring" diseases--once in the body--ALWAYS IN THE BODY--JUST WAITING! If you people don't get that IMMUNE SYSTEM working properly--you will not make it as they dump one thing after another on you. Remember those soldiers coming back from the "Desert Storm"? Chelas, you are in constant jeopardy from these hidden death-dealers. I have no right nor wish to pound upon you blind lambs--but you are going to need to do something or you are going to perish, it appears, at the hands of the would-be KINGS.

    Please, you nice herb-users--Chaparral is now removed from the "quantity" health food outlets and herbal stores. What does this tell you? THAT IT IS DAMNED EFFICIENT AS A HEALTH RESTORATIVE. ONE BY ONE "THEY" DEPRIVE YOU OF THAT WHICH YOU MUST HAVE TO SURVIVE IN A DELIBERATELY SICKENED WORLD.

    There is irony herein, however--for Chaparral is simply a name meaning a "thicket of small low-growing shrubs". What the point is, is to get the Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata of the caltrop family of Mexico and the Colorado desert) away from you. Now, if you live in this area affected with Valley Fever you will note that it is thriving near the desert areas--which is overgrown with creosote bushes! Use your heads, chelas, and save your lives! Should you rush out there and start grazing on these bushes? I wouldn't suggest it because you can make yourselves very, very sick by such unintelligent use--of anything. But, you CAN find ways of helping your own health--so investigate those ways. I DO suggest you help yourselves with a little gaiandriana and mitochondria (Aquagaia). It is better to have a healthy immune system which can handle these invaders than all the "treatment" and proclaimed "cures" in the world. So be it.

    * * *
    I am petitioned again and again to rerun a couple of items previously shared. I think it appropriate, especially since we garner new readers continually. One is the Prophecy of St. Nilus, A 5th Century Hermit and the other is "Communist Rules for Revolution". Both are shocking, if nothing more, and worthy of your continual meditation.

    After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the time for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. People's appearances will change and it will be impossible to distinguish men from women due to their shamelessness in dress and style of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents and elders, love will disappear, and Christian pastors, bishops, and priests will become vain men, completely failing to distinguish the righthand way from the left. At that time the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and dissipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, homosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society.

    At that future time, due to the power of such great crimes and licentiousness, people will be deprived of the grace of the Holy Spirit, which they received in Holy Baptism and equally of remorse.

    The Churches of God will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors, and woe to the Christians remaining in the world at that time; they will completely lose their faith because they will lack the opportunity of seeing the light of knowledge from anyone at all. Then they will separate themselves out of the world in holy refuges in search of lightening their spiritual sufferings, but everywhere they will meet obstacles and constraints. And all this will result from the fact that the Antichrist wants to be Lord over everything and become the ruler of the whole universe, and he will produce miracles and fantastic signs. He will also give depraved wisdom to an unhappy man so that he will discover a way by which one man can carry on a conversation with another from one end of the Earth to the other. At that time men will also fly through the air like birds and descend to the bottom of the sea like fish. And when they have achieved all this, these unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort without knowing, poor souls, that it is deceit of the Antichrist. And, the impious one!--he will so fill science with vanity that it will go off the right path and lead people to lose faith in the existence of God in three hypostases.

    Then the All-good God will see the downfall of the human race and will shorten the days for the sake of those few who are being saved, because the enemy wants to lead even the chosen into temptation, if that is possible...then the sword of chastisement will suddenly appear and kill the perverter and his servants.


    * * *
    The following rules were confiscated from a Communist headquarters in Dusseldorf, Germany. They have been reprinted in many publications. As you read them, reflect on each one and see how successful the Reds have been in implementing these

    1. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial and destroy their ruggedness.

    2. Get control of all means of publicity.

    3. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on sexy books, plays and other trivialities.

    4. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.

    5. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up to contempt and ridicule.

    6. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and ruthlessly as possible.

    7. Encourage government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.

    8. Foment unnecessary strikes, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the government toward such disorders.

    9. By specious argument, cause the breakdown of the moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence and faith in the pledged word.

    10. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.

    A great many people are alarmed at the sad state of affairs our nation is in today. We are rapidly becoming spiritually bankrupt as is the whole of the world. Each one of us must search our soul to determine our responsibility for permitting this state of degeneracy. Our greatest responsibility is to our family and the people with whom we come in contact. We must make sure that we don't fall victim to evil forces that we find all about us. We must pray harder, realizing our dependence on Almighty God. We must work harder, realizing that evil succeeds because "good men" do nothing.

    I would suggest you go back and re-read this a few times also. It works in perfect harmony with the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. We shall reprint them also as space in the LIBERATOR allows--YOU MUST HAVE ACCESS TO HOW THESE THINGS HAVE COME UPON YOU AND HOW CAREFULLY THE EVENTS HAVE BEEN PLANNED--FOR CENTURIES, AGAINST THIS DAY.

    While our focus is on the moral decay and upsurge of political plunder of the world, let us share with you a "response" to articles regarding the CLC participation in the "Military--Gay" situation.

    Note the bottom line as you read through this message from Mr. Dixon of the Constitutional Law Center. The CLC is not "anti" anything including rights of individuals under the law for protection, privacy and other protections of the Bill of Rights. There are LAWS already set against assault, discrimination in physical encounters, etc. "Bashing" is illegal--what is this "Gay Bashing" as somehow set apart as criminal--bashing is illegal--period! The Law Center is only offering the "other" men and women in the military equal opportunity and ability to speak out if he/she does not wish to live in such an environment as now being set-up. Each should have opportunity to withdraw for the oath is now being changed in intent and that in itself violates the "rights" of "all". Also, it will be asked that individual damages to compensate every service person for the loss of his career will be made.


    The Constitutional Law Center responds to Pete Dexter and others who favor lifting the ban on the enlisting of gays into the military service.

    Gene Dixon, Director of the Sacramento branch of the Constitutional Law Center and author of a soon to be released book, entitled, COMMON SENSE, THE SECOND, with apologies to Thomas Paine, has written and submitted this response to Pete Dexter as a result of Mr. Dexter's column on Sunday, January 31, 1993.

    Mr. Dexter, in your column of the above date you refer to the actions of President Clinton in promoting the removal of the restrictions on the gays in the military as the actions of a very brave man and such action is the decent and important action to take. You further castigated anyone who opposed this as being of a very bigoted mind.

    The actions of President Clinton in this respect are not brave, decent and certainly not important at this time. Mr. Clinton is paying off a political debt to a very minority group that gave him 70% of their vote.

    A history of that promise is outlined in our recollections of the several speeches that Mr. Clinton gave to various gay groups which led to his final commitment. Mr. Clinton's first speech to the gays was not this committing, but the promise occurred after he allowed himself to be manipulated into such a situation. Mr. Clinton made a number of promises prior to his election that were and are far more important to the economy of this nation and to the reviving of our work force than this commitment to the gays. To spend so much time and effort of his initial term on a matter that benefits few and outrages many is akin to stupidity and "fiddling while Rome is burning".

    The issue presented to us by the gays is not one of discrimination. The gays and their proponents would have the public view this as a matter of discrimination. The issue is self respect and the forcing of the non-gays to accept the gay lifestyle as a normal and acceptable mode of living.

    If the issue was one of discrimination, the answer is easily explained. The military is not a democracy and it was never intended to be a democratic institution. By its very need and nature it cannot be a democracy. If it were a democracy I could visualize the need for a vote and discussion before every battle.

    The military discriminates in every possible way. They won't take you if your are too short, too fat, too skinny, too small, too smart, too dumb and in other physical and moral ways. Our military has become the most effective fighting force in the world and the greatest guarantor of our Constitutional rights based upon this concept of "discrimination".

    There have probably always been a few gays in the service and undoubtedly some of them have served their country well, but they have not flaunted their lifestyle and they have not forced us to accept their life style as normal and respectful. There are few things in life that you can perceive and view and declare to be normal and I would challenge anyone to find a more appropriate norm than the relationship of a man and a woman joined together to produce a family life style.

    The gays would have you believe that this relationship is only the traditional lifestyle and they offer their lifestyle as an alternative. Their lifestyle is not traditional and it is not normal. It certainly flaunts the laws of nature. When we talk to our children now about the birds and the bees and other living things, the gays would have us tell our children of the alternative gay life style.

    If it is not normal, it is immoral; if it is the result of a missing gene or one too many, it is abnormal. In either case, the military can consider the effect of introducing such a concept into the military.

    It is not a lifestyle as it does not promote life. It is an existence that defies nature and is based upon the concept of, if it feels good, do it. It is totally self-destructive and not capable of reproduction of the species.

    We have been so inundated in the past several years via the media that we are fast approaching the era of an AIDS epidemic and, from the information distributed, the major persons causing the spreading of this virus are members of the gay community and particularly by the more aggressive members of the 17-25 year old age group. By chance, this group is most likely to want to join the military.

    It is no secret but an open and known fact that sexual gratification is one of our most passionate and even uncontrollable urges. Does it make any sense at all to force this environment among our sons and daughters of the same age group?

    If we accept the views of the medical experts that the virus is undetectable and may lay dormant for as long as 10 to 15 years in a person's body and that in some cases it is transmitted by blood transfusions or saliva or other unknown means, have we just not dumped on our existing military the means to create an AIDS epidemic that might well wipe our population?

    There are other very practical reasons to keep the ban in place. Do you have to build separate facilities to house this group? What is the total tax bill cost to the taxpayer who is probably already out of work and wondering how to pay his bills?

    What about the flamboyant gays? The ones who are convinced they are female? Do you accept them also, or do you discriminate within this group?

    Has anyone studied the inter-relation of the gays placed into the prison structure? The prisons have lived with this situation for years. What have been the results of that study?

    The gays admit they are well organized, that they are well financed, that they are dedicated and disciplined and that they have recognized their political power. It is time for the silent majority to recognize that this is not a fight of discrimination, but a fight to force the majority to accept their lifestyle as normal.

    The Law Center will not do this and this is why the Law Center will file a class action on behalf of any military person who does not want to live within such an environment. We will ask for individual damages to compensate every service person for the loss of his career.


    * * *
    NEXT: With attention to time and space in the LIBERATOR we will continue to run as many buttals and rebuttals to given controversial items as possible. THE subject most attention-getting is, of course, the "COSMOS" connections. We have received a letter from the NEVADA CORPORATION (WITH VALID SEAL AFFIXED), with valid and legal signatures of officers of "Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd: In good standing. P.O. Box 477, Okawville, Illinois, a REPUBLIC, 62271. The following statement precedes the communique: "Not to be confused with THE COSMOS GROUP as; WE ARE NOT A PARTY TO or WITH THEM. NOR have WE authorized any TAPES or MARKETING OF "TAPES" alleging to be COSMOS SEAFOOD ENERGY MARKETING LTD: WE HAVE COLLECTED "NO MONEY FROM TAPES".

    January 29, 1993

    The Phoenix Liberator, Inc.
    2810 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite G6723
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89102

    Mister Rick Martin, Editor


    Dear Mister Martin,

    We are in receipt of your January 26, 1993 edition wherein you did print our response. Thank you.

    We would like to apologize to our lateness in response as; on Christmas Day, we were in an auto accident which left us in a state of disarray. These things happen, however we do apologize for our lateness in responding.

    We thought it time to respond to the many persons who did respond (though unsolicited by us) to their many grievances and so stated same in their correspondence. We thank you also for your many letters, cards, memorandums, articles, Cases, and other ‘comprehensible' information. Almost all of these were registering complaints (which we shall keep confidential) regarding problems in these areas which are within the boundaries of their Constitutional Provisions Preserved in Article X.

    (a) each time a TAX increase for this or that was put on the agendas for the VOTE of the People...the people VOTED these issues into LAW, and

    (b) to repeal these LAWs which are repugnant to the People, GET THEM ON THE "AGENDA" FOR THE NEXT "PRIMARIES" AND VOTE THEM OUT.

    If, the people are unhappy with these laws, get them on All agendas...and VOTE THEM OUT. It's that simple.

    The Laws as reserved and preserved wherein the Rights of the People are Oppressed must be left to the People to right these wrongs within the parameters of our LAW.

    Also, many of the parties who wrote to us specifically asked us "What can we call a new party which is different from the ones already established?" Our response is: In the early 1800s, there was a party named the CONSTITUTIONALISTS Party. Seemingly this would be fitting, considering the much registered concerns of the many, many people who did write to us registering their complaints.

    Many years ago, was a discussion about the Laws and how they worked when the ‘simplistics of the Laws were employed'. Then a remark was made: "It can be a beauty when it works for you, but the very same law when MISUSED can be like the sword of Damocles...it cuts equally as swift and hard...for you as it does against you and heaven forbid it should ever be misused against you."

    Today, we have PARADOX THINKERS; they employ the laws to commit criminal acts against the properties of individuals to take these properties away. They are using the very laws which were enacted FOR you...to take away that which you won...this is what we have gathered from your many, many letters, memos, cards and so forth.

    Once there was a very wise old man, he was an ex-Federal Judge, later he taught Law. He always maintained: "WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS ‘GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING' and use the things that made IT WORK."

    To keep you on an update, WE (Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd forwarded on to President Bill Clinton on the 19th day of January 1993 our offer to assist in the Restoration of our Republic, this consisted of 18 pages which originally was intended to the Phoenix Liberator to publish so all of you could read what we had to say. We are holding it up for 30 days to allow our new president, Bill Clinton, time to peruse our letter. If there is no response in 30 days, we shall send this on for publication so you will be kept informed.

    TWO (2) pages addressed to the President stated, "This is a solution to the 100 day program to get this nation/REPUBLIC back on track and on schedule for RESTORATION."

    Hopefully, Mister Clinton will respond. If so, WE (Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Ltd) will assist him and the PEOPLE of the REPUBLIC/Union, i.e., nation, to shore up the economy and BACK THIS NATION WITH THE "GOLD" on the interest due on that GOLD CERTIFICATE. However, this must be understood...."IT SHALL NOT BE THE SAME OLD GAMES OF OUR PAST."

    A DEMAND on the interest due WILL MAKE ONE HECK OF A LOT OF UNHAPPY "PUPPIES" in the International Communities and here at home...BUT...IT WILL RESTORE THE REPUBLIC/Union of WE THE PEOPLE.

    We will wait for the 30 days to expire--then we will send off to the Phoenix Liberator the 18 pages plus the 2 pages to the President.

    Thank you for your patience and GOD BLESS US AND KEEP ALL OF US SAFE FROM HARM'S WAY.

    P.O. Box 477
    Okawville, Illinois a Republic 62271

    This must be printed in its entirety, no deletions or additions. (Signature initials affixed).

    [H: I have asked Dharma to simply retype the message in full. The only changes in any manner whatsoever are in the correcting of obvious typographical errors. Thank you for sharing your confidence as to reprinting and we look forward to hearing from you again when appropriate. The people of America desire to make changes--all they need is proper leadership and to see a "way" to accomplish reclamation of the nation, Constitution, and freedom. We of the (cosmos) "Hosts" monitor most carefully these events in this time of the Lord and reclamation of HIS righteous servants and Kingdom. The time of the Lord is at hand and never would God keep from His children, the showing of the "way" and the bringing of the blessed word of TRUTH. THE TRUTH SHALL IN EVERY WAY STAND FORTH IN ITS PROPER TIME AND SO, TOO, SHALL THE LIARS AND DECEIVERS FALL OF THEIR OWN SWORDS. SO BE IT AND SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS IN THE DAYS OF THIS GENERATION UPON THE PLACE CALLED EARTH SHAN. IF YOU BE IN INTENT OF GOD THEN SO SHALL YOUR WORKS BE BLESSED. THOSE WHO DO NOT SERVE BUT THE ADVERSARY SHALL NOT FLOURISH BUT SHALL IN TIME PERISH FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. AMEN AND ADONAI--IN THE HOLY LIGHT OF GOD ALMIGHTY, THE GREAT SPIRIT OF ALL SOURCE. I AM HATONN, HOST OF GOD, MESSENGER IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD--BUT NOT YET OF YOUR EARTH PHYSICAL--THAT YOU MIGHT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE IN THE LIARS FROM THE SPEAKERS OF TRUTH AND DIMENSION. THE LORD GOD IS NOT YET UPON YOUR PHYSICAL PLACE--NOR ARE WE OF THE HOSTS--BUT MANY OF OUR BROTHERS HAVE BEEN SENT BEFORE--TO PREPARE FOR HIM. MAY THE LIGHT OF GOD SHINE ‘ROUND ABOUT YOU AND MAY YOU REST IN THE PEACE OF KNOWING.]

    * * *
    Secretary, enough for this sitting. Let us leave with but one last offering from a beloved friend of shadow years but the insight of the early ways and days in the outreaches of what you call "civilization" (badly misused word).

    (By Clint C. Cullen)
    If I could be a messenger boy,
    Could I tie my old pony to your hitchin' rail?
    For if I could bring a message to you,
    From someone who really cares,
    Would you listen at my tale?
    How about if I could bring you a message,
    From those that have gone on before us.
    Those that are so beautiful and so great.
    And I could tell you that they're makin' plans of brotherly love.
    And they have destroyed all the materials of hate.
    How about if I could ride my old pony a way out yonder,
    Out there where the Master of Love really resides.
    And I could kneel down and kiss the hem of His gown,
    If I could bring a message of love, to you, from Him,
    Would you help me, spread it all around?
    How about if I could bring you a message of hope.
    Of hope, and a way you could fulfill all your
    Most precious dreams.
    And every time a little ole youngen' heard the words
    [Of hate, and hurt, deceit and destruction,]
    They wouldn't even know what it means.
    How about if I could ride my old pony way out yonder.
    Out there on them war torn shores.
    And I could talk with all the war mongers there.
    Could I take them a message of love from you?
    Could I tell them, you really do care?
    How about if all the leaders of all the lands,
    Would meet out there in a beautiful patch,
    Of purple top clover.
    And everybody would get together and we'd all join hands.
    And all the wars and bloodshed would be all over.
    If I could be just a messenger boy.
    You know what I'd really like to do?
    I'd like to tie my old pony to your hitchin' rail,
    And bring a beautiful message, of love,
    From Him, to you.

    Clint C. Cullen--A FRIEND and a long time observer of life from the fundamental viewpoint of an old prospector, entertainer in the type of Will Rogers, in the dress of an old mountain man--and member of the Poet's Hall of Fame. THANK YOU, CLINT.

    Clint is in poor health (but we are working on that diligently to reverse that trend). He lived in Arizona until very recently and then due to poor health has moved to the Mojave Desert area of Randsberg. There are "published" books available but our only way to offer them to you at this time is through information directly through General Delivery, Tehachapi, California 93561.

    Clint does "readings" from many "stages", from schoolhouse platforms to the stages of Nevada casinos. It would be very good if you would support his work. We shall effort to see to it that all of his myriads of words residing in a trunk in a bunkhouse be made available--before he moves on to our side of the mountains. We will speak of this more as we move along. Thank you. God's workers come in all forms, in all ways and from the most unlikely places. In love and blessings,

    I am Hatonn to close.

    PJ 62
    CHAPTER 12
    MON., FEB. 8, 1993 9:04 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 176
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1993
    Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant ONE! In service, unchanged, unbended and so, likewise, shall be my team. If any of you, including Readers, thought you would have no assaults, that everyone would awaken and grow thornless roses and eat lemon PIE instead of chew the bitter rind--WRONG! I HAVE TOLD YOU FROM ONSET THAT YOU HAD ENEMIES WITHIN WHO WOULD AWAIT THEIR MOMENT OF SURMISED OPPORTUNITY AND THEN TRY TO SLAY YOU. SO, THE ENEMY WAS CLOSER WITHIN THAN YOU IMAGINED--WHAT CHANGE IS THERE IN SIMPLY KNOWING WHO THEY ARE? THIS GIVES YOU OPPORTUNITY TO NOW TAKE ACTIONS WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN INAPPROPRIATE EVEN ON THE YESTERDAY.

    Readers must be informed as to that which is going on--NOW--not next week, not next month--NOW.

    George Green, is a Member of the Board of Directors of the "Institute" and also is owner of America West Publishers and, I assume, America West Distributors (Desiree' Green).

    The crew here at this location are in a quandary as to what steps to next take. Well, I suppose tit for tat, chelas. Perhaps it is time to have a FULL investigation of the operations of America West (both). Much of the Institute's working funds have gone to give America West the opportunity to publish and remain in active business--even to assist them in the printing of Dr. Coleman's book which I see is now the lead publication in their Catalog. Almost all of the books carried by their company are not that which I sanction and therefore came the great need to depart this location in order to be hidden in publications.

    It has been LONG since much interest or focus has been on our JOURNALS except as a focus to cause ones to believe that George Green is Hatonn or SPEAKS FOR Hatonn and now, others of the "Command". This is not true and most of the projections from America West are totally and incredibly false in ALL presentations. They do carry some authors' works which I have requested and those are, of course, those of Col. James Gritz, Eustace Mullins and a selection of books which are recommended in the JOURNALS. All of the UFO books they have in stock are total fabrication or partial fabrication to give "oompth" to the contents.

    Is this wrong for a Distributor to carry a variety of material? NO--they should do so and as a business, they MUST or lose all credibility. However, to take our work and NOW, claim that Mr. Green is receiving FROM ME, HATONN, and that I have left my original scribe in favor of him is somewhat interesting at the least. This is to be, somehow I suppose, seemingly alright to take the inventory of JOURNALS, suppress them and now bind them--OK? It is not.

    Mr. Green is calling all known participants in the "Institute" and, Readers, you had best attend this--what you are being told about workers here and that the presentations are lies as regards litigations, the PLEIADES CONNECTION series and other things--are NOT TRUTH. Mr. Green is saying such things as "there is no litigation over Ekkers' property--that is to gain sympathy and money." The sheriffs are in conference at this moment of writing trying to verify the bankruptcy numbers on Mr. Ekker's papers to shut down eviction RIGHT NOW AS WE WRITE. There have been hundreds of motions and court encounters with five set for this very week. He also says "there is no injunction against any books and I know ones at the University of Science and Philosophy and can easily work out a settlement." If there is no injunction then why would you "work out a settlement"? If there is no injunction then what is the 10 page document signed by a Federal Judge stating same--on NINE BOOKS? "WHO" MIGHT BE SPEAKING FALSELY? DO YOU WISH TO BELIEVE THAT "I", HATONN, SPEAK THROUGH THE FALSE LIPS OF ONE WHO IS CAUGHT IN SUCH PRESENTATIONS?

    Well, is Mr. Green HELPING ones who may question the "Institute"? Why would anyone being a participant NOT SIMPLY CALL THE INSTITUTE FOR CLARIFICATION? Why would Mr. Green now be calling ones and telling them to check with John Schroepfer for verification of "my (Green's) story because he was up here in meeting with me"? There are several Board Members of the Institute with whom ones can speak.

    Could it be that Mr. Green forgets he is also a bonafide member of that same Board of Directors and is in great liability for directly damaging his own responsibility by such tactics? His response to the attorney (formerly his own) was he would make "no comment" and it "is none of your business"!

    America West has received large sums of money for the publishing of the JOURNALS and other publications as well. This is a valid note as are all transactions and "loans" to any entity, such as to insure publication of the LIBERATOR. No one made judgment as to that which Mr. Green would publish but the collateral for the note IS THE INVENTORY OF JOURNALS. Mr. Green now refuses to allow any to be sent even to the LIBERATOR which are paid for as by any other Distributor such as America East.

    He is further making pronouncements to all phone call recipients that one after another named entities in this place--"are actually in my service". Meaning George Green's. This is upsetting quite a few people in this location and we have no input as to others elsewhere. He is, however, in full steam ahead efforting to destroy both the Institute and all of our work. He is preying on, specifically, an elderly and confused couple in this location and is further efforting to cause participants and his phone call recipients to call this poor man whose wife is an invalid. Is this Godly? I thought not either. Much less to state it's being done at the direction of Hatonn "who left Tehachapi with Desiree' and me and now speaks and instructs through me."

    The Institute Board is meeting this morning to determine how best to handle this assault to prevent loss to any ones who might panic and be caused to make foolish moves. Do not be misinformed--ALL PARTICIPANTS KNEW THAT FUNDS WOULD BE UTILIZED FOR THINGS SUCH AS PUBLICATIONS, START-UP PROJECTS, ETC. Everything is in good order, but as with any bank, lending resource or entity of any kind--if all panic and demand withdrawal and selling of the gold in collateral--what will happen is a major loss to all and bankruptcy of the corporation which will then give great loss to everyone involved. This Board has to consider filing papers for allowance of receivership today to block Mr. Green. Mr. Green will be called to answer to this Board for grievous actions with intent to damage participants. Further, as judicious corporate directors--action must, by law, be taken immediately.

    Since the loans to America West are justly and lawfully served from the Institute, then action for recovery shall have to be taken by this same Board.

    What is America West doing? Trying to pull down all the work gained and established. The rift, of course, came at the time that Greens chose to move to Nevada and began to set up businesses already established by our crew.

    I have always welcomed competition--I do not sanction deceit or lies about same. It is quite interesting enough to reach out in my name--it is quite another to CLAIM ME AS HIS OWN.

    I would be unworthy of MY FATHER'S mission if I allowed this to go on another ten minutes. Further, I would be unworthy of your attention in any manner whatsoever. The adversary, guided by gold and money, will effort EVERY TIME TO DECEIVE YOU. If Col. Gritz thought he had "Judas-goats" in his crew--boy, he should try my command ground crew for a while.

    Well, you might ask, "How do we know which of you or if either of you are YOU?" It doesn't matter--check out what I tell you from this keyboard against what Mr. Green is telling you in my name. There are documents to back up every thing I tell you and HE IS LYING. Further, he continues to tout things and pictures which I have told him are false projections. Some of the E.T. UFO "stuff" is valid that he presents, but a lot is total fabrication and mock-up.


    I have no wish to hurt anyone--but usually when foolish and dark actions are taken which hurt the "many", it works out badly for the perpetrators of that deceitful action.

    Will this hurt us? Nope--it will only cause Truth to be seen in its beauty of Light. Does it hurt my people? Only in the moment of attack. Of course it hurts, for instance, the Ekkers--for these actions have been deliberate which can put Dharma in a Federal Prison for Green's deliberate contempt of court--OR, COULD IT HAVE BEEN ARRANGED DELIBERATELY WITH THOSE OTHER PARTIES TO DO JUST THAT? So be it--the "Shadow" knows and so does GOD!

    I warned the Greens that when "...you declare war against God and HIS Hosts--you have taken on a very, very substantial enemy!" So be it! Will he be able thusly to suppress the WORD or discredit it? Only to those who do not wish it in the first place. God's people will only realize more clearly the intent and purpose of the adversary in full-blown action. I respect my enemies--for they keep me alert and ever watchful--it is a good lesson for ALL to learn.

    For you who may be in panic--why would you be so? You either thought you were acting judiciously and in giving unto the hopeful restoration of your Nation under God--or you were acting in greed to hold your "things" and "stuff". You will not suffer loss of either--but it does give you reason to do a bit of choosing of direction. This is only the major beginning of the next and glorious phase of our mission--THE SORTING AWAY OF THE ADVERSARY HAD TO BE FIRST ACCOMPLISHED BEFORE WE COULD MOVE ON. THIS ONLY INDICATES THAT GOD'S PLAN IS NOW IN FULL STEAM AHEAD AS HE SEPARATES THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF. STAY THE COURSE, BROTHERS, FOR THE SHIP IS MOVING INTO THIRD GEAR AND FULL STEAM AHEAD. GOD SHALL NOT LEAVE OF HIS PEOPLE--THE VERY BEST IN ALL MANNERS OF RETURN ARE NOW IN VIEW. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO STAY THE COURSE AND REAP THE ABUNDANCE--FROM SECURITY TO SEEING A PEOPLE AND NATION GROW AGAIN INTO GLORY. I SALUTE YOU WHO SERVE WITH ME.

    I apologize to readers who have no interest in this matter, for taking the time and space for such writings--BUT, this is our voice for communication among our ground crews and you who do not yet realize that can perhaps appreciate this as the ONLY way we can clearly speak and share. The LIBERATOR is destined to be a voice totally for the people, by the people and of the people--but we have to lay the "tracks" or the train can go nowhere! So be it.

    Greens asked me, when they left this location, "Can't we serve over there as well?" I answered "yes" you "can" but you "won't" for "it will be all but impossible to do so!" Also, Desiree' said at last meeting with Dharma--"Are you mad at me for leaving? I don't really want to go but George has made up his mind to go. Will we be able to come back?" (???) What does this tell you ones about the importance of our mission here? If ye allow yourselves to be vulnerable--you shall be "had". Hold to the hand of "the MAN" and you shall be shown the way. It is the time of THE RETURN and the way shall be made ready by the Hosts sent afore that day. It has always been thus and so shall it continue TO BE! Beware of those claiming to be something that they are not and using false statements to tempt you into believing their presentations--for they shall cause you to fall by their lies and deceit. There is no "easy" way to glory--only a "simple" way.

    God would never bring falseness to pull you away into confusion--so in your discernment of that which IS, I suggest you look unto truth in verification before taking foolish actions in haste--burning bridges which shall cut you off from the very journey into "the promised land". Remember, even old "Moses" didn't make it over that river! Ah indeed, the time of sorting is at hand--on which side of the door-step threshold will you be? Over "there" with all your "things" or over "here" with wondrous abundance through the Lighted promise? As always, as the next door is presented--the discernments and judgments must be made from within and THEN, ONLY THEN, is the door opened unto you. The false visions will usually be presented in the form of "security", "doubts", "but what ifs"--for the ignorant who FEAR and never would part with "things" save to have "guaranteed" gain. If a man sets forth determined to "lose" so shall he be given his losses so that he/she can continue to blame all others than self, for their own misery and maladjustments. What are you going to do with "all your things" when the government gets through with you? These same ones who tell you that you will lose--also tout that the Government is coming to get "it all"! Who do they serve? You had best look again! What has GOD ever taken from you?? OH?? Better look again at THAT also! Note that Mr. Green is going only to those ones who are already filled with doubts and those who thought him "the greatest" at upstart. Is this a valid "friend"? So be it. If one speaks badly about that which he helped conceive and build--WHO MIGHT BE NOW FULL OF OTHER INTENTIONS? WOULD THAT REFLECTION OF "CONTROL" IN DESIRE ACTUALLY REST IN THE MIRROR OF THE ONE DRAWN AWAY? BE CAREFUL, LITTLE FRIENDS, IN THE TIME OF SORTING--THESE CONCEPTS ARE VERY, VERY IMPORTANT TO SELF AND JOURNEY. HOLD THE COURSE AND, AT WORST, NOTHING CHANGES--TEAR UP THE TRACKS AND THE TRAIN CANNOT BUT CRASH! PONDER IT CAREFULLY.

    Secretary, close this please and deliver to Dr. Young. I remind you--God and Hosts are OPEN and nothing shall be hidden in secret deceitful manners--even if it requires Readers to have to wade through that which they consider "domestic" issues. If there is to be a "voice" IT SHALL BE A VOICE--not a hidden, secretive work of deceit in the darkness and whispers. George Green knew exactly WHO to choose for his dirty work and the rest of you had best look very carefully at that deed.


  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62
    CHAPTER 13
    TUE., FEB. 9, 1993 8:38 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 177
    I wish to thank all of you on behalf of Doris and E.J. for your patience while they have to take care of very human problems which now are at a full-time level of time requirements.

    George Green has or is calling all known LIBERATOR and JOURNAL readers pronouncing that "Hatonn is no longer serving with Dharma but, rather, through himself." He has setup ones who are now in such confusion as to be physically ill--to bring charges against Ekkers. What has happened is that we have blocked every move on his part by TRUTH and he is now making a desperate move to keep the JOURNALS from their possession. Will it work? No, but that never stops the adversary, Readers. The adversary will totally destroy George before he allows reason or Truth to enter into the picture. So be it for there are such other "fish to fry" that we cannot give much attention to that which we KNOW shall work out splendidly for the purposes of God.

    George is also telling those he contacts by bulletin or phone that the "dwelling litigation" is phony in order to gain sympathy and money from unsuspecting readers. How interesting a concept. How foolish to claim such a thing which can be so easily proven a false statement. There are some five encounters scheduled for this very week on the matter with two happening on one day. Well, one of these might well be scrapped because just yesterday another Judge looked over the situation and with tears in his eyes joined the ranks of other Judges who refused to give them time through stay. His exact words while shaking his head and almost choked in his mouth were: "Oh...as I look at the opposition's (who didn't even bother to show up in court) papers I see that this has gone on long enough--I can grant time to offer bonding but I believe I must rule against them for right of possession because I can see that nothing can be gained by doing so, for them." In other words, Readers, it has become obvious that the Big Gun will win the skirmish no matter what is offered in rebuttal. He could gain them alternative measures against the guilty parties "later" but the Big Gun has decided NO JUDGE will counter their moves and survive. What you readers had better look at most closely is that THIS is just a tiny little case--just a dwelling of little importance in a village where RTC houses are selling for 10-25 cents on the dollar. LOOK AT THIS, PEOPLE--YOU ARE NEXT! Will Ekkers quit? No, for I have asked that they not do so. They cannot win against the RTC in this game but, if we change the game a bit, they may well win some pretty good whacks at guilty parties prior to RTC intervention--and thereby prove the unlawfulness of the RTC operation. Will it help? All things "help", chelas, all goodly things "help".

    Yes, Dharma and E.J. fully realize it would have been far easier to move and they would have, by now, been almost five years down the road in a different and comfortable place and saved all the legal fees--or would they? It appears Mr. Green's intent now is to see to it that from their own work they will be deprived of any stability. He has miscalculated for all things have been managed superbly and without personal gain (undoubtedly a new concept for Greens) and the Institute will basically be turned over to the Board and a Board of Advisers to continue operation for the full protection of ALL INVOLVED.

    When Mr. Green was caught in the act of contempt of court for selling "injunctioned" books he has now tried to place the "blame" on Ekkers personally or state there was never a problem and "no injunction"--just a lie on Ekkers' part to gain more income from advertised books. When this did not fly--it is now forcing ones in this location to make a legal statement and cause of action of some type against America West, at the least. There comes a point of continuing to function in any manner to do so--it no longer rests with "choices" of action, as does requirements for operation of the Institute. In the process it will require full disclosure of all activities of both America West Publishers and America West Distributors because massive discrepancies in their business records regarding our work and personal presentations to the public are obvious.

    We are told there are almost no sales for our work--that in itself seems strange for orders were coming here to this location for some time--WHILE AMERICA WEST ACCEPTED PAYMENTS AND SHIPPING TO THE LIBERATOR AS WELL AS PAID PURCHASES FROM TEHACHAPI DISTRIBUTING. I find that quite interesting. I find it more interesting to note that if Dharma simply had a tiny royalty return on any of her work--they could have bought the property in dispute a dozen times over! So, is the assault "intentional" or "what"? These are things I must write for Dharma to see because these ones keep saying over and over again--"but they wouldn't...." Does it quack like a duck? Does it waddle? Well, Dharma and E.J., COULD it possibly BE a duck? "But, could this be unintentional?" they ask. Quack, quack!! But, as a matter of fact--Greens do think they are serving a cause of some kind and that is what is difficult to overcome. Discernment becomes very hard when caught in the middle of lies and deceit and the "way" is lost to the full human expression.

    The very lack of ability to spend time in "human" experience of "things" and time for human interchange has kept your exposure to the same problems very minimal. While struggling to survive and remain in your last piece of property with nothing of earth value to clamor for--you have had little time to serve the adversary so the attack has to come from outside and from others who DO get caught in the abundance and ego trips. Let these lessons be well-learned as you walk through this maze of confusion. The adversary never misses a trick of his trade--NEVER! "I" protect you precious ones who serve and, just as I have blocked every move of those ones so far, so shall I continue to guide--if you will but continue the journey, your service and the "struggle". So often, ones QUIT the struggle just as the winning bell is about to ring.

    I would hope that the ones who were summoned and responded to George's call (note the total absence of Desireé at any meetings) will consider these things most carefully for they will be joined with George's "side" whether or not they intended anything of the sort. Is God's work "hard"? No, but it surely can be most inconvenient and distressing from time to time. So be it--WHEN THE FLAK IS HEAVIEST--YOU ARE RIGHT ON TARGET! (Thank you, Mr. Gritz--this has become my most favorite visual phrase.)

    Do YOU go forth now to do battle for selves? NO, you go forth now to protect the work of God and Hosts that the WORD not be brought down nor confined, buried or burned.

    I do ask any readers who would order any of the JOURNALS now order them from the LIBERATOR, THE WORD, or some other entity--until this deliberate banning by America West and the Courts can be withdrawn. Whatever supply is on hand (very, very limited) will be exhausted and then orders cannot be filled--but, whether or not you EVER get the books, the "obvious" will be proven. In fact, at this time I ask that the orders be acknowledged, funds returned temporarily, after supply exhaustion--until this matter can be resolved. We will notify you when the books are again free for distribution. There is one coming from a different press right now and will be available through the LIBERATOR in a matter of days. The price will be less than prior JOURNAL offerings. Today, there will be a second volume ready to go to press. If needs be, Readers, we shall simply re-dictate the books. God's WORD shall not be silenced!

    If you wish to get them through America West--so be it for I'm sure they will certainly sell to you. Both rain and shine fall on the "just" and the "unjust". Destruction of the message and the Messenger--has long been the way of the adversary to destroy TRUTH! It is time you of hope and Light think upon these things for you are witness to it now. I also ask forgiveness for these blind children for they know not what they do! They CANNOT know what they do! There lies danger, children, even in the very rainbow!

    What do I tell my crew herein? "Quit the self-pity, get up off your duffs and let's get on with our job! Sitting on your assets and grieving for that which you KNEW would come is wasting all time for all ones. There is a nation in trouble, brothers in pain--REAL PAIN, and YOU are in God's hand--what more can you ask? Each ‘other' will find his/her own direction and you can do nothing to change of it--only THEY can take action and make change or remain within the trap. It is none of your business save that portion which is appropriate to your own actions."

    Dharma and E.J. saw REAL pain in progress yesterday in that same courtroom and with the same Judge. There is a case ongoing in Bakersfield called the "Koreatown Slasher" case. The perpetrator of those horrendous crimes of murder, slashing and depraved terrorism was in that same court for final "rereading of testimony" prior to sentencing a death penalty or prison for life without parole. The "suspect" was present and when Dharma opened the door to the courtroom her eyes met his and it was explosive in that room. Then they had to go into that room to "wait" for the Judge. THAT situation is "trouble", friends. THAT man had even attacked his own lawyer--in the courtroom. This is the biggest case in California right now. As this man's very life was in the balance, he showed no care, no remorse, no regret--he simply loudly laughed, cursed and arrogantly mocked all things going on--including the Juror who stumbled trying to get past the footrests to his chair.

    The Judge summoned Ekkers and counsel to another courtroom chambers and apologized for the need to witness the ongoing ordeal. The Judge was then called back to preside in the "Slasher" case and asked Ekkers to await his return. While waiting some hour later, the "Slasher" was led past them in the exiting route. Surrounded by officers with drawn guns and in shackles the man was led past them--DEATH, HATE and ABSOLUTE EVIL surrounded him. THAT IS TROUBLE! He glanced at them, laughed a ringing laugh which echoed in a now empty court house--turned, and passed on. Dharma shall never again be the "same". This living "vacant being" had slashed to death at least (proven) seven innocent people.

    A house in "trouble"? A heart "heavy" with disappointment? A friend turned enemy? Trouble?? NO--THAT MAN IN THAT COURTHOUSE IS "TROUBLE". The pain created through and by that man, is "trouble"--serving God and seemingly being beset by negative happenings is "glory". THAT MAN IN SHACKLES, FINALLY, IS "TROUBLE".

    Did "I" arrange such an encounter? Indeed--for when the heart is heavy and the way seems too hard--you need to see REAL trouble in its finest garb! "Walking death" is ever so much worse than "dead death".

    I can only remind you in the form of words in one of Dharma's favorite songs, for it is her living belief: "Walk on through the rain, walk on through the storms tho' your heart be tossed and torn. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your hearts and you'll never walk alone--YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!" Ah, precious students, you must not look back to that which "was" for it cannot be changed--remember, so that your lessons are clear, take that which IS, and walk on--ever on to our goal and it shall all be wondrous for within God's golden wings and upon MY silver "feathers" shall you find YOUR WAY. Welcome home, my precious brothers and welcome aboard. When you learn to discern real "trouble" from problems but to be solved--you shall graduate!

    Consider this, little ones, for this is the way it is looked at herein. Dharma and E.J. only feel grateful to have been allowed to do their work and have shelter, food and comfort in this almost six years--there is no regret or sorrow--only appreciation which ever way the final outcome falls. But it is not "trouble"--it has been wonderful. Sorrow? No. Disappointment and annoyance? Yes, nothing more--and ah, the learning provided for worthy use in this journey back to freedom and justice--unlimited! Is there FEAR of homelessness, etc.? NO--so many have offered to share that which they have that the cup runs over in abundance of that which matters. Priceless lessons have been "experienced" and those are the ones which serve best in opening the eyes to that which IS. No, no sorrow over a pile of boards--only over the inconvenience to ones who have made the home so comfortable and lovely if it be lost to unloving hands. It shall NOT. A house is but a structured form--but that which is within breathes life and character into the form--just as does God into His creations. That which is created and filled with Love and Light--shall not ever be lost.

    After Dharma and E.J. left their prior home into the hands of ones who wanted it so badly that they even broke rules of transfer to get it--let it be vandalized and fallen into a rubble heap. The house could not harbor such darkness within its walls and the tenants were never happy there so they simply "killed" it. Fantastic? No, all things are "living" and when neglected and mistreated, they perish. Will it happen again? It is a "thing" of physical expression--therefore, what will be in the physical shall remain of the physical and it is but a part of the "journey" of experience. The way will be "correct"--not necessarily as you think you perceive it to be. Each step toward Light is necessary for the fulfillment of the PLAN. When you learn this necessary lesson, so too shall your own journey be perfected.

    "God help me to change those things I can,
    Accept those things I cannot change,
    And, grant me the grace to know the difference!" Amen.

    * * *
    Dharma, enough of this subject, chela. Things will be as they will be and all I ask of you is that you be responsive to my input and all things shall be right.

    You must know that the bubble is burst on this criminal activity of your past Presidents. Will they be disciplined? It is not important, chelas, as to their discipline. It is only important to the extent of YOUR recognition and self-discipline to attend that which is represented by such actions. I promised to present material on this some weeks past--today is the day. I shall simply present what was placed in TIME magazine last week, for most will not have seen it. The unfolding is coming quickly now as "prosecutors" are making inroads. You will find nothing "new" in the writings, for instance, of Shultz as utilized--it is simply that, at last, things are beginning to become public enough for your teeth to get set in order to "pull" these things out of the hidden chambers.

    Mr. Dixon is back in Washington as we write. He is meeting with ones of the military, Judge Bork, hopefully Walsh the "Christian Council", etc. Chelas, that which you have supported is now taking its place in recognition. Even the legislature in California is nervous and restricted as Budget Time is upon them again--because the CLC brought them up short last year and they dare not "just let it go this year". YOU CAN MAKE PROGRESS IF YOU STAY THE COURSE.

    Dharma and E.J. spent their last "sheckles" borrowed for saving of their house, on the CLC and other "projects" to make possible Gaiandriana and, now, this integration and respect for the Law Center. Many of you gave and supported and helped and plodded alongside them. It is now bloomed--and great respect is given to this entity. Can a "house" compare to the "good" brought forth in taking the "risk"? No, of course not. First, a foundation upon which to build MUST be set upon a rock of Truth--then and only then can the buildings be secure thereon. You must set a nation upon a foundation of TRUTH under God with a Constitution which serves ALL and then, only then, can the nation survive. This can be taken to infinite lengths as expression but I shall not do so, now. KNOW that things are happening in goodness and progress.

    Just an update: Gunther has seen to it that we have been contacted and he has expressed his deep appreciation for the LIBERATOR and to you readers who have already responded. Chelas, HOPE is born and nurtured through the contact of one for another--heart. The actions can take time if the "other" knows the message of the heart offering, if nothing more, understanding and love. Even THAT SLASHER deserves compassion and love for his bent and twisted horror. Do you condone the actions? NO, no, no! But do not judge the man in point for you know not the mission or contract of that being so lost and hardened by whatever has come upon him. It is necessary for YOU to not judge for when you do--you damage that which is within self. Discernment of the man--JUDGMENT OF THE ACTIONS is all that is possible in reality.

    I only want to cause you to look at that which your new "President" has done this day: lifted the ban on AIDS carriers coming into your country. He also lifts the ban on other diseases and what is said? "We are lifting the ban on entry of AIDS carriers and certain other disease carriers--BECAUSE THE DISEASES ARE NOT ‘CASUALLY' TRANSMITTED!"

    I have no comment as to the rightness or wrongness of the order--I do note however, that "non-casual" transmission is a lie. I don't know how non-casual, or "casual" is breathing--but it seems pretty unsophisticated to me. Do you still think, however, that there is no PLAN for your destruction? If you cannot see after the "two-by-four" hits you--will an "eight-by-twelve" cause your vision to clear--or JUST KILL YOU? I suppose it remains to be seen.

    I must leave the comments on these topics to Commander Soltec (to me, "Tonios") for we are buried in other entropy. I can only suggest to those who do the phone line message that they use discretion and discernment as to topics for we are swamped--CHAOS has beset the entire world--prodded on and stirred by politicians and heretics. It is exactly as intended--remember the portion of the Protocols and Manifestos--confuse, distract and boggle the citizens and they shall be trapped. Since the mind cannot attend ALL in ALL places and, yet, words and pictures CAN flow instantly around the globe--you can be better monitored and brain-trained, deceived and led than at any time in the known history of the planet. It will be YOU ultimately who will have to sift through the lies and truth until you can focus on direction. We can only offer a tiny, tiny few guidelines to assist for the human is not capable of garnering it ALL or instantly moving from "0" to mach 150 in a blink of an eye. The soul can absorb it--the consciousness cannot.


    The facts are that George Shultz was stunned at the things going on during the Iran/Contra Arms for Hostages "thing". He said it publicly "then" and now repeats it for those of you who do not remember. Does this make George Shultz a fairy prince of Truth and Light? No, but it sure does begin to reveal a lot about what DID HAPPEN.

    Dharma, let us simply display that which was printed in TIME in the "Book Section" of the Feb. 8, 1993 issue. Our copy is missing a lot of its left margin alphabet so I will effort to help reconstruct it but if there are questions by readers as to possible errors, go to the library and you can get a good copy. I cannot wait a better copy because the subject is full-blowing on the news this day with Walsh proving that Reagan was efforting a massive information cover-up. I simply desire that you have input as this unfolds. The information is taken directly from Shultz's work, copyright by George P. Shultz from Turmoil And Triumph: My Years As Secretary Of State, Charles Scribner's Sons publisher/A Robert Stewart Book. Thank you.


    In his upcoming memoirs, George Shultz reveals how Ronald Reagan came to trade arms for hostages--and how White House aides tried to keep the operation going long after the scandal broke.

    On Sunday, Nov. 2, 1986, JUST TWO DAYS BEFORE the midterm elections, I learned that David Jacobsen, an American held hostage in Lebanon for over 17 months, had been released. I was instantly full of foreboding about what lay behind it. In the text of a White House statement to be released to the press, the word hostages had the s crossed out wherever it appeared. Apparently the White House had expected the release of several or all of the hostages.

    I knew little about the dealings with Iran for hostages held by its terrorist surrogates in Lebanon, and I knew nothing about what had led to Jacobsen's release. But I did know about some earlier hostage-release attempts and had fought fervently against what I viewed as an arms-for-hostages exchange. In four major battles between mid 1985 and fall 1986 I had fought to stop such a deal, and each time I felt--or had been assured--that my view had prevailed. But this snake never died, no matter how many times I hacked at it.

    The day after Jacobsen was freed, the revelation came, in Al Ibiraa, a Beirut Arabic-language magazine, of a trip to Tehran by former National Security Adviser Bud McFarlane, by that time a private citizen but dispatched by the White House. Later that day Rashemi Rafsanjani, speaker of Iran's parliament, said that McFarlane had come to Tehran secretly in September 1986 with four other Americans on a plane carrying military equipment for Iran. They had been held in a hotel room for five days and then released. They traveled on Irish passports and brought a Bible signed by President Reagan and a cake. The cake, in the shape of a key--supposedly the key to Iranian-American friendship--had been eaten by hungry Revolutionary Guards at the airport. The story was bizarre almost beyond belief.

    I told my staff to pull everything together so that I could see what I had known and when, and what I had done about it. A few events immediately leaped to my mind.

    Early in the evening of Nov. 19, 1985, the first day of the Geneva summit meeting, after a grueling session with the Soviets, I rushed back to my suite in the Intercontinental Hotel to change clothes before going to the dinner that General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev was giving. The phone rang: Bud McFarlane was on the line. Four hostages would be released on Nov. 21. The Israelis would send a plane with 100 Hawk missiles to Portugal; if the hostages were released, the airplane would fly to Iran.

    This was arms for hostages, plain and simple. With stony anger, I told McFarlane that I had been informed so late in the operation that I had no conceivable way to stop it. I hoped that the hostages would be released, but I dreaded what I feared would be an unfolding nightmare. Bud, at some point in Geneva, told me he had cleared the plan with the President. Nov. 21, the supposed release date, arrived and passed. No hostages were freed. Later I was told the episode had misfired and was over.

    On Dec. 4, Bud McFarlane resigned. On Dec. 5, John Poindexter, who had been appointed to succeed McFarlane, told me that he had set up a meeting about Iran, arms sales and hostages for Saturday, Dec. 7. I told him that the operation should be stopped.

    The President convened the meeting with Poindexter, McFarlane, Secretary of Defense Cap Weinberger, Deputy CIA Director John McMahon standing for Bill Casey, and White House chief of staff Don Regan. Poindexter suggested that McFarlane should be authorized to ask other countries to sell arms to Israel to replace those Israel would transfer to Iran: this idea I opposed vigorously. Arms for hostages and arms to Iran were both terrible ideas! I argued that this was a betrayal of our policies and would only encourage more hostage taking. Cap Weinberger expressed the same point of view with genuine and unmistakable conviction. No decision was made at the meeting. But my sense was that the point of view Cap and I argued had won the day.

    I heard nothing more about the issue for almost a month. Then, on Jan. 7, 1986, I was suddenly called to a meeting with the President on further developments regarding Iran. All the key players were present: Vice President George Bush, Don Regan, Cap Weinberger, Bill Casey, Attorney General Ed Meese and John Poindexter. I argued fiercely against any arms sales to Iran, especially connected to the release of hostages. "I agree with George," said Cap. No one else did. Cap and I were isolated.

    I had an uneasy, uncanny feeling that the meeting was not a real meeting--that it had all been "precooked". I had the sense that a decision had already been made, though none was explicitly stated. (I learned a year later that the actual decision had been taken the day before when John Poindexter presented President Reagan with a draft "finding" authorizing arms sales to Iran. The President signed it.)

    On May 4, 1986, I received a cable from London. An embassy officer had learned from Roland ("Tiny") Rowland, a British entrepreneur, of various arrangements to get arms to Iran with the use of Swiss banks. Rowland said he was told, "The scheme is okay with the Americans. It has been cleared with the White House. Only four people in the U.S. government are knowledgeable about the plan. The State Department has been cut out."

    As soon as I got this message, I sought out the President. He was not available, but I did find Don Regan. I expressed strong opposition across the board: on policy, legal and moral grounds, as well as my concern for exposing the President to a seamy and explosive situation. "Stop!" I said. "This is crazy. Get the President to end this matter once and for all." The deal was all wrong. "If this activity continues," I said, "the President will be gravely damaged." I then went to Poindexter, who told me that we were not involved in "that deal". In mid-June both Casey and Pointexter told me that at the end of May the operation had been ended and that the people involved had been told to "stand down".

    * * *
    Since this has grown beyond the length suitable for a regular "writing", I ask for a break at this point. However, I realize we are at the end of a JOURNAL but I ask that the next writing which will finish this article be included. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand aside while you conclude the necessary program.

    PJ 62
    CHAPTER 14
    TUE., FEB. 9, 1993 1:49 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 177
    Please just leave this in the writing. We have court all day tomorrow (two separate non-hearings) so let us just draw this JOURNAL to a close with no more than this for an INTRODUCTION. It will be noted in the JOURNAL itself that it is simply filled with "things" of various kinds of information and sharing. I cannot find a single topic of major importance above that of another, so we shall just call this volume:

    Many things are sought and some are found. Many other things are not specifically sought for and found (serendipity). These things are often found hidden under the low lying bushes (both kinds) and shrubs (chaparral). Treasure these things found for they shall end up belonging in your treasure trove of understanding and insight.

    * * *
    Now, students, let us move right back and into finishing the article from the preceding writing taken from TIME magazine's excerpt of Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State, by George P. Shultz.


    With the public revelations surrounding the release of Jacobsen on Nov. 2, 1986, the Administration faced a full-blown crisis. My attention shifted from what had happened to what was still going on and what had to be stopped and reversed. I had to persuade the President to call off the Iran arms-for-hostages operation, get the NSC staffers out of the action altogether and return direction of our Iran policy and the hostage crisis to me. No battle of my official life would be more brutal and intense. "The only way to contain the damage," I told Poindexter, "is to give the essential facts to the public as quickly as possible: get everything out in the open, and fast."

    Poindexter's response the next day only sharpened my apprehensions. "Not only will such [a decision to put out the facts] complicate our efforts to secure the release of other hostages, but may also undermine opportunities for eventually establishing a correct relationship with Iran. At some point we will have to lay out all of that, but I do not believe that now is the time to give the facts to the public.... I have talked with the Vice President, Cap and Bill Casey. They agree with my approach."

    I began to sense that, far from admitting that arms-for-hostages trades had been tried in the past, Poindexter was seeking secretly to carry this disastrous operation forward. On Saturday, Nov. 8, I learned that the White House team was fully engaged in going ahead with further deals. NSC staffer Oliver North, I was told, was even this weekend headed off somewhere on a secret mission. I was being kept entirely out of the loop, and I was also being given an unmistakable signal: I should get on the team and cease my opposition. That I would not do.

    A political tidal wave, I felt sure, was bearing down on President Reagan and would, in my opinion, destroy his presidency unless the arms-for-hostages dealings were stopped immediately. I felt that the President was clearly being misled and deceived by his staff in the White House. I knew now that I must fight for the President by fighting against members of his own staff.

    What bothered me immediately was a comment made on television by Vice President Bush. His adviser, Nick Brady, had telephoned me Saturday night, Nov. 8, 1986, to ask whether I planned to resign. I told Brady, "What concerns me is Bush on TV saying it is inconceivable even to consider selling arms to Iran for hostages. The Vice President was in one key meeting that I know of, on Jan. 7, 1986, and he made no objection to the proposal for arms sales to Iran, with the clear objective of getting hostages released in the process. Cap and I were the only voices of dissent. The Vice President could get drawn into a web of lies. If he blows his integrity, he's finished."

    The next day, Bush telephoned. My wife and I went over for a drink with him and Barbara. I put my views to him: I didn't know much about what had actually transpired, but I knew that an exchange of arms for hostages had been tried on at least one occasion. Bush admonished me, asking emphatically whether I realized that there were major strategic objectives being pursued with Iran. He said he was very careful about what he said. "You can't be technically right; you have to be right," I responded. I reminded him that he had been present at a meeting where arms for Iran and hostage releases had been proposed and that he had made no objection, despite the opposition of both Cap and me. "That's where you are," I said. There was considerable tension between us when we parted.

    I was astonished to read in the Aug. 6, 1987, Washington Post about an interview by David Broder during which Bush said, "If I had sat there and heard George Shultz and Cap express it [opposition to Iran arms sales] strongly, maybe I would have had a stronger view. But when you don't know something, it's hard to react. We were not in the loop." Cap called me. He was astonished too. "That's terrible. He was on the other side. It's on the record. Why did he say that?"

    Early on Nov. 10, 1986, rumors reached us that an arms-for-hostages operation was still under way at this very moment. An Iranian aircraft reportedly had been expected in Vienna to pick up an arms shipment, but it had not come on time, the deal, the deal fell through, and "the Iranians are no longer answering Ollie's telexes."

    Poindexter and North were clearly continuing their efforts undaunted by the disasters of their own making. They had entangled themselves with a gang of operators far more cunning and clever than they. By dressing up this arms-for-hostages scheme and disguising its worst aspects, first McFarlane, then Poindexter, apparently with the strong collaboration of Bill Casey, had sold it to a President all too ready to accept it, given his humanitarian urge to free American hostages. "Ultimately," I said, "the guy behind it who got it going, and the only guy who can stop it, was and is Ronald Reagan."

    At 11:30 the President's national-security group gathered in the Situation Room. The President had watched the Sunday talk shows, he said, and we were being taken apart without justification--because what we are doing was right and legal and justifiable. We were trying to turn around a strategic situation in the Persian Gulf area, to move Iran toward a constructive role, to help them with their problem with the Soviets. And of course, he added, we wanted the hostages back.

    Poindexter then made a long presentation. There had been a "finding" on Jan. 17, 1986. CIA Director Bill Casey had been told, presumably by the President, not to brief Congress on it. The finding emphasized, Poindexter said, our strategic objectives toward Iran. Potential moderates in Iran would be given credibility with the military by getting an arms relationship with us. That, Poindexter suggested, was why we had to give arms to Iran before expecting to get hostages freed in return. "This is the first I ever heard of such a finding," I exploded. Cap was equally astounded. I was also astonished to learn of all the arms sales that had already occurred: a total of 1,000 TOWS and 240 Hawk missile battery parts. These were small amounts, defensive in nature, Poindexter said, and were designed to establish good faith.

    I started asking tough questions about Poindexter's preposterous assertions. I could see immediately that Poindexter, and the President, regarded me as a problem. "If the TOWS plus other items have been supplied to Iran in the context of hostage releases," I asked Poindexter, incredulously, "how can you say this is not an arms-for-hostages deal?"

    The President jumped in, asserting, "It's not linked!" Poindexter undercut him. "How else will we get the hostages out?" he asked me in accusing terms. In this flash of candor, Poindexter had ripped away whatever veil was left to the notion of a "changed Iran" as the rationale for our arms sales.

    Casey produced a draft press release, saying that all the President's advisers were fully aware of this operation and supported it. "Everyone must support this policy," the President said. That I was not prepared to do. "Our policy is what we do, not what we say," I argued forcefully.

    The session ended with a dangerous electricity in the air. As I returned to the State Department, I felt that I had become the most unpopular man in town. I was in a quandary, however, because of Poindexter's assertion that hostages would be released in a few days. I feared doing anything that might block an imminent release. The President, in his desire to free the hostages, had allowed himself to be sold a bill of goods. "Iran is playing us for suckers," I said, "and we are paying extortion money to them."

    Later that day the White House wanted me to agree to the press release. The President, Vice President, Casey, Weinberger and Meese had all cleared the statement that there was "unanimous support for the President's decisions" regarding the hostages and Iran. "That's a lie," I said. "It's Watergate all over again." I told Poindexter that I could not accept the release as drafted. I did not support his operation and I would not join in lying about it. After sharp disagreement, he agreed to change the sentence to read there was "unanimous support for the President". I said I would not object to the statement, "but I am very uncomfortable with it." That, Poindexter said, "is most unfortunate", and hung up.

    I would have to keep fighting the policy and refuse to be part of it. I must convince the President to halt this operation--permanently. I had to awaken him to the reality of what was taking place, persuade him that something was deeply wrong, and warn him that his staff was "rearranging the facts". My past position--being cut out--was, if humiliating, explicable in terms of my not knowing what had taken place; my present position--being cut out of what the President was treating as a major American foreign policy effort--was not sustainable. I would have to get the President to see that grave mistakes were being made, get control over the mess, or go.

    On Nov. 13, in a nationally televised address, President Reagan stated that he had authorized a small shipment of arms to Iran, but not as part of a trade for hostages: "We did not--repeat--did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we." The speech convinced me that Ronald Reagan still truly did not believe that what had happened had, in fact, happened. To him the reality was different. I had seen him like this before, on other issues. He would go over the "script" of an event, past or present, in his mind, and once that script was mastered, that was the truth--no fact, no argument, no plea for reconsideration could change his mind.

    In an appearance on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, Nov. 16, I wanted to make clear where I stood. "It isn't the right thing for governments to trade arms or anything else for hostages," I said, "just because it encourages taking more." Moderator Lesley Stahl then asked, "Will there be any more arms shipments to Iran?" I answered swiftly, "It's certainly against our policy." Stahl followed up, "Do you have the authority to speak for the entire Administration?" I looked her straight in the eye and said, "No." On that stark note the program ended.

    I had thrown down the gauntlet in my final exchange. I flew off to Chicago the next morning, half expecting to be ousted from office before returning to Washington that evening. When I got back, I was met by State's executive secretary Nick Platt. "The White House blinked," he said. They had issued a statement saying that I did speak for the Administration and that "The President has no plans to send further arms to Iran." Asked directly, President Reagan concurred. The whole issue had come to a head in public and shifted the weight of the argument in my direction. The White House simply could not stand up to saying publicly that we would continue to sell arms to Iran.

    On Wednesday evening, Nov. 19, the President was to hold a press conference. I saw him at 1:30 and put my argument to him again as gravely and persuasively as I could: terrible mistakes had been made. The time was long past to tell the full story, to put a stop to any further arms sales to Iran, and to return to adherence to our own stated policy. I read to the President a statement that I wanted him to make on television, saying that there would be no more arms sales and that our Iran policy would be managed by the Secretary of State.

    The President responded by saying, again, that the operation was a good one and that Iran--the CIA had assured him--had tempered its support for terrorism. I strongly disagreed and countered that "Even if the Iranians agreed to cease targeting Americans in return for arms--which, in reality, they have not--that's a terrible deal to make!" I presented detailed factual material that Iran had clearly not ceased support for terrorism: three American hostages had been taken in September and October 1986 by Lebanese groups associated with Iran--and much more.

    "This is news to me," Reagan said. "Mr. President," I said, "you are not fully informed. You must not continue to say we made no deals for hostages. You have been deceived and lied to. I plead with you," I said, "don't say that Iran has let up on terrorism."

    "You're telling me things I don't know!" the President said. "Mr. President," I replied, "if I'm telling you something you don't know--I don't know much--then something is terribly wrong here!"

    But I could see I had not convinced him. As I left, I told him, "What I said the other day stands." He knew I meant my offer of resignation. Despite our differences, he seemed to want me around, perhaps out of an instinct that, unwelcome as my statements were, I was leveling with him.

    The President strode into the East Room of the White House at 8 p.m. He started the press conference with a statement affirming "the correctness of my decision". But "to eliminate the widespread but mistaken perception that we have been exchanging arms for hostages," he said, "I have directed that no further sales of arms of any kind be sent to Iran." He concluded with the defense, "I don't think a mistake was made. It was a high-risk gamble that, as I've said, I believe the circumstances warranted. And I don't see that it has been a great failure of any kind. We got our hostages back--three of them. And so I think that what we did was right, and we're going to continue on this path."

    The President's statement that there would be no further arms shipments to Iran was a crucial victory. But the fact that he still maintained "what we did was right, and we're going to continue on this path" was incredible to me. Many of the President's statements were factually wrong. He was defensive and lacking in his usual confidence.

    I telephoned the President. I told him that I wanted to come over to the White House in the morning to show him, chapter and verse, the factual errors he had made. He was shaken by what I said and agreed to listen to me.

    Back at State I met with the department's legal adviser, Abe Sofaer, and Under Secretary for Political Affairs Mike Armacost to go over the information we had gathered about the armsfor-hostages attempts so they would be prepared to assess Casey's upcoming congressional testimony. Armacost had noticed that the contractor named in the Iran affair had also been involved in support for the contras--Southern Air Transport. This set off a warning bell in the back of my mind. It sounded as if the list of revelations had not yet been exhausted.

    At 5:15, Nov. 20, I showed up at the family quarters, along with Don Regan. The content of my discussion with the President was tough. I had detailed material on the erroneous statements he had accepted as accurate information from the CIA and NSC staff. For nearly an hour we argued back and forth, hot and heavy. I never thought I would talk to a President of the United States in such a direct and challenging way.

    President Reagan didn't seem to resent my efforts, but I didn't shake him one bit. To him, the problem was with the press. I told him about McFarlane's telephone call to me in Geneva in November 1985 describing an arms-for-hostages deal. "Oh, I knew about that," the President said, "but that wasn't arms for hostages." I replied that no one looking at the record would believe that. The President said his information was different from mine: "George, I know what happened, and we were doing the right thing." He refused to recognize that there was a problem.

    Early in the afternoon of Nov. 21, a secure call came through to me that Attorney General Ed Meese had been asked by the President to investigate the affair. Meese wanted to start the investigation by interviewing me the next morning.

    I went through chapter and verse on what I knew. Toward the end of our session, Meese said, "Certain things could be a violation of the law. The President didn't know about the hawk shipment in November 1985. If it happened and the President didn't report it to Congress, it's a violation." Meese was definitive in the view that the President had not known of the November 1985 arms shipment that might be illegal, and that the shipments he did know of were not illegal. I had already told him that the President had said to me that he "knew all about" the November shipment. "I hear what you are saying," I said to Meese, "but I would not want to be the President arguing it in public."

    I found out later that on Nov. 23 Bill Casey had written the President, "The public pouting of George Shultz and the failure of the State Department to support what we did inflated the uproar on this matter. If we all stand together and speak out I believe we can put this behind us quickly." Casey continued, "You need a new pitcher! A leader instead of a bureaucrat. I urge you to bring in someone like Jeane Kirkpatrick or Paul Laxalt, whom you may recall I recommended for State in 1980. You need this to give your foreign policy a new style and thrust and get the Carterite bureaucracy in State under your control. Time is short."

    On Monday afternoon, Nov. 24, an NSC meeting was called so that, I presumed, Meese could present the results of his quick probe. The meeting was as perplexing as it was peculiar. Meese said almost nothing while Poindexter took charge, reviewing the Iran operation just as if no objections had ever been raised. Bill Casey followed with an account of how well placed we were regarding intelligence on Iran. Poindexter stressed that our effort toward Iran was correct and that it would continue on course.

    I Interrupted with a starkly different view. I made no impact whatsoever. Cap Weinberger did not take my side of the argument with the vigor he had in such sessions long ago. Poindexter ignored what I said. The point of the meeting, Poindexter said, was to inform us all--President Reagan, Vice President Bush, Weinberger, Casey, Regan, Poindexter, George Cave (present as an analyst for the CIA, although he had been involved in Iranian affairs as an operator), Meese and me--that we would proceed without changing the project or the policy.

    The President remained unmoved by my words. He was in a steamy, angry mood clearly directed at me--which sent an unmistakable message: understand me, and get off my back. He was angry in a way I had never seen before. He pounded the table. "We are right!" he said. "We had to take the opportunity! And we were successful! History will never forgive us if we don't do this!"

    At 6 o'clock that evening a call for Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead came from Poindexter, whose attitude was entirely different now: understanding, cooperative, mild. "State can take the lead on Iran if it wants to," Poindexter said. "I want to get out of it."

    I was stunned. "We just crossed the great divide," I said. Something dramatic must have happened. What, I did not know. I was mystified but elated at this dramatic shift from the White house.

    An NSC meeting was called on Tuesday, Nov. 25. Ed Meese gave us explosive news: some funds from the sale of arms to Iran had been diverted to support of the Nicaraguan contras. Poindexter and North were both out. Al Keel, Poindexter's deputy, would become acting National Security Adviser.

    Then came the public announcement from Meese: from $10 million to $30 million in payments made by Iran for U.S. arms in 1986 had been diverted to rebels fighting the Sandinistas. The President had not been informed. An investigation would be conducted by the Justice Department. Meese had uncovered shocking behavior by the NSC staff. President Reagan had acted quickly, getting rid of the key offenders and making instant public disclosure. He instructed me and everyone involved to make available all the information we had to the various investigating groups.

    I went to see President Reagan on Nov. 26, 1986, and asked Don Regan and acting NSC Adviser Al Keel to join me. "I'm ready to sign on for the duration," I told the President. "That's what I want, and I'm looking to you as my point man on foreign policy," the president responded.

    I went through how I intended to bring the Iran mess under control. The President seemed to like my proposals. But he was subdued. He normally reminded me of a star shortstop eagerly waiting for the batter to hit a hard-to-handle grounder at him--because he knew he could handle it. But at his last press conference, Reagan had fumbled the ball. His message had not generated public confidence. He wasn't used to this. Now his own confidence was shaken, not from a feeling that he had done something wrong, but because he saw that his support among the American people had slipped.

    On Dec. 1, I exchanged calls with Bill Casey. He told me that Amiram Nir, the Israeli who had been involved in our arms dealings with Iran, was going to meet Moshen Kangarlou, director of intelligence for Iran's revolutionary guards, in Geneva to discuss hostages. Manucher Ghorbanifar, the operator in earlier deals, would be there. Prime Minister Shamir wanted the meeting to happen but also wanted to be sure we had no objections.

    Though I was relieved that Casey was informing me, this continuing effort was idiotic. How could the same gang still be playing the same old game? Because the meeting involved representatives of two other governments, I did not see what we could do to stop it, but I told Casey to make clear that the United States was in no way involved. I told Mike Armacost to double-track through his own channels with the CIA and made sure that this U.S.-Israeli link was severed.

    Casey was not to be trusted. He had now changed his story in testimony to Congress on Dec. 2 and admitted that he had known about the arms-for-hostages trade described by Bud McFarlane in his phone call to me in Geneva in November 1985. I heard that Casey had tried to get his deputy, John McMahon, to cook up a way to place that shipment ex post facto under a presidential finding. McMahon, I was told, had resisted.

    When I told the president about the Nir-Kangarlou-Ghorbanifar meeting in Geneva and that I had ordered that the United States get out of that loop, he was taken aback. He said nothing but I could sense that my action had riled him.

    Because of the president's mood--and Bill Casey's--and because of the continuing Israeli activity in this matter, I feared that, despite the press, congressional and public uproar, some version of the operation was still alive. Those who were responsible for the operation now seemed desperate to vindicate their judgment in the face of overwhelming criticism.

    The CIA's George Cave, who had accompanied Oliver North on past operations, was pressing for authorization to contact Iranians again. Cave could see his contacts only to advise them that from now on anything they wished to convey should come through the State Department, I said. I was coming to realize more and more how heavily Casey and the CIA were involved in the Iran deals.

    On Dec. 12, Armacost and Casey had agreed that a State Department official and George Cave would meet with Iranians to inform them that future contacts with Iran would not deal with arms for hostages. Casey agreed; everything was satisfactory, he said.

    Casey then went straight to the White House to get the President to overrule State. Casey wanted to stay in the loop and in command. He had called Don Regan, and Regan had gone to see the President to say Casey wanted to keep going with Iran but Shultz was trying to shut it off. The President said he wanted to build upon the "dialogue" that had been established. So the agreement between Casey and Armacost had been overturned: the Cave channel would stay open and would again mix operations and intelligence analysis.

    The CIA and the NSC staff, with apparent support of the President and Vice President, were still proceeding just as though nothing had happened. Congress was being misled now, a month and a half after the revelation first appeared. What was worse, John Whitehead said, "The CIA has told the Iranians that the State Department is just a ‘temporary impediment' and that after it calms down, Cave and Secord will be back in action. The President is being ripped to pieces, and the CIA is reassuring the Iranians."

    Foreign service officer and Farsi speaker Charles Dunbar was to meet the Iranian representative, Mehdi-Najat, with Cave at his side. I insisted that they go together so there would be no impression of a divided U.S. Administration.

    On Dec. 13, Dunbar reported in. He and Cave had met the Iranian in Frankfurt, West Germany. The Iranian had urged that the project continue as before, saying, "Much has been accomplished by North, Secord and Cave." Mehdi-Najat wanted the U.S. to produce more military equipment for Iran, and he referred, Dunbar said, to a "nine-point agenda" on which the U.S. and Iran had agreed to work.

    Cave talked openly to the Iranian about future U.S. help with their military requirements. Mehdi-Najat was supported in his attitude by Cave. Dunbar "should go back to Washington and get briefed on where this situation stands. A lot of commitments have been made, and we are far down the road," the Iranian said.

    This was horrendous. The President, the Vice President, Casey and Regan had all either supported or known about a change in the instructions that would keep the previous dealings with Iran alive. President Reagan was withdrawn and, to a degree, out of action. Bill Casey had the bit in his teeth and apparently was able to enlist the support of Don Regan and the President. Whatever the President told me, I didn't have confidence that key people around him would deal squarely with me.

    At 11 o'clock Sunday morning, I went to see President Reagan. I told him that this was a moment, if ever there was one, for him to be decisive on both procedure and substance. I went over my dispute with Casey's persistent drive to meld policy with intelligence analysis. Then I went through the material that emerged from the Saturday meeting in Frankfurt: there was a nine-point agenda covering the release of the Dawa terrorists held in Kuwait and of Shi'ite prisoners held by Israel, and extensive arms shipments to Iran that the Iranian seemed to regard as a set of U.S. commitments. There was a dedicated telephone line for Iran to use at any time with the CIA. There was Cave's continuing talk of further arms transfers. There was the indication that the U.S. had put itself on the side of Iran in the Iran-Iraq war. And there was the revelation, I told him with anger, that Iran, at Poindexter's request, had been pressuring Kuwait to let the Dawa terrorists out of jail.

    President Reagan was dumbfounded by this news. He could not believe that we had agreed, in effect, to press Kuwait to release the convicted Dawa terrorists in exchange for the U.S. hostages in Lebanon. It was as though someone had kicked him hard in the belly. I felt that, for the first time, Ronald Reagan was convinced that he really had been misled and that terrible violations of our policy had taken place.

    The next day, Monday, Dec. 15, the news was even worse. After Dunbar left to return to Washington, a second meeting was arranged between Cave and mehdi-Najat. After cutting Dunbar out, Cave was back in business on his own. As a result, the Iranians wanted to push ahead with the "nine-point agenda."

    At 9:30 a.m. that Monday, I went back to the White House to see the President. George Bush and Don Regan were also there. I described the Cave meetings in Frankfurt and the revelations that had emerged. [H: Obviously George Bush must have plugged his ears and blinded his eyes since he is "out of the loop". How much more incredible and treasonous work do you suppose you STILL DO NOT KNOW? LOTS!!] "We have an obligation to pass this information on to congress," I said. "It is explosive." I let everyone know that I had asked to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee to set out in closed session what I knew of this whole story.

    When I got back to the State Department I was told that Bill Casey had been taken to the hospital. That evening, Don Regan informed me that Casey had a brain tumor and that he might be out of action "forever". [H: And so he was and is?!? How handy the cause of murder--a "brain tumor" from "0" to death in a mere matter of a few short hours--he must have needed a bit of Gaiandriana. But then, murder doesn't work on a rebuild-the-sick-cell theory does it?] Robert Gates, as Casey's deputy, became acting CIA director.

    On Dec. 17, I telephoned Bob Gates at the CIA. "I would like to know," I said, "what is the nine-point agenda? I want to see it." My fury was no doubt apparent to Gates, even over the telephone.

    The document I received the next day was shocking: dangerously amateurish and totally at odds with the rigorously stated policies of the U.S. It was dated Oct 8! Now, in mid-December, Poindexter was gone; North was gone. Casey, the street fighter, had clearly been driving this catastrophic effort.

    As 1986 came to an end, I felt that I was slowly getting things under control. The key to this resolution was the departure of Bill Casey. The zeal went out of the operation when he left the CIA; it was as though a festering boil had been lanced.

    President Reagan could still not bring himself to believe that the concept underlying this Iran initiative, let alone the execution, was fatally flawed. He respected me, I knew, and recognized that I had been fighting for his interests, that I had been right in my claim that he was being deceived. Poindexter's effort to get the Kuwaitis to release the Dawa prisoners drove that point home to him more than anything else had before. But I was sure that the President felt that somehow I should have been able to make his Iranian hostage-release effort work.

    I wished we had been able to bring about the hostages' release, but certainly not through any arms deal, which created a hostage-taking industry. The key was quiet, patient work to lower the value and raise the costs of taking and holding hostages. That strategy is tough to follow in a free and open society. Politicians must learn how to handle the inevitable pressure to "do something", and the population at large and the media must also appreciate the importance of raising costs to terrorists and denying them gain and massive publicity from their actions. The searing publicity about Ronald Reagan's well-intentioned but ill-fated effort ironically contributed to this educational process.

    We should always be willing to talk to any credible person about our hostages. But we owe the millions of Americans at risk throughout the world the assurance that they will not be turned into targets by the known willingness of our government to pay money, sell arms, or in any other way make it profitable to take Americans hostage.

    The operation had now been stopped, but the crisis of the Reagan presidency was not over by any means. The investigative process had just begun.


    There follows a notation that a second excerpt will appear in the spring. (TIME magazine)

    * * *
    I will ask about the feasibility of obtaining some of these books for your convenience for this is one of the more important books of revelations of political intrigue which will be found.

    I prefer to not further comment on the contents of this material as I believe it speaks for itself. I simply ask that you watch closely that which goes on so that you can be informed. Note that the "pardons" granted by Mr. Bush just before his movement from office was obviously an effort to put a stop to all investigations into his own involvement. His worst nightmare, however, is not finished for there are others who will witness against his stance of "not in the loop" and "I had no trips anywhere in regards to hostages, Iran or any such thing, nor was I in Paris at the time of any negotiations for hostages--in OCTOBER". Hmn-n-n!

    Why is it they seem to always feel themselves to be "exceptional cases"? Each man insists on being innocent, even if it means accusing the whole human race, and heaven--even to the very confrontation of total absurdity.

    Could it be that everyone in daily life carries such a heavy, mixed burden on his own conscience that he is reluctant to penalize those who have been caught? Well, simply remember when the stones strike home and the wounds seem hard in the healing: This is his first punishment, that by the verdict of his own heart no guilty man is acquitted! And when you are the target and understanding seems elusive, remember that nothing more disqualifies a man to act with prudence and truth than a misfortune that is attended with shame and guilt, and then when confronted to deny all is but to confess all!! So be it.

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