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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62
    MON., JAN. 18, 1993 9:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 155
    MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 1993
    "GOD IS PUNISHING ISRAEL", is what is being said around your world, America, and you have arrived at the status, United States of America, as being the MOST HATED NATION ON THE GLOBE!

    In every happening these days you have "the surface or what appears to be" the cause which is generally a lie, as stated, and the REAL thing which is both "cause" and Elite secret operations.

    Now, let us use as example the bomb (or missile [Tomahawk]) fragment with ID numbers, found outside the hotel in Baghdad. THAT fragment holds the whole story and you will likely NEVER know its train of origin--it CAME DIRECTLY FROM ISRAEL!! What will YOU be told? Oh, something like Saddam had it placed there in the crater, etc. Also, you will find that it is "most unusual" to find an identifying piece of fragment that "just happens" to have ALL identifying information from manufacturer (in Florida, USA) to numbers which identify the trail of the entity. Now, just WHO do you REALLY think tossed that "thing" into the crater outside that hotel? THAT is a MEDIA HOTEL. You could not get media coverage of the "thing" otherwise! That was NO ACCIDENTAL BOMBING and you better go right to your MOSSAD/CIA/KGB. Saddam a madman? Saddam may well be the only sane operator in the whole bunch. Moreover, the "nuclear" plant that was supposedly the "target" is NOT. Further, how can you again have "surgically precisioned" missiles that continue to bomb women, children and hit "bedroom" areas? Indeed, shame is upon America this day.

    It isn't Clinton vs. anything or anybody. The men in POWER are the same group only with stronger lead-dogs in the operator's seat.

    Do you NOT SEE, AMERICA, THAT YOU ARE HAVING A PUPPET CORONATION--NOT AN INAUGURATION OF A "SERVANT"? Right down to the trumpets blasting as the puppets take the stage! Does it not remind you of Caesar coming to the Forum with cheering crowds, a war in progress with humans being blasted to bits and pieces, your army off in distant lands maintaining "nothing" in places where you cannot know anything about it?

    For goodness sakes, don't give me the old "Well, maybe we should have put PEROT in power." The point was NEVER to PUT PEROT IN POWER when I suggested you vote for him. I told you what Perot is--he is just another "internationalist" Elite CFR brother and close, close friend of Rockefeller. It was to OVERWHELM the fixed election computers! The man, for the devil's sake, wants to push and demand a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION and SAYS SO! In his nice little Texas Two-Step dance across your dreams--he can cause you to demand such a thing and cast your nation and freedom to the dogs in one act of ignorance!

    Anything and everything is being done in Government and by Government to incite irreversible civil war. All actions are taken to insult and degrade freedom and separate all patriots from that which is taking place before your eyes. The plan of the Zionist Elite One World Tyranny is falling into perfect finalization. READ THE PROTOCOLS!

    The nation called the United States is run by the Zionist "Jewish" lawyers and if you cannot see it, you are truly as blind as a salamander in the deepest cave on the globe.

    Your Constitution (your book of rules for FREEDOM) can be written on one page of paper with a second sheet for the Bill of Rights Amendments--and not one court left in your land utilizes those laws and not one person in 3 million even KNOWS what is in that document and can back up a case with that information--actually, not one in 3 million can even "recite" the document correctly after memorizing it.

    Don't accuse me, friends, of lies and half-truths about anything for if you can't even recite and understand your own Constitution and LAWS FOR FREEDOM then you don't have any information valid enough to accuse me of anything!! If you read that which I bring as well as you study your Constitution and Laws--you DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING, IN ACTUALITY--ESPECIALLY THE TRUTH OF HEAVEN AND GOD!

    It appears we will simply have to pen some more JOURNALS and remind you again of who you are and WHO "THEY" ARE. Your enemies are as near as Pat Robertson, the evangelist, and Alan Dershowitz, the lawyer who is first into every legal fray, Jerry Falwell, who claims to "be a Zionist and proud of it" and so on. These also lie to you because they don't give a damn about religion as touted or "Zionism" as properly defined--they are the power-hungry would-be-kings who plan to rule your world and hold ALL PROPERTY.

    This man seems to hop in on the side of Constitutional "rights' for ones he seemingly "defends"--for an incredible fee (up front). Let us just share a truth regarding this man for you seem to deny my words and proclaim him a great fighter for freedom in America. So? How about "making America into ISRAEL"? No? Better read on, little lambs.


    From an article of 6/1/91 published in many national publications.

    "American Jews need more chutzpah (gall). Notwithstanding the stereotype, we are not pushy or assertive enough for our own good and for the good of our more vulnerable brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. Despite our apparent success, deep down we see ourselves as second-class citizens--as guests in another people's land."

    So begins CHUTZPAH by Harvard law professor ALAN DERSHOWITZ, a book of reflections on Jewishness in general, American Jewishness in particular, anti-semitism and the role of American Jews in the "special relationship" between the U.S. and Israel. Dershowitz is well known as one of the leading appellate lawyers in the country, whose list of clients include: Claus Von Bulow, whom he saved from a life sentence for the murder of his wife; Leona Helmsley, whom he saved from imprisonment for tax evasion [H: Do you see anything WRONG WITH THIS STATEMENT? THAT lady IS IN PRISON!] and Jonathan Jay Pollard, the Israeli spy, whose conviction the fiery advocate is attempting to overturn.

    The book, destined for bestsellerdom, is a fascinating glimpse into one side of an age-old debate, within Jewish communities worldwide, but which has become particularly heated of late in the country. Dershowitz argues that American Jews, to maintain their identity as Jews, must fully partake of everything American society has to offer, including the freedom to wield political influence as a group. He hopes to lay to rest the alleged tendency of American Jews to, as he describes it, "worry about charges of dual loyalty, of being too rich, too smart, and too powerful." He scorns "cautious leaders [who] obsess about what the ‘real' Americans will think of us. We should strive to enhance our power on every front. When ‘Jewish contributors' influence the outcome of a media campaign, we should declare a victory of truth over falsity." He also urges American Jews to "accept that we are entitled to first-class status in this diverse and heterogeneous democracy."

    There has been growing concern in Jewish circles in recent years with regard to the changing nature of Jewishness in America--the great melting pot in which they fear Jewish identity is threatened with being assimilated out of existence. Then there is the guilt incurred by American Jews living the good life here while Israeli Jews live under the gun, threatened on all sides by hostile neighbors. Dershowitz quotes Shlomo Avineri, a professor of political science at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who brought that guilt home to many in this country by characterizing the response as "a degree of nervousness, insecurity and even cringing....which runs counter to the conventional wisdom of American Jewry feeling free, secure and unmolested. But the truth of the matter is simple. Your exile is different--comfortable, padded with success and renown. It is exile nonetheless. America, it now evidently appears, may not be your promised land."

    But Dershowitz, for all his sympathy for Israel, refuses this assessment, and rejects the attempt to make American Jews feel guilty for not making aliyah (return to Israel) and not sharing the privations and dangers of living in Israel. He accuses Avineri of "misunderstanding America". He admits that American Jews are nervous, insecure and even cringing, but says the source of this unease is internal rather than based on any external threat, such as exists or has existed in France, Germany, Poland, the Soviet Union or Egypt. "A central message of this book", writes Dershowitz, "is that a century after the arrival of Jews in significant numbers to America's shores, the time has come for us to shed our self-imposed second-class status, drop our defensiveness, and rid ourselves of our pathological fear of offending our ‘hosts'. We must strike from our vocabulary the offensive concept of shanda fur de goyim--[Yiddish for] an embarrassment in front of the gentiles."

    He maintains that American nationalism is different than that of any other country. It is a nation of immigrants, in which all are equal under the law; there is no official state religion, no native ethnic "American" type (not even the ruling WASPS) from which Jews so obviously differ physically and culturally. "There is nothing that Jews cannot accomplish in America, unless we choose not to strive for it," Dershowitz proclaims. Thus, it is time to discard the outmoded thinking of Theodore Herzl, the father of political Zionism, who argued that Jews will never be safe from persecution until they have their own Jewish nation. Dershowitz says that American Jews have all the tools at their disposal to create the type of Jewish communal life in America always dreamed of by communities in Europe and the Middle East. They possess the wealth, the political clout, the organizational ability, and the intelligence to combat anti-semitism when it rears its head, and to become, as he calls it, "first-class citizens."

    His book is characterized by an obsessive self-regard appropriate for a work entitled CHUTZPAH, but grating to those seeking insight into the questions he addresses. According to a review in the Washington Post written by Paul Breines, author of Tough Jews: Political Fantasies And The Moral Dilemma Of America Jewry, Dershowitz's book is "a manifesto for Jewish-American tribalism and a vindication of Israeli power. Brash and brazen on the surface, the thinking in CHUTZPAH is basically narrow, insular and lacking in generosity." He describes Dershowitz, as revealed in the pages of his book, as less interested in debate than in making pronouncements, and that his arguments, rather than being borne out of a desire to build bridges, as he claims, instead arise "from within a bunker".

    ...............The basic message of Dershowitz's book is not anti-anti-semitism or pro-Israelism. He admits that America IS "A COUNTRY OF GREAT POTENTIAL...A COUNTRY THAT IS A POTENTIAL REAL HOMELAND FOR THE JEWS". And he writes: "This is not Jerusalem in America...There's no such thing. But it's as close as we're going to get. AND WE DAMNED WELL BETTER FIGHT FOR IT AND STRUGGLE FOR IT."

    Dershowitz seems to be saying that Zionism and Israel have their limitations. America, on the other hand, offers more, far more--if only the Jews would take full advantage of the opportunity. "There is nothing we cannot achieve, unless we choose not to," he says. What he is apparently advocating is not equality for American Jewry, but rather superiority. The Jews are the chosen people, a superior breed, and therefore, they are entitled to a privileged position within society.

    The message of CHUTZPAH, stripped of its rhetoric, is that America's Jews have the intellectual and financial potential to capture CONTROL OF THE NATION. All they need to do to make this a reality is to use their chutzpah to claim what is rightfully theirs. It is their destiny to rule both Israel and America.

    Dershowitz says that he has often been questioned on the subject of dual loyalty. He offers the reader a couple of witty responses to the question in an attempt to avoid providing an unequivocal answer. The impression he gives is that there is no compelling reason for him or any other American Jew to answer the dual-loyalty question. He obviously believes he can have his cake and eat it, too. But there comes a time when Jews must choose, as when Pollard opted for Israel--and Dershowitz chose to defend the traitor.


    * * *
    So you must now understand what has been accomplished--with enactment of the Public Law making the Noahedric Laws (Jewish Talmudism) the religious law of your land (U.S.A.) you have taken on a "national religion" and fallen right into the path of ACTUALLY BECOMING THE "ISRAEL" OF THE ZIONISTS! Was this Congressional passage of the "Public Law" in point? No--it whizzed through without even argument or required written vote but it became law all the same--legally. Does this also seem to bother Hatonn? Indeed it does--the Zionists by their own proclamation and boasting ARE ANTI-CHRIST/GOD--THEY ARE MY ENEMY IF EVER THERE COULD BE ANY! Do I single out any MAN? Nope--I have no pick with any specific "Man" but I sure do take exception to the actions of many. Is "he" evil? I have no comment nor do I judge--but, his actions are evil for they fit the definition of anything that pulls another from his directed path unto God of Light and into the humanistic bindings of human physical expression.

    Perhaps some of you good old "Pat Buchanan for President" persons will have forgotten that Alan Dershowitz, called for the banning of Pat Buchanan from the nation's newspapers. Oops, you missed that? Well, chelas, it goes right along with banning information, manipulation of information in press and media, burning Truth, burning all information against the orthodox view as presented by the Zionists--right to the Holocaust--and disallowance of citizens to EVEN BE "HEARD" IN A COURT OF "INJUSTICE".

    Let me be fair and present another article with equally wide distribution regarding Mr. Robertson.


    Multi-millionaire Christian fundamentalist preacher Pat Robertson is one of a wealth coterie of television evangelists who are committed Christian Zionists...By Jason Steinberg.

    The notorious pro-Israel American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) held its 33rd annual conference in Washington, D.C. in April. One of the more interesting workshops held this past year was entitled "Christians and Jews: Building the Political Relationship". The focus of this panel was to encourage coalition building with Christian fundamentalists and use them to lead the cause for Israel in the United States.

    The presentations revealed the U.S. Zionist lobby's increasing reliance on Christian fundamentalists to carry the banner for the Zionist state. One of the reasons given for this by Representative Larry Smith, a Democrat from Florida, is dwindling Jewish numbers. According to Smith the United States Jewish population represents only 2% of the population. Israeli lobbyists argue that this shrinking support base means they must enlist new elements in their work to pressure the American administration.

    The evangelical Christian movement was mentioned by several speakers because of its strong support of Israel. It was argued that while President Bush might ignore 5 million Jews he could not ignore hundreds of millions of fundamentalist Christians. Rabbi Eckstein, President of the Holyland Fellowship of Christians and Jews (formerly with the Anti-Defamation League), asserted that it is necessary to "use Christian muscle to promote pro-Israel issues." Pat Robertson was mentioned as broadcasting the largest pro-Israel television programme worldwide. In addition to his broadcasting service for the bandit state of Israel, Robertson was credited with having provided substantial funds for the Zionist Operation Rescue programme which facilitated the immigration of Ethiopian Jews to Israel.

    Multi-millionaire Christian fundamentalist preacher Pat Robertson is one of a wealthy coterie of television evangelists who are committed Christian Zionists and can always be relied upon to propagandize for Israel. A former presidential candidate, who once boasted that if elected he would order the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Quadhafi, Robertson in May made a bid for United Press International (UPI) an organization long regarded as one of the world's leading news services. Issah Nakhleh, the dean of Middle Eastern observers at the U.N. and a committed "Christian" stated "...if Robertson is allowed to buy UPI, alien agents will be pulling the strings. I strongly urge an investigation to see whether Robertson's bid is part of an expanded Israeli penetration of American and international media."

    From the storm of criticism set off by his attempt to take over the remnants of the long-ailing UPI, Robertson emerged as an unscrupulous media manipulator linked to sinister international intrigues, genocidal atrocities and the world's most ruthless secret service, the Israeli Mossad.

    In 1981, Robertson set up a TV-radio centre in southern Lebanon, where a troop of Israeli-backed mercenaries known as the South Lebanese Army occupied the frontier areas. This was a "savage, trigger-happy militia paid and armed by the Mossad", recounted Philippe Olivier, a French correspondent who has covered Lebanon for almost 20 years. "They outdid their masters in cruelty and corruption. Among European newsmen they were known as ‘totschlagers'--enforcers who clubbed their prisoners to death."

    Despite Robertson's pious pretense to impartiality, his radio and TV stations in Lebanon were "used as a military tool by the Israeli proxy South Lebanese Army," reports investigative journalist Jane Hunter in a recent book.

    "Robertson is a loud, unscrupulous propagandist for Israel," according to Mexican commentator Abel Bonilla Alvarez. "He has broadcast lies and disinformation to cover up some of the Mossad's worst crimes." In South America, the televangelist's Christian Broadcasting Network similarly became a "tool" of Zionist intervention and a cover for the suffering, death and devastation left behind by CIA and Mossad "pacification" tactics. Robertson worked closely with senior Mossad officials in the early 1980s to support a military coup led by Gen. Ephraim Rios Montt, who is a self-described born-again Christian and a disciple of Israeli "pacification" methods.

    After Rios Montt seized power in an Israeli-orchestrated 1982 coup, Mossad officials, instructors and technicians took charge of the entire Guatemalan national security system. What followed was privately described even by U.S. diplomats as a "genocidal" wave of repression against Guatemala's largely Indian rural population.

    Robertson and his Christian Broadcasting Network took the lead in covering up these Israeli war crimes, and in disseminating propaganda that misrepresented both the nature and the tragic toll of the Mossad "pacification campaign" in the Guatemalan countryside.

    The Israeli government has rewarded Robertson's loyal support with a commemorative medal and other honors. Former Israeli Prime Minister Shamir, a lifelong terrorist once hailed the television preacher as "my favorite American", an accolade that reportedly spurred Robertson to even greater efforts on Israel's behalf.

    Pat Robertson's work for the bloodthirsty Israeli state confirms the conviction that the televangelists are an Israeli fifth column. And this did not escape the attention of the AIPAC 33rd annual conference. After lauding the example of Robertson a number of tactics were suggested to enlist greater Christian activism for the Zionist cause. These included education programmes for the Christian churches and clergy, promotion of organizations to foster "understanding" between Christians and Zionist Jews, programmes in schools to "enlighten" children at an early age about the Zionist cause and Israel's "importance", etc.

    Here in Australia the Zionist lobby has made formidable inroads into both the Protestant and Catholic branches of the Christian faith. While the vast majority of Christian fundamentalists, following their brethren in North America, are committed to the Zionist state, Christian and Jewish Zionists are well represented in national and state organizations such as the Councils of Christians and Jews.

    Both Christians and Jews need to be educated as to the real nature of International Zionism. Far from being a "national liberation movement" inspired by the Old Testament Prophets, Zionism is a racist, fascist, imperialist creed. Christian and Jews, if they are true to the principles and values of their Scriptures, cannot support the illegal Zionist state.

    Dr. Israel Shahak, a Jewish human rights activist living in the Holy Land, stated: "You cannot have humane Zionism; it is a contradiction in terms". On another occasion this dedicated anti-Zionist Jew, who survived the horror of a Nazi concentration camp, exposed the racist nature of Zionism: "It is my considered opinion that the State of Israel is a racist state in the full meaning of this term: In this state people are discriminated against, in the most permanent and legal way and in the most important areas of life, only because of their origin. This racist discrimination began in Zionism and is carried out today mainly in co-operation with the institutions of the Zionist movement."

    Speaking in June from the pulpit of a New York synagogue, Christian Zionist preacher Pat Robertson joined a rally held by Elie Wiesel and demanded that U.S. President Bush commute the life sentence of convicted spy Jonathan Pollard.

    Pollard, a U.S. citizen, was caught spying against his country on behalf of Israel. He pleaded guilty in 1986 to supplying Israel with U.S. gathered information on Iraqi and Syrian defense programmes. He received $50,000 from Israel over 11 months for his efforts until being arrested in November 1985.

    "I am outraged at this miscarriage of justice," bellowed Robertson. "I would like to make a fervent call to the President of the United States, George Bush, to commute the sentence of Jonathan Pollard. Why was there such a sentence imposed on this man?"


    * * *
    So you might claim that this is a "Gentile" view from the foot of some mountain or another--go look again, this man's name is "Jason Steinberg"--hardly a good old fashioned Goy name.

    If any of you care enough to learn the very most--go get a book entitled Prophecy And Politics which exposes the alliance between TV evangelists and Israel. To research her book, Grace Halsell went on Holy Land tours sponsored by Rev. Jerry Falwell and attended the first Christian Zionist conference. You can get it from the "New Dawn"--but, you will have to go to Australia to accomplish that. New Dawn, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne 3001, Australia. If you have a copy or get one and wish to share, Dharma would find it interesting for the confirmation as well. She has to work in the mode of "blindfolded" and she finds these things just as shocking in content as do you readers.
    I would ask, Editors, if you would please reprint a copy of the U.S. CONSTITUTION--I believe it is time to refresh the minds of the U.S. Citizens as you start a new Administration of Injustice. So be it.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 62
    SAT., JAN. 23, 1993 10:30 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 160
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1993
    Amos 3:3
    I take no exception to ones who would come and tarry with us on this journey--even if they be in disagreement with me--for I believe that if a man has open mind he will come to see in the light of that which IS.

    However, it is most amazing how much preaching and presentation you have today on this idea that somehow you think you can walk with God, but you don't find it necessary to agree with HIM. Are you efforting to "change God's mind about something or another" to fit YOUR opinions and physical plane teachings and learning? Then why do you effort to change we the Hosts who come only in service to the Great Spirit Source?

    Many ask, yea demand, that I soothe of their feathers and pronounce that which is NOT OK to somehow be OK BECAUSE IT IS "THEY" AND "THEY" BE SOMEHOW "ABOVE AND BEYOND THE REGULAR LESSONS". None are "above or beyond Truth just because YOU disagree with it"--all are equal in both capability within GOD and subject to his higher lessons--that which is BEYOND OPINION OF MAN.

    "But," you might say, "there are those who are retarded and are therefore not equal." Ah, but those are already IN A STATE OF GRACE FOR THEY CANNOT HELP THEIR IGNORANCE.

    It seems quite appropriate that you think on these things for it would appear that you believe you can put aside HIS WORD and not teach it, and not obey it, and actually cast aspersions on it, and yet still walk with God. But HE says, "Can two walk together unless they be agreed?" Then HE gives some little proverbs, I suppose you might refer to them:

    "Will a lion roar in the forest, when be hath no prey? Will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing? Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where there is no bait placed for him?" Amos 3:4-5 If you place no food in the trap with which to lure the bird--will he simply hop into thine snare?

    "...shall one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at all? Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?" Amos 3:5-6

    These are quite simple questions with quite obvious answers to which any rational person would be able to respond. That of the lion? Will a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey? In America you don't have many lions but ask of those in places wherein dwell the lions. The lion is very quiet, never makes any noise until after he catches his prey, slays it, is "lord" over it and then he roars in order to keep away the other animals and other lions so that they get it not. Do you ever watch a cat in the "chase" of what he believes to be prey? He will crouch and slither and be as soundless as possible. How many of you babble and babble about the "prey" and boast of your "opinions" only to find that the fruit is actually driven from you by your tittering and noisy opinions of how a thing SHOULD be according to YOU? In Amos God is simply asking some of these things to give an idea that there is a natural order of events; certain things happen when other things happen. There are always causes and effects. HE is just using some of the things of nature to show that there is a certain cause and it has a certain effect. If there is a certain action, then a certain other thing follows, even to the idea that shall a trumpet be blown in the city, the people shall be afraid. If someone sets off the alarm which the people understand as meaning enemy attack or war, or danger, there is an immediate fear and response. People do not go about and say, what do you seem to think about this? Do you think it is too loud? or too soft? No! That is not what they ask. There is an immediate reaction when a certain thing takes place.

    Further, the MIGHTY LORD GOD will not produce an event without disclosing HIS intentions to HIS servants, the prophets. This means that He keeps we of the Hosts pretty well informed about why HIS actions are as they are, what is acceptable and what lessons MUST be attended that Man may have guidelines which have long since been "voted out" as "modern" living irritants. In other words, the very religious protocols are degraded to meet the desires of "modern civilization"--it is heard all the time.

    God asks these rather innocuous questions first to show you that there is a natural order of events. The lion is quiet until he gets his prey, then he roars. They ALL do that. It is a natural thing for them to do. Birds are not caught in a snare unless there is bait in the snare. Then HE says, but the Lord will not do anything, not even the natural course of events, or produce an event without disclosing HIS intentions to HIS servants, "the prophets". In other words--the WARNINGS WILL ALWAYS BE PRESENTED WELL IN ADVANCE--EVEN IF MAN CHOOSES TO IGNORE THEM.

    If you DISAGREE with the teachings as presented and yet assume to WALK "WITH" me or any other one--you delude self. You are only running along beside them for you are NOT "WITH" them. You can chat and travel in the same general direction, keep each other "company", etc., but you are NOT "WITH" THAT ONE!

    How is it that ones call us Evil and Satanic and THEN DEMAND THAT WE GIVE UNTO THEM REWARD OF OUR OWN SWEAT AND THAT WHICH GOD GIVES FOR HEALING AND LIVING PRINCIPLE? How dare ones DEMAND use of the very substance produced through and by US and yet deny us in every heinous manner--yet subtle--that there is? Why would God or anyone else give into your hands that which you can then use to effort to destroy His very work and WORD? What mean ye--"You owe this to me because it is of God?" I AM THE STEWARD OF THAT WHICH GOD SENDS "THROUGH ME"! While you continue to batter my people through whom these wondrous gifts are made whole by their labors through the 24 hours of every day--year in and year out--why SHOULD you have ANYTHING of wondrous and miraculous portent? You who destroy in one breath to one side of thine face and demand and implore from the other--give only one "intent" unto GOD.

    Yes, we DO have that which offers opportunity for total revitalizing and restoration of the body and mind but I ask for EVEN "ONE" VALID REASON WHY WE SHOULD DUMP IT ALL OVER MANKIND!?!? You who would deny me--why should I not deny thee?? "If you deny Me then I shall deny you before our Father!"--so sayeth the Lord. Who be "I" to assume more?? I GIVE NO THING TO PLEASE OF ANY "MAN"--I GIVE THAT WHICH IS TRUTH AS PRESENTED BY GOD UNTO ME--IF THE WORDS FALL AS TOO TIGHT FITTING SHOES UPON THINE FEET--SO BE IT.

    The LIBERATOR grows more and more into the voice of "the people". I shall not change observations because ones take offense at the results of foolish actions. I make no mention of who deliberately puts his brother at disadvantage or who in ignorance makes errors--when the outcome is the same: the downfall of any brother.


    The full thrust of the patriots and citizens is to have PRIVACY--many books are written and most of you have utilized them--ONLY TO GO BLOW YOUR OWN COVER IN LESS THAN FIVE MINUTES WHILE FILLING OUT EVERY DAMNABLE QUESTION WHICH NAILS YOU TO THE "CAUSE". I don't have to make comment about the intent of the ones who trigger these ideas and actions--they are foolish in the presentation any way you look at it. Patriots? Fine and wonderful--HOW DO YOU KNOW? IS IT "WISE" TO GET ON A LIST THAT CAN GET YOU HANGED FOR TREASON AND SUBVERSIVE ACTION? THE "INTENT" MAY WELL BE PURE AND BEYOND REPROACH IN GOODNESS--BUT THE ROAD TO HELL IS PAVED, CHELAS, WITH GOOD INTENTIONS.

    Further, I care not whether the CDR began, and yet may be--a fully and simple patriot-gathering resource. By its very public identification of self as representing that which is "domestic" instead of "foreign" (CFR)--you bring the spy-glass upon the organization as if you had planned it that way. Do YOU know who might be a "set-up" in such an organization? Why test it even? If you use that logic and reason which you desire (or claim to desire) in your privacy and wish for anonymity--why would you deliberately break every rule for same and sign up for the black-list if it falls into the adversary's hands? No one with full intent for YOUR WELL-BEING WOULD EVEN SUGGEST SUCH A THING--SAVE IN INTENT TO DO YOU HARM, OR IGNORANTLY BE OVER EXUBERANT AND ENTHUSIASTIC.

    Most of the letters I get from readers ask to remain anonymous for protection and security--would I be worthy of any trust if I then give all information, including address, history, activities, phone number, etc., into a listing which could REALLY COST YOUR VERY LIVES AND THOSE OF YOUR FAMILY? I do not give these suggestions in insult--I give them to remind you to take caution--you can participate without such blatant revealing of your persons. This is not even necessarily a reprimand to the ones who suggested it if in good intent--it is simply incredibly foolish unless you work for the enemy!

    Also, you who write in defense of seeming insult to your person and quote a thing from a given issue of the LIBERATOR are showing more ignorance--for every insulting defensive and insulting reply regarding same is covered in detail in other issues of the same paper. We are not a "political rag" and we are not in "competition" with any Patriot group, paper or person. We will be a voice for the people as long as there is ability to do so. We shall present both sides of every issue as offered to us and in the ending the discernment shall be made.

    Some ones think it is fine for "them" to speak out in error and then--when called on the matter--claim liability but still mock and decry a "fixed press and media". I am not here to insult or blast anyone--I AM here to cause you to THINK! My mission is great, indeed, and some ones through "careless" or "deliberate" actions and presentations have caused great loss of time and ability to thwart the Administration--then and now. You ones continue to shoot yourselves in your feet and then wonder WHY GOD DOESN'T "FIX IT" FOR YOU. Well, this time some of you also shot me in the feet and I am quite openly and frankly irritated about the foolishness. Now, you either did it in ignorance or deliberately--YOU BE THE JUDGE FOR I HAVE NOT TIME NOR INCLINATION FOR THE TASK. There are many, many ways to become the tools of the Adversary without ever knowing as much. Acts of seeming "goodness" and "in the name of God" are most often the worst. This is far worse than simply cursing with use of the Lord's name--this is actually invoking the lie in the name of God. This is a very, very large debt incurred upon self to be paid at that "great" meeting day! By the way--that great meeting day gets closer and closer! He who walks WITH God and WITH We of the Hosts--shall be ready, willing and able to make that ascent unto the wondrous places of the cosmos and infinite journey--physically and consciously. Where will YOU be? At the foot of the ark as the water swamps you, while you jest, laugh and ridicule? You are entering a "Photon Belt" which bears rays of invisible light which shall kill your physical bodies and, at the least, make you very, very sick and mutant. God utilizes that very light to raise HIS people beyond and unto higher being. Where will YOU be? HE OFFERS NOT HIS TREASURES UNTO HIS ENEMY!

    We will not bore readers with more on this subject--but we will speak of these things in the meeting and ones who wish to sort of references, etc., shall find it on the tapes through THE WORD--I cannot take time for each and yet, as with my precious "Suzie" W. I read the confusion and concern. These things must be spoken of for each of you out there across the land who serve as any one is serving here--deserves response and open discussion of that which is going on "at headquarters"--as a very loose definition. Ones of you who pass the books and share the papers--deserve to know that which transpires, most specifically as affects the very WORD itself.

    All ones embarking with me, Ekkers included, realized and still must face the fact that the journey would be difficult indeed--however, they also are assured of the reward of God unto His servants who stay the course. This does not make it easy--only acceptable without rancor or complaint for among the ugly is always the wondrous beauty! This seemingly difficult journey is possible by the walking WITH me in our Father's service and the legacy left to MAN in infinite history--shall be greater than any imagined by mortal man. You are experiencing at the time of wondrous cycle change when MAN CAN reclaim self and become perfection and whole in both Spirit and Body. This IS the time of evolvement, no more and no less. All will be in perfect sequence and that which appears to be "out-of-sequence" is NOT--all things shall be in their proper time.

    Each "break" must be taken as the jewel it represents. Even the delays in all-out war must be accepted and used to the fullest extent. Grasp whatever opportunity is offered in the holding of the economy--even if it be political. Note that the "moneychangers" even degrade holding of gold in their attempts to suck you back into the system and market. Your currency is BEING exchanged in a very subtle manner right before your eyes. Gold will advance and, for goodness sakes, when opportunity is present--take it if possible. Soon there will be no need for funding and participation within our working projects--your investment will be completely covered at that time--in all ways, even if gold drops to "0"--and your assets will be guarded. It is still NOT a good idea to hold gold in great abundance for selves--just that which you can utilize--for you are NOT DONE WITH ECONOMIC DISASTER--EVEN MR. CLINTON TELLS YOU THAT BLUNTLY--HE, AFTER ALL, ANNOUNCED THAT HE WOULD BREAK HIS ECONOMIC POLICY WORD EVEN BEFORE HIS INAUGURATION!

    The major reason for the Somalian "invasion" was to gain control of that "area". The Iranians were using the nation to infiltrate Islamic Fundamentalists into the area--you are not set to experience your worst war with Iraq--your enemy in that sector today--IS IRAN! The hate building against Israel and the One World Antichrist Order is boiling and shall overrun the cup. While you dink around in Iraq--Iran builds and builds and already has all that is necessary to blow the globe apart. While you witnessed with tears in the eyes, a new King (AND QUEEN) being crowned--the "other" world seethed in hate and oath to bring you down. Even your observers are saying that, "..even if the hat Hillary wore was tacky--it made her look exactly like a queen!" So be it, sleepy-heads. I suggest you read very, very carefully that which we choose to offer in the LIBERATOR--such as the "Governor's camp" (Clinton sponsored camp for training youth in the liberal ways of the Protocols and One World Order)! We will bring you that which we have space for and effort to include more in the JOURNALS--but all we can do is OFFER.

    We are investigating possible alternatives as word is returned to us from many sources that we will not be offered the ability to be published through America West for longer. This is fine, for I hold no beam across any Man's head. If ones feel they have been misused in some manner, it is not our wish to cause pain or lack of prosperity to any. I am told by ones who have received responses that say our publisher doesn't like what we print either--"How can you WALK WITH ME--IF YE CAN NOT AGREE WITH WHO I AM OR THAT WHICH I OFFER?" We have other ones offering services--and, at lesser costing so that we might well be able to offer the work at lesser expense to you readers. I don't have finalization but "I will not walk with ones who do not wish to walk with me!" My scribe is still in massive jeopardy of actually going to Federal Prison on Contempt of Federal Court Order over these disagreements over the banned books, when she has absolutely NO involvement in the matter--does this not indicate that some do not WALK WITH ME? Many people are being hurt from these disagreements and I wish to thrust disadvantage off on no one further. We shall simply take it one dreary step at a time--one day at a time--for the other tasks are even more urgent and important at this time of sequence flow.

    We are ready to put to print the very substance of life resources and an explanation of that which will give renewal to life physical in abundant good health and well-being. I cannot have such presentation held in arguments and court proceedings--GOD'S WORD SHALL NOT BE HELD HOSTAGE--WE SHALL SIMPLY REPRODUCE IT AS GIVEN OR GIVE IT AGAIN, AND EVEN MORE CLEARLY (HOPEFULLY).

    You who have available and KNOW the information offered in the 10 JOURNALS in point of controversy and banning--will understand their value as we present the life-renewal products and integrate them with the presence of God in LIGHT, etc. Please hold the course until we can write that which will suffice in the absence of those "PLEIADES CONNECTIONS" and especially the one on AIDS THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE. It is outdated for we can offer that which counters the virus--every time in targeted counter-"pac"man fashion. It is simply a renewal of a faulty immune system further insulted by man-made crystalline viral fabrication. Will it "heal" or "cure" mankind? No, because most of mankind does not wish to be healed--he would rather badger and insult, degrade and ridicule according to his "training". But for those of you who desire to counter the nasties thrust upon you--indeed you can use the tools and bring selves back into some measure of good balance and certainly shore up that immune system which has failed you. Man will heal self or he shall not be healed--under ANY circumstances--physically or spiritually. God's people will desire and heal selves--the Adversary will effort to STOP it--it is as old as the species of man, this action for control. God provides, the Adversary steals away--but remember: GOD WINS!, SO IS IT NOT ABOUT TIME PERHAPS THAT THE WINNING BEGIN TO TAKE SOME FORM OF VIABLE RECOGNITION? WHAT BETTER WAY THAN BY ALLOWING MAN TO STRENGTHEN HIMSELF BOTH SPIRITUALLY AND PHYSICALLY AND GROW BEYOND THE ADVERSARY? SO BE IT!

    Let us close, Dharma, as we have a meeting and several things needing to be done prior to same. Thank you and may the Light be given to shine upon you ones. It is there--all ye need do is accept it.

    Salu, Hatonn to stand by.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 62
    MON., JAN. 25, 1993 8:42 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 162
    MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993
    This is the beginning of a new day. God has given you this day to use as you will. You can waste it or grow in its light and be a service to others. But what you do with this day is important because you have exchanged a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. I hope you will not regret the price you paid for it.

    Readers, I must speak squarely and frankly to you regarding things which I do not like to air in this paper, for this paper will ultimately be only a voice FOR THE PEOPLE. In this beginning time, however, we must attend messages to our crew--and that, after all, was the purpose of original founding.

    It is not clear where this local crew goes from this point; there is new "trouble" of which, somehow, there must be made goodness and positive action results.

    America West has been proven to have been in "contempt of federal court order" regarding the sale and receiving of money for direct sale of books within the banned segment we casually call the PLEIADES CONNECTION series. All copies of those books in Tehachapi Distributing have been turned over to the court--America West having refused acceptance--but now using those impounded books against Rick Martin. I see what is taking place but cannot do anything about it. NOW, however, there is full intent for an "ex parte'" hearing today or tomorrow--in that court--to cause lock-out of all America West activities, both in publishing and distribution.

    Mr. Green is in Hawaii and has been unreachable for working out a way to get some copies of the JOURNALS into the safety of another placement prior to rendering of the order by the Judge. If you think a woman scorned is bad--you should witness a Federal Court Judge in action after being scorned. I believe, however, from the evidence now in presentation, Dharma will be set apart and likely will not have to answer in America West's stead--this is the "good news". We cannot be sure because often Judges render penalties and THEN the case is expensively fought--which can still mean Federal prison for her.

    The intent now is to cite America West in Open Contempt of Federal Court Order and this will mean lock-up of all business INDEFINITELY . Since all JOURNALS are handled through that resource we are desperately efforting to get a portion of those books into safety and disallow removal and impounding. There is no exclusive commitment to America West for publication OR distribution but once those doors are locked, it means long-term court battle to release either the publishing rights OR the books themselves.

    We have the publishing rights in good legal order today and, hopefully, our attorney will be able to reach Mr. Green (unable to do so at this writing) and purchase enough books to get cleared of impounding as to allow some distribution to continue. Publishing is another matter and we would have to sell enough of those already in print volumes to allow for expenses in reprinting.

    If you see nothing else, Readers--please see what just one slip into the enemy's court can do. THE TOTAL PURPOSE OF THE ACTIONS TO DATE BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY HAS BEEN TO STOP THE JOURNALS FROM PUBLIC ACCESS--AND THIS WAY THEY GET THEM ALL! No, they shall not, but I wonder how many of you even care? All of this intent to destroy, burn and remove the material MUST tell you the value of these JOURNALS.

    I don't have the information for final instructions as to how you can obtain JOURNALS recommended in the LIBERATOR--or even "IF" they will be available after today, until funds can be gleaned for reprinting--but God has PLANS also for HIS work and WORD and I KNOW that there will be a way through the rocks and chasms being created to stop us from our appointed tasks. I do suggest to our team here, that they remain on standby for we will have 4 hours for action when that motion is filed. Mr. Tips (attorney) is at ready to go to Fresno to argue the point--however, the opposition has the written evidence in Mr. Green's own writing that contempt has been actioned. This DOES mean, however, that with cooperation from America West, we can get a goodly portion of each volume into security elsewhere against a note to the Phoenix Institute which funding was provided by you Readers for the purpose of publication. So, these are YOUR DOLLARS AT WORK, FRIENDS. This will put a portion of volumes in possession of the Phoenix Institute and they, in turn, can make other arrangements as to outlet or holding. Our intent is to drop the price, at least a bit, and make them more accessible. We find that now we can get less expensive printing and drop the price on all new volumes. Change also gives advantage if you look for it.

    I can only point out to you Readers that you now must realize the value of these works and these books will be priceless. Further, we would rather give them away and bankrupt everything and everyone here, than have them destroyed or locked in a vault for years and years and perhaps, forever!

    I would point out, also, that most of the early JOURNALS are filled with information of what is "wrong" and how to cover your assets. In just this edition of the LIBERATOR you will note reference to several JOURNALS dealing with the direct subjects. In seeking "privacy", there are at least three JOURNALS dealing directly with that issue and instructions for management of same. Even your "Mr. Privacy", Mark Nestmann, who is recognized as an authority, had originally left out of his "what to do volume" what I consider the most important one shelter--Nevada Corporations! I now am informed that HE HAS ADDED THAT TO HIS LISTINGS FOLLOWING OUR PRESENTATIONS--THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD WORK--BROTHER USING ALL HELP POSSIBLE, WITHOUT RANCOR, TO FULLY COVER ALL ASPECTS. I CAN'T HELP BUT POINT OUT, HOWEVER, THAT YOU CAN GET THREE JOURNALS (AT FULL PRICE) FOR LESS THAN ONE SHORT BOOK FROM MR. NESTMANN. FURTHER, OUR TEAM BACKS UP EACH ISSUE IN POINT WITH A RESOURCE FOR VALID AND PROVEN HELP AND MANAGEMENT. PLEASE DON'T OVERLOOK THE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WORK DONE IN YOUR BEHALF.



    As you come into balance and understanding in service--so too can we give more unto you so that if you take immediate action, ye SHALL BE SHOWN THE WAY. THIS IS WHAT GOD AND HOSTS ARE ABOUT--NOT DOING IT "FOR" YOU.

    Do we have enemies in our midst, after all? Of course--I have never told you otherwise. But they most often "know it not" and I like it where I can watch the enemy at work. "They" have every phone line, every computer and every other electronic device at their service--good! In reverse--they, too, tell us in advance--ALL WE NEED TO KNOW! Further, we can know from THEIR own devices and people. I find it a most convenient situation, and, if you ones "stay prepared", so shall you.

    We shall keep you current as this unfolds and we thank you for bearing with us while we win the battles for, in the winning, so too shall all win.

    Oh Readers, George served well under the very worst of circumstances and it has cost him dearly in time, money and physical attack. He did that which was asked and required of him--in a business not of his choosing nor of his talent foundation. He shall grow in reward for service in a myriad of ways--if he remains true to his word and calling. Changes come and, used properly, again I remind you, the growth is incredible--the Greens will flourish in that which they will be far more suited--in business and industrial-commercial projects. Those things had to wait until the proper sequence of events could transpire--we are now ready to "receive" so that other projects can be perfected. If you have patience and wait upon the Lord, the way shall be shown. Salu.

    On February 22-26, Maynard Campbell goes before the axeman in your system of injustice--he goes to court to defend his very life. Please offer your prayers in his behalf--we shall offer that which we can.

    Since his arrest he has been shifted from MAXIMUM SECURITY to ISOLATION CONFINEMENT--for cutting down some trees on his own property but considered, yet, Federal property. Yes, indeed, he did cut some trees--AND HAS CANCELLED CHECKS SHOWING THAT HE PAID THE FEDS AND THEY ACCEPTED PAYMENT--FOR THOSE TREES.

    The present prosecuting attorney efforted to drop the Federal case for lack of any kind of evidence--the top-dog Feds refused. YOU DO NOT DISREGARD A FEDERAL COURT ORDER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES--EVEN PUBLISHERS--YOU-THE-PEOPLE HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS UNDER YOUR NEW ONE WORLD ORDER!!!!! The Feds are constantly looking for "examples"--if you give them the opportunity they won't ever miss it. At the very least--it will be very, very, very EXPENSIVE.

    Maynard gives great appreciation and thanks to all you LIBERATOR readers and staff for the help and publicity given his case--WE CAN NEVER, NEVER, NEVER DO LESS!

    Will our people here--serve "time"--and then have hearing? I don't know--I am most fearful that George and Desireé may have walked into a trap which may well result in such. PLEASE, PRECIOUS ONES--THINK BEFORE YOU ACT, DEAD OR INCARCERATED WORKERS IN GOD'S VINEYARDS ARE MOST OFTEN USELESS TO THE CALL TO FREEDOM. DEAD MARTYRS ARE JUST THAT: DEAD! WE NEED LIVE, VERY ALERT AND ALIVE WORKERS WILLING TO "LIVE" FOR NATION AND GOD--NOT "DIE" FOR SAME. Dying is, literally, a "last resort".

    PJ 62
    MON., JAN. 25, 1993 11:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 162
    MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1993
    One of the most frequently asked questions today, with the fact that "The Bilderberg Society groomed and put Clinton in office," is, "Tell us again, just who are the Bilderbergs."

    We have carefully, in detail, with membership listings, covered this on several occasions prior to this but, realizing we have new readers daily, we shall attempt to continually remind and update as we can. This is important for they are powerful as the major right hand of the Committee of 300 Elite Power-One World Government. The easiest way is to simply give you a "re-run" of what it is and "who" "they" are as well as run a partial listing of members. This organization is the great step above and beyond the troops within the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

    QUOTING: The following comes from a nameless person and there is no evidence of publication resource or date (however, it refers to 1992 information so it is valid and fairly current in content). I find it comprehensive, but brief, and shall therefore utilize it with appreciation to sender.

    Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Society is one of the most important gatherings of the ruling elites of Europe and the United States, and functions as an "informal" forum for developing and planning the broad strategic policy goals of the NATO countries.

    The existence of the Society--not to mention its importance--is not generally known by the public, but its influence on policies on both sides of the Atlantic is so great that an American congressman several years ago denounced the Society as "an elite international group comprised of high government officials, international financiers, businessmen and opinion makers", all of which form an "exclusive international aristocracy". In addition to its meetings, which are held for three days in complete seclusion at least once a year, the Society operates as a channel for regular, ongoing communication between the European and American Establishments.

    The Bilderberg Society was originally conceived of in 1952, under the initiative of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and his good friend, Polish-born Joseph Retinger. Retinger, a leading official in Winston Churchill's pet-project Polish Government-in-Exile (along with the father of Trilateralist theoretician Zbigniew Brzezinski), is reported to have broached the idea of an informal gathering of NATO community leaders with the Prince, who quickly formed a small European group to study the proposal. Bernhard then proceeded with the organizing of an American contingent of the organization.

    The first formal gathering of the Society took place in May, 1954 in a small town in Holland under a blanket of security provided by the host government. Prince Bernhard personally led the European delegation, while the Americans were led by David Rockefeller. Rockefeller has maintained a leading role in the Society since that time as a member of the Bilderberg U.S. steering committee.

    From the beginning, representatives of the leading media of Europe and the United States have actively participated in the Bilderberg conferences, and have faithfully adhered to the agreement that the Society's activities--indeed its very existence--remain "off-limits" for publication in the international mass media.

    Since the founding conference, the gatherings of the Society have occasionally included individuals not recognized to be "insiders" in the NATO community elite. In May this year the Society took the unprecedented step of inviting a large delegation from Russia and Eastern Europe to discuss policy issues concerning the region. However, a complex structure, led by a small Steering Committee and an even smaller Advisory Committee, ensure that the central direction of the organization is strictly controlled by the "inner core". From the American side, both the steering and advisory committees are dominated by the powerful New York Council on Foreign Relations, while the European members are generally associated with London's Royal Institute of International Affairs (or its off-shoots throughout the Continent), the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and the Rothschild interests.

    In a late 1970s interview with journalist Robert Sheer of New Times magazine, Trilateralist North American Secretary George Franklin, a personal aide to David Rockefeller and staff director of the Council on Foreign Relations for 26 years, described the Bilderberg origins of the Commission:

    "Franklin stressed that Bilderberg has been pivotal in hammering out a common Cold War stance between European and American corporate and political elite...It has been instrumental in determining new structures within which the elite can extend and flex its power. The Trilateral Commission, a more above-ground version of the Bilderberg, which recently received attention because of Jimmy Carter's attendance, grew directly out of the Bilderberg Conferences...."

    It is important to point out that the Bilderberg Society has also functioned as a key "umbrella" organization for the U.S.'s most important think-tanks and foundations. The Brookings Institute, the Foreign Policy Association, the Carnegie Endowment and the Rand Corporation all maintain very close ties to the Society, as do the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the Kennedy School at Harvard University. While Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Helmut Schmidt, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Robert McNamara, William F. Buckley, Margaret Thatcher, and Conrad Black have all been involved with the Society.

    The founder of the Bilderberg Society, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer, carefully revealed the philosophy of the Society over twenty years ago when he wrote: "Here comes our great difficulty. For the governments of the free nations are elected by people, and if they do something the people don't like they are thrown out. It is difficult to re-educate the people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supernational body....This is the tragedy."

    The following is a secret partial list of Bilderberg attendees for the Evian, France 1992 meeting held from May 21-24. Please note that the decision to make Clinton THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. came in full conclusion in 1990 and 1991 meetings--it was simply finalized and confirmed at this Evian meeting. At that time the "final" plans of WHO would fill top leadership posts was also made. Clinton has had little to zilch input in those appointments. Clinton is purely a PUPPET FIGUREHEAD. We will get around to giving you a full input on Mr. Clinton and his "Arkansas" Kingdom. Note that this list does not reflect who are permanent office holders--only here listed are attendees who may or may not hold higher permanent status. These are ALL people you SHOULD recognize.

    Lord Peter Carrington: chairman of the board, Christie's International plc; former secretary-general of NATO.

    Attendees listed by country.

    Paul Allaire: chairman, Xerox Corporation
    Dwayne Andreas: chairman, Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. [This is the "business" which gave away and sold all your reserve grain resources to China and the Soviets.]
    George Ball: former undersecretary of state
    James Billington: Librarian of Congress
    John Chafee: U.S. Senator (R-R.I.)
    Richard Furlaud: director, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
    Karen Elliot House: vice president/international, Dow Jones & Co.
    Henry Kissinger: former secretary of state; chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
    David Rockefeller: chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee
    Jack Sheinkman: president, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (AFL-CIO-CLC)
    Robert Strauss: U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation
    Paul Volcker: chairman, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc.; former chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
    John Whitehead: chairman, AEA Investors, Inc.; former deputy secretary of state
    Lynn Williams: international president, United Steelworkers of America

    Giovanni Agnelli: chairman, Fiat SpA
    Claudio Martelli: deputy PM & minister of justice
    Renato Ruggiero: member of the board, Fiat SpA
    Paolo Zannoni: vice president for international activities; representative for Fiat SpA in the Russian Federation

    Pierre Beregrovoy: prime minister
    Philippe Lagayette: first deputy governor, Banque de France
    Jacques Toubon: member of parliament; former general secretary for RPR

    Christoph Bertram: diplomatic correspondent, Die Zeit
    Hilmar Kopper: spokesman of the board of managing directors, Deutch Bank A.G.
    Volcker Ruhe: minister of defence
    Theo Sommer: editor-in-chief, Die Zeit

    Carl Bildt: prime minister

    Conrad Black: chairman, the Daily Telegraph plc.
    Roy McLaren: president, CB Media Ltd; publisher, Canadian Business; member of Parliament; former minister of state (finance)
    Jeffrey Simpson: national affairs columnist, the Globe and Mail

    Leon Brittan: vice president of the European Commission
    Ronald Grierson: former vice chairman, General Electric Co.
    Lord Griffiths of Florestfach: advisor, Goldman Sachs International Ltd; former head of prime minister's Policy Unit
    Andrew Knight: executive chairman, News International
    Lord Roll of Ipsden: president, S.G. Warburg Group Plc.
    Lord Weidenfield: publisher

    John Galvin: Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE
    Helga Steeg: executive director, IEA
    Manfred Worner: secretary-general of NATO

    John Boossens: managing director, Alcatel Bell
    HRH Prince Philippe of Belgium

    Peter Korteweg: president and CEO of the Robecco Group; honourary treasurer of Bilderberg meetings
    Ruud Lubbers: prime minister
    H.M. the queen of the Netherlands (Beatrix)

    Helmut Maucher: chairman and CEO, Nestle S.A.

    Narcis Serra i Serra: deputy prime minister of the Spanish government
    H.M. the queen of Spain (Sophia)


    * * *
    "WHO is Bobbie Ann Williams?" most of you will ask. Well, she is the "lover" of Bill Clinton, a beautiful Black woman who has borne Slick Willie's child, now 8-yrs of age and the "image" of his father. She was neatly "buried" during the election every time her name popped up--but "if she lives" she now preparing a paternity suit against our good President. It is OK because the time taken by Bill to fight the case won't matter--you actually elected "Hillary" anyway. Hillary doesn't care for Bobbie Ann even more so than she didn't care for Miss Flowers. After all, fortunately, there are plenty of extra bedrooms in that White House and the daughter will be off to expensive prestigious private school and out of the way most of the time.

    What do you suppose Clinton is going to do now? HE SIGNED THE "GAY IN THE MILITARY" EXECUTIVE ORDER BEFORE THE CAMERAS AND ALL OF THE WORLD--HIS FIRST PRESIDENTIAL "SIGNING". Now you are told he "hasn't REALLY signed the thing" but is holding up for further input. NO--AMERICA, he signed it as all America (and the nations run by deceit through CNN) watched while the lauders danced and applauded and Congressman Barry Frank grinned, groveled and handled the "leg work". Sure didn't take long for the lying to get under way did it? Campaign promises went by the wayside BEFORE the inauguration and the lying mish-mash began the same day. There was a lie at the original presentation of the "signing" OR "now". It simply CANNOT BE BOTH WAYS.

    So what about little mulatto child, Danny? What a horrible life that little precious child has ahead of him--may God have mercy on these vipers of destruction. Why has Bobbie Ann not done something prior to now? For the same reason she probably will not have courage enough to do it now. She is terrified of Gov./President Clinton and his bodyguards and threat squads. She has already been thrown into prison once and warned to keep her mouth shut "or else".

    The affair began in 1983 when Bobbie Ann Williams was only age 24. The most scandalized part of this sordid affair is that Gov. Clinton would take Miss Williams to his own mother's home when she was out of town. Then he would hold these illicit sexcapades. His mother is Virginia Kelly (her name by a second marriage. The whole family tree is most interesting--right to Rockefeller). The house would be guarded by then Gov. Clinton's chauffeur, Arkansas State Trooper Buddy Young. Mrs. Virginia Kelly's two immediate neighbors, Darlene Lewis and Effie Kirby, both love the attention and say that they witnessed Gov. Clinton taking such "friends" to the secluded house "plenty of times".

    Clinton has been asked to take a blood test to settle the paternity allegation but has refused. Clinton's then press secretary, Susan Whitacre, says she has been instructed to refuse all comment on the subject.

    Billy's lawyers are still desperately trying to settle out of court and cover up the whole embarrassing mess--but it looms nastily in the wings.

    Why would I speak of such degrading "things"? Because Bill Clinton is responsible for a LIFE--a child--a person WITH FEELINGS AND HEARTBREAK AND A BURDEN BEYOND BURDEN THROUGH THIS NEGLECT AND DENIAL. THE HARVEST SHALL BE REAPED IN THE SAME KIND AS IS THE PLANTING--IT CANNOT BE OTHERWISE. A NATION AND A PEOPLE WHO ALLOW AND SERVE THESE THINGS--SHALL PERISH OF THEM. How have you come to a place wherein a babe can be born and a mother kill it and it be murder--when if it be murdered while in the womb--it be legal "rights"? When you sort of these questions--then and only then shall you flourish again as a lamp unto the world!

    Come down off your soapboxes, Readers--we wrote TRUTH and even the lying about it longer cannot change a breath of it.

    Then you say, "...but you said something about that missile at the Rasheed Hotel being Israel's--or something like that." I SURE DID! And, guess what, within less than 24 hours YOUR PRESIDENT AT THE MOMENT, BUSH, WAS QUESTIONED ABOUT IT HAVING BEEN TRACKED TO PLACEMENT IN ISRAEL. What did he say? He said, "...well, you know that we have a massive stockpile of weapons in Israel for use in these conflicts." Then, the subject was buried forever if orders hold firm. But what is coming forth in spite of all they could do to shush it? That the missile was RIGHT ON TARGET deliberately aimed and fired deliberately AT THAT HOTEL--in which your own media personnel is housed! Don't whine to me about lies and wrong numbers--THIS is conclusive insanity! And, you never do a thing or raise a second question--woe be unto you if you change not your direction.

    You think Israel is just sitting and twiddling until the trumpets are put away and the bowing stops? Hardly--they are in the very thick of absolutely everything. It is amusing how, even now, the truth of the "Gulf Desert Storm" is coming out--from your own HEROES.

    Retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of the allied forces during the war on Iraq, related in his book, It Doesn't Take A Hero, that the administration, in an effort to keep Israel hidden in the war, let Israel SUBMIT A LIST OF TARGETS IN IRAQ FOR AMERICAN AIRCRAFT TO STRIKE. Does that make it easier, now, to believe than when we told you about the involvement in the onset?

    You don't need a shelter system? Cold war is off so you're safe? Oh? Since when are YOU safe? The "Russians are come", good buddies, and the world is less safe today than in any time since the beginning of time on this planet.

    You have repeated declarations that the Cold War has ended the nightmare prospect of global nuclear annihilation--so WHY is the Swiss government (the heart of the Elite Bankster's One World Order) moving smartly along with improvement and updating of a system for security against pulse and nuclear attack? This is already costing over $105 million, and growing, to house the ruling Federal Council and their aides. They are also continuing work on a project that will provide blast and fallout shelters for every one of their 6.8 million people in the event of nuclear war. Still feel comfy-cozy? Will Clinton play the Sax at your funeral? I doubt it.

    American taxpayers (YOU) shell out over $6 BILLION in grant money to fund scientific research at American universities. A recent General Accounting Office (GAO) study found that 499 foreign corporations had agreements with the top 35 federally (YOURS) funded research universities to obtain access to the research data even before it is published in scientific journals or made available to other scientists. Worse, these foreign firms are charged less than American companies seeking the same data. Rep. Robert Dornan (R.-Calif.), commenting on the GAO study, called it publicly a "national scandal". So, what is different from last year or the year before--or next year and the year after?

    The last U.S. TV company has now moved operations to Mexico. Zenith is closing the last major TV plant in the U.S. and moving to Reynosa, Mexico. Another 1,000 Americans are without jobs. Their former U.S. workers were paid $10 to $12 per hour. The Mexicans will receive 75 cents an hour and work a nine hour day with no benefits. (This is called "progress"??)

    Zenith was the last company which made TV sets within the U.S. Their new Mexican workers will average $75 per week which is higher than the $45 per week other U.S. companies pay their "slaves" south of the border. They give the workers two free meals a day consisting of cheap beans, tortillas and rice--just to keep them alive! Zenith will pay $1 million a year in taxes to Reynosa city officials who will pocket the money in this corruption pot.

    The Mexicans survive in horrible slums. Most have no running water, electricity or sewage treatment. The company provides buses to haul them to work at 6:30 AM. Zenith already had 5 other plants there employing a total of 8,200 Mexicans.

    Reynosa is a city of 750,000 impoverished people. However, other U.S. companies were already there exploiting these poor wretched people. They include Durkee-French Foods, General Electric Co., Sweetheart Cup Co. and Kraft, Inc. All these named are located in the same industrial park. It is fenced in like a concentration camp and surrounded by heavily armed guards. There are similar industrial parks all along the border which employ some 500,000 Mexican slave workers. The minimum wage in Mexico is only 48 cents an hour and this is all most of them will ever earn.

    Zenith flew many of the Mexicans to Chicago for training. Most realize they are being exploited. One girl expressed it well: "I need the job and must work but the pay is unjust. I work the second shift and don't get off until 1 AM. People are afraid to ask for a raise and a strike would bring terrible retaliation."

    This is THE cry now coming from MEXICO! It is now recognized that Bush's Free Trade with Mexico will increase illegal immigration TO AMERICA. This is largely due to some actually paying their way into the US. The greatest danger now recognized, however, is that the small Mexican farmer will be wiped out. The huge corporate U.S. farms will put all of them out of business. It is estimated at this writing that Free Trade will force some million small Mexican farmers off their land. They will then be forced to cross into America (U.S.) in search of work to simply survive.

    This one move is without a doubt the greatest threat to the standard of living for the people of the U.S. in history. It is all part and parcel of the New World Order--which, of course, is simply One World Government--ENFORCED.

    In line with the above poverty and enforced working rituals--comes the incredible punch-line. AIDS is moving to epidemic proportion in these poverty pouches of miserable humanity. This Man-made holocaust is ready to wipe out your world.

    Yes indeed, we have something to assist in supporting better stamina and some measure of hope in the staving off of the invading organisms--but most will never have access to such. God offers you "Life cells" to counter the "Death viruses" created by MAN. But because Man created these diseases to destroy life--so too shall the same ones prevent widespread use of same.

    I wonder how many of you even realize what we speak of? The book banned for distribution by our team is AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE. It covers FAR more than AIDS--but it also speaks briefly about what to do to counter these diseases through Light frequencies and cellular re-structuring of the immune system and then the whole body. What does that little bit tell you? Others write on the subject, project its horrors and its source, etc.--but they have not known what to do about it! WE DO! We certainly DO NOT OFFER "CURE" OR "HEALING"--we give you something which will offer balance and allow healing of self through totally natural means with totally "available" natural and harmless substance. I suggest you, if you have any interest, look into GAIANDRIANA.

    I think since our book is no longer available widespread, we might well give you an insight into AIDS as a reminder or new information for you who do not know source.

    I will share with you a well done article from an Australian Journal, New Dawn, Jan. 1992:

    The fact that AIDS is a man-made virus created in U.S. laboratories has been covered up. By Jason Jeffrey.

    "America should withdraw from the Mediterranean, Europe and all foreign bases and it should save that money to create jobs for 12 million unemployed Americans, and contribute towards the elimination of the disease it manufactured like AIDS which was produced by the CIA at its laboratories and tested on American prisoners who took the virus with them to the outside world when released from prison and then it spread throughout the world." Muammar Al-Quadhafi speaking at the International Conference for Peace in the Mediterranean, 4-6 May, 1990.

    On July 4, 1984, the Indian daily Patriot published a horrifying report that the disease AIDS was believed to have originated from a virus created in the laboratories at the U.S. germ warfare research institute at Fort Detrick, Maryland. The editor explained that the information had come from a well-known American scientist and anthropologist who expressed the fear that India might face a danger from the disease in the near future. The American had to remain anonymous. He was obviously in danger for having disclosed so deadly a secret.

    At that time, when the full horror of the incurable disease was not known, Patriot reported that the World Health Organization believed AIDS posed the gravest threat to the entire population of the world. More on the World Health Organization later.
    The British Sunday Express, 26 October, 1986, with banner headlines, and an "exclusive" label, announced "AIDS made in lab. Shock." The front-page story said that the virus was created during laboratory experiments which "went disastrously wrong". It added that a massive cover-up had kept the secret from the world. The Sunday Express quoted a British expert, Dr. John Seale, who first reported his conclusion that the virus was man-made last August, 1986, in the Royal Society of Medicine Journal. He said that his report was met with a "deadly silence" from the medical profession, and that made him very suspicious. The editor of the Journal agreed, according to Dr. Seale, that "It sounded like a conspiracy of silence." [H: Now, before we go further, if the "bill" to fund the creation of the HIV (AIDS) virus article was not run last week--RUN IT HERE!] (See next page.) IF IT HAS BEEN RUN--PUT IT IN AGAIN! It is past time you people open your eyes and see the facts. Some of these herein are totally incorrect but it gives you a good overview for important attention. Also, please, Dharma, find the little blurb on "Kissing" just come to our attention and place it right here. "KISS OF DEATH": Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan, a professor at Cornell University Medical College, said in a recent interview with author Howard Fask, that AIDS can be easily spread by kissing, despite official pronouncements by the medical Establishment that it is impossible. "Saliva is an ideal environment for the AIDS virus," she said. "You get denial from every side. They will say there are no reliable statistics, no scientific tests. They will tell you that my information is invalid, but I stand by my statements." [I stand behind her statements also--you have been lied to and "safe sex" through condom use is pretty hard to accomplish in the act of kissing.]

    The second expert quoted by the Sunday Express was Prof. Jacob Segal, retired Director of the Institute of Biology in Berlin. It said, "Our investigators have revealed that two U.S. Embassy officials made a two-hour visit to Prof. Segal in his home two weeks ago questioning him about what he knows, what he thinks, where he got his information, and what he intends doing with his report."

    The Professor told the reporters, "One said he was a historian, and the other said he was a political consul. But I am positive they were from the CIA, and that they were deeply concerned that the cover-up over the origin of AIDS was going to be exposed." I told them I had known that in the mid-70s experiments were being carried out at Fort Detrick, where the U.S. Army Medical RESEARCH Command has its headquarters, on volunteer long-term prisoners who were promised their freedom after the tests. Almost certainly the scientists were unaware of the extent of their terrible creation--the AIDS virus.

    The third expert quoted in the Sunday Express was Dr. Robert Strecker, an internist and gastroenterologist from Glendale, California, who stated, "It must have been genetically engineered." Strecker believes, after years of exhaustive research, that the AIDS virus is indeed manmade. Strecker has alleged that AIDS was engineered at the request of the World Health Organization and other scientific groups who, according to Strecker, injected the disease during preventative vaccines. WHO, he says, along with the International Agency for Research on Cancer and The National Institute on Health, requested the production of a virus that would attack the immune system's T-cells. AIDS, he says, is a hybrid of two animal viruses--bovine leukemia (found in cattle) and a sheep brain virus called visna. This new virus was given as vaccinations in Haiti, Brazil, Africa and the Caribbean by WHO in a 13-year campaign against smallpox in Third World nations, reports indicate.

    Strecker, in his 97-minute videotape, "The Strecker Memorandum", cites specific documentation supporting theories that AIDS is a result of that direct request. For example, from Volume 47 of Bulletin of the World Health Organization (1972), page 259:

    "The effects of virus infection of different cell types (e.g., Macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in greater detail with morphological changes perhaps serving as an indication of functional alteration..."

    "The possibility should also be looked into that the immune response to the virus may itself be impaired if the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens..."

    In fact, a May 11, 1987 front page article in the London Times, headlined "Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus", said WHO was investigating new evidence suggesting that "immunization from the smallpox vaccine Vaccinia awakened the unsuspected, dormant human immuno defense virus infection (HIV)."

    Vaccinia was the actual vaccine given as smallpox deterrents during the WHO project. Were the AIDS infections intentional, accidental or coincidence? According to Strecker in his "Memorandum", a key part of the actual study "was to be the time relationship between infection and antigen administration", which suggest WHO officials--and other agencies who were directly dependent on the United States government for research grants--had to have known.

    The denials were not long in coming. But the British Sunday Telegraph exposed itself. It said the story (the Sunday Express article) was invented by the Russians "to smear the Americans", and recalled that it had appeared in the Soviet journal, Literary Gazette. It said this paper based its report on the Patriot--and the Patriot report did not exist!

    Professor Segal describes as "ludicrous and scientifically incredible" the theory that the virus came from African green monkeys. One thing is certain, the controversy surrounding the AIDS virus will not die.

    Zear Miles, a Black industrial engineer who has studied the AIDS virus and its origins for about six years, has stated that he has proof from various documentation and letters from other AIDS researchers to prove that the virus was made in an American military lab as a means to suppress Blacks.

    In his document entitled "Rape Africa", Miles researched the origin of the AIDS virus from 1952, when the federal government had enough blood types and characteristics of every nationality in the world up to the King Alfred plan which called for the extinction of Blacks in national security emergencies.

    Miles learned that through National Security Council Memorandum 46, dated 1978, which called for a possible way to gauge and control the impact of the growing Black movement, the government was researching possible ways to suppress Black hostility toward the authorities. Later called the King Alfred plan, the scheme called for the extinction of Blacks by the year 2000 with an AIDS-like virus.

    Miles said he also gauged the increase in number of AIDS cases in which the number of Black contractors has gone up significantly compared with Whites, citing that the AIDS virus attacked a Black person's immune system and destroyed it in six weeks as opposed to a White person's time of six months.

    What is the evidence available to the layman? First the initial cases were reported in New York and there is no dispute that Fort Detrick was working on immunological defense against infection. The British Guardian reported on October 27, 1986, that in 1969 evidence was given to a Washington Appropriation Committee that "within the next five or ten years it would probably be possible to make a new infective micro-organism which would differ from any known disease-causing organism. Most important, that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic properties on which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." "Refractory," means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, "not yielding to treatment." AIDS answers precisely to that description.

    On September 24, 1986, the Daily Telegraph reported from Washington, "Enough of a debilitating virus to infect the whole world, disappeared from an American germ-warfare laboratory five years ago, and has never been traced, an environment group claimed yesterday in a Washington Court action aimed at halting biological weapons research."

    In 1986, the J.D. Bernal Peace Library organized a conference on the dangers of biological warfare research. Ritchie Calder said then that among the weapons being stockpiled were some designed to bring about genetic changes. He said the "doomsday bug was under wraps" and that there was "a conspiracy of silence about germ weapons because the implications were so frightening."

    He told the British Daily Mirror after his address that "somewhere in the world a germ is being cultured to which we would have no natural resistance and to which there would be no sure defense." [H: Ah so--and therefore there must be something presented which will create its own defense while targeting the very mutated cells introduced. Remember that the HIV virus MUTATES WITH EVERY INDIVIDUAL IT INFECTS--THEREFORE PROVING IT TO BE SELECTIVE IN ITS ABILITY TO CONFORM AS NECESSARY. SO, TO ALTER THAT PATH OF DESTRUCTION YOU HAVE TO INTRODUCE SOMETHING LIKEWISE CAPABLE OF INDIVIDUAL SELECTION WITHIN THE VERY CELLS CONTAINING THE VIRUS AS WELL AS GIVING FULL RESTORATION OF THE VERY IMMUNE SYSTEM AFFECTED. THAT IS WHAT IS OFFERED HERE--GAIANDRIANA--THE VERY STRUCTURE THAT CHANGES ITSSELF INTO THE IDENTICAL PERFECTION OF THE DNA/RNA BLUEPRINT OF EVERY LIVING CELL. IT HAS BEEN RETURNED TO YOU--BY US, THE HOSTS--AND WILL BECOME EVEN MORE PROFICIENT IN ITS SELECTION AS YOU ENTER INTO THAT DAMNABLE "PHOTON BELT" AS IT THRIVES ON THE INVISIBLE HIGHER ULTRA VIOLET FREQUENCIES. Simple? Indeed! But, you aren't going to get it in a hospital ward, chemical house, pharmaceutical house of death drugs, or in the pits of Gay-ville or Lower Somalian food lines. By the way, do you ones realize that almost NONE of the needy villages in Somalia have received any food help AT ALL? What might that tell you about that Somalian operation? Villages have been simply driven by and passed up to get to the media directed towns selected for show and tell.]

    A precise description of AIDS.

    The British Observer, on June 30, 1968, quoted from an article in the Journal of General Microbiology by W.D. Lawton of Fort Detrick, and R.C. Morris and T.W. Burrows of the British microbiological research station at Porton.

    One paragraph said, "By engineering the genetics of individual strains, microbiologists aim to produce a single strain containing the most deadly combination of properties." Again, a description of AIDS.

    The article says that at that time Porton, according to the government, was concerned only with defense applications of research, but Fort Detrick was only committed to developing microbiological weapons for offense.

    The Japanese carried out germ warfare research in occupied China during the war. Some of these criminals were captured by the Soviets and duly tried and sentenced. Others were given immunity by the Americans and taken to work at Fort Detrick.

    In 1969, after the AIDS virus was loose, negotiations began on a Convention banning biological weapons, and it came into force in 1972. In its first review conference in 1980, it was reported that 80 countries had ratified. But there is no provision in the Convention to ban research or for verification.

    A much more recent accusation against the United States for the manufacturing of the AIDS virus comes from the Libyan UN Ambassador, Mr. All Ahmed Elhouderi. On January 9, 1992, at a press conference, he stated that the AIDS virus was produced in a laboratory probably as a weapon. He said, "We think it is man-made and it was done in laboratories. And it was not, as suggested, coming from monkeys in Africa." He also suggested that the virus had been manufactured at the time of the Vietnam War. These statements fit perfectly into place as research would have been carried out at that time at Fort Detrick for offensive purposes against the North Vietnamese.

    On all the circumstantial evidence, the layman will almost certainly reject the idea that the escape of the man-made AIDS virus was the result of a disastrous error during innocent civilian research. We can assuredly conclude that it was the result of germ warfare research, and the finger of guilt points to the United States.

    The scientists could not have visualized that they would let loose a so-far incurable disease that may and possibly will wipe out millions, particularly in the Third World, where the majority of the world's population lives. Never was the need greater for the nations to drop their differences and to concentrate all their skill and resources in a world-wide battle against this terrible threat, and to end the horror of germ warfare research.


    This is NOT the end of the subject and I would hope if you have our JOURNAL dealing with this matter, you will refresh your minds about it as to causes and possible treatments.

    I must take this more "private" route of contacting ones in Australia who have sent me petition for consideration. At this time I shall not respond directly for it is far too dangerous to you and to our projects here. However, yes indeed, MN, you shall be considered and when appropriate, contacted, as to ability to have the Gaiandriana. Your inquiry came regarding the other offered product--but this is so far more sufficient that comparison can hardly be made. There are too many immediate problems to be worked out and security set forth for protection but, indeed, we will not only welcome ones who will serve but we need you. There will be ways to handle the matter. The better approach would be a branch type of structure to safeguard the product and yourselves as to business venture as well as insuring total representation and not misrepresentation of the product. Until this can be worked out--you can get the product from here according to instructions elsewhere in this paper or JOURNAL I believe. (See ordering information at end of JOURNAL.)

    There are already ones in New Zealand and South Africa who will likewise have opportunity as well as in Canada, etc. We do, however, have to get this massive train off the side-track and rolling. Every day our developers are finding amazing responses to what I ask that they do--and therefore, please realize that WE HAVE ONLY JUST BEGUN!! To stop this will be the same as being able to prevent your getting food and water--it is so natural--bearing the very cell structure of life itself. We refuse to allow it into the hands of the international rip-off merchandisers of the world so we must work carefully. I ask patience and we shall "get there"!

    There are other products which support and aid in the workings of Gaiandriana which we shall also make available, but, if you can only have ONE--get the Gaiandriana for it renews the very cellular structure of your own body and then, all the rest can be utilized to perfection.

    We are receiving reports daily of ones who have witnessed improved function in everything from Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, to simple improvement in the feeling of "well-being"--and this in only a couple of days of intake. Miracle? YOU are the miracle! May insight be your guide.

    Dharma, enough. This is far too lengthy but the days are so filled that we may not have another opportunity to write in this week early-on. The way seems hard and impassable in these times of trouble but know that if you do of thine work--we shall do of ours! Salu.

    Hatonn to stand aside, thank you.

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